HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-101-09 Clarington Leading the Way REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE y 1~~ so lu.~oN ~G~~} -s~~-a9 Date: Monda October 19 2009 Report #: PSD-101-09 File #: PLN By-law #: Subject: ADDITION TO MUNICIPAL REGISTER OF PROPERTIES OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PSD-101-09 be received; THAT the stone house located at 1592 Prestonvale Road, be ADDED to the Municipal Register of properties of cultural heritage value or interest; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's direction. Submitted by: Reviewed b _ David . Crome, MCIP, RPP ranklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer IUFUdf/av 13 October 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-101-09 PAGE 2 1.0 PROTECTING CULTURAL HERITAGE RESOUCES 1.1 In achieving its cultural heritage objectives, the tools that the Municipality has at its disposal are the goals and objectives of the Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement and the Ontario Heritage Act. The Clarington Official Plan sets out the goal of preservation, restoration and utilization of Clarington's heritage resources and the Provincial Policy Statement states that significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be conserved. 1.2 Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act requires the Municipal Clerk to keep a Register of all properties that have been designated by by-law within the Municipality. In addition, the Act permits the Register to include properties the Council believes to be of cultural heritage value or interest but are not designated. Council is to consult with its heritage committee prior to adding a property to the Register or removing a property from the Register. 1.3 If anon-designated property is listed on the Register the owner of the property cannot demolish or remove a building or structure unless they give Council at least 60 days notice in writing of their intentions. The notice is to include such plans and information as Council may require. The 60 day period allows Council to consider whether a demolition permit should be issued or whether the property should be designated. 1.4 The Municipality's Register currently contains eighty-nine properties, eighty-two have been designated under the Ontario Heritage Act and seven are non-designated properties. 2.0 ADDITION TO MUNICIPAL REGISTER 2.1 The property identified as 1592 Prestonvale Road is owned by the Worden Estate. There is a stone house located on a one acre lot which has been identified in the inventory of cultural heritage resources as a building of Primary heritage value. Thomas Worden is shown as the owner of the property on the 1861 Tremaine map and the 1878 Township map in Belden's Atlas. The house was built circa 1850 in a Regency cottage design and is constructed of rubble fieldstone. The property is located in South West Courtice across the street from the South Courtice Arena and there is new residential development to the north, west and south (Attachment 1). The Planning Services Department has received a demolition sign-off sheet for the property. An application to demolish the building has not been submitted to date. REPORT NO.: PSD-101-09 PAGE 3 2.2 In 1995 plan of subdivision application 18T-95023 was filed to develop the lands surrounding this property. As the Worden site was under separate ownership the plan of subdivision did not include the lot, however, the subdivision was designed so that the property could be incorporated in the future. Attachment 2 shows that the Worden Estate lands are surrounded on three sides by lands owned by 289143 Ontario Limited who are the developers of the plan of subdivision. 2.3 The executor of the Worden Estate has provided a written submission in Attachment 3 in regards to their intention to demolish the building stating the following: • The house has been vacant for approximately 2.5 years • No family member has an interest in residing in the home • Attempts to sell the property have been unsuccessful due to location and interior condition • Moving the building may not be practical or possible • Insurance will not be provided after November 10, 2009 • Interior fixtures has been removed in preparation for the demolition • The jntention is to sell the property as vacant land so that it can be developed for new residential use 2.4 The South-West Courtice Secondary Plan of the Clarington Official Plan identifies the building as one of two Heritage Houses on Map A. Section 4.2 of the Secondary Plan states that it is the intent of Council to ensure the conservation of these structures and the appropriate integration of adjacent residences. Council may require the preparation of elevations, axonometric drawings or require site plan control for adjacent lands to review the context, scale and design of proposed development adjacent to these houses. 2.5 The Provincial Growth Plan promotes urban intensification of underutilized properties with higher densities along major arterial roads to support transit use. At the same time, municipalities are to develop strategies that include the conservation of cultural heritage resources as built-up areas are intensified. This property was considered a site for redevelopment at the time of the preparation of the Secondary Plan, but redevelopment alternatives were to be explored that would incorporate the existing house. One alternative would be to sensitively incorporate this site into a townhouse development. Saving the structure from demolition and redeveloping the site at a higher density would be in conformity with the Provincial Growth Plan and the Clarington Official Plan, and would assist the Municipality in reaching its intensification targets and heritage goals. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 It would appear from the estate's submission that a redevelopment project which incorporates the existing house may not have been considered as an option. Staff would like the opportunity to meet with the Worden Estate and 289143 Ontario Limited to discuss the property's potential for intensification. It is recommended that the building be placed on the Municipal Register to allow the time for these discussions to occur. REPORT NO.: PSD-101-09 PAGE 4 Attachments: Attachment 1 -Location map Attachment 2 -Property ownership map Attachment 3 -Worden Estate submission List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Sean Fraser, Ontario Heritage Trust Clarington Heritage Committee, c/o Isabel Little Bertrand Duclos, Ministry of Culture The Worden Estate, c/o Tom Worden Attachment 1 To Report PSD-101-09 a ~. uQr ,`~ ~ O ~ BLOOP~ STRE€T - ,-=~ ~ CRESCENT DEWELL '-\ IOON m m r=~n^~imN~i~ 0 131133 1 V -IC Jai 1 11 N O IO ~~~ N N Oi .,N '° ^"~ '~.°.$^° O ` NN,N 127129 151$ O ^ ~ .- ~ N ~ N N~ 125 1-1- ~ ~ ~~~'-_-1 123 ~ . ~_ ~ ~ •~~~ ~ 17. 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N N~ VI O'' ~ .J ' Q ~i ~, ~.O NiN ~~ ~, Ef- ~ -1 ~ 141 y • ~ I ~ + r~~ - _- ~ •. ~, (n 14 l ( 1 5 i ~. • ~ ~ Cn ]2 • I • ~ 2 2 12 6 3 0 .,4 38, •~ ~ 2 6 1d 14118 ~ 142 '/3 ~r ~~ "_KERSEY CRESCENT ~;: •` .'C~. T'I,{C.,j519 23 27 31'36'39!43'I5~575961 - ' -- -- --- ~~~~~. - -_ _. _= ,N b: t- .~~- ti 'r j ~. -' N Property Location Map (Courtice) Q 1592 Prestonvale Road 885 Attachment 2 To Report PSD-101-09 886 Attachment 3 To Report PSD-101-09 T.S. Worden October 7, 2009 Dear Ms. Little, As discussed, I have attached some information which may be relevant to our application for a demolition permit for our house on Prestonvale Road. 7. The house has been uninhabited for approximately 2'~ years, and no one in our family will live in the house. 2. Over the past 1 '/ years, the house has been listed for sale. During that time, we did not receive one offer. It appears that there are two main factors: (1) It is not a desirable location to purchase a house and approximately 1 acre lot; and. (2) The costs to bring the house to a satisfactory level for habitation are substantial: 3. We have been advised that it is not practical to consider moving the house and in fact, it may not be possible to move it at all. 4. We have been advised by our insurance company that they will cease to insure the house effective November 10, 2009. 5. In view of the above, we have applied for a demolition permit and in anticipation of demolishing the house before November 10"'; we have salvaged fixtures from the house, including cupboards, etc. I hope that the above helps you understand our position and why we have concluded that the only practical way to proceed is to demolish the house and at some point sell the property as vacant land, which will in all likelihood be developed in conjunction with the balance of the farm. Thank you for your consideration. r, Tom Worden