HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-4-93 v" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # .~~ en d- (~r; Res, #,~ ~-3/1-9~, By-Law # Date: June 7 1993 Report #: ~nMTN 4..fie! #: Subject: STATUS REPORT RE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 4 - 93 be received for information. 1.1 INTRODUCTION At its meeting of April 26 1993, the Council passed Resolution #C-322-93 wherein the Chief Administrative Officer was requested to review and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee regarding the following: " a) the identification and evaluation of the specific implications to the efficient, responsible performance of all of the C.A.O.'s present duties due to the assignments to the Chief Administrative Officer as set out in recommendations 19 to 23 added to Report PD-44-93; and b) the identification and evaluation of the specific implications of recommendations 19 to 23 added to Report PD-44-93 for the Town Departments, having regard in particular for the need to ensure that at all times, all Town Departments are preparing and submitting consistent, 1 ; n 1 HECVCLFO!:\PAPIEA PAPER '+tJ:1 RECYCLE lH~ ~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ADMIN. 4 - 93 2 appropriate and expeditious reports and recommendations to Council that must not be compromised in any way." 1.2 Recommendations 19 to 23 form part of the Council's recent initiative establishing the economic development function. More specifically recommendations 19 to 23 address the following regarding the above important and significant priority: (i) The temporary period during which the Chief Administrative Officer will carry out certain additional functions until an Economic Development Officer is hired; (ii) The time commitment necessary to actively support and promote the new priority during this temporary period; (iii) The implementation of the plan which addresses existing businesses and new business opportunities for consideration in September 1993; (iv) The continued development and examination of strategic alliances and networks; and (v) The presentation of activity status reports to Council on a regular basis. The purpose of this report is to address the above within the context of the Council's request while at the same time providing some information to the Members of Council regarding the Town's more recent activities as they pertain to economic development. 1. '; ~) 2 ADMIN. 4 - 93 3 1.3 As the Council has directed, the newly created economic development function will report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee and/or Council through the Chief Administrative Officer on a regular basis. This reporting mechanism is consistent with the existing practice applicable to all departments within the Town's Administration. The individual to be hired by the Town will co-ordinate and be responsible for all matters related to the economic development function within the above framework and the parameters established in Council Resolution #C-322-93. 1.4 It is expected that the position of Economic Development Officer will be established by September of this year. As Members of Council are aware, recent efforts have focused on initiating the advertising and selection process related to this matter. Until the new position is filled, the Chief Administrative Officer has been directed to co-ordinate the functions of this area of responsibility and focus some attention to support and promote this priority. In this regard, commitments of time and money can be established by the Chief Administrative Officer subject to Council's approval through the budget process. 1.5 Council has requested that the level of attention and the implications of same on all of the Chief Administrative Officer's present duties and all Town Departments as a result of any priority adjustment necessitated due to recommendations 19 to 23 of Council's Resolution #C-322-93 between the present time and September 1993 be addressed. It should be emphasized that, in general, during this transition period, some adjustments in work priority and work re-assignment will be initiated in a reasonable fashion until the establishment of the Economic Development Office in September. 1 ' (.7, UJ ADMIN. 4 - 93 4 2. RECENT ACTIVITIES RELATED TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Attachment #1 provides a listing of the various work that has been undertaken in the area of economic development during the past one to two year period. The Town's emphasis has been to encourage and support existing business in the Town, to attract industrial prospects from the Toronto area looking to relocate in the Greater Toronto Area (G.T.A.), and to maintain a current and up-to-date information base related to the Town. 2.2 In general, Attachment #1 provides for some indication of the level of activity of the Town in these areas. The majority of the information bases have been updated for 1993. Further updates will take place as indicated annually or quarterly through the Economic Development Office. 2.3 Various inqul.rl.es regarding a Newcastle location for small/medium businesses has increased. Staff is continuing to monitor the serious inquiries and will advise Council at an appropriate time in this regard. In addition, these various small and medium sized businesses which may be seeking new locations east of Metropolitan Toronto will be pursued. A more comprehensive implementation plan will be undertaken by the Economic Development Officer which builds on the diversified employment base in the Town. This relates to such areas as retail trade, administrative/service sectors, fabricated metal products, rubber and cement products, construction materials, and agricultural/food products. Also, those segments of the economy which should be targeted aggressively will be defined more precisely at that time. 2.4 Visits to existing businesses and industries in the Town have proven to be informative and of considerable benefit. Similar visits will be arranged on a regular basis for purposes of up- to-date information exchange with Members of Council and 1 I~; 4 ADMIN. 4 - 93 5 staff. advance. Members of Council will be advised accordingly in 2.5 Our networking and outreach efforts will continue as outlined in Attachment #1. In addition, participation in the Greater Toronto Area exercise will be carried out pertaining to the improvement of the economic climate within the G.T.A. which realizes economies of scale, establishes our position within the area and enhances our recogni tion on a national and international level. 2.6 As Council is aware, there have been ongoing activities within industrial/commercial/institutional sectors over the past several years. These are summarized in Attachments #2 and #3 for Council's information and will be updated on an ongoing basis through the Economic Development Office. It should be emphasized that the processing of these types of applications will continue to be expedited by the Planning and Development Department. 2.7 Attachment #4 indicates some of the new employers which have established operations in the Town. 3. IMPLICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATIONS #19-23 (RESOLUTION #C-322-93) 3.1 It is anticipated that the various tasks and work outlined above can be accomplished within the 50% allocation of the Planner's time allotted through the Council resolution plus approximately 15% of the Chief Administrative Officer's normal time allocation. On this basis, the implications during the temporary period to September 1993 on the Chief Administrative Officer's responsibilities can be addressed more specifically. 3.2 The various responsibilities of the position of Chief Administrative Officer are established in By-Law 85-23 as 1 ' .r C I 'JJ ADMIN. 4 - 93 6 amended. These may be summarized as follows: * providing resource information and advice to Council on a variety of factors related to goals, policies, and programs under consideration. * supervising and directing the preparation of revenues and expenditures for Council's consideration. * co-ordinating departmental activities within the administration including the supervision of department heads directly. * all personnel matters including related administrative matters in conjunction with Council where specified. * union negotiations as Council's representative. * contracts and agreements * by-laws for Council's consideration * liaising with other levels of government * enhancing public relations * defining and implementing staff training programs 3.3 In fulfilling the above various responsibilities, the Chief Administrative Officer is required to provide and focus attention on: * a strateaic viewPoint in advising Council on policy and providing the most useful information to enhance the decision-making process. * oraanizational effectiveness and efficiency which requires cross functionality based on setting service priorities and seasonal workloads and adapting to change. * progressive manaaement which focuses on overall organizational fairness, the establishment of consistent policies and procedures and the provision for structural flexibility and improved performance of human resources. :6 ADMIN. 4 - 93 7 These elements require a significant effort and time commitment on a continual basis. 3.4 In order to focus attention and procure the necessary positive results on those items identified above, considerable effort is required to maintain the approaches throughout the organization and in particular the management team. To date, considerable progress has been made, however, this must be continued proactively with some intensity. Accordingly, any additional responsibility such as those provided for in recommendations #19 #23 will have some impact on the commitment required to deal with those more administrative matters outlined above. 3.5 Notwithstanding this, adjustments in the Chief Administrative Officer's normal time commitment will be made to implement Council's new initiative. This will be accommodated through the modification of time spent on various priorities which may result in some tolerable delays, the redefinition of priorities and further delegation of responsibilities within departments and/or the secondment of other staff in order to assist the Chief Administrative Officer's office to accomplish timely results on an as required basis. 3.6 Such an approach may have some impact on work within various areas of the organization, however, work of the lowest priority or common denominator will be adjusted or delayed as appropriate. This could include matters such as delaying of reports that do not have stringent time commitments and are of less priority, reducing the number of referrals to staff for reports which are not urgent or critical, and being more selective regarding attendance at meetings. The appreciation of any adjustments together with our continued work on quality management and training needs will also allow the organization to respond and to assess objectively these various services I ., /' i ',J / ADMIN. 4 - 93 8 and internal mechanisms over time. If the mechanisms require more significant adjustments to implement recommendations #19 to #23 during the period to September 1993, Council will be advised accordingly. 3.7 The various recommendations outlined in the Economic Development Strategy Report prepared by Stephen Chait Consul tants Limited combined with the recommendations prepared by the Mayor's Task Force have been dealt with in Council Resolution #C-322-93. The recommendations approved by Council establish the Town's strategic plan for economic development. The implementation of this plan will be reviewed and refined by the Economic Development Officer once the individual has been brought on stream. Until this takes place, staff will continue to support the existing business community and respond to new initiatives and business opportunities that arise. 4.1 FINAL COMMENTS It is intended that until a full-time Economic Development Officer is in place staff will not be attempting to "re-invent the wheel" as it pertains to the economic development function. Al though certain emphases and thrusts will be maintained, explored and expanded, in accordance with Council's direction, it would be premature to initiate any far reaching changes prior to this time. Such an approach will also ensure that the other significant functions within the Town's organization and the preparation and submission of appropriate and expeditious reports and recommendations to Council will not be jeopardized significantly. 4.2 In providing the above analysis to Council, staff is cognizant of the essence of the Social Contract Negotiations and the Expenditure Control Plan being discussed at the present time II u8 ADMIN. 4 - 93 9 by the Provincial Government. Depending on the outcome of these discussions and the financial implications to the municipality which may evolve, it may be necessary to re- examine the Town's overall priorities. This may result in significant adjustments in the services provided and may affect the timing of implementation of new activities. Council will be updated as soon as possible once details are made available on these issues. Respectfully submitted, r-', : ! /"} ,~) ill cLeft( Lawrence E. Kotseff I Chief Administrative bfficer LEK:nof att. Ie, J J ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTMTIES FOR 1992 and 1993 dn:csecon.tab --' INFORMATION BASE I DOCUMENT NAME INFORMATION TYPE REVISIONS Community Profile contains vital statistics and information on the Town of updated yearly; latest revision, Newcastle April 1993 Industrial Directory contains information on all industries and updated yearly; latest revision, manufacturers in the Town of Newcastle, including April 1993 contacts and Standard Industrial Codes Business Directory contains a listing of most businesses in the Town of updated yearly, latest revision, Newcastle, by sector and geographic area April 1993 Vacant Space and contains a list of all vacant space and available updated quarterly, latest Industrial Sites Directory industrial sites in the Town of Newcastle revision, May 1993 Industrial Profile SUIVey a file exists on each industry, containing a profile the sUIVeys must be placed on a sUIVey and supplementary information such as annual data base; completion in 1994 reports or any relevant correspondence from the Town Industrial Land Inventory inventory of all industrially designated lands, indicating database must be updated once occupancy or vacancy the 1991 Region O.P. has been approved by the MMA; completion in 1994 Cl >' rt rt OJ () :J 3 ro ::J rt :j:j:: ~ rt o ::0 ro '0 o /'1 rt >' t::I :s: H z 01>> ~ Lv --'- --' -.-.. dn:csecon.tab TELEPHONE & COUNTER ENQUIRIES A VERAGE NUMBER OF GENERAL INQUIRIES RELATED SPECIFIC INQUIRIES RELATED TO INQUIRIES PER WEEK TO POPULATION, GROWfH, PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYMENT LABOUR FORCE, ETC. OPPORTUNITIES 15 to 20 90% 10% ADVERTISING (Since Jan. 92) PUBLICATIONS ISSUES # OF TIMES AD HAS RUN Business Journal monthly 3 Business and Finance Magazine - A Special Report on Newcastle random 1 Durham Region Manufacturers Directory yearly 2 Financial Times yearly 2 Tourist Association of Durham Region Guide Book yearly 2 Day Tripper Guide seasonal 1 dn:econ.tab r-0 TRADE SHOWS (since Jan. 1992) TITLE TOWN PARTICIPATION FREQUENCY P ARTICIP A TION WITH REGION OF SHOWS ICI at UDI Yes yearly (Industrial Commercial Investment at the Urban Development Institute Toronto Real Estate and Construction Yes yearly National Business Show Yes yearly Oshawa and District Chamber of Commerce Trade Yes yearly Show Oshawa and District Real Estate Annual Meeting Yes yearly . Durham Region Manufacturers Association Annual Yes yearly Show Case v.j dn:csecon.tab I STRATEGIC ALLIANCES AND NElWORKS I LOCAL AGENCIES Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) liaison with local business groups promotes a combined effort Newcastle Village Business Improvement Area to improve local economy Orono Business Improvement Area Newcastle Village & District Chamber of Commerce Clarington Business Group REGIONAL AGENCIES Durham Region Manufacturers Association (DRMA) liaison with regional agencies improved economic growth Oshawa and District Chamber of Commerce within the region by creating a cohesive business community Tourist Association of Durham Region and allowing for joint ventures, licensing agreements and other Focus of the Future cooperative ventures Durham Region Action for Training (DRACT) cooperation with DRACf and Skills Development creates and Durham College Skill Development promotes a ready and skilled labour force Economic Development Liaison Committee each municipal economic development meets with Regional Economic Development office to ensure a cooperative effort to improving local and regional economy PROVINCIAL/NATIONAL AGENCIES Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Staff has contact with these agencies to seek out information Employment and Immigration Canada with respect to provincial initiatives, funding and training Federal Business Development programs and labour market information Industry Science Technology Canada OTHER NETWORKS Economic Development Council of Ontario (EDCO) Staff are members of professional economic development Economic Development Council of Canada (EDAC) associations, which allows professionals to meet, share ideas and become a common voice to government on issues such as Free Trade Agreement and Bill 40 ..po.. dn:csecon,tab INFORMATION SEMINARS How to Start Your Own Business sponsored by Minister of Economic Development and Trade and the Town of Newcastle; a step by step symposium on new business start ups with guest speaker Peter Hobb, of Hobb Gillies Bakker, over 31 participants Government Programs for Industry and Business, Information sponsored by Region of Durham, DRACT and all area Days municipalities, an information symposium on all government programs available to assist business. Over 166 participants, 14 from the Town of Newcastle I OTHER ACTIVITIES I Mayor's Committee on the Greater Toronto Area Initiated in May 1992, the Mayor's of the GTA created an Economic Development Steering Committee to develop a marketing strategy for the entire GTA. Recent initiatives include participation in trade shows in Montreal and Las Vegas. Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development final recommendations have been received, initiative completed Economic Development Strategy final recommendations have been received, initiative completed Plant Visits by Staff or Council St. Marys Cement Goodyear A VP Extrusions Motor Coach Industries ZBL Zoning By-law SPA Site Plan Amendment OPA Official Plan Amendment LIST OF OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS RECEIVED SINCE JANUARY 1990 TO MAY 1993 dn:cslist.tab --" FILE # X REF APPLICANT LOCATION PROPOSED USE STAroS DEV 93-013 ---- Victor Hanc 181 King St. E. development of restaurant in circulation SPA Bowmanville DEV 93-012 ----- Victor Hanc 28 Queen St., Bowmanville allow access onto Queen St. for awaiting Public Meeting ZBUSP A proposed restaurant DEV 93-011 ---- Eiram Dev. Mearns Ave N" Bowmanville 1114 sq.m. commercial/office space in circulation ZBUSP A DEV 93-002 ---- Tomina 2735 Hancock Road, Driving range/putting course in circulation ZBUSPA Courtice DEV 93-001 OPA 93-001/N Gay 1697 Hwy. 2, Courtice 2300 sq,m. commercial floorspace awaiting decision on OPA ZBUSP A DEV 92-54 ----- Sucee Reg, Rd. 57, Taunton Rd., 4000 sq.ft. place of worship in circulation ZBUSP A Hampton DEV 92-051 OPA 92-12/N McDonalds of Canada Hwy. 2/Reg. Rd. 57, McDonalds Restaurant awaiting decision on OPA ZBUSPA Bowmanville DEV 92-046 ----- Midwalsh Dev, 1403 Hwy. 2, Courtice TIm Horton Donuts awaiting registered agreement SPA DEV 92-045 ----- Green 3394 Highway 2, Newcastle conversion of home to vet clinic in circulation ZBUSPA Village DEV 92-043 ----- Marshall (IMS Systems) 400 Toronto Street, 4000 sq.ft. building for light awaiting information from applicant SPA Newcastle Village manufacturing Ln >' rt rt Ol n ::J 3 (!) ::l rt =I=t: N rt o :;0 (!) '0 o t-j rt >' t:l 3: H Z ~ ~ W CJ".. FILE # X REF APPUCANf LOCATION PROPOSED USE STAlUS DEV 92-D37 ----- Barmond Builders 243 King St., Bowmanville 4115 sq,m, addition to Bowmanville awaiting information from applicant SPA Mall DEV 92-D17 ---- MacLean Taunton Rd., Mitchells legalize retail operation ZBL denied by Council - appealed by ZBUSPA Comers applicant DEV 92-D06 ----- Martin Green Holdings Hwy.2, Bowmanville Driving range/mini putt awaiting revised site plans ZBUSPA DEV 92-D03 OPA 92-NlOOl Valiant Property Hwy. 2, Courtice 8082 sq.m. commercial centre awaiting decisions on OPA ZBUSPA DEV 92-DOl ---- ReadlMilligan 10 Courtice Ct., Courtice 372 sq,m. office/warehouse awaiting information from applicant SPA DEV 9l-D50 OPA 91-D441D PMG Planning Consultants 2695 Solina Road and Hwy. 2 Gas bar and kiosk MOE comments are outstanding ZBUSPA DEV 91-54 ---- Bob Arney Trulls Rd./Baseline Rd., 480 sq,m. warehouse awaiting the signed agreement from applicant SPA Courtice DEV 9l-D06 OPA 89-95/N MingSun Holdings 1502 King Sc, Courtice 3158 sq.m, office commercial OPA has been approved; ZBL and SPA in SPA circul~tion DEV 91-D47 ---- - lona Properties 4006 Cone. Rd. 8, Clarke 36 hole golf course and related applicant has been informed an OPA is ZBUSPA clubhouse required DEV 9l-D42 ---- Ace Submarine 3211 Hwy. 35/115, Newcastle 247 sq.m, convenience store addition to report being prepared for Committee's ZBUSPA Village restaurant consideration DEV 91-D21 ----- Ken Slater 386 Mill St" Newcastle use existing structure for community ZBL approved awaiting site plan from ZBUSPA (Newcastle Multicare Inc.) Village services applicant DEV 9l-D20 ----- Bransar Holdings Lake Rd., Bowmanville two buildings totalling 3893 sq.m. for applicant must satisfy CLOCA's concerns SPA industrial rental units DEV 91-D22 89-7210 Rosebridge Newcastle 1450 Hwy. 2" Courtice 3717 sq.m. retail commercial, 929 sq.m. awaiting decision on OPA ZBUSPA office, 110 apt. units FILE # X REF APPLICANT LOCATION PROPOSED USE STATUS DEV 91-014 ---- Imperial Oil 330 Lake Rd., Bowmanville agency office for bulk Petro sales ZBL approved; SPA is in circulation ZBUSPA DEV 90-085 ---- Wesseling 104 Simpson Ave., addition to office objections by CLOCA, MNR, Health SPA Bowmanville DEV 90-080 ---- Wiggars Yachts 200 Port Darlington Rd., boat storage building awaiting information from applicant SPA Bowmanville DEV 90-099 ---- PX Welding 1898 Baseline Rd" Courtice 2080 sq.m, industrial building contingent on alignment of 4011407 linkage SPA resolved, SPA near completion DEV 90-044 OPA 91-025/D/N Vanstone Mill Inc. King St./Scugog St., high density residential, retail residential component denied, applicant to ZBUSPA Bowmanville commercial submit new proposal DEV 90-103 91-002/N Ray Abbott 1589 King St., Courtice 3158 sq.m. extension to Prestonvale applicant requested staff to hold application ZBUSPA Plaza for one year DEV 90-078 ---- Markborough Properties 2379 King St., Bowmanville 21367 sq.m, commercial retail centre pending Bowmanville MCA Study SPA DEV 90-069 ---- Hungarian Culture Club Region Road 57 and reconstruction of chalet ZBL passed once agreement is registered ZBUSPA Taunton Road DEV 90-065 ---- 767042 Ont. Ltd. 101 Liberty St., Bowmanville expand convenience store SPA must be registered prior to ZBL passed ZBUSPA DEV 90-047 OPA 91-45/N Carnova1e Construction 2349 King St., Bowmanville three storey apartment retail ZBL passed once Official Plan approved by ZBUSPA - commercial Minister -......J LIST OF MAJOR INDUSTRIAUCOMMERCIAUINSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, FOR WHICH BUILDING PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED SINCE JANUARY 1992 TO MAY 1993 (NOTE: ONLY PROJECTS OVER $25,000 OR 1,000 SQ. FT. ARE NOTED) dn:cslist.ta b 0::-' OWNER/APPLICANT USEffYPE ESTIMAlED FLOORSPACE CONSlRUCTION (SQ. FT.) VALUE ($) INDUSTRIAL . Motor Coach Industries internal renovation 35,000 N/A Handi Storage additional storage building 100,000 5,422 COMMERCIAL Royal Bank (Courtice) internal renovations 208,000 N/A Noones Restaurant internal renovations 43,000 N/A Oshawa Ski Club addition to chalet 120,000 tO,OOO Mr. Submarine internal renovations 35,000 N/A Flying Dutchman Hotel, Harveys/Swiss Chalet fast food establishment 300,000 8,444 INSTITUTIONAL Strathaven Nursing Home addition 1,005,000 17,300 Trinity United Church addition 600,000 8,000 United Church of Canada addition 240,000 15,000 Courtice North Public School addition 3,800,000 41,910 St. Joseph School portable gym 172,000 2,346 Bowmanville Hospital internal renovation 60,000 N/A >' rt- rt- O! () ::> 3 (J) ::l rt- =tI:: w :A:l (J) '0 o 11 rt- >' t:I 3: H Z >i::o \.0 W . Attachment #4 to Report ADMIN. 4 - 93 eHew Industries and Employers January 1992 to May 1993 There have been a number of new businesses established between January 1992 and May 1993, in the food services, retail commercial and personal service sectors. Because these sectors tend to be dynamic in nature, it is difficult to grasp the overall effect on the economy in a dollar figure as well as to obtain a number for employees. The new larger industrial and commercial developments are listed below: Darlington Steel Located in an existing Court ice Industrial Area steel fabricator. The established in 1992 approximately 19. building in is a custom company was and employs Prime Steel Located in an existing Court ice Industrial Area, steel fabricator. The established in 1992 approximately 10. building in is a custom Company was and employs Dy Tech Inc. Located in existing building in the Courtice Industrial Area and have located here from Whitby, manufacturing metal cabinets, control panels and stamping. The company employs approximately 10. Canadian Tire Relocated from downtown Bowmanville location, to a 34,000 sq. ft. building, now employing, approximately 100. Located in a 9000 sq. ft. building in Bowmanville, employing approximately 15 full-time/part-time. Maxi Drug eAnticipated new Employment Opportunities Royal Canadian Mounted Police Relocated from Toronto, into a new 22,000 sq. ft. building scheduled to open July 1993. Sixty four officers will be assigned to the detachment. Harvey/Swiss Chalet Coffee Time Construction of a new 5,000 sq. ft. building will commence within weeks, scheduled to open in July, 1993. The number of employees is undetermined at this time. 1 ! 1 9