HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/30/1999 - - - - - 1. _ d1a;'j;'g";;n ')NTARIO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: AUGUST 30, 1999 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROLL CALL - 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. MINUTES - (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of July 5, 1999 - 4. DELEGATIONS (a) - (b) - (c) - (d) - (e) - (f) - 5. Mark A. Foley, The Foley Group, 319 College Avenue, P.O. Box 11 Oshawa, L 1 H 7K8 - Report PD-94-99 Harvey Thompson, 4720 Concession Road 6, Newtonville, LOA 1 jO - Low Level Radioactive Waste - Report PD-95-99 Janie Dodds, 3917 Clarke 81h Concession, R.R. #1, Orono, LOB 1 MO It' ~ LACAC - Report PD-98-99 Leanne Gibson, c/o Walter Gibson, 3141 Gibson Road, Newcastle, L 1 B_1 L9 - Terry Fox Run 7l Don Welsh, Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville L 1 C 3A2 - Update on Clarington Older Adults Association Sally Barrie, Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville L 1 C 3A6 - Update on Clarington Older Adults Association PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ... (a) - - - PD-93-99 Proposed Plan of Subdivision Application Applicant: Durham Capital Management Inc. Part Lot 35, Concession 2, Former Township Of Darlington Extension of Bridle Court-Courtice - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON "0 T E M PER A NeE S T R E E T . J 0 IV MAN V ILL E . 'J N TAR I 0 . Lie 3 A 6 . I 9 0 5) "2 3 _ 3 3 7 9 . FAX 6 2 3 _" I 6 9 NEBSITE NWW muniCipality clarlngton on ca 301 601 @ RECYCLED PAPER ... G.P.& A. Agenda - 2 - August 30, 1999 IIIlIiIi PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. ... (b) PD-94-99 Rezoning Application - Phip Limited ... Part Lot 35, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington (North-east corner of Townline Road and Wabbokish Court) 614 ... (c) PD-95-99 Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility Port Granby Waste Management Facility 625 ... (d) PD-96-99 Monitoring decisions of Committee of Adjustment for the meetings of July 15, July 29 and ... August 12, 1999 653 (e) PD-97-99 Rezoning Application ... Appl icant: Syvan Developments Part Lot 28, Concession 1, Former Village of Newcastle, 20 Robert Street 661 ... (f) PD-98-99 LACAC Delegation on the Bowmanville Book 670 - (g) PD-99-99 Part Lot Control Applicant: Veltri and son Limited 1t,1i' Part Lot 13, Concession 2, Former Town of .... Bowmanville Lots 1 - 9, All Inclusive on 40M-1970 676 ... (h) PDt 100-99 Part Lot Control Applicant: 535078 Ontario Limited - Part Lot 31, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington Lots 1 - 9, All Inclusive and Blocks 11 & 12, on 40M-1968 681 - 6. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ... (a) CD-29-99 Heritage Designations 33 Centre Street, Bowmanville 35 Centre Street, Bowmanville ... 6 Park Street, Orono 701 (b) CD-30-99 Animal Services Report for the .. Month of July, 1999 703 .. ... - - G.P.& A. Agenda August 30, 1999 - 3 - TREASURY DEPARTMENT - (a) TR-52-99 Lease Agreement 247 King Street East, Newcastle, Ontario - 8. FIRE DEPARTMENT - (a) Monthly Fire Report - June, 1999 FD-14-99 (b) FD-15-99 Monthly Fire Report - July, 1999 - 9. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - No Reports - 10. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (a) WD-34-99 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for July, 1999. - - 11. ADMINISTRATION (a) AD~IN-27-99 It' It' Confidential Report pertaining to a personnel matter (to be distributed under separate cover) - (b) ADMIN-28-99 Video Surveillance of Downtown Areas - - 7'1 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - 13. OTHER BUSINESS - (a) Correspondence dated August 10, 1999 from Elly Macmaster, Big Brothers of Clarington requesting Official Proclamation declaring the month of September as Big Brother Month and Flag Raising Ceremony - August 31, 1999. - - 14. ADJOURNMENT - - - 801 901 904 1101 1201 1401 - - THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON General Purpose and AdministratIon Comminee July 5. 1999 - - Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and AdminIstration Comminee held on Monday. July 5. 1999 at 9:30 a.m.. in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL - Present Were: Acting Mayor Schell Councillor 1. Munon Councillor M. Novak Councillor 1. Rowe Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young - - Absent: Mayor Hamre (on vacation) Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer. F. Wu Community Services. 1. Caruana Fire Chief. M. Creighton Treasurer. M. Marano Manager. Development Review Branch, L. Taylor Director of Public Works. S. Vokes Municipal Clerk. P. Barrie - - - Acting Mayor Schell chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - Councillor Novak indicated that she would be disclosing a pecuniary interest with respect to Addendum to Report PD-70-99 and all delegations related thereto. MINUTES - Resolution l1GPA-354-99 - Moved by Councillor Munon. seconded by Councillor Rowe - . Page 2. . Page 4. - and THA T the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on June 21, 1999. be corrected as follows: item (d), correction to the spelling of Chris Conti: and item (m l, change the words "as a cat owner" to read "as a dog owner"; THA T the minutes. as corrected. be adopted. - "CARRIED" - - - ") : : 1 G.P. & A. Minutes PRESENT A TIONS ") IIIIIl July 5. 1999 III (a) Harvey Thompson. Chair, Glenn Case and Duncan Moffett, Low Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Committee presented the final report on conceptualizaion of on-site low level radioactive waste storage facility designs for the Port Granby Waste Management Facility which has been prepared by GolderISENES. The consultants put forward two conceptual approaches for the management of the wastes stored at the facility. One approach would have required moving all the wastes to a new mound. This option was totally rejected by the Comminee because it did not meet the objective of minimal disruption of the wastes. The other conceptual approach is in-situ management. - - III Before any decision is made on whether to choose options I or 2. more detailed data must be obtained in regards to the ground water flow through the east gorge area. This study should focus on the lode of wastes at the middle till and lower sands area. The time frame that the process of constructing a long-term storage facility for the wastes at Port Granby is about 9 to 10 years. The Comminee made the following recommendations: III ... · Local tribunal for compensation to area residents in case of damages or accidents; · Ownership of property be transferred from Cameco to the Federal Government · Right of access should be transferred to the Municipal ity of Clarington · Site could be used for passive parkland (say use. bicycle trails, etc) · Proposed use does not burden the Municipality with excessive maintenance and upkeep · Keep area residents informed in every step of the process · Federal Government should maintain and monitor the site and report to Council once yearly · There should be an active environmental monitoring system (with local residents involved) over the construction period of the facility · ~unicipality of Clarington should not accept additional wastes from any other source III rIIIIi rIIIIi rIIIIi ... (b) Bernie Chandler, DeJoitte & Touche, Toronto North, 5140 Yonge Street, Suite 1700. North York, M2N 6L 7 presented the Consolidated Financial Report and Auditors reports for 1998. He indicated that it was a clean audit and that the MUnIcipality is in a good financial situation with the surpluses of the Municipality being well managed during the year. Mr. Chandler thanked staff for their assistance during the audit. III ... Resolution #GPA-355-99 Moved by Councillor Munon. seconded by Councillor Trim rIIIIi THA T the order of the agenda be altered to allow for consideration of Report TR-33-99 at this time. ... "CARRIED" ... .. '): I11III - G,P. & A, Minutes - REPORTS - 1998 Audit Report and Management lener - - ... ... - DELEGA TIONS ... ... - - - - ... - - - - ~ ,) - July 5. 1999 Resolution ItGPA-356-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Novak THA T Report TR-33-99 be received; THA T the presentation by Deloitte and Touche on the 1998 Financial Statements be acknowledged with thanks; THA T the Financial Statements for the year ended December 3 I. 1998 be adopted; THA T once Bill 79 capping impacts are known. the amended information be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; THA T recommendations contained in the management letter be reviewed by staff and addressed appropriately and report back on any necessary changes; and THA T the tirm of Deloine and Touche be appointed'as the Municipality's Auditors for the 1999 year end audit. "CARRIED" (a) Kelvin Whalen. 1029 McNichol Avenue, Scarborough, MIW 3W6 indicated concurrence with the recommendations contained in Report PD-8l-99, however. he requested condition # I 0 contained in the conditions of approval of fmal plan registration be amended by changing the date of January I. 2000 to read January I, 200 I. (b) Mark Foley, The Foley Group, 319 College Avenue. Oshawa. LI H 7K8 addressed Comminee in support of the recommendations contained in Report PD-82-99 and otfered to answer any questions Committee Members may have. (c) Mrs. Robyn Rickard. 5 Clarke Street. Newcastle. LIB ICI was called but was not present. (c) Ken Donaldson. 527 Mill Street South, Newcastle, LIB ICI was called but was not present. (e) Mr. Duncan, 27 Boulton Street, Newcastle. LI B I L9 advised that he would be addressing Council during the special meeting on July 19. 1999 with respect to Report PD-85-99. (t) Mr. EiIbeck. 27 Boulton Street, Newcastle, Ll B I L9 advised that he would be addressing Council during the special meeting on July 19, \999 with respect to Report PD-85-99 (g) Mr. D. Rickard. 27 Boulton Street, Newcastle, LI B I L9 advised that he would be addressing Council during the special meeting on July 19, 1999 with respect to Report PD-85-99. ",' z G.P. & A. Minutes - -I - ... July 5. 1999 DELEGA TlONS CONT'D. ... (h) Mr, G. Carveth, 27 Boulton Street, Newcastle, LIB IL9 advised that he would be addressing CouncIl during the special meeting on July 19, 1999 with respect to Report PD-85-99. ... (i) Dean Avery, 524 Mill Street. Newcastle. LIB ICI advised that he would be addressmg Council during the special meeting on July 19, 1999 with respect to Report PD-85-99, ... U) Kelvin Whalen, 1029 McNichol Avenue, Scarborough, MIW 3W6 advised prior to the meeting that he would not be addressing Committee with respect to Report PD-85-99. ... Councillor Novak indicated a disclosure of pecuniary interest with respect to the following six delegations regarding the Addendum to Report PD-70-99; vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject maner. Councillor Novak stated that her relatives own the property in the near vicinity of the subject land. - ... (k) Norm Monaghan. 15 Westmore Street. Courtice. LIE 2H8 addressed Committee with respect to the Addendum to Report PD-70-99. He urged Comminee to table this report until the Ministry of Natural Resources has had an opportunity to complete their study which they anticipate to be the end of July, 1999. He believes that a wait of less than 30 days will not significantly impact the developer, however. not waiting may significantly impact the environment. ... ... (1) Janet Hayman, 22 Jane Avenue, Courtice. LIE 2H9 addressed Comminee with respect to the Addendum to Report PD-70-99. Ms. Hayman raised the following issues: - · Concerns about information contained in a lener from the Ministry of Natural Resources dated June 25, 1999. · Concerns about traffic which were not addressed after her April 28, 1999 letter nor after her June 19. 1999 letter to the General Purpose and Administration Comminee. .. - · Concerns about the manner in which the processing of this application is being rushed through without adequate time for Council to study the submissions from the public. .. (m) Ray Shepherd, 32 Jane Avenue, Courtice, LI E 2H9 addressed Comminee with respect to the Addendum to Report PD-70-99, Mr. Shepherd quoted from an article taken from a book on trees dated 1990 which states "econom ic self interest is frequently too powerful. and good intentions and legal prohibitions are of little avail. so that every year sees vast tracks of forest irreversibly lost before there is a chance of introducing systems of rational management or safeguards." Mr. Shepherd stated that this is the case with the subject development. He also raised a concern over the financial impact that he and several of his neighbours will realize when they must connect their home to the water and sewer lines. ... - - .... IIIlIiIi IIIIlIi - G.P. & A. Minutes - " - July 5. 1999 - DELEGA TIONS CONT'D, - (n) Glenn Genge, D, G, Biddle and Associates. 96 King Street East. Oshawa. Ll H 1 B6 addressed Comminee with respect to Addendum to Report PD- 70-99 and otfered the followmg comments: - · How can the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources say "it is highly likely" that the subject lands would have been added to the Provincially Significant Wetland Complex when they have not reviewed the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) in detail. This EIS which was supported by CLOCA and approved by the Municipality supports the residential development of these lands subject to the normal environmental safeguards. - - · Both the CLOCA lener and the lener from Gartner Lee Limited dated June 25. 1999 indicate that the EIS. as approved by the Municipality and accepted by CLOCA. covered all the basis needed to comply with the Provincial Policy statement in that it assessed the development impact on the wetland and wetland functions. - - · The anticipated completion date of July, 1999 for the wetland complex mapping and evaluation by the Ministry of Naturai Resources is overly optimistic given their other priorities and staff cut backs. - Mr. Genge requested that the recommendation contained in the Addendum to Report PD-70-99 be approved by Comminee. - (0) Hannu T. Halminen, Blackcreek Developments Ltd., 1748 Baseline Road West, Courtice, LIE 2TI addressed Committee with respect to Addendum to Report PD-70-99. Mr. Halminen indicated that he has been involved with this property for the past five years. He was pleased to participate in the EIS process: a process which lasted in excess of two years when originally it was expected to be completed within one year, All of the recommendations have been adhered to and Mr. Halminen is now requesting that Comminee approve the recommendations contained in the report. - - (p) Chris Conti, 10 King Street, Port Hope, LlA 2R4 appeared before Committee on behalf of Libby Racansky, .3200 Hancock Road. Courtice. LIE 2HI with respect to Addendum to Report PD-70-99, Mr. Conti indicated that the EIS has determined that no buffer is necessary between the wetlands and subject development but he questioned whether there is any other area in Ontario where the Provincially Significant Wetlands have been identified and development has been allowed adjacent to it without a butfer. The Ministry of Natural Resources did not look at the subject lands because they were of the impression that it was already draft approved and he is suggesting that the consultant did not realize that the adjacent property was a Provincially Significant Wetland. For these reasons. Mr. Conti is requesting that the report be deferred in order for further study to be undertaken with respect to the need for a buffer. - - - Resolution #GPA-357-99 - Moved by Councillor Munon. seconded by Councillor Young THA T the order of the agenda be altered to allow for consideration of the Addendum to Report PD-70-99 at this time. - "CARRIED" - - " -, G.P. & A, Minutes REPORTS .... - 6 - July 5.1999 ... Resolution itGPA-358- 99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Munon ... THA T the Addendum to Report PD-70-99 be tabled until the Ministry of Natural Resources has studied the boundaries of the wetland complex. .. "MOTION LOST' Resolution il'GPA-359-99 ... Moved by Councillor Rowe. seconded by Councillor Trim .... THA T Addendum Report to PD- 70-99 be received; THA T Report PD- 70-99 be received; ... THA T the following recommendations contained in Report PD- 70-99 be approved: THA T the draft plan of subdivision application 18T-95029 filed by D. G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be recommended for approval to Durham Region Planning Department subject to the conditions contained in Anachment No.3 of Report PD-70-99; .. ... THA T the rezoning application Dev 95-020 submined by D. G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be approved and that the amending by-law anached to Report PD-70-99 be forwarded to Council for adoption; ... THA T a by-law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council at such time as the conditions of draft approval have been satisfied; and ... THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-70-99 and any delegation be forwarded a copy of Report PD-70-99 and be advised of Council's decision. ... "CARRIED AS AMENDED LA TER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) ... Resolution #GPA-360-99 Moved by Councillor Munon, seconded by Councillor Young ... THA T the foregoing Resolution #GPA-359-99 be amended by adding the following to the third paragraph: - "once the Ministry of Natural Resources has established the wetland boundaries and determined that they will not be negatively impacted by the development". ... "CARRIED" THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-359-99 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. .. .. .. " , - G.P. & A. Minutes ~ - I - July 5. 1999 - DELEGA nONS CONT'D - - - - - - - - - ... PUBLIC MEETINGS - - - - - - - (q) Roy Forrester. 6 Mill Lane, Orono, LOB 1 MO addressed Comminee with respect to the Oak Ridges Trail. Mr. Forrester indicated that in February. 1999 Council gave approval in principle for the use of certain designated unopened road allowances within the MUnIcIpality for use in developing a route for the Clarington Chapter of the Oak Ridges Trail. Along with the approval. Council set out a number of reqUIrements and conditions to be met by the Association prior to final approval for use of the specified unopened road allowances. These conditions have now been undertaken and completed. The thought of planning, developing and operating the trail across the whole of the Municipality within a few months was overly optimistic. As a result. Mr. Forrester is asking for final approval of a portion of the planned trail which would allow the Association to bring this section into use while planning the remaining eastern sector mainly through the Ganaraska Forest. (r) Bill Heuther. Lions Club of Bowmanville, P.O. Box 134, Bowmanville LlC 3K9 advised Comminee that the fourth Annual Rubber Duck Derbv which took place on June 19. 1999 was a successful partnership between the 7th Bow'manville Scouts and the Lions Club which raised $30.000.00 for Community projects. Mr. Heuther expressed appreciation to Council and staff for their assistance and they look forward to continuing the partnership which was formed with the Marketing and Tourism Office in planning another successful event for June 17.2000. Resolution J1GPA-36 1-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Comminee recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at II :50 a.m. Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. Pursuant to the Planning Act. the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. through its General Purpose and Administration Comminee. is holding Public Meetings for the following applications: (a) Rezonmg Application - Part Lot 28, Concession I, Former Village of Newcastle (b) Rezoning Application - Part Lot 35, Concession 2. Former Township of Darlington (c) Parking in Residential Areas The Clerk advised that public notices for rezoning applications DEV 99-020 and ZBA 99-018 were sent by first class mail on or before June 4. 1999, to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance to the latest municipal assessment records. In addition, notices were also posted on the site prior to. June 4, 1999. Public Notice for rezoning application Dev 98-054 was placed in the local newspaper on June I I, 1999 and June 16. 1999. This notice procedure is in compliance to Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. , , 7 G.P. & A. Minutes - 8 - IIIIl July 5. 1999 PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D, ... The Chairman announced that the Director of Planning and Development would describe the purpose and effect of the proposed amendments. then the objectors would be heard. followed by the supporters and the applicant. ... (a) Report PD-72-99 - Syvan Developments - the purpose and effect of the application IS to rezone the lands to permit the development of a commercial school and a day nursery in addition to the existing permitted uses. - Bob Willsher, 323 Church Street. Newcastle, Ll B I C6 voiced his concern with respect to the proposal based on the lack of green space which will be available to the day care. the increased noise level from the children. and the increased traffic brought to the area. Mr. Willsher also has a concern that this application is being fast tracked through Council. .. ... A submission in support of the application was filed on behalf of Murray Patterson. Teresa Vanhaverbeke, Syvan Developments Ltd.. 85 King Street West, Unit B, Newcastle. LIB I L2 advised that her Company is now the sole owner of the subject property and they will be moving their home office to the upper floor of the building in the near future. Community Care. a tenant in the building, together with three closest neighbours have indicated full support for the application. Ms. Vanhaverbeke indicated that there will be ample parking provided on site and the traffic generated by this use will be far less than that which would be generated for the medical uses for which the property is presently zoned. All Provincial requirements for a day nursery can be met and the use would be a positive edition to the Community, Ms. Vanhaverbeke urged Council to expedite the rezoning in order to allow this school to open in September, in conjunction with the new school year. ... ... .. .. (b) Report PD-73-99 - Phip Limited - the purpose and effect of the application is to rezone the subject lands to perm it the development of five single detached dwelling lots fronting on Wabbokish Court and retain the two existing lots frontmg onto Townline Road. .... There was no one present to speak in opposition to or in support of the application. .. Mark Foley, c/o Phip Limited, 319 Co lIege Avenue, Oshawa. LlH 7K8 addressed Council on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Foley indicated that the application is an extension of the zoning which exists to the east of the subject property . .. (c) Report PD-74-99 - Municipality of CIa ring ton - the purpose and effect of the application is to amend the general provisions of By-law 84-63 to: ... i) require. with the exception of townhouse units, a minimum of two (2) outdoor parking spaces for all single detached and semi-detached dwelling units. This provision would apply to all lots registered after January 1,2000. - IIIIl i i) Require all single detached, semi-detached and townhouse garages to have a minimum inside dimension of 18.58 m2 (200 sq. ft.) and a minimum width of 3.0 metres. This provision would apply to all lots registered after January I, 2000. .. .. .. "1 . I - G.P. & A. Minutes - q - Julv 5. 1999 - PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D iii) PermIt a reduction in the front yard setback for: - b) single detached and semi-detached dwelling units from 6,0 metres to 4.5 metres: and for townhouse units from 6.0 metres to 3.0 metres. a) - iv) permit an increase in the lot coverage for single detached dwelling units from 40% to 45%; - v) require that any anached garage for single detached or semi-detached dwelling units can only extend a maximum of 3.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit; and - vi) require that any anached garage for townhouse units can only extend a maximum of 2:0 metres in front of the dwelling unit. - Kelvin Whalen. Kaitlin Group. 1029 McNichol Avenue. Scarborough, MIW 3W6 requested that Council confrrm that the requirements for additional parking spaces would not apply to any plans which are currently draft approved. Mr. Whalen also stated that he would like to have the opportunity to meet further with Municipal staff and his architect to ensure that all the requirements are able to be met. - - Resolution #GPA-362-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell - THA T Comminee recess until I :30 p.m. - "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at I :30 p.m. .. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Rezoning Application Syvan Dev. Ltd. ZBA99-020 Resolution ttGPA-363-99 - Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Report PD- 72-99 be received; .. - THA T the rezoning application ZBA99-020 to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the development of a day care facility and a commercial school. in addition to the existing permined uses, be referred back to staff for turther processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; and - THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD- 72-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" .. - - '\ ,.~ G.P. & A. Minutes ... - 10- July 5. 1999 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. ... Rezoning Appl. Phip Limited ZBA 99-018 Resolution #GPA-364-99 Moved by Councillor Munon . seconded by Councillor Trim ... THA T Report PD- 73-99 be received: ... THA T the application to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle. as amended, submined by PHIP Limited to permit the development of five new 12.0 metre minimum frontage single detached dwelling lots and the retention of two existing dwellings fronting on Townline Road be referred back to statf for a report once all the agency' comments have been received: and - - THA T the Durham Region Planning Department and all interested parties listed in Report PD-73-99 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" Parking in Residential Areas DEV 98-054 PLN 23.14 Resolution ~GPA-365-99 - Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report PD-74-99 be received: - THA T the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle. as amended. to implement the recommendations contained within the Executive Summary to Staff Report PD-36-99, as illustrated in the Draft By-law Amendments - Anachment No.'s 1,2.3. and 4 anached to Report PD-74-99 be referred back to statf for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report: and .... .... THA T the Durham Region Planning Department. Oshawa-Durham Home Builders Association. The Urban Development Institute. any interested parties listed in Report PD-74-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" Application Resolution #GPA-366-99 For Removal of Holding (H) Symbol Moved by Councillor Trim. seconded by Councillor Munon Baywood Homes ZBA 99-024 THA T Report PD-75-99 be received: .... ... THA T Rezoning Application ZBA 99-024 submined by Robert Derech on behalf of Baywood Homes requesting removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol from the subject lands be approved: - THA T the amending By-law. attached to Report PD-75-99 be forwarded to Council for approval: ... THA T a copy of this Report PD-75-99 and the amending by-law be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department: and .. .. "'\ II .. - CI.P. & A, Minutes - I I - July 5. 1999 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D - - Rezoning Appl. Green-Martin Properties ZBA 99-0 I 5 - - - - - Application for Removal of Holding Barry Bryan Assoc. DEV 97-047 .. - - .. - THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD- 75-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-367-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe. seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report PD- 76-99 be received; THA T the Amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63. as per Attachment No.3 to Report PD-76-99 to permit the continued use of the subject property for a Golf Driving Range on a temporary basis for a period of up to three years. be approved; THA T a copy of Report PD-76-99 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Deparrment; and THA T the interested parties listed in Report PD-76-99 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "'CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-368-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Munon THA T Report PD-77-99 be received; THA T the rezoning application DEV 97-047 submined by Barry Bryan Associates (199 I) Ltd. on behalf of Faith United Church requesting removal of the "'Holding (H)" symbol from the subject lands be approved; THA T the amending By-law anached to Report PD-77-99 be forwarded to Council for approval: THA T a copy of Report PD-77-99 and the amending By-law be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-77-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "'CARRIED" - Proposed Resolution tlGPA-369-99 Heritage Designation Orono Armoury Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Young PLN 34.5.1 - - - - THA T Report PD-78-99 be received; THA T the request of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Comminee to designate as a historical structure the Orono Armoury. 6 Park Street, Orono be approved: - ~ 1 G.P. & A. Minutes - 12 - .... July 5. 1999 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Sign By-law Amendment Appl. Pay less Shoesource SBA 99-003 Application for Removal of Holding Veltri and Son Ltd. ZBA 99-025 .... THA T the Clerk prepare the required notice of intent pursuant to the provisions of the OntarIo Heritage Act and report back to Council following the prescribed notification period: and - THA T the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-370-99 .... Moved by Councillor Munon . seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report PD-79-99 be received: ... THA T the application for minor variance to the Municipality of Clarington Sign By-law 97-157, submined by Provincial Sign Service on behalf of Pay less ShoeSource. to permit three wall signs with a wall coverage of 12.3% on the north wall, 12.3% on the south wall and 11.4% on the east wall. be approved: and .... THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-79-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. ... "CARRIED" .. Resolution #GPA-371-99 Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Young .... THA T Report PD-80-99 be received; - THA T Rezoning Application ABA 99-025 submined by Veltri and Son Limited requesting the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol from the subject lands be approved as per Anachment No.2 to Report PD-80-99; .... THA T the amending By-law. anached to Report PD-80-99 be forwarded to Council for approval; - THA T a copy of Report PD-80-99 and the amending by-law be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Depanment; and THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-80-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. .. "CARRIED" .. .... .. .. , 1 2 .. - G.P. & A. Minutes - 13 - July 5. 1999 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D - Amendment to Conditions of Draft Approval And rezoning Application Green-Martin DEV 92-006; 18T-88047 - - - - - - - - Approval for Revised Draft Plan Taunton Terrace 18T-97002 and DEV 97-003 - - - - - - - - Resolution itGPA-372-99 Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report PD-8l-99 be received: THA T the proposed amendment to Plan of Subdivision 18T -88047 dated May 19. 1999. as per Anachment No.3 to Report PD-8l-99 be approved subject to conditions contained within the report: THA T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law. to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of CIa ring ton at such time as the agreement has been tinalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning; THA T the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63. as amended. of the former Town of Newcastle. be approve~ and the "Holding (H)" symbol be removed by By-law upon execution of a Subdivision Agreement: THA T the Region of Durham be requested to close proposed plan of subdivision application 18T-92002; , THA T a copy of the Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-8 I -99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-373-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report PD-82-99 be received: THA T the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends approval of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -97002 as amended and submined by Taunton Terrace Limited. subject to the conditions of draft plan approval contained in Attachment #3 of Report PD-82-99; THA T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized. by By-law, to execute a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of Clarington to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development and the Director of Public Works: THA T a By-law to remove the "Holding (H)" symbol be forwarded to Council once the applicant has entered into a subdivision agreement with the Municipality; THA T a copy of Report PD-82-99 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and , I Z G.P. & A. Minutes - 14- .... July 5. 1999 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. Draft Plan of Subdivision Rezoning Appl. Fieldcrest Dev. 18T -99006 and ZBA 99-012 Appl. For Removal of Holding 535078 Ontario Ltd. ZBA 99-026 .... THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-82-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" - Resolution ;:GPA-374-c)9 - Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Report PD-83-99 be received; ... THAT the rezoning application ZBA 99-012 as submined by D. G. Biddle and Associates Limited. on behalf of Clarington Fieldcrest Developments Limited. be approved and that the amending by-law anached to Report PD-83-99 be forwarded to Council for adoption; .... THA T the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends approval of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -99006 as submined by D. G. Biddle and Associates Limited. on behalf of Clarington Fieldcrest Development Limited. subject to the conditions of draft plan approval contained in Anachment #4 of Report PD-83-99; .. .... THA T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized. by By-law, to execute a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of Cia ring ton to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and Development and the Director of Public Works; .. THA T a By-law be forwarded to Council to remove the "Holding (H)" symbol once the applicant has entered into a subdivision agreement with the Municipality; ... THA T a copy of Report PD-83-99 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and .. THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-83-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. .. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-375-99 .. Moved by Councillor Trim. seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report PD-84-99 be received; .. THA T Rezoning Application ZBA 99-026 submined by 535078 Ontario Limited requesting the removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol from the subject lands be approved as per Anachment No.2 to Report PD-84-99; ... THA T the amending By-law, anached to Report PD-84-99. be forwarded to Council for approval: ... THA T a copy of Report PD-84-99 and the amending by-law be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department; and ... fII/lI .) 4 ... - G.P, & A. Minutes - 15 - July 5. 1999 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D, - - Revisions to Draft Plan Approval The Kaitlin Group 18T-91004 - - - Committee of Adjustment A99/021. A99/024 To A99/027 inc. - - - - THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-84-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution itGPA-376-99 Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Munon THA T Report PD-85-99 be tabled to the special meeting of Council scheduled to be held on July 19, 1999. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-377-99 Moved by Councillor Trim. seconded by Councillor Mutton THA T Report PD-86-99 be received; THA T Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on June 24. 1999 for applications A99/021, A99/024 to A 99/027, inclusive; and THA T Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Comminee of Adjustment for applications A 99/021 and A99/024 to A99/027, inclusive in the event of an appeal. "CARRIED" CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. Parking Enforcement Resolution ItG P A - 3 78-99 Report Month of May/99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Schell - - - - Registration of The Coat of Arms - - - - THA T Report CD-23-99 be received for information: and THA T a copy of Report CD-23-99 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. "CARRIED" Resolution itGPA-379-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report CD-24-99 be received for information; and THA T the Municipal Clerk be authorized to proceed with the process of registering the Municipality of Clarington 's Coat of Arms with the Chief Heraldic of Canada. "CARRIED" "IiI G.P. & A. Minutes - 16 - July 5. 1999 ... CLERK'S DEPARTMENT C'J:--JT'D Advance funding ()ntario Lonery Corporation to Orono Amateur Athletic Assoc. .... Resolution ftGPA-380-99 Moved by Councillor Munon. seconded by Councillor Rowe ... THA T Report CD-25-99 be received; THA T the Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to execute a trust agreement between the Municipality and the Orono Amateur Athletic Association respecting the funds received from the Ontario Lonery Corporation. Charity Roster Application - Advance Funding Program in the amount of $45,000; .. .. THA T the appropriate by-law be forwarded to Council; and THA T the Orono Amateur Athletic Association be advised of Council's decision and requested to forward the agreement to the Ontario Lonery Corporation. Advance Funding Program. .. .. "CARRIED" Councillor Munon chaired this portion of the meeting. .. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Co-operative Tender 1'282-99, Supply and delivery of winter sand CL99-22 Driveway Paving Resolution #GPA-381-99 .. Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Novak THA T Report TR-39-99 be received; .. THA T T. R. T. Aggregates Ltd.. Orono, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $77,240,00 (plus GST and PST), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms. conditions and specifications of the Region of Durham Co-Operative Tender 1'282-99. be awarded the Contract for the supply and delivery of Winter Sand (Spec.lI) as required by the Department of Public Works; and .. .. THA T funds be drawn from the Public Works approved Winter Maintenance Accounts for the 1999/2000 winter season requirements. .. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-382-99 - Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report TR-43-99 be received; .. TH.\ T Tri-Son Contracting Inc.. Port Perry, Ontario. with a total unit price of $ I 5 per square metre being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms. conditions and specifications of Tender CL99-22. be awarded the contract for driveway paving for the Municipality of Cia ring ton, as required by the Department of Public Works; and .. THA T the funds be drawn from the Public Works Road Maintenance Accounts. .. ... , )10 ... - (J,P. & A. Minutes - 17 - July 5.1999 - TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D. "CARRIED" - CL99-20 One (I) Only Loader - - - ... - RFP 99-2 Transit Passenger Shelter Advertising ... - ... - - - - 1999/2000 Insurance Program - - - - Resolution ..GPA-383-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Report TR-44-99 be received: THA T Ontrac Equipment Services. Peterborough. Ontario. with a total bid in the amount of $11 0.547,20 (including Trade-in and taxes), being the most responsible bidder meeting all terms. conditions and specifications of Tender CL99-20, be awarded the contract to supply one (1) only Loader required by the Municipality of Clarington. Deparrment of Public Works; and THA T the funds expended be provided from the 1999 Public Works Equipment Reserve Account #2900-00010-0000. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-384-99 Moved by Councillor Novak. seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Report TR-45-99 be received; THA T Mediacom Inc.. Toronto, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $ 144,750.00 (total for five years), being the highest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions. and specifications of RFP 99-2, be awarded the contract for transit passenger shelter advertising, for a term to commence immediately and to expire June 28. 2004; THA T. pending satisfactory performance and revenues, the contract be extended tor an additional five year term; THA T the revenues received be deposited to the general municipal revenue account: and THA T the By-law anached to Report TR-45-99 and marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution :!GPA-385-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THA T Report TR-46-99 be received; THA T Frank Cowan Company Limited continue to be retained as the Municipality of Clarington' s insurance carriers for the period from July I, 1999 to June 30, 2000. at an approximate cost of $20 1.542 plus applicable taxes; '\ I 7 G.P. & A. Minutes - 18 - ... July 5, 1999 TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D RFP 99-4 Brine Chiller Newcastle Arena Cash Activity Report for the Month of May Tender CL99-7 .... THA T staff continue to monitor the status of Durham Municipal Insurance Pool and should the Pool proceed. that the Municipality of Clarington participate and the Treasurer be authorized to negotiate satisfactory terms and conditions with a potential start date of March I. 2000; .... THA T. should the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool not proceed. stafT be directed to participate in the preparation of a public tender for 2000/200 I in conjunction with the Region of Durham; and ... THA T the Municipality of Clarington purchase contingent liability insurance in respect of third party liability claims for bodily injury and property damage relating to Y2K from the Frank Cowan Company. - - "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-386-99 .... Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report TR-47-99 be received; - THA T Cimco Refrigeration, Toronto, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $26.950.00 (plus G.S,T.) being the most responsible bidder meeting all terms. conditions and specifications of RFP 99-4, be awarded the contract for supply and installation of a brine chiller at Newcastle Arena; and ... THA T the funds expended be provided from the 1999 Administration Capital Budget Account #7029-00000-0501. ... "CARRIED" ... Resolution #GPA-387-99 Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Trim ... THA T Report TR-48-99 be received; THA T. in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (I) of the Municipal Act. R.S.O, 1990. the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended May 31. 1999, is shown on the schedule anached to Report TR-48-99; and .... - THA T Part "A" of the expenditures for the month of May 1999 be confirmed. "CARRIED" - Resolution #GPA-388-99 Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Young - THA T Report TR-49-99 be received; ... ... ) I M ... .. Cl.P. & A. Minutes - 19- Julv 5. 1999 - TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D. - THA T Hardco Construction Ltd.. Whitby, Ontario. with a total bid in the amount of $ I. 770.121.0 I (including G.S.T.) being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms. conditions and specifications of Tender CL99-7. be awarded the contract for the Wellington Street. Concession Street. Elgin Street. Silver Street. High Street. Church Street. Division Street and Martin Road. Bowmanvllle. Ontario Reconstruction. as required by the Department of Public Works: - - THA T the total funds required in the amount of$ I.350.000.00 ($981.987.74 Municipality of Clarington portion of the tender + $71.170.15 contract design ""I- $ 117.800.00 Contract Administration + $83.232.65 utilities and miscellaneous ""I- $58.183.74 contingencies ""I- net GST) be drawn from the various approved 1999 Capital Budget Accounts as identified on Schedule "A" to Report TR-49-99: - - THA T the additional funds required for the Reconstruction of Martin Road in the amount of $50.000.00 be interim financed from the Roads Contribution Reserve Fund # II I 0-174-X and recovered from pending land division applications: ... THA T $15.000.00 of the remaining $20.000.00 required for Martin Road be reallocated from High Street Reconstruction account #7205-99002-0261: -- THA T the additional $5.000.00 for Martin Road be reallocated from the remaining funds for Wellington. Concession. Elgin and Silver Streets. account #7205-99007- 0261 split appropriately between Development Charges and Tax Support: - THA T Staff be authorized to enter into negotiations with Hardco Construction Ltd., Whitby, to add to the contract Silver Street Reconstruction from King Street to Church Street: THA T, pending successful negotiations, the addition of Silver Street be approved: ... THA T should Council concur with the above recommendations pertaining to Silver Street. the Purchasing By-law 94-129. Section 5. Paragraph 5.06 be waived: - THA T the funds required in an approximate amount of $90.000.00 for the addition of Silver Street be reallocated from the $ I 55.000.00 funds remaining from Wellington Street. Concession. Elgin and Silver Streets. account #7205-99007-0261 split appropriately between Development Charges and Tax support: - THA T the By-law anached to Report TR-49-99 and marked Schedule "C" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved: and - THA T the award be subject to the approval of the Region of Durham. ... "CARRIED" Councillor Rowe chaired this portion of the meeting. - - - - "\ J ~ G.P. & A. Minutes - 20 - .." July 5. 1999 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT .... Canada-Ukraine Youth Exchange Programme 1999 Resolution ilGPA-389-99 .... Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Munon THA T Report CS-l 0-99 be received for information. .... "CARRIED" Councillor Young chaired this portion of the meeting. .... PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Construction of Grass infield at Soper Creek Baseball Fac. ..... Resolution ItGPA-390-99 Moved by Councillor Munon. seconded by Councillor Novak ... THA T Report WD-32-99 be received; THA T the request that the Municipality install a grass infield at the Soper Creek ball diamond be denied; .... THA T no further action be taken in this maner; and .... THA T the Clarington Orioles Baseball Organization be advised of Council's decision. .... "CARRIED" Councillor Schell chaired this portion of the meeting, .... UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution ItGPA-391-99 .... Moved by Councillor Novak. seconded by Councillor Munon THA T the presentation of the Low Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Comminee be received and referred to staff for comments; and .... THA T leners of gratitude be forwarded to the Comminee from the Members of Council. .... "CARRIED" .... Resolution ItGPA-392-99 Moved by Councillor Munon. seconded by Councillor Trim ... THA T the delegation of Roy Forrester regarding the use of certain designated unopened road allowances be acknowledged and referred to the Director of Public Works to be considered in the preparation in a future report regarding the establishment of the trail in the Municipality of Clarington: and ... .... J/J ... .. G.P. & A. Minutes - -= 1 - July 5. 1999 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONT'D THA TRoy Forrester be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" - Resolution ttGPA-393-99 Moved by Councillor Novak. seconded by Councillor Rowe .. THA T Bill Heuther be thanked for his presentation and the efforts of the Rubber Duck Derby Comminee in making the event such an astounding success. "CARRlED" - OTHER BUSINESS - Resolution ItGPA-394-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe. seconded by Councillor Novak - WHEREAS the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Comminee (LACAC) has been working on a book about Bowmanville's architecture for a number of years; - WHEREAS the Municipality advanced a loan of $13.000.00 in 1996 for the publication of such a book; - WHEREAS the quality and scope of the project has increased from the original book; - WHEREAS Diana Grandfield (the author) has registered the copyright for a book entitled "Bowmanville: An Architectural and Social History, 1794-1999" (the Book): - WHEREAS the author has assigned the copyright to the Municipality. or its commtnees. for use with acknowledgement for non-commercIal use; - WHEREAS over the last two years the LACAC and the author have discussed many issues related to the details and conditions for publication of the books and were unable to reach agreement; - I. - J - 3. - THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THA T the Municipality publish 1000 copies of the book "Bowmanville: An Architectural and Social History, 1794 - 1999", for an estimated cost of $20.483.00 including photography and layout by Imagelink Studio: THA T the printing of the book be tendered by the Municipality with inputs from LACAC regarding specifications: THA T the Director of Planning and Development. in consultation with the author and the Chair of the LACAC or her designate. be authorized to accept the best qualified bid for the printing of the book: ... - J I I G.P. & A. Minutes ,.., ... July 5. 1999 OTHER BUSINESS CONT'D, ADJOURNMENT ... 4, THA T the funds for photography. layout. and printing be drawn from Working Funds Reserve 2900-1-X: .... 5. THA T Council establish a Bowmanville Heritage Book Reserve Account by by-law for receipt of all funds from the sale of the book and that the funds received by used to repay the funds from the Working Funds Reserve and future use for heritage conservation approved by Council: ... 6. THA T the LACAC be requested to undertake the promotion and sale of the Book with assistance from the Marketing, Tourism Officer and Communication Officer if necessary; ... 7. THA T the LACAC be requested to repay the initial $13.000.00 loan immediately; and .... 8. THAT LACAC be advised of Council's decision. .... "CARRIED" ... Resolution #GPA-395-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Rowe ... THA T the meeting be adjourned at 2:25 p.m. .... "CARRIED" .... ... MAYOR ... DEPUTY CLERK ... ... ... - ... ) ... - - - .. .. - DN: PD.93 .l)q THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-93-99 File #: 18T -99005 By-law # Subject: PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION APPLICANT: DURHAM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC. P ART LOT 35, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON - EXTENSION OF BRIDLE COURT - COURTICE FILE NO.: 18T-99005 Recommendations: .. - - - 3. .. - 4. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-93-99 be received; 2. THAT the application for proposed plan of subdivision 18T -99005, submitted by Durham Capital Management Inc., dated February 1999, as per Attachment No.2 be APPROVED subject to the conditions of Draft Approval contained in Attachment No.3; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of Clarington at such time as the agreerneht has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development; THAT the Durham Region Planning Department and all interested parties listed in this report an~y delegations be advised of Council's decision. - APPLICATION DETAILS - 1. 1.1 1.2 Owner: Durham Capital Management Inc. Proposed Subdivision: Proposed eight (8) single family dwelling lots with a minimum 15.0 m .. frontage. 1.3 Area: 0.7 ha (1.73 acres) .. 2. LOCATION - 2.1 The subject lands are located In .. .. Part Lot 35, Concession 2, former Township of 0,) I REPORT PD- 93-99 PAGE 2 - the north, Townline Centre Plaza to the west and south and Varcoe Road to the east. The application allows for the extension and completion of Bridle Court with an additional eight lots. ... I11III 3.1 3. BACKGROUND ... 4. 4.1 4.2 5. 5.1 5.2 The Region of Durham circulated the subdivision application to the Municipality of C1arington for comments on April 6, 1999. The application will permit the extension and completion of Bridle Court with an additional eight (8) single detached dwelling units. Bridle Court as currently developed has twenty (20) single detached dwelling lots. The proposed lots have a minimum frontage of 15.0 metres. ... ... ... EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES Existing Uses: Surrounding Uses: ... Vacant land East West - South - North - existing residential fronting on Bridle Court Townline Centre Plaza Townline Centre Plaza existing residential fronting on Nash Road - I11III ~' \,' OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES - Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands are designated "Living Area". ~ predominant use of land within this designation shall be for housing l' purposes. The application conforms. - .... Within the Clarington Official Plan the subject lands are designated Urban Residential. The property is located within the Worden Neighbourhood of the Courtice Urban Area. The predominant use of land within the Urban Residential designation shall be for housing purposes. Development within the urban residential designation shall generally be less than 30 units per net ha, and the predominant housing form includes single detached dwellings. The application conforms. - - - IIIIi IlIIii h:) 2 IlIIii - REPORT PD- 93-99 PAGE 3 - 6. 6.1 - - - - - 7. 7.1 - - .. .. .. .. - 7.2 - - - - - ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS The subject lands are zoned "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)". Said zoning permits the development of single detached dwelling lots based on a minimum 15.0 metre frontage and a 460 m2 lot area. The (H) Holding symbol may be removed by By-law, upon Council being satisfied that the proposed use is adequately serviced and necessary agreements in this regard have been entered into. An application for removal of holding is required prior to issuance of building permits should the application be approved. PUBLIC METING A Public Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act was held June 7, 1999 for the proposed subdivision application. Staff received various calls from homeowners on Bridle Court prior to the meeting. One caller requested the Municipality ensure all future homes will be in keeping with existing 200 m2 (2200 sq. ft.) floor area of homes on Bridle Court. Staff advised that the R1 zone, which applies to the existing and proposed sections of Bridle Court, requires a minimum 85 m2 (915 sq. ft.) for a bungalow and 100 m2 (1076 sq. ft.) for a one and half or two storey dwelling. The resident also reques~<.t a walkway be constructed from the proposed Bridle Court extension to Nash Road. The caller suggested previous plans, when the first phase of Bridle Court was constructed, indicated a future walkway access from the cul-de-sac to Nash Road. The sUbdivisidtf'tapplication does not have a frontage on Nash Road. In order to accommodate this request for a walkway, acquisition of additional lands would be required. A second caller supported the proposal but was concerned about construction traffic management for the proposed development. In addition, this Bridle Court resident did not want to see any walkways constructed as part of this development, to either Nash Road or the plaza. The caller suggested that crime has dropped on the street since the adjacent plaza was constructed limiting access to Bridle Court. 6u3 REPORT PD- 93-99 PAGE 4 IIlIII 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In accordance with department procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following agencies or departments have advised they have no objection to the approval of the proposed development: · Th~Clarington Fire Department; · The Kawartha Pine Ridge District Public School Board · Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Catholic District School Board - t1 7.3 Debbie Clark, a representative of Valiant Property Management, the owners of the adjacent Townline Centre Plaza, spoke at the public meeting. She advised Committee that they own a commercial plaza adjacent to the proposed development. She requested that people buying homes in the proposed development should be advised and requested to recognize there is a plaza and that the uses in the plaza may change in the future, as merchandising requirements to maintain a viable shopping centre may evolve. In addition the future property owners must acknowledge that the grades and fence are to remain as they are presently, and the homeowners will not change either the grade or the acoustical properties of the fence. She requested that warning clauses to address both issues must be registered on title to ensure the protection of all future purchasers and to prevent them from claiming they were unaware that changes to the usage will no doubt - ... IIIlIiIi - - IIIlIiIi occur. ... - - ... .. 8.2 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority staff have verbally advised that they have no objection to the proposed development. However, prior to final approval they require the applicant to satisfy CLOCA with respect to all stormwater management issues. 8.3 The Region of Durham Works Department advised that municipal water and sanitary sewers are available to the proposed development from existing 150 mm watermain and 250 mm sanitary sewer at the west limits of existing Bridle Court. The developer will be required to submit a soils report for the Region's review. The Regional Works Department has no objection to approval of the application subject to conditions. .. ... - ... .. - 6u4 .. - REPORT PD- 93-99 PAGE 5 - - - - - - - 8.5 - - - 9. 9.1 - - - 9.2 - - - - - 8.4 The Clarington Public Works Department reviewed the application and advised they have no objection subject to various conditions being incorporated in the subdivision agreement. The conditions include: · Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant is required to remove the existing turning circle at the westerly limits of Bridle Court and reconstruct the road to an urban standard. The applicant will be responsible for the restoration of any entrances located proximal to the existing turning circle; · This application is beneficial to oversized storm sewer works contained within the adjacent subdivision. The applicant will be required to make payment for an appropriate share of the cost of these works; · The applicant must submit a Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan detailing the collection of post development drainage from the proposed subdivision and conveyance to an approved outfall location. The post development drainage must be self contained and not directed onto adjacent private property; and · The applicant will be required to provide an appropriate cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication. Bell Canada indicated they have two conditions of approval for the subject development. Both conditions deal with satisfying Bell Canada and the Municipality with respect to service location. STAFF COMMENTS It_ Ii' The proposed eight (8) lot 15.0 metre (50 ft) minimum frontage plan of subdivision application is an infill development. Bridle Court is currently constructed with a total of twenty (20).Jots, all having a minimum 15 metre frontage. Bridle Court was constructed .....:1 with a tertporary cul-de-sac. This application proposes to complete the street with a proper turn-around facility. The subject lands have recently been amalgamated through the severance of three (3) rear yards from lots fronting on Nash Road, as well as a strip of land from the commercial development to the south. All lands are designated Urban Residential, and zoned "(H)R1". Both the development of Bridle Court, as well as the development of the Townline Centre plaza envisioned and accommodated the proposed development. b\JJ REPORT PD- 93-99 PAGE 6 .. 9.3 9.4 9.5 Through the development of the adjacent commercial plaza, residents of Bridle Court were very vocal that they did not want to see a walkway access to the plaza provided from Bridle Court. They did not want their street becoming a short cut for residents to the east to access the commercial development. A walkway to Nash Road was not contemplated at that time or when the land assembly and related severances, for the subject lands, was being completed. Staff do not consider a walkway to Nash Road to be feasible at this time or of significant benefit to the transportation network of the area. .... IlIIII .... .... Parking both on-site and on-street has been of issue recently in residential developments within the Municipality. In consideration of the 15 m frontage lot size, staff do not foresee a problem in providing two outdoor parking spaces on each lot. A parking plan has not been prepared for this development, however it has been staffs experience that developments with large single detached dwelling lots have typically not had problems related to on-street parking. IlIIII - ... - The subject property has a cornmon property line with the Townline Centre on its west and south property limits. This property line is currently delineated with a 2.13 metre (7 ft) hig\}. \1noise attenuation fence. Through the site plan approval process for the commercial development a noise mitigation study was prepared. The study considered noise impacts from delivery trucks and roof-top mechanical units on future residential lots on thflsubject property. As a result, the commercial proponent was required to install noise fencing on the shared property line, the west and south limits of the subject residential lands. The applicant for the subject proposal has submitted a noise attenuation update report in support of the residential development. The report confirms that noise levels in both the rear yard and bedroom locations will be within acceptable levels as stipulated by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy. The existing fence and parapet wall constructed in conjunction with the commercial development provides appropriate noise attenuation for the proposed residential development. No additional noise mitigation is required and no warning clauses are required for the proposed residential lots. .... .... ... .... IIIlIiIi filii .. i .. .I 0: 6 ... - REPORT PD- 93-99 PAGE 7 - 9.6 - - - - 9.7 - - - - To address the concerns expressed by Valiant Property Management at the public meeting, a clause will be registered against title of the appropriate lots advising that the fence is there for noise attenuation, and that no openings or grade changes are permitted. The 'change of use' in the plaza is not a significant issue. Floor space may be leased for any use permitted in the zone category for the plaza. Tenants will change from time to time. Any use not permitted by the zoning by-law is subject to a public process. Furthermore, given the mass of the commercial development it is expected that a potential residential purchaser would be aware of the neighbouring use. The proposed plan of subdivision is considered to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). The application proposes to develop 15.0 m single detached dwelling which have not been as prevalent in recent subdivision proposals. Therefore, the application is providing lots in a range of the market currently under represented in Clarington. Furthermore, the application is considered an infill development, this is consistent with the provisions of the PPS for residential intensification. 10. CONCLUSION 10.1 In consjeeration of the above comment, staff support the approval of the proposed draft plan of subdivision, subject to the conditions of draft approval as contained in Attachment No.3. - - - v - Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, - " ( \ .~ ;/1 ) , . ( '- I {f~{ _ / l -' C>- c.. '--' Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer - Davi J Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development - CP*DJC*cc August 23, 1999 Attachment No. 1 Attachment No.2 Attachment No.3 - - - Key Map Proposed Plan of Subdivision Conditions of Draft Approval 6ul REPORT PD- 93-99 PAGE 8 ... Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: ... Durham Capital Management Inc. 2631 Bayview Avenue Toronto,Ont M2L 1B6 D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited 96 King Street East Oshawa. Ontario LIH IB6 - ... Irwin Hamilton 1 Division Street Suite B Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K8 Lorraine McEwen 8 Bridle Court Courtice, Ontario LIE 2B 1 ... Debbie Clark, Executive Assistant Valiant Property Management 177 Nonquon Road 20th Floor Oshawa, Ontario L1G 3S2 Michael Deeb 23 Bridle Court Courtice, Ontario LIE 2B 1 ... .... ... ... ... \" It ... r't ... ... .. ... .. .. .. lu8 .. ATTACHMENT NO.1 - . SUBJECT SITE LOT 35 - - - t- ---- I N~SHRO~O I I 1- ~ I I- ~ o z o <( o ~ w Z -.J Z 3= o :J -- -- - I - - - :COllJRT I - I I I ' I I [il :.--_L-___________ () !~-~- ~ ~ N Z o (f) (f) W U Z o U - - i---'- ~l F...... t~-____~_HIGHW:---, :4 Y i~ Cf) rt;' I, I o 1 <( o ~ w Z -.J Z 3= o I- - - I I I I' I ;-'.1 '~. i i i : i i ~ I r-rl. ..l ' I I L I- FO~HUN+ ~'Il:-r-~>-" ~___ (!) , ffA,Lj,' //--1 -'-~ 'iLl c~~_/j- ...~ - o 0:: -~- ~ -.J :::J--., o .m._____ - - - I ! COURTICE KEY MAP - 18T -99005 - bu9 - ATTACHMENT NO.2 .. ... .,il IIIlIiIi 'n --- .. I 1 ",I ....1'" ll:: ... ~I~ ClI , ll:: 1--- I~ ---I~ ....10... ll:: ~I ..fl o...~ -~ 0) ~ .... ~a "001, "< -..... ... S $'$'/ ...~ ..., --.. ~ IiO "< ., ~3 _'~ "'" I11II1I ;2 ... ...- "'...- .. ... IIIlIlI 0",...- ... ..fl <5'~ - ~ - , , , .. ~I f~ an o o en en I t- co ,. ... ... .. .. blO .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION PLAN IDENTIFICATION 1. That this approval applies to draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -99005 prepared by D. G. Biddle & Associates Limited dated February 1999 showing Lots I to 8 inclusive for single family detached dwellings. FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 2. That all streets within the Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highway and shown as such on the final plan. 3. That all streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington and shown on the final plan. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. That the Owner shall retain a qualified landscape architect to prepare and submit a Landscaping Plan to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development for review and approval. The Landscaping Plan shall reflect the design criteria of the Municipality as amended from time to time. 5. That the Owner shall retain a professional engineer to prepare and submit a Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. The Grading and Drainage Plan must detail the collection of post development drainage from th~ proposed subdivision and conveyance of an approved outfall location. The post development drainage must be self contained and not directed onto adjacent private property. The Plan must also demonstrate how major overland flow will be conveyed from the cul-de-sac. All plans and drawings must conform to the Municipality's Design Criteria as amended from time to time. rj. That the Owner shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Municipality and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the Municipalilty's standard subdivision agreement, including, but not limited to, the requirements that follow. 6. 7. That all easements, road widening and reserves as required by the Municipality shall be granted to the Municipality free and clear of all encumbrances. 8. That the Owner shall pay to the Municipality at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement, five percent (5%) cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication; 9. That the Owner shall pay to the Municipality, the development charge in accordance to the Development Charge By-law as amended from time to time, as well as payment of a portion of front end charges pursuant to the Development Charge Act if any are required to be paid by the owner. 6 1 1 ... -2- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT ... ... 10. That the Owner shall provide and install sidewalks, street lights, temporary turning circles etc. as per the Municipality's standards and criteria. .. 11. That the Owner shall cause all utilities, including, hydro, telephone, Cable TV, etc. to be buried underground. .... 12. That the Owner shall provide the Municipality, at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement unconditional and irrevocable, Letters of Credit acceptable to the Municipality's Treasurer, with respect to Performance Guarantee, Maintenance Guarantee, Occupancy Deposit and other guarantees or deposit as may be required by the Municipality. .... - 13. That the Owner shall adhere to architectural control requirements of the Municipality. - 14. That prior to the issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided to meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and, that all watermains and hydrants are fully serviced. In addition, the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection 2,5.1.2 of the Ontario Fire Code. Storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. It' 15. That p~or to the issuance of building permits, the applicant is required to remove the existing temporary turning circle at the westerly limit of Bridle Court and reconstruct the road to an urban standard. This shall include asphalt paving, curb and gutter, boulevard sod, sidewalks, street lighting and street trees in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Public w&ks. The applicant will also be responsible for the restoration of any entrances located proximal to the existing turning circle. The costs of this road work and any associated road works is 100% the responsibility of the Owner. .... .. ... .. - 16. The subject property is situated adjacent to registered plan of subdivision 10M-822. The subdivision agreement requires the Municipality to endeavour to collect an appropriate share of the cost of any oversized or external works from benefiting developers. This application under consideration is a beneficiary of oversized storm sewer works contained within the adjacent subdivision. The applicantJowner will be required to make payment for an appropriate share of the cost of these works. The final cost will be determined at the time of registration of the subdivision agreement and the amount will be calculated in accordance with the terms and conditions of registered plan of subdivision 10M-822. ... ... ... III .. 612 ... - - - - 17. - 18. - 19. - 20. - - 21. - 22. - 23. ... 24. - 25. - - 26. - - - - -3- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONT'D) That all driveway entrances for lots 1 to 8 inclusive be approved by the Director of Public Works. That the Builder include a disclosure in all purchase and sale agreements advising home buyers that the fence on the rear property line of lots 3 to 8 inclusive is a noise attenuation fence and that it may not be structurally altered in any way. That the Builder include a disclosure in all purchase and sale agreements advising home buyers of municipal parking regulations, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. That the Owner agrees that all dwelling units will be constructed with two (2) outdoor parking spaces. Where the two outdoor parking spaces are provided side by side, the combined minimum width of the two spaces may be reduced to 4.6 metres provided the minimum landscaped open space within the front yard is thirty percent (30%). Any parking space within a garage shall be a minimum area of 18.58 m2 and shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres. That the applicant provide a construction traffic management plan to the satisfaction of the Di~~tor of Public Works, prior to anyon-site work commencing. That the applicant provide the Planning Department, on disk in a CAD format acceptable to the Municipality a copy of the Plan of Subdivision as draft approved, and as per final approval. it That the requirements of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be satisfied financially and otherwise. That the requirements of the Region of Durham Works Department be satisfied financially and otherwise. That the requirements of Bell Canada be satisfied financially and otherwise. 613 - - .. - - - .. .. - .. - - - 4. - 5. .. 6. - .. 1. 1.1 .. - '1\i: PD.l)~-qq THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-94-99 FILE #: ZBA 99-018 By-law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION - PHIP LIMITED PART LOT 35, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON NORTH-EAST CORNER OF TOWNLINE ROAD AND W ABBOKlSH COURT FILE: ZBA 99-018 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-94-99 be received; 2. THAT the revisions to the Zoning By-law Amendment from that which was contained in the Public Notice be deemed minor in nature and that a new Public Meeting to consider the Zoning By-law Amendment be deemed not necessary; and Ii' THA Tit application to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, as amended, submitted by PHIP Limited to permit the development of five (5) new, 12.0 metre minimum frontage single detached dwelling lots and the retention 0,( two existing dwellings fronting on Townline Road, be APPROVED, as --"' amended :t6 reduce the number of lots permitted to only four (4) new, 12.0 metre minimum frontage single detached dwelling lots and the retention of two existing dwellings fronting on Townline Road; 3. THAT the amending by-law attached hereto be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT the "(H) - Holding" symbol be removed by By-law at such time the applicant has satisfied the requirements of the required consent applications; THAT the Durham Region Planning Department, and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. APPLICATION DETAILS Owners: Jeffery Homes, Mr. & Mrs. Brazier and Mr. Rocchio 1 o I "t ... REPORT NO.: PD-94-99 PAGE 2 .. 2. 2.1 3. 3.1 3.2 1.2 1.3 Agent: Rezoning: PHIP Limited From: "Agricultural (A)" and "Urban Residential Type Two (R2)" to permit the development of five new, 12.0m minimum frontage single detached dwellings fronting on Wabbokish Court, as well as the retention of two existing lots fronting on Townline Road. .. .. .. 1.4 Area: 4,670mc ... LOCATION ... The subject lands are located in part Lot 35, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. The lands are on the north-east comer of Townline Road and Wabboish Court and include the rear portion of the properties at 309 and 315 Townline Road, as well as Block 38 from registered Plan of Subdivision 40M-7142 (see Attachment No, 1). .. - BACKGROUND ... The application for amendment to the Zoning By-law was received on May 25, 1999. The proponent proposes to rezone the above referenced lands to permit the development of five (5) new, 12.0 metre minimum frontage lots fronting on the north side of Wabbokis'ffl-Court, while retaining the two existing residences at 309 and 315 Townline Road, on reduced lot areas. ... .. - Through the development of Wabbokish Court, the developer was required to construct additional service connections, in the road allowance, allowing for possible future development on both sides of Wabbokish court. On the north side of Wabbokish Court, on the lands subject to the rezoning application, only four connections were constructed for development of lots in the future. ... .. ... .. .. , f 1- OI:J ... - - ... - - - ... ... - 5. 5.1 ... - - 5.2 - - - - 6. 6.1 - - - REPORT NO.: PD-94-99 PAGE 3 4. 4.1 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES Existing Uses: rear yards of existing residentia110ts 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East - existing residential development fronting on Wabbokish Court and Lawson Road; West - Townline Road and existing residential development in Oshawa South - existing residential development fronting on Wabbokish Court and Townline Road; North - existing residential development fronting on Townline Road OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated "Living Area". The predominant use of land within this designation shall be for housing purposes. The Transportation schedule of the Durham Plan, identifies Townline Road as a Type ';B" arterial road. Private access to a Type "B" arterial shall generally be located a Ir minimum of 80 metres apart. No new access to Townline Road is proposed through the approval of these applications. - v Within the Clarington Official Plan the subject lands are designated Urban Residential. The property is located within the Worden Neighbourhood of the Courtice Urban Area. The predominant use of land within the Urban Residential designation shall be for housing purposes. Similar to the Regional Plan, the Clarington Official Plan restricts private access to Type "B" arterial roads. ZONING BY-LAW PROVISIONS The subject property is currently zoned "Agricultural (A)". Said zone would not permit the development of lots based on 12.0 metre frontages hence the need for the rezoning, The proposed 12.0 metre minimum frontage lots would be similar to those previously approved through the Wabbokish Court and Sheco Court subdivision. 016 .. REPORT NO.: PD-94-99 PAGE 4 ... 7. PUBLIC MEETING .. The Public Meeting for the application was held on July 5. 1999. No one spoke at the Public Meeting. Following the meeting staff received inquiries from a neighbouring landowner seeking further clarification on the proposed rezoning. No objection to the proposal was expressed. ... ... 8.1 8. AGENCY COMMENTS - 8.2 In accordance with Departmental Procedures, the application was circulated to a limited number of agencies and departments to obtain their comments. The following agencies have advised they have no objection to the proposed rezoning application: The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board; The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board; The City of Oshawa; Ontario Power Generation Inc.; and The Clarington Fire Department llIli ... . . ... . . ... . The Reiion of Durham Planning Department advised that the subject lands are within the "Living Area" designation of the Durham Region Official Plan. The policies encourage the widest"" possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommor~tions that address socio-economic factors. The policies support the proposed residential use. Potential road noise impacts may be present on the proposed lots because of their proximity to Regional Road 55, Townline Road. .... - .. ... 8.3 The Region of Durham Works Department advised that sanitary sewer and municipal water supply facilities are available on the subject lands. Regional requirements will be satisfied through the future consent process. ... .. 8.4 The Regional Health Department advised that the two existing houses on Townline Road must be serviced by municipal water and sanitary sewers prior to creation of the lots fronting on Wabbokish Court are developed. .. ... o ! ... - - REPORT NO.: PD-94-99 PAGE 5 - 8.5 - - - 8.6 - - - 9. 9.1 - - - - 9.2 - - - - - - The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority provided comments stating that the subject lands were addressed to the satisfaction of the Authority in the Stormwater Drainage and Erosion Control Report prepared in conjunction with 18T-89115, Wabbokish Court. The developer is required to obtain written permission from the Authority prior to filling or grading on site. The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposal and objects to the rezoning to the creation of five lots fronting on Wabbokish Court. There are only four service connections in the Wabbokish Court road allowance. The Public Works Department requests that the application be revised to reflect the existing four connections. STAFF COMMENTS Wabbokish Court was constructed in late 1993. Prior to approval of the. plan of subdivision for the cul-de-sac, a concept plan illustrating how adjacent lands could be developed was considered. Development of the rear yard portion of 309 and 315 Townliv. Road for residential lots fronting on Wabbokish Court was part of the development concept. However, only four additional lots were considered on the north side of the road. As a result, only four service connections were constructed to service the subjec1Utmds. The Public Works Department objects to a rezoning that would allow more than four lots to be created fronting on Wabbokish Court at this time. Public Works staff do not object in principle to the creation of the fifth, and most westerly lot, however, as the road has been constructed fairly recently, they object to cutting the asphalt surface and digging up the road bed to install a fifth connection. This would diminish the lifespan of the road and increase maintenance costs. This is consistent with past practice and policy of Public Works Department. D d ... REPORT NO.: PD-94-99 PAGE 6 .... 9.3 9.4 9.5 The application would allow the infill of four lots which is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement the Durham Region Official Plan and the Clarington Official Plan. The rezoning for the proposed four lots consistent with the lot area and frontage lots in the balance of the subdivision. Should the rezoning application be successful, land severance approval is required from the Durham Land Division Committee prior to the creation of the proposed lots. The Municipality will impose conditions of approval, financial and otherwise, through the future consent process. A Noise Impact Study may be required at the time of the consent to address noise from Regional Road 55. ... ... ... ... .. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment includes requirements for the provision of two outdoor parking spaces, as well as a minimum size for the parking space within the garage. As a condition of the future consent applications, the applicant will be required to register a clause against title advising new property owners of the Municipal Parking Regulations. ... ... ... 1i'1t' The Public Notice for the rezoning, suggested the property was being rezoned from "Agricultural (A)" only, to permit the creation of five new residential lots fronting on Wabbokish.'lCourt and retaining two lots fronting on Townline Road. A small triangular l" portion of the subject land measuring 7.22m (23.68 ft) by 30.58m (100.3 ft), currently zoned Urban Residential Type Two (R2), was identified as part of the subject lands on the key map, but not included in the description of zoning to be changed. At the time the Public Notice was prepared, it was assumed the subject lands would be rezoned to "R2", to match the zoning of the surrounding subdivision and the triangular portion. However, in order to address the recent parking issues, staff has since created an "R2" exception zone to include requirements for two outdoor parking spaces, the size of the parking spaces, and the size of the parking space in the garage. Therefore, should the rezoning be approved as per the proposed By-law in Attachment No.3, staff would consider the revision minor and not impacting the intent of the application and Public Notice as originally circulated. - .. ... .. .. - .. ... c 9 .. - - REPORT NO.: PD-94-99 PAGE 7 - 10. lO.1 CONCLUSION - Staff recommend the approval of a rezoning by-law to allow the creation of four (4) new lots fronting on Wabbokish Court and recognize the existing dwellings and associated fronting on Townline Road. - - - Reviewed by, - ~~ V ~c--Q Cc~ Da i . rom, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. - CP*DC*df 27 July 1999 - - Attachment No. 1 - Key Map Attachment N(k1t2 - Proposed Lotting Plan Attachment No.3 - Zoning By-law Amendment - Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - - p Joseph Carrol 18 Wabbokish Court COURTICE, Ontario LIE 2X6 PHIP Limited 319 College Avenue OSHA W A, Ontario L1 H 7K8 - - - - - - DiU ATTACHMENT No. 1 Q < 0 :J: I a:: ~ I a:: ROAD I I' w 0 ) 0 Z I () I ~ a:: Q ~ tt) < 0 a:: Q Z .....J 0 W 0 (~ - I U') I U') W '0 U ~ Z 0 U . SUBJECT SITE LOT 35 LOT 34 / / ( I , +---- I / / / / V ~ //1 /1 ,;:;;/ I .'j /--' ! '---r--------_ I I I COURTICE KEY MAP ZBA. 99-018 , 1 I I ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .... ... .. ... ... '"'" ... .. .. ... WIllI .. - - - '0 w'! - r- I :1 \ il ~I I I I - - - - - - - - - - 'I ~I - :1 'r' , -- , , - ~- ;; - - - ~'X0C '.~"'''.Ol ",~.'W-- ;---- ~ '. '" ~ " l~ .~ ~ n, I,f" I ~ I I 1 I I L . ;. i I 21 ~ 1 .~i ~ .~ ,..:.: ~ ';.. <-1 Q. ~ "- . ." _'M 1t,It' ,.. .-l 1'" ~,~/( -\0~-- II " ~ -7 j -~---~ ;<llitl ,I'>....~ gelW' . ~ . i~ I-~ 0::, ~~ ~- ,I" ~~ ~. 2~ ~ ~ II "''' "'H' 1:1'>'" "u" ATTACHMENT NO.2 .... II: :::) o ;~ 0 , > :c en - ~ ~O m m <( .~ .1: '".J ~~' II ____~LJ '~JII rl IL _ 0 '. --'< o .~ .~ -.. il- ~ 0::, ct~ o.~ ?'lltlP i. I-~ 0::' ct; a." ,.. .. rn-al . ~ j ... . ~il-i 0::' ~~ ~ f I ' T.- I ..~" ~~s : ~ ~!~ i "/ "~ ':) I '~"'i Ir-~ "~'"l''' I , -I l 4<. L_--1 _ ~I L~ it~ ~ i i~ I ~ ;-. t- ~ 0:: , <(~ a. . .00o;tMJIIl '91 ,. ~ <; ..OL;t~ .. .... ~ I- 0:: <( a. pi ;0 _________ I~ "'l I_I ~. ~~ ~~ ,i .... ( ; ,.. ir~ ''"itt~ ~ r~ < , '.. a. I "L" "-+-- ~l'cr 2* ~ . "Ii i- ; 0::0 <( ~ a. ~ ~-~ l~1; ii~ Ha 19 i:: 0::, <(~ a. ~ "U" "".Ol.<;t...l" ,. l~ I .--- --'-r l1:. ~~, 1-l..<; ..1. .--------J " .~ 8 a ;-. I-~ a:::~ ~~ ~~ ~) --, 2 ~ ;~ LA ~ ... ~':_~~ ...!it - Q. ~~.l "hll ".0l".J.1" "'l. 8 a ia> ~ ,~. a:: Q ~ .l: <(' ' a. ~ "' " 19 -r -~ :6 .L ~~, J"'-'~ _'J ;,~ ......J2.~ lJ:) Q ------.J ~" l:.tl~ld. I ~H)10~ldV 1) TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH 'i \ ..11VdIW~fl" IHl JNV 7M~H',1I ." ....Ol.'toll" i' I-~ 0:: " <(~ a." Q ~~ <;1 ~"! l1. J -~ .~ JU 'LI) biZ IHl 'J 13Ml 38 l:,r;VM' llv ::: ex) y- O I (J) (J) <C m IN I I I > n 0: cD <1 <l I -' I I I rr- - II I' il II '-' -~ II Y I I ~ I il I' I II "..,(;..;) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALTY OF CLARINGTON BY-LA W NUMBER 99- ... being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington ... WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle to permit the development of four new lots fronting on Wabbokish Court and recognize the two existing lots froming on Townline Road; .. .. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: .. I. Section 12.4 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS - URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE ONE (RI) ZONE" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following new Special Exception 12.4.46 as follows: .. ... "12.4.46 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (Rl-46) ZONE Notwithstanding Section 12.1 and 12.2, those lands zoned RI-46 on the Schedules to this By-law shall only be used for a single detached dwelling in accordance with the following zone regulations: ... a) b) Lot Area (minimum) Lot Frontage (minimum) 800 square metres 16 metres .. 2. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: .. to'rban Residential Type Two (R2)" to "Urban Residential Exception - Holding ((H)R2- 24)" - "Agricultural (A)" to "Urban Residential Exception - Holding ((H)R2-24)"; and "A~~ltural (A)" to "Urban Residential Exception (RI-46)" - as shown on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 3, Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. .. 4, This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. .. BY - LAW read a first time this day of 1999. - BY - LA W read a second time this day of 1999, BY-LA W read a third time and finally passed day of 1999. ... .. MAYOR CLERK ." 623 ... .. This is Schedule"A" to By-law 99- , passed this day of . 1999 A.D. - - "-~~--=-"..:aI&J - - - _ _ ~_ _ __ __ _ _ ..-..u_ _ _ _ _.... .-~':';;CEL LOT 35 , CONCESSION 3 _i. ",;.. ,. i ; : - J: .-. ~:!i:!""""_"""""""""" o ::/{jfik:~~:///{j\;'; t\/t .-. :i \" , I 87"1ffl" ,.-/ -~~~~. ~!, '\~~:'''- '''~"-=.~~-i l N12"28'3lTE 64.549 - - - - - I':.:.:...........j ZONING CHANGE FROM "A" TO "(H)R 1-46" ~ ZONING CHANGE FROM "A" TO "(H)R2-24" _ ZONING CHANGE FROM "R2" TO "(H)R2-24" - ... 10' II Mayor - ~ S~ECT SITE .~ LOT 35 - .. - - - -roo /' ' i . r- ~.- r-------"-H-__ '---0-_______ - COURTICE r.---.---.... : ~-- . -._.___. __.n _n ._.______~ I:~r - Cieri< LOT 34 , ~--~~ ~ o Cl: w o u Cl: ~ ...., o z a 0 Vi Vl I W I / ~ ! / /~ 8 V//~/.' Id'J' r..'/...( i,-i t , r b~4 - D:"<: PD-95-99 - - - Meeting: Date: - Report #: - S ubj ect: - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Monday, August 30, 1999 Res. # PD-95-99 FILE #: PLN 33.4.3 By-law # LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE STORAGE FACILITY _ PORT GRANBY WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY FILE: PLN 33.4.3 - Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee approve FORTHWITH: - 1. THAT Report PD-95-99 be received; - 2. - THAT the members of the Port Granby Low Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Committee be thanked for their hard work and dedication in reviewing storage options for the waste located at Port Granp.y; 3. THA T the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Natural Resources Canada, be advised ofthe following recommendations: - - - - - - - - a) ... ~ THAt' Concept B (in-situ stabilization of waste) is acceptable to Council as the preferred alternative for the long tenn management of the waste at Port Granby; b) THAT Design Option B2 be endorsed as the Municipality's preferred option for the management ofthe wastes at Port Granby; subject to the results of detailed comprehensive environmental assessment; c) THAT no additional waste from other sites be received and stored at the Port Granby site; d) THA T in addition to the standard environment assessment issues, further studies address the following issues: . the concentration of Thorium-23 0 in the wastes located in the East Gorge; · additional data in regards to the groundwater flow through the East Gorge and contact 625 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 2 .. 4. 5. . additional data in regards to the groundwater flow through the East Gorge and contact with the wastes deposited in the middle till and lower sands area; - . potential impacts of shoreline erosion control measures on other shoreline properties in the area; and - . a contingency plan for the relocation of additional wastes in the event of system failure ... e) THAT appropriate portions of Port Granby site be designed for natural heritage and passive recreational purposes possibly including the waterfront trail once the construction phase is complete and the waste management facility is in operation; ... f) THAT the Municipality requests that the ownership of the Port Granby site be transferred from Cameco Corporation to the Federal Government; - g) THAT the Municipality's consideration of right of access to and use of the site will be determined once the waste management facility is in operation; - h) ... THAT the Federal Government establish a public liaison committee with representation from area residents, the Municipality of Clarington, NRCan and Cameco, to co-ordinate public involvement in all stages of planning, approval and operation of the waste management facility; .. i) THAT the Federal Government report results of the monitoring program to Council on a regular basis once the waste management facility is operational; .. j) TMT the Federal Government provide assurances that Council will be informed on a timely basis of any unusual occurrences at the Port Granby site that may affect, or be perceived to affect, public health and safety; and .. k) THA f ihe Federal Government, in consultation with Council, investigate alternatives to mitigate the impact on area residents resulting from truck traffic during the construction of the waste management facility at Port Granby. ... .. THAT staffbe authorized to initiate an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan to provide for the permanent storage of low level nuclear waste at the Port Granby site and that a Public Meeting be held at such time as the environmental assessment documents are prepared and the detailed design is complete. ... ... THAT all delegations and the interested parties listed in this report be provided a copy of Staff Report PD-I01-99 and Council's decision. ... 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 From the 1930's to 1988, waste from the processing of Radium and Uranium at the former .. .. - / OLO ... - REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 3 ... - - - - - - - - - 1.3 - - - - - - 1.4 - - Eldorado Nuclear Limited plant in Port Hope was deposited at a number of sites in the Port Hope area, including a site just east of the small community of Port Granby in Clarington (see Attachment No. I). Over the past several years, there have been a number of unsuccessful efforts to find a practical and environmentally safe solution for the long term management of the low level radioactive wastes (LLR W) stored at the Port Granby site, as well as at the Welcome site in Hope Township and several sites in Port Hope. The Port Granby site is now owned by Cameco Corporation. Cameco and the Federal Government through Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) share financial responsibility for the capital and extraordinary operating costs associated with the management ofLLRW at the Port Granby site. 1.2 In 1998, Council initiated discussions with NRCan regarding the possibility of locating a permanent storage site for the LLR W and other wastes currently deposited at the Port Granby site. In January 1999, Council created the Port Granby Low Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Committee to investigate storage options for the waste at the Port Granby site and to report to Council. The Advisory Committee was assisted in its work by three consulting firms, as well as representatives from NRCan, the federal Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office and Cameco. It' ~ The Advisory Committee has submitted the following documents for Council's consideration: o Report on Conceptualization of On-Site Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility Designs for the Port Granby Waste Management Facility (WMF) - Golder Associates and SENES ConsultitTg. o Strategic Environmental Assessment of Conceptual Storage Facility Design(s) for the Port Granby Waste Management Facility - Marshall Macklin Monaghan, o Port Granby Low Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Committee Report. These reports were presented to the July 5, 1999 meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee. The Advisory Committee's report and the supporting technical documents have been referred to Staff for review and the preparation of a report. NRCan is seeking Council's recommendation regarding the long term management of the LLRW Dt!.! REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 4 .. and other waste materials stored at the Port Granby site. This staff report is intended to assist ... Council in developing its recommendation to the Federal Government. 2.1 2. APPROVAL PROCESS 2.2 2.2.1 There are five stages in the process to establish a long term waste management facility at the Port Granby site, as discussed below. Sta2e 1 - Development of Conceptual Desi2n This stage started in January 1998 when Council resolved (Resolution #C-81-98) to advise NRCan that Clarington would participate in Without Prejudice discussions to investigate the possibility oflocating a permanent storage site for the LLRW presently stored at Port Granby. Stage 1 will be completed with Council's decision regarding a preferred option for the long term management of the waste at Port Granby. 2.2.2 Both Hope Township Council and Port Hope Council have also participated in similar processes with NRCan to provide for the long term management of the LLR W in their communities. These Councils have already advised the federal government of their preferred options, which involve onl~ storing the waste from their respective communities. 10' 2.3 2.3.1 Sta2e 2 - Discussions Between NRCan and Host Communities Stage 2 will.~mmence following the submission of the conceptual design report for the Port l' Granby site and Council's recommendation. The three host communities will enter into discussions with NRCan to determine the most appropriate course of action for the development of a solution for each community. It is anticipated that several months will be required to complete this stage. 2.3.2 During Stage 2, NRCan, as the proponent, may request the Canadian Nuclear Safety Board (CNSB) to undertake a preliminary assessment of the concepts involved in the waste facility design. The CNSB will ultimately issue any licenses for the storage facilities and such an early assessment will ensure that the Commission is satisfied that the proposals will meet its requirements for the subsequent stages in the licensing process. b2d .. ... .. ... ... .. .. ... ... - .... .... ... ... ... ... .. REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 5 .. - 2.4 Sta~e 3 - Events Leadin~ to Le~al A~reement 2.4.1 Stage 3 will begin with the receipt of a positive indication from the CNSB regarding the design concept for the development of a long term storage facility at Port Granby. This stage will end with the signing of a formal agreement between the Federal Government and the Municipality of Clarington, .. - .. 2.5 Sta~e 4 - Environmental Assessment and Licensin~ 2.5.1 Prior to the submission of an application for licensing by the CNSB, it will be necessary to conduct an environmental impact assessment of the proposed project. This assessment must be conducted in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). This Act will apply to the Port Granby project since the Federal Government would be the proponent (NRCan), the funding agency (NRCan), and the regulator (CNSB). - ... - - 2.5.2 Once the environmental assessment is accepted, NRCan will apply to the CNSB for site and construction approval. A Site Evaluation Report (which will characterize the proposed site) and a Preliminary Safety Report (which will contain the engineering design plans, radiation protection procedures, and operating policies and procedures which would influence the design of the facility) must accompany this application. The application for the Port Granby facility I/'Ii' will be for a long term storage facility. As such, the proponent will be required to carry out a public information program that meets the requirements set out by the CNSC. ... .. .. ~ 2,5.3 The start of Stage 4 is considered as Year Zero. Stage 4 will culminate with site and construction approval from the CNSB and is anticipated to take 5 years to complete. - - - 2.6 Sta~e 5 - Construction and Operation 2.6.1 Following site and construction approval, Stage 5 will commence. This stage will involve the construction work at the facility. No time estimate for the completion of this stage has been provided. Once construction is complete, NRCan will apply to the CNSB for a Waste Prescribed Substance License. The documents submitted in support of the application for this license will define the operating policies and principles for the site, as well as measures to be taken by the proponent to verify the continued protection of the environment and the health and - - ... - 629 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 6 3. 3.1 3.2 ... safety of the general public. The Waste Prescribed Substance License is usually issued for a 24 _ month period. Performance assessments will be conducted on the storage facility to determine if licence conditions are being properly implemented. ... OVERVIEW OF PORT GRANDY SITE The Port Granby site is located south of Lakeshore Road in Part Lots 3 and 4, B.F.C., former Township of Clarke. The site has an area of 18 ha and directly abuts Lake Ontario where bluffs rise approximately 30 m from the shoreline, Two gorges cut through the bluffs near the east and west boundaries of the site. The site is underlain at a depth of approximately 20 m by a relatively impermeable layer of till. Waste has been deposited on 11.3 ha of the site, most of it in trenches located in the central plateau of the site. These trenches are generally located above the till layer. However, some waste was also placed in the gorges. The volume of LLRW and other waste identified as Marginally Contaminated Soils (MCS) has been estimated to range from 380,000 to 500,000 cubic metres. 3.3 A number of priority contaminants have been identified in the waste at the Port Granby site on the basis of the.. potential effects on human health, phyto-toxicity (effect on plant life), eco-toxicity It (effect on ecosystems), mobility, concentrations and location. These contaminants include Selenium, Arsenic, and Magnesium, heavy metals (Antimony, Cadmium, and Molybedium), and radioactive ~erials (Radium-226, Uranium). Thorium -230, which is also radioactive, was 1. '. added to the list of priority contaminants by the Advisory Committee. The consultants noted that gamma radiation from Radium-226 and its decay product Raden gas is considered the most significant in terms of potential radiation exposure. 4. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OPTIONS FOR MANAGEMENT OF WASTE 4.1 Two preliminary design concepts were presented to the Advisory Committee for consideration. Both concepts involved storing the waste on the existing Port Granby site and capping the waste with a low permeability multi-layer cover with a depth of at least 1 metre. This cover will serve to shield the waste and reduce exposure to gamma radiation at the surface to background levels. 03J ... ... IIIlIiIi ... ... ... ... .... ail ... - - .. ... .. ... .. REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 7 - 4.2 4.2.1 - - - - 4.3 _ 4.3.1 - - - - - - Concept A Concept A would involve excavating all of the waste and encapsulating it in a low-profile long term engineered storage mound on the site. Lakeshore Road would be relocated to the north to allow sufficient area for the construction of the storage mound. The mound would be set back about 250 to 300 m from the bluffs to ensure that long term erosion posed no threat to the stored wastes. (As will be discussed later in this report, the Advisory Committee directed the consultants not to undertake further work related to Concept A. As such, a visual rendering of Concept A is not available for inclusion in this report.) Concept B Concept B would involve leaving the waste in-place and stabilizing the site. To minimize the volume of leachate created, a groundwater interceptor trench and a steel sheet pile wall would be constructed along the northern perimeter to divert groundwater around the waste, and the waste area would be capped with a multi-layer low permeability cover to minimize the infiltration of precipitation into the waste. The erosion of the bluffs would be minimized through the construction of an engineered toe berm and bluff stabilization structure. With this concept, some groundwater would still come into contact with waste in the East Gorge which is deposited below the till layer. To deal wit~ the resulting leachate, a leachate collection and treatment system would need to be It constructed, This would consist of a leachate interceptor trench with a pumping manhole to allow the transfer of the collected leachate to a new treatment pond system. Groundwater monitoring points would~ established in the areas of the two gorges to monitor leachate migration and water 1." levels along the lake front of the site. 4.3.2 At the direction of the Advisory Committee, three conceptual design options based on Option B - were developed. - Design Options Bland B 2 4.3.3 Design Options BI and B2 would be essentially the same, with one key difference. Option Bl - would involve leaving the waste in the East Gorge (see Attachment No.2), As such, the leachate collection and treatment system would be required for an indefinite period (likely longer than 100 - years). The initial estimate of the capital and construction costs of this option is $19.1 million. The - 631 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 8 cost estimates for Option B1 as well as for Options B2 and B3 (below), do not include additional costs such as engineering designs and studies, licensing and approvals, ongoing monitoring, and compliance and verification testing. 4.3.4 Design Option B2 would involve the excavation of 52,000 cubic metres of waste (Calcium Fluoride) along the northern side of the East Gorge and 50,000 cubic metres of waste (neutralized raffinate) in the lower portion of the East Gorge, for a total of 102,000 cubic metres. (please note that the Advisory Committee's report incorrectly referenced 60,000 cubic metres of waste to be removed under Option B2). This waste would be placed in a low profile engineered storage mound on-site (see Attachment No.3). The removal of the source waste material from the gorge likely means that the leachate collection and treatment system would be required for less time than Option B 1 (25- 40 years). The estimated cost of Option B2 is $22.3 million. Design Option B3 4.3.5 Design Option B3 would involve leaving all of the waste at the Port Granby site in place and excavating an open channel along the northern perimeter of the existing waste placement area (see Attachment No.4). The channel would collect groundwater and prevent it from draining into the wastes in t~e lower portion of the East Gorge. This option was proposed late in the process and l/' therefore did not receive the same level of detailed review as Options Bland B2. However, the initial design concept for Option B3 indicated that the channel would be approximately 150 m wide and 25 m deept Approximately 2 million cubic metres of clean fill would need to be excavated. As well, that stretch of Lakeshore Road adjacent to the site would need to be relocated to the north to allow sufficient room for the channel. As with Options Bland B2, the waste area would be capped with a low permeability cover, the bluffs would be stabilized, and a collection and treatment system for leachate from the East Gorge would be constructed. The initial cost estimate for Option B3 is $41.7 million. 5. STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF CONCEPTUAL STORAGE FACILITY DESIGNS 5.1 An independent consultant was retained at the request of the Advisory Committee to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment for the long term waste management options proposed. The D32 .. ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... - ... .... ... ... 'III .. - REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 9 - - - - - 5.2 - - - 5.3 5.3.1 - - - - - 5.4 5.4.1 - - - 5.5 5.5.1 - - Environmental Assessment (EA) identified in general terms, the possible environmental impacts associated with the proposed undertaking, possible measures to mitigate these impacts, and the expected degree of success of these mitigation measures. However, the EA did not attempt to quantify the severity of the environmental impacts either before or after mitigation, and no "net effects analysis" was undertaken to determine the residual effects after mitigation. The EA selected Design Option BI (in-situ stabilization of wastes) as the base case since it was not practical to consider all of the design options proposed. The EA concluded that the stabilization strategy could be conducted and operated so that the associated environmental impacts are acceptable and/or can be mitigated with proper planning design and implementation. The EA did identify a number of potentially significant impacts that are believed to be manageable; however, the EA cautioned that this position couldn't be confirmed on the basis of currently available data. These impacts are discussed below, Traffic Impacts Traffic generated during the construction phase represents one of the most significant potential impacts of the project. Truck traffic during peak construction periods could potentially exceed 200 movements per day. The preparation of a detailed report would allow potential routes, travel It' Ir times, and receptors to be identified and properly evaluated. The EA indicated that traffic-related impacts could be mitigated to a large degree. Possible mitigation measures include the construction of a dedicated..'1lccess road, the transportation of some materials (eg. for the bluff stabilization) by $" barge, and extending the project schedule, Contaminated Groundwater/Leachate The long-term environmental acceptability of the project is dependent upon the effective long-term collection and treatment of groundwater coming into contact with the waste, the implementation of a groundwater monitoring program, and the development of contingency plans to recognize the possibility that system design and/or operations do not meet performance objectives. Contamination Control Durin~ Construction The potential on-site and off-site impacts associated with the spread of radioactive and toxic 633 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 10 ... 5.6 5.6.1 5.7 5.7.1 6. 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 contaminants can be mitigated through available technology and proven techniques. However, to IIIlIiIi guard against the potential failure of control measures, a comprehensive contamination control procedure and environmental monitoring program will need to be implemented and maintained ... throughout the work period. .. Lon2 Term Bluff Erosion The stabilized bluffs can be managed so that they do not erode back into the wastes. However, this will require active long term care of the slopes, including repairs and periodic extensions of the stabilized surface. ... - Excavation of 102,000 cubic metres ofLLRW (Option 82) The handling of the waste increases the potential for people and the environment to be exposed to the contaminants. This exposure could occur through atmospheric dispersion (dust), tracking of contaminants by construction equipment, direct exposure of workers to contamination, and contaminant transport by surface water runoff. The EA notes that, based on past experience with LLRW cleanup'programs in Canada and the U.S., it is reasonable to expect that potential impacts associated with the handling of these materials can be mitigated to acceptable levels with proper planning, d~,sign and execution. lr ... .... .. .... .. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PORT GRANBY LLRW ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Adviso1f!Committee made a total of 13 recommendations to Council related to the management of the wastes at Port Granby and the long term use and maintenance of the site. These recommendations were included in the Committee's report submitted to Council. - .. Recommended Conceptual Desi2n for Stora2e of Wastes The Advisory Committee developed a number of site performance objectives that were used in the development and evaluation of the conceptual designs for the potential waste storage options. These performance objectives included: Q a design period of 500 years Q if feasible, no excavation ofthe waste Q minimization of surface and groundwater contact with the waste ... .. lllIII ... ... .. 4 65 ... REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 11 - - o entire facility should be located within 18 ha site o minimal on-going maintenance ::I minimal impact during the construction phase o zero leachate o prevention of bluff erosion o surface gamma radiation levels on the surface of the facility must be at background levels for the local area. - - - - 6.2.2 The Advisory Committee applied these site performance objectives to the two initial concepts prepared by the consultants. Concept A (excavation of the waste and storage in an engineered mound on-site) was rejected by the Committee on the basis that it involved complete excavation of the waste, and the design required the use of lands outside of the original Port Granby Waste Management Facility. As a result, the consultants did not undertake any further conceptual work for Concept A. - - - - 6.2.3 The Advisory Committee accepted Concept B (in-situ stabilization of the waste) on the basis that it did not involve substantial excavation of the waste, the bluffs were stabilized, and no additional lands beyo~~ the existing waste management facility were required. At the Committee's direction, It further conceptual design options were developed based on Concept B. These design options (Options B 1, B2 and B3) are described in Section 4.3 of this Report. r-t Committee Recommendation No.1: That Concept B (in-situ stabilization of the waste) be endorsed as the preferred alternative for the long term management of the waste at Port Granby. - - - - - Committee Recommendation No.2: That the Municipality of Clarington not accept additional wastes from any other source. 6.2.4 The Advisory Committee did not recommend any of the three design options to Council as the - preferred design for the waste storage facility. They noted that Option B 1 has the advantage of no disruption to the wastes, but has the disadvantage of an extensive and long term maintenance - program for the East Gorge leachate collection and treatment facility. Option B2 has the advantage - - 635 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 12 of a shorter maintenance program for the leachate collection and treatment facility but has the disadvantage of moving some of the wastes. Option B3 would require less maintenance over the lifetime of the storage facility. The Committee noted that this option needs further study to optimize the concept, perhaps reducing the cost and improving the long-term reliability of the facility. 6.2.5 The Committee's primary concern with the movement of waste in Option B2 was the amount of Thorium-230 in the wastes and the potential health effects involved in inhaling this contaminant. The consultants addressed this issue specifically in their report. They noted that the measurement method used is very insensitive to Thorium-230 levels and, as a result, may have greatly over- estimated the actual concentrations of this contaminant. The consultants confirmed that Thorium- 230 can pose a health problem if inhaled and emphasized the need to minimize airborne particulates if the waste is handled. However, it is their opinion that the Radium-226 in the waste (which has been identified as a priority contaminant) poses more of a health hazard than Thorium-230. Nevertheless, both the consultants and the Committee members recommended that the concentration of Thorium-230 in the wastes in the East Gorge should be measured and confirmed as part of future site investigations, lr\" 6.2.6 One member of the Committee submitted a dissenting opinion regarding the concentrations and the health effects of Thorium-230. He noted that new guidelines have recently been issued which address the ~alth effects of inhaling and ingesting radioactive materials, and allowable radiation exposure limits for workers. He recommended that an independent Health Physicist having expert knowledge and understanding of these latest guidelines be asked to provide an analysis of the significance of Thorium-230 in the waste, both from the aspect of ingestion and inhalation, relative to Radium-226, and further that this expert also provide guidelines for the control of exposures to both workers and the public. He also recommended that this information be used in the Site Monitoring Program and be in place prior to the start of the construction phase. ... - - - ... IIIlIiIi ... .... ... ... ... IIIlIiIi ... ~ ... ... Committee Recommendation No.3: That the concentration of Thorium-230 in the wastes be measured and confirmed before constroction is started. .. , ,/ Q.)O .. .. - REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 13 - Committee Recommendation No.4: That, before any decision is made on whether to choose Design Option BI or Design Option B2, more detailed data be obtained in regards to the ground water flow through the East Gorge area, with a focus on the wastes at the middle till and lower sands - area. - - Committee Recommendation No.5: That Design Option B3 be studied further to optimize the concept. - 6.3 6.3.1 Future Ownership and Use of Site The Advisory Committee used a number of general criteria to examine the issue of future site use for the waste management facility. These criteria included compatibility with surrounding properties, maintaining the integrity of the waste management facility, and minimal burden to the Municipality for ongoing maintenance and/or upkeep. Based on these criteria, the Committee recommended that the site be used for passive recreational/tourism uses. - - - - Committee Recommendation No.6: That the site be used for passive parkland (day use, bicycle trails, etc.). - \,' It Committee Recommendation No.7: That the proposed use does not burden the Municipality with excessive maintenance and upkeep. - - ti 6.3.2 The Committee further recommended that, following completion of the storage facility, the ownership of the site should be transferred from Cameco to the Federal Government, and that the Municipality be granted the right to access and use the site for a nominal fee. - - Committee Recommendation No.8: That the ownership of the property be transferred from Cameco to the Federal Government. - - Committee Recommendation No.9: That right of access be transferred to the Municipality of Clarington. - - 637 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 14 ... 6.4 6.4.1 7. 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 Site Monitorin~ and Public Involvement The Committee recommended that the public be kept informed at every step of the process to establish the waste management facility, and in particular that local residents should be involved in the monitoring during the construction phase. The Federal Government should also advise Council on an annual basis of the results of the monitoring program once the waste management facility is operational. The establishment of a local tribunal to deal with compensation for area residents was also recommended. ... ... - .. Committee Recommendation No. 10: That area residents are kept informed in every step of the ... process. - Committee Recommendation No. 11: That there should be an active environmental monitoring system (with local residents involved) over the construction period of this facility. ... Committee Recommendation No. 12: That the Federal Government should maintain and monitor the site and reportto Council once yearly. .. ... Committee Recommendation No. 13: That a local tribunal be created to deal with compensation ~w ... to area residents in case of damages or accidents. ST AFF COl\1~ENTS ... Staffs comments will address the following matters: o the various design concepts for the long term management of the wastes o the other recommendations of the Advisory Committee o measures to mitigate the impacts related to construction at the site ... .. o Clarington Official Plan policy. ... Desi~n Concepts for Mana~ement of the Waste The Advisory Committee developed a number of performance objectives to evaluate the various design concepts for the long term management of the waste. These performance objectives are summarized in Section 6.2 of this report. To further assist Council, Staff propose to also use the .. .. IIIIIIi I b)O IIIIIIi - REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 15 - following criteria to evaluate the design concepts: o Minimize Short Term Social Impact ~ Truck traffic ~ Noise and dust ~ Potential exposure to contaminants - - - o Minimize Long Term Social Impact ~ Potential for leachate to contaminate groundwater ~ Potential for bluffs to erode back into waste - o Minimize Long Term Maintenance Requirements ... o Short and Long Term Impact on Natural.Environment -- o Long Term Land Use Compatibility ~ With adjacent properties. - These criteria, as well as relevant comments, are presented in a table attached to this report as Attachment No.5. It is important to note that the criteria are not weighted or ranked. Rather, they are provided to help focus discussion related to each of the design concepts. - Design CO.f.tCept A vs. Design Concept B - 7.2.2 As noted earlier, two basic design concepts were presented to the Advisory Committee for consideration - Concept A (excavation of the waste and storage in an engineered mound on-site) - and Concept~ (in-situ stabilization of the waste). The Committee rejected Concept A and recommended to Council that Concept B be endorsed as the preferred alternative for the long ... term management of the waste at Port Granby (Recommendation No.1). - - 7.2.3 Staff note that the main advantage of Concept A over Concept B is the storage of the waste in a secure low maintenance storage mound set well back from the eroding lake shore bluffs, thereby providing a permanent solution. The main disadvantage of Concept A relates to the noise and dust impacts and the potential for exposure to contaminants from the excavation of 500,000 cu. m. ofLLRW and MCS. While both Concept A and B involve some degree of short term impact, the degree of impact and the potential for exposure to contaminants is significantly greater with Concept A. Although staff is not qualified to comment on the technical feasibility or the design - - - - b:J3 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 16 requirements of the alternate concepts, it would appear that the in-situ stabilization of the waste as provided for in Concept B is an environmentally safe and viable alternative subject to appropriate monitoring and on-going maintenance requirements associated with this solution. Staff recoIllplend that Council accept Recommendation No. I of the Advisory Committee that Concept B be endorsed as the preferred alternative for the long term management of the waste at Port Granby. 7.2.4 Staff also recommend that Council endorse the Committee's second recommendation that the Municipality not accept additional waste from other sources. The transportation of additional waste to the Port Granby site and any construction work required to store these wastes would only magnify the impacts associated with the construction phase of the project. As well, this position would be consistent with the recommendations of Hope Township Council and Port Hope Council that their preferred options involve only storing the waste from their respective communities, Conceptual Design Options Bl, B2 and B3 7.2.5 Concept B would involve leaving the waste in-place and stabilizing the site. As noted in Section 6.2, a key ~,oint of concern with Concept B is the waste in the East Gorge, which would still come It into contact with groundwater and produce leachate. Option B I would leave all of the waste in the East Gorge, Option B2 would involve excavating the waste in the East Gorge and storing it in an engineered ~d on-site, and Option B3 would involve digging an open channel along the northern perimeter to intercept groundwater. Because of concern regarding the presence of Thorium-230 in the waste, the Committee was unable to reach a consensus on which of the Design Options to recommend to Council. 7.2.6 The most significant shortcoming of Design Option B 1 is the need for an extensive and long-term maintenance program for the East Gorge leachate collection system and treatment facility. In this regard, Option B 1 does not appear to meet a number of the performance objectives developed by the Committee, specifically a design period of 500 years, minimization of surface and groundwater contact with the waste, minimal on-going maintenance, and zero leachate. The application of the evaluation criteria developed by Staff also highlights the shortcomings of Option B 1. In particular, 04J ... - .. .. IIIlII ... I11III '. ... .. ... .... ... ... .... I11/III IIIlII .. .. ... REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 17 11M by leaving the waste in the East Gorge, the potential for the control and treatment systems to fail and cause significant social and environmental impact will be a matter of on-going concern. By removing the waste from the East Gorge, as proposed in Option B2, the need for long term maintenance of the leachate collection and treatment system would be avoided and the threat of system failure reduced. ... ... - 7.2.7 However, it is important to address the concern of the Advisory Committee regarding the health hazards involved in excavating the waste, in particular the potential exposure of workers and residents to Thorium-230. As noted earlier, the consultants addressed this matter in their reports. Because of limitations in the sensitivity of the testing equipment, it was their opinion that the amount of Thorium-230 in the waste was greatly over-estimated. The consultants confirmed that Thorium-230 poses a greater health risk than Radium-226 if inhaled, but that the appropriate use of dust suppression measures while the waste is handled should effectively address this concern. ... - - ... 7.2.8 The consultant's report indicated that Thorium-230 is only present in appreciable amounts in the neutralized raffinate. As noted earlier, 50,000 cubic metres of the raffinate are deposited in the lower portion of the East Gorge. The raffinate was described in the consultant's report as being a "very sticky~,sludge" with an average water content of 46%. Staff confirmed in discussions with the It' consultants that the potential for the Thorium-230 to become air-borne and thus an inhalation hazard is limited. - - - ,... ~ '- ... 7.2.9 Staff also note that the waste deposited in the East Gorge possesses other characteristics which - could pose a hazard to workers and area residents. For example, both the neutralized raffinate and the calcium fluoride are extremely caustic and could pose a hazard if they are inhaled or come into ... contact with exposed skin. As such, the matter of excavating the waste in the East Gorge cannot be taken lightly. Staff concur with the Advisory's Committee recommendations (No.3 and 4) that - more detailed information be obtained on the groundwater flow and the waste in the East Gorge, including the amount of Thorium-230 in the waste. ... 7.2.10 The remaining option to be evaluated is Option B3. This option has the advantage of no excavation - of the waste and potentially low long term maintenance requirements. However, there are - - 041 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 18 of the waste and potentially low long term maintenance requirements. However, there are significant disadvantages associated with this option, including the significant impact associated with hauling 2 million cubic metres of clean fill off the site. As well, the construction of a 150 metre wide 25 metre deep trench along the northern perimeter of the site would negate any potential use of the site for passive recreational purposes. As such, Staff do not concur with the Advisory Committee recommendation (No.5) that Design Option B3 be studied further to optimize the concept. 7.2.11 Based on the above discussion, it is Staffs position that Design Option B2 should be endorsed as the Municipality's preferred alternative for the management of the waste at the Port Granby site. The full environmental assessment process and further studies would confirm the technical feasibility of this design solution providing for contingency plans for failure of the in-situ solution. 7.3 7.3.1 Future Ownership and Use of Site Staff concur with the Committee's recommendation (No.6) that, once the construction phase is complete and the waste management facility is in operation, the Port Granby site should be used for passive uses, The site is designated 'Waterfront Greenway' in the Clarington Official Plan. As such, passive rec\~ational uses on a portion of the site would be consistent with this designation and Ir compatible with the adjacent ruraVagriculturalland uses, and may provide a point of interest and a rest stop along the future Waterfront Trail. As well, such uses would not interfere with the integrity and mainten3f~ of the waste management facility. The use of the site for passive parkland would also be consistent with the Committee's recommendation (No.7) that the proposed use should not burden the Municipality with excessive maintenance and upkeep costs, However, Council may wish to determine whether to seek right of access to and use of the site at a later date when the actual details related to facility design have been determined and it is constructed.' The Municipality should move slowly and cautiously to ensure that it does not assume any unnecessary liability. 7.3.2 The Port Granby site is currently owned by Cameco Corporation. In order to ensure the appropriate maintenance of the waste management facility over the long term, Staff concur with the Committees recommendations (No.8 and 9) that the ownership of the site be transferred to the b42 ... WIll WIll III III ... .... wi .. WIll WIll .. wi .. wi WIll .. \IlIII .. - REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 19 7.4.2 The appropriate forum for public involvement after the construction phase when the facility is operational will also need to be determined. The Federal Government should be requested to keep Council intormed of conditions during the operational phase, including regular reporting on the \j' results of the monitoring program. As well, Council should seek assurances from the Federal Government that they will be kept informed on a timely basis of any unusual occurrences at the Port Granby ~ that may affect, or be perceived to affect, public health and safety. - - - 7.4 7.4.1 - - - - - - - - - 7.5 7.5.1 - - - - - - Federal Government once construction is complete and the operating license is issued, and further that the Municipality be granted right of access for a nominal fee. Site Monitoring and Public Involvement Because of the impact that the construction and operation of the waste management facility at the Port Granby site will have on the local community, Staff concur with the Committee's recommendation (No. 10) that area residents be kept informed at all stages of approval, construction and operation of the facility. Public involvement in the process will improve the public's perception that the site is being constructed and operated in a safe manner. As such, Staff recommend that a liaison committee, with representation from involved parties including area residents, NRCan, Cameco, and Council, be established to facilitate communication and the provision of information. Public involvement in the process, as well as the settling of any issues related to compensation for area residents, could be co-ordinated through this Committee, in particular during the construction phase when the impact on local residents will be the most severe, Measures to Mitigate Construction Impacts The Strategic Environmental Assessment undertaken for Design Concept B identified a number of potential impacts related to the construction and operation of the waste management facility. Most of the potential impacts, such as contamination of the groundwater and contamination during construction, will be addressed by the appropriate federal approval agencies. However, the significant impact that the truck traffic during the construction phase of the project will have on the local community is a matter clearly within the purview of Council. In this regard, Staff recommend that the Federal Government be requested to consult closely with Council to b43 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 20 .. investigate various measures to mitigate the impact on area residents resulting from the truck "" traffic. 7.6 7.6.1 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan identifies the Port Granby site as Special Policy Area A. The Official Plan states that "It is the policy of Council to require the expeditious removal of all waste and contaminated soil from the existing waste management facility. . . . . ." Given Council's resolution of January 1999 and the recommendations of this report, the Official Plan should be amended to reflect a change in direction for an on-site solution. It is recommended that staff be authorized to proceed with an appropriate official plan amendment. This would only commence at such time as the full environmental assessment studies are completed. 8. CONCLUSIONS 8.1 There are many factors to be addressed in resolving the difficult issues related to the long term management of the waste at Port Granby. In this regard, Council appointed the Advisory Committee to review the various design options and to provide recommendations to Council. Given the time constraints and the complexity of the issues involved, Staff commend the It.'" members of the Advisory Committee for the admirable job they have done on behalf of Council. The performance objectives developed and used by the Advisory Committee to direct the work of the consu~ts and to evaluate the various waste management options are both appropriate l.' and comprehensive, and have been of great assistance to both Council and Staff. 8.2 Concept A (excavation of all the waste and encapsulation in an engineered storage mound) would have provided a permanent solution to the management of the low level radioactive waste at Port Granby. However, this concept was rejected by the Advisory Committee, primarily because of the short term impacts related to the excavation of all the waste. The three design options based on Concept B (in-situ stabilization of the waste) all involve some degree of long term maintenance of the site. If Council can accept the principle that the design option chosen for the Port Granby site may not provide a permanent long term solution, then Staff do not 044 "" ... .. .. tIIIIII - "" "" .. .. .. .. .... .. lIIII ... ... - REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 21 - disagree with pursuing either Design B2. The most critical portion of the on-site wastes would be encapsulated in an engineered storage mound and long term maintenance requirements would be lower. - - 8.3 In revIewmg the comments and recommendations provided by both Staff and the Advisory Committee, it is important to note that both have relied on the expertise of the consultants regarding various scientific and engineering matters related to the various design concepts for the long term management of the waste at Port Granby. - ... .. Reviewed by, - Da Id . rome, .C.LP., R.P.P. Direct of Planning & Development JAS*DC*df \ -- V" /.1 11" - /, 0 '-.-/ ~'--~~.^-- Franklin Wu, M.C.LP., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. - - 19 August 1999 - Attachment No. I - Key Map Attachment No. 211_1t' Design Option B 1 Attachment No.3 - Design Option B2 Attachment No.4 - Design Option B3 Attachment No.5 - Evaluation of Alternative Design Concepts (Table) - ti. Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - - Mr. Harvey Thompson 4720 Concession Road 6 - R. R. # I NEWTONVILLE, Ontario LOA 1 JO Ms. Barbara Humphrey 4563 Lakeshore Road R.R.#8 NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB lL9 - - Mr. John Stephenson 5300 Old Scugog Road HAMPTON, Ontario LOB I JO Ms. Jean Payne 4612 Highway 2 NEWTONVILLE, Ontario LOA I JO - - - 045 REPORT NO.: PD-95-99 PAGE 22 ... ... Mr. Sarwan Sahota 4665 Lakeshore Road R. R. # 8 ... NEWCASTLE, Ontario Ll B 1 L9 - Ms. Frances Aird Clerk Administrator Township of Hope .., P.O, Box 85 PORT HOPE, Ontario LlA 3V9 .. Mr. Mike Rostetter Chief Administrative Officer ... Town ofPon Hope 56 Queen Street .. P.O. Box 117 PORT HOPE, Ontario LIA 3V9 .. Mr. David McCauley Natural Resources Canada .. 580 Booth Street 17th Floor OTT A W A, OntaritJ - KIA OE4 t! .., - fIIIf/J - .. .., .., J46 ... - ATTACHMENT #1 _ SUBJECT SITE - - - \ - - - <{ o 0::: LOT 6 LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 11 . :~CESSIO:N ROAD 1 <(, o a::: o <{ o 0::: w Z -l Z 3: o I- - : C,AlNAD IAN. p , _s::'::::- ~_ -1::..~^__ 'A,C/~I : ~>>---! -'_~~~~::s~Sl_ RAILWAY - - - 0::: W I- (f) <{ - - :5 .... .... - - CLARKE KEY MAP - - ~ I ~-.2-:::::i:::-:-__ ~---2:= i "--. -~~- i - 1t,1t' ROAD LAKE ONTARIO PORT GRANBY LLRW STORAGE FACILITY 641 II z o - (f) (f) w () z o () I-- Z o 0:: lL. Z W ~ o 0:: II) I LDillill I . LOW PERIolEABIUTY COVER (SEE AGURE 12.J FOR DETAlLS) II.: . LOW PERl.lEABIUTY COVER 'MTIi SUS-COVER lLAC....TE llRAlNAa' 8LN<KET . (SEE AGURE 12..1 FOR DETAIlS) . GENERAl FlU. AND DIWNAGE 8lNlKET GRADED TO STASU: SlOPE CONFlGUAATlON ~':rq ROC!< AU. SLOPE AND SAND ORAlNAGEj Ilt 11 rswRA~~2.~o~o,F~~rUZAOON \. \ \ \ \ -A \ \ \ \ \ I =1 )> o I ~ m z ~ -= I\) I SHOREUNE EROSION PROTECTION TOE SERM (SEE AGURE 12.4 FOR DETAlLS) APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF U.HW _ SHEET PILE WAlL FOR GROUNDWATIft CUTOfF .. -. CROUNOWATIR INTERCEPTOR TRENCH SURFACE WArtR CHANNU BURIED HOPt: PWE EXISTING COKTOURS (1 m INTfRVALS) PROPOSED CONTOURS (1m INT[RYAlS) GROUNDWA TIft MONITORING WEll 20 1: 2,500 PORT GRANBY CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FOR LLRW STORAGE F AClUTY ~-OPTION 1- PL.AN VIEW Of RI', STORAGE FACilll. -. NO EXCAVATION OF LLRW OPTION FOR CROSS-Sl:CTIONS '.-A". B-B' C-C', 0-0'. AND E-E' sa: FlGURE 12.2 SCALE IN METERS ) 10 20 ~ 60 80 100 A1LoId~r ~SOCIQtes . + " I r1 EXISTING TREATl.lENI PONDS 71A (TO BE D€COIolISSlONED) . . /,r~/ 1/ ;CCC~f! .I /I '. I /1 ,II /, ! f il I I II . ,. II " I.; II! !j ,; I, " i I /, ;1 " I;, I ;1 l-i,,=;:-=-=--.:..:...;:~/ C!::..---:..~.:-_-__-~'/ \ 1'-::0. .... L GROUNDWATER INIDlCEPTOR TRENCH 0lInET STRVC1\JRE ACCESS Ro.D a +::>- ex=- Golder ASSOClotes l td ~uGol.,,*T.utJQ.CAIW),t,. E;2SENES CONSUL TIWTS UMITro c::;::;! ~ MOf'(, CIoOTAMO. ~ FIGURE o R A T N o E K A 12 I I CHO<I> .ot(T !il I !!!!!!'!1 !!!!L -..... .. I I , I I I I I I I I I I I c; ~ o '" '" .. '" o I I )> ~ :> () I ~ m z -i - "" LO'" APPRO_ SuRFACI EXI$T1NG 'MAT CONTl), WALL GROUNDWATTR SCALE IN l.lOIRS o 20 '.0 60 2,500 PORT GRAN8Y CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FOR LLRW STORAGE FACILITY OPTION 2 PLM~ VIEW OF L1_RW STORAGE FACILITY - PARTIAL EXCAVATION OF LLRW WASTE ..QPTIQrJ A'lL01dt;r ~soclates es L. to c.......v.- 7 -, ."- ...U-_1R uRw EX(A.V.A.TION A.REAS (GENERAL FILl .....NO GR.A.DING AFTER URw IS RO.AOVEO) Ll.r'l'i TTh PERM(ABI GENERAL FlU AND ORA; GRADED TO A. STABLE SLOPE CONFlGuRAnON ROCK FlU SL OP SLANt< E1 frJR Bl R5 INTERCEPTOR l)U Golder Asso<':ICl lolIn'n...uc;.... VNI......:. FIGURE , N... AU f LL';'fJ,Q 80Uf'lJ:.RY 80 C=SENES CONSUL rANTS LlMfTED C:!!!J lI'Olf1 fotOf"(, 010....10. t.o.H.ADA ~ JVN( 1!1 ~ !!!L.-- -.en ... SH:':,REl ::T\)RJl.(,t: I.C PLRl.AUS:UT' Sh[~1 Pili I . ~~~Ir~ II II - 20 I , ,--- I "'>. '" I I I I , I r f I I I I - - - - - - - - I r \~r, \ \ \ \ \ R n rJ} --' - ~ - - :J - ') ===:::::::::::: - - .. [XlsnNC TREATMENT PONDS '--.>>--. -- (TO BE OCCOlAlSSlONEO) ~-- - -- \ ._~- ~""~.~,~ - . - - - - ~ " "- (t.CAXllAUlA COVER EU.'VAOON 121 mo". UINIUUU UNER ElEVATION 108 mo.l. COlAPOSlTE LOW PERlAEABIUTY COVER, COlAPOSlTE LOW PERlAEABIUTY UNER. APPROXllAAffiV 75,000 m' CAPACITY) tri .... ;-~ -,,0.: - ~ .... - <: ~ ,,". 1: L A K E 0 N T A R J 0 CURRENT SHORruNE - <.) ~ o ~I ~I f a' +:::>- .--..c L.EilEl'-ill t )> :j )> () I ~ m z -l lilt ~ 1 LOW PER"'EA/JIUTY COVER SHORELt<E Tor eERU GROUNOWATER INTERCEPTOR CHANNEL EXTINDING TO TDP OF ""DOlL nll. CO"'PLEX (-25m OED', JH.IV SLOPES -- APPROXI......rr BOUNQ<RY Of URW SURFACE WATER CtW>lNEl EXISTING CONTOURS (1m INTERVALS) PROPOSED CONTOURS (1 m INTERV.....S GRQUN[)WAITR MONITORING Will BURIED HOPE PIPE 20 f-F' 100 1: 2,500 PORT GR^\~JBY CONCEPTUAL DESIGI'J ~ UI~ LLRW STORAGE F ACiLl ry OPTION .3 PL AN VIEW OF U,RW STORAGE FACiLITY GROUNDWA TER IN TERCEPTOR CHANNEL_ OPTION ,~ LOW PERI.4EA!lIUTY ~R WITli _ lL'CHArr DRAINAGE LA'l'Ul . GENERAl flU AND GRADING TO STABU: SLOPE CONFlGURATlON IRRl ROCK FlU SLOPE AND DRAINAGE ~ BlANKET FOR BLUFF STolBlUZATlON . EROSION PROTECTION 80 FOR CROSS-SECTIONS SEE FlGURE 7.' SCALE ( IN "'ETDlS ) D 1020 <0 60 -t- ACCESS ROAD \_, ~' "\ \\-'l~ ~ ~ IIlo... 0-.. cc-. SITE /~~ .-.:. ~ ~\ iq ~ "'. .~ >.." ~.~.. .',' f r.':,:/ .'.' . .,'..... '.." ""'\?,.'" .=.. ..". lJ\k I fE'TT .,~. . -. - . ',' ~ '; -'. '" ~ .; t....,..;; Ai;, ... t.-, "~. ?'r - ,.... -.:~,:_~~i: ~.\::-;:>:\, L A K E / \ 1___ ....-. \:. a n ~ ~Old~r Golder ASsoclotes Ltd ~SOCJQtes If1ssra..o.Jll.... o.r,wo, C~ E2SENa CONSUl. TANT3 LNffED c::::J f'Dln l1:li'(. OWfAltJO. ~ CURRElfT SHOREUHE o R A T N o <J ~ o ~I ~, ~i 0, J~~'--~:~~U I FIGURE 7.3 - I I I I I I I I I I , I 1 I. I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I -----1 I EVALUATION OF AL TERNA TIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS CONCEPT B f ..... ~ OPTION Bl CONCEPT A CRITERIA CONCEPT B3 thc wastc storagc OPTION B2 thc actual construction of be reIatcd to WI term social impac of the short ":1) most For all of the concepts, facility MINIl\HZE SHORT TERM SOCIAL IMPACT - Transportation of construction materials - Transportation off-site of 2 million cu. 111. of clcan~--J - Transportation of construction materials - Transportation of construction materials - Transportation of construction materials Truck traffic Construction activity on-site Excavation and - Construction activity on-site - Truck traffic along local roads - Construction activity on-site - Truck traffic along local roads Construction activity on-site - Truck traffic along local roads Noise and dust 2 fi transportation off-sitc ( million cu. m. of clean - Excavation and movemcnt of 102,000 cu. m. of waste - Excavation of 500,000 cu m. of waste No excavatIOn of waste - Excavation and transportation on-site of 02,000 cu. m, of waste No excavation of waste - Excavation and on-site transportation of 500,000 cu m. of waste Potential exposure to contaminants a L..1I social impact will be dependent to a great extent on the actual and perceived dependability of All the concepts will involve long tenn monitoring of the waste management facility Actual and perceived long tenn the waste management facility MINIMIZE LONG TERM SOCIAL IMP ACT groundwatel will betwccn - Interception of by deep channel minimize contact 25- - Waste removed from East Gorge - Leachate production for 40 years - Waste remaining in East Gorge may still come into contact with groundwater - All of the waste will be stored in an engineered mound Potential for leachate to contaminate groundwater )> ~ )> (') J: ~ m z ---i .. CJ'1 groundwater and waste It waste OPTION B3 Waste remains within several metres of bluffs - Need for long term maintenance and possible extension of bluff stabilization system - Long term reliability and maintenance requirements groundwater interceptor trench not reviewed by Advisory Committee - Need for long term maintenance and possible extension of bluff stabilization system required for resulting from the construction and operation of the impacts, and therefore do not require further discussion CONCEPT B OPTION B2 - Waste remains within several metres of bluffs - Need for long term maintenance and possible extension of bluff stabilization system - May need to replace groundwater interceptor trench & steel sheet pile wal (possibly every 100 years) - Long term maintenance and possible extension of bluff stabilization system - Leachate collector and treatment system OPTION Bl - Waslf remains within severaFmetres of bluffs CONCEPT A - Storage mound setback 250 to 300 m from bluffs ;.>, ,~) CRITERIA Potential for bluffs to erode back into waste - Long term maintenance of leachate collector and treatment system for East Gorge; replacement of various components as - Low long term maintenance requirements MINIMIZE LONG TERM MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 25-40 years required - May need to replace groundwater interceptor trench & steel sheet pile wal (possibly every 100 years) - Long term maintenance and possible extension of bluff stabilization system The potential short and long term impacts on the natural environment management facility are generally the same as the potential social it is assumed that the preferred long term use of the site and the waste management facility - Much of site occupied by 150 m wide, 25 m deep groundwater interceptor channel - Low profile storage mound and cover over waste - Low profile cover over waste - Revegetation of site, including cover over waste For the pwposes of this discussion, will be passive recreation. - Low profile storage mound - Revegetation of site, including cover over waste MINIMIZE SHORT & LONG TERM IMPACT ON NATURAL ENVIRONMENT LONG TERM LAND USE COMPATIBILITY With adjacent properties a- '--F r'0 - Revegetation of site, including cover over waste I. , Low profile cover over waste - Revegetation of site, including cover over waste I 1 1 a. I I I I I I I , I I 1 I I .. - - - ... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Admmistration CommIttee File # Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-96-99 FILE #: A99/028, A99/029 & A99/032 to A99/035. inclusive By-law # Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETINGS OF JULY 15, JULY 29 & AUGUST 12, 1999 FILE NO'S.: A99/028, A99/029 & A99/032 TO A99/035, INCLUSIVE - - 1. - 2. - 3. - Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PD-96-99 be received; THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on July 15, July 29 and August 12, 1999 for applications A99/028, A99/029 and A99/032 to A99/035, inclusive; and THAT Staffbe authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for applications A99/028, A99/029 and A99/032 to A99/035, inclusive, in the event of an appeal. - It' It' - - 2. ... - - - 3. - - 1. In accordance with Section 45 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, all applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled to be heard within 30 days of being received by the Secretaryrfreasurer. The decisions of the Committee are detailed below. Applications A99/028 was APPROVED as applied for, subject to the applicant registering an agreement on title within ninety (90) days, prohibiting the installation of windows along the east wall. The builder had partially constructed a dwelling too close to the east property line to meet the Ontario Building Code (OBC) Requirement of 1.2 metres for a dwelling wall containing windows, and the Zoning By-law requirement of 1.2 metres, for a dwelling with an attached garage. The Clarington Building Department reviewed the dwelling and recommended the proposed windows along the east wall be removed from the plans so the dwelling would then meet the OBe. Applications A99/029, A99/033 and A99/035 were APPROVED as applied for. 653 .. REPORT NO.: PD-96-99 PAGE 2 .. 4. Application A99/032 was APPROVED as recommended by the Staff, that the shed construction may not adversely impact the existing grading and drainage of the property. .. 5. ... Application A99/034, heard at the August 12, 1999 meeting, was TABLED to the next meeting as the applicant did not meet the requirements of the Planning Act to post the sign ten days prior to the Committee meeting. ... 6. Application A99/030 was an incomplete application and has now been scheduled for the September 9, 1999 agenda. .. .... Application A99/031, for 4021 Solina Road, was withdrawn as the application was not required following the Central Lake Ontario Conservation review. The proposed building would not be located inside or within 3 metres of an Environmental Protection Zone. III - 7. The purpose of each minor variance application and the Committee's decisions are detailed in Attachment No.1. ... 8. Staffhave'feviewed the Committee's decisions and are satisfied that the applications which received approval are in conformity with the Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law and minor in nature and desirable. p .. .... 9. Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford staffs official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. ... .. Reviewed by, .. (J hD..xJ2.c= ~ ~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer WIll Da d . rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Directo of Planning & Development SL *DJC*cc .. 24 August 1999 Attach. .. oj Lf .. - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT - - FILE NUMBER: A99/028 ******************** APPLICANT: W. E. ROTH CONSTRUCTION - AGENT: J. D. BARNES LIMITED - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 130 WADE SQUARE - PART LOT: 31 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON - PLAN NUMBER: 40M-1928 -16 ZONING: R1 - - HE~ING DATE: 15-Jul-99 APPEAL DATE: 4-Aug-99 DECISION: APPROVED - 71 - MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT THE COMPLETION OF A DWELLING BEING CONSTRUCTED WITH A SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 1.07 M (3.51 FT), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 1.2 M (4 FT) SIDE YARD. - - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH OP & ZONING BL & IS DEEMED MINOR & DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT REGISTERING AN AGREEMENT ON TITLE WITHIN 90 DAYS, PROHIBITING WINDOWS ALONG THE EAST WALL. - - - - OJJ .. .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT ... PERIODIC REPORT .. FILE NUMBER: A99/029 ******************** ... APPLICANT: MCILMOYLE, GORDON & SHARON AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION - 6144 ENFIELD ROAD .. PART LOT: 31 CONCESSION: 6 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: ... ZONING: EP ... HE~ING DATE: 15-Jul-99 ... APPEAL DATE: 4-Aug-99 DECISION: APPROVED t'T .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO CONSTRUCT A DECK WITHIN AN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ZONE .. "'" REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR AND DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS APPLIED FOR. - .. ... .. ')JO filii - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT - - FILE NUMBER: A99/032 ******************** APPLICANT: STEWART, DOUG - AGENT: - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 86 BONATHON CRESCENT - PART LOT: 17 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON - PLAN NUMBER: 40M-1907 - ZONING: R1 - - HE~iNG DATE: 29-Jul-99 APPEAL DATE: 18-Aug-99 DECISION: APPROVED - Ti MINOR VARIANCE: - TO REDUCE THE REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 6 M TO 4 M TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DECK, INCREASING TOTAL LOT COVERAGE FROM 40% TO 46% AND REDUCE THE REAR AND SIDE YARD SETBACK TO 0.9 M FOR A SHED - - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED MINOR AND DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED. - - - - oj7 .... ... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. PERIODIC REPORT .. FILE NUMBER: A99/033 ******************** .. APPLICANT: BEENEN, ROELOF AND VICKY AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .. 76 BOSWELL DR .. PART LOT: 17 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: 40M-1907 - ... ZONING: R2 ... HE~ING DATE: 29-Jul-99 .... APPEAL DATE: 18-Aug-99 DECISION: APPROVED tT .... MINOR VARIANCE: TO CONSTRUCT A DECK ATTACHED TO THE HOUSE, AND SURROUNDING AN ABOVE-GROUND POOL, LEAVING A REAR YARD OF 1.2 METRES (4 FT), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 6 METRES (19.7 FT), AND TO INCREASE THE TOTAL LOT COVERAGE FROM 40% TO 49%. .... .. REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED MINOR AND DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS APPLIED FOR. .. ... .. .. OJd ... - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ... COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT ... - FILE NUMBER: A99/034 ******************** APPLICANT: BROCKINGTON, CHRIS AND KATHRINE - AGENT: - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 26 AVONDALE DR - PART LOT: 30 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON - PLAN NUMBER: 40M-1820 -16 ZONING: R2 - ... HEMING DATE: 12-Aug-99 APPEAL DATE: DECISION: TABLED 1-Sep-99 - ~ ~ ,~ - MINOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING SHED WITH AN INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK AND A SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM THE MAIN BUILDING OF 0.10 M (4 INCHES), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 1.2 M (4 FEET). - - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICANT DID NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT TO POST THE SIGN TEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE COMMITTEE MEETING, THE APPLICATION BE TABLED TO THE NEXT MEETING DATE. - - - - 0)9 ... .". THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT ... PERIODIC REPORT .. FILE NUMBER: A99/035 ******************** ... APPLICANT: SHERIDAN, KAREN LOUISE & RICHARD WILLIAM AGENT: HUGHES, JAYNE ... PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .. 1697 CONCESSION ROAD 9 .. PART LOT: 30 CONCESSION: 8 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: ... ZONING: RH .., HE~ING DATE~ 12-Aug-99 .. APPEAL DATE: 1-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED -~ 1. .~ .., MINOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 1.74 M (5.70 FT), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 2 M (6.56 FT) .., ... REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR AND DESIRABLE, THAT THE APPROVAL BE GIVEN TO REDUCE THE WESTERLY INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK TO 1.74 METRES. ... ... .. .. 1J6U .. - - - - - D"J: PD-<J7 -<)9 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, August 30. 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-97-99 File #: ZBA 99-020 By-law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: SYV AN DEVELOPMENTS PART LOT 28. CONCESSION 1, FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE 20 ROBERTFILE NO.: - Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - - - 3. - 4. - 1. THAT Report PD-97 -99 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning application ZBA 99-020 to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the development of a day care facility and a commercial school, in addition to the existing permitted uses, be APPROVED and the amending by-law contained in Attachment No.4 be forwarded to Council for approval; That a copy of this report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Plannillg'Department; and THA T all interested parties listed In this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - - - - - - - -~ ~ ... 1. APPLICATION DETAILS: 1.1 1.2 1.3 Applicant: Owner: Zoning Amendment: Syvan Developments Limited Syvan Developments Limited to rezone the lands to permit the development of commercial school and a day nursery in addition to the existing permitted uses. 0.12 hectares 1.4 Area: or REPORT PD-97-99 PAGE 2 lIIIIi - 2. LOCATION: 2.1 Legal description: Part Lot 28, Concession 1, former Village of Newcastle, 20 ... Robert Street, Newcastle Village (Attachment No.1) .. 3. LAND USES: 3.1 Surrounding Uses: North - Residential .. South - Residential East - Funeral home .. West - Residential ... 4. BACKGROUND: In 1993 this property was rezoned through application number DEV 93-043 to permit a medical or dental clinic, or a business, professional or administrative office. On May 27, 1999, an application for a further rezoning was received to permit a Montessori school and a day nursery. Staff clarified with the applicant that they wished to maintain their existing permitted uses. It was also confirmed that the Montessori school would be for preschool children through to the end of Grade One. This type of facility is a "com~cial school" under the By-law 84-63's list of school definitions. Therefore, the application was circulated and notice was given as such. ... - .... - 5. PUBLIC'NoTICE: 5.1 A Public Meeting was held for this application on July 5, 1999. Mr. Bob Willsher, a neighbour two properties north of the site, voiced his concerns with the proposed rezoning, He raised the issues of the amount of green space available, the noise levels which may be generated by the children, the potential for an increase in traffic through- out the neighbourhood, and the possible fast tracking of the application through Council. ... .. - .. 5.2 A submission in support of the application was also filed at the Public Meeting on behalf of Murray Patterson. .. .. ... '\ Ilh/ '-.-I ". .. - REPORT PD-97-99 PAGE 3 - - 6. 6.1 - - - 6.2 - - - 7. ... - ... - - - 8. 8.1 - - - - OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES Durham Region Official Plan The subject property is designated "Living Area" within the Durham Region Official Plan. The predominant use within this designation shall be for housing purposes. Additional uses are permitted provided that they are compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and do not negatively impact on other established land use designations. Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official plan designates the property as "Urban Residential". The predominant use of lands within this designation shall also be for housing purposes. Other uses may be permitted which by the nature of their activity, scale and design are supportive of and compatible with residential uses. ZONING BY-LAW: This property is zoned "Urban Residential Type One Exception (Rl-38) under the former Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. The RI-38 zone permit~ in addition to the other uses permitted in the Urban Residential Type One zone, a medical or dental clinic, or a business, professional or administrative office. The existing building currently contains a community care facility operated by the Durham Region Communit)f:tCare Association and office space soon to be occupied by the applicant. The community care facility accommodates an adult day program for senior citizens and is considered a business, professional or administration office as defined in Zoning By-law 84-63. AGENCY COMMENTS: The application was circulated to the appropriate agencies and departments for comment. All comments have been received and no objections were noted from any department or agency. 7 ab) REPORT PD-97-99 PAGE 4 ... 8.2 Comments from the Clarington Building Division of the Public Works Department stated that a building permit would be required for the change of use of the building. Part II of the Ontario Building Code requires the evaluation and upgrade of the early warning and evacuation system in addition to additional washroom, ventilation, etc., systems to accommodate a school and a day care facility. A fire alarm system and health requirements will also have to be incorporated. Other issues will be addressed at building permit stage. ... ... ... ... 9. STAFF COMMENTS: 9.1 Staff have had several discussions with the applicant, Mr. Willsher, and Mr. Langley, the neighbour immediately north of the site since the application was filed and the Public Meeting held, Mr. Willsher has informed staff that all concerns which he raised at the Public Meeting have been addressed to his satisfaction and he has submitted a written withdraw of his objection to the application (Attachment No.2). ... - ... .. 9.2 Mr. Langley contacted staff concerning any fencing requirements for the property line between his property and the site. He did not want a fence to run along the entire north bound~ as it would restrict the view from his lot. He has confirmed that he has no objection to the fencing of the play area only, but would prefer that the fence be constructed in a similar manner to the existing fence along his rear property line, The Ministry 'Oft Community and Social Services requires that the play area fence be a minimum of four foot high. Construction material is left to the operator's discretion. - - .", ... 9.3 The applicant would also prefer the same style of fencing as exists on the site's east property line. Staff would concur that it would be more aesthetically pleasing to maintain the same type of fencing which exists on the neighbouring lots. ... - 9.4 An additional letter of support from a Newcastle Village resident has also been submitted and is attached as Attachment No.3 to this report. .. .. .. ob4 .. - - REPORT PD-97-99 PAGE 5 10. CONCLUSION: 10.1 Staff are satisfied that all concerns raised have been addressed to the neighbourhood - residents satisfaction and would, therefore, recommend that the application be approved. - Reviewed by, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ".J /r {a--<--L Q~ CC)-c~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer Davi J Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development DJC*ID*cd Attachment No.1 - Key Map No.2 - Public Submission No.3 - Public Submission No.4 - By-law Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Teresa Vanhaverbeke Syvan Develo~Tents Limited 85 King Street West Unit B Newcastle, Ontario LIB 1 L2 Bob Willsher 323 Church St. Newcastle, Ontario LIB lC6 rt Amos Langly & Dareen McNevin 329 Church Street South Newcastle, Ontario LIB lC6 Denis & Philippa Schmiegelow 261 Mill Street South Newcastle, Ontario LIB lC3 aDJ ATTACHMENT NO.1 ... . SUBJECT SITE .." LOT 29 ... LOT 27 .. I -~F= r- !. \ i i i I ! '. i 1 i I ! ': I: I I ... ... .. L ... ------, m-r----- ~ ..... .. Z -----I 0 I ----------------. I - ---~i en ... en --~------jl W ~-<' U " filii ~--.' I '-------, Z --- 0 U ... .." .. I ~ HIGHWAY 401 ~d "'" (' NEWCASTLE VILLAGE KEY MAP ZBA.99-020 I .. filii ... / oDO .. ATTACHMENT NO.2 - - R. L WllLSHER 323 Church Street Newcastle, Ontario L 1 B 1 06 - Voice: 905-987-4845 Email:lJob.wlllsher@sympatiro.ca Fax: 905-987-1308 - VIA FACSIMILE to 623-0830 - August 12. 1999 - Isabel Dekking, Planning Department MWlicipality of Clarington Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON - Re: File #ZBA 99-020, Syvan Developments, 20 Roberts Street, Newcastle Dear Isabel: - Please accept this letter as notification that I wish to withdraw all objections previously regIstered by me in the matter of the re-zoning application by Syvan Developments. - Si~ J{:~~ ----.. - R. L. Willsher 1t,It' - Cc: Mr. E. Vanhaverbeke, Syvan Developments - ti - - - - - - - ODl ATTACHMENT NO.3 ... 2 July, 1999 ;7~il'- JUL 057999'-:-': , - '-': .~ ,. . I / " : ,.. . ':;;''',':~i'lt; I ---- ..,. ~-~~~~~!~~~G ." Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street._ -. Bowmanville, Ontario LI C 3A6 261 Mill Street, South Newcastle, Ontario LIB lC3 ... filii Tel: 905 987-4856 Fax: 905 987-3255 ... Att: Mr. David Crome, Director, Planning and Development Department .. Re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment - Syvan Developments Ltd" Part Lot 28, Concession I, Village of Newcastle (Planning File ZBA 99-020) - - We wish to record our support of the zoning by-law amendment that would allow the proposed '1ntessori School and Day Nursery at 20 Robert Street, West, .. ".:' ,,~;lgtime residents of the area, we welcome this addition to our neighbourhood. We understand that the available space, both inside and outside the building, will limit the enrollment to 19-20 children so that additonal traffic in the area will be neglible compared to that of a medical or dental clinic for which zoning already exists. Durham Region Community Care presently oper~tes an adult day program at 20 Robert Street and is enthusiastic in endorsing the proposed Montessori School and Day Nursery. - - '1urs as you know is a growing area with many young families. Up until now, parents have had to to Bowmai.Jille or beyond for a selection of daycare or early education facilities. As parents vi H. Jr and grandparents of five, we feel strongly that the proposed addition of a Montessori School can only be a benefIt to our village. .. .... Thank you for your con&ideration. .~. ~- --- . h.\ 0('<2 ~"". ~ cL..-:> \2~~ Denis and Philippa Schmiegelow .. .. .. c.c. Regional Councillor John Mutton Councillor Charlie Trim ... ... t 0 ... ATTACHMENT NO.4 - .. THE CORPORA nON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON BY-LA W NUMBER 99-_ - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. - - WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle to implement ZBA 99-020. - NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington enacts as follows: - 1. Schedule "12.4,38 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (R1-38) ZONE" is hereby amended by adding the words, "Commercial School and Day Nursery" after the word "Office" - - 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. - B1f..J...A W read a first time this 13th day of September 1999, - BY -LA W read a second time this 13th day of September 1999. - -"" BY-LA. W read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of September 1999. - - MA YOR - CLERK. - - - - 06'1 ;):'-) PD-98-99 - - \1eeting: - Date: - Report #: Subject: - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Monday, August 30. 1999 Res. # PD-98 -99 File #: By-law # LACAC DELEGATION ON THE BOWMANVILLE BOOK FILE NO.: Pln.34.6.4 - Recommendations: ft is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PD-98-99 be received for information; - - 1.1 1. BACKGROUND - - 1.2 - - - 1.3 - - - - - On July 5, 1999, Council adopted Resolution #GP A-394-99 which addressed the Local .---...~Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee's inventory book on the heritage buildings of Bowmanville (see Attachment No.1). lt'lt' At the following Council meeting of July 13, 1999, Ms. Janie Dodds, the Chair of the LACAC, presented a delegation to Council requesting "that the Committee receive 5% of the ro~ty of each book and that a page 'Notes from the Publisher', submitted by LACAC describing their mandate, input and contribution to both the book and the community, be included in the book". Council's Resolution #C-498-99 stated that the delegation of Janie Dodds be received and referred to staff for consideration of her request and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee". - '\ 01 LJ REPORT PD-98-99 PAGE 2 .. 2 COMMENTS ,." 2.1 Royalty Request - 2.1.1 The Resolution of Council on July 5th stated that the funds received from the sale of the book "be used to repay the funds from the Working Funds Reserve and future use for heritage conservation approved by Council", - - 2.1.2. Heritage conservation is a very general term which has raised some concerns with both the author of the book and the LACAC. The author has given the right to utilize the copyrighted material to the Municipality with an agreement that the profits from the sale of the first 1000 copies of the book be directed towards specific heritage projects such as title searches for designations, heritage conservation district studies, restoration grants, etc. She has expressed objections to any funds be used for education, promotion or house tour purposes. - - 'IIIi -- The LACAC is the primary vehicle for undertaking heritage conservation throughout the Municipality. It is understood by staff and the author that the funds would be allocated for heQ.1:4ige conservation projects in consultation with the LACAC, provided that they meet any guidelines established by Council. ... -- 2.1.3 The authl1t'1has provided her estimate of publishing costs, possible vendors and their commissions, and profits from the sales. She has stated a sale price of $33.00 per copy and has estimated the cost of publishing and commissions through the Bowmanville Museum and a local book store. Her calculated break even point is set at 756 copies and her estimated profit after sales commission is approximately $8000.00. The net profit would only be realized from the sale of the last 244 copies. Staff are unable to verify any of these figures until the book has gone to tender and quotes are received. -- .. - - 2.1.4 In summary the two options are as follows: · LACAC Request A five percent royalty is paid to the LACAC on the sale of each book. At a sale price .. .. ... oil .. - REPORT PD-98-99 PAGE 3 - of S33.00 per copy, LACAC would receive a total of $1650.00. This would be paid out incrementally over the course of the sale of the 1000 copies. - · Council Resolution - The net profit from publishing the book (the profits from the sale of the last 244 copies) would realize approximately $8000.00 (author's estimate). This amount - could be reserved for LACAC projects and granted as funds accumulate and requests are received. - - Staff see no reason to change the current resolution of Council. It provides for earlier recovery of the Municipality's publishing costs and it would allocate more funds for the LACAC to utilize for heritage conservation projects. There would be a strong incentive for LACAC to help with the sale of the book since the profits would be generated from the last 244 copies. It should be noted that the Municipality is taking all the risk in becoming the publisher of this book. If sales do not match the author's expectations, there may be a loss. - - - - 2.2 Notes (rem the Publisher 2.2.1 The LACAC Chair's request for indus,ion of notes from the publisher in the book is the result of a suggestion made by the Marketing and Tourism Officer for the Municipality. Since COIiieil would publish the book, it was recommended that the book be published in a format which would promote the sales of the book, highlight the Municipality's unique heritage and the role of the heritage committee. - - - - 2.2.2 It is not uncommon for a publisher to add notes to a copyrighted document. The Tourism and Marketing Officer has suggested that having an attractive cover may be very helpful in marketing the product. Adding an attractive cover and notes from the publisher, does not infringe upon the writer's copyrighted material. - - - - 0/2 REPORT PD-98-99 PAGE 4 ... 3. CONCULSION 'IIlII 3.1 The Bowmanville book project to the LACAC which has taken a number of years to complete. Diana Grandfield has exercised her right to copyright the book but also to provide for profits from the book to be used for heritage conservation. The funding arrangement for LACAC is better if the funds are generated from the net profits rather than a royalty. Community awareness of the Municipality's role in heritage conservation would be highlighted through notes from the publisher, serving as another important means of improving communication with residents. - ... ... .... - Reviewed by, .... Davi orne, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Directo of Planning & Development ___'-. r~~LQ --(L~( Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer .. ID*DJC*cd .. August 24, 19~'t .... Attachment No.1 - Council resolution of July 5, 1999 Interested parties ~ be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Ms. Janie Dodds 3917 Concession Road 8 R.R.#l Orono, Ontario LOB IMO .... 'IIIlIIl IIIlIiIi Ms. Diana Grandfield 631 Mill Street South R.R.8 Newcastle, Ontario LIB IL9 .... .. ... .. 073 ... ATTACHMI::N I III - (JP 8: A. Minutes - 21 - July 5, \ 999 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONT'D THA TRoy Forrester be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" - Resolution #GPA-393-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe - THA T Bill Heuther be thanked for his presentation and the efforts of the Rubber Duck Derby Comminee in making the event such an astounding success. "CARRIED" - OTHER BUSINESS - Resolution #GPA-394-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Novak - WHEREAS the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Comrninee (LACAC) has been working on a book about Bowmanville's architecture for a number of years; - WHEREAS the Municipality advanced a loan of $13,000.00 in 1996 for the publication of such a book; - WHEREAS the quality and scope of the project has increased from the original book; It' It' WHEREAS Diana Grandfield (the author) has registered the copyright for a book entitled "Bowmanville: An Architectural and Social History, 1794-1999" (the Book); - - ...~ WHEREAS the author has assigned the copyright to the Municipality, or its comminees, for use with acknowledgement for non-commercial use; - WHEREAS over the last two years the LACAC and the author have discussed many issues related to the details and conditions for publication of the books and were unable to reach agreement; - I. - 2. - 3. - THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THA T the Municipality publish 1000 copies of the book "Bowmanville: An Architectural and Social History, 1794 - 1999", for an estimated cost of $20,483.00 including photography and layout by Imagelink Studio; THA T the printing of the book be tendered by the Municipality with inputs from LACAC regarding specifications; THAT the Director of Planning and Development, in consultation with the author and the Chair of the LACAC or her designate, be authorized to accept the best qualified bid for the printing of the book; - - 0/4 G.P. & A. Minutes - 22 - July 5, 1999 - OTHER BUSINESS CONT'D. ADJOURNMENT 10'1.' ~ ~ t. - 4. THA T the funds for photography, layout, and printing be drawn from Working Funds Reserve 2900-1- X; ... 5. THAT Council establish a Bowmanville Heritage Book Reserve Account by by-law for receipt of all funds from the sale of the book and that the funds received by used to repay the funds from the Working Funds Reserve and future use for heritage conservation approved by Council; ... 6. THA T the LACAC be requested to undertake the promotion and sale of the Book with assistance from the Marketing, Tourism Officer and Communication Officer if necessary; ... 7. THA T the LACAC be requested to repay the initial $13,000.00 loan immediately; and ... 8. THAT LACAC be advised of Council's decision. ... "CARRIED" ... Resolution #GP A-395-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Rowe ... THA T the meeting be adjourned at 2:25 p.m. "CARRIED" - - ... MAYOR - DEPUTY CLERK ... ... .. ... .. 015 .. - - - - - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-99-99 File #: ZBA 99-025 By-law # Subject: P ART LOT CONTROL APPLICANT: VELTRI AND SON LIMITED PART LOT 13, CONC. 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE LOTS 1 - 9, ALL INCLUSIVE ON 40M-1970 FILE NO.: ZBA 99-025 Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. } - ., -'. - - 4. THAT Report PD-99-99 be received; THAT the request submitted by Veltri and Son Limited for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots 1 to 9, all inclusive on Plan 40M-1970 be APPROVED; THAT the attached Part Lot Control By-law be APPROVED and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50(7) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended; and .- 10' THAT all interested parties listed III this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - - - - - - - - 1. 1.1 BACKG~OUND The draft approved plan of subdivision 18T-88051 is located in Part Lot 13, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville (Attachment No.1); 1.2 In June of 1999, Staff received a request from Veltri and Son Limited for the removal of Part Lot Control with respect of Lots 1 to 9, all inclusive on draft plan 18T-88051. Registration under the number 40M-1970 was completed on Friday, July 30, 1999. The removal of Part Lot Control would facilitate the construction of 18 semi-detached dwelling units. 1.3 There is an existing agreement in place to cover the Municipality's financial interest as all lots and blocks are within a registered plan of subdivision. ~ ;' OJ 0 REPORT PD-99-99 PAGE 2 - ... ") ST AFF COMMENTS 2.1 Staff have no objection to the approval of a By-law exempting the subject lands from Part Lot Control. Attachment No. 2 is a By-law which has been prepared to exempt the subject lands from Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50(7) of the Planning Act. The Part Lot Control By-law requires the approval of Council and the Regional Municipality of Durham. ... ... ... 2.2 In accordance with the Planning Act, the By-law may provide a specified timeframe during which the By-law shall be in force. Staff recommend that the By-law be in force for a five (5) year period following Council approval, ending on September 13th, 2004. ... - Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ... Da id . rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development ~ ~L-Q~- {~~"-- - Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer .... LDT*DJC*cc.,\" August 23, 1999 ... Attachment No. 1 Attachment No. ~ 1.' Key Map By-law ... Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: ... Veltri and Son Limited 1038 Pinetree Court Oshawa, Ontario LlK lP4 .. ... .. .. .. oi7 ... ATTACHMENT .1 - - _ SUB.JECT SITE .. LOT 13 LOT 12 .. .. Cl ~ CD - -; I I - .. f'.----- - EDSALL AVENUE SECOND ~---i STREET I I I Ii! - BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP ZBA. 99-025 - - a/a .. .. ... ... w .. w a::: ~ SAWMILL (/) .. COURT " 0 .. " ::> u .. (/) .. 10 10' \,' : --~-~~~ . :~~ JA ------- I ______ CkMAN ~--____. --------------- ROAD~-- --------- ------------- -----------. --~- ---~--~-----,~_._-_._- ._.,-----~ ... .. .. ... ... ... It:::::::::::::::::::::f LOTS AFFECTED BY PART LOT CONTROL 40M-1970 , ZBA.99-025 , r .. 0/9 .. .. IIlIIiII ATTACHMENT NO.2 .. TIlE CORPORATION OF TilE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON BY-LAW NlJMBER 99- - being a By-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan .+OM-1970 as not being subject to Part Lot Control. - - WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to exempt from Part Lot Control, Lot I and 9. all inclusive on Plan 40M-1970 registered at the Land Titles Division of Durham. .. :--.JOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: .. 1. THAT Subsection (5) of Section 50 of the Planning Act shall not apply to those lands described in Paragraph 2 within the By-law. .. .., THAT this By-law shall come into etfect upon being approved by the Regional Municipality of Durham and thereafter Subsection (5) of Section 50 shall cease to apply to the following lands: - - a) Lots I to 9, all inclusive on Plan 40M-1970, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham. - 3. Pursuant to Subsection 7.3 of Section 50 of the Planning Act, this By-law shall be in force for a period offive (5) years ending on September 13lh , 2004. 10,10' - BY-LA W read a first time this . day of 1999. - -r:: BY - LA W read a second time this day of 1999. - BY -LA W read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999. - - MAYOR - CLERK - - - adO .. DN PD-100-99 - Meeting: - Date: .. Report #: Subject: - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON REPORT General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Monday, August 30, 1999 Res. # PD-I00-99 File #: ZBA 99-028 By-law # PART LOT CONTROL APPLICANT: 535078 ONTARIO LIMITED PART LOT 31, CONe. 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON LOTS 1 - 9, ALL INCLUSIVE AND BLOCKS 11 AND 12 ON 40M-1968 FILE NO.: ZBA 99-028 .. Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PD-l 00-99 be received; - 2. - 3. - 4. - 1. ... 1.1 - 1.2 - - - - - THAT the request submitted by 535078 Ontario Limited for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots 1 to 9, all inclusive and Blocks 11 & 12 on Plan 40M-1968 be APPROVED; THAT the attached Part Lot Control By-law be APPROVED and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50(7) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended; and THA T all interested partIes listed III this report and any delegations be advised of Council's.cision. BACKGROUND The draft approved plan of subdivision l8T -97028 is located in Part Lot 31, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington (Attachment No.1); In August of 1999, Staff received a request from 535078 Ontario Limited for the removal of Part Lot Control with respect of Lots 1 to 9, all inclusive and Blocks 11 and 12 on draft plan l8T -97028. Registration under the number 40M-1968 was completed on Friday, July 22, 1999. 1.3 The removal of Part Lot Control would facilitate the construction of 22 semi-detached dwelling units. Blocks 11 and 12 would develop with Blocks 34 and Lot 22 on registered plan 40M-1928 immediately to the south of 40M-1968. 081 REPORT PD-l00-99 PAGE 2 .. ... 1.4 There is an existing agreement in place to cover the Municipality's financial interest as all lots and blocks are within a registered plan of subdivision. ... ") STAFF COMMENTS ... 2.1 Staff have no objection to the approval of a By-law exempting the subject lands from Part Lot Control. ... 2.2 Attachment No.2 is a By-law which has been prepared to exempt the subject lands from Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50(7) of the Planning Act. The Part Lot Control By-law requires the approval of Council and the Regional Municipality of Durham. ... ... ... 2.3 In accordance with the Planning Act, the By-law may provide a specified time frame during which the By-law shall be in force. Staff recommend that the By-law be in force for a five (5) year period following Council approval, ending on September 131\ 2004. ... .. Reviewed by, iii Da id J ICrome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Plann~ & Development \ I/O;' - )' L" \/ . -C I' ,yCl.(.L-' '--_- /L'~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer I11III LDT*DJC*cc .. August 23, 1999 Attachment No. 1 Attachment No.2 Key Map By-law I11III Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: .. 535078 Ontario Limited W. E. Roth Construction Limited 1500 Highway 2, Suite 203 Oshawa, Ontario LIE 2T5 .. I11III ail od2 II1II ATTACHMENT .1 - .. _ SUBJECT SITE .... LOT 32 - LOT 31 LOT 30 LOT 29 \ lr=--. ~~ ~ _______ J~ - ~ ~~- - H~ ~ ril;., I IGHIA~A ~o /~'-~'~-- "V1f'1 'Y1 I ~"'"" I I f1i '" .I i~(Li - ... - - N - Z 0 - - (f) (f) W - U Z 0 - U - - - - --- -.-----..-- --._------------.---.-.-- - - COURTICE KEY MAP ZBA 99-028 I - - 083 , r CONCESSION 2 , LOT 31 I J 1'""1 1 t~;i, 0 ! 1";,11 ~ ~ I L ilk; a is 0: ~CJ) ~~ ~ 81 ~ , ~ :::> ....0: ~ r 4.J1 .:sl ii I 5/ a I / I I, r;- -r--.~ i{ _ ~ __- ~~.~~ ~'i 1 ~ ~ - "'~n-.UIc I-~~-- \ ~ _M'''~ ,,\ " T '" v-", \- - , ~ LOCK -::) \ - ~'~~> p" - - --~- j~ ~ \ - F~"'::= = c:: ,; _ =1_ ~ \-:;;= t;;.:.;" .~~.".~'" ""6. I 4.. \ l~':':'M':::'" PAR'-~ ~_ -7l ~ - - LOT 3 - / I _ ,1'\ P:.i<, ~ ~ ~ 0.' i ;-~rO';~ ~ I ~ ' . I L j ~ dc' 64 \1 - .1 :i I 10 I I I ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ -: r. YORKVILLE DRIVE - ---' -- ---- ,- -1-- -~ - -- - -- ~ - - ~ -'--"--- I I I PLAN I I I I I I I I 'ORlJ417 -----. --IPLt.N I LOT 57 LOIIs8 1 I T 59 I LO II "c" I Lori", I Ie' 'C i I " 1 c, ~ I ~ I I~: I ~~ I ": I . j I _, ~ I ~~ I ,. 'I" I ~I' '~I '~I '~I '~I ~~I' ~~ ~ ~i I ~ ~~ ~i ~., ~i ~... ~ ~ 1 1 ~ I ~ 1 I I I ~ ~ I I ~I I ~: I ~ I I ~: " 56 -:1 ~~ ~. "I 'f ,"l ,.i~ , , Q ~ ~ 1 55 I - ~ at ~I LO m~ ~ ~ ;it ~I 5~ wI ~ ~ " f I f'l.:lr~ lOT . j I :3 t I :J. t I _L [,J{D I I -. T- Y[ " ~ " ~ ;'':'H P:'RT I I I I I I' I I' Iii ,dl J ~'I .S I :1' :s.l ifi! I l/ I ':.I,cd 99-028 l JJ I .1lII~ th (l{K ~ LOTS AFFECTED BY PART LOT CONTROL 40M-1968 I -r I I I BLOCK 37 ...... 1-._' _1W3._ WADE SQUARE --T---I--~--I-T--~- I I I I I 1 I I I I I PLI'N I I I ~OT 18 IlOr ILl)! ,IJ I Ll)T 2' I '9 DEV. I I Q I I I I LOr 22 -.-..,.,...0..... -----1 I \ \ & 2J J I l PAR ~. Y.~ I I J v-- -"--' .p.. , ATIACHMENT NO.2 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 99- - being a By-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1968 as not being subject to Part Lot Control. - - \VHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to exempt from Part Lot Control. Lot 1 to 9. all inclusive and Blocks II and 12 on Plan 40M-1968 registered at the Land Titles Division of Durham. - :--JOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: - r 1. THAT Subsection (5) of Section 50 of the Planning Act shall not apply to those lands described in Paragraph 2 within the By-law. - ., THAT this By-law shall come into etlect upon being approved by the Regional Municipality of Durham and thereafter Subsection (5) of Section 50 shall cease to apply to the following lands: - a) Lots I to 9, all inclusive and Blocks II & 12 on Plan 40M-1968, Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham. - - 3. Pursuant to Subsection 7.3 of Section 50 of the Planning Act, this By-law shall be in force for a period offive (5) years ending on September 13th, 2004. Io'~' - BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1999. - ...;:;- BY - LA W r~ad a second time this day of 1999. - BY-LA W read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999. - - MAYOR - - CLERK - - OOJ I.. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ... REPORT ... Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMIITEE % .. Date: Res. # .. August 30, 1999 Report #: CD-29-99 Subject: HERITAGE DESIGNATIONS - 33 CENTRE STREET, BOWMANVILLE 35 CENTRE STREET, BOWMANVILLE 6 PARK STREET, ORONO _ By-law # ... i' ~ ... I t is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: .. 1. 2. .. L 3. THAT Report CD-29-99 be received; THAT the appropriate by-laws be forwarded to Council upon receipt of all required documentation; and THAT the Clerk be authorized to carry out all actions necessary to complete the process of property designation pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.O.18 and detailed within Report CD-29-99. till BACKGROUND t l. With the adoption of Reports PD-132-98 and PD-78-99, Council authorized the Clerk to proceed with designating the subject properties as historic properties. .. The Notice of Intention to Designate has been forwarded to the owners of the property and to the Ontario Heritage Foundation and was published in the local newspaper. .. I ~ ... The period for filing objections to the proposed designation has expired and no objections have been filed, therefore, it is appropriate that the designations continue. This process involves: ... · Designation by-law being passed by Council · Publication of the notice of designation in the local newspaper · Certified copy of the by-law forwarded to the Ontario Heritage Foundation · By-law registered on title · Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee advised of designation ~ I i.. 101 Report CD-29-99 - 2 - August 30, 1999 J j .J j J j j j J J j J J ] j J J J J Prior to passage of the by-law, an authorization form, together with a copy of the deed for the property must be received from the property owner. Upon receipt of these documents, the by-laws will be forwarded to Council. Respectful /~/ /'/ / Reviewed by ..---.\ Q' C\ ~ r&--L'.~~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer IJ2 i .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .. REPORT ... Meeti ng: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # t Date: ... Monday, August 30, 1999 Res. # Report #: CD-30-99 By-law # ... ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT Subject: FOR MONTH OF JULY, 1999 .. .. .. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CD-30-99 be received for information; and .. 2. THAT a copy of Report CD-30-99 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. .. I ~. l. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 For the information of Council, the table attached to this Report summarizes the activities and revenues pertaining to Animal Services for the month of July, 1999. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, .. d ~.~.:... ~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer .. MPKS*PLB*dm tilt Animal Alliance of Canada 221 Broadview Avenue \ Suite 101 .. Toronto, Ontario M4M 2G3 Animal Advisory Committee II. II. ... 703 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ANIMAL SERVICES DIVISION ATTACHMENT NO.1 TO REPORT NO. CD- 30-99 j j J j J j J .J j ] J ] j ] J J J J J : A. ACTIVITIES THIS MONTH YR. TO DATE '99 YR. TO DATE '98 PICKED UP - WILDLIFE 10 54 54 DOGS CATS DOGS CATS DOGS CATS PICKED UP 21 13 118 90 127 73 BROUGHT IN 19 17 98 77 58 113 RETRIEVED BY OWNERS 15 0 93 8 90 9 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 22 20 - 110 91 84 114 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 EUTHANISED 1 4 3 20 4 12 DEAD ON ARRIVAL 2 6 10 48 7 51 QUARANTINE " 2 I 2 I 5 5 1 6 WRITTEN WARNINGS 7 88 127 P.O.A. TICKETS 20 50 22 CONVICTIONS 7 14 11 CALL-OUTS AFTER HOURS 8 37 37 OVER TIME HOURS 24 111 111 B. REVENUES DOGS & CATS RELEASED 36.38 0 425.86 87.74 654.84 77.04 LICENSES 2139.99 0 18357.85 0 22409.50 0 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 1165.50 574.40 5503.75 2584.40 3043.25 1594.38 DOGS REDEEMED 487.75 0 3189.75 0 2970.00 10.00 SUB TOTAL 3829.62 574.40 27477.21 2672.14 29077.59 1681.42 ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT JULY 1999 TRAP REVENUE 18.69 196.28 213.64 TOTAL REVENUE 4422.71 30345.63 30972.65 EUTHANISED 4 SICK CATS 1 QUARANTINED DOG ! 'J 4 L l L L L l L l L l L l l L L l l L L DN: TR-52-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday August 30,1999 Res. # Report #: Subject: TR-52-99 FILE#: By-law # LEASE AGREEMENT 247 KING STREET EAST NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-52-99 be received; 2. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" be passed, authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to sign a rental agreement with Kaye Maher; and 3. THAT Kaye Maher be advised of Council's actions. \,' BACKGROU~D AND COMMENT Kaye Maher currently leases the apartment at 247 King Street East, Newcastle (above Fire Hall), at a m;pthlY rate of $594.83. Staff have reviewed the cost of operating the building, relative to rental fees received.. In accordance with the Provincial Rent Review guidelines, a three percent (3%) increase in the monthly rental from $594.83 to $612.67 was suggested to Kaye Maher. As in prior years, a one (1) year lease is proposed. Staff have been advised the proposed rental rate of $612.67 per month is acceptable and post dated cheques for the term of the agreement have been received. As the building of new fire station is tentatively scheduled for construction in the year 2001, the tenant has been advised that this will be the last term for this agreement. 801 REPORT NO.: TR-52-99 PAGE 2 J l l ] ] 1 1 ] ] l I I I I ] J l ] I The current lease expires September 1, 1999 and staff respectively recommends that the proposed rental agreement be accepted, effective September 1, 1999. A copy of the lease is attached, marked Schedule "B". Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, O~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer 802 L L l L L l L L L L L L l l l L L L L "SCHEDULE An THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 99- Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an offer to lease Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Kaye Maher in respect of a lease of premises situated at 247 King Street East, Newcastle, Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, an Offer to lease Agreement between Kaye Maher, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT this agreement attached hereto as Schedule "B" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of September, 1999. By-law read i! fhird time and finally passed this day of September, 1999. ~r Mayor Clerk OJ) . and- J ] 1 ] ] "SCHEDULE B" THIS INDENTURE made in triplicate the first day of September, 1999. IN PURSUANT OF THE SHORT FORMS OF LEASES ACT BE1WEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Hereinafter called the LESSOR of the FIRST PART KA YE MAHER Hereinafter called the LESSEE of the SECOND PART ~~4 ] ] ] ] ] ] J J J ] ] J J ) WITNESSETH that in consideration of the rents. covenants and agreements hereinafter reserved and contained on the part of the Lessee. the Lessor doth demise and lease unto the Lessee. the apartment above Fire Hall #2, 247 King Street East, former Village of Newcastle, now in the Municipality of Clarington. from month to month. The Lessee covenants with the Lessor to proVide post dated cheques for the term of the Agreement and to pay $612.67, monthly and every month unto the Lessor commencing on September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2000 and will not assign or sub-let without leave. which leave shall be reasonable withheld. The Lessor will review the rental rate annually and will provide written notice to the Lessee of any inflationary increase in rent for the subsequent year by June 111 of each year, to be effective September 111 of each year. NOTICES That any notice which either of the parties is required or permitted to give Pursuant to any provision of this lease may, if intended for the Lessee, be given by a writing left at the demised premises or mailed by registered mail addressed to the Lessee at the demised premises, and if intended for the Lessor by a writing left at the premises of the Lessor at or mailed by registered v It mail addressed to the Lessor at the Lessor's said premises, and such notice shall be deemed to have been given at the time it was delivered or mailed, as the case may be. OVER PROVIDED further and it is hereby agreed that should the Lessee hold over ft HOLDING after the expiration of this lease and the Lessors thereafter accept rent for the said premises, the Lessee shall hold the said premises as a monthly tlmant only of the Lessors but subject in all other respects to the terms and conditions of the lease. The words importing the singular number only shall include the plural, and vice versa, and words importing persons shall include firms and corporations and vise versa. t . Unless the context otherwise required, the word "Lessor" and the work "Lessee" wherever used herein shall be construed to include and shall mean the executors, administrators, successors and/or assigns of the said Lessor and Lessee, respectively, and where there are two or more Lessees bound by the same. The Lessee covenants that he will not do or permit to be done on the said premises, Anything which may be a nuisance, and that the Lessee will use and occupy the said Premises and will not carry on or permit to be carried on therein any trade or business. The Lessee covenants that he will not do or permit to be done any act or thing which may made void or voidable any insurance upon any building, or part hereof, upon the said premises, or which may cause any increase or additional premium to be payable for any insurance. The Lessee shall not allow any ashes, refuse, garbage or other loose or objectable material to accumulate in or about the building, yards, or passages L L L L L L l L l L l l L l L l l L L It It of the said premises, and will at all times keep the said premises, in clean and wholesome conditions, and the said Lessor may enter and view the state of repair. Provided that in the event of the destruction of partial destruction of the said premises, the Lessor may declare the term hereby granted to be forthwith terminated and in such event rent shall be payable up to the time of such destruction. AND that he will leave the premises in good repair, reasonable wear and tear and damage by fire, lightning and tempest only expected. PROVIDED that notwithstanding anything herein contained the Lessor's right of re- entry hereunder for non-payment of rent or non-performance of covenants shall become exercisable immediately upon default being made. The said Lessor further covenants with the Lessee: (a) during the term of this lease, whenever heat is reasonably required, to heat the premises so as to keep such premises at a reasonable temperature; (b) to provide water and sewer services; (c) to keep and maintain the premises in good order and condition and to make promptly all needed repairs thereto; and (d) to provide during the term of this lease one (1) parking space for the exclusive use of the Lessee, this space to be assigned by the Area Fire Chief. HOLD The Lessee shall indemnify and save harmless the Lessor and all HARMLESS persons for whom it is law responsible from any and all liabilities, damages, costs, claims, suits or actions arising out of: Claims, suits or actions arising out of: Any damage to property including loss of use thereof, and any injury to any person or persons, including death resulting at any time therefrom, occasioned by any act or omissions of the Lessee, its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, customers, invitees or licensees, or occurring in or on the Premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set there hands and seals: ii THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON \' Diane Hamre, Mayor t Patti L. Barrie, Clerk Kaye Maher euJ I I I Meeting: I Date: I Subject: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Report #: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITIEE File # Res. # By-Law # AUGUST 30, 1999 FD-1 4-99 File #: 10.12.6 MONTHLY FIRE REPORT - JUNE, 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report FD-14-99 be received for information. 1. 1 .1 2. 2.1 BACKGROUND Our report covers the month of June, 1999. It is our intent to provide Committee with inforllJ..ation relevant to this department, in a timely manner. -. l'r REPORT The department responded to 194 calls in June and recorded total fire loss at $55,800. A breakdown of the calls responded to follows. Continued..... .'tC.Clf.O~P&"lfA "-'>(11 ~ IUCH~lE '-1 : ! 1 FD-1 4-99 - 2 - I I I I I MONTH YEAR MONTH YEAR ENDING TO ENDING TO CLASSIFICATION JUN./99 DATE JUN./98 DATE 1999 1998 PROPERTY FIRES (Includes structure, chimney,vehicle, miscellaneous 26 163 25 138 e.g. furniture, clothing, etc.) UNAUTHORIZED BURNING 9 62 10 46 (Burning complaints) - FALSE FIRE CALLS (Includes alarm activations- accidental/malicious, 47 194 33 152 human-perceived emergencies/check calls e.g. investigate unknown odour) PUBLIC HAZARD CALLS (Includes propane/natural gas leaks, fuel/chemical 21 133 20 102 spills, power lines down/arcing, e.o. leaks, etc.) RESCUE CALLS (Includes vehicle extrication/accidents, commercial/industrial accidents, home/residential 24 149 35 139 accidents, water/ice rescue) MEDICAL ASs.,JST CALLS (Includes assist tlD ambulance personnel with 59 330 44 305 respiratory and resuscitation emergencies) MISCELLANEOUS CALLS (Includes assist to oth~ agencies, other public 8 70 7 41 service, etc.) rl TOTAL CALLS 194 1101 174 923 TOTAL FIRE LOSS $55,800 $2,283,800 $85,750 $379,950 Continued.... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NUMBER OF ALARMS BY STATION ST. #1 ST. #2 ST. #3 ST. #4 ST. #5 TOTAL 107 21 11 45 10 194 -I .) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FD-1 4-99 - 3 - 3. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 It is respectfully recommended that report FD-14-99 be received for information. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~, {'.' ftvv'- J If {~~C -'- L&,~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Michael G. Creighto Fire Chief. /sr .' 10' rr '1 : j ~ I I I Meeting: I Date: Report #: I Subject: I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Res. # By-Law # AUGUST 30, 1999 rD-1:; 99 File #: 10.12.6 MONTHLY FIRE REPORT - JULY, 1999 Recommendations: I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report FD-15-99 be received for information. 1. 1.1 2. 2.1 BACKG"ROUND Our report covers the month of July, 1999. It is our intent to provide Committee with inforruation relevant to this department, in a timely manner. r. REPORT The department responded to 183 calls in July and recorded total fire loss at $213,710. A breakdown of the calls responded to follows. Continued..... flH'ClED~PAPIElI (J:.1'4 ".PfR~..fCYCl[ 7 FD-15-99 - 2 - I I I I I MONTH YEAR MONTH YEAR ENDING TO ENDING TO CLASSIFICATION JUL./99 DATE JUL./98 DATE 1999 1998 PROPERTY FIRES (Includes structure, chimneY,vehicle, miscellaneous 28 191 23 161 e.g. furniture, clothing, etc.) UNAUTHORIZED BURNING 13 75 9 55 (Burning complaints) FALSE FIRE CALLS (Includes alarm activations- accidental/malicious, 30 224 24 176 human-perceived emergencies/check calls e.g. investigate unknown odour) PUBLIC HAZARD CALLS (Includes propane/natural gas leaks, fuel/chemical 13 146 15 117 spills, power lines down/arcing, C.O. leaks, etc.) RESCUE CALLS (Includes vehicle extrication/accidents, 26 175 32 171 commercial/industrial accidents, home/residential accidents, water/ice rescue) MEDICAL ASSIST CALLS (Includes assist 161 %mbulance personnel with 57 387 36 341 respiratory and resuscitation emergencies) MISCELLANEOUS CALLS (Includes assist to other agencies, other public 16 86 7 48 service, etc.) .- 'i~ TOTAL CALLS 183 1284 146 1069 f--..- :JSS $213,710 $2,497,510 $84,350 $464,300 .. Continued.... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NUMBER OF ALARMS BY STATION ST. #1 ST. #2 ST. #3 5T.#4 5T.#5 TOTAL 84 19 11 48 21 183 , I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FD-1 5-99 - 3 - 3. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 It is respectfully recommended that report FD-15-99 be received for information. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by \. CLC ' +C___ Michael G. Creighton!, AMCT(A), CMM11 Fire Chief. ,j (; QM..-{LQ - c ~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer /sr 10' It' rl -fin ... ... ... I ... .. \ .. \ ... DN: gpal' . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 Res. # Report #: WD-34-99 FILE #: By-law # Subject: MONTHL V REPORT ON BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY FOR JUL V, 1999 \ Recomr lendations: ... It is respectfully rec mmended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee I recommend to COlmc:! the following: ... ~ , ... I ! ... ~ '- r .. ~. '- t '- I I lr. ... .... -- 1. TH A. T Report WD-34-99 be received for information. 1. JACK<slfoUND: 1.1 W th respect to the Building Permit Activity for the month of July 1999, Staff wish to -r-r highlight t'he follcwing statistics for the information of Committee and Council. MONTH OF JUL 1999 YEAR TO DATE 1999 YEAR TO DATE 1998 Permi's Issued I 73 495 558 VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION Resi'lential $1 3,867,100 $ 34,023,496 $ 34,531,013 ~ Cor Imercial $1 20,500 $ 1,193,500 $ 5,058,376 I--- . $1 I nc llstri a I 571,000 $ 712,000 $ 2,156,000 I--- 0' hers $1 391,900 $ 15,699,400 $ 2,489,761 -. T,)TAL $. 4,850,500 $ 51,628,396 $ 44,235,150 I I u I REPORT NO.: WD-34-99 PAGE 2 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J 1.2 With respect to non-residential building permit activities, the details are provided,s follows: APPLICANT CONSTR TYPE lOCATION $ VALUE Munic of Clarington Addition 2 Princess Street 230,000 PVNC School Bd Interior Alt 78 G lenabbey Drive 46,700 CPl Cambridge Addition 330 King Street E 29,000 Hare, Kelvin Riding Barn 6406 Clemens Road 60,000 829426 Ontario Inc Alterations 2377 Highway #2 16,500 Mullings, Paul New Building 422 Lake Road .571,000 Kwang Sup lee Interior Alt 44/48 King Street East 4.000 PVNC School Bd Portables 3820 Courtice Road N 22,000 Respectfully submitted, It' It Reviewed by, ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng Director of Public Works "-- r aJ1J2 --2- cS-'k) Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. SAV*bb August 19, 1999 1'1 ul r r r r 3 I r 01. 99 r r fo! ttle month ending r L50 at 999 r . I 18 r~''''' f"' Printed on August ngtol r- Clar ot ,-- ipallty HunIe f Heport r~"" r~ BUIlding ActIvity y r'~ Montt r r ng Single Family Dwelling Semi-Detach (link) Dwel Single Mobile Dwelling Townhouse Multi Dual Family Dwel Othe ng Commercial Industrial Institutional Agricultural Governmen Hydro Plumbing Renewal Demolition SFD SDD SMD TWH MUl DFD OTH COM INO INS AGR GOV HYO PlM REN OEM " " fl " U " " " U u n u u " u u u u U I n U I U H U U U U U fl U U fl " U U n - Construction I I 1999 Y T 0 I 1998 Y.T.O. I I I 20.401,960 00 I 19,138,590.00 I I I 6.967.910 00 I 7,724.010.00 I I I 425.400.00 I 1.370.00000 I I I 4.449,4J500 I 4,006.800 00 I I I I I I I 22.000 00 I 56.000.00 I I I 1.150.1JI 00 I 1,635,55J.00 1~--------j I 34.023,496.00 I 34,5Jl,013.00 1,----1 I 1,193.50000 I 5,058,376.76 I 712.000 00 I I 206.100 00 I 705.000.00 I 241.000.00 I 216,100.00 I 2JO.000.00 I 1,452,161.00 I 15,000,000.00 I 101,000 00 I 21.100 00 I 14,900 00 I I , , I I I I -1---- -----t I 7.604.900.00 I 9,704.137 51 76 76 50 235 I 44 I- I I I I 396.00 Value of 628 1999 386,500.00 00 00 00 400.00 000.00 586.600.00 20.500.00 000.00 97.700.00 00 230.000.00 100 850,500 60.000 200 867 98 J 894 57 Jul T.OI I I I I I I I I I I , I I I Y 68 14 19 .; 8;1 334 27 361 998 ng Starts -~-----T~-I.- I I -~T Group Jul 1999 I 1999 Y T 01 1998 Y.T.ol Jul 1999 I 1999 Y T 01 I I' SFO 21 160 185 I 23 I 151 I I ~; UO 82 88 I 4 I 65 I I SMD 6 19 I 1 I 5 I I TWIl 13 65 61 I 6.L~ 58 I l....~ MlJL I " I I UFO 1 2 I I I I OTIl 26 105 100 I I I I I I '~I- SUB.TOTAL I 60 I 419 455 34 I 219 I --1----1 1-1-----1- I I I CUM 2 I 21 40 I 1 I I I I ItlD 1 I 3 9 1 I 1 I I I I 1115 J I 7 6 I I I AGR 1 I 7 1 2 I 7 I I GOV 1 I 1 7 I I I IlYD I 1 1 I I , I I I'LM J I 14 11 I I I I I REN I 3 1 I 1 I 2 I I I OEM 2 I 19 21 I I 1 --/------ f---- ----I t-~t- SlJBTOTALI 13 I 76 103 I 4 I 12 I ---1-----1 I I ----j- ----+--1 I -1-- 1 TOTAL I 7J I 495 558 I 38 I 29 I -----,-- 1 -j ,--j, -I 1 I I I I I HI' FEES I 49.081 I 542,232 451,663 I I I I I I I I PP FEES I 150 I 650 550 I I I ==------=~~=.~-~ -~. HallS BBued Permits rr- fl U " R U U U U " U U " " U U N U " n " " " u n u " " i U " " U " u n u u " u " ~ L- LN --" ~. ~ ... a"~, ~ L... L...: L...; L.... L... ...... .... L-. .... ....... .....' ...... L....... ...... ..... L- rr'c;.;.::...:.:.-'--~-'---- "l1 II Suml y of Residential Units hleal Areas U N basion Building Permits ISSUl ted on 99.08 18 at 1):50 U 1/ Cur t Year Figures to the En, 7.] I U II-----~___. ~__u_------ n_1I II URBAN ARI RURAL AREA! HAMLETS U II - . N YEAR I BOWM I COUR I NEWC I WILM I OR ON I DARL I CLAF I ENFI I ENNI I IIJ KENO I KlRB I LESK TYRO I TOTAq Q---l 1 I -+ I I I I-f--j f- I 1- I-II Q 76 I 2J9 I 2 I 5 I I 3 I 19 I 18 I 1 1 I I I 1 I 3 I I 299 H II ~-+-I---I-t__I 1 1 I-I----j I I I ,~-j--II II 77 I 118 I 2 I 11 I I 7 I 29 I 26 I I I I 2 I I 1 I 203 1/ II-------t--t-----j-j---j I I I I I I I I -j-~II H 78 I 13 I 2 I 2 I I 45 I 19 I 25 I I -: I I I 1 1 1 I 119 II I/-I-j--- I I I I I I l..j I I I -j---II 1/ 79 I 1 I 2 I 7 I I I 25 I 22 I I I I 1 I I 3 I 6 J II lI-I-t-----I---t-+---l I ~---t---t I I 1 r-__t-II 1/ 80 J 3 I 2 J 47 I I 1 I 19 I 12 I I I I I I I I I I 88 II 1/-- t-I--I--I-I-t-----t__t-- I -j---j 1 liT I .-- 1- 1---11 II 81 I 1 I I 3 I I 2 I 28 I 25 I 1 J I I I I 1 I I 2 I I 2 I 7] 1/ II---,I--1-----t---t--j~__+ I t--I ----1- I I I I-------I------t- 1----1-1/ II 82 I 60 I 1 I 5 I I 1 I 24 I 14 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 5 I 114 1/ II ---I-_t---f--I-I I j--+--I ----1- f------+--t--t I t-----r------t---/______II 1/ 8 J I J 0 I 2 I 7 I I I 32 I 18 1 2 I I 2 I I I I I 3 I 1 I 1 I I 84 1/ II '--I---I~-I---l-I-f--t-t------n I -- 1-- f--+-I~--I----f--j-+~I--- 1 -- 1/ 1/ 84 I 9 I ]6 I 4 I 107 I 6 I 43 I 15 I 3 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 4 I 7 I 239 U 1/---I.--I--1----I-t-/---f------t--I-~-I- -I I I-~_f-_f--t---I-,--t---II II 85 I 61 I 276 1 26 I 118 I 4 I 46 I 22 1 9 I 1 I I 1 I 2 I I 1 1 I 4 I 576 1/ II I--t-----I----I-----j--I----j------t-- 1---1- I I -I--t-I-j--I-I--- 1/ 1/ 86 I 125 I 579 I 105 I 17] I 2 I 82 I 33 I 18 I I 9 I I I 2 I ] I I 5 I 4 III 51 II I/----I-I-/--I-I----j---t I I----t--- ---t----!-~I-/______+__t---I--------+---I/ U 87 I 365 I 670 I 26 I 137 f 3 I 111 I 45 I 12 I I 14 1 f 1 I 1 I I I 5 I 2 11402 1/ H--I-I--I-I---I--I-j-----t--- I ---t-- -I -1-1-1 I 1----1-1/ 1/ 88 I 347 I 633 I 317 I 64 I 2 I 123 I 44 I 21 I I 15 I I 1 I 1 11 I 11582 II U--t I -t------t I I 1 I 1 I -1 --I I t--_f--+ I ..11 U 89 I 181 I 697 I 262 1 42 I 1 I 77 I 49 I 11 I 2 I 21 I I I 1 I 2 I 4 I 1 11359 1/ R---I--+--t-+---I I 1 1 I-_t- -1 -t-----I 1 I I 1--1/ U 90 I 199 I 305 I 28 I 6 I I 25 I 20 1 5 I I 4 I I I I 1 2 I I 594 1/ II-+--j-+--I--I-I I 1 I --t__ --+ -1- I I I +___+__1/ II 91 I 433 I 255 I 46 I 2 I 1 I 15 I 11 I 1 I I 2 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 2 I I 771 1/ II--t ~~I----I-I----t-----I-I- 1 1--1- --+ I I 1 I j-----I-II II 92 I 532 I 204 1 22 I 10 I ] I 14 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 797 II 11---1- 1-1-+-1----+--~-_+- --j--I----I- ---j -I--+~~/---I-I-/-- II II 93 I 301 I 232 I 6 I 10 1 3 I 9 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 572 II II---j---j-j-t-----I------t-t----- +--1 1 -t ~I-t__t--t-/--I----II R 94 I 406 1 ]88 I 4 I 10 I 2 I 11 I I 2 I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 834 II II---j-I--t___ I I I I I I -t -I---t-f I 1-1---1/ II 95 I 229 I 170 1 16 I 1 I 21 I I I I I I I I 2 1 I I 44 7 II I I I ---t- I I I +-I-~/-- --1 -I 1 t------t__I-j--jl R 96 I 217 1 331 I 3 16 I I 17 I 1 I I I 3 I I I I 2 I 1 I 601 II &-j----j--t___ 1 I I -t---t--~t--- --1 I I I I 1 I I N 97 I 423 1 295 I 5 21 I I 20 I 2 I] 1 7 I I 801 N 11--1-1 I I I I .~ ~-+- --t -t---tJ II 98 I 31] I 254 I 4 ]] 1 I 14 I 1 I I 3 I I 636 I U-~I--I 1 I I I 1-1-- --t -t-----II 119918611821..1 61 12011 1 I] 11 131411 t___~------1-- 1, ---+--.- ,.. c ,..c'"~' r"C~ -.------- _.,-~ -------,1 II II II ------- II I TOTAL II III I 15.252,000 00 II -I fI ., 15,161,0000011 -j--- II I 93.554.000 00 II -t -II I 16.333.000 00 II -t--- U I 17.754,000 00 U -I ft I 24.462.000 00 II -t -. I 35,723,000 00 II +---- II I 73.121,000.00 II -t fl I 112,873.000 00 II I II I 162,107,000 00 II .1 fI I 225,021.000 00 II -1---------------11 I 70.309.050.00 U 1ft , 73,408,800.00 a I -II I 97,493,310.00 a t-------O I 64.386.000.00 II I fl I 80,841.005 00 a I . I 57.034,802 25 II t ft I 67,664.480.25 II --II 25.400.831.87 II . 85.350,510.76 B -II 51.606.696.00 I r"' r r-'"- ----.-.r="'" ~_,.."",,"C ,.. ,_. , _,_ HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF BUILDING PERMITS based on Building Permits Issued. Printed Current Year Figures to the End of 99 07.31 " r' r~r'" r r 50 13 at 18 08 99 on ONT HYDRO GOVERNMENT I NSTI TUT IONAL AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DENT! AL I . ------------t I -t I 000.00 000.00 87 29 00 00 412.000 000 00 00 000.00 5,981 672.000.00 00 000 814 000 01 00 505.000 000.00 832 .618,000.00 I t- I 5,341.000.00 I 00 000 478 86 000.00 246 000,00 56 00 I -t 00 I 866.000 000.00 467 00 000 7.466 00 000 506 000.00 e7 256.000 000.00 7IB 260.000.00 00 000 7.28 ~.278,OOO.00 ,445.000.00 719,000.00 00 000 114 00 r,io 0 24 000.00 274 000.00 56 00 000 7,300 000.00 20 00 885,000 262.000.00 I I I 1 I 450,000 00 00 000 630 00 000 770 00 00 00 000 39 00 700 430 00 00 00 500 705 I I I 7.995,000 00 I I I I-------t I 6.868.000.00 I 24 If-- I 3.678.000 00 I I --+ I 17,000.00 I I --t I 5.585,000 00 I I ---j I 428.000.00 I 975.000 330,000 00 839.000.00 000.00 00 000 000 000 100 84 095 439 00 14.207,000.00 000 2.063 000.00 00 000 23 60 3.071.000 00 I -t '.165.00000 I 1 I 5.627,000.00 I 1------ I 34,157.000 00 000 786 000,00 000.00 299 859,000.00 2.247 619.000.00 90 000.00 00 I --I 00 I -I- da I 010.000.00 000.00 000 705 773 8,224,000.00 145,000.00 000.00 50 00 I --I 00 I --I 00 I 948.000 000.00 000.00 49 526 000 350 434 58 500 500 52 413 I 21 000.00 389,000.00 5,183.000.00 1. 258.500.00 10.469.000.00 211.500.00 551 00 00 000 000 438 412 00 750 816 00 00 00 00 00 500 136 25 00 00 00 500 100 705 600 000 000 733 276 951 677 28 000 15 000.00 I I 372.388.00 I 477 00 00 761 230,000 59 17.129.700.00 8.266.515.00 206,700.00 584.900 500.00 100 698.000.00 00 000.00 596 438 241 324.000 000 00 000.00 I ----j 000 00 I --.--t 000 00 I ----t 000.00 I ---t 000.00 I ---t 000.00 I --I 000.00 I -----' 86 00 500.00 300 859 321 000.00 31 0.00 698 86 67 7, 836 216 55 610 712 5,109.000.00 700.00 12.615 146 3,478.800.00 405.00 87 76 500.00 385 067.876 193 64 573 16 11 72.461.955.00 --- ----~- I 41,455,602.25 I I t I 56.047,370.00 I 1 ----t I 72,334.758.00 I -t I 60,673.258.00 1 I 34.021,496.00 220.000.00 52 c:.. Vl L l L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: August 30 1999 Res. # Report #: ADMIN 28-99 By-law # Subject: VIDEO SURVEILLANCE OF DOWNTOWN AREAS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 28-99 be received for information; 2. That tb~ Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono B.I.A. be advised of Council's decision. ~ REPORT: 1 . Background: 1.1 At the meeting held on December 14 1998, Council directed staff to investigate the implications of installing video cameras for 24-hour surveillance purposes of the three B.I.A. areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono. 1.2 The above resolution originates from an experience in Sudbury where video cameras were installed to surveillance part of its downtown area. In order to assist Council to understand the subject matter, Sergeant Bill Temple of the Durham Regional Police made a presentation to Council in February 1999 explaining his 12 u 1 lLJ2 J J J J J ] J J J J J J J J J J J j J 2 research of he Sudbury initiative. The key elements of the Sudbury initiative are as follows: a) closed circuit television system fed from three cameras mounted at roof top and connected by underground fibre optic cable to police building; b) monitoring room located in police building and staffed by persons on workfare; c) cost of cameras and related equipment all donated by businesses and service clubs; d) operating and maintenance costs borne by Regional Police. 2. Cost Implication: 2.1 In accordance with Council's direction, staff proceeded to investigate the cost implication as well as the feasibility of implementing surveillance cameras for the three B.I.A. areas and wish to advise as follows. 2.2 The cost estimates as obtained from a GT A company is $187,560 for Bowmanville, additional $28,680 each for Newcastle and for Orono. The total cost for the three B.I.A. areas would be $618,360. This i~ludes underground cable, aerial cable, fibre hardware, cameras and accessories, central equipment, engineering design and administration. These cost estimates are preliminary in nature and are not based on bidding or tendered documents. The capi~ cost of the Sudbury initiative was approximately $70,000, which is substantially lower than the quotation we obtained for Clarington. The substantial cost differential lies with the fact that the Sudbury Police Station is located in the downtown in very close proximity to the camera. This results in very minimal costs of running cables to the Police Station. 2.2 Operating cost: Ongoing maintenance costs such as equipment repair, power supply etc. would be between $15,000 to $20,000 annually. In terms of staffing, the Durham Police have indicated that they have neither the space nor manpower to monitor the cameras at this time. In as much as the Durham Police would like to assist the Municipality, one can L l L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L l L 3 appreciate their difficulties. In addition, if surveillance cameras were implemented in Durham Region, the priority areas are unlikely to be in Clarington. 3. Comments: 3.1 The Sudbury experience has proven to be positive in that if people perceive the downtown is safe because of the presence of surveillance cameras, then it will stay safe. In Sudbury, it assists the police to move aggressive panhandlers off downtown streets, deter vandalism to city parking meters and allow for quick arrests. 3.2 On the other hand, the Municipality has to realistically address the following questions: a) Do the downtown streets of Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono have similar problems as in Sudbury b) Does the capital cost justify camera surveillance; c) Can we provide monitoring space and afford the ongoing operating and maintenance cost; d) If there are crime problems, are there any other cost effective ways to police these areas; e) Would installing cameras be perceived that we have crime problems when in fact we may not; f) How would the public perceive being watched. 3.3 Law en(prcement is the responsibility of Durham Police and the use of surveillance camer~s should be best left to the police to determine its feasibility and priority areas. 4. Conclusi~ ~, Based on the above observations and significant cost and operational constraints, staff is not prepared to recommend surveillance cameras for any of the three B.I.A. areas. Since law enforcement is primarily a function of the Durham Police, we feel that the Municipality and the B.I.A.s should continue to work with Durham Police to address any safety issues in the downtown areas. Respectfully submitted, ,j rzu.f~~ e,~4G Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer lLu3 OTHER BUSINESS .". . t BIG BROTHERS OF CLARINGTON 23 Scugog Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3H7 Tel: 905-623-6646 Fax: 905-623-0704 - AUG II 8 02 AM '99 - .. - August 10, 1999 - Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3 A6 Attn: Maureen Reid ~ - Dear Maureen: - Please find enclosed our request to Council for an Official Proclamation at the Town Hall declaring the month of September as Big Brother Month. I am aware that Council will not be meeting until Monday September 13th, therefore would it be possible to sign the proclamation at the Flag raising which is scheduled for August 31, 1999? Our intention is to provide press coverage in advance of some of our major events, which will be taking place throughout September. Big Brothers of Clarington will be using this special month to launch our recruitment campaign aimed at reaching more adult volunteers to meet the needs of the children in Clarington. Therefore we hope to publicize Big Brother Month before too many of our events are already underway in September. - - - We look forward to discussing preparations for the declaration and/or with you, and thank you in advance for your assistance. - Yours truly, - :SQ~ 1;( o..vt1^J;L;)---l~ Elly Macmaster Community Development Coordinator Encl. 1 -"t)ts~i:Ri8UTtoN-." I r.' ~fC f "Lt. ,t\ --....---..._-. 1 !~rK ,.y I i O;,Glri:ll ';j .=--- I ;"--. ......- --; ----'1 ~,. 1('-1' !- "~. ., ; ~ r-----....:.. t,. . ; ! ;' ___.R.. ~~. .. ~21'''''l 1- . -~ 7-~"-1 ,-...-.. ._--~ ---- j ',' I t I' I ;-...-..- ..--.- '-- '---1 ,-------.-0.. . - ~ , --.J - ': . I r---.....--~--~. .-.~...... .-------! - - - - , :-----. ....... I .._t . ..' .. ._____ , ,.-.-.-,....-. ._---... '... ---....... : lli' _.. ,.t ~ ~."~.:-::~.. - Share the Fun - BE A BIG BROTHER 1 4 0 1 . t d BIG BROTHERS OF CLARINGTON 23 Scugog Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3H7 ~ Tel: 905-623-6646 Fax: 905-623-0704 ... ... ... August 10, 1999 ... Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON . L 1 C 3 A6 - - Dear Mayor and Members of Council: ... The Municipality of Clarington joins communities across the country this September in recognition of the important role that Mentors play in a young person's life. Whether it is through our new 10- School matches or the traditional BiglLittle one-to-one matches, our volunteers help to make a difference in their communities, one child at a time. - In celebration of their efforts we would like to sign an Official Proclamation at the Town Hall declaring the month of September as Big Brother Month. I am aware that Council will not be meeting until Monday September 13 th, therefore would it be possible to sign the proclamation at the Flag raising which is scheduled for August 3 1, 1999? Our intention is to provide press coverage in advance of some of our major events, which will be taking place throughout September. Big Brothers of Clarington will be using this special month to launch our recruitment campaign aimed at reaching more adult volunteers to meet the needs of the children in Clarington. Therefore we hope to publicize Big Brother Month before too many of our events are already underway in September. .., ... - Yours truly, ~d(~ Jenny Walhout Executive Director "It takes a village to raise a child"; with this in mind it is fitting that Big Brothers and the Municipality ofClarington combine our community spirit in celebration ofClarington's greatest asset - its children. We look forward to discussing preparations for the declaration with you, and th~.~~:.il~:a.dv~_._ __. _. " , for your assistance. i ~)I:.:t 1 RtBu nON ! , l;Ll' h r, , ! "-~"""-_.--.. lACK ,~',. .. _._.__ , 1. UR'~~~.~n_'!~~: -......-~~: i C IfS l~j ~' r . ."z:J Lr"- _. ,LL.. , .ciJ2. ~ (-----~~. .-.. . [:'~:~'~".~"~',,-... . ..-. L..~.~.,_...... . I j r-.-.-o.---....'.'.. ..!. 1---...-. ....... I 1 4 0 2 :.~~- -~..:~~~..~.! ~._,,-~~~,..~ .., ... ... ... ... .. ... Share the Fun - BE A PIG BROTHER ..