HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-034-09Clarington Leading tke Way REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ,/~ Date: Monday, March 30, 2009 ~~'©t~-I;vr~~-'~-~~~~ Report #: PSD-034-09 File #: PLN 19.3.2 By-law #: Subject: SELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE CLARINGTON TASK FORGE ON ATTRACTING HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES TO CLARINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PSD-034-09 be received; and THAT Council provide direction on the selection of candidates to sit on the Clarington Task Force On Attracting Higher Education Facilities To Clarington. / . - , n "" ~ Submitted by: ~ Reviewed by: ~ r ~`~' D i J. Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer DJC/df/sc 24 March 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-034-09 PAGE 2 1. On March 2, 2009, Council approved the establishment of a Task Force on Attracting Higher Education Facilities to Clarington (Attachment 1). In accordance with the terms of reference, the Task Force members are to be appointed by Council. 2. The attached potential list of members was consolidated from the following: . Potential members identified by staff; . Potential members identified by Members of Council or the Board of Trade; and . Candidates who responded to the notice in the Newspaper. 3. Most of the potential members have been identified by staff on the basis on some knowledge of those persons who could significantly contribute to the Task Force's mandate. They were not identified on the basis of an expression of interest. I do not know if they would be willing to serve in this capacity. 4. Council can select up to 6 candidates to be invited to sit on the Task Force. 5. Information on the candidates is included in confidential Attachment 2. Given that the list of candidates was compiled from various sources and not from applications, the amount of information on some candidates is limited whereas other candidates have more information available on the internet or through other sources. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Terms of Reference Attachment 2 - Information on Candidates (Confidential) ATTACHMENT 1 TO REPORT PSD-034-09 Terms of Reference Clarington Task Force on Attracting Higher Education Facilities to Clarington MANDATE To assist Council in attracting higher education facilities to the Municipality of Clarington with particular attention to supporting the Energy and Science Park initiatives. The potential candidate institutions are Durham College, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), and Trent University; however there may be other institutions that are either considering a satellite campus or have programs related to Clarington's emerging training needs. The work of the Task Force will also seek to support Clarington's objective to be recognized as a Provincially Significant Employment Area. The Task Force will be cognizant of recommendations to the Province to make Ontario a leader in the Creative Age. TASK FORCE MEMBERSHIP The Task Force will be comprised of up to six (6) community members appointed by Council with input from individual members of Council and the Clarington Board of Trade. The community members will be sufficiently knowledgeable about the mission and strategic objectives of higher education facilities, the training needs for existing and anticipated businesses in Clarington, the changing Ontario economy and work being done by groups such as the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity or the Martin Prosperity Institute. Task Force members should be influential inside and outside of the community. The composition of the Task Force should represent a variety of interests. The Mayor will be an ex-officio member of the Task Force. The Director of Planning Services is the municipal staff liaison for the Task Force. PROCESS The Task Force will look at the various options of attracting a satellite campus of a higher education facility. Clarington Task Force on Attracting Higher Education Facilities 3 The Task Force will: . review the needs and requirements identified by the Durham College! UOIT Campus Planning Study and any similar studies or strategic plans available from Trent University, etc.; . undertake appropriate consultation with key stakeholders in Clarington regarding their labour force and training needs, particularly Ontario Power Generation, with a view towards identifying which education opportunities could best be served from a satellite facility; . review with executive members of the institutions their current plans and the potential opportunities to meet their mission with satellite facilities or private/institutional partnerships; . identify opportunities within Clarington for satellite facilities and/or training space in conjunction with business; . advise the Mayor and Council on strategic actions that should be considered; . prepare an interim report to the Municipality within 6 months on their findings that could be the basis for discussions with the higher education institutions; . undertake additional actions as determined by Council to influence the investment decisions for higher education facilities and services; and . deliver a final report within one year. It is understood that in order to meet its mandate the Task Force will need to be flexible and adjust to changing circumstances. MEETINGS The Task Force will meet at a convenient location and time for the members. ROLES The Chair The Chair of the Task Force will be selected by members of the Task Force and will: . facilitate the meetings; . be responsible to ensure that the task force meets its mandate; . be responsible to author any report of the task force with the assistance of other Task Force members; . be responsible for arranging and leading key meetings with the institutions and senior levels of government; and . report to Council as appropriate and determined by the Task Force. Clarington Task Force on Attracting Higher Education Facilities 4 Members All Members of the Task Force will: . report any conflict of interest issues prior to decision making; . operate in a consensus mode, allowing members to discuss their respective views and opinions and to listen to others; . will review all documents, agendas and minutes presented to them to make informed decisions; . not release or use any confidential information obtained through discussions or other information provided to the Task Force; . participate in the writing of any report or other tasks as determined through the meetings; and . uphold the mandate of the Task Force. Municipal Staff Liaison The staff liaison will assist with any research and municipal planning information that would be helpful to the Task Force. Mayor's Office The Mayor's Office will be responsible for all administrative arrangements and meeting minutes. Clarington Task Force on Attracting Higher Education Facilities 5 CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS ✓ G PA REPORT NO. PSD-034-09 Attachment Only Resolution#: By-law#: DATE OF REPORT: Attachment 2 — Potential Members of Clarington Task Force on Higher Education