HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-35-96" THE CORPORATION OF THE PlQNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON XXXTchk~xS[S~hP~l~4tlCSt~7~~f7~iP~ikl~~t!€~h4~C9c~CT~'KXX REPORT . File # ~ Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Q # ~ s J / 1~ R Date; October 21, 1996 eS. By-Law # Report#: ~-3s-96 File#: Subject: GARBAGE COLLECTION, 1997 - 2001 Recommendations: Itis respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-35-96 be received; 2. THAT the Council of the Municipality of Clarington supports the proposal by Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. to establish a transfer station at .178 Darlington/Clarke Townline Road South, south of Highway No. 2 (the former Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Works Depot); 3. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington supports the establishment of a transfer station; 4. THAT the existingcontract for garbage collection, paragraph 24, Schedule D,~ Contract CL-94-36, be revised to refer to a negotiated rate per stop, rather than a kilometre rate; 5. THAT Council approve a rate per stop of $2.88, amounting to a reduction of approximately 3~ on the 1996 rate of $2.97 (projected 5.5~ reduction on the 1997 rates), to take effect upon commencement of operations at the transfer. .station; 6. THAT a royalty be paid annually to the Municipality of Clarington amounting to approximately $55,000 in 1997 from charges on all Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (I.C.2.) waste passing through the transfer station; o..E.°®wE4.~,. ~ ~ O 1 REPORT NO.s WD-35-96 PAGB 2 7. THAT royalties paid be deposited into the General Capital Reserve Account No. 2900-17-X for Municipal Uses, as determined by Council through the annual budget process; 8. THAT Contract CL-94-36 be extended for two (2) years, concluding co- incidental with the Region's five (5) year contract on December 31, 2001; 9. THAT there be no increase in the contract price during the two (2) year extension over and above the rate achieved through the application of the Consumer Price Index (C.P.I.) adjustment, as identified in the existing contract; 10. THAT the Purchasing By-law, Paragraph 5.06, be waived for tendering the contract for the two (2) years beyond the existing agreement, Contract CL-94- 36; and 11. THAT Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACRDfENT No. 1: Key Map No. 2: Region of Durham Report 96-WR-9 No. 3: Correspondence from Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. dated October 16, 1996 2.0 SACKGROIIND 2.1 Region Disaosal Coatract Award The current landfill site, Brock West in Pickering, will be closed on November 30, 1996. As a result, the Region of Durham has been negotiating a five (5) year contract for the disposal of waste for the area municipalities. The Region of Durham awarded on September 3, 1996, through Report 96-WR-9 (Attachment No. 2), the contract for the disposal of Clarington's waste at a cost of $66.25 per tonne to be tipped either at Pebblestone Multi-Services Inc. in Whitby or at a negotiated transfer station site in Clarington. Attachment No. 2 outlines the June 19, 1996, approved Region recommendation that "the Region continue to negotiate with Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. to provide a waste transfer facility in Clarington for Clarington's residential solid waste". 1102 RBPORT NO.s 9QD-35-96 PAG$ 3 The Region of Durham has verbally advised staff that they have no objection recommending approval of the 178 Darlington/Clarke Townline Road M.T.O. site. to Regional Council, provided that the Municipality of Clarington approves the transfer station. The negotiated rate with Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. of $66.25 per tonne represents a significant savings to Clarington through the Regional charges for disposal. This rate, when averaged with the $71.75 and $70.75 being charged at the other two (2) transfer stations (Pebblestone Multi-Services Inc. in Whitby and Durham Materials Recovery in Pickering), lowers the overall cost to the municipalities in the Region of Durham, thus providing a benefit to all. 2.2 Muaioiyality of Claringtoa Negotiations Staff has met with representatives of Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. to discuss the options available under the existing contract and those associated with the establishment of a transfer station site within Clarington. They have agreed to the points covered in this report (see Attachment No. 3). The current contract provides that, with a change in the disposal site, the opportunity exists to negotiate a reduction or increase in the rate for the difference in kilometres travelled to any new site. Because of the haulage distances involved, the potential for savings is greater if Council were to consider establishing a transfer station site in Clarington. If it is not approved, further negotiations would be required to finalize a change to the rate to dispose at the Pebblestone Multi-Services Inc. site in Whitby. The current contract, which is for a five (5) year term from 1995 to 1999 inclusive, provides for an annual adjustment for the Consumer Price Index (C.P.I.) to the original rate of $2.88 per stop/per month. This allows for either an increase or a decrease to the per stop rate. The 1996 unit rate per stop is $2.97 and is eligible for an adjustment again on January 1, 1997. The January 1, 1997 rate is estimated at this time to be $3.04 based on an estimated 2.5~ C.P.I. adjustment. Three (3) issues were discussed regarding the opportunities to Clarington if a transfer site is approved: a) The per kilometre haulage rate negotiable under the existing contract; 1103 REPORT NO.: WD-35-96 PAGE 4 b) The anticipated additional Industrial/Commercial/institutional (I.C.I.) sector waste at a transfer station. c) The possibility of extending the existing contract for two (2) years to coincide with the five (5) year term of the Region of Durham for disposal; and 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 A Traasfer Site Within Claringtoa If Council approves the transfer station site within Clarington, it is not approving a landfill site. The proposal is to bring waste to the site at Darlington/Clarks Townline Road in the vicinity of the Highway 401/115 intersection, compact it and transfer it to larger vehicles for haulage to Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. landfill site near Napanee. The advantages to Clarington of a transfer site are: a) Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd.'s low bid for disposal, through the Region of Durham contract, was put forward to provide Clarington with a low disposal rate. This low disposal rate, when combined with the other overall advantages of a transfer station, would be of financial benefit to Clarington. b) The location of the site within Clarington results in less haulage distance for Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. under the existing contract. This, in turn, provides an opportunity for Clarington to realize some part of these savings. c) Potential revenues to the Municipality of approximately $75,000 to start, from a combination of royalties from I.C.I. waste and the "per stop" rate negotiated (discussed in further detail below). d) The residents of Clarington would have a site available to dispose of waste within their Municipality rather than driving to Oshawa or Blackstock. The potential exists for future revenue associated with user fees for public access. If Clarington were to introduce user fees for direct garbage disposal by individuals it would be in consideration of the rates being charged elsewhere in the Region of Durham. 1104 RRPORT NO.s WD-35-96 PADS 5 3.2 The 8aulaae Rate Staff has reviewed the options available under the existing contract if it were to be opened up for negotiations of the "per kilometre" rate. A "per kilometre" rate would remain unchanged throughout the remainder of the contract; consequently, staff felt it to be in the Municipality's best interest to look at a "per stop" rate which will prevail over an increasing number of stops in the future. The estimated savings potential under a negotiated "per kilometre" rate is based mainly on unknown quantities and is, therefore, uncertain. Under the negotiated "per stop" rate reduction, it is estimated that the annual savings would be approximately $21,000, and these values are much more certain as they are based on a known number of stops. As the municipality grows, the annual savings will increase. 3.3 Royalty on Industrial/Commercial/Inatitutioaal (I.C.I.) Sector Waste The maximum licensed capacity for the transfer site is expected to be 299 tonnes per day for five (5) years. Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. states that it is not their intention to expand on this capacity, as the current legislative requirements and environmental restrictions are too onerous and cost prohibitive for that site. Clarington's waste is approximately 70 tonnes per day, with the excess capacity being proposed to be utilized for I.C.I. waste. Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. is proposing to provide Clarington an estimated annual royalty of approximately $55,000 from charges on all I.C.I. waste passing through the transfer station. This is a conservative estimate and is expected to grow with increased usage of the site. 3.4 Two (2) Year Sxtenaion of L+xiating Contract The prospect of waste service prices decreasing in the foreseeable future is considered remote because of the extremely high savings realized through the last tendered contract. Consequently, the opportunity to extend the present contract for two (2) years with no rate increase is considered to be advantageous to the Municipality. In addition, the extension would bring the term of the contract in line with the Region's Disposal Contracts terminating on December 31, 2001. This extension also provides the Municipality with a secured position for waste haulage and disposal for five (5) years. Otherwise, in having to tender haulage in three (3) years time, when other contracts with the Region are secure, may place the Municipality under greater pressure. 1105 RBPORT NO.: WD-35-96 PAGE 6 Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd., faced with a five (5) year term, is then in a position to capitalize their investment in the transfer station over a five (5) year period. 4.0 CONCLIISION3 4.1 If Council endorses the transfer station within Clarington, the estimated annual total savings are approximately $75,000 initially. It is estimated that this amount will increase significantly over the five (5) year term with increased use of the s}te by the Industrial/Commercial/Institutional sector. 4.2 Should Council not endorse the transfer station, the Municipality will be hauling waste to Pebblestone Multi-Services Inc. in Whitby. Under the existing contract, there is some potential opportunity for negotiating a reduced rate per kilometre; however, because the haulage distance change is not significant, it is not anticipated to be as financially beneficial to the Municipality. 4.3 If approved, Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. will be seeking approval from the Region of Durham and M.O.E.E. licensing requirements and they anticipate that it would be functional in the Spring of 1997. Respectfully submitted, ~i~~J (/~C/~---~ Stephe A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer 'e Marano, H.BSc., A.M.C.T. Treasurer NIId*SAV*DP*ph October 16, 1996 Attachment Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. 1126 Fewster Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 2A4 1106 o Of m � c 0 a� D! High way No. 2 1 1),e610Nlb Browview Rd. SUBJECT LAND Given IZgr H (D Y f0 U c 0 rn c � 178 DARLINGTON 0 c5 TOWNLINE ROAD 5.30 hectares J 0 Highwa No. 401 V o eIc s N BJEe S! E n w 10111E E � B�R0. n �^ CIWAPINPOICL RI TTACHSDARLIWAMEP.WOR p DRAWN BY: J.R.M DATE: OCT. 1996 e U d, a ATTACHMENT NO. 1 MAP WD-35-96 KEY 1107 Municipality of Durham Department Commissioner's Report to Works Committee Report 96-WR-9 Date September 3, 1996 ubbect AGREEMENT FOR THE HAULAGE AND DLSPOSAL OF RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE FROM THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Recommendations A THAT subject to the approval of the Finance and Administration Committee, the Region enter into an agreement until December 31, 1999 with Laidlaw Waste Systems for the haulage and disposal of approximately 13,400 tonnes per year of residential solid waste from the Municipality of Clarington at a cost of $66.25 per tonne plus applicable taxes; B. THAT the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to sign the above noted agreement. Report On June 19, 1996, the following recommendation was approved by Regional Council: "That the Region cortinue to negotiate with Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. to provide a waste transfer facility in Clarington for Clarington's residential solid waste." Regional staff met with Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. on several occasions to negotiate such an agreement. I,aidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. was prepared to make an offer to haul and dispose of all of Clarington's residential solid waste, even if a waste transfer facility has not been approved or established. They agreed to take the full responsibility for the transfer of waste from their collection trucks, as they currently provide local garbage collection service to Clarington residents, to their licensed disposal site near Napanee, Ontario. On August 6, 1996, the Region received a signed contract offer from Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. to provide the necessary haulage and disposal services for Clarington's waste. The offer included the ~ required certificates of insurance, agreement to bond, and a unit price to undertake the work. 'a They propose to utdize the existing transfer facilities at Pebblestone Multi-Services Inc. in Whitby until they can establish their own facility in Clarington and the cost is $66.25 per tonne. Service is to start on December 1, 1996 and continues until the gazbage collection contract between Laidlaw and Clarington expires on December 31, 1999. It is estimated that Clarington generates approximately 13,400 tonnes of residential solid waste per year. .. ATTACHMENT N0. 2 - WD-35-96 WM1 ps 12 1108 Page ,._ Report 96-WR-9 Date September 3, 1996 Report (cont'd1 Regional Council on June 19, 1996 authorized the Region to enter into 5 year agreements with Pebblestone Multi-Services Inc. and Durham Materials Recovery Facility Inc. for the transfer, haulage and disposal of residential solid waste from all Area Municipalities except Clarington. These agreements take effect on December 1, 1996 and the costs to transfer, haul and dispose of waste are $71.75 per tonne and $70.75 per tonne, respectively. The impact of this agreement in combination with other two waste agreements, the leaf and yard waste contract, as well as the blue box recycling program will be examined this Fall as part of the annual review of the Solid Waste Management Budget. This review will assist in the establishment of the 1997 uniform systems rate for waste disposal. This agreemerrt with Laidlaw Waste Systems will complete the Regional agreements for the haulage and disposal of residential solid wastes for the next 3 to 5 years. _~ ~ ~ ~= J. S Lome, C.E.T., M.B.A., CPPO V.A Silgailis, F.Eng. Man er of Supply & Services Commissioner of Wo 13 1109 C ~~ia~~~~ WASTE SYSTEMS L'I'D. 1126 Fewster Dave - Mississauga, OMano L4W 2A4 ~ - Tel: (905) 624-8353 - Fax: (905)624-6050 - _ - October 16, 1496 - The Cozpozation of the Town of Clatington 40 Temperance Street $pwananvrlle, Ontario Ll C 3A6 Atteutiori Steve Vokes P.Eng. Subject Transfer Station I3iscussions Dear Mr. Vokes, The Town of C>arington and 7 aid}av have been tweeting on several occasions over the past few months to discuss the possbilities o£Ioeatiitg a new transfer station at i78 Darlu>,gton / Clarke Townline Road South in CIarington. Laidlaw has agreed to undertake all aspects of permitting and sititzg this factTtty, and would do so with the understanding that the Town of Clarington would support the application tluough the Re>r2ion and Iviinistry of the Envitnnment and Energy. ~ tus Ietter wr~l serve as written confirmation of the iteres. as the have, discussed and weed upon during our meeting. of Pziday Oetgbez 11, 1996. Sistce the transfer station's primary use w;!it be for transferring the Towv's MSW, the two parties have agreed to rrtaximize tha savings which will zesult from the siting ofthis facility. The terms of our ageement.sre outlined as follotss: 1. the rate per stop as charged by Laidlaw to the Town will be zeduced £roxu the.. current rate ofS2.97 to X2.88 upon commencement of.opetations at the above noted transfer fact7ity 2. Laidlaw wHl pay the Town of CYarington the previously agreed upon. rate for any Industrial /Commercial /Institutional waste that is transferred at this facility -- _ ~ _ - - ATTACHMENTNO. 3 wD-35-96 £/Z 3:7 tYd '4I SId3S5 AS 3ZSVM MV`IOIV"I'W0213 b[9L 96-LL-0C 3.. the current reside.++tial collection contract between the Town and' Laidlaw w~71 be extended by 2 years from December 31, 1999 to December 31,.2001 4. the' annual CPI as outlined in schedule .`~" (item 25.2) of the contract CL-9436 will continue to apply We at Laidlaw look forward to working with the Town of Clarington to continue to provide a service of the highest quality and value. %~ 5~ ~ _ ~~ j / lJ- ~~G/ . . Bruce R Mortensen ' Manager Municipal Markets. E/E 3DVd 'QI SW3S SRS 3SSH^'. CV"IQ It!"I'W02Id bi'9L 96-LI-E'~[