HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-47-97S THE CORPORATION OF TES MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINC~J.'ON XXX3c~~rS~7~4l9tii:Q~7~it~XT7P~+4E~kS~I~R~cTx~cXX REPORT Meeting: File # i v rr GENERAL PURPOSE. AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL Date: Res. # S`a ~ ~ ~ ~/ JULY 7 , 19.97 By-Law # Report #: T File #: SUbjeCt: REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS, EDWARD STREET SBTWBEN RIIDELL ROAD AND CHURCH STR88T, NEWCASTLE - Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-47-97 be received; 2. THAT the request for all-way stop controls along Edward Street intersections including Snowden Court be denied; 3. THAT the Director of Public Works be permitted to install and evaluate the effectiveness of "No Parking" prohibitions and a painted yellow Off-Centre line to discourage parking on the south side of Edward Street near the park; and 4. THAT Karen Jones be advised of Council's decision and provided with a copy of this report. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Key Map No. 2: Correspondence received May 15, 1997, from Karen Jones 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on May 26, 1997, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following resolution: 8T NO , FID-47-97 ;~ 2 "THAT the correspondence received May`15, 1997, from Karen Jones requesting the erection of atop signs on Edward Street between Rudell Road and Church Street in Newcastle Village be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director. of Public Works for review and preparation `of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; THAT the Director of Public Works also review the possibility of providing additional parking areas in municipal parka; and THAT Karen Jones be advised o€ Council's decision." 3.0 RSVIBW AND CQMtCBNT 3.1 Sneadiaa Concerns A traffic study was conducted in front of the park, west of Snowden Court, which produced the following results: ~' Date Volume Average SS+kile i~ocaton Speed Spaad km/h .. 1~ h May 28/..97 1011 31.07 51.39 Sdward_St. Map 29/97 .930 31.85 52.29 Edward St. (Other Comparisoas) 1996 1646 38.07 59.73 Robert Adams Dr. 1996 2481 33.71 56.28 George: Reynolds Dr. 1996. 2277 46.77 67.26 Prestonvale Rd. Based on these figures., there is no indication of a speeding problem at the Edward Street location, Previous studies on Edward Street during 1995 also showed an 85~i1e speed of only 52.08 km/hr, showing' good compliance with the legal. urban speed of 50 kxn/hr_ 3.2 Warrants for All-Nay Stoos Provincial warrants for stop signs are used to determine a safe 1137 ~. ,-~. FORT_,tIQ 9PD-47-97 PARS-3 right-of-way control which is based on volume of tra£fie. All-way stops are not intended or effective as speed control devices. None of the intersections from Church Street to Rudell Road qualify fqr all-way stops based. on the provincial guidelines. An obviously unwarranted stop sign at Snowden Court would have a low compliance rate, with many drivers likely. rolling through the interjection, thereby creating an unsafe condition for children. 3.3 Coaaaanta of Other Denartmisnts and Aasncies Staff has spoken with Inspector Roas Smith of Durham Regional .Police, The .official police departmental position is not to endor~e> unwarranted stop signs. Inspector Smith agrees with raffic engineers that such unwarranted devices are not .effective as speed control devices and further encourage people to run;or roll through stop signs..: Any comment which may have been made by an individual officer does not reflect the views of the department. The. Fire Department has always viewed unwarranted atop signs as an impediment to emergency response times. 3.4 Parkiaa.Concern~ The. Municipality usually attempts to locate parks' at3jacent tq Schools which have parking. lots available for after hours. use.' >Sdward Street Park is located on a 10 metre wide collector road with no off-street parking. The 115 metre frontage accommodates parking for approximately 16 vehicles and additional on-street parking is available further along Edward Street or on other side streets. The ..Fire Department has expressed concerns regarding motorists parking on both sides of many streets and supports efforts to prevent parked vehicles from reducing the size of the travel lanes. 3.5 Off-Strsat P~kiaa Alternatives: The least expensive way of providing off-street parking is to relocate the curb in front of the park to form a parking bay within the 115 metre long, 5.7 metre-wide boulevard. As this is a relatively new roadway, it would not be scheduled for reconstruction far many years. -w 1138 k, ~ ~$O&T NO WD-#7-97 PRaB 4- f ,- A more expensive option would be.to build a small parking area at .the .south end of'the park, requiring the play area to be relocated and major landscaping changes. Staff has spoken with Mr. Henry Kortekaas who was the landscape architect for this park. in his opinion, the parkland is already too small for the existing facilities and an additional parking area would destroy the character of the park. There are no funds in the municipal budget to retro fit this parkland or boulevard for parking,:. In addition, thererare a great number of other parka in the Municipality that experience this same situation with regard to parking. If Karen Jones is interested in the parking. bay concept within the boulevard, then the community, .baseball groups or service groups could consider fund raising events to finance such a project. A rough estimate for-the parking bay within the boulevard has been-calculated at approximately $25,000: .This estimated coat figure is likely prohibitive for such a fund xaisng venture. Although boulevard parking can be a consideration in new parka and municipal road construction, retro fitting of ..existing parks is not recommended in this time of fiscal restraint -and cutbacks. 3.6 Parkins Prohibitions: To address the concern of vehicles parking on both aides of Edward Street, Public Works proposes to post "HO Parking" on the south side of Edward Street across from the park in an attempt to disperse the parked vehicles. If parking is prohibited in this way, end enforced on a regylar basis, motorists will then park on-the adjacent aide streets. No Parking signs can be installed without any by-law amendments under Traffic Sy-law 91-58 Section 4 (9)(E). "Where official signs to that effect are displayed, no person shall park any vehicle, anytime on one or both sides of a highway or portion of a highway which is immediately adjacent to a park. or playground." 3.7 Painted Off-Centre Yellow Line Ancther proposal is to paint a yellow line on Edward. Street, off- centre, to provide one narrow eastbound travel lane with a wider 1139 ~~., R~~,p RT NO ~D-49-97 P]4 5 westbound lane which would accommodate parking on the north side. The narrower south lane would emphasize the no parking regulations. and should improve compliance. 4.0 CONCLIISION 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that no intersections al©ng Edward Street meet the Provincial warrants for the installation of all-way stops. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. W.H.. Stockwell /~- Director of Public Works Chief Administrative OEfiCer SAV/RDB/wc June 30, 1997 ~, =„<_ 1140 KING IS~NG L- AY CT. 5T. E. MACDDNALp CARTIER KgMq S UBJ T -~SI b1 ~ ASTLE KEY MAP FREEWAY JJALWAY.DW TE: JULY 1997 1 111 DRAWN BY: JM L ATTACHMENT NO WD-47-97 • - ~ s ~! ~. .__. _ - i r7;+.Y ^ Z ` " i•SAY 1 5 1997 ~- RDB 1 _ ~~QA'_ D~ ~ _ Go u n c+.. ~ ~. ' , `-~ r'it _ ! 1MikkiNIGIPALITY of ca.nR1NGTON 1_ _ i . ~ {::,: i MAYOR'SOtFICE a n-, w ,~ ~ i rlq ~-4'h i s i e ~{~-e ~ O n b-e 1-~c.1 ~ o-F -I'he. res j d2n~i-5 b~ `1 `}"~'le C~~r~-h • ~m ~^lOm e s 1.~. b ci i ~ iS i ~r i n ~I e ,~,~ c us ~' ~ C of ~ s~.~~ \ \ ~c~ c~.ci . ~l~te. 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