HomeMy WebLinkAbout72-32A By-law to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1587. WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend the provisions of Zoning By-law Number 1537 as amended, as L-hey apply to parts of lots 12, 13 and 14 in Concession One, and to amend certain related provisions of By-law ftTU~~.ber 1537 as amended, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act, HEREBY' ENACTS that By-1801 Iduraber 1537 as amended be further amended as follocrs:- 1. (a) Section 3 of By-law Number 1537 as amended is hereby repealed, (b) By-law 1537 as amended is further amended by adding thereto a navr Section 3, which section shall read as fo l lours : - 12 ~' ~ ZONING BYLAW IFIDE:C AS ANivPTD;:D g•r DEVELOPMENT ZONE AIdD WAVERL:,Y AREA By_LAW 1. Table 2, Defined Area 3. Definitions 4, Zoning t4apa 5. Zones 6. Interpre{_ation 7. General Provisions for all Zones 8, General Provisions for Residential Zones 9. General Residential R Zone 10, Residential Estate RE 11. Single Family Residential R1 12. Low Density Residential R2 13. Medium Density Residential RM1 14. Low Density Apartments Rg42 15, High Density Apartments Ryig 16. Commercial Zone C 17. Local Commercial C3 18. Marine Commercial C6 I9. Light Industry M1 20. Heavy Industry M2 21. Institutional Zone I 22. Public Open Space 02 23. Conservation & azard 03 24. Rural 25. Development A D 26. Administration and Enforcement. 27. Validity and Effective Date -7- SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS In this By-law unless the context otherwise requires, 3,1 "Accessory Building or Structure" (i) means a detached building or structure that is not used for human habitation, but the use of which is naturally and nornially incidental to, subordinate to or exclusively devoted to a principal use or building and located on the sane Iot therewith, and (ii) includes a detached private garage or a detached carport. 3.2 "Accessory Use11 means a use naturally and normally incidental to, subordinate to or exclusively devoted to a principal use and located on the same lot therewith, 3.3 "Agricultural Use" (i) means a use of land, building or structure for the purpose o€ animal husbandry, bee-keeping, dairying, fallow, field r_ops, forestry, fruit farming, horticulture, market gardening, pasturage, poultry-keepin;; or any other far;ping use, and (ii) includes the growing, raisin, packing, treating, storing and sale of produce produced on the premises and other similar uses customarily carried on in the field. of general agriculture and orhich are not obnoxious, 3.4 "Alter" means any alteration in a bearing gall or partition column, beam, girder, or other supporting nember o~' a building o~- structure, or any increase fn the area or cubic contents of a building or structure, 3.5 "Animal Hospital" means the premises of ~ veterinary surgeon where animals, birds or other livestock are treated or kept. 3,6 "Apartment House" (i) means a separate building containing £ive (5) or more dwelling units each of- wt;ich is occupied by only one family, and which units have a cornrnon entrance from the street level, but (ii) does not include a boarding or rooming house. - 3 - • 3,7 "Automobile Service Station" (i) means a building or place (1) where gasoline or other motor fuels are i:ept for sale and for delivery 2irectly into a motor vehicle, and (2) used only for the sale and delivery described in clause (1) of this sub-paragraph and for the performance of minor running repairs essential to the actual operation of motor vehicles and for the sale to the .;motoring public of goods usual to the trade, but (ii) does not include a public garage or an automatic car washing establishment. 3,8 "Bachelor Unit" (i) means a dwelling unit in which only one room or part thereof contains sleeping accorrdc,odation, and [which room is used as a living or dining roof, or both, as well as for sleeping purposes, but (ii) does not meen or include a dwelling unit containing one or more rooms designed exclusively £or sleeping accorrrodatione • 3,9 "Basement" meane that portion of a building bet~:~een tyro floor levels vrhich is partly underground gut rahicl: has at least half of ite height, from finished floor to underside of -:floor joists of the nert above storey, above the average finished grade level adjacent to the exterior walls of the building and in which the height from finished grade to underside of the floor joists of the next above storey is less than six feet (6'), 3,10 "Hoarding or Roomin~House" (i) means a dwelling in which lod~,ing crith or without meals is supplied for gain to three (3) or more persons other than the lessee, tenant or o~•mer of said dwelling, or any member of his family, but (ii) does not mean or include a motel, hotel, hospital or similar commercial or institutional use, or apartment house. 3.11 "Boat Mooring" means docking facilities, mooring slips and boat storage areas. ~J 3,12 "Boatel" - 4 - means one building or t*.ro or :sore connected or detached buildings used for the purpose of ,atering to the seeds of the travelling public by furrishfng sleeping accommodation, 3,13 "Building Lfne" means a-ry line regulaY.ing the positio of a building or structure on a lot, 3,14 "Bvildin^ Line, is tablished" means cohere the combined ~`.rontage of the existing buildings on any side of one block exceeds r..ore than one-half o£ the frontage of the said side, there shall be deten:rined an established building line as at the averac set bacl: from the street line o£ existing buildings, provided that this distance is not less than forty feet from the centre Line of the street, and 'further provided that the foregoing provision shall not appl}> where the said existing builnings front on a street having a caidtl: less than sixty-six feet, Where less than sixty-six feet and no "established building line" the building line shall not ue less than. fifty-five feet from • the centre line of the street, 3e15 "Carport" means a building or structure or part thereof, nt least fort}> per cent, (~A%) of the area of the perimeter faces of which is open and ~~nobetructed by any wall, poor, post or pier, (i) which is usec_ for the temporary parking or storage of private nassengc?- motor vehicles or cor:amercial vehicles of less than one (1) ton iaa•ci.mnm capacity; and (ii) wherein neithe_ servici:zg or .repairing is r_arried or. for profit c-r. ree:unera~io:,- 3.16 "Cellar" rneruls that portion of a bui.ldiag between two floor level c, (f) which is partly or c;holly unde-r~round, and (ii) which has :pore than one-half of its height, from finished floor to finished ceiling, below average finished grade level adjacent to the exterior walls of the building, i -5- • 3.17 °Cemetery" ~ rrmeana a cemetery or columbarium within the meaning of the Cemetery Act, being Chapter /a6 of The Roviaed Statutes of Ontario, 1960, as amended from time to time, 3,18 "Church" means a building set aeide by ary religious organization for public worship, 3.19 "Clinic" means a building or part thereof used by qualified medical practitioners, dentists, osteopaths, or other drugless practitioners;. numbering more than two for public or private medical, surgical, physio-therapeutic or other human health purpose except when included within or accessory to a privaY.e or public hospital, 3,20 "Club" (i) ;Weans a building or part of a building used as e.rieeting • place for rne:.:bers of an organization, and Qii) includes a lodge, a fraternity or sorori*_y house <md e labour union hall. 3.21 "Commercial" means the use of land, building or ctruc~ure fu?" the purnoae o?' buying and selling conuaoditiea, and uapplying of serv~_ces as distinguia':ed from such usee as manufacturing or assembling of goods, warehousing, transport ter.ainala, construct-io-. ar.d other eimilar uses. 3.22 "Commercial Club" means any club other than. a private club. 3.23 "Council" cneana the Council of the Corporation of the T: vm of Eoarn~nville. 3.2G "Custom [,Torksh~11 - G - (i) means a building or part of a building used by a trade, craft or wild for the manufacture in mall quantities of raadc- to-measure clothes or articles, and (ii) includes upholstering but does not include metal spinning, woodworking or furniture °.[anufacture, or any factory production or any shop or factory otizererise classified or defined in thin By-law. 3.25 "DwellingN meane a separate building containing one or more dwelling units. 3.26 "Dwelling, converted" means a dwelling altered to contain a greater number of dwelling units. 3.27 !'Ikrelling, duplex" meane a separate buildim, of two (2) or reore storeys divided horizontally into not more than two (2) dwelling units, each of which is cor.[pletely on a eeparatc storey, and which building is used by not raorc than two (2) fa;ailies, 3.2II "Dvaellin;;, fourn~ leY'! means a separate building containing only four (4) dwelling unite and used by not :core than four (~[) fa[:~iliee, 3,29 "IhaellinF„ one fau:il~dctached" means a eeparate building containing not rwre than one dwelling unit and used by not more than one fa::[ily. 3,30 "Dwellin^, semi-detached" means a separate building divided vertically into not rrore than two (2) dwellin;~ units, and which dwellin;; units may be held in separate ownership and which buildin^, is used by z[ot more than two (2) families, i 7 • 3.31 "Dwelling, split level" meana a dwelling containing, three (3) or more sections at different levels where the difference in elevation is not leas than three feet (3') nor more than six feet (6') between any such section and the next horizontally adjoining section, and two (2) or Hare of such sections are to contain one or more habitable rooris. 3.32 "Dwelling, triPle'.c!' meana a separate building containing only three (3) dwelling unite and used by not more than three (3) fa~niliea. 3,33 "Dwell in€,. terrace" means a separate building dividwd vertically into more than three (3) but fewer than sixteen (16) dwelling unite, on the same level. 3,34 "Dwelling Unit" • (i) means one room or a group or' rooms in a building used or designed or intended to be seed by only one family as a single, independent and separate housekeeping establishment (1) in which food preparation and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such family, and (2) which ':as a private entrance from outside the building or from a conu:ron hallc~ay or stairway inside the hui.lding, but (ii) does not me:xt or include a tent, treiler, mobile home, or a room or suite of rooms in a boarding or rooming house, in a hotel, motel, motor hotel, or tourist home. 3.35 "Erect" (i) means, with reference to a building or structure, build, construct, reconstruct or enlarge, and (ii) includes C1) any physical operation Bach as excavating, filling, grading or draining preparatory to building, construction, reconstruction, and i - 8 - (2) the moving of a building, or structure from one location to another, and "erected" and "e-tection" have a corresponding meaning. 3, 36 "r'arnily" means: (i) a person or two (2) or more persons inter-related by bonds of consangcinity, marriage or legal adoption, and together with not ;core than tyro (2) persons unrelated to such persons, or (ii) not more than five (5) persons, living together as a single independent and separate house-keeping unit in one dwelling unit and for the purpose o~ this paragraph, the vrord "family" includes and shall be decreed to include gratuitous Wrests and bona fide servants employed as such on the premises containing the said dwelling unit, 3.37 "Floor Area" means, with reference to a building, the total habitable floor area within a building which area is measured between the exterior faces of the exterior caalls or from the centre line • of a common o-t party wall, but excludin any private garage, breezeway, porch, verandah, balcony, sun town, attic, basement or cellar, 3,38 "Floor Area2_~roe~" means 'the aggregate of L're floor. areas of all the storeys of all busldi.ngs on a lot expressed as a percentage of the lost area, and includin" the floor area of an;' basement but not of any cellar ox subcellar, which floor areas are rneasured between exterior faces of the exterior walls of the building at each floor level but ~x_cludin~ car parking areas within the building and, for the purpose o_` this paragraph the walls of an inner court are and shall be deemed to be exterior walls, and the gross floor area in each Zone applies only to that portion of such lot that is located within said Zone. 3,39 "Floor area, ;>,round" means the floor area of the lowest storey o:~ a building approximately at or first above the finished grade level excluding any basement, cellar or subcellar, which area is rneasured between the exterior faces of the exterior malls at the floor 9 - level of such storey, but (i) excludes car parking areas within the building and (ii) for the purpose of this paragraph the walls of an inner court are and shall be deemed to be exterior walls. 3,40 "Garage, private" means a building or part thereof uae~' for the temporary parking or storage of private passenger motor vehicles or commercial vehicles of less than one ton maximuri capacity and wherein neither aervicinp, or repairing is carried on for remuneration. 3.41 "Garage, Public" (i) means a built?ink or place crhere nwtor vehicles are kept or stored for remuneration or repair, or a building or place used as a motor vehicle shop, but (ii) does not include an automatic car crashing establishment, a motor vehicle sales lot or an automobile service station. • 3.42 "Grecnhous~, corranercial" means a building for the growing of flowers, plants, shrubs, trees and similar vegetation which are not necesserily transplanted outdoors on the stone lot containing such greenhouse, but are sold directly from such lot at wholesale or retail. 3.43 "Greenhouse, fara" means a building for the growing of plants, shrubs, trees and similar vegetation which are primarily transplanted outdoors on the same lot containing such greenhouse. 3.44 "Habitable Roorn" means a room in a dwelling used or intended to be used primarily for human occupancy, but does not include a bathroom, toilet room, serving or storage pantry, laundry ~d corridor. 3,45 "Height" means with reference to a building the vertical distance measured from the average finished grade Ievel at the front elevation of such building to: • - 10 - (i) in the case of a flat roof, tie highest point of. the roof surface, or the parapet, whichever is the greater, and (ii) in the case of a pitched roof, a point midway between the eaves and the ride, but in calculating the hei;;ht of a building, any construction used as ornament or for tl:e ~aechanical operation of the building such as a mechanical penthouse, or a chimney, tower, cupola or steeple is not to be included. 3.46 "Horne Occupation" means an accessory use conducted in a dwelling unit and which (f) is clearly secondary to the use of the dwelling unit as a private residence, (ii) does not change the character of the dwelling unit as a private residence, (iii) does not have any exterior evfdence of being conducted therein, • (iv) does not create or become n public nuisance, in particular in respect to nofse, traffic or parkin, and (v) does not occupy more than twenty-five per cent (25%) of the total floor area of the dwelling unit. 3.47 "Hospital, Private'! meano a hospital as defined by The Private hospital Act, being Chapter 305 of the Revised Statues of Gntario, 1960 as amended from time to time, and a sanitarium as defined by The Private Sanitaria Act, being Chapter 307 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, as amended from time to time. 3.48 "Hospital, public" means an institution ac defined by The Public hospitals Act, being Chapter 32?_ of the Revised Statutes of Ontario., 1960, as amended frog: time to tine. u • 3.49 "Hotel" - lI - means (i) a building or connecter buildings consisting of at least ten individual rental units used mainly for the purpose of catering to the needs of the travelling public by furnishing sleeping acconvnodation with or without food, but (ii) does not inc".ade rooming or boardin; houses or apartments, 3.50 "Institutional" (i) means ti1C use of lane, buildings or structures for religious, charitable, educational, health or welfare purposes, and (ii) includes churches, places of *,vorship, public or private schools, and nursery schools, • 3.51 "Landscaping" (i) means an Brea not built upon and not used for any purpose other than as a landscaped area ~ahic: may include grass, shrubs, flowers, trees and similar types of vegetation and paths, walks, patios, fences and similar appurtenances, but (ii) does not include parking areas, parking lots, driveways, or ramps. 3,52 "Light Indust" menc any industry which is not offensive or likely to be offensive by reason of the amount of noise, smoke, odour or vibration. 3.53 "Loading Space" means an area of Land which is provided and maintained upon the same lot or lots upon ~rhich the principal use is located and ~rhich area (i) is provided for tie temporary par'_:ing; of one coannercial motor vehicle while merchandise or materials are being loaded or unloaded from such vehicle, and such parking is not for the purposesof offering commodities for sale or display, and • -1?_- (fi) is adequate sor the temporary parking of one commercial motor vehicle, and (iii) is not less than t~•mlve feet (12~) in width, nor less than thirty feet (30~) in length, nor less than fourteen feet (14~) in clear and unobstructed height, exclusive of any land used for access, manoeuvring, driveway or a similar. purpose, and (iv) is not upon or partly upon any street, lane or alley, and (v) has adequate access to penait ingress and egress of a comrnerci.a motor vehicle from a street by weans of driveways, aisles, maneuverin„ areas or similar areas, no part of which access is to be used for the temporary parking or storage of any motor vehicle. 3.54 "Lot" meanc a parcel or tract of land (i) which is a iahole lot as shown on a Registered Plan of Subdivision, but a Registered Plan of Subdivision for the purposes of this paragraph does not include a ReCi.stered Plan of Subdivision • vinich has been deemed not to be a Registered Plan of Subdivision under a by-lam passel. pursuant to Section 29 of The Planning Act, being Chapter 349 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 as amended from tima to tiiae, or (ii) which fronts e public highway and is a separate parcel of land without any adjoining lands being ovmed by the same o~mer or owners as o_ the date of passing, of this By-law, or (iii) the description of vahich is the same as in a doed which has been given consent pursuant to Section 29 of The Planning Act, being Chapter 349 of the Revised Statutee of Ontario, 1970 as ariended from time to time, or (iv) is the whole renmant remaining to an owner or ovmers after a conveyance mode with consent pursuant to Section 29 of The Planning Act, being Chapter 349 of the =revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 as amended fror: time to tiEne, but for the purpose of this paragraph no parcel or tract of land ceases to ba a lot by reason only of the fact that apart or parts of it has or have been conveyed to or acquired by the Municipality, the United Countiee of Northumberland and Durham, Her Majesty in the Right of Ontario, or Her Majesty in the Right of Canada. • u 3.55 "Lot trees" - 13 - means the total horizontal area v.ithin the lot lines of n lot and in the case of a corner lot having street lines rounding at the corner with a radius of twenty feet (20') or less, the lot area of suci: lot is to be calculated as if the lot lines were projected to this point of intersection. 3.56 "Lot, corner11 means (i) a lot situated at the intersection of and abutting on two or more streets, or (ii) a lot abutting on one or more parts of the same street or of two or more streets in which an interior angle of less than one hundred and thirty-five (135) degrees is contained by the two straight lines which join the foremost point of the lot with the two points at which the lot lines meet the street or streets. 3,57 "Lot Covers,>.e" _.~_ (i) means that percentages of the lot area covered by all buildings above ground level, but • Cii) does not include t:~t portion of the lot area which is occupied by a buiidinp, or,portioa thereof and which is completely below ground level, and for the purpose of this paragraph the lot coverage in each zone applies and ehall be deemed to apply only to that portion of such lot that is located vrithin said Zone. 3.58 "Lot Depth" means the horizontal distance betvreen the front and rear lot lines, but where the frdnt and rear lot lines are not parallel the lot depth is the length of a line joining the mid-points of such lot lines, 3,59 "Lot Frontagerr means the horizontal distance betvreen the side lot lines measured along the front lot line, but where the front lot line is not a straight line or vrhere the side lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage is to be measured by a line tvrenty-five feet (25') back from and parallel to the chord of the lot frontage, and for the purpose of this paragraph the chord of the lot frontage is a - 14 straight line joining the two points v~here the side lot lines intersect the front lot line. 3.60 "Lot, interior" means a lot other than a corner lot. 3.61 "Lot Line" means any boundary of a lot. 3.62 "Lot Line, front" means (i) the lot line that divides the lot from the street, but (ii) in the case of a corner lot the shorter street line ehall be deemed to be the front lot line and the longer street line ahall be deemed to be s side lot line, but (iii) in the case of a corner lot with two street lines of equal length, the lot line that abuts the vrider street, or abuts a County or Provincial Road or Highway shall be deemed to be • the front lot Line, and in the case of both streets being under the same jurisdiction, or of the same width, the owner of such corner lot may designate either street line as the front lot line, 3.63 "Lot Line, rear" means the lot line opposite the front lot Line. 3.64 °Lot Line, side" means a lot line other than a front or rear lot line. 3.65 "Lot, reversed corner" means a corner Lot, the side Lot line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot line of the lot to its rear, 3.6b "Lot, through'! meane a lot other than a corner lot, having separate frontages on two streets. _ls_ ^, G7 "i~i<nrina" -seeps r ca~r_~rc.a1 o~e-rrtion, p-.bL`cl~~ or privately o•ned, caterin< to t'z recrers.ion.-.1 '?ortin ~a- lic. 3.68 "iiarine Uer-afcz u r.t`_on" weans a pl£.ce o° '?:~.oiae^n conrtrc-.cto:: a~.~'. operates' at a location borc'erin on ~. -~ater~a;= to suppl;* - ^soline, oil, batteries, 1~=.bricants ari' Rccessor_~s to iwats; En-'. .: `~c onl;~, am r~i,ere only :ainor er~er-~nc_; -repairs sre a:><^.de. 3.69 "hotel. or ..plot `.oL'eI" e~eans a b=±i1==a o' ..__ft.n~;r. con;ictin o° c nuzber oP inc.ivieal rental unite, as~r.`:or c^terin to ~e ne~e^ o° the travellin" public b; "nrni.^.:ln- sleopin- £.ccor..~o•~:ction with or c~ithout ooc:. 3.7C °'t]otor 7e':ich Srlcr, _ioo ~" (i) . jeans c. ~ •il::in~ or pl~ca r~?.~re n^-r or ne*.~ anc'. user.::.~otor • ve'liclee, P ~=ne.. t i n iZ :"~ ~'1_- C <.ct, tiJC' n'j C11EptCY 17201 the nV_.,nr ~.,.r ~~ O '".rig 'O, lrr'~i, aJ £7en'~.H" :r0:1 tirne to ti , are ent sot snl^„ o~ arl:., or both, by an went or dealer nsst :or`se ` ' ;~ e otor ve:~icle :.,£n:.facturer to aeLl „n.ch ne~a '-rotor -.>~':~_c1-^, (ii) incln~ea slot us~c-- sole'_; in conn~etion ~~ith tle '.niL?.in- OT p1aCe r''.:.^.CYi~Jn'..'i iP. 61'.~i_+)&ra-rII..~'. (i) O: tlia paza^rapt', _- t'_?,t Lot is not uoeF r_;,ci:nc'_vrl;• :cot t.a^ sr.l^ c+r : die-la;- of leer` rotor ve-.ic=~^. '. 71 "i~iunicipali2~" weans the Co.ooration o_F t;le :ocm o;i Aar-:^zville. 5.72 "~ ar?sin- ser.'~ neanr> an arer. oP lrz~: -rich is ?rozic.o-" rzl'. ~raintainer upon t_:e saeze lot or lots aeon a_'.ic3 the ~rincip.:'_ 'se is locates. Inc crhich erer. • - 16 - (i) comprises all parking spaces of at least the minimum number required according to the provisions of this By-law, and all drivevrays, aisles, maneuvering areas, entrances, exits and similar areas used for the purpose o gaining access to or egress from the said parking spaces, and, (ii) is provided and maintained in accordance with all applicable provisions of this By-law, 3,73 "Parking., Space" means an area of land vahich is provided and maintained upon the same lot or lots upon which the principal trse ie located and which area (i) is provided for the temporary parking or storage of one motor vehicle other than for the purpose of offering commodities for sale or display, (ii) is adequate for the temporary parkin;; or storage of one motor vehicle and may be located vaithin a private garage, building, carport or covered area, • (iii) is not leas than nine feet (9') in caidth nor lees than twenty feet (~0') in length, exclusive of any land used for access, maneuvering, driveway or a similar purpose, and (iv) has adequate access to permit ingress and egress of a motor vehicle from a street by means of cxivevaays, aisles, maneuvering areas or similar areas, no part of which access is to be used for the temporary parking or storage of any motor vehicle. 3,74 "Person" includes an individual, association, firm, partnership, corporption trust, incorporated company, organization, trustee or agent, and the heirs, eAecutors or other legal representatives of a person to whom the carne can apply according to law, 3,75 "Personal Service Shon" (i) means a building or part of a buildin; in which persons are employed in furniahin~ services and otherwise administering to the individual and personal needs of persons, and - 17 - iii) includes suci: establishments as barber shops, beauty parlours, automatic laundry shops, hairdressing shops, shoe repair and shoe shine chops, and depots for collecting dry cleaning and laundry. 3,76 "Private Club" means a building or part of a building uses as a meeting place for members of an organization no operated for profit or of an athletic, social or recreational club not operated for profit. 3.77 "Recreational Uses" ~i) means the use of land for parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, lawn bowling greens, indoor and outdoor skating rinks, athletic fields, golf courses, picnic areas, swimming pools, day camps, community centres, snow skiing and all similar uses, together with necessary and accessory buiidin;;s and structures, but iii) does not include a trac?: for the racing of animals, rotor vehicles, snowmobiles, or motor cycles, or golf driving ranges or miniature golf courses. 3.7II "Residential" means the use of land, buildings or structures for human habitation. 3, 79 '!Re.tatl Shop" means a building or part thereof fn which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are offered or kept for Bale by retail directly to the public. 3.II0 "Service Industries" means the processing of .Wilk and dairy products, a bakery, a public garage including engine and body repair shop, a printing establishment, a laundry or cleaning establishment, a paint shop, plumbing shop, sheet ::aetal alwp arc: similar uses. • - 18 - • 3,81 "Service Shh (i) means a building or part thereon aced for the sale or repair of household articles, and (ii) includes radio, television and appliance repair shops, but (iii) does not include industrial or E::anufacturing uses or motor vehicle repair shops. 3,82 "Sight Triangle" means ar. area free of buildings or structures and which area is to be determined by measuring„ from the point of intersection of street Iines on a corner lot, a distance of forty feet (40') along each ouch street line and joininL such points with a straight line and the triangulaz-shaped land between the intersecting street lines and the straight line joining the points the required distance alone the street Knee is the "sight triangle", 3.83 "Sign„ (i) means a display board, screen, cloth or structure havinU characters, letters or illustrations applied thereto or displayed • thereon in any manner, and (ii) includes: C1) a sign within a building 'that is visible from a street, and (2) the posting or painting o_` an advertisement or notice o~_ any building or structure. 3.84 "Storey" means that po-tticn of a building, otizer *_11an an attic, base~i~ent or cellar, includes: bet[aeen ti[e surface of any floor and the surface of the f'_oor, roof des': or des?: ridge next above it. 3,85 "Store one-;:a1~" meals that portion oa= a building situated wholly or in part within the roof one is which there is sunnicient space to provide a height betr,~een finished floor and finished ceiling of between - 19 - five feet (St) and seven feet six inchee (7' - 6") over a floor area which is not less than one-third (1/3) nor more than two- thirds (2/3) o~ tlZe floor area of the storey next below. 3,86 "Street" meane a higtnaay (i) as defined under The Highv_ay Traffic ':ct, befng Chapter 172 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, as amended from time to time, and The iiunicipal Act, being Chapter 249 of the £,evised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, as arnended fro:a time to time, and (ii) which has 'aeon assumed for public use unless it is within a Registered Plan o Subdivision that ;:as not been deemed not to be a Registered Plan of Subdivision under a by-law passed pursuant to Section 29 o;i The Plaznin; Act, acing Chapter 349 of The Revised statutes of Ontario, 1970, as amended from time to time. 3.87 "Street Line" means any lot line that divides a Iot from a street, • 3.88 "Use" means the purpose for which any land, building, structure or premises, or part thereof, (i) is arran;;ed, designed or_ intended to be used, or (ii) is or may be occupied or r.;aintained, and the word "ueea" hae a corresponding meaning. 3,89 "47aterfront Par"sin; S~ ace" (vehicular} means an area oi' not less than three k:nndred (300) square feet, exclusive of da-iveways or aisles, for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles va9.th boat_ trailers. 3.90 "Yard" (i) means an open, uncovered space on a lot appurtenant to a building and unoccupied 'ojr buildings or structures except as may be expressly permitted in tinis ,3y-law, and in determining 20 • yard measurements the s;inimum hori~on'tal distance from the respective lot lines is to be used, but (ii) does not include a court yard. 3,91 "Yard, front" means a yard extendin; across the _u11 width of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on t:e: lot, 3,92 "Yard, minimum ront° means the minimum depth o~ a front yard on a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot, 3,93 "Yard, rnini:ruu:n rear" means the ,:iniunrm depth of a rear yard on s lot between the rear lot line end the neareet wall or any building or structure on the loto • 3,94 "Yard, rninirnum side" means the rninimum width of a side y:.rd on a lot between a side lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on lot, 3,95 "Yard rear" means a yard extending; across the full widti~ of a lot between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of any main building or structure on the lot> 3,96 "Yard, side11 :scans a yard e;rtendin~ from the front yard to the rear yard of a lot,aand Between a side lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot, • - 21 - • 3,97 Words used in the present tense include the future tense, and the converses 3, 9u Words uses in the plural nutaber include the singular number, and the conversed • • -22._ 2. Sub-section 5,1 of Section 5 of By-Law 1587 as amended is further amended by deleting the list of zones and symbols which read as follovrs:- Residential R Commercial C Lfght Industrial M1 Heavy Industrial 212 Rural f: Conservation 0 Developmrnt D and substituting therefore, the followin~:- u General Residential R Residential Estate R?:, Single Fa;iily Residential P.I Low Density Residential P?. Medium Density Residential P~11 Low Density Lipartir~entc Rt92 High Density F.partc.ents RM3 Commercial C Local Corunercial C,i IQarine Comr.:ercial C6 Light Industry IIl Heavy InGustrp I12 Institutional I Public Open Space G2 Conservation and Hazard O3 Rural E: Development i • -z~- • 3, By-law 1587 as amended is further amended by deleting therefrom Section 7, entitled SCOPF. O1~ BY-L!_?; and substituting therefore the following:- "SECTION 7: GENE1'~EiL FF:OVISICi^IS FOR IS,L ZOIdL.~. 701 Scope and Effect PTo person shall use any land or erect or use any building or structure except in conformity with the provision; ;f this By-law respectin~~ the Zone: (a) in which such land, building or strucutre is located, orj (b) in which it is proposed to use any land or to erect or use any building or structure, 7~2 Requirement for Lot Except as otherwise provided in this By-law no building or structure shall be erected, altered, extended or enlarged except upon a lot, nor shall any land be used for any permitted use unleas it comprises a 1o t: but this provision shall not prevent the use of any parcel or tract of land for agricultural purposes eacludin~; the erection or enlargement of any building or strucutre except a fence, 7e3 Restrictions on Changes • (a) The purpose for which any land or building is used shall not be chinned, no new building or addition to any existing building aitall be erected and no land shall be severer from a lot, if such chin=,e, erection or severance creates a situr_tior. that contravenes any of the provisions of this by-lace applicable to each individual remaining building, accessory building or lot, (b) PTo hoithetanding the provisions of clause (a) of this suUcection, no person shall be dee:~ed to have contravened any provision of this by-law if only a Fart or parts of any lot or parcel ilas or have been conveyed to or acquired by the hh:nicipality, the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, He-r Pdajesty in tine P.i;ht of Ontario, or Her Majesty 9.n the tight of Canadas 7,4 Other By-laws and P.enuirements Y~dothim" in this By-law shall operate to relieve any person from the requirements of the Building By-la*.o or ~.ny other By-la~~ or recuirement of the Municipality in force s'rom time to tune, or the obligation to obtain any licence, permit, authority or approval required under any Bylaw of the Municipality, • • 7.5 Minimum Lot Fseas Subject to the provisions of Subsection 7.6, the minimum lot area shall be as contained in the appropriate section of this By-law for the Zone in vrhi.ch the lot is located or such larger area as may be recnaired by the Health Unit pursuant to the provisions of The Public Heald; Act. - 2Fo- - 7.6 Exception from Lot r^ronta~;e and Lot lrea Requirements Notvrithstandin;; anything contained in this By-law, a parcel which is situated in any Residential Zone, aiu" which parcel lacks either the required frontage or area, or both the required frontage and area, for a lot in tr_e respective Zone, is and shall be des=neci to be a lot provided that - (a) the description of such parcel is tide same as in a deed registered on or prior to the date of passing of this By-lava, azd (b) such parcel could have been conveyed legally on the date of the passing of this By-lace by way of deed, transfer, mortgage, charge or agreement of sale and purchase without consent under Section 29 of The Planning Act being Chapter 349 of the Revised Statuiea of Ontario,. • 1970, as amended from time to time, and (c) all relevant reEulations made under The Public Health Act and all relevant requirements of the Health Unit are complied with. 7,7 Restoration to a Safe Condition Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building; or structure, provided that such strengthening or restorationvill not increase the height, area or volume so as to contravene the provisions of this By-law, 7.8 Uses Permittr-.d in All ?.ones (a) Nothin;5 in tha Ey-law shall prevent the use of any land as a pub'_ic street o'r pu'ulic parY.. (b) Ydothin„ in this Hy-lacr shall prevent the use of any land -for the erection of buildings or structures, or the installation of other facilities essential to the • • -25- operation of pudic utilities as defined in The :ublic Utilities Corporations P.ct, provided that any such uae, building or structure shall be in substantial compliance with the relevant provisions of this By-law and shall not adversel;~ affect the character or amenity of the neighbourhood in which same is located. Cc) Mothing in this By-law shall prevent the erection of any properly authorized traffic sigR:. or signal, or any sign or notice of any local or other government depart- ment or authority. 7,9 Temporary Usea Nothing in this By-lAY7 shall prevent the use of any land, or the erection or uae of any building or structure for a construction carup, work camp, tool shed, scaffold, or other building or structure incidental to end necessary for construction work on the premises, but only for ao long as such use, building or structure is necessary for such construction work which has not been finished or abandoned. 7.10 :rohibited Usea • ~a) Except as othercvvise apecifica2ly permitted in this By-law, the following uses are prohibited in any Zone: 1. Blood boiling, 2. Bone bilfng, 3, Refining coal oil or petroleum products, 4. Extracting oil or petroleum products, 5, Storing hides, 6. Abattoir or commercial slaughterhouse, 7, A pigger;~, 8, Tallow melting, 9, Soap boiling, 10. Tripe boiling, 11, Tanning hides or skins, 12, Manufacturing gas, 13. Manufacturing glue, 14. Commercial ~a+uYUfacturing of fertilizers from dead animals or from human or animal waste, 19, A track for the racin~,; of rwtor vehicles or motor cycles or of go-carts, 16, A trailer carp as defined in Subsection 15 of Section 401 of The Municipal Acts being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, as amended from time to time, . z6 ,. • 17. The use of any trailer for human habitation, 18, A junk-yard, salvage yard, autor,»bile wrecking yard, or the collection, storage or sale of junk, salvage, partially or completely dismantled motor v.-hicles or trailers, or parts of motor vesicles or trailers, 19. Locating or storing on any land for any purpose whatsoever any disused railroad car, street car body, truck body, or trailer without wheels, whether or not the same is situated on a foundation, (b) In addition to the uses prohibited in clause (a) of this Subsection, any use is prohibited which from its nature or the materials used therein is declared under The Public Health Act or any Re;;ulations adopted thereunder to be a noxious trade, business or manufacture, (c) In addition to the uses prohibited in clause (a) of this Subsection, all uses of land and the erection or use of any building or structure £or a purpose not permitted under the "Permitted Use" Subsection of one or moreLonea established by this By-law are and shall be deemed to be prohibited in each such Zone, except for those uses of land and the erection or use of any building or structure for a purpose expressly • permitted under the applicable provisions of Section 7 hereof. 7.11 Obnoxious Uses P7otwithatanding anything contained herein, no Land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, altered or used for any purpose i•~hich is obnoxious, and ~~~ithout limiting the generality of this Subsection for any purpose that creates or is likely to become a nuisance or offensive, or both: (a) by the creation of noise or vibration, or (b) by reason of the eriission of gas, fumes, smoke, dust, or objectionable odour, or (c) by reason of the unsightly storage of goods, wares, merchandise, salvage, refuse matter, rotor vehicles, trailers, or parts of vehicles or trailers, machinery or other such material, or (d) by ary combination of these things described in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this Subsection, . - 27 7,12 Truck, Bus and Coach Bodies Notwithstanding anything contained in this By-law, no truck, bus, coach, street car body or structure of any I:ind, other than a dvrelling unit erected and used in accordance vrith this and all other Bylaws of the Municipality, shall be used for human habitation, whether or not the same is mounted on wheels or other form of mounting or foundation. 7.13 Multiple Uaes Potwithstanding anything contained in this By-law, where any land, building or strucutre is used for more than one purpose, all provisions of this By-law relating to each use shall be complied with, but no dwelling shall be located within ten (10) feet of any other building on the lot except a building accessory to such dwelling. 7.14 Residential Uses (a) Except as othenaise specifically permitted in this By-law, no person shall erect or use any building as a dvrelling upon any lot whereon there then exists, or is in the course of construction, or for which a building permit has been issued, a building erected or used or intended to be used as a dvrelling. (b) Notwithstanding anything, contained in this By-law, no • person shall use or occupy any building for residential purposes: (i) unless suci~ building has been completed and finished in all. respects in accordance with the plans and specifications filed upon application for the building permit, and (ii) i.n all zones except any I:ural Zone or Development Zone, unless sues building is serviced vrith n municipal water supply and vrith a municipal sanitary sewer system, and (iii) in any I:ural Zone or Development Zone, unless such building is serviced with a potable water supply and sewage disposal system to the satisfaction of the Medical Officer of Health. 7.15 Basement or Cellar Iotwithstanding anything contained in this By-law, no basement or cellar or past of a basement or cellar of any building shall be used as a whole dwelling unit, and the whole or any part of a basement or cellar shall not be used for calculating the required minimum floor area of any dwelling or dwelling unit. USE 7.16 Off-Street aarkinp P,eouir.~tnts For every building or structure to be erected for, altered for, or its use converted to, any of the uses specified in the following table, off-street parking facilities shall be provided and maintained upon the same Iot on rriiich the principal use is located and in accordance with the following table, Minimum "rarl:in^, Requirements for Certain Uses 1, Banks, business and professional offices and medical centres 2. Billiard parlours 3. Howling alleys 4, Churches 5. Dry cleaning establishments 6. Motels, hotels and r~rotor hotels 7. Phyaicianra or dentietis office in private residence or clinic _2e_ MINISNt;"r'ARFING FACILITIES REQUIRED One space for each 300 square feet or fraction thereof of ground floor area plus one space for each 750 square feet or fraction thereof of remaining gross floor area. One space for each billiard table. Three spaces for each bowling lane. One space for each 8 seating spaces. One space for each 50 square feet or fraction thereof of public floor area vrith a minicrum of 6 spaces. One space for each Quite or bedroom plus required parking for any restaurant, Four spaces for each physician or dentist using the residence or clinic. II, daces of assembly such as One space for each 10 people maximum halls, lodges, labour union desimed capsrity. halls, dance halls, corm:runity centres and other places of public assembly 9. Po at offices, museums, art One space for each 500 square feet or galleries and libraries fraction thereof of public floor area. ~cont'd) -29- 10. Private or commercial clubs athletic and recreational establishments. One apace for each 6 people maximum designed capacity. 11. Public or private hospitals The greeter of: one space for each and nursing homes 1,000 square feet os fraction thereof of gross floor area, or one apace per 4 beds plus one space per 4 employees. 12, Residential (including any dwelling in any Zone) One space for each dwelling unit except as specifically provided in this By-law, 13, Restaurants, taverns and eating eatablishraents 14. Retail lumber and building supplies outlets 15. Schools 16, Theatres 17. Undertaking establisiunents 18, Boarding house and tourist home 19. All commercial use.^., buildings and structures not specified above 20. A11 industrial uses Cne space for each 50 square feet or fraction thereof of public floor area with a rninimurn of 10 spaces. Cne space for each 300 square feet or fraction thereof of retail floor area with a minimum of 6 spaces, Tire greater o£: one space per class- room, or one space for each 10 people ma::irnunr designed capacity of Asseanbly Ha11 or Auditorium. One space for each 6 seating spaces. One space for each 5 chapel seating spaces or fraction thereof with a minirnur:~ of 10 spaces. One space for each bedroom. One space for each 300 square feet or fraction thereof of ground floor area plus one space for each 750 square feet or fraction thereof of remaining gross floor area. One space for each 400 square feet of floor space> - 30 - 7.17 Off-Street Loading; Re uire~nents For every building or structure to be erected for, altered for, or its use converted to a co~..mercial or industrial use involving the frequent shipping, to wing or unloading of persons, animals, foods, wares or merchandise, off-street loading facilities shall be provides and maintained upon the same lot on which the principal use is located and in accordance with the following table: l.ini,kzum Loading ?;egLirements • Gross Floor t:.rea Idini.nna;~ :Loading; Facilities Required 1. Commercial Uses: 2,000 square feet or less 2,001 square feet to 10,000 square feet Plone. 1~ Ioadinv space, over 10,000 square feet 2. loading spaces plus a minimum of 1 additional loading space for each 15,000 square feet or fraction thereof in e:tcess of 10,000 square feet, 2. Industrial L'ses: 4,500 square feet or Less 4,501 square feet to 25,000 square feet 25,001 square feet to 75,000 square feet Over 75,000 square feet hone. 1 loading space. 2 loadfng apace s, load. n;; ' spaces plus a minimum of 3 additional loading spaces for each 100,000 square feet or fraction there- of, in excess of 75,000 square feet, 7.18 Parking and LoadinG Facilities ~a) Any parking area, parking space, loadin„ space, driveway, manc;,L-;ring area or aisle required to be provided or permitted according to the provisions o_ this Sy-law for any use in any Zone, other than parking facilities for aone-family detached • - 31 - or semi-detached ::welling or for cn;> agricultural use, shall be provided c,-rd.!:inintained with a concrete, asphalt, or biturninouc; gavel surface and adeeuate drainage facilities, (b) A11 parkin; facilities required to be provided or permitted accordin;; to the provisions of this By-law for any use in any Zone, other thrn parking facilities 'for a one-f5nily detached or Beni-detached dwelling or for any agricultural use, ahnll be provided with suitable lighting facilities which shall be so installed end :aaintained as to ensure that the light is deflected away f-roei all streets, hi;hways and nearby Residential Zones or lots used for residential purposes. 7. I9 Yard Requirements Every part of any yard required to be provided in any Zone shall be open and unobstructed by any structure frcm the ground to the slay, except that: (a) sills, belt courses, cornices, chirrmey breasts, bay windocas, or pilasters may project into any required yard a distance of not more than two feet, (b) eaves or gutters, for other than an accessory building, may project into any required yard a distance of not more than two feet, (c) balconies, canopies or unenclosed porches may project into any recuired front or revs yard a distance of not more titan five feet, (d) fire escapes nay project into any required side or rear yard a distance of not wore than five feet, (e) accessory buildings may be e-tected in accordance with the applicable provisions of this By-law, (f) signs may be erected in accordance with the provisions of this By-tat^. and of eny Sign By-law of the Municipality, (g) light standares, fuel pump islands and fuel pumps of automobile service stations :'nay be erected in accordance with the applicable provisions of this By-law, and (h) fences, f.reestancing walls, flagpoles, antennae, light standards and siriilar accessory structures and appurtenances, and hedges, trees and shrubs are permitted but in the case of - • - 3?_ - • (i) a residential interior loY situated in any Residential Zone, no structure, hedge or obstruction that is n?ore than 2 feet u inches in height is permitted within 10 feet of any street line, and, (i.i) a residential corner lot situated in any Residential Zone, no structure, hedge or obstruction that impedes -vision bett•~een a height of 2 feet 6 inches a,:d E feet above the centre line grade of the street or streets abutting a sight triangle oc` 35 feet is pe=:pitted. 7.20 Semi-Detached Dv~ellin~ Lots Plothing is this By-law shall prevent the subdivision of any Iot on rthich is .erected a semi-de*_ached dwelling into two parts divided in part by the centr.K line of L-he common or party v~all separating the two dwelling units in such dwelling, 7.21 Replacement of Dwellings & dwelling in any Residential Zone, or a Development D Zone nay be replaced with anew chaelling in the case of partial or complete destruction caused by fire, lightning, e::plosion, tempest, flood or act of God, or demolition by order of the I.unicipality of Bowmanville, the Health Unit or other authority for safety, health or . sanitation requirements, provided thzt: Ca) in any Development D Zone, the new dwelling complies with all the recuirements set opt in Section 25 Regulations for Da1er;;emert of ::xisting Dwellinga, and the floor.• area of the ne*.~ dwelling„ is not lesa than S00 square feet, and (b) in any Residential Zone the new dwelling complies faith all the requirements in the Regulations for Dwellings fnr the ~aplic;,bie Zone. • -33- 4, By-law 1587 as amended is further amender'. by deleting therefrom Section 8 entitled GENEP~4L REGULP_TIOIdS II'? L.LL ZONES and substituting therefore the following: "SECTION 8 - GLNERAL PROVISIONS r'OP. i:ESIDEIdTI..L ZONES 8.1 Residential Zones The following zones arc hereby classified as Residential Zones to whirl: L-he provisions of this Section apply:- Zones F; .bo1 General Residential R Residential Estate PE Single Family Pesidential R1 Low Density Residential R2. Medium Density Residential Rlil Low Denmi_y Apartments i~Fi2 High Density Aparianents iti:~ 8,2 Addition2l Permitted Uses In addition to the permitted uses expressly applying to Residential R1 Zone, the office of a qualified ;nedfcal practitioner or dentist may be located within aone-family detached dwelling which such qualified medical practitioner or dentist uses as his private residence provided, however, that - (a) The floor area of such offi.cc shall not exceed 25 per cent of the. _loor area of sccl: dwelling, (b) such office shall not be used. as a clinic or hospital, (c) a minimum nunnber of [> parkin;; spaced for each doctor or c'_cntist using such dwelling shall be provided and maintained on the lot containin;; such office and in other thu: ti:e front yard, an r_ (d) all parking, spaces shall be suitably screened by means of a hedge or fence from all adjacent lots located in any P,esidentiaL Zone or used for residential purposes, 8,3 Accessory BuildinL (a) No aCCCCEOr" uuilding shall be erected prior to the erect_on of the permitted dtrellin~ on the same lot except where it is necessary for the storage of tools r ~ LJ - 34- • and materials for use in connection with the construction o` such dwelling, and no accessory building shall be used prior to the erection of such dwelling for any purpose other than such storage. (b) No accessory building shall be located in any front yard in any Residential Zone. (c) In no case shall any overhang, eaves or gutter project more than 12 inches into any required minimum yard. (d) Minimum Distance from Main Building - 5 feet provided that in no case shall any overhang, eaves or gutter project into this required minimum area which shall be clear of any obstruction from the ground to the sky. (e) Maximum height 15 feet. 8.4 Parking Requirements (a) in Residential R,R1, and R2 'Zones, a minimum of one parking space per dwelling unit, shall be provided, • (b) in Residential Zones Rt41, Rm2 and Rtd3 a minimum of one and one-half parking spaces per dwelling unit shall be provided. (c) No part of any yard of any lot shall be used for the partcing or storage of the body of any automobile, truck, bus, coach, or street car. (d) Except as specifically permitted, not more than 50 percent of the aggregate area of the aide yards and rear yard of any lot shall be occupied by parking spaces. (e) No parking space shall be located in any front yard. • - 35 - i 5. (a) Section 9 of By-lava 1587 as amended is further amended by changing the title "Section 9 Residential Zone" to "Section 9 General Residential R Zone" and replacing the word "Residential" in the first line thereof vrith the vrords and symbol "General Residential n". Cb) Sub-section (e) and (f) of Section 9 of By-law 1587 as amended are hereby repealed. (c) Section 9A, Development Zone, of By-law Number 1587 as amended is hereby re-numbered as Section 25, h. (a) Section 10, Conunercial Zone, of B;~-law 1587 as emended is hereby re-numbered as u"ection 16, (b) Section 10Is, P-larine Commercial Zone, of By-law 1587 se amended is hereby re-numbered ae Section 18, (c) Section 11, Light Industry 7.one, of By-law 1587 as amended is hereby re-numbered as Section 19. (d) Section 1?_, Heavy Industry Zone, of By-law 1587 as amended is hereby re-numbered as Section 20, • (e) Section 13, Parking and Loadfng Facilities, of By-law 1587 as amended is hereby repealed, (f) Section 1~:, P.ural Zone, of By-lava 1587 as amended is hereby re-numbered as Section 24. (g) Section 15, Conservation Zone, of By-Law 1587 as amended is hereby repealed, (h) Section lc, 17, 1u and 19 of B;~-la:r 1587 as amended are hereby repealed. - ,)J - 7. By-law 1587 as ar.:ended is further amended by adding thereto a new section 10, which section shall read as follows:- "SECTION 10: RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RE ZONE No person shall vrithin any Residential Estate RE Zone, use any land, or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions:- 10.1 Permitted Uses (a) One one-family detached dcrelling on one lot and accessory living quarters for sta?=f employed on the premises and for non-paying guests. (b) Uses, buildings and structures accessory to the forego in permitted use. 10,2 Regulations for Ihrellinps ~d Accessory Buildings • (a) Minimum Lot Frontage (b) I4inirrsn Lot Area (c) Maximum Lot Coverage for all Buildings (d) I~iinirnnm Front Yard (e) Minimum Side Yard (f) Minimum Pear Yard (g) Iiini;2lm Ground Floor Area 1 storey 1 storey 2 storey (h; Iiaximum Height 175 feet 2 acres 5% 50 feet 25 feet except on a corner lot where the minimum side yard abutting a public street shall be 50 feet. 50 feet 1750 aq. ft. 1400 eq. ft. 1050 aq. ft. 35 feet • - 37 - 8. By-law 1587 ae aunended is further amended by adding thereto a new Section 11, which section shall read ae follovaa:- •SECTION 11: SINGL3-FAMILY I,ESIDIIdTIF.L R1 ZOPIE AIo person shall vrithin any single-family residential R1 Zone, use any land, or erect, alter or use any building or strscture except in accordance with the following pzovisions:- 11.1 Permitted Uses (a) One one-family detached dwelling on one lot, (b) Uses, buildings astd structures accessory to the foregoin;; permitted use. 11.2 Regulations for Ihaellings • (a) Minimum Lot Frontage (b) Minimum Lot Area (c) P4a;:i:num Lot Coverage (d) Minimum Front Yard (e) Minimum Side Yard (f) (lJ) 50 feet 5,000 aq. ft. 35 percent 25 feet 4 ft. except as provided in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this clause:- (i) On an interior lot vrhere no attached garage or attached carport is provided, the rrinirnrr~ side yard on one side shall be 15 feet, (ii) Cn a corner lot, the minimum tide yard abuttin a public street shall be 25 feet, Minimum Isar Yard I°iinimu:a i loor Area (i) 1 Storey (ii) 1 '-, Storey or Split (iii) 2 or 2 '- Storey Where no basement or cellax• minirnura floor area shall be 35 feet 950 sq. ft. Level. 1,200 sq. ft. 1,400 sq, ft. is provided the applicable increased by 200 square feet. (h) Ma:ti::nri AIeight 2 z Storeys 3;, • 11.3 Re;ulations for Eiccessory Buildi.n s (a) hiinimurn Yard Requirements (i) Except ae provided in paragraph (ii) of this clauses no accessory buildim,; shall be located wi.tliin 4 feet of aside or rear lot line. (ii) P1o traithstanding the provisions of paragraph (i) hereof' ttae minirium yard abutting a public street shall be 30 feet, (b) P~axinnim Lot Coverage - S percent provided that the lot coverage of all buildings on the lot does not exceed the maximum lot coverage for a dwelling in clause (c) of Sub-section 11.2 hereof." • • 3 (; - • 9. By-law 1587 as amended is further amended by adding thereto anew Section 12, which section sha11 read. as follows: "SECTION 12: LOTd DENSITY RESIDEAITIAL P~2. ZOPIE IQo person shall within any Low Density Residential R2 Zone, use any land, or erect, alter or use any buildin;; or structure except in accordance with the follo~rin~; provisions:- 12,1 Permitted Uses (a) Cne one-f<vnily detaci~ed d;rellin„ on one lot, (b) One semi-detached dwelling, on one lot. (c) uses, buildin;;s and structures accessory to the fore~,oing permitted uses, 12,2 Rer;ulations for One-family Detached Dwellings (a) Plot more than one one-family detached dwellin;; sha11 be erected on any lot. (b) PIaximum lot coverage (c) IQinimurn Front Yard (d) P2inimura Side Yard 35 per cent 25 feet 4 feet except as provided in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this clauae:- (i) On an interior lot where no attached garage or attached carport is provided, the minimum aide yard on one side shall be 15 feet, (ii) On a corner lot, the iainirnum side yard abutting a public street small be 25 feet, (e) 2.linimu:a Pear Yarc: 35 feet n • - o-0 - (f) Piiniy2ua ^loor Area (i) 1 Storey 950 sq. ft, (ii) 1 z Storey or Split Level 1,200 sq. ft. (iii) 2 or 2~ Storey 1,400 sq, ft. +There no basement or cellar is provided the applicable minimum floor area shall be increased by 200 square feet. (g) N,aximum Height 2 ~ Storeys u 12.3 Renulatfons for Semi-detached Dwellin~a (a) P3ininn:m Lot Frontage (b) NPinimurn Lot Area (c) Plaxiraum Lot CoveraSe (d) Minimum ?rout Yard (e) Minimum Side Yard 60 feet 7,200 sq. ft. 40 per cent 25 feet 6 feet except as provided in paragraph (i) (ii) and (iii) of this clause:- (i) L>r: attached gara;e or attached carport with no rooms above may 'oe erected at a distance of not less than ~> feet from a side lot line. ~~hich does not abut a public street, (ii) Ca an interior 1oL r!here no attached araSe or attac'.ied carport is provided, the minimum side yard on one side shall be 12 feet. (iii) On a corner lot the minima side yard abuttin; a public street shall be 25 feet. (f) Minimurz Pear Yard (~) P,inimum L'loor Area 35 feet 900 sq. ft, per dwelling unit except that where no base- ment or cellar is provided, the minimum floor area shall be increased by 150 sq, ft. per dwelling unit, • • - 41 - (h) i4aximum Height 2 ~ Storeys 12,4 Regulations for Accessory Buildings Permitted in Clause (c) of Sub-section 12,1 (a) liini~zum Yard Requirments: (i) except as provided in para~,raph (ii) of this clause, no accessory building shall be located Within 4 feet of a side or rear lot line, (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (i) hereof, the minimum yard abutting a public street shall be 30 feet. (b) Plaximura Lot Coverage - 5 percent provided that lot coverage of all buildings on the lot does not exceed the maa:i:num lot coverage for dwellings as set forth in Su'o-section 12,2 or Sub-ser_tion 12.3 of this Section," ~J C ~}2 .. 10, By-law 1557 as amended is further amended by adding thereto anew Section 13, which section shall recd as follows:- "SECTION 13: MEDIUT4 Dr~4SITY RESIDENTIE:I, Rldl ZONE Ydo person sh,111 within any Medium De -•ity Residential RMl Zone use any land, or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions:- 13,1 Permitted Uses (a) Row dwellings and maisonettes (b) Uses, buildings and structures accessory to the foregoing, permitted uses. 13,2 Be~ulations for Row Dwellins and Maisonettes L (a) Ydininnrm Lot Frontae (b) T;inimu:7 Lot t`sea (c) Mari;num Lot Coverage (d) Ylaximum Number of Dwelling Units (e) Yard P.equirements (i) P-iinimum Front Ynrd (ii) Plinfmurn Side Yard 90 feet 10,000 sq. ft, 20 per cent 1 dwelling unit per 2,400 sq. ft, of lot area. 25 feet .LS feet except on a corner lot where the minimum aide yard abutting a public street shall be 25 feet, (iii) Yflini?Hari Pear Yard 35 feet, (iv) 4inimum Dietance BeR~een Buildings - L7trere more than one building, is erected on a lot, the minimum distance between the buildings shall be not leso than the hei;,ht of the buildings, • -43_ (f) tlinimum Floor sea: i;~pe of Ih~ellin;; Unit Dache'_or or One Be~roori Unit ~ro Bedroom Unit Unit Containing; more tb.an two bedrooms 1•iinimum Floor Area 650 aq, ft. 750 sq, ft, 750 sq, ft, plus 100 sq.. ft, for each bedroom in excess of 2, rlhere no basement or cellar is provided the minimum floor area stall be increased by 100 square feet per dwellin, unit, (g) Ilaxirnurn Height 3 storeys 13.3 Reg'.ulatio~s for F.ccessor,~ Buildings (a) Tani.aum Yard :equirements:- (i) Except as provided in para~-raph (ii) of this . Clause, no accessory building shall be located within 4 feet of a side or rear lot line, Cii) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (i) hereof, the miniimua yard abutting a public street shall be 30 feet, (b) 1[axir.,urn Lot Coverage - 5 I,ercent provided that ' lot coverage of all buildin;;e on the lot 3oee not exceed the raaxirnL:7 lot coverage for dwellings as set forth in sub-section 13,2 of this Section," • - t, c: 11, By-law 1587 as amended is further amended by adding thereto anew Section 14, which section shall read ae follows:- SECTION 14: LO'.d DEIISITY F.PARTIlEI9TS Rli2 ZONE No person shall within ary Low Density Apartments RI'12 Zone use any land, or erect, alter or use any buildir;g or structure except in accordance with the following provisions:.9 14.1 Permitted Uses (a) 9partrnent Houses (b) Uses, buildings and structures accessory to the foregoing nennitted uses. 14,2 Regulations for Apartment Houses (a) Minimurs Lot frontage 90 feet (b) Ilinimurn Lot Area 1C,000 sq. ft. (c) Pdaximum Lot Coverage 35 per cent Cd) Ilatiururn I'dumber of Dwelling Units: (i) The rnaa:iu-~um number of dwelling units per lot shall be the maririum number for the various lot areas as set out below except as provided in paragraph (ii) hereof: Lot Area (sq. ft,) larirnum Number of . Droelling Units 10,000 6 For lots in excess o'i' 10,000 square feet in area, the maxirnun number of dwelling units shall be calculated by dividing the lot area by 1,800 provided that if any remainder results, the next w?tole number above shall be the maximum number of dc~~elling units. (ii) For every five (.5) off-stfent parking spaces that are provided within the main building, or under- ground on the same lot :herewith, the maximum number of dwelling units may be increased by one do~elling unit, • - y~ - • (e) Flfnimumr r^ront Yard 25 feet or a distance equal to one- half the height of the building whichever is the greater. (f) T?inimum Side Yard: (i) 15 feet or a distance equal to one-quarter the height of the building ~rhichever is greater except as provided in paragraphs (ii) and (iii) of this clause, (ii) On a corner lot the minimum side yard abutting a public street shall be: (I) 25 feet, or (2) a distance equal to one-half the height of the building, whichever is greater. L J (iii) The minimum side yard nppurtenant to a wall of an apartment house containing windows of habitable rooms shall be ten feet (10~) greater in width than the requirements as set out in paragraph (i) of this clause. (g) Plinimum Rear Yard The provisions of clause (f) of this subsection shall apply to rear yard reauirements. (h) The minimum floor wren per dwelling unit shall be as set out below: Twe of Dwellina_ Unit Plinimuu2 Floor Area Bachelor Unit 450 square feet One-Bedroom Unit 600 square feet Two-Bedroom Unit 750 squnre feet Three-Bedroom Unit 850 square feet Unit containing more 250 square feet plus 75 square than threw bedrooms feet for each bedroom in excess of three (i) PYaximum Height 35 feet (j) Landscaped Area For every lot on which the buildings or structures are situated, there shall be provided and maintained on the lot at leant 25% of the lot area as n landscaped area unused for access or manoeuvring apace or par?;ing space or any other purpose other than landscaped area and playground. - L,o - i 14.3 Regulations for Accessory Buildin~a (a) Minirnum Yard Requiremente (i) tsxcept as provided in paragraph (ii) of this clause, no accessory building shall be located within 4 feet of a side or rear lot line. (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (i) hereo`, the minimum yard abutting a.public etreet shall be 30 feet, (b) Maximum Lot Coverage - 5 percent provided that lot coverage o:i all buildings on the lot does not exceed the maxirnurn lot coverage for an apartment house in clause (c) of subsection 14.7_ hereof, u • - 47 - 1?_. By-law 1587 as amended is further amended by adding thereto a new Section 15, which section shall read as follows:- "SECTION L5: HIGH DE2ISITY APART:EIdTS Ht43 ZCIQE NOTE: Permitted uses and regulations will be added to this By-laor by amendement. No land is zoned RPI3 at this time. • • -4~- 13, By-law 1587 as ar.~ended is further ts:~ended by adding thereto anew Section 17, which section shall read as follocvs:- ~~SECTION 17: LOCAL COI~f41.P.CIAL C3 ZCN); No person shall within any Local Commercial C3 Zone use any land, or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisirns:- 17,1 Permitted Uses (a) Nei.gh'oourhood stropping centres, retail stores, banks, personal service chops, of_`ices, medical centres, service e'nops, restaurants, but excluding all commercial establish:aents e;ith drive-in or curb service. 17,2 Regulations for Permitted Uses in Clause (a) of Sub-Section 17,1 • (a) Alinimum Lot Frontage (b) hlininrurn Lot Area (c) Iiaximum Lot Coverage (d) .Saximum Gross I1oor Area Ce) i4inirrum Front Yard (f) I4inimum Side Yard (y,) tMinimum Rear Yard (h) P1arimum Building Height (i) Ilinvaum Parlcing Requirements 75 feet 10,000 sq, ft, 30 per cent 45 percent of lot area 45 feet 25 feet, except rahen a side yard abuts a street vahen the minimum •ide yard abutting the street shall be 45 feet, 25 fret, except when the rear yard abuts a street or a residential zone when the minimum rear yard shall be 45 feet, 2 storeys 1 parking space per 300 sq> ft, of gross floor area, r L • • .. G 9 ~j) G.dditional Parl:in~ Regulations (k) Piinimum Landscaping Requirement No parking space or part thereof shall be located and no land shall be usad for the temporary parking or storage of any motor vehicle within 5 feet of any street line or boundary of any residential Zone. A landscaping area in the form of a planting strip having a minimum width of 5 feet shall be provided and thereafter maintained adjacent to every peption of anp lot line that abuts any Residential Zone. -50- 14, By-law 1587 as amended is further amended by adding thereto a new Section 21, which section shall read as follows:- "SECTION 22: II9STITUTIOPIAL 1 ZONE No person shall within any Institutional 1 Zone use any land, or erect, alter or use any buildittg or structure except in accordance with the following provisions;- 21,1 Permitted Uses (a) Institutional uses and private clubs. (b) Uses, buildings and structures accessory to any use permitted in Clause {a) of this sub-section. 21.2 Regulations for Schools (a) Minimum Front Yard 50 feet (b) Minimum Side Yard 25 feet except that the minimum side yard abutting a public street shall be 25 feet, Cc) I4inimum Rear Yard 25 feet except that the minimum rear yard abutting a public street shall be 25 feet. (d) P4ininrum Parl;ino Requirements - Ido parking space or part thereof shall be located and no land shall be used for the temporary pazkin~ or storage of any motor vehic'c_ within 5 feet of any lot line, or within 25 fret of eny strccC liu:•, •x• critliui 10 fc>.t of thu boundary of any Residential Zone, 21,3 Regulations for Permitted Uses Other than Schools (a) liinimum Lot Frontage 100 feet (b) Minimum Lot Area 20,000 sq, ft, (c) 29axinrm Lot CoveraG 50 per cent (d) Minimum Front Yazd 50 feet • • 5l (e) Minimum Side Yard 15 feet except that the minimum side yard abutting a public street shall be 30 feet, (f) Minimum Pear Yard (g) Maximum Height 25 feet except that the minimw-n rear yard abutting a public street shall be 25 feet, 60 feet, (h) Mininrurn parking requirements - Y~TO par'.cing space or part thereof shrill be located and no land shall be used for the temporary parking or storage of any motor vehicle within 5 feet of anv lot line, or within 25 feet of my street line, cr critYiin 10 feet of the boundary of any Residential Zone, (i) Minimum Landecapino Requirements - A landscaping area in the form of a planting strip having a minimum width of 5 feet shall be provided and thereafter maintained adjacent to every portion of any lot line that abuts any Residential Zone, *" - S~ 15, By-law 1587 as amended is further amended by adding thereto a nevi Section 22, which section shall read as follows:- "SECTION 22: PUBLIC OP1Id SPhCE 02 ZONE No person shall within any Public Open Space 02 Zone use any land, or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following proviaions:- 22„1 Permitted Uses (a) Park and recreation uses including the erection or use of any buildings or structures accessory thereto. (b) Commercial or other uses, buildings or structures accessory to any principal use in Clause (a) of this sub-section, e::cept a residential use. 22,2 Regulations for. Permitted Uses in Clauses (a) and (b) of Sub-section 22,1 (a) TQinimum Yard Requirements - No building or structure shall be used or erected within 25 feet of any lot • line, or within 50 feet of any street line, or within 50 feet of the boundary of any Residential Zone, (b) 1'4inimtm: Parl;inp, Reauire:aents (i) ParI;ing spaces shall be provided on the same lot on which the principal use is located, sufficient in number to accomr.:odate the employees of, and the visitors to, the use or aces on such lot. Cii) Tao pari;ing spaces or part thereof shall be locater? and no land sha1L be used for the temporary parking or storage of any motor vehicle within 5 feet ofd any lot line which does not abut a public street, ox- within 10 feet of any street line or boundary of any Residential Zone," r1 L J • •- J .- 16, By-law 15(37 as amended is further amended by adding thereto a new Section 23, which section shall read as foilowe:- "SECTION 23: COIQSERVATION AND HAZLi'lU C' ZOPT No person shall crithin any Conservation, and Hazard 03 Zone, use any land, or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the :collocving px-ovisions:- 23.,1 Permitted Uses (a) Buildings, and uses existing at the date of passing of t'ris by-law but not conversion thereof and uses, buildia~;, and structures accessory thereto. (b) Parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, lawn bowling greens, outdoor natural rinks, athletic fields, golf courses, picnic areas and boat launching ramps, shelters and docking facilities; together with necessary accessory structures, saving and Ha:centing human habitation, 23.2 Regulations for Accessory Buildings Permitted in Clause (b) of Sub-section 23,1 • (a) Minimum Lot Frontage 50 feet (b) P4aximum Lot Coverage 10 per cent (c) Plinimum Yard Requirements: No building shall be used or erected within 2.5 feet of any lot line which does not abut :. public street, or within 50 feet of the boundary of any ResidentialL 'Lone, or at a lesser distance from any public street than 50 feet. (d) Plinimu:: Par2cing Recriirernents: No parking space or part thereof shall be located and no land shall be used for the par.:ing or s*_orage of any .aotor vehicle within 10 ':eet of any lot line ~rhich does not abut a public street, or within 25 feet of any street line or boundary of any Residential Zone. S[;... 17> By-law 1587 as amended is further amended l;y adding thereto a nevr Section 26, which section shall read as follows;- "SECTION 26: ADIdIPiISTRATIOP? AND EIPFORCEt113QT 26,1 Administration - This By-law is to be administered by a person designated, from time to time, by the Council ae the Zoning Administrator and in his absence by such other employee of the Tovm as the Council designates from time to time„ 26.2 Enforcement .• Any person convicted of a breach of any provisioc of ::his By-law shall forfeit and pay, in the discretion of the presiding judge, a penalty not exceeding ~exalusive of costs) the sum of Three Hundred Dollars C$300v00) for each offence, recoverable under The SuRUnary Convictions Act, 18, By-law 1587 as amended is further amended by adding thereto anew • Section 27, which section eha11 read as follows:- "SECTION 27: VALIDITY AIdD EFFECTIVE DATE 27,1 Validity - Every provision of this By-law is declared to be severabie fro~a the remainder of the By-law, and if any provision of this By-lata shall 'ue declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, ouch declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder thereof, 27e2 Effective Date •- This By-.law shall come into force and take effect-upon being passed by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal kioard,'t ~,' ~~ ~; -ss- 19, Map 3 of Schedule "A" to Zoning By-law 15&'7 as amended is hereby further amended by changing the land use designation of certain lands, so that the said T4ap 3 be amended by this By-law shall be amended as shovm on Schedule "A" appended and forming part of this By-law, 20, No part of this By-law shall come into force taithout the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board but subject thereto this By-law shall take effect from the date of its passing, By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed on this Fourth day of July, 1972, ~~ ' ' % IIA~ ~~ ifif~ /~ ~/ ~G'7 ~,.y. (Signed) Ivan P:, Hobbs (Signed) J, M. McIlrov Mayor C1erI:-Administrator ~ i j ~ 1 ~i d _ ~ ~~ I (~ C~ ~ '~ ~'_- .:' 1! __ _ _ --- p ' ~' 1 ~ t °_. .. ~ r ~ f .. b Fj E2~ r~-~' ,<. ~ ' ~ k, ~ ~ ~--T~; c , ~ ~ ~ . ~~~- 1 /. ~° / ~ ~ i +4 . -R ~. '' ,. •` \ i ' ,~ ~ , /~ r r ! ~ _ i, ,- AA p ,J~~ '/ . -> ~, R _Z Y; -f ! ,-:, , {,..._, ~',r ~~ ;' ~ ~ , „ ., ,, , ,; ; \ _ RM-1 ~' -~ 1' I 4' -~. <. ~ 'y ~ ,' RM ', ~ ~ ; _ ~ i , , i ~ ~ I~ ~~ ` ~ , i ~ , . r _~ ~ ~ , , ' __~_.~____.....__.~ .. ~ , 3- i ~ ______ ~ ~ ~ T. , r i ~ ~ ; , ~ , , 1 k .~ 1 ~ 3 1 ~ ~, R =~ '~, . , , , ~ , . , ~, R 4 ;~ ~- ------~ '-- . ~ _ , , , f r _____________ ~,_._a/ ~ ~ i ~ .. ~z.. (~ (~~ ~. ~ '~------------ -------------------- ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ R-2 ,~} ~ , ~ ; .. ; ~ _ ? , t ~ ~ "_,~ F' M ~ ~~i_" - _ M1 ~ ~ r -• ~ ~ ~ ~ - , t ~ 1 7 ~ ~ -__, , ~~._. ~ Y~ no iie~ 1~.' ~_ ~ ~-':3 JF~~ C.~ \ ~; LOTC 14 ( ; i LOT 13 ;i \,..~ ~• v.~ ~__/ ~I~, ,~ THIS IS SCHEDULE ~! PASSED THIS "~ .,, ~ , i '~~~,, r r ~~ t •', . ~. _~.r__=,_-~--.. _ h ,, , ,: ~ _. ~ I MAYOR T ~i ' _ I ' . - TOW ' ;% - ' '~t".~--_ ~-- ~ i ___ !-'~~~'~< ~~_ . ;~ ~^^ LIMITS OF LAIVL ~~ :, \` aoo 200 0 =,~ e _ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ y ,. _ 'a.; ~. ~• : '~ `~ R -'2• ~1 C•, 3 ~ •. ,, ' i • ~; •© 4 • . ^ ~ • ~ ~'•, ~ __ • n ~• .. !~ 1 + ; 1 ~ ~ " ~ ; : ~: ~~ ~~~ ,, , ; ; - RM~ 1 1 , ~ 1 1 ~ 1 1 ~ 1 .. 1' __ ~ 1 1 ~ 1 1 '- ~ •V .~ ~, V ~ ~ V o~ .'iq` ~ ~ t~ , o. ~ ~ r~ ~ n Ct > ~ ' a ~._ ~ rl, y v V ~.~ ~. ~ .. ~' o L ~ ~T - ~~ i, ` ~ s~ ~ . Y~' ~ ~ , ~~,~ ~[ ~ o ~ ~ , , 2 V n 1 ~ . ~ y 1 il,~ ~7 G G : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. I .i ~ ~:~p ~ ~ _r n. • ~ A T~~l ,.. . ~ f ~~~ n.. ~ ~~y ~ ~ ~1~ fl0 ~ e ~~ ~3 ~ 1 O 1~Y t tjj ~, 1 .~ i '~ ~ u , A'r :F {„~ p. ,1 ~ O , L- ..~ _ ~ ~ ' . -q. C'l ~ .:5~.,, L 1. - (~ ~.'- ' t \ } ~ ,4 ~ • „'t ~ , ~ .. ~ ~~ 4 y 4 ~ ~~ r c~ ~~ ~, f ~ ' .' ~~ ; ~ %~ ,:~~: ~,, ' ~~ ~ ~ , , , ; `" ,, ~ ~ ~. , ~ ~ j ~ , ;~ ~ . (, i ~ ~ 4 ~, ;> .~ 1 ~ 1/ --'--~- .. ~ is r"t ~ ?~'c A,,,, -~ r__________________ ~ ~~~ ., T ~ i jll 1 r ~ f t ,... J ~ ~ ~ . ;z„ , .. S ~, ~ i ~ ~ w. ~ L__ _______________ ~ 1 1 ~{ r'. c 1 ' •1 .... k. '. ~ ___ ~ ~-. `?f ~! tip. : j ~ ~`t.~.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 4 R 2 t ' , ~;, 1 .,, ~. ~ ~~~,~ ~ , r ~ ~1~ ~~~ ~ "~ ~~~ ~/~` .. d r f` ~f' - . 1 ~ ' t~ . ,~. .IL___. ___~ 1 r -- 1 ~, 1 R-2 ,_ ~, i J~' _~~ ;, Lor 13 -; ,, ~~~~ ,. ~~ - ~ ~~ ~~ .~ , ~~ • ,• ~ ~~ t 1 1 ~/ L 1 , _._i. _r .: ,.,. ....,:~ ~~ lS ~ > f~ r 1 c5~' ~i`l~ i I~ ~1: l~j ~~/+~ ~~~~ ,...LOT 12 , ..~~ ~~ ': d_ ~ ~{- >`. r, ~ ,^ (] f ~ ~( it Uf7 4~,~ .:' i7r ~ CjG'~JI~~'~ ~~++~~,,,,~~__~L J ~~' _Y1 ~)l f~~ = ~~. <.~ a ~ :i THIS IS SCHEDU'LE` A TO BY-LAW-T- ~ y ` 3 ~/ PASSED THIS `T~ DAY OF V G/<-~ 1972 ~~ ~' ~ 7 61'1 MAYOR CLERK ADMINISTRATOR TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE ^^^ LIMITS OF LANDS INCLUDED IN BY- LAW 400 200 0 400 800 1200 IL y ~ ~~ ~J- g.:-_ ~~ G © ~ ~ ~ - ~ [ fi 11eoY •- .. q i _ _ - w ~l . ' - ! - '. ~ ~ I / ~~ W ~ _"_~~'~~/~~ ~ 'rJ i _. ' ~ _ - i i ~ '_- -'_ y , ... ~~ i i 1\ ,Y i ~, ~ ~ r \~ ~ 1 ~n __ °-'---' ., ~ r- 'y. 1 ~ / ~ ~~ 1 ~ _ , ., ~ v f ,,, ~ ~.. _.. __ _~ L____ '~ ~ ~,c- ,- ~ ~ A ~ 1 9 _____ ____., ~ '" ~~~~ v `. R t ( P ~~ _~ ~l ~ N ~~ ~~ " ~ ~ .r_ '~' ~ ~ I. I 1 ~C -~ j .~ I -. , . Q~ ~ ___I .,.~_______ __ _ _ __ _ ___ -- . - `. ~ i~ . .. ., __ Jt-- - k _~„ f ., ~~ -- ~ -_ -, ~ _ ~ , . r ~ / ~' ~, -~ ~ - ,, _, ,_ ~ _~, c....., f ¢ ~,~ ~,, \ .. \ ,~ y~+,i~5 ~1 ~l ~ p ~ - ,~~ ` ~~ ~ ~ ti~`~- ,yv~ ,~~ ~ :~ ,~~' 3 -~, `~ ~Y ~, ~" ~~ ~ ~~ .,~ _ . ,_ ry ; '" t i~ ~ ap _ _ ~ I' ti ~; \ ~ ~ y' ~~. ..~ a L G ~ A ~ ~~R ~`y H (~ ~ ti~ ' _ I __ t n / ~ ~ ~ a i 7~' O ~1 re `N ~ j ']~ .Y Y ~s ~ ~;. i .:\ may. . .a ~~ ~ -~, , ~~ a'~ ,~ _ ~~ . ~..e ~,.~ ~ i o .'~~G f _ ~ ~ ~ Y~>~ ~ Y ~ tiy,~ /fY u 5~~~ r~ ~ ~R t ~' r) N ~~ ~ aT, ~ H~' ~O ~ ~ J~ 1 .''a' ~ ~i~J,~^. a,~/ ~Y. v';P ~ ('~ y i :. -L:.. a ~. [ 1~ 1 • ~®~ Ontario Ontario Municipal Board ~ Nr. Joseph Ni. Ncllroy Clerk-Administrator Town of Bowrnanville 40 'Pemperance Street BOudNNiNVILLE Ontario L Quote File Number S 34 June 13 , 1973 ~.~'ti Fum~ C ~~ JUN 191973 ~OWi•. 0= 40WMANVILLE Dear Sir Town of Bowmanville - Restricted Area By-law 72-3~ Re: as amended by By-law 73-26 Enclosed herewith is duplicate original of the Order of the Board made June 7, 1973, in connection with the above-mentioned applica-- tion. Yours tr=~uly C. Saruyama Supervisor Encl. Planning Administration ~~ Form 9-RA 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario MSG 1E6 • i -e,~v, ,. ~;i, ®~ ;; s 34 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD - 2 - appears by affidavit filed; THE BUARD URDEHS, under and. in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of • any and all other powers vested in the Board, that By-haw 72-32 passed the 4th day of July, 19'7.2, as amended by By-]aw 73-26 passed the 7th day of Mays 1973, be and the same are hereby approved. { " / ~~~F~~~~ K. C. ANDREWS ~.----- SECRETARY E N T E R Eb R 1c...-. ~ ..:............ ~~ ~ rU~lO 1i0..~i,.;i.N ................. .I;N ~ 51973- I ~ i.. -/ • 1 y ~; EIANi, OiVIAPiO MUNICIPPL BOARD pw~y~a~ ~~ r ~ ` J a S 34 ,.b„ O NTAFIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THl': t~iATTliR GF Section 35 of The. Planning Act (R.S.U. 1970, c. 349 -and - IN THE NiATTt~R OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville for approval of its Restricted tirea By-law 72-32 B E F O R E.: ) W. H. PALMER, ) Chairman ) Thursday, the 7th day - and - ) of June, 1973 • ) D. JAP~ESON, Vice-Chairman ) UPCN THE iU?FLiCATIUN of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, upon consideration of the material filed, and it appearing that notice of application has been giveh as directed by the Board and that all objections having been withdrawn as appears by material filed and the council of the applicant corporation having an opportunity to consider certain amendments to the said by-law and the said council having on the 7th day of May, 1973 passed By-law 73-26 amending By-law 72-32 and incorporating certain recommendations of the Board and it appearing that notice of application for approval of By-law 73-26 has been given in accordance with the directions of the ~ _~ _ _ - °__ - _ _ _- __ _ _ - - -- - --- --_6 -- -- $oard; and that no objections to approval have been received by the clerk of the applicant corporation as