HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-23-96REPORT 1k3 THB CORPORATION OF REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: JUNE 10, 1996 Report#: run_oz_o~ File#: ' cc zn nn Subject RING STREET RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CL96-3 CONCERNS RAIS~D BY LOCAL SUSINE33ES Recommendations: File # Res. #~ sis_q~ By-Law It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report W~-23-96 be received for information. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Minutes prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates of ~ meeting held on June 4, 1996, at the Community Services Boardroom, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville 2.0 BACKGROUND. 2.1 Local businesses appeared before the General Purpose and Administration Committee on Monday, June 3,.1996, to express concerns regaKding the affects of the reconstruction of King Street East tp their local businesses. 2.2 At the meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on June 3, 1996, Resolution #GPA-344-96 was passed as follows: "THAT the delegation of Linda Moore and Rudy van. Wij~gaarden pertaining to the adverse effect that construction of Hwy. #2 is having OF CLARINGTON REPORT NO.: 9PD-23-96 PAGE 2 on local businesses be referred to the Director of Public Works to meet with the business owners and find mutually satisfactory solutions to these concerns; and THAT Linda Moore and Rudy van Wijngaarden be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIEAi AND COMMENT 3.1 A meeting was held on Wednesday, June 4, 1996, (see Attachment No. 1) with the following in attendance: Linda Moore M & M Meats Rudi van Wijngaarden Sugar's Bakery Don Bourne Totten Sims Hubicki Will McCrae Totten Sims Hubicki Glen Rusaw Totten Sims Hubicki Stephen A. Vokes Municipality of Clarington Tony Cannella Municipality of Clarington Following is a summary of the concerns expressed and the proposed solutions: a) Loss of Revenue Concern: "The biggest concern revolves around the lost revenue from lost sales over this construction. It was felt that permanent damage could be done to some businesses; for instance, the credit unions have to be able to offer unimpeded access to their. customers and their monies. There is a real threat that people will move their accounts elsewhere rather than go through months of problems with access, detours, heavy equipment, dust and mud." REPORT NO.: WD-2396 PAGE 3 Response: The potential loss of revenue experienced by local businesses, due to the reconstruction, is not an issue that can be addressed by the Public Works Department. This is not something that has been done for previous construction projects and would set a dangerous precedent for future projects. Public Works feels that the long term financial benefits of the project, such as reduced traffic Congestion and redevelopment potential, will far outweigh the short term disruption and inconvenience. b) The Need for Uninterrupted Access to Local Businesses by Delivery Transport Trucks Concern: "Most of the businesses take delivery from transport trucks for the goods they provide to the general public. Their whole existence depends on uninterrupted access for these trucks and their goods. Plans call for cutting down the traffic on King Street to one (1) lane which will make it impossible for trucks to gain proper access to those businesses or, at best, make off-loading of goods very labour intensive with the added costs being absorbed by the merchants. The worse case scenario may. be stores going out of business." Response: The construction schedule will be updated on a weekly basis. A representative of local businesses for each. phase of construction will be provided with the updated schedule. Other businesses within that phase of construction can contact Mr. Rusaw, Senior Construction Technician, the Municipality's representative on the phase, to find out how the project is progressing. The RfiPORT NO.: WD-23.96 PAGE 4 schedule will also include telephone numbers for contacts during working and non-working hours. The schedule will be circulated on Monday mornings to the business representatives. The contractor has been directed and is obliged, by the condition of his contract, to maintain a one (1) lane. access through the construction site. The single lane is not intended for use by through traffic, but rather for local traffic requiring access to businesses on the street. This access is to be maintained in a suitable condition for vehicle passage. Should the condition of the roadway deteriorate over the weekend or overnight, the contractor will be contacted and asked to repair the roadway immediately. c) Delayed Nmergency Response Time Concern: "Businesses, such as the credit unions, are concerned about what special arrangements have been made with respect to security. Delayed police response times or complete inability to respond, when construction requires King Str et to be closed down completely, exposes businesses to greater perils." Response: In order to alleviate the concern for safety, the contractor is in daily contact with the local police, ambulance and fire departments regarding construction activities. Access for emergency vehicles to all buildings within the construction site is to be maintained by the contractor at all times. As such, REPORT NO.: WD-23-96 PAGE 5 there shquld be minimal impact on the response times of these emergency services. d) Coats Associated With Clean-up Of Dirt and Duat Concern: "Concern was expressed that it would be unfair for the businesses to pay the full brunt of the extra expense which will be needed to clean properties of dirt, dust and mud caused by the construction." Response: The cleanliness of the construction site is a concern to- the Municipality as well as the local businesses. The. contractor is to control dust with the use of water and calcium Chloride flakes. Any mud tracked from the construction zone onto private property or adjacent. public roadways is to be cleaned by the contractor. Window cleaning represents an increased level of service over those provided on the Municipality's normal construction projects. Window cleaning is not recommended due to the present economic situation and the fact that the Municipality will not be hiring students this summer. e) The Negative Impact of Posting a "Road Closed" Sign Concern: "The posting of the proposed signs which will read, "ROAD CLOSSD, Local Access Only", will have a devastating impact on ,businesses whose livelihood depends on the flow of traffic on this road." REPORT NO.: WD-23-96 PAGE 6 Response: The contractor has been directed by the Municipality to remove all referencds to "ROAD CLOSED" from the construction signage. The possibility of providing tabs indicating which local businesses are accessible through the construction site was investigated. The required signage would have been eight to ten feet high and impossible for passing motorists to read. For this reason, signage has been placed indicating that access is available to "ALL BUSINESSES". The Municipality is open to the concept of placing an advertisement in the newspaper to inform residents of the status of the construction work, but considers a weekly advertisement to be too frequent. The Municipality suggests that an advertisement could be placed prior to the commencement of each construction phase. A draft will be drawn up of atypical advertisement for review by the local businesses. f) Pedestrian Acceaa Existing concrete sidewalks will remain in place for as long as possible. When they are removed they will be replaced with granular material for pedestrians to walk on. g) Traffic Congestion on Detour Routes Initial concerns of traffic congestion along the detour routes have been resolved. The Region of Durham has revised signal timing to provide for a northbound left turn advance on Liberty Street. The Municipality has provided temporary lane markings on Prince Street to provide a separate left turn lane. REPORT NO.: WD-23-96 PAGE 7 h) Contractor's Working Houra The Contractor's working hours are 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., but occasionally the contractor will work later than 7:00 p.m. to ensure that access is restored to a driveway. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 In summary, every effort will be made to protect the interests of the businesses along the King Street reconstruction site. In addition tq the advertising and the posting of signs, a representative of the local businesses for each phase of construction will be provided with an updated schedule on Monday mornings to be circulated by the representative to the other businesses. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~. Step eh n A. Vokes, P'. Eng. W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer JCO*ph June 10, 1996 Attachment Linda Moore M & M Meat Shop 133 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1N6 Rudy Van Wijngaarden Sugar's Bakery 133 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1N6 JUN-D7-96 FRI 09;38 TSH CUBOURU hAX ND. 9Ub 3'%~ 361 P, D2/U5 rotten sims huiliicki associates t~1EETING REPORT '^i0. 3 ~OJeCt: King Street Reconstruction incl. Liberty St. Intersection Improve- atents, Bowmanville, Contract CL96-3 Municipality of Clarington TSH No.; 12 10341 Aieetitrg Date: June 4. I996 1f'x=rlrtg Time: =:00 P.M. Report Date: June 5, 1996 Recorder: Page: )'/. McCrae 1 of 4 Note: If any of the contents of this meeting report differ in any rCSpeCt from your Owp recollection of the points d'u;eussed or decisions reached, please notify us immediaiely. In the meantimq we .rip proceed in a:.cordance w'itit [hc ¢hdCCStandiag descrjbed Herein. I,(7CATIOA': C°mmw;ity Services Boardroom, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmatrvi,ilc, t?ntario PRESENT: Steve V°les, Municipality of Clarington Tony Cannella, Municipality of Clarington Linda Moore, M & M Meats Rtldi VataaF+ijngaarden. Sugars Aakery Don BoL;~ ~e, Totten Sims I;ubicki Gtetur Rlt,aw, Totten Suns Hubicki Will Mcl~:rae, Totten Sitns Ilubicki PURPOSE: Meeting cc:ts held to discuss concertls raised by local businesses at Monday, June 3, 1996 Council Meeting 'with regard [0 the on-going King Street reconstnzction. ITEM DESCRIPTION I• Steve ~'okes opened the meeting by introducing those present. The purpose for the meetin^ was briefly described. Will McCrae was then called on tv provide an overview of cha: proposed works including proposed phasing. ACTION BY Potential loss of revenue expezienced by local businesses due to the reconstruction is not an issue tttat can be addressed by the Public Works Department of the Municipality of Clarington. This is not somethjng that ha_s been done for prcvjous construction projects and would set a dangerous precedent for future projects. Public Works' staff f::el that the lori_g term financial benefits of the project, such as reduced traffic congestion and redevelopment potential will far out wcighi the short term disruption an<j inconvenience. This a normal Concern expressed by businesses that are exposed to ecnstruction occurring in theiz areas. 3. Conce[ns regarding deliveries to businesses during consttuctinn cvas discussed. ATTACHMENT N0. 1 WD-23-96 ENGENEERS ARCHITEC7f~ .AND PLANNERS JUN-07-96 FR1 Uy~39 I'SH CUt3UUHG FAX NU, yUh 3l2 3tii'1 N, U3/Ub ~e1't' K"'S Strcet 7Fteconstruetion, Contract CL96~'t, Municipality of Clarington I T5H No. 12 1 Q541 2of4 ITEM DESCRTPTIO?ti ACTTON $y The follow;ng was agreed: 3.1 The constr,c:[ion sclrcdule will be updated on a weekly basis. A representative of Local business for each phase of construction will i+c provided with the updated schedule. Other businesses within t11a[ phase of construction can contact Mr. Rusaw, our represenative on the phase, to find out how file project is pmgressing. The schedule w';:. also include phone numbers for contacts during working and non- working hou;a. Tl1c schedule will be circulated on Monday mornings to the business representatitss. 3•Z The. Contractor has been directed and is obliged by the condition of his contract to maintain a one. lane access for local traffic. The single lane is' not intended for use by through trafi'ir. but rather for local traftic requiriri£ access to businesses and residences on rile s[ree:, The access is to be maintained in a suitable condition far vehicle passage. A;~parcntly a nurnlxr of vehicles got stuck within the cotutructiau site over the weekenc. ~:,f June 1st. As previously noted, TSH will provide businesses with contact numh~rs to be used during working and no31-working hours. Should ttte condition of ', tie roadway deteriorate oven the weekend or overnight the Contractor wilt be contacted and asked to repair the roadway immediately. 3.3 Where possible Glean RuSaw should be notified of expected deliveries. This wav delivery vehicles can be directed to the appropriate route for their delivery. 4. Security for businesses will not be reduced. The Contractor is in Gaily contact with the local polite, ambulance and fire departments tvZth regard to his Construction activities. Access for emergency vehicles to all buildings within the construction site is to be rnaix,:.;tined by the Contractor at all times. As sudt, there should be tninitnal impact on the response times of these emergency services. The cleatilinc:s of the construction site is a wncetn t0 the Municipality as well as the local businesse>. The Contractor must Control dust tnith the use water and calcium chloride flaky.;. Any mud tracked from the construction zone onto private property or adjacent public roadways is to be immediately cleaned by lie Contractor. ~+indow cleaning by surrnmer students is not a possibility as the Municipality will not be hiring any students a.is Summer. d. "the Municipality is receptive to the concept of placing an ad in the newspaper to inform resideua of the status of Qtc construction work. 1'he placing of a weekly ad is considered loco :Frequent. Municipal staff Suggest that an ad Could be placed prior to the commencernent of each construction phase (2 consecutive weeksj. TSH will draft up a typical act, specifically covering the Phase 1 worxs. for review by the local businesses an.'. the Municipality. torten Sims hubicki associates JUN-07-96 FRI 09 40 TSH COBOURG FAX NC. 9U5 372 3621 N, U4/U5 Project: ICRng Street Iteconstrnction, Contract CL9ti~ I TSH Na. 12 10541 ~ Municipality oI Clarington 3of4 IT~>VI DE6CRIPTION ACTION SY 7• Business concerns regarding construction signage have prcviousIy been addressed at the most rec,nt construction progress meeting. The Contractor has been directed by the Municipality to remove all references ro `Road Closed' from his cotutrucrion signage. The possibility of providinC tabs indicating which local businesses are accessible ttr.~ough the construction site was investigated. The required signage would have been 8 ft. to 10 ft. high and impossible for passing nwtorists ro read. For this reason, signage has been plated ildicating that access is available to "AI,L BUSINIvSSI'y5". Glenn Rusaw in Consultazinn with Mr. Ron ]3akcr will contact hIOVaCOr regarding the status of the Signing changes. $• Linda Moore will irivesiigate the possibility of expanding her business hours. Some SIOres may ,:<rnsidet staying open until 9:00 tt1. allpwing 9iao to after construction activity has ceased in the eveniparrons w do their PP g y 9• Existing eorcrctc sidewalks will remain in place for as long as possible. When they aze removed they will be replaced with granular material £or pccicstriatts to walk. X0. Contractors tl;gular working hours are 7'00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. occasionally the Contractor will ~sork ]arer then 7:00 p,m, to ensure that access is restored to a driveway, through intersecliun, ere. 11. Initial concere:; with regard to traffic con~estcxi along the detour routes Have been resolved. T)te Region of purham 1>as revised signal timing to provide for a northbound 3erit turn advance on Liberty Strcct. The Mu~Yicipalitt' of Clarington has provided tcn.i;orary lane markings on Prince Street (at Liberty Street) to provide a separate left Earn lane, Any suggestinnc by businesses to improve traffic flow would he Appreciated by the lbfunicipality, 12. The majority of the work associated with this contract will be completed by the end of September 195~~5. Surface asphalt and some othez finishing work will be completed in May Of 1997. The Work [o be completed in 1997 will provide minimal disruption to local businesses. h• Mr. VokeS Concluded the meeting by conveying his apologies to the local Fnerchants far the incor.•rcnicnces related m the construction activities. WiIh cooperation from a1] parties concerned, the project will tut: smoothly and concerns can he addressed as they arise. T'he end product wit] benefit all abutting properties and the entire Municipality. rotten sims hubicki associates JUN-07-96 FRI 0940 TSH COBOURG FAX N0. 905 372 3621 P, 05/05 ~• Project: Icing Street Ieeconstruction, Contract CL96_3 ~ TSI;11p• I2 I054I ~ , uniclpality oP Ciarington 4 of 4 ITE11-I DESCRIPTION ACTION ,gy 14. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. William Mc(:rae. P.Eng. - Design/Constructian Bngi:nccr WMcJa~ 15220/ll/12~104avc pc: All Attendees Ellen Cowan, G;~aran Pontiac Buick D.B. Patterson, "vfunieipality of Clariziveton Jolm Ponsen. Relrinn of Durham Ron Trewin, Rcginn of burltatn Sohn Croxall, Nm-acor Construction Barry J:larpar, M:n~ci brags torten rims hubiCki associates