HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-2-93 /' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MARCH 1 1993 ADMIN. 2 'filE9ta File # C \ d A-4<)'3. CO Res. # G:PR -- \ \ 5--13. By-Law # Meeting: Report #: Subject: COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP UPDATE (PORT GRANBY WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 2 - 93 be received; 2. That in accordance with Council's resolution of December 10 1992, Mr. John Veldhuis, Chair of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group, be requested to provide the information referred to in this report; 3. That the recommendation contained in Section 21 of this report concerning the end-use of the Port Granby Waste Management Facility site be approved; 4. That a report be provided by staff dealing with the issue of compensation to be presented at a subsequent General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting; and 5. That as set out in Section 22 of this report the terms of reference and consultants with whom consultant contracts have been or are proposed to be made be provided to Council by the Siting Task Force and the Newcastle Community Liaison Group for Council's consideration and, if necessary, its approval; 1 1 n ' i i J , ",,,0< 'co t:\ '''''' PAPER '+tJ:1 RECYCLE THIS IS PRINT[DON RECYCLED PAPER ADMIN. 2 - 93 2 and 6. That a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. John Veldhuis, Chair, Newcastle Community Liaison Group, Members of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group and to Dr. Vera Lafferty, Secretary-General, Siting Task Force. BACKGROUND 1. At its meeting on November 9 1992, Council received the delegation of John Veldhuis, Chair of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group. After acknowledging and thanking Mr. Veldhuis, Council resolved (by Resolution #C-741-92): The comments from the Community Liaison Group (" CLG") be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. 2. On June 8 1992, the Community Liaison Group ("CLG") chaired by Mr. Veldhuis had been appointed by Council following consultation with the Co-operative Siting Process Task Force on Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal (the "Siting Task Force" ) . The CLG was appointed to take part in Phases 4 and 5 of the Co-operative Siting Process (see Attachment #1 for a description of Phases 4 and 5). 3. Previously the Newcastle CLG had been appointed by the Siting Task Force itself to take part in Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the Co- operative Siting Process. Its mandate ended with the completion of Phase 3. 4. Phase 4 of the Co-operative Siting Process comprises two stages (see Attachment #1). In its report "Opting for Co- operation" the Siting Task Force states that the objectives of the first stage of Phase 4 are to select the technologies, identify preliminaries to sites, identify potential 1 U 2 ADMIN. 2 - 93 3 significant and environment and socio-economic issues and find ways to manage these issues. The purpose of this stage is to find suitable potential sites to which, in the case of the waste now located at the Port Granby facility, that waste can be moved. The second stage of Phase 4 will involve a detailed examination of all potential receiving "volunteer" sites. Detailed technical, economic, environmental and social studies will be commissioned to assess the feasibility of developing the site. As studies become available their results and expert comment on them are to be circulated for full public review and discussion so that concerns and issues needing further study can be identified and resolved in a timely manner. In this stage, transportation options are also to be explored and decided on for the removal of the waste from the Port Granby facility. These options will be of great significance to the Town. 5. The Siting Task Force report entitled "Opting for Co- operation" envisioned each CLG performing a liaison function between the Task Force including its Secretariat, members of the local public, and the Municipal Council concerned. In the Summary of Proceedings and Conclusions of the community Start- Up Workshop sponsored by the Task Force and held in Toronto on February 7, 8 and 9, 1992 CLGs were described as being responsible for "public liaison, i. e., keeping the public informed regarding the proceedings of Phases 4 and 5, fostering dialogue, recel.vl.ng input from individuals and special interest groups." The Summary went on to state that each CLG was to advise its Council and the Task Force regularly with respect to community views on all activities during the implementation of Phases 4 and 5, to have input into work plans, terms of reference and selection of consultants to conduct geotechnical, engineering, environmental, socioeconomic impact and cost/benefit studies. 1 i,7 'u J ADMIN. 2 - 93 4 6. In the Summary of Proceedings and Conclusions of the Workshop, the Town's concerns expressed at the Workshop are described as follows: Newcastle is concerned with proper definition of CLG Council roles in Phase 4-5, and with Council's authority to select the CLG and set its Terms of Reference to ensure public opinion and Council policy is accurately reflected. The need is cited for commitment to the original Co-operative Siting Process principles, but with the flexibility to allow for the particular requirements and characteristics of each participating community. Newcastle is committed to the removal of the low-level radioactive waste now in temporary storage at the Port Granby facility from the Town as quickly as possible. 7. Some reference to the history of the matter is necessary in order to appreciate the concerns of the Town. Several recommendations of the Siting Task Force set out in "Opting for Co-operation" concerning the role of CLGs were found to be unacceptable by Council when it reviewed the work and final report of the previous Newcastle CLG whose mandate expired wi th the completion of Phase 3. Council's concerns were identified in its resolution of December 10, 1990: WHEREAS Council received verbal reports from the Chief Administrative Officer and the Town Solicitor on the Report of the Siting Task Force on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management entitled "Synopsis Report" dated August, 1990 and on the draft Final Report of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group entitled "Phase III of the Siting Process for Low-Level Radioactive and Chemical Waste at the Port Granby Facility" dated November 26, 1990; WHEREAS the Siting Task Force in "Opting for Co- operation" recommended that community liaison groups be accountable both to Council and to the Siting Task Force, and proposed that community liaison groups be appointed by Council with the assistance of the Siting Task Force; WHEREAS all of the members of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group were appointed by the Siting Task Force and, with the exception of one member nominated by Council, the Siting Task Force did not consult with Council with respect to the appointments; 1 j 4 ADMIN. 2 - 93 5 WHEREAS as a result, the Newcastle Community Liaison Group is not responsible and accountable to Council, has not been authorized by Council to act for the Town of Newcastle, and has not reported regularly and received instructions from Council; WHEREAS the Siting Task Force in "Opting for Co- operation" recommended that the terms of reference of community liaison groups including such items as their terms of office, reporting relationships, decision-making powers, and expected results were to be established by negotiation between the Council concerned and the Siting Task Force and in the case of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group this has not occurred since the Siting Task Force has acted unilaterally in establishing its policies on these matters; WHEREAS the Newcastle Community Liaison Group has not communicated regularly with Council to receive instructions from Council; WHEREAS the Newcastle Community Liaison group has not restricted itself to considering only the immediate removal of the radio-actively contaminated waste now at the Port Granby Facility from the Town of Newcastle in accordance with repeated resolutions stating Town policy in this regard; WHEREAS the Newcastle Community Liaison Group's draft final report appears to suggest that it and the Siting Task Force should examine options that include the retention of the radio-actively contaminated wastes at the Port Granby Facility; WHEREAS both the Chairman of the Siting Task Force, Mr. Paul H. Rennick and the Chairman of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group, Mr. Garnet Rickard, have urged Council to decide to proceed with Phases 4 and 5 of the "Co-operative Siting Process" described in "Opting for Co-operation" as modified by the Synopsis Report; WHEREAS the Synopsis Report suggests that all source communities, which would include the Town of Newcastle requested that a "binding referendum" be held as part of Phase 4; WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has not nor does it intend to commit itself to a binding referendum which among other reasons, Council considers to be inappropriate in a Town with an area of two hundred and thirty square miles; 05 ADMIN. 2 - 93 6 WHEREAS Council is of the view that the Town of Newcastle should not enter into Phases 4 and 5 of the "Co-operative Siting Process" unless the appointment, accountability, reporting, authority and purpose of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group is changed as set out below; and WHEREAS Council has been advised by Mr. Garnet Rickard that the terms of office of the members of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group will end with the submission of their final report respecting Phase 3 of the siting process: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE: 1. THAT the Siting Task Force be advised that the Town of Newcastle is prepared to enter into Phases 4 and 5 of the "Co-operative Siting Process" only if the following conditions are satisfied: b) a) A new Newcastle Community Liaison Group will be appointed by Council after consultation with the Siting Task Force and in accordance with appointment guidelines of the Siting Task Force as settled with and agreed to by the Town. The Siting Task Force would be given notice of the candidates proposed to be considered by Council and would have the right to veto any particular candidate after giving reasons for the proposed veto to Council and after negotiating any issue respecting the appointment of a particular candidate(s) with Council. The Newcastle Community Liaison Group would be funded by the Siting Task Force as recommended in "Opting for Co-operation" and the Synopsis Report. Except as otherwise provided in this resolution such items as the term of office, reporting relationships, decision-making powers and expected results of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group shall be established by negotiation between the Town of Newcastle and the Siting Task Force before Phase 4 of the Co-operative Siting Process is commenced. The Newcastle Community Liaison Group shall report to the Council at least once a month concerning its work in progress and shall be accountable and responsible to Council. d) Consultants for specific tasks will be c) (, 6' J ADMIN. 2 - 93 7 retained by the Newcastle Community Liaison Group and funded by the Siting Task Force as recommended in "Opting for Co-operation" and the Synopsis Report. However, no consultant may be retained until the prior approval of the Town of Newcastle is given both to the consultant and to the proposed terms of reference of the Consultant. e) If a full-time facilitator is retained, he or she shall be retained by the Newcastle Community Liaison Group after prior approval of the Town Council of the candidate or his or her terms of reference, with all funding being provided by the Siting Task Force. f) The authority of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group shall be limited to considering and making recommendations only as to the methods to effect the immediate removal of the radio-actively contaminated waste and other contaminants form the Port Granby Facility as well as means of mitigating possible impacts form such removal. It must be made clear that the Newcastle Community Liaison Group does not have authority to consider any other potential option with respect to the Port Granby Facility or the terms of any possible impact management agreement with the Town of Newcastle including compensation. The terms of any such agreement and compensation must be negotiated with and agreed to by the Council. 2. THAT the Mayor and relevant Town officials be authorized on behalf of the Town to settle all arrangements with the Siting Task Force to give effect to and to implement the intent of this resolution. 3. THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to: Mr. Paul H. Rennick, Chairman, Siting Task Force, Ms Vera Lafferty, Secretary General of the Siting Task Force, Mr. Garnet Rickard, Chairman of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group, The Atomic Energy Control Board, The Honourable Ruth Grier, Ministry of the Environment. 'I (i 7 'J ! ADMIN. 2 - 93 8 8. Following Council's resolution of December 10 1990, discussions took place with Dr. Vera Lafferty, Secretary General of the Siting Task Force Secretariat. These discussions culminated in an exchange of letters between the previous Mayor and Dr. Lafferty under dates of December 19 1990 and January 15 1990 respectively. In her letter the previous Mayor confirmed to Dr. Lafferty that the Town wished to participate in Phases 4 and 5 provided that the Town is not considered as a "volunteer" or potential "volunteer" which would retain the radioactive waste at the Port Granby facility and provided also that: 1. A new Newcastle Community Liaison Group which shall be acceptable to the Town as well as to the Siting Task Force is appointed by Town Council with assistance from the Siting Task Force in the manner and subject to the stipulations set out in Council's Resolution of December 10 1990 at the start of Phase 4; 2. The term of office of the members of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group, reporting relationships, decision-making powers and expected results in addition to the other stipulations contained in the Resolution of December 10 1990 and the considerations set out in Part III of the Town's Submissions to the Atomic Energy Control Board dated December 12 1990 will be negotiated by Council and the Siting Task Force to their mutual satisfaction prior to the commencement of Phase 4 as it relates to the Town; 3. A binding referendum will not be held in the Town unless specifically authorized by Council. 9. In her letter to the previous Mayor, Dr. Lafferty replied in part that: "I believe that the conditions stipulated in your letter can be accomplished under the Process to the satisfaction of all parties concerned, and I look forward to working more closely with the Newcastle Council if continuation of the Process is approved by Cabinet. We expect the decision to be rendered in the very near future." 08 ADMIN. 2 - 93 9 10. Mayor Diane Hamre in a letter dated January 21 1992 to Mr. Patrick MacCulloch, Chairman of the Siting Task Force, referred to the resolution of Council on December 10 1990 and the letters exchanged by the previous Mayor and Dr. Lafferty. Mayor Hamre went on to state: "I will not summarize what is in this correspondence. Suffice it to say that I supported and continue to support the resolution passed by the Town Council on December 10 1990. I also concur with the contents of Mayor Hubbard's letter to Dr. Lafferty dated December 19, 1990. In the spirit of Dr. Lafferty's letter of January 15, 1991, I would very much like to discuss with you and Dr. Lafferty how the conditions set out in Mayor Hubbard's letter of December 19 1990 can be accomplished in the process to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. I am confident that this can be done. Perhaps we could begin our discussion before the Workshop if that will be convenient for you. Please let me know. 11. Following the February 7, 8 and 9 Workshop, Mayor Hamre reported to Council at its meeting on February 17 1992, Council adopted Resolution GPA-161-92 (see Attachment #2). The resolution recites in part: "WHEREAS the Co-operative Siting Process involves the appointment by Council, after consultation wi th the Siting Task Force, of a Community Liaison Group for the Town to hold office for three years to be responsible both to Council and to the Siting Task Force, to use staff, consultants and financial resources to be made available by the Siting Task Force, and with terms of reference remaining to be settled in detail which will be brought before Council for its approval at a subsequent meeting;" 12. Although in general the role and responsibilities of the Newcastle CLG were agreed to with the Siting Task Force before the appointment of the current CLG, detailed terms of reference of the CLG have not been brought before Council for its approval as was provided for in the penultimate recital in Council's resolution of February 17 1992. 09 ADMIN. 2 - 93 10 13. Nevertheless, the Newcastle CLG has established nine functional sub-committees (see Attachment #3). Each sub- committee is assigned a specific task with particular items to perform. I assume that the Siting Task Force Secretariat had recommended to the CLG that the sub-committees be established. I assume that other CLGs are being similarly organized so that their work and input ultimately can be related to and integrated with the work of the Task Force Secretariat and the technical consultants. 14. At present the members of the sub-committees of the Newcastle CLG are examining material and receiving presentations from specialists which in summary appear to be designed to sharpen the understanding of the members of the various functional issues associated with the tasks assigned to the Newcastle CLG's sub-committees. 15. Mr. Veldhuis also advises that he believes that the Siting Task Force Secretariat currently is designing and commissioning or proposing to commission a number of significant research studies. Many of these studies are generic in the sense that they relate to each of the current host communities and potential volunteer communities. Clearly, however, specific consulting studies dealing with the Port Granby Facility will have to be commissioned in the very near future if the Task Force is to be in a position to complete the first stage of Phase 4 within the allotted time. In this regard, Acres International Limited has prepared a report entitled "Discussion Document for Setting Criteria for the Clean-up of Port Hope Area Sites" (December 1992). In section 6.5.4 of its report, Acres concludes: "The Port Granby WMF has many similarities to the Welcome WMF and, thus, much of the discussion presented for the Welcome WMF is also relevant to Port Granby and will not be repeated here. Also, it is likely the clean-up 1 0 ADMIN. 2 - 93 11 criteria developed for one waste management facility would be applicable to the other. There are two areas where additional information is required prior to selecting the lower level: 1. There is almost no information at the Port Granby Waste Management Facility to determine the extent of uranium or arsenic contamination. Many of the boreholes drilled in 1978 were not sampled for uranium and arsenic and the detection limit for uranium was 5ppm. The evidence that does exist, however, suggests that uranium and arsenic exist at about background concentrations to a greater depth than radium-226. An extensive field sampling and analysis program will be required prior to selecting criteria for uranium and/or arsenic. 2. A major uncertainty at Port Granby is the significance of the underlying groundwater plume. Modelling carried out by Environment Canada... has postulated that radium-226 and uranium have migrated into the sands and silts underlying the Port Granby WMP... Clearly, determination of the nature, extent and location of the waste at Port Granby will require Port Granby specific technical studies." 16. The terms of reference of at least three of the sub-committees of the Newcastle CLG are of significance in light of Council's previous resolutions. They are the Legislation/Contracts, the Hydrology & Geology, and the Compensation and Insurance sub- committees. The membership and terms of reference of all of the sub-committees is set out in Attachment #3. 17. The task of the Legislation/Contracts sub-committee is to identify all the legislation and regulations and the standards relating to the removal of low-level radioactive waste from Port Granby. Particular items that are to be considered by the sub-committee include Federal, Provincial, Municipal and International legislation, contract specifications and performance bonds. It is not clear why in light of Council's resolutions of December 10 1990 and February 17 1992 that either the CLG or a sub-committee should deal with contract 111 ADMIN. 2 - 93 12 specifications and performance bonds. Mr. Veldhuis should be requested to clarify this matter. 18. The Hydrology & Geology sub-committee has the task of reviewing reports relating to movement or fixation of contamination in/on land and water on site, and adjacent to the site (Port Granby). The particular items to be considered by the sub-committee include the stabilization of bluffs and testing of wells. It is not clear whether the stabilization of the bluffs that is to be explored by the sub-committee has any relation to the Interim Stabilization project undertaken by Cameco three years ago and the decisions of the Atomic Energy Control Board referable thereto. Mr. Veldhuis should be asked to clarify these matters and whether this item of work is consistent with Council's decision that only the removal of the waste material from the Port Granby Facility should be considered. 19. The Compensation and Insurance sub-committee has the task of studying needs for expropriation and methods by which compensation can be paid, and requirements for insurance coverage by all parties involved. The particular items to be considered include the end-use of the property, rehabilitation of the site and compensation of the Town and residents. 20. Having regard for Council's resolution of December 10 1990 dealing with compensation, the Town's Solicitor and I met with the members of the Compensation and Insurance sub-committee at their request. They have prepared an interesting paper on compensation of residents who have been impacted by the Port Granby Facility and have asked for the Town's position on this issue. This will be the subject of a subsequent report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. 2 ADMIN. 2 - 93 13 21. The Compensation and Insurance sub-committee of the CLG also asked for the Town's position with regard to the end-use of the site of the Port Granby Facility once the waste material has been removed. The Director of Planning and Development's preliminary view on the matter is that the end-use should be a passive recreation use and that the site should be transferred by its current owner, a numbered company controlled by Cameco, to the Crown in Right of Canada which would have the responsibility to maintain the site in perpetuity. I support the Director's preliminary position as being in the interest of the Town and its ratepayers and recommend it to the Committee. 22. Council's resolution of December 10 1990 requires that all consultants' contracts and terms of reference as well as the individual consultants be approved by Council. This was acceptable to the Siting Task Force Secretariat as evidenced by Dr. Lafferty's letter to the previous Mayor dated January 15 1991 referred to in Paragraph 9 of this Report. Dr. Lafferty and Mr. Veldhuis should be requested to provide to the Town the necessary information to allow Council to review for approval consultants' contracts, terms of reference and the recommended consultants. Wi th regard to proposed consultants' contracts, this information should also be provided to the Town Council so that it may review and, if appropriate, approve before the consultants' contracts are actually made. All of the above is respectfully submitted, CC(ll[l' (.(~!' Lawrence E. Kots~ff, Chief Administrati~e Officer LEK:nof 1 3 ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT ADMIN. 2 - 93 EXCERPTS FROM "OPTING FOR CO-OPERATION" REPORT OF THE SITING PROCESS TASK FORCE ON LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL Phase four Projectassessrnent '- TIME POR PIIASB POUR (18 to J4 Mo.tJuo) PURUC EDUCATION CONTINUING PUBUC EDUCATION PUBUC INVOLVEMENT STF \CTIViTIEs 4.1 Preliminlll)' Site and Technology Identification IUNICIPAL CTIViTIEs 78 u Stope IuuoaI Terma of Rer.rance 4.5 Evaluation of Envirvnmantallmpacto Technical Jaouea, Coot- a-Iil Analyai. and Sociallmpacto CONTINUING PUBUC EDUCATION 4.8 Public Review and Discussion 4.7 Documenta and Commenlo Clrculaled 4.9 Tranoponation Options Di........Kms Transportation Consultation with Olher Affected Communities 4.10 (a> STF and Council Conducl Poll to AsMoo Level of Community Acceptance Council Comriders Community Acceptance ~ ---- 79 ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT ADMIN. 2 - 93 EXCERPTS FROM "OPTING FOR CO-OPERATION" REPORT OF THE SITING PROCESS TASK FORCE ON LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL Figure 21 Phase five - Implementation TIME FOR PHASE FIVE (6 to 9 Months) PUBLIC EDUCATION PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 5.1 Public Discussion and Negotiation as Appropriate STF ACTIVITIES 5,1 Impact Management Negotiations OJ ...... MUNICIPAL ACTIVITIES Continuing Public Education 5.3 Recommendations to Cabinet 5.5 Application for a Zoning Change 5.6 Board of Directors Jointly Established L.() . ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT ADMIN. 2 - 93 RESOLUTION #GPA-161-92 PASSED BY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 17 1992 WHEREAS at the invitation of Mr. Patrick MacCulloch, Chairman of the Siting Task Force Low Level Radioactive Waste Management, Mayor Diane Hamre, Councillor David Scott, the Town's Administrator and the Town's Solicitor attended a meeting in Toronto on February 7, 8 and 9, 1992 convened by the Task Force, attended by members of the Task Force and its Staff, by representatives of the Councils of the other sourced municipalities, the Town of Port Hope and Hope Township, as well as by representatives of the Councils of the possible volunteer municipalities of Deep River, Geraldton and Hornpayne; WHEREAS at the meeting of Council held on February 10, 1992, Mayor Hamre delivered a verbal report on the meeting, noting that it was convened to determine the willingness of the municipalities concerned to participate in Phases 4 and 5 of the Co-operative Siting Process for the removal of low-level radioactive waste from the source municipalities and relocation of it in one or more volunteer municipalities, as well as to determine the terms of participation in the process; WHEREAS Mayor Hamre reported that the results of the meeting were such as to generally satisfy the conditions set out in Council's Resolution of December 10, 1990 for participation of the Town in Phases 4 and 5 of the Co-operative Siting Process, and accordingly she had advised that, subject to Council's confirmation, the Town would be participating in Phases 4 and 5; WHEREAS the Co-operative Siting Process involves the appointment by Council, after consultation with the Siting Force, of a Community Liaison Group for the Town to hold office for three years to be responsible both to Council and to the Siting Task Force, to use staff, consultants and financial resources to be made available by 1 ., 1 6 ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT ADMIN. 2 - 93 the Siting Task Force, and with terms of reference remal.nl.ng to be settled in detail which will be brought before Council for its approval at a subsequent meeting; WHEREAS in order to avoid any unnecessary delay in the commencement of the work of the Community Liaison Group and Phases 4 and 5 of the Co-operative Siting Process, it would be appropriate for the Town to advertise for interested residents of the Town to apply for appointment to the Community Liaison Group and Phases 4 and 5 of the Co-operative Siting Process: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Council confirms that the Town of Newcastle will participate in Phases 4 and 5 of the Co-operative Siting Process for the removal of low-level radioactive waste from the Port Granby Management Facility and the Town in accordance with the above; 2. That the Clerk be authorized to place one or more advertisements in the appropriate newspapers in the Town of Newcastle to invite residents of the Town who may be interested to apply for appointment by the Council as a member of the Community Liaison Group for the Town; and 3. That a copy of this resolution be sent to: Mr. Patrick MacCulloch, Chairman, Siting Task Force, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management and Dr. Vera Lafferty, Secretary-General, Siting Task Force Secretariat. 1 7 ATTACHMENT #3 TO REPORT ADMIN. 2 -93 ^~'I'I';NIJ I X "e" CUK"lTT~M bTllUeTU"b Committee Task Ite.. - -- ., - -- ltI!.t1IUm1!~jnuJ IdHlt I fy .11 fh. I ~OC .1., I.... ....t .~olll.tl "".. ..1IIi tJ.. ~'.r"C...k 1'.1.11t'll In f.... ,...__,.1. 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Ja_t M.......r or r_v;ng Ubi frillll Port Granby r~t Stcni I!'S Paul $OImler v i lI. r~~ Assess-.nt ".vi~ Carl ton - ~ End Use of PrlllWrty 8ilt Clerk. frwi ronne-"uI ..---> To ~ter~i~ all en"irctnllenlal i~ts r.lating to removBl of llRU from Port Voise !;. I; II Clarke .:0 'r anby A ir Duality Paul SlJI1I1Iervllle Traffic "erttla rarrOWl Atr i cll1 tur., Jean P..yne II~. ..-d F.... "~alth & Saf~ty to ~terMi~ all f~torl relating to the Health & Safety of a.sidents end Training ~. J otlt'l 5 I epflensoo Workers rrsull ing from the removal of lLIl'W frem Port Granby Sanitary/Cleening Statiool Harvev Th~oo S~rt facilities Ede Jelinski Plooi tor i ng "anet ...yer OKlllUamiNtiOl1 Clean-UD Cl";t.ri~ tepor t fl"Of/I Ttoch.,leal llarking Gr~ MethodS of l~"al ,. H al" v~ f hOOlpSoo t:nd Usa of ~rop!'rty ...... Payne "a"is Carlton John St.~enson Hvdrtltogy 1 Ceol~V To revihl Reports relatfng to lIlOV_nt or fh.tlOl'l of conullIination i",on l.rd Stabilizltion of .l~ffs ~. Mlvis ~arltoo anet waler on si t. and adj.cent to Ih. site (Port Cr.nbv) Test."I of Uelll Mal'v.v Th~ort "., UI. t.. t_ I de: Jet hlOll~1 - ---.._._._--------~- --- --._-. _ on. .. -- _. --. , , - , -- I n ------..----.. . !.eJlPensetlan ... IllIu...,ltl 10 study need. 'ur C~I1.,.t1an itI1d _thoch by ....'ch I:tlIIt~r'..t Ion cen be j>>ld r_ ,:. J..n P.~ To Shalr u."fr_nu fOt' InaUl..... co~raa~ by .t' plOrtl.. t"yolv@<d IP.ldrnt. ......1 11_. ,,"t. .........1..1 ...! U.. t..._ .. _ _. _ ___ ~ ,.... u.. .., ........' I V- Itll 't.rh -- - -_~.-.___ _~. __ r --.- ..-..-----........- -- --........._~... -.. ~ .. .. -, , - -- _.