HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-10-97f - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # O S Date: APRIL 7, 1997 Res. #C~"2~$ q ~ By-Law # Report #: AI)MiN-10-~1e #: Subject: MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS BUDGET PROCESS Recommendations: Itis respectfully recommendedthat the General Purpose andAdministrationCommittee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN-10-97 be received; 2. THAT the Buildings Capital requests process, as recommended, be approved; and 3. THAT all Boards, Museums, Visual Arts Centre and Public Library be notified of the process by providing them with a copy of this report. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 During the 1997 budget discussions Council was concerned about the process in dealing with capital improvements and maintenance of the building envelope for the various municipal buildings. Since 1990 the capital program for the various buildings was established. through building profiles that were carried out in 1988, 1989 and 1990. All of the issues raised in those reports have been dealt with in conjunction with the respective Halls or Arena Boards. The Property Division in 1995 revised the building profile program to examine code compliance, structural integrity and general ervelope maintenance. 1.2 Since 1990, the Property Division or formerly Building Services have undertaken the following process to ensure input from the various Boards and to ensure that annual inspections are being done to protect the Municipality's interest. i) Letters are sent out in Summer requesting Boards to set up meeting with Property Manager at their convenience. Similar letters are sent to Municipal Departments for facilities that they operate. ../2 o...a~®.E~:~..' ~ 1.217 ,~.~, ~ ,~ ., REPORT ADMIN-10-97 . 2 . APRIL 7,1997 ii) The .purpose of the meeting is to review current capital projects, discuss potential projects for the next capital budget, review risk management check list and do a faality walk through audit. iii)... In 1946, meetiagsc were held with Tyrone Cornmuaity Centre, Haydon HaH, Newcastle Memorial Arena, Orono Arena., Newtonville Hall, Newcastle Community , Hall Board, Visual Arts Centre, Bowmamille Museum and Clarke Museum.. Inspections were done at the remaining buildings. From the meets a preliminary capital program is prepared and submtted for consideration. iv) Priority is given to code deficiencies, structural inadequacies and envehspe repair. v) The capital program has not included projects that are moveable anti do not affect the physical building and nature. Examples of these are: repiacemem of.tables ar~d chairs, stage curtains, kitchen accessories and refinishing of floor: area etc. Items of this nature can be requested. through the Municipal Grant Process which is co- ordinated through the Community Services Department. vj The problems that have arisen from each budget process lathe co-rrdination of great requests which could be addressed through the Building Services Program but are submitted. through the "grant process". 2.0 PROCESS: 2.1 i) The Property Division will establish an annual inspection schedule in September for sash municipal building in co-ordination with the respective Hall/Arena Boards. u) The inspection will include a review of the building's risk auusa~menta checklist, walkabout facility/building audit, and recommendations tothe nekt Capital Prograffi. iii) Once all the inspections are held, aninfonnation report will be forwarded to Council outlining ljeneral comments and projects for consideration for: tbe next capital budget with a copy to be ciresilated to all Boards. iv) Any. projects submitted by say Hall or Arena Board under tbe Municipal Grant Process and/or Municipal Budget Process will be reviewed by the Property Manager. TheProperty Manager will ensure proper assignment of projects and to eliminate any potential duplication and inform the respective Hall/fireria Board. 30 CO-ORDINATION: 3.1 Tbe Treasurer and Director of Community Services have reviewed the report and concur with the recommended process. ../3 +~~ w-~r . ~:ti { litEPO&T ADMiN-10-97 - 3 - API~EL 7,19!7 4.0 ENERSHARE: 4.1 A report will be forthcoming dealing with Enershare, an energy service company that offers incentives to Municipalities for energy savings progams. The report will deaf with energy. efficient repairs to the various municipal buildings to-date aad identify, if -any, current inefficiencies that .can be addressed through the Capital Program Budget or through an energy service company. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, .A. W. H. Stocltwell, Chief Administrative Officer FHsa