HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-26-97 R � 1 TEtE XxxictfWMffiAticf2�JffiMW F1 ffi&R'Wcxr�GTOri REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File# Res. # C Date: April 28, 1997 By-Law# Report#: - File #: Subject: PROPOSED FRONT-ENDING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AND THE PERSONS REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT AND THE PASSING OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES By- LAW, BY-LAW Nn 92 104__ AS AMiii NDFD Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-26-97 be received; 2. THAT Council pass an amendment to the Development Charges By-law (By-law No. 92- 105, as amended) to add Schedules identifying relevant benefiting areas and the following services to the designated services which are now referred to in the By-law: • Bradshaw Street Road Reconstruction Works including storm sewers, storm connections, road granulars, curbs, pavement, sidewalks and other related works along Bradshaw Street from Concession Street northerly approximately 460 metres. • The Horban Stormwater Management Facility and all associated Works, located northeast of the intersection of Trulls Road and Nash Road, and including external storm sewers located from approximately 110 metres north of Nash Road, easterly approximately 55 metres from the northeast corner of Nash Road and Trulls Road, northerly approximately 80 metres, then northeasterly approximately 45 metres to the headwall. P HIED .� aREPORT NO, WD-26»97 PAGE 2 • Jackman Tributary Water Quality Pond and Tributary Erosion Prima Works - located southwest of the intersections of Middle Road ad,Scupg Street. • Middle Road Trunk Storm Sewer located from approximately 150 metres north of the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Read, northerly approximately 574 metres. • Middle Road Trunk Storm Sewer located from approximately 150 metres north of the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Road, southerly annoxirnately- 135 metres., • Scugog Street Trunk Storm Sewer located from approximately 330 metres north'' of the intersection of. Scugog Street and Middle Road, swth easterly approximately 415 metres. • iongworth Avenue Trunk Storm Sewer and Bowmattville Creek Works froth MHl located at the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Roams westerly approximately 280 metres to the outfall, and including the Bowmawv llle Greek Works located immediately west of the headwall. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willey Drive and Laurelwood Street northeasterly along Willey Drive approximately 345 metres, then easterly aloes' Goodwin Avenue approximately 65 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willey Drive aW Laurdwood Street, northerly. approximately 280 metres, then easterly along Honeyman Drive � r REPORT NO. WD-26-97 PAGE 3 approximately 270 metres, then northerly approximately 155 metres too-Gimblett Street, then northerly along Gimblett Street approximately 95 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willey Drive and L.Mrelwood.Strew, southerly along Laurelwood Street approximately 85 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Lattretwood Street, westerly along Longworth Avenue approximately 205 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Middle Road, easterly along Longworth Avenue approximately 70 des. • Trunk Storm Sewers on Courtice Road (Regional Road 34) from approximately 260 metres north of Hwy. No. 2, southerly approximately 215 metres to the headwall and including related erosion Works located immediately west of the headwall. • Master Drainage Study for East Tributary of Black Creek. • Trunk Storm Sewers from Mearns Avenue, approximately 360 metres north of Concession Street, northerly along Mearns Avenue approximately 200 metres, then westerly along Ireland Street approximately 150 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewers from Mearns Avenue, approximately 360 metres north of Concession Street, westerly approximately 20 metres to Edgerton Drive, then southerly and westerly along Edgerton Drive approximately, 275 metres to i s REPORT NO. WD-26-97 PAGE 4 Kershaw Street, then southerly along Kershaw Stteet:approximately 265 metres to Concession Street. • Trunk Storm Sewers along Concession Street from approximately 170 metres west of Mearns Avenue, westerly approximately 95 metres, then southerly through an easement approximately 110 metres to the outfall. • Trunk Storm Sewers along Meares Avenue from approximately 360 metres north of Concession Street, northeasterly approximately 15 metres. 3. THAT Council pass the necessary by-laws to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into front-ending agreements with the relevant owners set out below in respect of the works or services the cost of which has been front-ended by the ownersas detailed in the following.Front-Ending Agreement Reports dated April, 1997 and prepared by O.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd: w e AS=S t 1. Royal Bank of Canada Bradshaw Street Road Ashdale Capital Corporation Ltd. Reconstruction Front-Ending By its Receiver and Manager Agreement BDO Dunwoody Limited 621182 Ontario Ltd. 2. Royal Bank of Canada How Pond Water Quality Facility 848WI Ontario Inc. Front-Ending Agreement 829633 Ontario Inc. z , 'm REPORT NO. WA-26-97 PAGE � 3. Macourtice Developments Inc. Macourticc Front-Ending Agreement 4. Mr. R. Carruthers and North Bowmanville Stormwater Ms. Elizabeth Smith Management Project and Storm Trunk Sewers Frout-Ending Agreement 5. Halioway Holdings Ltd. North Bowmanville:Stormwater Management Project and Storm Trunk Sewers Frout�Bnding, Agreement 6. Ashdale Capital Corporation Ltd. Willowbrook Qvdm& Mearns I By its Receiver and Manager BDO Front-Endmg Agreement Limited 621182 Ontario Ltd. 4. THAT the term of the front-ending agreements referred to in this Report be,10 years with the exception of the agreements with Mr. R. Carruthers and Ms. Elizabeth Smith and Halloway Holdings Ltd., respectively, which will have terms of 15 years each. 5. THAT a copy of this report be sent to the Owners referred to in Recommendation No. 3. REPORT NO. WD-26.97 PAGE G REPORT 1A ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Maps showing owners' lands and benefiting lands to which the r from-ending agreements will apply. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Prior to the;enactment of the Development Charges Act, 1989, the Municipality regularly made subdivision agreements uppder the Planning Act with owners under which works that were external to lands within a parucular plan of subdivision or were oversized to accommodate future development upstream of the lands within that subdivision, would be paid for by the owner who wished to develop first. Usually, the subdivision ; agreements provided that the Municipality would use its best endeavours to collect. appropriate amounts of money from other benefiting persons as their lands develop and pay the amounts collected to the owners who front-ended the cost: 2.2 Examples,of external works are a perimeter road outside the boundaries of the plan of subdivision in question which requited up-grading from a rural profile to an.-urban profile and a storm work management facility that ultimately will ache•drainage from several subdivisions. An example of an oversized work is a storm-sewer which a oversized to accommodate drainage both from a particular plan of subdivision as well as other lands in different ownerships upstream;of the subdivision in question. 2.3 The Development Charges Act, 1989, in effect made it impossible,for the Municipality to use "best endeavours" clauses in subdivision agreements after November.23, 1991. Instead, it required that if front-ending agreements were to be made with a municipality respecting external or oversized works, they would have to be made in accordance with Part lI of the Development Charges Act. The first step that would have to be taken REPORT NO. VVD-26-97 PAGE 7 would be for the Municipality to enact or amend a development charge by-law which included as a designated service the work proposed to be front-ems by a particular owner which would be the subject of a front-ending agreement under the Act. 2:4 Prior to November 23, 1991, the Municipality had entered into several subdivision agreements with owners which provided for these owners to front-end the cost of certain external and/or oversized Works. These agreements were made in contemplation of the prohibiting provision of the Development Charges Act, 1989, referred to above coming into force. The agreements stated that, without imposing a legal obligation on the Municipality, if the Municipality enacted a development charge by-law that the Municipality and the owner intended to enter into a from-ending agreement under the Act with a term not to exceed 10 years from the date of the later to occur of the issuance of a Certificate of Completion with respect to the Work in queue :and the date of enactment ofthe Municipality's Development Charge By-law. Subdivision Agreements containing this type of provision were made with the owners of the lands within the following draft plans of subdivision: 18T-86973 (Macourtice) i8T-88024 (Willowbrook Gardens) 18T--89013 (Mearns I) IST-88024 (Bradshaw Street) 2.5 External and/or oversized services under the agreement referred to in paragraph 2.4 either are being constructed or have been completed. In each case, the cost has been front-ended by the relevant owner. In order for that owner to collect front-ending payments from other benefiting owners, it is necessary for a from-ending agreement to be node in accordance with Part R of the Development Charge Act, R.S.O. 1990,' REPORT NO. VVD-X47 PAGT lI c.D.9, as amended. There is considerable urgency since a new Development Charges Act is before the Legislative Assembly for third reading. It is probable beat it will permit front-eadipg agreements to be made only where they are made before oommeu=Uent of the works proposed to be front-ended. 2.6 Each of the owners of the lamb rdiarred-to in paragraph 2.4 who has ineurred costs for front-ending certain services has:requested that the Municipality enter low a Wit-ending agreement to give effect to cast-sharing'principles set out in front-ending agreements reports Prepared by G.M. Semas & Associates Ltd. and dated April, 1997 under the current Development Charges Act. 2.7 Additionally, the Municipality has entered into an agreement dated Neer 17, 1995 with Robert Russell Carruthers and Elizabeth Grace Smith as it condition of a land severance granted under the Planning Act. In it the owners agreed to,construct and install certain external and oversized worlds comprising part of the North Bowmanville Stotmwater Management Project and Stotmn Trunk Sewers Works #hat would be of benefit to other benefiting lands as well. Pursuant to this agreeaent:the owners have, requested that the Municipality:enter into a front-ending agreematvi&theta deal with the works front-ended by them in accordance with a front-enling:agreement report prepared by G.M. Sernas &Associates Ltd. and dated April, 1997. 2.8 Although there is not an agreement between the Municipality,and Ifalloway'Holdings Ltd. respecting the making of a from-ending agreement for the part of the North Bowmanville Stommuwater Management Project and Storm-Trunk Sewers which are not being undertaken by Mr. Carruthers and Ms. Smith, nor an agreement between the Municipality and the owners who are responsible for constructing the HorbanStorrawste r Management Facility and associated works, in staffs opinion it would be appropriate for REPORT NO. WD-26.9'7 PAGE 9 front-ending agreements to be made by the Municipality and the relevant owners in respect of these works as well. 2.9 Staff has reviewed and approved the cost-sharing principles and data of the.following reports prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. dated April, 1997 and on file with me. It is recommended that these principles and data be inchi ded in frout-ending . agreements with the owner or owners concerned: L Bradshaw Street Road Reconstruction Front-Ending Agreement 2. Horban Pond Water Quality Facility Front-Ending Agreement 3. Macourtice Front-Ending Agreement 4. North Bowmanville Stormwater Management Project and Storm Trunk Sewers Front-Euding Agreement (CarrWhers) 5. North Bowmanville Starmwatet Management Project and Storm Trunk Sewers Front-Endue Agreement(Hailoway) 6. Willowbrook Garden &Meamns I From-Ending Agreement REPORT NO. WD-2&W PAGGE10 2,10 As indicated above, generally the subdivision agreements respe :the draft plans of subdivision re€erred to in paragraph 2.5 contemplated that the front-ending agreement would have a term of 10 years. In the case of the North Bowmanvile Storm Water Management Project and Storm Trunk Sewer Works, staff is of the opinion that the term of each of the front-ending agreements should be 15 years rather than;10 years and I so . recommend to Council. 2.11 Notice has been given of a public meeting to be held by Council to consider submissions from members of the public respecting a proposed amendment to the Municipality's Development Charge By-law (By-law No. 92-105, as amended) to add the. oHowing designated services to the by-law as a first step to the making of front-ending agreements between the Municipality and the relevant owners: • Bradshaw Street Road Reconstruction Works including storm severs, storm connections, road granulars, curbs, pavement, sidewalks and other related works along Bradshaw Suet from Concession Street ,northerly approximately 460 metres. • The Horban Stormwater Management Facility and all associated Works, located northeast of the intersection of Trulls Road and Nash Road, and including external storm sewers located from approximately 110 metres north of Nash Road, easterly approximately 55 metres from the northeast corner of Nash Road and Trulls ;Road, northerly approximately 80 metres, then northeasterly approximately 45 metres to the headwall. • Jackman Tributary Water Quality Pond and Tributary Erosion..Ptntection Works located southwest of the intersection of Middle Road and Scugog Sorer. RMRT NO. WD-26.97 PAGE11 • Middle Road Trunk Storm Sewer located from approximately 150 metres north' of the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Road, northerly approximately 570 metres. • Middle Road Trunk Storm Sewer located from approximagely 150 metres north of the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Road, southerly approximately 135 metres. • Scugog Street Trunk Storm Sewer located from aMoximately 330;molves north of the intersection of Scugog: Street and Middle Road, south easterly , approximately 415 metres. • I.ongworth Avenue Trunk Storm Sewer and Bowmanville Cheek Works from MHl located at the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle;Road, westerly approximately 280 metres to the outfall, and including the-Bo aville Creek Works located immediately west of the headwall. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willey Drive and Lauretwood Street northeasterly along Willey Drive approximately 345 metres, then easterly along Goodwin Avenue approximately 65 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willey Drive and Lsturelwood Street, northerly approximately 280 metres, then easterly along Honeyman Drive approximately 270 metres, then northerly approximately 155 metres to Gimblett Street, then northerly along Gimblett Street approximiamiy 95 menes. REPORT NO. WD-26.97 PAGE12 • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willey Drive°and Laurelwood Street, southerly along Laurelwood Street approximately 85 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Laureiwood Street, westerly along Longworth Avenue approximately 205 mares. • Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Mule Road, easterly along Longworth Avenue approximately 70 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewers on Courtic a Road (Regional Road 34) from approximately 260 metres north of Hwy. No. 2 southerly approximately°215 metres to the.-" headwall and including;related erosion Works located immediately west of the headwall. Master Drainage Study for East Tributary of Black Creek. • Trunk Storm Sewers from Meares Avenue, approxim ftly 360 metres:north of Concession Street, northerly along;Mearns Avenue approximaUty IM metres, > then westerly along Ireland Street approximately 150 metres. • Trunk Storm Sewers from Mearns Avenue, approximately 360 metes north of Concession Street, westerly approximately 20 metres to Edgerton Drive, then southerly and westerly along Edgerton Drive approximately 275 metres to Kershaw Street, then southerly along Kershaw Street approximately 265 mares to Concession Street. REPORT NO. WD-26-97 PAGE13 • Trunk Storm Sewers along Concession Street from approximately 170 metres west of Mearns Avenue, westerly approximately 95 mires: then southerly through an easement approximately 110 metres to the outfsll. • Trunk Storm Sewers along Meares Avenue from approximately 360 metres north Of Concession Street, northeasterly approximately 15 metres. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 It is respectfully recommended that Council pass an appropriate amendment to By-law No. 92-105, as amended, to give effect to the recommendations-contained in this report. 3.2 It is also respectfully recommended that Council approve the making of front-ending agreements under Pate Il of the current Development Charges Act with the owners listed below and pass the necessary by-laws to authorize the Mayor,and Clerk to execute the same on behalf of the Municipality: U Front-Eadino R �t 1. Royal Bank of Canada - Bradshaw Street Road Ashdale Capital Corporation Ltd. Reconstruction Fron-Ending By its Receiver and Manager Agreement BDO Dunwoody Limited 621182 Ontario Ltd. 2. Royal Bank of Canada Horban Pond Water Quality 848601 Ontario Inc. Facility Front-Ending 829633 Ontario Inc. Agreement REPORT NO. 26-77 PAIK14 3. Macourtice Developments Inc., Macomtice Front-Ending , Agreement 4. Mr. R. Carruthers North Bowlnamille Stormwater Ms. Elizabeth Smith Management Prosy and Storm Trunk Sewers Front-Ending Agreement 5. Halloway Holdings Ltd. North Bowman lle Stormwater Management Prat and Storm Trunk Sewers Front-Ending Agreement 6. Ashdale Capital Corporation Willowbrook Gardens &Mearns I Ltd.By its Receiver and Front-Fading Agreement Manager SDO Limited 621182 Ontario Ltd. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. W. AStockwe Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer DH*SAV*ph April 2B; 1997 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 97-85 being a By-law to amend By-law No. 92-105, as amended WHEREAS in accordance with section 4 of the Development Charges Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.9, the Municipality gave notice of a public meeting held on April 28, 1997 to consider proposals to amend By-law No. 92-105 to add certain designated services for specified Benefiting Areas to the designated services in respect of which development charges are payable; WHEREAS at the public meeting held on April 28, 1997, Council heard all persons who applied to be heard in objection to or in approval of the aforesaid proposals and considered all written communications; WHEREAS Council considers it expedient to amend By-law No. 92-105 as set out below; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. By-law No. 92-105 as amended by By-laws No. 93-74, 94-115 and 96-165, is further amended by: (a) adding to clause 1(1)(i) after the words, letters and figures "Schedules"A-1", "A-2" or"A-3" the words,letters and figures "'A-4" "A-5" "A-6" "A-7" "A-8" or "A-9"' (b) adding to clause 1(1)(0) before the words "as may be applicable" the words, letters and figures "'B-4" "B-5" "13-6" "13-7" "B-8" or "13-9"'; (c) adding to subsection 4(2) after the letter and figure "B-3", the word, letters and figures "'B-4" "B-5" "13-6" "134" "B-8" and "B-9"'; (d) adding new Schedules "A-4", "A-5", "A-6" "A-7" "A-8" and "A-9", which are deemed to be attached to and form part of By-law No. 92-105, as amended, and to have the content of Schedules"A-4", "A-5","A-6", "A-7,"A-8"and"A- 9", respectively, attached hereto; and (e) adding new Schedules "134", "13-5", "13-6", "B-7", "B-8" and "B-9", which are deemed to be attached to and form part of By-law No. 92.105, as amended, with the content of Schedules "54", "B-5", "13-6", "B-7" "B-8" and "B-9", respectively, attached hereto. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 28th day of April, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1997. Mayor Clerk SCHEDULE A-4 APPLEBL �SSOM — —T-- ' k " li I I ,�� x�• � 1 � Maim _ — — — __ — — —I - - . x sy - --- �� - _ l'� #fix I — Q.. RR; �k -- { i •t. # #'�Ayrxk#�k C O —N C E — S S 1 O — N- - S— T. E. ---- -- - i LEGEND COWNERS AREA # r BENEFITTING AREAS i 0 100 2C0 300 40- . I SCHEDULE A-5 I 1 I I I I I _= I - I - I I I I I I O I _______ ^ I _ _______ L I I 1.72ho _ I I I I - I , i I I I I I I � O 1 O I ' 3.17ha . 270w LAND OWNERSHIP ' I I FOLEY GROUP/ARCHIE CURTLS O ROYAL BANK DEV. 91-017 ROYAL BANK 1BT-91008 ROYAL BANK 1ST-89= J Q5 ROYAL BANK 18T-88OS7 - 1 ODURTICE HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENTS 1 1.75ho I _ _ I -- LEGEND BENERTTING AREAS I - - - - OWNER'S AREA --- �� OPEN SPACE AND/OR I GREEN SPACE STORM WORKS I I wme avw = — THE CORPORATKIN OF TIE MUNCPA ITY OF CLAISN610R 1 __ eaee..v aaro DeoQbl»:L I - - - - - - - HORBAN POND WATER QUALITY FACLITY ---------------------------------------- -- - SENEFlTTING AREAS FOR HORBAN POND /'1 M� Q���Q I G3LL7Gil�r7 �y I 4W I I i»Gmmftevwmmwrmwr�a I su beq•mss--� I I I ut: ywo�tan oeu:m: sAx 91050 � 1C6L 1 KTt I SCHEDULE A-6 III I 1 { I ITI_.L 7J� �T&I L_ - I I II � I H + i �� 11 � I y µi Illffl J rfTjll L-I iTL1 a r j of II as he)._i i 4m + nA 3.yN'k-� ti r 'k� i+ ) e ¢� 0 9 ,Y { aa>�t '' (a Sw* IlVb m?W m M .l pill 1 I i' Y 1 1 I III I L I i I h I"I ii�J L � i 888 1 - ♦o n AK ®a�y IT f» F �_ "F® ° N 4J -` l 'r .p 4 1 L ' L_ T t- I�I I + � '- Z uui1 LOF ®t _ T__a" { T--1 V �-- I I i T F-T T -1 f 7T F1 T --t i'�f'Th1� l�` 1 1 flu Ti -:I (P® -� 11.�� 1°I I°1--I° I IL®TI[�I TYi I I l F , l� T f T I I� I r I f l ❑ 1 r I I�Ir�L ul❑{OI�`I,� 1� �T —ROAD � T__ ( wwlµ I w+o cw�wswv lEGE11Q o f xo. I4 ;_ t' � !-__ _ __ .r J IJ_ u.a) ff*'sf'mxc a�vnw x¢rue6 M I ® I 1 t_= iasawy L ewmrnxc•ssw 1 - I ® I 1 I I I 1 oxxm's arw X ;i_u}fp i °�' MACOURTICE DEVELOPMENTS NC. �--- FRONT-ENDNOAOREEMENT BENEFITTING AREAS Serna9ua SCHEDULE A-7 t[ • 3 L -��-_ y 1 J F� 1 � tia L lei iJ Ll� w1 1rITT?TT^ ,T, .. . F++FiI#HtH#i} �� • -J � E.: � 1 tm1 r wl RI 11 i � r��` II Ey3 f$3 ---i(( ' � c•. / nl Im ,ill. .<.<a f3�1�\'(..• ley,• .. �1. .LI.Llli� �� a A "TT" l I PPOPDSED CRE➢( 'SREnLGrvuENi .58hc -. I I �HCq(IN RREP � � � CT ROPE PROI�C'ON 'I' i i_ 11 1 .t S LEGEND ERA I OWNER'S AREA r LAND OWNERSHIP r I �'1 I ,.r 1 806886 ONTARIO Lm BENEFlTTING AREAS (18T-87089) 2. P.J. CARRUTHERS L _ - (18T-87085) C-A WORKS 3. ROBERT R. CARRUTHERS k E G. SMITH (18T-87086) !. 14ALLOWAY HOLDINGS Lm. t TIE CORPORATION� nA�OF CLAWWI011 (18T-87087) I L j J _ -- s. rowa+ESTER DEVELOPMENTS Lm. �INpf SCHEDULE A-7 �1 _ J 1 + A E__�_� k. { y F + Ct$r� CI i-r f- ), 7 C w. ilu. Ia 1414 11 FH1 H Fu_u v���I �7:! xl -1C 7F _ J uI:-a 1 2.2 1 I I LIJ v 1 15 a 3Tq 6 4:1'F 5 t � _ I HIM J Imo._ .LL _ _ ereocosEO cxm: fI �I I L auucxuwr - :� IH"IN Afi s¢r�vnorecnONl J v Y7 :�J LEGEND 1 �or� OWNER'S AREA caosox ' .vHmccnaN xaHNS I ,_ i _.�I,j .7 r�-: BENEFlTTINO AREAS 1 AND OWNERSHIP J�-_jy t J Vr- 1. 806888 ONTARIO LTD. . "r BENEFlT7ING AREA (78r-87088) --• ^,��i �,] '� IXmrt av Lvas eNMNC�+o mats 2 P.J. CARRURiQtS r, ��fl�- - fort filOrtHL PR IIDVUNR HDRa (16T-87085) - 3. ROBERT R. CARRUTHERS k E G 987H C-B WORKS (18T-87088) 4. NALLOWAY HOLDINGS LTD. V--I CORPORATION OF 9E MUNICIPALITY OF CLARNGTOi (Tar-67097) -T 1'µT�..� -- P44.w DVI 5. TO9CFESTER DEVELOPMENTS LTD. :�' L C J ( a3>) NORTH BOWMAMYLLE 18T-82 �Ac a- 6. VELTRI k SON LTD. 6TOMWATRR PROACT 7. S18T-88051 _ -_ NDOLN HOLDINGS PICKERING LTD. -" +� Y (1Br -8 �pp 1 z -- MBDIZ 004MTMO ww sal Tai UNK�-�n11TO M a 835807 ONTARIO LTD. r,„n�- t= (TBr-87oz1) AIM L:- ///111��'��`JUDITH COOPER 10. t(IBT :HARVEY COOPER a: k L BARBARA JEAN KENNEDY 11. DONALD PRNS (N TRUST) `ICJ C - way..mwrwra (OKER P070) m 12 ROVER PARK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. f°�y�m - 13. VELIRI k SON LID. rm.T Na (18T-8035) wrz: fuawtt,Ist our n: W �is BU16 ROBERT R. CARRUTfERS C_B IT J1J _PF 1— 4 �L k- t 1�. C-T -4.381 I r n r 'i T 1 � � � I-F♦��`41 �� i ' III ! 1 I +i+h4 1 _ \ l� IiU _— • _� ' ITS �T1T T1� 1TIT- 1 " 'i J fTiui.�iL .I F I ��_I, I L i \F it 1 [ nT , i 1� O 1L .a a \ L+I I,I_F- - $F C ti aROPOMD CRm z 1 idllE� r HW N MEP �NPE Pfl01EGTOry � �/ ` / � r � r , LEGEND ceasoe ' y F j I -- OWNER'S AREA HORNS BENEFlTTING AREAS n LAND OM4ER9iIP 1,•�/�'r f��t= ,-- I"3M` .�'�".Y:I 1. 8069x6 ONTARIO Lm. (19T-97009) ��l-��,� '- BENEF1TTING AREA 2 (18T-87085)CARRUTHERS I J 1 r ro exl m�g r m CARRUT 3 ROBERT R. CARRUTHERS k E G. SMITH (1ST-87006) t: �--- C-C WORKS 4. HA HOLDINGS Lm. ! (Oar-ESTT-870 ER) I= - TLE COIPORATLON OF THE NIRRfFA M OF CLARINGRA a (laroxcrESme DEVELOPMENTS Lm. -� 6. V[ELTRI e& Lm. I r_ NORTH 801MYANYLLE 7. 17NCOLN HOLDINGS PICKLAING LTD. LI- _ + L_: STOWMATIM YAMA�T PROJECT (18T-99021) "i � I'- BNlf1T 110 AREAS MR G-C WORKS 8 x76607 ONTAT80 Lm. p .,-"'q"Otg� t= IBOOIE ROAD STORY TRIM BflEII- Y8 m Y1 (19T-97021) I� .�i� a. Lunn a JUDITH COOPER li o o' 10. ALLIAMARA.HHAR Y COOPER « .. s � �.• 11. DONALD PRNS (IN TRUST) �• -- (197-89070) �� -� m solo mus aMr a 12. Vil PARK DEVELOPMENTS AENiS Lm. u�m 1S (18T- 41 SON Lm. (197-94035) , 14. BUTDRY �: RNlM6Y.NNi duw aY: El 88007 1a ROBERT R. CARRUTHERS slartosa x: urn xa scut: Nca - a w: I C—C S CH4DULA A-7 13 c JI I I w If 1 � - -- ass r IJIL j � � � U fff � i. Mil i l 1 1 1 1 C I ° r rrr 11 11� �_M,G1 r1 -i Y 1 Jlllrl_ 11J j III [*I r1rn TI T" �TIT' {111 ':III 1l+l �lI LI + X111 LI 111 F It11ILIII 1 11 LL 1 te 0, 1 I 1 � r -, „ � .�. ,<.< � 1 � ����• III I �, 11 ILI j I T 1T1— 1 I r �:' 111+I�ITlill —rl+ V I I � ltlrr 111 rIr rl l r f I L _ PROPOSE CIREK � �" � I 11 I RGIICNMENT ..W YI I I r I NWUN AREA 1 _ . 71 _- -� L l 1 1 l +1 t t F d 1 LEGEND .�_ O NS T- OWNER'S AREA LAND OWNERSHIP 1. 806886 ONTARIO LTD. (18T-87089) `1',. BENEFlTTING AREAS 2. P.J. CARRUTHERS I�1I - i t `• —' tar-87085) I s 3. ROBERT R. CARRUTHERS h E. G. SMITH F L L L J L'n 6 r—� C—D WORKS (1ST-87086) ♦. HALLOWAY HOLDINGS LTD. (18T-87087 11_} µ I_+ r CORPORATION OF WE M NWAUTY OF CLAINNITION 5. TONClES1ER)DEVELOPMENTS LTD. LL.1T T, - PWflo Wab (16T-82037) r vELTm :SON LTD, I"p°°� r r- NORTH BOWNIAWLW (18T-86051) LI = BTOIIM�ATIA YNIA�If M0.lCT 7. UNCDLN IgL0ING5 PICKERING LTD. 4_1 BELEFITiNq AREAS FOR 0-0 WORKS (I ST-89021) C .,vzxJ t- OLD SG1000 ROAD STOW WINK BEWPR'R & OW07 ONTAF40 LTD. r (1ST-87021) I " E:- CAR= 9. LANNY a JUDITH COOPER V�I�IV 10. WILLIAM t HARVEY COOPER e I F=L 11d•• BARBARA JEAN KOMEDY - �� I- 11. DONALD PRINS (IN TRUST) �,. C, F _ � (1BT-89070) :.Imm 12 ROKER PARK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. k 13. VELTRI &SON LTD. 1L- (1877-884035) wx: rtelewo'.,wT oKA�I n: c� 85007 15. ROBERT R. CARRUTHERS Relo®ar: acc xc Kra `._p o[o®er: occ SCHEDULE A-8 • 'Tfi : I�'I � _ I I I <:Il 'F : I IT, _ 111 6. i pi ii LiuJ z--TD tit�7 to [ ITI rrt - �3B11a'� rr m-T+Tt rr-,-.'�T� }F` Vt. Y llJ1L1 11 �, - A J111, C rr F F ' it c 1 � aY r' w+1411 14 T, I,J iil w L�..L;) L uliili U Li[i-,, I „ r 228ha. F ` IF A E _ Q '�. :. . . rn4: IT 14 T � t I 11 iI I 1 I 1+I', I` - sala LEGEND - - OWNER'S AREA 1AND OWNERSHIP 1. 806886 ONTARIO LTD. - BENEFITING AREAS (18T-87089) 2 P.J. CARRUTHERS - - (isT-87065) i - H-A WORKS 3. ROBERT R. CAMTHERS A E G. SMITH (18T-87088) i 4. HA T;WAY H"NGS LTD. 1 1 -4. C:NPORAIK91 OF BE MUNICIPALITY OF C./RWTCN (18T-87087) - vue6o rbb 5. (18T-8STL3t DEVELOPMENTS LTD. : ,- <76T-ezo37) �._ �_, - '� -. NORTN BOWMANYLLE 6, VELTRI A SON LTD. =1--:.=- __ r-_ STORYYIATO MAXII OfT PRO.RCT (18T-8B051) 7. UNCOIN HOIJIINGS PICKEPoNG 11D. - _-.1} -- I`' INDU ING AREAS FOR H-A WORKS (18T-89021) 8. 835607 ONTARIO LTD. (18T-87021) 9. LANNY A JUDITH COOPER 10" VAWAM A HARVEY COOPER A I.hI.• BARBARA JEAN KENNEDY 11. DONALD PRINS (IN TRUST) _- _ F _ m.nAM� (18T-89070) x, 12 ROKER PARK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 13 VELIRI A SON LTD. (1ST-81035) aW: emew 1,an uaw W: 95007 14. BUTIERY 15. ROBERT R. CNMTERS acwt:: Kn H—A amm ar: oac schedule A-8 1� I �. I I n+� -4 ". . ..t. 4�� # +lµIF ii 'j L + r r i ,r - �k v - r i3 1 � N i, LEGEND LAND OWNERSHIP OWNER'S AREA 1. 806888 ONTARIO LTD. (18T-87089) u fir{ ��r. . BENEFlTTING AREAS 2 P.J. CARRUTHERS r ._ (OBERT aB5) I,> �- H-B WORKS 3. ROBERT R CARRUIHERS&E G. SMITH J-L L`-. 4. HALLOWAOY�Hq.dNGS LTD. �I r - (,BT-87087) 7 µTI_ I__ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARING 011 5. TOW TESTER DEVELOPMENTS LTD. _ D�porb:t�e (1ST-82037) 1£L NORTH BOMIMANYLLE S. VELTRI &SON LTD. - - -`� . ... (sr-88051) sTO1 ATM NANAQ� PRGJWr 7. LINCOLN HOLDINGS PICKERING LTD. (187-88021) e 1+ r- 0047MMO AWAS FOR H-B WORKS 8, 835907 ONTARIO I.M. VAwvrt mu«SEW MHW TO MH 7 CANNY&21) Vr1�L 9. LANKY&JUDITH COOPER k-{ ,r�• 10. WILLIAM BARBA A HARVEY COOPER & BARBARA ,ESN KENNEDY - „ ♦- - I1d.• 11. DONALD PRRTS(M TRUST) (16T-89070) `-- r 12. ROKER PARK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 13 VELTRI &SON LTD. r°u 4t t�°mr (18T-84035) nAO¢T Me 14. BUTTERY WE t rmAIMY.nn utAEl K: u. 93DD7 15. ROBERT R. CARRUTHERs - olaom r: uE.e f 1 KTA - Oernn trc: o.LC H-B SCHEDULE A-8 I — I c F 1ILA-a � JIJL- J Llii. LL 1,-J Li i ACA _ I� lTT ITI Rl _ •. j -'-{ l �ll - �, f � �- n 'iTfTT1TIT•lTl -i •-�+N1 114 i F+ q i it tj �I e. !; iIlJ ` -+1 IH tltl 7 rrv� & 3FJ Cl 7 ,r1 LEGEND OMER'S AREA I AND ONNERSHIP � F- 1. 808886 ONTARIO L10. _ T ,'� BENEFlTTING AREAS (18T-8700 - 2. PI CARRIRFERB I�111 r, (18T-87085) �_ H-C WORKS - 3. ROBERT R. CARRVTHERS k E G. SMITH +F L L Lcvr•° (18T-87008) ';-:o6�a'l r- _"f" 4. HAlOWAY HOLDINGS LTD. F_d AI -' CORPORATNK OF TIE MI4OPAM OF CLARNOTON (16r--6ms» HIT,P y-— -- P lRe w.Hs 5. TOYAx1ESTER DEVELOPMENTS LTD. + IE'L=�_L EJ t NORTH BUM MLE (18T-82037) 6. VELIRI &SON LTD. -i-I�=z17 -I r- iTO1WmAT01 YmAG=Mff MidICT _ eE61TTHC AREAS FOR H-C 40RK5 7. UNCOLN HMGS PICKERING LTD. ,- (181-88021) s,°2 J VALIANT 1R1RK Sam NH45 70 MT7 8. 835607 aN&0 LTD. TF-.-- t= (18T-87021) A _ `°�-� LF /21/ Qp Q 9. UHBTT'k JIUDITH COOPER ' V�I�L Vwaaai 10, WLUAM t HARVEY COOPER BARBARA JEAN KENNEDY VA 11. DONALD PRINS(M 1R16T) F- M« (18T-89070) 12. ROKER PARK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 13. VELTR1 Y SON LTD, p q (18T-84035) MIX: �nluNTr.:wR our er: u � 1 14. BLRIERY 15. ROBERT P- CARRUTHERS n.� .. alwe: NTS H-C acc+m w: REG SCHEDULE A-8 I r ,-tea. -1 x.... iTff TM frr:'r H�I-I+I-H 4! -LtLiuu _0 u _ mi lli i i 1 .,1. IJJ-L IL LLL LLJ uJ_l�l {..1A.k f l t� LIA3J:�M 1 I t Y r ri�7� t t11 15 r ji L _ p A� {- 143 1 � I 1� 1 I NOTES I f 1 - E TERHU PRE-DEVELOPMENT FLOW M MH CONSIDERED. 2 - MEA'5'SAME OMRRSHP AS OM On AREA 4'. LANE OWNERSHIP i j' J ,-. , _ LEGEND - - 7. 808888 ONTARIO LTD. - - OWNER'S AREA (187-87088) I J 1.-i 2. (IS CARRUTERS t (1BERT R.5) I- EIENEFlTTING AREAS 3. ROBERT R. CARRUTRERS k E G. SMITH L ._ 4. H1 811-87 0 8 8 �" ALLOWAY HOLDINGS LTD. U, - �- H-E WORKS (18T-87087) l THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARNGTCNI J' I I -- 5. TOWCHESTER DEVELOPMENTS LTD. :�,��- �- -- Publb'A'>b D. � I (1811-82037) NORTH B 5. VELTRI &SON LTD. STO ATM(18T-88051) IMAAO PRO CT 7. UNCOIN HOLDINGS PICKEBNG LTD. L!i T __ ®EFIT NG AREAS FOR H-E WORKS (18T-89021) - J VAIANT TRUNK SEWER M41 TO MH2 & 835807 ONTARIO LTD. (1 21) .-� r_ 9. LANKY NNY&S JUDITH COOPER �.LsRim r r 10. VALUAM t HARVEY COOPER k BARB I ARA.ESN KEMEDY fnaMO9yrs8VYOSs 11. DONALD (15T-8 070) (IN TRUST) [ (1811-89070) r�mr.mro u::en 12 ROKFR PARK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 13. VITRI 8 SON LED. 1{. EWSTIER8Y0) WTC, Fmuxr,R/! oM1M n: 7 1S ROBERT R. CARRUTHERS pEgpm�: oF.c Na 90Y£: NTS anoa x: otc H-E SCHEDULE A-8 V1 �. riEfTl kw by- a ml \ \, t tl1 I I rT rTnT7!?m F ,iL�, ,I i.t- 14 '% Art+I+I+ITI+__ II IT' -n iTi F1T1T E- 1� i -- i 'I L' j- LEGEND nil k LAND OWNERSHIP OWNER'S AREA 1. 906896 ONTARIO LTD. (18T-87089) 2 P.J. CARRUTFERS (197-97095) RENEFlTTING AREAS 3. ROBERT R. CARRUTFERS k E G. SMITH 4. HIaT-87086 1 WORKS ALL OWAY H)Ol1KNC5 LTD. ',°���P r FEE 1aT-87087) E �I a I---{ -- THE CORPORATION OF THE WNCPAUTY OF CLAF04GM 5. ioWCNESm1 DEVELOPMENTS LTD. Li E V ST-0203 NORTH BOWMMVMJLE 6. ETRI &SON LTD. 6TOIW�ATM Y t VFi (1Bi-88051) 7. UNCOIH Hi PICKERING LTD. IJJ° F 8. 81ai-88021 BpENTTEp AREAS FOR H-F WORKS 35607 DNTFPoO LTD. Ip� 1ou. _ VALIANT T@M( 9EtAE.R YIIY TD IM (197-87021) h A S. LANNY&JUDITH COOPER k -ec, � 10. WILLIAM t HARVEY COOPER k �,. BARBARA JEAN KE NN .. �l 11. DONALD PRNS IN TRUST) ..� C E- ONW09gwIS6Rms (18T-89070) 12. ROKER PARK DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 13. VEITRI k SON LTD. iL. BUTTIRY ) wTC: ,oinuin'.tsn ten: u 95007 15, ROBERT R. CARRUTHERS oFSOm n: AEG Nq »E: Nra H-F ucNm trr: osc. SCHEDULE A-9 MH f I, n n —' n ' I( N ' ' � W Q I MH16 1 O e ! LJ �� J fi 17M i . ha THE C O N C £ S S f NH4 H/W OOIIPORNIM OF THE MIINICIPAIM OF CLARIMM LAND OWNERSHIP PWN IMb LEGEND BENEFITTING AREAS FOR WILLOWBROOK 1. MARpffiTII GARDENS and MEARNS I 2 MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES OWNER'S AREA STORM TRUNK SEWER MH 3 TO MH 16 a WRHAM NON—PROFIT NOLRRNG y ROYAL gp B—A WO NC AREAS (ASHD .E CAPITAL oaraoRAnaN LIMITED)A ROYAL BAN( i—� 'A WORKS a-ft-By Neev (ASIWALE CAPITAL CORPORATION LIMITED) m.°pee� ,� wa p qe eaew • ROYAL BANK (LRA—MEARNS 1) 88442 amm an LM m, Kr. aauE: u ow-wa n.ivn'k emean, am®w': xr WM—A 3 SCHEDULE A-9 a u n , / / u , u / / W ' O Q / ^ o N I 1 ... — CONCE 55l TFU ---� _ " TRUNK SEWER HAW TIE CaWORAI M OF THE SNKIPANTT OF CLARDIUM T*Ik Halo [AND OWNERSfIIP RNG AREAS FOR WILLOVAMOK n T. MARCHE LEGEND BENEFlTGARDENS and MEARNS 1 z MHasmY OF GOVERNMENT SERVI S OWNER'S AREA STORM TRUNK SEWER MH 4 TO HEADWALL a MRHAM NON-PROEM HOUSING ,L ROYAL BANK BENERTTING AREAS (AS CAE CAPITAL COFRPORATION LISTED) C WORKS A. ROYAL BANK (A9ONE CAPITAL CORPORATION LASTED) � 6�a♦s, S. ROYAL BANK WA- MEARNS o Bens NOM. Ru In HG. W-V SCHEDULE A-9 1� 11 11 1 n � S 11 ' n � 11 --v- 1 1� � n � n � � W \\`99 hc— m i NH3 II 1 3 r I 9 --- -—-—-—- -- I 3 C O N C E 5 5 1 — � � 5 STORM TRUNK SEWER H/W CORPORATION OF BE IiCPMItt IN OF OLARINGAM PW Mmo LAND DWNERSHIP TING AREAS FOR WILLOWBROOK 1. MAR04ETII LEGEND BENEFITGARDENS and MEARNS I 2. MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES OWHEWS AREA STORM TRUNK SEWER HEADWALL TO MH16 3. DURHAM NON-PRORT HOUSING a ROYAL BAN( . BENEFITTING AREAS &WLSerms (ASliDALE CAPITAL CORPORATION IMnED) �---� W-D WORKS M �� • ROYAL BANK MR df°i oR4fIM (A9IDALE CAPITAL CCfBIXtAnON l!•YtlTED) • ROYAL BANK(lIIA - MEARNS 1) r�W2 88242 2 oscrm r: xx aaM: ua W-D R/V Deb-YIA 11.1�1 flx B!M'®M Cmlm�' Ml SCHEDULE"B-4" 1. Bradshaw Street Road Reconstruction Works including storm sewers, storm connections, road granulars, curbs, pavement, sidewalks and other related works along Bradshaw Street from Concession Street northerly approximately 460 metres. SCHEDULE "B-5" 1. The Horban Stormwater Management Facility and all associated Works, located northeast of the intersection of Trulls Road and Nash Road, and including external storm sewers located from approximately 110 metres north of Nash Road, easterly approximately 55 metres from the northeast corner of Nash Road and Trulls Road, northerly approximately SO metres,then northeasterly approximately 45 metres to the headwall. SCHEDULE "B-6' 1. Trunk Storm Sewers on Courtice Road (Regional Road 34)from apprmdmately 260 metres north of Hwy. No. 2,southerly appro)dmately 215 metres to the headwall and including related erosion Works located immediately west of the headwall. 2. Master Drainage Study for East Tributary of Black Creek. SCHEDULE "B•7" 1. Jackman Tributary Water Quality Pond and Tributary Erosion Protection Works located southwest of the intersection of Middle Road and Scugog Street. 2. Middle Road Trunk Storm Sewer located from approximately 150 metres north of the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Road, northerly approximately 570 metres. 3. Middle Road Trunk Storm Sewer located from approximately 150 metres north of the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Road, southerly approximately 135 metres. 4. Scugog Street Trunk Storm Sewer located from approximately 330 metres metres north of the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Road, south easterly approximately 415 metres. SCHEDULE 'B•8" 1. Longworth Avenue Trunk Storm Sewer and Bowmanville Creek Works from MH1 located at the intersection of Scugog Street and Middle Road,westerly approximately _.... . 280 metres to the outfall, and including the Bowmanville Creek Works located immediately west of the headwall. 2. Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willy Drive and,Laurelwood Street northeasterly along Willey Drive approximately 345 metres, then easterly along Goodwin Avenue approximately 65 metres. 3. Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willey Drive and Laurelwood Street, northerly approximately 280 metres, then easterly along Honeyman Drive approximately 270 metres, then northerly approximately 155 metres to Gimblett Street, then northerly along Gimblett Street approximately 95 metres. 4. Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Willey Drive and Laurelwood Street, southerly along Laurelwood Street approximately 85 metres. 5. Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Laurelwood Street, westerly along Longworth Avenue approximately 205 metres. 6. Trunk Storm Sewer from the intersection of Longworth Avenue.and Middle Road, easterly along Longworth Avenue approximately 70 metres. SCHEDULE "B-9" 1. Trunk Storm Sewers from Mearns Avenue, approximately 360 metres north of Concession Street, northerly along Mearns Avenue approximately 200 metres, then westerly along Ireland Street approximately 150 metres. 2. Trunk Storm Sewers from Meams Avenue, approximately 360 metres north of Concession Street, westerly approximately 20 metres to Edgerton Drive, then southerly and westerly along Edgerton Drive approximately 275 metres to Kershaw Street,then southerly along Kershaw Street approximately 265 metres to Concession Street. 3. Trunk Storm Sewers along Concession Street from approximately 170 metres west of Mearns Avenue, westerly approximately 95 metres, then southerly through an easement approximately 110 metres to the outfall. 4. Trunk Storm Sewers along Mearns Avenue from approximately 360 metres north of Concession Street, northeasterly approximately 15 metres. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 97-90 being a By-law to authorize the making of a front-ending agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and Robert Russell Carruthers and Elizabeth Grace Smith WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the recommendations contained in Report#WD-26-97 at its meeting on April 28, 1997 and has passed By-law No. 97- 85, being a by-law to amend the Municipality's Development Charge By-law, By-law No. 92- 105, as amended, NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute a front-ending agreement with Robert Russell Carruthers and Elizabeth Grace Smith under Part II of the Development Charges Act R.S.O. 1990 c.D.9 respecting the services referred to in a report entitled North Bowmanville Stormwater Management Project and Storm Trunk Sewers, dated April, 1997 and prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 28th day of April, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1997. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 97-89 being a By-law to authorize the making of a front-ending agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and Macourtice Developments Inc. WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the recommendations contained in Report#WD-26-97 at its meeting on April 28, 1997 and has passed By-law No. 97- 85, being a by-law to amend the Municipality's Development Charge By-law, By-law No. 92- 105, as amended, NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute a front-ending agreement with Macourtice Developments Inc. under Part II of the Development Charges Act R.S.O. 1990 c.D.9 respecting the services referred to in a report entitled Macourtice Front- Ending Agreement Municipality of Clarington, dated April, 1997 and prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 28th day of April, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1997. MAYOR CLERK i THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 97-88 being a By-law to authorize the making of a front-ending agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and 621182 Ontario Limited and Ashdale Capital Corporation Ltd. by its Receiver and Manager BDO Dunwoody Limited WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the recommendations contained in Report 11WD-26-97 at its meeting on April 28, 1997 and has passed By-law No. 97- 85, being a by-law to amend the Municipality's Development Charge By-law, By-law No. 92- 105, as amended, NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute a front-ending agreement with 621182 Ontario Limited and Ashdale Capital Corporation Ltd. by its Receiver and Manager BDO Dunwoody Limited under Part II of the Development Charges Act R.S.0. 1990 c.D.9 respecting the services referred to in a report entitled Willowbrook Gardens & Mearns 1 Front Ending Agreement Municipality of Clarington, dated April, 1997 and prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 28th day of April, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1997. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 97-87 being a By-law to authorize the making of a front-ending agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and 848601 Ontario Inc. and 829633 Ontario Inc. WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the recommendations contained in Report #WD-26-97 at its meeting on April 28, 1997 and has passed By-law No. 97- 85, being a by-law to amend the Municipality's Development Charge By-law, By-law No. 92- 105, as amended, NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute a front-ending agreement with 848601 Ontario Inc. and 829633 Ontario Inc. under Part II of the Development Charges Act R.S.O. 1990 c.D.9 respecting the services referred to in a report entitled Horban Pond Water Quality Facility Front Ending Agreement Municipality of Clarington, dated April, 1997 and prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 28th day of April, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1997. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 97-86 being a By-law to authorize the making of a front-ending agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and 621182 Ontario Limited and Ashdale Capital Corporation Ltd. by its Receiver and Manager BDO Dunwoody Limited WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the recommendations contained in Report#WD-26-97 at its meeting on April 28, 1997 and has passed By-law No. 97- 85, being a by-law to amend the Municipality's Development Charge By-law, By-law No. 92- 105, as amended, NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute a front-ending agreement with 621182 Ontario Limited and Ashdale Capital Corporation Ltd. by its Receiver and Manager BDO Dunwoody Limited under Part II of the Development Charges Act R.S.0. 1990 c.D.9 respecting the services referred to in a report entitled Bradshaw Street Road Reconstruction Front Ending Agreement Municipality of Clarington, dated April, 1997 and prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 28th day of April, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1997. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 97-91 being a By-law to authorize the making of a front-ending agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and Halloway Holdings Ltd. WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the recommendations contained in Report##WD-26-97 at its meeting on April 28, 1997 and has passed By-law No. 97- 85, being a by-law to amend the Municipality's Development Charge By-law, By-law No. 92- 105, as amended, NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute a front-ending agreement with Halloway Holdings Ltd. under Part II of the Development Charges Act R.S.O. 1990 c.D.9 respecting the services referred to in a report entitled North Bowmanville Stormwater Management Project and Storm Trunk Sewers, dated April, 1997 and prepared by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 28th day of April, 1997. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1997. MAYOR CLERK