HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-034-09Energizing Ontario REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MONDAY DECEMBER 7T", 2009 Report #: FND-034-09 File #: Subject: REQUEST OF TONY WOOD FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE RE: TORNADO Recommendations: Resolution #: ~~~~/ ~9'oy By-law #: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-034-09 be received; and 2. THAT the request from Tony Woods to provide financial assistance to the Jobe/Dalgleish family be respectfully denied. Submitted by: Reviewed by: d ~""~-'~-~`/~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. NT/hjl REPORT NO.: FND-034-09 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: 1.0 At the Council meeting held on November 9, 2009, Council passed the following resolution: "THAT Correspondence Item D-14 from Tony Wood, Chairman, Good Neighbour Committee, with respect to the request for financial assistance for Kim Jobe and Ross Dalgleish, be referred to staff." 1.1 A copy of the original correspondence from Mr. Wood is attached. Mr. Wood's request pertains to the F1 tornado that caused extensive damage at 4535 Walsh Road in Orono on September 28, 2009. Mr. Wood is requesting that the Municipality consider making funds available to assist the Dalgleish's in rebuilding their farm. 1.2 It is truly a difficult scenario when residents are faced with disasters of this nature. Natural disasters are an unpredictable and unforeseen event and can include a number of different types and a wide range of severity. 1.3 The Municipality has an obligation to all taxpayers to keep in mind that precedents are a concern, particularly with natural disasters, but even non-natural such as significant fires. While difficult, it is also understood that it is an individual property owners responsibility with respect to having adequate insurance coverage and all property owners are encouraged to meet with their respective insurance brokers to ensure that their interests are properly protected. Unfortunately, the Municipality and ultimately taxpayers, cannot be the ultimate default for insurance protection. 1.4 With respect to municipal fees, a building permit was issued in November 18`h, 2009 at a cost of $1,265.80. As Council is aware, exemptions cannot be granted for building permit fees based on the existing by-law. Plans examination and inspection services will be required of the municipality at various stages of completion. CONCLUSIONS: 2.0 While the Municipality is extremely sympathetic to the plight of the Dalgleish family, it is not within our mandate to fund losses due to natural disasters. It is therefore recommended that the request from Mr. Tony Wood be respectfully denied. Attachments: Attachment 1 copy of correspondence from Tony Wood, Chairman of Good Neighbour Committee CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 REPORT NO.: FND-034-09 Interested Parties: Tony Wood, Chairman Good Neighbour Committee PAGE 3 Attachment 1 Thursday, October 29, 2009 Clarington Council Members Deaz Council Members, "090CT34FC~ 1~01~30 I~~'~ 6 1 209 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARING70N The Fl Tornado that tore through 4535 Walsh Rd., Orono on September 28, 2009 destroyed four barns, fencing, and some personal property and left Kim Jobe and Ross Dalgleish in desperate need. This tornado struck on the 2°d anniversary of buying a farm into which Kim and Ross have poured everything they had to make a dream come true. With the help of neighbours, friends, relatives and local business the site has been cleared and is being made ready to rebuild. Construction will start in a couple of weeks. There is never enough insurance to cover this type of massive destruction and for this reason I am asking the Municipality to consider making funds available to assist Ross and Kim in rebuilding their farm. Respectfully yours; ~~cx~ 'T'ony Wood, Chairman Good Neighbour Committee