HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-3-92 /j v THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Res. # (; ~ H -I Ii?: -- // '" By-Law # Date: February 3 1992 Report #: ADMIN. 3-92File #: Subject: Name Change for the Town of Newcastle - Status Report Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 3 - 92 be received for information. REPORT: The purpose of this report is to provide the Members of Council with an update as it pertains to the issue of the name change of the Town of Newcastle. At its meeting of December 2nd 1991 the Town Council passed a Resolution the essence of which authorized the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer to meet with responsible officials of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding the process and procedure required to be followed in changing the name of the Town (refer to Attachment #1 which includes a copy of the said resolution and the letter to the Honourable Minister). Attachment #2 provides the Minister's response to the Mayor wherein an initial meeting with a representative of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the local M.P.P., Mr. Gordon Mills is suggested. As a result of this exchange a meeting took place between Mr. Paul Jones of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Mr. ~. -i' r" ,~ : I U I RrCYCLEO~PAPIER P^PER~RECYCLE nns IS PfllNfEDON RECYCl;:O PAPER Gordon Mills, M.P.P., the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer on January 24 1992. The purpose of the meeting was to initiate discussion regarding various procedural aspects related to the name change. Essentially, the meeting focused on four general areas. 1) The various procedural alternatives available to the Town to introduce a name change to the provincial Government; 2) The process that the Town will be following in order to determine a suitable name change; 3) Various aspects of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act that will require amendment; 4) The concurrence of the Region of Durham regarding a name change. 1) Procedural alternatives available to introduce a name chanae to the Province At the meeting of January 24, 1992, various alternative methods regarding provincial procedure were reviewed in order to address and appreciate the options available to the Town once a new name has been selected. In short, the legislative processes include consideration of the Town's application through a Private Bill, an Omnibus Bill introduced by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, a Private Members Bill or through various amendments to the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, depending on the circumstances. It should also be mentioned that alternative courses of action have different time implications in terms of expediency. It would be appropriate for the Town to consider selection of a procedural alternative regarding actions to be followed and a meeting will be called to address this in the immediate future. At this time it would appear that the most significant hurdle will be to reach consensus on what the new name for the municipality should be. It was indicated by the representative from the Ministry of J10~ Municipal Affairs that reasonable requests cannot be simply denied, in particular if a suitable process has been followed in order to reach a consensus regarding the name change. 2) The process the Town will undertake to determine a suitable name chanqe This aspect is of critical significance in terms of establishing an alternative name for the Town, the process that the Town will undertake to arrive at this and the basis of the ultimate decision that Town Council will reach in this regard. Council may consider aspects such as the following in finalizing such a process: involvement of the public, consideration of suggestions from interested citizens in the Town, alternative mechanisms to obtain input in order to achieve a consensus, and a method of coordinating the approach. This particular aspect will be subject to a subsequent report and the consideration of Council once an appropriate course of action and process has been determined and suggestions are made as to the manner in which this process could be undertaken. Also, the element of timing should be examined. In addition, it may be appropriate for the Council to consider the Municipality's status of "Town", its appropriateness and any alternative consideration that may be put forward to the Province. Some comments provided to date indicate that this terminology in itself is confusing within the Municipality and should be reviewed. 3) Various aspects of the Reqional Municipality of Durham Act that will require amendment Once the Municipality has undertaken its review process to suggest a name change, various aspects of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act will require amendment. The specific amendments will be identified at an appropriate 1\ 1 ~ 3 ! ,), time later in the process and will form part of the Town's application to the Province. It should be noted that such changes would largely be procedural in nature. 4) The concurrence of the Regional Munici~alitv of Durham reaardina a name chanae The representative from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs indicated that through the review process the Town of Newcastle should seek the Region's concurrence regarding the change of its name. As indicated above the advice provided indicated that a request of this nature cannot be unreasonably denied as long as the related process and the arrival to a suitable name change is subject to a reasonable process and exhibits some consensus. Members of Council will recall that at its meeting of January 13 1992, Town Council requested the Regional Municipality of Durham to approve and endorse the intent of obtaining a name change for the Town (refer to Attachment #3). This matter was forwarded to the Regional Clerk and the correspondence will be considered at the Regional Council meeting of February 5th 1992. Final Comments It should be appreciated that a considerable amount of work will be required by the Municipality in order to complete the above. Accordingly, staff will be making some suggestions to the Members of Council as to an appropriate procedure that could be followed such that this matter can be dealt with expeditiously while at the same time obtaining an appropriate consensus. Also it was suggested by the Ministry's representative that this process need not await any concurrence from the Region of Durham before it is initiated. It was also suggested that other ~ 1 04 government agencies, namely the Boards of Education be contacted regarding involvement in the process. Staff will be reporting to the Council in the near future regarding this matter. Respectfully submitted, ~?l! Lawrence .E{. :otseff, Chief Administrative Officer Att. ~ 1 05 ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT ADMIN. 3 - 92 ^7 ewcastfe =-~ ONTARIO December 16th, 1991 RECEIV The Honourable Dave Cooke, M.P.P. The Minister of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 DEe ;_. Dear Mr. Minister: 10Wi'~ n;,~ ~~\NtSTHiri.t ~~.~:.-. ., "",,,",,', At the municipal election held on November 12th, 1991, the following question was placed before the electors in the Town of Newcastle, "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF RETAINING THE NAME OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE?". As a result of this, a clear majority of the electors expressed the preference not to retain the name of the Town of Newcastle. Furthermore, the Council of the Town of Newcastle, at its inaugural meeting of December 2nd, 1991, considered the above and unanimously passed a resolution (refer to attachment #1) to deal with the matter as expeditiously as possible, with the assistance of your offices. -As you are aware, the Town of Newcastle was incorporated by the Regional Municipality of Durham Act and as such, the implementation of a name change would require an amendment to this public statute. It should be indicated that a new preferred name of the Town has not been selected by the Council. However, I am very anxious to implement, as quickly as possible, the decision of the electors and to discuss with you the ways and means to accomplish this. I look foward to a meeting with you or your representatives at your earliest convenience and would like to take this opportunity to extend best wishes during the holiday season. ~~uv DIANE HAMRE Mayor /mr cc: Mr. Gary Herrema, Chairman, Regional Municipality of Durham : 1 06 @ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE . ONTARIO. L1C 3A6 . (416) 623-3379' FAX 623-4169 nrCYCl[OPArIH THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION # DATE DECEMBER 2, 1991 MOVED BY Councillor Hooner SECONDED BY Councillor Novak WHEREAS at the municipal election held on November 12, 1991, a majority of voters expressed their preference that the name of the Town of Newcastle should not be retained; WHEREAS the name of the Town of Newcastle was established in a public statute, the Regional Municipality of Durham Act; . WHEREAS a change in the name of the Town of Newcastle would require an amendment to the Regional Municipality of Durham Act; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE: 1. THAT the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to meet at the earliest opportunity with the responsible officials in the Ministry of Municipal 'Affairs to determine the process and procedure that the Government of Ontario will require to be followed for this process and rep_ort back to Cquncil; and I 2. THAT the~Reqiona17~hair.manrof the Regional Municipality of Durham be advised of this resolution. ClERlfIlFijIH11 ~ TRUE COpy ~ 1 C 7 [t1 ~III!I!:II" Ontario ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT ADMIN. 3 - 92 Office of the Minister Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministere des Affaires municipales 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 (416)585-7000 777. rue Bay Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5 (416)585-7000 Bureau du ministre January 9, 1992 ~~~I~OW~~ JAM 2 4 1~92 rowt~ OF NEWCASTLE MA VOR'S OFFICE Her Worship Mayor Diane Hamre Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Dear Mayor Hamre: Thank you for your letter of December 16, 1991 inquiring about the ways and means to change the Town of Newcastle's name. Paul Jones, Manager of my Central Regional Office, is available to meet and discuss this matter with you and I have asked him to contact you to arrange such a meeting. I understand that he has, in fact, already discussed the issue with your Chief Administrative Officer, Larry Kotseff. You might also include your local M.P.P., Gordon Mills, in your discussions. Mr. Mills has indicated a willingness to introduce a Private Member's Bill into the Legislature to effect any name change. I wish you and your Council colleagues well in your deliberations over a new name. Sincerely, ~~~ Dave Cooke Minister M.P.P., Windsor-Riverside c.c. Mr. Gordon Mills, M.P.P., Durham East 11 08 ATTACHMENT #3 'ID REPORT ADMIN. 3 - 92 !$j}fc~!~ FilE COpy January 14, 1992 Mr. C. Lundy, Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Dear Mr. Lundy: RE: NAME CHANGE FOR THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE At a meeting held on January 13, 1992, the Council of the Town of Newcastle approved Recommendation iGPA-52-92: "THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle, on the basis of the recent plebiscite, now endorse the intent of obtaining a name change for the Town; and THAT this resolution be sent to the Region of Durham for approval, FORTHWITH." Will you please submit this matter to your Council for their consideration and approval. Yours truly, LL Marie P. Knig Deputy Clerk MPK/lb ~ 1 r 9 \,1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE __~~A.'''''''''''' ........n,...,....T nr"l\.l./&l^"I\l111 c:. (1P1JTAOIf'l. I ,r.1AF\. 1416\ 623.3379. FAX623-4169 @ AECVCLlO P1\Pt n I . I I I I G.P.A Minutes - 23 - January 6, 1992 OTHER BUSINESS Name Change for the Town of Newcastle I I I I I I I I ADJOURNMENT I I I I I I Resolution #GP A-52-92 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle, on the basis of the recent plebiscite, now endorse the intent of obtaining a name change for the Town; and THAT this resolution be sent to the Region of Durham for approval, FORTHWITH. Resolution #GP A-53-92 "CARRIED" Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the meeting be "In Camera". Resolution #GP A-54-92 "CARRIED" Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Dreslinski THAT the recommendations contained in Report ADMIN-1-92, as amended, be approved. Resolution #GP A-55-92 "CARRIED" Moved by Councillor Dreslinski, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:35 p.m. ~ : 1 0 '1,'7 3 Deputy Clerk "CARRIED" Chairman, Planning Department