HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-74-97.~:_~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALTI'Y OF CLARINGTON ~~~~~~$ REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# I~~' ~~ Res. #~-~~"~~7"~7 Date: December S, 1997 By-Law # Report #: ~..y.,~~g File #: Subject: REQUEST FROM THE MEMBERS OF THE PRESERVATION SANCTUARY CAMP CLUB TO ASSUME AND MAINTAIN THE PORTION OF LONG SAULT ROAD FROM 1045 METRES NORTH OF REGIONAL ROAD 20 NORTH APPROXIMATELY 1500 METRES TO THE ENTRANCE TO THE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-74-97, be received; 2. THAT the Director of Public Works initiate the appropriate action to respond to the request of the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club to assume maintain the portion of Long Sault Road (the road allowance between Lots 4 & 5, Concession 9, former Township of Darlington) from 1045 metres north of Regional Road 20 to the entrance of the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club (P.S.C.C.), approximately 1500 metres (see Attachment No. 1) ; 3. THAT if Council decides to assume and maintain Long Sault Road northerly to the Club entrance, the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club be responsible for all costs associated with the request, including the cost to upgrade that portion of the road to Municipal Standards, legal and survey costs; 4. THAT L. Hachey, Spokesperson for the Club be advised of Council's decision; and 6. THAT the abutting property owners be provided with a copy of this report and advised of Council's decision. 1110 o.o. Eo®a.~.~,. ~, -3 Rs~+oRT rro.: xn-~a-9~ pnc~s a RBPORT 1.0 ATTACFO~NTS Attachment No. 1 Key Map Attachment No. 2 Petition from Members of the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club requesting that Long Sault Road be assumed by the Muncpaliay Attachment No. 3 Correspondence sent to the abutting property owners to determine their position Attachment No. 4 Correspondence from Mr. Walther,,abutting property owner. 2:0 BACKf3R©UND The Members of the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club submitted a request that the Municipality assume and maintain Long Sault .Road northerly to the entrance to their Club (Attachment No. 2). 3.0 CC}l~BNTS 3.1 Status of Lona Sault Road As can be seen from Attachment No. 1, Long scut Road from Regional Road 20 northerly approximately 1045 metres is an open maintained road. From approximately .1045 metres north of Regional Road 20 to the Boundary Road, Long Sault Road is an unopened, unimproved road which receives a standard of maintenance consistent with a Summer Maintained Road, i.e.,"it is graded twice annually and, if necessary, ,gravel may be added. The Public Works Department does not provide winter maintenance beyond the point 1045 metres north of Regional Road 20, however, Members of the P.S.C.C. have been plowing the snow, without authorization, on the unimproved portion of the road in order to maintain access to the site. RSR~RT NO.: iVD-74-97 BAfiB 3 3 .2 Condition of Loner Sai 1~ t Road The improved portion of Long Sault Road is surface treated. The .unimproved portion is sand and gravel and the condition`of this section o£ the road is good. The Membera of the Preservation Sanctuary Camp-.Club, in order to maintain year sound access to their .property, have made .unauthorized improvements to that. section of the road. The road also has a very good base due to the fact that the soil conditions in, the area .consist of stable, well draining soih 3.B Improvements Recruired to Improve the Road to a Municipal Standard This section of the road will require minor grading, placement of some gravel, construction of a turn around at the proposed, termination of the road _ and an application of .surface treatment. 3.4 Estimated Coat to Improve the Road to a Munic~,l Standard It is estimated that the .cost to improve this section o€ road to a Municipal Standard is $3,000. 3.5 `:Notification to Abuttins Property Owners and St Lawrence & Hudson Railwav (a Division of C.P.R J Abutting property owners were notified by correspondence dated October 22, 1997 (Attachment No. 3). The owners were requested to complete a page stating if they were in favour of or opposed to the proposal. To date, three responses have been received; one property owner, Mr. Walther, is opposed (Attachment No. 4) and two are in favour. It should be noted that responses were requested-by mail and may be .delayed due to the strike at the Post Office which is currently in progress. I! ~ Y RSPfYRT ND.: BPD-7#-97 PAflB 4. The St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway was also notified of this' >proposal due to the fact that there is a level crossing just north of the proposed termination of the road. In 1988, there was a fatality at this location and the railway authority expressed safety concerns: at that time. Certain improvements were made, however, since the road was considered unimproved, the changes were minimal. A response has not been received ..from the Railway Authority at this time..' <3,6 Histor~of The Preservation Sanctua,~y Canty Club ,(P S C C ) The site consists of residences which are mobile homes, one house, club house, picnic shelter and a pool. The existence., of the P.S.C.C. predates the 1984 Comprehensive Zom.ng By-law. Prior to 1984, the lands in queatian were classified as a Tourist Camp. Thies use was recognized as having an exemption from having frontage on an improved public street, maintained year round. Following Council approval of the current by-law in 1984, the lands in question were then classified. as a Private Club. Nothing in the current By-law under the definition of a private club would prohibit its use on a full- time basis, versus seasonal use. A number of building permits have beem issued (approx. 12) ~ince.1991, for additions to 'existing trailers, and more recently, for accessory buildings to the residential use. The tourist camp has access via the unimproved road allowance {Long Sault Road) that has received a limited amount of service/maintenance over the years. As the building permits were for additions to existing units and the "private club" definiticsn does not indicate seasonal usage, the permits were cleared by the Planning Department and issued through the Building Division. 3.7 Reanonaibility to Provide Emergency Service, During the 1996/97 Winter Season, occupants. of the P. S.C.C. were unable. to leave the site for three days during a storm. The Members of the P.S.C.C. are concerned that in the event of 1 3 R.SP©RT NO.: oi'D-74-97 P~$ 5 ,.. a medical or fire emergency, equipment would have difficulty reaching the site. This could also result in a liability issue for the Municipality. 3.B Municioal Policv Reaardina the Constructing of unopened or Unimproved Roads By-law 84-27, Schedule "A", in summary, states that construction of an unopened or unimproved road will be performed only at the expense of others etc.. 4.0 LBGAL RBQIIIRII~NTB UNDffiL T88 MFTNICIPAL ACT 4.1 To change the status of the road to an Improved Road it is necessary to hold a public meeting and.. to pass a by-lawl Since not all of the abutting property owners are"in favour of - thia_proposal, it is, recommended that the Director of Public Works or his designate meet with the property owners who are opposed and attempt to resolve their concerns. Following such a meeting, the Director. of Public Works will report back to Council with the results of the meeting. with the property owners and a recommendation regarding the assumption of the road. .Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works SAV:jco pc: L. Hachey 218-900 Glen Street Oshawa,. Ontario L1J SZS W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer 1114 r 7 6 5 4 3 (~Inrin n+~n - Cniinnn G I I Conadi n Poci o ~ CON X Preservation ~ 0 Santuary ~ o Camp Club E Entrance ~ I I ~ ~ a I I I p a ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I I ~I I N~ ~ ~~ I CON IX ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ g ~~ ~ I a~ I ~ w- `o I I ~ ~ o ~ ~ I I a I , c .~ ~ I I J ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ° I F~egional Road P 20 ~ I I I I I ,> 0 0 o: al TE ~~ 8 2 LOT1 c ~c 3 6 N c O C O 6 C 0 0 a m C:\ATTACHS\DARL\LONGSAU.DWG DRAWN BY: JM DATE: OCT. 1997 ATTACHMENT N0.1 REPORT N0. WD-74-97 ~..~ ~' T~ ~ ~ ~/~ yvtGro 8~;.~' ol-'~ T~ / ~' c t ~~c' 1 ,~"~ s ~- ~~ (hl l C~'l._ ~-, C't9 ~ ~ _f'C7~/C S+c~v~ c sir-! c~~aZ ~i--,/b c,_.,R.~/z-r.J' {~! ~ I A/7C n/ /} nJnJj~C; U ~ O~ L Dp xJ C ,S'R'VL/T~ ~ Q/~ C'aC ~? ~sf"~ 07 C~C'e ~.,'N ~--' ~ ~l/~~V~1L0 ~'{='+-e~c,.a^~'r'L~. (~ ~ I a ~~ (~ ~~ ~~ rs ~~ .~ - ~ ~~~~ --~ ~~ ,/ - , C~ ~~ ~ L ~~ ~~`} :~ ATTACHMENT N0. 2 REPORT N0. WD-74-97 1.6 ~~ ' MUNICIPALITY OF ~~ __~~arington ONTARIO October 22, 1997 Laurie & Eliza Hachey 218-900 Glen Street Oshawa, Ontario L1J 5Z5 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hachey: RE: PROPOSAL TO IMPROVE LONG SAULT ROAD TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE PRESERVATION SANCTUARY CAMP CLIIB AT 10126 LONG SAULT ROAD This is to advise you that the members of the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club have submitted a request that the Municipality assume and dedicate the portion of Long Sault Road from 1045 metres north of Regional Road 20 to the entrance to the Club as shown on Attachment No. 1. The Public Works Department is considering this request and each property owner in-the area is being contacted to determine their interest in this proposal. The St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway Division of Canadian Pacific Railway, who have jurisdiction at the crossing just north of the Club entrance, have been requested to comment on the proposal. When the comments are available from the Railway and the property owners in the area, a report with recommendations will be submitted for Council's consideration. The subject portion of Long Sault Road will be improved to Municipal Standards prior to being assumed by the Municipality. The proposed improvements include grading, some minor ditching and the construction of a turnaround at the entrance to the Club where the road will terminate. A high float treatment will be applied in the spring which will result in a hard top surface. If Council approves the assumption of the road, the Municipality will complete the grading and commence annual routine maintenance this fall. The Traffic volumes are not expected to change as a result of these improvements. ATTACHMENT N0. 3 REPORT N0. WD-74-97 ..../2 ~ii~ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLA R~urrnu 60 TEMPFaeura eroccr .......... ........_ Page 2 Proposal to Improve Long Sault Road Attachment No. 2 is a form which we are requestin and return to the public Works Department in the enclosed addressed g You to complete stamped envelope before November 15 self- road when ' 1997' You will be advised of the decision of Council regarding the assumption of the it is available. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Jan O'Neill at the Public Works Office at 623-3379, extension 202. Yours tr~uply~~; -y YJanet C. O'Neill, A.M.C.T.(A) Administrative Assistant to the Director of Public Works :jco pc: D• Patterson, Manager of Operations Enclosures (3) lilU ~ 6 5 4 3 2 LOT1 Preservation 1 - II o ~ CON X Santuary ° ` o Camp Club o c m ~ Entrance ~ ~ ~c _ _ _ I r ~ I 6 ~ I I ~ ~~ ° .N '- c I ~ I I x~ c ° I f ~ ~ ~ I ° ' I ~ I ~ CON IX o rn a o I I' I ~° o o a _,_, 0, I I _ ~. a _ al ~ ~ ~ - o o r N ~~ J T ~, ~ ~, L - I J O O ~ j -- a I I c I ~ f~egional Road ~ 20 I I I I I I ., 0 0 ~^ <- < w J ~ } J ~ TE ~ a a DARLINGT N ~ ~ w az ~ 57 REGIONAL J O D "' CON ESSION RO 10 i Z ~, C:\ATfACHS DARL LONGSAU.DWG H DO CONCES51 RG 8 a__ G ARKS DRAWN BY: JM DATE: OCT. 1997 _ ATTACHMENT N0.1 ' KFY MAP THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TO: STEPHEN A. VOICES, P. ENG., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I• , agree with the proposal to improve Long Sault Road, as outlined in the correspondence, from 1045 metres north of Regional Road 20 (approximately 1500 metres) north to the entrance to the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club at the expense of the applicants. I am a property owner in the vicinity of Long Sault Road, which is the road allowance between Lots 4 & 5, Concession 9, former Township of Darlington, Municipality of Clarington. I further agree :that the Municipality should open, assume and dedicate that portion of Long Sault Road and provide routine annual maintenance in accordance with Municipal Standards. I~ , am opposed to the proposal to improve Long Sault Road. Signature of Property Owner Date ATTACHMENT NO. 2 j~J .. __~ ~~~/\f ,., _. .~ ~T[~G . l . .. _. _ .... .._ 1 ... ... ..... ..... ' 601 Brimley Rcad f ~R\/ _.._.._ ___._ . _ Scarborough, Ontario AP_ ~. ..... ~. `" M1J 1B6 ~ ~ ~; • j i - _.~._~_.~-.r --...--..~-~-,-. .~-.-.--J..- -...-._.-_._....__ November 7, 1997 Janet O'Neill Administrative Assistant to the Director of Public Works at Corporation of the Municipality of Clazington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Janet O'Neill: I have a number of concerns regarding the proposal by the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club that I would like to bring them to the attention of you and the Director of Public Works. Rgazding the Identification of the property on Attachment No. 2, our property is Lot 4, Concession 10, not 9. (I hope this error does not nullify our opposition of this proposal by the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club.) In September or October, 1992, my son Bernd Walther contacted the Municipality of Clarington on our behalf to express some concerns regarding the activity of the members of the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club. These were that someone from the "Camp Club" was methodically widening and leveling the road from a single track approx. 3 m (10 ft.) wide to the present distance of 7 m (25 ft.), starting approx. 500 m from the maintained portion and ending at the entrance to the "Club". This widening was occurring in the direction of Lot 4. We had approached the Club President and asked for an explanation; he indicated that all they were doing was leveling out the mad for their members and were maintaining it for the Municipality by adding. gravel and signs. It was disturbing to me that the municipality maintenance crew had contoured our property to blend in with the Club's widening of the road. I then contacted Janet O'Neill at the municipality. Our concern was that after a period of time this road movement would become permanent and the Club would maintain their road allowance; however, we would lose, because of the widening, a significant amount of land. In addition we feel that the widening of the mad has created a safety factor in that the mad runs within a foot of a number of hydro-posts which were placed on our land. ATTACHMENT N0. 4 REPORT N0. WD-74-97 iiZ b In his rnnversation with you, my son was informed that the municipality was grading the mad twice a year which is the usual practice. You also indicated that the Club has only 11 members residing on that property. He informed you that the Club now maintains yearly access and that the membership seems to have increased. Originally all dwellings on the Clubs property were trailers (with wheels attached ). This has now changed to permanent homes, including an in- ground swimming pool. You indicated surprise and said that you would pass this information on and you would look into this. Our son received a phone call from a Mr. Patterson, supervisor of operations, who wanted some additional information regarding our concern's, he indicated that he would call back in a week When he did, he informed my son that he had rescraped the road and took off some topsoil on the Clubs road allowance, and that he would inform the road crew to scrape the mad only twice a year. Since then no major widening has occurred except in the last 500 m past the entrance of the Club, towazds the CPR tracks. Our main apposition to this proposal is that with the widening of the road by the Club more property of lot 4 will be lost for the turnaround. My objections to the turnaround are as follows: 1. This is a through road; there is an exit.. unlike the sign indicates. 2. The entrance to our property is approx. 100 m past the entrance of the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club, and if the road "terminates" as you indicated by your letter, what happens to our entrance and the access to properties past the railway tracks and country road beyond? Lot 4 was purchased originally from the same person in two parcels. The top portions runs parallel with the Club, approx. 40 acres; the bottom pazcel starts at our present entrance and extends to the Railway tracks, approx. 26 acres with the "termination' of the mad at the Clubs entrance, this then would cut off access to the 26 acres. 3. Your letter also indicates that there will be some "minor ditching'; all ditching along our property, Lot 4, was covered and removed by the widening of the road by the members of the Club. 4. If this turnaround is put into place, the traffic will increase in that people who would before drive through now will turn around and retrace their steps, doubling traffic. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact my son Bernd at (907) 731-1731 I would like to be informed as soon as possible of the decision of the Council regarding the outcome in case I wish to take further action. Respectfully, ~~~~ - Karl Warther ~. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TO: STEPHEN A. VORES, P. ENG., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I• agree with the proposal to improve Long Sault Road, as outlined in the correspondence, from 1045 metres north of Regional Road 20 (approximately 1500 metres) north to the entrance to the Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club at the expense of the applicants. i am a property owner in the vicinity of Long Sault Road, which is the road allowance between Lots 4 & 5, Concession ~,~bformer Township of Darlington, Municipality of Clarington. I further agree :that the Municipality should open, assume and dedicate that portion of Long Sault Road and provide routine annual maintenance in accordance with Municipal Standards. I' ~~~~~'b`~~ JV ~VI;~~C~'~~ am opposed to the proposal to improve Long Sault Road. Si nature of Property Owner D e ATTACHMENT NO. 2 1~~3