HomeMy WebLinkAbout1414Tp. / I. D. _ '"+ Toronto, Ontario. ONTARIO ~Y 9th, 1963 • DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. H.E. Millson, Clerk, Township of Clarke, eox 37, ORONO, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: 1963 Road Expenditure By-law Number 1414 Amount $ $5,000. The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 40,000. for Construction, $ 45,000. for Maintenance, and $ 85,0. Total Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for sub- sidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws must be in the hands of the District Engineer not later than July 31 , 1963. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the township with respect to them. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yo s~truly, -~-~.~„ `,-, J. P. Howard, et ~~, ~,~~~~- Municipal Engineer. i ~.~- -.i- „~ ~, Encl. r,~% ~. ~~r-L~w Pao . 1 1i.11~ A by-law tcf the Corporation of the Townshij of Clarke to provide for the 19h3 exnendi+L,-res on roads _r, the Township of Clarke in the County of Durhal., assed- 2~? t°'arch 1 X63. ~'. E. ~~`illson, Clerk.