HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-19-97 REPORT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMf Og~ e Res. # ~~~~~5~~7 Date: rgARCH 6, 1997 By-Law # Report #: . File #: Subject:. STATUS REPORT ON THE RESTRIICTURING OF JANUARY 1, 1996 Recommendations: it is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-19-97 be received for information. REPORT 1.0 ATTACFII~IENT3 No. 1: Copy of Report ADMIN-32-95 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At its meeting of November 13, 1995, Council passed Resolution #GPA-612-95 as follows: "THAT the recommendations outlined in Report ADMIN-30-95 and elaborated in the document entitled "Community Services Review" be approved, effective January 1, 1996; and THAT the Chief Administrative Officer make a status report to Council within 30 days after consultation with all department heads and staff affected by the recommendations contained in the report and that the status report specifically address the reporting P.PEEO®..~.~.E ~ 3 9 4 r S REPORT NO.: WD-19-97 PAGE 2 relationship of the Facilities Manager position." 2.2 Report ADMIN-32-95 (Attachment No. 1) provided Council with an initial assessment of the reorganization of January 1, 1996. This report, WD-19-97, provides a further assessment after a year of operating under the new structure. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1.1 ADMINISTRATION REPORT ADMIN-30-95 The body of Report ADMIN-30-95 concluded that reorganization was appropriate. Since the Public Works Department is equipped to perform all physical aspects of "public services", it was deemed efficient to include the Parks and Cemeteries Division within this department. This transfer of function took place and it is fair to say that existing Roads and Parks staff have settled into their new duties. 3.1.2 The role of the remaining Community Services Department was to devote its efforts towards ensuring that all the increasing demands in recreation, leisure opportunities, and community networking were responded to appropriately. It is also fair to say that this function is being achieved. 3.1.3 Report ADMIN-30-95 recommended the transfer of Animal Control to the Clerk's Department in an effort to capture all enforcement personnel under one department. This move was made and is consistent with other municipalities of similar size and makeup. There have been essentially no changes to staff makeup or functions in Animal Control and it is operating effectively under the Clerk's Department. REPORT NO.: WD-19-97 PAGE 3 3.1.4 Report ADMIN-30-95 stated that: "The recommendations make economic and service sense and, if approved, would develop a more efficient, effective and more responsive organization." This report, WD-19-97, provides a status report of the reorganization of January 1, 1996. 3.1.5 As recommended in Report ADMIN-30-95, the reorganization was accomplished through no lay-offs or job cuts to full- time positions, other than through attrition and existing vacancies. In addition, Report ADMIN-30-95 anticipated that the recommendations would provide an approximate immediate annual savings of $125,000. This figure has been met and surpassed, as discussed in the following paragraphs dealing with the detailed recommendations of the Community Services Review, hereafter referred to as the "Review". 3.2 COMMUNITY SERVICES REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS 3.2.1 Recreation Superintendent The position "Recreation Superintendent" has been eliminated and the functions performed by this position have been absorbed and distributed amongst remaining staff. 3.2.2 Facility Managers The "Review" recommended the creation of three (3) "Facility Manager" positions from the existing complement for the Fitness Centre, the G. B. Rickard Recreation Complex/Darlington Sports Centre, and the Courtice Community Complex. REPORT NO.: WD-19-97 PAGE 4 The two (2) incumbents have performed well in their new positions and the relocation of the Manager of Arenas to the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex has, for the most part, proved to be positive. It should be noted, however, that an interim re-assignment of some duties of the Manager of Arenas was necessary, to relieve excessive workload of this position, and concern over the lack of support staff at the facility will need to be addressed in the near future, to coincide with realization of the proposed second pad at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex site. Further, staff has recommended not hiring a third manager for the new Courtice Community Complex, as those responsibilities will be twinned with the incumbent Fitness Centre Manager. 3.2.3 Parks aad Cemeteries Division The Parks and Cemeteries Division was transferred in its entirety to the Public Works Department. It was further recommended that reporting relationships be reviewed over the following year. The Director of Public Works, in conjunction with managers from Operations, Parks and Cemeteries, and Engineering, had essentially completed the review of reporting relationships by fall, 1996. Although it was anticipated that the Superintendent of Parks and Cemeteries would retain overall responsibility for the Parks and Cemeteries Division, it was anticipated that responsibility for routine maintenance items would be transferred to the Operations Division. A number of key staff in Parks and Cemeteries Division have been temporarily absent from work from approximately that same time in the fall until now. In the interim, all REPORT NO.: WD-19-97 PAGE 5 maintenance items associated with the Parks and Cemeteries Division are being handled by the Operations Division. All aspects relating to design and review within the Parks and Cemeteries Division are being handled by the Manager of Engineering. With the recent departure of one (1) Roads Supervisor, the Operations Division is presently operating with two (2) Roads Supervisors. In the interim, during the absence of certain Parks and Cemeteries staff, the two (2) Parks Leadhand positions report directly to the two (2) Roads Supervisors. This brings a total of five (5) Leadhands (three Roads and two Parks) reporting to the Road Supervisors. Although no final decision had been made in fall 1996, it is anticipated that this reporting relationship will continue until such a time as absentee Parks and Cemeteries staff has returned to work. Through the reorganization it was anticipated that, during the summer operations, the combined labour pool of Roads and Parks and Cemeteries Divisions would work either in the parks or on the roads. This full integration of divisions has occurred. The reorganization also anticipated that the labour pool of the Parks and Cemeteries Division would be assigned to the Arena Facility Manager during the winter months and they may be considered for emergency snow plow operations support. This alternating of arena staff between Public Works and Community Services Departments is presently taking place. Although cross training has been carried out for numerous staff members, there have been no emergency snow plow operations, to date, which required support from arena staff. P REPORT NO.: WD-19-97 PAGE 6 It is important, at this time, to identify some examples where savings have been achieved with respect to salaries or equipment. i) While the majority of Parks and Cemeteries Division staff were still assigned to the arenas, all diamonds were prepared earlier this year using primarily Roads Division personnel. When not required for funerals, assistance was also provided from the two (2) Parks and Cemeteries Division staff members assigned to cemeteries. ii) Municipal parks were also cleaned up earlier this year, primarily through the same Roads Division staff and two (2) Cemeteries persons. iii) Once Parks and Cemeteries Division staff returned from the arenas, many aspects of their usual Spring duties had already been carried out. This left these individuals with time to assist Roads Division staff on such tasks as pothole patching, ditching, guiderail replacement, and pavement marking. • iv) Two (2) pieces of Community Services' equipment were overdue for replacement and had already been identified for replacement in the 1996 budget, namely a backhoe and loader for $70,000 and $50,000 respectively. Through the transfer of Parks and Cemeteries Division to Public works, these two (2) divisions have been able to share the existing Roads Division backhoe and the newly purchased loader. R$PORT NO.: TQD-19-97 PAGE 7 3.2.4 Managerial Positions in Parks and Cemeteries Division The "Review" proposed to eliminate, over time, one (1) of the managerial positions in the Parks and Cemeteries Division. It was anticipated that one (1) position could eventually be structured to be capable of performing the parks planning and other related duties currently performed by the Parks and Cemeteries Superintendent and the Parks and Cemeteries Manager. Although it was anticipated that the elimination of one (1) managerial position would occur sometime in the future, the Parks and Cemeteries Manager resigned from his position in February, 1996. The duties originally associated with this position have been redistributed between the Parks and Cemeteries Superintendent and staff within the Operations Division. This resignation has resulted in a further salary savings not originally anticipated to be achieved this early. 3.2.5 Animal Control Division Animal Control officers have been redirected to become part of the Clerk's Department. 3.2.6 Property Manager The position of Facility Superintendent (Community Services) became the Property Manager, reporting directly to the Chief Administrative Officer. This position is responsible for physical aspects and routine maintenance of the approximately thirty-five (35) municipal facilities. There was one (1) vacant labourer's position which existed in the Building Maintenance Division of the Community Services organization chart. This position had been vacant REPORT NO.: 9PD-19-97 PAGE 8 for two (2) years prior to the re-organization and was not filled. 3.2.7 Clerical Support One (1) clerical position in the Community Services Department was reallocated to the Chief Administrative Officer's department to support the Property Manager, Economic Development and Marketing. 3.2.8 The review proposed to evaluate the need for the part-time clerical position within the Community Services Department over the period of one (1) year. This position is a 24 hour per week part-time position which compliments the existing Clerk II in the Community Services Department. Duties of this position are steadily increasing and now include responsibility for the department's daily deposits from the facility rentals and concession operations, in addition to tasks performed with program registration, reception, clerical, sick and vacation coverage, etc. With the added responsibilities for the Courtice Community Complex and possibility of the second pad at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex, it is recognized that this position is required within the Department's structure and as such is recommended to be retained. 3.2.9 The "Review" also called for the evaluation of the required clerical component for the revised Public Works Department to determine if the existing vacancy should be filled. For the interim, the existing clerical vacancy within the Public works Department has not been filled. REPORT NO.: WD-19-97 PAGE 9 when the Parks and Cemeteries Division was transferred to the Public Works Department, it was done with no associated allocation of clerical staff. At present, Public Works has identified a need for additional clerical support as a result of the increased duties with respect to Parks and Cemeteries. Following the completion of the office reallocation process, in particular the placement of the Building Division, Public Works will be in a position to finalize their clerical requirements. 3.2.10 Roads Division Vacancies The "Review" recommended that the Public Works Department not fill the existing five (5) vacancies until the Director of Public Works had had an opportunity to assess the overall organizational needs. Further, the report suggested using temporary employees to cover the winter control needs for the winter of 1995-96. As soon as absentee staff from Parks and Cemeteries Division return to work, all aspects of staffing which overlap between the Operations and Parks and Cemeteries Divisions will be able to be finalized. Considerable sharing of staff has already taken place in 1996. Even more savings, resulting from the sharing of staff, is anticipated to be achieved in 1997. The Public Works Department has achieved an overall surplus of approximately $150,000 in 1996. The anticipated immediate savings were built into the 1996 budget. This surplus results, in part, from savings realized earlier than anticipated and salary savings, achieved primarily through sharing of staff duties amongst remaining staff. REPORT NO.: WD-19-97 PAGE 10 These surplus funds will be used to offset future years' tax impact. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 A summary of the financial impact on staff complement and equipment is summarized in the table as follows: 3SJN[QARY OF FINANCIAL INPACTS OF TH8 RESTRIICTIIRING OF JANIIARY 1, 1996 SAVINGS Proposed l A t Salary/8quipmeat Iamiediate Future c ua 1996 Recreation Superintendent $ 50,000 $ - $50,000 Backhoe - - *70,000 Parks & Cemeteries Supervisor - 55,000 55,000 Building Maintenance 30,D00 - 30,000 Part-time Clerk (C.S.) - 15,000 nil Temporary Labourers (P.W.) 45,000 - 45,000 Labourer (P.W.) - 35,000 - Benefits - 25,000 - Totals $125,000 $130,000 $250,000 $255,000 *NOte: OIIeXpBnGBU iUnna remain rn cne Reaerva suuu. 4.2 Although most particulars were fairly easy to quantify, the most difficult financial impact to identify was that associated with salary savings for permanent and temporary labourers in the Roads Division resulting from shared staff between Roads and Parks and Cemeteries Divisions. t REPORT NO.: ~~~ WB-19-97 PAGE 11 4.3 It is suggested that the reorganization has produced efficiencies in resource sharing and an increased effectiveness of service delivery Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~~~/ u~ Stephe A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works ty Services Department Cl~~-~' rie Marano, H.BSc.,AMCT. Treasurer SAV*ph March 3, 1997 Attachment W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer 399005 r ` CORPO:.ATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~~;t~i9~Pt'1W34'1'~5W"t'fi~''i~l~lb~t`~'~C'4F§~~`E REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: December 4 1995 Report #: ~ F~#: Subject: File # -~ Res. # ~-~c7-- ~s. By-Law # Management Review of the Community Services Department Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 32-95 be received for information; 2. That Council confirm the reporting structure of the Facilities Manager as per the Management Review which creates the position of Property Manager reporting directly to the Chief Administrative Officer; and 3. That the appropriate staff be advised, FORTHWITH. REPORT: At its meeting of November 13, 1995, Council passed the following resolution: "That Administrator's Report ADMIN. 30-95 be received; That the recommendations outlined in Report ADMIN. 30-95 and elaborated on in the document entitled "Community Services Review" be approved, effective January 1, 1996; That the Chief Administrative Officer make a status report to Council within 30 days after consultation with all department heads and staff affected by the recommendations contained in the report; and That the status report specifically address the reporting relationship of the Facilities Manager position." We are enclosing a report from the Treasurer addressing the issue of the Facilities Manager reporting to that department. We believe Council will find the comments of the Treasurer self-explanatory and they are supported by the Chief Administrative Officer. ATTACHMENT N0. 1 WiD..~fl~97 .- ~ Numerous meetings have taken place with the affected departments regarding the restructuring, and we are pleased to report that the review has been well received by municipal staff and the reorganization is proceeding quite well to the effective date of January 1, 1996. In some cases, the effective date could be moved up so that the reporting structure in some divisions may take place prior to January 1, 1996. Once the reorganization is in effect, we intend to review the question of office space availability in the Municipal Administrative Centre on a corporate basis and will be reporting further to Council in this regard. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS:nof enc. 399007 J - P f THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Memorandum To: Bill Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer From: Marie A. Marano, Treasurer Date: November 27, 1995 Subject: Property Manager Reporting Relationship Responding to the issue of the Property Manager reporting to the Treasurer, I would advise that I concur with the recommendations in report ADMIN-30-95 for the following reasons; 1. The purchase and sale of land is not an accounting function, rather it relates more to the Economic Development activity within the Municipality. With Economic Development being the responsibility of the Chief Administrative Officer, this appears to be a more closely related function. Ultimately any land related issues are required to be reported through the Chief Administrative Officer to Council, and having the direct reporting relationship would appear to be more effective. 2. The Auditor's recommendations were that any transactions having any financial implications should be confirmed with the Treasurer. This has been responded to by the Chief Administrative Officer in having the Treasurer present at all "in camera" meetings during which these transactions are discussed and approved by Council. 3. The relationship to the Purchasing function is the same as that which exists with all other departments and as such this division, regardless of where it reports, would be obliged to adhere to the restrictions and guidelines for all purchases as identified in the purchasing by-law. 4. The Property Manager, having the most accurate knowledge of all the Municipal Properties, would be required to work closely with the Economic Development Officer regarding available development opportunities. As such the reporting relationship identified in ADMIN-30-95 appears to streamline that function. P astir advise if you have any concerns with respect to the above. t~ 39900b