HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/2001 , . . -. .", Council Minutes ROLL CALL Present Vi ere: Absent: Also Present: BURKETON MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON January 5, 2001 Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on January 5, 2001, at 9:00 a.m., in the Kendal Community Hall Mayor J. Mutton Councillor D. MacArthur Councillor P. Pingle (attended at 9:30 a.m.) Councillor G. Robinson CouncillorJ. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor 1. Rowe (on vacation) Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Planning and Development, D. Crome (attended at 10:10 a.m.) Manager of Engineering, T. Cannella Planner, R. Holy (attended at 10:10 a.m.) Manager of Operations, F. Horvath Administrative Assistant to the Director of Public Works, J. O'Neill Executive Assistant to the Mayor, M. Reid Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie The Special Meeting of Council was convened in order for the Members of Council to apprise staff of the concerns which the electorate made known during the recent campaign. For ease of discussion, Mayor Mutton suggested that the concerns would be addressed hamlet by hamlet. . Road conditions (alligator backs) . Speed of traffic . Need for a meeting hall which would identify Burketon as a community . Snowmobilers' parking on side of the road, dropping off their machines and leaving on the snowmobiles Action - Public Works Department will contact the Maple Leaf Snowmobile Club to advise of this concern , . Special Council Minutes - 2- January 5, 2001 ENNIS KILLEN . Sidewalks leading into the village from the new developments . Gravel trucks not stopping at Old Scugog and Concession Road 8 (this concern was raised throughout the municipality and was decided that Council would request the Durham Regional Police to complete a blitz of the gravel trucks, specifically addressing safety checks) . Speeding . Development of a park - staff advised that the designation for parkland is part of a development just north of the school on the west side. . The residents are pleased with the gates which are working well in slowing traffic down in the hamlet HAYDON . The residents are pleased with the Haydon Hall TYRONE . Speeding through village . . Requesting a stop at Clemens Road and Concession Road 7 . Questions regarding the development of a lot beside the creek . Sidewalks requiring repair . Snowmobilers racing around the park between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. each day - possibility of erecting a barricade in the spring? SOLINA . Requesting a luminar at the intersection of Solina Road and Taunton Road . Speeding concerns . Centre lines on some of the roads are unable to be seen in heavy fog . Backstop at the ball diamond . Concern with the intersection of Solina Road and Concession Road 8 being slightly offset LESKARD . Oak Ridges Trail . Concession 7 and Leskard Road - numerous accidents KENDAL - . Sidewalk repairs in heart of the hamlet . Residents pleased with the Community Hall . . . Special Council Minutes - 3 - January 5, 2001 HAMPTON . Sidewalk repairs . Park has no playground equipment . Improvements to the intersection of Concession Road 6 and Old Scugog Road would be appreciated - the residents would still like a four-way stop there although they realize the traffic count does not warrant it, however, there is a high number of traffic incidents at this location . Poor visibility at the intersection of Old Scugog Road and Concession Road 4 . Questions regarding the large home constructed adjacent to M.J. Hobbs School MITCHELLS CORNERS ORONO NEWTONVILLE PORT GRANBY . Bringing Trulls Road up to urban standards because of heavy traffic volume . The possibility of the municipality purchasing the school when it becomes available . Park being part of the school property - what will happen if the school is closed . Intersection of Pebblestone Road and Trulls Road is offset and many people go through the stop - requesting larger signs if possible . Residents are pleased with the reconstruction of Tyler Street . Improvements to the fairground entrance at Station Street . The school area is a high traffic area . Lack of parking on Main Street . Policing . Requesting additional soccer fields . Speed on Highway 2 . Light in Ina Brown Parkette . Residents are pleased with the finalization of the low-level radioactive waste issue . Special Council Minutes MAPLE GROVE COURTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOWMANVILLE . . . - 4- January 5, 2001 . Road conditions - section of Nash Road between Courtice Road and Maple Grove Road . Requesting installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Holt Road and Highway 2 . Obtaining and developing Courtice waterfront and park lands - possible partnership for events and publicity with Ontario Power Generation, Darlington Provincial Park, Friends of Second Marsh, etc. Creation of walking, hiking and nature trails in Courtice and Solina, particularly with respect to possible pedestrian bridges Work on a Youth Centre in Courtice and/or other Youth Programming, Drop-in Centre, etc. Skate Park in Courtice or at least a second mobile skate park for Clarington Commitment to follow through on the corridor improvements once the Courtice corridor study is done Complete the main branch of the library and commitment to having a full library facility in Courtice before this term of Council is over Twin pad arena in Courtice Getting the Courtice residents more involved, eg., horticultural group, work at building a community park, clubhouse, etc. Policing, more foot patrols Increase number of crossing guards Implementation of the north south bussing route Installation of batting cage and soccer fields at the large Courtice park Bringing Darlington Boulevard and Tooley Road to urban standards Residents are pleased with the bridge on Old Kingston Road Liberty Street sidewalks Mature trees, particularly in the area of Flett Street and Orchardview Boulevard, are very bushy, therefore, resulting in poor lighting on the roads . Removal of railroad tracks from Hunt Street and improvement of asphalt treatment . Road concerns in the Ashdale Subdivision area - storm sewers are higher than the roads and there are gaping holes beside the sewers (Public Works staff advised that work will be commencing in this area) . Road conditions on Duke Street . Traffic conditions at Scugog Street and Mill Lane r . Special Council Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWCASTLE . - 5 - January 5, 2001 . Installation of a sidewalk on the north side of Baseline from Durham Road 57 to Liberty Street Traffic concerns through the downtown and the older parts of town Traffic concerns at the intersection of Roenigk Drive and Highway 2 Need for a baseball diamond large enough to accommodate Midget A and above teams Residents of West Beach do not want to see sidewalks or the roads widened in the area, however, they would like to have some signs installed on Cove Road outlining house numbers Installation of a "No Exit" sign on West Beach Road Residents of West Beach Road collect garbage and are wondering whether it could be left on town property for pickup Requesting a traffic study at Lake Road and Liberty Street Placement of large stones in the area of the town-owned property on West Beach Road to stop individuals from parking on the beach Waterfront development Burying of hydro lines and the stopping of cutting and slashing of trees Completion of Longworth Park (status) Parking at Older Adult Centre Request for a crossing guard at Scugog Street and Fourth A venue Request for sidewalks from Rehoboth Church to St. Stephens School Concerns regarding the sidewalk on the Elgin Street bridge Request for increased policing in the downtown area Request for a north south route for bussing Request for more playgrounds Request for increased garbage pickups in parks Council suggested that the Public Works Department needs to communicate their actions and accomplishments to the residents of the Municipality . . . . . Need for Recreation Complex, soccer fields and ball diamonds . Need for Youth Centre . Status of the Mill Street bridge . Clarke High School and Pines Senior Public School - bussing (this matter has been referred to the Public Works Department) . Concerns are still being received from residents of the new subdivision in Newcastle (Dunbury) . Arthur Street - railroad track lights come on too late . Tree located on Emily Street beside the United Church needs trimming . Request for the municipality to provide maintenance in the Millennium Parkette located beside the Newcastle Community Hall . Andrew Street Parkette - lighting and winter maintenance , . . . Special Council Minutes ADJOURNMENT - 6 - January 5, 2001 Council recessed for lunch and reconvened at the Municipal Administrative Centre at 2:15 p.m. David Crome, together with Richard Holy, explained the process required to be followed in processing Official Plan Amendment Applications, Rezoning Applications and Subdivision Applications. Mr. Crome advised that the Planning Directors across the Region are undertaking a Durham Planning System Review which has resulted in improved cooperation between all of the Planning Departments. The Councillors questioned the amount of time which is needed to complete an application under the Planning Act. After a length discussion it was requested that a comparison with other municipalities be undertaken and that the figures be presented to Council. Mr. Crome advised that work is ongoing to have the subdivision approval delegated from the Region to the local municipalities. Also he advised that a one-stop customer service approach has been put into place where it is felt that the municipality economic development would be approved. This was commenced so that larger commercial industrial applicants will know what the requirements of the Planning Department are. The meeting adjourned at 4: 15 p.m.