HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-5-96 (Feb 5 meeting)~~~ ~ ~ - ~ _.` - TBE OF THS REPORT Meeting: O~NERAL pORPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ,. Date: / FEBRUARY 5, 1996 (~R #: wD-5-96 Fife #: ~"/ 1996 BUDGET RESTRAINT PROGRAM - PBE ADJUSTMENTS Subject: 1. PORLIC WORTiCS NEST/INCREASE PERNIT FEES 2. TSNDRR DOCO!lSNT FEES Recommendations: File # _ Res. #. By-Law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-5x96 be received; 2. THAT'the Public Works new/increased permit fees, as outlined in Attachment No. 1, be approved; 3. 2HAT the 1996 ahpp rate charged for vehicle maintenance performed by the Clarington Public Works Department for the Clarington Hydro. Electric Commission be $5',5.00 per hour, effective immediately; 4. THAT Mr. Bob Scaplon, Clarington Rydro Electric Commission, be advised of council's decision; 5. THAT the amending Sy-law attached to Report S+7D-5-96 (Attachment No. 5 - culverts/curb cuts) be forwarded to council for approval to be effective immediately; 6. THAT the propo®ed rates and fees as outlined in schedule "A" of the attached proposed Sy-law (Attachment No. 9) be approved and be .effective from May 1, 1996; 7. THAT the attached proposed Hy-law (Attachment No. 9) pertaining to the proposed Scheduie of Rates and Feea for Municipal Cemeteries be approved and forwarded to the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations for their concurrence; and 8. THAT the fee for tender documents, as approved under report ADMIN-2-96, be increased from $25 to $40, or "actual coat", whichever is greater. o..E `° ® aE~.~.E T _ , ' ~ REPORT NO.: WD-5-96 PAGE 2 REPORT 1.0 ATT ACHl ~RTS No. 1: Public Works New/Increased Permit Feea No. 2: Copy of By-law No. 81-37 which regulates the construction of driveway entrances No. 3: copy of By-law No. 89-54 which amended By-law No. 81-37 No. 4: Cost Comparison for Entrance Installation showing the existing charges, proposed charges for 1996, and the cost charged by the Region of Durham in 1995 No. 5: Amending By-law, which reflects an increase in the charges to be made for the installation of entrance culverts and/or the making of curb cute No. 6: Comparison of Present Cemetery Rates No. 7: Increased cemetery Revenue No. 8: Rationale for New Cemetery Fee Charges No. 9: Proposed By-law pertaining to the schedule of Rates and Fees for lqunicipal Cemeteries a.o BACRGRODRD 2.1 Engineering Diyie~on At the Council/staff meeting of January 12, 1996, a presentation was made by Public Works Staff relating to user fees. Although fees were assigned by division to Engineering, Operations and cemeteries, a further breakdown was not included as part of Attachment No. 4 to Report ADHIN-2 -96. This report, Report PW,-5-96, further outlines these fees. 2.2 Operations Division Repair Shop Rates, rn 1986, Council approved the maintenance and repair of Newcastle Bydro Electric Commission's fleet by the Public works Department fleet personnel. Culverts and Curti Cuts The charges for the installation of entrance culverts and for making curb cute have not been revised since 1989. The purpose of this report is to amend schedule "A" of By-law No. 89-54 to reflect current coats. In addition to the repair shop rate and charges for culverts/curb cuts, other user fees relating to the Operations Division are also outlined in this report. 2.3 Ceneterv Division The 1995-96 Rates and Fees Report Cs-27-95, submitted on July 10, 1995, indicated that the current fees for the Municipality~s cemetery services b .~. 7 _. REPORT NO.: WD-5-96 PAGE 3 were well below the market value charged for similar services elsewhere. It was suggested that an in-depth review be done to compare rates, consider a strategy, and recommend adjustments. The review is especially timely in view o$ reduced Provincial Transfer Grants and the resulting shortfall in funds for the Municipality. The Municipality must initiate all opportunities to increase revenues to eaeure that the widest range of municipal services will be maintained. In 1995, the expenditures and revenues associated with Sowmanville and Bondhead Cemeteries, ae of December 31, 1995, were as follows: Total Actual Grose Revenues 6400-31-x Huriale - Howmanville 6400-32-X Burials - Bond Head 6400-33-X Miecellaneoue (Foundations, etc.) 6540-OS-X IT:tereat on Perpetual Care - Howmanville 6540-06-X Iritereet on Perpetual Care - Hond Head 6560-O1-x sale of Plots - Howmanville 6560-02-X Sale of Plots - Sond Head * 6560-03-X Headstone Maintenance - Sowmanville * 6560-07-X Headstone Maintenance - Hond Head *NOte: The fee rate is set by Provincial legislation and is not a part of this review. Total Actual GIOBB Expenditnrea 7402-X-X Cemetery Maintenance (inclusive of Trust Fund Charge $20,817) Cemetery Met Revenues 37,536 3,250 11,353 12.106 1,342 45,943 7,173 6,900 600 126,203 117,630 $ 8,573. 3.0 REVIEW AND CO~R!l 3.1 Engineering Division Public Works new/increaeed permit fees, including Engineering Division, are included in Attachment No. 1. 3.2 Operations Division Repair shop Rates The rate of $43 per hour has been in effect since 1990. The savings, realized through discount buying of parts and service items, are passed on to Clarington Hydro without a stocking charge or material mark-up. culverts and curb Cuts From Sanuary to October of 1995, the Public Works Department installed 85 entrance culverts. The revenue received and the coat of installation are as follows: a REPORT NO.: WD-5-96 PAGE 4 Jan. to Oct. Revenue Percentage 1995 Coats Received Loas Of Loss $25,979 $16,400 $9,579 .378 Curb cutting is presently tendered annually and performed by a contractor. The price received for a curb cut in 1995 was $8.50 per lineal foot with a minimum charge c+f $100 for cuts 8 feet and under. The contract coat to the Municipality hoe risen since 1989, but the prices which the Municipality charges have not been revised. . in order to recover the costs incurred by the Municipality for installation of entrance culverts and for curb cuts, it is proposed that schedule °A^ of By-law xo. 89-54 be repealed and replaced to reflect an increase of 378 for the installation of entrance culverts (378 lose incurred in 1995) and to reflect the current coats incurred by the Municipality through a contractor for making curb cuts. Attachment No. 4 shows the revised coats to reflect these changes, and for comparison purpoees, the charges made by the Region of Durham. 3.3 Cemetery Division 3.3.1 Canvass of Other Cemeteries Two (2) municipal and two (2) private cemeteries from the Region of Durham were recently canvassed to establish their services and fee schedules. A comparison of fees schedule has been prepared (Attachment No. 6). IInlOn Cemetery Union Cemetery is operated by the City of oehawa. This Cemetery, for all practical purposes, is full and the few plots which are left are sold exclusively to Social services for indigent burials. staff ie presently investigating new sources of income, such as columbarium and ash niche walla. Groveaide Cemetery Groveaide Cemetery is operated by a Cemetery Hoard under the direction and a grant from Whitby Council. Their fee structure is reviewed every two (2) years. Thornton Cemetery Thornton Cemetery in Oshawa ie one of ten (10) cemeteries operated by the Toronto Burial Grounds, a non-profit Trust governed by a Hoard of Directors. It reviews its fees yearly and seta its rates based upon local and general rates of the marketplace. a .h 3, REPORT NO.: WD-5-96 PAGE 5 MOnIIt Lawn ccemetery Mount Lawn ,cemetery is a public firm listed on the Toronto stock Exchange. It reviews its fees yearly and sets it rates based upon rates common in their area of the market. 3.3.2 Clarinvton Cemeteries In the past, clarington's annual rate increases have been to address inflation. .From time-to-time, comparisons and adjustments were made to respond to rates charged in other local municipal cemeteries. The two (2) municipal cemeteries referred to above, Union Cemetery and ~roveside cemetery, have indicated that their rates are usually set after canvassing other municipally operated cemeteries. Aa a result, the annual rate reviews of local municipal cemeteries have been performed in a closed system with little increase in the overall fee structure. Up to the present, there. has been no movement to set fees in accordance with private enterprise. 3.3.3 Result of C~arison The result of the comparisons by telephone canvassing (Attachment No. 6) shows that each Cemetery is unique and has developed an individual fee structure to meet its specific needs. This report notes and recognizes the differences and variations while attempting to compare ,all the information under a common format. All rates shown are, unless otherwise stated, inclusive of taxes. While the camparisone shown in Attachment No. 6 clearly establish the general low fee structure used by clarington for its cemetery rates, there is no obvious formula or conclusion as to where the rates should be set. Consideration was given to the rationale for a municipal cemetery service, as compared to one provided by private enterprise. The following observations are offered: a) Municipalities traditionally provide service only when a need has been identified which free enterprise could not or would not provide; b) Municipalities, when providing cemetery services, have traditionally sought to recover their costa. By limiting recovery to costa only, the municipally run cemetery adversely affects market price and could adversely affect the competitiveness of private firms; and a ,~ 7 REPORT NO.: WD-5-96 PAGH 6 c) Conversely, the presence of municipal cemeteries with lower fees provides a check on private enterprise. with a number of agencies and firma providing services, it ensures that: i) .competition exists over a wide range of services, and ii) unrealistic prices are not applied to a monopolized .marketplace. Note: No consultation has been done with the public or funeral directors on proposed rates. 4.0 CONCLIISIONS AND R6CONNBNDATIONS 4.1 8aaiaeerina Division It is recommended that council adopt Public works new/increased permit fees as outlined in Attachment No. 1. 4.2 ooeratione Division Repair shop Rates It is recommended that the shop rate for maintenance and repair to Clarington Hydro Electric vehicles be $55 per hour. Culverts sad Curb Cuta It is recommended that the amending By-law (Attachment No. 5 to Report wD- 5-96 be forwarded to council for approval and that the revised charges be effective February 12, 1996. 4.3 Cemeteries Division While Clarington should not be the price setter for the marketplace, its fee structure should at least reflect the regional norm for the market. Recoveries in excess of base costa should be encouraged, not discouraged. while the increases proposed by this report are substantial, the fees are a one-time cost and we do not foresee a severe hardship as a result of this fee increase.. Based upon the services provided in 1995, it is believed that the estimated increase to revenues for the period from May 1, 1996, to December 31, 1996, will be $30,396 (Attachment No. 7). It is proposed that the rates and fees for Clarington~s cemetery services be brought to the appropriate norm of the canvassed cemeteries as shown on Attachment No. 6 and that the necessary by-law (Attachment No. 9) be approved to authorize the increase in rates and fees. a a s, ' 1 REPORT RO.: WD-5-96 PAGE 7 4.4 Report ADMIli-2-96 - Fee for Tender Documeata Aa approved and@r report ADMIN-2-96, the fee for tender documents increased from $2S to $40. It is recommended that this be amended to read $40 or ^actual coat" whichever ie greater. Although this situation does not often occur, it will ensure that the Municipality does not absorb any additional costs should the direct cost to the Municipality exceed $40. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~ Steph n A. Yokes, P.Engl. Director of Public Works Reviewed by, W. e. Stockwell ' chief Administrative officer JDC*SAV*ph .February 7, 1996 Attachments r y i PUBLIC WORKS NSW/INCREASED PERMIT FSBS 1. Miscellaneous clearance letters (10 @ $60) 2. Reproduction of reports or documents, plans, maps 3. Design check and inspection of external works for site plans (15 applications; greater of $50 or 4~ of external work) 4. Design check and inspection of lot grading for Land Division applications (12 @ $50) 5. Storm sewer connections (5 @ $600) 6. Access permit inspection (75 @ $10 increase) 7. Front Ending Agreements preparation 8. Servicing Agreements preparation Rounded 1. Driveway Access Permits (15 @ $100 increase) 2. Repair shop rate ($15/hr. increase) 3. Plowing and Sanding of new developments (charge back to developer) $ 600.00 200.00 1,500.00 600.00 3,000.00 750.00 5,000.00 250.00 $11,800.00 $11,500.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 $ 9,000.00 Rounded 8,500.00 TOTAL $20,000.00 ATTACHA4ENT N0. 1 WD-5-96 -~ f~: ~^ _ ( L THE CORPOKATIUN OF TiSE TO«;: Or N~'CASTLE sr-LAw gt-3`,7 being a by-lzw to regulate the construction of driveway entrances upon trter.:gh~ays under :.he jurisdiction of the Ccr~oratir.~: ci the To:.-n or' ;~ecrca s cle. ~^.:EP,EaS, pursuant to the procisinas c[ pa:~sra,h ? cnd ~ of - Sectio^ 453 of ine Yunicinsl Act, R_S.U. 19)O, Gupcer 236 as amended by S.O. 1974, Chaptec 13b, By-Lacs may be passed by the Council of every Municipality fer placing or permitting aay person to place, construct, install, 4aintain and use ob- jects in, on, under or over sidewalks, boulevarfls, highways under it's jurisdiction_ ~'-•'1D ~'!ERFA5 pe rag raph 19 of subseccio:t 1 of Section 3~2 of The Mu aicipai Act, as amended, provides in Dart chat by-Ia:.s may be passed cot prohibitin$ the ob structon eF an}' dra ir. or water- course and :or regciring the person causinh the obstruction to reaove it_ NOw THERE 8E IT EN4CTED AND ZT IS fsERK"SY E.~ACTED as a 8y-Law of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle through its Council chereoc as follows: - ATTACHI~NT N0. 2 1- DcFINIT_ZONS in the Hy-Law WD-5-96 `Applicant` means .he person applying for `Director' maa rs tho Direttor oE' Public ~.__... 9 - ~~~ 'n[rancc' '$ou ieva rds Stre>_t Line' `Hi$hvay' $t rucCUre' ceans any private road, gate, enLrance~ay or ocher sLrutturc or :`aci!icy coas[ructed as a z'ea:LS of access to a wunicipal road_ means any part o: the high:~ay Mere grass is gro:.-r. and vhicii is not intended for use of veh- icles bztveen Che Curb or outside edge of ihc- shoulder and the strut i'_ae, inclusive of the aria cove: ad by a sidewalk or ioocoath. nears the _iae dividing a loC a~~d cne road 211owaace_ ~e2ns any public right-of--r.~ay *~:hica includes alleys, avenues, boulevards, circles, courts, drives, highways, raves, paths, places, roads, streets, terraces, calks, under the jurisdiction of the Sown o` newcasrle_ rileans 2ny[hing constructed Or exec ced, t!:e use of. vh ich req- uireri to ca Cioa en the ground or a[ta ch ed [o something having Location on the ground and used for the shelter or atco~odation o: persons, aniaals or goods. Z- CAMPLL4\CE 11 TTH TH.``.~ S`"-!lid ~a) All persons requiring as encra r.ct• co their property nom a manic ipal zig h-a,- are requi: ea to obtain a pe wit from the Teen and no person sha ,? construct, alter, relocate or use nay e.^.t ra nce as a means oL access to a municipal highvzy except in accordance v`[h the conditions of Lhe r Z- Grapliance with the 8y-La-._. fib) i::at, in dote^inirg:unere zr. entrancC petit shall be granted, the Director shall consider [he Location, vid ch and proposed uge of the entrance to be constru CC ed or used as a weans of access co a municipal highva and shall have regard co the sight distance aiorg the road, the location of trees, public utiiity services ant the jeopardy of aoblic safety aad 'n accordance with [he entrance policy of the Yovn, as adopted by Council from time to [ime. (<} nn entrance oer~it shal'_ be zppliec fo; r"or o:;e or .n re of the foZloving, and prior to a building pe^.-:it ceing issued: i) 7It~ change of a cempcra_ry ertraace co a permanent entrance. ii} Creation of a structure on vacant iend_ iii) Entrance co vacant Land there no entrance exzsts_ iv3 Change iron an Agricultural IIse to any other use. v) Change from a tesidential Jse to any other use_ (d) Zhatali costs pertaining co the entrance be used as a weans co a municipal highway, irc lud ing the installation of culverts and any requLred car_h6asias, the rc-placement of concrete curbs and gutters arc ocher associated works shall be paid by the Aoolzcar.t_ Ce) ..I1 works underca~en c-ith+n a wunicipal highway shall be carried out by the Town of Newcascie Pub1_is '.forks Deoar[- ment_ Notwithstanding the foregoing,che Director may authorize and. approve the its tallation of an er.c ra ncevay b}' an approved coat ractor, provided that ar. ent ra nr,C permit has Seen obtained froc The To-r. and that a fee in :-CS peCt of inspectior. azd ad rein i~s tra ,-io.~ g~rv ices h2s 'ntcn paid, in accordance v1LE: Sci:edcle ':n'" of Ulis &y -L2w. r ,. 2_ L:o~pliancz vi tf; for y.-L~-.-- (f) n sum of coney being chc test o- constructing the mc~ns of accec~ v,th in a r..,~n:cfna 3, hiphw.~y sba11 be paid by the kpplic'rt, as per Schedule 'F' of [his Sy-[av_ in cases s.$ere: more taan the usual aruount of fill and/or granular e.:teriai(fifteen cubic metres (15~3j) is required the l.pplicao[ shall remit to the To,^n of Newcastle as mount as de[etm:ned by the .director to cover the cost o° tae add itioeal material z.^.d works involved_ (g) Thac no persan si:a11 the ;, co=zt a bouLe~ard, ev- cept In accordancz kith the ca ditians o£ ar. ea[rarce permic- (h) Thac no person shall appl an asphalt or coacre[e .surface to any portion o£ the entrance situate vn z municipal road allowance until a permit has been issaed by the Director. (i) Thac the provisions of this sy-I.av shall not apply so as to prohibit the use o' anv private road, entrance, struc[ure or facility constructed prior to the eFfective dale of this sy-law, which obstructs a boulevard or watercourse oa a nva is ipai high::ay, L'ne owner of [h2 property shall, wi[aln 'our[een days Of rzczipt o[ nOtLCe in wriCing t0 do 50, app„' Co Che lOwn fOr a permit co have a grope: entrance irstalled_ (j) That, xf the owner objects or refuses to cvmpiy"-'ith the notice given, pursuant co Section (~) herein, thz Town c~+y remove the obstruction and ins[all a proper entrance and any expense Yncu: red try the Town, so doing shall be paid by the ac;ier_ ~ ~...~ _ . ' 2. Compl. is nce i[h ti: ~• - -.~~c._. (k) Tha[ the Tuwn r„ay ~-.± ao r.:Cr [O [h:_ omit of any landreauirinb :ei.~ ce c'osc u;: and arivate road, pn[ranee, s.ruc[ure or 7ari_1[y. ioautruc[ed or used a5 a :n cans 0: acCes5 to a highwa ~' in COnCra- vencion of this By-L;;v. (I) ThaC every notice given under Section (k) shall be inwricin~ and sha11 be served personally or 6y registered wail and. in the rase o; service 6v registered nail, the o~::er se,zl by deeead to ;:are received the nocici ... toe =-.-_~ drt_ folio-virb [Ere :-ailing thcreoF. (~) 'roar, vhere the aerson,a :.moo: entice is ¢ivea under Section (k) ,ails to cos?l~ ~.[n the notice within thirty (30) dzys after it's receipt, the Huazcipal Council nay, br resclc:[ion, direr[ any officer, eiaployee or agent of the ?'ocn to enter apon the land of such person and co do, or cause co be done, vhatever may be necessary [o close up the private road, entrance, scru core or facility, as required by [he no[ice_ (n) Thar every person wha fails to CO^ply -iLh a notice given under Section ) is gYlltcoF an offence and upon suru2:ry conviction is lizblc to a fine of not loss than ten dollars (510. 30) and no[ more than one hundred dollars (5100. 00) for z first offence, sod to a fine o` not less than fifty dollars (S 50. 00) and not note than five hundred dollars (5500. 00} for a second o'r subsequent P=:lore. (n) That the Tawn s.^.ail :na i. r.c a±n a::d replace f-on [irae [o time, as required, all cu iverts i^s[a lied pursuant ce ehis ny-Law; all r.:ain[eraace and/cr repair o[ the Ari vino o-..~F.. .-., ,-,F .~ _ ..-. -_-._.. _. _„ -' -- - t..' CP) -1n:vt i;y-L.!v 79-i1J of Chr ~I i._:: i.: i:cn ti]~' ri•ped led. Sri) 77115 by-13L sL:!11 ~3Fx rr;ca [~a ii7! day of final r._:td i n~ _ "•: -r~__ r~_.., _- _ irs[ ..i~.~ tiei. '_~r .~ }ta-c'• I4S1,_ 3_. -L:[w rc:~cF .. sd~o^ti Cia1c to is '-arc . - GJ_ _ "a.-c 7ap _ {~ _ Va K~'-i.:::: .~._._ .. Clli r(i ::Rd i1.na1 ~.ial' i4 ii ~~rL dJy Ji -`1'LCa 1`~'.~;_ (5~:_i) ec. f'1:!rtn in>; ,. f3evetopc[ertt DeparLmen[_ (-l[iel 8v_iLd ing Inspeccor ll. T_ Gra ~•_ Drpu ry i)i rcC [or a[ !+o rks_ f_ $YUt,::_ ~a:rd $Lper±n C2YIdClC. Furem:!n. Ilieis_on 1, Darling[on. FO rCr.[;l[., D[YIS1!): Z, 3ovm:!nvii Lr. Foreman, Division 3, Clarkc_ "~yor_ G.B_ !2ICIG:RD ~:2tF_ .i_M_ McILROY_ •1 , 1 _ __~ _ 1_ ~. 3'. L. 5_ »00 mm 4S x 7 m. Lenft r! »50 n::a $ x 7 7_ Lentith {replacing I8" x ?L') 600 mm pS x 7 m_ i..:ua7;th (rcpiacing2»" x 2G') £ntt-ance - no culacic_ G7CranC~ - e=to C.x [urt_f:e} .:rya :... , iojs~:•'.-~ - S1~). DO _ 'y ` ic? .. ---' SOi,==i;c - 510. 00 :..:i:;.:. -. "::v.:i,i..- ta_t:r>n ui xcucasclc $»60, 00 r CG6/mCir. ir, c__a;ess a: 7 m_ SSOU_ 00 '-• S7?; m~;i Zr in eueSS o: % m. 5560. 00 -` 580/metre in excess o` 7 m_ 5100 minimum based on actual costs_ {dj Cv.:r nrO ~._ nLtual CJSC 1_ I D_ c-ntra ncc: - rcicc::tiun tatrzace - tempu;a[y Curb Cutcing Curb Replaccmenc £ncrznce -other :cca:ai Cos[_ :.dual Cost. S23. 00/metre (miaitaum charge 538. 00) Actual Cost_ SAOQ Ainimun based on actual costs_ ~fcs= I "Actual Cost" works will be estimated ay the Director of Public Forks or his :s ignated teprc-senta tive_ The esci*kzced sun mist be paid to the iovn pr_or co e approval of the Appiicscion Ear Yrooerq• Access aad/~~: ci~e commencement of vorks_ Lti51'ECTIU,~ FEF_ S30_ 00 per Application. L-:ech Appllc:ct is+n for Property ::cress mus[ be sccompan ied by a pzy:nenc of 530. 00 1- In cfie case Vi '3n,',ra:1e25 ins:„llec by the Tovn, the 530_ 00 v;.ll be treated as deaosit and deducted from the cost of entrance ins to lac ir.:;_ the p?yment o: which Balance is due prior to the issuance of 2pprovaI- Z• In the case of an trance(s) construc;.~d Sy a enr trac for :3aprovcd by the lli reC CO= o, ?ui>L _: min rtes, the 530. 00 Lnspectlon I'ee is aon-refundah lc_ M' ' 74iE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NFAI"ACTf.R ~~ ~ BY-IAW 89-54 being a by-law to amend By-law 81-37, being a by-law to regulate the construction of driveway entrances upon the highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle WE~REAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it desirable to amend By-law Nwnber 81-37; NCW THEREFORE TBE OOUNCIL OF T4Bi WRPORATION OF THE TC747N OF NE4lC'ASTT.F II~C15 AS FOLT.OWS: 1. THAT Schedule "A" to ey-law Number 81-37 is hereby repealed and replaced by Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. By-law read a first and semnd time this 28th day of March 1989 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of March 1989 c.~.~ n,..<<1L,t c ...:n~ ,. D~/ ~ ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD-S-96 SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW $80-54 Dz iveway Fh trance Type 1. 400 mm Ox 7 m. length (replacing 16" x 24') 2. 450 mm 0 x 7 m, long th (replacing 18" x 24') 3. 600 mm 0 x 7 m. length (replacing 24" x 24') 4. Entrance - no culvert. 5. Entrance - extension (aJ 400 mm 0 (b) 450 mm 0 (c) 600 con 0 (d) over 600 mm 6. Entrance - relocation 7. Entrance - temporary 8. Curb Cutting 9. Curb Replacement 10. Eh trance - other Notes: Payable to lbwn of Newcastle $620.00 + $89/metre in excess of 7 m. $675.00 + $97/metre in excess of 7 m. $756.00 + $108/metre in excess of 7 m. Actual Oust (minimum charge $135.00) $89/metre + $13.00 $97/metre + $13.00 5108/metre + $13.00 Actual Cost. Actual Cost. Actual Cost. 524.60/metre (minimum charge $85.00) Actual Cost. $100 minimum based on actual costs. All "Actual Cost" wrks will be estimated by the Director of Public Yorks or his designated representative. 7t1e estimated sum must be paid to the 7bwn prior to the approval of the Application for Property Access and/or the commencement of wrks. INSPECTION FEE $40.00 per Application Each Application for property Access must be accompanied by a payment of $40.00. 1. In the case of entrances installed by the 7bwn, the $40.00 will be treated as a deposit and deducted from the cost of entrance installation, the payment of which balance is due prior to the issuance of approval. 2. In the case of entrance(s) constructed by a contractor approved by the Director of Public t,Urks, the $40.00 Inspection Fee is non-refundable. d Y C O ..{ qq C ~33 ~ v ' o o a N N u1 Q XXX •~ C Z ,ti ,ti C C C " A N N J A P Y W 6 E ~ ~ 0 0 r r N O r . rl W w m N O W O ^ N "" O W m m m N In C C O y m m m N '.+ N -. i m U m U 0 7 N ~ m d % m T b b tP U m H N ~ ~ ~ b ~ d C G N a} I +1 i . m ••i C H N.C NhN W m 0 'Fi O ~ U m m' .. U W M O +++ O O Y Y O O R O \ U~ V U ww U U y F \ ~ H m ~ N m .-1 E F. E G 'i .i O~ m ~-1 .-I E d o r .r o m •.i ~~~ b m m m-a LL Ie In .+ o m O .+ P C m of In 7 9 m m 7 ? C O\ N N r N .N i? •ri O N < Y J~ J~ i~ i~ i~ • O F ml r m .y U 6 ~+ •~ ~ U U 7 7 U U N N N} N} N} Q~ NNN Q /~ UU RC K`-' N Z, H m U • ~ .~ ~ ro fi ~ r a C f>: r r W o U Q U sC C y w o w o m m v C o ~ o C y m m % v N v H m Y A U X k C A U~ m m m •.+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b C C v NNNiI i+ w .C }I 7 LL U ..{ •,1 yl ~ m m m U m ~ CL }}+ Q y d G U U U ~ U C C o ~ N ~ ~ \ ~ E ~ .-i rl .d N ~ U N to N o E E~ a b m tp ..i b m CL m o Ic In r ~o m m .N ~~ m 7 O P C C oil d N N r N N N f~I m 01 r o it J~ i1 V' •'i i> O m O % ~ to r .+ O m m .a U U U N~ U ~+ O v w N} N} N} NU NNN[Z Q /~ N~ !~ NU N .C L .C H b~~ O~~ O+~ G O >r O mN mN mN A 11 m m `+ '~ .a x % x a ~ o a a H v a i Ez Fic ~c it N ~ 0 .C N m V' O % 0000 m m E Y v r .~ r .-i r N C v o H Y b v O G ~ ~ ~~ C ~ %b~ %b~ %lT 1 1 1 1 i -. I C C C H N W N I O -. o -. I O •. i m m 0 0 0 0 7 m m m ~ _ it U U U U U oulo D U U y v U C w m ~ d m ~ rl of ~ .-~ C ~ m G m v c ~o O C a C m U fx C w z ATTACHMENT N0, 4 v a a H H y H A A H ~ 96 S o o a i o a i i i i i i i s i I i i .+ - Wn, a1 o N ~n N o ff C G C C 7 7 C F ~ w •~- v~ -- to -- w w m~ o v w w U v w ~ • 7 j o . A .-I N c•1 ~ ~ rn .-i H _. THE CORPORATION OF THE MONICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 96- A By-law to amend Sy-law No. 81-37, as amended, being a By-law to regulate the construction of driveway entrances upon the highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to further amend By-law No. 81-37. NOW THHRHPORE the Council of The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. TEAT Schedule "A" to By-law No. 89-54 is hereby repealed and replaced by.SChedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 12th day of February, 1996. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of February, 1996. MAYOR CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 5 WD-5-96 . ,, . SCHEDDLE 'A' Driveway Entrance Tvae 1. 400 mm 0 X 7 m. length (replacing 15" x 24') 2. 450 mm 0 x 7 m. length (replacing 18" x 26') 3. 600 mm 0 x 7m. length (replacing 24" x 24') 4. Entrance - no culvert 5. Entrance - extension a) 400 mm 0 bJ 450 mm 0 c) 600 mm 0 d) over 600 mm 6. Entrance - relocation 7. Entrance - temporary 8. Curb Cutting 9. Curb Replacement 10. Entrance - other Payable to The Municinality of Clarinaton $755 + $100/m. in excess of 7 m. $870 + $125/m. in excess of 7 m. $1,015 + $145/m. in excess of T m. Actual Coat (minimum charge of $150) $108/m. + $32 $125/m. + $37 $145/m. + $43 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Cuts 9 ft. and over $81.50/ft. Cuta 8 ft. and under $100/f t. Actual Cost $150 minimum based on Actual Cost Notes• All "Actual Cost" works will be estimated by the Director of Public Works or his designated representative. The estimated sum must be paid to the Municipality prior to the approval of the Application for Property Access and/or the commencement of works. INSPHCTIDN FEH $50 per Application Each Application for Property Access must be accompanied by a .. COl~AR.iSOR OF PRESENT CEMETERY RBTES Page 1 of 4 ATTACHMENT N0, 6 WD-5.,96 *1 Space available only to social Services for indigent burials. *' Fee structure provides for a range based on location, facilities or amenities available. *' Fee for double depth burial is inclusive of interment. { COMPAR ISON OF PRESE NT CSlBTSBY BA TES Page 2 of 4 t Adult/ 784 508 650 *' 1,900 1,300 Buried else- 1,000 *' where same cemetery Adult/ 472 430 650 *~ 1,550 1,000 Buried 1,000 different cemetery Adult/ 522 430 650 *~ 1,900 1,300 Buried same 1,000 grave Cresation/ 265 141 100 220 400 Buried else- ' where same cemetery Child/Buried 265 430 650 *' 854 *' 575 *' elsewhere 1,000 *' ease cemetery Cresation/ 160 141 100 220 400 Buried same grave or different cemetery child/Buried 160 430 * ' 854 450 * 1 00 same grave or different cemetery *' casket only fee. *' casket in vault fee. *' infant fee $632. *' Infant fee $300 *° Double depth for child $72. *' additional charge for double depth burial. *' after 4:00 p.m. on Saturday the charge is $160. *' Monday to Friday, late charge of $65 between 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. $89 between 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. 1 COMP ARISON OF PRES ERT CEMETERY R ATES Page 4 of 9 ~ £~ '' . r . :.<x: s>. . Monument 12 i 174 f mi 300 fee n $ mi 273 n. fee Flat ~ ~ Foundation per cu. ft. m n ee . . no only , foundation required Flat Marker 66 166 0.40 200 Flat Foundation (16" x 35") per aq. in. monument only, no 129 foundation (16" x 22") required Cremation 36 63 " 0.40 i 72 No foundation Marker (8" x 16 ) per n. eq. required 19 No base Baby Marker 29 63 •' 0.40 i 72 No foundation (14" x 18") (8" x 16 ) per n. sq. required 19 No base Corner Poat Not 19 25 68 No set fee Available Removal of 43 No aet fee No set fee No set fee No set fee Monument *' If plot is resold a new deed is required and the fee is $25. 4 ESTIMATED INCREASED CEl03TERY REVElIOE .c'am`'. ¢..~~ . y., , ~. 3.~~ . t... S ys. SALE OB PLOTS 268 16,080 26,604 Single/Adult 103 (790 - 522) (60 x 268) (103 x 268) child/ 20 153 (305 - 152) 1,836 (12 x 153) 3 060 (20 x 153) Cremation INTBRID±NTS 145 8,700 14,935 Adult/ 103 (q65 - 320 ) (60 x 145) (103 x 145) single Depth Adult/ 22 233 (610 - 377) 3,029 (13 x 233) 5,126 (22 x 233) Double Depth Infant/Child 6 85 (195 - 110) 340 (4 x 85) 510 (6 x 85) 50 1,400 2,400 cremation 48 (160 - 110) 28 x 50) (48 x 50) 0 No Revenue No Revenue DISINTERMENT NEERffiiDS BND SIIRCHAR~+ES 15 No increase No increased No increased Saturday/ to the fee revenue revenue Sunday pODNDATioNS 150 4,950 8,400 Monument 56 (250 - 100) (33 x 150) (56 x 150) 99 1,188 1,980 Flat Marker 20 (165 - 66) (12 x 99) (20 x 99) TRANSFER 5 13 (20 _ 7) 39 (3 X 13) 65 (5 % 13) 37,562 64,080 TOTAL 87CPECTED INCREASE IN ggpENUSS NOTE: 408 perpetual care is collected on sale of plots. The net increased $ 37,562 revenue for 1996 is: Groas Revenue 080 + Leas (16 1,836) X 408 7.166 , $ 30,396 Net Revenue ATTACHMENT N0. 7 WD-S-96 . ,, ATTACHMENT N0. 8 WD-5-96 .. tit a r ~ ~ xi Thefee would remain unchanged until such time as other cemeteries adjust their rates. x' Service fee would remain unchanged as other cemeteries do not provide the service. x' A flat fee is proposed to be used for any foundation of any dimension. NoTB: G.S.T. is included in the above proposed rates. y' ~~ n < i• ~ ~ F THE CORPORATION OF THS MWIICZPALITY OF CLARINCTON HY-LAW 96- A By-law to repeal By-law 95-106, being a By-law to amend By-law 79-104, as amended, a By-law to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of Cemeteries in the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle). THH COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY HNACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT By-law 79-104 be, and the same is hereby amended, by rescinding Schedule "A" attached thereto and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law; 2. THAT By-law 95-106 be repealed; and 3. THAT this Hy-law shall come into force and take effect on May 1, 1996, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 12th day of February, 1996. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of February, 1996. ATTACHMENT N0. 9 WD-5-96 ~y < ;, „~ SCH80ULS A TO BY-LAW 96- CORPORATZON OP THS NONICIPALITY OP CLANINGTON CHNSTSRIHS TARIPP OP RATBS BFPHCTIVS MAY 1. 1996 1. SALH OP PLOTS 404 Type of Dimeae iane Perpetual Proposed + 76 Lot Bowmanville Hondhead Care Rate Rate GST Total a) Single 3' x 9' 4' x 10• $ 295.33 $738.32 $51.68 $790.00 b) Babyland lj' x 3' 1}' x 3' 114.02 265.05 19.95 305.00 c) Cremation 2' x 2' 2' x 3' 114.02 285.05 19.95 305.00 2. INTHAMHNT a) Adult - single depth 434.58 30.42 465.00 b) Adult - double depth 570.09 39.91 610.00 c) Infant/Child 182.24 12.76 195.00 d) Cremation 149.53 10.47 160.00 3. DISINTHRlSHNT CHARGHS a) Disiaterment (adult), including reburial at another location in the same cemetery 1,018.69 71.31 1,090.00 b) Disinterment (adult), including lowering remains at same location 1,000.00 70.00 1,070.00 c) Disinterment (adult) for reburial at another cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850.47 59.53 910.00 d) Disinterment (infant/child), including burial at another location in same cemetery 588.79 41.21 630.00 e) Disinterment (infant/child), including reburial at same grave or different cemetery 560.75 39.25 600.00 f) Disinterment (infant/cremation) including reburial at another location in same cemetery 247.66 17.34 265.00 g) Disinterment (infant/cremation) including reburial at same grave or different cemetery 200.93 14.07 215.00 4. WBSI(HND, HOLIDAYS AND OT88R SORCHAAGHS a) Interment on Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays (fee ie additional) 255.14 17.86 273.00 b) Disinterment for double depth burial (fee is additional) 182.24 12.76 195.00 c) Rental of Lowering Device, set up and dressing 61.68 4.32 66.00 d) Provincial License Fee (except for cremation 10.00 0.70 10.70 5. MONDlflII7T PODNDATIONS AND SHTTING NARRBitS a) Monument Foundations (flat fee) 233.64 16.36 250.00 b) Flat Marker Foundation (flat fee) 154.21 10.79 165.00 c) Cremation/Baby Markers (flat fee) 65.42 4.58 70.00 d) Removal of Monuments 40.19 2.81 43.00 6. TAANSFHR Fee 18.69 1.31 20.00 7. PHRPBTDAL CARH Plots on which perpetual care charges have not been paid (per square foot) 6.54 0.46 7.00 S. OTBSR SSRVICHS ~ Planting of trees, installing corner atones, repairs to foundations (materials, equipment and labour*) * Labour is calculated as union hourly rate + 156 overhead.