HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-033-09Claringto~ Leading the Way REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE c~ C Date: Monday, March 30, 2009 ttes~)k~Dc~~1i~t"~3 Iro l Report #: PSD-033-09 File #: PLN 23.5.14 By-law #: Subject: HIGHWAY 407 EAST ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMENTS ON THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLANS FOR THE TECHNICALLY PREFERRED ROUTE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. .THAT Report PSD-033-09 be received; 2. THAT Report PSD-033-09 be APPROVED as the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the Preliminary Design Plans for the Highway 407 East Technically Preferred Route; 3. THAT the Ministry of Transportation be requested: a) To include the construction of Holt Road between Taunton Road (Regional Road 4) and Concession Road 6 to a year round standard as part of the Highway 407-related works; b) To construct the Holt Road overpass as part of the initial Highway 407 works to maintain access to agricultural fields, c) To construct afull-movement interchange at Liberty Street and the 407 Mainline; d) To incorporate into the EA a 4 lane cross-section for the Taunton Road overpass over the East Durham Link and cost-share the construction costs for the additional 2 lanes with the Region of Durham; e) To improve a portion of Washington Road north of Taunton Road to a seasonal standard to allow access to agricultural fields south of the 407 Mainline; f) To provide a sidewalk and/or bicycle lane on Solina Road south of Solina to connect to the future transitway south of the 407 Mainline; g) To provide page-wire (farm) fencing, rather than chain-link fencing, along the rural portions of the highway corridor in keeping with the rural character of the area; REPORT NO.: PSD-033-09 PAGE 2 h) To acquire sufficient land to provide cul-de-sacs at the end of all roads terminated by the 407, and to transfer said lands to the Municipality of Clarington; and i) To prepare preliminary designs for the stormwater pond and Courtice Road interchange at the Clarington Energy Park that will be an enhancement to the business Park with appropriate gateway treatments and quality landscaping features. 4. THAT the Ministry of Transportation be advised that the Municipality of Clarington supports the creation of a working group to deal with the issue of remnant parcels outside the scope of the Environmental Assessment, and that this be a specific recommendation in the EA Report submitted to the Ministry of the Environment; 5. THAT the Region of Durham be requested: a) To commence an Environmental Assessment and allocate funding for the construction of the Courtice Road/Enfield Road (Regional Road 34) re-alignment so that the re-aligned road is in place by the time the Highway 407 East Mainline is operational; b) To agree to both the transfer of the Darlington/Clarke Townline Road north of Regional Road 4 to the Region's jurisdiction and its improvement to a Type 'S' arterial standard so that the improved road is in place by the time the new 407 interchange on this road is operational; c) To contribute funding to the Highway 407 project to construct a 4 lane cross-section for the future East Durham Link grade separation at Taunton Road and thereby avoiding future costly reconstruction costs. 6. THAT the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee, the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, and the Clarington Heritage Committee be THANKED for their input and assistance; 7 . THAT a copy of this report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation, the Regional Municipality of Durham, and all area municipalities in Durham Region; and 8. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. 806 REPORT NO.: PSD-033-09 PAGE 3 Submitted by: David . Crome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Reviewed bYO ~ ...::.:~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer JAS/LSIDJC/AC/df 24 March 2009 II // / ----I Reviewed by: ,-):~?/~7,~~.- A. S. Cannella Director of Engineering Services CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 807 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 4 1.0 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 The Technically Preferred Route (TPR) for the Highway 407 Mainline, including the West Durham and East Durham Links, was presented at Public Information Centres in June 2008. Council submitted its comments on the TPR through its consideration of Report PSD-110-08 (November 3,2008 GPA meeting). 1.2 The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) responded to Clarington's comments on the TPR by letter dated January 6, 2009. Attachment 2 to this Report summarizes MTO's responses to the issues identified in Report PSD-110-08, and staff's comments. Those issues that have been resolved to staff's satisfaction and are not discussed in the main body of this report include: · Access to the Orono Hunt and Fish Club · Interchange configuration at Enfield Road · Potential future extension of Pebblestone Road · Access for Emergency Vehicles · Emergency Closure and Detour Plan · Compensation for Farm Business Losses During Appraisal · Need for Co-ordinated Phasing/Staging Plan During Construction 1.3 Over the past several months, the 407 Project Team has been undertaking preliminary design work and meeting with various stakeholders, including Clarington staff, to further refine the TPR and the location and sizing of supporting infrastructure. The Project Team has also undertaken additional analysis to determine potential impacts and proposed mitigation measures and strategies. 1.4 The Preliminary Design Plans for Highway 407 were presented at the last round of Public Information Centres which were held in late January/early February 2009. Information on the proposed Community Value Plan for the Highway 407 corridor was also presented at the Information Centres. The 407 Project Team has requested that comments be submitted by Monday March 23, 2009; however, the Project Team has been unable to present to Clarington Council until March 23, 2009. 1.5 The purpose of this report is to provide the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the Preliminary Design Plan and the proposed Community Value Plan for the 407 Technically Preferred Route. These comments include both new issues and additional comments on issues previously identified. Comments are indicated in bold italics. In preparing this report, comments from the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee, the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee, and the Clarington Heritage Committee were also considered. 1.6 Staff has provided a copy of this report to the Project Team as the Municipality's preliminary comments, subject to Council approval, in order to meet the March 23, 2009 deadline. 808 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 5 2.0 CLARINGTON ENERGY PARK II ---~ ~ ENEAtlY. PARK 1WlIV..-J L--::f/ "'11'- I " i ii .....'-,...,.,~ ~-- ~ ~ . Figure 1: Proposed Highway 401/East Durham Link Configuration 2.1 South Service Road and EnerQV Park Drive 2.1.1 Currently the South Service Road runs adjacent and parallel to the 401. The freeway to freeway (401/407) interchange and the Courtice Road interchange impinge on the limited acreage of the Energy Park. 2.1.2 The realignment of South Service Road in whole or part is the topic of ongoing discussions between staff and MTO. Options are available to mitigate the loss of developable lands in the Energy Park providing that satisfactory arrangements can be made for the short, medium and long term alignment of South Service Road. Ultimately Energy Park Drive will assume the function of the South Service Road and should be shown as such in the EA documents. The section of Energy Drive near Solina Road needs to be shown as the Province's responsibility under the EA to replace South Service Road. 2.2 Storm water ManaQement 2.2.1 MTO has depicted the southeast quadrant of Courtice Road and South Service Road as a "potential site for stormwater management pond". This site is located within lands currently designated Prestige Employment Node in the Clarington Energy Business Park Secondary Plan. 2.2.2 The proposed location of the storm water management pond is compatible with the recommendations of the recently completed Master Drainage Plan. The storm water management pond will remove developable lands so it needs to incorporate 809 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 6 an attractive entrance feature to the Business Park visible from Hwy 401 and traffic entering from the Courtice Road interchange. 3.0 LOCAL AND REGIONAL ROAD NETWORK 3.1 Holt Road 3.1.1 The construction of the East Durham Link will result in a 2 km segment of Rundle Road being lost. As a result, Rundle Road will become discontinuous between Taunton Road and the Sixth Concession Road. Rundle Road will terminate at Taunton Road, while that section north of the 407 will be truncated. Both northbound and southbound traffic on Rundle Road will have to detour either onto Solina Road through the hamlet of Solina (800 m to the west), or onto Old Scugog Road through the hamlet of Hampton (2.5 km to the east). 3.1.2 Holt Road, which lies 800 m to the east of Rundle Road, is built to a year-round standard between the South Service Road and the Seventh Concession Road, except for that section between Taunton Road and the Sixth Concession. 3.1.3 Report PSD-11 0-08 included a specific recommendation to advise MTO that it is the Municipality's position that Holt Road between Taunton Road and the Sixth Concession Road should be improved to year-round municipal road standards as part of the 407 works to replace Rundle Road. MTO responded in their January 6, 2009 letter that the 407 project team will not be seeking EA approval to carry out improvements to Holt Road, and that such improvements, if justified, will be Clarington's responsibility. However, they have committed to constructing an overpass for Holt Road at the 407 Mainline at such time as Holt Road is improved. Figure 2: Holt Road Reconstruction 3.1.4 The discontinuation of Rundle Road north of Taunton Road represents the loss of an important north-south connection within the Municipality's road network, and will create additional traffic impacts on Solina and Hampton. Given the loss of this important connection, the request to MTO to replace the lost section of Rundle Road with an approximately equivalent section on Holt Road is not unreasonable. 810 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 7 3.1.5 The reconstruction of the unimproved section of Holt Road to a year-round standard would effectively mitigate the impact on the Municipality's road network and the two hamlets created by the discontinuation of Rundle Road. The Municipality's consultant has estimated that the cost to improve Holt Road would be approximately $1.57 Million. 3.1.6 It continues to be the Municipality's position that the reconstruction of Holt Road to a full municipal standard between Taunton Road and the Sixth Concession should be included in the EA documentation for the 407 East as a project-related work. 3.1.7 This unimproved section of Holt Road is used by farmers to access a number of agricultural fields. It would be preferable from a traffic safety perspective for farmers to use Concession Road 6 rather than Taunton Road to access these fields. However, this will require that the Holt Road overpass be constructed as part of the initial 407 works so that the farms south of the 407 can be accessed from the north. 3.2 Taunton Road 3.2.1 The Preliminary Design Plans indicate that a two-lane cross-section (one lane in each direction) has been proposed for Taunton Road where it will cross over the East Durham Link. The widening of Taunton Road through Clarington has not been included in the Region's Five Year Capital Budget. As a result, MTO will not take responsibility for the cost of the additional 2 lanes on the overpass. 3.2.2 Regardless of the responsibility for the costs of this structure, the 4 lane cross-section for the overpass should be incorporated into the EA to avoid a subsequent EA approval and to ensure that proper long term planning is undertaken. 3.2.3 The Region is requested to contribute funds to the 407 project to provide for the construction of a four lane cross-section on Taunton Road over the East Durham Link to avoid significant reconstruction costs and delays in the future when the Region would have to undertake the widening of Taunton Road. 3.3 Liberty Street interchanoe 3.3.1 The EA recommended design includes interchanges at Regional Road 57 and at the Darlington-Clarke Townline only. Liberty Street would be a simple grade separation with no direct connection to Highway 407. There is also an interchange on the Durham East Link at Highway 2, and a partial interchange at Taunton Road (access to and from the south only). Traffic generated in the Bowmanville area will predominantly be served by the Regional Road 57 and Highway 2 interchanges, as opposed to either the Taunton Road partial interchange or the Darlington-Clarke Townline interchange, 3.3.2 The results of the transportation model undertaken for the EA were reviewed by the Municipality's consultant to determine whether an interchange at Liberty Street would be necessary or beneficial from a road capacity perspective. The model results suggest that the current EA-recommended design would result in a concentration of traffic on the approach routes to the two interchanges serving Bowmanville traffic, particularly the Regional Road 57 interchange. 811 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 8 Detailed comments on the review of the transportation model are provided in Attachment 3 to this report. 3.3.3 Based on a review of the Highway 407 transportation model and the future planned land use and road network, the Municipality of Clarington requests MTO to reconsider an interchange at Liberty Street. The interchange can be accommodated while still maintaining appropriate interchange spacing, and is important from a network connectivity perspective. It would help disperse projected traffic volumes on the approach routes to Highway 407 in the Bowmanville area, lead to lower traffic pressure on lower-order east-west roadways, and alleviate high intersection turning movements along the Regional Road 57 and Liberty Street corridors. 3.4 Hancock Road 3.4.1 The realignment of Hancock Road at Regional Road Highway 2 is currently proposed by MTO as part of the work related to the East Durham Link. The realignment is meant to accommodate a new ramp, the transitway and a transitway station. South of Highway 2, the proposed realignment is achieved through the use of smooth horizontal curves, thereby enabling relatively uninterrupted traffic flow. North of Highway 2, MTO has proposed a T-intersection as a means of connecting the realigned section of Hancock Road with the existing portion. The free flow of traffic will be inhibited with the introduction of the 90 degree intersection. Figure 3: Hancock Road: Proposed 90 degree intersection 3.4.2 The Municipality requests that the north leg of the realignment of Hancock Road be redesigned with a smooth horizontal curve to facilitate traffic flow in this location. 812 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 9 3.5 Middle Road and Other Road re-alionments 3.5.1 MTO proposes to construct the Middle Road overpass west of the current road alignment location to reduce impacts to properties and natural features on the east side. The old remnant portions of Middle Road will be required to be terminated north and sHouth of H~t . 40t~I'1 '~,-~~~" . owever, I IS S I ~"b,!" unclear how MTO plans to maintain access to the affected properties. ---- Figure 4: Middle Road: Proposed Re-Alignment 3.5.2 The Municipality's preference is to have Middle Road and other similar situations connect directly to the realigned road and to have private driveways extended to the realigned road. This would avoid the need to maintain old remnant sections of the former road. MTO will be required to ensure that all private driveway entrances are extended to the re-aligned road, and that these entrances are properly designed and constructed to address any potential grade and sightline issues. 3.5.3 The Municipality also requests that MTO give the same consideration to all local roads that will be re-aligned because of the 407 or East Durham Link. 3.6 Road Terminations (Cul-de-Sacs) 3.6.1 A number of local roads are indicated as being truncated at the 407 and East Durham Link. The Municipality's snow-clearing and road maintenance equipment, as well as emergency vehicles, will need to be able to turn around at these locations. 3.6.2 MTO is requested to provide cul-de-sacs on roads to be truncated by the 407 or the East Durham Link consistent with the requirements of the Municipality of. Clarington to ensure proper access for both emergency services and maintenance vehicles. All roads terminated with a cul-de-sac should have a minimum radius of 15 metres to the edge of pavement. Sufficient property should be acquired by the MTO and transferred to Clarington for these cul-de-sacs. At a minimum, Clarington requires a radius of 24.5 metres to be provided to the property limit. 3.7 Courtice Road/Enfield Road Connection 3.7.1 The construction of the interchange on Enfield Road (Regional Road 34) will result in this road becoming a major access point to the 407. The resulting increase in traffic on Enfield Road, Taunton Road and Trulls Road will have a significant negative effect on the hamlet of Mitchells Corners. The Official Plan (Transportation Map B 1) indicates that 813 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 10 Regional Road 34 is intended to be made continuous and by-pass Mitchells Corners through connection of Courtice Road and Enfield Road. 3.7.2 The construction of the Regional Road 34 connection will be important to minimizing traffic congestion and road safety issues in Mitchells Corners resulting from the 407/Enfield Road interchange. As such, the Region of Durham is requested to commence an Environmental Assessment and to allocate funding for the construction of the north-south by-pass connecting the two portions of Regional Road 34 (Courtice and Enfield Roads) by the time the Highway 407 mailine is operational. 3.8 Darlinqton/Clarke Townline Road 3.8.1 Similarly, the construction of the interchange at the Darlington/Clarke Townline will result in additional traffic using the section north of Taunton Road (Regional Road 4). The entire length of this road is identified in the Official Plan as a Type B arterial. Although the section of the road south of Taunton Road is currently under the Region's jurisdiction (Regional Road 42), the section to the north that will connect to the 407 remains as a local road. 3.8.2 The Region of Durham is requested to agree to the transfer of that portion of the Darlington/Clarke Townline Road north of Taunton Road to the Region's ownership prior to the 407 interchange at this location coming into operation. 4.0 WIDTH OF OVERPASSES AND UNDERPASSES 4.1 AQricultural equipment 4.1.1 Report PSD-110-08 included a specific recommendation that grade separations be constructed to include the requirements for the movement of agricultural equipment and pedestrians. MTO indicated in their January 6, 2009 letter that the current design of overpasses and underpasses provides sufficient width for the safe passage of farm equipment. 4.1.2 Staff have confirmed that the design standards being proposed by MTO for over and underpasses would be sufficient to accommodate a standard combine with standard tires. A full 2.5 m shoulder on each side of the road is being proposed. This together with a typical 3.5 m lane width will provide 6 m of width for each lane/shoulder combination on overpasses and underpasses, which is consistent with the standard width of two-lane rural collectors. This issue has been resolved to staff's satisfaction. 4.2 Sidewalks and Bicycle lanes 4.2.1 MTO has advised that they will only provide bicycle lanes and sidewalks on underpasses and overpasses where they currently exist or where they are planned in capital forecasts. 4.2.2 Rural roads typically do not have either bicycle lanes or sidewalks, although the shoulders are frequently used for both purposes. The necessary width at grade separations for pedestrians and bicyclists will be provided through 814 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 11 accommodating the width of agricultural equipment as discussed in Section 4.1. However, it would be appropriate for the construction of a sidewalk and/or bicycle lane from Solina to the proposed future transitway facility to be included in the EA as a 407-related works. 5.0 REMNANT PARCELS 5.1 The Municipality has consistently expressed a concern that Highway 407 and the East Durham Link will create a number of remnant parcels in the rural area that could potentially become residential building lots. The creation of these lots would be contrary to the intent of the Provincial Greenbelt Plan and the Regional and local Official Plans. MTO has indicated that it supports Clarington's objectives in this regard and has suggested a Working Group be established. It is MTO's position that the issue of remnant parcels is outside the scope of the EA. 5.2 The Municipality supports the approach of creating a Working Group outside of the Environmental Assessment process to address the issue of remnant parcels. The Working Group should be established as soon as possible after the submission of the EA Report, with MTO or another provincial agency being responsible for establishing and supporting its work. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Region of Durham, the affected area municipalities, and the Conservation Authorities should be invited to participate. The establishment of the working group should be a specific recommendation in the 407 EA Report. 6.0 IMPACTS DURING CONSTRUCTION 6.1 There is the potential for significant impact on area roads during the period of construction that will affect residential and business traffic (including the agricultural community), as well as emergency and maintenance vehicles. It is essential that specific consultation be carried out by the proponent and contractor(s) with the Municipality, area businesses and the agricultural community, both prior to and during the period of construction, to understand their specific requirements. This will be essential in helping mitigate impacts to. the agricultural community, particularly during the planting and harvesting seasons. 6.2 MTO is requested to establish a liaison committee comprised of the proponent, the contractor and representatives from the Municipality, the business and agricultural community, and that this be included as a specific recommendation in the 407 EA report. 7 .0 CULTURAL HERITAGE RESOURCES 7.1 The Municipality has previously recommended that MTO develop a comprehensive strategy for the protection of cultural heritage resources in consultation with the Region and the area municipalities, and that property owners and the relevant Municipality be contacted to discuss specific mitigation measures for each affected heritage feature. In response, MTO advised that more detailed work on cultural heritage resources would be undertaken during preliminary design and that an Impact Assessment Report will be 815 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 12 prepared that will document the mitigation and/or compensation techniques to be employed in order to reduce impacts. 7.2 The Impact Assessment Report provided to the Clarington Heritage Committee in March 2009 identified those cultural heritage resources that will be either displaced or disrupted by the 407. General mitigation strategies were developed based on the degree of impact and the nature of the resource. Landscape screening is proposed for those heritage resources that will be disrupted, while a Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report (CHER) is recommended in those situations where built heritage resources are to be displaced. None of the properties to be displaced by the 407 and the East Durham Link in Clarington were identified by the Impact Assessment Reports for relocation. 7.3 The Clarington Heritage Committee has identified 27 built heritage resources included in the Impact Assessment Report that have been recorded in the Committee's inventory of heritage buildings. Of particular interest are the following eight built heritage resources that will be displaced by the 407: 5531 Bethesda Road 5681 Acres Road 7500 Hi hwa 115 5658 Bethesda Road This structure should be relocated. This structure should be relocated. This structure should be relocated. 4825 Rundle Road 2064 Taunton Road H743 H747 The barn should be relocated. Relocation of structure not necessa 7.4 The Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports to be prepared for a number of the properties should also include floor plans of the building, the footprint of the building on the lot, and photographic records of the exterior and interior of the building and of the vista from the building. 7.5 The impact assessment reports do not include any information on the compensation techniques to be used to reduce the impact on heritage resources, nor do they indicate if the owners of the identified properties have been contacted in regards to the mitigation measures proposed. This information should be provided to the Clarington Heritage Committee to allow for a more 816 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 13 thorough review of the impact on the Municipality's built heritage resources, once the negotiation with the owners is complete. 7.6 Attachment 4 provides the Municipality's comments on all of the heritage resources identified by the impact assessment reports as being displaced or disrupted by the 407 and the East Durham Link. 8.0 COMMUNITY VALUE PLAN 8.1 The Community Value Plan (CVP) process is intended to identify a range of measures to mitigate the effects of Highway 407 that are sensitive to the cultural, social, historical and environmental values of the communities in proximity to the Technically Recommended Route. CVP measures are intended to be compatible with the natural and built environments and aesthetically appropriate for the area, and will be implemented within the 407 corridor. The Highway 407 Project Team should be commended for undertaking the CVP process. 8.2 The 407 project team held a number of workshops in 2008 to identify key areas of concern within communities affected by the highway corridor, and to discuss possible strategies that will mitigate the impact of the highway while retaining or enhancing community character. The proposed CVP was presented for comment at the last round of Public Information Centres in late January 2009. 8.3 The CVP is intended to provide a range of potential mitigation and enhancement measures that will be applicable at various locations throughout the 407 corridor. Measures are grouped by themes, such as gateway locations, landscape screening, local heritage, wildlife crossings, and wetland restoration. Comments on specific aspects of the CVP are provided below. 8.4. Gateway SiQnaQe Figure 5: Proposed gateway signage Community signs should be located on the 407 corridor at the eastbound entrance to Clarington, as well as at the hamlets of Solina, Hampton and Leskard. The design of the signs and graphics should be distinct and accurately represent the history and character of the community - for example, the old water-powered 817 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 14 mill in Hampton. Hamlet signs should also include a reference to the Municipality of Clarington. Signs should be made of durable material to minimize maintenance and to ensure that they remain attractive for a long time. 8.5 Bridoe Art Figure 6: Proposed artwork on bridge structures and abutments As with community signage, bridge artwork should be durable and accurately reflect the history and character of nearby communities. For example, the grade separation over Wilmot Creek should reflect the historical significance of the fishery in this area. 8.6 Liohtino Highway lighting located in proximity to homes and communities should be visually screened to minimize the impact on residents. Where possible decorative lighting (eg. heritage theme) should be installed. The Municipality has lighting guidelines that recommend full cut-off, high efficiency luminaries. 8.7 Storm Water Manaoement Ponds The many storm water management ponds proposed along the 407 corridor provide an opportunity, with the use of appropriate landscaping, to create both visual assets and wildlife habitat. However, when located in proximity to communities, fencing that is attractive and compatible with the landscape should be considered. Figure 7: Storm water Management Ponds 818 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 15 8.8 Wildlife Habitat and Wetland Restoration Opportunities to provide wildlife habitat within the 407 corridor and on remnant parcels should be maximized to mitigate the impact of the highway on the landscape, in particular connectivity within the Natural Heritage System (eg. woodlots on remnant parcels). Figure 8: Wetland Boardwalk The creation of trails, wetland boardwalks ands other public areas would be an asset to the community; however, access to highly sensitive areas should not be encouraged. Information on the ownership and maintenance of the facilities has not yet been provided by the 407 project team and should be discussed with the local municipalities. 8.9 EnerQV Business Park The East Durham Link will have a significant impact on the plans of the Clarington Energy Business Park. There should be additional details provided for this area including preliminary design plans for the stormwater pond which incorporates special landscape features and gateway treatment at the interchange. 9.0 CONCLUSIONS 9.1 Many aspects of life in Clarington will be affected by the construction and operation of the 407 Mainline and East Link. The impacts will be both positive and negative for the natural heritage systems, social and community fabric, agricultural operations and many businesses. The Ministry of Transportation and its consultants, through the preliminary design of the Technically Preferred Route, have provided specific recommendations to address the impacts and mitigate any negative outcomes. In many cases MTO and the consultants have gone beyond mitigation and provided for enhancement opportunities, which is greatly appreciated. 9.2 Staff will continue to work with the Project Team and provide input on the Functional Design Study. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Glossary of Terms Attachment 2 - MTO Response to Report PSD-11 0-08 Attachment 3 - Comments on Liberty Street Interchange Attachment 4 - Comments on Impacted Built Heritage Resources 819 REPORT NO.: PsD-033-09 PAGE 16 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Dan Remollino, P. Eng. Doug Allingham, P. Eng. John O'Toole, M.P.P. Abe Afana Ron Armstrong Ann Ball Jim Ballentine Dorothy Barnett Fred Biesenthal Mark Bragg Mark Canning Jean-Maurice Cormier Walenty & Maria Cyrganowicx Yvonne Doorenspleet Rolf & Tanya Fabricius George Field Linda Gasser John Hammond William J. Hasiuk Mark Hawkins Dave Horner Karina Isert Jennifer Knox Jo-Anne McFarland John and Barbara Montague Denise Pickett Libby Racansky Hala Rawdah David & Bev Rogers Jim Slyfield Bradford Soles John Sturdy John Waters Ted Watson 820 GLOSSARY OF TERMS CHER Cultural Heritage Evaluation report CVP Community Value Plan EA Environmental Assessment MTO Ministry of Transportation TPR Technically Preferred Route Attachment 1 To Report PSD-033-09 821 Q) .~ .s::1I) I- Q) . O"'C<( . ..... Q) "'C m II) W 2 0. II) I'-- o.-Q)o Q)~-o-q- 8c"'CQ) mEm~ Q)Q)Q)- II) ..... ..0 0 c-oQ) 00-"'C 0. Q) "'C .- II) ::J Q) II) Q)II)Q):J 0:: .!Q C 0 "'C C m -q- C . ot ..0 mo. "'CQ) co:: Q)- E 0 Eo o . oLO Q) C 0:: .2 Q)u Q) Q) U)(f) o II) '5 C Q)- '0 m 0. Q) ~ :> cO::Jo. ::J m~=Q)008 ~ .9-.s:: 3: g>"'C (5 II) Q) ~ .2 Q) 0 - ~ 0> Q) omc(6l-c_c~ - ..!Q ~ 1:5 ~ Q)E Q):i: Q) Q) Q) ..::: .- ..0 ..... 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Q) O.c Cllll:: 0 Q) C C)E E.!Q a.Ul en I- ~ Q) 0 .c Cll Cll ._ ._ Cll 0 :J 827 MEMO Attachment 3 To Report PSD-033-09 \\\11\ ~ \\\\\\\\\\\~ DILLON CONSULTING TO: Leslie Benson Faye Langmaid Janice Szwarz Municipality of Clarington Municipality of Clarington Municipality of Clarington FROM: Brent Hooton Dillon Consulting CC: Paul Acquaah Dillon Consulting DATE: March 24, 2009 SUBJECT: Highway 407 East Extension EA - Liberty Street Interchange OUR FILE: 08-1219 This memo has been prepared to document the findings of our review as to the need and feasibility of an interchange on the Highway 407 East Extension at Liberty Street, in the Municipality of Clarington. As part of our analysis, we have reviewed documentation and data used in the Highway 407 EA, as provided by AECOM. This documentation includes: · Design drawings of the preferred alignment · Road link volumes generated for the 2031 horizon year using the EMME/2 transportation model (including Highway 407 mainline and interchange volumes and projected traffic on other arterial and collector roads in Clarington) · Lane capacity and number of lanes assumed in modeling exercise · 2031 land use assumptions (population; number of employees) The EA recommended design includes interchanges at Regional Road 57 (RR 57) and at the Darlington- Clarke Townline only. Liberty Street would be a simple grade separation with no direct connection to Highway 407. There is also an interchange on the Durham East Link at Highway 2, and a partial interchange at Taunton Road (access to and from the south only). Traffic generated in the Bowmanville area will predominantly be served by the RR 57 and Highway 2 interchanges, as opposed to either the Taunton Road partial interchange or the Darlington-Clarke Townline interchange. The Taunton Road partial interchange only serves traffic bound to/from Highway 401, and Bowmanville traffic has other, more direct routes to access Highway 401. The Darlington-Clark Townline interchange would be too indirect to serve Bowmanville traffic in the predominant direction (i.e., traffic bound to/from the west). Volume and Capacity Considerations Major Approach Routes The results of the transportation model undertaken for the EA were reviewed to determine whether an interchange at Liberty Street would be necessary or beneficial from a road capacity perspective. The model results suggest that the current EA-recommended design would result in a concentration of traffic on the approach routes to the two interchanges serving Bowmanville traffic, particularly the RR 57 interchange. 235 Yorkland Boulevard, Suite 800, Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Y8 - Phone (416) 229-4646 - Fax (416) 229-4692 828 Highway 407 East Extension EA - Liberty Street Interchange March 24, 2009 Page 2 The 2031 horizon AM peak hour model projected significant traffic demand from the Bowmanville urban area to westbound Highway 407: · 1,025 trips via the RR 57 interchange; and · 650 trips via the Highway 2 interchange on the East Link. This traffic leads to capacity concerns on roads approaching those interchanges. Both RR 57 and Highway 2 are modeled to be operating at or above capacity in the sections approaching Highway 407: · RR 57 is projected to attract more than 1,050 vehicles (peak direction) on the section approaching Highway 407, compared to a modeled capacity of 1,000 vehicles per direction. (As discussed below, high volumes of turning traffic may have the effect of reducing the capacity of RR 57 below this level, which would further aggravate capacity issues.) · Highway 2 is projected to attract 850 to 900 vehicles per hour per lane on the entire section from the Bowmanville CBD to the East Link, compared to a modeled capacity of 900 vehicles per hour per lane. In addition, the loop on-ramp from RR 57 to Highway 407 is projected to operate at high volumes (more than 1,000 vehicles per hour); the high volume of low-speed loop ramp traffic could lead to merging issues on the mainline. The EMME/2 transportation model is capacity constrained; when assigning traffic through the network, it takes roadway capacity into account. It is possible that the actual demand approaching Highway 407 may be higher, because the modeled demand is constrained by capacity limitations (i.e., both approach routes are modeled to be at capacity, or at a planning LOS F). Further, it is likely that demand on RR 57 would be higher, because the modeled volume does not appear to include traffic generated by the proposed Highway 407 transitway. There is a station shown at RR 57, with a park-and-ride lot. Although the number of spaces has not been specified, there is a large area (at least 4.5 to 5.0 ha) allocated for parking, which would accommodate more than 1,000 spaces depending on the ultimate configuration. If park-and-ride traffic is in addition to the modeled volumes, there is potential for significantly higher traffic demands on RR 57. It is noted that the model used in the EA traffic projections assumed that the Highway 407 extension would be unto lIed. The province announced in January 2009 that, although the province would maintain control over the extension, tolls would still be applied (although the rates were not specified). Depending on the ultimate toll rates, the volumes modeled on the highway may be overstated to some extent, which in turn could overstate traffic on the approach routes. Other East-West Routes The attached exhibits illustrate the population and employment forecasts applied in the Highway 407 EA traffic model. Exhibit 1 illustrates the projected growth between 2006 and 2031; Exhibit 2 illustrates the ultimate forecasted 2031 population and employment levels. These exhibits illustrate that access to Highway 407 from Bowmanville is unbalanced, in that both of the two interchanges that would serve Bowmanville traffic (i.e., RR 57; Highway 2) are located in the west end ofthe Bowmanville urban area. Since most of the Bowmanville urban area is situated east ofRR 57 (particularly in the north), most 407- bound traffic will need to travel west to RR 57. The EMME model indicates significant volumes on east- west arterial and collector roads bound for RR 57, including Taunton Road, the 3rd and 4th concessions, 829 Highway 407 East Extension EA - Liberty Street Interchange March 24, 2009 Page 3 and Longworth Avenue I Scugog Lane. Some of these roads are less suited for this type of regional traffic due to geometric conditions, road classification, or roadside environment (e.g. residential areas). These east-west volumes will also lead to higher turning movement demands at intersections that would decrease the capacity of RR 57 and lead to poorer intersection operations. This in turn could lead to increased infiltration through residential neighbourhoods as motorists seek alternate routes to RR 57. Liberty Street is more centrally located within Bowmanville, and therefore has potential to intercept a significant proportion of trips that otherwise would need to be concentrated on RR 57 and the approach routes to RR 57. If an interchange is provided at Liberty Street, there will be less east-west traffic pressure and consequently lower turning movement requirements at intersections along the RR 57 and Liberty Street corridors. Network Considerations I Interchange Spacing The EA-recommended design results in an interchange spacing of approximately 6.5 km between the RR 57 and Darlington-Clarke Townline interchanges. A Liberty Street interchange would be located approximately 2.5 km east of the RR 57 interchange and 4.0 km west of the Darlington-Clarke Townline interchange. The MTO's Geometric Design Standards for Ontario Highways (GDSOH) recommends that, "as a general guide in rural areas, interchanges are normally spaced at between 3 km and 8 km." With an interchange at Liberty Street, the interchange spacing would be slightly below this level. However, the GDSOH also notes that "the precise location depends on the particular needs of the community," and that "interchanges should be located at arterial roads recognized as major components in the road system, having good continuity and a capability for expansion if required." Liberty Street is identified as a Type B Arterial in the Clarington Official Plan in which it has been planned to connect to Highway 407. In addition, Liberty Street is a Regional Road, and is the only north-south Regional Road not to be afforded an interchange with the Highway 407 East Extension (with the exception of Ritson Road, where there are conflicts with the Simcoe Street interchange 1.3 km to the west). Summary Based on our review of the current Highway 407 transportation model and the future planned land use and road network, we recommend that the Municipality of Clarington ask MTO to reconsider an interchange at Liberty Street. The interchange can be accommodated while still maintaining appropriate interchange spacing, and is important from a network connectivity perspective. It would help disperse projected traffic volumes on the approach routes to Highway 407 in the Bowmanville area, lead to lower traffic pressure on lower-order east-west roadways, and alleviate high intersection turning movements along the RR 57 and Liberty Street corridors. As stated earlier, our recommendation for the provision of an interchange at Liberty Street is based on the most current data provided to us by the Highway 407 EA team which does not take into account the tolling scenario. Whether the interchange is warranted under a tolling scenario would be entirely dependant upon an analysis of an updated transportation model based on the most probable tolling scenario, which at this point is unknown. No further modeling is expected to be carried out by the MTO prior to the filing of the ESR. 830 , . , , , , ",: - " : - en Q Q N ai N c' "'~ .,.e .. , '. I,;.,., . .'. I," qC I., . , . ' I, ~ ;: . '. : .' ,... ,~ '. 'I" :' ....',', , I / e ~I', ~ - 2 Ii: C . 1.'\-" ,'., I c: "" ~<J ~ I. \, ~ ,\- :',' -:' '. )- , !- I: , .. ~, 1'1: I ., '. I~; I':,.; :i'~~' ,," ,. " ... ~ ':',~M~,,-. s: ;:.:~:[C ,'V I., ~ ~.' :H.' <7 s ,~ , ::2: "::, '. () I,:'~;,:!~' :;l>';~",. " :.'s';'a' '~ ;',';:.::;': "',' ;, " .- . . " " :,'.'. 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