HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-10-96THE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOS~ AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# (~ t~ ee~~// Res. #C~a_~~_ 'Ib Date: FEBRUARY 19, 1Q96 By-Law # Report #: ~*°n-i ~-~ ~ .File #: iGOb~.Ob-..O 1 Subject: REQUEST TO CON~IEY PART OF CLOSED ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 6 AND 7, CONCESSION 6, FORMER CLARKS TOWNSHIP, TO ERWIN ZACHARTAA Recommendations: It is respectfull}{ recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following.: 1. .THAT Report WD!-10-96 be received; 7. THAT. staff bet authorized to advertise a Public Heari ng, required by t}:e Municipal Act, to convey that part of the. closed road,aliowance described as Part 5, Plan 40R-16671, to Erwin Zacharias; 3. THAT if, following such Hearing, Council decides to pass the by-law to convey the closed road allowance, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents to complete the conveyance; 4. THAT the selling price of the property be established at nominal consideration plus all costs associated with this transaction; ', 5. THAT Mr. J. David McPhail of Dale & Lessnusnn, solicitor for. the applicant,; be advised of Council's decision.. ~~ ,.ora°®.Ea.~rE ~ t9 ,~.P~oa~~~o~a REPORT NO.: WD-10-96 PAGE 2 REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Key Map No. 2: Report WD-4-96 No. 3: Copy. of By-law No. 96-1 to exempt a Quit Claim Transfer No. 4: Copy of By-law No. 96-2 to authorize the execution of a Quit Claim Tra nsfer No. 5: Copy of By-law No. 95-22 to Establish Procedures Governing the Sale of Real Property 2.0 BACRGROIIND 2.1 Council, at a, special meeting on January 8, 1996, passed Resolution #C-1-96: "THAT Report WD-4-96 be received; TBAT Council pass a by-law to exempt the quit claim transfer referred to in Recommendation 3 from the requirements of By-law No. 95-22; THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a quit claim transfer of the portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke, now shown as Part 5 on Plan 40R-16671 (Attachment No. 1), from the Municipality to Ahmad Rhodkar for a nominal consideration, subject to: a) Mr.'Rhodkar executing and delivering to the, Municipality an agreement to indemnify the Municipality against any 1011 REPORT NO.: WD-10-96 loss'. or cost, in a form and with a content satisfactory to the Municipality's Solicitor; and b) Mr. Khodkar paying the Municipality the cost, of publication of the notice of the meeting of Council to consider his request, and the Municipality's legal expenses; and THAT Mr. William W. Walker, the solicitor for Mr. Ahmad Khodkar, be advised of Council's decision." PAGE 3 2.2 Council at the same meeting passed By-laws 96-1 (Attachment No. 3) and 96-2 (Attachment No. 4). 2.3 Mr. J. David .McPhail, solicitor for the purchaser of the subject property, submitted on behalf of the purchasers on January 30, 1996, an application for conveyance of the subject road allowance. Mr. Zacharias has purchased the abutting property from, Mr. Khodkar. Mr. Zacharias, the purchaser, prefers to obtain title to the closed road allowance through the provisions of the Municipal Act and the procedure specified in the Municipality's Road Closure and Conveyance Policy and Procedure. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENTS 3.1 Exemption Frog By-law 95-22 (Attachment No. 51 Council, in Resolution #C-1-96, approved the Quit Claim Transfer of the land at nominal consideration, provided the applicant satisfied the conditions of Council. The applicant 1012 REPORT NO.: WD~10-96 PAGE 4 satisfied the conditions of Council and, by execution of said Quit Claim, Council waived claim to the property. 3.2 Procedure Since Council. has waived rights to the property and established a' value of nominal consideration, it is appropriate to proceed to advertise a Public Hearing required by the Municipal Act. At that meeting a By-law will be submitted to ,authorize conveyance of the subject road allowance in accordance with the Municipal Act. Respectfully submitted, ~~ `~2 Stephen A. Yokes, PEng. Director of Public Works Reviewed by, `a ~') W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer JCO*ph February 9, 1996 Attachments Mr. J. David McPhail Dale & Lessmann Barristers & Solicitors Suite 2000, Box 73 Commercial Union Tower Toronto-Dominion Centre Toronto, ON MSK lE7 ~~~3 REG/O/YAL ROAD /~0 9 --- / ROAL) A[LD~SANCE BETWEEN CfbVCESS/QVS E ~ T J :l" ROAD WIDENING ' UA9l£L>S7£R - EO 871•K'00"EI ~ ~- tVl'D'M"E 6OA0 - -. 98.83' "'( 66.u rq~an suI v~• - p>.vai wir~p,nl 61fl7Y nm. ~vM ~ wcl 9735 '68.8 $~ {'.rN ~~„y(q'C .n ~ ~ , ~ _ ~,.`: TR M(wFe-~ J /L4£tllT-J RIIF AV(Me f~. y ~ £ ~ I PART 1 -~ ~' litK/. •e'~/ " ~ ~- PART s~ ag 3= ~ CONCESSION r 71ASG' 17 ~I 16 X16 did ~ 13'12 ~fl 4 //o. ; - h n E % ~, 1507!5 _ //~\ / - ~ ~~n f ' Q - ~ l O . a z a „ ~ 3 ~ s 3 _ ~p ~ h P~ ~~ =3 ~, 2 3 B Y O ____i W II ~ : ,, a ~_ z I ~r e w ~ 66.xo. ~ 7alo' ~._ _ BBS80• yr _ a(rrcs) GO~J I ~~ ] 6 5 4 3 2 1 ~ ~o ~I ~~ C~N C:\ATTACHS\CLARKE\40R16671.DW DRAWN BY: JM DATE: JAN. 1996 ATTACHMENT N0. 1 WD-10-96 T~ xxx~StS~~iAtic~Rk~ic~~~~c3~~- xx~1vN REPORT Meeting: SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL File # Res. # Date: JANUARY 8, 1996 By-Law # Report#: T~-4-4F File#: ~-~~-R~-O1 Subject: QIIIT CLAIM TRANSFER OF PART OF THE CLOSED ROAD ALLOi~ANCE BETWEEN LOTS 6 AND 7, CONCESSION 6, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council adopt the following: 1. THAT Report WD-4-96 be received; 2. THAT Council pass a by-law to exempt the .quit claim transfer referred to in Recommendation 3 from the requirements of By- law No. 95-22; 3. THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to .execute a quit claim transfer of-the portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke, now shown as Part 5 on Plan 40R-16671 (Attachment No. 1), from the Municipality to Ahmad Rhodkar for a nominal consideration, subject to a) Mr. Khodkar executing and delivering. to the Municipality an agreement to indemnify the Municipality against any loss or cost, in a form and with a content satisfactory to the Municipality's Solicitor, and, b) Mr. Rhodkar paying to the Municipality the .cost of publication of the notice of the meeting of Council to consider his request, and the Municipality's legal expenses; and :; REPORT NO.: WD-4-96 PAGE 2 4. THAT Mr. William w. walker, the solicitor for Mr. Ahmad Khodkar, be advised of Council's actions. REPORT 1.0 Amm nrH-~ rrrg No. 1: Key Map No. 2: Copy of By-law No. 1563 passed on October 3, 1967, by the Council of the former Township of Clarke No. 3: Copy of Affidavit of Justice Richard Lovekin, formerly a solicitor for the Township of Clarke No. 4: Copy of By-law No. 95-22 No. 5: Proposed By-law exempting the proposed quit claim transfer of the portion of the closed road allowance in question to Mr. Khodkar from the provisions of By-law No. 95-22 2.0 BACKGRODND 2.1 By-law No. 1563 was passed by the C it of the former Township of Clarke on October 3 1967, pursuant to the Municipal Act (Attachment No. 2). It opped up and closed a number of road allowances and parts of road allowances in the former Township of Clarke, including the road allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the 6th Concession, extending from the southerly limit of the 6th Concession to the northerly limit of it (Attachment No. 1). According to Mr. H. E. Millson, the former Clerk of the Township of Clarke, road closing by-laws, such as By-law No. 1563, were passed when Council decided that it wished to dispose of the road allowances, Council desiring to transfer title to them to the abutting owners. In fact, parts of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, have been ,transferred to the abutting owners and the transfers have been registered on title. ~~~~ REPORT NO.: WD-4-96 PAG'& 3 2.2 An exception is the portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7 situated south of Regional Road No. 9 and shown on Reference Plan 40R-16671 as Part 5 (Attachment No. 1). The abutting Parts 4 and 6, also shown on Attachment No. 1, are owned by Ahmad Rhodkar whose address is 4597 Regional Road No. 9, Rendal, Ontario. 2.3 Mr. Khodkar had purchased the lands shown as Parts 4, 5 and 6 on Plan 40R-16671 from the late Mrs. Bertha Little in 1989. However, a transfer of Part 5 (the portion of the closed road allowance in question) to Mrs. Little had not been registered on title. In order to clarify Mr. Rhodkar's title, Mr. William W. Walker, Mr. Rhodkar's solicitor, has requested that the Municipality execute a quit claim transfer releasing any interest in the portion of the closed road allowance in question to Mr. Khodkar for a nominal consideration. 2.4 Mr. William W. Walker has made inquiries of retired Justice Richard Lovekin who formerly was the solicitor for the Township of Clarke. The property immediately to the south of Mr. Rhodkar's lands was owned in 1968 by Mrs. Catherine Fitzgibbon. By deed of conveyance, dated February 7, 1968, the portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7 abutting Mrs. Fitzgibbon's land was conveyed to her by the Township of Clarke. This deed is registered on title. 2.5 In his affidavit (Attachment No. 3) sworn on January 4, 1996, Justice Lovekin states that, as a corollary of passing road closing by-laws including By-law No. 1563, the Township of Clarke, at that time, had a policy of deeding closed road allowances to the abutting land owners at no charge to them. Also,, Justice Lovekin states that it was a practice of the Township of Clarke, after enacting a road closing by-law, to I J REPORT NO.: WD-4-96 PAGE 4 have him prepare deeds in favour of the abutting owners to the portions of the closed road allowances in question, and deliver the unregistered deeds to the abutting land owners for registration by them. Justice Lovekin further states that he recalls the conveyance of the portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7 to Mrs. Fitzgibbon and. states that the deed was prepared by him in accordance with the policy and practice of the Township just mentioned. With regard to the late Mrs. Little, the predecessor in title of Mr. Rhodkar, Justice Lovekin states that he understood that in 1967 and 1968 Mrs. Little was the owner of the lands abutting the portion of the closed road allowance that lays between what is now Regional Road No. 9 and the northerly limit of the lands conveyed to Mrs. Fitzgibbon. Further, he states that he knows of no reason why he would not have prepared a similar deed from the Township of Clarke in favour of Bertha Little in the year 1968 for the portion of the closed road allowance in question and delivered it to her in an unregistered form., and he believes that that was done. 2.6 Justice Lovekin's affidavit provides persuasive evidence that a deed of conveyance of what now is shown as Part 5 on Reference Plan 40R-16671 had been delivered by Justice Lovekin to the late Mrs. Little pursuant to the Township of Clarke's policy and practice. 2.7 The Municipality's Solicitor advises that it is not a requirement to a deed of conveyance being effective that the deed be registered on title to transfer title to the portion of the closed road allowance in question from the Township of Clarke to the late Mrs: Little. Accordingly, on the basis of Justice Lovekin's affidavit, Mrs. Little would have taken title to the portion of the closed road allowance in question 1D1~ REPORT NO.: WD-4-96 PAGE 5 on the delivery of the deed of conveyance to her presumably in 1968. 2.8 Mr. Rhodkar is the successor in title to the late Mrs. Little to Parts 4, 5 and 6 on Plan 40R-16671. Since the beneficial owner of the portion of the closed road allowance in question would appear to be Mr: Rhodkar, the Municipality does not appear to have any beneficial interest in it. To clarify Mr. Rhodkar's title, the Municipality could execute a quit claim transfer and release to Mr. Rhodkar. This would be registered on title. 2.9 If the Municipality had had the beneficial ownership of the portion of the closed road allowance in question, the requirements of Section 193 of the Municipal Act, dealing with the sale of surplus real property and the procedures set out in By-law No. 95-22, would have to be complied with. Section 193 requires, as a general rule, that an appraisal of the value of surplus land be prepazed before it is sold. However, Regulation 815/94 exempts closed road allowances from the requirement that an appraisal be prepared. Therefore, an appraisal of the value of the portion of the closed road allowance in question is not required. Section 193 also requires Council to pass a by-law or resolution to declare real property to be surplus before it can be sold. However, the closure of and the sale of the beneficial interest in the portion of the closed road allowance in question took place before the Municipality was incorporated. The Municipality's Solicitor advises that, in his opinion, the current requirement of Section 193 of the Municipal Act being a declaration that real property is surplus does not apply in the present circumstances. ~,~19 REPORT NO.: WD-4-96 PAGE 6 2.10 By-law No. 95-22 (Attachment No. 4) requires that at least seven (7) days' notice be given, by way of newspaper advertisement, of the Council meeting at which a proposed sale of surplus land is to be considered. The Municipality's Solicitor advises that, if Council decides to grant Mr. Rhodkar's request, a by-law (Attachment No. 5) should be passed exempting the proposed quit claim transfer of the ..portion of the closed road allowance in question to Mr. Rhodkar from the provisions of By-law No. 95-22. 3.0 CONCLIISION 3.1 In the circumstances, it is recommended that Council approve Mr. William W. Walker's request on behalf of Mr. Ahmad Rhodkar and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a quit claiun transfer of Part 5 on Plan 40R-16671 to Mr. Rhodkar for a nominal consideration, subject to payment to the Municipality of the cost of publishing notice of the meeting of Council to consider Mr. Walker's request, the execution and delivery to the Municipality of an indemnity agreement satisfactory to the Municipality's Solicitor, and payment of the Municipality's legal expenses. Respectfully submitted, Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer DH*ph January 5, 1996 Attachments 1020 REPORT NO.: WD-4-96 PAS ~ Mr. William W. Walker O'Flynn Weese Tausendfreund Barristers & Solicitors 65 Bridge Street East Belleville, Ontario R8N 1L8 Mr. Ahmad Khodkar 4597 Regional Road 9 General Delivery Rendal, ON LOA lE0 1021 REG/ONAL ROAD No. 9 PART 2 -- (ROAD ALCO/YANG~ BE7L4FEN CQYLI~.SSYQVS 6 ~ ~ ~ PA RT 3 u«crc]srNLO rr /" _ aato »~]~ ~° _ ~],'.~nD-~/ ].x.33• -~ ~ -~ H]I'STM~ 61 ).~~ - %EZ ~ 66.1G' ~'~'MSI~ ~.rtAlr i ' 81 36 ' aa[Dr[p aT'3]YD'E ual Owrrwt r~¢t rr>.y ' 616)7 Oral w)IS ~ r4~s1 . 91.57 466, D i >M'~OYE o • $ ~H s iie o 8 : • O r '~a .._..... ~ ..} >,.rarrwn- y .¢nTar.re-i k PART 1- ~ ~ 3 1 ^ "~ ~ o h __ 2 -- .._._ a ~ NSI. No. ]SO7lS f` 1 ^ ~ (\ um ' 1 \ 1 2a S, 1 - _ ci ~ ~ a^ ~- 9~ ^ ^ £ a O w-~ PART 4 E x ¢ ;,v a ? ~ §g 4 3 ~ 'Y g ~ ~ e _ f a' ~'' PE ~R ~ 6 CONCESSION _ _ ~ _ . ~ = r _ ~' a ~ c I 1 aOrmrl wt - _ - )IASD' ro¢ (prTr n om s Iw] s rK e6.10 a mID' l.~ I~-- . H111SN"E .. ~3a?... r _ alrwD __ ~ 4 +~L I I ~i III 4 1~°°r I I I ~ "~ 14 ~ 16 I t5 to I t3 (~12,1,tt~E 9 I] 6 15 a 13 3 I t ~11 °°I~ I ~ C:\ATTACHS CIARK 40R16671.DW ~~~' ~°' g ~ DRAWN BY: JM DATE: JAN. 1996 '~ ~I I °`PH ° I ~ ATTACHMENT N0. l KEY MAP ~-4-96 10 2 2 :-i ! 4 ': tip:>= S;f•'>. +f`- ~::.. G~.'i_. •yy.. ~, V 1.1_ ~H. r~~ `'/ '1'ili GAU'uXdf lUY UI' '1'dE '1'UAr:5Ff l1' OF CLniCKL' BY-LhA NU. 15F,;; i ~' 3•, lie in.~ a by-law to stop-up certain noau xllowane rs and certain darts of road allowances in the Township ui C: arke. AIiEREa:; uuL ice of intention Lo piss Chin by-law was published o::c.• a week for at least four sucr.Ns:: i.ve weeks in Lhe Uro rw K.:rt ly Times and was posted al, for aL least onr wouLh in si.. .,. Lhe most l:uUl is places in th.• ircnaediatr. ! na ighhourho<Nl .. f' each of Lhe said road allowances ur parts of road a7.1 .~wances hereby affected as required L+y the provisions ,.f 'fh~ Municipal nct; - nttU dli.licG..S Council has received no oh jrctions from persons cla Lui ag that their ].and wou7.d be pr•e,iudici al ly affected 6y th•' by-law; NUq 'lii::iu::'U:dE the Municipal Cuune~il of Lht• Corlwrati on of the Townshi .• of Clarke iiJnCTS a:i 1'U11CA7S: 1. T11nT a]1 :.hose road allowances :ann rk, rLS of ru xd allowances in L'ne Township of Clarke described in t; c'redule ".:" ;a.d formi.n~ part of this by-7 aw he and the same ar.: hereby stu;gxd up. itEnD x first nc! second time this 19th day of September 196,' I KeC ce `~ Clerk aiJnD a third Luse and finally passed tt,is3'd day ofCaYG./196~, . R+e ,. ., E ei L Clerk 1`f. •1 .'r, i. ' k :.' ~.. ~': i ~a ,l :i •~: i i i' ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-4-96 Q27 ;~ ;_ I su ~ i i-_ . ~. `, . '. THi: C::iiYURnTI UN lif 1•i(F. fU+JHt%IiIY OF CLaRi:E .:JlltiiiULE n.J' to Liy-iarar tJo, 1 +%3 1 Th~• Yarr. ,; i' ;,+„~ t:orcd :,i]owr,nr.•~, nom +.nol•rnrd, L"t:~/rrtn ' . os+n::hiJ, Loc:: i= +.ml ., in thr 1'l.rct Cunt. s::l r.^ u1' 61r.~ 9 ei' C:Lark~~, ~:ounty of Lt.rhan., more p::rLl ~t.larly dr•scri hed _ ~ - u9 fU11U..i. .il :~r.J ~~.in;.;:.lar tiuit part :.C Ch.. ra~~tl .,1J ~.+.,ru.: r' . bn Lwr,•u !ut~ 2 and 3, ConcF SSi on 1, in thr. To•rnsh:ir of Ci:ar ,.•-iuy 1Jcrth c!' thr. north.~r]y I fruit of ~ :r•I arrd south of .a lirr= ur..~. ;~ t.lmou;~h th~- Hii;i~u:. ~ , .^.a id ru:,•; r,l ;owanr.,• on :. b,•nri n„ .:c rt!. '6 d«y[r,-:•s p5 n,Ln:.t-.. .^. a;.ct frort~ r, po i.nL in 1. L. .:::.id rc.:,d :.1]cws,ce 2pL,L:. f. t, so;.th of th.- north ox.^.t :, n:;l~~ of Lct j - iu the :...;d f].rst uu n.:r scion." 2 Tl.n ,wad ..l i ov+ancr: betty+-::n LoLS 6 and 'i i r. th.:• :%i.xth • Ccnc.-ssi~n •' th.• '1'ownei,i [? of Cl ar k+~, C<.unty of h,.rh:un, +-xtendin<~ f:•on, the so uthcriy limit c1' ch+- saiu Sisth ~~ ~ Concoseicn to the norUt•erly limit thr•re:.C. 3 Yart uY :L, .Wad All owancr. brtwren Jots JU sn<i jl in the , - :~rcond Ccnc-ssion of thr Township of Cl arkr', County of - hurhrur., tei u;• Che uorthr rlY 11'.S 1',°r~t scuthrr]y of the• southerly I.nu ndary of 5<ucenrs Highway :io, 115. 4. Yart of th<~ ,<e ad allowance br.ty•-<:n ::onccssi cn y arrd li) adjacent to Lot 35 in Clte township of Clarkee, County of ~mr as sham on a Yl.an of :i:.rv+•y Ly 1?. L. Isrown, Lurh va , u. L, v, nr.mL-rrnd 65130 dated t+ctcb+~r ] is 1<,f•'i, markrl !'` as ::chud..le "n" attach.:d tc and Corwin; part uC this .k'; resolut.i ..n Ind OLLtl inE-d In red tl',h I'COn. 4'2!}'rv'N~5 ~! .-r 2 '~ 0 7 I a E :D 3 ~' Cf '1 • !G ':) :Y J I 1~• 1 N UI D r-ry - H ~ H G + E i x._ *rx .+ 1 J r _ 1~3- } ;Y •-ID O rmr 6:J r•C)O J 1 C~ (t I'd .J ^1 r O a oKm'S .+ R y;y} m Y .~ W cT '~ O Jl U'71' J r .7 r ~ o m J tl o v- .y d ~ o ~] 1 ~ 1 y • a 1 j i 1025 s n l].: ~ ..... ' i r to ~ ~~ r ~ z ~ i Uw '-' :'. ~~ :' :. ...- S Fa. ..t i• .... •.~^~i,, ~. 1f Y ~ !• ~.,:.FZ G+~.U 'A ~.. 1.`0~.,/A n.l ._L-: Ly s.i..i~¢~: 1.J:~.1 `~. Fi+: ~~~~'-~ rj F• 0 1 K t_ :.mil G '1_._i N w n d !,C [_ .:a a.:: ,< F_. .. ...~.._---r.~ .-f ~._.._ ... __~ .. ~/ ~ ~ .. s _._._ a ,~; ~, ., 0 ;,~; ~ ! U v A ~:.:: ''• ~ r~ D ~:., z 1 :~ ~ r ~' ', ~ a r _ ,- - c i Z ~ . ~ W p ~ •~ >' L ~ ~ ZZ~ j y ~- p y ~y~/w' -~ ~~ { / ~ A ~ t 7.. C _ W _. ~ ~-y .. ti V F p 0 2 r ~ ~ ~~ r i r ' ~ ; r !`i r., Y +' i A '+!~ t ^ ~ ~ . r. ~ x: ,~ ~ ', ~ t'9 <, ~ ~ U r Q cz+ ~s D ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~;;; • ~ ~ ~t >~ i ~ ~ ~~ _ ,rt . ~~' ~ ~ n ti r., ,, ~ \` 1~+.~r a ~ ) ~J _ I F6' e '\ )~, ~ X fl r. ~ ,_ r ~ . 0 r. r `~ .~ ~i __ >., . :.~:. i [. ~ s. ,~ .; ti~2b ;~ ~, IN THE MATTER OF THE TITLE TO PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 6 & 7, CONCESSION 6, TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE, NOW IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM, DESIGNATED AS-PART 5, PLAN 40R-16671 A F F I D A V I T of ERIC RICHARD LOVEKIN I, ERIC RICHARD LOVEKIN, of the Municipality of Clarington in the Regional Municipality of Durham MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: 1. I am a retired justice of the Ontario Court General Division. Prior to my appointment to the Bench, I was a Barrister and Solicitor duly authorized to practice law in the Province of Ontario. 2. In the years 1967 and 196-8, I was practicing law as a Barrister and Solicitor and I was the solicitor for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. -~ 3. I have now had produced and shown to me a copy of By- law No. 1563 for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke dated October 3, 1967 and registered February 2, 1968 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of the west Riding of the County of Durham as No. N35581 which closed and stopped-up certain road allowances in the Township of Clarke including the road allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the 6th Concession of the said Township of Clarke. ATTACHMENT N0. 3 Wit-4-96 I ~ ~ ~~:f - 2 - 4. I recall that at that time the said Township of Clarke was seeking to close a number of road allowances which the municipality knew were not required by it and would not be required in the future so as to reduce its potential financial responsibilities for any maintenance and repair. 5. I further recall that as a corollary to the closing of the said road allowances that it was the policy of the Township of Clarke at that time to deed the said closed road allowances to the abutting land owners at no charge to them. 6. It was the practice of the Township of Clarke, after enacting-the appropriate By-law to close a road allowance, to have me prepare deeds in favour of the abutting land owners to the portions of the closed road allowances in- question and subsequently, the unregistered deeds were delivered to the abutting land owners for registration by them. 7. I have now also had produced and shown to me a copy of a deed dated February 7, 1968 and registered February 15, 1968 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham as No. N35665 which is a deed from the Township of Clarke to Catherine Marion Fitzgibbon under which a portion of the closed road allowance lying between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6 was conveyed to her. 1028 ~, - 3 - 8• The said deed was prepared by'me in accordance with the policy and practice of the Township of Clarke mentioned above. 9• It is my understanding that in 1967 and 1968, Bertha Little was the owner of the lands in Lot 7 and Lot 6, Concession 6, Township of Clarke abutting the portion of the road allowance that lay between what is now Regional Road Number 9 and the northerly limit of the lands conveyed to Fitzgibbon under Instrument No. N35665. 10. Having reviewed the said Instrument No. N35665 in favour of Fitzgibbon and keeping in mind the policy and practice of the Township of Clarke at the time,. .I know-of no reason why I would not have prepared a similar deed from the Township of Clarke in favour of Bertha Little in the year 1968 for the portion of the closed road allowance in question and that it would have been subsequently delivered to her in an unregistered form and I believe that that _. / was done. ~~ ~ l / ; ,: SWORN BEFORE ME at the ) ~~ ,~ . ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~~ Municipality of Clarington ) !%`~.--'- in the Regional M icipality )-~ ! ~" ~.~-,...= _ of Durham this da of ~`J~ January 1996 y ) ERIC RICHARD LOVEKIN - ) j' l (/V j ,, ~ ~/~/ ) A commissioner etc. ~az~ '~ y ~ , ~ . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 95-22 being a by-law to establish procedu«s governing the sale of real property pursuant to subsections 193(2) and (3) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45, as amendcd WHERCAS Section. 55 of the Planning and Mruticipa( Statute Law Arueadncent Acr, 1994 was proclaimed to be in force on January 1, 1995. It «pealed and replaced Section 193 of tltc Mnnirfpnl An, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.4S wilt a new Section 193; AND WFIERGAS the new subsections 193(2):md (3) of the MunfcipulAcr tYyvire every council with authority to sell or otherwise dispose of real property to pass a by-law to establish procedures, including the giving of notice to the public, governing the sale of real property; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to enact this By-law to establish procedures governing the sale of real property under subccction 193(2) of the Mraricipn( Act, as amendcd, NOW THEREFORE DE 1T ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICJPALITY OF CLARINGTON AS FOLLOWS: In pris by-luw, the term: • "Act" means the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45, as amended from time to tune and includes «gulations made under it; • "Council" means the council of [he Corporation of [he Municipality of Clarington; • "Municipality" means The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; • "sale" includes a lease of 21 years or longer; and • "surplus property' means real property owned or leased by The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington which is not required for the purposes of the Municipality:; 2• The Municipality's Chief Administrative Officer, or a Director or other head of a department of the Municipality to whom Council has assigned responsibility for real property awned or leased by the Municipality in consultation with the Director of Planning and Development, from time to time shall: (a) identify real property that should bz declared to be surplus property by Council;. (b) report to Council recommending that Council declare the particular real property to be surplus property and setting out the reason why it should be declared to be surplus property; and (c) advise in every report recommending that Council declare particular real property to be surplus property that at least one appraisal of the fair market value of the real property in question should be obtained before Council decides to s611, or exchange and transfer the real property in accordance with the Act and this by-law, unless an appraisal is na required under Ilte Act. ATTACHMENT N0. 4 WD-4 -96 1030 -z- 3• Despite Section 2 but subject to [Ile requiremeau of the Act, where real propeny owned by the Municipality consists of highways, public lanes, roads or road allowances, the Director of Public Works in consultation with the Director of Planning and Development from time to time shall: (a) identify the real property that should be declared surplus propeny by Council; (b) report to Council complying with the Act and Repon WD-3-90 which was adopted by Council at its meeting on February 12, 1990, recommending that Council declare that the particular real propeny [o be surplus property and setting out the reasons wlty it should be declared to he surplus propeny; (c) advise in every repon recommending that real property be declared by Council to be surplus property that at least one appraisal of the fair market value of the real property in question should be obtained before Counci! decides to sell, or transfer the real property in accordance with the Act and this by-law, unless an appraisal is not required under the Act; and (d) advtse m every repon recommending that real propeny be declared to be surplus property, appropriate terms and conditions for the sale or transfer of the real propeny if it is declared to be surplus property. _ 4• Where a report to Council is made by the Chief Administrative Officer, a Director or other head of a department of the Municipality pursuant to Section 2 of [his By-law, [Ire Director of Planning and Development may also report to the same meeting of Council in all cases in which he is of the opinion that the real propeny in question, if it is declared Ay Council to be surplus property, should be sold at its appraised fair market value to a property owner for development in accordance with a land use plan of the Municipality rather than being sold by public tender, and shall set out his recommendation as to the terms and conditions under which such surplus Property should be transferred to a property owner by the Municipality. Where in reviewing a repon [o Council pursuant to Section 2 of this By-law the Director of Planning and Development considers that it to be appropriate in the interest of the Municipality in order to achieve an objective of a land use plan of the Mtnicipality that the real property in question if =. declared by Council to be surplus property be sold to a propeny owner for a consideration which is the exchange and transfer to the Municipality of real propeny of an equivalent or higher value after at leas[ one appraisal of the fair market value of the real propeny to be exchanged and transferred for the surplus propeny has been obtained by the Municipality, the Director of Planning and Development may recommend the sale by way of exchange and transfer to Council setting out his recommendation as to the terms and conditions under which the surplus propeny should be sold by way of exchange for other real propeny. _ 5~ After complying with the provisions of the Act, and in the case of highways, roads or road allowances the aforesaid Repon WD-3-90: (a) before selling or otherwise disposing of real propeny, Council by by-law or resolution shall declaze the real property in question [o be surplus propeny in public session; and (b) Council shall also determine whether the surplus property refereed to in clause (a) shall be sold by the acceptance of an offer to purchase submitted by menrbErs of the public in response to an invitation to the public to tender offers to purchase, sold at its appraised fair market value to an adjacent propeny owner, or exchanged and transferred for propeny of equivalent or~ greater value as recommended by the Director of Planning and Development pursuant to Section 4 of this By-law. 1031 . . -3- 6. Before selling any surplus property whether for cash or the exchange and transfer of other real property for it, unless otherwise provided by the Act, Council shall obtain at least one assessment of the fair market value of the surplus property. 7. (1) In addition to complying with all relevant provisions of the pct, the Clerk shall give notice of n proposed sale of surplus property of the Municipality whether for a consideration to be paid in cash or the exchange and transfer of otltcr real property for the surplus property shall by causing a notice to be published nt Icast once in a newspaper of general circulation in the area in which the surplus property is located not Icss than seven days prior to the date of the meeting of Council at which the proposed sate of surplus property for cash or exchange and transfer is to be considered. (2) The notice referred to in subsection 7(I) shall: (a) briefly describe the surplus property; (b) shall state whether it is proposed to be exchanged, sold by public tender, or sold to a property owner; (c) shall specify in the case of a sale of surplus property by public tender the name and address of the official of the Municipality from whom interested persons can obtain an information package containing the terms and conditions of the invitation to members of the public to tender offers to purchase the surplus property and containing terms and conditions of any sale; and (d) shall state that the decision of Council to sell the surplus property in question for cash or exchange for other real property will be considered at the public meeting of Council on the date. and at the time specified in the notice. By-law read a first and second time this 6ch day of Harch 1995. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 6ch day of ttarch 1995. MAYIIZ '.,, ,, CiERh 1Q32 ~* TBE CORPORATION OF THS MONICIPALITY OF ~.ARZNGTON BY-LAW NO. 96-1 Being a by-law to exempt a quit claim transfer of a portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke to the owner of the abutting ianda from the provisions of By-law No. 95-22 WAFRRaq Council has adopted the recommendations contained in Report WD-4-96 recommending that this by-law be passed; NOW THEREFORE BE ZT ENACTED BY THE COONCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MONICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON l4S FOLLONS: 1. THAT the consideration and authorization by Council of the making of a quit claim transfer of Part 5 shown on Reference Plan 40R-16671 from the Municipality to Mr. Ahmad Khodkar, the owner of the abutting lands shown as Parts 4 and 6 on Plan 40R-16671, be exempted from the provisions of By-law No. 95_ 22. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 8th day of January, 1996. HY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 8th day of January, 1996. MAYOR CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 5 WD-=4-96 1033 TBE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 96-1 Being a by-law to exempt a quit claim transfer of a portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke to the owner of the abutting lands from the provisions of By-law No. 95-22 WHEREAS Council has adopted the recommendations contained in Report WD-4-96 recommending that this by-law be passed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COONCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the consideration and authorization by Council of the making of a quit claim transfer of Part 5 shown on Reference Plan 40R-16671 from the Municipality to Mr. Ahmad Khodkar, the owner of the abutting lands shown as Parts 4 and 6 on Plan 40R-16671, be exempted from the provisions of By-law No. 95- 22. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 8th day of January, 1996. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 8th day of January, 1996. ~ ~ ~~~~~/ MAYOR i ~ .! X' ~ CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 2 WD-10-96 1034 TES CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 96-2 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a quit claim transfer from The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington to Ahmad Khodkar of the portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke TAE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, and seal with the Corporate Seal, a quit claim transfer of the portion of the closed road allowance between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke, shown as Part 5 on Plan 40R-16671, attached hereto as Schedule "A". BY-LAW read a first and second time this 8th day of January, 1996. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 8th day of January, 1996. MAYOR i ~ ~ CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD-10-96 1035 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUN[CIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HY-LAW 95-22 being a by-law to establish procedures governing the sale of real property pursuant to subsections 193(2) and (3) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45, as amended WHEREAS Sectian 55 of the Planning and Municipaf Stature Law Amendment Acr, 1994 was proclaimed to be in force on January 1, 1995. It repealed and replaced Section 193 of the Municipn! Arl, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45 with a new Section 193; ANll WHEREAS the new subsections 193(2) and (3) of the Municipu(Acr require every council with authority to sell or otherwise dispose of real properly [o pass a by-law to establish procedures, including the giving of notice to the public, governing the sale of real properly; AND WHEREAS i[ is expedient to enact this By-law to establish procedures governing the sale of real property under subsection 193(2) of the Municipal Act, as amended, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AS FOLLOWS: In this by-law, the term: • "Act" means the Municipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45, as amended from time to time and includes regulations made under it; • "Council' means the council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; • "Municipality" means The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; • °sale" includes a lease of 21 years or longer; and • "surplus property" means real property owned or leased by The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington which is not required for the purposes of the Municipality: 2. The Municipality's Chief Administrative Officer, or a Director or other head of a department of the Municipality to whom Council has assigned responsibility for real property owned or leased by the Municipality in consultation with the Director of Planning and Development, from time to time shall: (a) identify real property that should be declared ro be surplus property by Council; (b) report to Council recommending that Council declare the particular real property to be surplus property and setting out the reason why it should be declared to be surplus property; and (c) advise in every report recommending that Council declare particular real property to be surplus property that at leas[ one appraisal of [he fair market value of the real property in question should be obtained before Council decides to sell, or exchange and transfer the real property in accordance with the"Act and this by-law, unless an appraisal is no[ required under, the Act. ATTACHMENT N0. 4 WD-10-96 1Q36 -z- 3. Despite Section 2 but subject to the requirements of the Act, where real propetty owned by the Municipality consists of highways, public lanes, roads or road allowances, the Director of Public Works in consultation with the Director of Planning and Development From time to time shall: (a) identify the real property that should be declared surplus property by Council; (b) report [o Council complying with the Act and Report WD-3-90 which was adopted by Council at its meeting on February 12, 1990, recommending that Council declare that the particular real property to be surplus propetty and setting out the reasons why it should be declared to he surplus property; (c) advise in every report recommending thu real property be declared by Council to be surplus property that at least one appraisal of the fair market value oC the ['cal property in question sl[ould be obtained before Council decides to sell, or transfer the real properly in accordance with the Act and this by-law, unless an appraisal is not required under the Ac[; and (d) advise in every report recommending that real property be declared to be surplus property, appropriate [erns and conditions far the sale or transfer of the real property if i[ is declared to be surplus properly. 4. Where a report to Council is made by the Chief Administrative Officer, a Director or other head of a department of the Municipality pursuant to Section 2 of [his Bylaw, the Director of Planning and Development may also report to the same meeting of Council in all cases in which he is of the opinion that the real property in question, if i[ is declared by Council to be surplus property, should be sold at its appraised fair market value to a propetty owner for development in accordance with a land use plan of the Municipality rather than being sold by public tender, and shall sex out his recommendation as to the terms and conditions under which such surplus property should be transferred to a property owner by the Municipality. Where in reviewing a report to Council pursuant to Section 2 of this By-law the Director of Planning and Development considers that it to be appropriate in the interest of the Municipality in order to achieve an objective of a land use plan of the Municipality that the real property in question if declared by Council to be surplus property be sold to a property owner for a consideration which is the exchange and transfer to the Municipality of real properly of an equivalent or higher value after at least one appraisal of the fair market value of [he real property to be exchanged and transferred for the surplus property has been obtained by the Municipality, the Directo[' of Planning and Development may recommend the sale by way of exchange and transfer to Council setting out his recommendation as to [he terms and conditions under which the surplus property should be sold by way of exchange for other real property. __ i. After complying with the provisions of the Act, and in the case of highways, roads or road allowances [he aforesaid Report WD-3-90: (a) before selling or otherwise disposing of real property, Council by by-law or resolution shall declare the real properly in question to be surplus property in public session; and (b) Council shall also determine whether the surplus property referred [o in clause (a) shall be sold by the acceptance of an offer to purchase submitted by members of the public in response to an invitation to [he public to tender offers to purchase, sold at its appraised fair market value ro an adjacent properly owner, or exchanged and transferred for property of equivalent or' greater value as recommended by [Ile Director of Planning and Development pursuant to Section 4 of this By-law. 1037 3- 6. Before selling any surplus property whether for cash or the exchange and transfer of other real property for it, unless otherwise provided by the Act, Council shall obtain at least one assessment of the fair market value of the surplus property. (1) In addition to complying with all relevant provisions of the Act, the Clerk shall give notice of a proposed sale of surplus property of the Municipality whether For a consideration to be paid in cash or the exchange and transfer of other real property for the surplus property shall by causing a notice to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the area in which the surplus property is located not less than seven days prior to the date of the meeting of Council at which the proposed sale of surplus property for cash or exchange and transfer is to be considered. (2) The notice referred to in subsection 7(1) shall: (a) briefly describe the surplus property; (b) shall state whether it is proposed to be exchanged, sold by public tender, or sold to a property owner; (c) shall specify in the case of a sale of surplus property by public tender the name and address of the official of the Municipality from whom interested persons can obtain an information package containing the terms and conditions of the invitation to members of the public to tender offers to purchase the surplus property and containing terms and conditions of any sale; and (d) shall state that the decision of Council to sell the surplus property in question for cash or exchange for other real property will be considered at the public meeting of Council on the date and a[ the time specified in the notice. By-]aw read a firs[ and second time this 6ch day of parch 1995. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 6ch day of ttarch 1995. ~ ~ MAI'QZ 'Y, 4 .^r.~'Rii 1038