HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-46-97 ~, - ~ z '` THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON XXX3~ik~X4~4d~S~kl(~7T4AI~c4t~3Tf~f 7'~iPY~C~kS~fC~4€~Yfk~9t~cT~XXX REPORT File #~ - G ~ Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE .Res. # ~~`~' - Date: JULY 7, 1997 BY-Law # ~' ~ Report #: ~T File #: .,~~z, 02 Subject: pARRING SPACES FOR THE DISABLED AND PARKING METERS ON TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-46-97 be received; 2. THAT the existing 30 minute free parking on the east side of Temperance Street across from the Bowmanville Library remain unchanged; 3. THAT an on-street disabled parking space not be designated on Temperance Street., Bowmanville, near the Bowmanville Library,at the present time; 3. THAT the existing disabled parking space in the Silver Street Parking Lot be listed on Schedule XXX of Traffic By-law 91-58; 5. THAT consideration be given to 30 minute parking meters and a disabled parking space on the west side of Temperance Street adjacent to the library, between Church Street and Wellington Street in conjunction with public meetings during July for Temperance Street and Wellington Street reconstruction; 6. THAT no additional disabled parking spaces be added to the business improvement area at the present time; o.o.~a~®..~.~,. 1 1 19 7. That the Business Improvement Areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono be requested to consider and provide their comments as to future policies, regarding disabled parking. spaces, for their respective business areas. 8. THAT the proposed By-law (Attachment No. 5) be passed by Council; and 9. THAT Nancy Wallace, Evylin Stroud, Irwin Colwell and J. M. Walton be advised of Council's decision. RBPORT 1.0 ATTACHMSNTS No. L: Key Map No. 2: By-law amendment 92-169, exemptions for the disabled No. 3: Correspondence dated October 25, 1995, from Nancy Wallace No. 4: Correspondence dated January 2, 1995,. from'Evylin Stroud No. 5: Proposed By-law to amend By-law 91-58 2.0 BACA(3ROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on November 13, 1995, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following Resolution #C- 796-95: ~~THAT the correspondence dated October 26, 1995 from Nancy Wallace requesting the introduction of a handicapped parking space in front of the library be received; ~~20 _. ~ ~ ~. :, ` ~ ~- a REPORT NO.s 1PD-46-97' PA«E 3 THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; ~ and THAT Nancy Wallace be advised of Council's decision." 2.2 `Another verbal. request was received from Mr. J. M. Walton of 37 Concession Street East, Bowmanville, for an on-street parking pot for the disabled on Temperance Street 'across from " the Library. 2.3 At a regular meeting. held on March 13, 1995, Council ..passed... the following Resolution #C-196-95: "THAT the delegation of Evylin Stroud be acknowledged; THAT her request for the .installation of- one .hour parking meters on Temperance Street directly across from the Clarington Public Library be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Evylin Stroud be advised of Council's decision." The most recent correspondence received from Evylin Stroud was dated January 2, 1996 (Attachment No. 4). She has requested 1121 ,s . _. REPORT NO.s i+iD-4$-97 PAGB 4 a disabled parking space across .from the library with proposed one (i) hour parking meters, 2'.4 A formal response to the above concerns was delayed due, to the uncertainty of a proposed .seniors building on Temperance Street and future road construction. The road reconstruction project: is now scheduled for late 1997. 2.S The Public Works Department has also received .a request from- Irwin Colwell of 6 Carlisle Avenue,. Bowmanville, who has suggested that the Municipality add two (2) on-street parking spaces for the disabled on King Street in Bowmanville. A8 possible locations, he suggested one (1) near McGregor I.D.A. Drug Store (5 King Street West) and another near Gould's Gift: Shop (51 King Street East). $'.0 REVI89P AND CONSENT 3..1 On &treet Disabled Parkins Itsyentozv To date, Clarington is the only Municipality in Durham Region' which has designated on-street parking for the disabled. The present on-street locations are as follows: Quantity Loy 2 On to 1 On of 2 On to :atioa the south aide of Church Street, adjacent the Municipal Administration Centre the east side of Temperance Street, north Queen Street.. the north side of Prince Street, adjacent the Hospital 3.2 Disabled Parking at Howsaauyille Library Hraaeh The Bowmanville Library .Branch has no on-site parking .available. The nine (9) available parking stalls on the easy 1122 side of Temperance Street are often at capacity. Although there have been a number of requests to designate a spot near the Library, there are some concerns the space would be empty for a large portion of the time, similar to the ones beside the Municipal Administrative Centre. Based on the experience of the library staff and observations of Public Works, Staff are not recommending this location for an on-street disabled parking space at the present time. The two designated spaces on Church Street are a walking distance of 85 m (28~ ft).- 3.3 Disabled Parkiaa Inveatorv Ia The Sowmaaville 8usiasss Arsa In addition to the three (3) downtown on-street locations, there are also off-street locations, with two (2) in the Division Street Parking Lot and one (1) in the Silver Street Parking Lot, for a total of six (6) locations. Mr. Irwin Colwell has suggested that the Municipality consider increasing that number by adding two (2) more along King Street. Staff are not in favour of designating more .disabled parking spaces in the business area due to the lenient. exemptions already in place. These existing exemptions are outlined in the following Section 3.4. 3.4 Parkiaa 8xsmotioas For The Disabled The Municipality approved By-law 92-169 (Attachment No. 2) on .July 13, 1992, which provided a number of exemptions from Traffic By-law 91-58. The intent of the By-law was to provide more leniency to disabled motorists who needed to park for a short period of time, either near their destination or if necessary, .near a corner where it was easier to park.. The requirement to pay at the meters was also dropped to provide .free parking either on or off-street. This By-law was passed with the intent that it allowed. disabled persons tttore freedom 1123. ~ ~, f REPORT Nt1.: V@D-46-97 PAf~~ 6 in choosing their own parking spaces and would reduce the need- to provide designated spaces. 3.5 Commeats from Provincial Office for Disability Tasues The Province of Ontario, Office for Disability Issues, acknowledges that the decision to designate On-street disabled..:. parking is a local responsibility which should be carefully considered based on a variety of factors,. including parking ..availability and type of facilities in the city block. They also caution that simply designating spaces, rather than providing exemptions from other. traffic by-laws, such as Clarington did with: By-law. amendment 92=169, may, in fact, - reduce parking opportunities for the disabled. 3.6 Effect of On Street Disabled Farkina on M~rchaats The elimination of regular parking spaces has a direct affect on the health of the downtown area. The merchants should review their customers' needs to determine which locations, if " anyr would justify the designation of Disabled Parking in the- ~; business areas. with limited parking spaces,. the merchants. rely on customer turnover to maintain successful businesses., Although designating disabled spots on-street may attract some customers, the existing disabled spaces in Bowmanville area empty the majority of the time. A disabled .motorist will not use the designated spot if another regular spot -is available closer to their destination. The disabled spots would be used:. by permit holders more often when all other spots are filled, such as daring the Christmas Season. In light of the existing inventory of disabled spaces, combined with the exemptions already in place, staff is not prepared to recommend additional disabled parking spaces in the. business area. 1124 . .. r 5 iAR' m :?S m .. x.. .+mr°~^" a. ~-.. iv . Y'Y"t'.kw ./i. ~,R. R8P9RT NO.: :pPD=46-97 P.AQS 7 3.7 Disabled Parkins Svacs Silver Btreet Parkana Lq~ Although a disabled spot has been posted in the Silver Street parking lot. for many years, it was not included during...` revision of By-law 91-58, The attached by-law, if approved,. will. officially recognize one (1) disabled parking space in the Silver Street Parking Lot. 3.8 Parkfna ffietera Aloaa TemnaraACe Btreet North o£ Church Btreet In her letter (Attachment No. 4), Evylin Stroud requests that. one (1) hour parking meters. be installed along Temperance- Street, north of Church Street. In Traffic By-law 91-58, the area .across from the Library is scheduled. as thirty. (30)' minute parking.. There are presently three (3) two (2) hour metered parking spaces at the south end of the: block. Staff, would like to see the consideration for meters; along with parking time imits, reviewed more closely with the public and the library board. It is proposed that this consultation would best be achieved during. future public meetings;during_ July, dealing with the upcoming Temperance :Street reconstruction. 4:0 CQNCLUBIQN3 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that: a) The proposed disabled parking space on Temperance Street near the .Library not be approved by Council at the present Cime; b) The additional disabled ..parking spaces on King Street, Bowmanville, not be approved by Council at the present time; ~~Z~ - ~ 1 ,: 4 .-., . ~ p4 :.: f RSPORT N?D. z 9D-46-97 PAC~B, 8 c) The Business Improvement Areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono be requested to consider and provide their comments as to future policies, numbers and locations of on-street disabled parking spaces, if any, `far their respective business areas. (If this report is approved, Public Works will send out the necessary correspondence to the three B.I.A.'s); d) e) The by-law amendment to Traffic By-law-91-58 to include the existing disabled parking space in the Silver Street lot be approved by Council; and That public meetings during July dealing with Temperance, Street reconstruction be a sounding board to determine , the .issues of parking on Temperance Street-.with a subsequent report presented to Council for final approval of any new by-law changes. Respectfully submitted, Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Fublic Works RDB*ph July; 2, 1997 Attachments Nancy Wallace Apt. 709, 145 Liberty Street S. Bowmanville, ON L1C 1K4 r Reviewed by, ~~~~~'V cx..a/ W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer '- Evylin Stroud- 89 Little Avenue. Bowmanville, ON LiC 11'9 112b ~~ ~a 1 RBPORT NO.s WD-46-.47 __ PAC~B 9 r Mr. J. M. Walton Mr. Irwin Colwell ,~ 37 Concession Street East 6 Carlisle Avenue Bowmanville, ON L1C lY2 Bowmanville, ON I,1C 1W5 Orono Business .Improvement Area Sowmanville Business Centre: P.O. Box 272 P.O. Box 365 .Orono, ON LOB 1M0 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3L1 Newcastle Business Improvement Area Unit 6, 20 King Street West [ Newcastle, ON LiB 1H7 f f °;E ~f f ,j Parking #5 King E. Lot ~ Iexlscmg onlstreet ® Existing off street ~ Requestedland recommended on street For future considers Ions - #5 King St. W. -# 51 King St. E. Bowmanville Memorial Hospital ane ree DETAIL MAPS ~1 AREAS u ~I ~~ DRAWN BY: J.R.M ~~ DAT'E: JAN. 1995 ~ ATTACHMENT NO. 1 KEY MAP. WD-46-97 11~~ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 92- 169 Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58, being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, and Municipal and Private Property in the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it desirable to amend By-law 91-58. NOW ~THBRBFORH the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Section 4, "GENERAL PARKING AND STOPPING.REGOLATIONS", of By- law 91-58 is amended by: a) Deleting subsection (11); (11)(A) and (11)(B) in its entirety. 2. Section 22, "ON-STREET AND OFF-STREET PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS", of By-law 91-58 is amended by: b) ~ Subsections (1) to (6) inclusive to be deleted in its entirety and substituted with the following: 22. (1) A designated parking space, on Municipal or Private Property shall be distinctly identified by an Official Sign in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act and the regulations made thereunder and this by-law. {2) Designated parking spaces: .../2 (a) On Municipal streets and highways are described in Schedule XRIX; (b) On Municipal parking lots are described in Schedule XXX; and (c) On private property where distinctly identified by an Official Sign in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act and this by-law. 3. The driver or operator of a vehicle which displays a permit in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act and the regulations made thereunder and this by-law shall not be required to pay an amount in excess of the normal fee paid by other users of the same parking lots or other parking facilities to which the public has access. 4. Na person or organization shall park a vehicle in a designated parking space, or be entitled to an exemption under this by-law, unless a currently valid permit has been issued to that person, organization or to passenger being picked-up or transported in the vehicle and such permit is displayed on or in the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the Nighway Traffic Act, the regulations made thereunder, and this by-law. 5. Disabled person parking permit exemptions: Notwithstanding the provisions of any section of this by-law, a vehicle properly displaying a disabled person parking permit is hereby ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-46-97 1129 -2- exempt from the following provisions of this by-lawz (a) Section 4 ( 6) (I ) with respect to three hour parking limits; (b) Section 6 (1) with respect to Schedule II, Scheduled No Parking Zones, and Section 6 (2) with respect to Schedule III, -- ~ Parking For Restricted Periods; and (c) Section 9 (2) with respect to payment to park at a parking meter located on a highway or in a municipal parking lot. 6. Notwithstandingthe provisions of any section of this By-law, a vehicle properly displaying a disabled person parking permit is hereby permitted to park one (1) vehicle imoediately adjacent to the open end of a row of parking spaces when no other location is readily available. 7. Limitations of parking permit exemptions: It shall constitute an offence fora person who owns or operates a vehicleon which a permit ie displayed in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act and this by-law to park said vehicle: (a) On any highway or municipal parking lot for a period longer than twenty-four (24) hours; and (b) On any highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic public safety or the clearing of snow from the highway. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 13th day of July, 1992. BY-LAN read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of July, 1992. MAYOR CLERK 1130 ~~~3.~~.d~,-~P o-$ ~- ~u9. i.i'i ~ L G.l i'~I ~J~ a (~eE- e2~, X995 - ~0. ~~n/~i /-1~L7cUUU e ~ / ` ~ ~C'c9t~i- y C!\C ~l-ci~tl~/~Q~~~ ~f( ~/CU, ~~N /~ ` / < i1 L. /l yy~~ :Cn- C(ec~!(EwrJ eUeil~v.x~t.w~~'e• i ~~Qnk. e~o e~, ,`~W ~/. ~cu.' (~ ft<P.v ~tt~t aC, .~l Q~G(- ,.//,~~9~' .r.~:lu.e/v ~o/w ~e.iU ~' %~ ~ Gi'cLu~q~Lfw ~~'_n.J`[,.~ePE :/ J ~ ~,lt-,c~ ..L~: ~E! C., ~O~iz/ ,~.toC (~d. YvL~ ,C.c, G(~c~p ~- ~~ ~u-~ a~ .cue-~y~ ~L~. ~ ti.~ ~~ ~ .~ ~~~" ~' ,~~. acv-~~.. i(~.v~e.~.c'~oc~~o ~~ a,~c. n ~ ~ ~~,cx ~ ,~ ~ oC- ct; ~.t-d.~~~O~, yixd ~5a.~~ ~n~ ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD-46-97 1131 i~ ~J ~(1u_.°Cn.ocv~ ~u~ ~CiL/u/ A./F(ni ~~. /JC2~K~n,t L/~1 ~/ / / it L •~ u7vN /~i~f. SCI ~,p , ~f~il6w iL//J ~ u ~ ~~ Q.t. / / lJL ~~ Z~~te iLiJ Q~ ~-c.iv~t /L.c-n't~c.C: ~vV ~tJQ,~~Ii'l9 '~l.C.t~ ~ /~ n uL .] /Y-t~ce(_' .~c J~li~ 56.~•a~_ !_/ :,.f.t: -1'n f•J • .1~v000 (J~ ~/ ~~~;w CQ,t ~CZP_~~ ~vru.t_ -GJQ~c/ .~ ~Ut;t_.j '" /f n ~' /J~ // ,f Q.n.t:<y /WQu2Ce.. DfST UTlOti4~ CLERK .__._ HC1(. BY.._._. GRiCIfaAL T. C t ~S TG: ~ i -~ _~ ~L~_~v.a._-__ ~~,~1 ?132 This letter is further to the public workshop that was held regarding the reconstruction of Temperance Street. Asa very frequent user of the 8owmanville Library, Z would like to address the issue of parking on Temperance Street on the east side across from the Library. These spaces have been marked as 30 minute parking for quite some time. A couple of years ago I asked that lines be painted to indicate a certain number of parkins spaces. Often cars were parking badly and wasting some of the very little space that we had there. This was done and lines were painted to create 8 spaces. However, during the winter the white lines are often covered by snow and ice. People then start parking haphazardly again and parking space is reduced. I believe that installing parking meters in this location would solve several problems. First of all, it will always be evident how many parking spaces there are supposed to be and where they are. As well, because there are no meters at the Courthouse parking lots, if there were meters on Temperance people who aren't going to the library but are just looking for free parking will go to the Courthouse parking lots. This will leave the space with meters in front of the library for library users. Also, after the reconstruction it would be a good idea to have a sign on the east side of Temperance telling people about the free parking at the Courthouse. I have spoken to many people who have no idea that it exists. There is really no publicity about it. There are already meters on Temperance in front of the church, so it shouldn't be a problem to extend them northwards. The meter maid already has to come that way to check on those meters. Right now the sign states that we are entitled to 30 minutes free parking. That's worth 25 cents. I, and most of the other patrons who I've spoken to in the library, would gladly pay 25 cents to be able to find a spot close to the library. This should also be less work for the meter maid. I presume that in order to catch the many offenders who stay longer than 30 minutes, she must make a trip to chalk the tires and then return 30 minutes later to check them. This way only one trip is required to check for expired meters. In all the years I have been using the library, I have only once seen a meter maid giving out tickets there. This is not to say that she has only been once. But this does make the point that it is not a frequently travelled route for the meter maid. People get to know this and continually park in front of the library for longer than 30 minutes. Some park all day. This problem will only worsen if the Specialty Papers lot is closed off for construction. All the people who currently park there will be looking for new parking ATTACHMENT N0. 4 ~ ,3 `, WD-46-97 - ~~ - 2 - spaces. I would request that only 1 hour meters be used in order to discourage commuters and people who work downtown from parkins there. Ouring the demolition of the Specialty Papers building parking was a nightmare for library users. Workers' trucks stayed there all day. I would like to avoid this problem during the any construction that might take place on this site. I also believe that a handicapped parking spot should be created across from the Library. The Library is handicap accessible with a ramp for entering and an elevator to get to the lower floor. A parking space for handicapped people is long overdue. I would also like to suggest to public works that the east side of Temperance be included in the special removal of snow from the downtown area that is done in the early morning before the businesses open. It-would be very easy for the plows, when they are northbound on the east side of Temperance, to continue one block north and clear the east side of Temperance across from the Library instead of stopping at the Post Office. When this is not done (which is the current practice) people park on top of the snow and ice and pack it down so that you can't see the lines. Then when the plow comes along later in the day there are cars parked there and the snow and ice cannot be removed. So then people cannot get close to the curb to park and they park out in the street making Temperance St. very narrow at that point. This situation is occurring right now at that location. Please go out during library operating hours and have a look. It would take less than one minute for the plow to drive that extra block and would solve this safety problem. I would like to commend you for your idea of having public workshops that are held prior to detailed plans being drawn up. I think capitalizing on input from the residents and people who frequent the area could prove very useful to you. As well, people are generally more satisfied with an outcome if they have been involved in its resolution. Sincerely, ~~ ~~ Evylin Stroud 1134 , +. .._ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 96- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58 being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to amend By-law 91-58; NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1) Schedule XXX "Off-Street Parking for Disabled Persons" of By-law 91-58 is amended by, Adding the following reference: Column 1 Column 2 Location Number of Sta11a Silver Street Parking Lot 1 (BOwmanville) 3) This By-law shall come into Force on the date that it is approved and when signs to the effect are erected. HY-LAW read a first and second time this 7th day of July, 1997. HY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 7th day July, 1997. MAYOR 1 CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 5 WD-46-97 1135