HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-3-96THE CORPORATION OF TSE MONICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting; GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # ~~a . G~ .Res.#C~ IZ9~ Date: JANUARY 8, 19916 BY-Law # Report #: ia8-3-p.§ File #: ~.-02,-0-9-.002 Subject: NORTHEAST BOWM~,NVILLE SIIBDIVISION, PHASES 1, 2, 3 AND 4 PLANS lOM-840,'', 40M-1670, 40M-1714 AND 40M-1723, BOWMANVILLE 'CERTIFICATE OX+' ACCBPTANCE', STORM SEWER WORKS INCLUDING STORM SEWER WORKS ON MEARNS AVENUE Recommendations: It is respectfullyt recommended .that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD~3-96 be received; and 2. TBAT the Direqtor of Public Works be authorized to .issue a 'Certificate ¢f Acceptance' for the storm sewer works, including the: ~torm sewer works on Mearns Avenue, relating to Plans lOM-840,i40M-1670, 40M-1714 and 40M-1723. REPORT ', 1.0 ATTACHl3BNTS No. 1: Key Map 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 The former Tojwn of Newcastle entered into a Subdivision Agreement datecjiApril 3, 1991, with Eiram Development Corp. to develop lands y'plan of subdivision, located in Bowmanville and described ~s Plans lOM-840, 40M-1670, 40M-1714 and 40M- 1723 (Attachment No. 1). The agreement required the developer to construct al,'1 roadworks, including hot-mix paving, curb and gutter, sidewa]~ks, boulevard sodding and street. trees, a storm drainage system, including storm sewer .and road restoration {,,,. 1014 RBPORT NO.: WD-3-96 PAGE 2 works on Mearns Avenue, and street lights, hereinafter referred to as the 'Works'. 2.2 The Subdivision Agreement provides for the separation of the Works into three (3) stages: a) Storm Sewer Works, including the Storm Sewer Works on Mearns Avenue, b) Roads and Above Ground Services, and c) Tributarv Stormwater Management Works. 2.3 The Storm Sewer Works including the Storm Sewer Works on Mearns Avenue for Phase 1 (Plan lOM-840), were completed and a 'Certificate of Completion' was issued dated August 30, 1991. The Works were placed on a two (2) year maintenance period which. expired on August 30, 1993. 2.4 The Storm Sewer Works for Phase 2 (Plan 40M-1670), were completed and a 'Certificate of Completion' was issued dated October 31, 1991. The Works were placed on a two (2) year maintenance period which expired on October 31, 1993. 2.5 The Storm Sewer Works for Phase 3 and 4 (Plans 40M-1714 and 40M-1723), were completed and a 'Certificate of Completion' was issued dated July 31, 1993. The Works were placed on a two (2) year maintenance period which expired on July 31, 1995. 2.6 The Works, for all phases noted above, were reinspected simultaneously and all outstanding issues and deficiencies have now been rectified to the satisfaction of the Director. 1Q15 R$PORT NO.: WD-3-96 PAGE 3 2.7 It is now appropriate to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Storm fewer Works, including the Storm Sewer Works on Mearns Avenue, for Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Plans 40M-840, 40M- 1670, 40M-1714 and 40M-1723). The Subdivision. Agreement provides for this certificate to be issued by the Director of Public Works, subject to the approval of Council. Respectfully submitted, v~ Steph~/~Vokes, P.Bng. Director of Public Works Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer NAC*ph January 2, 1996 Attachment 1(~lb Y Q Q S J Q Z O w w w ti w m \\\\ `\\\\ \\\\ COURT NORTHEAST 80~1'~YIANVILLL' >oM-a4o PHASE > 40M-1870, PHA,S'E 2 '.~;'~ 40M-1714, PHASE 3 ® 40M-1723, PHASE 4 x JEC IS KEY MAP C:\ATTACHS\SUBD\tOM840.DWG DRAWN BY: JM DATE: DEC. 1995 ATTACHMENT N0. 1 WD-3-96 1017