HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-32-97-- -~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON XXX~ICSt~~3~~{A~I~f~~kT~7~X~fT~3~{XX REPORT Meeting: le # ~ • GE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTE Res. #~~ - ~~~~ 7 Date: MAY 2 0 , 19 9 7 By-Law # Report #: File #: WD-32-97 Subject: RAMPS - VARIOUS LOCATIONS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-32-97 be received for information; 2. THAT the construction of two (2) additional skateboard ramps at approximately $5,000 each be forwarded for consideration by Council to the 1998 Budget Discussions; and 3. THAT Otto Provenzano be provided with a copy of Report WD-32-97. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Letter, dated October 15, 1997, from Otto Provenzano attaching a petition 2.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At a meeting held on October 28, 1996, Council passed the following Resolution #C-794-96: o.,.~a~®..~~~aE 1226 ~y .. ...n R$8ORT NO.: QiA-32-97 PAt'iR 2 "THAT. the correspondence dated October 15, 1996, from Otto Provenzano, 309 Kendalwood Road, Whitby, L1N 2G2, forwarding a petition for a skateboard park, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and ,preparation of a report. on skateboarding facilities within the municipality in an attempt to alleviate .present-concerns;,and THAT Otto Provenzano be advised of Council's decision." 1.2 Mr. Provenzano, who is the owner of the plaza at 1413 Highway No. 2, submitted the attached getton .(Attachment No. 1) on behalf of the. area youths who have been using his plaza for skateboarding. In his covering letter Mr. Provenzano states .that the skateboarders are causing .major disruptions to'the traffic and customer flow, as well as increased property damage and security concerns for his tenants and himself. 2.-0 REVIR6i ADiD COi~S$NT 2.1 7.996 But~get During 1996, $.19,237 was utilized from the 1996 budget .for the construction of five (5) skateboard ramps. Two (2) skateboard ramps were .permanently installed during the fail of 1996, one (1) each at Orono' Park and 1227 RBPORT NO.s ND-32-9T PAt3$ 3 Bowmanvlle Memorial Park. It is planned that, during the spring/summer of 1997, three (3) temporary skateboard ramps will. be installed; one (1) each,-at Courtice. Secondary School, Newcastle Lions Paol, .and the:. DarlingCon Sports Centre. Additional skateboard ramps:` can be constructed at a.cost of approximately $5,000 each. 2.2 Manitoriaa of Rams 1,: a) Oroao Park sad SoNaaaville Memorial Par& Thee ramps, which were permanently installed at Drano Park and Bowmanville Memorial Park, were monitored and observed for durability, any vandalism, as well_ as public interest. After hal€ of a season, the. skateboard ramps,requred only general minor repairs' and the conditions ..around the area appeared to be' normal. For information, Staff has observed that people wearing :roller blades use the ramps as much` or more than peo~le with skateboards. b) Courte• High School Thee temporary skateboard ramp to be installed at Courtce Secondary School will be installed once the school is closed for the summer. Staff will be` .looking.. at the possibility of a permanent location: at the adjacent. Courtice Complex once a©natruction- of the .facility is completed. I 1226 ~aPasrr i -'~-~-- ~-sa-~s~ c) Neavaastl® Lions Pool. aad Dazli,agt~s Spcxts C~atr® The other two (2) temporary locations: at Newcastle Lions. Pool and the Harlington Sports Centre will be monitored for vandalism, interest generated, complaints, and possible permanent loeations;in the' Future. 2.3 Lavw,~of S~vica Skateboarding as an activity,has received a tras3itional level of service through the -placement:. of five (5)` - skateboard ramps- within- he Muncipaxlty: The`. Munici„pality`s ramps are of such a...size that. one (1} skateboarder can utilize ;the. ramp at any one, time. 1 . There are numerous locations within the Municipality that` -seem to attract medium to large groups. of ~,e~rarders. Mr. Provenzano's plaza at 1413 Highway No. 2, near the Oshawa/Clarngton Townlin@ .Road., appears to attract skateboarders because of its sloped paved p,~rking,lot, The location and size of our,five (5} present'skateboard' facilities cannot be expected to meet-the needs of a11' skateboarders in the Municipality. To this end, the .larger urban centres of Courtice and"Boormanv'i1le=would benefit frcxn the addition of one (1), ramp in•:each area. Specifically; Courtce would likely benefit from a aouth- west site to augment the existing north-east site at: Courtice High School/Caurtice CQm~-xu~,ity Centre. Bowmanville could benefit from an additional ramp in a 1229 ~.., SPORT NO. s 1@D-3S-97 ~'114,R 5 northern location to augment the existing aouth-central ; location at Memorial Paris. The optimum locations far existing and>future'akateboard ramps is presently being finalized through the use of. Public -Works. Infrastructure Management System. The .location of parks.. and cemeteries has recently beea~ added to this system... 3 0 CONCLVBIOlfl' 3.1 From the above, it is concluded that skateboarding requirements. are being addressed with the installation of two (2) permanent skateboard sites in the fail of 1996' and the future installation of three (3) temporary`.. skateboard sites during.. the summer of 1997. Further, it is reco~mended that two (2)' additional skateboard ramps ": be constructed and strategically placed in Courtice and Bowmanvlle. Re pectfully submitted, :Reviewed by, Stephen A. Vokes, P..Eng_ W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer GA*ph May 14, 1997 Mr. Qtto..Provenzano Opro & Son Land Development 30:9 KendalwoQd,Road whitby,'oN L1N 2G2 1230 COUNCIL DIRECTION o~T Z3 ~o Ss r~ ~ss OPRO & SON LAND DEVELOPMENT 3 oq KEND£~G Gvo~/~ lZ D 309 Kendalwood Road Whitby, Ontario _L1N 2G2 - --------- 5 =~~-~ ~ 9 ~1__===__ October 15, 1996 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 TO WHOM ZT MAY CONCERN: I am forwarding a copy of a Petition for a Skateboard Park signed by the numerous individuals using the parking lot of our plaza located at 1413 Highway No. 2. As the owner of this plaza, you can understand that the facility was not developed to provided a recreation area for the area's youth. This is a busy plaza and as you can see by the number of signatures on the petition, this is not a few individuals, but a large group that is causing major disruptions to the traffic and customer flow in the plaza as well as increased property damage and security concerns of both my tenants and myself. I feel that as a taxpayer, it is not my responsibility to provide an area of recreation for the surrounding residential developments. The municipality provides ball parks, soccer fields and playgrounds but not one of these facilities are adequate for skateboarding. Therefore, in order to help in relieving the problem in my plaza, I had the individuals using the area to sign this petition and Z agreed to forward it on to the ?•SUnicipality of Clarington for your comments. D-7 I am looking forward to your response regarding the above matter. Thankinc you for your attention, sincerer j C7i:s E"RiE3llTlt3lyd Y, _„ # CLEnh._„ _ . --- .:_ ...:~ i ~-,:. .::.~ OTTO PROVENZANO _ .... _.....-------.__._..._. ATTACHMENT N0, 1 --- -_....___ WD-32-A7 1----._ _...._~ ___....._ i - j i 2 3 ~ ^~~ -» ~(~~ % L / /_/~ _~/ r ~ (~ ~I Z~ ~ ,tom c_1 ~~ ~„ >4.. _ ~- I ~ _~ ~ Qua ~h 3 5 l ~ ~`~~-c " ~-'~~ ~~ss e, ~ic~-- 49- - ~irwooc~ /~~~, T -~;. /~ ~ /~~ ~~ ~~,is~~ 6 5 Q ~m~ ~~~ld. _ --- ~ti~~ ~CC,1 C ,. rS~ t7ccccl1c~,~c1~ C~cJ ^ t. `~ ~~``e .. J [ ~1~~ Pf~~,;~- ~ ~ T - J ` ,~ - r' ~, ' ~ ~ ~c~c, ~~' S ~,~^.v ..~~ rte. ~ ~! C'.~>.~=~~.L~,~ ~ ~ ~1 \ - ~ ~.\ 1 ~ ~ 1 1 1 ~ ~ ~~.:f 4 .. _ ' ' _ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ CC~~ev~ ~ ~~>~Y1G ccx~ ~~/~ 1~. ..~-f a . H ' . .. f~ `~ ....~ .\- ~ .. ... 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