HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-36-97TSS Meeting: couNCIL Date: JUNE. 9, 1997. Report#: x-36-97 File#: CANADA-ONTARIO INFRASTRIICTIIRB WOR&S 8XT8NSION Subject: Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1, THAT Report WD-36-97 be received; REPORT 114 File# `~~~ ~~ Res. #~ By-Law # _! 1~- 2. THAT the Treasurer be authorized, to make application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, for approval under the Federal-Provincial Infrastructure Works Extension, for the Bowmanville B.I.A. Streetscape Revitalization Project; 3. THAT the funding for Clarington's share of costs of the project, $116,782, be obtained from. the funds due from Clarington Place (Willsonia Industries) and Markborough Properties, for the Bowmanville B.I.A. under their agreement with the Municipality; 4. THAT Council pass the By-law attached to WD-36-97 to authorize the Mayor andClerk to execute an agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; 5. THAT the Director of Public Works and the Treasurer review other projects with the goal of being in a position to proceed immediately with the. -projects should additional funding become available under the Infrastructure Program, or if for some other reason the Bowmanville B.I.A. is unable to commit to the use of these funds; and 6. THAT, if Council approves the request of the B.I.A. for an interest free loan of $47,997 to be .repaid over six (6) years, the funds be takenfrom the Impact Escrow Reserve Fund #5001-50-X. REPORT ..o. `° ®.i~.~,. ~sP~oa ~oo~a i RtPORT 1,0 ATTAC81~ifi'S No. 1: Guidelines and Requirements for the Funding of Capital Projects Under Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Extension No. 2: Correspondence from Ron Hooper, Bowmanville B.I.A., dated Sure. 2, 1997, regarding. Proposed Bowmanville B.I.A. Streetscape Revitalization, Phase i No. 3: Memorandum from Franklin Wu, Director of Planaing and -. Development, dated February 26, 1997,.regarding Wi118oniaand. Markborough Funds for Bowmanville Business Impmvement'Area No. 4: Correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and HOUSing, dated May 14," 1997, regarding allocation o£:. Federal/Provincial/Municipal Funding .under .1997-98 Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works Extension. No. 5: Proposed By-law No. 97-121. a.o s~eaaooxc 2:1 Clarington has been given an allotment of $350,345 under the Canada-. Ontario Infrastructure Works `Extension (hereinafter referred to as the Program).. The cost of $350,345 is to be shared one-third by the Federal Government, one-third by the Provincial Government and one-third by the Municipality of`Clarington. 3.0 R'EV'tii~ 8NL1 CONNB~ 3_ 1 important fa uidalia~ The guidelines for the Program are attached for Council's information. Some of the important guidelines are:. a) This is a program for the 1997 construction season. Thee Extension Amendment to the .Canada-Ontario InfrastZUCture- Agreement requires that cost representing the-totaS program allocation be incurred by March 31, 1998. b) The Program is meant to fund projects that would not otherwise be undertaken by the local partner in the 1997-98 Provincial fiscal year (April 1, 1497 to March 31, 3998) . .Aggregate federal funding from the :Program and any other federal funding programs cannot exceed one-third of the total eligible project coats. Any project far which a local partner has received grants or funding under any provincial capital program is not eligible for funding under this Program, except to the extent that a project is additional to the part of theprojeet that received such funding. c)` Local partners are encouraged to submit applications as soon as .possible for projects that can be easily and quickly implemented. For initial allocations., applications for funding should be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by June 13, 1997. Local partners should inform the Ministry immediately if they do not intend or are usable to proceed with a project or to fully .utilize their allocation. d) A Management Committee has been established to administer the Extension Amendment to the Canada-Ontario Iafrastructure- Agreement. This Committee consists of two members appointed.. by the federal governmeat and two appointed'by the provincial government. Upon project approval, a letter. of approval will be issued by the Management Committee, and a Provincial-Local Partner Agreement will be signed covering such items as financial arrangements and payment.proviaions, eligible costs, financial reporting, audit and inspection provisions, public information requirements, the project details including the implementation of the project, and time lines. 3.2 Ba,Lrmaaville 8 I A 'Street Revitalizatioa Proi~ct The Bowmanville B.I.A. has approached Council and senior staff regarding revitalization works for Bing Street in downtown Bewmanville. The B.L.A.'s long term goal far the- downtown area involves new asphalt pavement, intersections with interlock pavers,: new sidewalk, decorative streetlights, increased tree planting .and. a revised parking. metre scheme. The present application for infrastructure funding is for Phase I of the.- Street Revitalization Program consisting primarily of sidewalk replacement. The detailed cost estimate for the project is included as Attachment No. 2. In .summary, the proposed financing is as follows: 1. Federal and Provincial $233,5fi3 Infrastructure Contribution: 3 No.~ 2. Municipality of Clarington Contribution: Markborough and Clarington Place Funds (assignment re: capital streetscape 116,782 improvements) SvbtotaL {Iafraatruatura Project) $350,345 3i Additional Works beyond Infrastructure Funding: MaYkbpreugh & Clarington Place Funds $133,218 Interest Free Loan 47,997 TOTAL PRO~TiCP COBT $531,560 The Bowmanville S.I.A. propose to use the funds assigned to the B.I.A. as part of the development agreements from. the two groups concerned (Markbomugh and Clarington Place) and Infrastructure Funds to Finance Phase I of their long term goal. Most importantly, the Bowmanville B.I.A. through. the use of these existing: funds, will be covering the Municipality's contribution to the Infrastructure Project. The B.I.A. is aware and concurs with this approach. As well, they are aware that participationin this 1997/98 Infrastructure Project in no way commits the Municipality to future stages of their overall long term vision ($2.1 million in total). The final aspect of the B.I.A.'s proposal involves financing the balance of the project with an interest free loan from the Municipality (total of $47,997). They propose that the loan is to berepaidovera six year geriod using the $10,000 per year assigned from the promotion fund (Markborough and Clarington Place allotment). If Council chooses to granf ` this request, funds. could be allocated from the Impact 8acrow Reserve Fund #5001-50-X. 3.3 Proviaaial - Local Partaar As mentioned in previous sections, this project :will be reviewed by the Management Conanittee regarding eligible costs under the guidelines as set out in Attachment No. 1. Upon project approval by letter from the ..Management Com~ittee, the guidelines for the Program require that an agreement be entered into with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The passing of the proposed By-law attached to this-Report will give the authority to the Mayor and Clerk. to execute the agreement when it is available. REPORT NO.a WD-3B-97 PA08 5 3.4 F}t}ra Tafrastructure Protects The Program requires that the local partners pay one-third of the cost of the projects. During this continued time of restraint and zero increases: in municipal budgets, it is possible that some municipalities will .decide not to become involved with the Program or may decide to utilize only part of their allotmenC. It is therefore possible that more funds will be made available to municipalities such as Clarington. For this reason~or if the S.I.A. for any reason is unable to commit to the use of these funds, it is reconcnended _that staff be directed to examine other ,projecCS to be undertaken- under the Program with the goal of being in a position to proceed with the projects on short notice. 3.5 8chaduliao of Works The proposed. Bowmanville B.I.A. Streetscape Revitalization Project provides for the removal and replacement of selective sections of existing concrete aidemalks on , K1ng Street Sast from 3cugog Street to Ontario .Street. This will mean that, if the project is approved, construction.. will be taking place on King Street 8asb in Sowmanville for a second year,' tentatively commencing September 1, 1997, to be completed October 30, 1997. We will do everything possible to .schedule the work oa King Street to reduce the inconvenience to store owners and residents as much as possible. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, e,~~u^t2f ~i ` J Stegh A. Yokes, P.Sng. w. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer Marano, H.B.Sc., AMCT .~~.,-,.,.v,- SAV*ph June 6, 1997 Attachments 7 J 23'97 15:45 FR MMA ROB HEAD OFFICE 416 585 7292 TO 819056682051 ' P.02i25 Canada 1 Ontario Infrastructure Works Travaux d'Infrastructure Canada /Ontario Guidelines and Requirements for the Funding of Cap'~tal Projects Under Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works 6ctension .................. ®Ontario Canada ATTACHMENT N0. 1 '3'97 15:45 FR MMA ROB HEAD OFFICE a16 585 7Z9Z TO 8t90566B205t Guidelines and Requirements for the Funding of Capital Projects Under Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Extension I. General A. Purpose Additional capital funds are being made available by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario, to renew and enhance Ontario's physical infrastructure in local communities. These funds are being made available to municipalities, community health care organizations (CHO's), colleges and universities to generate employment, to promote a competitive and productive economy and to renew and enhance Ontario s physical infrastructure, during the 1997 construction season. We wish w join with your community and others across the province to invest in your most important infrastructure repair and renewal projects. While the administrat'ne processes in the Extension are similar to the original program, note that the scope of eligible projects is significarrtiy different There is a focus on the rehabilitation and repair of public facilities that are essential to the future health and prosperity of Ontario communities: transportation, health care, post- secondary education, and water and sewage facillties. (Refer to Schedule / -Project Approval Criteria, below, for additional information). In addltton, these Guidelines apply only m projects approved under the Extension; please refer to the Guidelines and Application Forms of 1994 for projects under the original Program. The Government of Ontario has allocated the federal and provincial shares of these cap'rcal funds to specific murticipal'rcies and colleges and universities, or. to specific projecu involving municipalities and CHO's, (hereafter known as local partners). In addition, a single allocation, to be adminiscered by the Ministry of Transportation, will be made for provincial highways. Hence the Program will be administered in distinct portions: Municipal Project Auplications: The Program allows municipalities to submit project applications, based on a funding amount determined by a modified per capita allocation. Eligible projects within the municipal funding allocations include only the renewal and repair of transportation and water and sewage systems; P.03i2~ MAY 23'97 15:46 FR MMP ROB HEAD OFFICE 4t6 SES 7292 TO 819056092~'S1 F.04/2E l ~. !'' ProvincialN Nominated Projects: This portion of the Program applies only to community health organizations, and provincial and private sector transportation, water and sewage projects. The projects have been nominated by the province based on strategic infrastructure needs and priorities in these areas, as per the criteria that apply to each individual sector, Post-Secondary Education: This portion of the Program applies only to colleges and universities, and allows these institutions to submit project applications, based on specified funding amounu. Each college and university sector share was determined on die basis of current Ministry of Education and Training capital distribution methods. 8. Project Funding Local partners will be required to contnbute a minimum of one-third of the costs of each project they propose. Provincial transportation infrastructure projecu will be funded on a one-third Canada and two-thirds Ontario basis (Note: For these transportation projecu, substitute "Ministry of Transportation" for "local partner" where appropriate in the rest of these guidelines). Private sector contributions and donations will normally be credited to the local partner s share to the extent that they add to the local partner's equity. A business case for private sector participation will be required with the project application. The business case will include a description of the economic benefits of the undertaking. This is a one-year extension to the existing COIW program. The Extension Amendment to the Agreement requires that approved projects be completed by March 3 I , 1998. However, at the request of the Management Committee (see t.F, below), the Federal Minister may provide his written agreement to extend the completion date and the funding of an approved project where necessary work is delayed beyond March 31, 1998, due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances, or due to prudent planning considerations. C. Relationships to Other Funding Programs The Canada-Ontario tnfrastruaure Works program is meant to fund projects that would not otherwise be underdcen by the local partner in the 1997-98 fiscal year (April 1197 to March 31198). {\ggregate federal funding from the Program and any other federal funding programs cannot exceed one-d~ird of dte total eligible project costs. Any project for which a local partner has received grants or funding under arty provincial capital program is not eligible for funding under this Program, except to the extent that a project is additional to the part of the projett that received such funding. 2 MFIV 23'97 15:46 FR MMR ROB HEAD OFFICE D. How to Apply 416 565 7292 TO 819056582051 P.05i2~ The Ministry of Transportation, Onario has been designated to coordinate the overall administration, operation and communications aspects of the 6ctension Amendment The direct program administration will be carried out by the: - Ministry of Education and Training (colleges and universities), - Ministry of Health (community health care organizations - CHO's), - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (municipalities in southern Ontario), - Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (municipalities and unincorporated areaz in Northern Ontario), - Ministry of Transportation (provincial highways). Local partners may submit applications for joint projects with other eligible participants. Where this is done, one joint application is acceptable. However, the amount of each partner's total cost responsibility, az well az, each partner's allocation dedicated to the proposed project should be clearly identified on the joint application. These projects will be adminisrered az two distinct projects. Each project will require the submission of an application form and must be site specific All project applications must be signed by the appropriate official {e.g., authorized by the municipal council or instiwtion) of each local partner making the application. Completed, authorized applications should be subm'rcced to the appropriate provincial line ministry az shown below. The line ministry will provide this information and any other supporting documentation to Industry Canada Munlciaal Projects Trynsportation, Water & Sewage: Canada-0tttario Infrasu'ucture W°~ Unit Regional Operations Branch Minisay of Municipal Affairs & Housing [ Ith Floor, 777 Bay Street Toronto, Omario MSG 2E5 Tel: 416-585-4040 Fax 416-585-7639 Nordurn Coordinator. Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Ministry of Northern Development & Mines S'oah floor, 159 Cedar Street Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6A5 Tel: 705-670-73 15 Fax 705-670-7313 3 MRY 23'97 tS~a6 FR MMR ROB HERD OFFICE Colleees and Universities at6 585 7292 TO 819056662051 Aaenton: Canada-Ontario I~rastructure Works Capiral and Operating Grants Branch Ministry of Education and Training 9th Floor, Mowat Block 900 Bay Sweet Toronto, Ontario M7A I L2 Tel: 416-325-401 I (for colleges) 416-325-4015 (for universities) Fax 416-325-1959 e-mail: bill.bailey@edu.gov.on.ca Community Heahfi C r~~rga^~'+LOns Attention: Canada Ontario Infrastructure Works Cap'rcal & Technical Services Ministry of Health 3rd Hoor 5700 Yonge Street North York, Ontario M2M 4105 Tel: 416-327-7067 Fax 4 { 6-327-7076 (please phone above # if urgent fax is being sent) Ip~~ortation Provincial Highways: Resources Managemerrc Branch Ministry of Transportation 4th Floor, 301 St. Paul Street St Catharines, Ontario L2R 7R4 Tel: 905-704-2600 Fax: 905-704-2626 e-mail: thompsoj@mto.gov.on.ca Nordtern Ontario Access and Private Sector Roads:. Area Coordinator Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Sault Ste. Marie Area Office F.06i2 Ministry of Nortfiern Development & Mines Ste 200, Roberta Gondar Place 70 Foster Drive Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 6V8 Tel: 705-945-5836 Fax 705-945-5931 Further information and assistance is available from each of the provincial line ministry offices set out above. 4 nAr 23'97 !S:a6 FR nnA ROB HEAD OFFICE a!6 585 7292 TO 6!905666205! P.07i2`_ t-~~y,, -,r, <~ ~,-~i n,J" ~ y,.f ~. Timing for Submission of Applications ,,% r •' ` All applications should be completed as soon as possible.~For initi~~~allocations, ~n_r.! applications for funding should be submitted to the appropriate-prvvinciall'~ne--ministry by June 13, 1997. Local partners should inform the aj3.p~kp~e ~itinistry (fditn8fied:in theF}sr@cediag ~ / s¢Etfon}immediately if they do not intend or are unable to proceed with a project or to fully utilize their allocation- F Approval Process A Management Committee has been established to administer the Extension Amendment J, to the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Agreement. This Committee consists of two members appointed by the federal government and two appointed by the provincial government~The federal and provincial governments have each named a senior official as Co-chair for the Management Committee. In addition. the federal and provincial ministers will appoint one representative as an ex-officio member of the Management Committee on behalf of Ontario municipalities. Upon submission of an application, the appropriate provincial line ministry will review the project proposals, in consultation with other ministries, where necessary, to determine if tfiey comply with program critena. Protects will Shen be nominated by the provincial co-chair to the Management Commhtee for approval, based on the program cr'rceria Local partners will be expected to obtain all necessary environmental, technical and other approvals prior to projects being approved. Approval requires the agreement of both the federal and provincial co-chairs. Upon project approval, a letter of approval will be issued by the Management Committee, and aProvincial-Local Partner Agreement will be signed covering such items as financial arrangements and payment provisions, eligible costs, financial reporting, audit and inspection provisions, public information requirements, the project details Including the implementation of the projects, and timelines. In accordance with the provisions of the Extension Amendment to the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Agreemerrc, the final date for approval by the COIW Management Committee of projects, and amendments which signficantly alter the nature and scope of a project, is March 31, 1998. Please note that local partners may commence, at their own risk, work on a project prior to obtaining formal approval by the Management Committee. In these instances, eligible costs incurred on or after April 1, 1997 may be claimed retroactively only when and ff the project is approved by the Management Committee. 5 MRY 23'97 15 47 FR MMR ROH HERD OFFICE a16 585 7292 TO 819056682051 G. Payments To receive program funds for approved projects, local panne rtner claimms foorexpebnses costs that have been incurred and p anne °~~have co prov de documentation of actual incurred but not yet paid, the local p payment within 90 days of the original claim. A claim form will be provided ac the time of project approval. The Province will flow two-thirds of the supported eligible incurred cosss to Iowl partners. This two-thirds includes the federal portion of the program funding. The local partner will be responsible for covering the remainder of the project cosss. P.06i2`_ The Extension Amendment to the CanadalOntario Infrastrucwre Agreement requires that cost representing the total program Thocaforeblocal partners are n ouraged to~incur~and qualification set out in Sec. I .B, above). claim projects costs as soon as possible. In order to receive payment for costs incurced in the 1997-98 fiscal year, total partners must ensure that claims covering these costs are received by the appropriate Provincial line ministry on or before March 31, 2000. Local partners will be required to submit project completion reports along with their final claim for project costs. H. Project Amendments Local partner may ask to amend the scale, scope or timing of approved projects, as well as the projects costs (upward or downward}. Requests for amendments to approved projects must be submitted in writing co the yppropriate Provincial line ministry, accompanied by: • a description of the change, including any new environmental impacts; ro ect • detailed reasonslrationalefnr the change (Please note that unsubstantiated p j cost overruns will not be considered for additional funding. Sufficient justification for upward amendments must be provided); and • a revised Schedule 2 form. if the amendment relates to a cost or timing change. Requests for amendmenss to projecss which significantly alter the nawre, scope on oro~ of an approved project should be received by the appropriate provincial line ministry royal before December 31, 1997, in order to be considered for Management Committee app by March 3 I , 1998. 6 MAY 23'97 1547 FR MMP ROB HERD OFFICE 416 585 7292 TO 819056682051 Allocations are not transferable between approved projecu u of right A decrease in one project does not necessarily entitle a local partner to a corresponding increaze in another project Project decreues releue funds which can, with justification, be the buffs of a request for an increaze in another approved project Please note. restrictions apply to situations where a local partner has initially agreed to fund its share of a project at a ratio greater than I l3 of the total project costs. This approved ratio cannot be changed at a later date because of underspending on another approved project or because of funds remaining in the local partner's allocation. The only instance where the amount of the originally agreed upon federal and provincial contributions can be altered (increased) is where there are justifiable increases in the total costs of a project !. Project Audit P.09i2'_ This program and all reports related to It are subjett to audit by the provincial and federal governmenu. For purposes of conducting audits of specific projects, the services of the external auditors of local partners may be engaged. The cost of carrying out these audio will be born by the provincial and federal governmerrcs. Local partners will be required to maintain their accounts related to an approved project for a period of three years beyond March 31, 1999. f pi-ogram Evaluation An evaluation of this program extension will be undertaken and may include a sample of local partner s projecu az cue studies for the exercise. Costs of am evaluation will be born by the provincial and federal governmenu. K Communications In announcing infrastructure projects funded under this Program. terrain requiremenu must be met In all communications related to a specific approved project, Canada, Onario and the local partner must receive equal recognition. This applies to both local signs on the project site and public announcements about the project All program communications will boved~ro ea is announced local pacrtners will be eked communicadons group. Before any app p 1 . , MAY 23'97 15:47 FR MMR ROB HERD OFFICE 416 565 7292 TO 619056662051 P.t0~2~ for tfieir input. Local partners must not, on their own, make any announcements related to the project News releases will be issued for all projecct. These will be issued by the joint federal- provincial communications group. News releases will contain one quotation from each of: federal, provincial and local partners. Local partners will be asked to approve their local quontions before the news release is issued. A major program objective is w demonstrate the benefis of co-operation among governments and other public bodies. In cooperation with the local partner, the federal and provincial governments will arrange events to launch approved infrastructure projects or to celebrate competed projects. These could include nbbon cuttings, news conferences or other similar everra. All three partners will be involved in any launch evems. Local partners will be responsible for having signs produced for the projett site, the costs of which will be eligible under the program. The provincial and federal governments will issue specific requirements for these signs. Locat partners will be informed in their project approval letter if a sign is required. All public information related to calls for project tenders must dearly indicate drat the project is funded under this Program. All printed material and signs will be in both official languages. 8 MqY 23'97 15 47 FR MMFI ROB HERD OFFICE 4l6 585 7292 TO 619056582051 P.lli2< ll Guide to the Application Form Summary Information I. Legal Name of Local Partner The legal name of each local parmer or incorporated group, and the local partner s mailing address, postal code, contact person, phone and facsimile numbers. Z Project Name The name that will be used m identify the project, e.g., "Development of Production Well G 17 (Cambridge}". 3. Project Description A full, clear description of the project outlining the nawre of the undertaking, the work m be done and the expected result, eg., "Construction of new production well m supply potable water to distribution system with disinfection facilities". 4. Location of Project A description by lot, concession, street address or geographic location of the project (not the local partners address unless this is the project site). Ic is mandamry that the postal code for the project location be included in this section. If the project stretches over more than one locale, such as a road project, then the postal code for the address nearest the beginning or end of the work is satisfactory. H tfie project occurs at more than one site, all sites should be described and postal codes should be provided for all s"rces. 5. Estimated Project Cost From Schedule 2, Project Expendiwre Forecast, the mtal of all eligible costs related m the project 6. Relationship to Other Governmetrt Funding If this project has been the subject of an application for funding from either the provincial or federal governmems please indicate tfiis, tfie program involved, az well az, the current staves of the application (e.g„ awaiting decision, approved, refused). Total federal funding 9 MAY 23'97 15~a7 FR MMA ROB HEAD OFFICE a15 S85 7292 TO 81905666e'a7! H.lz~zs from all sources for a specific project cannot exceed one-third of the total eligible project costs. 7. Proposed Start Date The date that the first eligible costs related to the project are incurred. Note: No costs incurred prior to April I, 1497 will be eligible for federaUprovincial funding. 8. Proposed Completion Date The date when the final eligible costs for the project are incurred. All projects must be completed by March 31, 1998. (with the qualification set out in Sec. 1.6, above) 9. Estimated Person-weeks of Work Directly Created by the Project The total number of jobs that will be created as a result of This project measured in person-weeks of employment. 10. Estimated Long-Term Jobs Created The number of new long-term jobs, if any, expressed in person-years, that will be added to the workforce as a resuk of this project being approved. 11. Signature All applications must be signed by an authoraed official(s) of the local partner. The official must attest that the local partner has passed a resolution authorizing application for the project Schedule i -Project Approval Criteria The criteria for project consideration are outlined in the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Agreement, as amended, establishing this program. These criteria are aimed at increasing the levels of investment in public infraswcwre during the 1997198 fiscal year over and above the levels which would have existed in the absence of the Program. As well, other criteria seek projects which will produce significant benefits to the local, provincial and national economies. While not all projects will be able to satisfy all requirements, local partners aze encouraged to submit substantial proposals which will meet the widest possible range of criteria. 10 MAY 23'97 IS~aB FR MMG ROB HEaD OFPI,:E a16 595 7292 TO 819056682051 P.13~2_ Each project must satisfy g_II, of the following five criteria. 1.1 Short-term job creation All projects must create employment during the life of the project Applications should estimate the number of jobs that will be created by the project and provide an analysis of how they arrived at these figures. The number of jobs created should be defined in terms of person weeks (i.e. full time equivalent jobs created on a weekly basis). Reports outlining the acwal number of jobs created will be expected once the project is completed. The tendering process should require com:ractors to document the acwal number of person-weeks of work 1.2 Incremetttality Local partners will need to demonstrate and certify that the proposed project is either incremental to the approved 1997 capital budget, or represents accelerated capital investment An explanation will be required as to how the project meets the test of lncrementality. Certifications on Incrementafity will be subject to audit Incremental or accelerated investment is defined as: • a project which the local partner has planned for the fuwre, but the start of work on the project will be brought forward by at least one year; or • a project w be implemented in 1997 but not included for funding in its approved 1997 capital budget, or a project to be implemented in the first quarter of 1998 but not included in its approved 1998 capital budget; or ~ a project which would not have proceeded, or would not have proceeded at the same rate, without the funding avaihble through this program; or • that portion of a project to be implemented in 1997 which is additional to the part of the project included in the approved t 997 capital budget or that portion of a project to be implemented in the first quarter of 1998 which is additional to the part of the projett included in the 1998 approved capital budget Local partners must certify that the proposed projett to be implemented in 1997 is not substituting for an eligible qualifying capital investment under their approved 1997 capital budget, and that the proposed project to be implemented in the first quarter of 1998 is not substituting for an eligible qualifying capital investment under their approved 1998 spiral budget MRY 23'97 1549 FR MMA ROH HEAD OFFICE 1.3 Infrastructure alb 585 7292 TO 619056682051 R.lai25 For purposes of the program extension, eligible infrastructure means the creation, renewal or enhancement of a physical capital asset instrumemal in the provision of public services. Eligible projects within the municipal funding allocations would include renewal and repair o{transportation and water and sewage systems. but would not include the construction, improvement, refurbishing or repair of municipal buildings such as, fire halls, police stations, town halls, maintenance yards, etc nor community centres or recreational facilities such as, arenas, swimming pools, parks, playgrounds, etc. Eligible projects for CHO's would include renewal and repair of community heakh care facilities (excluding those subject to Restructuring Board review). for colleges and universities, eligible projects within the funding allocations would include the renewal and repair of college and university facilities, including chose of their affiliated and federated institutions, which are used for academic teaching, research and training purposes, or in general, projects that would otherwise be deemed eligible for funding under the Ministry of Education and Trainin~s 1997-98 Facilities Renewal Program. A project which is a definable phase of a larger initiative may be acceptable, if the projett results in usable infrastructure at the time the project is completed. The costs attributable to the approved project w11 be only those reasonably and customarily associated with initiating and completing the design, planning and construction of the project i.4 Consistent widr provincia[ capital planning practices Project proposals that are brought forward must be consistent with provincial capital planning practices, guidelines and any overall infrastructure developmerrc plan(s) affecting the particular area or region of the province, and cannot contravene federal policies and practices. Work funded through the Program must comply with all federal, provincial and local requirements relating to construction and renovation projects, as well as, comply with all applicable labour, procurement, environmental and human rights legislation and standards. 1.5 Operating cosu Any additional operating costs incurred due to this projett would be borne by the local partners, including the full responsibility for the cost of the projects operation, 12 MRY 23'97 15:48 FR nMR ROB HERD OFFICE 4l6 585 7292 TO 819056682051 maintenance and repair. The project proponent shall confirm that the associated operating and maintenance costs are supportable within the local partners projected budget in fuwre years. Where projects would expand provincially-funded programs or facilities, the local partner will confirm that saosfattory arrangements for the increased operating budget requirements are in place or, if necessary, confirm the appropriate provincial ministry's approvrl of the required operating funding increase. P.;Si29 Insert an estimate of any annual operating costs that extend for the first two years beyond the project completion date and indicate how these will be met The reduction of operating costs is a significant benefit encouraged by the program. These savings should be quantified and included as support for the project proposal. The following criteria (Application: Schedule 1, pg. 2) also apply to the Program; it is expected that projects will meet many of these criteria. Local partners are encouraged to incorporate these objectives in their project design: 1.6 Long-term job creation Projects leading directly co the creation of employment are an essential part of this program. projects contributing to broad employment creation either immediately or beyond the completion date of the project are encouraged. l.7 Enhancing economic competitiveness Projects contributing to enhanced economic competitiveness would: • reduce the costs or increase productivity of businesses; • improve business opporwnities; • provide new economic opporwnides; • enhance the skill base; • improve accessibility and remove barriers to employment of skilled individuals; or • improve pricing of public services. 1.8 Use of innovative technologies This criteria is not applicable to COIW Extension Amendment Do not complete #3. on Page 2. 1.9 Bringing infrastructure up to commun'rsy standards, codes and by-laws This criterion makes a specific allowance for projecs which replace or upgrade existing infrastructure consistent with current community standards. 13 MAY 23'97 15:48 FR MMR ROB HEAD OFFICE 416 585 7292 TO 819056682051 The types of projects fitting this criterion include: • those leading to compliance with building code, fire code, health, environmental and safety standards; • those removing physical barriers to accessibility; or • those contributing to energy and water conservation. The program does not cr~ce or impose standards beyond those already in place. I.10 Enhancing long-term skills in the worldorce This criteria is not applicable to COIW 6ctension Amendment Do not complete ~5. on page 2 I.I 1 Enhancing environmettd quality and sustaimbillty This program enables investment in infrastructure to Positively affect the environment This criterion can be met by projects which: • improve community health; • contribute to conservation of resources, or ' • employ technology to reduce or prevent detrimental environmental impacts or effect system repairs or improvemems. f.12 Innovative financing These techniques enable a higher level of infrastructure investment by using alternative funding sources for service provision. Options may include: • new pricing mechanisms such as full cost recovery and other economic pricing methods; or • the participation of the private sector in the financing or provision of public services. A summary of the anticipated impacts of the project is required- 1.13 Local impact Summarae the major direct and indirect economic, social and environmernal impacts this project will have on your community or institution. Indicate any additional private sector projecu or initiatives that may proceed as a result of this project proposal. 1612` 14 MaY 23'97 15.x9 FR nna ROH HEaD OFFICE 4l6 585 7292 TO 819056682951 P.17i2_ Schedule 2 -Project Expendiwre Forecast Eligible Cosu Costs must be of a type and size which normally would be capitalized in the records of the local partner. Eligible cows shall include all direct cosu properly and reasonably incurred and paid solely and specifically in relation to the confirmed project that are: (a) invoiced against a contract for goods and services necessary for the implementation of the project: or (b) any ocher costs which are incurred and paid in the performance of the project that are recognized and determined as relevant by the Management Committee, such as day labour, or (c) direct salaries and other employment benefits of employees of the local partner engaged solely and specfcally to carry-out a project whose costs have been approved by the Management Committee as indicated in the completed Schedule 11, including the salaries and benefits of employees of local partners in proportion to their actual time engaged specifically in the carrying-out an approved project; or (d) costs of required project signage; or (e) any ocher administrative costs which have been determined and approved by the Management Committee, with the exception of: • general overhead, including services or works normally provided by the local partner or any other agency of that partner, • the cosss of any lands or any interest tfierein, including easements. and • interest costs. No claim will be paid by the federal or provincial governmenu unless received on or before March 31 of the year following the fisal year in which the costs are incurred. In all circumstances, claims will be rece"ned no later than March 31, 2000. The allocations for approved infrastructure projects are meant only to cover net project costs. Net project costs are the gross costs minus tfie GST and any other rebates. 15 MAY 23'97 15:49 FR nna ROH HEAD OFFICE 416 585 7292 TO 819056602051 Only those direct cosy incurred after April I, 1997 and detailed on the attached Schedule to the application and approved by the Management Committee will be eligible for payment Program funds may only be used to cover eligible costs directly related to an approved project If a local partner uses its funds from the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works program for any purpose which does not comply with the program eligiblity criteria, or for which the Management Committee has not granted a special exception, the local partner will be required to return these funds to the Province of Ontario. Cost overruns are the sole responsibility of tfie local partner who also has the responsibility for completing the project However, the Management Committee may, at its discretion, approve additional cosashared project funding. 21 Invoices Cosa -Major Cotttraa Estimate of major costs invoiced against a contract for goods and services necessary to implement the project 22 Other Relevant Contract Cosa P.18i2~ Other costs that are incurred as a result of the projett tfiat are indicated as such by the local parmer and approved by the Management Committee. These costs may include one time fees for professionals or specialise engaged in project planning and delivery but not supported by an ongoing contractual agreement 23 Salaries and Employee Benefits The salaries and employee benefits for employees engaged solely and specifically to implement the project must be estimated and reported in order to be eligible. 24 Equipment The core of purchasing, leasing or renting equipment not covered in section 2.1 or 22 must be estimated and reported. 2.5 Other Costs (specify) Any other administrative cosy not covered in sections 21 to 2.4 that are a dirett result of the project must be specified and indicated here. 16 MAY 23'97 15:49 FR MMA ROB HEAD OFFICE 26 Total Estimated Project Gross Cost The tonal of lines 2.1 through 2.5. 2.7 GST Rebates dl6 585 7292 TO 819056682051 P•19i2` Applicable GST (and other) rebate estimates are to be recorded here. 2.8 Total Project Estimated Net Cost line 2.6 minus line 2.7 Proposed Method of Financing The local partner is required to complete this section of the schedule bearing in mind the federal and provincial funding limits. Z9 Canada-O~rio Infrasuucwre Works Capital (Federal and Provincial Shares) The federal and provincial share of the eligible project costs az reported in line 2.8. Z.10 Local partners Own Resources The local partner(s) shall report the share of the total costs of the project that they will individually bear. 21 I Private Sector Con[ributions The Program encourages the use of innovative techniques to azsist the local parmer in meeting project costs. Private sector parmerships, financing and innovative pricing techniques are some examples of initiatives that may be used ff innovative funding initiatives are used then they must be identfied and their value reported here. Matiagemerrt Commltxee may, at its discretion at amt time during the undertaking ry of a project. require additional information. 17 MRY 23'97 15: a9 FR nria ROB HEAD OFFICE a16 585 7292 TO 819056682051 R•20i2 Schedule 3 -Federal Environmental Assessment A separate federal environmental assessment review must be completed by a federal officer for eat project, pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). This is to ensure that projects do not involve unaccepable environmental effects and is a requirement prior to any federal funding being approved. For reviews to proceed expeditiously, discussions with the federal environmental officer and completion of the appropriate forms (Schedule 3a and 36) should take place az soon az the applicant decides on a project. If the applicant thinks chat they have an excluded project* in which no further environmental assessment is necessary, they need to address Schedule 3a of the COIW application. The top half of this sheet is to be completed by the applicant and faxed or sent to tfie federal environmental officer (contact numbers listed below). The emvironmental officer will, after examining the information, contact other applicable federal Eepartmenu and make a determination regarding an exemption from further environmental assessment The decision, rationale (according to CEAA) and appropriate signatures (all responsible authorities) are added to the second haN of the same sheet and a completed copy will be sent back to the applicant The amount of work for an environmemal assessment, which would be required by the appliant, is dramatically reduced by identifying the status of the project at the beginning of the azsessment process. The following information applies to projects that are not excluded. Applicants are encouraged to consult the federal environmerrcal officer to determine the appropriate method for completing their environmental assessment ff the project is not excluded, or involves other federal department u'fggers*, or may produce significarrc effects (social or environmental), the applicant will be sent a completed copy of Schedule 3a with the decision not to exclude the project and be insuucted to proceed with Schedule 3b az per the attached guidelinesfinstructions. The timely and comprehensive assessment of a project is facilitated by proper completion of Schedule 3b. Reference w environmental reports are suitable for completion of Schedule 3b given that the report is attached. To further reduce the duplication of time and effort, the federal government is attempting to combine the provincial and federal environmental review processes. Under provincial class legislation (where most projects will fall), the applicant is required to perform aself-assessment az to the potential social and environmental impacts of a project The Environmental Study Report produced under this legislation is also appropriate for the federal review. However, CEAA requires additional information which is outlined in Schedule 3b and the guidelines. By adding this information to the provincial self-assessment report, this report would be sufficient for both provincial and federal reviews. Please include the report with the completed COIW application form. 18 MAY 23'97 15:50 FR MMq ROB HEgD OFFICE 416 585 7292 TO 819056682051 If you have any questions regarding tfiis procedure, please contact the Environmental Officer at 416-954-6648 (fax 416-954-6654). 'NOTE Terms in bold are explained in devil in ehe glossary. Prepared by: CanadalOntario Infrastructure Works Industry Canada Dominion Public Building 1 Front Street Wes4 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario MSJ IA5 Tel: 416-973-5093 Fax: 416-954-6654 e-mail: coiw@ic.gcca Canada-Onnaro Infrastructure Works Secretariat Ministry of Transportation I st Roor, West Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M IJ8 Tel: 416-235-4446 Fax 416-235-5243 e-mail: gasparoc@mto.gov.on.ca May 20, 1997 Vit7OhMGU IDEIGUID6F.W P6 P.21i2~ 19 4 LomEOn of pro)sa(Lat, conunlon.5beetMdnssyEmpecement du gejet (lat, rang. adresx poalek) I pdero Eyes. Wrax IntllLSte Ele program nama a Avez-vaa praserdi uno demantle do final Danc 1'atfirmaWe, pdLro d'mdiquer le rrom Louts qul revlent 3 dbque pertensiro) ou eu gouvememard da POMado? ae tlaeut W Proiet emtsag6e t.CdMe far Project Approval/cril~ea d'appmoadon eu pro)at 2Butlget emtl 6pertdmg ForerasUR6vbbtts 6udgdtairec at Obpantes envisagbes 3.Fedenl Firvrtonmwdal AsseacmenV~vaawlian errvironnemerdek /6OMIe 11. IAvr cetEH Ihet Eta irdormeEon armlametl in tltis appLmEon end Na aEaded stlledW coal no local annou~nc~ ~l~re ~tlmis gojeavNl be made until rjoild ennooncen been eVlhodzed (dab (loal p J'aaeaeMOUS edeamm qua lea ronaelgnemenb mntenus dare b orQcenb demands dalfe PmjeW I Mam6ree x esgmmdvec loop tonne Ismle aiia b mnaa arM complete atths dsb ofsWmisaion. Itudner cadiy I Ma eDPOVed oY all Nroe Ieveh of gavemmenl aM Ihat I nave to sutxnit lnic appaoeon/ nor) t les annexes ti-joinhs cord euaa M mmpleb'e la date de prgel na acre effeau5e avant I'aDProbadon dune annonm mnjame J P ea OgdipEpVOeaodpEOn du Drojst ' Schedule,l7Annexe 3 Crlfe~' '/.61I(~res May 1997/fiai;1997 .,. ., Loch PeMedPanerroirc Icml PAjed NamaMom du projet CrlteRa fdt Project ApprovaUCAlI!res d'approbalion (N projet The cdleda for project approval are those apecified In the FFederal-Provinaal Agreement. les crheres d'approbation du projet soot eeux mentionnes Bans Caewrd fbdbra •provincisl. Each project must satisfy all of the following cri[eda! Cheque projet dod r4pondre g Ia totalitE tles ufteres suivants. CnteriayCr9Eree 1. SMrtterm Job Creation - Plsase complete Box 9 on the Application Form. Crdalion d'emplois 8 courtterme - Priere de remplir la qse 9 du formulaire de detnande. 2. IrroremeMalily fSedion 12 - Guide m the Application Forml AppoR ddMre el (Artide 1.2 • Guide pour remplir le Tormu sire de demands) Is Nis Orojetx incremental?IESt-ce qua ce projet represents un aDDdrt dlff4rentiel? ~YesrOUl ~NdNdn H yes, describe how the project meets the tximda:lSi out, veuillez decdre de quells maniere le projet rtpond crux rsiteres d'admissibil,te: 3. InfiasWelurellnhas W efirrc What infrashuclure would be renewed, enhanced or neared b)'this project and how? (Section 1.3 • Guide m the Applictlon Form)I We9e Irrhastructure serail rcnouvelee, nm(oroee ou trees par ce projet et comment? (Article 1.3 • Guide pour remDLr le mmtulaire de demands) 4. Doea this project rnmply with applicable federal sod provincial laws and requlrementa (a.g. planning, engineering, environmental aasassment)? Describe how and vfion any oufstantling requirements will M met (Section t A - Guide m the Application Fonn)! F~tce qua to projet respects jes lois et exigences Tedereles N provlneiales en vigueur (par exempts, la plan~eation, I'ingenlerle, l'evaluahon anvironnernemale)? DEerivez comment et quand loofas les exigences aetuelles seront respect6es. (Amde 1.a -Guide pour remplir Ie fortnulaire de demands) 5. Are there operating costs (txyontl project completion) related to this project? Please specify what these arc and how they would bo mat ((Secdon 1 S - Guide m the Applicaton Fotmy Y a;til dea oo0ts d'exploitadon (en dehore de la realiaatien du pprojet assodes i ea projet? Veulllez preciaer rr qu'its soot et comment on les regleta? (Artce 1.5 • Guide pout remplir le fonnu~ain; de demands) Projected Annual Operatlng CostslCodts d'ezploitadon annuals prevus 1997 1999 _~-._.._ .. ~., .~v......v...c~c,~r ,,,cc, a„~i u,CJC tIIICf18, r, r is exp a al sac project will meet one or more of memJ Les cdteres survants s'appliquem au programme sur ks tlavaux dinfrashucmreCanada-Ontario; cheque projet ne tloil pas n{cessairement remplir lour ces cdtLres, cependant on prEvoit que cheque projet remDlira au moins un ou plusieurs d'enbe eux. 1. Long•Term Job Creation (Section t.6 - Guide m the Appliptien Fortn) Please complete Box 1 D on the Application Fonnl Cr{ation d'emplois ii long terms (ArtiUe 1.8-Guide pour remplir k formulaire de demands) Priere de remplir la case 1p du fonnulaire Oe demands 2. Enhandng Economic CompetibYOnassl Rontoreengm de la ramp{UGVh6 6tonomlque Please indicate how this project contributes m enhanced compebYiveness. (Section 1.7 - Guide m the ApDlicatlon Fonn))J Veuillez intliquer comment ce projet conuibue { I'amEliorafion de la comp{titivile. (Article 1.7 -Guide pour remplir le fortnulaire de demands) 3. 4. Bringing InfiasWeture Up to CommunrYy Standards, Codes and BY-Laws! Ramaner Pinfnahuctun arc[ nontxs, codes et r{glements de la wlleetNit{ How would Uis project bdng infrastructure up m cumeM community standards? (Seetlon 1.9 - Guitle to the Application Fortn) Commera ce projet ramr?ndat-015nfrasbudure aux normes actuelles de k wlledivit6? (ArtlUe 1.9 -Guide pour remplir k fonnulaire de demands) 5, 6. EnhanUng Envlronmerdal Quality and Sustainabllily/ Renmreer la qualite et le carect{re durable de I'environnement Would this projet improve wmmunlty health, wnm'DUta m resource conservation or use technology m reduce or prevent emironmeMal impaets7 If so, how? (Sedion 1.17 - Guide m the Application Formy Est-ce que ce projet ameliorere la sent{ tle la collectivitE, wnoibuere i la wnservation des ressouroes namrelles ou fare Appel A la technobgle pour r@duire ou prevenir les incidences sur PenvironnemeM7 Dans ce ps, ammertt? (Artide 1.t 1 - Guide pour remplir le mrmulaire de demands) 7. InnovalNe FlnandnglFnanumxdinnwateur ~~ Would this project use altemadve sources of funds or serviCBS m gat higher levels of imrastruuiure inve5tmem (e.g. private sector partleipation)? If so, haw? (Section 1.12 -Guide to the Applieatfon Form)! Fstte que ee projet utilisers d'aubes sources de mods ou de services pour obtenir des niveaux plus Havbs d'invesfissements Bans ISnfrastructure. (Paraxemple, la partidpation du sedeur pdv{). pans w cos, comment? (ArtiUe 1.72-Guide pour remplir le mnnulaire de demantle) A summary of anticipated impacts of the project is required, Un sommaire de 1'impaot envisagE du projet eat regale. 8. Lopl ImpaclsAmpscls lodut (Section 1.13 - Gwde m the Appricatlon Fonn)I (AnjUe 1.13 - Guide pour remplir le mnnulaire de demands) . ~ :s: ' ''z;. ' ~ ' ~ C : m ({~ L m L ~ W a: ;~. y. a , L(. <'LL: ~ r E °:' q ~" ~ . -m, ~~ t L uJ .; m S C '~ ~~~ ~ a~~ ° m m ~~ -, .os: ° o- ~ ~ ' o 0ta z~ m~~: ass= >> ° e ~r z= _ ~ a - - ~~ as ° g t,,, . y!- « 1. ~ ~ f ~~ 4'+C~l~ ~ ~ .i ~ m ; ~~ 3 Y ~ m m 'm ?~'; : '° C y it"- ` ^~ 0 ~ D. 4: A L ,' En m a:. m r ~I+ IV' OI , ~ ~ ~.. 6 ~~ pp q ~ ~ ~' e ' 1L ~ ~' G m o 711c a ~ O c F f . ~ L° $ ~~, r ~iG o o ~ ~ ~ r m l; : p"' ~m ~ m v L 7 ' 2-` A ~ a , y ~ 1 i:Q:'. ~ ;$. r o ~ m a 0.~..: ~ a ,c„ ~ mo ~. `: ~ .IL ~ q a •V N ~ 1 CC N 1'L'.. V 7 ~ ~ 0 m ~ n m ~.G ~ O f b: ~ V C~ > 3 V 0 C ~(' ' ~ c 8 ~ v p 3 ~~'~- ~ a 2 m a a,_: ~ A :; O T ~ c V 9 G F m m W C f ~ Q~. ~ C ~O m a> m a. > . N m y ~ ~ m ° . ~.. ~ $ ~ 2 a 8 _m .~ T: o m ~ a w ~ o.~ o ~ L ' c ~ ~ n ~ m ~ _ a~FF o m o rd r > > a N 4~ CJ ? E E 3 E ~ 3 tV s 3 3 3 ~ ~ ~j m ~° ~ a• ~.,.' ~ ~ ~ ~ m 2 0 m o _ _ 5 . t ~ 5 V -Ad w ~ L c o sm 2~^ o ~ m .4. 8 ~g 5'n ~ ~ . s y o e ~ i W a 9 m E am' m E E m O Cme E J.. E S °o m ~ W ~ c m E w (g g ul {~ C4 W ~ O g m °o m a ~J ~ 6- O 5a8 6 ~5X ~' ~j i ~ x @ E 5.. b d ui w o F ~ t°- a ~ c 3 a a 4 .- N n e n to n ep Q q ~ ~, Schedules 3a and 3b -Federal Environmental Assessment Pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Att (CEAA}, a separate federal environmental examination must be completed for each project ire order for applicants to receive federal funding. The information oudined in the COIW applicaton is necessary to determine a) if the project, for which you aze seeking support, is excluded under CEAA or, bj requires an sssessment screening and if so; c) to carry out the screening expeditiously and in accordance with CEAA. To assist the applicant in responding, key Germs (bold text) are defined below and the federal government Environment Officer is available ac 416-954-6646 (tel) or 416-954-6654 (fax) to respond to questions. This portion of the application does not have to be completed prior to applying to the program, it can be completed after submission. CEAA specifies certain types of projects ss having insignecant environmental effects, Therefore, these projects do not require an environmental assessment (EA). Examples of these excluded projects are identified below. If your project n~gi ht be an excluded project, complete sections I and 2 of Schedule 3a and fax it to the Environmem Officer as soon ss possible. The Environment Officer will confirm whether or not an EA for the project is required. If the project is excluded, is is not necessary to complete Schedule 36 of the application. Projecu that are not excluded under CEAA must undergo an EA, therefore, Schedule 36 should be completed for each projett Before completing Schedule 36, contact the Environment Officer if the project is likely to involve signifianc environmental effects or public conuoversy, or requires some other federal authorintion that also triggers the requirement for an environmenal assessment Potential federal EA viggers (required federal deparunenal involvement) are identified below. Glossar~of Terms The following definitions should be considered in completing Schedules 3a and 3b. Environment: Environment means componerrcs of the Earth and includes land, water and air; all organic and inorganic matter living organisms; and the imerscting nawrsl systems that include these componenu. Environmental effects: The EA should consider environmental effects of the project, malfunctions or accidents that may occur in connection with the project, and cumulative environmental effects that are likely to result from the project in Combination with other projects or activities that have been or will be carried out, and any other matters that the applicant considers to be relevam (e.g., disposal of materials). Environmental effetts include: ' a) any change that tfie project may cruse in tfie environment, including any e(fett of such change on health and socio-economic conditions, on physical and culwral heritage, on current use of landslresources for tradiconal purposes by aboriginal peoples, or on any structure, site or thing that is of historical, archaeological, paleomological or architectural significance, and; b) any change to the projett that may be caused by the environment; whether such change occurs within or outside of Canada. Excluded project Certain projects having insignificant environmental effects do not require an EA under CEAA: refer to the exclusion list regulations (Section I S). The following are examples of projects that may be excluded, under ceroin circumstances. maintenance or repair of existing physical works such as buildings, roads, water and wastewater facilities; minor modification of existing buildings; consuucrion of ramps, doors and handrails co facilitare wheelchair access, fences, sidewalks and small parking lots; modifications of existing roads within existing right-of-ways; demolition of small existing buildings; and modification of existing culverts. Complete Schedule 3a and contact the federal government Emironmenc Officer if the project may be excluded from further assessment Additional project details may be required to make an appropriate determination. Mitigation: Mitigation meuures that are technically and economically feasible that would be used to eliminate, reduce or conuol any adverse environmental effects of the project Monitoring and Follow-up: Monitoring programs must be developed to ensure the mitigation measures identified for the project have, in fact, been implemented. A follow-up program, to be determined by the responsible autFioriry, is designed to verify a) the azcuracy of the environmennl assessment: and, b) the effectiveness of the mitigation measures. Project An EA is only required for "projects" as defined in CEAA which are not excluded. Under the COIW program, most,.if not all, projear will be undertakings in relation to an existing physical work in which case the EA should consider consuuction, operation, modrfcation/repair, decommissioning or other attivities likely w occur. Projects may also be in relation to a physical activity (e.g., low-level flying), where the applicant should contatt the Environment Officer to determine if an EA is required. Signficance: This is a statement of whether, taking into account the mitigation measures that will be implemented, tfie project is likely to involve adverse effects that are significant Environmental standards, guidelines and objectives (i.e., specifying maximum threshold levels) ran be used to establish significance, Where they do not exist, reference should be made to the magnitude, geographic exrent duration, frequency, irreversibility and ecological impact of adverse environmental effects that are likely to occur. Trigger. An EA of a project is required where a federal authority provides a financial convibution, administers lands required for the projec[, or issues a license or permit enabling the project to be carried out Examples of federal regulatory approvals that trigger CEAA include authorizations under the Fisheries Att and the Navigable Warers Pro[ection Act Contact the federal government Environment Officer before completing Schedule 3b if the project for which you are seeking support requires some other federal approval that may nigger CEAA. This will enable a coordinated review to be conducted by allowing all patties to provide input and expert advice on the project from the beginning. SCHEDULE 3aVP,NNq(E Sa ' ' ,. FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS. PROCESS.US FEb~F.)i1L+'D'EVALUATIbN-0'ENv71RONNEMEN'T Section 717"8 ParGe (Ta 6e completed 6y local partnerlA titre campleta¢ par le partenaire local.) PROJECT IDENTIFICATION l INDENTIFICATION DU PROJET 7.1 Local PartnerlPartenaire local 1.2 Project NameMom du projet 1.3 Project Contact/Personne-resource Phone numberMumero de telephone 1.4 Environment ContacUPersonne•contact pour I'environnement Section ?l2 °ne Partie (To be completed by local paMerlA titre completes par le parteneire local.) PROJECT DESCRIPTION !DESCRIPTION DU PROJET Describe the project, main undertaking to be carried out in each phase, and the environmental setting including sensitive environmental components that may be affected. list ali applicable regulations! Decrivez le projet, les activ8es A rare accomplies dens cheque phase, et les endroits, y compr6 les endroits de 1'environnement qui comportent des zones sensibles, qui poumaient titre affectes. Indiquez tous Is reglements applipbles au projet. Section 3l3 °M Partle (To be completed by federal Env. Officer.! A 8tre wmpletee par I'agent du federaux de I'env.) DETERMINATION a) ( )The project described above is not excluded from examintaton under CEAA; proceed with Schedule 3b.1 a) ( ) Le projet deuit cl•dessus nest pas exempt de I'examen en vertu de ACEE; veuillez continuer aver I'annexe 3b. b) The project described above dose not require an assesment under CEAA for the following reason:! b) Le projet decrit ci-dessus n'exige pas d'bvaluetion en vertu d'ACEE pour la raison suivante: ( ) It is a prescribed project pursuant to Exlusion Ust Regulations subsection .l ( ) C'est un projet derni scion le Reglement sur la lists d'exclusion sous•ensemble ( )Other (describe below)! ( ) Aytre (deuivez d-dessous). Signature DepartrneM/ Ministers Date Si afore De artmeM/ Ministere Date .~. SCHEDUIE',yttlR;NNEjCE3b - FEDER4LENVIROJJMEt~TAk;q'3SESSMENT-EROCE5S: PROCESSUSFE'D .'~.'D'EyALUATIOND'ENVIRONNEMENT -' Local partners should provide the following information for each projed submitted under COIW for which an environmental assessment (FA) is required in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA)./ Les partenaires loGaux tlevreient foumir ('information suivante pour cheque projet soumis dens la cadre de TICO pour lequel une dvaluation environnementale (l=E) est exiger2e en vertu de la loi canadiene sur ('Evaluation environnmementale (ACEE). Section 111 "' Partie PROJECT IDENTIFICATION! IDENTIFICATION DU PROJET 1.1 Local PaMer/Partenaire local 1.2 Project NamelNom du projet 1.3 Project eonrecyPersonne-resource Phone number/Numero de tel8phone 1.4 Environment ContactlPersonne•contact l'environnement Section 2/2 ""' Panic PROVINCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT! EVALUATION ENVIRONNEMENTALE PROVINCIALE 2.1 Is the projed subJed to assessment under Ontario EA Process? VesMoJ Fst-ce que le projet est sujet a I'Evalutaion par le processus tl'Evaluation em'ironnementale provinclale? OutlNOn. To avoid duplication, refer to EA findings preperetl for the Ontario FA process and attach tloamentation as approprrete in eompleteing this fortnJ En compl4tant ce formulaire, veuillez consulter les condusions de 1'Evatuation environnementale praparEe pour le procesus d'~E de 1'Ontario et attaches la documentation pertinente afln d'Eviter le dEtloublemenl. Sadion 3!3 ~"` Partie Use addrYional sbeefslUfillsez des leuilles addRionne7tes. PROJECT AND EA INFORMATION !INFORMATION DU PROJET ET DE L')_E. 3.1 Describe the projaeU OEcrivez le projet. 3.2 Describe the environment in which the projed will take place! 02uivez I'envsonnement oG se trouve le projet. 3.3 Describe the environmental effects at the project! OEcrivez les eRets du projet sur I'environnement. 3.4 Describe measures that will be undertaken to mitigate environmental effects./ DECrivez les manures qui seront prises afln d'attAnuer les afters sur I'envtronnement 3.5 Indicate expeded sign~cance of any adverse effects after mitigation! Mendonnez ('importance pr4vue de tout Eftet dEfavorable aprEs ('attenuation. 3.6 Describe the monitoring programs for the mitigation meawresJDEruivez las progremmes de conlydle des I'efficecil9 des mesures d'attenuation des effets environnementaux negatifs. Bedion Md'"" Partie PVBLIC AND GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION ! CONSULTATION AVEC LE PUBLIC ET LES GOVERNEMENTS 4.1 Was the project announced and the public consulted during the FA? How?! Est-ce que Ie projet a Ste annonce et le public consulte pendant I'EE? De quelle maniere? d.2 Lisl federal and provincial agencies consulted and other required pertn@sJ Indiquez les agences TtidBrales et provinciales qui ont ate tx>nsultees el des outran permis exiges. 4.3 Identify any isues reined by public or government agencies and any that remain oulslanding.f Indiquez loute question soulevEapar le publk ou par Iris agences gouvememenlales ainsique toute question restee en suspens. Section 515 Mn° Porte EA DOCUMENTATION ~E 5.1 Attach the Ontario EA report of the project, if available, and list any other environmental reports or studies undenakenJ Attachez I'exposE tle I'EE provincial du projet, si disponible, et ind'tquaz tout autre expose ou etutle. N additional information is required for the CEAA screening of your proposal, you will be contacted directly by the federal F~rvironment Officer) - Si I'on a Desoin de renseignements supplEmentalres pour les etutles du ACEE de votre ottre, le representant du gouvemement federel communiquere tliractement avec vous. This federal environmental assessment process does not replace the provincial environmeittel aaseaamerrt process, Eacb Oroject proposal is subjett to Ontario requiremenlsJLe Drocesaus federel d'evalual'nn environnemenlale ne rempWOe pea Ie Dronasus provincial devaluation environnementale. Toule Droposition de projet est essujeltie sus eregence4 onfadennes. ~fidtduG ?~auurr~tau«z BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE ~~~~~~~ (, P.O.BOX365 ~IjC~ISnJIL)11 v ~ BOWMANVILLE, ONT. UC3L1 JUN 0 2 1997 rSiSTRiStlgiiJN ~ MUNICIPALITY Gr CLARINGiON i nRIfINA~ _ r,,~lune 02, 1997 Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington ruJAriC= - " 40 Temperance Street ~ cc , ; Uel_F-- p~ -j Bowmanville, Ontario -._countant " LIC 3A6 r r.Mgr. ~ Pzgrcll Clk Attention: Marie Marano, Clerk ~ ;,-ax cou RE: PROPOSED B.LA. STREETSCAPE REVRAUZATION -PHASE 1 I _. J Dear Madame: Further To our meeting we confirm we are formally applying for funding for phase one of the B.I.A. Streetscape Revitalization Programme. We attach a copy of a construction cost estimate for your review. In summary we require a total of $ 531,560.00 (excluding GST). The proposed financing structure is as follows: $ 233,563.00 Federal and Provincial Infrastructure Contribution - 2. Markborough funds $ 208,333.33 (assignment re: capital Streetscape improvements) - 3. Clarington PIac2 $ 41 666.67 (assignment re: capital Streetscape improvements) - SUBTOTAL $ 483,563.00 We propose to finonce the balance with an interest free loan from the municipality (total of $ 47,997.00 ). Loan to be repaid over a six year period using the $ 10,000.00 per year assigned from the promotion fund (Markborough and Clarington Place allotment). In otherwords we propose to use the funds assigned To The B.I.A. as part of The development agreements from the Two groups concerned and infrastructure funds to finance phase one of our long term goal. Most importantly we would not be adding any additional municipal burden or B.I.A. assessment increase as they relate to this project. Please advise of the Municipality's decision. Sincerely ~ ~-- ATTACHMENT N0. 2 Mr. Ron Hooper __ Chairman Board of Management 1.1 Selective Demolition: ESTIMATE Remove selective sections of existing concrete sidewalks and dispose of resuttaM debris (approximately 4,000 sq, metres area) 12 Subgrade Preparation: Re-grade existing granular sub base. Import additional granular base as required. Compact base in preparation for placement of concrete (removal areas only). 1.3 Cast in Place Concrete: Supply and install i25mm thick 25mpa concrete, 69'a air entrainment in repair areas. 1.4 Temporary facilities: Barriers, protection 1.5 Cutting and patching 1.6 'Field supervision; bonds, insurance SUBTOTAL $ 42E,600.00 Plus 10% Contingency 42.860.00 -` TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 471,460.00'' (excluding GST) Arch ~"` r i 1 "~ r ._. PHASE'ONE: B.LA. STREETSCAPE REVITALIZATION - - PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE Page 2 June 02, 1997 Soft Costs 21 survey: Preparation of geodetic survey of existing road, curb, sidewalk profile $ 10,000.00 22 Consultant Fees: Preparation of tender documents; tender administration, contract administration, field review $ 46,500.00 2.3 Disbursements: Tender document printing, courier, mileage $ 3,600.00 24 Permit Fees -not applicable Nil SOFT COSTS TOTAL S 60,100.00 (excluding GST) ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S 471.460.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT-COST $ 531,560.00 (excluding GSA i THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Memorandum To: Mayor Diane Hamre and Members of Council From: Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning & Development Date: 26 February 1997 Subject: Willsonia and Markborough Funds for Bowmanville Business Improvement Area Files: DEV 8854; DEV 89-99 This memo is prepared to update you on the funds to be received from Clarington Place ~Ilsonia Industries) and Markborough Properties for the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area under their agreement with the Municipality. Under the agreement, three separate matters are addressed: 1. BIA Parking and Streetscape Improvements A total of $250,000 is due from Markborough Properties and Clarington Place as follows: • Markborough $208,333.33 • Clarington Place $ 41,666.67 These funds are due prior to or upon issuance of building permit. Clarington Place forwarded their share in August 1996. Markborough contemplates the issuance of a building permit in March or April of 1997. These funds are being placed in a separate reserve account to be established. The funds can bedrawn down by Public Works upon concurrence of a Streetscape improvements plan by Council and the BIA. 2. Bowmanville BIA Marketing Study A total of $25,000 is due from Markborough Properties and Clarington Place as follows: • Markborough • Clarington Place $20,833:33 $ 4,166.67 ..2 ATTACHMENT N0. 3 Mayor and Members of Council Page 2 These funds are due upon first occupancy. For Clarington Place, this was December 16, 1996. These funds have not been forwarded as-yet but they are secured by a letter of credit. We expect first occupancy for the Markborough site to occur in the fall of 1997. The purpose of the marketing study was to allow the BIA to restructure its role in the marketplace as a result of the new retail facilities in the West Main Central Area. The Study was to be conducted by the Municipality in consultation with the BIA. However, if it is determined by the BIA that the marketing strategy is not necessary, the funds can be used by the BIA for marketing and promotion. These funds will be placed in a reserve account to be drawn on by the Planning Department or the BIA, as determined in discussions between the Municipality and the BIA. 3. Marketing and Promotions Funds A total of 510.000-iS due annually from Markborough Properties and Clarington Place as follows: • Markborough $ 8,333.00 • Clarington Place $ 1,667.00 These funds are due upon first occupancy. The existing and aPt~ci~tE~ dates are identified in.point 2 above. However payments are due annually over a period of 10 years to be adjusted by the Consumer Price Index for the nine years following the first payment. The purpose of these funds is for the BIA to market and promote the Downtown Business Centre. Municipal staff will forward the funds upon receipt from Clarington Place and Markborough Properties. If you have any questions with respect to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. i; t~~.r Frank *jip CC: Bill Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer CC: Marie Marano, Treasurer In Case of Transmission Difficulties, Please Call 416-863-2101 - ~ Please Deliver 70: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINCTON COUNCIL INFORMATION Mlnlarry of ~ MMISt2ro des ~~ MunlNpel AHaln ~ ~ ' AHalros munidPSles end Hwalrry al tlu ragemeM 'Office of arc Minismr Bureae ral mradra 777 9ay,•uYreeP - 777 rue B . ~ o„i,ro Tororde ON M5G 2E6 " Taaao ON MSG 2E5 _(a18)5BSJ000 (4161565-7000 ~ - ~r May 14; 1997 ~ ~ ~ E'd ®¢~ Deal"Head of Council: r~ The governments of Ontario and Canada have reached an agreement to extend the Canada- : Ontario Ivfrasuucture Works (COIVV) Program to March 31, 1998: This 5459 million program to fund key infrastnreture projects across the province is expelled to. create up to 10,000 jobs. The COIW extension wiU address suategic in&astructure needs and priorities in four basic areas: transportatioq health cars post-secondary edirca{ion and water and sewar facilities. - The provincial and federal governments are inviting your rwnicipaGty to participate in the COIW prograni. Under the COIW extension, municipalities are expelled to corttnbute oilo-thitd of the eGgtble capital costs ofeach project, t7f`the 5459 millionin the extended program, 5183 rrdUion is available for municipalities to propose projects. Under the terms of the extensioq this 5183 million municipal allocation is directed to~projects involving the rehabilitation and repair of transportatioq water and sewage facilities. _ The attachment shows the total allocationavai(abk~to your munidpaliTy for threxiended program, based on t}ie same polmlation/household formula used in the original COIW program. This represents your total allacatioq which would becost-shared equsIly aznortg the province, the federal.govemment and your municipality. We ask that you express your interest in participating with us is the COIW program by submitting a completed application fortq which will be sent to you shortly along with a set of program guidelines. There is a tight deadline (Iviarch 31, 1998) set for wmpletion of these projects. Therefore, applications should be completed end received by June 13, 1997, to be ceasidered for funding. We are very pleased that the federal sad ptovincal governments aie able to cooperate with out municipal partners in thisvnpartart endeavour to build and renew public in&asuucAtre in Omatio. For further informatioq please contact fhe,COIW Unit at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at ~(41~ 585-4040.. Sincerely, ~ - ~ ~ ~ . __ ~ ~~~-~ ' ~ ~ AI7'alladini Minister ofMunir9pal Affairs Mlrustei ofTransportation and and Housing Mnister Responsible for the Government of Ontario Carreda-Ontario InGas[nrcture We ^r` Government of Ontario '` ` c:, MPPs ATTACHMENT N0. 4 - -f- ,yn, -"'r_ i I-t ALLOCATION OF FEDERAI~/pROVINCIAL/MUrTICIPAL FUNDING UNDER 1997-98 CANADA/ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS EXTENSION SOUTHERN ONTARIO MUMCIPALITIES LISTED IN UPPER TIER SEQUENCE The attached table shows the amount which each municipality would receive tinder the program. The distribution is carried out in two steps. In step one, the allocation is divided among two tier municipa! units and single tier municipalities based on population and households. In step 2, the pooled allocation to two tier municipal units is subdivided among all municipalities within the unit based on capital expenditure and property tax levels. The actual formulas used in each step are as follows. The formulas are the same as the ones used in the 1994 program except for the use of more current data. STEP 1: Formula used to calculate two tier municipal units and single tier municipalities' shares ,1 r unici alit ~s Po ulatio , + 1 rHtxniaipality~s Households 2 Total Provinae~s Population 2 Total Province~9 Hous@holds STEP 2: Formula used to calculate municipalifies' shares within two tier municipal units r 1 r ~ Muniaipality~s 5-peat 1995 Hunicipalityts ~ Total Capital Hxpenditures t a, OWn~DU~poH@ Taxation 2 Total OT 6 LT 5-year 2 Total IIT ~ LT Municipal Total Capital 8xp@nditures Otto-purpose Taxation DATA SOURCES AND DEFIi~IITIONS Municipality's 5-year Total Capital Expenditures represent the total capital expenditures incurred for the years 1991-1995. The expenditures are net of inter-municipal transfers. 1995 Municipality's Own-purpose Taxation includes own-purpose property taxes, direct water and sewer billines and other chazges on the municipal tax bill. Data Sources: 1996 Yeaz-End Summary of Assessment Report (Households) Municipal Financial lnfotmation Rehtms (1991-1995) 1994 Municipal Enumeration Reports (Population) Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing May 6,1997 1997 CANADA -ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE WORDS PROGRAM TOTAL ALLOCATION TO SOUTHERN ONTARIO MUNICIPALITIES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING MARCH 1998 LISTED IN IN REGION/COUNTY SEQUENCE Combined Federal ~- - late! Funds Available and Provincial Municipal to Municipalities Contributions . Conttibuliom .... ._._........_ (May 1997 - Mazch 1998) . ... Contribution lotaks .... ... ..... Financemrnt total disponible du fEdhal er du MUnlClpphty / Municipp(it~ m¢vinrial Gon[ribu[ions tits .............a:.r_ aux municipalitQ i__:. nn~ ____ ...__. Metropolitan Toronto R 16,641,258 8,320,629 24 961 886 TorontoC 4,377,029 2,266,314 , , 6 865 543 Etobicokc C 1,106,727 553,364 , , 1 660 091 Scarborough C 1,478,557 739.279 , , 2 217 836 North YorkC 2,108,337 1,054,169 , , 3 162 506 YetkC East York B 456,205 228,103 , , 684,308 305 480 , 152,740 458.220 _~_ -- - k .,s,r...v.v............-..~.. _ _.. ' .. ' .. ~~~i'._ __ Dnrham R Oshawa C 2,710,154 - 1,355,077 4,065,231 Ajax T 727,333 363,666 1,090,999 Clprington i 330,947 ~ 165,473 496,420 Prckenng T 233 563 116 782 350 345 WhitbyT 278 392 ~ 139,196 ~ 417,589 Brock Tp 385,519 192,760 578,279 SargoB Tp 67,689 30.845 92,534 Uxbridge Tp 68,513 34,257 102,770 84,845 42,423 127,268 ~ - - ..___... ~ 1. ......,. _ ..~.u._.~.~_ :.:.~ _..------ ._~._. ~~ ~ -~ -.. ~as~ -%~:_ ~.: ___..._._ t l ~ _ ,it3" I _..3 _7 Haldimand - Norfolk R Na:.ticokc C ~ 749,398 374,699 1,124,096 D¢nnvillc T 77264 38.632 115.896 Hald~tandT 68,605 34,303 102908 SimcoeT 84,190 C2,095 126.266 Delhi Tp 97,953 48,978 146,933 Norfolk Tp 57,828 28.914 86,742 57,759 28,880 86,639 _._ :. r < . Tdtch_i,,. ~:..._ -,: a ' 39~Q0'. r-2;Y'9~b~ot'~` .. .,,__ .....,.: • 47x9.:,499 ftalto¢ R Burlington C 1,853,182 926,591 2,779,772 Halton I-fillsT 7~•~2 350,451 1,051,353 MiltonT 165,953 82977 248,930 Orkville T 169.789 R4,894 254,683 748,524 374.262 1,122,786 • A 1 .. ._. t ~ -LC° ~V~A~~.~~ ... .. ~- .....n.... ' '~iVJOi?Y~--~- T~ [ g ^ 'Z Y15 . . ,. :.~ i-.:: ~ .!.'f - .._ ` _5~5~1JLY: Hamllto¢-R'e¢MorthR Hamihan C 3,460,931 (,730,466 5,191,397 Stoney Crcrk C 1,393,545 696,772 2,090,317 An:ast_^r T 245,138 1 367,707 R9,695 44,848 134,543 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 97-121 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (the Province) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation's seal, an agreement between The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (the Province) and the Municipality. 2. THAT the agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 9th day of June, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 9th day of June, 1997. Mayor Clerk ATTACHMENT N0. 5 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 97- Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the Province) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with The Corporation's seal, an agreement between The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the Province) and the Municipality. 2. THAT the agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 9th day of June, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 9th day of June, 1997. MAYOR CLERK THB REPORT Meeting: cavNCIL Date: JUNE 9, 1997 Report#: x-36-97 File#: Subject: CANADA-ONTARIO IgggASTRIICTIIRS WORKS EXTENSION Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-36-97 be received; File # Res. # By-Law # 2. THAT the Treasurer be authorized, to make application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, for approval under the Federal-Provincial Infrastructure Works Extension, for the Bowmanville B.I.A. Streetscape Revitalization Project; 3. THAT the funding for Clarington's share of costs of the project, $116,762, be obtained from the funds due from Clarington Place (Willsonia Industries) and Markborough Properties, for the Bowmanville B.I.A. under their agreement with the Municipality; 4. THAT Council pass the By-law attached to WD-36-97 to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; 5. THAT the Director of Public Works and the Treasurer review other projects with the goal of being in a position to proceed immediately with the -projects should additional funding become available under the Infrastructure Program, or if for some other reason the Bowmanville B.Z.A. is unable to commit to the use of these funds; and 5, THAT, if Council approves the request of the B.I.A. for an interest free loan of $47,997 to be .repaid over six (6) years, the funds be taken from the Zmpact Escrow Reserve Fund #5001-50-X. Ms ®=~oo.~a RBPORT NO.: 9PD-36-97 PAGB 3 that a project is additional to the part of the project that received such funding. c) Local partners are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible for projects that can be easily and quickly implemented. For initial allocations, applications for funding should be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by June 13, 1997. Local partners should inform the Ministry immediately if they do not intend or are unable to proceed with a project or to fully utilize their allocation. d) A Management Committee has been established to administer the Extension Amendment to the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Agreement. This Committee consists of two members appointed by the federal government and two appointed by the provincial government. Upon project approval, a letter of approval will be issued by the Management Committee, and a Provincial-Local Partner Agreement will be signed covering such items as financial arrangements and payment provisions, eligible costs, financial reporting, audit and inspection provisions, public information requirements, the project details including the implementation of the project, and time lines. 3.2 Sowmanville B I A Street Revitalization Proiect The Bowmanville B.I.A. has approached Council and senior staff regarding revitalization works for King Street in downtown Bowmanville. The B.I.A.'s long term goal for the downtown area involves new asphalt pavement, intersections with interlock pavers, new sidewalk, decorative streetlights, increased tree planting and a revised parking metre scheme. The present application for infrastructure funding is for Phase I of the Street Revitalization Program consisting primarily of sidewalk replacement. The detailed cost estimate for the project is included as Attachment No. 2. In summary, the proposed financing is as follows: 1. Federal and Provincial $233,563 Infrastructure Contribution: REPORT NO.s WD-36-97 PAGE 5 3.4 Future Infrastructure Proi acts The Program requires that the local partners pay one-third of the cost of the projects. During this continued time of restraint and zero increases in municipal budgets, it is possible that some municipalities will decide not to become involved with the Program or may decide to utilize only part of their allotment. It is therefore possible that more funds will be made available to municipalities such as Clarington. For this reason~or if the B.I.A. for any reason is unable to commit to the use of these funds, it is recommended that staff be directed to examine other projects to be undertaken under the Program with the .goal of being in a position to proceed with the projects on short notice. 3.5 Scheduliac of Works The proposed Bowmanville B.I.A. Streetscape Revitalization Project provides for the removal and replacement of selective sections of existing concrete sidewalks on King Street East from Scugog Street to Ontario Street. This will mean that, if the project is approved, construction will be taking place on King Street East in Bowmanville for a second year, tentatively commencing September 1, 1997, to be completed October 30, 1997. We will do everything possible to schedule the work on Icing Street to reduce the inconvenience to store owners and residents as much as possible. Respectfully submitted, Stephe A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Marano, H.B.SC., AMCT Treasurer SAV*ph June 6, 1997 Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Attachments '3'97 15 a5 FR MMfa ROB HEAD OFFICE 4l6 585 7292 TO 819056582051 P.03i2 / Guidelines and Requirements for the Funding of Capital Projects Under Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Extension I. General A Purpose Additional capital funds are being made available by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario, to renew and enhance Ontario's physical infrastructure in local communities. These funds are being made available to municipalities, community health care organizations (CHO's), colleges and universities to generate employment, to promote a competitive and productive economy and to renew and enhance Ontario's physical infrastructure, during the 1997 construction season. We wish to join with your community and others across the province to invest in your most important infraswcture repair and renewal projects. White the admin'~strative processes in the 6aension are similar to the original program, note that the scope of eligible projects is significantly different. There is a focus on the rehabilitation and repair of public facilities that are essential to the future heatht- and prosperity of Ontario communities: transportation, health care, post- secondary education, and water and sewage faculties. (Refer to Schedule 1-Project Approval Criteria, below. for additional information). In addltlon, these Guidelines apply only to projects approved under the Extension; please refer to the Guidelines and Application Forms of 1994 for projects under the orginal Program. The Government of Ontario has allocated the federal and provincial shares of these cap~I funds to specific municipalities and colleges and universities, or. to specific projects involving municipalities and CHO's, (hereafter known as local partners). In addition, a single allocation, to be administered by tfie Ministry of Transportation, will be made for provincial highways. Hence the Program will be administered in distinct pardons: Municipal Proiect Applications• The Program allows municipalities to submit project applications, based on a funding amount determined by a modified per capita allocation. Eligible projects within the municipal funding allocations include only the renewal and repair of transportation and water and sewage systems; Mq'r 23'97 15:x6 FR rang ROB HEAD OFFICE a16 585 7292 TO 819055592051 D. How to Apply The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario has been designated to coordinate the overall administration, operation and communications aspects of the Exter>sion Amendment The direct program administration will be carried out by the: - Ministry of Education and Training (colleges and universities), - Ministry of Health (community health care organizations - CHO's), - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (municipalities in southern Ontario}, - Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (municipalities and unincorporated areas in Northern Ontario), - Ministry of Transportation (provincial highways}. P.05~2 Local partners may submit applications for joint projects with other eligible participanu. Where this is done, one joint application is acceptable. However, the amount of each partner's total cost responsibility, azwell az, each partners allocation dedicated to the proposed project should be clearly identified on the joint application. These projects will be administered az two distinct projects. Each project will require the submission of an application form and must be site specific. All project applications must be signed by the appropriate official (e.g., atnhorrced by the municipal council or institution) of each local partner making the application. Completed, authorized applications should be submitted to the appropriate provincial line ministry az shown below. The line ministry will provide this information and any other supporting documentation to Industry Canada. Munlcioal ProipMe Transportation, Water & Sewage: Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Unit Regional Operations Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing I 1 th Floor, 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Tel: 416-585-4040 Fax 416-585-7639 Northern Coordinator. Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Ministry of Northern Development & Mines 56cth floor, 159 Cedar Street Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6A5 Tel: 705-670.7315 Fax 705-670-7313 3 rtgr 23'97 t5:a6 FR MMq ROB HEAD OFF[r_E at6 585 7292 TO 8t905668205t P.07i2. ,. ,-. r;,,,,:,;,y~J ;:., .;;. E Timing for Submission of Applications ' ' , . ~ ` AO applications should be completed as soon as possible.~For initi~l~allocations, applications for funding should be submitted to the appropriate provincialJine_ministry by June 13, 1497. Local partners should inform the ajfpf6pr+ate fiiinistry (fdentSfied~in the°~i'eceding seftionj immediately if they do not intend or are unable to proceed with a project or to fully utilize their allocation. F. Approval Process A Management Committee has been established to administer the Extension Amendment to the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Agreement This Committee consists of two members appointed by the federal government and two appointed by the provincial government~The federal and provincial governments have each named a senior official as Co-chair for the Management Committee In addition, the federal and provincial ministers wi[I appoint one representative as an ex-officio member of the Management Committee on behalf of Ontario municipa}ities. Upon submission of an application, the appropriate provincial line ministry will review the project proposals, in consultation with other ministries, where necessary, to determine if they comply with program criteria Projecss will then be nominated by the provincial co-chair to the Management Commitxee for approval, based on the program crtceria. Local partners will be expected to obtain all necessary environmental, technical and other approvals prior to projects being approved. Approval requires the agreement of both the federal and provincial co-chairs. Upon project approval, a letter of approval will be issued by the Management Committee, and aProvincial-Local Partner Agreement will be signed covering such items as financial arrangements and payment provisions, eligible cosss, financial reporting, audit and inspection provisions, public information requirements, the project derails Including the implementation of the projects, and timelines. In accordance with the provisions of the Extension Amendment to the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Agreement, the final date for approval by the COIW Management Committee of projects, and amendments which significantly alter the nature and scope of a project, is March 31, 1998. Please note that local partners may commence, at their own risk, work on a project prior to obtaining formal approval by the Management Committee. In these instances, eligible costs incurred on or after April f , 1997 may be claimed retroactively only when and 'rf the project is approved by the Management Committee. !.r: si. ~, 5 nav 23'97 15:x7 FR nna ROB HEAD OFFICE a16 585 7292 TO 819056602051 P.09i2 Allocations are not transferable between approved projects u of right A decrease in one project does not necessarily entitle a local partner to a corresponding increase in another project Project decreues releue funds which can, with jusuficarion, be the buffs of a request for an increue in another approved project Please note, restrictions apply to situations where a local partner hu initially agreed to fund its share of a project at a ratio greater than 1/3 of the total project costs. This approved ratio cannot be changed at a later date because of underspending on another approved project or because of funds remaining in the 1oca1 partner's allocation. The only instance where the amount of the originally agreed upon federal and provincial contributions can be altered (increased) is where there are justifiable increases in the total costs of a project. 1. Project Audit This program and all reports related to It are subjett to audit by the provincial and federal governmenu. For purposes of conducting audits of specific projects, the services of the external auditors of local partners may be engaged. The cost of carrying out these audits will be born by the provincial and federal governments. Local partners will be required to maintain their accounts related to an approved project for a period of three years beyond March 31, 1999. j, Program Evaluation An evaluation of this program extension will be undertaken and may include a sample of local partners projects as cue studies for tfie exercise. Costs of any evaluation will be born 6y the provincial and federal governments. K Communications In announcing infi-astrutture projects funded under this Program, terrain requiremenu must be met In all communications related to a specific approved projett, Canada, Ontario and the local partner must receive equal recognition. This applies to both local signs on the project site and public announcements about the project Al! program communications will be prepared by a joint federal-provincial communications group. Before any approved projett is announced, local partners will be eked . 7 MaY 23'97 15:47 FR nna aoa HEAD OFFICE 1! Guide to the Application Form Summary Information I. Legs! Name of Local Partner 4l6 585 7292 TO 819056582051 P,II~2 The legal name of each local partner or incorporated group, and the local partner s mailing address, postal code, contact person, phone and facsimile numbers. Z Project Name The name that will be used to identify the project, e.g., "Development of Production Well G 17 (Cambridge)". 3. Project Description A full, clear description of the project outlining the nawre of the undertaking, the work to be done and the expected result, eg., "Consvuction of new production well to supply potable water to distribution system with disinfection facilities". 4. Location of Project A description by lot, concession, sweet address or geographic location of the project (not the local partners address unless this is the project site). It is mandatory that the postal code for the project location be included in this section. If the project stretches over more than one locale, such as a road project, then the postal code for the address nearest the beginning or end of the work is satisfactory. H the project occurs at more than one site, all sites should be described and postal codes should be provided for all srces. 5. Estimated Project Con From Schedule 2, Project Fxpendiwre Forecast, the total of all eligible costs related to the project 6. Relationship to Other Government Funding If this project has been the subject of an application for funding from either the provincial or federal governments please indicate tfiis, the program involved, as well as, the current staves of the application (e.g., awaiting decision, approved, refused). Total federal funding 9 nav 23'97 lS:aB FR nna ROB i+EQD OFFICE alb 595 7292 TO Bt9056b02051 ~.13i2~ Each project must satisfy III of the following five criteria. I.I Short-term job creation All projects must create employment during the life of the project Applications should estimate the number of jobs that will be created by the project and provide an analysis of how they arrived at these figures. The number of jobs created should be defined in terms of person weeks (i.e. full time equivalent jobs created on a weekly basis). Reports outlining the acwal number of jobs created will be expetted once the project is completed. The tendering process should require contractors to document the actual number of person•weeks of work 1.2 Incrememality Local partners will need to demonstrate and certify that the proposed project is either incremerrtal to the approved (997 cap'rcat budget, or represents accelerated capital investment An explanation will be required as to how the project meets the test of Incremental'ity. Certifications on tncrementafiry will be subject to audit Incremental or accelerated investment is defined as: • a project which the local partner has planned for the fuwre, but the start of work on the project will be brought forward by at least one year, or • a project to be implemented in 1997 but not included for funding in its approved 1997 capital budget, or a project to be implemented in the first quarter of 1998 but not included in its approved 1498 capital budget; or. • a projett which would not have proceeded, or would not have proceeded at the same rate, without the funding available through this program; or • that portion of a project to be implemented in 1997 which is additional to the part of the project included in the approved 1997 capital budget or that portion of a project to be implemented in the first quarter of 1998 which is additional to the part of the projett included in the 1998 approved capital budget Local partners must certify that the proposed project to be implemented in 1997 is not substituting for an eligible qualifying capital investment under their approved 1997 capital budget, and that the proposed project to be implemented in the first quarter of 1998 is not substituting for an eligible qualifying capital investment under their approved 1998 capital budget alb 585 7292 TO 819056682051 P. 15-~== MAY 23'97 15:x8 FR nMa ROB HEAD OFFICE maintenance and repair. The project proponent shall confirm that the associated operating and maintenance cosu are supportable within the local partners projected budget in future years. Where projects would expand provincially-funded programs or facilities, the local partner will confirm that satisfactory arrangements for the increased operatng budget requirements are in place or, if necessary, confirm the appropriate provincial ministry's approval of the required operating funding increase. Insert an estimate of any annual operating costs that extend for the first two years beyond the project completion date and indicate how these will be met The reduction of operating costs is a significant benefit encouraged by the program. These savings should be quantified and included as support for the project proposal. The following criteria (Application. Schedule I, pg. 2) also apply to the Program; it is expected that projects will meet many of these criteria. Local partners are encouraged to incorporate tfiese objectives in their project design. {.6 Long-term jab creation Projects leading directly to the creation of employment are an essential part of this program, projects contributing to broad employment creation either immediately or beyond the completion date of the project are encouraged. 1.7 Enhancing economic competitiveness Projetts convbuting to enhanced economic competitiveness would: • reduce the costs or increase productivity of businesses; • improve business opportunities; • provide new economic opportunities; • enhance the skill base: • improve accessibility and remove barriers to employment of skilled individuals; or • improve pricing of public services. 1.8 Use of innovative technologies This criteria is not applicable to COIW Extension Amendment Do not complete #3. on Page 2. 1.9 Bringing infrastructure up to community standards. codes and by-laws This criterion makes a specific allowance for projects which replace or upgrade existing infrastructure consistent with current community standards. 13 nav 23'97 15: a9 FR MMfa ROB HEaD OFFICE alb 585 7292 TO 919056582051 p,~~iz Schedule 2 -Project Expendiwre Forecast Eligible Costs Cosu must be of a type and size which normally would be capitalized in the records of the local partner. Eligible costs shall include all direct costs properly and reazonably incurred and paid solely and specifically in relation to the confirmed projett chat are: (a) invoiced against a contract for goods and services necessary for the implementation of the project; or (b) any other costs which are incurred and paid in the performance of the project that are recognized and determined az relevant by the Management Committee, such az day labour, or (c) direct salaries and other employment benefits of employees of the local partner engaged solely and specifically to carry-out a project whose costs have been approved 6y tfie Management Committee az indicated in the completed Schedule 11, including the salaries and benefits of employees of local partners in proportion to their actual time engaged specifically in the carrying-out an approved projett; or (d) costs of required project signage; or (e) any other administrative costs which have been determined and approved by the Management Committee, with the exception of. • general overhead, including services or works normally provided by the local partner or any other agenq of that partner; • the costs of arty lands or any interest therein, including eazements. and • interest costs. No claim will be paid by the federal or provincial governments unless received on or before March 31 of the year following tfie fiscal year in which the costs are incurred. In all circumstances, claims will be received no later than March 31, 2000. The allocations for approved infrastructure projetts are meant only co cover net project costs. Net projett costs are the gross costs minus the GST and any other rebates. IS MRY 23'97 15:49 FR nrtR ROB HERD OFFICE 2.6 Total Estimated Project Gross Cost The total of lines 2.1 through 2.5. 2.7 GST Rebates 416 585 7292 TO 819056682051 P.t9iz= Applicable GST (and other) rebate estimates are to be recorded here. 28 Total Project Estimated Net Cost Line 2.6 minus line 2.7 Proposed Method of financing The local partner is required to complete this section of the schedule bearing in mind the federal and provincial funding limits. 29 Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Capital (Federal and Provincial Shares) The federal and provincial share of the el'~gible project costs as reported in line 28. 2.I0 Local partner's Own Resources The local partner(s) shall report the share of the total costs of the project that they will individually bear. 21 I Private Sector Contributions The Program encourages the use of innovative techniques to assist the local partner in meeting project costs. Private sector partnerships, financing and innovative pricing techniques are some examples of initiatives tfiat may be used H innovative funding initiatives are used then they must be identified and their value reported here. II Management Committee may, at its discretion at any time during the undertaking g of a project, require additional information. 17 nav 23'97 15:50 FR MMA ROH HEAD OFFICE at6 585 7292 TO 619056682051 P.21i2 If you have any questions regarding tfiis procedure, please conrra the Environments( Officer at 416-954-6648 (fax 416-954-6654). *NOl'E Terms in bold are explained in devil in d~• ylassary. Prepared by: CanadalOntario Infrastrucwre Works Industry Canada Dominion Public Building I Front Street West, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5J IA5 Tel: 416-973-5093 Fax 416-954-6654 e-mail: coiw@ic.gc.ca Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Secretariat Ministry of Transportation Ist floor, WescTower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M IJ8 Tel: 416-235-4W6 Fax 41 b-235-5243 e-mail: gasparot~a mto.gov.on.ca May 20, 1997 Y1C011N~Gi)IDEGUID6F.W P6 19 Schedule;l/Annexe CriFeiia/Griferes 'May"May 19971Ygai;l997 Criteria for Project ApprovagCdtAs~ d'aDProbation du pprojet The cdkria for project approval are those spedfied in the FedereFProvindal,~reemenL lea critfras d'approbation du projet scot ceuz mentionnfs dons I'accord ifdfral-provincial. Each project must sallsty all of the }ollowinq aitedal Cheque projet tloit rfpondre 31a roblitf des cdteres suivanLS. CdknarCrafres 1. SAoR-term Job Creation -Please complete Box 9 on the Appiication Form, Crfagon d'emplois 5 court terme - Pdere de remplir la case 9 du formulaire de tlemende. 2. Inerementelily ((Section 12 - Guido to the Application FOrm)) Apport diflererdiel (Aside 12 -Guide pour remplir le formulaire tle demande) Is this project inaemental7/Est-ce qua ce projet reprfsente un aDPOrt diflfrentiel? (]Yes/Oul (]NofNdn _ It year deacriba how the project meets gte crikda;/Si out, veuillez dfcdre de quelle maniere le projet repond aux crhAsps d'admrssibifite: Intros W ctureM}rastruc W rc 4Yhat idrasbvcdae would be renewed, enhanced orcreated by this project and Itox!! (Section 1.3 - Guide ro the Appfratlon Farm Qtrclk infraSWCWrc serail rcnouvelEe, rerrforcfe ou a2fe par a projet et comment? (Amide 1.3 -Guide pour remp9r Ie fonnulaire de demande) noes thu protect comply vrith apphable federal and povineiai laws ant requiremenb (a.g. planning, engineering, environmental assossmont)? Desmbe how and whon any outstanding requinaments will 6o met. (Section 1.4-Guide to Ne Application Form)/ Est-ce qua ce projet respects lea lois et exi races ffdfrcles et provlneiales en vigusur (par ozemple, la plan~catisn, IingMktie, l'fvaluation omironnemerdala)? ~ferivex comment et quand loutes In exigences actttelles serord rospoctfes. (Amde 1.4 -Guide pour remplir le formulaire de demande) would bamKfSe~dlon~lS-Guide torolne Applieafron Fomiybdto this project? Please speciy what those are and how they Y aril des co d'expldbdon (en dehors Se la rialieation du projetl assod¢s 3 ce projet? Veulllez prfciser ce qu'ils soot et comment on lea raglan? (Aside 7.5 -Guide pour remplir le ortnu sire de demande) Projected Annual Operating Cos151Cogts tl'ezploitaEOn annuals prews 1997 1998 {L ~ } Ciy ~. rW- ~. O a ~, T N L' tV C O O; ~~ ,. ~: ;; A ~.a; ~~ _ v , ~ C G W C : Q1 W Q ;w $ ,_e 7 v LL 0: f ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ m ~ . ::' ^ O T ~ O m c~ . a O @ m ` r. N ~ p ~ ~ W p m .. L % ` y t : ~'e > ; 'm t ~ C ~ 7 ml __ - a5 ~ a a ~ : e' ~ P m` m f ~ i. _: ~ - Y p C C ' ~ +i~. ' C $= .ll. ~'r ~ p 'Nm.~ ! . 1 b I:~ C ~ O ~ pyy m ° ~. n: z n m` '•¢ ^m C m ~ n n ~ r' ~'s: i " m ~ e n 4J N ~ E~: s ~ m ~'= > rr ~ a f m :. ' L: ~, m o m f q! m v c . 77 n ;., .. 9 m ' + .e i L ~ ~'~ y. v Qi e p 2 p w `m : Z+. ~2 b ~ O ~ ~ `IL m O •-O~ L m 0 n E r`v, q N q 9 m w m 'e _ s ;p,. V Z R j 6 m r 'if.~ >> p ~ E ~ 3 v' n 76" a ~ m a - ~ ~ m a vn` c m c co G c S v F E . '~R:~: u y n m a ~ rv p t c O ~ p ~> m U V g _ q V 0 m Y m 1 2 ~ -m. C ~ p - m A m p p C 0 m m o p c ° . = ~ m ° U Y° m g m o U o m ~ (g m ` o u < h ~ U y° ~ _ a ~' E u a 5 u u p u a O m Le ~ U $ c o f7 ~ 2 ~ 1 y ~ ~ -c r m ~ ° a ~ c a € c ~ w 8 n ~ n o m a o m O U e' 'w c E m ~ ~ m °_v m e m - g U m m c ~ 5 ~q, E O m c m J.. i t @ ° ' U ~ W a m ~ - c m O m u p h W p ~ d .4 O O I - ~ F 6 U ~ N n Ifl f0 0 Q pl _. ~ [] structure, site or thing that is of historical, archaeological, paleontological or architecwral signfcance, and; b) any change to the project that may be caused by the environment; whether such change occurs within or outside of Canada. 6ccluded project Certain projects having insignificant environmennl effecu do not require an EA under CEAA; refer to the exclusion list regulations (Section I5). The following are examples of projecu that may be excluded, under certain circumstances. maintenance or repair of existing physical works such az buildings, roads, water and wastewater facilities; minor modifitation of existing buildings; consvucdon of ramps, doors and handrails to fatiliate wheelchair access, fences, sidewalks and small parking loss; modifications of existing roads within existing right-of--ways; demolition of small existing buildings; and modification of existing culverts. Complete Schedule 3a and contact the federa! government Emironmen[ Officer i(the project may be excluded from further assessment. Additional project details may be required to make an appropriate determination. Mitigation: Mitigation measures that are technically and economically feasible that would be used to eliminate, reduce or control any adverse environmental eNecis of the projett Monitoring and Follow-up: Monitoring programs must be developed to ensure the mioigation measures identified for the prajett have, in fact, been implemented. A follow-up program, to be determined by the responsible authority, is designed to verify a) the accuracy of the environmenal assessment; and, b) the effectiveness of the midgadon meaures. Project An FA is only required for "projetts" az defined in CEAA which are not occluded. Under the CO1W program, most,. if not all, projects will be undertakings in relation to an existing physital work in which case the EA should consider consvuction, opendon, modification repair, decommissioning or other acdvives likely to occur. Projects may also be in relation co a physical acdviry (eg., low-level flying), where the applicant should conntt the Environment Officer to determine if an EA is required. Significance: This is a sncement of whether, taking into account the mitigation measures that will be implemented, the project is likely to involve adverse effects that are significant Environmental standards, guidelines and objectives (i.e., specifying maximum threshold levels) can be used to establish significance. Where they do not exist, reference should be made to the magniwde, geographic extent, duration, frequency, irreversibility and ecological impact of adverse environmenal effects that are likely to occur. Trigger. An EA of a project is required where a federal authority provides a financial convibution, administers lands required for the projett, or issues a license or permit enabling the project to be carried out Examples of federal regulatory approvals that nigger CG1A include authorizations under die fisheries Act and the Navigable Waters Protection Att Contact the federal government Environment Officer before completing Schedule 3b if the project for which you are seeking support requires same ocher federalapproval that may [rigger CEAA. This will enable a coordinated review to be conducted by allowing all parties co provide input and expert advice on the project from [he beginning. . ~ ~ SC1iEDULE9lr/ttiNNEXE3h.~.. .. ' FEDERAL ENbJ(ZpPIMEI~AEA$SESSMEhIT-:PROCESS:ir~ PROCESSUSFE'D `D`EVA.L•UATION.D'ENVIRONNEMENT' Local partners should provide the following iMomnation for each project submitted under COIW for which an environmental assessment (FA) is required in atxxtrdance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Ad (CEAA)./ Les partenaires locaux devraient foumir (information suivante pour cheque projet soumis dons le cadre de TICO pour lequel one valuation environnementate (EE) eat exigeree en vertu de la tai canadiene sur I'evaWation environnmementale (ACEE). Section 1!1 "° Partie PROJECT IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION DU PROJET 1.1 Local Partner/Partenaire local 1.2 Projed NameMOm du projet 1.3 Projed contacUPersonne•ressource Phone numberMumero de telephone 1.4 Environment Contacf/Personne-contact l'environnement Section 2/2 ""' Partie PROVINCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTI EVALUATION FJJVIRONNEMENTALE PROVINCIALE 2.1 Is the Projed subjed to assessment under Ontario EA process? YesMoJ Est•ce qua le projet eat sujet a I'evalutaion par le processus devaluation emtironnementale provincials? DUi/NOn. To avoid duplication, refer to EA findings prepared for the Ontario 1=A process and attach tloamentation as appropriate in completeing this fortnJ En compl4tant ce tormulaire, veuillez consulter lea condusions de ('evaluation environnementale prepares pour le processus d'~E de ('Ontario et attachez la dowmentabon pertinence afin d'eviter le dedoublement. Sedion 3/3 ["'Partie Use additional sfreefslUUlisez des /euilles edddionne0es. PROJECT AND FJa INFORMATION !INFORMATION DU PROJET ET DE L'EE 3.t Describe the projeeV Deuivez le projet. 3.2 Desvibe the ernironment m which the project will take place) DEcrivez 1'env'vorinement oii se trouve k projet. 3.3 Describe the environmental eNects of the project) Decrivez lea eRels du projet sur I'environnement. 3.4 Desuibe measures that will be undertaken to mitigate environmental e(fedsJ DEcriv¢z lea mesures qui seront Prises afin d'attenuer lea elfets sur I'envlronnement 3.5 Indicate expeded signircence of any adverse effects after mRiga}ionJ Mentionnez ('importance prevue de tout eRet defavorable aprLs I'attenuaNon. 3.6 Desu~ibe the monitoring prog2ms for the mitigation measuresJDecrivezie~ programmes de contrble des I'effieadte des mesures d'attenuation des effets environnementaux negatifs. Section d/4 r"" Partie PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION / CONSULTATION AVEC LE PUBLIC Ef LES GOVERNEMENTS 4.7 Was the Projed announced and the pubbe consulted during the EA? How?/ Est-ce qua le projet a ate annonce et le public eonsulte pendant 1'~E? De quells maniiire? 4.2 List federal and provincial agendas consulted arW other required pertnitsJ Intliquez lea agences federates et provinciales qui ont ate consultees et des sutras pemtis exiges. 4.3 Identify any issues raised by puWie or government agencies and any that remain ouLStanding.r Indiquez bate question souleveepar le Dvblic ou par lea agences gouvemementalas ainsi qua [Dote question testae en suspens. Section 515 `"` Partie EA DOCUMENTATION ~E 5.1 Attach the Ontario FA report of the project, if available, and list any other envuonmentai reports or studies undertaken) Attachez I'expos6 de I'EE provindal du proJet si disponible, et indiquez tout autre expose ou 8tutle. H addibonal information is required for the CEAA screening of your proposal, you will be conladed diredly by the federal Fsvironmcrlt Officer) Si I'on a Desoin de renseignements supplerrienfaires pour lea eNdes du ACEE de votre oNre, le represtmtent du gouvemement federal communiques dirertemenl avec vous. This fetlerdl environmental assessment process does ra)f replace the provincial environmental assessmem process, Each project proposal's subject m Ontarb requirementsJle Drocessus f6derel devaluation environnementale ne remplaoe pea Ie praceasus provincial d'evaluaECn environnementate. Toole proposNOn de projet esl assujettie crux eagenoes onfadennes. • ~ f S.. PHASE ONE: B.LA. STREETSCAPE REVITALIZATION PRELIMINARY CONSTRitcTtntu rncT ~~T~...,~.~ 1.1 Selective Demolition: Remove selective sections of existing concrete sidewalks and dispose of resultant debris (approximately 4,000 sq, metres area) 1.2 Subarade Preparation- Re-grade existing granular sub base. Import additional granular base as required. Compact base in preparation for placement of concrete (removal areas only). 1.3 Cast in Place Concrete: Supply and install 126mm thick 25mpa concrete, 6% air entrainment in repair areas. 1.4 Temoorarv facilities• Barriers, protection 1.5 Cutting and patching ].6 Field supervision, bonds, insurance - - - - $ 161,000.00 $ 9,600.00 " $ 45,000.00 e _ .- $ 15.000 00.'"~:.•,.~~. SUBTOTAL $ 428,600.00 Plus 10% Contingency 42.860.00 : ;: TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S 471,460.00 (excluding GST) ,_ ., !C, ~ r .R. r y Arch a r r~ ;, .< _ -~ , u, : , . t ^ f J" ~ ~ Mayor Diane Hamre and Members of Council Memorandum To: From: Date: Subject: Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning & Development 26 February 1997 Willsonia and Markborough Funds for Bowmanville Business Improvement Area Files: DEV 88-54; DEV 89-99 This memo is prepared to update you on the funds to be received from Clarington Place ~Ilsonia Industries) and Markborough Properties for the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area under their agreement with the Municipality. Under the agreement, three separate matters are addressed: 1. • Markborough $208,333.33 • Clarington Place $ 41,666.67 2. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BIA Parking and Streetscape Improvements A total of $250,000 is due from Markborough Properties and Clarington Place as follows: These funds are due prior to or upon issuance of building permit. Clarington Place forwarded their share in August 1996. Markborough contemplates the issuance of a building permit in March or April of 1997. These funds are being placed in a separate reserve account to be established. The funds can bedrawn down by Public Works upon concurrence of a streetscape improvements plan by Council and the BIA. Bowmanville BIA Marketing Study A total of $25,000 is due from Markborough Properties and Clarington Place as follows: • Markborough • Clarington Place $20,833.33 $ 4,166.67 ..2 ATTACHMENT N0. 3 t , i r . In Case of Transmission Difficult ies, Please Call 416-863- Please Deliver To: HUNICIPALITY 2101 OP CLARINCTO N COUNCIL INFORMATION Minletn). ut Munkipot AHaln ~ ~ Miniattaa dac end HOUSIna A~^6 ^"~NNpales .' - 91 tlu Ca9emenl 'Omk'a d are Minister Bureau du rrinube ~~ ~ 777 Bay Slreet~ - Toronto ON MSG 2E5 7TT rve ary ~ ~ ~ ~ mane (?78) 585-700e Twomo ON MSG 2r3 - .. - May 14; 1997 147 61 585-7008 - a l rq~ tt? ~ ~d E ~ ®~ ~ _ ~ Deal Hwd of Council: ~ . The~govenauents of Ontario and Canada gave reached an agreement to extend the Canada- Ontario Infrastructure Works (COIVV) Program to March 31, 1998. This 5459 ttu7lion program to food key infrastructure projeiYS~ agnss the province is expected to. create up to 10,000 jobs. The COPvV extension will address strategic itlfrastnrctureaeeds and priorities in four.basic areas: traaspotta6on, heady card pon'SeCOpda6' educafion and water and sewer facilities. The provindal and federal governments are inviting your municipality to pertidpate is the COIW Progtatti Under the COIW exteasioq muniapalities are'expeded to cotttdbuta.ohatltird of tye eligible capital costs of each project, Of the 5439 million in the extended program, 5183 million is available for municipalities to propose projects. Uoder the terms of the extension, this 5183 'million triirtricipal allocation is directed to projects involving the rehabilitation and repair of transportation, water and sewage facilities. The attacltnieut'ahowstha total allocation available to your mtmicipality for thrextended prognun, based on the saute population/houseyold fomlula used in the original COIW Program fThis~represeots your total afiocation, which would be cost-shared equally atnong.the province, the 8~'erruneat and your municipality We ask that yoti express your interest in participating with us in rye COIW program by submitting a completed~application form, which will be sent to you shortly along with a set ofprogram guideline. There is a tight deadline (March 31, 1998) set for completion of these projects. - Tyerefore, applications should be completed and received by Tune 13, 1997, to be considered for funding. . . We are very pleased thatihe federal sod Proyinaeigovemmdoty ale able to cooperate with our 1°t~~Pal Partners in thisimportant wdeavaur to build and renew public infiastructure in Ontario. For further inI'ormalioq pleeso cotdacY the COIW Unit at rye Mnistry of Municipal Affairs and Housing at (41~ 585-4040. Sincgely, ~ - ~ - a Mitriater of Munirapa[ -4ffairs and Housing Government of Ontario c:. MPPs a~(~.e AI ]'alladini Mrtistei of Transportation and Moister Responsblefor the -__ Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Worlds I?tdj~arrY• ~ ~ ---~ ... ~ ~ 71O^ GovertlmentefOntario ~:_Rti -• -- -'`;. w. J :~'![_'~ i_: ATTACHMENT N0. 4 I-t ( 1 Y 1997 CANADA- ONTARIO INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS PROGRAM TOTAL ALLOCATION TO SOUTHERN ONTARIO MUNICIPALITIES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING MARCH 1998 LISTED IN IN REGION/COUNTY SEQUENCE Combined Federal - Total Funds Available and Provincial Total to Municipalities ..... .._._-_Conrributions _ -... Con4ibutions (May t997-March (998) ................. Contribufiom toWes .._.._......_.._. .. du f6dhal et du Financem"t total disponNe Municipality/Municipalit6 Contributions des aux munieipalites Provincial Mtmicipalit6s (Mai 1997-mars 1998) S S Metropolitan Toronto R Toronto C 16,641,258 8,320,629 4 24,961,886 Etobicokc C ,577,029 2,288,514 1106,727 6;865,543 , Scarborough C 553,364 1,660,091 North York C 1,478,557 739,279 2,217,836 York C 2,108,337 1,054,169 456 3,162,506 East York B +2 05 228.103 684,308 305,480 152,740 ---- f 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 97- Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the Province) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HERESY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with The Corporation's seal, an agreement between The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the Province) and the Municipality. 2. THAT the agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 9th day of June, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 9th day of June, 1997. MAYOR CLERK