HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-70-97<_ ,~~-. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON < XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ~YI~T~X3~~Al~C XX REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # ~~S Res. #~~A - ~~(-~t~7 Date: October 20, 1997 By-Law # Report #: ~~~ File #: Subject: BO~p,~ILLE CREEK - MANAGEMENT ISSUES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-70-97 be received for information; and 2. THAT David Lawson be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At a meeting held on September 16, 1996, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed Resolution #C-719-96: "THAT the delegation of David Lawson be received; THAT the delegation be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer to review with all departments and report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on an effort of coordination and setting up a Bowmanville Valley Creek Lands Committee; and THAT David Lawson be advised of Council's decision." 2.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 2.1 Two meetings have been held between staff and Mr. Lawson, resulting in the identification of the following desired o.oE F° ®.E~.aE cA b R~PQR`T' NO.: yiD-70-97 PAGB 2 ob3ectves: (1) ~ '' 'ilishment of a Vallev Park Mr: Lawson feels that if Bowmanville Creek were cleaned up i would constitute a desirable nature park extending from the Vanstone Mill .property at Highway No. 2 (King Street) to Baseline Road. (2} Waterfroat Trail Sxteasiaa Recognizing that municipal staff have preciously identified. the possibility of a waterfront trail spur extending up Bowmanville Creek, it was agreed that it would be desirable to have a trail spur reaching downtown Bowmancille, possibly culminating in a picnic area having.-- it's entrance off Roenigk Drive near Highway No. 2. (3) Sowaiaaville Creek - Vallev Lands Gommittee Aa outlined in his delegation, David Lawson is proposing that a watershed committee be established for Bowmanville Creek. He is also interested in the same or similar committees being established for Wilmot Creek, Soper Creek, and. other creeks important to fishing. It .is anticipated that the makeup of this committee will. include representatives from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA), Municipality of Clarington, Bowmanville Creek Anglers and possibly from Goodyear. Staff and Mr. Lawson were also hopeful that interest could be generated from community groups with respect to participation an the committee as well as physical cleanup of the creek. (4) Creek Srosion It was envisaged that the same watershed committee,. or a l -.i ~'f _ ~:. REPORT Nt).: 9iD-70-97 PA4E $ slightly reducedverson,.could also address the problem.. of ongoing creek erosion. It was agreed that it would be essential to have MNR and CLOCA involued with all actions' related o creek erosion. As an avid fisherman.,. Mr. Lawson sees an improvement to creek erosion being achieved" through a narrowing ,and concentrating of the creek channel. This type of channel improvement is alsa greatly beneficial to fishing resources within the creek. 22 Aaticivatsd Future Actions Subsequent to the two meetings held between Mr. David ;Lawson and staff, it is .anticipated. that the following e~ctions will be carried out cooperatively between Mr. Lawson and municipal staff: (1) Land ownership must be established for affected areas of the Bowmanville Creek. (2) Inquiries. will be made regarding interest from the various groups in participating in the Bcawmanville .Creek - Valley Lands Committee. (3) Staff will continue to monitor the status of the-Region..- of,Durham Workfare program. The option exists that this type' of cleanup and/or channel improvement; could constitute a Workfare project. At present, no participation in Workfare is taking place inClarington, nor has Clarington Council given any indication of support for such a program. (4) Further to inquiries regarding participation in the watershed committee, a meeting ..will be .set. up with: staff' at CLOCA to determine whether they have any funds;or any proposed plans regarding improvements to Bowmanviile ---- s _~, . , r e. RBPORT NO.: 1PD-70-97 PAGE 4 Creek or other creeks. in Clarington. (5) With any funds that Mr. Lawson has aecess to as a result of donations or grants, further discussions will take place whether this money is beat utilized-on erosion control or improvements to pathways, roads or other facilities presently in place in the Bowmanvlle Creek Valley. Investigations with respect to land ownership will. help to determine the beat use of €unds and volunteer workmanship in this area. 3.0 RFCO~NDATIONS 3.1 This report is .intended to provide Council with a status of discussions carried out to date. It is the intention of staff ..that efforts will continue with regards to future action items identified in the previous section. Any particular proposals.. relating. to channel improvements, trail extensions or additional facilities will be identified so 'that they Can be included in 1998 budget submissions where apx~licable. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~/~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Bublic Works SAV*ce October. l6, 1997 W. H.- tockwell Chief Administrative Officer