HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/1999 .. .. - - - tU ~UNIC:PALlTv ~" U_Jarington =~HARIO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. ROLL CALL - 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - 3. MINUTES - 4. .. .. .. (c) .. (d) IiIII (e) IiIII (f) .. (g) - (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of August 30, 1999 DELEGA TIONS (a) Richard Lovekin, 196 Lovekin Road, R.Ro #8, Newcastle, L 1 B 1 L9 - Newcastle Recycling Limited - Report PD-l04-99; and Port Hope Telephone Company - Village of Newtonville Lots (b) Teri McKenzie and Terry Caswell, Committee of Clarke Constituents, 4555 County Road #4, Newtonville, LOA lJO - Newcastle Recycling Application - PD-l 04-99 Sharon Steele, Newtonville Parents Association, 4443 Highway 2, Newtonvi lie, LOA 1 JO - PD-l 04-99 Sam Lo Cureatz , 104 James Street West, Newcastle, L 1 B 1 C6 - Newcastle Recycling Limited - Report PD-104-99; and Port Hope Telephone Company - Vi Ilage of Newtonvi lie Lots Dick Vooys, 2304 Trulls Road, Courtice, L 1 E 2N2 - PD-1 08-99 Nick Mensink, GM Sernas, 110 Scotia Court, Unit 10, Whitby, L 1 N 8Y7 - Report PD-108-99 Libby Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, L 1 E 2M 1 - Courtice Wetlands - 50 PUBLIC MEETINGS - - (a) Rezoning Application Township of Clarke, 4503 Highway 2, Newtonville PD-, 02-99 - Sam L. Cureatz, on Behalf of James W. Hale in trust CORPORATiON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAt<,INGTO~ ~.l r) r.:: 2'. 'J :-: [ :,' ~.l .l. r ~ I L ~:::. n T ,~ R I () . L ~ <= 2:'" -:). ~: ~B3:TE NNW mun1c:pall:/ :: 3'lngton en :J ..: :':;,r; 301 501 @ RECYCLED PAPER .. G.P.& A. Agenda - 2 - September 20, 1999 .. IIIlI 6. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (a) PD-l02-99 Rezoning Application IIIlI Applicant: Sam L. Cureatz, on behalf of James W. Hale in trust, Township of Clarke 4503 Highway 2, Newtonville 601 .. (b) PD-l03-99 Neighbourhood Design Plan - Emily Stowe Neighbourhood Part Lots 31, 32 & 33, Concession 2, IIIlI Former Township of Darlington 611 (c) PD-l04-99 Application for Amendment to Provincial Certificate .. of Approval - Newcastle Recycling Limited Part Lot 12, Concession 3, Former Township of Clarke 623 ..Ii (d) PD-105-99 Monitoring Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for the meeting of September 9, 1999 637 IIIlI (e) PD-l06-99 Ontario Municipal Board Decision Amendment 49 to the Durham Regional Official Plan IIIlI Amendment 9 to the Clarington Official Plan Zoning By-law 98-118 Consent to sever LD 327/99 .. Lishman/Halminen 648 (f) PD-107-99 Ontario Municipal Board Decision IIIlI Amendment No.10 to the Clarington Official Plan Referral 3 to the Clarington Official Plan Plan of Subdivision 18T-92014 and 18T-94027 I11III Zoning By-law 99-7 and 99-8 654 (g) PD- 108-99 Rezoning Application and Proposed Plan of Subdivision IIIlI Applicant: 708545 Ontario Limited Part Lots 31 & 32, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington 656 .. .. .. .. III .. .. G.P.& A. Agenda - 3 - September 20, 1999 .. "'7 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT / . .. (a) CD-31-99 Parking Enforcement Report for the Month of June, 1999 701 .. (b) CD-32-99 Parking Enforcement Report for the Month of July, 1999 702 - 80 TREASURY DEPARTMENT - (a) TR-54-99 Tender Awards - Summer Council Break 801 (b) TR-55-99 Cash Activity Report for the Month of June, 1999 806 .. (c) TR-56-99 Update on the Final Billings for 1999 Capped Property Taxes 816 IiIII 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT .. (a) FD-16-99 Monthly Fire Report for the Month of August, 1999 901 .. 10. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. (a) CS-14-99 Summer Day Camp Program 1999 1001 (b) CS- 1 5-99 Kids of Steel 1005 .. 11 . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .. (a) WD-35-99 Release of Storm Sewer Easement Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R-1 7785 .. High Street Subdivision, Plan 40M-1886 1101 (b) WD-36-99 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity .. for the Month of August 1 999 1107 - - - G.P.& A. Agenda .. - 4 - September 20, 1999 12. ADMINISTRATION (a) ADMIN-29-99 - 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CAO Memorandum 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. ADJOURNMENT .. IIIlI Corporate Health and Safety Program .. 1201 .. Confidential Personnel Matter (To be circulated under separate cover) IIIlI .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. tllIiI 1M .. lIlfIi .. - THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose and Administration Committee August 30. 1999 - Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, August 30, 1999 at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. - ROLL CALL .. Present Were: Acting Mayor Trim Councillor J. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor 1. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor T. Young - Absent: Mayor Hamre (due to illness) .. Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Community Services, J. Caruana (until II :00 a.m.) Fire Chief, M. Creighton (until II :00 a.m.) Director of Planning and Development, D. Crome (until II :00 a.m.) Deputy Treasurer, N. Taylor (until Il:OO a.m.) Director of Public Works, S. Vokes (until Il:OO a.m.) Deputy Clerk, M. Knight Stanley - - Acting Mayor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. - DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST .. MINUTES There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. Resolution #GPA-396-99 .. Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Novak .. THA T the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on July 5, 1999, be approved. "CARRIED" .. DELEGA TrONS ... (a) Mark A. Foley, The Foley Group, 319 College Avenue, P.O. Box II Oshawa, LlH 7K8 advised that he concurs with the recommendations contained in Report PD-94-99 and was present to answer questions from Members of the Committee. .. (b) Harvey Thompson, 4720 Concession Road 6, Newtonville, LOA IJO re: Report PD- 95-99 advised that waste can be moved safely if all the regulations are followed, however, any movement of waste is a major concern to the community. - - ... .) '..1 ] G.P. & A. Minutes - 2 - August 300 1999 .. DELEGA nONS CONT'D. .. Terry Fox Run (c) Janie Dodds, 3917 Clarke 8th Concession, R. R. #1, Orono, LOB IMO re: Report PD-98-99 requested the following: IIIlI · five percent royalty of each book: · that one page in the book be dedicated to describing the mandate of LACAC; and · LACAC would like a little bit of control for the dignity of the Committee. .. (d) Leanne Gibson, c/o Waiter Gibson, 3141 Gibson Road, Newcastle LIB lL9 advised that she and her spouse, Derek Clark were present to inform Members of the Committee and issue a Corporate Challenge "To Go The Distance" to Municipal employees pertaining to the Terry Fox Run which is to be held on September 19.1999 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon at Memorial Park Clubhouse. tllIiI ... (e) Don Welsh, Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville LtC 3A2 outlined the activities undertaken by the Older Adults Association and introduced the newly elected members. He announced that an "open house" will be held on September 10, 1999 to offer information on the current activities of the Association. He noted that rental bookings continue to increase and that the financial situation of the Association is favourable. There is a grant application to the Trillium Foundation which is currently being processed for the purpose of hiring another staff member who would be responsible for the rentals of the facility. The goal of the Association for 1999 is to have a membership of 600. He thanked Members of Council and stafffor all of the efforts undertaken on the Older Adult Associations' behalf. tllIiI .. III (f) Sally Barrie, Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville LtC 3A2 informed Members of the Committee that the Clarington Beech Centre is an ideal location to house the Community Care offices. The open door policy established with the Clarington Older Adults is an arrangement which makes for a model partnership towards offering health and older program services. She thanked Members of Council and staff. - .. Resolution #GPA-397-99 .. Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THA T the order of the agenda be altered to allow for consideration of the delegation of Leanne Gibson at this time. .. "CARRIED" .. Resolution #GPA-398 Moved by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Schell .. THA T the delegation of Leanne Gibson pertaining to the Terry Fox Run be received and acknowledged with thanks; tllIiI THA T the Municipality of Clarington accept the Terry Fox Run Corporate Challenge; THA T this matter be referred to the Marketing and Tourism Officer; and III .. JvL iii .. G.P. & A. Minutes .. - .. - 3 - August 30. 1999 THA T Leanne Gibson be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" The Director of Public Works, Steve Vokes, introduced Rick Pigeon, formerly of the Town of Whitby, as the Municipality of CIarington's Chief BuiIding Official. .. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. .. Proposed Plan Of Subdivision 18T-99005 .. .. - .. .. - Rezoning Appl. Phip Limited ZBA 99-018 .. .. - - - - - Resolution #GPA-399-99 Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report PD-93-99 be received; THA T the application for proposed plan of subdivision 18T-99005, submitted by Durham Capital Management Inc., dated February 1999, as per Attachment No.2 to Report PD-93-99 be approved subject to the conditions of Draft Approval contained in Attachment No.3 to Report PD-93-99; THA T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by By-law to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Municipality of Clarington at such time as the agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development; and THA T the Durham Region Planning Department, all interested parties listed in Report PD-93-99 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-400-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report PD-94-99 be received; THA T the revisions to theZoning By-law Amendment from that which was contained in the Public Notice be deemed minor in nature and that a new Public Meeting to consider the Zoning By-law Amendment be deemed not necessary; THA T the application to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, as amended, submitted by PHIP Limited to permit the development of five (5) new, 12.0 metre minimum frontage single detached dwelling lots and the retention of two existing dwellings fronting on Townline Road, be approvedo as amended to reduce the number of lots permitted to only four (4) new, 12.0 metre minimum frontage single detached dwelling lots and the retention of two existing dwellings fronting on Townline Road; THA T the amending by-law attached to Report PD-94-99 be forwarded to Council for approval; ) 1,,1 j G.P. & A. Minutes - 4 - August 300 1999 .. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. .. Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage FaciIity PLN 33.4.3 THA T the "(H) - Holding" symbol be removed by By-law at such time as the applicant has satisfied the requirements of the required consent applications; and .. THA T the Durham Region Planning Department, all interested parties listed in Report PD-94-99 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. .. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-40I-99 .. Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim THA T Report PD-95-99 be received; tllIiI THA T the members of the Port Granby Low Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Committee be thanked for their hard work and dedication in reviewing storage options for the waste located at Port Granby; III THA T the Honorable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Natural Resources Canada, be advised of the following recommendations: .. (a) THAT Concept B (in-situ stabilization of waste) is acceptable to Council as the preferred alternative for the long term management of the waste at Port Granby; .. (b) THAT Design Option B2 be endorsed as the Municipality's preferred option for the management of the wastes at Port Granby, subject to the results of detailed comprehensive environmental assessment; .. (c) THAT no additional waste from other sites be received and stored at the Port Granby site; .. (d) THAT, in addition to the standard environment assessment issues, further studies address the following issues: .. · the concentration of Thorium-230 in the wastes located in the East Gorge; · additional data in regards to the groundwater flow through the East Gorge and contact with the wastes deposited in the middle till and lower sands area; · potential impacts of shoreline erosion control measures on other shoreline properties in the area; and · a contingency plan for the relocation of additional wastes in the event of system failure .. .. (e) THAT appropriate portions of Port Granby site be designed for natural heritage and passive recreational purposes possibly including the waterfront trail once the construction phase is complete and the waste management facility is in operation; ... .. (f) THA T the Municipality requests that the ownership of the Port Granby site be transferred from Cameco Corporation to the Federal Government; III . I JJ4 .. - G.P. & A. Minutes .. - 5 - August 30. 1999 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. (g) .. (h) - - ( i) U) .. (k) - .. - - ... Monitoring of Committee of Adjustment .. ... - - Rezoning Appl. Syvan Developments ... - - - THA T the Municipality's consideration of right of access to and use of the site will be determined once the waste management facility is in operation: THA T the Federal Government establish a public liaison committee with representation from area residents, the MunicipaIity of Clarington, NRCan and Cameco, to co-ordinate public involvement in all stages of planning, approval and operation of the waste management facility; THA T the F ederaI Government report results of the monitoring program to CounciI on a regular basis once the waste management facility is operationaI; THA T the Federal Government provide assurances that Council will be informed on a timely basis of any unusual occurrences at the Port Granby site that may affect, or be perceived to atfect, public health and safety; and THA T the Federal Government, in consultation with CounciI, investigate alternatives to mitigate the impact on area residents resulting from truck traffic during the construction of the waste management facility at Port Granby. THA T staff be authorized to initiate an amendment to the Clarington Official Plan to provide for the permanent storage of low level nuclear waste at the Port Granby site and that a Public Meeting be held at such time as the environmental assessment documents are prepared and the detailed design is complete; and THA T all delegations and the interested parties listed in Report PD-95-99 be provided a copy of Staff Report PD-95-99 and Council's decision, FORTHWITH. "CARRIED" Resolution #G P A-402-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report PD-96-99 be received; THA T Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on July 15, July 29 and August 12, 1999 for Applications A99/028, A99/029 and A99/032 to A99/035, inclusive; and THA T Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for Applications A 99/028, A 99/029 and A99/032 to A99/035, inclusive, in the event of an appeal. "CARRIED" Resolution #GP A-403-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Mutton THA T Report PD-97-99 be received; )JJ G.P. & A. Minutes - 6 - August 30, 1999 .. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. LACAC Bowmanville Book Part Lot Control Veltri and Son ZBA 99-025 Part Lot Control 535078 Ontario Limited ZBA 99-028 ... THA T the rezoning application ZBA 99-020 to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the development of a day care facility and a commercial school, in addition to the existing permitted uses, be approved and the amending by-law contained in Attachment No.4 to Report PD-97-99 be forwarded to Council for approval; .. THA T a copy of Report PD-97-99 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and .. THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-97-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. tllIiI "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-404-99 .. Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report PD-98-99 be received for information. .. "CARRIED" ... Resolution #GPA-405-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young .. THA T Report PD-99-99 be received; THA T the request submitted by Veltri and Son Limited for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots I to 9, all inclusive on Plan 40M-I970 be approved; .. THA T the Part Lot Control By-law attached to Report PD-99-99 be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50(7) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended: and ... THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-99-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. .. "CARRIED" .. Resolution #GPA-406-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young .. THAT Report PD-I 00-99 be received; THA T the request submitted by 535078 Ontario Limited for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots I to 9, all inclusive and Blocks I I & 12 on Plan 40M-1968 be approved; ... .. THA T the Part Lot Control By-law attached to Report PD- I 00-99 be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50(7) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended; and .. .. )~b III - G.P. & A. Minutes - - 7 - August 30. 1999 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D. - - THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-I 00-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" - CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Acting Mayor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. Heritage Designations - - - - - Animal Services Monthly Report July - .. - Resolution #GPA-407-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report CD-29-99 be received; THA T the appropriate by-laws be forwarded to Council upon receipt of all required documentation; and THA T the Clerk be authorized to carry out all actions necessary to complete the process of property designation pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.0.18 and detailed within Report CD-29-99. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-408-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Mutton THA T Report CD-30-99 be received for information; and THA T a copy of Report CD-30-99 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" TREASURY DEPARTMENT Councillor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. .. Lease Agreement 247 King Street Newcastle - - - - - Resolution #GPA-409-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report TR-52-99 be received; THA T the By-law attached to Report TR-52-99 marked Schedule "A" be passed, authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to sign a rental agreement with Kaye Maher: and THA T Kaye Maher be advised of Council's actions. "CARRIED" )u/ G.P. & A. Minutes - s - August 300 1999 .. Councillor Schell chaired this portion of the meeting. .. FIRE DEPARTMENT Monthly Fire Report - June 1999 IIIlI Resolution #GPA-410-99 Moved by Councillor Novak. seconded by Councillor Rowe .. THA T Report FD-14-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" .. MonthIy Fire Report - July 1999 Resolution #GP A-4II-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young .. THA T Report FD-15-99 be received for information. .. "CARRIED" Councillor Young chaired this portion of the meeting. ... COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT No Reports ... PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT tllIiI Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity July, 1999 Resolution #GP A-412-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Rowe .. THA T Report WD-34-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" ... Acting Mayor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. tllIiI Resolution #GPA-413-99 Motion by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Schell .. THA T confidential Report ADMIN-27-99 be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered at a "closed" meeting. .. "CARRIED" .. .. .. J~d .. .. G.P. & A. Minutes .. ADMINISTRA TION .. Video Surveillance Downtown Area - - - 9 - August 30, 1999 Resolution #G P A-414-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report ADMIN-28-99 be received for infonnation; and THA T the Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono B.l.A. be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" - UNFINISHED BUSINESS .. .. - OTHER BUSINESS .. Big Brothers Month - .. IiIII .. - .. - - .. Resolution #GPA-415-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T the delegation of Don Welsh and Sally Barrie be acknowledged with thanks and that congratulations be extended to the new Board Members. "CARRIED" Resolution #GP A-416-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T the correspondence dated August 10, 1999 from Elly Macmaster, Community Development Co-ordinator, Big Brothers of Clarington requesting Proclamation of September as "Big Brother Month" be received; THA T the month of September be Proclaimed "Big Brother Month" in the Municipality of CIa ring ton and advertised in accordance with Municipal policy; THA T the tlag raising ceremony be held on August 30, 1999; and THA T ElIy Macmaster be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-417-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T the meeting be "c1osed" for consideration of Confidential Report ADMIN-27-99 pertaining to a personnel matter. "CARRIED" J IJ1 G.P. & A. Minutes ADJOURNMENT - 10- Resolution #GPA-418-99 Moved by Councillor Novak. seconded by Councillor Schell THA T the actions taken at the "closed" meeting be ratified. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-419-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:40 a.m. "CARRIED" August 30. 1999 .. - .. .. .. tllIiI .. .. MAYOR .. , J J DEPUTY CLERK .. .. tllIiI .. .. ... .. .. lIIIII .. "J HALE.PN REPORT: PD-I02-99 Sam L. Cureatz, Q.C., on behalf of James William Hale in Trust .. .. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING -:-.-\KE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of C1arlngton will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed ZOning by-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. - - DATE: TIME: PLACE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 9:30 A.M. Council Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario .. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. .. The proposed zoning by-law amendment, submitted by Sam L. Cureatz on behalf of James William Hale, as revised, would change the zone category of a 0.40 hectare parcel of land located in Part Lot 8, Concession 1, Jnd part of the original road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, and between Lots 8 and 9, (as shown on the reverse) from "Residential Hamlet" to an appropriate zone to permit the severance of two 0.20 ha lots and one 0.19 ha lot for residential use. - .. .-\NY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or In opposition to the proposal. Please note that the time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences, not necessarily when this Item will be considered. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of Clarington Council in respect of the proposed zoning by-law does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarlngton before the proposed Zoning By-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiSS all or part of the appeal. - - o\DDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposal is available for rnspectlon between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 18:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the months of lulv and August) at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvdle, Ontario or bv callrng Isabel Dekking at 623-3379. .. - DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON THIS 19 DAY OF Aug 1999 - .. MuniCipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 3A6 - PLANNING FILE: ZBA 99-008 CLERK'S FILE: D14.ZBA 99-008 - - Jul - . SUBJECT SITE LOT 9 LOTS , I- I-- -----------~ -------, .-----j ------0 i /--1 II · _ ,1 i . II ! I HI LJ Srn8:Ef , I I I ~ i1 Ii' -1--\ " ~ '11r: .~ ! !.....J I !- i 'I > ! . z I 0 i .~ ~W I z ' V \ . ~~/ / / / / /~( ~ \ HIGHWAY 401 ~ I I I \ r--:::- .-- CLARKE KEY MAP ZBA.99-008 JJi ... ... .. .. N . o z o o .. ... tllIiI tllIiI ,.. z o - en en w o z o o .. tllIiI .. .. .. .. ... ! .. 1M ... IlIIIlI '.': P!)-li'i~-9q . THE CORPOR.\ TION OF THE :\IUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .. REPORT PUBLIC MEETING .. 'vIeetmg: General Purpose and Administration Committee File tf Date: 'vIonday, September 20, 1999 Res. n- .. Report #: PD-102-99 FILE #: ZBA 99-008 By-law # ... Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: SAM L. CUREATZ, ON BEHALF OF JAMES W. HALE, IN TRUST TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE - 4503 HIGHWAY 2, NEWTONVILLE FILE NO.: ZBA 99-008 .. .. Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PD-I 02-99 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the development of three lots for residential use be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; and .. .. .., _L THAT all interested parties listed m this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. .. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS .. 1.1 Applicant: Sam L. Cureatz. Q.c. .. 1.2 Owner: James William Hale, in Trust .. 1.3 Zoning Amendment: To rezone the lands to permit two residential lots of 0.2 hectares fronting on Highway 2 and one residential lot of 0.19 hectares fronting on Rose Crescent. ... .. 1.4 Area: 0.59 hectares 2. LOCATION - .. 001 .. REPORT NO.: PD-102-99 PAGE 2 tllIiI 2. LOCATION ... 2.1 Legal Description: Part Lot 8, Concession 1, and part of the original road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, and part of the original road allowance between Lots 8 and 9, former Township of Clarke, 4503 Highway 2, Newtonville. ... .. 3. LAND USES .. 3.1 Surrounding Uses: North - South - Hamlet Commercial Residential Residential Residential .. .. East West - 4.1 4. BACKGROUND .. 4.2 On February 5, 1999, the applicant filed an application to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance to permit the creation of three lots for residential useo The two lots fronting on Highway 2 had proposed lot areas of 0.20 hectares each, and the remaining lot which would front on Rose Crescent had a proposed lot area of 0.19 hectares. All three lots were within the Residential Hamlet (RH) Zone, which has a minimum lot area .. ... .. requirement of 0.40 hectares. Upon review of the application, Planning Staff determined that the reduction in lot size from 0.40 hectares to 0.20 and 0.19 hectares could not be .. considered minor in nature. The applicant was notified and the application for minor variance was withdrawn. .. On March 1, 1999, the applicant subsequently filed an application for rezoning of all three proposed lots. However, the proposal was revised to include commercial uses for the two lots fronting on Highway 2. The lot fronting on Rose Crescent remained as a proposed residential use. .. .. .. .. ') (jut... .. .. - REPORT NO.: PD-102-99 PAGE 3 - -+.3 .. .. 4.4 .. .. 5. .. 5.1 - - .. .. .. 5.2 - .. 5.3 - - 5.4 - - .-\ Public Meeting was held on April 19, 1999. No one was noted as speaking in opposition to the application. Recommendation #GP A-219-99 was approved by Council to refer the application back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent reporto On July 27, 1999, the Planning Department received correspondence from the applicant requesting that the application be revised to permit three lots for residential use. This change in the proposed rezoning warranted that a second Public Meeting be heldo PUBLIC NOTICE In accordance with the Municipality's procedures and the requirements of the Planning Act, written notice on the revised application was given as follows: . the appropriate slgnage acknowledging the Public Meeting was installed on the subject property; and . written notice was circulated to all assessed property owners within a 120 metre radius of the area subject to rezoning. Since the first Public Meeting, Staff have received one verbal inquiry into the original proposal. The inquirer's mother resides at 8 Roser Crescent. The objection was in regards to drainage issues. As a result of the revised application, a written submission of objection has been received and is included as Attachment No.3. This objector's concerns addressed the reduced lot sizes and how they would accommodate the required septic systems for the three lots. These two public concerns are addressed in Section 9 of this report. OJ) REPORT NO.: PD-l02-99 PACE 4 6.1 6. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.2 Durham Region Official Plan The subject property is designated "Hamlet" within the Durham Region Official Plan. Hamlets are primarily for residential use and are to be developed in harmony with surrounding useso Section 1303.8 of the Durham Region Official Plan permits infilling between two existing dwellings, an/or a minor expansion to existing development provided that the development has an adequate supply of potable water, the soil conditions are satisfactory for the effective operation of a private waste sewage system on each of the proposed residential lots, and there would be no adverse impact on the supply of water or the soil or ground water conditions of adjacent properties. Clarington Official Plan The subject property is designated "Hamlet Residential" within the Clarington Official Plan. The predominant use of lands so designated shall be for single detached residential dwellings. Section 12.4.6 of the Clarington Official Plan specifically addresses the hamlet of Newtonville and states the following: . all development is to be serviced by municipal water; . the minimum lot size may be reduced provided an engineering study demonstrates that the soil and groundwater conditions can support the reduced lot sizes without contaminating soil or groundwater; · no further development is to be permitted upon reaching the capacity of the municipal water supply system; and · no further development is to be permitted if there is evidence of soil and groundwater contamination which cannot be mitigated. 00 .. .. ... .. tllIiI tllIiI tllIiI .. tllIiI .. .. IIIlI .. .. IIIlI .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9. 9.1 .. .. .. 9.2 .. .. .. 9.3 .. .. - - - REPORT NO.: PD-l02-99 PAGE 5 7. ZONING BY-LAW The subject property is zoned "Residential Hamlet (RH)" within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle. The "RH" zone permits single detached dwelling units on lots with a minimum lot area of 4000 square metres (0.4 hectares). 7 .1 8. 8.1 AGENCY COMMENTS As of the writing of this report, agency comments have not been received on the revised application. STAFF COMMENTS The previous application for two commercial and one residential lot did not specify the type of commercial uses proposed. The Health Department withheld approval of the application based on the lack of information provided by the applicant. They are currently reviewing the revised application for three residential lots. Public concerns have been raised in regards to the lot drainage and septic systemo The Clarington Public Works Department will be requesting that the applicant's engineer provide a lot grading and drainage plan to be approved by the Director of Public Works. Any drainage issues will be addressed prior to the land severances for the three lots being granted. In regards to septic system issues, the applicant submitted a report prepared by Geo-Logic Inc. with their application for minor variance which addressed the potential for the proposed lots to support three septic systems for the severance of the lots for residential use. The report concluded that the site was suitable for three private sewage waste disposal systems for residential use, subject to a number of criteria being fulfilled. 00J .. REPORT NO.: PD-102-99 PAGE 6 .. 10. CONCLUSION .. 10.1 As the purpose of this report is to give the status of the application for the Public Meeting, it is appropriate to have the application referred back to Staff for further .. processmg. tllIiI .. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, IIIlI \ ,"' I ' ~ (c -- ~', (- '. " - - . -l.- -c/" ... . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.PoP. r of Planning & Development Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. tllIiI ID*L T*DC*df 13 September 1999 .. Attachment No.1 - Key Map Attachment No.2 - Proposed Lot Boundaries Attachment No.3 - Public Submission IIIlI Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: .. Sam Cureatz, Q.c. 104 James Street West NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB lC6 Ray Tompkins 32 Jones Avenue NEWTONVILLE, Ontario LOA lJO .. .. J ames William Hale, In Trust 4340 Concession Road 4 R.R. #1 ORONO, Ontario LOB 1MO .. .. A.M. Lyall 37 Jones Avenue NEWTONVILLE, Ontario. LOA 1 JO lIlII .. OJO .. .. .. . SUBJECT SITE .. LOT 9 LOT a .. --.---..---., --J ~.~ ~ 1- .. ~~ .. - .. -=====---=== .. ,~, .. .. .. W ....J > Z o .~ w z .. .. .. //1 ~ ~/ \ HIGHWAY 401 .. 11 \~____ - CLARKE KEY MAP ZBA.99-008 ... - Ov! ATTACHMENT NO.1 ./-T. c I PAMNlES ~jES. I J I ' , I e_ I ! ' ' I N . o z o o ,.. z o - en en w o z o o I ATTACHMENT NO.2 .. J !::I / .. 2 HIGHWA,~" (CE-PQSII :.1.1 No. :029) ,<0. -~ --~.--- IIIlI ;::;~_,~,N PARCEL A I filii (J e/G!~A!..~. L F~:":AD ..1,.t\fD ; 0;' .. o:>o.\<.\ '. ~ ~ ~ ~ filii <J1 .... C) ci --J <: ~ L~ '" ~ '" .... ., t:::l ~ "! d '" 0 0 0 ~ :ot a:: ~ (!2 C) Z --J --J .... -.I ,,,. ~ Q -:: C) ~ Cl::: ! ~ -.; oq: ~ i ~ I '? " ,T'r"~- Il ~ > ~ ' . i ~ x \OR .. ;J\..:>o.I'< [PARCEL 81 I AR(._O~O"cl i 1 -o~oc I -- A~" . 0 20 f'o.O .. O~ ex tllIiI 5 55.00' 1.32.48' N 71'22'00"[ 187.48' , a '" 5l lil ! , PART 1 8 PLAN 10R:- 2~"; Ii . iR g z .; .. .. \..0\ N 71'22'00'[ 1211.00' IB( 11:>6) DETAIL I>I)T fO SCAlf o -'" IN :., SS\o~ ~CO~Ct.. ~ IPARCEL CI !~ : ...~.._:oo,,~': ! 'z .. SI8( lQO~l 8(W\6) .. .,"pC , ~ o~'-\......... ~ .'jJ~ \ ..~ \ \ \ 18i,..)t,1 N 7,..2'00'[ Co o '" '" 66.00' ~ ~~ 0., g. z ~~ \ :;, ~(NT - ? .~l'. O,s( 2185 T TO NO 1 su8J(C>.j INST . ,,5 Ii, / ~ a o $1 (!2 z ... STREET ':.81'O:nll I ()t'; TlMQ(D) lj"l 0 I~ () :~04 ... - ?~\<.\ ~ a a:: filii N 710.2'00"[ 121.82' ....,." ... I '- .. .. .. filii I OvO IIIlIIIi ATTACHMENT NO.3 .. po, '1'\'fffiID t) I ~ J: ' :~ J. '\J 1...\ J I I' . ~ .-.!-1 ~. . ,p.:,.- l v:' AUG 3 01999 MUNICIPAlITY err c~ PlJ\NNINl1 09'A~ ... ';U(3UST 26, 1999 .. ... ATT'N ISABEL DEKKING THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO ... ... PLANNING FILE: ZBA 99-008 CLERK'S FILE: D14.ZBA 99-008 GOOD MORN ING! ! - I'M WRITING TO EXPRESS MY CONCERNS WITH REFERENCE TO THE ABOVE FILES. IiIII .. IT IS NY UNDERSTANDING THAT ANY NEW LOTS IN OUR KUNICIPALITY ARE REQUIRED TO BE 1.00 ACRE TO SUPPORT THE NECESSARY SEPTIC SYSTEM. THE REASONING BEHIND THIS IS TO PROVIDE ENOUGH ROOM FOR AN ADDITIONAL BED SHOULD THE FIRST ONE FAIL. THIS PROPOSAL, IF APPROVED, WOULD PUT THREE BEDS ON APPROXlKATELY 1.5 ACRES WHEN THE BY-LAW REQUIRES THREE. THE FACT THAT TWO OF THEM WOULD BE ON A VERY STEEP HILL KAKES IT EVEN MORE ONEROUS. THIS AREA ALREADY HAS TOO HIGH A DENSITY OF BEDS PER ACRE AND THIS PLAN WILL ONLY COMPOUND THE PROBLEM. .. - - I BELIEVE ABOUT 6-7 YEARS BACK A SUB-DIVISION PROPOSAL FROM QUADRILLIUM CORPORATION WAS TURNED DOWN AND ONE OF THE REASONS WAS THE FACT THAT THE LOT SIZE DID NOT MEET THE BY- LAW OF THAT TIME WHICH WAS 075 ACRES 0 THIS NEW PLAN DOESN'T EVEN MEET THE OLD BY-LAW. .. ... JUST FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE I HAVE ENCLOSED A COPY OF A ARTICLE THAT APPEARED IN THE OSHAWA TIMES RE THE PROBLEMS ONE MS. BOYES WENT THROUGH TRYING TO GET APPROVAL FOR 2\1.00 ACRE LOTS. .. A.M. (SANDY) LYALL / {/ /71 37 JONE; ~E NEWTONVILLE 0 LOA IJO .. - ... .. o J/ .. .... 'Y!('t. '-~imt~~:~~~~~ : DrU'~ n::a"Y.OUIIU~:U'nlalr;~alr'ks"a:J'~.) ~ \i ,,L 'll~~~~"t."'~",,~,~, I., tJ.: tllIiI ' v;:., ~-;,..'~.~~ '':~,:. " .:' "~iii:oo;.~. :i '~....~"". .. .' ' . . . , ,.' , · ~. ',; th r se~~~ea~' rce(~/ould :~~groWn Ute 30-year-Old home they li By John MacDo~ald .. . .' me~. . 801_ etildn't" aveenough. ~n'a'rid wantsfO' bUild 'becaUSe tht "'..... Timm .Wf . ... . .. ~~~~~ irf~ ifariiily" use'ind the 'i'e;.nt hOm......\!f~liiKed. " .. BOWMANVILLE 7" A Newcastle possibility existed of water ~irig' con t;jeel :lik~i:!J.. i. 'l'get~~th~~\n ~ m.other and ~ard 2 councillor John~ laminated bY'~le ~t!.c~}jk" ..~d.~~' ,J.liiie~wgo ) O,Toole arent'pIeased with the I'!ln~'~~;0-~But~jgot ,profal'~lrom..', .~re'~tii f.lb~ ':'"'l...~~ber t . around the .wo. m. a. n. h~ been getting I~' Health~:sel'Vl. . . ces ~ ...1!Partmen~.l1.hey ,.~~"~a fWhol~~~set;9!:pro~ler ...i e i from tow~ council smce Jan. Uary. ,I~":said ;there:was~plenty of I<?Oni' o. 9!!have~d.~.~.,...tb~!.1 ~~~Id. 1 over_the severance..t~f ,he~:...ta"!ily sr calise Ihave'aft1llacre.~.t~~"".t>..' , want them to'show some~~ f '." two-acre parcel of landoJ ,~"",r~.,;t~:~ ':. : Boyes'said. she .:complied ':)Vith;Ii ;: yappli~~on.~ia_~'!:;~t~"';.\'1'.~ s ; . Mary Jo Boyes of Truller:s Road In .' the wishes 'of thiLtown; but .the.'lasL~'Monday Dlgbt..counCil faUea to de y i ~ampton ma~e he~ fouth~? to coun-!i~ straw was :when she was told to pay,,'with Boyes'i application;. electing .... 1 . cIl Monday n~ght. ,beggmg . them to 'for an environrnental'studyon the ~ put it off for another month. A mo' e pa~s her ~ppllcatlOn to sever the iam: proposed severance. ~hat cauSedhe~ .l;which ~dn'tsit,~w~~ .....W~tl,1... Cou r 11y s land Into two one-acre lots. ';" f;',- third trip'tothe'councll chamber,<t~?~J~i,Q'Toole.:tt!1S;~.:~",:,~~,:" I.,. ..... " ... She wants to sellhalf the land and "7/''1'j' C"d.\tlli-t I,..,.~t"'~d 'rifO'Toole saId the apphcation w;.... k 'the home she, her husband and two us sal ~o 0 a. m ,n~ !l e-,:, originally delayed by the region, If sons live~, and build.~~ho~e on the.ve1~~ythr, ;1 d?llictwtbn~ .co~~~':ftl.gOVernmeilt 'butlifjJow. haS "the e ' se~er~ acre.'.They can only afford to or mg e. a on .' .~, blessing" since they completed the bUIId If they sell one acre. wa~t one home for me and my familY'f:'9fficial P1anstudY'<:''''''t'\r~''';?,.L ", y"Y~u,go~p,'(here (to 'aco~cil I like"the:a~a~~,.,\V~~,t:..t)~~.~r-'ji.;l'Now,"Newcastle 'council is d. IIIlI meet11lg) .' and. speak and they Just there" sh~,~~ts '''~i' ". }T;i~:'~~~aying .it for ..another . month. We'r look at you like they aren't paying at,.. She hopes Monday's trip to'council ~JUst not being responsive enough I lention. I just wish somebody on - her fourth - will be her 1ast"She' the'Citizens. .,' ."~' :. . Council would ask me a question or simply wants council to spell out what~:. ': ~'We're making the'bureaucrats g .. ~ive me an answer," Boyes said. they want her to do to ha ve her appli.: back and look at it again when thi She first spoke to council after her cation approved, especially a.fter. the ci~~n d~rves ~n answer," 0'T001. application was denied because front. town has granted. other applications. said m an 111temew after the counc, : age on the proposed lot is less than around her! she sald...~ ."":;~.>.M;' ~<'!~Wi~~'~~,~ ',_ .... 't,ltpe town's,r~uirement of 100 feet. :"~,\"l.,' "....There inaybe1i'li'eeze'onllami.etS~..- . Dunng th~ meetiDg;-he iSked coun "The majority of lots in my neigh- in Newcastle, but they are passmg ..~. cll todea1 Wlth th~ maUeJ:. but M~yo borhood aren't 100 ~eet, "Boyes con- some applications similar .to min~. It;l?iane ~Inn; saId that w?ul~ t bl, tends. ..The two beside me are 66 and happened up the street five houses ,. approprIate SInce the town s directol .... 83 feet wide." from me," Boyes sai9.: . ' " . ., of p1ann;ng, ~r~nk ~u, told ~OunCI Then bureaucrats for the town's A mother of two boys aged rune and; he wasn t familIar With Boyes appll Planning and Development Depart- 11, said her family has simply out- cation. .'. --"~"'''''''~''''-'':.a'-.n:,..,~'f;>'~e'~4f'"~.:aI-''''' ...- J IIIlI .. .. .. IlIIIlI .... 1 o l,) ... I'DI03-'l'l .. .. .. \leeting: Date: .. Report #: .. Subject: .. - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT General Purpose and Administration Committee File 11 Monday, September 20, 1999 Res. # PD-l03-99 FILE #: PLN 31.5.4 By-law # NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN EMIL Y STOWE NEIGHBOURHOOD PART LOTS 31, 32 & 33, CONe. 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: PLN 31.5.4 Recommendations: .. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: .. 1. THAT Report PD-l 03-99 be received; - 2. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to all interested parties. .. 1.1 1. NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLANS 1.2 The design plans are to detail the following: locations of schools, parks and open space blocks, including stormwater management blocks; lotting patterns and residential densities; road alignments within a neighbourhood, including right-of-way widths and required widenings; walking or cycling trail systems, as well as future transit routes. .. .. IiIII .. .. .. - .. The Clarington Official Plan requires the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan prior to consideration of any plan of subdivision in a neighbourhood not having a Design PIano These plans do not require Council approval but are to be utilized by staff in reviewing subdivision applications for the specific neighbourhood. They are also valuable documents in which to illustrate to existing residents and perspective purchasers the intended land uses proposed in a neighbourhoodo . . . . J ... REPORT NO.: PD-l03-99 PAGE 2 IIlIII 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 3.1 3.1.1 IIlIII BACKGROUND Subdivision application l8T -95028, submitted by G. M. Sernas and Associates Limited on behalf of 708545 Ontario Limited, precipitated the preparatIon of a Neighbourhood Design Plan for the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood in Courtice. (Attachment No.1 shows the limits of the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood)o Report PD-43-98 to the April 6, 1998 Committee meeting advised that a draft Neighbourhood Design Plan for Emily Stowe Neighbourhood had been submitted by the applicant, and that a Public Information Centre was to be held on April 15, 1998. IIlIII .. .. - .. Staff directed the applicant to concentrate the neighbourhood design efforts on the lands subject to the subdivision application, including the provision of a new Park, a new storm water management facility and a new Type C Arterial Road which connects Prestonvale and Trulls Roads. Access to the northern portion of the neighbourhood at the easterly and westerly limits of the neighbourhood is also being established with the southerly extension of Granville Drive and the establishment of a new Collector Road to provide a connection from Glenabbey Drive to the new Type C Arterial Roado IIIIi .. IIIlI .. This Plan was not finalized until recently due to other staff commitments and the review of off-street parking issues. Furthermore the servicing of the southern portion of the lands are dependent on the construction of services in south-west Courtice (between Townline and Prestonvale Road south of Glenabbey Drive), and cannot develop in the immediate future. .. .. .. EMILY STOWE NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN DETAILS Parks. Open Space Areas and Trails This neighbourhood has one environmental feature within its limitso It was determined that an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) was not required during the review of this subdivision since the plan of subdivision was submitted in March of 1995, 20 months .. .. .. J I ~ IlIII .. .. REPORT NO.: PD-103-99 PAGE 3 .. .. prior to the approval of the Clarington Official Plan. Furthermore, the Regional Plan did not identify any environmentally significant features that would trigger such a study. 3.1.2 There are 3 parks within this neighbourhoodo A large Neighbourhood Park, 1.99 hectares in size, is located adjacent to the Emily Stowe Public School. Two other parkettes are found adjacent to the open space corridor between Glenabbey Drive and John Walter Crescent. These parkettes are 00738 hectares and .822 hectares in size. ... .. - 3.1.3 An open space corridor is provided along the associated tributaries of Robinson Creek within this neighbourhood. This corridor is also identified on the Neighbourhood Design Plan as accommodating a portion of the Municipality's trail system within the Courtice Major Urban Area, eventually providing a link to the Emily Stowe Public School and the Courtice Main Central Area. .. .. - 3.2 3.2.1 - .. .. ., J J -'.-.- .. .. .. - - .. Population and HOllsinr; Table 9.2 in the Municipal Official Plan identifies the housing target for this neighbourhood allocated as follows: . 1475 low density units; . 275 medium density units; and . 550 intensification units. The neighbourhood design plan has provided for 1503 low density units and 276 medium density units, for a total of 1779 residential units. The number of low density units exceeds the number given in the Official Plan by 28 units or 1.8%. The population and unit allocation tigures as contained in the Official Plan are meant to be approximate, unless otherwise specified. The intensification units identified above are anticipated either in the form of apartments in houses, the division of some larger residential lots and primarily in the redevelopment of lands abutting Highway 2. '.jIJ REPORT NO.: PD-103-99 PAGE 4 3.3 Servicing 3.3.1 As noted in Section 2.3 of this Report. the servicing of the southern portion of these lands is dependent on the construction of services in south-west Courtice through the development of draft approved plans of subdivision 18T-89037, 18T-95023 and 18T- 95026. A 300 mm watermain on Glenabbey Drive will provide water to the southern portion of the neighbourhood with other internal watermains sized appropriately to distribute water for domestic consumption purposes. 3.3.2 Since the services are being extended from the west, the phasing of the Neighbourhood also proceeds in a west to east manner with a total of four phases. 3.3.3 The servicing of the Neighbourhood is slightly hindered by the undulating topography in the south-west portion of the Neighbourhood near the vicinity of the intersection of Prestonvale Road and the new Type "C" Arterial roadway. Phase 1 of the Neighbourhood Design Plan includes the extension of both Glenabbey Drive and the new Type "C" Arterial in order to provide vehicular access to the site. The extension of the Type "C" Arterial will necessitate the placement of fill and/or the construction of concrete box culverts. 4. AGENCY COMMENTS 4.1 The neighbourhood design plan was revised several times and was circulated to obtain comments from various other departments and agencies. 4.2 The Durham Regional Planning Department offered no comments with regard to the Neighbourhood Design Plan. 4.3 The Municipality of Clarington Fire Department offered no objection to the Neighbourhood Design Plan and noted concurrence with the size of the watermains, as they relate to the provision of fire protection. 'J I t ... ... IIIlI .. ... liliiii .. .. .. .. .. IIIlI .. .. .... ... IIIii .. .. .. .. .. IiIII .. .. .. .. 9. 9.1 .. - .. 9.2 .. .. .. 9.3 .. .. - - .. REPORT NO.: PD-102-99 PAGE 5 '7 ,. ZONING BY-LAW 7.1 The subject property is zoned "Residential Hamlet (RH)" within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle. The "RH" zone permits single detached dwelling units on lots with a minimum lot area of 4000 square metres (0.4 hectares). 8. 8.1 AGENCY COMMENTS As of the writing of this report, agency comments have not been received on the revised application. ST AFF COMMENTS The previous application for two commercial and one residential lot did not specify the type of commercial uses proposed. The Health Department withheld approval of the application based on the lack of information provided by the applicant. They are currently reviewing the revised application for three residential lots, Public concerns have been raised in regards to the lot drainage and septic system. The Clarington Public Works Department will be requesting that the applicant's engineer provide a lot grading and drainage plan to be approved by the Director of Public Works. Any drainage issues will be addressed prior to the land severances for the three lots being grantedo In regards to septic system issues, the applicant submitted a report prepared by Geo-Logic Inc. with their application for minor variance which addressed the potential for the proposed lots to support three septic systems for the severance of the lots for residential use. The report concluded that the site was suitable for three private sewage waste disposal systems for residential use, subject to a number of criteria being fulfilled. 00J .. REPORT NO.: PD-102-99 PAGE 6 .... 10. CONCLUSION .. 10.1 As the purpose of this report is to give the status of the application for the Public Meeting, it is appropriate to have the application referred back to Staff for further tllIiI processmg. ... IIIlI Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, .. I ~ .....!c .'- -~ " i - '. " . ~ -c",-, .. . Crome, M.CoI.P., R.P.P. r of Planning & Development Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. .. ID*L T*DC*df 13 September 1999 .. Attachment No. 1 - Key Map Attachment No.2 - Proposed Lot Boundaries Attachment No.3 - Public Submission ... Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: .. Sam Cureatz, Q.C. 104 James Street West NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1 B 1 C6 Ray Tompkins 12 Jones Avenue NEWTONVILLE, Ontario LOA 1 JO .. .. James William Hale, In Trust 4340 Concession Road 4 R.R. #1 ORONO, Ontario LOB I MO ... .. A.M. Lyall 37 Jones Avenue NEWTONVILLE, Ontario. LOA 1 JO .. .. OuD .. .. ATTACHMENT NOol .. . SUBJECT SITE .. LOT 9 LOTS .. ----.-.- ~ f~ ~-----j i .. ....:..-r------: .. - c .. PA~NlE~ 1jES. ... ,~--~r-- .. ....----- .. .. W ....J > Z o ..~ w z .. .. ... -/1 _/~V HIGHWAY 401 .. I I \ ~ ___ - CLARKE KEY MAP ZBA. 99-008 ... - o~! N . o z o o ,.. z o - en en w o z o o I J !'i / CH!Gi,^/AL 0;' lk--- . ~T"'{S' ,U<<;U S ~ - LOT e, CQt.r:ESSM:>N I i:~ - i'fJ.5'l' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SEE DET AA. ci <: lIJ ..... a -J ~ l.c L ~ '" ..... '" l.c 'Xl ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ a z -J -J .,. ,.,. Cl <3 ~ ! N 71022'oo'E 126.00' PARCEL A I Q ~ o Q:: AR{A. 020 1'00 .. O~ oc -.J ~ o <3 ~~ ~ ,'2. DETAIL ~ ; "'t:)! 10 ~"'l[ 8 5!:: ....~r ~ zo ~T~'~ 2~.~~'Jd"l ~ z..... 1. :~~ll I I . ,,....~- I \ \ \ -~ \ i i ) ~ :e > ~ I , . I ~ g : '" '~=-,"\.,.J ~ .t.'j..I~ :~~ I '- ATTACHMENT NO.2 .. .. 2 HIGHW A ~" u"\t="POSiT:.v I,V- No. ~029) .-------- .~- .. ;:;,..:..N ,<0. .. AND ' BY BY-LA W No. 48. "'sr. No. 253) .. ?~\<.\ "\ .. ,OR liliiii ;:>\..."N iPARCEL 81 I AR(A_O~O"'" I I . O~ oc ! IIIlI -- 5 b 01 g i ~ ~ PART 1 8 PLAN IOR:- 2~':! tI o ill g z ..; CI \... 0 "\ 55.00' tllIiI 9:I'06} 1.32.48' N 71'22'oo'E 167.48' i b -'" I ('oj : '" ss\o~ O~Ct. [PARCEL Ci .. :c 0 C 0 ~ ~ I Z A.R{. - ot':# ho .. 0..1 oc ';l8(1OO~) .."'W) III 18l111.)b1 N 71'. 2'oo"E b o '" '" 56.00' :c ~ti 0", ~..,. 1M :c '0 o $1 $1 z ~~ \ .~ .,.0.1 ~- ? e>.? EASE 21e5 CliO NO.' SiJ6JE INS1 AS IN / STREET /' ,>18{~) r ()I'S TlM9[Dl "(1)l./ 0 lj (\ z .. N 71'.2'00"E 121.62' ..,.." I L..J V) o Q:: .\ . \,:0..\<.\ .J .. .. .. ... fill ., OvO lIIIIi ATTACHMENT NO.3 - r-rl"l\\J. mID ~) I ~:' r:: J. ,-' \..' '11"~.:.-!-1 ~. . ii}~ \ , v: AU& 3 01999 ~UN\CIP^\-'TY err c~~ PlJ\NNINl1 OEPA~ ... i\U(3UST 26, 1999 .. ... ATT'N ISABEL DEKKING THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO ... ... PLANNING FILE: ZBA 99-008 CLERK'S FILE: D14.ZBA 99-008 GOOD MORNING! ! ... I'M WRITING TO EXPRESS MY CONCERNS WITH REFERENCE TO THE ABOVE FILES. - ... IT IS NY UNDERSTANDING THAT ANY NEW LOTS IN OUR MUNICIPALITY ARE REQUIRED TO BE 1.00 ACRE TO SUPPORT THE NECESSARY SEPTIC SYSTEM. THE REASONING BEHIND THIS IS TO PROVIDE ENOUGH ROOM FOR AN ADDITIONAL BED SHOULD THE FIRST ONE FAIL. THIS PROPOSAL, IF APPROVED, WOULD PUT THREE BEDS ON APPROXIKATELY 1.5 ACRES WHEN THE BY-LAW REQUIRES THREE. THE FACT THAT TWO OF THEM WOULD BE ON A VERY STEEP HILL KAKES IT EVEN MORE ONEROUS. THIS AREA ALREADY HAS TOO HIGH A DENSITY OF BEDS PER ACRE AND THIS PLAN WILL ONLY CON POUND THE PROBLEM. .. .. - I BELIEVE ABOUT 6-7 YEARS BACY- A SUB-DIVISION PROPOSAL FROM QUADRILLIUr-1 CORPOH.ll..TION '-dAS TURNED DOWN AND ONE OF THE REASONS v~AS THE FACT THAT THE LOT SIZE DID NOT MEET THE BY- LAW OF THAT TIME WHICH WAS .75 ACRES 0 THIS NEW PLAN DOESN'T EVEN MEET THE OLD BY-LAW. ... ... JUST FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE I HAVE ENCLOSED A COPY OF A ARTICLE THAT APPEARED IN THE OSHAWA TIMES HE THE PROBLEMS ONE MS. BOYES WENT THROUGH TRYING TO GET APPROVAL FOR 2\1.00 ACRE LOTS. .. ... A.M. (SANDY) LYALL / c/ fr1 37 JONE; ~E NEWTONVILLE LOA lJO .. ... - r, .~ 'oJ .J ! ... ... : DrU"~ n::arOUrlU;!Unralt~air~sa~i .1 \i .. .< .-. .~-_~Hn!.,.".-. ".< tr .. ' v", ..-;; .' '~;- '';~,:' " .: :.:I"::;';::'~.~,:> \.,"'" , h ~,. Id ment c"l'rl ther se' "v',~~eO harcefv/ould ;~~grOWIl the 30-Year-Old ho~~ tI1ey li Bv Jo n Mac ona , . . ~ - , .. '. _, " ",o'd'" ts '~;.' J:.'.l1d'J;._"::",-- th " .'. " , be small 'and wouldn't aveenough an wan IoU /oIlW, ~use t OshawaTimesSlaCf ' - '-',.. H. .....&~ '''''''''~'th'''' ',', 'tlNi!-....I;;...ed .. water on it for a family's use;,lUld ~et ~!!n., om~~ "~:'~"i . ,'~:. BOWMANVILLE -::- A Newcastle possibility existed of water beirig Co ' 'I. :feel1ike:!I'm 1'ge~~ o the' n tllIiI .. m,other and r'ard 2 councillor John" taminatedbY_~I'. ~t!.c~)pc'-' <.~d.~~)leW;?1e~P.!igo ) ,O,Toole arent'pIeased with the ~n~'~~;'r::~"But~Jgot ,profal'~!rom.dh~re~tii db~~~ber t ,around the .wo, m, a, n. h~ been getting I~:~ Health~;seI'V1, . ces" ~Partment~1hey' ..~~"~a .lWhOl~~~set;, 9!:P!'O~ler e i from tow~,counCil smce Jan,uary, .1~'J:said ;thefe:was~pl~nty of rooni 0, 9y.~ve~q~lWi,....tI1~,~, ~~Id. .. I over-.the severance-,~f ;he~, fa1l!ily s .~ CaUse Ihaveafull acre.~~_~~",.... " want them tOsbo\i some'COnc;e~ f '-( two-acre parcel of lando}'~.,\"'~";~~:~ ':. : Hoyes'OSaiii, she..:complied ;}Yjth ;.n. b,lyapPli~~on.~W~'!:;~t~~';.":?:; S : . Mary Jo Boyes of Trulle':5 Road In .' the wishes 'of the.town; but . the.' last , .,~'Monday D1gbt,.co~nCi1 faUea to de y i ~ampton ma~e he,~ fouth~? to coun-/.~ straw was :\'Yh"en shewastoId to payT'/with' Boyes'; application; electing IIIlI 1 . clI Monday ~ght .beggIng ,them to for an environmentaI-study.on the ~ put it off for another month. A mo' e pa~s her ~pphcatlOn to sever the fam: proposed severance. That cauSed,he~ l;which ~dn'tsitu~W~ll__w\~ ...Cou ' Ily, land mto two one. acre lo~. <, < 'C>.' third trip to theeouneil ehamber,'.j;,;J~WToole. "!:>~,~'i~,.., '.<' 'j ... She wants to sellhalf the land and, "7'.fj' C '{d' 11" th - t I' ..r, ~r""~d 'I jrO'Toole said the application Wi .. k . the home she, her husband and two us sal ~o 0 a. m .n~ ~ e-,:, originally delayed by the region, If sons live ~, ~nd buil~_,!-..ho~e on theoveIoper, ,I .d?~ twant .co~domlIU~"governmei1t 'bue1fjlow' has "the e ' se~er~ acre. They can only afford to or al'lythmg like that on the lan..:1, -. bIessing" since they completed the , bUIId If they sell one acre. wa~t one home for me and my familY'r,'9.ffiCial planstudY.~.l.\1t\r~".;~..:. '.j y "Y~u,g.o~PJ.there (to'aco~cil I 1ikellthe~a~a~~,.w~~,t:..t;~~.~r-:j;';&:NO~,.'Newcastle 'council is df" meetmg).a~d,speak and they Just there" sh~~~ts"~i' ':')7,:~:.ru~~aYIng'lt for'.anotber~onth. We'r look at youhke they aren't paymg at.. < She hopes Monday', trip 10 COWIcil ~lusl not being reapnI1Ilve ~ t , tenhono 1 Just Wish somebody on - her fourth - will be her laslShe ,'the citizens.. ".~'. ; council would ask me a question or simply wants council to spell out what~:. '. "We're making the' bureaucrats g .. ~ive me an answer," Boyes said. they want her to do to have her appli-~back and look at it again when thi She first spoke to council after her cation approved, especiaJJy after the citizen deserves an answer," O'Too) application was denied because front- town has granted. other applications . said in an interview after the COunCi age on the proposed lot is Iess than aroundher.!shesald.,;;.:....:...;;<M:.~<~~~.~~.""".., ... the town's r~uirement of 100 feet. ""~"I\',l,,' ~A'There maybe1l1reeze onllam1ets .,', Dunng the meetiiig~he wed coun ...."The majority of lots in my neigh- in Newcastle, but they are passing ..~"cil todeal with tb~ maUeJ:, but M~yo borhood aren't 100 ~eet, "Boyes con- some applications similar oto min~. It~.I?iane ~~ saId that w~~ t b( i tends. ..The two beside me are 66 and happened up the street five houses' approprIate sInce the town s directol ... 83 teet wide." from me," Boyes sai9.: . ' " 0' of pIann,tng, ~r~nk ~u. told ~ounc~ Then bureaucrats for the town's A mother of two boys aged rune and; he wasn t famIlIar With Boyes apph Planning and Development Depart- 11, said her family has Simply out- cation. '---...-,-..L_....~_..,' ~ ~Aif"~~' ~ ..: "'" .. .. ~ ... IllIi ~ o lj lIIlIi :-<: PDI()J-~)q IiIII .. .. \1eeting: Date: .. Report #: .. Subject: .. - THE CORPORATION OF THE :\-IUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT General Purpose and Admmistration CommIttee File 11- Monday, September 20. 1999 Res. # PD-I03-99 FILE #: PLN 31.5.4 By-law # NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN EMILY STOWE NEIGHBOURHOOD PART LOTS 31, 32 & 33, CONe. 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: PLN 31.5.4 Recommendations: .. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: .. 1. THAT Report PD-l 03-99 be received; .. 2. THAT a copy of Council's decision be forwarded to all interested parties. .. 1.1 1. NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLANS 1.2 The design plans are to detail the following: locations of schools, parks and open space blocks, including stormwater management blocks; lotting patterns and residential densities; road alignments within a neighbourhood, including right-of-way widths and required widenings; walking or cycling trail systems, as well as future transit routes. .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. The Clarington Official Plan requires the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan prior to consideration of any plan of subdivision in a neighbourhood not having a Design Plan. These plans do not require Council approval but are to be utilized by staff in reviewing subdivision applications for the specific neighbourhood. They are also valuable documents in which to illustrate to existing residents and perspective purchasers the intended land uses proposed in a neighbourhoodo . . . . JI 2.3 REPORT NO.: PD-l03-99 PAGE 2 .., BACKGROUND Subdivision application 1ST -95028, submitted by G. Mo Sernas and Associates Limited on behalf of 708545 Ontario Limited, precipitated the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan for the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood in Courticeo (Attachment No.1 shows the limits of the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood). Report PD-43-98 to the April 6, 1998 Committee meeting advised that a draft Neighbourhood Design Plan for Emily Stowe Neighbourhood had been submitted by the applicant, and that a Public Information Centre was to be held on April 15, 19980 2.1 2.2 Staff directed the applicant to concentrate the neighbourhood design efforts on the lands subject to the subdivision application, including the provision of a new Park, a new storm water management facility and a new Type C Arterial Road which connects Prestonvale and Trulls Roads. Access to the northern portion of the neighbourhood at the easterly and westerly limits of the neighbourhood is also being established with the southerly extension of Granville Drive and the establishment of a new Collector Road to provide a connection from Glenabbey Drive to the new Type C Arterial Road. This Plan was not finalized until recently due to other staff commitments and the review of off-street parking issues. Furthermore the servicing of the southern portion of the lands are dependent on the construction of services in south-west Courtice (between Townline and Prestonvale Road south of Glenabbey Drive), and cannot develop in the immediate future. 3. EMIL Y STOWE NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN DETAILS 3.1 Parks. Open Space Areas and Trails 3.1.1 This neighbourhood has one environmental feature within its limitso It was determined that an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) was not required during the review of this subdivision since the plan of subdivision was submitted in March of 1995, 20 months JIL- ... IIfIII .. ... .. II1II .. ... ... lllII ... .. .. IIIlIl .. .. .. iii IlIII .. .. REPORT NO.: PD-103-99 PAGE 3 .. .. prior to the approval of the Clarington Official PIano Furthermore, the Regional Plan did not identify any environmentally significant features that would trigger such a study. .. 3.1.2 There are 3 parks within this neighbourhood. A large Neighbourhood Park, 1.99 hectares in size, is located adjacent to the Emily Stowe Public School. Two other parkettes are found adjacent to the open space corridor between Glenabbey Drive and John Walter Crescent. These parkettes are 0.738 hectares and .822 hectares in size. .. .. 3.1.3 An open space corridor is provided along the associated tributaries of Robinson Creek within this neighbourhood. This corridor is also identified on the Neighbourhood Design Plan as accommodating a portion of the Municipality's trail system within the Courtice Major Urban Area, eventually providing a link to the Emily Stowe Public School and the Courtice Main Central Areao - IiIII .. .. 3.2 Population and Housin!? 3.2.1 Table 9.2 in the Municipal Official Plan identifies the housing target for this neighbourhood allocated as follows: . 1475 low density units; . 275 medium density units; and . 550 intensification units. .. - .., .., .., -'.-.- The neighbourhood design plan has provided for 1503 low density units and 276 medium density units, for a total of 1779 residential units. The number of low density units exceeds the number given in the Official Plan by 28 units or 1.8%. The population and unit allocation figures as contained in the Official Plan are meant to be approximate, unless otherwise specified. The intensification units identified above are anticipated either in the form of apartments in houses, the division of some larger residential lots and primarily in the redevelopment of lands abutting Highway 2. .. - .. .. - .. JIJ REPORT NO.: PD-l03-99 PAGE 4 3.3 Servicin'i!; 3.3.1 As noted in Section 2.3 of this Report. the servicing of the southern portion of these lands is dependent on the construction of services in south-west Courtice through the development of draft approved plans of subdivision 18T-89037, 18T-95023 and 18T- 95026. A 300 mm watermain on Glenabbey Drive will provide water to the southern portion of the neighbourhood with other internal watermains sized appropriately to distribute water for domestic consumption purposes. 3.3.2 Since the services are being extended from the west, the phasing of the Neighbourhood also proceeds in a west to east manner with a total of four phases. 3.3.3 The servicing of the Neighbourhood is slightly hindered by the undulating topography in the south-west portion of the Neighbourhood near the vicinity of the intersection of Prestonvale Road and the new Type "C" Arterial roadway 0 Phase 1 of the Neighbourhood Design Plan includes the extension of both Glenabbey Drive and the new Type "C" Arterial in order to provide vehicular access to the site. The extension of the Type "C" Arterial will necessitate the placement of fill and/or the construction of concrete box culvertso 4. AGENCY COMMENTS 4.1 The neighbourhood design plan was revised several times and was circulated to obtain comments from various other departments and agencies. 4.2 The Durham Regional Planning Department offered no comments with regard to the Neighbourhood Design Plan. 4.3 The Municipality of Clarington Fire Department offered no objection to the Neighbourhood Design Plan and noted concurrence with the size of the watermains, as they relate to the provision of fire protection. J I + IIIlI ... III ... .. ... .. III .. III III IIIlI .. .. .. tllIiI .. .. lIlfIi .. .. .. .. .. - - - .. - 5. 5.1 - - 5.2 .. - .. 5.3 - - - - REPORT NO.: PD-103-99 PACE 5 4.4 The Municipality of Clarington Public Works Department had a number of comments and concerns upon review of the original plans. More information was required with respect to stormwater management issues, location of sidewalks, phasing of development and on-street parking. The Clarington Public Works Department is satisfied that all of their concerns have been addressed. 4.5 Central Lake Ontario Conservation (CLOC) noted that the Neighbourhood Design Plan should be extended to the south to include the required Storm Water Management facility within the limits of both the Neighbourhood Design Plan and the related Plan of Subdivision 18T -95028. This having being done, CLOC offered no objection to the endorsement of the Neighbourhood Design Plan. STAFF COMMENTS AND CONCLUSION It should be noted that the neighbourhood design plan is not subject to appeal. The neighbourhood design plan does not replace the approval of a plan of subdivision or rezoning, nor will it remove any resident's rights to object to subsequent subdivision or rezoning applications under the Planning Act. The neighbourhood design plan has been refined in light of the comments received through the circulation and public open house processes as well as Councils' resolution regarding parking in residential areas. Staff have prepared this report to inform Council and members of the public that the neighbourhood design plan has been completed and approved by the Directors of Planning and Public Works. :, ~ vl~ IIIIIi REPORT NO.: PD-103-99 PAGE 6 .. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, .. IIIlI Da id rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development j ~..,~ /', / - \ . I C.U ''-. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. .. WM*DC*cc 13 September 1999 IIIIIi Attachment No.1 - Limits of Emily Stowe Neighbourhood Attachment No.2 - Neighbourhood Design Plan .. Interested parties to be notified of Committee's and Council's decision: ... 708545 Ontario Limited 390 Bay Street Suite 1710 Toronto, Ontario M5H 2Y2 ... .. G. M. Semas and Associates 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 Whitby, Ontario UN 8Y7 .. .. .. III .. .. ... .. UIJ .. IiIII .. .. .. .. .. .. - 9 PENFOUND (3500) ATTACHMENT NO.1 .. . ~I 0::. - - - URBAN BOUNDARY NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY C 1000) POPULATION C*) SEE SECTION 17.7 (/) --' --' => 0:: t- - w z :J ~i . I ( ( ". // r ( BLOOR STREET - .. ) ( l .. .. I j I '~~ " ,J ~"'''.'.''.< ) " ( ; " ----............., '" \".27 '~ ~, - ". C .....:t:-9 " .. lMU5\~ ~~ [N]~OC~ ~ ~(Q)[UJ [Rl[)=(]OO[Q) [j2J[L%[N] [NJO [N](Gj ~)) [NJO~ (~(Q)I1J)[Mi1J(C:~ l!JJ~~t%[N] &,~~~, OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OCTOBER 1. 1997 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 3 \ " \ ,~L - LAKE ONlARIO THIS CONSOUo...TION IS PR(MOEO FOR CO~NIENCE 'INL Y AND REPRfSEHTS REOUESTED WOOlFlCATIONS AND APPWN"'-S - .. ! :J i I 401 , 'G).. I~ 200 '00 600 800 m ~)() m ------..... '0 <( o a:: .... BASELINE ROAD ---~~ _~_~a:: -.... '"'-...-"._, 96-053 > ..~ .......~...,'.;.;"~.'.1.r ~.,. ". :::'.' .<~ ....... ".' - ' ~~. :;;:'.' ~.~.~_.- --l: -==- ~?~~~' ~- :'~~~~~ :~~::.::::"~~' - ....<lU OIU';kW ::':::::: ;..1..,fl''''Hm :;:::,~~:=-.,~~ . !!D ,0] ,-J ,~ I , .. d::::;''::'O,::::~ ,....1 -I Ii ~~~:~~..". -. "'...........""r, " ,~~' :~~t~,.,~::~':"l'l~":;",l ,......<i_, -""".., - ,.,~;~~ ~X~w. ;=f~~;~.,..2'"::'~ . ,____o_____ - .-. _.....t_,...; "~wt ~~:-:=- -:/~'t,~- -=- ~)~.;1~~l3~ij~ . ~~~~G=: OJ 1 J ... ATTACHMENT NO.2 .. ... .. 1 "@ tllIiI ~; .. .. .. ., ;l- .. ... IlIIII IlIIII .. ... ... .. .. . .. .. - .. .. - .. - - - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... CJ CJ .. .. ATTACHMENT NO. 2A "'E_" ".; \lV'-, ::r./'~ .- ~, i'~..:~"'~ ""'~''', . . ... '-'c,. :'_.>.t ~.. ,; ,"'f .?VIJ'.' ~. 1'-.18"-, ~ .' -Jif' 'i ~~i)r < ~. ; . (];/Ji;\.. .. " ~ ~. -"'"'~-'-"'" ..'< .~ .~,,-~..,. , ~ I ~ ~- .. - - - ~ - - ~- - -.: - - - -l: i I_f': .~ I ~ ----- \ ~,..,.~.r.,.,.... ~' .."'., .....'r #'~~~~ - - - .--- ......."'Ui.'C-I"I'.'f "'''C'oNDAI.E OR - ~-------...., I I ----------4 '.AH~/ n H 2, c:: i ~\ I (' !, "0"'\...) "- G r=- r\1 n LJ I ~ PH ASE N8GHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY PHASE O'M\lERSHIP BOUNDARIES I I I I I i J~'" I.Qul<T "~Ir . _'1'l" '~I'~iO l'N 8'" .' '~i .J2-'~:' ., ,~~) ~2-"" PHASE 'I Approved for the purposes of mOking an application for 0 pion of 9ubdivsion under Section 51 at the Planning Act. G.l)t.Semas O~~1a1t:5 1.J<1. ()l: "_.""'_ :C.'it' PH ASE ..,"L....:'o\'( PLA TE 1 ':~'"1:\.Jhf:" :.Mr': 'Af.lj"'\!',~ [) I -1 c ( '. J' ~ "'4." If. , -' ~~~.;~_~~~::w~.~~;! ~ ~:.--.~_-r;S ,- "' '.1i.>l'::'~ .. ". i~-"'l' "'-": . ~. -:;"AL.-'<''' ,.,>. ,t .".J-: '~r,Q-'::"''''''~\I ., "-.~:-.,,~" -.. "'''r, "...('-~ . . .'.;0'1" ATTACHMENT NO. 28 .. "pi,A -,'. .. --~. '-. -~-------- ... ~><.:B....;'r "Q '~'71RE ST'iD'r 'rJIir.. I~ IIIIiIII ... .. rn:=---------- ~-------- ,,,,-9,:0::2 .. ~~'~":':~ ~ ~ :: = r~ ~ ------~---~,~:- I ____ .. ,> ' I~I 1'.111 :~: gL____ :~;~; ',~,----- I:;; - \,wI Iii .....____... 1~1 ~I :%t___~ I ... -:~~~- --- ~")f""~ "..,~ , l... __ ___ I , 1_____ e:.~~ ~NO,,-:r -D;- - - - -'. ,:)1-----------... IIIlI . r --.1 , I l __~ ;')~:'ty t".t~ _ : ~ _ _ - -.-:-- ":":-:-:iIO-.l, ,-~'__ -. .,;~\-.. ,. I-- _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ ___ ,'-,,5014 -..::'::'::'.: ."i:..1iHif';-'<;, - . _ ..1 SANITARY TRUNK 300rnm'" I L r=- L I J i' \..:J L NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY Approved for the purposes of making an application for a plan of subdivsion under I Section S1 of the Plonnlng Act. I I O'NNERSHIP BOUNDARIES EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER "" '... ..,-'.'-.~ p,--.. ~ ,~,- o OlJ ... tllIiI I ---1- r-----' I , _________-l ... ~--.-------- I, - -- tllIiI .. .. .. '.I. .f~.~,,~ "~Jr..'~\lUIHvt<<T.1 ~. l.((j ~'''Br.'>><H'lIOL1,.1l'(1 - .. '1:~ ~CJ~).32-711111 ~i'~ ...,~I)~).J2-~n .. ~ -:'::0 "o..cC11<<1 ~::C'05 [= --; l.,Ii1l ~ ~y-~ IIIIIi PLA TE 2 .. - '>...-." fvO'!-* ".,j:1;;: "-. ''>''>1'{ ,r;.:':J _.~ ,~~-:'l~~''''~'' ."'\ '----.:;,-t - .-.'. . .. "'-"~ ,-!. r...L-~,'~ ,-~ "..~.~ ~.~.'I'J..: - '" .."''-W'''< .'~1.1 ... - .. ,."..~~~: - '~'~!)R-;'r....~.. ",;_,~' .. '.o. ~'I.'F !)q:;".- " ~ ... .t"'P'':!' ""i./1'd?!j~ "I" -.. - Ci~-;'i,~rfq~;",- -.: ~ po - - - - r- L o (' v ~ L ~"~ N8GHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY ... Approved for the purposes of making on application for a plan of subdivsion under Section 51 of the Planning Act. EXISTING STORM SEWER OWNERSHIP BOUNDARIES ... PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED MAJOR FLOW ROUTE FUTURE STORM SEWER - ~ ',' '",.:,='P'..4 - ,",', - OLl ATTACHMENT NO. 2C I I I i 1 1-;'-'8.I/"cr' n"'f":"l"-' "rJ;ir, - \':!!!!!!Y ('N[l.~;;- &-~ _ -~ ;_'_ I - -, ~ l-- :-- ------==={ ~ r---------- - I~ I t:'"~,~~ "''''ALLI.;>1'',I[ 1'-" 15-" -:~I__~__ :~I ~ I _ :8: ~ , 'i 'G' :~. i----, L _ __ _ __ 1 fu-- '":If'~.~;u -~- ~ - --, ~J- ------ ---.. + ~--. --~. ---:-: G....'\1. Semas Q~ 'C)il '~.nJfl'1I'''''~ ., , "con... rCURf LJ~I r . ""'Jlllf,::WI.I'IJOLI"I'" ''- l()!lt4J2-lft" ...-J~I 4-'2-'~ ~;: 't:1,,;8f ;.. ~[- 'j \,lENSlNt< .....E': C/')(l:; .tI _____ , I .' ~~-----i ~ ~ ':";':)0 ._).,Iel..... '':1;(::; PLA TE 4 ATTACHMENT NO. 20 _q'...'...... "...,:....: Cr'i:' ",- ,,,to 'F- 1.<"r "-"I~[':'<.'_-t ,i ~1;~'J'2:'~'" ~ ~,~ 0" ._ - 0- __~~- _....A....,;;-.~,,,-:.-;.;.;,.:.:.,:::..-..-;....- --'---~- -- ~ '," ~_ "f 'l~_'!l: ".f__ '.,~R,l\.."'" -~,-,~~~(-.;:~,~{- ;'- ~, . ~ ~:;- '.; ~~; '.r~'i.iif..'1-Q~,~:"'::' ;~. --.~ 'I;'; :', --------- ARTERIAL ROAD E I' U E 1') o COLLECTOR ROAD NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY EXISTING SIDEWALK FUTURE SIDEWALK OWNERSHIP BOUNDARIES Approved for the purposes of making an I application for 0 plan o~ ~ubdivsjon unde!!r Section 51 of the Plonnlng Act. =~ ,~"~~~---:~~ -~ FUTURE TRAIL * POSSIBLE FU TURE TRANSIT STOPS l"i,l<J')P' ,. c;W'~ OL2 till .. .. '- -'- ---=---~~ IIlII '"~' I ,,' j ;.~ , - ,0 .. .. ~ .{-......- -.-.. .. ":'.--:;; .-" '!l1~-; :-;, ;""". ~ ~i~~~"~~~~ = ~~ ~ ~ - - - - - _: ----': '- I ~~ '; ,~I lit I '~I 1')1 ~I ~'----- :~: ~, ; ----- I:;;' - ioI.J I :~\ ,i~----.{ I~l.___-, I i r---- I L_____ I_ I Qh;.;,~=OR- ~ == =- ~~uuu_____ till .. .. .. ~~;'~~~ .,._~~~f~\'l~l!f_.~'~ ~_~:!.-.~..!..... ::...:....= -~~ ... ~---------~ q: - ~~Ol. .. ,-----------; i I I I ------------4 I t=~--- -- -- - -:-_~ tllIiI .. .. /! ':~ i .. t.___ I :[.:~..~. ~ ",., SO!'1'" COUAr 'Jill'.. ~_ ~1....k1."""'~,,0I>+11IIIl0L1...8\'7 -'. -~"5}~2-78:t8 :..~~,...,... '., '~5l .~2-'lIn ':500 filii "~C;~jC5 '"';'J2r;;. ..;; -- '-IENSINIl: PLA TE 5 ,'~rlfS ..l .. .... - ... .... .. .... ')\::PD-I04-Q9 \1eeting: Date: Report #: Subject: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT General Purpose and Administration Committee File # \1onday, September 20, 1999 Res. # PD-I04-99 FILE #: PLN 3305 By-Iaw#_ APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL - NEWCASTLE RECYCLING LIMITED PART LOT 12. CONCESSION 3. FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE FILE NO.: PLN 33.5 - Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: .. 1. THAT Report PD-l 04-99 be received; .... .. - - .. .. ., -'. .. l. .. 1.1 .. 20 THAT the Ministry of the Environment Approvals Branch be advised of the following: a) THAT the application submitted by Newcastle Recycling Limited to amend Provisional Certificate of Approval # A390327 to permit the operation of a Waste Disposal Site (Transfer) does not conform to the Clarington Official Plan or Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63; b) THAT the Municipality of Clarington objects to the processing of the application submitted by Newcastle Recycling Limited until such time as the issue of Official Plan and Zoning By-law conformity has been resolved; and c) THAT the Municipality of Clarington reserves its decision regarding the need for a hearing under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act until such time as the issue of Official Plan and Zoning By-law conformity has been resolved; THA T the Ministry of the Environment Approvals Branch, the Region of Durham, all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be provided with a copy of Report PD-I04-99 and be advised of Council's decision. - BACKGROUND The Ministry of the Environment Approvals Branch has advised the Municipality of an application submitted by Newcastle Recycling Limited to amend their existing Provisional Certificate of Approval for their site located in Part Lot 12, Concession 3, former Township 7 Gt...) REPORT NO.: PD-I04-99 PAGE 2 of Clarke (4349 Concession Road 4). The Ministry has requested the Municipality's comments with respect to the application. 1.2 The Ministry has also noted that municipalities or affected members of the public have the right to request the Director of Approvals to hold a hearing with respect to any application submitted under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act. Any such request must be accompanied by valid reasons and supporting technical justification. 1.3 The purpose of this report is to provide the Municipality's comments to the Ministry of the Environment regarding the application submitted by Newcastle Recycling Limited. A copy of the Ministry's letter and the application submitted by Newcastle Recycling Limited form Attachment No.1 to this report. 2. OVERVIEW OF APPLICATION 2.1 The existing Provisional Certificate of Approval #A390327 in effect for the Newcastle Recycling site permits the operation of a Waste Disposal Site (Transfer) for the storage of used tireso The Certificate was issued by the Ministry on November 18, 1993 under the provisions of Part V of the Environmental Protection Act. 2.2 The application recently submitted by Newcastle Recycling seeks to amend the Provisional Certificate to permit "the use and operation of a waste disposal site with a total area of 10.1 ha, for the transfer of the following waste categories: non-hazardous solid municipal and commercial waste, at a maximum rate of 250 tonnes per day with a maximum total storage of250 tonnes at anyone time, to serve the Province of Ontario." 2.3 The application proposes to construct a 713 sqo m. transfer building with two truck loading docks at the south end of the property. The waste would be dumped by incoming garbage trucks on the floor of the building and either bulk loaded or compacted into 25-tonne trailers for shipment to approved waste disposal sites. A maximum of 10 trailers would be filled in 1 rJ L ,~ .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ... .. IIIlI .. .. tllIiI .. .. .. ... ..Ii .. - - ... 2.4 - - .. 205 - 206 .. - - REPORT NO.: PD-I04-99 PAGE 3 ;l day. The facility would operate from Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday 7 ;lorn. to I p.m. (313 days per year). The building would be constructed on a slab without any drainso Liquid created from the compaction of the waste would be collected and directed to a sump where absorbent would be used to absorb the liquido The resulting solid waste would be returned to the waste stream and transferred to an approved disposal site. The application indicates September 1999 as the estimated start date for construction, and November 1999 as the estimated start date for operation of the waste transfer station. Newcastle Recycling apparently does not have operational contracts with approved disposal sites for the waste to be transferred from their site. The company is seeking to have the application approved, with the condition that the transfer station could not be used without such contracts being in effect. 3.1 3. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY - ... - 3.2 - - ... ... - Durham Regional Official Plan The land on which the Newcastle Recycling operation is located is designated 'Major Open Space' in the Regional Official Plan. A waste transfer station is not a permitted use in this designation, but is permitted in the 'Employment Area' designation. Clarington Official Plan The subject site is designated 'Green Space' in the Clarington Official Plan, with the lands associated with the Graham Creek valley designated 'Environmental Protection Area'. The operation of a waste transfer station is not a permitted use in either designation. Section 4.9.3 of the Plan states that waste transfer stations may be permitted in the General Industrial designation in accordance with Section 11.6.5. However, Section 4.903 is subject to Deferral Noo 39 and is therefore not in effect at this time. Staff anticipate bringing forward a proposed modification to the Official Plan to resolve Deferral 39 in the near OLJ .. REPORT NO.: PD-104-99 PAGE 4 .. 3.4 4. 4.1 future. With or \vnhout Section 4.9.3 being in force, the proposed use would not conform to the Official Plan. .. .. 3.3 Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 The subject lands are zoned 'General Industrial Exception M2-5' by By-law 84-63 (see Attachment No.2). The provisions of this zone permit the lands to only be used for a motor vehicle wrecking yard. The By~law defines a motor vehicle wrecking yard as "an establishment where scrap motor vehicles are stored and/or dismantled and where used motor vehicle parts are sold. Limited sales of road worthy vehicles are considered accessory to the operation of a Motor Vehicle Wrecking Yard." .. tllIiI .. .. Based on the above, the proposed establishment of a waste transfer station for municipal and commercial waste on the Newcastle Recycling lands does not conform to the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Clarington Official Plan, or Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84- 63. .. .. .. RELATED MATTERS Staff review of aerial photography for the Newcastle Recycling site in 1998 revealed that the operation had expanded to the west onto lands zoned 'A- Agricultural'. This matter was brought to the attention of Newcastle Recycling in July 1998 with a request to submit a zoning application to bring this situation into compliance. By letter dated August 16, 1999, Staff advised Newcastle Recycling that a rezoning application to permit the expanded operation should be submitted by September 30, 1999. Newcastle Recycling was further advised that if an application is not received by this date, the use of the lands zoned 'A" for all uses other than those permitted by By-law 84-63 should cease. - .." .. - .. Staff note that, as of the writing of this report, Newcastle Recycling has not submitted a rezoning application. .. III OLO .. .. .. REPORT NO.: PD-I04-99 PAGE 5 - 4.2 .. 5. - 5.1 - - - - .. - In addition to the Official Plan Amendments and the rezoning applications, the proposed use for a waste transfer station requires site plan approval. CONCLUSION As noted above, the application submitted by Newcastle Recycling to permit the operation of a transfer station for municipal and commercial waste does not comply with the provisions of the Regional Official Plan, the Clarington Official Plan, or Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63. Accordingly, it is recommended that the Ministry of the Environment be advised that, until such time as the issue of Official Plan and Zoning By- law conformity has been satisfactorily resolved, the Municipality objects to the processing of the application. In addition, the Municipality should reserve making a decision on the need for a hearing under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act, since additional information would be required for the evaluation of the planning applications. Furthermore, Public Meetings wOlild be held for the necessary planning applications. - Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, - (j ,~Q.-tL~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., RoP.P. Chief Administrative Officer. - David J. ,Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development - JAS*DC*df 9 September 1999 - Attachment No.1 - Application submitted by Newcastle Recycling to Ministry of the Environment Attachment No.2 - Key Map - - - . '/ 1 U L- I tllIiI REPORT NO.: PD-I04-99 PAGE 6 .. ... Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: .. Mr. Geoff Carpentier Supervisor, Approvals Branch Ministry of the Environment 250 Davisville Avenue, 3rd Floor Toronto, Ontario M4S 1 H2 .. .. Mr. James Hale Newcastle Recycling Limited R.R. # 1 Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO .. ... Mr. Sam Cureatz Barrister & Solicitor 104 James Street West Newcastle, Ontario LiB 1C6 .. .. Mro Richard Lovekin 196 Lovekin Road R.R. #8 Newcastle, Ontario LiB 1L9 .. .. Mr. Les Caswell 3725 Reid Road Newtonville, Ontario LOA 110 .. tllIiI .. .. .. III I () / n .. .. - - .. - - "~:""'llstrv ot the Environment ~"v"onmemal Assessment ana ,\oprovals Branch :: 50 Oavlsvllle Avenue 3' Floor T aroma ON M4S 1 H2 ATTACHMENT NO.1 @ Ontario ','inIS1Elre Oe 1'C:nv"onnement JireCf,on oes evalUations ~~nvlronnementales et des autorlsatlons ::50. avenue Oavlsvllle 3' etage Toronto ON M4S 1 H2 AUG /9 12 24 PH '99 Tel/Tel Tax/Telt~c (416)314-8320 (4161314-8452 \ugust 16. 1999 Clerk ~1urucipality of Clanngton -\.0 Temperance Street Bowmanville. Ontario LIC 3A6 RE: ~ewcastle Recycling Limited - Application for an Amendment to Provisional Certificate of Approval #A390327 - - - - - - .. - - - - - The Approvals Branch Office of the Ministry of the Environment has received an application from the above company for an amendment to Provisional Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal Site (Transfer) located at Lot 12. Concession 3. Municipality of Clarington. Ontario. The attached application provides details as to the nature of the operation to be carried out at the site. It is requested that the Works Department make comments with respect to the application. In lieu of a Council Resolution. please ensure the report is signed and dated by the Commissioner of Works or equivalent. Please write directly to Geoff Carpentier. Supervisor. ApprovaLs Branch. Ministry of EllVlronment. ],d Floor, 250 Davisviile. Toronto. Ontario. M4S 1 H2 by September 19, 1999. As you are aware, the Director has tbe discretion under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (EP A) to hold a public hearmg regarding applications for waste disposal facilities. Municipalities or affected members of the public have the right to request that the Director consider calling a hearing with respect to any application submitted under Pan V of the EP A. Any submissions In this regard must be accompanied by valid reasons and supponing technical justification. Please refer to file number A390327 in all related correspondence. Should you have any questions, please contact Ellen R. Reed at (416) 314-8320 Yours truly, u --,\ \~~\ I ( Ellen R.Reed Sentor Approvals Officer Approvals Branch cc: D. Beach, District Manager. York-Durham District Office Attachments :J L 1 ~ Mlni:stry 01 EnVIronment and Energy Application for Approval of a Waste Disposal Site" Ontario .. ~lIOn NurnOot(s' :, ; ,';;;.;.,.; ~!;:z;;;di;~;;i;:;; :::;: ;'FOf"~E US&~'t;i;,; ;.;, <,;. ;:'.:'~';~:-:';~.::.;":~;.;:;~;:i;;:;:; c. tormulalre est dlsP<NWbM en tran~l. CIiem Number Payment Aecetved 0_ $ ~/ 9DO'O~ ~ 3~ o~, 7 Inform.oon r8quened by lhia form is coliec18d under the lMJthority of the Envra.mefltlll ProttlCbon Act, A.S O. 1990 (EPA). C"-PW E-18. (EPA) ana the Envlf'Oflmentlll ~0I Right.. c.2e. StaMM of OntIwlo, 1883. (EaRl and wtI be UMd to evaIulIte awlicldiona tci' apprOVlll of w..w~1II sites &CCOfd1no to the r8qulr~13 ollhe EPA. a~ should be directed to .... AAwovw. BranctJ. 250 OlMSviIe Avenue. Jrd Floor. Toromo, Ontario, M4S lH2, Telephone No. (416)440-3713 Of 1-~1-62tb. Of to your Ioeal MiNstry 01 Enwonment and Enetgy 0IstrIct0llce. Inatructlon8 ~ When completing ttus form, please reler 110 the 'Guide FOI' ~ tor ~ of Wee.., Oieposa/ SiWls". Sections 27. 30. 31 and 32. EPA I .. (refenecUo as the Gutdel. I 2. This form must be c:ompleIed with re&pect to all the requirements of the GuIde in OI'der for it to be considered as an Apf)lIcaMon for ~aval. -INCOMPlETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPlICANT OR DENIED APPROVAL. 3. A c~ ~Aon for ~oval COIllIilta 01; (1) a ClOn'lflMa.d and signed ~tIon torm; (2) all lupporting informnon _ requeet8d by thia tann Md by !he GuIde; Md (3) · oertlied cheque or money OfOer tor the aoppoyIIl.... If ~P"- ....... The Miniatry mey requirelldditioMl infom-.n toIowIng. reoAew of h 00l'llp6ete ~1dIon. 4. Two (2) ~es of 1he application ~ w+th the IUppCring 1r1tormdon""* be aubmItaed to the Ministry of Environment and Erwvy. One copy to: Oirec1or of AAwCMlllBrancn. M~ of EtMrOlfl.... and Energy, 250 OaVlSvIlIe Avenue, Jrd Aoor, Toronto. om.rto. ~ 1 H2 OR .. r I ! [ : I I ,- RegioNll Oirec1or in.... r~ in wNch the lite II Ioc:UIcUwiI be located A dupllcate copy must be '*lC to the Oiatrict 0tIi0e having juri&dIc:tion over !he ar.. W\ wtlictI the wotk3 w1l1 be located. 5. Information contained ., thia ~.Mon II no( ~ oonfIdentIaI and will be ~ available to the public upon request. CertIIIn IIIIi informaDon submitaed .. IUppOI'1ing informaon may be daimed .. confidential but will be lubject to the FfMdom oIlnfomvtion end Prrwt:htJn 01 Privecy Act (FOIPOPA) Md E8A. 11 you do no<< claim confidentiality at 1he time of aubmitting the informa1ion, the Miniatry may make h information IIWIiabIe to the public WIthout h.x1her noclce to you. 1. APPUcAHT ; Name (auacn proof of name. "ll r&- ~l Newcastle Recycling Limited I" - City I Province Orono, Ontario , ... Addr... (InClude Ilreet runber. CClrlCeaIIon, lot etc.) R.R.#1 LOB 1 MO ~----- Postal Code ; T-'e,.A__ Number I (905) 786 -2046 Operatot ~ Yas 0 No 11 "No. attach name. address and concurrence of the appropriate Opel'ator. ; Fax Number (905) 786 - 2761 OwnM of Land [251 Yes 0 No L 11 .No. attach name, addr... and concurrence of lhe appropria1le owner. _._-~-. --~_._----..- ------ 2. CONTACT FOR TECHNICAl AND DESIGN INFORMATION I N~lrGord Miller, Miller Environmental ~ervic~s-In-c~- f __ : Address ~ I Province I 26 Ri~dle _~ourt . r _ .--------L Nort~ Bay, Ontario PMWCode P1B 8S6 'r~_(705) 840 _ 6653 I Fb(705) 840 _ 6673 .. .. .. -1 I ,- I I --- ------- I" '''3 (">9<1 "'onl OJJ . J. :'11 t. LUCAI KJN (Con~.lon. Lot. MunIClo.llly) .. Lot 12, Concession 3. Municipality of Clarington (fromerly town of Newcastle), ------- - ._------~-- - Regional Municipality of Durham .. :3 the prO~ed waste site located In 8l'I area oi development contro4 as dllfined by the Nt8l/]BrS E;scarpm;!ffll P!QJ1nrng ana OtNt1/opmerrt Act INEPOAj? LJ Y&s:xJ No \11 Yes. attacn copy of NEPDA permit) 4. FACILITY DESCRIPTION _ (a) PrC&ent land use .. Waste Disposal Site \ Transfer) Brief deSCTip~)' the nal1Jre at blJ3j~s or activity re4ated to this site - --------.-. (b) Pre5eflt olllclaJ plan de5'9r\8tJon Major open space IC) Present zonlllg category M2 - General Industrial i (d) Pre5efltland use of aJl adfOlnlng propert!e:s to be prOVIded on a location map ~_L. .. .~ .- Ie) MllXJmum rate at whICh site can re<:eMt W&3te per day MunidpaJ 250 [X] 10nnes CommerClaJ o tormes o cu. metre:s ProceSSed OrganIC Waste .. o C1.I. me1res [ 0] Litres .. If any of the follow1ng waste ca~ are Intended to be recerved atltle site. attach a ~criptron of each. including ttletr sOCJrce, to the Aw/icatJon . Type of Waste Tonnes Cu. Metres Liquid IndustrlaJ - --------. Non-hazatdoua Solid Induatrial Utre:s lilt - I I (I) Days and hours at operation Man - Fri 7arn~QR.rJJ~.~at 7am-1 pm i (h) Names at all mul\lClpalltjesJmajor indusV1es kl be served by tnlS site. H azatdOCJS au-- (g) PopulalJon served N/A - I · I 5. l. N/A .. 2. J. 5. lilt (,) TotaJ Area at Site Area to be Landfilled N/A N/A LJ hectar~ 01 [J acres o hectares 01 0 acrllS MllXImum estImated site storage capacrty or stOlage capecrty (1I'r"ltllnded tor storage). 250 0 -, 00 tonrleS cu. metres C LII111S ... i .---.-.-_____ I (j) Type of laclllty/operation o landfill X tramter o procesSIng Dolt1er. specrfy .. (k) Lllit all dlliD06aJ Slles and site Certificate Numbefs (to( finaJ d/8D06al) 1. To be negociated 4. - 2. 5. J. ... 6. 5. TYPE OF APPLICATION ----------- - [: New Cerblicate of Approval OC ATler"ldmllnt to B cCJrrent Certificate of Approva .. --.._----~------- ---.---------.--.--- - Current Certlficllle Number A390327 Date 01 Issue Novo 18, 1993 l~IJ (ll,~"t r.qor ':.l 0'" - OJI · PROJECT:.'PfIIUCATlON OEseR/fllTlON - '=8~ Abna.ct IBrioe1 OMCf'01)On a1lt-. p<oP<l4&J) - ---- ------------- .. .. .. '." o '.. tllIiI '----.- ~ 7. EBR REQUIREMENTS , .. Is lt1.. P'..cnbed InSlrument undet EBR? If · P'HCrlbeG InU'ument. 's 'I eJl:089.o from publIC nollflc.boo? 00 o v.. o 2 V... Class ~ Instrument? o No 120 No o o Equivalent Public Panicllllllion I I ' ,- I I If it .. a"Depted from EBR. p<oVld. '_on E"*lIency .. PU8UC CONSULTATlON~OTlACAnON_ I" re\'lI alllft i -------_--.1 Specrly IJI putNlc consullldlons/no1rllcalion (SUCh.. putNic mM1Iings, no\ficaOon 0/ Fnt NIIHna C.) flat h.., been comple'-d Of . In t-.. PfOCM. of boa.ng COCTIpIa1ed. o EM Of Tribunal D8C1slon Envtronrnentlly In........ unendment or "exempt from public llOtIkaboo. doc:umen"~ in IUPPOf1 of t-.. no,,", .~ mu.-t boa provld.c:t, .. Notice through news media .. .. t. OTHER APPROVAlSiPERMITS - L'5t all ottle< .nV1roo~1III approv"l~mrtll appll.G fo, rala,,", b he PfOjeCt Of racarvea under'" EPA (diacharQM 10 aJr, W..," ~t. uwaqa 'YW""". e1c ) and fle Ontario Wa.., AMourQM Act IOWAA) (wa"", work, pefmlt b 1aJl. wa.. ak.) .. N/A .. ... 10. PROJECTSCHEOULE - - E"mated Dale fOf Stan o. Cons_uc1ion September 1999 -----~-_._- -- - i Esuma.o Dale /0( Slar1 at Opafdon , November 1999 .. "') ,..... l3I,Qe lo" - IJ.) 2 ... -- --. ........,..... .. ,- ~"". ~ ...>t.u lU =~mQle tne '- Incl<.C1fJS aJl eQUlpmerrt and CONtrucllon COSts bul does not Include CO> tor land. .....g,'-.. Ing SllfVlCe<s Md C<:lst3 at taalltles for wt1lcn !tie permIT or aoprOVal 13 applIed lor Under a!tler SectIOns ollt1e EPA or !tie OINRA 10f whld1 appraDnatelees nave or Will be P&ld. The t_ snail not be less than $.50.00 or more It\an $100,000.00. (For more Inbmation rifler to the GUICe) (1) The lee payable upon submiSSIOn of an 800llcatJon under SectIon 27 or the EPA where !tie apphClIlIon relates to a waste disposal &ita other than a IandlillillQ SM I!l: .. (a) 2% oi the cost oi the eqUlpment and canstruc1loo related 110 !he application, Iesl (b) an amounl equal to !he proportlon allhe walla that is received at the site and will Ie..... the sl1a for recycling Of reuse to the lIMaI amount oi waste received at !he Site, Calculated by wetghl Of by vo/ume, multiplied by!he..noum referred to in daUlle (a). (c) where additional approvala are reoulred under other Sec1lons of the Act. sepatate I.,..... alao required. (2) For !he purpose of clause 1 (a), recycled or reused WlIIIlIt doe. not indude waste intended 110 be UlIed as a dust suppressant or as a fuel or Intendod 10 be disposed of at a landfillino site Of nc:ineflllDr. .. .. (3) The fee payable upon ~1Ilior1 under Sec1Son 27 oi the EPA where !he application rela1lts to alal1dfill;ng lite is 4 cents per cubic metre of the ~ of !he IandfitljIlQ site. .. Estimated Fee ($50.00 nunrnum, $100.000.00~) $ --0 Cheque or Money Order Attacned 0 Ves 0 No .. 'Mlen an .~ Is subtM!ed to the Ministry tot review the fee mUllt be In the fonn of a c:er1Ifled c:tleque or money order payable to "The MInIa1er of Fn.nce". DO NOT SEND CASH 12. SUPPORTlNa INFORllAnON CHECKUST - This. aliat of d supporting Inforrndon atIached to this application and is lutlject to the FOIPOPA - W1dEBA. - -,-- I INFORIlAT1OH ATTACHED? ~_.- - , " GENERAl. - " Verification of Leg.l Name of Applicant 10 v_ ~ No - I Copy of NEPDA 0 v_ ~ No I -~~..;....... N_ Ex--. -t 0 00 No I v- I Proof of Public: Notific:atlon Consultation 0 Va ~ No , i TECHNICAL i I I ~- - Site Plan ;00 Yo. 0 No - I Hydrogooiogic:al Asseument 0 Yo. 00 No -- , .. .. .. - Design and Ope/Dona Report ~ y- O v.. o No 00 No Drainage Study - Financial Assurance '0 v.. 00 No OTHER AnACHED INFORMATION - - Design & Operations Report :8uilding & Compaction Unit specs! REFERENCE CAN BE i DISCLOSED I I 10 v.. 0 v.. 0 Y. ". 0 Va -- ----.. i[ZJ Y.. ,0 Y.. ~ Y.. v.. Y.. ,0 Attachment A -.-- "'--- Attachment B o v.. 0 No o Y- 0 No ------- 'OVn ONo I~-.-, .-JQ Y.. 0 No 13. STATEMENT OF APPUCANT J. the under&lgn<<i hereby declare ltlat . to !tie best of my knowledge, the .moonallon contIIinod herein and the Information submitlled In sUI)pO(t 01 this application i5 complete and 1ICClJt81lt In every w.Y and that the contact fOf le<:hnlc&l and design lnfofmatJon identified In Item 2 of ltIls fotm IS authotlzod to IlCt on my behaJllor the purpose of obtaining approval under Seclion 27 of !he EPA fof the waste disposal site identified herein. - .. I 1-------- I Name ! l_ lSIgn.atur. ,/A/1CS- tv )</11...C ~~ ---~-_u lnoe- ~. Dot. ~/t;;/1rL O. , ~ . J~! .. - ... ..\ TTACH:\'lENT A Desi2;n and Operations RCINrt ,. Site Description .. The following information is in support to the attached application for amendment to Certificate of Approval A390327. .,. I I A location map depicting adjacent land uses is shown in Figure 1. A scaled site plan is attached as Figure 2. The building would be located 120 feet from the nearest property boundary to the west. and 130 feet from the nearest property boundary to the east. An access road will be required to circle the facility. in order to provide adequate access to transport trucks. The-municipal zoning of the property is M2 - (general industrial). .. I I Operations T T T T T 1 y I ~ 1 { ,~ i 11 1 The site in question is currently operating under Certificate of Approval as a waste transfer stationo The proposed amendment would add non-hazardous solid municipal and commercial waste as wastes being transferred. The maximum rate of transfer will be 250 tonnes per day with a maximum storage of 250 tonnes at anyone time. The solid wastes will be received in collection trucks (from approved waste management systems) serving municipalities within the region. The waste wil be dumped on the floor of the building and either bulk loaded or compacted into 25-tonne trailers for shipment to approved waste disposal sites. A maximum of 10 trailers would be filled in a day. The facility would operate from Monday to Saturday. from 7 am to 7 pm. The operations would take place within a building (Attachment B). The building will be constructed on a slab. without any drains. i\S the solid waste is compacted. any liquids formed would be collected and directed to a sump. At this point. an absorbant will be used to absorb the liquid. and the resulting solid returned to the solid waste stream and transferred to an approved disposal site. The proposed facility would be entirely contained. with no liquid wastes or drainage off the property. There would be no liquids stored. transferred, drained. or treated at this facility. There would be no storm water. run-off water. surface water. or groundwater drainage. The approval of this application \vithout operational contracts with approved disposal sites is proposed. with the condition that the transfer station cannot be used without such contracts in effect. i ! .. I I c; i 1 ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CON. 3 & 4 .. I M I ~ aD ~ 0 .... - en I- 0 ...J Z .. W M ~ ~ ..- .... \) ..- I- ~ I- .... 0 0 I- ...J W ...J 0 .. OJ ...J I W U Z L ~ .. 0 ~-\ ...J ...J <t: c 1\ - <t: 0 a:: \ - CONCESSION 3 I \ - ) f - / I ,I I I - / / ! - I I I j - / - 200 feet Proposed transfer bUilding 130' .. ,; - ------- \ / , ) , / 160' - \ "--- / ~ f -----._--. _/ -~ ~---- ~- - - I ..----/ ----. GRAHAM CREEK / --- - ---- - ~ ~ ----- - Figure 2: Scaled site plan of subject property -------------- ---------..... - -- ----- -- ~ o ') - J~ ATTACHMENT NO.2... ~ SUBJECT SITE (M2-5 ZONING) .. LOT 13 LOT 12 LOT 11 .. I 0 ~ <( Z .. I 0 0 a: - CJ) I > CJ) .. LU UJ -J U I -J Z .. <( 0 > u I a: .. <( 0 I LU A () .. .. 90NCESSION ~ A ROAD 4 0 A - 0 LU .. I a: a: z IIIlI A 0 I f- LU -J ('f) .. a.. I <( Z f- a ... en - CJ) CJ) UJ III U Z a .1 III A () III ~ .. .. oJD fill .. .. .. - .. .. .. 1. .. '1 .. 3. .. .. .. .. '1 .. ., j. .. .. - ... - THE CORPOR.\TION OF THE lVIUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT \;leeting: General Purpose and AdmInIstratIOn Committee File # Date: .\1onday, September 23. 1999 Res. # Repon #: PD-I05-Q9 FILE #: ,'\99/030. ,'\99/034 & A99/036 to A99/041, inclusive By-law # Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 FILE NO'S.: A99/030, A99/034 & A99/036 TO A99/041, INCLUSIVE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Repon PD-l 05-99 be received; THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on September 9, 1999 for applications A99/030, A99/034 and A99/036 to A99/041, inclusive; and THAT Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for applications A99/030, A99/034 and A99/036 to A99/041, inclusive, in the event of an appeal. 1. In accordance with Section 45 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, all applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled to be heard within 30 days of being received by the Secretary Treasurer. The decisions of the Committee are detailed below. Applications A991030 and A99/036 were APPROVED as applied for. Application A99/034 was previously TABLED at the August 12, 1999 meeting to allow the applicant time to post the sign in accordance with the Planning Act requirements. This application was APPROVED as applied for. subject to the applicant submitting a written clearance from the Clarington Public Works Department for the landscaping modifications penaining to lot grading and drainage within 90 days of the Committee's decision. ,) J I REPORT NO.: PD-105-99 PAGE 2 -f. Application A99/037 was APPROVED as applied for. subject to the applicant obtaining a building permit within ninety (90) days of the Committee's decision and completing the work within one year. The applicatIOn was required as a condition of approval for LD 244/98. 5. Applications A99/038 was APPROVED as applied for, subject to the existing shed being brought into compliance with the Zoning By-law or the minor variance granted within ninety (90) days of the Committee's decision. 6. Application A99/039 was APPROVED as applied for a set of linked dwellings to have an exterior side yard setback of 4.2 metres, subject to the driveway and curbcut being outside the sight triangle formed by the intersection of Daiseyfield and Firwood Avenueso. 7. Application A99/040 was APPROVED for a set of linked dwellings to have an exterior side yard setback of 3.25 metres. With the approval of A99/039 and A99/040, Committee asked that the minutes reflect that the approval of these two minor variances for reduction in exterior side yard setback was given with great reservation and that the decisions would not be considered precedent setting for the remainder of the comer lots within this plan of subdivision. 8. Application A99/041 was APPROVED as applied for, subject to the applicant removing the two easterly existing sheds within 6 months of the issuance of the building permit for the new accessory building. 9. The purpose of each minor variance application and the Committee's decisions are detailed in Attachment No.1. J-.JO - ... ... ... .. .. . .. ... .. tllIiI ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. - ... REPORT NO.: PD-l05-99 PAGE 3 - 10. Staff have reviewed the Committee's decisions and are satisfied that the applications which received approval are in conformity with the Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law and minor in nature and desirable. - .. 11. Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions is required in order to afford staff s official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. .. ... Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, .. Gr~_C~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.PoP., Chief Administrative Officer .. Davi J ome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development SL *DJC*cc .. 13 September 1999 .. Attach. ... ... .. ... ... ... ... - rJ j 1 ... .... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. PERIODIC REPORT .. FILE NUMBER: A99/030 ******************** .. APPLICANT: WOOD, EARL LAWRENCE .. AGENT: CUREATZ, SAM L. .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 5831 OCHONSKI ROAD .. PART LOT: 30 CONCESSION: 5 TOWNSHIP: CLARKE .. PLAN NUMBER: ZONING: EP .. HEARING DATE: 9-Sep-99 .. APPEAL DATE: 29-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. MINOR VARIANCE: .. TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED SETBACK FROM THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ZONE FROM 3 METRES TO 0 METRES TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING IN-GROUND SWIMMING POOL AND AN EXISTING GARAGE. .. REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR AND DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS APPLIED FOR. .. tllIiI tllIiI ... 'I o4u .. .. .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT .. .. FILE NUMBER: A99/034 ******************** APPLICANT: BROCKINGTON, CHRIS AND KATHRINE - AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION - 26 AVONDALE DR PART LOT: 30 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON - PLAN NUMBER: 40M-1820 -16 .. ZONING: R2 .. HEARING DATE: 9-Sep-99 APPEAL DATE: 29-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING SHED WITH AN INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK AND A SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM THE MAIN BUILDING OF 0.10 M (4 INCHES), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 1.2 M (4 FEET). - .. REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OP & BY-LAW, & DEEMED MINOR & DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE - APPROVED SUBJECT TO MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY WORKS BEING RESOLVED WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DECISION. - - .. 1 Uetl .. .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT ... PERIODIC REPORT ... FILE NUMBER: A99/036 ******************** .. APPLICANT: PRESTON, DONNA .. AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 12 REHDER AVE .. PART LOT: 13 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: BOWMANVILLE tllIiI PLAN NUMBER: ZONING: R1 .. HEARING DATE: 9-Sep-99 .. APPEAL DATE: 29-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CARPORT AND SUNROOM WITH AN INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 0047 METRES (1.54 FEET), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 1.2 M (3.94 FEET) INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK .. tllIiI REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR AND DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS APPLIED FOR. IIIlI tllIiI .. ffIJII I \J 't L. .. - .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT .. .. FILE NUMBER: A99/037 ******************** APPLICANT: JANSSEN, INGRID .. AGENT: - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .. 2250 TAUNTON ROAD EAST PART LOT: 19 CONCESSION: 5 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON - PLAN NUMBER: .. ZONING: RH .. HEARING DATE: 9-Sep-99 APPEAL DATE: 29-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT THE APPLICANT TO RETAIN A 86.95 SQUARE METRES (936 SQoFT.) ACCESSORY BUILDING. THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED IS 45.89 SQUARE METRES (494 SQ.FT.) - - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OP & BY-LAW & IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR & DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT OBTAINING A BUILDING PERMIT WITHIN 90 DAYS & COMPLETING THE WORK WITHIN 1 YEAR 0 - - - .. I , ~ :J 'i ~! .... IIIlI THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. PERIODIC REPORT tllIiI FILE NUMBER: A99/038 ******************** - APPLICANT: OLIVIERI, LEO AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .. 180 ANDREW STREET .. PART LOT: 26 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: NEWCASTLE .. PLAN NUMBER: 10M-827 -22 ZONING: R1 .. HEARING DATE: 9-Sep-99 .. APPEAL DATE: 29-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING WITH AN EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 1.2 M (4 FTo), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 6 M SETBACKo tllIiI .. REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OP & BY-LAW & IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR & DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE EXISTING SHED BEING BROUGHT INTO COMPLIANCE WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DECISIONo .. tllIiI .. .. U"t .+ .. .. .... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT .. .. FILE NUMBER: A99/039 ******************** APPLICANT: DAISEYFIELD DEVELOPMENTS - AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION - 84 DAISEYFIELD AVENUE PART LOT: 31 CONCESSION: 3 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON .. PLAN NUMBER: 40M-1954 -14R - ZONING: R1 .. HEARING DATE: 9-Sep-99 APPEAL DATE: 29-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED .... MINOR VARIANCE: .... TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEMI-DETACHED/LINKED DWELLING WITH AN EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 402 METRES (13077 FT.), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 6 M (19.68 FTo) SETBACK. .. .... - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OP & BY-LAW & IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR & DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED FOR EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 4.2 M, SUBJECT TO THE DRIVEWAY & CURBCUT BEING OUTSIDE THE SIGHT TRIANGLE 0 .... - - J -t :' .... .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. PERIODIC REPORT .. FILE NUMBER: A99/040 ******************** tllIiI APPLICANT: DAISEYFIELD DEVELOPMENTS AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .. 22 DAISEYFIELD AVENUE .. PART LOT: 31 CONCESSION: 3 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: 40M-1954 -4L .. ZONING: R1 .. HEARING DATE: 9-Sep-99 .... APPEAL DATE: 29-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEMI-DETACHED/LINKED DWELLING WITH AN EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 3025 METRES (10.66 FT.), INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 6 M (19068 FT.) SETBACK 0 .. tllIiI REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR AND DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED FOR EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 3.25 METRES. .. ... .. .. U"tO .. .. .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .. COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT .. .. FILE NUMBER: A99/041 ******************** APPLICANT: RAMSEY, MIKE .. AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .. 29 FIRNER STREET PART LOT: 31 CONCESSION: 4 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON .. PLAN NUMBER: .. ZONING: RH & A .. HEARING DATE: 9-Sep-99 APPEAL DATE: 29-Sep-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 111.48 SQ M (1200 SQ FT.) ACCESSORY BUILDING IN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING 11.1 SQ. M (120 SQoFTo) SHED, WHICH WOULD INCREASE THE TOTAL LOT COVERAGE FOR ACCESSORY BUILDINGS FROM 40% TO 53%. .. .. - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT AS THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE 0 P & BY-LAW & DEEMED TO BE MINOR & DESIRABLE, THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED SUBJECT TO REMOVAL OF TWO EASTERLY EXISTING SHEDS WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF RECEIVING PERMIT FOR NEW ACC. BLDG. .. - - . ..J.. I U r I - .. .. .. - .. .. -,,\; :'~-I06-l.)9 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT \fleeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: \10nday. September 20. 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-I06-99 FILE #: COP A 97-008. By-law # ROPA 97-020. DEV 97-058, LD 327/98 Subject: ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD DECISION AMENDMENT 49 TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 9 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN ZONING BY-LAW 98-118 CONSENT TO SEVER LD 327/98 LISHMAN/HALMINEN - Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: .. .. I. THAT Report PD-l 06-99 be received for information. .. 1. 1.1 - .. - - .. - - - BACKGROUND On August 23. 1999. the Ontario Municipal Board hearing with respect to the above- noted planning instruments began. The hearing was originally scheduled for 7 days, to commence on August 23, 1999 and run until September I, 1999. However, the settlement between Paula Lishman Limited and Ms. Linda Gasser, along with the withdrawal of Mr. Bill Wood's appeals resulted in a much shorter hearing than originally anticipated. 1.2 The Municipality entered evidence that the settlement between Paula Lishman Limited and Ms. Linda Gasser. including the modifications to Amendment 49 to the Durham Regional Official Plan and Amendment 9 to the Clarington Official Plan along with By- law 98-118. was consistent with good planning. No other party or participant offered a professional planning witness for the Board's consideration. -, ..; j 1...../1 ... REPORT NO.: PD-l06-99 PAGE 2 lIIIIII 1.3 The Board accepted the testimony of the Municipality's planner and since the testimony was not disputed. the Board entered the following oral decision: IIIlI .. . the approval of Amendment 49 to the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended by Regional Council on April 7. 1999; .. .. . the approval of Amendment 9 to the Clarington Official Plan, as modified by Clarington Council on July 19, 1999; III . the approval of By-law 98-118, as modified by Clarington Council on July 19,1999; .. . the approval of consent to sever application LD 327/98, subject to several regulatory conditions, including those recommended by Clarington Council on July I, 1999. III .. 1.4 The Board's written decision was received on September 3, 1999 and is attached to this Report as Attachment Noo I. .. .. Respectfully submitted. Reviewed by, - ~-;z / /- 'i ~~: /1 h-----7) i~ IYavrd J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development ... -I 1/'0, " . 'i~ . I -~ ~ Franklin Wu. M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. - WM*DC*df 9 September 1999 1M Attachment No. 1 Ontario Municipal Board Decision iii !III OLfJ !III .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. - - - ,.... .", '-I'" . ,....--~.~T'rt~ '---- ~ ,il~} SEP 0 8 1999 PL980816 " I fV Cf CLARINGTON ;;ijll~G DEPAHTMENT . - ISSUE CA TE. Sept. 01,1999 I I 2ssh1'S DECISION/ORDER NO 1621 Ontario SEP 3 Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontano Linda Gasser, William Woods, and Robert and Jean Kingsley have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 17(24) of the Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P.13. from a decIsion of the Regional Municipality of Durham to approve proposed Amendment No. 49 to the Official Plan for Regional Municipality of Durham Region's File Number: D14-0PA #97-020 OMS File Number: 0980226 Paula Lishman limited has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 17(40) of the Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, from the failure of the Regional Municipality of Durham to approve proposed Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan for the Municipality of Clanngton Region's File Number: LOPA-C-98-005 OMB File Number: 0980227 Marlene Spruyt and Robert and Jean Kingsley have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 53(19) of the Plannmg Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P 13, as amended, from a decision of the Land Division Committee of the Region of Durham which granted, upon conditions, an application by 1228272 Ontario Limited, numbered B-331/1998 for consent to convey part of the lands composed of Part Lots 33 and 34. Concession 6, in the Municipality of Clarington OMS File Number: C990027 William Woods and Linda Gasser have appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 34( 19) of the Planning Act. R SO. 1990, c. P 13, as amended, against Zoning By-law 98-118 of the Municipality of Clanngton ," __ ____... _.. _.. _..__0____ OMS File Number: R980170 : ;.:-'lSTR~U TlON t ,. - . I .../ . '\ ... I : I '~,."\ '..,-1<...d .. . ---'i . , . , APPEARANCES: , ; i; ~ :. Parties Counsel/Agents D. C. Hefferon ., ..- ,-- ~- -. --.- ---- ; C)1]; . . ; iLl CL/L/~-~_~~~::.~~: I / , . :.............~ I ; ." __......_ Municipality of Clanngton Region of Durham Paula Lishman Limited A. C. Allison W. Lishman ~ - Robert and Jean Kingsley Linda Gasser I - P. Bowman-Kingsley_. L. Gasser ,"---"-~ .....-.--.. --- 1_.... '.':___. --~. MEMORANDUM OF ORAL DECISION DELIVERED BY D. R. GRANGER ON AUGUST 23. 1999 AND ORDER OF THE BOARD , f) .~: ,J - 2 - PL980816 There are four matters before the Board. First is an appeal by Linda Gasser, William Woods and Robert and Jean Kingsley from a decision of the Region of Durham in October 1998 to approve Amendment Number 49 to the Regional Official Plan (ROPA 49) which would permit only a fur garment manufacturing facility in the Permanent Agricultural Reserve. Regional Council further amended ROPA 49 in April 1999 to permit a single prestige industrial use including a fur garment manufacturing facility. The second matter is an appeal by Paula Lishman Limited of the Region of Durham's failure to approve Amendment Number 9 to the Clarington Official Plan (OPA 9) which would create a Special Policy Area J to permit a single prestige employment use suited to the agricultural area. OPA 9 was modified by Clarington council in July 1999 requiring an official plan amendment for any change from the intended fur garment manufacturing facility to a different employment use. This was the result of a negotiated settlement with Linda Gasser. The third matter is an appeal by William Woods and Linda Gasser against Zoning By-law 98-118 enacted by C:anngton Council on July 13, 1998 to change the zoning from Agncultural (A) to Environmental Protection (EP) and to Holding Agricultural Special Exemption [(H) A-59] to permit conservation, reforestation and a fur garment manufacturing facility. The By-law caps the fur facility floor area at a maximum of 2,500 square metres and is proposed to be further amended to cap any accessory building floor area to a maximum of 100 square metres. The fourth matter is an appeal by Marlene Spruyt and Robert and Jean Kingsley from a decision of the Region of Durham Land Division Committee which granted with conditions an application by 1228272 Ontario Limited for consent to convey 20 hectares from 86.29 hectares of land composed of Part Lots 33 and 34, Concession 6 in the former Township of Clarke. Ms Spruyt's appeal was ~ :)sequently withdrawn. At the beginning of the hearing, William Woods confirmed that he had recently withdrawn his appeals regarding all four matters. Counsel for Clarington informed the Bo" : that resolutions had been reached on the various planning issues between the applicant and Linda Gasser as set out in the Minutes of Settlement presented as Exhibit Number 7. He also stated that two remaining issues of the Kingsleys had been resolved with the presentation of a pfan clarifying the lands to O ~ 1 ..)1 .. .. tllIiI tllIiI .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... IIIlI .. ... ... III .. III - - ... .. .. ... .. ... - .. .. ... .. - - - - - - - 3 - PL980816 be severed, lands to be retained and a proposed right-of-way as set out in Exhibit Number 9 and with the final details of the By-law as set out in Exhibit Number 6, Tab 15. W. Munro, on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, provided uncontested professional land use planning evidence in support of the four matters now before the Board. No other evidence was presented. The planner stated that ROPA 49, as amended in April 1999, conforms to the Provincial Policy Statement and 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan. He stated that no negative impact will result from the proposal and that the quantity and quality of - groundwater would not be affected. It was his opinion that ROPA 49 was consistent with good planning principles. With respect to OPA 9, as modified in July 1999, the planner stated that the amendment conforms to the Provincial Policy Statement and the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan. He added that the existing natural features of the site would be enhanced and that the proposal was consistent with good planning principles. With respect to Zoning By-law 98-118 the planner stated that with the addition of the limitation on the size of accessory buildings, that the By-law conforms to the Provincial Policy Statement and ROPA 49, implements OPA 9 and is consistent with good planning principles Finally, with respect to the consent to convey lands, as illustrated in Exhibit Number 9 and subject to the SIX conditions set out in Exhibit Number 11, Schedule "C," having regard for subsection 51 (24) of the Planning Act, he stated that the proposal was appropriate and consistent with good planning principles. At the request of W. Lishman, with no objection from any other party, the Board amends the date noted in Condition Number 6 to Wednesday, August 23, 2000 which represents one year from the date of this Board decision. On the evidence presented, the Board finds that the matters, as detailed above, are appropriate, represent good planning and are in the overall public interest. In conclusion, the Board allows the appeals, in part, and approves Amendment Number 49 to the Official Plan of the Region of Durham, as amended by the Regional Municipality of Durham, and set out as Attachment "1" to this decision. The Board approves Amendment Number 9 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington, incorporating the modifications requested by the Municipality of Clarington, and set out as U. '/ .J L_ .. - 4 - PL980816 .. Attachment "2" to this decision. The Board amends By-law 98-118 by adding to it a new clause 1 (c) (x) as follows: tllIiI "1 (C)(x) Notwithstanding section 3.1 (d) of this By-law, one or more accessory buildings or structures may be constructed and used on the lands zoned A-59 on the Schedules to this By-law, provided that the maximum size of any single accessory building or Structure does not exceed 100 square metres of total floor area and that the other applicable provisions of this By-law are complied with." tllIiI .. .. 'Ie By-law as amended by the Board is set out as Attachment "3" to this decision. The Board grants provisional consent substantially in the manner as set out in Exhibit Number 9 and subject to the six conditions set out as Attachment "4" to this decision with the date set out in Condition Number 6 of Monday, January 24, 2000 amended to Wednesday. August 23, 2000. The Secretary to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee will be responsible for the clearing of conditions. In all other respects related to these four matters, the appeals are dismissed The Board commends the efforts of the parties In arriving at this uncontested conclusion. .. .. .. IIIlI The Board so orders. .. .. D~ G~~ .. D. R. GRANGER MEMBER .. .. .. ... II 1 OJ) IlIIi - .. .. .. - - .. .. y,: PDI07-QQ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 Reso # Report #: PD-l07-99 FILE #: COPA 97-007, l8T-92014 By-law # 18T-94027, DEV 92-033 & DEV 94-067 Subject: ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD DECISION - COURTICE HEIGHTS DEVTS. AMENDMENT NO. 10 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN REFERRAL NO.3 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PLANS OF SUBDIVISION: 18T-92014 AND 18T-94027 BY-LAWS 99-7 AND 99-8 - Recommendations: .. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PD-107-99 be received FOR INFORMATION. .. 1. 1.1 .. - - 1.2 ... - .. - BACKGROUND In January of 1999, a hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board commenced with respect to Amendment No. 10 to the Clarington Official Plan, Referral Noo 3 of provisions of the Clarington Official Plan and two plans of subdivision and related rezoning applications submitted by Courtice Heights Developments for the construction of261 dwelling units in the Hancock Neighbourhood. Two planners from the Municipality's Planning and Development Department testified before the Board as a panel in support of the proposals. The panel entered evidence that the various planning instruments before the Board represented the application of sound planning principles. Although the panel was cross-examined at length by Libby Racansky, one of the parties to the hearing, no other professional planning witness testified for the Board's consideration. u J-+ REPORT NO.: PD-I07-99 PAGE 2 .. 1.3 In addition, a panel of four professional witnesses, comprised of an engineer, a hydrogeologist and two environmental planners, offered evidence on behalf of the proponent. The panel was cross- examined by Mrs. Racansky and their evidence was disputed by Mrs. Racansky's own environmental planner and hydrogeolgist. .. ... ... 1.4 The Board's decision was received in August of 1999 and supported the Municipality's position. Of the three major issues raised by Mrs. Racansky, the Board determined the following: · based upon the analysis of pertinent evidence with respect to hydrogeology, the Board found that the proposal does not cause an unacceptable adverse impact upon ground water and well water levels in the area; .. .. ... · no further studies, as proposed by the objector, are warranted and the studies submitted by the applicant are acceptable and not contradicted; and liliiii · the proposal does not cause an unacceptable adverse impact upon the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole. .. .. 1.5 The Board's written decision is too lengthy to attach to this report but is available for viewing in the Planning and Development Department. III .. Reviewed by, d rr~~ tLL Franklin Wu, MoC.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer .. DaVid (~rome, .c.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development tllIiI WM*DC*jip September 9, 1999 .. flIIII .. ... OJ''''' .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... 1. .. ., _. .. ., J. .. - -+ lilt ). ... (1. .. r !}.1 OX_lN THE CORPORA TIO:\! OF THE :\IU:\!ICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT .\leetmg: General Purpose and .-\dministration Committee File ::::; Date: \londay. SePtember 200 1999 Res. ;::; Report t::: PD- I 08-99 FILE #: Dev 95-018 (X-Ref: 18T-95028) Bv-Iaw;::; Subject: REZONING APPLICATION AND PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: 708545 ONTARIO LIMITED PART LOTS 31 AND 32. CONCESSION 2. FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: DEV 95-018 (X-REF: 18T-95028) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Comminee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PD- I 08-99 be received; THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends approval of the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T -95028 subject to the Conditions of Draft Approval contamed in Attachment No. 1 to this Report; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized. by By-law. to execute the Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of the Draft Plan of Subdivision and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington at such time as an agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development: THAT the attached amendment to By-law 84-63 be APPROVED and that the Holding (H) symbols be removed by By-law upon the executIon of a Subdivision Agreement; THA T all interested parties and delegations be advised of Council's decision: and THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Durham Regional Plannmg Department. - 1. 1.1 .. 1.2 - .. APPLICATION DETAILS Applicant: 708545 Ontano Limited Agent: G.\1. Semas and ASSOCIates Ltd. , - ........ J"';.) IIIlI REPORT NO.: PD-I08-99 PAGE 2 ... 1 .., . ..) Subdivision: Ori 2:inal Prooosai: ... Sought draft approval for a 241 unIt plan of subdivIsion consisting ()f 86 Single detached units. 84 semi-detached unIts and 71 street III townhouses. Revised Proposal: III Seeking draft approval for a 230 unit plan of subdivision consisting of 85 single detached dwellings, 84 semi-detached units and 61 III street townhouse units. ].4 .. Rezoning: The subject property currently containS the followmg zone categories: ... . Agricultural (A) Holding Urban Residential Type One ((H) R 1) tllIiI . The applicant intends to amend the Zoning By-law in order to implement the above-noted plan of subdivision. as revised. tllIiI .. 1.5 Area: 14.948 hectares .. 2. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING LAND USES 2.1 The lands subject to the applications are currently vacant and are located in Part Lots 31 and 32. Concession 2. in the former Township of Darlington (see Attachment No.1). The surrounding land uses Include: .. .. North - South - East EXIsting residential development within the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood Agncultural and stormwater management pond ResidentIal uses along Trulls Road and agriculture (V ooys greenhouse) Residential uses along Prestonvale Road. .. III West - .. tllIiI '-J -' ' .. - - - .. .. - - - .. .. - - .. REPORT :\TO.: PD-I08-99 PAGE 3 3. BACKGROUND , . , In \larch of 1995. -')8545 Ontano Limited applied \vlth the RegIOn of Durham for the -lpproval or' a plan at subdIVIsIon. The applicant aiso applied with the Murucipality of Clanngton Planning and Development Department In order to amend Comprehensive Zomng By-law 84-63 to Implement the proposed plan of subdivision. ..t PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS ..U :\ Public NotIce SIgn was Installed-at three (3) separate locatIons on the subject lands to adVIse the nelghbourhood of a Public MeetIng held on May 25. 1998. Three members of the public addressed the General Purpose and Administration CommIttee and expressed concerns regarding: . the timing of the development; impacts upon well water; the provision of fencing; and impacts upon flora and fauna. . . . In addition. the Planning and Development Department has received one written submission with respect to the proposal. The submission was made on behalf of the owner of Lot 41 on RegIstered Plan of Subdivision 40M-1669. The submIssIon requests the gratuitous dedication of Block 145 on the proposed draft plan of subdivision to the owner of Lot 41 on RegIstered Plan of Subdivision 40M-1669. - 5.\ 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES - - .:; ., - - - Within the \991 RegIonal Official Plan. the subject lands are designated as a Living Area. Lands so designated are mtended to be used for urban residential uses. The application :lppears to conform with the provIsions of the Durham RegIOnal Official Plan. Within the Clanngton Official Plan. the subject lands are designated Crban Residential with an associated \1edium Density symbol. ~ '"' , , ' '-' - ~ 6. 6.1 REPORT ~O.: PD-I08-99 PAGE 4 - .., ),.) The Clanngton OffiCial Plan has established target of 2300 resldennal unItS for the Emily Stowe nelghbourhood. The 230 uruts proposed In the applIcation. as revIsed. is in keepIng with the target as contaIned in the Clanngton Official Plan. .-\s a result, the application appears to confonn with the Intent of the Clanngton Official Plan. 5.4 The Clanngton Official Plan generally requires the preparation of an Environmental Impact Study (EIS\ in conjuncnon with any applicanon located within or adjacent to any natural feature. However, it was detennined that an EIS was not Justified in conjunction within this subdivIsion since the application was submitted in March of 1995. 20 months pnor to the approval of the Clanngton OfficIal Plan. It is therefore "grandfathered" from this requlremento Given the nature of the area, any environmental impacts are considered mirumal. ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, the lands subject to the current application are zoned in part Agricultural (A) and in part Holding Urban Residential Type One ((H)Rl). 6.2 The pOnIon of the propeny zoned Holding Urban Resldennal Type One ((H)RI) corresponds to the extension of Glenabbey Drive and Oke Road towards Prestonvale Road. The balance of the site IS currently zoned AgriCUltural (A) which allows for fann and fann related uses. These zones do not reflect the development of the lands as proposed by the applicant and hence the application proposes to amend the zoning to implement the proposed plan of subdivisIon. 7. AGENCY COMME:'1TS 7. I The proposed plan 0 f subdi viSIon was CIrculated for comments bv the Regional Municipality of Durham. Concurrently, the proposed zonIng amendment appiication was circulated In order to obtaIn comments from other depanments and agenCIes. The follOWIng prOVides a bnef Summary of the COmments recelvea. .. .. .. .. IIIlI .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. 1M .. ... ... - - - .. - .. - - - .. - 7.5 .. - ... 7.6 - - - - REPORT NO.: PD-I08-99 PAGE 5 - .., \1inisrrv of CitIzensnID. Culture and RecreatIon The Ministry has noted that the development of this sIte has a hIgh potentIal for causing impacts to cultural hentage resources. .-\lthough the Mirustry dId not object to the proposaL the Mimstry did recommend that the standard condition regarding cultural hentage resources be Imposed upon the application. 7.3 Central Lake Ontano ConservatIon The Central Lake Ontano ConservatIon (CLOC) reVIewed the proposed plan of subdivision. the assocIated stonnwater management facilities and the related engineering reports commissIOned by the applicant. CLOC offered no objection to the proposal but did include several conditions of draft approval related to the detailed design of the stonn water facilities. 7.4 Northumberland and Clarington Public School Board The Public School Board has reviewed the pr9posal and noted that the development will yield approximately 100 students at the Counice South Public School which is currently over capacity with 9 portables on site. The Board offered no objection to the proposal but noted that It may be necessary to rely on the condition of draft approval which stages development WIth the avaIlability of school accommodatIon. Fire Department The Fire Depanment noted that response time is in the area of 4-5 mmutes for full time staff. This response tIme Increases from 7 to 10 mmutes for part time staff for the hours of 6:00 porn. to 6:00 a.m. In that regard. it IS noted that Station -+ on Trulls Road implemented full tIme staffing on September 6. 1999. Public Works Department The Public Works Department adVIsed that they have no objectIon to the revised plan of subdivision but did include several regulatory conditions regarding the development of the lands. The conditionso which have been InCorporated Into Attachment No.1 to this OOJ REPORT NO.: PD-I08-99 PAGE 6 .. .. Repon. address sucn matters as stormwater management. future servIce connections and .. street \vldths. .. Depanments/AgenCleS \Vith No ObiectlOns Bell Canada. Ontano Hydroo the Ministry of the Environment. Canada Post and the .. RegIonal Works Depanment all offered no objectIon to the proposal but did include standard conditions of draft approval regarding Issues such as communIty mailboxes. the .. proVIsion of electncal power supply and the provision of mUnIcipal servIces. All of these conditions would be Implemented through either the mUnIcIpal subdivision agreement or .. the reglOnal servIcmg agreement should the subdivision receIve draft approval. 8. NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN FOR EMILY STOWE NEIGHBOURHOOD 8.1 A Neighbourhood Design Plan is a physical design plan for lotting, roads and services for an entire neighbourhoodo Section 9.5 of the Clarington Official Plan generally requires the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan. for endorsement at the staff level, prior to Council approving the plan of subdivision at the municipal level. 8.2 The Neighbourhood DesIgn Plan for the Emlly Stowe Nelghbourhood was endorsed by staff on September -. 1999 and can now be used to effectIvely gUIde the subdivision approval process lor applications within the boundanes of the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood. () 1 9. STAFF COMMENTS As noted in SectIon 4.2 of this Repon. the followmg issues were raIsed by members of the public. . the tImmg of the development Impacts upon well water the provIsion of fencmg impacts upon t10ra and fauna the dedicauon of Block 145 . . . . .. .. tllIiI .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. \).4 .. .. .. - .. - REPORT ~O.: PD-I08-99 PAGE 7 'I ., Timine of Develonment One Jrea resIdent '.:xpressed concerns regarding the manner In which development proceeded with reSDect to the extenSIOn 0 r' G lenabbey Dnve to Preston vale Roado It IS noted that the endorsed Neighbourhood Design Plan mcludes a Phasing PIano Phase 1 of the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood Design incorporates the extension of GIenabbey Drive westerly to Prestonvale Road. Although it is noted that the westerly portion of the Glenabbey Drive extension is situated on lands which are external to the limits of this plan of subdivision. Condition No. 22 in the Conditions of Draft Approval require the applicant to extend Glenabbey Drive to Prestonvale Road. 9.3 Impacts Upon Well Water One area resident expressed concerns regarding the impact of the proposal on the existing wells within the surrounding area. Condition No. 18 of the Municipality's Conditions of Draft Approval requires the developer to provide a new well or a connection to municipal water supply to any area resident whose water supply has been impacted upon as a result of the development. The water supply is to have the same quantity and quality of water that was enjoyed pnor to the development. The developer bears the entire cost of the prOVision of water supply Including the provIsion of piping from the property line to the dwelling. ProVISion of FenCIng Mr. Dick Vaal's operates a greenhouse on his propeny which abuts the subject lands to the east. Mr. Vaal's. through his agent John Hill. has requested the proviSIOn of fencing Jiang the easterly propeny line in order to assist In mitigating impacts upon the greenhouse operation. It is noted that the provision of wooden fencing was included within the approval of Registered Plan of Subdivision 40M-1928. \vhich abuts Mr. Vaal's property to the nonh. .-'\s J resulr. it would be appropnate to Continue with the provision of the fencing with , " -.J '~' _ 9.6 \).7 REPORT ~O.: PD-I08-99 PAGE 8 respect to the approval of this plan of subdivision. The Conditions of Draft Approval, attached to this Repon as .-\ttachment :-io. 10 have been prepared to Include this requIrement. 9.5 Impacts upon Flora and Fauna One area resident stated that the land had been cleared many years ago but had been home to many indigenous plants, mammals and birds in the past. He requested staff and Council to carefully consider the application before approving It. [t is noted that the subject lands have been used for agncultural purposes for many years and as a result offers little habitat for flora or fauna. The Dedication of Block 145 This request was made on behalf of the owner of Lot 41 on Registered Plan of Subdivision 40M-1669, which abuts Block 145 to the north. Block 145 is a small Block with only 5 metres of frontage on Glenabbey Drive and would not qualify for the issuance of a building permit due to the insufficient lot frontage and lot area. The Block may ultimately prove to be problematIc to the developer and the MUnIcipality, since the developer would need to maIntain the property including weed removal and sidewalk clearing. Since the Block itself would not qualify for a building permIto it is appropriate for the Municipality to require its dedication to the owner of Lot 41 on Registered Plan of subdivision 40M-1669. The Conditions of Draft Approval have been prepared to include this reqUIrement. Master DraInage Plan Chapter 20 of the Clanngton Official Plan requires the preparatIon of a sub-watershed plan pnor to the approval of any proposed plan of subdivISIon. However. where a master drainage plan has been approved prior to the adoptIon of the Official Plan, this master jC"= - - .. ." .. lIIIIi .. lIIIIi tllIiI ... tllIiI IIIlI .. ... ... IIIlI ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. - - - 9.9 - - .. ... .. .. .. 9.10 .. .. .. - REPORT NO.: PD-I08-99 PAGE 9 drainage plan wlll substitute for the requirement for a sub-watershed plan. In that regard it is noted that the RobInson Creek Master DraInage Plan was approved by the Public Works Department pnor to the approval of the Clarington Official Plan. 9.8 Provincial Policv Statement With respect to the Provincial Policy Statement. the approval of the application helps to implement the 1997 Provincial Policy Statement by: . providing focused urban growth; providing affordable housing fonus and densities; maintaining a minimum 3 year supply of draft approved residential units; and investigating cultural heritage resources prior to development. . . . On-Street Parking The attached zoning by-law amendment has addressed Council's concern with respect to on-street parking in that the R 1-47 and R 1-48 exception zones require the provision of two outdoor parking spaces for the penuitted single and semi-detached dwellings. Furthenuore. the R3-20 exception zone requires an increased garage size of 200 square metres for townhouse UnIts and an Increased lot frontage requirement of 7.0 metres. In addition to this increased parking requirement. the applicant submitted a parking plan to the Public Works Department for review. The parking plan indicated the provision of 86 on-street parking spaces. The Municipality's guidelines required the applicant to demonstrate the ability to provide 64 parking spaces. The Public Works Department has advised the applicant that the parking plan is acceptable. Red-line ReviSions The draft plan of subdivision has been red-lined to provide for increased tableland along the eastern edge of the stonn water channel (Block 143) at the rear of Block 138. This red-line revision would result in the townhouse units in Block 138 having a lot depth ranging from 38.6 metres to 45 metres. It is noted that this red-line revision still provides 00 ... REPORT NO.: PD-IOa-99 PAGE 10 .. .. for deep townhouse lots but provides for more t1exibility In the design of the stormwater .. channel. pedesrnan walk-way and enhancements to the open space area. 10. CONCLUSION 10.1 In consideration of the comments contained within this Repon, staff recommend that the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends approval of the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T -95028 subject to the Conditions of Draft Approval contained in Attachment No. I to this Repon. 10.2 In addition, staff recommend the approval of the attached zoning by-law amendment to implement Draft Plan Approval. The amending zoning by-law would provide for the appropriate zone categories to implement the subdivisiono It is noted that the Holding (H) symbol will require Council approval at such time as the Subdivision Agreement is registered. A rezoning application to remove the Holding (H) symbol will be required at a later date. Respectfully submitted, ReVIewed by, -;....... IJ (J (-, C\ / (/ a-tAJ.._><. _ '--'~ Ffanklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. DavId rome, M.C.I.p., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development WM*DC*df 8 September 1999 Attachment No. 1 Attachment No.2 Attachment No.3 Attachment No.4 Conditions of Draft Approval Proposed Plan of Subdivision Proposed Zomng By-law Amendment Key Map Interested parties to be noti tied of Council and Committee's decision: J 0 .=' "" .. .. .. tllIiI .. .. tllIiI .. tllIiI .. - .. .. .. .. .. REPORT :\TO.: PD-I08-99 .. PAGE 11 Interested pames to be notIfied of CouncIl and ComrTIlttee' s decision: - - G.~1. Semas and AssocIates Ltd. 110 ScotIa Court L'mt 41 WHITBYo Ontano Ll N 8Y7 - - 708545 Ontario Limited 390 Bay Street Suite 1710 TORONTO. Ontario \15H 2Y2 - - - - - - .. .. .. - - - - JO: 6. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION PLAN IDENTIFICATION 1. That this approval applies to draft Plan of Subdivision l8T -95028 prepared by G.M.. Semas and Associates Limited dated May 1999 as funher revIsed in red. showing Lots 1- 27, 48-75, 87-91 and 102-126 all inclusive for single family detached dwellings, Lots 28- 47, 76-86. 92-101 and 127 all inclusive for semi-detached or linked dwellings, Blocks 128-139 for street townhouses. Blocks 141 and 142 for park, Blocks 143, 146 and 151 for stonnwater management. and various blocks for reserve. road widening, site triangle etc. FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS -, That all streets within the Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highway and shown as such on the final plan. 3. That all streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington and shown on the final plan. RE UIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. That the Owner shall retaIn a qualified landscape architect to prepare and submit a LandscapIng Plan to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development for review and approval. The Landscaping Plan shall reflect the design criteria of the Municipality as amended from time to time. 5. That the Owner shall retain a qualified Engineer to prepare and submit a Hydrogeologist Repon to the Director of Planning and Development to demonstrate that the proposed development will not adversely impact the existing wells in the surrounding areaso That the Owner shall retain a professional engineer to prepare and submIt a Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. All plans and drawings must conform to the MUnIcipality's DeSIgn Critena as amended from time to time. DC .. .. .. ... .. .. tllIiI .. "'" III tllIiI ... "'" .. ... .. .. ... .. ... - - ... .. - - - ... ... - .. 12. ... 13. .. .. 14. .. ... - - That the Owner shall retam a qualified consultant to prepare and submit a Tree PreservatIon plan to the Director of Plannmg and Development and the Director of Public Works tar review and approval. REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLlJDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT s. That the Owner shall enter mto a Subdivision Agreement with the Municipality and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the Municipality's standard subdiviSIOn agreement, including, but not limIted to. the requirements that follow. 9. That all easements. road wIdening, and reserves as required by the Municipality shall be granted to the Municipality free and clear of all encumbrances. 10. That the Owner shall dedicate Blocks 141 and 142 for park purposes and Block 143 as red-line revised for open space purposes. II. That the Owner shall pay to the Municipality, the development charge in accordance to the Development Charge By-law as amended from time to time, as well as payment of a portion of front end charges pursuant to the Development Charge Act if any are required to be paid by the owner. That the Owner shall provide and install sidewalks, street lights. temporary turning circles etc. as per the MUnIcipality's standards and criteria. That the Owner shall cause all utilities, including, hydro. telephone. Cable TV. etc. to be buned underground for both primary and secondary services. That the Owner shall provide the Municipality, at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement unconditional and irrevocable, Letters of Credit acceptable to the Municipality's Treasurer. with respect to Performance Guarantee. Maintenance Guarantee. Occupancy DepOSit and other guarantees or deposit as may be required by the MuniCIpality. IJD=' 19. 20. 21. - _"\ - 15. That the Owner shall adhere to architectural control requirements of the Municipality. 16. That prior to the Issuance of building pennits, the Owner shall. through its acoustic engineer. to provide J certification to the Director of Planning, certifying that the Builder's plans are m accordance with the Noise Control Report as approved by the Ministry of the EnVIronment and the Municipality of Clarington. 17. That prior to the issuance of building pennits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided to meet SubsectIOn of the Ontario Building Code and, that all watennains and hydrants are fully serviced and the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintamed according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection 2.401.1 and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 18. The Owner agrees that where the well or private water supply of any person is interfered with as a result of construction or the development of the subdivision, the Owner shall at his expense, either connect the affected party to municipal water supply system or provide a new well or private water system so that water supplied to the affected party shall be of quality and quantity at least equal to the quality and quantity of water enjoyed by the affected party prior to the interference. That the Owner provide the Planning Department, on disk in a CAD fonnat acceptable to the Municipality a copy of the Plan of Subdivision as draft approved. That the Owner agrees to stub for water, sanitary sewer and stonn sewer any street which may intersect or connect with future streets to the east. south and west of this draft pIano That the Owner agrees to dedicate to the Municipality, free and clear of all encumbrances. the lands on the south side of Street "A" which contain the existing stonnwater management pond. The Owner agrees to include these lands within the draft plan of subdivision as a new block, identified as Block 151. The lotting configuration for all future development lands must be established so that the abuttmg road (Street "A") J 0 -I .... .. .. .. ... .. .. tllIiI tllIiI .. tllIiI .. tllIiI .. .. .. .. ... .. ... - -+ - may be constructed and the abuttmg lots can be fully sen'lced with water. sanitary sewer. storm sewero hydroo telephone and cable television. .. .,.., That the Owner agrees that in conjunction with the development of this subdivision. the Owner will be required to secure external land to this plan of subdivision and construct Street A and Glenabbey Drive from the west limit of this plan of subdivision westerly to connect with Prestonvale Road. The phasing of the development of this plan of subdivision will incorporate the construction of Street "A" and Glenabbey Drive from the west limit of this plan of subdivision westerly to connect to Prestonvale Roado The Phasing of this will be dependant on the vehicular and construction access needs of this development and will be deterniined at the engineering stage and shall be at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works. ... ... ... - .. - 23. That the Owner agrees that all road allowances shall have a minimum width of 20.0 metres. ... - 24. That the Owner agrees that the development of this plan of subdivision cannot proceed until such time as the Municipality has included the Municipality's share of costs of the oversizing of Street A as determined and approved in the Municipality's Development Charge By-law and that these funds have been included in the Municipality's capital budget. Street A must be constructed to the easterly limit of the draft plan. Temporary turning circles are required at the westerly termini of Street A and Glenabbey Drive. The east limit of Street A must be constructed to the limit of the subdivision. Lots 114-117 inclusive will remain frozen until such time that Glenabbey Drive is extended and constructed to a finished urban roadway including Regional Sen'ices. asphalt paving, curb and gutter. sodded boulevard sidewalk. street trees and street lighting for the entire frontage abutting the frozen lots. Additional temporary turning circles may be required depending upon the phasing of the development. The need for any additional temporary turning circles and frozen lots will be determined at the engineering stage solely at the discretion of the Director of Public Works. - ... .. ... ... ... .. 25. That the Owner agrees that in conjunction with the development of this plan of subdivision. the Owner is responsible for the removal of the existing temporary turning - - ') ;' J 27. "' - - circle at the eXisting limit of Glenabbey Drive. The Owner must reconstruct the intersection of Glenabbey Drive and Street "B" to an urban standard. including asphalt pavmg, curb and gutter. boulevard sodding, sidewalks. street lighting and street trees. tllIiI .. 26. That the Owner agrees that in conjunction with the development of this plan of subdivision. the Owner is responsible for the removal of the existing roadworks at the existing intersection of Granville Drive and John Walter Crescent. The Owner must reconstruct the intersection of Granville Drive. John Walter Crescent and Street "F" to an urban standard. including asphalt paving, curb and gutter. boulevard sodding, sidewalks, street lighting and street trees. .. .. .. .. That the Owner agrees that the stonn water drainage works and facilities necessary for this development must be constructed in accordance with the Robinson Creek Master Drainage Study, prepared by G.M. Sernas and Associates and as finally approved by the Director of Public Works. .. tllIiI 28. That the Owner agrees to prepare a Master Grading and Drainage Plan that details the configuration of the on-site stonn sewer system (minor system) and the conveyance of the overland flow (major system) from this subdivision. Sheet flow onto adjacent property will not be pennmed. 29. That the Owner agrees to provide a stonnwater management implementation report, which provides for the sequential construction of the stonn water works necessary for the entire watershed and addresses the impacts of developing this plan of subdivision in the absence of the balance of the watershedo Any necessary land acquisitions or easements must be identified at this stage of the project. This report shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. 30. .. .. .. - tllIiI .. That the Owner agrees that Block 146 must be indicated as a Stonnwater Management Facility on the Draft Plan. Prior to the first registration. any external lands necessary to facilitate construction of the ultimate required facility must be incorporated with Block 146 and conveyed to the Municipality. .. III .. o .. .. .. .. .. - - - - 34. .. - - 6 - 31. That the Owner agrees to be responsible to provide suitable fencing along the rear of any residential lot which is situated adjacent to Blocks 141, 142, 143 and 146. The type of fencing required shall be determined at the engineering stage at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works. The Owner further agrees to provide a wooden fence along the east lot line of Lots I to 14, in the same form and style as that provide along the south lot line of Lots 1 to 9 and Block 25 on Registered Plan of Subdivision 40M-I928. 32. That the Owner agrees to provide a walkway to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works between Block 142 and Block 51 on Registered Plan of Subdivision 40M-1709. 33. That the Owner agree to establish a geodetic benchmark in the vicinity of Street "A" and Prestonvale Road that will serve as vertica~ control for the proposed development. The Owner will be responsible for the cost of establishing this benchmark. That the Owner agrees to dedicate Block 145 to the Owner of Lot 41 on Registered Plan of Subdivision 40M-1669. 35. That the Owner agrees to satisfy the requirements of Central Lake Ontario Conservation, financial or otherwise. .. 36. - .. 37. .. .. - - - - That the Owner agrees to satisfy the requirements of the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education, financial or otherwise. That the Owner agrees to satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, financial or otherwise. o / ) p ~~ :c? ,~~! '"'... ; U t ~ ~ ~~~ _ I: 0 -' ;O~::l ~ ~~~~~~~ CCi';~.J3~ - ~ w:;"i''2lSt ATTACHMENT NO.2 . ~. '0' :~ r:!: : :,',' :1"11' 'I: I . . . ~ . : ~ ~ ' . . ~. . - :: ; 'E:\ ~ 1'01, - 10" "1'1 Cl. 11"' ;: i:/"I- a I:~ :~ '1 II' =-, ,'It ."" ' - ~,; ~I;I' . .:l II 2:; t:l! II'" I~L~;;iil!llll: a. III ~ 11- '9" .. 'I ~ "," II ~, ,Ii 'Irn : ! ~111l;1 ! :,. I,. ..,I.. <z, ll~ ,;, ., I i ~II"! '1..", 11.1 ~i I ' 'I')"" !I illll :I~jli I I ill ~i,II!,:III:111 i'l', Ii II !,!, !l~ ;). ,;~--I~, m ~i:l:::: il:hi! 'j J; :; :~~~~;!iid .. ....~ ~ . - ~ ; ~ ; . ,I ij ii jl,;,1; i ., I.. I IT!! in: ~H: l~n i! H ,::: : IIIIlII -- --'j ,:,,,/"105 _;:.,.~ -----~/'i'o/ ~'lj ?:;%::-< , ~; ~~a ;;'::;::"'9 ~,~: , ;.c' n~j v:%'/ ~:~"1 f~3 ~J~ f~' -- - - .<~/,l ,t;.c ~ -- ":o~mmf77/7.T/m'~~A . ..))}/m@LL/A;-~~ !; ,~~. IIIIlII .. .. / / -~-- .. ..;;..~:;.:~ - .....)..~..O............'1 'r.r"J..:A. H:r.lJro~ ~ r, --!-r- .. .. ~.- - _ :r ....~ -9-. ~ r---.......... ./~-.!..V'l, - .+~ ~ ~;STR.~_ -.-~ ~ ~ :/':/~,:,~.~~~' ~"., -0-.<1\' \'~ '~l~.,... J.;" 'i: .. :",'~:r.. -. - ~~~.:! u'" . . , '~1L >. ~., .. 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I 'i I I ' .. -,.~~~} o I>- 0 ~,~<4;, I .. I ('-,J"-i-v i .., t::'~:;; o ~'I I ,'r-L>-"- ,r~~ -- ~. -l -'- ", "--' --L. --t;:-/.? oJ ) po- _, ~ I--.i j,/~'1 -1 IV 0 ",-,--" c;X. --.::.-1 S '" . -. ---'---"~.% '..-..1l:id ~ IIIlI .. >- ~ ~~'- >:a i.o.JQ:''- ==-~ .. - '7 o / ~ .. fHE CORPORA TIO:'ol OF THE \1t":\ICIPALlTY OF CL\RI:\GTO:\ BY-L.-\ W :\"\IBER 9Q- ... _:c:n~ J bV~!aW ro amena DV.law ;o,..J.-63. ::~:: \. UITlorenenSI\'e LiJnm~ dy'~!aw ror t:le :ormer I'uVoil1 \ lI' \iewcastJe .. ... \VHEREAS the ~ ounCll or tne ~ orooralIon or the \lunlclDalitv or ClarmglOn aeems It aavlsabie to amend Bv-law ,,-1-63. as amenaea. or" the tormer fO\\."T1 or ~ewcast1e: "OW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THA T t~e l (Juncl! ot the ~oroorauon or" the \lunIcroalltv 0: - l,'lanngton enacts as lollows - SeClIon'12... Special ExcepIlon Lrban ReslaenIlal (R 1) Zone" IS hereby amended by addIng thereto. tne tolloWIng new SpecIal ExcepIlon 12.. -17 as lollows: ",2.....7 l'RBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (RI--I7) ZONE ... 'iotwllhstandIng the oroVlslons or" SecIlon 122 those lands zonea (R 1--17) on the schedules to thIS By-law may onlv De used r"or smgle detacned dwellings sUDJect to the followmg addlIlonal zone regulaIlons: ... cor the purposes or" thiS zone. an OCmOOR PARKING SPACE shall mean a parlang ipace excludmg a pnvate garage or carport: :, ... Lot Frontage I minimum) III 10.5 metres ... III) Yard ReqUirements (mInimum) Front Yard Extenor Side Yard a) 6.0 metres to pnvate garage or caIpOrt 6.0 metres to pnvate garage or caIpOrt b) - IV) ParkIng ReqUirements 2 outdoor parkIng spaces (mInimum); al "I - " ... dl where the two outdoor parkmg space are proVided Side by Side, the combIned minImum Width or" the two spaces may be reduced to 4.6 metres proVided the mInImum landscaped open space withIn the tront yard IS 30%: the mmlmum area at a pnvate garage or carport shall be 18.58 square metres and the minimum Width shall be .l.a metres: pnvate \!arages and carports mav extend a maxImum of 3.0 metres In front of the dwellmg unit." ... SectIOn" I.. (, SpecIal Exception Urban ReSIdential (R3) Zone' IS herebv amenaed by addmg thereto. the lollowmg new Special Excepuon I.. 6.20 as lollows: .. "146.20 CRBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION iR3-20l ZONE .. ~otwlthslanaIn~ the prOVISions 01' Secuon I :.2 those lands zoned I R3-201 on tne schedules to thiS Bv-iaw mav onlv he used lor sml!ie detached dwellIngs sublect to the tolloWIng aadltlOnal lone regUlations: Lot Frontage I mInimum I - 0 metres - Yard ReqUIrements (mInimum) III Ji Front Yara 60 metres to pnvate garage or carport - ... ... o ATTACHMENT NO.3 ::xrenor :tllue Yaro .. " IJ metres to DnVate garage or c~roOrt ::11 J)~rKmg KeaUlrements -I :~e mInimum ~re~ 01 a pnvale garage or carport shall be 16.58 square metres ana tne mInImum wlath shall be 31J metres: .. pnvate garages and caroorts mav eXlena a maxImum of3.0 metres In rront 01 the GweliIng una." ... categorY tTom: Schedule "J" to Bv-Iaw x4-63. as amenaed. IS nereov rUnher amended bv changIng Ine zone .. .-\gncUlturall A) to EnVIronmental ProtectIon I EP)" ... "Agncultural tA) to Urban ReSIdentIal Tvpe Une IRI)" "-\gncultural tAl to HoldIng Urban ReSIdentIal Type One-SpeCial ExceplIon IIH) RI--l5l" ... ".-\gncultural (A) to HoldIng Urban ReSidentIal Type One-SpeCIal Exception UH1RI--l7)" "Agncultural tA) to HoldIng Urban ReSIdential Type Two-SpeCIal Exception UH)R2-24)" ... "Agncultural (A) to HoldIng Urban ReSidentIal Type Three-SpeCIal Exception ((H)RJ-20)" "Holding Urban ReSIdential Type One It H1R I) to Urban ReSidentIal Type One I Rl )" .. "Holding Urban ReSIdential Type One (( H)R I) to HoldIng Urban Resldenl1al Type One-SpecIal Exception ((H)RI--l7)" "Holding Urban ReSidentIal Type One (IH)RI l to HoldIng Urban ReSIdential Type Two-Special ExceptIon ((H)R2-24)" ... .. Schedule" A" attached hereto shall form part of thIS By-law ... 5. ThIs by-law shall come Into effect on the date of passmg hereof. subject to the provlSlons of Sections 34 of the PlannIng Act. ... BY - LA W read a tirst time thIS ... Gav 01 1999 BY -LA W read a second time tnls davor :999. ... BY-LA W read a third tIme and rinaily passed thIS Jay 01 1999. ... ... \1A YOR ... 'LERK ... ... .. 0, .. ... ... - ... ... - ... ... ... ... ... ... f ... This is Schedule II An to By-law 99- , passed this day of , 1999 A.D. I. I' , ' - --_~J I -- -, .-c.. ~. ~,' -:' -, -<:::c ~ -.,-~ - --- ~.:. ------ ; I A-fN i+AL TTR '':RCr::- _______ l' -- - ~~ - ,.y~OE i50i..lA,Q~ ---.0 : l ~ j -1 I \ ~ ------ ~QVor J 'G). I :'erK COURTICE 0/ .:. ATTACHMENT NO.4 fa Eillillillill. , . . . .. . . .. . . .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. SUBJECT SITE OTHER LANDS OWNED BY APPLICANT LOT 35 LOT 34 LOT 33 LOT 32 LOT 31 i<. ~~~2Wfl ,~ffi!~c~I[[]ruI=~~'IJi i il,r I' ~ I=.:. '"11IJ 1L<:~f:::: ~. I >'~.' ,'.' I R 1 L:;:J ~ L mnB ~ --- :----1 U I~_______ - ~ I 0 . · U E == ===1 i ) (--\ :::::::-=1-' B8IIIIIIIIIIl t-= ~~~~g : (~~II=(I'\ L~~ l~rnlllID brJ ~= === ..: t I b l:::::~, 0 ~r ~== - I ~\\' t= >-==: ~ [ j r-c,~,~ ~= ===:: ~;:= :::- ~ "-'..; -= ~ - I '- ':-<-~., r-" ~ b b.= == == -.; . j. ~;:::: I=; v o ~ l=EJ l '7Ti ::: ~t= OJ Wi ItJ Il Jl J'2 ~ C\l ~u~ /~::;~ _c_~~~j~~ ~ W rnTTm :;,~. ~ r ... ~ ~ 11' ~>W ~ f=~ fiI L . W ...J "1l'r,.h ~ -J ~ ~ i dHHBffii\: () ~ t=31i1:: :\ t:: ...... ..-:::::::' TTi Z :::> ~ E lIIJI1l= ~~ fJiffi'-~" ilIi ~ - o = e~t",:~ ~~ n= :" r. 0 t- == " - rrr::;: U -:='-----R ,.' All 1 I 1 mTTiillii111r ~ ~, ~ -;::::J . '.....-( ~. k ... r ~~ IIl~~ ~ fa) I ~ ~ ~::~:?( ~~ ~LJjQ::' I, ........... I / ~l -'- .11111111111 ~. I l .~ i !~~ i ....... __- J II i I.~ \ ~ ~ l: . I ! -.J I 8LaORfsTRE~ /1 COURTICE KEY MAP DEV.95-018 1 aT -95028 I I o / / ... ... ... .. .. .. .. IIlIIIi fIIIIi ... .. .. .. ... ... IIlIIIi ... .. , .. .. I.. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # ~ ... Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 Res. # Report # it. Subject: CD-31-99 By-law # PARKING ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE. 1999 .. RECOMMENDATIONS: t It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the .. following: 1. THAT Report CD-31-99 be received for information; and Ii. 2. THAT a copy of Report CD-31-99 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. .. REPORT: .. The following pertinent statistical information relates to Parking Enforcement activities for the month of June, 1999 and is provided herein for the information of Committee and Council. i , TICKETS ISSUED THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE 1999 YEAR TO DATE 1998 I By Parking Enforcement 468 2067 2818 t Officers 1 By Police 18 137 71 I By Public Works 0 102 76 l...-By Security Officers 13 49 21 I LiREVENUE From Parking Meters $ 5,559.78 $ 28,174.71 $ 46,525.55 I From Parking Permits $ 100.00 $ 250.00 $ 2,350.00 ~ Fines $ 3,937.00 $ 19,690.00 $ 24,175.00 ;..- I TOTAL REVENUE $ 9,596.78 $ 48,114.71 $ 73,050.55 -Respectfully submitted Reviewed by A- /) n ,() U j,. ~~'CL~ Franklin Wu M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer .. 701 t '- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT .. Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # , ... Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 Res. # Report # "- Subject: CD-32-99 By-law # ! .. RECOMMENDATIONS: PARKING ENFORCEMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF ruL Y, 1999 t It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the ... following: .. 1. THAT Report CD-32-99 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CD-32-99 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. I.. REPORT: ... The following pertinent statistical information relates to Parking Enforcement activities for the month of July, 1999 and is provided herein for the information of Committee and Council. fu , TICKETS ISSUED THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE 1999 YEAR TO DATE 1998 II By Parking Enforcement 437 2504 3141 Officers 1 By Police 18 155 79 L - By Public Works 0 102 76 By Security Officers 7 56 39 I L- REVENUE From Parkino Meters $ 7,541.00 $ 35,715.71 $ 56,276.26 I From Parkino Permits $ 0 $ 250.00 $ 2,350.00 Fines $ 4,107.00 $ 23,797.00 $ 26,532.00 I TOTAL REVENUE $11,648.00 $ 59,762.71 $ 85,158.26 f: .. Respectfully submitted Reviewed by Q r~~~ Franklin Wu M.C.I.P" R.P.P, Chief Administrative Officer ... /' ,..) 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALIlY OF CLARINGTON .,.. REPORT ~Aeeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Res. # By-Law # Date: SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 fieport #: rD-10-99 File #: 10.12.6 Subject: MONTHLY FIRE REPORT - AUGUST, 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report FD-16-99 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND 1 .1 Our report covers the month of August, 1999. It is our intent to provide Committee with information relevant to this department, in a timely manner. 2. REPORT 2.1 The department responded to 197 calls in August and recorded total fire loss at $61,051. A breakdown of the calls responded to follows. Continued..... Utcvcu.o.l""'T-\. paPI(A ~'Pf'A lS.JfIIlClClE -I FD-16-99 - 2 - I I I I I MONTH YEAR MONTH YEAR ENDING TO ENDING TO CLASSIFICATION AUG./99 DATE AUG./98 DATE 1999 1998 PROPERTY FIRES (Includes structure, chimney, vehicle, miscellaneous 32 223 31 192 e,g. furniture, clothing, etc.) UNAUTHORIZED BURNING 6 81 12 67 (Burning complaints) FALSE FIRE CALLS (Includes alarm activations- accidental/malicious. 15 239 23 199 human-perceived emergencies/check calls e,g. investigate unknown odour) PUBLIC HAZARD CALLS (Includes propane/natural gas leaks, fuel/chemical 16 162 21 138 spills, power lines down/arcing, C.O. leaks, etc,) RESCUE CALLS (Includes vehicle extrication/accidents. 48 223 29 200 commercial/industrial accidents, home/residential accidents, water/ice rescue) MEDICAL ASSIST CALLS (Includes assist to ambulance personnel with 58 446 57 398 respiratory and resuscitation emergencies) MISCELLANEOUS CALLS (Includes assist to other agencies. other public 22 108 5 53 service, etc,) TOTAL CALLS 197 1 ,482 178 1,241 TOTAL FIRE LOSS $61,051 $2,558,561 $150,900 $615,200 Continued.. .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NUMBER OF ALARMS BY STATION ST. #1 ST. #2 ST. #3 ST. #4 ST. #5 TOTAL 96 23 9 53 16 197 1 !J 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FD-16-99 - 3 - 2.2 We are pleased to report the successful completion of the 5th Annual Junior Firefighters' Program. The program was increased this year to allow for 160 children. The program is designed to teach 11 and 12 year olds fire safety and fire prevention. They also gain an insight into the role the firefighter and fire department has in the community. We have received a lot of feed back from the parents and children supporting the success of the program. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the local businesses that help us make the program the success it is. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 It is respectfully recommended that report FD-16-99 be received for information. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~:~l~ Michael G. Creighton, AMCT(A), CMM11 Fire Chief. ~rcu-f&~ ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Isr '-} 'J 3 l L L L L l L l L L L L L L L L L L l DN: TR.54-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: September 20, 1999 Res. # Report #: Subject: TR-54-99 FILE#: By-law # TENDER AWARDS - SUMMER COUNCIL BREAK RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-54-99 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT In accordance with the Resolution #GPA-391-98, the Administrator and the Treasurer awarded the following Tenders/Contracts during the July/August Council Break: 1. Co-operative Tender T257-97 Supply and Delivery of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. 2. Tender CL96-14, Mechanical Equipment Maintenance Municipal Administrative Centre. 3. CL99-18, One Half Ton Pick-up Truck. 4. Tender CL99-23, Newcastle Memorial Arena, Parking Lot Restoration. A summary outlining the bids and awards is attached (Schedule "B"). Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, cJ rta.ilQ.~el)LL Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer /..~ . ..' " rie Marano, H.BSc., AMCT., Treasurer MM*LAB*km dul SCHEDULE "B" BID SUMMARY 1. CO-OPERATIVE TENDER T 557-97 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL The above noted contract to Shell Canada Products, in an approximate annual amount of $78,950.00 was extended for an additional year. The Municipality of Clarington participated co-operatively in Tender T257 -97, for the Supply and Delivery of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. Subsequently, the contract was awarded to Shell Canada Products. Funding will be provided from the 1999 respective departments Operating Fleet Budgets. As the Durham Co-operative is currently reviewing the potential of a GT A wide contract, an extension to the existing contracts rather than being committed to a new contract is proposed. Shell Canada have agreed to an extension for one year along with the current pricing agreement. They have also agreed to an early termination of the agreement during 2000 should we wish to participate in a GTA Co-operative Tender. After review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, the Durham Purchasing Co- operative Public Works and Fire Departments, it was mutually agreed that Shell Canada Products be recommended for the contract extension. The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. DN:lETMEMO\AWARDS99 0.)2 ] J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J L L L L L l L L L L L L L L L L L L L SCHEDULE "B" BID SUMMARY 2. TENDER CL96-14, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE The above noted contract to Tri-Air Systems, was extended for an additional three (3) years at the following rates: Maintenance Year (1) $2,000.00 Maintenance Year (2) $2,100.00 Maintenance Year (3) $2,200.00 Hourly Rate for Emergency Repairs $61.50/hour The Terms and Conditions for Tender CL96-14 provides for a contract extension, at the option of the Municipality of Clarington, subject to satisfactory service and pricing. The prices provided represent an approximate increase in the maintenance fee of 16% over a three year period. The hourly rate for the emergency repairs is the same as what was recently tendered for Tender CL99-13 which was also awarded to Tri-Air Systems. The Municipality of Clarington publicly advertised and issued Tender CL96-14, for the Mechanical Maintenance Agreement for the Municipal Administrative Centre. Subsequently, the contract was awarded to Tri-Air Systems. Funding will be provided from the respective years Operating Budgets. After review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing and the Property Manager. it was mutually agreed that Tri-Air Systems be recommended for the contract extension. The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. DN:LETMEMO\AWARDS99 (juS SCHEDULE "B" BID SUMMARY 3. CL99-18, ONE (1) HALF TON PICK UP TRUCK Tenders were advertised and invited, with bids being received and tabulated as follows: BIDDER TOTAL BID PRICE Nurse Chevrolet Olds $32,279.35 Whitby, Ontario Ontario Motor Sales $33,005.00 OShawa, Ontario Includes Taxes - Funding will be provided from the Public Works 1999 Capital Budget Account 2900-00010-0000, as reflected on Page 211 of the Capital Budget and are within the $55,000.00 allocation, a portion of which is for the plow attachment. Note, the reason for only two bids is that it is too late in the year to order 1999 vehicles. In addition, not all dealers have their pricing available yet for the 2000 model. As the truck must be received in time to retrofit with snow plough equipment, it is necessary that it be ordered as soon as possible. After review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing and Public Works, it was mutually agreed that Nurse Chevrolet Olds, Whitby, Ontario be recommended for the contract award. The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. DN:AWARDS99 ou4 l J j J J J J J J J J J J J J J I J ~ l L L L L l L L L L L L L L L L l l L SCHEDULE "B" BID SUMMARY 4. CL99-23, NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL ARENA - PARKING LOT RESTORA TION Tenders were advertised and invited, with bids being received and tabulated as follows: BIDDER BID AMOUNT OPTIONAL WORK TOTAL BID Bennett Paving and Materials Ltd. Oshawa, Ontario $14,826.94- Tri Son Contracting Port Perry, Ontario $19,950.00 $7,188.56 $13,435.00 $22,015.50 $33,385.00 Ron Robinson Limited Bowmanville, Ontario $22,228.65 $11,902.27 $34,130.92 * GST Extra Funding, will be provided from account # 7029-00000-0501, as carried over from the 1998 Capital budget ($22,000.00 carried over). Note, in order to ensure there were adequate funds, some of the required work was listed as optional and only to proceed if sufficient funding available. As there are sufficient funds it is recommended that the optional work be included. After review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, Totten Sims Hubicki and the Property Manager, it was mutually agreed that Bennett Paving and Materials Limited, OShawa, Ontario be recommended for the contract award. The subject firm have previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington. DN:AWARDS99 . OuJ L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L DN: TR.SS -98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: September 20, 1999 Res. # Report #: TR-55-99 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - JUNE 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the fOllowing: 1. THAT Report TR-55-99 be received; 2. THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended June 30, 1999, Is as shown on the attached schedule; and 3. THAT Pan: II A" of the expenditures for the month of June 1999, be confirmed. BACKGROUND The attached schedules indicate the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington's cash transactions, the cash investment position, development charges information and statistical information for the month ended June 30, 1999 and the comparative information for the month ended June 30, 1998. The status of taxes receivable information has been included. However, the impact of Bill 79 - Capping of Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-residential Properties will have a OuO REPORT NO.: 1R- -99 PAGE 2 significant impact on the taxes receivable. The impact is not yet known due to delays in the implementation of OPT A (Online Property Tax Analysis System) by the Province and is therefore not reflected in the attached Part B. Currently, no 1 999 tax bills have been issued in the capped classes. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, d IYb..d2_~ Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. MM*LG*ls Attachments Oul J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J j I J J L L L L L l L L L L L L L L L l L L L CORPORA TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for the Month of June 1999 REVENUE RECEIVED FOR GENERAL OPERATING AND RESERVE FUND PURPOSES: TAX PAYMENTS RECEIVED ** PA YMENTS-IN-L1EU: GOV'T OF CANADA PIL MUNICIPAL TAX ASSISTANCE Pll ONTARIO HYDRO Pll CHEC HYDRO PIL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Pll BELL TELEPHONE PIL LCBO PIL REGION PIL SALE OF LAND ONTARIO HYDRO PROCEEDS DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION - CPR UNDERPASS COIW INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT SUBSIDIES: HANOI-TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT CHARGES- TOWN GENERAL INTEREST DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-REGION/PUC USE OF FUNDS: PA YROll REGION LEVY SCHOOL BOARD lEVIES GENERAL-INCLUDING CAPITAL EXP. * * NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) FINANCIAL POSITION: GENERAL FUND RESERVE FUND MUNICIPAL POOLED INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS (GENERAL + RESERVE FUND) TOTALS ,. ." -...... ."...".. ',' .. .., " . . . " . . . .' ','.', ....... -. .' .. . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ........ . PART "A" JUNE 1998 1,334,537 o 200,000 288,276 I, \86,565 \69,527 439 920 . . '. .............',.. .' .. .....,.,.. .......'... . .. ....,.,... ......,'... . .. ....,..... . . . . . . '.' . . . . 3 tiJ4'937: 3 6\8 826 , . 867,729 . 0, ...................0. . 1'765:696': 776,767 o o 224324\ ..,....... . . . . . . . , . . . " ....... . ......... '," . , . . . . . . .. . . ..................... " ....,. ',".. 26:S-3'425 3020008 BANK BALANCE Ma 3\ /99 598 8\8 BANK BALANCE une 30/98 2,5\7,2\8 \ ,662,607 27,586 39940 834 ..... -..",.. ". -. - .. ...... -..,'. 4,779, \307,29:6449: 6, \95,53\ (\,529,285) : 1:u')322 \,283,907 34,464)62;Q49: 27,670 2772796) 37168:038: 39084674 44 \48245 ,',-.', ,'-',... . ...... -... ',' .......... .. ..........' ','-' ..... -...., .... -....... '.., -. '. . 51\ 512 4i.ftiS9'758 46 59\ 782 NOTE A: Difference in comparison between years due to timing difference In receipt of funds. * * Includes outstanding journal entries still to be posted. OJO CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Continuity of Taxes Receivable for the month of June 1999 MAY 1999 INTEREST TAXES RECEIVABLE ADDED BILLED CURRENT YEAR TAXES 2,432,177 PENALTY AND INTEREST (10,931) 32,223 1998 YEAR TAXES 3,049,962 PENALTY AND INTEREST 89 529 37 173 1997 YEAR TAXES 920,290 PENALTY AND INTEREST 108,146 12084 PRIOR TAXES 921,656 PENALTY AND INTEREST 402,274 11567 TOTAL 7913,103 93.046 PA YMENTS<~~~.:::jil: BALANCE / ADJUST. * * * ",:,:::;::,<>::::: .,.......,.... , . '" -....., ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . ... '. :.'.;.;,'.:.; o J PART "B" J J JUNE .'.. 1998 i 2,432,177 21292 (2,323,352) .))Q'~"~"~: 1,698,2~~ 44,053H:~5~)il5W 4S 473- 3,049,962 126,702 ...,., .', ..,.,.....,.. ........................'.. ":::::::;:::::;:::;:;::::::: ......... . ............................ (~~::~~~)2:~~~t~=:: 2,~~~,~~;.. ... .. '" I (2 483,973) ::.lij~J~~~:ltikj. 6,144,477i I 1111111,'llllilllll'I',loI. '::':,II!I~~!!:::i.:jj. n/a . . . .' . . . . . . . . . ......,. " ..',-..........,..'...... ........ ... .......... . 920,290 120,230 . ....". . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (72,574) :)~..~~1:litj; 26 527.~;1$.t . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 921,656 413.840 ...,....................'.'... ............. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . , . . . . ......................... ..........,." . .,.,.....,..,. , ...'.............'...'..... ........'................,.... (24,531) :::T~~~j:J:~~:: 30 393 ::+.4.i~~3n: o 8.006 149 TOTAL TAXES LEVIED (INCLUDING REGION AND SCHOOL BOARDS) PERCENT OF CURRENT TAXES OUTSTANDING *** Includes refunds, write-offs, 496's, etc. NOTE I: Tax payments do not tie into Part A due to timing differences since Part A Is on a cash basis (Ie. difference due to outstanding deposits) NOTE 2: 1999 Final RESIDENTIAL Tax Billing Due July 1999. 1999 Non-Residential Tax Billing delayed due to Bill 79 Capping. NOTE 3: For Information purposes only. True comparison to prior year not applicable due to changes In tax policy resuldng from reassessment and Bill 79. _ dU7 870,73'" 107089 I 739,9311. 223,879 I ~ .1 J J ] J J f I J J L L L L L l l L l L L L L L L L L L L PART "C" STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1999 JUNE YEAR TO DATE Tax Certificates 167 860 Number of Properties eligible for Tax Registration (see Note 1) ** see Note 1 Accounts Payable Cheques Issued #30097 to #30675 578 3,271 Number of Births Registered 17 164 Number of Deaths Registered 44 203 Note 1: Number of properties eligible for tax registration not currently available due to impact of Bill 79. old MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT JUNE 30, 1999 PART "on FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST # OF DAYS MATURITY MATURITY INSTITUTION COST RATE O/S VALUE DATE GENERAL FUND TO 2,984,160.00 4.61% 42 3,000,000.00 Jul 30/99 TO 2,984/ 160.00 4.61% 42 3,000/000.00 Ju130/99 TOTAL GENERAL FUND .5968;320.00 RESERVE FUND RBC 34,731.25 7.20% 1,740 48,337.00 AUf 8/00 RBC 1,001,705.00 6.80% 1828 1,392,611.00 Mar 15/01 RBC 433,363.09 7.16% 1358 1,061,287.00 July 6/99 RBC 330,800.00 4.75% 730 487/930.00 Jun 21/04 RBC 999/999.48 7.70% 1718 1,417,032.00 Feb 6/00 RBC . 295,000.00 8.50% 3285 295,000.00 May 26/04 WOOD GUNDY 435,075.29 5.20% 777 484,272.00 AUf 18/00 RBC 2,063,810.92 7.95% 1688 2,937,391.00 Jan 1 3/00 RBC . 514,000.00 7.75% 1825 514,000.00 June 8/00 RBC 1,109,499.87 4.75% 817 1,230,317.00 Mar 1/00 RBC 999,999.65 8.20% 1825 1,482,799.00 AUf 8/00 RBC 620,220.69 5.15% 1007 711,752.00 Apr 5/01 RBC. 475,000.00 8.58% 2761 475,000.00 Mar 17/03 RBC . 500,000.00 6.25% 2557 500,000.00 Jun 21/06 RBC 999,999.76 6.20% 1,252 1,229,256.00 July 6/99 RBC 138,709.23 6.25% 1,637 182,057.00 AUf 1/00 RBC 99,999.64 7.10% 1/906 143,061.00 May 14/01 WOOD GUNDY. 250,000.00 5.00% 2556 250,000.00 June 21/05 RBC 40,397.70 7.20% 1578 54,562.00 AUf 8/00 RBC 299,628.50 5.30% 1396 365,000.00 Sept 1/00 RBC 180,862.43 5.63% 1549 228,160.00 Feb 1/01 RBC 933,400.00 5.20% 1827 1,202,670.00 Nov 12/02 RBC 58,479.40 5.95% 2032 80,639.00 Dee I 5/02 RBC 25,125.57 5.95% 2025 34,613.00 Dee I 5/02 RBC. 250,000.00 4.75% 1839 250,000.00 June 21/03 RBC 427,625.00 5.50% 1628 542,878.00 Dee 1/01 01 I J J J J 1 J ] J l ] J J ] ] J I I I L L L L L L L l L L L L L L L L L L L MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT JUNE 30, 1999 FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INSTITUTION COST RESERVE FUND RBC * 250,000.00 RBC 1,109,500.90 RBC 20,558.85 WOOD GUNDY 402,102.80 WOOD GUNDY 171,793.70 WOOD GUNDY 528,412.46 RBC 324, I 59.58 RBC 898,314.97 RBC 2,160,071.68 RBC 1,233,830.84 RBC 649,589.48 WOOD GUNDY 882,000.00 RBC 857,943.90 RBC 855,000.00 WOOD GUNDY 500,000.00 WOOD GUNDY 1,706,284.10 RBC 1,683, 101.00 RBC 548,000.00 RBC 534,978.37 Hong Kong 2,247,949.38 RBC 118,693.50 TOTAL RESERVE FUND 31,t99;717U9~r ....,... "'. ..'" ,.,.., '-'-"",.-' ',','-' ....". -,.. TOTAL INVESTMENTS . 37(61l;O!f7~9t1 * Bond investment. Interest paid on a semi-annual/annual basis INTEREST # OF DAYS MA TURITY RATE OIS VALUE 5.25% 5.05% 5.20% 4.82% 4.82% 5.34% 5.08% 5.00% 180 250,000.00 1213 1,307,911.00 1310 24,645.00 608 434,678.00 608 185,691.00 788 590,807.00 592 350,974.00 919 1,037,435.00 5.95% 5.70% 970 2,503,270.00 5.95% 7.75% 4.97% 5.35% 5.22% 5.05% 5.30% 5.40% 5.20% 4.58% 5.10% , J OIL 1002 1,445,952.00 1185 783,582.00 301 950,355.00 360 900,000.00 1832 1,065, 102.90 731 526,500.00 380 1,795,994.00 1096 1,683,101.00 1 507 548,000.00 1729 679,942.00 91 2,273,617.88 1976 155,297.00 PART "0" MATURITY DATE Jun 21/04 Apr 1/01 Jan 9/02 Dee I /99 Dee I /99 Aug 8/00 Jan 31/00 Mar. 8/01 May 1/01 Jun 2/0 I Dee 2/0 I Sept 1/99 Nov 12/99 Mar 1/04 Apr 16/00 Mar 15/00 Mar 3/02 Apr 7/03 Dee 1/03 Aug9/99 OCT 15/04 DN:CASHPTE PART "E" June, 1999 Development Charges Total Town Region C.H.E.C. Ridge Pine Park 615.00 615.00 - - L. 746 35BF Cone.. B/P#99.0346 John Halminen 12,439.00 5,131.00 7,308.00 - L.35, C.2, Clarke B/P#99.0330 1220582 Ontario Ltd., - 97,527.96 39,063.96 58,464.00 - L.30. C.2, Darlington 40M 1902 B/P#98.0628.629.1031 , 1032, 1036-1039 Melody Homes 7,308.00 0.00 7,308.00 L.10, C.3, Bowmanville 40M1776 B/P#99.0313 Wm. Turansky 1,643.00 0.00 1 ,643.00 L.5, C.7, Kendal B1P#99.0287 W. E. Roth Construction 91,436.00 38,236.00 53,200.00 L.31, C.2. Darlington 40M 1928 B/P#99.0318-325 Stalwood Homes 20,652.00 10,262.00 10,390.00 LD 012-015/98 40R18714 B/P#99.0300, 301 Kaitlin Group 11,783.34 4,475.34 7,308.00 " L.17, C.1, Bowmanville 40M1940 - B/P#99.0303 Robert Van Drunen 6,774.00 5,131.00 1,643.00 L.23, C.2. Darlington B/P#99.0308 Robinson Ridge Development 20,901.08 7,601.08 13,300.00 L.34, C.1, Darlington 40M1931 B/P#99.0344,345 464367 Ontario Ltd., 8,017.19 8,017,19 L.9, C.6, Darlington 40M1882 o j J J J J J ] J ] I I ) J ] J -J ] I ) I L L l L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L DN:CASHPTE PART "E" June, 1999 Prestonvale Heights 74,634.00 30,786.00 43.848.00 L.34, C.2. Darlington 40M1929 B/P#99.0337-342 Andelwood Homes 12,439.00 5,131.00 7,308.00 L.34. C.c, Darlington 40M1847 B/P#99.0299 Stalwood Homes 10,326.00 5,131.00 5.195.00 1.10. C.2. Newtonville B/P#99.0348 DeVries 7,403.00 5.131.00 1.643.00 629.00 L.11, BFC Bowmanville B/P#99.0358 Sandford Acres 23,562.00 10.262.00 13,300.00 L.33. C.2, Darlington B/P#99.0250, 251 P. Brethell 6,774.00 5,131.00 1,643.00 L.14, C.8. Darlington B/P#99.0297 A. Lanteigne 1,643.00 0.00 1.643.00 L.30. C.8, Darlington B/P#99.0349 TOTALS 415,877.57 180,104.57 235.144.00 629.00 Oi-+ 0.00 J I J J J J J ] J J ] J 1 J -J I I I -I' r' DN:CASHPTE PART "E" June, 1999 CONTRIBUTIONS - CASH-IN-L1EU OF PARKLAND W.E. Roth Construction 18T-97028 7,500.00 Total Cash-In-Lieu of Parkland 7,500.00 CONTRIBUTIONS - ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEES Clamew Developments Inc. Subdivision 187-88061 54,050.32 Marianna Developments Scugog Court Subdivision 3,918.38 Total Engineering and,lnspectlon Fees Contributions 57,968.70 CONTRIBUTIONS - ROADS Total Roads Contributions OIJ L L L L L L L L L L l L L L L L l L l DN: TR-S6.98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: September 20, 1999 Res. # Report #: TR-56-99 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: UPDATE ON THE FINAL BILLINGS FOR 1999 CAPPED PROPERTY TAXES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-56-99 be received for Information, and; 2. THAT staff continue to keep Council appraised of the situation, and 3. THAT staff investigates the option of providing an Interim Billing to the capped Classes for 1 999 property taxes if delays continue past mid-October 1 999. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: In By-Law 99-62, the Municipality of Clarington set tentative installment dates of October 1 5th and November 19th for the 1999 property taxes on the properties subject to Bill 79 Capping (Multi-Residential, Commercial and Industrial). To achieve these target dates and meet the legislative due date requirement of a minimum of 21 days after mailing, the 1999 capped property tax bills would have to be in the mail no later than Friday September 24, 1999. Calculation of the 1 999 capped property taxes requires the Region of Durham to set both a 'Cut-Off Date' and specific factors for the Area Municipalities. A common 'Cut-Off Date' Is required to ensure that all area municipalities use the same data set for the capping oi6 REPORT NO.: TR-56 -99 PAGE 2 adjustments. The factors include the decrease c1awback percentages for each class that must be set by the Region to ensure that the capping is revenue neutral. I It is estimated that the Municipality of Clarington will require a minimum of 1 5 days after the ICut-Off Date' to analyze and verify the data, calculate the capping adjustments and produce the tax notices. The Region met with the Area Municipalities on August 27 to discuss issues related to the 1999 capped property tax notices. The initial 1 999 analysis done on the On-LIne Property Tax Analysis systems (OPT A - sponsored by the Province) was producing Questionable decrease c1awback percentages. It appears that the problem was the result of both programming and data errors. At this time, it is not possible for the Region to provide a ltarget' Cut-Off Date for the 1999 capped property taxes. The Region, Province, OP AC, MFOA and Reamined System (software firm who run the OPT A system) are working on correcting the problems. As such, the tentative installment dates set in By-Law 99-62 (October 15th and November 19th) are not achievable. Clarington staff will continue to assist the Region and advise Council on any new developments. When a Cut-Off Date is set by the Region, staff ~II advise Council on such and provide new installment dates. If it becomes apparent that the issuance of 1999 capped property tax notices will be delayed beyond mid-October, staff will investigate the option of providing the affected taxpayers with an interim 1999 property tax notice (base on approximately 50% of 1998 property taxes as revised under Bill 79). Council will be kept advised. oil l J l J J J J J J I ] J l 1 J j I I I l l l L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L l REPORT NO.: TR-56 -99 PAGE 3 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ane Marano, H.BSs., A.M.C. T., Treasurer d~~~ Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. MM*DH*ls bid 1 .. L. ! 1.. i L. t 1.. L. L ... i ... I 1.. I i.. I ~ ~ t III f i.. t L. L ! I ... t ... I .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeti ng: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: September 20, 1999 Res. # Report #: CS- 14-99 By-law # Subject: SUMMER DAY CAMP PROGRAM 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS-14-99 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Municipality of Clarington has offered in the past 22 years a Summer Day Camp program for our residents out of only one location, The Rickard Recreation complex. This summer, Community Services offered a new and improved program out of both the Rickard Recreation Complex and the Courtice Community Complex. This program included on-site activities, quest speakers, off-site excursions and weekly themes. 1.2 The Summer Day Camp program is advertised in the Community Activity Guide, local newspapers and distributed to the public through local elementary and high schools with the assistance of the appropriate school boards. The program was also promoted at the 1999 Durham Regional Fair held at the Whitby Regional Building on Rossland Rd. Registration for the camps began upon receipt of the activity guide on March 20, 1999 and continued throughout the spring and summer. 2.0 SUMMER CAMP 2.1 The summer camps operated out of both the Rickard Recreation Complex and the Courtice Community Complex. The Courtice Complex location utilized the multi- purpose room, pool, tot pool, library and outside green space. At the Rickard Recreation complex the areas used were the multi-purpose rooms, arena floor space, ice surface, ball diamonds and green space. .. .../2 1 U U ] REPORT NO. CS-14-99 PAGE 2 J J J J J J J J J j j .J 2.2 Participants were able to register for anyone or two week period with a total of seven weeks of programming available if desired. This time frame was changed from past years to address the fact that most of our staff were university students, some of whom were not available in late August. 2.3 Registration numbers accepted increased from a maximum of 40 per week in both 1997 and 1998 to a maximum of 86 per week in 1999, at each location. The supervision ratio allowed considered the adequate safety supervision of all campers and ranged from an 8:1 ratio for ages 4 & 5 years olds to 12:1 ratio for ages 9 - 12 year olds. 2.4 In 1999 our capacity was 1,026 and we reached 88% of this goal. The camp accommodated a total number of 927 participants. The leader in training program attracted a total number of 21 participants of a possible 32. Since this was the first year the municipality has offered such a program this result is very good. As shown in attachment #1, the numbers improved greatly from a total in 1997 of 295 and the total in 1998 of 285. 2.5 In order to accommodate working parents, our extended hours service we provided expanded to include drop off as early at 7:30 a.m. and pick up as late as 5:30 p.m. This was an increase from last year of the 8:00 a.m. drop off and 5:00 p.m. pick up. 2.6 The new improved format allowed specific age appropriate activities to address the needs of each age group: 4 - 5 year olds, 6 -8 year olds and 9 - 12 year olds. We also provided the leader-in-training program for children ages 12 - 15 years who were interested in developing leadership skills. These young people were able to apply these learned skills by volunteering within the camp environment. 2.7 Participants were offered several trips during the summer camp such as the Bowmanville Zoo, Ganaraska Forest and Pleasure Valley. We invited guest speakers as well including the Fire Department, Police Department, Martial Arts demonstrations and introduced a unique campout experience including campfire, sing song and parents night, which was held during the final week of camp. f .. ...../3 J J J J J J lUJ2 i i. \ f .. \ L. t i.. ~ ~ .. L 1 .. L , r ~. .. L L. L. \ ! ... I II. ; ... ~ .. i I ... t: ... ... REPORT NO. CS-14-99 PAGE 3 CONCLUSION 3.1 The Community Services Department introduced to the community a new and innovative program during the summer of 1999. Parents have indicated their satisfaction regarding both the quality and success of the program. Staff have answered the resident's needs by providing programs at more than one location and the interest is evident by the numbers registered. We will continue to provide a quality program in the new millennium and plans are underway to expand and improve in the year 2000. Reviewed by, c\ (~-.:.. czY<-<- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer h P. Caruana ctor of Community Services J PC/S B/ta 1(0) REPORT NO. CS-14-99 PAGE 4 1999 SUMMER CAY CAMP REGISTRATION REPORT 1997 1998 1999 Registered Registered Registered Week #1 30 40 132 Week #2 39 40 135 Week #3 49 40 138 Week #4 48 42 141 Week #5 39 40 109 Week #6 38 43 133 Week #7 51 40 138 Leader-in Training N/A N/A = 20 Total Registered 295 285 927 Location: Courtice Community Complex Total #Re istered 143 229 204 576 Tar et 168 210 224 592 Location: Rickard Recreation Complex TOTALS = 927 1,026 lu~4 j J J J J J J J J j j J J J j j J J J L ~ i. f L. I.. l \ .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: September 20, 1999 Res. # Report #: CS- 1 5-99 By-law # Subject: KIDS OF STEEL I ... Recommendations: l It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee .. recommend to Council the following: t 1 ! .. L I L. L L L L.. I I. i.. i: ... t ... 1. THAT Report No. CS-15-99 be received; 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Over the past five years, the Municipality of Clarington has hosted the Kids of Steel event. Kids of Steel is a multi-sport event designed to offer kids from 7 - 18 years of age an opportunity to participate in a triathlon (swimming, biking, running). Triathlons continue to grow in popularity with the inception into the Olympics in the year 2000. The Municipality of Clarington is pleased to be an enthusiastic paltner in the growth and development of Kids of Steel. This event was a success for participants, volunteers, sponsors and the community. The triathlon held in the Municipality of Clarington was centred around the Courtice Community Complex. This was the fifth Annual Clarington Kids of Steel Event and attracted approximately 120 young athletes ranging in age from 7 - 18 years. 1.2 The success of the 1999 event was directly related to a dedicated team of volunteers consisting of Municipality of Clarington employees, residents of the community, Municipal and Regional support regarding road closure, equipment event set-up and access to both faci I ities. 1.3 There was additional support from merchants in the area of sponsorship: Business Depot, Lear Corporation, Courtice Health Centre, Watson Farms, Maracle Press Limited, CAW Canada, Oshawa Local 222, Mincom Millennium Realty Inc., Northcutt Elliot, Halimen Homes, Courtice PhYSiotherapy, Clarington Chiropractic Clinic, Clarington Kids. Gifts in kind were also donated by local merchants for draw prizes. , .../2 lUuJ REPORT NO.: CS-15-99 PAGE 2 j J J J j J J J J J J J J j J J J J J 1.4 The overall feedback from competitors, volunteers, spectators and local residents was very positive. The Ontario Association of Triathletes recognizes the Municipality of Clarington Kids of Steel as being one of the most organized events in the circuit. Due to this fact, the 1999 event was named the Ontario Kids of Steel Championship. With the Summer Games 2000 awarded to Durham Region, we anticipate hosting the Kids of Steel Triathlon to coincide with these activities. 2.0 COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX HEADQUARTERS 2.1 The race headquarters which was located at the Courtice Community Complex (2950 Courtice Road North) provided direct access from highway 401 and excellent exposure for our relatively new facility in Courtice, The Courtice Community Complex created an excellent transition area in the parking lot and the hall served well as the meeting area and facility for the awards ceremony. 3.0 THE EVENT 3.1 The highlights included: A 25 metre pool setting for the swim, bike course on a closed paved road with climbing roads, race kits with sponsor gift donation, promotional material, event T-shirts, event bathing cap and after race meal of pizza and pop. This year we also received complimentary bagels and cream from Canadian Bagel and coffee from Williams Coffee Pub. Fresh fruit was provided by Halenda's and Watson Farms. 4.0 ROUTE 4.1 Careful consideration was given to ensure a safe, competitive but fun course. Volunteers and event officials were stationed along the course to ensure the safety and proper direction of all participants. 4.2 The Courtice Community Complex pool is 25 metres which allowed 6 participants per heat (one in each lane), with two minutes between each heat and a fifteen minute stagger between each age group. This system allowed for safety of all participants. The bike and run course consisted of various distances starting and finishing at the Courtice Community Complex. The distances varied depending on the age of the athlete. .. ../3 / U....;O L , L REPORT NO.: CS-15-99 PAGE 3 L. 5.1 Each participant who crossed the finish line was presented with a certificate of participation and a C1arington Kids of Steel medallion. After the last competitor crossed the finish line, special awards to the top three (3) participants each age group were presented with medallions from the Ontario Association of Triathletes. L I .. 6.0 COMMENT L. This program continues to grow in popularity throughout Clarington. Interest from the business sector has never been higher and preparations are now underway to have next year's triathlon coincide with the Ontario 2000 Summer Games. ... I l.. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, L "'-=-) ~i?,~('-~Jt Franklin Wu, M.C.J.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer ?, i ... P. Caruana ctor of Community Services L C/SB/ta i.. i.. L t ~ ... i. L. ... ill. lUul L L L , L. ~- L. L L t- L. L [ .. L L L l L ! .. ~ L ~ THE CORPORA~;ION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 Res. # Report No.: WD-35-99 By-Law # Subject: RELEASE OF STORM SEWER EASEMENT PARTS 1 AND 2, PLAN 40R-17785 HIGH STREET SUBDIVISION, PLAN 40M-1886 Recornn ,endations: It is rr :spectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recomrr .end to Council the following: 1. ~HAT Report WD-35-99 be received; 2. fRAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, the release of an easement over Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R -17785 which had been transferred to the Municipality by Instrument No. LT823438; 3. THAT the applicant be responsible for all costs associated with the release of the easement, including document preparation and registration cQsts; and 4. THAT Mr. Sam Cureatz be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATT ACRMENTS No.1: Key Map No.2: Authorizing By-law to release easement 1 I i.J I REPORT NO.: WD-35-99 PAGE 2 j j J J J J j J J J J J J J J J J J J 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (formerly the Town of Newcastle) entered into a Subdivision Agreement. November 21. 1991, with VELTRI AND SON LIMITED to develop lands by plan of subdivision, located in Bowmanville and described as Plan 40M-1886 (Attachment No.1). The agreement required the developer to construct all roadworks, including hot-mix paving, sidewalks, curb and gutter, street trees, a storm drainage system and street lights, hereinafter referred to as the 'Works'. 2.2 The preliminary lot grading design required rear yard catchbasin easements between Lots 18 and 19 to be transferred to the Municipality. The grading design was later modified to eliminate this rear yard catchbasin. However, the transfer of the easement to the Municipality had already been completed through the conditions of the subdivision agreement and is registered as Instrument No. L T823438. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 A recent property transaction revealed that the unnecessary easf ent is registered in the name of the Municipality. A request to release the easement was reviewed by Public Works staff and it has been confirmed that no easements are necessary. 3.2 Since the subdivision agreement makes no specific provision for t'1e release of the easement, a by-law must be passed by Council, authorizing the release to the property owners concerned if Council decides to grant the request for the release. 4.0 RECOMMENDATION 4.1 It is recommended that a by-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality, to execute a release of the easement in Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 40R-17785. ~2. L I .. ... t. .. ! L. ~ L. t iii. L ~ L L I ... l ~ L L l t L.. I.. REPORT NO.: WD-35-99 PAGE 3 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~p~~ Director of Public Works o r'~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer NAC*SA V*ce 10/09/99 Pc: Sam L. Cureatz Barrister and Solicitor 104 James Street West Newcastle, ON LIB lC8 1 i u.5 ,i :- :1 I' 11___' ( i " 1 !'~\\ \>-:::-;.;.-:>" r '~,-.::-=:j I , r II '-'---:::-'1 1[....- ,- -~II \I~ Mea~jl_>::-~ ~~~~~-=~ SUBJECT lll=-~--~r ~,-;I -=~"i -- SITE _____ __ al[/;----,-: ~,---~ -~ ~ - --- ~r, '.1:'11--- --- ~ -~ ~"::'::'--:::~i: " r I~'-- -~ ~ .' ":1! ~~__~ __n-----:'..,J .;:- I--:_____./:~ ==11 II~ 1 :1 '. ,-------.r:'-,=:;:::::=;I ----l --.Il_J LJ I , , ., 1 -------, I-Wt ,--I I - ,-, \' -_ '" .~. \\..---~IB 'MAIktVILLE-~ " .' i.: 1..,1" ':!i,~....iDRAWNBY:.J'R.M :'1 DATE: AUGUST 1999 -----=] l _...I L...f!.. I' , I , : !..., ~I , I~ I li~~ ;: -~ ;= il i:~,:=:!J.'1 REPORTWD-35-99 ' L-..J k:J1 ' I " --' , " I ' , ' , r--l I (-.J " I f-_ <......-.-0 I I I , , II \ I ,- ,~' I, I~il - I~;:J~~~I~-:---==:;; KEY MAP:! ATTACHMENT NO.1 'I~ "_,/" ,_J --+/// I 1 /,/' ,/// J .J J :1 J II J ,II /11 J......' ! 'I : 1 J J J J J J. , , I , I J ... ... I, J J J J J J \ \ \ Hogan Crescent HIGH STREET SUBDIVlISI N PLAN 40M-1886 " " :i " r--" i! MeadoW'l\ew 'i ~ i .-r-,--n-I I I ~--r-; : I - i ! : I ' I II I i I I i 1 I i i LJ . /\\ \/ >' ~ 'r~ '------~---~------------~~ BOUlevard PART 1 OF 40R-17785 17 18 19 .!: ,Q) ::c I I I __' --------l -- IV ~~~ s IJ4 L L THE CORPORA nON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON BY-LA W NO. 99- L. Being a By-law to authorize the release of an easement in favour of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in Part of Lots 18 and 19. Registered Plan 40M-1886. Municipality of Clarington. ~ (, I .. WHEREAS at it's meeting on September :W'h. 1999, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington approved the recommendations contained in Repon No. WD-35-99: NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: l.. 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington, a release of the easement in Lots 18 and 19 on Plan 40M-1886, described as Pans I and 2 on Plan 40R-I7785, attached hereto as Schedule "A", which had been transferred to the Municipality by Instrument No. L T823438 registered in the Land Registry Office by the Land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40). t ... f I .. l BY-LA W read a fIrst and second time this 27lh day of September, 1999, BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1999, i.. l MAYOR l ... l CLERK I ~ L i '- I t: ... L. l 1lJJ ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: WD-35-99 ~ PrOVince ~~~ of ~ ':"1lano Document General ;;;orm 4 Land RegIstration Reform Act :0 Process Software Ltd. . (416) 322-6111 'lQ_090 oj Y -, ! (1) Registry U , Land Tilles IXJ 1(2) Page 1 of 2 ;:ages I~ ~ :J I (3) Property Slock ~roDerty Idenllfler(s) 26616-0736 (L T) 26616-0227 (LT) (4) Nature of Document APPLICATION TO AMEND REGISTER (SECTION 75\ LAND TITLES ACT (5) ConSideration Addiho"at S.. Schedule ~ o J - Dollars $ ~ ~ (6) Descnptlon Part of Parcel Plan-I. Sel'JH 40M-1886 being Part of Lots 18 an . Plan 40M-I886 in the Municipality of C, '!~ton in the Regional MunicipalllY of Durham designated as Parts I & 2. Reference Plan 40R-1778S New Property Idenlifiers Additional: ~:e<lUle 0 ! Executions o (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch . (b) Scheaule for: Additional: S.. Schedule o : Descnpt,on Additional o Parties 0 Other 0 ~ (8) This Document prOVides as follows: TO: The Land Registrar for the Land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40) J The CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON having the benefit of a Transfer of Easement over Part of Parcel Plan-I. Section 40M-1886. being Part of Lots 18 and 19. Plan 40M-1886. in the Municipality of Clarington. in the Regional Municipality of Durham and designated as Parts 1 and 2. on Reference Plan 40R-I7785 registered as Number L T823438 and it hereby applies under s. 75 ofthe Land Titles Act to have the register for the said parcel amended by deleting the entry as to an easement being Instrument No. L T823438 Dated at the Municipality of Clarington. this 7th day of September. 1999. J (I) This Document relates to instrument number(s) L T823438 TRANSFER of Easement (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Continued on Schedule 0 J Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M J ] J ................................................................................................................... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CURINGTON : :: D\:ppi'ic'ANT)............,..........,.........................,...,....................,.......... ..............................................................'..................r..-.....-....T.....T...... U ......,.......,.........,....................................,...,.............................,................... ..........................,..,...................,......,..,.....................r..-....-......]""...."["...... mmmmmmmmmmm__-..;--r-'-J 40 Temperance Street. Bowmanville. Ontario LlC 3A6 Ill) Add'... for Service (12) PartY(lest (Set out Status or Inte,est) Namels) Signature(s) Date of Signature y M 0 J ,Yf,:,L.IRJ..ANP..5.Q,N.L.J.MIIED....................................................,.. I (13) Add'... I..... to, Sorvlce (14) Municipal Address of Property 1038 Pinetree Court. Bowmanville. Ontario LlK IP4 . " ..............-.....-.................-..-....................-....................-...................-...-........... . " . . . . . . . . : : J ::=:~C+I ~ ...............................................................n.................__...................__.......... ....................................................................-.............................................. (15) Document Prep.ued by: I ,j 0 >- ...J ~ RegllllnltJOn F" w rn ~ w U u: u.. o 0:: ~ F_ and Tax Sam L. Cureatz. Q,C: 104 James St. West Newcastle. ON LIB lC6 J Total J 'fQareCl UIl"9 ,,. eo...,.fICW L ON: gpaaug9 F L. , L. ... ( ... ~ l.. t, a.. .. , .. I.. i I.. l L L l L i . a.. , , I ... { .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, August 31, 1 999 Res. # Report #: WD-36-99 FILE #: By-law # Subject: MONTHLY REPORT ON BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY FOR AUGUST, 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-36-99 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 With respect to the Building Permit Activity for the month of August 1999, Staff wish to highlight the following statistics for the information of Committee and Council. MTH OF AUG 1999 YEAR TO DATE 1999 YEAR TO DATE 1'998 Permits Issued I 77 572 656 VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION Residential $ 3,209,205 $ 37,232,701 $ 40,217,613 Commercial $ 111 ,700 $ 1,305,200 $ 9,131,376 Industrial $ 0 $ 712,000 $ 2,303,000 Others $ 395,465 $ 16,094,865 $ 10,177,761 TOTAL $ 3,716,370 $ 55,344,766 $ 61,829,750 1 I u 1 ~!{~ Director of Public Works -", '\ ,- ,r- , ~r ~ t" I, " (' , ,'" >- IX. J J J J j J J J j .J J j J J J J J J J REPORT NO.: WD-36-99 PAGE 2 1.2 With respect to non-residential building permit activities, the details are provided as follows: APPLICANT CONSTR TYPE LOCATION $ VALUE Krown Rust Control Fire Restore 153 KingStreet East 30,000 Baywood Homes Sales Office Liberty Street North 12,000 Syvan Development Addition 20 Robert Street 5,000 Clinic Buildings Dentist Office 1450 Highway #2 50,000 Marrett, Wayne Riding Arena 8475 Langstaff Road 125,000 Bertrim, John Move B Idg 2445 Concession Rd 8 1,000 PVNC School Bd 4-Pack Portable 78 G lenabbey Drive 120,000 Witzke, E Greenhouse 1621 Pebblestone Rd 106,000 Courtice Corners, Hair Studio 2727 Courtice Road 10,000 PVNC School Board Addition Roof 80 Rhonda Blvd 17,710 Munic of Clarington Temporary Tent 2950 Courtice Road N Munic of Clarington Temporary Tent 2950 Courtice Road N Quary Lakes Golf Temporary Tent 3705 Regional Road 57 4,700 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. SAV*bb September 13, 1999 1 I J d r" r~ r~- r r_r r~~ r r~ r- r-- r'-- r~- r~~" r- r'- r- r 08 Single Family Dwelling Semi-Detach (Link) Dwelling Single Mobile Dwelling Townhouse Multi Dual Family Dwelling Othe SFD SDD SMD TWH MUL DFD OTH Commercidl ndustrial nstitutlOlldl Agricultural Government Hydro Plumbing Renewal Demolition COM IND INS AGR GOV HYD PLM REN OEM '-'--"11 /I /I n H /I /I U /I . . U II /I . . U II /I -11 II 11 II II II II /I B U -JI 99 month endIng the Fur H at 1999 13 ClaI'lngton PrInted on September MunIcipalIty of VIty Report Monthly BuildIng Act 00 00 000,00 800.00 5,912 00 00 ---, Y.T.O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00 00 435 000 Y.T.O :22,037,590 ,598,070 661 U9 :22 ConstructIon 1998 00 00 85 23 Y.T.ol I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 97 Housing Starts 72 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 59 1999 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1998 Y 206 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 90 Permits Y 13 T,OI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6S 1999 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Aug I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r-' ~ II U If-- a Group II U SFO I . SOD n I SMO I I TWH I I MUL I I OFO 1 10TH 00 770 565 400 r" Value of 8U 8U 922 1999 21 7 00 1999 t36,810 880,595 497,000 Aug 88 1998 T.O 1999 Y 62 Aug T.O 98 Issued 73 92 1999 13 56,000,00 f 37,232,701.00 I 40,217,613,00 I I I 1,305,200.00 I 9,131.376 I 712.000.00 I 2,303,000 I 344,410.00 I 8,106,000 473,000.00 323.100 230,000.00 1,452,761 15,000,000.00 187,000 47,455.00 108,900 00 76 00 00 00 00 00 00 53 952 00 53 45 394,800.00 209,205,00 700.00 00 00 25,755.00 137.710 232,000 III I I I I 393 6 7 3 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 302 119 538 I 21 I I I I I 43 I I 1 I 10 I I I I 8 I I 9 I I 7 f I 2 I I 17 I I 1 I I 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 119 27 10 33 t6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It U 2 19 I I I I TOTAL U SUB If-- K I COM n . INO n I INS . I AGR I I GQV I I HYO I n PLM I I REN I IDEM 1-'-:- I SUB If- 20 L '-.(j 137.76 612 21 065.00 112 18 00 165 507 30 11 118 109 33 TOTAL II B II II II R 829,750.76 61 3U,766,OO 55 370.00 716 423 313 21 627 695 656 635 170 655 572 581 938 005 77 38 TOTAL BP FEES PP FEES n II I R II I ~il II II II 11 II ~-~-II TYRO 1 TOTAL II +--+-11 I I I 299 II -I-tu-- II I I 203 II t I 11 I I 119 II t---+---- .11 I I 63 II t--+----II I I I I I I I I I 66 II I I +----t--I 1 t-I,----JI I III 121 11217311 I I + I I -I----t - 11 I I I I 1 I 2 I 5 I 114 II +--t---I~--t---t __1___-1 -- II I I I 3 I 1 I 1 I I 64 II +--t'~--I--t------t -t -~ -- t ,---- tl I I 1 I I I 4 I 7 I 239 II t---f----I----+---f -+-- 1--- II I I 2 I I I 1 1 4 I 576 II I I I I I -t--+--tl I I 2 I 3 1 I 5 I 4 11151 II 1---1 I I I -+-----t--II I 1 I 1 I I I s I 2 11402 II I I I I I -+---t-II I I I I I 1 I 11562 II I I t-----t---t' ---j-----t---II I I I I I 2 I I I 1 11359 II t--t-+--t---+ -+----+---11 I 1 I I I 2 I I 594 II t-----t I I 1 -t---t--tl I I I I I I 2 I I 771 II 1 I 1 I -+-----I--mll I I I 1 III I 797 II +-~t I I ---I -----j,-- -II I I 1 I l I I 572 II +-t--I I -+---t--,tl I 1 1 I I I I 1 634 II I I I I -ut----t----II I I I 2 I I I H7 II I I I I -.!~+-----tl I I I 2 I I 601 II t~--+__-t_______t --,--+-- II 1 I I I I 601 II I I I I I 11 I I I I I 636 II j I +----1 ----1---- -tl I 1 I 1 I I 3H II L_----L-~__~_l__._ __n_ _ ,1 .__~___ __ II Summary of Residential UnIts by GeographIcal Areas based on Building Permits Issued. Printed on 99.09 Current Year Figures to the End of 99.08.31 NEWT MITC MAPL LESK HAMLETS KIRB 2 2 5 45 26 25 1 I - - -t- 24 1 14 I 1 I I I t- 32 I 16 I 2 I ----+--+----t 6 1 43 I 15 I 3 1 I 1 I I 1 I t-~t--- 4 I 46 I 22 I 9 1 I 1 KENO 44 HAYD 2 RURAL AREAS - - DARL CLAR I BURK I ENFI I ENNI - - -+ I 19 16 I I - - -I-------t- 29 26 I - - 19 25 - - 25 22 - -- 19 12 07 2 U 83 I 10 1 2 I 7 I .. I I I I H 64 1 9 I 36 1 4 I 11- --- U 65 61 276 26 10 HAMP 47 ~ - U . U U- n - YEAR I BOWM I 76 1 239 I 17 I 118 - - 78 13 - -- 79 1 - -- 60 3 - -- 61 1 -- 62 60 at 13 URBAN AREAS - - COUR NEWC WILM I ORON 2 7 11 L.- ..... ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... L- .... 2 L- 2 14 - I 1 1 4 I I I I t-- I 2 I 1 I t -t-- III I L-.. 15 21 1 I t---- + I 1 -1-+ I I t-----t I 3 I I _L L-.. 18 12 21 11 33 L-. 45 44 49 20 11 10 20 12 13 62 L-. 111 123 77 25 15 14 11 21 17 20 14 20 116 L- 173 137 64 42 10 10 10 16 16 21 33 13 86 125 579 I 105 - - I 87 365 670 I 26 - ~ I 86 347 633 I 317 - ~ 1 89 181 697 I 262 - - - 90 199 305 26 - ~ - - 91 433 255 46 - - - -. II 92 532 204 22 c:.., n I t-- B 93 301 I 232 99 1 97 1 192 I 1 I _~ I I~ .... L- 406 I 386 I 229 I 170 I 217 I 331 I 423 I 295 I 313 I 254 ...... " 94 If--- . 95 I'- D 96 II- I 97 98 n 1 ...... r' re- r~-' 11 II II II ~11 TOTAL II -~'--~I 15,252,000.00 II -~11 I 15,161,000.00 II j--------- II I ~3,554,OOO.00 II , n~ I 16,333,000.00 II -t --11 I 17,754,000.00 II I 11 I 24,462,000 00 II , II I 35,723,000.00 II -1 fl I 73.121,000.00 II +--------- II I 112,87J,OOO.00 II + 'fl I 162,107,000 00 II ,.. I 225,021,000 00 II III I 70,30~,050 00 II I 11 I 73,408,800.00 II ~-------II , ~7,4~3,310.00 II I II I 64,386,000 00 II I 11 I 80,841,005.00 II I fl I 57.034,802.25 II I .ft I 67,664,480.25 I I I I 125,400,831.87 U 11 85,350,510 76 I -. 55,297,311.00 II ~--_.1I r J'C'- r- r"- r- r~ r"- r--"^ r- HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF BUILOING PERMITS based on Building Permits Issued. Printed on Current Year Figures to the End of 99.08.31 r- r- r r~"- r r'-"- Jr U I I I I YEAR f" 10,44 at 13 O~ ~~ HYDRO ONT GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONAL 87,000,00 I -t 291. 000.00 I AGRICULTURAL 00 000 000 412 101 INDUSTRIAL 100,000.00 I + 2,505,000.00 I COMMERCIAL 000.00 000.00 5,~81 832 RESIDENTIAL 672,000.00 618,000.00 79 000,00 814 00 80 156,000,00 000,00 866 00 467,000 00 7,466,000,00 7,281,000.00 7,300,000,00 630.000.00 86,478,000 246,000.00 000,00 2,278,000,00 1,506 127,000,00 00 00 000 114 000.00 000.00 256 246 00 000,00 000 718 274 000.00 000.00 000,00 5,341 260 6,561 81 82 83 445,000.00 000 120 000.00 885 262.000.00 13,450,000.00 84 770,000.00 0~5,OOO,OO 43~,OOO.00 139,000.00 00 1,330,000 719,000,00 00 100,000 184,000 786,000.00 3,071,000.00 00 00 29~,OOO 247,000 85~,OOO.00 010.000.00 29 65 85 839,000.00 00 I 86 J-- I 8 00 00 7,~~5,OOO 000,00 2,063 00 00 00 000 231 165,000.00 00 619,000 90,705,000.00 14,207,000.00 160,000 000.00 5,627 00 000 ~01 000,00 137,773 88 24 868,000 6 8,224,000.00 50,000 00 I -+- 00 I 157,000 34 3,14~,OOO.00 000.00 350.00 434 581 148 57 89 700.00 500,00 500,00 430 521 413 00 00 00 3,678,000 17.000 145,000,00 000.00 551 21 000 000 5,585 428 389,000.00 705,500,00 00 000,00 5,183 816,750.00 975,000.00 500,00 1,258 00 00 00 00 00 2,948,000 000.00 526 ~O 000 438 324,000.00 00 300 3,859 65,698,000.00 91 000 412 000.00 186 00 321,500 310.00 186 67 92 500 733 7,000.00 00 5,109,000 52,220,000,00 93 100 276 000,00 836 700,00 216 955,00 72."61 94 500.00 136 000.00 359 10.469,000.00 584,900 000.00 551 478,800.00 41,455,602,25 ~5 -. - 705.25 600.00 951 677 00 00 000 5,083 500.00 211 5~6,500.00 610,000,00 00 164,405 370,00 047 56 96 372,388 129,700.00 17 00 00 000 698 000.00 615 12 16,573,385.87 00 758 334 72 97 000.00 000.00 281 000 15 00 000.00 761 477 230 00 344,410.00 8,266,515 100 473,000.00 438 3,146,000.00 000.00 712 76 305,200.00 067,876 11 60,673,258,00 00 37,232,701 ~8 99 L L L L L L L L L L L l L L L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Res. # FILE #: By-law # Date: September 20, 1999 Report #: ADMIN-29-99 Subject: CORPORATE HEALTH & SAFETY PROGRAM RECOMMENDA TlONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT report # ADMIN-29-99 be received; 2. THAT the Annual Report of the Corporate Joint Health & Safety Committee be received; 3. THAT the revised Health & Safety Policy and Program (Schedule A & B) be approved; 4. THAT By-law #98-110 be repealed; and 5. THAT the attached By-law (Attachment #3) be forwarded to Council for approval. . L 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 As set out in the Occupational Health & Safety Act, the Employer must prepare and review annually a written Occupational Health & Safety Policy and develop and maintain a program to implement that policy. 1.2 The Committee has reviewed the Corporate Health & Safety Pol icy and Program and recommends a revised policy statement and program which requires the existing By- law 98-110 to be repealed (Schedule A & B). The focus of the recommended changes is to reflect current initiatives of the Committee as well as to clarify roles and responsibilities of the Employer. L L L it-vI REPORT NO.: ADMIN-29-99 PAGE 2 2.0 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 2.1 The Committee would like to report on the following activities during the past year: ,. Departmental WHMIS inventory completed. ,. Distribution of revised copies of the Occupational Health & Safety Act to all workplaces. ,. Regular meetings of the Committee with minutes circulated and posted. ,. Regular workplace inspections. ,. Conducted a contractorls safety orientation session. ., Completion of first ever safety week in June 1998. ,. Provided training to all Supervisors on Due Diligence. ,. Provided fire extinguisher training in co-operation with Clarington Fire Department. ,. Co-ordinate Region of Durham Health & Safety Meeting. ,. Preparation of Health & Safety Policy & Procedures Manual 3.0 ONGOING MATTERS: 3.1 The following initiatives will be part of the upcoming year's program: 1. Violence in the Workplace 2. WHMIS training for all Clerical staff 3. "Ergonomics" - Are we doing everything reasonable? 4. Assistance with the development of a Modified Work Program Policy and Procedures 5. Job orientation training for Supervisors 6. Workplace Harassment Training 4.0 ACCIDENT PREVENTION: 4.1 Twenty-seven (27) accidents were reported in 1998. Thirteen (13) of them required first aid, thirteen (13), medical aid and one was a lost time injury. This is consistent with previous years maintaining the Municipality's refund situation under the NEER program. / , ) _ '...J L J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J .I L L L REPORT NO.: ADMIN-29-99 PAGE 3 5.0 1999 HEALTH & SAFETY WEEK: t L. L L L L L L L l L L L l L L L 3.1 The Committee and the Health & Safety Officer co-ordinated the second Annual Health & Safety Week for the Corporation. Activities that were offered included: , Selection of the Theme "Safety is No Accident" and the distribution of "stress balls" , Fire Extinguisher Training ., Workplace Inspection Training for Committee Members , Y2K Information Session to Employees , Health & Safety Messages , Health & Safety Quiz 5.2 Plans are under way for the Third Annual Health & Safety Week to be held in May 2000. Efforts will be made to involve the Business Community in the promotion of health & safety in Clarington. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, u. , / i ' \.. \.f/ / Frederick~. Horvath, Property Manager and Health & Safety Officer Co-Chair, Non-affiliated ~~ :LA-) ~ i,\ '-(~ ':k Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer j.( r\ -\..\"J r: r".p ('\ Kathe Groen Co-Chair, Affiliated FH:sa LJ) SCHEDULE A J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Revised July 1999 I MUNICIPAL HEALTH & SAFETY PROGRAM POLICY STATEMENT The Mayor, Council and Management of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington are committed to the Health & Safety of its workers, It is the policy of the Municipality to provide safe equipment, safe practises and a safe work environment to all workplaces of the Corporation. The corporation will provide and maintain a safe & healthy work environment in compliance with the Occupational Health & Safety Act and all pertinent regulations. It is our belief that accidents and injuries can be prevented. The prevention of accidents is an objective affecting all levels of the organization and its activities. At all workplaces it is the responsibility of management to fulfil the commitments set forth in this policy. All workers must protect his/her own safety and must personally conduct themselves in a manner, which will promote safe work practices and procedures. Mayor Clerk 1 1 / : j '- J ' L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L SCHEDULE B II Municipal Health and Safety Program The Municipality of Clarington through its various Departments will demonstrate the development. implementation and maintenance of a comprehensive health & safety program through the following initiatives. 1. Safety Manual Provide a users manual for all municipal equipment. tools and processes and identify equipment and procedures, which require instruction, training or certification. 2. Compliance Promote awareness and compliance of all workers with legislation including the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Workers Compensation Act. 3. Safety Responsibility Reinforce the Municipality's commitment to the Health and Safety Program and to establish ongoing training programs to educate employees and promote awareness and to meet regularly with workers. 4. WOrkplace Inspections To train, implement and ensure adherence to the procedure for the timely reporting of dangerous situations and the implementation of corrective measures through regular workplace inspections by identifying and evaluating, potential and actual hazards to protect the worker, 5. Accident Investigation Procedure To train, implement and ensure adherence to the appropriate accident investigation procedures is the responsibility of all Department Heads and/or designates in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Implement a thorough accident investigation procedure involving the Department Heads and the Joint Health and Safety Committee (Certified Members) to ensure a complete, objective and co-operative investigation to identify its causes and consequences and submit recommendations. 2 '"" L # _I 6. Education and Training Develop, implement and evaluate worker training programs and review procedures annually with the Joint Health and Safety Committee which will assist management and supervisors in the implementation and maintenance of a safe work environment. 7, Contractor Safety To train, implement and ensure adherence to the policy and procedure to include minimum health and safety requirements for contractors prior to being hired by the Municipality to be consistent with municipal procedures and to include procedure for warning and/or stop work orders to be followed should any contractor violate the established requirements. 8. Workplace Harassment To train, implement and ensure adherence to the policy and procedure dealing with all types of workplace harassment. 9. Safety Awareness To support the annual Safety Awareness Week to promote health and safety in the workplace. 10. Municipality Injury Frequency - Assessment Program Participation in a voluntary reporting program which provides relevant statistical information on a municipal service basis. lL-JO 3 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J L L L l L L L L L L L L L L l L L L L A TT ACHMENT #3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 99- Being a By-law to establish an Occupational Health and Safety Policy and an Occupational Health and Safety Program as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and to repeal By-law #98-110. WHEREAS, the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment for all personnel. And whereas the Occupational Health and Safety Act requires each employer in the Province of Ontario to prepare and review at least annually a written Occupational Health and Safety Policy and to develop and maintain a program to implement that policy. NOW THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as follows: 1. THAT the Health and Safety Policy, Schedule A and the Program, Schedule B, which are attached to and form a part of this by-law, are hereby adopted as the Municipality of Clarington's Health and Safety Policy and Health and Safety Program. 2. THAT By-law #98-110 be hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on September 20, 1999. By-law read a first and second time this day of September, 1999. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of September, 1999. Mayor Clerk , 1,-.-1