HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-34-97 T~ REPORT Meeting: File # GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE R2S.#~4~x~.-~-=7 Date: JUNE 2, 1997 By-Law# Report #: T File #: Subject: IMPERIAL OIL'S REQIIBST TO EXTEND BROWNSVILLB ROAD - APPROXIMAT$LY 200 METRES BETO4EEN LOTS 18 AND 19, CONCESSION 1, FORMER T09aNSHIP OF CLARXE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-34-97 be received; 2. THAT the Residents and Property .Owners on Brownsville Road and Brownsville Court be notified immediately of the proposal by Imperial Oil to extend Brownsville Road approximately 200 metres (650 feet) southerly; 3. THAT the Residents and Property Owners on Brownsville Road and Brownsville Court be invited to attend an Information Meeting to view the proposed plans for the Imperial Oil site and construction plans for Brownsville Road; 4. THAT the .Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement between Imperial Oil and the Municipality of Clarington to permit Imperial Oil to construct the extension of Brownsville Road approximately 200 metres (650 feet) southerly in accordance with the Municipal Standard for Road Construction and the conditions set out in the agreement which is Schedule "A" to the proposed by-law; 5. THAT the Brownsville Road extension be constructed for emeraencv access only, as a condition of site plan approval, to the Imperial Oil site and the road be terminated with a break-through barrier at o.oE.~®a.~.~~.. 1 1 ~ 1 v '~ - "<~ Yw ;: RsPORT xu.: ~w~p-~~-9~ rang a , the north limit of the. Ministry of Tranaportattios-of Ontario property (Imperial. Oil site); and 6. THAT Staff be authorized to take all actions neceseary.to gublcize, and give notice of the proposed by-law to establish and lay oLtt and open 'the road allowance; ~. THAT-Greg Ford,. Imperial Oil, be advised of Couacil'a decision. 88FORT 1.0 ]1TTRL7'~8 ~,7p. _l; ;Key.. Map a.o: snchaROV~ 2.1 Imperial Oi1'hae submitted an application for Site Plan Amendment to'renovate and reconstruct the site owned by the Ministry t~f Transportation of Ontario, presenply occupied by }~argtr King acid. Imperial Oil,, on the north side of Highway 401 (Attachtiient rto. 1). 2.2, Ae a requirement of Site Plan Approval, the Fire Chief-requested that a means of access be provided for emergency vehicles'from Brownsville Road {Attachment No. i}. 3.0 RBVI$iP A)iD C07T 3.1 Srovtasvil~,e .Road Brownsville Road is an open read allowance from. Highway 2 southerly ': for approximately .5 km. The road terminates appxoximately 200 metres north of the Imperial Oil site. The only option available to provide emergency access to the site is tp extend Browtieville Road. to the north limit. of the: Imperial .Oil site:.. 3.2 o»a gtrLc~n of t~}® Sutq~ on c _ Szo~~tilla Rid 3.2.T The extension of Brownsville Road will be constructed in accordance with the Municipal_ Standard for Road ~~ 34 Zit to Sxiatina Residents on 8rggggvillQ Rg :.While the residents o8 Brownsville Road will experienee some inconvenience during the actual construction, there will be 'no increase to traffic using Brownsvi le Road. 4.0 CONCLIISION 4.1 The Imperial Oil site requires `an emergency access to fulfil the... conditions of Site Plan Approval.. Brownsville Road provides the most efficient access, especially for fire protection, and the most- economical solution for: Imperial Oil. Construction. Any damage to the .:.existing road;: as a result of installation of services or construction, is the responsibility of the applicant and will be covered under the terms. of the Agreement. 3.2.2 Through vehicular traffic will be prohibited from.. entering the site :from the north by installation of a "break-through barrier gate" at the northerly limit to the site., Zt is imperative.that access be restricted from Brownsville Romei to-the site to avoid vehicular traffic entering or exiting Highway 401. 3.2.3. The approved design will include the conetructidn of a, turning circle with storage easements to accommodate winter snow to be granted in favouY of the Municipality.. "Emergency Access Route" and "No Parking" signs will bs installed and compliance enforced. }~otiae _to Residents and Y~gs~°rtg ere Approximately twenty (20) residents live on Brownsville Road and Brownsville Court. It is recommended that property owners and - residents be invited to attend an Information. Meetiag. Pr©posed Site Plans and Construction Drawings will be available #or viewing. Representatives from Imperial Rif, Totten Sims Hubicki, Consultants for Imperial Qil, and Staff will he present to answer any questions. 1 1 1103 r R$PORT NR.: s 9PD.-34-9~ ~ .. AR(~$ 4 It ia, therefore, recommended that Staff proceed to,txegoGiate an agreement with Imperial Oil to construct the. extension of Srownaville Raad and a break through barrier gate to the. north limit of the Imperial Oil Site. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, `~ lJ" ~ 4 Stephen A. Vokea, P.Eng. W. H.:Stackwell Director of Public-works Chief, Ad<niniatrative O#ficer A'CO*ph May 28, 1997 Oreg R. Ford Imperial Oil Products and Chemicals Division 16715 - 12 Yonge Street $ui a 193 Newmarket,. ON L3X 1X4. ' ~ ~ 'll i~~_. Highway No. 2 Maint fined ortion of ro dway 3 0 m Section of roa way Location of proposed to be extende turnarou d Location of "Brea IMPERIAL Gate" on private p operty OIL MacDonald-Cartier Freeway (Highway No. 401) ACA KE Highway No. 2 ' E ON ILLE D ~ N WAS E ~ Hi hwa Na. 401 d S ]~ j C \ATTACHS CLARKE BROWNS.DWG jJ t/ DRAWN BY: dM DATE: MAY 1997 ATTACHMENT N0. 1 KEY MAP ~-34-9' ''