HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-077-09 ClYlpn Staff Report 112 REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: COUNCIL ~ #-- c-- LJ6/.. O~ Date: Monday, July 13, 2009 Report #: PSD-077 -09 File #: SPA 2006-0018 By-law #: ZDO c; - II L Subject: ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTS TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMERCIAL LAND RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-077-09 be received; 2. THAT Council PASS a By-law (Attachment 5) to AUTHORIZE the Mayor and Municipal Clerk on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to EXECUTE an Assumption Agreement with Bowmanville Investments Inc.; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Reviewed bY:O~-.l .t...SL. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PW/COS/df July 7,2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-077-09 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In July, 2006, and February, 2007, Players Business Park Ltd. and West Diamond Properties Inc. submitted Site Plan applications for the development of the commercial portion of their properties along the north side of Durham Highway 2 between Green Road and Boswell Drive. These applications included the development of a Walmart store as an anchor for the commercial block. For development of these properties, the owners had previously entered into a Principles of Understanding and Subdivision/Consent Agreements with the Municipality to address financial, development and urban design matters. 1.2 Being satisfied that the developer had fulfilled all necessary pre-development requirements, on May 5, 2008, Council received Planning Report PSD-042-08 and approved By-law 2008-074 which removed the Holding Symbol from these properties to permit development to proceed following the conclusion of Site Plan approval. 1.3 Since that time, Players Business Park Ltd. and West Diamond Properties Inc. chose to sell the commercially designated portions of their properties and retain the residentially designated portions further to the north for future development. Bowmanville Investments Inc. (Smart!Centres) and Walmart have now secured these lands conditional upon the approval from the Durham Regional Land Division Committee for consent applications to sever the commercial designated block to the south from the residential designated block to the north. 1.4 Consequently, applications were submitted by Players Business Park Ltd. and West Diamond Properties Inc. to the Durham Regional Land Division Committee for consent to sever the commercially designated portions of both of their properties. The resulting sale of these individual parcels (see Attachment 1 & 2), are to be merged on title and will form a commercial development block. Clarington has requested that as a condition of the consent applications that the transferee of the severed lands, Bowmanville Investments Inc. enter into an Assumption Agreement with the Municipality as required by the Principles of Understanding. 1.5 Due to the date of the recently submitted Land Division consent applications, and the finalization of the Municipality's comments for those applications, there was no opportunity to present this report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. 1.6 Bowmanville Investments Inc. has indicated that they would like to submit for a building permit by August 4th, 2009, begin site servicing on September 1St, 2009, and begin construction by October 1St, 2009. In an effort to ensure that the Mayor and Clerk can execute the required Assumption Agreements over the course of the summer to meet the developer's construction schedule this report is being presented directly to Council prior to the summer recess period. REPORT NO.: PSD-077 -09 PAGE 3 1.7 A revised Site Plan submission for the development of a Walmart store, as an anchor for the commercial block, was received by Staff on Jun 30, 2009 (see Attachment 3). Staff review of this Site Plan application is ongoing. The proposed Walmart store will have a gross floor area of 14,247 m2 (153,357 ft2) and will employ approximately 250 people in both full-time and part-time positions. The Walmart store that will be constructed in the Bowmanville West Town Centre will represent their corporation's latest store design (see Attachment 4) and incorporate a variety of energy-saving design features (i.e. white roof, LED lighting, advanced climate controls, etc.). 2.0 ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT 2.1 As is noted above in section 1 of this Report, the new owners of any portion of the lands to which the PlayerslWest Diamond Principles of Understanding apply are required to enter into an Assumption Agreement with the Municipality. Under these Agreements the new owners assume the covenants and obligations of the original parties to the Principles of Understanding and the Subdivision/Consent Agreement when they take possession of the PlayerslWest Diamond commercial lands. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 The Assumption Agreement referred to in this Report will permit the transfer of covenants and obligations, contained within the Principles of Understanding and the Subdivision/Consent Agreement, from the current owners to the future owners. This will partially satisfy the requirements of the Regional Land Division Committee for the creation of a commercial development block and allow for the transfer of ownership to take place in an expeditious manner. 3.2 It is recommended that Council pass the necessary By-law to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute an Assumption Agreement on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington with Bowmanville Investments Inc. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map of Players Business Park Ltd. property Attachment 2 - Key Map of West Diamond Properties Inc. property Attachment 3 - Revised Site Plan Attachment 4 - Proposed Fac;ade Attachment 5 - By-law List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Players Business Park Ltd. (c/o Metrus Development Inc. Att: Bruce Ficher) West Diamond Properties Inc. (c/o Metrus Development Inc. Att: Bruce Ficher) Smart!Centres (Att: Anne Messore) f---- ;' j----- ~ {;j tJ (j ~ <..J '" i! U ~ {;j tJ (j ~ <..J w, C,)'f Z': !H ~;i ~Ii !~i! I~!I :zi ~d 0: ' ':oj ~ r--__.._____ .---------j "- Cl --.J L.--_~_.__ ;____ _ __, Ii ! . --;---, ,I L______j ;; ~~~~rl :: j) II! [I' "- Cl -..J ~~'::: ...1/ ; . ., : ROAD . ALLOWAN~ 8ETWEE;(C?~~ 1 AND 2 --rH 0 1-"----.--- ! [I c(, [!I~i - - >:::~'-=--~1~ 1 ~ "-~ '3ti ~ u """----- Attachment 1 To Report PSD-077-09 Key Map I" ,,;' Lands To Be Severed ~ Lands To Be Retained I . .~;~ I / / C147-SGfg May;ln~S NTS Attachment 2 To Report PSD-077-09 "" "" 6 Vi (I) ti ~ \.) :;. cs Bl tJ ~ \.) ~ Vi (j (j ~ \.) ;2 "'- ~ .... C) -oJ .... C) -oJ .... C) -oJ ~ .... ~ C)l,..J -oJ\.) ~ \.) Key Map EJ> > >~ > > .....-:...<:.,.::..:,.':O':_i:.,::....,.:..:.-:., Lands To Be Severed _ Lands To Be Retained 0147..67fg May20uQB NTS r f' '" w V> 0: W <.) 0: ., U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " '" u. :i V> ~~ en .< U ;liil! i~ et" .i= L, .. ~!;1 ,<( <( u.1 <l: ~ is I.~ ~ et uj ~ ~ r-g~~gg U5 t- a.. ..... I- t- =~~ ::! :J; ~:J;8~ ;j ::!: M r--.__ ::!: Vl~ ~ ~i ~ ~~::@.; z ~ ~~ ~ OO:J, rr, cn~ ~ 5 ~ ~ 31 ~ ai ~.., ~ N~ ~;!~ ~ M M ~ .. N ;! u. V> ~ M g Attachment 3 .1 To Report PSD-077-09 - i i ! i l~!' f' E~ ~ I 'lie. ~ l! IIW!I j :1 liil~liI EJSle~ il I 1 II I d ,H I: i I 11'1~11 :l' ! It! illl I f: HilI' ll~ ! ill! I all II ~illli!:il! 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SK-3 DEVELOPMENT ONTARIO ELEVATIONS PROJ. NO. 09910 COMMERCIAL BOWMANVlLLE BUILDING A JUNE 24, 2009 Attachment 5 To Report PSD-077-09 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2009- being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to execute an Assumption Agreement between the Municipality and Bowmanville Investments Inc. WHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the recommendations contained in Report PSD-077-09 at its meeting on July 13, 2009; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk are authorized on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to execute an Assumption Agreement between the Municipality and Bowmanville Investments Inc. BY-LAW read a first time this 13th day of July 2009 BY-LAW read a second time this 13th day of July 2009 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of July 2009 Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk