HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-28-96REPORT #10 t - THE CORPORATION OF THE MONICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON XXX~xSei~lt~P~l~f~'ICQf]Ti~XTiPkfE~k~lF~If9t~S~}~CXX REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL MEETING File # ~ ~ Res. # L'~/3- 96 Date: JULY 8, 1996. By-Law # Repoli #: wn~~~ a _ o ~ File #: Rn i n n ~ Subject: CLARINGTON RODEO DAYS - MEDIA PRESENTATION TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF TEMPERANCE STREET, BETWEEN KING AND. CHURCH 3TREETS, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1996, 4:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following:. 1. THAT Report WD-28-96 be received; 2. THAT, if necessary, Temperance Street, between King and Church Streets, in Sowmanville, be closed from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, 1996; and 3. THAT the Director of Public Works make .the necessary. arrangements for the closure. REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Ontario Rodeo Chamoioashivs The Municipality of Clarington is once again an active partner in the hosting of the Ontario Rodeo Championships to be held on the weekend of September 20, 21 and 22,.1996, at the Fairgrounds in Orono. 1.2 .Media Presentation On Thursday, August 22, 1996, between 4:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., a Media Presentation is being held to promote the Ontario Rodeo Championships and the Municipality of .... °° ®,t~.~.. REPORT NO.: WD-28-96 PAGE 2 Clarington. The public, as well as representatives from various local and Toronto news media (including radio, newspapers, and television), will be invited to attend this event to learn more about the Municipality and the Ontario Rodeo Championships. At this time, plans for the Media Presentation have not been finalized. However, the presentation will involve entertainment with a rodeo theme - such as rope tricks, demonstrations involving horses, and Country and Western music. 1.3 Closure of Temperance Street In addition to advising Council of the planned Media Presentation, the purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval, if necessary, to close Temperance Street, between King and Church Streets, during this presentation. 2.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 2.1 Chance of Time By holding the media presentation in the early evening, instead of the traditional lunch hour interval, it is hoped that attendance at this event will increase, resulting in an heightened awareness of the Ontario Rodeo Championships. 2.2 Tentative Location The media event is tentatively planned to be sited in the courtyard area on the south side of the Municipal Administrative Centre. If the courtyard area is utilized, it will be necessary to close Temperance Street, between King and Church Streets, to ensure the safety of all participants. By changing the timing of the presentation there should be less REPORT NO.: WD-28-96 PAQE 3 disruption to the businesses located on the east side of Temperance Street. All affected businesses will be sent correspondence advising them of the event and inviting them to participate. 2.3 Possible Alternate Location The local Rodeo Committee is considering the idea of utilizing the parking lot located on the southwest corner of Church and Division Streets. All activity would be focused within the parking lot area with signs being posted to advise all vehicular traffic of increased pedestrian activity. Should the local Rodeo Committee wish to proceed with this location as the preferred .site, contact will be made with the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area and the businesses in the immediate area. In the event that the parking lot is used for the media presentation, it will not be necessary to close Temperance Street. Council will be kept apprised of this process. Respectfully submitted, Step en A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works SAV*JC*ph July 5, 1996 Reviewed by, .-. r %~i~-- . Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer