HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-9-96.<- . _ TSE REPORT OF Meeting: .GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: FEBRUARY 19, 196 Res. # GSA" 9t~-`~.6 BY-Law # Report #: rm_o_o~ File #:.D.-0:6~25...04 Subject: CONSTRUCTION 01~ SOLINA ROAD NORTH OF THE 6TH CONCESSION. AND THE BFFSCT OF 'T'HIS WORK ON VIOLA M. ASHTON'S DRIVEWAY Recommendations: It is reapectfully~ recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Coaom~ttee recommend to Council the following: 1. TBAT Report WDt9-96 be received for information. only; and 2. THAT Viola M. ~ahton and James Rapteyn be advised of Council's decision. __ REPORT 1.0 ATTACffiH;NTS No. 1: Rey ~1ap No. 2: Corr~apondence from Viola M. Ashton, dated. April 26, X995 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a Council meting on May 8, 1995, Council passed. Resolution #C-338-95: '; "THAT thecorrespondence dated April 26, 1995 from Viola M. Ashton regarding the construct$on of Solina Road north of the 6th Concessio>I4 and the effect this work has had os her driveway be received; ..ota°®aE~:~eE ~ ~~~ REPORT NO.: WD-9-96 PAGE 2 THAT the ',correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparatign of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Viola M. Ashton and James. Kapteyn be advised of Council's decision". 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Solina Road Solina Road, north of the 6th Concession, was scheduled for reconstruction in the 1994 Regional Cooperative Tender. For proper road reiconatruction, Solina Road was pulverized and gravelled along with a layer of hot mix. This raised the road four (4) o six (6) inches above the existing level of road. 3.2 Policy for Driveways It has been the Municipality's policy to raise existing driveways to the new level of the road using the same material as the existing driveway; for example, a gravel driveway will have gravel added and a paved driveway will have hot mix added. The end result will usually be a low sloped driveway from the newly,conatructed road to the chosen starting point of the existing driveway. 3.3 Mrs. Viola M. ~shton's Driveway Through the 1994 Regional Cooperative Tender, Mrs. Ashton's driveway was raised with hot mix asphalt to the level of the newly reconstructed road to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham. U1~~ REPORT NO.: WD-9-96 PAGE 3 4.0 CONCLIISION 4.1 Mrs. Ashton was not satisfied with the resultant slope of the driveway. Recognizing that staff at the Region of Durham had already found ,this job to be acceptable, an agreement was reached whereby the Municipality would cover the cost of resealing the entire driveway. During the summer a layer of driveway sealant was applied. All parties are in agreement and no further, action is required. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Stephen A. Vokes, P'.Eng. Director of Public Works GA*SAV*ph Attachments February 13, 1995 pc: Viola M. Ashtan 6092 Solina Raad R.R. #1 Hampton, ON LOB 1J0 James Rapteyn 6168 Solina Rcad R.R. #1 Hampton, ON LOB 1J0 1 W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer 1~~7 Mrs. Viola M. Ashton 6092 Solina oad a 0 m c_ 0 Concession Road 6 I S ~` CONC ~J T~ SIGN CT a OAD fi I ~ z o C: ATTACHS DARL 6092SORD.DWG I I I S I A I DRAWN BY: JM DATE: JAN. 1995 ATTACHMENT N0. 1 K EY MAP ~-5-96 108 . t r i ~~ly L`_ L APR 2 71995 6092 Solina Road R.R.#1, Hampton LOB 1J0 April 26, 1995 Mayor and Councillors Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Members of Council MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTOK MAYOR'S OFFICE AGENDA During the fall of 1994, Solina Road north of the 6th Concession was rebuilt. This made a difference'in the entrances to my home. Having had my driveway paved before, it=,was even with`the road, now it is a definite raise. The work that was done at the end" of the entrances was very poor. The pavement is very rippled and unsmooth and where it joins the present driveway it has not been blended in properly. I would appreciate this matter being looked into. Yours truly ~m~ Viola M. Ashton DIST UTION CLERK ACK. BY ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT N0. 2 k~D-5-96 i p ,. i ~~ 7