HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-116-09Clarington REPORT Leading the Way PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE u~ ~ ~~ _ 6~-O~J Date: Monday, December 7, 2009 {~r? ~~ ~~ Report #: PSD-116-09 File #: PLN 20.5 By-law #: o?(,Yj~(- / 7 ~ Subject: AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION FEES BY-LAW PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PSD-116-09 be received; and 2. THAT the attached By-law, detailing the specific amendments to By-law 96-032, being a By-law to require the payment of fees for information and services provided by the Municipality of Clarington, as amended, be APPROVED. Submitted by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services BR/df December 2, 2009 Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-116-09 1.0 BACKGROUND PAGE 2 1.1 Section 69 of the Planning Act allows the Municipality to pass a By-law to set out the Fee Schedule for development applications to offset the "anticipated costs" to the Municipality for processing applications. The current Planning application fees collected do not fully recover the cost of processing applications when direct and indirect costs are considered including the cost of overhead, pre-consultation meetings and circulation of revised submissions. Periodically staff surveys other Municipalities in the Region of Durham, specifically the four lakeshore Municipalities west of Clarington -Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa, to ensure that our fees are similar. 1.2 The current Fee By-law was last reviewed and amended by Council on December 8, 2008, coming into effect January 1, 2009. 1.3 The City of Oshawa has adopted a formula of increasing planning application fees annually by 3%. Therefore, 2010 fees will be the 2009 fees with a 3% increase. 1.4 The Town of Whitby, in conjunction with its consultant C.N. Watson, is presently undertaking a review of planning application fees with the intent of ensuring adequate cost recovery. Given this situation, the Town may be increasing certain fees sometime in 2010.. The review is not complete and Whitby staff was unable to provide further details at this time. 1.5 The Town of Ajax, in conjunction with two consultants, C.N. Watson and Performance Concepts Consulting, in 2007 did a comprehensive review of planning application fees based on full cost recovery for planning staff time and other departmental costs. Consequently, an amending by-law was passed in 2008 that resulted in substantial "across the board° increases in planning application fees. Ajax staff advised there were no changes to the fees in 2009, nor will there be for 2010. Small increases, perhaps linked to the inflation index, are possible for 2011. 1.6 The City of Pickering, in conjunction with its consultant C.N. Watson, in 2005 did a comprehensive review of planning application fees to ensure adequate cost recovery. Consequently, an amending by-law was passed in late 2005, effective January 1, 2006, that led to a substantial fees increase "almost across the board". From 2007 to 2009 inclusive, there was no change in the above fees and no major change is anticipated for 2010. 1.7 Each Municipality upon finalizing the examination of their existing fees acknowledged an underlying principle that the recovery of municipal costs through application fees must be balanced. Application fees are not intended to become a significant disincentive for local residents to make a planning application. Some fees, like minor variances are highly subsidized. A chart comparing application fees of the five (5) lakeshore municipalities is contained in Attachment 2. The Town of Whitby and the City of Pickering fees, as shown, are for 2009. The Town of Ajax and the City of Oshawa fees are for 2010. REPORT NO.: PSD-116-09 2.0 REVISIONS TO FEES AND NEW FEES PAGE 3 2.1 General Increase in Fees The majority of the planning application fees are comparable with fees charged by the other lakefront municipalities, although considerably lower than some fees charged to the west and north of Toronto. Staff propose an increase of 3% across the board reflective of the staff salary increase, however a few specific fees are recommended a more substantial increase. In a few cases, a new fee is proposed where one was not previously collected. In addition, it is proposed to establish 2011 fees with a 3.25% increase, reflective of the staff salary increases. Staff may also undertake a more comprehensive review in 2011 if warranted. Attachment 2 details the existing and proposed fees as well as the comparable fee in the other four municipalities. 2.2 Neighbourhood Design Plans Neighbourhood Design Plan Applications are large scale and often involve coordination with significant studies such as watershed or sub-watershed studies. They are also very detailed, considering servicing, transportation, natural features, density and design issues providing guidance for future plans of subdivision within the neighbourhood. An increase from $10,000 to $15,000 is proposed, to better reflect the amount of staff time in reviewing, negotiating, hosting an open house and drafting involved in such applications. 2.3 Official Plan Amendments Official Plan Amendments are proposed to be increased. The increase is reflective of additional time and effort stemming from changes to provincial legislation, such as Bill 51 changes to the Planning Act, the Greenbelt Plan and the Growth Plan. The fees are proposed to increase as follows: the major fee from $8,000 to $12,000 and the minor fee from $4,000 to $5,000. 2.4 ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~t• ~~• a~ E a Lift Part Lot $1,779 + $2221unit $535 +$25/unit $1751unit $1,273 + cost of $500 + $251unit Control to a maximum of Registration of By- to a maximum $5,000 law but, includes of $5,000 extensions Part Lot Control The current fee of lifting part lot control is not as much as some other municipalities (see Attachment 2) and an increase from: $500 plus $25 per unit to a maximum of $5,000 to: $750 plus $50 per lot to a maximum of $8,000 is recommended. REPORT NO.: PSD-116-09 PAGE 4 2.5 Sign By-law Fees In September Council adopted 2010. The report dealing with increasing fees. Generally the amendments are considerably recommended fees are: a new sign by-law to come into effect on January 1, the new Sign By-law did not address the matter of fees associated with sign permits, variances and less than in some of the other municipalities. The • Amendments to the sign by-law increased from $630 to $1,000, • Variances to the sign by-law increased from $52.50 to $500; • Temporary Sign Permits increased from $40 to $75; and • Permanent Signs permits increased from $40 to $150 per sign. tr• ~ • . . ~ ~ rr• r r rr• Amendment 52,000 Na 52,000 Na E630 Variance 57,000 Development, Ground 5550 Residential -E464 E 52.60 or Wall Sign X500 All Others -§773 All Other Si ns-§100 Sign Permit: Portablen'emporery S 60 a range among different S'100 E 50 E40 types of sigrred50 to ;100 Permanent 5750 a range among different E 50 5208 §40 types of sigrts~150- §250 2.6 New Fees 2.6.1 Aggregate OPA Aggregate proposals can have large impacts in terms of the environment, including natural heritage and water table; road and traffic; natural vistas; and pollution impacts of various kinds whether it be noise, vibration or dust. Such applications usually require significant staff time reviewing of detailed technical documents addressing such issues. As a result, staff recommends the application fee should be greater than that of other local official plan amendment applications. Hence a $25,000 fee is proposed, for official plan amendments that establish a new aggregate pit or quarry. 2.6.2 Telecommunication Towers, Wind Turbines, Solar Installations and Farm-based Biogas Telecommuncation towers are regulated by the Federal Government and the local municipality has little control over where they are located. However, the Municipality is able to require site plan approval for Cell Tower uses. Site plan application fees typically have a cost per unit on top of a base fee. Applications for telecommunication towers do not have much in the way of buildings, therefore they should simply have a base fee that is more reflective. of staff time in processing such applications. It is recommended the Municipality charge $5,000 for such site plan applications. A similar situation will arise for renewable energy projects where municipal comments are required through the new process under the Green Energy Act. Municipal comments are required for wind power with a capacity greater than 3 kW, wall or roof mounted solar installations greater than 10 kW and farm-based biogas and biomass REPORT NO.: PSD-116-09 PAGE 5 combustion facilities. It is recommended that a similar fee be established for municipal comments. 2.6.3 OMB Professional Fees Council's 1989 policy through resolution is that where Council approves or recommends for approval a development application, the applicant shall bear the Municipality's legal costs and shall sign a letter of undertaking to the this effect or otherwise the Municipality reserves the right not to participate in the hearing. The Municipality's policy recognizes that in approving a development application, the applicant should be responsible for the costs of defending the applicant's proposal. The proposed change is that any consultant fees, if any, would be clearly identified as the responsibility of the applicant as well. The cost recovery would not extend to staff time. The application forms would be revised to include a cost acknowledgement that makes the applicant aware of this policy and must be signed at the time of the submission of the application. The fee by-law is amended to contain wording to that effect. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 It is respectfully recommended that By-law 96-032, as amended, be further amended as contained in the By-law Amendment attached hereto, being Attachment 1. Attachments: Attachment 1 - By-law Amendment Attachment 2 -Comparison Chart and Staff Recommended Changes to the Fee By-law Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: BILD Durham Attachment 1 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON To Report PSD-116-09 BY-LAW NO. 2009- _ -- being a By-law to require the payment of fees for information and services provided by the Municipality of Clarington and for prescribing the amount of such fees and to amend By-law 96-032, as amended WHEREAS Section 69(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.P13, provides that By- laws may be passed by the Council of a Municipality to prescribe a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters; WHEREAS Section 391(1) of the Municipal Ad provides for municipalities to impose fees or charges for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems' it necessary to amend by-law 96-032 to meet the anticipated cost to the Municipality in respect of the processing of each type of application provided for in the Schedule of Fees; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. THAT Schedule "B" to By-law 2006-218, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting said Schedule "B" and replacing it with Schedule "B" attached hereto. 2. THAT the fee schedules attached hereto and forming part of this By-law shall apply for the specified documents, services, applications and inspections commencing January 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011. BY-LAW read a first time this day of BY-LAW read a second time this day of BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2009 2009 2009 Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW 2009- FEES PRESCRIBED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES The etfective date for Me fcllowin fees is Janus 1, 2010 Offlclal Plan Amendment MinorA lication $5,000 Me'or lication note! re ate i w ua $12,IN70 Ado Bon of Amendment E2,060 Re ions! Offidal Plan Amendment Review $1,238 ROPA Review not art of a local OPA g2,p6p Nei hbourhood Deal n Plan $15,000 Nei hbourhootl Desi n Plan Amendment $3,09(1+ Facili Rental Zonin B •Law Amendment Ma'or note3 $5,150 Minor $2,080 Removal of Holdin S mbol $2~Og0 Removal of Environmental Holding Symbd (Zonin B law 2005-109) 5480 Dreg Plan of Subtlivlsion Residen8al $10,300+$258lun8 E52 fora artmenl unit Nan-Residential $5,150 Pre oration of Subdivision A reement note 5 $S~Op0 Amendment tc Subdivision A reemeM note 5 $810 Plans for a royal on no a reement $027 Red Line Revisions to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision Ma'or - $7,725 lus $256 add8ional er unit $52 era artment Minor-$2,080 lus $258 additional runic $52 era artment Ma or Revisions to Subdiv[sian A Ilntlons Not DreftA roved i Where a liration filed rtor to Jul 1, 2000 ii Where a licetion filed between Ju 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2006 iii Where a licetion filed after December 31, 2008 Subdivision Clearance $10,300 lus $258 er unit $52 r a rtmenl un8 ~ $5,150 us $258 r unit $52 era artment unit $5,150 $2,080 Extension of Draft Plan A royal $2,OSp Draft Plan of Condominium Residential and Non Resitlen8al Iication Tor Contlominlum Conversion Condominium reemeM note S Condominium r~meM Amendment nota5 $5,150 + $28/unit $5,150 + 028/un8 $3,gOp $Bt8 Condominium Clearance Part Lot Control Site Plan A royal $1,545 E750 +$50/un8 maximum $8,000 Telecommunica8an Towers $5,000 Residen8al Uses Commercial Uses Mined Use Builtling IndustnaeOMer Uses Plans for a royal on no a reement Amendment-Residential Uses Amendment -Commercial Uses $3,090 + E200lun8 $3,090+$281100m2 commerdal roes floor area 53,090 + $28l100m2 commercial gross floor area + $52/resideMial unit maximum $15.450 $1,250+ $10/100m2 roes Boor area maximum $7,725 $gp7 $818+$28/unit maximum $5,150 $1,546 + 26I100m2 commercial roes floor area maximum $15,450 Amendmen!-MUretl Use Amendment-IndusidallOther Uses Minor She PIaMDak Rid es Moraine note 2 E7,545+$2&100m2 wmmerciel gross floor area+E26lresiden8al unit maximum $15,450 $618 +$10/100m2 rose floor area maximum E8,180 $515 Salsa Trailer 1 Model Home $1,030 A reement andA reementAmendmenl notes $361 Lan scope Inspection Fee for projects with greater than 2500 sq.m. of tbor area, or 25 units or realer - 0.5%of the landsce a cost estimate with a minimum of $1,O1N1 p Committee of Ad ustrnent Minor Vartance note 4 $038 Tabun Fee a licant ini8ate $103 Recirculation Fee a licent ini8ated $103 Si n Permit Permanent $150 Tem ors E75 Sin -law Amendment Et 000 Variance A artmetH in House ~ Clearance Latter 5500 $53 a lication, $53 final cer8ficate Zonin $108 Subdivision $108 Miscellaneous 5108 Develo menUServlei A reemeM note 5 $381 Land Division Review Fee $200 Develo merit A semen! pots 5 381 Peer Review Comments on a Iications under the Green Ens Act Applicant shall be responsible for Ore Municipality's full costs of undertakin a Peer Review $5,000 SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW 2009- FEES PRESCRIBED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES The effective date icr the folbwin tees is Janus 1, 2010 Street Name Chan a Request $1,545 Application Requiring An Open House or Additional Public Meetlng (additional fee for each subsequent public meeting) $1,030 + Facility Rental Applicatlon Requiring Additlonal Public Meeting (additional fee for each subsequent public meeting where notice is provided through the local newspaper) $1,545 +Facility Rental Ontario Municipal Board Related Administratlon Fee See Note 8 Plannin A licatlons -Other Loeal Munici alitles Oftleial Plan Amendment $1,p4g Rezonin A Ilcatlon $2,080 Drek Plan of Subdivision $2,pgg Application Involving Review Under EPA andlor EAA Process (additional fee) $12()00 Publications Ma s -Small $q gg -Medium $8 77 -Lar a $13.16 ` Aerial Photo rah Colour $q,3g Official Plan Colour Ma $2.63 Clarin on Official Plan $70.75 Clarin on Zonin B -law ~ $70.75 Clarin on Street Name Index $42.45 Studies -Under 40 a es ~ $12.00 - 40 to 100 a es $24.00 - 100 to 200 a es $40.00 -over 200 a es $gp,Og - CD $15.00 Note 1 The fallowing are ai[eria for determining what constitutes a Major Oficial Plan Amendment application: • New golf courses or expansion to exis5ng golf courses; • New waste fariliry or expansion to existing waste facility; • Expansion to urban boundary or re-designation of Future Urban Residential lands; • Hamlet expansion where a settlement capacity study is required; • Commercial Development greater than 2,500 m'; • Deletion or addition of arterial or collector road; andlar • Any aDPlication that due to the broader policy implications for the Municipality would require the need to review or manage studies, or any application deemetl to be major by the Director of Planning Services. ,. Noro 2 The following are criteria far determining what constitutes a Minor Sfle Plan application: • A residential or agricultural site plan in the Oak Ridges Moraine as required by the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2005-109; • A tlog kennel, agricultural tourism use, and similarly-scaled uses; and/or • A minor alteration to an existing site plan to revise parking, add a patio, add a storage building, revise signage, add or delete portables, etc. Note 3 The following are criterta for determining what wnstitules a major Zoning By-law Amendment application: • Associated with an Offical Plan AmentlmaM; • Associated with en application for proposed Plen of Subdivision; • Application involving multiple properties; andlor • Any applicafion that requires the review of technical support documents or studies (e.g. environmental analyses, transportation studies, retail market studies) Note 4 Minor Varianca applica8ans for the construcgon or placement otan accessibility device [o provide access to a singledetachetl! link or townhouse dwelling is exempt from the fee. An "accessibility device" is defned as a device inGUding a ramp that aids persons with physical disabilities in gaining access to a dwelling unit. NoN 5 The applicant is required to reimburse the Municipality for its Iegai costs associated with preparing the agreement. Note B The /ollowing are criteria tar determining what constitutes a mina application for red-line revision to Drafl Approval: • Does not require circulation to outside agencies. Note 7 Fees for all Planning applica5ons submitted by a registeretl charitable organization or for a registered non-profit housing organization will be retluced by 50°k. ,Note 8 In addition to the fees sal out for Planning Act Applications, the total fees payable shell inGude all fees associated with supporting an aDPlicaM al a hearing where the application was approved by Municipal Countll including Municpal legal tees antlmnsultanUwitness fees where required, but ezGuding the costa of the Planning Department staff. These additional fees shall be collected through the process set out in a cast adrnowledgemenf agreement which must be signed and submitted as part of the Planning Act Applications. SCHEDULE "e" 70 BY-LAW 2008- FEES PRESCRIBED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES The eflectlve date for the followin tees is Janus 1, 2011 Official Plan AmeMment MinorA lice8on $5,163 Ma or A licefion nofe 1 $12,390 A ate Pit or Quar $25,813 Ado lion ofAmendment $2,127 Re final O~raal Plan Amendment Review $1,270 ROPA Review not art of a local OPA $2,127 Nei hbourhood Desl n Plan $15,488 Nei hbourhood Desi n Plan Amendment $3,190+Facili Rental Zonin B -Law Amendment Ma'or note3 $5,317 Minor $2,127 Removal of Holdin S bol $2,127 Removal of Environmental Holding Symbol Zonin B -law 2005-109 ~~ Drag Plan of Subdivision Residential $10,635+$286/unk $54 fora artment unit Non-Residential $5,317 Pre oration of Subdivision A reement note 5 $3,098 Amendment to Subdivision A reement note 5 $g3g Plans fora royal on no a reement $957 Red Line Revisions to Dreg Ap roved Plan of Subdivision Ma or- $7,976 lus $268 addi8onal er unit $54 era artment p Minor-$2,127 lus $268 additional er unit $54 ra rtment Ma or Revisions to 3ubdivfaian A Iiwtlona Not Dreff A roved i Where a licelion filed rior to Jul 1, 2000 $10,635 lus $266 unit $54 era artment unit ii Where a licelion filed behveen Ju 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2006 $5 317 lus $268 r unit $54 r a artment unit iii Where a licetion filed after December 31, 2008 $5 317 Subdivision Clearance $2,127 Extension o(Draft Plan A royal $2,127 Draft Plan of Condominium Residential and Non Residential $5,317 + $27/unit A icetion tar Condominium Conversion $5,317 + $271uni1 Condominium reement note 5 $3,098 Condominium reement Amendment. note 5 $838 Condominium Clearance $1,595 Part Lot CoMroi $774+$52/unit maximum $8,2800 Site Plan royal 7etecammunicetlon Towers $5,180 Residential USea $3,190+$207/unit Commercial Uses - $3,190 +$27/100m2 commercial roes flow area Mined Use Building Intlustda9Other Uses Amendment-Residential Uses $3,190 + $27/t00m2 oommercal grass ibor area + $54/residential unR maximum $15,852 $1,281 +$10/100m2 rose floor area maximum $7,9780 $838+E27lunB maximum $5,317 Amendment-Commercal Uses 51,585+27l100m2 commeroial roes floor area maximum $15,852 Amendment -Mined Use Amendment -Industrial/Other Uses Minor Site PlenlOak Rid es Moraine note 2 $1,585 + $27/100m2 commercial gross floor area + $27/residential unit maximum $15,952 $638+ $11/100m2 rose floor area maximum $6,381 $532 Sales Trailer /Model Home 01,053 A reement and A reement Amendment note 5 $372 Landscepe Inspection Fee for projects with greater than 2500. .m. of Boor area, or 25 units or realer D.5% of the landscape cast estimate with a minimum of $1,000 Committee of Ad uslmeM -Minor Variance note 4 $452 Tabun Fee a icent inifiated 5106 Re-circulatan Fee a liwnt initiated glgg Si n Penntt Permanent $155 Tem re 577 SI n B -law Amendment $1,033 Variarxe A artment In House Clearance Letter $578 $53 a icetioh, $53 final certificate Zoni $112 Subdivision 5114 Miscellaneous $114 Develo mentl8ervlein A reement note 5 5372 Land Division Review Fee $304 Deveb moot reement note 5 $373 Peer Review Applicant shall be responsible for the Munidpality's full casts of undertaki a Peer Review Comments on applieatlons under the Green Eno Act $5,180 Street Name Chan a Request E1,585 Application Requlnng An Open House or Addi5onal Public Meeting (additional fee for each subsequent public meeting) E1,063+ Fadlity Rental Application Requlnng Additional Public Meetlng (additonal fee for each subsequent public meeting where notice is provided through the local newspaper) E1,595+ Fadlity Rental Ontado Municipal Board Related Administratlon Fee See Note 8 Plannin Ilcatlons-Other Local Munlel /idea OfOcial Plan Amendment $1,280 Razonin A Ilcatlon $2,127 Drek Plan of Subdivision $2,127 Appllcatlon Involving Review Under EPA and/or EAA Process (additional fee $12,000 Publitatlorre Ma s -Small E4.39 -Medium E8.77 -La $13.18 Aerial Photo ra Colour E4.39 ORcial Plan Colour Ma $2.53 Clann ton Official Plan E70.75 Cfadn ton Zonin B -law E70.75 Clain ton Street Name Index E42.45 Studies -Under 40 a es E12.00 - 40 to 100 a es E24.00 - 100 to 200 a Bs $40.00 -over 200 a es E50.00 - CD E15.00 Note 1 The following are aitera for determining what wnstitutes a Major Of<dal Plan Amendment applicator: • New golf courses or expansion to existing gott wurees; • New waste facility or expansion to existing waste facility; • Expansion fo urban boundary or re-designation of Future Urban Residential tondo; • Hamlet expansion where a settlement capacity study is required; - • Commerdal Development greater than 2,500 m'; • Deletion or addi5on of arena/ ar calledor road; and/or Any application that due to the broader policy implicaaens tar the Municipality would require the need to review or manage stutlies, or any application deemed to be major by the Diredor of Planning Services. Note 2 The following are crtana for determining what censlilutes a Minor Site Plan application: • A residential or agricultural site plan in the Oak Ridges Moraine as required by the Official Plan antl Zoning By-law 2005-109; • A dog kennel, agricultural tourism use, and similarly-scaled uses; antl/or • A minor aheretion to an existing site plan to revise parking, add a patio, add a storage building, revise signage, add or delete portables, eta NoN 3 The tdlowing are criteria for tletertnining what constitutes a major Zoning By-law Amendment application: • ASSOdnted with an Official Plan Amendment; • Associated wnh an application (or proposed Plan of Subdivision; • Application involving multiple properties; and/or Any application that requires the review of technical suppoR documents or studies (e.g. environmental analyses, trensponation stutlies, retail market stutlies) Note 4 Minor Variance applications for the construdion or placement of en accessibility device to provide access to asingle-detached/ link or townhouse dwelling is exempt from the fee. An "accessibility device' is damned as a device including a ramp that aids persons with physical disabilities in gaining access to a dwelling und. Note S The aDPlicent is required to reimburse the Municipality far its legal costs associated wkh preparing the agreement. Note 8 The following are cntena for determining whet censtitutes a minor application far red-line revision to Draft Approval: • Doesnot require simulation to outside agencies. NoN 7 Fees for all Planning aDPlications submitted by a registered chartable organization or for a registered non-profit housing organization will be r>3duced by 50%. Note 8 In addition to the fees set out for Planning Ad Applications, the fatal tees payable shall include ell fees assodated with supposing an applicant at a hearing where the application was approved by Municipal Council indutling Municipal legal fees and consultanVwitness fees where required, bnt exduding the costs of the Planning Department staff. These additional fees shall be colleded through the process set out in a cast acknowledgement agreement which must be signed and submitted as pan of the Planning Ad Applications. N 00 C N m ~~ ~o ~~ Qa r O a N H o r o ~o 00 O O- 00 ~ O O N nj0 b9 Cd r O d N ~6~9 ~ O r-O ~~ + N Ow ~~ ~. o mom 03 O_ p O M m U N O O " O N ~ l6 C ~ Q N f? r N w O' C ~ ~ ~ ~ N ' ( EA ER O b9 fA d O ~ f6 (n N ~ `- Q w ° ° ~ oQ °O 3 • o o cd oo ~ ~~ c w0 ~~ t'> °- oom °o~ O O O- O N O O O O ~ O ~ ~ ~~ Q »~o ~~ v r n > c . z I c ~ m r i m a ~ 3 ^ ~n m~ I ~ y a 0 O m C M f0 C ~ O ) .. ~ °~ ~ ~~ m~ ~ ~ ~ ° ,°n 'c ~ t 'o, ~ ~ ~ m N Q ~ Q 0 0 m u3c m m t a. 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