HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-42-97R THS CORPORATION OF THS MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINC'TON XXX~xSPlt~n{f€~Q~7Ti~€XTi~~tf~F7il~~f§'c~S3i~xXX REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # w5 , ~r~ Res. #~' - 0"9~ Date; JUNE 16, 1997 By-Law # Report #: ----V~5=-497- File #: Subject: WINTER MAINTENANCE - OVER EXPENDITURE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-42-97 be received for information. REPORT 1.0 ATTACftZ2ENTS No. 1: Winter Maintenance -January 1 to April 8, 1997 No. 2: Winter Maintenance - January 1 to April 12, 1996 No. 3: Winter Maintenance - January 1 to April 14, 1995 No. 4: Winter Maintenance - January 1 to December 31, 1996 2.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 2.1 Sudaet Avvroval for 1997 Wiater Season In the spring of .1997, Council approved a budget of $893,500 for the 1997 winter season. 2.2 1997 Winter During the winter of 1997, there were no large winter snow storms, but quite a number of smaller storms which caused the snow to accumulate, requiring continued maintenance of the roads. With winter remaining longer this year, temperatures were milder through the day, but dropped at night. This o.PEaEO®aE~.~~wE - 1 13 7 ~ M R8P©RT Hp.: iPDr4~-97 ~ 2 caused icy conditions on the roads, especially in the early mornings, necessitating additional sand/salting of the: roads..: 2.3 S{~¢ag alt~gg Rosds As a result of the high. demand for sand and salt,: approximately 93~ of the winter maintenance }at~dget for 1997 has been expended. Public ATOrks has spent $7~5,70U for winter maintenance this winter, which is $57,.805 below the entire winter budget.. Attachmenta,b, 2 and 3 show a comparison for winter maintenance costs for 1995, 1996 and 1997 from January 1 to April S. .SiBewalko - Aa well, :the variable temperatures increased,the demand for sand/salt to be applied to sidewalks. The sidewalk winter - maintenance budget for municipal sidewalks and''the Senior ' Citizens' and Physically Bisabled Snow Clearing Program is approximately 115 expended. The amount paid tc the contractor to maintain sidewalks was $70,OQ0, which was $10,00.0 above theamount budgeted for 1997.. 2.4 Muaiciflal pg_a_ges Although the costs for equipaeent and the sand/salt supply are high, employees' wages are relatively on schedule. 2'wo f2) part-timers and one (1) on-call person replaced three (3) full time positions, which kept down-time costs to a minimum. 2 , 5 ].996 Budacilt For comparison. purposes, at the end of 1896 there was a overall funr3 surplus of $340.,000 for year round maintenance. 1138 RBPQRT Nfl. s 9PD-42-97 LAB 3 As shown in Attachment No. 4, $112,000 was saved in winter maintenance. 2.6 Other Local Muaicinalities Other local. municipalities,-together with the Region of Durham and Metro Toronto, have also experienced higher expenses for 1997 winter maintenance.. To date (April 1997), their overexpenditure range is in the area of 25~ above. their budgetted amounts. 3.0 CC•NCLIISI~N 3.1 With winter maintenance still outstanding -for November and December of 1997, Public Works is anticipating Chat the winter maintenance. expenses will be over budget by 25~ or-$200,000. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Stephen A. Yokes, P.Eng. W: H. Stockwell. Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer SAV*GA*ph June 11, 1997 Attachments 1997 WINTER MAINTENANCE; JANUARY 1 -APRIL 8, 1997 1ss7 EXPENDITURE 1ss7 BUDGET 1ss7 BALANCE 7210-00401-X PLOWING: 0005; WAGES: $80,907.36 $90,000.00 $9,092.64 0271; VEHICLE: $128,337.00 $120,000.00 $8,337.00 721 0-0041 1-X SANDING: 0005; WAGES: $81,506.44 $108,000.00 $26,493.56 0169; SUPPLY: $286,434.77 $298,500.00 $12,065.23 0271; VEHICLE: $123,695.00 $142,000.00 $18,305.00 7210-00421-X SNOW REMOVAL: 0005; WAGES: $19,998.99 $14,000.00 ($5,998.99 0271; VEHICLE: $19,433.80 $16,000.00 ($3,433.80 7210-00441-X WINTER MTCE. OTHER: 0005; WAGES: $16,646.07 $26,000.00 $9,353.93 0169; SUPPLY: $2,394.10 $2,000.00 ($394.10 0271; VEHICLE: $16,341.30 $17,000.00 $658.70 TOTAL WINTER MTCE: $775,694.83 $833,500.00 $57,805.17 EXPENDED: 93.06% 721 2- 00401- 0261 SIDEWALK MTCE.: CONTRACT: $35,454.22 $30,000.00 ($5,454.22 7212- 92004- 0261 SENIORS SNOW CLEAR: CONTRACT: $34,117.13 $30,000.00 ($4,117.13 TOTAL WINTER MTCE: $69,571.35 $60,000.00 $9,571.35 EXPENDED: 115.95% ATTACHMENT N0. 1 WD-42-97 ~?40 1996 WINTER MAINTENANCE; JANUARY 1 -APRIL 12, 1996 1996 EXPENDITURE 1996 BUDGET 1996 BALANCE 721 0-00401-X PLOWING: 0005; WAGES: $33,109.62 $90,600.00 $57,490.38 0169; SUPPLY: $5.78 $1,300.00 $1,294.22 0271; VEHICLE: $54,085.70 $120,700.00 $66,614.30 721 0-0041 1-X SANDING: 0005; WAGES: $81,943.04 $108,200.00 $26,256.96 0169; SUPPLY: $157,691.00 $306,500.00 $148,809.00 0271; VEHICLE: $114,028.60 $142,000.00 $27,971.40 7210-00421-X SNOW REMOVAL: 0005; WAGES: $11,864.08 $14,000.00 $2,135.92 0169; SUPPLY: $0.00 $300.00 $300.00 0271; VEHICLE: $14,962.60 $16,000.00 $1,037.40 721 0-00441-X WINTER MTCE. OTHER: ~ 0005; WAGES: $23,627.35 $27,000.00 $3,372.65 0169; SUPPLY: $2,020.79 $2,500.00 $479.21 0271; VEHICLE: $14,140.70 $17,000.00 $2,859.30 TOTAL WINTER MTCE: $507,479.26 $846,100.00 $338,620.74 EXPENDED: 59.98% 7212-00401-0249 SIDEWALK MTCE.: PURCH OF SERVICE: $19,922.56 $30,000.00 $10,077.44 7212-92004-0261 SENIORS SNOW CLEAR: CONTRACT: $20,807.34 $30,000.00 $9,192.66 TOTAL WINTER MTCE: $40,729.90 $60,000.00 $19,270.10 EXPENDED: 67.88% ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-42-97 '.~~ 1995 WINTER MAINTENANCE; JANUARY 1 -APRIL 14, 1995 1995 EXPENDITURE 1995 BUDGET 1995 BALANCE 7210-00401-X PLOWING: 0005; WAGES: $48,804.84 $95,000.00 $46,195.16 0169; SUPPLY: $736.05 $1,300.00 $563.95 0271; VEHICLE: $68,653.00 $128,000.00 $59,347.00' 7210-00411-X SANDING: 0005; WAGES: $78,411.90 $90,000.00 $11,588.10 0169; SUPPLY: $170,148.43 $250,000.00 $79,851.57 0271; VEHICLE: $115,070.80 $130,000.00 $14,929.20 721 0-00421-X SNOW REMOVAL: 0005; WAGES: $4,243.63 $20,000.00 $15,756.37 0169; SUPPLY: $373.68 $200.00 ($173.68 0271; VEHICLE: $4,820.70 $30,000.00 $25,179.30 7210-00441-X WINTER MTCE. OTHER: i 0005; WAGES: $16,534.66 $30,000.00 $13,465.34 0169; SUPPLY: $1,500.81 $1,500.00 ($0.81 0271; VEHICLE: $9,541.40 $42,000.00 $32,458.60 TOTAL WINTER MTCE: $518,839.90 $818,000.00 $299,160.10, EXPENDED: 63.430 7212-00401-0249 SIDEWALK MTCE: PURCH OF SERVICE: $14,364.36 $30,000.00 $15,635.64 7212-92004-0261 SENIORS SNOW CLEAR: CONTRACT; $15,863.23 $30,000.00 $14,136.77 TOTAL WINTER MICE: $30,227.59 $60,000.00 $29,772.41 EXPENDED: 50.38% ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD-42-97 +iL . 1996 WINTER MAINTENANCE; JANUARY 1 -DECEMBER 31, 1996 1996 EXPENDITURE 1996 BUDGET 1996 BALANCE 7210-00401-X PLOWING: 0005; WAGES: $42,100.15 $90,600.00 $48,499.85 0169; SUPPLY: $5.78 $1,300.00 $1,294.22 0271; VEHICLE: $66,719.00 $120,700.00 $53,981.00 721 0-0041 1-X SANDING: 0005; WAGES: $119,204.46 $108,200.00 ($11,004.46 0169; SUPPLY: $269,719.58 $306,500.00 $36,780.42 0271; VEHICLE: $164,479.20 $142,000.00 $22,479.20 721 0-00421-X SNOW REMOVAL: 0005; WAGES: $11,864.08 $14,000.00 $2,135.92 0169; SUPPLY: $0.00 $300.00 $300.00 0271; VEHICLE: $14,962.60 $16,000.00 $1,037.40 7210-00441-X WINTER MTCE. OTHER: 0005; WAGES: $25,774.63 $27,000.00 $1,225.37 0169; SUPPLY: $2,020.79 $2,500.00 $479.21 0271; VEHICLE: $15,301.50 $17,000.00 $1,698.50 TOTAL WINTER MTCE: $732,151.77 $846,100.00 $113,948.23 EXPENDED: 86.53% 721 2-00401-0249 SIDEWALK MTCE: PURCH OF SERVICE: $29,713.02 $30,000.00 $286.98 721 2-92004-0261 SENIORS SNOW CLEAR: CONTRACT: $31,707.01 $30,000.00 ($1,707.01 TOTAL WINTER MTCE: $61,420.03 $60,000.00 $1,420.03 EXPENDED: 102.37% ATTACHMENT N0. 4 WD-42-97 'i~3