HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-085-09• ~. ~~ REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURIPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, September 14, 2009 1~5b(~~i ~n~Gc~w1- ~`~-~~ Report #: PSD-085-09 File #: COPA2005-0010 By-law: ZBA 2005-0058 & SPA2003-0036 Subject:. ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD DECISION ON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AND SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS APPELANT: BpWMANVILLE CREEK DEVELOPMENTS INC. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the follpwing: THAT Report PSD-08509 be received for information. Submitted by: Da id J Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services DJ/COS/df September 2, 2009 ~, Reviewed by: ~ ~"~----. K-/V~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STR ET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-085-09 1.0 BACKGROUND PAGE 2 1.1 On December 8, 2008 the Council through Resolution #GPA-669-08 approved Official Plan Amendment No. 54 to the Clarington Official Plan and an amendment to the Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law 84-63, in order to: • provide a wider range of commercial uses and size formats; • allow the easterly expansion of the highway commercial designation; and • permit a private amenity space; on the lands owned by Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc., subject to certain conditions. 1.2 On January 9 and 13, 2009 the Municipality received letters of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board from McMillan LLP, on behalf of Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc., on the Official Plan Amendment and the associated Zoning By-law Amendment respectively. 1.3 On June 10, 2009 McMillan LLP, on behalf of Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. also submitted a letter of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on the associated site plan approval application, on the same basis. The Official Plan and the Zoning By-law Amendment appeals and the Site Plan appeal were consolidated and set to be heard together at an OMB Hearing from August 10-14, 2009. 1.4 On June 15, 2009, following a confidential verbal report from the Municipal Solicitor regarding .the appeals, Council passed a by-law authorizing the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to negotiate and execute Minutes of Settlement with Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc., provided that the Minutes of Settlement contained terms satisfactory to the Director of Planning Services and the Solicitor. 2.0 DISCUSSION 2.1 Following numerous "without prejudice" discussions and correspondence between Planning staff, the municipal solicitor, and the appellant during June and July this year, the parties have reached a settlement on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, which is summarized in the following paragraphs: • The condition that the hotel must be constructed within 6 years following the date on which the Zoning By-law comes into force, was amended to extend it to 10 years and a further condition has been added that if the hotel is not constructed within the time frame, the Council may amend the Zoning By-law by deleting the private open space amenity area zone designation. REPORT NO.: PSD-085-09 PAGE 3 • The prerequisite that the proposed private amenity space area be used in conjunction with the hotel use has been expanded to include other land uses, which in the discretion of Council, are appropriate for use in conjunction with the private amenity space area. • The hotel and assembly hall are permitted in any location on the site, not simply confined to the lands adjacent to the creek valley. • The following uses in the proposed Zoning By-law, which are permitted in the current C-5 Zone on the property, have been re-instated as permitted uses within the C5-14 zone: "building supply outlet" and "motor vehicle sales establishment, provided the primary use is restricted to new car sales". • The limitations on office space on the ground floor of buildings has been amended to allow office space on the ground floor to a maximum cumulative floor space of 500mz. • The limitations on the amount of smaller retail stores and store sizes within the C5- 14 zone designation has been amended to allow a maximum of 3 individual stores with a total floor area less than 250m2 but greater than 100m2, provided they each face onto Baseline Road. • A paragraph has been added to both the C5-14 and EP-16 zoning regulations that provides an explanation of the purpose of the Holding Symbol (on the portion of the application site situated east of the Spry Avenue Extension) and the conditions under which it can be removed. 2.2 Minor revisions to the proposed site plan were submitted during the "without prejudice" discussions. The settlement included conditions of Site Plan approval. The parties agreed to the approval of a master site plan and associated drawings showing the location of the buildings, landscaping, parking areas and underground services. It has not significantly changed from the site plan previously included with their OPA and Zoning submissions, and it includes the location of the proposed hotel. Once the developers have secured tenants with definitive proposals, amending site plan applications will be submitted for each phase showing any minor changes to the building siting, proposed building elevations, architectural treatment and building materials. This is similar to the approach for Halloway Holdings lands in the Bowmanville West Town Centre, where build-out would occur over a number of years. 2.3 The Municipality and Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. executed Minutes of Settlement on August 10, 2009. The Minutes include schedules setting out the agreed to Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and site plan drawings and conditions of site plan approval. 2.4 The Minutes of Settlement also contain an Option Agreement between the Municipality and Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. to the effect that Council can exercise the option to purchase the private open space amenity area and remove the zoning that REPORT NO.: PSD-085-09 PAGE 4 permits the private amenity area use, if a building permit for the construction of a hotel or such other approved land use. is not issued within 10 years following the approval of the Zoning By-law amendment by the O.M.B. 3.0 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 3.1 The executed Minutes of Settlement were presented to the OMB on August 10, 2009. The Board approved the Official Plan Amendment, the Zoning By-law Amendment, the site plan drawings with the associated conditions of site plan approval, and the Option Agreement, contained in the Minutes of Settlement. 3.2 The Board set September 30, 2009 as the deadline for the execution of the Site Plan Agreement by both parties. 3.3 A copy of the OMB decision is contained in Attachment 1. Attachments: Attachment 1 -Copy of OMB decision dated August 10, 2009 Attachment 2 - (Master) Site Plan approved by the OMB Attachment 3 -Final Zoning Map A' ISSU E: '~ Aug. 13, 2009 Attachment 1 ~dgAUGlq~n I,q~ To Report PSD-085-09 PL090085 Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de ('Ontario Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22(7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, from Council's refusal or neglect to enact a proposed site-specific amendment to the Official Plan for the Municipality of Clarington to redefine the limits of the "Highway Commercial" and "environmental Protection" destinations to provide for exceptions permitting a greater variety of retail uses, one financial institution and a private open space amenity area on Part of Lots 12 and 13, BF Conc., being lands located east of Waverly Road, south of Baseline Road, west of Spry Avenue COPA 2005-010 OMB File No: PL090085 Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 34(11) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, from Council's neglect to enact a proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 8463 of the Municipality of Clarington to permit amendments and exceptions to the "Special Purpose Commercial (C5)", "Special Purpose Commercial Hold ([H] C5)", "Environmental Protection (EP)" and "Environmental Protection Exception (EP-2)° zones to accommodate a greater variety of retail uses, one financial institution and a private open space amenity area on Part of Lots 12 and 13, BF Conc., being lands located east of Waverly Road, south of Baseline Road, west of Spry Avenue Z,ai4 2~ s -c~sg OMB File No: PL090062 Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 41(12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, for determination and settlement of details of a site plan for lands composed of Part of Lots 12 and 13, BF Conc., in the Municipality of Clarington -SPA 2003-036 DIl~TF'~1 OMB File No: PL090487 ~~~~ APPEARANCES: Pa- Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. aaar+n~ ra o ?, ar oouMC~ ~ o ~ ow~cnoM NranMraN Dort ro: ~ Ce= o ~o sew~t o coo ~ : arooura~. o cowuwrrr o o Mary Flynn-Gu ~ lied ~ , o N~ o anti '~. spw~s asp Municipality of Clarington Dennis Heffero~ o'ouc~rai o;:neNUNr 0 amp ~ - R MEMORANDUM OF ORAL DECISION DELIVERED BY R. --CHIC AUGUST 10.2009 AND ORDER OF THE BOARD ~ b I I a ~3L - 2 - PL090085 Bowmanville Creek Developments Inc. (the Applicant) seeks to amend Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law 84-63 in order to permit a greater variety of retail uses and size formats, one financial institution, redefined limits to the environmental protection areas and a private open space amenity area. The Applicant also seeks to amend the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan so as to include an exception to the Highway Commercial policies in order to permit additional uses within a proposed commercial development.. The additional uses will consist of general retail uses, which have a minimum gross floor area of 929 square metres and one financial institution in the form of a credit union. The Parties have advised the Board that they- have, reached a settlement in the case at hand. Planner Paul Stagl provided his expert land use planning evidence in support of the amendments. The Applicant's property is a 7.3-hectare sized parcel of land already commercially designated and zoned and it surrounds an existing. commercial parcel (the "Rona" site). Together, this commercial property comprises approximately 10 hectares in total. Mr. Stagl gave evidence that the proposed Option Agreement provides the Municipality of Clarington with the right to acquire some of the green land zoned "EP" for passive use should the land fail to be developed within ten years. The Municipality ~~~"~'~~ o similar use be located on the lands zoned (H) C5-14. Mr. Stagl also review~(~ the (; nditions for Site Plan Approval contained in Schedule 5 of the Minutes of S~lii~~6 (Exhibit 2) and attached as Attachment "1" to the Order. i.p~ ~_ :i~YM10" ~: paMti4'1 ~0'`„'~"~tlas'~IP.''~ta 's professional planning opinion that the proposed additional uses uT v9UJ ;,fig ag,~p,[iate~;q~, tit site and the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By- law H~idment are onsistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement; there are nc ~''~ ~t~sue~'~~"iPi~' res~~ the Places to Grow Act; and the proposed implementing ?.w.~Yllfiio0 ;A+! ~: L. ~N4N33YM~~iF3 ~• . ms`frur~ue'n'~s ra~a~ny issues of conformity. The proposed instruments also conform to "~~"~li~ [1{r~ifi ~ Official Plan and the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. In d modifications, they reflect an appropriate range of uses for the ~ry and are sensitive to the existing Rona site and work as a unified and comprehensive site. ~~ _ 3 _ PL090085 Mr. Stagl opined that the proposed site-specific implementing By-law provides clarity in respect of the permitted uses and performance standards. The proposed site plan details are presented in.a layout that is consistent with the approved policies of the Official Plan and present good site organization. He added that in his opinion, the proposed conditions are both reasonable and appropriate and collectively, the instruments and site plan represent good planning and should be' approved. The Municipality's Planner, Mr. Jacobs, adopted the professional planning evidence and opinion of Mr. Stagl and also supported the proposed amendments and site plan. Having considered the uncontradicted evidence of the Applicant's planner and as supported by the Municipality's planner, the Board allows the appeals and amends the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan with Official Plan Amendment No. 54 and amends Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law No. 84-63 with Zoning By-law Amendment No. 2009-16. In respect of the site plan appeal, the Board allows the appeal and approves, in - principle, the site plan as referenced in the drawings contained in Exhibit 7 and in the site plan agreement as presented and pursuant to Schedules 4 and 5 of the Minutes of Settlement (attached). The Board will issue its final Order on the site plan appeal once the Municipality and the Applicant advise the Board in writing that the site plan agreement has been duly executed. The Parties have until 30 September 2009 to execute the site plan agreement. So orders the Board. "R. Rossi" R. ROSSI MEMBER ATTACHMENT "1" Schedule 4 Site Plan u Q~~tl~ ~ t .~ ~: '3.~ ra r '~' ; ~i{ ~ ) ft ;4 . ~j, tk.:~~ . J _ c } ,y , l '1 i; Y 1. l!` ~ 7 ~ . ~ ~: 'r i r T ~. Y 1,., } 4 tT.7rfS'. :. ~'^. A~ •.' ~ , R '.. r.i _.. .:. fu {~~: .J ' . 1~~- Site Plan SP-1 July, 2009 August 5, ~ D.G. Biddle 8 Associates Limited Part 1 8 2 Landscape Plan L1 of 3 July S, 2009 August 5, Strybos Barron King Landscape 2004 2009 Architect ure Channel Landscape Plan, L2 of 3 August 25, July 28, 201)9 Strybos Barron King Landscape Sections 8 Construction 2005 Architecture Details Construction Details L3 of 3 August 25, July 29, 20A9 Strybos Barron King Landscape 2005 Architecture Site Plan Lighting Layout E-01 August July 27, 2008 Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman 2005 & Partners Inc. Site Plan Lighting E-04 August July 27, 2006 Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman Calculations-- -- --- - - 2005 8 Partners Inc. Site Grading Plan SG-1 July 2009 August 5, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited Part 1 Site Grading Plan SG2 July 2009 2009 August 5, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited Part 2 Site Servicing Plan ~ SS-1 July 2009 2009 ~O 9st 5, D.G. Biddle 8 Associates Limited Part 1 Site Servicing Plan SS-2 July 2009 August 5, D.G. Biddle ~ Associates Limited Part 2 Storm Sewer Drainage SD-1 July 2009 2009 August 5, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited Scheme Sediment and Erosion ES-1 July 2009 2009 ust 5, 2 u g D.G. Biddle 8 Associates Limited Control Plan Part 1 Sediment and Erosion ES-2 July 2009 0 0 ~ ~ 9st 5, D.G. Biddle 8 Associates Limited Control Plan Part 2 Pavement Marking and P-1 July 2009 2 09st 5, D.G. Biddle 8f Associates Limited Si na a Plan Part 1 Pavement Marking and P-2 July 2009 2 09st 5, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited Slcnage Plan Part 2 28 Schedule Conditions of Site Plan Aran ra CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The following are the conditions of approval of the Site Plan, F'tans and Dravrings: ~ . The Owner shall enter into a development agreement. with fhe Municipality of Clarington dealing with and ensuring the provision and of all the faalities, works and matters which either are shown on the approved Site Plan, Plans and Drawings or are referred to in these conditions, including the maintenance of them, as provided in Subsection 41(7xb) of the Planning Act. The agreement shall contain standa~'d/reasonable provisions by which performance guarantees to the satisfact(on of the Muni~:ipality of Clarington will be provided by the Owner. 2.' Before any development takes place, applications will be made to amend the overall site plan for the subsequent approval of drawings foreach twilding, as stipulated in Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.0.1990, c.P.13 as amended, arni the owner also agrees to enter into amending site plan agreements as required with the Mtmicipality of Clarington for any and all buildings to be constructed on site. 3, Garbage must be stored iniemally for all builidngs Niue to their visibility from adjacent roadways. A separate garbage building will be permited only for building D provided that it is architecturally designed to match the main building end for any other building that the Municipality of Clarington deems apropriate. 4, The Owner shall transfer to the Municipality of Clarington for a nominal consideration free and dear of encumbrances and restrictions, Part 28 on Reference Plan AOR-24250 for entrance feature purposes, as shown on the Landscape Plan (Drawing L1 of 3). 5, The Owner shall obtain an access permit from the Regional Municipality of Dufiam for property. access from Waverly Road for the developm ant of the site in accordance with the Site Plan (Drawing SP-1 ). 8. All works and services, except Regional Municipality o~~ Durham works and services, shall be designed end constructed in accordance with the Mur icipality of Clarington Design Criteria and Standard Drawings. ~, Th® Owner shall submit six (fi) copies of the data ted Servidng/Grading Plans to the Regional Municipality of Dufiam for approval. 8. The Owner shall make application and obtain permission for connection to Regional Municipality of Dufiam services and deposit monies n:quired for the installation of Regional services to the site's property line. g, The Owner shall obtain written permission from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (`CLOG") under Ontario Regulation 42106, the Authority's Fili Construction and Alteration to Waterways Regulation, prior to comrner.cing any filling or grading on site. •. (` 29 10. The portion of the lands located east of the Spry Avenue extension shall not be developed until such time as the Director of Planning Services has •eceived written notification that the lands have been filled to an acceptable elevation to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and In accordance with the requirements of ihn Centres Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Permit No. C08-039 dated April 7, 2008. 11. The Owner shall obtain CLOC's approval of the Sediment and Erosion Control Plan (Draw(ngs ES-1 and ES•2) for the site to implement the stormwater management me~asur+es as described in the report titled "Bowmanville Creek Developments, Bowmanville Commertial Plaza, Baseline Road, Municipality of Clarii~gton, Stormwater Management and Site Servicing Report" as prepared by D.G. Biddle 8 Associates Limited, dated July 2004 and revised August 2005, as approved by CLOC, Ministry of Transportation, and Municipality of Clarington's Director of Engineering Services. 12. The Owner agrees to install a 1.5 meter chain link fer ce on the easterly boundary of the Private Open Space Amenity Area zoned "(H) EP16' in the Zoning By-law 84-63 of the Former Town of Newcastle. 13. The Owner agrees to implement all development :jnd operational recommendations contained a report titled "Environmental Impact Study" prepared by Aquafor Beech, dated December .2005 as finally_ approved. by. the_ Municipa aty of Clarington and_ Central Lake Ontario Conservation. 14. The Owner agrees to install the approved full cut-off li~~hting as indicated on the Site Plan Lighting Layout {Drawing E-01) dated August 2005 rmd Site Pian Lighting Calculations (Drawing E-04}dated August 2005 as prepared by Leip:iger Kaminker Mitelman & Partners Inc. and revised on July 27, 2008 and Juty 27, 2006 respectively. Once all of the new site lighting has been installed on the subject lands, the Owner agrees to obtain a letter from the project's lighting engineer certifying that the lighting has been Installed in accordance with the Site Plan Lighting Layout (Drawing E-01) dated August 2005 and Site Plan Lighting Calculations (Drawing E-04) dated August 2005 as prepared by Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman 8 Partners Inc. and revised on July 27, 2008 and July :?7, 2006 respectively. 15. The Owner shall provide the necessary 2% parkland dedication as a cash payment to the Municipality of Clarington in lieu of paridand dedication pursuant to Clarington Municipal By- law no. 95-104. The market value of the lands far Pait 28 on Reference Plan 40R-24250, shall be deducted from the Owner's cash in lieu payrr ent requirement. 16. Prior to commenting any work on site, the Owner shall provide the Muniapality of Clarington with a $10,000.00 road damage deposit for works as<~oclated with Baseline Road. 17. The Owner shall delivar n pworks associated with thetstorm Water channel aond with are s Services for all landsc p g .not associated with buildings. Additionally, the Owner shall delivers performance guarantee to the Municipalityfor landscaping works associated w th each building approved by site plan amendment as referred to in condition 2. Final cos': estimates must be provided by the Owner to the Director of Planning Services for his approval. 18. The Owner agrees to install and maintain oif grit seF~arators to the satisfaction of Central 30 Lake Ontario Conservation and the Director of Engineering Services. 19. The Owner agrees to obtain all necessary sign permits from the Municipality of Clarington and the Ministry of Transportation. 20. The Owneragrees b pay to the Municipality of Clarington the reasonable fees incurred after August 10, 2009 for the preparation and registration of the site plan agreement. 21. The Owner shall not release or abandon any of Its rights under the easement transferred to the Owner by Shell Canada Limited by Instrument No. DR730124 registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40) on July 17, 2008. The Owner shall construct, reconstruct and maintain an access roi~d open to the public from Waverly Road as shown on the Site Plan (Drawing SP-1) dated July, 2009 as prepared by D.O. Biddle 8 Associates and revised on August 5, 2009. Attachment 2 To Report PSD-085-09 I I I~~ I i ii I I I I i i ~ ~ 7/1N7~V ANAS I i i . •,, ~, NOLLY31CLatl 1 3iH5 N3dD 71YAgld ( 0 v3avu.iNawv ~.. 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