HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-102-09STAFF REPORT #1 Clarington ceaaiag me way REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: COUNCIL I `LSD I ~~^' ~ ~~~ Date: Monday, October 26, 2009 Report #: PSD-102-09 File #: COPA 2007-013 By-law #: Subject: PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO AMENDMENT NO. 60 BROOKHILL SECONDARY PLAN DATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the Council endorse the following recommendations: 1. THAT Report PSD-102-09 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality request the Ontario Municipal Board to modify Amendment No. 60 as shown in Attachment 2; 3. THAT the Ontario Municipal Board and the Durham Region Planning Department be forwarded a copy of this report and Council's decision; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. y ~-~ ~ ~ Submitted by: Reviewed by: David J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer CS/CP/df October 21, 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 j2EPORT NO.: PSD-102-09 1.0 BACKGROUND PAGE 2 1.1 On March 24~h, 2008 Council recommended to the Region of Durham that Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan for the Brookhill Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines be approved. The Region, as the approval authority, approved Amendment No. 60 in August 2008. Amendment No. 60 was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) by a local resident residing on Munday Court. The appeal was specific to the introduction of a Medium Density symbol located on the east side of Regional Road 57 on the north side of Stevens Road. 1.2 Through the pre-hearing conferences scheduled by the Ontario Municipal Board, the appeal to Amendment No. 60 and the appeals by West Diamond/Players Business Park (West Diamond) were consolidated. West Diamond became a party to the Amendment No. 60 appeal. 1.3 Earlier this year, a group of landowners in the Brookhill Neighbourhood met with staff to review preliminary draft plans of subdivision. 1613881 Ontario Inc. (Metrus), 821012 Ontario Limited & 821013 Ontario Limited (Tonno) and Dunbury Developments (Regional) Ltd. (Dunbury) expressed an interest in moving forward with the development of their lands (Attachment 1). Interest from three landowners in developing the Brookhill Neighbourhood, together with West Diamond, represents both challenges and opportunities for moving forward with servicing and road infrastructure, parks and open space development. As such, modifications to Amendment No. 60 have been requested for certain policies related to residential densities, parkland development and the accompanying land use schedules. 1.4 The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the appeal to Amendment No. 60 and the recommended modifications thereto. 2.0 APPEAL TO AMENDMENT NO. 60 2.1 Amendment No. 60 was appealed by Mr. Thorsten Koseck of Munday Court. Mr. Koseck objected to the Medium Density symbol located east of Regional Road 57 on the north side of Stevens Road, where The Kaitlin Group proposed a 62 unit townhouse condominium development. Mr. Koseck's primary concerns were the impact of the development on the Bowmanville Creek valley and wildlife; traffic impact, citing residents of Munday Court find it increasingly more difficult to turn onto or off of Regional Road 57, and the lack of pedestrian connections to the Bowmanville West Town Centre. 2.2 Since the appeal was lodged in August 2008, The Kaitlin Group has met with Mr. Koseck and the Municipality on several occasions to resolve the concerns regarding the development. The Kaitlin Group proposes to reduce the number of units to 42 single detached units in condominium tenure. This will ensure a consistent quality architectural design and maintenance standards. The reduction in the number of units eliminates the need for the Medium Density symbol in this location. An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for the development, addressing concerns related to development REPORT NO.: PSD-102-09 PAGE 3 adjacent to the Bowmanville Creek valley and impacts to wildlife, has not been completed at this time. The Kaitlin Group must also submit an application for Site Plan Approval and Plan of Condominium in order for Staff to further evaluate this proposal. 2.3 Staff have also met with Mr. Koseck on several occasions to address his concerns regarding traffic impacts and pedestrian movements in the area. In April 2009, Staff invited staff from Region of Durham Works Department and consultants from AECOM to discuss traffic movements on Regional Road 57. Mr. Koseck was advised by Regional Works that traffic signals would not be installed at Stevens Road and Regional Road 57. Traffic signals will be installed at the future intersection of Brookhill Boulevard and Regional Road 57, providing the appropriate separation distance between existing signals at Durham Highway 2 and Regional Road 57 and Longworth Avenue and Regional Road 57. Signalization of these locations would provide adequate gap for traffic movements onto and off of Regional Road 57. Mr. Koseck was also advised that sidewalks from Durham Highway 2 to Stevens Road along Regional Road 57 are in the Development Charges Background Study for 2016. Should The Kaitlin Group's proposal proceed prior to the inclusion of this work in the Municipality's capital budget, then the Municipality would require The Kaitlin Group to provide temporary pedestrian connections to the west side until such time as permanent sidewalks are constructed, which will occur when the Region reconstructs Regional Road 57. At the present time, the Region has advised that an Environmental Assessment (EA) for Regional Road 57 from Baseline Road to Durham Highway 2 is slated to commence next year with construction scheduled for 2012 to 2027 timeline. The EA will determine if improvements to the intersection will be warranted and may extend as far north as Stevens Road in order to provide an acceptable transition through the improved intersection. 2.4 In a recent meeting with staff, Mr. Koseck requested that bicycle lanes be constructed as part of the road network, and not just be part of an off-road trail system, within the Brookhill tributary valley. Engineering staff have advised that the road allowances for Brookhill Boulevard, Clarington Boulevard, and Longworth Avenue are all wide enough to accommodate a bike lane when and if the demand warrants it. A letter to this effect was forwarded to Mr. Koseck. 3.0 PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO AMENDMENT NO. 60 3:1 Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan included the recommendations from the Brookhill Subwatershed Study and the Brookhill Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines. The proposed modifications further refine the policies contained in Amendment No. 60 as a result of further review by Staff, proposed revisions to The Kaitlin development east of Regional Road 57, and through discussions with the Brookhill developers. The proposed modifications affect both the Clarington Official Plan and the Brookhill Secondary Plan. REPORT NO.: PSD-102-09 PAGE 4 3.2 The proposed modifications to the schedules contained in Amendment No. 60 are summarized as follows, and contained in Attachment 2: ^ To address the concerns of Mr. Koseck and in response to the revisions proposed by The Kaitlin Group, the Medium Density symbol east of Regional Road 57 has been deleted. This would still allow development of the lands at the east end of Stevens Road for a density up to 30 units per hectare, which sari also accommodate a townhouse housing form. ^ In response to the discussions with Tonno, the stormwater management facility on the west side of Regional Road 57 has been relocated south of Brookhill Boulevard. A Medium Density symbol has been added between the stormwater management facility and Brookhill Boulevard. Brookhill Boulevard has been shifted northerly, accordingly. ^ In response to the combined request from Metrus, Tonno and Dunbury, Clarington Boulevard has been shifted easterly to straddle the joint property lines. ^ In response to a request from Metrus, the Neighbourhood Park symbol abutting the east side of Green Road has been deleted and replaced with Low Density Residential designation and a parkette. As a result of the easterly shift to Clarington Boulevard lands between the Neighbourhood Park and Public Elementary School to the north and the stormwater management facility to the south have been designated Low Density Residential. ^ Boswell Drive north of Brookhill Boulevard was deleted-from Map B of the Official Plan. This road pattern is consistent with the Brookhill Demonstration Plan. 3.3 In response to request and discussion with West Diamond, changes to the Secondary Plan policies were made and are summarized as follows, and contained in Attachment 2: ^ The policies identifying the location of rear lanes was modified by including policies to permit rear lanes in Neighbourhood Commons Area and for access to Medium Density Residential uses which abut Arterial and Collector Roads. ^ Policies dealing with residential uses are modified to permit limited townhouse dwellings in Low Density Residential designations, and limited detached and semi detached dwelling in the Neighbourhood Commons Area designation to diversify streetscapes. ^ The park hierarchy was redefined to better distinguish between larger Neighbourhood Parks, and smaller parks within the Neighbourhood Commons Area and by distinguishing between Urban Squares and Parketfes and permitting parkettes where they are deemed necessary to augment parks within any neighbourhood. REPORT NO.: PSD-702-09 PAGE 5 The elementary school site policies were strengthened to ensure schools are located adjacent and connected to the open space system and planned neighbourhood parks sites and to ensure that the public uses are integrated within the open space system and remains a major attribute within the Secondary Plan. Providing clarification that the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines do not require amendments to implement alternative designs. However, to ensure high quality urban design for uses within the public realm, some of the urban design guidelines have been moved into the Secondary Plan as policies, particularly for institutional uses, the pedestrian environment and natural heritage features. Policies related to the implementation of changes to the Planning Act contained in Bill 51 for including pre-consultation requirements, exterior design, design elements for site plans and provision of pathways and trails in plans of subdivision and sustainability. 4.0 STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 The proposed modifications have been reviewed in consideration of the appeal by Mr. Koseck and from discussions with Staff and the Brookhill developers. The modifications are consistent with the Region of Durham Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan, and maintain the goals and objectives of Amendment No. 60 and the Brookhill Secondary Plan. 4.2 Approval of the modification will enable the Staff to bring forth a recommendation report for the approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and rezoning by West Diamond (S-C 2004-004) currently under appeal. In addition, it will allow staff to evaluate the proposed Draft Plans of Subdivisions to be submitted by Metrus, Tonno and Dunbury. 4.3 A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is being negotiated with Brookhill Developers. The purpose of the MOU is to: ^ Address the financial impacts on the Municipality. ^ Ensure that roads, servicing infrastructure and lands for the public elementary school and parks and open space are available in a timely manner relative to the phasing of development. ^ Assist in helping to provide that the costs associated with each infrastructure is distributed equitably among the Brookhill developers. It is anticipated that the MOU will be brought forward for Committee and Council's consideration in the near future. REPORT NO.: PSD-102-09 PAGE 6 5.0 CONCLUSION In consideration of the comments contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommend the proposed modifications to Amendment No. 60 be recommended to Ontario Municipal Board. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 -Proposed Modifications to Amendment No. 60 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Greg Milosh Steve Neshevich Rich Neshevich Donald and Joyce Luck Frances Westgarth Ted and Maria Roeloffzen Myra Douglas Victor Shearing Bill Allison Ken Allison Larry and Irene Grabowski Bruce Fischer Cora Tonno Bob Annaert Kelvin Whalen Rev. Frank Lockhart Eloisa Liquiran Steven Wimmer Peter Smith Nick Mensink Rudi and Matteo Barrese Harold and Jean Hoskin Allan Frank Doug and Leslie Allingham Ermoini Sawchuck Randy Miller Gerry and Louise Lens Hannu Halminen Mr. and Mrs. Farmer Jose Brito AI O'Reilly Erwin Waldinsperger S. Coyne Louis Bertrand Bruce Fischer Ian Rohr and Phil Litowitz Roslyn Houser Lillian and John Bouma Michael Durocher Mark Koenig Rob Howe Joe Vanderheyden Peter Stoddart and Lee MacMillain Darren Marks Ernest Kockeritz Thorsten Koseck P. Schmidinger Attachment 1 To Report PSD-102-09 i Nash Road 4 ~ r ~{7 I ~ C ~ O Brookhiii Seco ndary Q'/ Planning Area B oundary e ok ~d ~ ~, ,D'~/e \ c, -----~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 _~ 1 West Diamond/ ~ Players Business Dunbury Park Ltd. D l t 1613881 eve opmen s ~ Ontario Inc. 821012 and 821013 Ontario Limited The Kaitlin Group i ~ - Durham Highway 2 Brookhill Secondary Planning Area Land Owners Attachment 2 To Report PSD-102-09 PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO AMENDMENT 60 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN ACTUAL MODIFICATIONS: OPA 60 of the Clarington Official Plan is hereby modified as follows: 1. Modify Exhibit B to OPA 60 Map A3 -Land Use Bowmanville Urban Area as attached 2. Modify Exhibit C to OPA 60 Map B3 -Transportation Bowmanville Urban Area as attached 3. Modify Section 2.2.1 (d) (iv) by adding the following at the end of the second paragraph: "Rear lanes may also be used with the Neighbourhood Commons Areas and in the Medium Density Residential designation abutting Arterial or Collector Roads." 4. Delete the Section 6.1.2 and replace it with the following: "Low Density Residential shall accommodate a range of housing types. Permitted residential building types shall predominantly include detached and semi-detached dwellings. Limited Street townhouse dwellings shall also be permitted." 5. Modify Section 6.3.2 by adding the following, after the words "stacked townhouses,": "as well as limited detached and semi-detached dwellings" 6. Delete the Section 6.3.4 and replace it with the following: "Development within the Neighbourhood Commons Areas is required to have front doors facing the street and/or Neighbourhood Common Square. Garage doors/service facilities shall not dominate the view of the streetscape. Rear lanes may be used to facilitate units with front doors on the Neighbourhood Common Square. Front and exterior side yard porches shall be encouraged on all ground-related residential units." 7 8. Delete Section 6.5.4 and replace it with the following: "An Environmental Impact Study shall be undertaken for development proposals in accordance with Section 4.4.35 of the Official Plan, including any necessary infrastructure and roads proposed within the Lake Iroquois Beach, or within 120 metres of the boundary of a wetland or wetland complex or 30 metres of the Environmental Protection Area designation. Any resulting changes to the boundaries of the Environmental Protection Area designation resulting from the recommendations of an Environmental Impact Study shall not require an amendment to the Official Plan or Secondary Plan." Delete Section 6.6.1 and replace it with the following: 6.6.1 Parks and Open Space designation shall include lands within the following categories: a) .Neighbourhood Parks; b) Neighbourhood Common Squares; c) Parkettes; d) Urban Squares; and e) Green Roads/Gateways/Greenways. 9 Section 6.6.2 is modified as follows: i) Delete Section 6.6.2(a) and (b) and replace them as follows: 6.6.2 Parks shall be established in accordance with the following: a) "Neighbourhood Parks shall form the central focus of the overall Community. Neighbourhood Parks shall perform an array of functions within the community, including providing active sports fields, and shall have a minimum size of 2.0 ha. and shall be located abutting the open space system and planned school sites and have a minimum frontage equal to 25 % of the park perimeter. Neighbourhood Parks are to be accepted as part of the parkland dedication required under the Planning Act. b) Neighbourhood Common Square shall form the central focus of each of the identified Neighbourhood Commons. Neighbourhood Common Square shall be a minimum of 0.8 hectares in size, and shall abut on at least two sides, and preferably three or four sides on public roads. The Neighbourhood Common Square are to be accepted as part of the parkland dedication required under the Planning Act. ii) Add a new 6.6.2 (c) and renumber modify b) and c) to d) and e) as follows: c) Parkettes are not designated on the Land Use Schedule. They are required wherever the Municipality deems it necessary to augment or adjust the park requirements of any neighbourhood. d) Urban Squares -are smaller components of the open space network and will be identified in the required development applications; and e) Green Roads/Gateways/Greenways are small scale open space features provided as linkages within the open space system or as entrance features to the community to provide for connecting pedestrian and bicycle routes and special identity features within the Secondary Plan Area. 10. Delete Section 7.2(a) and replace it as follows: "Elementary school sites are permitted within the Village Corridor designation on Map A. Schools support the community structure and patterns of land use. Elementary school sites shall be located adjacent and connected to the open space system and planned neighbourhood park sites. The configuration and size of school sites will be defined in consultation with the School Boards through application for approval of a proposed plan of subdivision." 11. Add a new 7.4 SPECIAL STUDY AREA "7.4 SPECIAL STUDY AREA Lands south of Brookhill Boulevard and east of Clarington Boulevard have been identified as a Special Study Area. These lands may be required for stormwater management purposes in the future. Prior to Council considering any development application for these lands an Official Plan Amendment shall be submitted and approved by the Municipality detailing the land use permissions. 12. Delete Section 8.2.2 (b) and replace with the following: "b) To recognize the importance of public and institutional buildings in the community and to enhance their status these buildings are encouraged: i) to be located within the Village Corridor and the Neighbourhood Commons Areas; ii) to be sited at the termination of a road or view corridor, or at road intersections, or on sites that enjoy prominence due to topographic and natural features; iii) to be designed as special landmark buildings with high quality design, materials and finishes. The site should be well landscaped in recognition of their prominent locations and status as landmark buildings; and iv) to be located close to the road right-of-way to reinforce the road edge to create a visually dominant feature in the community" 13. Modify Section 8.3.3 by adding a new subsection c) as follows: "c) Trail System -The highly interconnected trails system is identified conceptually on the Greenlands and Open Space Plan. i) The trails system includes trails within natural features, stormwater management facilities, open spaces and parks and the road system -sidewalks and bicycle paths; ii) Trail design and type will be based on each site's sensitivity in order to minimize environmental impacts and will be designed to accommodate a range of users and abilities; and iii) Trails located in proximity to sensitive natural features, or adjacent to stormwater management facilities should incorporate interpretive signage at various locations to promote stewardship initiatives that will protect and enhance the features and functions of the natural environment." 14. Add a new Section 8.3.4. Natural Heritage Features as follows: "8.3.4 Natural Heritage Features a) Significant natural heritage features within the Secondary Plan Area shall be protected and integrated into the community greenlands system. b) Natural heritage features should be physically and visually accessible from the abutting roads. c) Preservation of existing vegetation is encouraged. Where necessary, indigenous and ecologically complementary planting should be encouraged in keeping with Naturalization/Remediation Plan." 15. 16. 17 18. Amend Section 9.4 Road Network Policies by adding a new Section 9.4.5 as follows and renumbering 9.4.5. and 9.4.6. accordingly: "9.4.5 The alignment of the Longworth Avenue extension as shown on Map A is approximated and will be determined through detailed planning to determine the appropriate intersection point at Regional Road 57, the appropriate crossing of the Brookhill Tributary and the appropriate setback from the environmentally sensitive lands to the north, west of Green Road. Any resulting modification to the alignment of Longworth Avenue extension shall not require an amendment to the Official Plan or Secondary Plan." Modify Section 9.5.1 by adding the following at the end: "Public rear lanes may also be used for access to units with front doors facing on a Neighbourhood Common Square" By replacing the first sentence of 9.7.1 with the following: "The pedestrian and bicycle trail system identified on Map B is an essential part of the Municipality's integrated sustainable transportation network. The pedestrian and bicycle path system serves the Secondary Planning Area but links with other pathway systems in the Municipality." Delete Section 9.7.2 and replace as follows: "The Municipality shall require the recreational trail system along the Brookhill Tributary and accessing the Bowmanville Creek Valley Trail to be constructed as a condition of draft approval for any plan of subdivision, or site plan approval which includes, or is adjacent to, the Brookhill Tributary lands, or through appropriate cost-sharing arrangements between landowners." 19. By adding a new policy 9.7.3 as follows: "9.7.3 The Municipality may require trail corridors to be dedicated for public purposes as a condition of draft approval for a plan of subdivision." 20. 21 In Policy 11.3.1, a) By adding a new subsection "iv. Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Record of Site Condition" and renumbering the subsequent subsections. b) By revising subsection vi) (as renumbered) to read as follows: "Tree Inventory and Tree Preservation Plan" By adding new Sections 11.5 and 11.6 as follows: "11.5 Pre-submission Consultation outlines the pre-submission consultation and complete application policies: Pre-submission consultation provides the opportunity to ensure that all necessary information is available at the time of the application submission as necessary to properly assess the application and determine that it is complete for the purposes of the Planning Act. The following Prior to the submission of a complete application for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-Law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium, or Site Plan, the applicant shall consult with the Municipality ih accordance with this Plan and the Municipality's Pre-consultation By-law. Pre-consultation meetings shall be held with the Municipality and any other government, public authority and/or external agency as deemed appropriate by the Municipality. c. Any application for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium, or Site Plan will require the applicant to: i. Comply with the statutory complete application submission requirements of the Planning Act; ii. Include a fully completed application form with all submission requirements and supporting documentation; and iii. Include the prescribed application fees. Any application for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, Draft Plan of Condominium, or Site Plan by the applicant shall be deemed to be a complete application once all required studies, reports and information outlined in Section 11.3.1 are prepared and provided by the proponent. Studies, reports and information outlined in Section 11.3.1 as necessary for the proper evaluation of a complete application will be determined by the Municipality in consultation with the applicant, any other government, public authority and/or external agency as deemed necessary by the Municipality. Any studies not required or required as a condition of approval will be indicated in writing after pre-submission consultation. e. In addition to the studies, reports and information specified during the pre-consultation process, the proponent shall be required to submit any other studies and reports relevant and necessary to the evaluation of the particular applications as deemed appropriate by the Municipality in consultation with the applicant, and any other government, public authority and/or external agency. f. Any studies or reports and information shall be prepared in accordance with any standards or specifications applicable within the Municipality or the Region and may, at the Municipality's discretion, require a peer review by a qualified consultant retained by the Municipality at the applicant's expense. g. In all instances the scope, timing and number of studies, reports and information required for the submission of a complete application should be appropriate and in keeping with the scope and complexity of the application. For applications that may be considered simple or minor in nature, little, if any, additional information may be required. h. Council or its designate may refuse to accept or further consider an application until a complete application has been prepared. 11.6 Site Plan Control Site Plan Control is a key mechanism to implement the urban design policies of this Plan. In addition to the matters identified in Section 23.8 of the Official Plan, the following policies apply to the Secondary Planning Area: Coloured elevation drawings showing plan, elevation and cross section views may be required for all proposed non-residential development and adjacent buildings and all residential development containing greater 24 residential units. In addition the other matters referred to in subsection 41 (4), plans submitted for approval shall include: a. Exterior designs, including but not limited to, character, scale, appearance and design features of the building and their sustainable designs including energy efficiency; and b. Sustainable design elements on any adjoining public street, including without limitation trees, shrubs,. hedges, plantings or other ground cover, street furniture, curb ramps, waste and recycling receptacles and bicycle parking." 22. Delete Section 12.2 and replace as follows: "Inherent to the Brookhill Secondary Plan is the principle of flexibility, provided that the general intent and structure of the Plan are maintained to the satisfaction of the Municipality. As such, it is the intent of the Municipality to permit some flexibility in the interpretation of the policies, regulations and numerical requirements of this Secondary Plan except where this Secondary Plan is explicitly intended to be prescriptive. A Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines are contained in Appendix II. The Urban Design Guidelines provide design principles and specific guidelines for both the public and private sectors. They indicate the Municipality of Clarington's expectations with respect to the character, quality and form of development in the Brookhill Community. The Demonstration Plan illustrates the planning principles that are inherent to the Secondary Plan. It is one example of how the Secondary Plan might be implemented within the Secondary Plan Area. The Urban Design Guidelines and Demonstration Plan itself have no formal status and do not require any formal amendment process to implement an alternative design solution, or solutions at any time in the future." 23. Modify Exhibit "F" to OPA 60 - Map A -Land Use and Transportation Schedule -Brookhill Neighbourhood Secondary Plan 24. Modify Exhibit "G" to OPA 60 - Map B - Greenlands and Open Space Schedule -Brookhill Neighbourhood Secondary Plan Exhibit "B", Modification To Amendment No. 60 To the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map A3, Land Use, Bowmanville Urban Area Exhibit "C", Modification To Amendment No. 60 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map B3, Transportation, Bowmanville Urban Area i- ~~- 1 .Y. .~. ... .; .. I I I I 1 , I I I ` I ~ 1 1 , I ~ I 0 200 100 800 B00 m I , I I 2(10 m I , I , T 1 _T r CONCESSION TROAD ~ ~ ~ ~ I , 1 I ~ ' ~ N , ~ ~ I I , I I I i \ I ' I I I I , 1 i ~~cY~ AVENUE.... .i. ......... ' -- -- ~v .. I -i _~. .. , ~ ' I I I ~1 I ~.U II 1 Delete "Collector Road" 1 ~~ I I ~ ,-r . ------- -- ---~------ --- -- ' ~` y,~ CONCESSION STREET ~ ~ ~I I II v ~I I a 1 ~ y ~ FI ; ~ I g ttil w ~ ... - . 1 ~ ~, ' ~~ ~~ ` ~I W,I a ~ ~ ' ~I 4 I ~I ~ ~ I 1 ~ I , '^ ~1 BASELINE ROAD I it I 1 I '1 NY , ~O1 I ^~.. T 1 I - , 1 ~ ' ' ^. I .^ `~ I 1 I I I 1 ~ I I ~ ~ it I ^^.^ .~ 1 .,L I LA,t'E OrYT.4R/O ^^ - - URBAN BOUNDARY MAP B3 -FREEWAY TRANSPORTATION 1 TYPE A ARTERIAL ~ ---- T1PE a ARTERIAL BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA ------~----- TYPE C ARTERIAL OFFICIAL PLAN EXISRNG FUTURE COLLECTOR RoaD MUNICIPALIN OF CLARINGTON FREEWAY INTERCHANGE - - - - - - REGIONAL TRANSR SPINE JANUARY 2, 2007 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INTER-REGIONAL REFER TO BECKON 19 O ~ ~, TRANSR LINE 7HI5 CONSOUOA1pN 6 PROVIOEO FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY GRADE SEPARATION ~ GO STA710N ANO REPRESENTS flEOUESiEO NOTNFlCATIOlb ANO APPROVALS Exhibit "F", Modification To Amendment No. 60 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map A, Land Use and Transportation Plan, Brookhill Secondary Plan ® NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMONS AREA O LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL i MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ~~.~".%.~' ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA ® ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OVERLAY ©. PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ® STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POND ® SPECIAL STUDY AREA • • • • • SPECIAL POLICY AREA ~ ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE A ARTERIAL ROAO TYPE B - -ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE C -• ~ COLLECTOR ROAD PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MAP A LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PLAN BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD SECONDARY PLAN SEPTEMBER 22, 2009 1N6 COIbMIDAIION 6 PNDVIDED RM LDNVENENCE ONLY AND PEPNESFNIS REOUESRD YDNRGilONS AND APPROVALS