HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-10-92 \ ..II THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: OCTOBER 26 1992 File # moor I 306, Ai ,q Res. # c- 700 - q,;{ By-Law # Report #: ADMIN. 1 ~ile- #9 2 Subject: NAME CHANGE OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE - FINAL REPORT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 10 - 92 be received; 2. That the name of the municipality be changed to . , 3. That the description of the Corporation in its name be changed from "Town" to "Municipality" and that the "Municipality" have the same rights, powers, and duties as a town municipality under the law; 4. That the Mayor and appropriate staff be authorized to take the necessary steps to implement the intent of this report including Recommendations #2 and #3; 5. That the Council pass the implementing By-Law contained in Attachment #F1 to Report ADMIN. 10 - 92; 6. That a copy of Report ADMIN. 10 - 92 be forwarded to The Honourable Dave Cooke, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Mr. Gordon Mills, M.P.P., the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission, the Newcastle Public Library Board, the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board; 7. That the Region of Durham be requested to approve the changes outlined in Recommendations #2 and #3 and notify the Minister of Municipal Affairs accordingly; ">em" ~ ""'" PIIPER'a/AECYCLE THIS IS PAINTED(lN RECYCLED PAPER ADMIN. 10 - 92 2 8. That special thanks be conveyed for their co-operation and assistance to the following: Chairman and Members of the Name Change Committee; Chairman and Members of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education; Chairman and Members of the Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board; The Honourable Dave Cooke, Minister of Municipal Affairs; Gordon Mills, M.P.P. 9. That the Council initiate a competition amongst the youth of the municipality through the various secondary schools in order to develop and design a new logo to implement the municipality's new name. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to provide the members of Council with the final package of material pertaining to the issue of the name change of the Town of Newcastle including appropriate recommendations for Council's consideration. As the members of Council are aware, the process related to this matter stemmed from the referendum included in the 1991 municipal election held on November 12, 1991 relating to the following question: "Are you in favour of retaining the name of the Town of Newcastle?" The majority of the ballots cast answered the question in the negative, that is "No" 7876, and "Yes" 5492. Immediately following its inauguration, the present Council took action and established a process to specifically deal with changing the name of the Town. This included an examination of the procedures required to be followed in order to implement same. Report ADMIN. 3 - 92 provided a status report related to the various directions of Council (refer to Attachment #1). The Council's request of the Region contained in Report ADMIN. 3 -92 was referred by the Regional Council to its Special Standing Committee on February 5 1992. As yet the matter has not been dealt with by the Regional Council. ADMIN. 10 - 92 3 The present report deals with the several matters related to the process established by the Council and is structured under the following headings: A) Name Change Committee B) Status of Municipality C) Implementation Options D) Costs to the Municipality E) Other Agencies Affected F) Implementing By-Law 'G) New Municipal Logo It should be emphasized that the Town of Newcastle was created through the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, 1973 as a town municipality comprising the former Town of Bowrnanville, Village of Newcastle, Township of Clarke and the Township of Darlington. The Regional Act is a public Act and accordingly any change to it must be made by an amending public Act. A) NAME CHANGE COMMITTEE 1. In order to implement the result of the referendum of November 12 1991, the Council established a Name Change Committee to facilitate public consultation and establish a process to ultimately recommend to Council a new name to replace "Newcastle". 2. At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of April 6 1992, it was announced that an advertisement would be placed in the local newspapers on April 8 1992 in order to receive nominations for individuals to sit on the Name Change Committee (refer to Attachment #A1). The Committee would be comprised of eight residents, six appointed by Council (two represented by each ward) and one appointee from each Board of Education. Nominations for the Committee were to be received by the Town Clerk no later than April 30 1992. 3. At its meeting of May 25 1992, Council passed resolution #C- 348-92 (refer to Attachment #A2) appointing eight members to the Name Change Committee and allocating funds to finance the costs of the committee. The terms of reference for the Committee are provided as Attachment #A3. 4. On June 22 1992, the Chairman of the Name Change Committee reported to Council regarding budget requirements and the course of action to be followed for purposes of changing the ADMIN. 10 - 92 4 name of the Town (refer to Attachment #A4). Specifically, the process was to focus on considerable public input and consultation and coverage through the media. Council passed resolution #C-425-92 related to the delegation of the Chairman of the Name Change Committee (refer to Attachment #A5). 5. Phase 1 of the process established by the Name Change Committee was designed to provide the public with information related to the process. Phase 2 involved the task of gathering suggestions regarding a suitable alternative name. A letter was mailed to every household in the municipality which outlined the process and contained a section for suggested new names. By the cut-off date of July 31 1992, 1300 responses were received by the Name Change Committee. 6. Following its review of the responses, the Committee selected six names which were compiled from the suggestions received. The following six names were announced at a press conference held on August 17 1992: Applewood Clarington Darlington Darlington Mills Orchard Mills Pineridge 7. Following the press conference advertisements were placed in local newspapers advising the public of the names announced and stating that a series of preference meetings were to be held during the month of September. Residents of the Town who attended these meetings were given the opportunity to cast a vote for their favourite name (refer to Attachment #A6). The Name Change Committee held a meeting on October 6 1992 at which time it selected a final name to be recommended to the Town Council. 8. At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of October 19 1992, the Chairman of the Name Change Committee presented the final report (refer to Attachment #A7). Among other things, the Chairman summarized the Name Change Committee's activities and indicated that the recommendation of the Name Change Committee would be presented to the Council at its meeting on October 26 1992. 9. The Chairman of the Name Change Committee also indicated that the public process undertaken by the Name Change Committee in dealing with a new name for the municipality revealed that some confusion exists amongst the public regarding the municipality's status and reference as a ADMIN. 10 - 92 5 "Town". Notwithstanding that it was not the Name Change Committee's responsibility to deal with this matter, the Chairman indicated that this matter should be addressed by the Council. B) STATUS OF THE MUNICIPALITY 1. During the process established by Council a significant amount of work has been undertaken related to the name change of the municipality. This has included a review of the matter of the description of the municipality which has been raised on several occasions. As indicated above, it would appear that reference to the municipality as a "Town" on its signage, reference material, and the like, may be creating some confusion. In this regard, considerable liaison has taken place between the Town and representatives of the provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs in order to ascertain ways and means to alleviate the situation if it was desirable in the Council's opinion to do so. 2. In this connection, the various meetings and correspondence related to this issue would indicate that it would be open to the Council to consider for reference purposes a more suitable description such as "municipality" (refer to Attachments #B1 - #B4). 3. Such a consideration may be beneficial to the municipality in that the existing structure relative to provincial grants for such matters as bridges, culverts, connecting link construction projects and the like would not be affected to the detriment of the existing situation. At the same time, however, the Council could take advantage of clarifying the description of the municipality. 4. Indications from staff of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (refer to Attachment #B4) are supportive in a general sense if the choice of reference for the municipality does not conflict with any current legally defined term such as "district municipality" apparently reserved for other areas of the Province. 5. Such an approach has been reviewed within the context of discussions with other municipalities that have sought a status change (for example, The City of Vaughan). As such, it would not be in the best interest for the municipality to change its legal status as a town municipality since that in the final analysis would result in grant restructuring and reductions. ADMIN. 10 - 92 6 C) IMPLEMENTING OPTIONS 1. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle was established by the Regional Municipality of Durham Act which is a public Act. Under the provisions of the Act it is a "town municipality" and is also defined to be an "area municipality". The classification of the municipality as a town municipality rather than, for example, a city municipality is primarily of financial significance. 2. Subsection 3(1) of the Regional Municipalities Act permits the Lieutenant Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister of Municipal Affairs upon an application by the Council of an area municipality by order to alter the status of the area municipality (for example from a town municipality to a city municipality) and to direct the new name that the area municipality will bear when its status is altered. 3. Since the procedure for changing the name of an area municipality set out in Subsection 3(1) of the Regional Municipalities Act is only available in cases where the status of the area municipality is changed, in order to avoid negative financial consequences that will result from a change in the status of the municipality, it is recommended that Council should not use this process to effect a change in the name of the Corporation. 4. As pointed out above, a number of conditional Provincial grants available to a town municipality either are not available at all, or are less than the conditional provincial grants available to city municipalities. It is important therefore that the re-named and re-described municipality retain the status of a town municipality under the law. Further, in order to be consistent with the provisions of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act and other provincial legislation, it is also important that the re-named municipality continue to be defined as an area municipality for the purposes of this legislation. 5. In order to change the name of the Corporation without at the same time changing its status, it will be necessary to amend the provisions of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act in which the name of the Town is referred to. Since the Regional Municipality of Durham Act is a public Act, it can only be amended to provide for a different name and description of the Town of Newcastle by a public Act to amend the Regional Act. The only routes available to obtain ADMIN. 10 - 92 9 7. The estimated costs to implement a name change for the municipality, including the necessary legislative and legal processes, have been determined to be at approximately $90,000. These costs include an estimate to replace six provincial highway identification signs, if in fact the municipality is responsible in the end for such costs. 8. The estimated cost attributable to the replacement of existing stock of the promotional brochures is not reflected in the $90,000. This is due to the fact that its inclusion in the total cost estimate is more a function of the timing of approvals of a name change by the Province. That is, the existing stock may be depleted by the time a name change is put into effect. Attachment #D2 reflects this assumption. 9. In discussions with staff of the Region, it has been determined that any associated costs to the Region as a result of the municipality changing its name would be minimal. E OTHER AGENCIES AFFECTED 1. The Regional Municipality of Durham Act authorizes the Minister of Municipal Affairs by order to provide for the 1+ establishment of a public library board in any area '\_' \ 0, \ \ C\ municipality. The Town of Newcastle Public Libr_~EY_~Q~~(:tJ r' /1.f.l.., was established by order dated September 9 1994~made under ~ the provisions of the original Regional Act. It would appear that the name of this Board may also be changed by Ministerial order made under Section 43 of the current Regional Act. 2. The Newcastle-Hydro Electric Commission was established by The Durham Municipal Hydro-Electric Service Act, 1979. Subsection 9(3) of the current Regional Act provides that the commission "shall be known by the name set out below that relates to the area municipality in respect of which the commission is continued". In the case of the Town the commission is currently required to be known as the Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission. 3. The Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission may wish to consider a change to its name which would have to be effected by an amendment to the Regional Act. If the commission determines that its name should be changed to correspond to the new name of the municipality, a timely application for the enactment of a public Act could be considered in conjunction with the municipality's application recommended in this report. ADMIN. 10 - 92 7 the enactment of a public Act are those set out in the Minister's letter of September 4 1992, (refer to Attachment #B3) that is (i) as a Government Bill introduced by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, or (ii) as a private member's Bill introduced by a private member to enact a public Act to amend the Regional Act in this regard. 6. British parliamentary custom which is followed in the Legislative Assembly, requires as a general rule, that Bills to enact public Acts or amendments thereto be presented to the Assembly by a member of the government, that is a Minister of the Crown. The reason for this is that if the Bill in question fails to pass the Assembly, then the decision of the Assembly may be regarded as an expression of lack of confidence in the Government (as it would be if the Bill dealt with appropriations under the annual budget) and having regard to British Parliamentary custom, the Government may consider itself obliged to resign, thereby triggering either the appointment of a new Government by the Lieutenant Governor or the holding of a new election. 7. Alternatively, a public Act may be enacted following the introduction of the necessary Bill in the Assembly by a private member of the Legislative Assembly who is not a member of the Government, that is, who is not a Minister of the Crown. In such a case, defeat of the Bill would not trigger the resignation of the Government since the Bill by definition would not be a Government Bill. 8. Whether introduced by the Minister or by a private member following second reading, a Bill to enact a public Act will be referred to the Committee of the Whole House unless it is referred to a Standing or Select Committee by a majority of the House. If it is referred to a Standing or Select Committee, the Committee may decide to conduct a public hearing into the merits and demerits of the Bill. The Committee will report back to the House which then will determine whether to give the Bill third reading with or without amendments. The period required to complete these steps cannot be predicted at this time. 9. Further discussion needs to take place with representatives of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs as to which of the above two options to amend the Regional Act should be selected. The Mayor and appropriate staff should be given the discretion to make the final selection. ADMIN. 10 - 92 8 o. COST TO THE MUNICIPALITY 1. At its meeting held on September 14, 1992, Council approved Recommendation #GPA-602-92 (refer to Attachment #01) which directed staff to include in a subsequent report an itemized estimate of the costs to the Corporation that would be associated with a name change. 2. While it is difficult at this time to precisely define the entire range of costs that might be experienced throughout the process of changing the municipality's name, many of the associated costs can be estimated. Also it is important to realize that once identified such costs may be phased in over a period of time after a name change is approved by the Province. This would quite obviously lessen the total financial impact on the municipality at anyone point in time. 3. It should also be mentioned that the value attached to the positive publicity and Province-wide focus on the municipality as a result of the name change is a benefit that is difficult to factor into the cost/benefit equation. 4. The estimated costs presented in Attachment #02 (which also identifies exclusions) have been categorized by function and department, and represent the value of new material or supplies that will be required earlier in the process. 5. Estimated costs such as those for obligatory stationery forms may be less than the estimates provided, depending on the timing and availability of such forms from suppliers. Every effort will be made to deplete any existing stock and only replace the name of the municipality on those signs, decals, and the like, where it is thought to derive the most benefit. For example, the road signs that identify the hamlets as a community within the municipality were initially posted to avoid the confusion regarding the name of the municipality. It is assumed that a name change would remove the confusion in this area thereby making the use of these signs redundant. 6. The implementation of the name change and the estimated costs would be staged through the 1993 and 1994 budgets, as appropriate, after approval of a new name by the Province. Also, it will be made as economically efficient as possible by incorporating the impact within the budget guidelines approved by Council. . , ADMIN. 10 - 92 10 4. Information compiled to date would indicate that the two education authorities with jurisdiction in the municipality, the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board have been named by Regulation passed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under subsection 55 (4) of the Education Act in the case of the former Board, and in the case of the latter Board, by the Board with the approval of the Minister of Education under subsection 102 (4) of the current Education Act. 5. If these Boards or either of them consider that it would be desirable to change their names to replace the reference to "Newcastle" with a reference to the new name of the municipality, they can determine whether this change may be affected under the provisions of the Education Act without any amendment being required to be made to the Regional Act. F IMPLEMENTING BY-LAW 1. A draft by-law to implement the above recommendations in respect of the change in the description and name of the municipality is provided as Attachment #F1. G NEW MUNICIPAL LOGO 1. Considerable effort and involvement of many individuals has occurred throughout the process established by the Council regarding changing the municipality's name. Specifically, this process has solicited a great deal of positive input from the public. In view of this very important aspect, it is suggested that the public's involvement be extended to focus attention on the development of a new logo design. This could be accomplished through the creativity of our youth and arranged through the various secondary schools in the municipality with the final result being presented to Council for approval. All of the above is presented for Council's consideration. submitted, cz~ saurer (--") '. / dUfft'-( Administratpr / ( Attachment # THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Res. # By-Law # Date: February 3 1992 Report #: ADMIN. 3-92File #: Subject: Name Change for the Town of Newcastle - Status Report RecorgmendaUons: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 3 - 92 be received for information. REPORT: 'The purpose of this report is to ~rovide the Members of Council with an update as it pertains to the issue o~ the name change of the Town of Newcastle. At its meeting of December 2nd 1991 the Town Council passed a Resolution the essence of which authorized the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer to meet with responsible officials of the ~nistry of Municipal Affairs regarding the process and procedure required to be followed in changing the name of the Town (refer to Attachment #1 which includes a copy of the said resolution and the letter to the Honourable Minister). Attachment #2 provides the Minister's response to the Mayor wherein an initial meeting with a representative of the ~nistry of Municipal Affairs and the local M.P.P., Mr~ Gordon ~lls is suggested. As a result of this exchange a meeting took place between Mr. Paul Jones of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, .Mr. Municipal Affairs that reasonable requests cannot be simply denied, in particular if a suitable process has been followed in order to reach a consensus regarding the name change. 2) The process the Town will undertake to determine a suitable name change This aspect is of critical significance in terms of establishing an alternative name for the Town, the process that the Town will undertake to arrive at this and the basis of the ultimate decision that Town Council will reach in this regard. .Council may consider aspects such as the following in finalizing such a process: involvement of the public, consideration of suggestions from interested citizens in the Town, alternative mechanisms to obtain input in order to achieve a consensus, and a method of coordinating the approach. This particular aspect will be subject to a subsequent report and the consideration of Council once an appropriate course of action and process has been determined and suggestions are made as to the manner in which this process could be undertaken. Also, the element of timing should be examined. , In addition, it may be appropriate for the Council to consider the Municipality's status of "Town", its appropriateness and any alternative consideration that may be put forward ,to the Province. Some comments provided to date indicate that this terminology in itself is confusing within the Municipality and should be reviewed. 3) Various aspects of the Reqional Municipalitv of Durham Act that will require amendment Once the Municipality has undertaken its review process to suggest a name change, various aspects of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act will require amendment. The specific amendments will be identified at an appropriate Gordon Mills, M.P.P., the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer on January 24 1992. The purpose of the meeting was to initiate discussion regarding various procedural aspects related to the name change. Essentially, the meeting focused on four general areas. 1) The various procedural alternatives available to the Town to introduce a name change to the Provincial Government; The process that the Town will be following in order to determine a suitable name change; Various aspects of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act that will require amendment; The concurrence of the Region of Durham regarding a name change. 2 ) 3) . 4) 1) Procedural alternatives available to introduce a name chanqe to the Province At the meeting of January 24, 1992, various alternative methods regarding provincial procedure were reviewed in order to address and appreciate the options available to the Town once a new name has been selected. In short, the legislative processes include consideration of the Town's application through. a Private Bill, an Omnibus Bill introduced by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, a Private Members Bill or through various amendments to the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, depending on the circumstances. It should also be mentioned that alternative courses of action have different time implications in terms of expediency. It would be appropriate for the Town to consider selection of a procedural alternative regarding actions to be followed and a meeting will be called to address this in the immediate future. At this time it would appear that the most significant hurdle will be to reach consensus on what the new name for the municipality should be. It was indicated by the representative from the Ministry of time later in the process and will form part of the Town's application to the Province. It should be noted that such changes would largely be procedural in nature. 4) The concurrence of the Reqional Municipality of Durham reqardinq a name change The representative from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs indicated that through the review process the Town of Newcastle should seek the Region's concurrence regarding the change of its name. As indicated above the advice provided indicated that a request of this nature cannot be unreasonably denied as long as the related process and the arrival to a suitable name change is subject to a reasonable process and exhibits some consensus. Members of Council will recall that at its meeting of January 13 1992, Town Council requested the Regional Municipality of Durham to approve and endorse the intent of obtaining a name change for the Town (refer to Attachment #3). This matter was forwarded to the Regional Clerk and the correspondence will be considered at the Regional Council me~ting of February 5th 1992. Final Comments It should be appreciated that a considerable amount of work will be required by the Municipality in order to complete the above. Accordingly, staff will be making some suggestions to the Members of Council as to an appropriate procedure that could be followed such that this matter can be dealt with expeditiously while at the same time obtaining an appropriate consensus. Also it was suggested by the Ministry's representative that this process need not await any concurrence from the Region of Durham before it is initiated. It was also suggested that other government agencies, namely the Boards of Education be contacted regarding involvement in the process. Staff will be reporting to the Council in the near future regarding this matter. Respectfully submitted, ~Til Lawrence ~:otseff' Chief Administrative Officer Att. ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT ADMIN. 3 - 92 1\7 ewcastre =-0 ONTARIO December 16th, 1991 RECEI"~~ The Honourable Dave Cooke, M.P.P. The Minister of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Dear Mr. Minister: DEe ~:~ 1~~1 J. "FI'hti~1 m-r.: i,i\.!;::i r/~ '. :-. I t-UVljl\l "..l), Ill".. \,i ". _~c ;.- 1.11\ RlIlHro/lQ:!T-:DI\-.-ril1:.< :-j;.' . I nunmlUOl'tf'\ I..... \::-"'::~_I.:_.\:.- ~ . At the municipal election held on November 12th, 1991, the fallowing question was placed before the electors in the ~wn of Newcastle, "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF RETAINING THE NAME OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE?". As a result of this, a clear majority of the electors expressed the preference not to retain the name of the Town of Newcastle. Furthermore, the Council of the Town of Newcastle, at its inaugural meeting of December 2nd, 1991, considered the above and unanimously passed a resolution (refer to attachment #1) to deal with the matter as expeditiously as possible, with the assistance of your offices. -As you are aware, the Town of Newcastle was incorporated by the Regional Municipality of Durham Act and as such, the implementation of a name change would require an amendment to this public statute. It should be indicated that a new preferred name of the Town has not been selected by the Council. However, I am very anxious to implement, as quickly as possible, the decision of the electors and to discuss with you the ways and means to accomplish this. I look foward to a meeting with you or your representatives at your earliest convenience and would like to take this opportunity to extend best wishes during the holiday season. ~~uv D lANE HAMRE Mayor /mr cc: Mr. Gary Herrema, Chairman, Regional Municipality of Durham THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION if DATE DECEMBER 2, 1991 MOVED BY Councillor Hooper SECONDED: BY Councillor Novak WHEREAS at the municipal election held on November 12, 1991, a majority of voters expressed their preference that the name of the Town of Newcastle should not be retained; WHEREAs the name of the Town of Newcastle was established in a public statute, the Regional Municipality of Durham Act; : WHEREAS a change in the name of .the Town of New-cas.tIe would require an amendment to the Regional. Municipality of Durham Act; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE: l. THAT the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to meet at the earliest opportunity with.the responsible -officials in the Ministry of Municipal-Affairs to determine the process and procedure that the Government of. Ontario will require to be followed for this process and re~rt back to C9uncil; and I 2. THAT the~~egional~~hairmanrof the Regional Municipality of -Durham-be advised of this resolution. s .CEHYIFQH~ ,. TRUE COpy ~i~ =-- """= 'mDI' Ontario ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT ADMIN. 3 - 92 Office of the Minister Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministere des Affaires municipales 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 (416)585-7000 Bureau du ministre January 9, 1992 ~~<9lbOW~~ JAH 24 1992 rovm OF NEWCASTLE MA YOR'S OFFICE Her Worship Mayor Diane Hamre Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance street Bowmanville, ontario LIC 3A6 Dear Mayor Hamre: Thank you for your letter of December 16, 1991 inquiring about the ways and means to change the Town of Newcastle's name. Paul Jones, Manager of my Central Regional Office, is available to meet and discuss this matter with you and I have asked him to contact you to arrange such a meeting. I understand that he has, in fact, already discussed the issue with your Chief Administrative Officer, Larry Kotseff. You might also include your local M.P.P., Gordon MillS, in your discussions. Mr. Mills has indicated a willingness to introduce a Private Member's Bill into the Legislature to effect any name change. I wish you and your Council colleagues well in your deliberations over a new name. sincerely, ~~ Dave Cooke Minister M.P.P., Windsor-Riverside c.c. Mr. Gordon Mills, M.P.P., Durham East 777, rue Bay Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5 (416)585-7000 ATTACHMENT #3 TO REPORT ADMIN. 3 - 92 l'!jjjc~!~ FILE COpy January 14, 1992 Mr. C._Lundy, Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Rd. E. wqitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 Dear Mr. Lundy: RE: NAME CHANGE FOR THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE At a meeting held on January 13, 1992, the Council of the Town of Newcastle approved Recommendation fGPA-52-92: "THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle, on the basis of the recent plebiscite, now endorse the intent of obtaining a name change for the Town; and THAT this resolution be sent to the Region of Durham for approval, FORTHWITH." Will you please submit this matter to your Council for their consideration and approval. Yours truly, LL Marie P. Knig Deputy Clerk MPK/lb Attachment # A1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NAME CHANGE COMMITTEE At the municipal election held on November 12, 1991, the voters decided that the name of the Town 01 Newcastle should not be retained. In order to generate new ideas for a new name and to facilitate public consultation, Council has decided to appoint a Name Change Committee. The Committee will recommend to Council by October 19,1992 one new name (which cannot be the . name of any existing community in the Town) to replace "New- castle". Council will consider the Committee's recommendation and make the Town's recommendation to the Government of On- tario . The Committee is to comprise eight residents of the Town six 01 whom will be appointed by Council. Two persons appointed by Council shall reside in each of Wards 1,2, and 3. In addition, the Newcastle and Northumberland Board of Education and the Pe- terborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Cath- olic Separate School Board each have been asked to appoint one member Of the committee. Each person who Is appointed by a Board may be a member of the Board. The Name Change Com- mittee shall appoint one 01 its members to be Chair. It Is expected that participation on the Committee will require a considerable time commitment. The Committee shall be responsible lor designing and implement- ing an appropriate public consultation process. A progress report on its work shall be submitted by the Committee to Council every month. Council will determine the status of the municipality (e.g. Town etc.) which will be recommended to the Government 01 On- tario. A budget appropriation will be made to fund the work '01 the Committee. Interested residents Of each of Wards 1,2 and 3 are invited to ap- ply or to nominate other residents to Council for consideration as appointees to the Name Change Committee. All applications or nominations must be received by the Town Clerk no later than April 30, 1992. l:!ivWlast(e ~ Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3AG Date 01 Publication April 8, 1992 Attachment # A2 Council Minutes - 2 - May 25, 1992 NAME CHANGE COMMI'ITEE Resolution #C-348-92 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hooper WHEREAS it is Council's intention to appoint a Name Change Committee to deal with the voters' decision by referendum, that the name of the Town of Newcastle not be retained; and WHEREAS interested citizens of each of Wards 1, 2 and 3 have applied to participate on the Name Change Committee; and WHEREAS the local School Boards have suggested appointments of members to this Committee; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE: 1. THAT the following individuals be appointed to the Town of Newcastle Name Change Committee: Ward 1 Malcolm C. Hamon M. Cathy McKeever Ward 2 Don Gilhooly David Wing Ward 3 Geri Bailey Ron Hope Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Shirley Robson Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Newcastle R.C.S.S.B. Caroline Burke 2. THAT funds in the amount of $5,000.00 be drawn from the Contingency Account No. 7007-00000-0298 and allocated as interim funding until the Committee's course of action and public participation process has been approved by Council; and 3. THAT the Name Change Committee meet to select a Chair, fInalize its course of action and recommend the same to Council for approval by June 22nd, 1992; and 4. THAT all individuals who responded to the advertisement be thanked for their interest in this matter. "CARRIED" G.P.A Minutes - 23 - January 6, 1992 OTHER BUSINESS Name Change for the Town of Newcastle ADJOURNMENT Resolution #GP A-52-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by: Councillor HRnnAh THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle, on the basis of the recent plebiscite, now endorse the intent of obtaining a name change for the Town; and THAT this resolution be sent to the Region of Durham for approval, FORTHWITIL Resolution #GP A-53-92 "CARRIED" Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the meeting be "In Camera". Resolution #GP A-54-92 "CARRIED" Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the recommendations contained in RePort ADMIN-1-92, as amended, be approve<i. Resolution #GP A-55-92 "CARRIED" Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor. Hannah THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:35 p.rn. "CARRIED" Chairman, Planning Department Attachment # A3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NAME CHANGE COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE PURPOSE: -to generate new ideas for a new name for the Town of Newcastle -to establish a process and facilitate public consultation -to recommend to Council a new name, to replace "Newcastle" GUIDELINES: The Name Committee shall: -appoint one of its members to be Chair of the Committee -design and implement an appropriate public consultation process -recommend to Council by June 22nd, 1992, a course of action and appropriate budget to conduct the process -report to Council on a monthly basis regarding its progress -recommend to Council by October 19th, 1992, a name to replace Newcastle which cannot be the name of any existing community in the Town of Newcastle The Name Change Committee shall not be required to determine the status (ie. City, Town, District) of the Municipality. BUDGET REQUEST AND COURSE OF ACTION OUTLINE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NAME CHANGE COMMITTEE Attachment # A4 Monday June 22, 1992 As chairman of the Town of Newcastle Name Change Committee I would like to recommend to Council the following public consultation process to find a replacement for the name Newcastle. Also, I will be outlining our anticipated costs for this project in the form of a budget allocation request. The process of consultation that the Committee has designed is meant to maximize public input while minimizing the cost to the Town of Newcastle residents. As a committee of 8 people, we will strive to do all we can to be answerable and accessible to the public. We are well aware of the fact that a fair and unbiased method must be used to select a new name if we are to settle this issue and move on to other pressing matters in the Town. Phase One of the process is already in action and it is designed to provide the public with information about the upcoming name change process. Information will be presented through local media, council meetings, newspaper advertisements, and by phone where necessary. The Committee asks that any member of the Town of Newcastle that has a specific concern please call the Town Hall in Bowmanville and leave a message. One of the members of the committee will call back as soon as possible. This initial phase should be completed by July the 8th. Phase Two will be a very important stage because it will involve the task of gathering suggestions from Newcastle residents as to what they feel is a suitable replacement name. Every address in the Town of Newcastle will mailed a letter that will outline the upcoming process and what can be aone to get involved. This information letter will also feature a suggestion form that can be mailed directly to Town Hall. Also, to make the involvement even easier, there will be boxes located at locations across the Town that the forms can be deposited in. At each location there will be additional suggestion forms so that' every member of every family may fill one out. It is anticipated that each resident will submit only one name so that the number of forms to review will be a manageable one. On the other hand, we hope that we have thousands of forms to read over because this will tell us that the public has taken their opportunity to get involved in this historical process. Once the closing date for suggestions has arrived, July 31st, the committee will review the ideas to determine a short list of names according to public input. Since a member of the committee has devoted a great deal of time to researching the history of the Town, and, members of the committee represent all 3 wards, I am confident that an unbiased, well thought out short list will be drawn up for the Town of Newcastle residents to chose from. The finalist names will be presented to the public through local media and newspaper ads by August 19th. Phase Three will see committee members travelling to centres across the Town to enable residents to state their preference of the names on the short list. 8 to 12 central locations will be used ensure that no one has far to travel to get involved. During these evening sessions residents are asked to come by and indicated their choice of names on a preference list and deposit it in the box provided. Newspaper ads will inform when and where these evenings will take place. The committee would like to stress the fact ~'-at the locations are meant for convenience only. Should a resident miss a ne and location near them they are more than welcome to attend an evening ~~sewhere. This phase will be completed by September 30th. The fourth and final phase of the process will be the task of reading through the preferences and coming to a decision on one name to recommend to council on October 19th. The committee is well aware of the gravity of this decision and the selection will be made only after careful and complete consideration of all the options presented. The committee is asking council for a bUdget allocation that will be necessary to facilitate the process just outlined. The budget, as mentioned at the outset, is aimed at getting maximum public input at a minimal cost. As residents of the Town of Newcastle, members of the committee are well aware that each dollar we spend is partially our own. This has been a good incentive to keep the costs down. The budget requirements break down in the following manner: Printing of 18,000 information/suggestion forms Direct mailing of above forms $500.00 $500.00 Signs/posters for each suggestion box $100.00 One "sandwich board" sign to advertise the location of evening preference meetings $250.00 $500.00 $3600.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $7450.00 Printing of preference lists Advertising in local papers Rental fees for halls - preference meetings Other expenses TOTAL This budget request comes after several committee meetings and consultation with the Town of Newcastle treasurer, Marie Marano. Everything possible will be done to come in under this budgeted amount. Four weeks ago, a group of 8 volunteers met for the first time to work on this committee. During this short time, we have been able to work together as a cohesive unit, free of self-interest or bias. The committee has one goal in mind and that is a fair and accessible public process to determine a name replacement for Newcastle. We sincerely hope that the residents take advantage of the opportunity to take part in this history making event. In conclusion, I would like to thank Linda Bruce, an employee with the Town, who has already become an invaluable resource. Linda has been more then a recording secretary, she has also fulfilled the function of a liaison between the committee and members of the Town Hall staff and council. Also, the committee would like to thank Mayor Hamre and the council for being a resource to us, but at the same time, doing everything they can to low us to work through this process without interference. I personally ...nd this a trust that I would have thought quite uncommon in the political arena. Mayor Hamre you are indeed fulfilling the wish of the people as indicated in the election that brought you to office, and the committee is looking forward to working together in the upcoming months. Council Minutes DELEGATIONS Attachment # AS - 2 - June 22, 1992 Following the closing date of July 31st, the Committee will review the names suggested by the residents and determine a short list. The fmal names will be presented to the public through local media and newspaper ads by August 19. Phase 3 will involve Committee Members travelling to 8 to 12 central locations where the public will be invited to state their preference on the names which have been shortlisted. This phase will be completed by September 30. The 4th and fmal phase of the process will be the task of determining the preferences and coming to a decision on one name to recommend to Council on October 19, 1992. Mr. Wing requested, on behalf of the Committee, a budget allocation of $7,450 to cover the costs of printing, mailing, advertising in the newspapers and rental fees for halls for meetings. Larry Defosse was called but was not present. Helen MacDonald, R.R. #1, Newtonville, LOA IJO, gave a slide presentation on the Town's Second Annual Environment Fair and thanked Members of Council and Members of Staff for their co-operation and support which contributed to the success of this event. She indicated that various local groups Le., Committee of Clarke Constituents, No Ganaraska Dump Committee, SAGA, Port Granby-Newcastle Environment Committee, Heritage Committee and various local businesses had participated and made this event a success. She advised that, due to a commitment to her studies at Trent University, she will not be able to co-ordinate Newcastle's Third Environment Fair and is looking for a successor. Resolution #C-424-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the order of the Agenda be altered to allow for consideration of items listed under "Unfmished Business" at this time. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-425-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the delegation of Mr. David Wing, Chairman, Name Change Committee, be acknowledged and received with appreciation; THAT the request for a grant to the Name Change Committee in the amount of $7,450, as itemized in Mr. Wing's letter dated June 22, 1992, be approved and the Treasurer be requested to effect the approval of this grant; and THAT Mr. David Wing be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Attachment # A6 ^7 ewcastre ~. ONTARIO Name Change CommiUee NOTICE Preference nights will be held at the following locations between 7 and 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9th Municipal Admin. Centre (Bowmanville) Thursday, Sept. 10th Mitchell's Comer Public School Monday. Sept. 14th Enniskillen Public School Tuesday. Sept. 15th Wilmot Creek Wheelhouse Wednesday, Sept. 16th Hampton Public School Thursday, Sept. 17th S. T. Worden Public School Monday, Sept. 21 st Orono Public School Tuesday, Sept. 22nd Kirby Centennial Public School Wednesday, Sept. 23rd Newtonville Public School Thursday, Sept. 24th Newcastle Community Centre * Saturday. Sept. 26th Municipal Admin. Centre (Bowmanville) * This date only the times are between Noon and 5 p.m. Come out and state your preference from one of the following names: APPLE WOOD CLA RING TON DARLINGTON DARLINGTON MILLS ORCHARD MILLS PINERIDGE Attachment # A7 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NAME CHANGE COMMITTEE FINAL F.:EPOFn I'JON. OCT 1'3/'32 Phases three and four of the Name Change process have Just recently concluded and, at this time, I would like to summarize the committee's progress over the past few weeks. During Phase Three, preference sessions were held in ten different locations across the town. These locations included; Bowmanville, C:ourtice, Enniskillen, Hampton, kirby, Mitchell's Corner, Newcastle Village, Newtonville, Orono, and Wilmot Creek. Near 1)/ 500 residents took advantage of these opportunities to state their preference among the six names on the short list. The committee reviewed all of the information gathered to determine which of the names had a high level of acceptance across the entire area. Earlier this mon~h, a name was chosen by a unan im,:,us commi ttee vote. Although it was made clear to the committee through our initial mandate that we were not to ':oncern ourselves with the designation "Town Of.." preceding our name, we feel it is very important to pass on to council the prevelant feeling among residents. A large percentage of people that I,.Je spoke ',.,Iith were clearly not in favour ,:,f retaining the wot-d "Town" on area signs. The committee attempted to find an alternative to the name "To',.,In" but ',.,Ie found that we had neither the time, or the e:l,pertise, to make group we were actually somewhat sorry to see the process end. In conclusion, at the request of council, the name that the committee has selected to replace Newcastle will be announced next Monday, October 26th, at the regul~r evening council meeting. At this time, the name announcement will coincide with a comprehensive report on the cost and procedure involved in implementing the name that has been prepared by Town staff. Thank you. such a suggestion. Therefore, the committee would like to strongly \"l?commend that a term otheY" than "Town of.." accompany the new name when signage is erected. Aside from the task of coming up with a new name for the Town of Newcastle, the committee is very pleased to announce that we were able to corne in well under budget. Every attempt was made to stretch our available dollars as far as possible, while keeping residents well informed at each stage of the process. The committee would like to thank the local media for their coverage of the process. Their efforts helped to create interest and raise awareness across the town, and indeed across the pr ov in.: e. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education also deserves a vote of thanks. The board allowed LIS the use of seven schools for preference sessions at no cost to the Town. The entire name change process '..Jas carried out at a cost of $4,&57. Since we had requested a budget allocation of only $7,450, the committee will be giving back to the Town a sum of $2,7'33. I '..Jould like to take this opp()rtunity to thank afl of the to....m residents who took the time and effort to get involved in the name change process in one way or another. Also, a thank you to council for assistance and support when called upon. Within the c.:.mmittee, I would also I ike to centre out the effort that Linda Bruce, from the Clerk's department, gave to this process. Her organizational skills and hard work kept the committee on task and running smoothly. I sincerely doubt that we would have been as effective or as successful without her. And, on a personal note, I would truly like to thank Don Gilhooly, Ron Hope, Gerri Bailey, Shirley Robson, Cathy McKeever, Caroline Burke, and Malcolm Hammon for their work on this project. As a 02/21/92 15:57 Mt'1Q CEt~TRqL REG I Ot~ Attachment # 81 001 ~ . Ministry of W Municipal Affoirs Ontario Minlst~ro 'des A ffalres municipales CEIITRAL IWGIOIML OFFICI: ~7 ihoppDrd Avo. E., $~l\c ?07 Wlllowdlllc., OntArIo M211 2Z8 lclcphoncl (416) 250'1251 loll ('roo; 1-1l00-661l'0230 fAXI (416) 250-1256 February 21, 1992 Mayor Diane Hamre Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance street Bowmanville, ontario Lie 3A6 Dear Mayor Hamre: On Jamu~ry ?4, ] 99? we met to d;i souss the possibility of changing the Town's name. This will confirm that at our meeting I indicated that a 'change .in municipal status, (for example, trom town to city) could affect certain provinoial 9ranta. Fundin9 for bridges and culverts through the Ministry of Transportation was given as an example. Licensing powers could also be affeoted. Taxi licensing was 9iven as an example. There are many al.Aeas to be explored if a chan<;te in status is contemplated. In this regard I suggested talking to officials at the Cities of Vaughan or stoney Creek about their experiance with a change in I status. The Town of Markham has considered but decided d9ainst city statua - at least tor the time being. Offioials there mi9ht alao be approached tor their thoughts. ' At our meeting I also indicated that the te.rm Distriot is normally associated with <;teographic areas in Northern ontario (i.e. the Districts ot Algoma or Timiskamin9) . I trust this is the clarification you sought. Yours W.:J. Paul Manager c.o. Gord Mills, M.P.P., Durham East Attachment # 82 lVjj;7~!~ Diane Hanre Mayor August 21st, 1992 Mr. Gord Mills, M.P.P. Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Dear Gord: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued assistance during the process that has been established of changing the name of the Town of Newcastle. As you are aware, the Name Change Committee, appointed by the Council, has completed a considerable amount of work in this regard. It is expected that this Committee will make its recommendation to the Council late in October of this year. At the same time, as discussed with you at our meeting with Ministry of Municipal Affairs staff earlier this year, the aspect of the "status" was raised, with the view to consider changes which would alleviate confusion associated with Newcastle's present status of "Town". In this regard, I would respectfully request your assistance in arranging an early meeting with the responsible Minister, the Honourable Dave Cooke, the Minister of Municipal Affairs, in order to identify, more specifically, the course of action to be followed to implement the name change. If you have any questions respecting the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also, I would like to thank you for your continued co-operation in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the date of our meeting with the Minister. Yours very truly, DIANE HAMRE /mr CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEt.lPERANCE STREET. BOWt.lANVILLE . ONTARIO. L1C 3A8 . (418) 823-33711 . FAX 823-41811 .' , Attachment # 83 [t] ~-,. Ontario Office of the Minister Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministere des Affaires municipales 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 (416)585-7000 777, rue Bay Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5 (416)585-7000 Bureau du m i n istre September 4, 1992 Mr. Lawrence Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3AG Dear Mr. Kotseff: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me over the course of the AMO Conference on August 25, 1992 in Toronto. I appreciated hearing your, and Councillor Dreslinski's, comments on the issues facing Newcastle. In terms of the specific issue we discussed, I can confirm the process that should be followed if the Town wishes to pursue a change in its name. As I have indicated before, this will require either an amendment to the Regional Act through a Government Bill, or a Private Members Bill. Given the amount of legislation that is already on the Government's agenda, I recommend that the Town consider pursuing a Private Member's Bill. This will help to ensure that the Bill can be processed quickly, without major delays in the House. A Private Member's Bill will require the support of both the Town and the Regional Councils. I understand that my Parliamentary Assistant, Mr. Gord Mills, M.P.P., is prepared to sponsor this Bill. You also suggested that the municipality may be interested in changing the status of Newcastle to something other than a "town", and indicated that the term "district municipality" is under consideration. I have asked Ministry staff to follow up with you on this directly. Joseph Newton, Manager of the willowdale field office, can be reached at 250-1251 if there are any questions on this. RECEiVED /2 SEP ltl 1992. - TOWN Of NEWCAS1LE ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE, " - 2 - Mr. Lawrence Kotseff Once again, thank you for sharing your concerns and ideas with me. Mr. Mills will continue to work with the Town on these issues and will be keeping me up-to-date on your progress. Sincerely, ;;;;:;::> r-~ #_ ~.....--~ Dave Cooke Minister M.P.P., Windsor-Riverside cc: Mr. Gord Mills, M.P.P., Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs " Attachment # 84 19/10/92 14: 17 Mr1A-CE~HRAL REG I Ci~~AL CiFF I CE. 001 {{v On'tario Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministere des Affalres municipales CENTRAL REGIoNAL oFFICE 47 Shepperd Ave. E., SuIt!! 207 Wlllowdalt!, Ontllrto M2N i!28 Telephone: (416) 2S0-12S'1 Toll fre<r: 1-BOO.668'0230 FAX: (416) 250-1258 October 19, 1992 Mr. Larry Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer Town of NewoastlQ 40 Temperance st. Bowmanville, Omtario LIC 3A6 Dear Mr. Kotseff: SUbject: Town of Newcastle Name Change This is further to our meeting on Septenwer 30, ,;It which time we discussed the process to be fOllow,ed if the Town wishes to pursue a name change. As the Minister noted in his letter of September 4, 1992 to Councillor Dreslinski, given the Government's legislative agenda it is recommended the Town pursue such a change by way of , a Private Member's Bill. As has been suggested previously, such a bill would require the support of the Region of Durham. In looking into the process involved in the preparation of a private Member.'s Bill I have been advised that bills are drafted for members by the' staff of Legislative Council. It was suggested to me tha,t if there are specific provisions that the Town want.s included in the bill that they be provided to tt.le member to pass on to Legislative Council at the time that the request is made to have the bill draftE!d. with respect to the possibility of not includin9 the term Town in the new name, in favour of perhaps a more generio term. such as municipality; I have discuHsed this suggestion with a number of people in the Ministry. There does not appear to be any significant conoern, provided the choice does not conflict Hith any current legally defined term such as "district municipality". As I had suggested to you it would be /2 . '" 19/10/92 14: 17 Mi1R-CEHTRRL REG! OHRL OFF! CEo l]02 j j . ~ R !., I i - 2 - necessary to ensure that the bill did include a section which established the status of the municipality as that of Town. Should you have any questions please oall roe at the above telephone number. truly .,. G.P. & A Minutes OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Attachment # 01 - 17 - September 8, 1992 Resolution #GPA-602-92 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT staff be directed to proceed in preparing an analysis of the projected costs to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for the Name Change and such report be brought back prior to October 19, 1992. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GP A-603-92 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the foregoing resolution #GP A-602-92 be amended by deleting therefrom the words: "analysis of the projected costs" and replacing with: "itemized break-down of items to be affected by the name change, an estimate of the anticipated costs and the stategy for developing these costs". "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #GP A-602-92 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #GP A-604-92 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:15 p.m. "CARRIED" ~~~ 1,/ . p. g and Development Department ~ ~-/: DeputY ... - -- - -y. ) 1 I LI .~ Report #1 - 9 - September 14, 1992 THAT Beaver Street South be changed from a one-way to a two- way traffic system as requested by Mr. Jack Crago and the residents of Beaver Street; THAT Council pass the by-law attached to Report WD-68-92; and THAT Mr. Jack Crago be advised of Council's decision. 26. UPGRADING OF STREET LIGHTS - NEWTONVILLE THAT Report WD-70-92 be received; THAT the Treasurer be authorized to issue a Purchase Order to the Minsitry of Transportation for the Town's share for the supply and installation of twenty-six (26) 400 watt high pressure sodium luminaires and associated works at an estimated cost to the Town of $57,500; THAT the funds for this work be obtained from the capital accounts for street lights, Account Number 7230-210-X in 1992 and be collected as an underlevy through the 1993 mill rate; and THAT Ms. Ann Cataford, Ministry of Transportation, be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report WD-70-92. 27. NAME CHANGE THAT staff be directed to proceed in preparing an itemized break-down of items to be affected by the name change, an estimate of the anticipated costs and the strategy for developing these costs to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and such report be brought back prior to October 19, 1992. ..,. Council Minutes COMMUNICATIONS D - 18 Orienteering Events M02.3862.GE MOTION NOTICE OF MOTION REPORTS Report # 1 Bowling Green Developments D14.DEV.89.129 G.P.A Report September 8, 1992 Report #2 Tender NW92-28 Reconstruction of King & Mearns F18. - 13 . September 14, 1992 THAT September 20 - 26, 1992, be proclaimed "Meals on Wheels Week" in the Town of Newcastle and advertised in accordance with Town Policy; and THAT Sally Barrie be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-591-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the correspondence dated September 8, 1992, from Andree Powers, requesting permission to hold Orienteering events on October 3 and 4, 1992, be received; THAT permission be granted for the holding of these events provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Public Works Department; and THAT Andree Powers be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-592-92 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT Report PD-192-92 be tabled for a period of two weeks. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-593-92 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of September 8, 1992, be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-594-92 Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report TR-81-92 be received; Name Change - Estimated Associated Costs Attachment t D2 All Finance/ Clerk Fire Planning Public Community TOTAL Dept's Admin. Works Services --------- I -------------------------------------------------------------- I =======;:;1 General: Stationery/forms 1,000 1,400 300 500 2,000 1,600 700 7,500 d) "Town" Stamps 1,000 300 1,300 Business/I.D.Cards 700 700 Artwork - forms 1,000 1,000 2,000 Promotional: Logo/Design 6,000 3,000 100 9,100 Name Chg.Committee 4,657 a) 4,657 Processing: Draft Legislation 10,000 10,000 . Incorp.Documents 5,000 b) 5,000 Vehicles/Equipment/Uniforms: Decal removal - 111 vehicles e) 4,000 4,000 8,000 . Paint/Decals/Badges 4,500 350 4,000 2,000 10,850 Signage: Roads Parks Parking Lots Tourist Info. Centre 22,100 c) 5,200 22,100 5,200 2,500 2,000 2,500 2,000 29,357 2,400 300 9,000 8,150 31,700 8,000 88,907 Promotional Brochure - existing stock 15,000 f) 15,000 23,150 103,907 a) Name Change Committee Grant - Net of refunded amount b) Changes to Incorp. Documents -Seal, Mayor & Region Chains of Office, etc. c) HTO: 6 signs - Total $18,000 - potentially Town cost d) Stationery/forms represents approx. 1 month of annual total for on hand plus immediate requirements. e) Depot time otherwise charged to subsidy acc't plus materials f) Promotional Brochure cost may be less depending on timing of change Cost Detail Excludes: * Any related Staff time to implement changes (expected to be minimal cost) * Lost economies of scale by reduced orders over the past year * Provincial Costs - processing * Affiliated Bodies associated costs - Public Library Board, Museums, etc. * Other Agencies associated costs: Region, School Boards, and Hydro Electric Commission Note: There is no prov~s~on required for the payment of costs by a Municipality in respect of advertising it's application for amending a public Act, or in respect of printing or publishing an amendment to a public Act. ~ Attachment #Fl THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 92 - Being a by-law respecting the change in description and name of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Council has approved Report ADMIN. 10 - 92; and WHEREAS Council considers that it is appropriate that The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be re-named to "The Corporation of the Municipality of " . , The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. The Mayor and appropriate Town staff are authorized on behalf of and in the name of the Corporation to make all necessary applications and take all necessary actions to the end that as soon as is reasonable and practicable all relevant general and special legislation, regulations and orders be amended so that: a) the description and name of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will be changed to "The Corporation of the Municipality of and subject thereto will be continued as an area municipality with the status, rights, powers and duties now vested in The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle as a town municipality, will have vested in it the assets and liabilities and contractual rights and duties of the Town of Newcastle, and for all purposes "The Corporation of the Municipality of " will be the successor of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; b) except in respect of the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board all references, in general and special legislation, regulations and orders to the "Town of Newcastle" and "Newcastle" when used to describe the Town or to the geographic area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will be changed to be references to "The Municipality of " and respectively; and c) the name of "The Town of Newcastle Public Library Board" will be changed to Attachment #Fl ",' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 92 - Being a by-law respecting the change in description and name of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS Council has approved Report ADMIN. 10 - 92; and WHEREAS Council considers that it is appropriate that The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be re-named to "The Corporation of the Municipality of " . , The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: ,~, 1. The Mayor and appropriate Town staff are authorized on behalf of and in the name of the Corporation to make all necessary applications and take all necessary actions to the end that as soon as is reasonable and practicable all relevant general and special legislation, regulations and orders be amended so that: a) the description and name of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will be changed to "The Corporation of the Municipality of and subject thereto will be continued as an area municipality with the status, rights, powers and duties now vested in The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle as a town municipality, will have vested in it the assets and liabilities and contractual rights and duties of the Town of Newcastle, and for all purposes "The Corporation of the Municipality of " will be the successor of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; b) except in respect of the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board all references, in general and special legislation, regulations and orders to the "Town of Newcastle" and "Newcastle" when used to describe the Town or to the geographic area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will be changed to be references to "The Municipality of " and respectively; and c) the name of "The Town of Newcastle Public Library Board" wj11 be changed to 2. The Regional Municipality of Durham is requested to approve the changes in description and name of "The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle", the "Town of Newcastle", and "Newcastle" referred to in Section 1 of this By-Law and to forward its approval of the proposed changes to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. 3. This By-Law comes into effect on the date on which it was passed. BY-LAW read a first time this day of day of 1992. 1992. BY-LAW read a second time this BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1992. MAYOR CLERK