HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-29-964' THS CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON xxxi~hk~tf~~~PlPkhi~'ICS~aT~t+~€XTIAMt~t~~Fiti€~1E42~~C3~IFtXX REPORT .~ Meeting: GENERAL PURP05E AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# ~~~~ Res. # g`b Date: September 9, 1996 By-Law # Report #: ~4 File #: Subject: Red Light Cam®ra Technology Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General. Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-29-96 be received; 2. THAT the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Transportation of Ontario, and the Ontario Solicitor General be advised that the Municipality of Clarington supports the initiatives of the Region of Peel and the City of Mississauga for the testing and use of Automated Intersection Enforcement. Technology (Red Light Cameras) within the Province of Ontario as a means to improve public safety; 3. THAT the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Transportation of Ontario, and the Ontario Solicitor .General be requested to introduce a Government Bill to amend the Highway Traffic Act to allow Red Light Camera enforcement in Ontario; and 4. THAT any legislative changes to permit Red Light Camera enforcement also include provisions for the distribution of violation generated recoveries to the operating jurisdiction to offset the costs and ensure a revenue neutral program.. REPORT NO.: WD-29-96 PAGE 2 REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Correspondence dated May 15, 1996, from Doug Frost of Canadian Public Technologies Inc. No. 2: Correspondence dated February 16, 1996, from the Regional Municipality of Peel to Canadian Public Technologies Inc. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on June 10, 1996, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed Resolution #C-494-96: "THAT the correspondence dated May 15, 1996 from Doug Frost, Vice President, Canadian Public Technologies .Inc. regarding the Red Light Camera technology, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Doug Frost be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIE9P AND COMMENT 3.1 The Need to Reduce Signalized Intersection Accidents Traffic control signals are designed to safely move traffic through busy intersections by distributing the right-of-way. Unfortunately, red light violations cause a significant amount of property damage and personal injuries, including death. The Region of Peel, which is requesting the use of this 1002 REPORT NO.: WD-29-96 PAGE 3 technology, recorded the during 1994: Fatal Injuries Personal Injuries Property Damage Only Total following intersection accidents 3 131 669 803 Approximately 37°s of these collisions were the direct result of a driver disobeying a traffic control signal. The social cost of accidents is high. If accidents could be reduced by 15~ or 25g, savings are estimated at 4 million and 6.6 million dollars respectively. 3.2 Proves, Efficient and Economical Enforcement There are forty-five (45) countries which presently use Red Light Camera Technology, including the United States, as an efficient enforcement system. Research has shown that Red Light Camera enforcement results in increased signal compliance and leads to a reduction in accidents, injuries and fatalities. The Red Light Camera system has two parts: i) The portable enforcement unit consisting of a computer, .high speed camera, flash, and a digital loop signal processor which can be rotated among as many as ten intersections. ii) The non-portable part of the system includes the hinged pole, cabinet and detection loops installed in the pavement. Providing photographic proof of the violation showing the location of the car, the red signal and with the imprinted 1003 REPORT NO.: WD-29-96 PAGE 4 lapsed time since the light turned red is convincing to both the Court and the violator. 3.3 Public Acceptance When photo radar was in use on Ontario highways there was significant debate about what the posted speed should be and the probability of speeding vehicles travelling in the same direction actually causing or being involved in a collision. The Red Light Camera system is distinctly different. The vast majority of people would agree that red light violations, whereby offending drivers send their vehicles into conflicting traffic, amounts to dangerous driving and significantly increases the chances of a serious broadside collision. A number of jurisdictions have passed resolutions supporting the Red Light Camera technology, including Ottawa/Carlton, London, and Windsor. The City of Toronto is now looking at the red light issue after a vehicle ran a red light during August, 1996, collided with a car then crashed into a bus shelter. 3.4 Funding of The Red Light Camera Program Regional/Municipal authorities require a revenue neutral program whereby legislative provisions must be made for the redistribution of violation generated funds obtained by the Province to off-set the cost of operating the system. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that Automated Intersection Enforcement with the use of Red Light Cameras should reduce red light violations and accidents. 4.2 It is further concluded that the Municipality of Clarington should join the growing list of municipalities in supporting 1004 REPORT NO.: WD-29-96 PAGE 5 the Region of Peel for use of Red Light Camera technology and any legislative changes required to install such programs. Respectfully submitted, Steph n A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer RDB*ph September 4, 1996 attachments Canadian Public Technologies Inc. Traffic Services Group Doug Frost 4255 Sherwoodtowne Blvd. Third Floor Mississauga, ON., L4Z lY5 1005 .~ ~~~~~ Har 29 Diane Hamre Mayor Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C - 3A6 May 15, 1996 COUNCIL DIRECTION CANADIAN PUBLIC 2 I4 PM r TECHNOLOGIES INC. ~~~y~ly ,~~T~s~-~;'~~j'~ ~. htiAY 2 7 j~yii ::ius _n^.._,,,• f,-(;l rs~INSrata tri,:i:;ts UrrICE D-8 Dear Mayor Hamre: AFFIC SERVICES GROUP ( OUPE DES SERVICES I TRAFFIC ROUTIER 4~~fj StRWOODTOWNE BLlT1. s f11cI :1~OR A :SISSAUGA, ONTARIO CANADA L4Z -11'5 PnONE (905) 276 - 2666 FAX (905) 276 - 8748 Over the past year, Canadian Public Technologies Inc. (CPT) has been approached by numerous municipalities in Ontario regarding our Red Light Camera technology. Several cities including, Mississauga, Ottawa, Metro Toronto, Waterloo, Windsor, have studied our enforcement system and have concluded that Red Light Cameras would be an effective tool in improving traffic signal compliance and thereby reducing accidents at dangerous intersections. Municipal politicians, police administrators and various other advocates have approached the Province of Ontario requesting that the curcent legislation be amended to enable the use of this traffic safety device. To date, the province has ignored these requests. There are currently over 2500 Red Light Cameras being used in 45 countries around the world. In each jurisdiction where it has been used, this efficient enforcement system has lowered the incidence of red light violations and reduced the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Improving intersection enforcement can also mean significant savings for taxpayers. CPT conducted a cost analysis and found that Red Light Cameras could save between $5 to $12 million in costs by reducing intersection accidents at the "10 worst intersection" in the Region of Peel. In today's economy, opportunities for these types of cost savings should not be ignored. DRF/ms _ ... dfGoMcey contaUs letter - on ~ O O ~ I"i~-~ ~f1M ~• I ~- _"- - 1 Solictor General Bob Runciman announced this week that his ministry is considering policing alternatives. In addition, a review of Ontario policing will be discussed during a "policing summh" in Toronto next month. In order to highlight the issue of Red Light Cameras, CPT encourages you to formally contact the Solicitor General, Municipal Affairs Minister, Premier and any other provincial decision maker who may be in a position tc facilitate the study and implementation of this traffic safety technology. We would ask that you clearly state (and in some cases re-state) your view on the issue of Red Light Cameras in your community and ask these individuals why they are refusing to cooperate with municipalities on this issue. If you have any questions, comments or would like to learn more about, hi~ituati 18a"seii„w feel free to contact me at (905) 276 - 2666. ~ „~ ,. , ~ ------- ~. __. Sincerely, ,' nr;i ~1.~~4~Gz Dou Frost ~~~ g _ -- Vice President --- `° ~~"; Canadian Public Technologies Ina - -- - , ' ' - " The Cost of Intersection Accidents and Opportunities for Cost Savings PEEL REGION and CITY OF MISSISSA UGA by Canadian Public Technologies InG January 1996 1007 INTRODUCTION Statistics provided by the City of iVlississauga, Region of Peel, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, and Transport Canada, reveal the follo~vin~ key points' • Intersection accidents cost Ontario taxpayers millions of dollars each year • The majority of intersection accidents occur at "problem intersections" • A reduction in intersection accidents would result in significant savings to taxpayers For purposes of illustration, we will outline the potential savings in the Region of Peel and at the City of Mississauga's "10 Worst Intersections". INTERSECTION ACCIDENT COSTS: REGION OF PEEL, 1994 s6x: S ~..: .. M`: y~'~.:1.'~' ; F~ ~ : ? ` .~x ~`x~in'`~4r~'~a`~v'x oz4. ^~~ < ' ~~ :~~>,vx>:.. 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Ontario" ACCIDENT COSTS 10 WORST INTERSECTIONS: CITY OF MISSISSAUGA, 1994 ,~............ _ w .....:. ....p. ....... 3'-Pe~€s~~ x, .~: ~ _ ' ~ `ta of ~ ~ ~ ~ -'" en : F ~~ . ..... w. x r.z .a i~ ~ .. ~.:.- } :N-~.-x.. :.czb:O::.oa-soxr`c._...aV...;a'. p a.. ~ac ^ >xxa . .. ~ i ~ . .M. .. s. xc '°&~Iq ~-"~~ ~ ~ . ' ;.i.:3 sn~.j;:~::m .Y~iyun .._. :>. 4~4::` .. .. .. L...... _:._ w~o .aF. ~ Fatal Injuries 1 $6,300,000 $6,300,000.00 Personal Injuries 25 $27,000 $675,000.00 Property damage only 129 $6,000 $774,000.00 Total 155 $7,749,000.00 Source: Peel Region - Traffic Operations and MTO report "The Social Cost of Motor Vehicle Ctashes in Ontario" 1008 SAVINGS CREATED BY A RED LIGHT CayIER~ PROGRAM Research has clearly shown that Red Light Camera enforcement at intersections results in increased signal compliance and leads to a reduction in acciden[s. injuries and fatalities. The benetits of Red Light Cameras have been demonstrated in several jurisdictions. Thev include It is also important to note that there are over 2500 Red Light Camera units currently in operation throughout the world. While it is difficult to precisely measure the impact of increased compliance, the following represents three potential cost savings scenarios: SCENARIO I: SAVINGS FROM A 15% DROP IN ACCIDENTS .3.: z anti ~ ..~:~ : ~. ; r ;~„. ..: :. . :.: :..:: ~~ = ,.,~x . ~.:r..Xx_:. . ,~,r,,., : a : .. ... w[.>::$xh.t..f::y':h~5t ' q .`zaXO~: ~0.~:: .. .:Y;.:b. ~.. S% .. ~q.:: :X:'. ~$~': ~: : :3o:c ~ pp~,~ ~ S ~ .. : .:x x!.Y.. x'xz~~~ : '1.a .:~W. d ~~ac<fk~ i ~1 ' .g.. ~ ;:.. :::3>..:....: xox. p._mzu. n: ~..~ ~,. ' ..e:... II~#o.a.:'-xz. :~%.~,::a` L.: kxaE~ ::.<.$::°:"~"~.zs xz~'xA''`3 x~~~z~z%~> . ; .:$ uA. 9 ~.a. ~,,- Region of Peel 803 $26,451,000 15% 683 $22,483,350 ' $3,967,650 City of 155 $7,749,000 15% 132 $6,586 650 $1 162 350 Mississauga , , , SCE\ARIO II: SAVINGS FROM A 25% DROP IN ACCIDENTS ~;x. xTS::: xtS`:"s:~`~..... - ..}...._o.........:.~^.:..;xc"~.'k1i: .:.. ..x.. ..... ..:.:.:.~.: ... _. ...!!!:,,~~ :_1>.:xx ~:> sriF :_.x.>..r;.i%'.:>.. «<.xa.:3"r:i >u:. .. 2~:.xt~... ... .. .cx:. ;.._.. G"x .. w .... > ~ .:.x<.xx':'s.':,ru .... ~... ...x.x. .L.. ... ..s.. .e:.. x~ . ::'r.0:~.. `"~ ~' ._::.,::.t. .a+uR:... 3e;:.ti` ':.-0.x"s::r.4: ..X.... _.~..x. rao..~. ~ v: .#. .>S~~ ~ :`x'.::~:::z;:...>a>x.::.:::.>..:ey. .a:>x-,.a.r~;`:>::.:<':u..: x.. ~.: : `~%a'::: ;. Y~ I :.;''::.»5:yj>i ~. . a~:~~,[~~~tD :ui L" ~Y~%py:..'j$',w.. , .)1~~-xxu. ~. <; :.b:.~:~ti'~" :tiaS.~lt:`~ 2yy?6:.`..cv~wafit3.:: max.\`C=~~. >>,. ~ S'w ..uO }:"u ':'~ i '>.d£~Y: `" .' 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Region of Peel 803 $26,451,000 25% 602 $19,838,250 $6,612,750 City of 155 $7,749,000 25% 116 $5 811 750 $1 937 250 Mississauga , , , , 1009 SAVINGS FROM A 35% DROP IN ACCIDENTS CONCLUSION Implementation of a Red Light Camera enforcement program would have the following impact: RED LIGHT CAMERA Increased Traffic Signal Compliance Intersection Accident Reductions In addition to cost savings, Red Light Cameras also lead to the following: COST SAVINGS • Improved utilization of scarce police resources • Improved conviction rates • Revenue neutral enforcement program (i.e. Ticket revenue offsets technology costs) In a time of increasing taxes, higher insurance rates, decreasing police budgets and rising health care costs, Red Light Cameras represent a unique opportunity for police, politicians and taxpayers. SOURCES Leo Tasca, "The Social Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes in Ontario," Ministry of Transportation Ontario, March 1994 Peter Crockett, Manager, Traffic Operations Division, Regional Municipality of Peel, letter dated January 10, 1996, file; OTD 2.3 regarding accident statistics for Peel Regional roads Andy Harvey. Manager, Traffic Engineering and Operations, City of Mississauga, fax dated Ianuar~ 10, 1996 regarding accident statistics for Mississauga intersections. J.I. Lawson, "The Valuation of Transport Safety," Economic Evaluation Branch, Transport Canada_ May 1989 ~~~~ Regional 11 cf uPcel pality February 16, 1996 Our Reference: 96.135 Mr. Ioannis Anastasakes Canadian Public TecJmoiogies Inc. 4255 Sherwoodtowne Blvd, 3rd Flr Mississauga, Ontario L4Z lY5 Subject: Automated Intersection Enforcement, Red Light Cameras I am writing to advise that Regional Council approved the following resolution at its meeting held on February 8, 1996: 'That the Regional Chair, the Mayor of the City of Mississauga and the Chair of the Police Services Boazd meet with the Sohcitor General and the Minister of Transportation to request the introduction of a Government Bill to amend the Highway Traffic Ad to allow Red Light Camera enforcement; And further, that the Region of Peel actively support the Ciry of Mississauga in their request for legislative changes to permit Red Light Camera enforcement should the Provincial Government be opposed to a Government Bill and Private Member's Legislation be necessary; And further, that any legislative changes [o permit Red Light Camera enforcement also include provisions for the distribution of violation generated recoveries [o offset the costs and ensure a "' Regional/Muniapal revenue neutral program; And further, that through the Red Light Camera Committee, Regional staff proceed with the development of a joint Request for Proposal for a Red Light Camera Project in conjunction with the Ciry of Mississauga and Peel Regional Police; And further, [hat staff report to Public Works Committee with [he results of [he Red Light Camera - Request for Proposal and a recommended course of action; And further, that the Region of Peel request the Ontario Traffic Council (OTC) to support this initiative through a resolution at their annual general meeting" The above resolution is provided for your information. Please contact Mr. Peter Crockett, Manager, Traffic Operations at 791-7800, ext. 4376 if you requee any further assistance. ,~.ry ~GSt_a.__ Dana Pesce Legislative Co-0rdinator :lk ATTACFNENT PI1. 2 cc: D. J. Mazkle, Commissioner of Public Works WD-29-~ Clerk's 10 Peel Centre Drive, Brampton, Ontario L6T 489 (905) 791-4400 t 0