HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-067-09Clari~~gton ~~s~Ws, REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COM/~MITTEE Date: November 16, 2009 ~e 5D lu fia~l ~ l~ P~~6aO~ ~G Report #: COD-067-09 File # Subject: INFORMATION REPORT BROADBAND EXPANSION By-law # Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report COD-067-09 be received for information; Submitted by: L~~G~ rie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Director of Corporate Services MM\JDB1km Reviewed by~ T "v "~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 REPORT NO.: COD-067-09 PAGE2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1 At the meeting of February 9, 2009, Council received Report #COD-014-09 Broadband Expansion Opportunity -Provincial Program dealing with an opportunity to make application for a grant under the Rural Connections Broadband Program offered through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). Under this program the province would fund up to one third (1/3) the cost of the infrastructure with the balance of the funding coming from the private sector partner and the municipality. At that time Council adopted the following recommendations allowing for an application for funding as indicated: o THAT Report COD-014-09 be received; o THAT the Municipality of Clarington make an application to the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs for funding from the Rural Connections Broadband Program for the provision of high speed internet service for the public and private sectors within the Municipality of Clarington on the basis of no cost to the municipality, other than possible in kind contribution and consulting cost identified herein; o That the Director of Corporate Services be authorized to sign the application and any resulting agreements associated with the program; o That the Manager of Purchasing be authorized to proceed with the evaluation of the submissions and select the Internet Service Providers and establish the terms of an agreement for the supply, installation and operation of broadband distribution network within the municipality; o That funding in the amount of approximately $15,000.00 for the provision of consulting services be provided from account # 100-16-163-00000-7160 with costs to be included in the grant application for funding to the extent possible and from the Region and the grant; o THAT staff work with the Regional Municipality of Durham to develop an in kind cost sharing arrangement for the municipal contribution to the project; and o THAT staff report to Council on the results of the application to the province and with the final recommendation on the candidate for Council approval. REPORT NO.: COD-067-09 PAGE3 1.2 The required application was prepared and submitted in time to meet the deadline for submissions and subsequently the Municipality was informed by the OMAFRA by letter dated June 19, 2009, that our application had not been successful. A copy of the letter is attached as Schedule "A". 1.3 At that time, there was an expectation that a second date for an application in 2009 would be established by OMAFRA and a new application could be prepared and submitted. However, repeated inquiries to OMAFRA failed to provide a new intake date for the Broadband Program. 1.4 By letter dated July 20, 2009, we received notice from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services providing information on the Industry Canada Broadband Program indicating that the first phase of the Federal Broadband Program would involve an extensive, time limited mapping exercise to identify and validate unserved or underserved geographic areas, followed by a competitive call for applications in late summer 2009. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) were asked to verify their coverage areas by July 24, 2009 and all citizens were encouraged to participate as soon as possible to inform the program. Copy of the notice is attached as Schedule "B°. 1.5 On September 1, 2009 the Province.of Ontario announced their partnership with the Federal government to bring high speed internet to more residents and businesses in rural and Northern Ontario. Competed applications had to be submitted by 4:00 P.M. (EST) October 23, 2009. 1.6 Under this new partnership the Federal government would fund successful projects up to a value of 50% and the Province would fund an amount up to one third of the eligible project costs. However, the Provincial support was contingent on successful application to the Federal program. 1.7 Under this new program applicants could include private companies, consortiums and not for profit organizations (including municipalities) that can build and operate telecommunications infrastructure. 1.8 Given the new requirements, Clarington, the Region and area municipalities were not in a position to make application for a grant as we are not in the business of building and operating internet systems that would be in competition with the provide sector. 1.9 In early October, staff of Clarington, The Region of Durham and area municipalities of Scugog, Ajax, Pickering, Uxbridge and the Township of Brock had discussions amongst themselves and with a representative of OMAFRA to better understand what, if anything REPORT NO.: COD-067-09 PAGE 4 could be done to improve the coverage in our respective areas. 1.10 Following the discussions and additional information from the OMAFRA it was concluded that each respective agency would approach known ISPs to determine if they were planning to make. application and to determine 'rf there was anything we as a group could do to assist. This was met with some degree of success in that we were able to determine that some ISPs were in fact in the process of preparing applications. However, barring the provision of statistics on unserved or underserved households in the area, there was little that we could contribute. 2. FINANCIAL 2.1. Beyond staff time to review the new program and attend meetings there are no financial implications to this program. 3. CONCLUSION 3.1. Under the new Federal initiative to improve broadband coverage the focus is on improving broadband coverage first to residential areas and secondly to businesses nation-wide. At the Federal level the competition for grant money is nationwide while the Federal Provincial Partnership was aimed at improving broadband coverage in the respective provinces. With the requirement that applicants build and operate the network this essentially ruled out many municipalities save those who were already set up to offer similar services. 3.2. This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager, and is presented for information. Attachments: Schedule "A" - Letter by OMAFRA dated June 19, 2009 Schedule "B" -Letter by MGS -Ministry of Government Services dated July 20, 2009 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 4th Floor 1 Stone Road West Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2 Tel: (57 91 826-347 9 Fax: (5191826-4336 Miniatire de ('Agriculture, de ('Alimentation et des Affaires rurales 4° 8[age 1 Stone Road West Guelph (Ontario) NiG 4Y2 T61.: (5191926-3419 T€16c.: (5191826-4336 Rural Community Development Branch Friday June 19, 2009 Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3Ati Dear Mr. Wu: SCHEDULE "A" rte. ~~'Ontario lJr' JUL 0 3 2009 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE Thank you for submitting an application under the Rural Connections Broadband Program. Funding decisions aze based on the merits of each individual proposal in comparison with other proposals as it relates to readiness, commitment, broadband gap to be covered, and benefits to the community. Further to your eazlier conversation with Mr. Dino Radocchia, Manager, Rural Investments Unit, Rural Community Development Branch, this letter confirms that based on the information provided your application, your project will not be funded under Intake Two of the Rural Connections Broadband Program. I can assure you, however, that your municipality's commitment to developing Ontario's rural economy and making Ontario's rural communities stronger is appreciated. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rick Hansen, Broadband Coordinator, Eastern Region at 613-283-7002 ext. 111. Sincerely, Vv~ Martin Bohl Director, Rural Community Development Branch c. Rick Hansen, Broadband Coordinator, Eastem Region Ministry Headquarters: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontado N1 G 4Y2 Pidt Ontario Freshriess $ Bureau pdndpal du ministPre: 1 Stone Road West, Guelph (Ontario N1G 4Y2 ,7 Cueillez la fraicheur de I'OMario NDdr .• SCHEDULE "B" Ministry of Government Services Office of the Corporate Chief Strateglat I d IT Strategy, Policy and Planning Branch Mlnlstbre des Services Gauvernementaux Bureau tlu stretega en chef de I'Informadon pour 18 fonctlon publlque Direction dea stratAglea, tlea palltlquea et de la planlflcatlon en matl8re d'ITI ~ry- ~r- Ontario 5°i Floor, Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley Street West, Toronto ON M7A 1 N3 Telephone: (416)327-2085 Facsimile: (416)327-2190 July 20, 2009 Edifice Ferguson, 5e stage 77, rue Wellesley Ouast, Toronto ON M7A 1N3 Telephone: (416)327-2086 Telecooieur: (4161327-2190 As you may know, Industry Canada (IC) has $225 million to extend broadband coverage across Canada. The objective of this Federal Broadband Program is to provide unserved and underserved Canadian households access to broadband services (minimum 1.5 Mbps), including broadband coverage for First Nations communities. This initiative represents an important opportunity for the continued expansion of broadband access in Ontario. For this program, eligible applicants include the private sector or consortiums of companies, not-for-profit organizations, and provincial/territorial entities that build and operate broadband infrastructure. Program details are available on the Industry Canada website at http //www is oc ca/sic/site/719 nsf/ena/home. The program provides for federal funding of up to 50% for projects covering First Nations communities; however, project areas can be funded up to an additional 50% from other federal First Nations funding programs. The first phase of the Federal Broadband Program involves an extensive, time-limited mapping exercise to identify and validate unserved or underserved geographic areas, followed by a competitive call for applications in late summer 2009. ISPs (Internet Service Providers), municipalities, businesses, citizens and any organization with knowledge of this issue are invited to assist with mapping broadband. coverage by providing their input. I would encourage you to access Industry Canada's interactive broadband maps and provide your feedback online regarding the availability of broadband coverage within your respective geographic area. The Industry Canada website can be found afwww.ic.gc.ca/broadbandmaos. There is also a hotline toll- free number for those without Internet access at 1-800-575-9200. Everyone can play a crucial role in ensuring remaining gaps in rural and remote regions of the province are accurately identified and in encouraging applications to the Federal Broadband Program for any unserved or underserved areas. Please note that ISPs are being asked to verify their coverage areas by July 24th, and we encourage all citizens to participate as soon as possible to inform the program. For current information on broadband and related initiatives in the Province of Ontario please visit htto://www.digitalontario.mos.oov.on ca. I would like to thank you for your efforts and I encourage you to share this information with any of your relevant contacts. Sincerely, Barb Swartzentruber Strategic Projects Manager Ministry of Government Services