HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-50-971`;' '; THE CORPORATION OF THI nn wt~efu_t REPORT OF Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE- AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# ~~ Res. # - Dater JULY. 7, 1997 ey-Law#~~~ Report#: *-~_~~ File.#: Subject: AMENDED AND RESTATED LICENSE AGREEMENT TO FACILITATE. NEW SOCCER FIELDS AT DARLINGTON GENERATING STATION Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that. the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-50-97 be received; 2. THAT Council pass the attached By-law (Attachment No. 3) authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Amended and Restated License Agreement containing terms and conditions satisfactory to the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Public Works, adhering substantially to the content of the amended and restated License Agreement contained in Attachment No. 2 to this report; and 3. THAT Ontario Hydro and Darlington Youth Soccer League be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Key Map No. 2: Amended and Restated License Agreement No. 3: Proposed By-law o.o.~w~®a.~.~«E 1 161 r ay; RSrPSi R=P No. s ~iD-SOw97 PA68 .. 2 2 U BAC1CaROIIATD 2.1 $g~~°j{°~--*~t Dated Masc,-h 2~ 1977 'fhe Corporation of the Town of-Newcastle and 4ntario;Hydro entered into an Agreement, dated March 22 1977, with respect' to the. social, economic and financial impacts on the Town arising ;:out. of the. construction and.' operation o€ the ; Darlington Generating Station. This agreement provided that QntariorHydro would compensate the Town for thane financial impacts undergone by the Town as a result of the construction of the station which includes the cast oE'advancir~ community . facilities and .providing such community services as recreational activities. 2.2 ~S~,~ed DemaDB Placed IIACn Ptacreatioaal Paailities ATl parties agreed upon an assessment of the ncr-ease in demand placed upon recreational .facilities. and services by the.. n,€low of Darlington construction workers and their families; and iC was deemed necessary to provide €unds-to atlvanee construction. and installation of tournament quslity soccer facilities in the Town in aGeordance with=the pzovisons of the. Park License Agreement dated June ,i, 199T (the pPaxk Licettae".effective June i, 199Q)• 2.. 3 Lstt~ n,,,-ems A=+sngi as Pax1~Li cease The Municipality of Clarington executed a Letter Agreement,:.. dated May 3i, 1996, amending the Park License so a~ to reflect the Municipality:of ~larington as the successor in i~~sterest to the Town of Newcastle-and so as to reconfirm the boundaries and limits of 'the- icensed ands, as such. team is used in the: ~ Park License. , F: .. t , t. ... . w, R8B0&T Nf1. s 9PD-50-97 ~l-@N 3 ~.r 2 , ¢ R'YT1ATtI Ant.xid~A,a+3 as of Liceaasd Laud Through diaeusaione with the Darlington Youth Soccer League {DYSL), the Municipality of Clarington has requested to Ontario Hydro that the .boundaries of the licensed 1as3ds be further expanded so as to include additional lands upon which to construct additional tournament quality soccer fields. The DYSL has proposed to the Municipality .that they would be .prepared to construct these additional fields at its sole. cost and. expense,. subject to the Municipality aaautc~ing the maintenance of these additional fields. Ontario Hydro has ~' already completed the .rough grading of tlae new soccer €elds in order to provide a,site to dispose of topsoil which.Chey had available from other activities within the Darlington Station site.` The DYSL are awaiting confirmation from the Municipality that we will assume future maintenance reapansibilitea before they proceed to final grade, seed, and and make final preparations for the fields. For greater certainty, Ontario .Hydro and the Municipality wish ' to :amend and restate the Park License as amended by the Letter :Agreement, dated -May 31, 1996, so as- to provide for the extension, confirmation and restatement of the boundaries of the Licensed Lands. A copyof the original Park License and .Letter Agreement are included. as part of Attachment No.' 2. 3.0 R8VIE4P AND COM~LSNT 3.1 ~»onort by Municicslfty of the Proposal The Public Works Department is in support of the propoeal by :the Darlington Youth .Soccer League, whereby, they would construct the new tournament soccer fields in return for the Municipality assuming future maintenance reaponsib3lites. In addition, Ontario. Hydro has agreed. to haul and deliver sufficient topsail to the licensed land to facilitate the ._ 1163 t Y- 1t~PORT NU. t i4D-50-97 F~38 4 construction of the new fields. This is a perfect example of the type o£ cooperative effort which can be achieved between .the Municipality, local community groups and_ our large industrial partners. 3.2 DTM.~.~.~ aad Restated License Agreement It is agreed that.. Ontario Hydro and the Municipality of Clarington will-have to enter into an amended and restated License Agreement so as to provide for the extension, , "confirmation and restatement of the boundaries of Che licensed lands and to further. provide for the rights. and obligations of ' the parties. The Real Estate Services Division of Ontario" hydro has provided-us with draft copies of the amended License Agreement, which will have to be executed by the Municipality prior to any work being carried out by either the.DYSL or the Municipality. Public Worksstaff has reviewed=this draft document. 3.3 Registered L~#a~tJ 81te Tn addition. to some observed. typographical errors, our. Department's only concern relates to statements in the draft, agreement relating to rights of access and liability respecting°a registered landfill site, which exists within the Darlington Station site adjacent. to the site af.the future soccer fields. Staff at Ontario Hydro has confirmed that the contents of the landfill site consist ofregular garbage and .present no risk to human occupation of the area far any recreational activities. Public works staff continues to investigate .the preferred: wording of the agreement as it relates to restricting entrance to the lands in question and also the' liabilities".associated with these lands: Recent discussions.: between Public Wo~'ks and staff at Ontario Hydro have produced. encouraging results whereby the Municipality, as 1164 g 2 '. ,* PBBtTRT H(?. s NE>-50-97 FAAt 5 occupier of the site, would be compelled to take.~aeona steps to ensure that members of the public would not enter upon the .lands designated as the registered landfill: site. Antario Hydro .has expressed a desire that these ands would. not be. fenced, in order .that the landfill site could be used in future as a scenic drive and lookout. 4'.0 CONGLIISI02~ 4.1 Recognizing that certain details still remain to be finalized regarding the Amended and Restated License Agreement, it is recommended that Council authority be received to execute a new Lease Agreement, under terms and donditiona which are° acceptable to the Chief Administrative Afficer and Director of-' Public Works. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed hy, Stephen A. Vokes, P.Sng. W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works- Chief Administrative Afficer 3AV*ph July 3, 199:7 Attachments Antario Hydro cJo Mr. Randy. I. Jackson, CRA Corporate Real Estate Services Ontario Hydro .700 University Avenue Toronto, ON M5G iS6 Darlington Yvuth Soccer League cJo Mr. David Larsh 20 Rosalynne Crescent `' $owmanville, ON .L1C 3X8 - 1165 CARTIER FREEWAY "" , , - MACDDNALD o~,p~~°+ppo' -~- SOUTH SERVICE R_ '. o b p~E°ETE l9 ~ [SARK RC ~ ~~.+,~t dE%ISRNG .. t/'LETIC FlRiESS TRACK G ~ 0 9 `~,~ °a s o ~---- ~ C •• ~FC1T~B~ 01~ 1 (SOCCER ~' I ° a ° ~FIELDS~ ~ ~ PoE~ ~1 `. ,~ ~f ; - - - ~ o ` , ~~` a r2 ~ I I ^ 1` 3 L.----I ~~~~ t 1 EXISTING ~ a.~ SOCCER ° ~ FIELDS ~ ~~ ° • ~ ~~~~ ~ 0 ' j `~~~ Z ~ 4 ° RESTRICTED AREA- ~~° /~ ° ~ N ~ ° c LANDFILL SITE ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,s t,, °RRb ~~ ~"~ , ~ ~ ,. ~ vrRw .. _ ..~ \ A R O N O ~- Q E%ISTINC J / O . ® SRES ES'f. . \ __--- Q.•~O ,O. OOH G, _--~--^- ~ -"~ ~._ ~-( =:fir-``a ~,~.~.~~-- ~ RNLW Y u ETATq FORMER SITE DRAWN BY: J.R.M DATE; JULY 1997 REPORT NO. wn-so-9~ ATTACHMENT NO. 1 pARLINGT4N NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION KEY MAP 1i66 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW N0. 97- Being a By-law to authorize the exeution of an Amended and Restated License Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Ontario Hydro THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HERESY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation's seal, an Amended and Restated License Agreement between Ontario Hydro and the Municipality. 2. THAT the Amended and Restated License Agreement, attached hereto as Schedule "A", forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 7th day of July, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 7th day of July, 1997. MAYOR CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD-50-97 ' - ~I~~ THIS AMENIJED AND RESTATED LICENSE AGREEMENT made in duplicate as of this _ _ day of May, 1997. BETWEEN: ONTARIO HYDRO (hereinafter referred to as the "Corpmmtion") OF T'HE FIRST PART - and -- THE bIUiVICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON (hereinafter called "Clarington") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS, [he Corporation and The Corpomton of the Town of Newcastle ([he "Town") entered into an Agreement dated Mazch 22, 1977 (hereinafter referred to as the "Newcastle Agreement"), with respect [o the social, economic and financial impacts on [he Town arising out of the cons[mction and operation of the Dazlington Generating Station (hereinafter referred to as the "Station"); AND WHEREAS, the Newcastle Agreement provided that the Corporation would compensate the Town for those financial impacts undergone by the Town as a result of the construction of the Station which include the cost of advancing community facilities and providing such community services as recreational activities; AND WHEREAS, data was collected regarding impacts on recreational activities provided by the Town and all parties agreed upon an assessment of the increase in demand placed upon these recreational facilities and services by the inflow of Dazlington construction workers and their families, and it was deemed necessary to advance funds to advance wnstruction and installation of toumament quality soccer facilities in the Town in accordance with the provisions of the Park Licence Agreement dated Tune 1, 1991 and effective June 1, 1990 (the "Park License"), a tme copy of which is annexed hereto as Schedule "A"; AND WHEREAS Clarington (as a successor in interest to [he Town) did execute a Letter Agreement dated May 31, 1996 (a copy of which is annexed hereto as Schedule "B") amending the Pazk License so as to reflect Clarington as the successor in interest to the Town and so as to reconfirm the boundaries and limits of the licensed lands, as such term is used in the Park License; AND WHEREAS Claringron has requested that the boundaries of the licensed lands be further expanded so as to include additional lands upon which Clarington proposes [o constmct additional toumament quality soccer fields at its sole cost and expense, subject to the terms herein; ATTACHMENT N0. 2 ~ ~ 6 8 WD-50-97 -2- AND WHEREAS for greater certainty the Ponies wish to amend and restate the Pazk License, as amended by the Le[ter Agreement dated May 31, 1996, so as to provide for the extension, confirmation and restatement of the boundaries of the licensed lands and to further provide for the rights and obligations of the Parties in connection therewith; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNFSSETH, that in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the Corporation and Clarington hereby agree as follows: 1. The Parties acknowledge, covenant and confirm that the licensed lands (sometimes referred to herein as "licensed lands", "Lands" and "said lands") shall be comprised of those lands and premises outlined in red on the plan annexed hereto as Schedule "C". 2. The Corporation agrees to haul and deliver to the licensed lands, to be placed and deposited thereon in a location to be mutually agreed by the Parties, sufficient topsoil as in the opinion of the Corporation may be reasonably necessary and adequate to facilitate the sodding and seeding activities of Clarington as described in section 3 immediately below. 3. Clarington agrees that following delivery of the aforementioned topsoil by the Corporation, Clarington shall be responsible at its sole cost and expense for the performance of all grading, seeding, sodding and other improvements necessary for the installation and maintenance of three (3) tournament quality soccer fields on that portion of the licensed lands as shown cross-hatched in black on the plan annexed hereto as Schedule "C". 4. The Parties agree that save as expressly amended herein the rights of the Parties in respect of the licensed lands shall be governed by the terms and conditions annexed hereto as Appendix ,.A.. 5. The Parties confirm that the foregoing recitals aze We, both in substance and in fact, and form part of this Amended and Restated License Agreement as if set out herein. 6. The Parties expressly agree that the leads outlined is green on the plan annexed hereto as Schedule "C" are designated as a registezed land fill site and as such aze excluded from the licensed lands herein, and neither the Licensee nor any member of the public shall en[er thereon, or be permitted [o enter thereon, for any reason or purpose whatsoever. The Licensee covenants with the Licersor to, at the Licensee's sole cost and oxpensc, take all steps trecessary, (including without limitation all actions, works or measures as may be required by the Licensor from time to time in its sole discretion}, to prevent any peraon or persons from entering the lend fill site leads. The Licensee frrrther covenants with the Licensor that the Licensee wHl forever release, indemnify and save harmless the Licensor from any and all liability, (itultrding all liability associated with or arising from personal injury or death), is the event of any enuy on the land fill lands by the Licensee or any ntembcr of the public. 1i69 3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation and the Town have caused this Agreement [o be executed by the affixing of the Corporate seals attested by the signatures of their proper officers duly authorized on their behalf. ONTARIO HYDRO Name: Title: I have authority to bind the Corporation THE MLJNICIPALTTY OF CLARINGTON Name: Tile: I have authority to bind the Municipality I i APPEA~IX "A" 1. For the permission granted hereby the Licensee shall pay to the Licensor the sum of one dollar ($1.00), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. 2. The term of this Licence is fifty (50) years from June 1, 1990. 3. This Licence and the permission granted hereby may be revoked and cancelled in whole or in part by the Licensor if the said lands aze required by the Licensor for its purposes (or by Municipal, Provincial or Federal authorities) upon giving to the Licensee one (1) yeaz's notice in writing and in such event [he Licensor shall pay to [he Licensee as full compensation an amount equal to the capital cost of any improvements, including landscaping of [he Lands made by or for the Licensee whether before or after the date as of which [his Licence is made, depreciated by the straight line method from the date of installation of each improvement [o the end of the term as herein set out. It is agreed that the capital cost of improvements including landscaping made by or for the Licensee as of June 1, 1991 was $140,000.00. Any future landscaping approved by the Licensor will be considered an improvement for the purposes of this paragraph. 4. The Licensee may permit members of the public to use the said lands for the purposes set out in accordance with the terms hereof, but this Licence and all rights granted hereby shall not be assigned by the Licensee and it shall be and remain the responsibility and obligation of the Licensee to enforce adherence to the terms and conditions herein contained by any such persons. The Licensor recognizes that the Licensee intends to control access of the public to the use of the Lands. 5. If in the opinion of the Licensor the Licensee does anything or permits anything to be done on the Lands which may be a nuisance or cause damage, [he Licensor shall notify the Licensee of such activity. The Licensee shall have thirty days in which to remedy such nuisance. 6. All property of the Licensee or members of the public at any time on the Lands shall be at the sole usk of the Licensee or members of the public as the case may be, and the Licensor shall not be liable for any loss or damage thereto, however occurring. The Licensee releases the Licensor from all claims and demands in respect of any such loss or damage, except and to the extent to which such loss or damage is caused or contributed to by the neglect or default of the Licensor, its servants or agents. 7. The Licensee shall assume all liability and obligation for any and all loss, damage or injury, including death, to persons or property that happens as a result of or azises out of the use and occupation of the Lands by the Licensee or members of the public and the Licensee shall at all times indemnify and same hazmless the Licensor from and against all such loss, damage or injury and all actions, suits, proceedings, vests, charges, damages, expenses, claims or demands arising therefrom or connected therewith; provided that the Licensee shall not be liable under this paragraph to the extent to which such loss, damage or injury is caused or contributed to by the neglect or default of the Licensor, its servants or agents. 8. The construction of any building and structures, the installation of equipment and recreation facilities, and any grading and the planting of trees, must first receive the approval of the Licensor. 9. The Licensee shall comply with the Design Standazds of the Transmission and Distribution Projects Division of the Licensor, Canada Standards Association Standazds C-223, the 'Safety Rules and Standards Protection Code' of the Licensor, The Occupational Health and Safety Act, S.O. 1978 and any amendments thereto and any regulations passed thereunder when using heavy equipment during any construction Ir maintenance 10. The location and plans of any area or areas for the pazking of motor vehicles must have the prior approval of the Licensor. Except for the pazking of motor vehicles in such designated areas, all motorized vehicles and equipment other than those of the Licensee used for maintenance purposes shall be prohibited. 11. The Licensee shall prohibit kit flying and model aeroplanes flying and any other activifies which, in the opinion of the Licensor, might interfere with the safe and efficient operation of its works and shall post signs in suitable locations on the Lands stating that kite flying and model aeroplane flying and other activifies aze prohibited. 12. The Licensor may at any dine upon reasonable notice or in case of emergency without any notice, enter on the Lands and inspect, maintain, repair and remove any of its works located thereon and may construct, maintain, repair and remove any new works on the Lands. 13. This License and the rights granted hereby shall be subject to all registered leases, licenses or any rights of use or occupation existing at the date hereof, and the Licensor may from fime to time renew or extend or make new ones so long as they do not interfere unreasonably with the rights granted hereby. 14. The Licensee shall maintain the said lands and any of the Licensee's installations thereon in a neat and tidy condition satisfactory to [he Licensor. In the event the Licensor considers it necessary that any part or parts of the perimeter of the said lands or any of the Licensee's installations thereon be fenced it shall be done at the expense of the Licensee. 15. Upon termination of this Licence the Licensor may require the Licensee at its own expense to remove any of its installations and facilities from the said lands and restore the said lands to a condition satisfactory to the Licensor. 16. The Licensee shall at all times during the period of this Agreement maintain and pay for Public Liability and Property Damage insurance with limits of at least $2,000.000 inclusive or such other limits as otherwise adjusted as set out below or as mutually agreed from time to time. Such insurance shall (1) name [he Licensee and Licensor as insure parties, (2) contain across-Liability clause, and (3) specify that it is primary coverage and no[ contributory with or in excess of any insurance coverage maintained by the Licensor. The Licensee shall provide evidence of such insurance to the Licensor upon request. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, (i) on the fifth (5th) anniversary date of this Agreement fhe $2,000,000 limit shall be increased by the percentage increase that the Canadian Price Index, Toronto index (CPI) has increased during the immediately preceding five (5) yeaz period, and (ii) on every successive five (5) year date thereafter, [he adjusted limit shall be further increased by the percentage increase that CPI has increased during the relevant five (5) year period. 17. Permission is hereby given by Ontario Hydro [o Clarington [o use the Lands shown on the sketch attached hereto for the purpose of recreational soccer and associated parking lots and facilities only, subject to the terms and conditions set out herein. 18. For the purposes of calculation of time and all anniversary dates referred to herein, the Parties agree [hat the effective date of this License agreement shall be June 1, 1990. 112 ~,. a~ 1`1Yr. icy, y '.yFq-63i it it _...:. ........., aakr rt,r,rpv try '! _ aac,~ az SCHEDULE "A" TH(S AGREEMENT made la dupllcata as of this lat day of Jnae, lffl. SEiWE1iNt ONTARIO HYDRO (hereinafter referred to u the Corporations) and - OF THE FIRST PART THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (hcreinafter called the Town") OF THE SECOND PART t'IRIERF.AS, the Corporation and the Town have entered into an Agreement (hereinafter referred to az the Neweaztle Agreement), with respect to the social, eeonorttie and financial impacts atisiag out of the cottstruttion and operation of the Darlington Generating Station (hereinafter referred to u the Station) on the Town dated March 22,1977; AND WHEREAS. The Newcastle Agreement provides that the Corporation agree to compensate the Town for those finaaelal impacu undergone by the Town u a result of the construction o(the Station which include the cost of advancing community facilities and providing such community services az reactional attivities; AND WHEREAS, data has been cullened regarding impacts on recreational activities provided by the Town and all parties have agreed upoa en assesstaent of tha iaereasa In demand placed upoa these recreational facilities and services by the inflow of Duktagton eoastructioa workers and their [atailiea, it is deemed necessary to advance fun4a to advance maatructioa and intttllatioa of tournament quallry soecu facilities in the Town in accordantt with the provisions of the Park licence attached hereto u Appendl: •A ; NOW, TfiEREFOR£, WITNESSETH, that fa consideration of Ust coveaapts hereinafter contained and for other good and valuably coosideratioa, the Corporation and Use Town hereby agree es follows: 1. 'I~e Corporation agrees to pay to the Town from Statloa Act:ount,•B• ataouatr against invoices submitted upp to a total of 5140,000.00 In respect of the fiaancLl impact incurred by the Towa fa advancing coaswction sad installation of tournament quality soccer fields oa Oatarlo Hydro lands in the Towa of Neareutle. 2. The Corpotatioa agrees to grant to the Town peradttiag the Town to eomenrct sad use the aforementioned tottmameat quality soccer fields sad assodated parking lots and fatalities in accordance with the provision of the Park Rance attached hereto as Appendix A, 3. Prior to access to the llceased lands, it is agreed that: fa) the parties will execute the Park Lieentt, and (b) Iht Town will nrrniA. ,~_ ,._____.:__ .~ .1 17 3 ns. .iqi l~i'if~ tiii; J° 9NF,-5?7 i:9 ~~kUhIGTON TN~^ PCGE 03 'ILe redtats mentioned to the Ageement from part of thL A~esmenG IN WI7PIESS VYffliREOF the Corporation aad the Town have nuaed thin Agreement to be executed by the affixing o[ the CAtporate seals attested by the sigeaturea of their proper offieara duly authorized on their behaif. ^~r..fF.r: ~-~:., ~.~,.~^~,' !.'iY~ ONTARIO HYDRO Y.T Alai-sta Secretary i't[EJCORPORATION 1174 - ..:.:~,~ ....:~, ono ~.i~-~p1F1 DARIINCiTf1N IMF. PAGE 8d ii y APPENDIX A 1. For the permission granted hereby the Littmee shall pay to the Licensor the swa of one dollar, the receipt whereof u hereby at:lmowledged. 2. The term of this Littna h fifty years from Juan 1, 1990. 3. This Liceatt and the Permission granted hereby may be revoked and mnalled in whole or in part by the I~cetuor if the aald lands ue required by the Licensor for its purposes (or by Municipal, Provincial or Federal. authorities) upon giving to the L'atssee one yea's notice in writing and in such event the Licensor shall pay to tha Licensee as lwll compensation as amount equal to the capital cost of any improvements, including landscaping of the Lands made by or for the licensee whether before or after the date ss of which this licence 1s made, depreciated by the straight line method from the date of installation of each improvement to the end of the term u herein set out. It is agreed that the capital cost of improvements including landscaping made by or for the Licensee to the day az oP which this Licence is made is 5140,000.00. Any future landscaping approved by the Licensor will be considered an improvement for the purposes of ehfs puagraph, 4. The Licensee may permit members of the public to use the said (ands for the purposes set out in accordance with the tercels hereof, but this Licence and all rights granted hereby shall not be azsigned by the Licctuee and it shall be and remain the responsibility and obligation of the Licensee to enforce adherence to the terms and conditions herein contained by any such persons. The Licensor recognizes that the Lieetuce intends to control access of the public to the use of the Lands, 5. if in the opinion of the Licensor the Licenses does anything or permits anything to be done on the Lands which may be a nuisance or cause damage, the Licemor shall notify the Iiceruee of such aniviry. The licensee shall Lave thirty days in which to remedy such nuisance, 6. All property of the Licensee or members of the public at any time on the Lands shall be at the sole risk of the Licetssee or members of the public as the case may be, sad the Licensor shall not be liable for any loss or damage thereto however occurring. The Licensee releases the Licensor from all clalrns and demands In respect of any such loss or damage, excep[ and to the extent to which such loss or damage is caused or contributed to by the neglect or default of the Licetuor, its servants or agents. 7. The Licensee shall assume all liablliry and obligation for any and all loss, damage, or injury, including death, to persons or property that happem as a result of or arises out of the use and occupation of the Lands by the Licemee or members o[ the pablie and the licensee shall at all times indetmify and save harmleu the Licensor from and against all such loss, damage, or injury sad all actions, suits, proceedings, ousts, charges, damsges, I.icensea shall~asot be li bledundueratbu P~Br Dh o the extent to which ~~ j~ dig e or injury is caused or watdbuted to by the neglect or default of the Licensor, its servant' or agents. 8. The eoastructioa of any building and structures, the installation of equipment sad recreation facilities, and any grading and the planting of trees, must flnt receive the approval of the Licensor, 9. '13e Licensee shall comply with the Ihsign Standuds of the Trammission sad Distribution Projeeta Division of the licensor Canada Standuds Aasodatloa Standards G 72.3, the 'Safety Rates and Standards Ptotcaioa Code' of the Licensor, The Oentpational Health and Safety qrt, S.O. 1978 and a~ ameadmenq thereto and any regulations paned thereunder when using heavy equipment during any mnstruetioa or maiatenanee. 10. The Itxatioa and plans of any area or area for the panting of tnottu vehicles must Gave the prior approval of the Licensor. Except for the pairing of motor vehicles in such dedgnated neat, all motottxed vehicles and equipment othu~tbag those of the Licensee used fot mafnteaance purposes shall be prohibited, l // ~~ tl3/3r/199E C~6: 37 5FJ5-69i-`51E DARL IIvGTON iNFn PAGE a5 activities which is the opiaioa of tLe Lieetrsor tntght lnterferc wtth tha safe and atBdsnt o~eratioa of its works and shall post signs in suinble loatioty on tha iaada stating that ktte flying and model aeroplane flying and other activities are prohibited. 12, The Liaasar may at any time upon reasonable noia or in ase of emetgetuy wlUtout atry aoUa enter on the toads sad Impect, maJntaitt, repair and remove an1+ of iu world loafed thereon and may coacwet, maintain, repair and remove say sew wotlu oa the Lads. 13. This t~cease and Use rights grantsd hereby shall be subject to all regJStered leases, tieeates, or any r[ghu of use or occupation existing at the date hereol, and the Llcettsot tray from time to lime renew or extend or make new ones so long as they do not interfere unreasonably with the righu granted hereby. 14. The Licensee shall maintain the said lends and any of she Ueetaee's installations thereon in a neat and tidy condition satistacory to the Licensor. In the event the Licctuor coruiders it necessary that any part or parts of the perimeter of the said lands or any of the Licensee's installations thereon be fenced it shall he done at the expenses of the Lieetuee. 15. Upon termination of Ibis Licence the Licensor may require the Licemee at its own expense to remove any of its installations and facilities from the acid lands and restore the said lands to a condition satisfactory to the Licensor. lei. The Licensee shall at all times during the period of this Agreement maintain and pay [or Public Liability and Property Damage insurance with limiu of at lease 52,000,000 inclusive or such other limits as otherwise adjusted as set out below or az mutually agreed from rims to time. Such insurance shall (1) name the Licatuee and Licensor as insured parties, (2) contain a Cross Liability clause, and (3) specify [hat it is primary coverage and not wntributory witb or la excess of any insurance coverage maintained by !ha licensor. The Licensee shall provide evidence of such inurance to the licetuor upon request. UNess otherwise agreed by the parties (i) on the fifth anniversary date of this Agreement the 52,1100,000 limit shall be increased by the percentage increase that the Canadian Price Index, Toronto index (CPI) pas increased during the immediately preceding 5ve year period, and (ii) on every successive 5 year date thereaher, the adjusted limit shall be Futthar increased by the percentage inaease tha[ CPI has inaeaud dtttfag the relevant 5ve year period. 17. The Liceasae aclmowledges and agrees that the Lieeaaor may approppriate amrntnu against ittvolees submitted up to a total of 5140,000 6om Station Accotmt'B' provided for is the Newcastle Agreement in respect o[ the financial impact incurred by the Town in advandng tOnstructiua and installation of tournament quality spear ilelds on the Lands; 18. Permission is hereby given by Ontario Hydro to Newcastle to use the lands shown on the sketch attached hereto for the purpose of reactional sorer and associated parking lou and fadUties omy, subject to the ter»ss and conditions set out herein. THIS LICENCE WADE es of this 1st day of June, 1991 1176 Ih7!]fli7'l9G nRt 17 995-fi97 5~l1 UQRLIPH3Tgf+ lhll"~ PACC F1h .~ ~. W WIYNL'SS W'I~REOF the parties here[o Lave awed thin Rance to be ateeuted by the atfudny of the Corporate seals attested by tha sig[[atures of thew proper offiozts duly authorized on their behalf. TF}a CORPORATION OF THH TOWN OF NI*~WC,ty~q$ yOl er -"' ONTARIO HYDRO $Ztgfllgir~e Auaiatant Seere tare - 1177 _I. .~. ~ .. ~:~ ~~RLINGTfW IN' - 1 PoGE 04 AttlLenc Fm~ESS rnACk FUTURE REfORESTATION~ SOUNA FARM HOUSE OF lAf(F-. 1'R41L $Y$Tey, I by Crombie Commission) nNO C01111uNmr re~ctt~noN usF ...~ r 'r r+^..'1'~ BAtiun~w ~^DR ~~! ii f' 1 i 7 ~3 }~ SCHEDULE "B" J~~ a 4 i?0S 5 P•rUt11C1P :~.-1TY' f F Ct.A Ir.3?ON , a"._ Real Estate Division HLC 010 ,700 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario MSG lX6 ~ ~""-"~"' Phone: (705) 7286391; Telecopier (705) 728-3569 May 31, 1996 Municipality of Clarington Mr. Franklin Wu Director of Planning and Development 40 Temperance Street Bomanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Sir: File:Maplecliff House RE: Amendment to Ontario Hydro Land License dated June 1, 1990, respecting the licensing of certain Soccer Fields and associated parking lots and facilities, being part of Ontario Hydro Darlington Lands (the "License") Whereas Ontario Hydro, as Licensor, and The Municipality of Clarington (as successor in interest to The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle), as Licensee, are presently parties [o the License agreement described above for the lands and facilities described [herein, and for greater certainty have agreed to confirm the substitution of The Municipality of Clarington as Licensee under the License agreement and to confirm that the lands and premises adjacent to the licensed lands and being composed of a Century Home known as "Maplecliff House" are not now and never have been intended by the parties [o form par[ of the licensed lands as described in the License. Now therefore the parties, by execution of this letter agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged), do hereby covenant, confirm and agree as follows: 1. That all of [he right, title and interest of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in the License Agreement dated June 1, 1990, has been transferred, assigned and assumed by The Municipality of Clarington as a successor entity to the original Licensee. 2. That The Municipality of Clarington hereby covenants and agrees as Licensee to ~~ 1119 observe and perform all of [he terms, covenants and conditions of the License in all respects as if it were the original party ro the License. 3. That Ontario Hydro hereby accepts The Municipality of Clarington in place of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle as the substituted party to the License, and agrees with The Municipality of Clarington to be bound by the terms of the License in all respects as if The Municipality of Clarington had been originally named in the License as the Licensee in place of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. 4. The Municipality of Clarington as Licensee and Ontario Hydro as Licensor hereby covenant and agree that the lands and premises adjacent [o the licensed lands described in [he License, and such adjacent lands being composed of a Century Home known as "Maplecliff House", including the lawns and gardens immediately surrounding Maplecliff House (all as shown cross-hatched on the plan attached to this letter agreement), are not now and never have formed part of the licensed lands as described in the License. In witness whereof the parties hereto have duly executed this letter agreement as of the year and date first above written. ONTARIO HYDRO I h Per: ~t f~1.~..:i,'-,\\~ ~cc..`I~v~ Randy 7acksb' Senior Real-~st~t~ociate ~_ I have authority to bind the corporation The Municipality of Clarington Per: ;~ f C..,. ~•~_~\ .~. (°,~~ Lc.. I have authority to bind the Municipality 1180 Exlrnnc- PARKINC FACIUiIES EXISTING COMMUNITY RECREATION USE POSSIBLE WETLAND EXPANSION AND REGENERATION GVpV RJIGTOR 1181 o ~q R,..s. SCHED ULE "C" ro ~ ; D y~ ~ b Phn settinP out amended and rest ated licensed hods outlined in red z z _~ m ~ Nr cnecer fields shown cross hatched in black u Z z z ~ ~ ~ Z Q O ~ ~ ~ mm -~ n ~ X N ~ ~ ry ~~jj ~ z z cn Z .c b m CO 3 P ~ `n mC~GI ~ (7 0. 3 t~ m Q ~ .'~ . ~ v ~ v. ~ • o ~ z --~; z ~ o ~7 ~ ~ 1• vii ~ > ' ..R.! -- ~ / ti ~ ~ ~ _ ,, r ~ ~ "+ ' ' ~ C A ~ __ ~' ~z ~ 1,~ _~ '_..~ 1 m m ,~i r . _ .. .__....~ ... ~ ~. _ ,. , _ _. __. r C ~ • I ~' o -__- "a _-. - " ~ __ - m~ _ C N -- AA S ~ ~' ~ o .. _. ~ n .,... _... . ..... N . t fl .. ~ 2 , i ~ ~~ ~ i ~ V . __. _-_. .- _.. _. _.__..... '-`_n __._.._ ._. _..... ~- _........- _. .. . . ... .... f ,2 ~ G i. ~• I I I I Lr. __. .. _ I _.._._ ..____ .; ~ ~i ~ m i i /~ i ` ~ J _ m _ _.. .... . . _.._ .... ~ _.... .-_. 1 i ~ i i . •. ~ ~i O .ti . t ~ ~. ' ~ _ i 1 • ~ p - - t; ~ _ ~ . ~ ~ , I~ ~~~2