HomeMy WebLinkAbout72-34A by-law to authorize the sale of lands to David Holmes, in trust for a company to be incorporated, for the establishment of industry - 2 - _~ upon the Town paying to David Holmes, in trust for a company to be incorporated, or his nominee or assign, the purchase price paid for the said lands less 5~ of the said purchase price and the cost of obtaining the re-conveyance; And further provided that David Holmes, in trust fora company to be in- corporated, or his nominee or assign, will agree to execute a re-conveyance of the said lands in the event of his failure to construct the said building and upon repayment of the purchase price as aforesaid; And further provided that an acknowledgment confirming that the said building has been constructed signed by the Mayor and the Clerk of the Town with the Corporate Seal of the Municipality attached shall be good and sufficient evidence that the above covenants and restrictions have been complied with and that the title of David Holmes, in trust for a company to be incorporated, or his nominee or assign, is absolute, 4. That the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the said Agreement of Purchase and Sale and a conveyance of the said lands and impress the Corporate Seal thereto and to :exente: any other documents necessary to complete this transaction. READ first and second time this 4th day of July, 1872. READ a third time and. finally passed this 4th day of July, 1972, ' /,~ ~~~~, ~T Ivan M. Hobbs Mdyc~3r ' `. L ~tc~!' ~~z~~ c roy Clerk ~: C,~-~I,~,Cit ~~, ~ ,~ ` '1 ~K ~~ L~,~~ ~~• i~' v~ /" Vii' f~~ ~~/.E ~ w ALL AND 5IiiGJLAR that certa''in parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of i'sowmanville, County of Durham, Province of Ontario, and ilbeing composed of part of Blocks 'Twelve (12„ Seventeen (17}, Eighteen (18) and ~fNineteen (I9j as shovrn ou S'hortt's Plan, originally being part of Lot Nine (9) in Ilthe Broken Front Concession of the Tovmship of Darlington, now within the limits lof the said Town of Bovrmanville, containing by admeasurement 2.885 acres, be the I'same wore or less, tY.e boundaries of the said parcel k•eing more particularly ~~described a; follows; ....... ~~P';uf,:iSI}iG that all bearing; mentioned herein are astronomic and are referred toy Lithe meridian thro~.~c~h the intersection of the centre line of the divided lanZ j;]<inc's Nigtrr:ay i::m:~er <?^1 Gnd the line between the Tov,nships of ":7:itby and cast ~k'Jhitby, at lonyi+,,uiz 7;' decrees 53 minutes 4`. seconds Vlest; IjCQ!w".1.`~.X:RG at a~ iron bar r'lanted in the NertJ:erly limit of said Tcvrnshi}: Lot 4c-istant V;eoterly therein nine hundred and sixty-eight and thirty-eight one- ~ihundredths feet (^G',33'} from the North-Easterly angle of said i.ot ~; Th,E•',Cc Scut?; ",'2 degrees 42 'minutes 45 seconds "Nest alone the Northerly limit of ~;!,,=,aid Lot '? a distance of one hundred ano sixty feet ('_6^') to an iron bar; I~ II 1~ I~ ~I I~ !~ 'i i i ~,, ~; i; !. 4. I'T1iL-T;CE South ly degrees 5 minutes East a distance of tvro hundred and seventy- I~ ~' eicht and ~ic'r.t-tenths feet (273."} to an iron bar; ~{ II :^'E"dt;L- Scutt. ?2 decrees d2'minutes 45 seconds West a distance of on? hundred and ~! ;''sixty-seven feet (167') to ar, iron bar planted in the Easterly limit of Simpson i!;,venue; ~ i!!j ~•Il!E"'~'. Snutt: 19 denrees 5: mim~tes East along the Easterly limit of Simpson Avenuef~ 'a distance of two hundred and eleven and fifty-six one-hundredths feet (211.55') '~ menr or less: to a~ iron bar distant }Jortherly in the said limit thrr_e hundrec and I~ t}:irty-five feet Q3'_5') from the point of intersection :vith the ^<o^therly limit ~~ of r:ir.y.'s lii~lnvay Pl~.aaber ~~Ol; 'i^.`1?iCF. i:ort'r. .^ d~yrees 06 minutes East a distance of twe hundred and fifty £eet ~,` i'fJ?:CL ~o;ai' ." :eerees 5 minutes East a distance of ±hree }.undrec and c'^}ay-trrol! feet t''-'~? morn or lass to an iron bar planted at the point of intersection. with ;'the P:orthc-rly limit of }:iny's Highway Number -tCl; j! ';H';C Masterly ~:lo.^.c the northerly limit of the said Hio~.~ray, being r: curve tc ~~ the ri~~ht, said curve having a radius of 15776.1C feet, a chord of C^_. 16 feat !~ !ar.<i r. c?;or . `canine of north 81 degrees 16 minutes "?4 seconds Eist, an :;r~ r.istanc~ of fort}r-t~~rc and :>ixteen ore-hundredths feet (42.16') ^ore or less to an iron `ar I ';plan±:-,: at t?.e ;Dint of intersection with a line drawn on a course of Soutt: 1'r '~ decr~a ~ :ric•.±±•.'s Mast from the point of corunencement; ' u T'r?E",'::M ?.orth 17 degrees 34' minutes West a distance of eight hundred and sixty-six ~` and t'~:r ~>-tenths fc;et (866.3') more or less to the POID:7 OF CO?.1"~~7::5;..-T:"i'. ~I II i.1. D. Brown, Gntario Land Surveyor. ~~ i+ (~ ~~ ~~ro r ~ . :~clvsslar i 4 LOT CONCESSION EtFK9KEN FRONT " BASE LINE Fe. sus ss' i ~{ W ~ 2 W O Q z Q m N z Q W N H O J i i c Z o O # N W ZU U i~ ~ ~ W F- Iz o ,a ~ i3 ~ 0 ~ J j J a ! Z W Y O O ~ Q ~ O OC ~ u t~~~ ~8~rgp~~~s` ~~ ,ti, ' Y'. , ,:. ~ ~, c ., , ,, >,. . -- ~ ~ . i ~r; j, G ~ - ', _ -- 1 Ii i' ,~ c~ ~~ ,s :y ' r~ ~ (T9 ' 3>IG~tsI'~ t7Nb' i S-VOIS53QNU'J ~J ~~ ~~~1!I!NtJWMQ~ ~0 NMQ.L -~i+~ JO S11Yr`fl 3r-~~. N"Hlil~4 :`~~C1'~1 ~JJ.7.. .i:~, (~i ~1 -~ r.l 3~~~ti F: ~C'; i. ~, ~If"'j1rV ~'~i f... fl. , ''.. c.~,~ ~~ ~y nn~~ Nb 1ci S,_1 .L ~if'tt` ; :'~I3-lJJrti'~'' _~. i v~~' ~~? :.'i '' ~ ,;'; ~((,, Q l9 !. t V `r ai ~ 4~ ~ , ~i 1 t ~ ~ ~ (i l : i ~t / l.i ! ~f _I ~,) ~. [~ ;'i~ ~. ' •`: ~y _, ~ ~'.? ': C 1 ~.___.._ QtlO}! II ~ ~.ty 5af-%