HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-5-93 , , , ..,' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee :~s# }J);J-7Jj::~3 By-Law # Date: June 7 1993 Report #: ~nMTN _ 'i-He #: Subject: Legal Services for the Town Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 5 - 93 be received for information. 1. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 During budget deliberations this year, Council requested that the legal functions of the Municipality be reviewed from the perspective of any functions presently undertaken that could be tendered to legal firms within the Town or the Region of Durham. 1.2 The discussions also focussed on the aspect of cost related to the Town's legal services. It is the purpose of this report to address these matters. 2 . BACKGROUND: 2.1 Over the recent past the Municipality has required a greater emphasis on the use of legal services. This has been a result of the significant issues the Town has and will continue to face which require legal input. These are related to such matters as landfill, Ontario Hydro including the implementation of the Community Impact Agreement with the Town with respect to the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station regarding building permit fees and other matters, changes in Provincial legislation, the planning process, by-law review RfCVCl~D!:\ PAPIER PAPER '+tJ:1 RECVCLE THLS ~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PArER /U" I ! '-- ADMIN. 5 - 93 2 and update, improvements increased litigation, the beyond the Town's control. in the land disposal policy, name change, and various appeals 2.2 The Municipality has responded to these needs by engaging Municipal experts in this field through the services of Dennis Hefferon of the firm Shibley Righton. This approach has resulted in long term cost savings through economies of scale, the minimization of risk and liability to the Town through a high quality service and the achievement of excellent cost-effective results for the Town. 2.3 Accordingly the Municipality has moved in this direction to gain these advantages and facilitate administrative control. 3.0 COSTS AND ISSUES: 3.1 The costs related to the Town's legal services have been directly related to the volume and scale of issues facing the Municipality. Attachment #1 outlines specifically the cost of legal services by type for the years 1991, 1992 and 1993 to date. 3.2 In this regard, the cost for each year is provided on the following basis: a) Budget - An amount approved annually through the budget process which includes departmental and administrative issues of an ongoing nature. b) Specific or one time issues - Many of these issues are funded by special resolution of Council and may include issues of a one time nature for which normal budgetary approval was not anticipated. c) 100% Recoverable - These costs relate to work related to the preparation of subdivision agreements and are billed to the proponents for 100% of the cost. It should be noted that all costs are presented in this attachment as gross expenditures. However, costs related to category c) are 100% recoverable and some of those in category j : .2 1 ADMIN. 5 - 93 3 b) have been or will be recovered over a period of time. Also, it should be noted that in anyone year, costs in category c) may not be recovered by the year end at December 31, and therefore would appear as a cost or a recoverable in the following year. 3.3 It should be noted that through the legal services provided to the Municipality by the firm of Shibley Righton, positive gains have resulted to the Town, both financially, in relationship to revenue received and reduced risk of future economic loss, and with respect to the reduction of future operating liability and risk. Specifically the following issues are very important in this respect for the Town: . Mosport Park: Proposed rock concert - As a result of the way the Special Events by-law had been previously drafted this issue escalated to a level which could have resulted in an extraordinary amount of financial and insurance related damages to the Municipality. As a result of the involvement of Mr. Hefferon, the Municipality was spared a great deal of expense, and the potential expense and liability of any future exposure that otherwise might result if rock concerts are allowed to proceed on these or other premises within the Town. . Port Granby Waste Management Facility - This has been an ongoing issue over the past several years. It has cost the Municipality significantly in monetary terms and environmental impacts. However, as a result of Mr. Hefferon's expertise and his diligence in attendance at the A.E.C.B. hearings to deal with this extremely important and complex issue, the threat to the Municipality has been reduced. The Municipality must continue to be persistent in this matter until completely resolved to the Town's satisfaction. . Laidlaw/IWA - This is another significant issue to the Municipality, both monetarily and environmentally. On an I ; 22 ADMIN. 5 - 93 4 ongoing basis, the Municipality's legal rights have been protected through Mr. Hefferon's legal expertise and diligence. Also, the involvement and expertise of the Town's solicitor has proven beneficial in securing $75,000 from the Participant Funding Program to deal with the issue, while at the same time reducing the overall risk. . Ontario Hydro - The achievements resulting from the Community Impact Agreement in September 1989 and the interim settlement of the building permit fees, to the extent of $1,200,000, are significant to the financial and overall well being of the Town. This can also be said about the current ongoing discussions which are aimed at achieving the best financial package for the Municipality and the ability to have an ongoing positive working relationship with one of our largest Corporations. . Subdivision Activity - Inadequate provl.sl.ons to protect the financial security of the Municipality with respect to the subdivider's obligations to the Town have been rectified through the newly drafted individual subdivision and core agreements. In this regard, the Municipality has been able to safeguard it's interests. As well, the Municipality has realized significant monies from the sale of road allowances to subdividers. 3.4 The fee schedule related to the costs identified in the Attachment to this report is provided under separate cover. Council will realize that these rates are more than competitive and have remained at the same level since 1991. In addition, these rates include a substantial discount for the Town's benefit. The rates, however, need not be discounted for recoverable costs related to work of a legal nature performed on subdivision agreements. 25 ADMIN. 5 - 93 5 3.5 The potential monies recoverable from those costs identified in section b) of the Attachment, including outstanding matters related to Ontario Hydro, Challenger Park Subdivision Agreement, various By-Law Enforcement matters, and the election claim against the Town, just to name a few, will be received on an ongoing basis as the individual issues are resolved. This will result in a reduction in the overall cost to the Municipality. In addition, specific resolutions of the previous Councils have provided funding for some of these same issues, for example, the Dineen Construction delay claim related to the Municipal Administrative Centre, Ontario Hydro, Port Granby decommissioning, and the Laidlaw/Interim Waste Authority matters. 3.6 It should be noted that the legal work during the periods covered in Attachment #1 have taken place during a peak in activity related to development applications, subdivision approvals and the preparation and implementation of the Town's Development Charge By-Law. These additional costs have been imposed on the Municipality due to changes beyond our control in provincial legislation and as a result of matters not initiated by the Municipality. 4.0 THE LEGAL FUNCTIONS: 4.1 The current practice of fulfilling the legal functions of the Municipality has gained a number of advantages as indicated in Sections 2.2 and 2.3 above. More specifically the functions have been retained with one firm through which administrative efficiencies in cost control have served the Town and the public well. 4.2 This approach has provided not only an excellent service to the Municipality but also services of an indisputable professional quality and very positive results for the Town. In addition, this approach has avoided various conflicts of interest in providing independent legal advice on many critical issues. ')4 ADMIN. 5 - 93 6 4.3 The value of the service received by the Municipality also takes advantage of the fact that the legal services are concentrated in one firm, and has as a result a better knowledge of the uniqueness and history of the Municipality. Inherent in this are the economies of scale mentioned previously which would otherwise not be achieved, in addition to the provision of casual advice at no cost to the Municipality. 4.4 The availabili ty of the legal resources of the firm has allowed the Municipality to benefit from the efficiencies and expertise available within that organization without the related loss of efficiency and additional costs that would be incurred if the Town employed an in-house lawyer and staff, or if the provision of legal services was fragmented among two or more firms. 4.5 The expertise of the firm of Shibley Righton in the municipal field has served to protect the interests of the Municipality, as well as the officers and officials of the Corporation, on significant legal issues. As a result, it should be noted that the Municipality has been spared significant expenditures and has been successful in the substantial recovery of costs. 5.0 FINAL COMMENTS: 5.1 The above review, in accordance with Council's request regarding the legal services for the Town, indicates that the Town's needs are presently being well served with the services provided by Dennis Hefferon and the firm of Shibley Righton. As such, a change in approach is not recommended and could, in fact, prove to be more costly to the Town. Respectfully submitted, 't--- I f ~lLill(lL ( L {~ Lawrence E. K t Chief Administr Officer att. , ') i~ A A A A A A A E X PEN S E S B B B B B B-1 B-1 LEGAL BUDGET RELATED EXPENSES By-Law ~::::~~~:~_::~:~--~:~~~--~~~~:~~~~~~---~~~~-~~~~~~~!~~-~~~!~:~----~:~~~;!- 3,000 500 300 15,700 6,000 67,000 90,000 182,500 ....O....ji4.....0..4;jij...i;06B....ij;i69...is;6i4......jS;SBB. o 0 0 1,297 4,393 8,973 5,915 20,578 o 0 0 0 0 3,766 1,676 5,442 o 0 0 161 0 0 234 394 o 0 0 0 0 6,264 7,088 13,352 o 271 0 1,412 0 945 19,390 22,017 o 0 0 2,194 0 4,696 7,988 14,878 o 0 0 0 215 6,796 0 7,011 o 0 0 1,903 0 0 0 1,903 897 0 0 0 0 14,065 13,915 28,878 o 0 0 3,834 0 375 4,574 8,783 o 0 0 1,726 0 6,425 0 8,150 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 897 595 0 16,838 6,677 65,572 76,395 166,973 ================================================================= BUdget1991 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 1991 Budget 1992 January February March April May June July August ~~~~=er November December 150,000 ....O....740.....o..j;i67...i;ii4.....6;SOj....7;666......i9;i90. o 0 0 491 0 0 4,845 5,336 o 1,483 0 5,083 0 6,917 3,322 16,804 o 0 0 0 0 1,200 0 1,200 o 4,010 0 11,321 0 15,461 16,583 47,375 343 1,603 0 2,582 0 21,255 4,395 30,179 o 0 0 22,725 364 9,059 579 32,727 4,716 0 0 11,051 1,153 5,556 3,113 25,589 4,718 0 0 4,213 0 16,712 0 25,644 o 0 0 1,756 0 642 17,868 20,266 o 0 0 2,411 0 23,256 8,452 34,119 0000000 0 TOTAL 1992 ;~~~~==~~~;~=====~=~~~~~~===~~~;;===;~~~;~~===~~~~~;=====~;~~~~;= ----------------------------------------------------------------- BUdget1993 January February March TOTAL 1993 NOTES: 200,000 ....O..i;06i.....o..i;i69.......0.....j;796....i;47j.......9;S99. o 7,694 0 6,771 0 1,826 8,065 24,356 o 1,432 0 0 0 0 0 1,432 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ====~=;~~;~~=====~==;~~~~=======~=====;~~~~===;~~;;~======;;~;~~= [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] , RESOLUTION RELATED / ONE TIME ISSUES Admin. Total Devel. Pt.Darl.Election Mosport Centre Ontario Waste/ Town Chg.By-l Harbour (Dineen) Hydro Laidlaw Expenses ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,000 15,000 30,000 ......O...i;44i.......o...i;S4B.......o...ii;677...iB;976.......4S;644. o 0 0 923 0 0 2,556 3,480 8 3,77~ 8 8 1,618 3,12~ 3,39g 11,90~ 7,116 1,752 0 2,602 0 0 0 11,469 5,452 494 0 0 0 24,257 1,888 32,092 4,419 0 0 0 0 2,653 0 7,072 o 0 0 0 0 3,431 4,077 7,508 o 000 0 0 0 0 16,864 0 0 0 7,092 8,132 1,469 33,557 4,503 0 0 350 0 0 538 5,391 o 0 30,427 0 0 0 0 30,427 -38;352---8;460--30;427---6;424---8;702---53;272---42;903-:----188;541- =====================================================:::::.::=:===:===~ 10,000 10,000 .i4;i6j.......O...4;B9S.......o...i;467....B;Bii....j;Bis.......jj;i6i. 9,384 15,440 0 2,939 0 0 0 27,763 12,128 0 0 0 0 0 7,808 19,937 o 0 0 0 0 2,841 13,917 16,758 o 0 0 1,782 0 0 1,486 3,268 o 0 0 0 0 764 8,487 9,251 o 0 0 0 0 10,617 0 10,617 o 0 0 4,661 0 2,408 7,447 14,516 o 797 0 0 18,899 3,027 2,411 25,134 803 0 19,406 O' 0 1,205. 2,814 24,228 3,115 0 0 0 0 '2,667 462 6,283 o 000 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ _=3~!~~~--!~!~~~--~~=,=3=0!-=-~!~~~--~~!=3=6~--=~~!~~~=-=~~!~~~-:--=-=1-9=1!~!~- - ----------------- -- ----------- --- ------ - ------- -- - ----- 10,000 10,000 . 20,000 ......O.......O.......o...i;i6B.......o....i;oii....4;7ji.:......B;oii. o 2,989 289 0 0 2,746 7,958. 13,982 o 0 000 0 0 . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ o 2,969 289 2,266 0 3,758 12,690: 21,993 =:::=::=:=:==c==s:=::==:c=::=::====:==::cc=:::cc::c=======.========:=== [1] [2] [3] [4] SUBDIVISION RELATED C Total 100 \ Legal Recoverable Expenses 212,500 .....7;i97....BB;si8. 2,011 26,069 8 17,~~~ o 24,822 34,089 88,198 o 21,949 804 15 323 35,917 37~820 103,061 165,496 42,010 56,183 o 38,577 --------------------- 225,190 580,703 ==============:====== 160,000 ....sj;o7j...ios;si4. 2,170 35,269 9,126 45,867 10,051 28,009 2,538 53,181 1,216 40,646 4,369 47,713 2,002 42,106 5,870 56,648 4,472 48,967 530 40,931 4,720 4,~20 --------------------- 100,136 549,580 .===========~======== 220,000 ....i9;70j....j7;ji4. 22,148 60,485 o 1,432 --------------------- ====~;~~;~====;~~~;;= [5] Attachment * 1 to Admin.5-93 1991 Legal Issues - Summary A Budget Related Issues B Resolution Related B-1 Resolution/continuing Total Town Costs C SUbdivision/Recoverable * Total Legal Expenses 166,973 92,366 96,175 ----------- 355,514 225,190 ----------- 580,703 ==:======== * 1991 Development Charge By-law created extraordinary level of subdivision agreements and revisions. 1992 Legal Issues - Summary A Budget Related Issues B Resolution Related E-1 Resolution/continuing Total Town Costs C Subdivision/Recoverable * Total Legal Expenses ** Development Charge by-law passed March 1992. 1993 Legal Issues - Summary A Budget Related Issues D Resolution Related B-1 Resolution/continuing Total Town Costs C Subdivision/Recoverable Total Legal Expenses 258,429 109,978 81,037 ----------- 449,445 100,136 ----------- 549,560 ==========: '-t:' N possible recovery on the Election Appeal of $11,156 inclusive of GST. Dineen Delay Claim - Reserve allocation of $550,000 in 1990. Ontario Hydro Arbitration costs recoverable through 1977 agreement plus an allocation of $150,000 to Reserve in 1989. Laidlaw/Waste/IWA funding available from $60,000 per resolution Feb.1990 plus IWA participant funding of $75,000 in 1993. Subdivision costs are 100\ recoverable and may be collected in the following year. ;;"-.,,. .- - 35,387 5,545 16,446 ----------- 57,380 41,851 ----------- 99,231 ===::===c=: