HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/30/2009Clariagton laa2.g fia ap General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 9:35 a.m., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W. Woo Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Parks Supervisor, Operations Department, B. Genosko Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Director of Finance Department, N. Taylor Fire Chief, Emergency Services, G. Weir Deputy Clerk, A. Greentree Clerk II, E. Atkinson Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Novak announced the following events she attended this past week: • Wednesday, March 25"', the Durham Transit Long-Term Strategy session held at the Newcastle Town Hall, which covered the new plans for the role out of Durham Transit. • Thursday, March 26~', the Public Information Session at the Courtice Community Complex regarding Waste. • Friday March 27~h, along with all Members of Council, attended the Clarington Board of Trade's Budget Breakfast with Honourable George Smitherman. General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 Saturday, March 28w along with Councillor Woo, the two Canadian Citizenship Workshops for the 5th Bowmanville Pathfinders. This event was also attended by other Pathfinder groups from the Durham Region. Councillor Hooper announced that this Saturday, April 4t", the Clarington Older Adults will be hosting their Annual Variety Night and if there are any tickets still available the cost is $10.00. Mayor Abernethy informed the Committee there is a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser scheduled this Saturday, April 14th, at the Orono Town Hall and if anyone is interested in attending they should contact the local newspaper. Mayor Abernethy stated that the purpose of the rally held on Sunday, March 28t", was to increase awareness to the possibility of the acute care services being removed from the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville location. There were a great number of residents and supporters who attended the rally. MINUTES Resolution #GPA-231-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on March 9, 2009, be approved. CARRIED PRESENTATIONS Paul Acquaah and Brent Hooton, Dillon Consulting Limited provided the Committee with a verbal report supported by a PowerPoint presentation regarding Report PSD-033-09. Dillon Consulting was contracted to undertake a Peer Review on the proposed intersections for the 407 extension through Clarington. He stated there are four key issues. The current design at the Liberty Street interchange provides for full interchanges at Regional Road 57, Highway 2, Darlington-Clarke Townline and a partial interchange at Taunton Road. They recommend that an additional interchange be implemented at Liberty Street. This recommendation is based on the current data, which was made available to them, such as residential growth increases, employment growth and traffic volume increases to Regional Road 57 and Highway 2. The second key issue deals with Rundle Road & Holt Road. billion recommends that Holt Road be reconstructed by the Ministry of Transportation between Taunton Road and the 6th Concession to account for the lost segment of Rundle Road. Mr. Acquaah stated the third issue involves Hancock Road and the realignment which is required to accommodate the Highway 407 East Link, Transitway and station. They recommend that a 90-degree intersection be constructed which will reduce free flow of traffic as well the north end of Hancock Road needs to be redesigned to improve traffic flow. The last -2- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 key issue is the need for the impact to agriculture during construction to be brought forward and outlined as a requirement in the Highway 407 EA Environmental Study Report. Mr. Acquaah advised that construction staging plans have not been developed which can lead to potential lengthy detours for farmers in the area. Dillon therefore recommends that a liaison committee be struck including the Ministry of Transportation, the Contractor and representatives from the affected agricultural communities. Mr. Acquaah confirmed that the data relied on for the Peer Review was data prepared based on no tolls being charged for the east link. No additional data based on tolls being charged, has been supplied. DELEGATIONS Alice Grottoli, Community Connection and Kathy Gowland, Information of Durham, addressed the Committee requesting consent for 211 Delivery Service in a shared telephone exchange area. Ms. Grottoli stated that the 211 Delivery Service is a national abbreviated dialing code for access to health and human services information and referral and is an enhancement to the existing service. This service does not replace the 911, which is for emergency calls. She informed the Committee that 211 is becoming the right number for the public to call for situations that are inappropriate for 911. Ms. Grottoli provided an explanation of the history of the service. She informed the Committee the 211 service is manned twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and the calls are free and confidential. Ms. Gowland informed the Committee that Information of Durham works closely with Community Connection to provide the database for the health and human services within Durham Region. Ms. Grottoli informed the Committee the boundaries for this service is set by the 211 service providers and are not political. Community Connection is hopeful that the Northumberland 211 Service Centre will be launched in early May, provided all resolutions are passed. Ms. Grottoli requested that the Committee give consideration to allow for this service to be provided to the 25 homes that are on the border of the Northumberland County and Durham Region and that the Municipality of Clarington give consent to Community Connection to provide the 211 Service to telephone subscribers in the shared Garden Hill telephone exchange (797), on the basis that there is no financial obligation on the Municipality of Clarington. Kevin Anyan was called but was not in attendance. Victor Suppan, Chair, Heritage Committee addressed the Committee regarding Report PSD-033-09. Mr. Suppan expressed concerns regarding the Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment Heritage Component of the 407 Impact Study. He stated there are eight properties that would be affected and these properties should be preserved and included in the Heritage Registry; two of which are already included. In total there may be 27 properties affected by the Highway 407 extension. He stated that, through a survey, residents have ranked heritage as being important to them. He requested that 4415 Solina Road and 1909 Bloor Street be added to the registry as soon as possible. Mr. Suppan requested the Committee to raise the bar in recognizing our heritage and support the recommendations contained in the Report. -3- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 Resolution #GPA-232-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the rules of order be suspended to allow for the order of the Agenda to be altered. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-233-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the delegations of Libby Racansky be reversed to allow her to address the Committee regarding Report PSD-033-09 ahead of her delegation regarding Report PSD-031-09. CARRIED Libby Racansky addressed the Committee regarding Report PSD-033-09, Highway 407 East Environmental Assessment. Ms. Racanksy stated she is basically in agreement with the recommendations contained in Report PSD-033-09. She expressed concerns with the lack of consideration given to the climate change in the reports regarding the Highway 407 Environmental Assessment, and feels that if consideration was to be given to recommendations 3 a) & b) contained in this Report, there should be no problems. She asked that the Committee request the Province to address the following items: the link between Highway #2 and the bridge on Nash Road and between this same bridge and Pebblestone Road to have the road elevated; to remove the transitway that appears to be located outside of the urban boundary; to have GO Transit expanded to Courtice and Bowmanville; and for the page wire along the link to be denied as it could affect the wildlife in the area. Libby Racansky addressed the Committee regarding Report PSD-031-09, Growth Plan Implementation -Proposed Amendment to the Regional Official Plan. Ms. Racansky expressed concerns with the development of the lands to accommodate the Highway 407 link beyond the urban boundaries into the provincially significant wetlands, putting the area species at risk. She would like to have consideration for watershed planning included in the Growth Plan and to have the Minister of the Environment exempt (in writing) Courtice north from any intensification. She asked that consideration be given to the climate change and its negative effects in all Official Plan Reviews. Ms. Racansky expressed concerns regarding the transit plan for Courtice and Bowmanville stating she feels they are insufficient and inaccurate and may increase the amount of Carbon Dixoide being released. She commended Growing Durham for recognizing the agricultural lands in Courtice south along the 407 link and would like to see this accepted by Regional Councillors. Ms. Racanksy further requested that the Region of Durham and the Province of Ontario recognize that Clarington's industrial base is very low and more jobs are needed. If the extension of the Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant is put into place to service the existing commercial/industrial lands first then the -4- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes. March 30. 2009 extension of the sewer trunk to Whitby and Oshawa would service additional residential growth. Ms. Racanksy stated that if this is not done, it is her opinion, Clarington may not be able to attract more business to the area. She feels this should be a priority as the existing infrastructure cannot be maintained and will result in higher taxes. Richard Ward addressed the Committee regarding his property taxes. Mr. Ward informed the Committee that he has filed the required paperwork for a redesignation of his property with Planning Services and is awaiting their reply. He thanked Committee and Council for providing him with correspondence from his previous delegations regarding the same matter and he asked for further assistance from the Committee in obtaining detailed justification from Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for all the re-assessments that have occurred on his property. Mr. Ward feels these re- assessments are not appropriate, unrealistic, and unjustifiable. Jim Richards addressed the Committee regarding Council resolutions not being supported by our Regional Councillors at Regional Council. He stated that this practice is not in keeping with the democratic process, and renders the wishes of local Council useless. He expressed concerns with the recent voting that took place at the Joint Works and Health and Social Services Committee meeting that followed the Clarington Council meeting of March 23, 2009, on the question of ambient air quality testing and human bio-monitoring. He requested the local Councillors deal with the situation immediately. Linda Gasser addressed the Committee regarding the Energy-From-Waste Host Community Agreement. Ms. Gasser expressed concerns over the appearance of a split Council when it pertains to the proposed incinerator and that Regional Councillors appear to be focused on approving apre-approved agenda from Regional Chair Anderson. Ms. Gasser questioned the rush in reaching a Host Community Agreement and encouraged Council to focus on the best interests for Clarington and its residents. She thanked local Councillors for addressing the concerns of the citizens with regards to the proposed incinerator. Ms. Gasser requested that Council maintain the unwilling host status. Linda Gasser addressed the Committee regarding Energy-From-Waste Monitoring. Ms. Gasser expressed concerns with the position of Dr. Lesbia Smith concerning monitoring of the incinerator and that certain monitoring responsibilities have been avoided. She has concerns with the inconsistent peer review results of the monitoring reported to date. Ms. Gasser questioned the rush for site specific recommendations. Ms. Gasser stated the timing of publishing of the minutes from the Regional meetings is not acceptable and that the minutes should be posted prior to the next meeting; not handed out at the meeting. Ms. Gasser requested that the Committee vote against the recommendations of the Joint Waste Management Group until all reviews are completed. -5- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 PUBLIC MEETING (a) Subject: Development Charges Amendment and By-law Report: FND-007-09 Jamie Maclnnis, City Homes & Durham Home Builders Association spoke in opposition to the recommendations contained in Report FND-007-09. Mr. Maclnnis expressed concerns with the phasing in of the development charges. With the economic conditions the way they are today, the industry has been hit very hard and is not expected to change much in the near future. He stated the significant drop of building permits is partly due to consumers not being able to afford the new homes being built in Clarington, as cost of the building permits in Clarington is the highest in the Durham Region. Mr. Maclnnis provided the Committee with the cost of building permits for all municipalities within Durham, noting that the full cost of the permits is not only for local services but regional services as well. He would like to see the development charges of Clarington fair and competitive. Mr. McInnis requested that the development charges remain unchanged pending the outcome of the new study scheduled to begin in 2010. Hannu Halminen, Halminen Homes, spoke to the recommendations contained in Report FND-007-09. Mr. Halminen stated he understands the need for development charges and requested that Committee recommend to Council the freezing of the development charges until there has been a change to the current economic conditions facing the industry today. He confirmed he is willing to accept the rate increase provided it is deferred. No one spoke in support of Report FND-007-09. Resolution # GPA-234-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Committee recess for ten minutes. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 11:50 a.m. -6- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT GROWTH PLAN IMPLEMENTATION -PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN David Crome, Director of Planning Services, provided the Committee with a verbal and PowerPoint presentation regarding Report PSD-031-09. Resolution #GPA-235-09 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-031-09 be received; THAT the recommendations below and the comments noted throughout Report PSD-031-09 in bold italics be endorsed as the Municipality's comments on the Region's proposed Official Plan Amendment to implement the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; THAT the Region of Durham be requested to: a) Incorporate appropriate assumptions that Clarington will be a "complete community" as defined by the Provincial Growth Plan and meets a minimum of 1 job for 3 residents within the Municipality of Clarington, a target previously endorsed by the Region of Durham in approving the Clarington Official Plan; b) Provide for additional employment lands near the Courtice Road interchange and the Durham East Link and, if necessary, make adjustments to employment area lands in north-east Pickering and Whitby to accommodate this; c) Proceed with the resolution of Deferral Area #4 in Orono for industrial lands on municipal water services; d) That a Regional Corridor designation be applied to Courtice Road from Highway 401 to Highway 2 connecting the future GO Train Station site to Highway 2 Transitway Station for the Durham East Link; e) That Greenfield density standards be appropriate to each urban area in Clarington; f) That local municipalities determine the intensification standards for historic downtowns areas in designated Regional Centres in Clarington; -7- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 g) Refine phasing policies as the proposed approach will not work in Clarington and potentially other municipalities, where secondary planning areas may not be adjacent to one another and thus could all proceed simultaneously; h) The intensification target for Clarington should be reduced to 5,000 units for the 15 year period from 2015 to 2031; and The designation of future Employment Area and Living Area lands beyond 2031 be excluded from the Region's Proposed Amendment by deleting Section 13.2.4, Special Policy Area D and Schedule F; THAT a copy of Report PSD-031-09 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and the local area municipalities; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-031-09 be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED AS AMENDED (See following motion) Resolution #GPA-236-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT foregoing resolution be amended to add a new section 3 c) as follows. "In the event the Region is unwilling to implement recommendation 3 b), that no additional residential expansion areas be added within the Municipality of Clarington in order to provide for a better jobs to resident ratio in the Municipality." CARRIED The foregoing resolution #GPA-235-09 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. Resolution #GPA-237-09 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the Committee take a 30 minute recess for lunch. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 1:15 p.m. -8- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF MARCH 12, 2009 Resolution #GPA-238-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report PSD-032-09 be received; and THAT Council concurs with the decision of the Committee of Adjustment made on March 12, 2009, for application A2009-0003, and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED HIGHWAY 407 EAST ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMENTS ON THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLANS FOR THE TECHNICALLY PREFERRED ROUTE Resolution #GPA-239-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-033-09 be received; THAT Report PSD-033-09 be approved as the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the Preliminary Design Plans for the Highway 407 East Technically Preferred Route; THAT the Ministry of Transportation be requested: a) To include the construction of Holt Road between Taunton Road (Regional Road 4) and Concession Road 6 to a year round standard as part of the Highway 407-related works; b) To construct the Holt Road overpass as part of the initial Highway 407 works to maintain access to agricultural fields; c) To construct afull-movement interchange at Liberty Street and the 407 Mainline; d) To incorporate into the EA a 4 lane cross-section for the Taunton Road overpass over the East Durham Link and cost-share the construction costs for the additional 2 lanes with the Region of Durham; -9- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 e) To improve a portion of Washington Road north of Taunton Road to a seasonal standard to allow access to agricultural fields south of the 407 Mainline; f) To provide a sidewalk and/or bicycle lane on Solina Road south of Solina to connect to the future transitway south of the 407 Mainline; g) To provide page-wire (farm) fencing, rather than chain-link fencing, along the rural portions of the highway corridor in keeping with the rural character of the area; h) To acquire sufficient land to provide cul-de-sacs at the end of all roads terminated by the 407, and to transfer said lands to the Municipality of Clarington; and To prepare preliminary designs for the stormwater pond and Courtice Road interchange at the Clarington Energy Park that will be an enhancement to the business Park with appropriate gateway treatments and quality landscaping features; THAT the Ministry of Transportation be advised that the Municipality of Clarington supports the creation of a working group to deal with the issue of remnant parcels outside the scope of the Environmental Assessment, and that this be a specific recommendation in the EA Report submitted to the Ministry of the Environment; THAT the Region of Durham be requested: a) To commence an Environmental Assessment and allocate funding far the construction of the Courtice Road/Enfield Road (Regional Road 34) re- alignment so that the re-aligned road is in place by the time the Highway 407 East Mainline is operational; b) To agree to both the transfer of the Darlington/Clarke Townline Road north of Regional Road 4 to the Region's jurisdiction and its improvement to a Type `B' arterial standard so that the improved road is in place by the time the new 407 interchange on this road is operational; and c) To contribute funding to the Highway 407 project to construct a 4 lane cross-section for the future East Durham Link grade separation at Taunton Road and thereby avoiding future costly reconstruction costs; THAT the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee, the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, and the Clarington Heritage Committee be thanked for their input and assistance; -10- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 THAT a copy of Report PSD-033-09 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation, the Regional Municipality of Durham, and all area municipalities in Durham Region; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-033-09 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CARRIED AS AMENDED (See following motions) Resolution #GPA-240-09 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the foregoing resolution be amended to add "That Attachment #4 to Report PSD-033-09 form part of the Report." CARRIED Resolution #GPA-241-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT paragraph four of the foregoing resolution be amended to add that the Ministry of Transportation also be advised that "b) the Municipality of Clarington requests the Ministry of Transportation to establish a liaison committee comprised of the proponent, the contractor and representatives from the Municipality, the business and agricultural community and this be included as a specific recommendation in the 407 EA Report." CARRIED Resolution #GPA-242-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure be requested to confirm that the Highway 407 East Extension will be constructed from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington as one project in its entirety, including the Durham East Link, and provide a timeline for the construction. MOTION WITHDRAWN The foregoing resolution #GPA-239-09 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. -11- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30. 2009 SELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE CLARINGTON TASK FORCE ON ATTRACTING HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES TO CLARINGTON Resolution #GPA-243-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report PSD-034-09 be moved to the end of the meeting to be considered in a closed session. CARRIED DURHAM REGION SUSTAINABILITY FORUM APRIL 17, 2009 Resolution #GPA-244-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PSD-035-09 be received for information. CARRIED PROPOSED SALE/ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY Resolution #GPA-245-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the matter regarding a proposed sale/acquisition of property be moved to the end of the meeting to be considered in a closed session. CARRIED Councillor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT NASH ROAD RECONSTRUCTION -PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Resolution #GPA-246-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report EGD-008-09 be received; THAT Staff proceed to finalize the detail design and tender based on the information received at the Public Information Centre to meet the spring/summer 2009 construction start schedule; and -12- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 THAT all those who attended the Public Information Centre and who have contacted the Municipality as interested parties be informed of Report EGD-008-09. CARRIED MONTHLY REPORT ON BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY FOR FEBRUARY, 2009 Resolution #GPA-247-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report EGD-011-09 be received for information. CARRIED TRANSFER OF PART 7, PLAN 10R-645 AND RECIPROCAL ACCESS EASEMENTS FOR SILVER STREET/HOME HARDWARE PARKING 160 CHURCH STREET Resolution #GPA-248-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report EGD-012-09 be received and approved; THAT the agreement in principle, as amended, contained in Attachment 1 to Report EGD-012-09 be ratified and approved by the Municipality of Clarington; THAT the Municipality of Clarington accept the transfer of Part 7 on Plan 10R-645 (673 sq. ft.) for a nominal consideration from Syvan Developments Limited; THAT conditional on Syvan Developments Limited satisfying Recommendation 5, the Municipality of Clarington grant Syvan Developments Limited an easement in Easement Area #1 shown on the sketch contained in Attachment 3 to Report EGD-012-09 to permit vehicular and pedestrian access to Syvan Developments Limited, its lessees, licensees, employees, contractors, and members of the public access to and from Part 10 on Plan 1 OR-645 to and from Silver Street for a nominal consideration, subject to the terms set out in section 1.10 of Report EGD-012-09; and THAT the Municipality of Clarington accept the transfer by Syvan Developments Limited of an easement for a nominal consideration, in Easement Area #2 shown on the sketch contained in Attachment 3 to Report EGD-012-09 to permit vehicular and pedestrian access by the Municipality, its employees, contractors, agents, licensees and members of the public access to and from Parts 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9 on Plan 10R-645 to and from 160 Church Street, subject to the terms set out in section 1.11 of Report EGD-012-09. CARRIED -13- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 OLD SCUGOG ROAD RECONSTRUCTION -PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Resolution #GPA-249-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report EGD-013-09 be received; THAT Staff proceed to finalize the detail design and tender based on the information received at the Public Information Centre to meet the spring/summer 2009 construction start schedule; and THAT all those who attended the Public Information Centre and who have contacted the Municipality as interested parties be informed of Report EDG-013-09. CARRIED AUTOMALL SUBDIVISION, BOWMANVILLE, PLAN 40M-2171, 'CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND `ASSUMPTION BY-LAW', FINAL WORKS INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS Resolution #GPA-250-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT Report EGD-014-09 be received; THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related Works, constructed within Plan 40M-2171; and THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report EGD-014-09, assuming a certain street within Plan 40M-2171 as public highway. CARRIED -14- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT CLARINGTON PITCH-IN CANADA CLARINGTON CLEAN AND GREEN Resolution #GPA-251-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report OPD-005-09 be received for information. CARRIED Councillor Woo chaired this portion of the meeting. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MONTHLY RESPONSE REPORT -FEBRUARY 2009 Resolution #GPA-252-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report ESD-005-09 be received for information. CARRIED Councillor Robinson chaired this portion of the meeting. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2009 ROTARY RIBFEST Resolution #GPA-253-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report CSD-007-09 be received; THAT staff provide access to electricity via use of the Municipal generator at an estimated cost of $2,790.00; THAT staff provide promotional support at anon-profit rate of $600.00 for colour and $480.00 for black/white; -15- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30. 2009 THAT Council require the Bowmanville Rotary Club to provide, for the duration of the event, general ('ability insurance in an amount of not less than five million dollars (5,000,000) per occurrence. An original Certificate of Insurance shall be submitted to the Municipality of Clarington and shall name the Municipality of Clarington as an Additional Insured; and THAT the Bowmanville Rotary Club be advised of Council's decision. MOTION WITHDRAWN (See following motion) Resolution #GPA-254-09 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report CSD-007-09 be referred back to staff for clarification on the merits of the Rotary Ribfest event; and THAT staff report back to the Committee with their findings at the General Purpose and Administration meeting scheduled for April 20, 2009. CARRIED Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT LIVESTOCK EVALUATION STATUS Resolution #GPA-255-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT Report CLD-005-09 be received for information. CARRIED Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TENDER CL2009-5, HIGH FLOAT RESURFACING Resolution #GPA-256-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report COD-025-09 be received; -16- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 3Q 2009 THAT Miller Paving Limited, Gormley, Ontario with a total revised bid in the amount of $733,206.60 (excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of tender CL2009-5, be awarded the contract for the 2009 High Float Resurfacing as required by the Operations Department; THAT funds required in the amount of $859,706.60 (which includes $733,206.60 tendering, engineering, administration and contingencies) be drawn from the Department of Operations, 2009 Capital Budget Rural Road Resurfacing account # 110-36-330-83680-7401; and THAT pending satisfactory pricing and service the contract is extended for an additional one year. CARRIED CL2009-9, ONE (1) 60,000 G.V.W. TANDEM DIESEL DUMP TRUCK C/W PLOW EQUIPMENT Resolution #GPA-257-09 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report COD-026-09 be received; THAT Winslow Gerolamy Motors Limited, Peterborough, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $190,352.16 (plus G.S.T.) after trade, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2009-9, be awarded the contract to supply one (1) 60,000 G.V.W. Tandem Diesel Dump Truck c/w Plow Equipment, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department; and THAT the funds required in the amount of $190,352.16 (plus G.S.T.), be drawn from 2009 Capital Budget account number 110-36-388-83642-7401. CARRIED CO-OPERATIVE TENDER T257A-2008, SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF DOMESTIC FURNACE OIL Resolution #GPA-258-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report COD-027-09 be received; THAT Ultramar Limited, Belleville, Ontario with an approximate annual value of $32,493.75, being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications be awarded the Municipality of Clarington requirements for Co-operative Tender T257A-2008 Supply and Delivery of Domestic Furnace Oil for a three year term; -17- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 THAT pending satisfactory pricing and service the contract be extended for an additional two years; and THAT funding be provided from the current year's respective departments Operating Budgets. CARRIED CL2009-10, ONE (1) 43,000 G.V.W. SINGLE AXLE CAB AND CHASSIS C/11V SNOW PLOW EQUIPMENT AND U DUMP BODY SPREADER Resolution #GPA-259-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report COD-028-09 be received; THAT Winslow Gerolamy Motors Limited, Peterborough, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $198,142.00 (plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2009-10, be awarded the contract to supply one (1) 43,000 G.V.W. Single Axle Chassis c/w Snow Plow Equipment and U Dump Body Spreader, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department; and THAT the funds required in the amount of $198,142.00 (plus G.S.T.), be drawn from 2009 Capital Budget account number 110-36-388-83643-7401. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-260-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the agenda be altered to consider Agenda item 17 (a) -Addendum to Report COD-015-09, Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex Lease Space -Community Care Durham, at this time. CARRIED ADDENDUM TO REPORT COD-015-09 -GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX LEASE SPACE -COMMUNITY CARE DURHAM Resolution #GPA-261-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Addendum to Report COD-015-09 be received; and _18. General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 THAT the proposal from Community Care Durham to lease the vacant space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex with the project funding of $600,000 from the General Municipal Purpose Reserve be denied. CARRIED (See following) Mayor Abernethy vacated the chair and Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. The foregoing resolution #GPA-261-09 was then put to a vote and carried. Councillor Trim vacated the chair and Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. TENDER TO LEASE SPACE AT THE GARNET B. RICKARD RECREATION COMPLEX Resolution #GPA-262-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT staff be directed to issue a tender for lease of space at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex which was formerly occupied by Total Hockey. CARRIED FINANCE DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AMENDMENT AND BY-LAW Resolution #GPA-263-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report FND-007-09 be referred back to staff for further information regarding the deferral of rates to 2010; and THAT staff report back to the Committee a the General Purpose and Administration meeting scheduled for April 20, 2009. CARRIED -19- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 MAYOR & COUNCILLORS' REMUNERATION & EXPENSES FOR 2008 Resolution #GPA-264-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report FND-008-09 be received for information. CARRIED CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE CONFIDENTIAL VERBAL REPORT OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REGARDING ENERGY-FROM-WASTE HOST AGREEMENT NEGOTIATIONS Resolution #GPA-265-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding Energy From Waste Host Agreement Negotiations be moved to the end of the meeting to be considered in a closed session. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS DELEGATION -ALICE GROTTOLI AND CATHY LOWLAND -REGARDING 211 SERVICE DELIVERY Resolution #GPA-266-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the delegation of Alice Grottoli and Cathy Lowland be received with thanks. CARRIED DELEGATION -RICHARD WARD -REGARDING REQUEST FOR DETAILED JUSTIFICATIONS FROM MUNICIPAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CORPORATION (MPAC} FOR PROPERTY TAXES Resolution #GPA-267-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the delegation of Richard Ward be received with thanks; and - 20 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 THAT Mr. Ward be advised that his request for the Municipality to ask MPAC, on his behalf, for detailed justification for all reassessments that have occurred on his property is denied and that the reasons for this denial are: he has filed requests for reconsiderations, has resolved those with MPAC, has signed off agreeing to all of them, and filing for reconsiderations is the mechanism to get the details of the values of every component on his property. CARRIED DELEGATION -JIM RICHARDS -REGARDING SUPPORT FOR LOCAL COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS BY REGIONAL COUNCILLORS AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL Resolution #GPA-268-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the delegation of Jim Richards be received with thanks. CARRIED DELEGATION -LINDA GASSER -REGARDING ENERGY-FROM-WASTE MONITORING Resolution #GPA-269-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the delegation of Linda Gasser be received with thanks. CARRIED OTHER BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL VERBAL REPORT OF THE SOLICITOR REGARDING LEGAL ADVICE PERTAINING TO AN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION Resolution #GPA-270-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Confidential Verbal Report of the Solicitor regarding Legal Advice Pertaining to an Official Plan Amendment Application be moved to the end of the meeting to be considered in a closed session. CARRIED -21 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 EARTH HOUR Resolution #GPA-271-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the staff of the Bowmanville Museum and the Green Committee be thanked for their efforts with regards to the Earth Hour event held in Clarington on March 28, 2009, which included a tour of the historic sections of Bowmanville highlighting life before electricity. CARRIED HIGHWAY 407 EAST EXTENSION AND CONSTRUCTION TIMELINE Resolution #GPA-272-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure be requested to confirm that the Highway 407 East Extension will be constructed from Brock Road in Pickering to Highway 35/115 in Clarington as one project in its entirety, including the Durham East Link, and provide a timeline for the construction. CARRIED COUNCIL/COMMITTEE REPORTING AND MEETING STRUCTURE Resolution #GPA-273-09 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Novak WHEREAS the Current Standing Committee Structure includes one standing Committee, being the General Purpose and Administration Committee; WHEREAS the current meeting and reporting structure, being Committee and Council alternating weeks, presents timeline challenges for both staff and Council for investigation and preparation for the meetings; WHEREAS valuable senior staff resources are tied up attending Committee meetings regarding issues not pertaining to their department; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the CAO and Municipal Clerk be directed to investigate and report back to GPA, prior to the summer recess, on options to modify the current standing committee structure, streamline meetings, and improve reporting efficiencies; and . 22 _ General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 THAT the options considered include a three week schedule as follows: • week 1 day committee meeting addressing planning matters, • week 2 day committee meeting addressing balance of agenda matters, and • week 3 night Council Meeting. CARRIED REQUEST FORA 90-DAY COMMENTING PERIOD REGARDING PROPOSED ENERGY-FROM-WASTE INCINERATOR Resolution #GPA-274-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the Municipality of Clarington request of the Region of Durham that a 90-day commenting period be included as part of the Environmental Assessment Submission to the Ministry of the Environment for the proposed incinerator. CARRIED COMMUNICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE DATED MARCH 27, 2009 FROM HALLOWAY HOLDINGS LIMITED REGARDING REPORT FND-007-09 -DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AMENDMENT AND BY-LAW Resolution #GPA-275-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the correspondence dated March 27, 2009 from Halloway Holdings Limited regarding Report FND-007-09 be referred to the Director of Finance. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-276-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the meeting be "closed" in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, for the purpose of discussing the following matters: • Report PSD-034-09 Selection of Members of the Clarington Task Force on Attracting Higher Education Facilities to Clarington, as it is a matter that deals with personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees; • Confidential matter regarding the a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; - 23 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 Confidential Verbal Report of the Chief Administrative Officer Regarding Energy- From-Waste Host Agreement Negotiations which is a matter that deals with litigation or potential litigation affecting the Municipality; and Confidential Verbal Report from the Solicitor Regarding Legal Advice Pertaining to an Official Plan Amendment Application, the matters of which are subject to solicitor-client privilege. CARRIED The meeting reconvened in open session at 5:41 p.m. RISE AND REPORT Mayor Abernethy reported that four items were discussed in closed session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and one resolution was passed to provide direction to staff. DELEGATION -LINDA GASSER -REGARDING ENERGY-FROM-WASTE HOST COMMUNITY AGREEMENT Resolution #GPA-277-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the delegation of Linda Gasser be received with thanks. CARRIED SELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE CLARINGTON TASK FORCE ON ATTRACTING HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES TO CLARINGTON Resolution #GPA-278-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report PSD-034-09 be received; and THAT the Clerk's Department be directed to send correspondence inviting those individuals listed in Report PSD-034-09, and the additional names put forth by Members of Committee, to apply to serve on the Clarington Task Force on Attracting Higher Education Facilities to Clarington. CARRIED -24- General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes March 30, 2009 ADJOURNMENT Resolution #GPA-279-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the meeting adjourn at 5:45 p.m. CARRIED -- _... ~ ~ l 1 ___~ MAYOR%"'~Y-~ D Y K /f ~% ~~ ~~ - 25 -