HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/1999 - - - - - t'U '.~uu C:;::AUi/ ~" v_larington ~,'HARIO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: OCTOBER 18, 1999 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. ROLL CALL - 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - 3. MINUTES - 4. - (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of October 4, 1999 301 DELEGATIONS (a) Glenn Genge, D. G. Biddle & Associates Ltd., 96 King Street East, Oshawa, L 1 H 1 B6 - Black Creek Developments - Wetland Mapping - 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS - - (b) - 6. (a) Rezoning Application - Part Lot 31, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington REPORT PD-113-99 - 904222 Ontario Inc. 501 Rezoning Application - Part Lot 31, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington REPORT PD-114-99 - Daiseyfield Developments 503 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - (a) - (b) - - (c) - PD-113-99 Rezoning Application Applicant: 904222 Ontario Inc. Part Lot 31, Concession 3, Former T ownsh i p of Darlington - Daiseyfield Avenue, Courtice 601 PD-114-99 Rezoning Application Applicant: Daiseyfield Developments Part Lot 31, Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington, Daiseyfield Avenue, Courtice 605 PD-11 5-99 Millennium Projects Main Street Ontario Funding Program 609 @ - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~ ( ~ \1 PER A neE S T ~ E= .- . _ ,'J MAN \j ILL E . \) N T A k I G . L ~ C J A 6 . I. SO 5 I _ _ . j . ~.. X r3 2 3 _..;. " E 8 SIT E 'N W W rn u n I C loa I I ! Y c: a r I n 9 [ 0 n Q n c a RECYCLED PAPER .. October 18, 1999 .. G.P.& A. Agenda - 2 - .. (d) PD-116-99 Monitoring of the Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for the Meeting of October 7, 1999 619 .. (e) PD-117-99 Parking in Residential Areas 628 7. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT I11III (a) CD-40-99 Animal Services Report for the Month of August, 1999 701 .. (b) CD-42-99 Animal Services Report for the Month of September, 1999 703 .- 8. TREASURY DEPARTMENT .. (a) TR-58-99 Confidential Report - Property Matters (to be distributed under separate cover) .. (b) TR-59-99 Cash Activity Report - July, 1999 801 .. (c) TR-60-99 Cash Activity Report - August, 1999 811 (d) TR-61-99 Segregation of Development Charges Reserve Funds 820 .. 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT .. (a) FD-17-99 Joint Purchase - Flashover Unit 901 (b) FD-18-99 Monthly Fire Report - September, 1999 904 .. 10. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT .. (a) CS-17-99 Pre-Teen Dances 1001 11 . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .. (a) WD-38-99 Official Opening of Clarington's Skatepark 1101 III (b) WD-39-99 Transfer of Lands to Kawartha Pineridge School Board - St. Stephen's Estates Subdivision 1104 II (c) WD-40-99 Sports Fields Fees 1110 IlIIi .. - G.P.& A. Agenda - 3 - October 18, 1999 - - (d) WD-41-99 Monthly Report on Building Permit Activity for September, 1 999 1114 - 12. ADMINISTRA TION (a) ADMIN-30-99 - Confidential Report - Property MattE~r 1201 - (to be distributed under separate cover) 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - 14. OTHER BUSINESS - (a) Confidential Verbal Report of the Sol icitor - Legal Matter - 15. ADJOURNMENT - - - - - .- - - - - - - - THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose and Administration Committee October 4. 1999 - - Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, October 4, 1999 at 9:30 a.m.. in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL - Present Were: Mayor D. Hamre Councillor 1. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor 1. Rowe Councillor 1. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young - - Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer. F, Wu Director of Community Services. 1. Caruana Fire Chief, M. Creighton Director, Planning and Development. D. Crome Treasurer, M. Marano Director of Public Works, S. Vokes Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie - - Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. - DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - There were no Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest made for this meeting. - Mayor Hamre advised that a breakfast will be held on October IS, 1999 at the Clarington Beech Centre to introduce the Principals of the Great Lake College of Toronto. Following the breakfast. an open house will be held at the school. - Mayor Hamre advised that the Members of Council will be in Newcastle Village at I :30 p.m. this afternoon to kick off the Village Policing effort. - Mayor Hamre read from a fax which she received from The Honourable Steven Gilchrist, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing wherein h~: advises that, contrary to recent reports. a facilitator has not been appointed to review the amalgamation of Ajax and Pickering. Mr. Gilchrist states that hie is willing to provide a facilitator if both Communities agree to come to the table. however, it will not be forced upon them. - MINUTES .. Resolution #GPA-447-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Schell - THA T the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on September 20. 1999, be approved. - "CARRIED" - ~nl G.P. & A. Minutes DELEGA TIONS - :2 - .. October 4. 1999 ... (a) Carol Hopps, Committee of Clarke Constituents, 4495 Concession Road 4, Newtonville, LOA lJO addressed Committee with respect to Report PD-l 09-99. Mrs. Hopps advised that the Committee of Clarke Constituents was relieved to understand the lifting of Deferral 19 will enable the Region to approve the underlying land use designation as Green Space and Environmental Protection Area. She did question however, what course of action the Municipality would have if the Ministry of the Environment waived the Environment Assessment Requirement. She stated concerns as they relate to noise, traffic, litter and leachate and urged Council to carefully scrutinize the Terms of Reference. Mrs. Hopps requested clarification of changing the references to the Ministry of the Environment to the Province in Modification No. 172. .. ... ... (b) Richard Lovekin, 196 Lovekin Road, R. R. #8, Newcastle, LIB lL9 appeared before Committee in concurrence with the recommendations contained in Report PD-I 09-99. He advised that Sam Cureatz, listed as the next delegation, also concurs with these recommendations. ... ... (c) Sam Cureatz. 104 James Street, Newcastle, LIB IC6 did not appear before the Committee (see above paragraph). (d) Anthony Biglieri, Plantactics Group Ltd., 28 Bellefair Avenue, Toronto, M4L 3T8 appeared in support of the recommendations contained in Report PD-I09-99 and offered to answer any questions of Committee Members. . .. (e) Linda Gasser, P.O. Box 399,7421 Best Road, Orono, LOB IMO advised prior to the meeting that she would not be in attendance. (f) Glenn Genge, D. G. Biddle & Associates Ltd., 96 King Street East, Oshawa, L 1 H 1 B6 advised prior to the meeting that he would not be in attendance. .i .. Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Deferrals I 9 and 39 to the Clarington Official Plan File:PLN 32.11.9 .. Resolution #GPA-448-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim .. THAT Report PD-I 09-99 be received; THA T the Region of Durham be requested to lift Deferral No. 19 to the Clarington Official Plan and approve the underlying land use designation as shown on Map Al (Clarke); .. THA T the Region of Durham be requested to lift Deferral No. 39 to the Clarington Official Plan and approve Section 4.3.8. and further to approve Sections 4.8.9, 4.9.11,4.8.12,4.9.2 and 4.9.3 as modified by Modification No. 172 attached to Report PD-l 09-99 as Attachment No.2; and ..i .. THA T the Durham Regional Planning Department, and all interested parties listed in Report PD-109-99 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. ... "CARRIED" .. 302 IllIII - G,P, & A. Minutes - -' - October 4. 1999 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONT'D, - Removal of Part Resolution #GP A-449-99 Lot Control Clamew Developers Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young ZBA 99-034 - - - - - Proposed Amendment to Durham Regional Official Plan Communal Water and Sewer - - - - - - - Monitoring of the Decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for September 23. 1999 - - - - THAT Report PD-II 0-99 be received: THA T the request for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots 19 to 40. and Blocks 60 to 67 on 40M-1976 be approved: THA T the by-law attached to Report PD-II 0-99 be approved and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50(7.1) of the Planning Act: and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PD-II 0-99 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-450-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Mayor Hamre THAT Report PD-III-99 be received: THA T the Region of Durham be advised of the following: a) THAT the Municipality of Clarington supports ROPA 99-005 only as it would permit the limited use of communal services in the rural area where it is deemed necessary to deal with a health or environmental problem caused by failed private wells and/or septic systems, and only after all other options to address the problem have been exhausted; b) THAT the Municipality of Clarington does not support ROPA 99-005 as it relates to the use of communal servicing systems for new rural development: and THAT a copy of Report PD-III-99 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Durham Region Planning Department, and the interested parties listed in Report PD-III-99. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-45 1-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Mutton THA T Report PD-112-99 be received; THA T Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on September 23, 1999 for applications A99/042 and A99/048 to A99/052, inclusive; and THA T Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for applications A99/042. A99/048 to A99/050 inclusive. and A 99/042. in the event of an appeal. "CARRIED" )n~ CiP & A. Minutes - -I - fill October 4. 1999 .. Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Parking Enforcement Report for Month of August Amendments to Skateboard and Bicycle By-law Appointment Of Parking Enforcement Officers Request for Exemption from Requirements of Municipality's Fencing by-law ... Resolution FfGPA-452-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe III THA T Report CD-34-99 be received for information: and THA T a copy of Report CD-34-99 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. III "CARRIED" fill Resolution #GPA-453-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Rowe .. THA T Report CD-37-99 be received: and THA T the amendment to By-law 89-107 to prohibit skateboards and bicycles interfering with the movement of traftic, attached to Report CD-37-99. be approved. fill .. "CARRIED" Resolution #GP A-454-99 .. Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report CD-38-99 be received: ... THA T parking be prohibited on Darlington Park Road and on Down Road: THA T the Park Wardens be appointed as Parking Enforcement Ofticers in order to enforce the Municipality's Traffic By-law in the area adjacent to the Provincial Park: ., .. THA T the proposed by-laws attached to Report CD-38-99 be forwarded to Council for approval: and THA T the Darlington Provincial Park Superintendent be advised of Council's decision. .. "CARRIED" .. Resolution #GP A-455-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe. seconded by Councillor Novak .. THA T Report CD-39-99 be received: THA T Wayne Conrad be granted an exemption from the provisions of the Municipality's Fencing By-law to allow for a fence with a maximum height of2.1 metres, in excess of the 1.8 metres presently allowed in the By-law: and .. .. 30t .. .. G.P. & A. 'v1inutes - ~ - October 4. 1999 - CLERK'S DEPARTMENT CONT'D. - - - - - - - Declaration of Vicious dog - Holkema - - THA T Wayne Conrad be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution FI GPA-456-99 Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T the order of the agenda be altered to allow for consideration of Report CD-36-99 listed under Unfinished Business at this time. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-457-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report CD-36-99 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution #G P A-458-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Trim THA T Report CD-36-99 be received; and THA T the vicious dog declaration served on Wendy Holkema be upheld. "MOTION LOST' - TREASURY DEPARTMENT Councillor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. - Co-operative Tender 99- F 1-02 Domestic Fuel Oil 1999/2000 .. ... - - FIRE DEPARTMENT No Reports - - Resolution #GPA-459-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Report TR-57-99 be received; THA T Ultramar Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario with a net unit price in the amount of $.2354 per litre (including G.ST), meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of the Co-operative Tender 99-F] -02 be awarded the contract to supply and deliver No. :2 Domestic Fuel Oil to the Municipality of Clarington for the 1999/2000 winter season; and THA T the funds expended be drawn from the 1999/2000 budge!: allocation for heating of facilities. "CARRIED" ~n'l Cl.P, & A. Minutes - 6 - - October 4. 1999 No Reports COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ... \II1II Councillor Young chaired this portion of the meeting. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Orono Mill Pond Dam Transfer of Ownership to Municipality ADMINISTRA TION No reports OTHER BUSINESS Month of October Toastmasters Month .. Resolution #GP A-460-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Novak .. THAT Report WD-37-99 be received: THA T the Municipality of Clarington accept ownership of the Orono Mill Pond Dam conditional on satisfactory completion of works to convert the dam to an overflow weir by the Ministry of Natural Resources: .. .. THA T the transaction and works be completed at no cost to the Municipality; THA T the by-law attached to Report WD-37-99 be passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary documents: and ... THA T T. C. Smith, Area Supervisor, York-Durham, Aurora District, Ministry of Natural Resources, be advised of Council's decision. .. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LA TER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) ... Resolution #GPA-461-99 III Moved by Mayor Hamre. seconded by Councillor Schell THA T the foregoing Resolution IIGPA-460-99 be amended in the second paragraph by adding the words". including bank stabilization and environmental works," following the words "overtlow weir". ", "CARRIED" .. The foregoing Resolution #GPA-460-99 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. "" .. Resolution #GPA-462-99 .. Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Novak THA T the Month of October be proclaimed as Toastmasters Month in the Municipality of Clarington and advertised in accordance with Municipal policy FORTHWITH, rIM IIIJIi "CARRlED" 306 ... - G.? & A. Minutes - 7 - October 4. 1999 - OTHER BUSINESS CONT'D. - - - - ADJOURNMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor Hamre advised that the Newcastle Fall Festival which was held this past weekend was a very successful day with a wonderful turnout. Councillor Young advised that students of the Great Lake College of Toronto were in attendance at the Fall Festival and were very warmly received by the Community. Councillor Schell indicated that the Fire Prevention Day held on Sunday, October 3, 1999 was very successful with many demonstrations on site and many residents in attendance. Mayor Hamre indicated that she attended the Police Services Retirement Dinner at which time Constable Mounsteven was presented with the Officer of the Year A ward. Resolution #GPA-463-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T the meeting adjourn at 10:50 a.m. "CARRIED" MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK. 307 - D;-..J: lJ04222pn REPORT: PD-1l3-99 904222 Ontario Inc. - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~OTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING - consider: TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the MunicipalIty of Clanngton will hold a publIc meet10g to - DATE: TIME: PLACE: 'tONDAY. OCTOBER 18.1999 9:30 A.M. - Council Chambers. Municipal Administrative Centre. 40 Temperance St., BowmanviUe. Ontario - TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the CorporatIon of the MunicipalIty of Clanngton will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zon1Og By-law Amendment under Sections 34 of the Planmng Act 1990, as amended. - The proposed zoning by-law amendment. as submitted by 904222 Ontano lnc.., would change the zone category of five (5) propertIes located in Part Lot 31. Concession 3, former Township of DarlIngton (as shown on the reverse) from Urban Residential Type One (R I) to an appropnate zone 10 order to permit the reductIon of the extenor Side yard setback from 6 metres to 3 metres. - - ANY PERSON may attend the public meet10g and/or make written or verbal representatIon either 10 support of or 10 OppOSitIon to the proposal. Please note that the time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Adm1Olstration Committee Meetmg commences, not necessarily when this item will be considered. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of Clarington Council in respect of the proposed zoning by-law does not make oral submissions at a publIc meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed Zoning By-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. - - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposal is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the months of July and August) at the Plann10g Department, 40 Temperance Street. BowmanVllle, Ontano or by callmg Bob Russell at 623-3379. - - CIP ALITY - - '- MuniCIpality ofClanngton 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Ll C 3A6 - - PLANNING FILE: ZBA 99-031 CLERK'S FILE: D14.ZBA 99-031 - - ~Jl . SUBJECT SITES LOT 31 .. .. .. III .. ... ... t't') .. .....: ~ I I (J) ~ Z I DAISEYFIELD AVENUE Q:: 0 .. - I i i I I V) en I I I en i I i -.....J I i I I S w J u - I -.I I '\ ~ ~ Z -j , \ 0 U .. ... ~ f----i COURTICE KEY MAP ZBA.99-031 502 .. ... ~ I ! .. .. .. .. .. ull -ba'l933 CORPORA TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTO~ - NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING REPORT: PD-114-99 Daiseyfield Developmentf TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a - public meeting to consider: - DATE: TIME: PLACE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 18,1999 9:30 A.M. - Council Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St, Bowmanville, Ontario - T AK.E NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington will hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. - The proposed zoning by-law amendment, ~submitted by Daiseyfield Developments, would change the zone category of three (3) properties located in Part Lot 31, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington at 2, 28 and 78 Daiseyfield Avenue (as shown on the reverse) from Urbcm Residential Type One (Rl) to an appropriate zone in order to permit the reduction of the exterior side yard setback from 6 metres to 3 metres. - - ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal repres(mtation either in support of or in opposition to the proposal. Please note that the time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences, not necessarily when this item will be considered. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of Clarington Council in respect of the proposed zoning by-law does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed Zoning By-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. - - - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposal is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the months of July and August) at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario or by calling Bob Russell at 623-3379. - - DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARIN ON - e tembet999 '\ - - Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L 1 C 3A6 - PLANNING FILE: CLERK'S FILE: ZBA 99-033 D14.ZBA 99-033 - 5D3 - . SUBJECT SITES LOT 31 I I I I ~~'''~'''~~--~ '. ~]~l .~ ~ I,. ~"'.~ DAISEYFIELD A VENUE , 0::: ( "(:)' '. >-.( \ <.t) , , , ,',C""". \2 I~I . I ~ . ' "''--ls . . ~ '-.J >~ : /~ ~ ,~ ----II '" "i / ~ '--' /~'" ~ , I a~~' ,S',;;' '" I i-- '" ~ /"~~<>-'--' I, I / ~, "'v/ ~7' "~<'- / ~ ,', -'----/ ~I~ ----. II I ')~~ ;~~~ --- I 1 (. /CJ00/ ~ o~"'<'. ': I L, - . I ;.. lJ... /' ~ Q<<, ~.,_ I ~ ~1:,3 !---~ ~ (. ~--..:3EYNOLDS DR. - ~~. /~\ I I_~i\ ~ T' I --'.----j 1- . _~/ ! :----',_,j I ..~ I '''.f. COURTICE KEY MAP ZBA. 99-033 504 .. .. .. .. .. .. ... tI') z o - U) U) w u z o u .. till III "" .. .. ... IIIll I ! .. .. .. .. - - - Meeting: Date: - Report #: - Subject: - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Monday, October 18, 1999 Res. # PD-113-99 File #: ZBA 99-031 By-law # REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: 904222 ONTARIO INC. PART LOT 31, CONC. 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON DAISEYFIELD AVENUE, COURTICE FILE NO.: ZBA 99-031 - Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PD-113-99 be received; 2. - - 3. THAT the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, submitted by 904222 Ontario Inc. to reduce the exterior side yard setback be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report following the receipt of the outstanding agency comments; and THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - APPLICATION DETAILS - 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 - 1.4 - - 2. 2.1 - - - Owners: 904222 Ontario Inc. Fred Simkins from "Urban Residential Type One (Rl)" to an appropriate zone to permit an exterior side yard setback of 3.0 metres. Five (5) semi/link units with properties varying in size from 430 m2 to 490 m2, Agent: Zoning: Area: BACKGROUND On September 13, 1999, the Planning and Development Department received an application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 in order to permit exterior side yard setbacks of 3 metres rather than 6 metres. bul REPORT PO-113-99 PAGE 2 2.2 3. 3.1 The exterior (corner) properties subject to the proposal are located on the south side of Daiseyfield Avenue, Courtice. The municipal street addresses of the subject properties are 1,21,27,77 and 83 Daiseyfield Avenue. The lands are part of Lot 31, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES The properties are currently vacant. 3.2 The surrounding land uses are as follows: North - Urban Residential and vacant South - Urban Residential and vacant East Urban Residential and vacant West - Urban Residential and vacant 4. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 4.1 Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subdivision and a public notice sign was installed on each of the five properties with the exterior (corner) property on Trulls Road having a public notice sign on each frontage. There have been no inquiries to date. 5. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 5.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject properties are designated as Living Area in the Courtice Urban Area, The application conforms. 5.2 Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject properties are designated as Urban Residential in the Courtice Urban Area, The application conforms. 6. 6.1 AGENCY COMMENTS The rezoning application was circulated to various agencies and other departments by the Planning and Development Department. Comments have not been received from the Clarington Fire Department. The Clarington Public Works Department stated a revised master grading and drainage plan is required for approval prior to the issuance of building permits on the subject properties. f,f 2 ... .. .. III .. ... - III III ... III .. - .. - - .. .. .. - REPORT PD-113-99 PAGE 3 - 7. 7.1 ST AFF COMMENTS - The purpose of this report is to give the status of the application for the public meeting, it is appropriate to have the application referred back to staff for further processing. - Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, - . rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. of Planning & Development i (/') t u:J ('I_P' ". ----' ~LX__ ~C~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer - - BR *LDT*DJC*cc - October 8, 1999 -- Attachment No. 1 Site Location Key Map Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - - Fred Simkins 904222 Ontario Inc. 18 Prince Rupert Drive Courtice, Ontario LIE 125 - - - - - - - - 603 ATTACHMENT NO. - . SUBJECT SITES LOT 31 ---~------~ I -----J , , --l ! -~.-.,1 ~~~-M DAISEYFIELD AVENUE ) / i r r r r r ~ ~ Q:: CI) -.J S " t") Z o - U) U) W U Z o U ... ... .. ... ... ~ ~ - ~-~-< r-, I - COURTICE ! - KEY MAP ZBA.99-031 ... 604 .. D:-.1: PD-114-99 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # - Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 R'es. # - Report #: PD-114-99 FILE #: ZBA 99-033 By-law # - Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: DAISEYFIELD DEVELOPMENTS PART LOT 31, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON, DAISEYFIELD AVENUE, COURTICE FILE: ZBA 99-033 - - Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PD-114-99 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, submitted by Daiseyfield Developments to reduce the exterior side yard setback be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report following the receipt of the outstanding agency comments; and - - - 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Owners: Daiseyfield Developments - 1.2 Agent: Daniel Pustil - 1.3 Zoning: From "Urban Residential Type One (Rl)" to an appropriate zone to permit an exterior side yard setback of 3.0 metres. - 1.4 Area: Three (3) semi/link units with properties varying in size from 430 sq, m. to 490 sq. m. - - - bUS REPORT NO.: PD-114-99 PAGE 2 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 On September 17, 1999, the Planning and Development Department received an application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 in order to permit exterior side yard setbacks of 3 metres rather than 6 metres. 2.2 The exterior (comer) properties subject to the proposal are located on the north side of Daiseyfield Avenue, Courtice. The municipal street addresses of the subject properties are: 2, 28 and 78 Daiseyfield Avenue, The lands are Part of Lot 31, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington. 3. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The properties are currently vacant. 3.2 The surrounding land uses are as follows: North - Vacant South - Urban Residential and Vacant East Urban Residential and Vacant West - Urban Residential and Vacant 4. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 4.1 Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subdivision and a public notice sign was installed on each of the three properties with the exterior (comer) property on Trulls Road having a public notice sign on each frontage. There have been no inquiries to date. 5. 5.1 OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject properties are designated as Living Area in the Courtice Urban Area. The application conforms. <06 - .. .. - - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. - - REPORT NO.: PD-114-99 PAGE 3 - 5.2 - Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject properties are designated as Urban Residential in the Courtice Urban Area. The application conforms, 6.1 6. AGENCY COMMENTS - - - - The rezoning application was circulated to various agencies and othl;:r departments by the Planning and Development Department. Comments have not been received from the Clarington Fire Department. Comments received from the Clari,ngton Public Works Department stated a revised master grading and drainage plan is required for approval prior to the issuance of building permits on the subject properties. 7.1 7. STAFF COMMENTS - - As the purpose of this report is to give the status of the applic:ation for the Public Meeting, it is appropriate to have the application referred back to staff for further processmg. - - Reviewed by, "\ . () r~~~~,- '-../ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. - v . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Direc or of Planning & Development - BR *L T*DC*df 7 October 1999 - Attachment No.1 - Site Location Key Map Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Daniel Pustil Daiseyfield Developments 550 Eglinton Avenue West, #30059 TORONTO, Ontario M5N 1 B6 - - - - 6U/ ATTACHMENT NO. .. T T T T T r r r r r r r DR. ( r I r I~ . SUBJECT SITES LOT 31 --~ ------------ - ----I - -- -----J I -=j -----1 ---------~1 ! ~~m I m~: DAISEYFIELD AVENUE ~ ~ 0::: CI) -.J S ~ ---1 , -----t ----1--- I ------j i ~-4 ,,- I~ COURTICE KEY MAP ZBA. 99-033 608 n z o - (J) (J) w () z o () .. - - Meeting: - Date: - Report #: Subject: - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Monday, October 18, 1999 Res. # PD-115-99 File #: By-law # MILLENNIUM PROJECTS MAIN STREET ONTARIO FUNDING PROGRAM - Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PD-115-99 be received; - 2. - 3. - 4. - THAT staff be authorized to submit the application to Main Street Ontario for the six Millennium Projects discussed in Section 3.3 to Section 3.6 of this report; TRA T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation regarding the Main Street Funding Program; and THAT the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation and all other persons listed on the interested parties list attached to this report be forwarded to a copy of this report and be advised of Council's decision. - 1.1 1. INTRODUCTION - - - - - - - On March 8, 1999, Report PD-20-99, Council approved the allocations of funds under the Ontario Main Street Program for millennium projects. Funding is based on matching funds of 50 cents per resident. The Municipality of Clarington is eligible for $36,000.00. The funds were distributed by Council as follows: Bowmanville BIA Newcastle Village BIA Orono BIA Courtice Project Valleys 2000 TOTAL $12,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 6,500.00 $10,000.00 $36,000.00 609 REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 2 ... 2. 2.2 The Municipality agreed to fund the remaining 50 percent for the three BIA projects, and the Courtice project totalling $26,000,00 from the Impact Escrow Reserve Fund. Valleys 2000 is required to match their funding allocation from other sources. The Lions Club of Bowmanville has committed the matching funds for Valleys 2000. .. .. ... 1.2 In addition, in September 1998, Mark Jackman, curator of the Clarke Museum and Archives forwarded a request from the Board of Directors to establish a Clarington Wall of Fame, in partnership with the Municipality of Clarington. Council referred the matter to the Chief Administrative Officer for review and report. This matter was subsequently referred for consideration with the other millennium projects. .. ... ... 1.3 The purpose of this report is to: ... · provide an overview of the funding program under Main Street Ontario Funding Program; · provide an overview of the six projects recommended for submission for funding under this program; and · discuss the Municipality's obligations under the funding program. .. III MAIN STREET ONTARIO FUNDING .. 2.1 The Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation administers the Main Street Ontario Funding program. It is for one-time community-oriented millennium activities taking place between January 1,2000 and December 31,2000. .. .. Eligible community millennium projects must fall under one or more of the following themes: .. The Homecoming- Tourism and other community initiatives designed to attract visitors to Ontario and encourage Ontarians to explore their home province in the millennium year. .. Beautify Ontario -Projects such as the beautification of communities; millennium gardens; river, creek and lake improvements; historical restorations; and other improvement initiatives. .. ... III 610 ... - REPORT PO-ll 5-99 PAGE 3 2,3 The projects must meet the following community objectives: · Builds pride in Ontario communities by showcasing local achievements, such as heritage, culture, commerce and vitality. · Strengthens local economies. · Encourages the development of new partnerships through local, public and private sector groups working together. · Strengthens volunteer sector by providing opportunities to learn new leadership and event management skills. · Provides community events for people of all ages and abilities. - - - - - - - - - 2.4 - - 3. 3.1 - - - - - - - Land of Opportunity- Ontario's accomplishments provide opportunity to showcase our rich past, vibrant present and bright and confident future. We Are Ontario- Local heritage programs, projects and initiatives and cultural shows and festivals designed to highlight all that is Ontario. The application also requires that each proposal provide project deadline, critical path to achieving that deadline, list of partners, project management, project evaluation and budget. Eligible project costs are those that go to capital costs for approved projects, that will be completed between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2000, Operating costs are not eligible for funding. THE PROJECTS Through this report, staff are proposing two changes from the distribution of funds and projects approved by Council on March 8, 1999. These are as follows: · the funds for a Courtice project were initially allocated to streetscape improvements along the Highway. Given the limited amount of funding available, this would be a relatively small project with limited tangible benefits that could be perceived by residents. After discussions with the Friends of Second Marsh, there was the possibility of a much larger project that could mobilize volunteer labour and utilize other grant programs. Accordingly, it is recommended that the Courtice project be awarded to Friends of Second Marsh to undertake improvements to the Black Creek and develop pedestrian trails on the land adjoining the Courtice Community Complex, 6 1 1 REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 4 .. · the Orono BrA has determined that it wants to support the efforts of the Clarington Concert Band in their project to recreate a bandshell which will provide a venue for a Millennium Band Festival. Fifty percent of the Orono BrA funds would be used for .. this project. It is identified separately for ease of administration. .. 3.2 Staff requested that each BrA, Valleys 2000 and Friends of Second Marsh (Courtice Project) prepare a proposal that would meet the themes and objectives of the funding program. A meeting was held with all the groups to answer questions and discuss the application requirements. The information provided by each was compiled and transferred to the one application form. The application form and detailed description of each project was forwarded to members of Council by separate memo. .. .. ... .. Section 3,3 to 3.6 contains a summary of each project, its cost and timing for implementation are noted below. .. 3.3 PROJECTS FROM THE THREE BIAS 3.3.1 The Bowmanville BIA is proposing the installation of 10 "Old English Style" benches, 10 waste receptacles and 10 planters, and a new electrical power centre for their many events. The proposed location for the new electrical power centre is immediately adjacent to the existing utility box on Temperance Street. .. .. .... Funding Project breakdown is as follow: Municipality of Clarington $12,000. Bowmanville BIA $ 5,500. Main Street Funding $12,000. TOTAL $29,500. ... .. ... 3.3,2 The Newcastle BrA is proposing the installation of nine "Old English Style" benches and nine planters. ... Funding breakdown is as follows: Municipality ofClarington $ 5,000.00 Newcastle BrA $ 120.00 Millennium Funding $ 5,000.00 TOTAL $10,120,00 .. .. .. 612 .. - REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 5 - 3.3,3 Orono BIA The Orono BIA is proposing 4 "Old English Style" benches. Funding Breakdown is noted below: - - Municipality of Clarington Millennium Funding Orono BIA TOTAL $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 300,00 $ 2,800.00 - - 3.3.4 In addition, to the Municipality's financial contribution, the Municipality will purchase street furniture on behalf of each BIA and the Public Works Department will install all the street furniture. The new utility box proposed by the Bowmanville BIA will be installed by an electrician under the Municipality's guidance. - - 3.4 CLARINGTON CONCERT BAND - As noted earlier in this report, at the request of the Orono BIA, the funds allocated to the BIA project were split in half giving Clarington Concert Band $ 2,500.00 towards the contribution of a new bandshell. The bandshell will provide a venue for a Millennium Band Festival which will be held on July 15\ 2000, and continued on an annual basis. The Clarington Concert Band will be required to provide a status of funds and donations collected or committed prior to the Municipality releasing the funds. - - - - Funding breakdown is as follows: Municipality of Clarington $ 1,250.00 Donated Materials $10,000.00 Donated labour $16,500.00 Millennium Funding $ 1,250.00 TOTAL $29,000.00 - - 3,5 FRIENDS OF SECOND MARSH It is proposed that Friends of Second Marsh (Friends) undertake the Courtice project. Friends has been working extensively in the Courtice area to protc:::ct and restore Black and Farewell Creeks, two major tributaries of the Second Marsh Watershed, and has established several strong community based partnerships. Friends have proposed an interpretative walk and improvements to the ecological health of the Black Creek, in the - - - - 613 REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 6 vicinity of the Courtice Community Complex, on lands currently owned by the Municipality of Clarington. The project will also provide for pedestrian linkages, from neighbourhoods south of Highway 2 to the Courtice Community Complex and Courtice High School. Friends of Second Marsh will consult with Director of Community Services regarding the walkway linking the Community Complex to the neighbourhoods north and west of Nash Road. The sum of $10,000.00 has been set aside by the Community Services Department to do the works in conjunction with the ecological trail. The Environmental Studies class of Courtice High School also use this area as a venue to learn about the local natural environment. The proposal will be supported by many partners including, Friends of Second Marsh, Nantucket Residents Association, Courtice High School and Boy Scouts of Canada. The Municipality of Clarington is requested to assist with construction of trails, installation of bridges and signs, a value of $7,000.00. In order to achieve this proposal, Friends must secure funds from a local service group, the Canada Tmst's Friends of the Environment, support from volunteers. Friends of the Second Marsh will be required to provide a status of funds and donation collected or committed prior to the Municipality advancing funds. The proposed budget is as follows: Municipality of Clarington Friends of the Environment & Local Service Clubs Donations of Labour & Materials Other Provincial Funding Millennium Funding TOTAL $ 6,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $11,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 6,500.00 $34,000.00 3.6 VALLEYS 2000 The Valleys 2000 initiative is aimed at enhancing the environment and developing trails within the Bowmanville and Soper Creek valleys. Council endorsed the Valleys 2000 initiative in December 1998. A consultant has been retained to design a plan to restore 614 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 7 - - and rehabilitate the Bowmanville Creek Valley and to provide a naturalized park-like setting. The conceptual plan will be presented at a Public Open House on October 21, 1999, and will be forwarded to Council for approval in November 1999. - - The estimated cost of the project is estimated at $3.6 million. The funding will come from various sources, including the Federal and Provincial government, and donations from within the community. The project will take many years to complete. However, in order to qualify under the Main Street Program, only projects completed between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2000 are eligible for funding. The project proposed by Valleys 2000 will include a trail, signage and plantings in the area from the parking lot off Roenigk Drive to the Goodyear Dam. Valleys 2000 will be required to provide a status of funds and donations collected or committed prior to the Mlmicipality advancing the funds. - - - - Valleys 2000 portion contributed by Lions Club Donated Labour Millennium Funding TOTAL $10,000.00 $13,000.00 $10,000.00 $33,000.00 - - 3.7 CLARKE MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES - In 1998, the Clarke Museum and Archives developed the idea of a Hall of Fame or similar structure to honour prominent Clarington citizens. It would recognize local citizens, past and present, and their achievements for the community and their country. The structure would be based on politics, medicine, religion, education, music, sports literature, arts and sciences and business. Possible locations for the Wall included existing publicly accessible buildings, such as the Garnet Rickard Complex, Municipal Administrative Building, Libraries, or engraved stones located at intervals along C1arington's portion of the Waterfront Trail. - - - - - Staff and the curator for the Museum worked together to find an appropriate location for a Clarington Museum Hall or Wall of Fame. The Community Services Department has - - 61J REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 8 - 3.8 4. 4.1 intentions of developing a Sports Hall of Fame at the Gamet B. Rickard complex. It was determined that there was no appropriate space within the Municipal Administration Centre. Two other locations were discussed one being the building the Wall of Fame in a pocket park on a portion of the old Petro-Can site on King Street in Bowmanville. However, the land could not be secured for this purpose in the immediate future. - .. .. As an alternative, the Wall of Fame was proposed around the periphery of the Municipal Administrative Centre courtyard. The Legion expressed some concern that people may be honoured on the Wall that fought against war efforts. Subsequently, the Museum Board voted to build the Wall of Fame on the museum grounds. .. .. - For Council's information, the Bowmanville Museum are also undertaking a Millennium project. This project is not part of this funding program. A new Carriage House is proposed on the museum lands, a value of $300,000. The Board has applied for federal millennium funds for $100,000. The balance will be through fundraising efforts. It is not being financially supported by the Municipality of Clarington. .. - .. COMMENTS .. The Municipality will be submitting one application, with the six separate millennium projects. As such, the Municipality must commit to all of the Terms and Conditions in the application. Each partner in these projects has been made aware of the Terms and Conditions required under the program and has consented to honouring them where necessary. Funds will be advanced to Valleys 2000, Friends of Second Marsh and Clarington Concert Band upon receipt of a status of their current funds or donations. .. .. - The Municipality is required to submitted an interim progress report and a [mal report, both which include a unaudited financial statement which accounts for project revenues plus expenditures to date and in-kinds goods and services. Ontario 2000 logo is required on all advertising. .. .. filii .. c16 ... - REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 9 - 4.2 - - - 4.3 - - 5, 5.1 - - - - The funding for Clarington Concert Band, Valleys 2000 and Friends of Second Marsh projects rely on donated funds, material and labour that have yet to be confirmed. Each group is obligated to solicit the funds and/or donations of material and labour. The Municipality will be obligated to assist with the installation of stn~et furniture for the BIA's and installation of bridge and trail construction for the Friends of Second Marsh. The Treasurer, Director of Public Works and Director of Community Services have reviewed this report. They support the proposed projects and will commit the Municipal staff resources necessary to fulfil the Municipality's obligations under these programs. CONCLUSIONS The six projects submitted for millennium funding will begin and end in the year 2000. Each one of the participants have made a commitment to raising funds or soliciting donations and volunteer support where required. The projects will be a very visible celebration of our community's traditions across all parts of Clarington. Reviewed by, o r~_~0~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P" R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer - D vi 1 Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P,P. Direc or of Planning & Development - CRS*DJC*cc October 12, 1999 - Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Bowmanville Business Centre c/o Ron Hooper P.O. Box 365 Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3 L5 - - Newcastle BIA c/o Ron Hope 20 King Street West Unit #10 NEWCASTLE, Ontario LIB 1H7 Orono BIA c/o Daniel Banting 5331 Main Street, Box 249 ORONO, Ontario LOB 1MO - - - 611 REPORT PD-115-99 PAGE 10 .. - Clarington Concert Band c/o David Climenhage R. R. #2 Orono, Ontario LOB IMO Rev. Frank Lockhart Valleys 2000 P,O, Box 364 Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3 L I - .. Mark Jackman, Curator Clarke Museum and Archives 7086 Old Kirby School Road Box 152 Orono, Ontario LOB IMO Friends of Second Marsh 206 King S1. E. P.O. Box 26066, RPO King S1. Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 8R4 .. Ontario 2000 Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation 123 Edward Street, Suite 300 TORONTO, Ontario M5G 1 E2 .. ... .. .. - - ... - .. .. .. - ... 618 ... - - - - - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 R'es, # Report #: PD-116-99 FILE #: A99/053 to A99/058, inclusive By-law # Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1999 FILE NO'S.: A99/053 TO A99/058, INCLUSIVE Recommendations: - - - - - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-116-99 be received; 2. THAT Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on October 7, 1999 for applications A99/053 to A99/058 inclusive; and 3. THAT Staffbe authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for applications A99/053 to A99/055 inclusive, A99/057 and A99/058, in the event of an appeal. - - - 2. - 3. - 4. - - - 1. In accordance with Section 45 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, all applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled to be heard within 30 days of being received by the Secretary Treasurer. The decisions of the Committee are detailed below. Applications A99/053, A99/055 and A99/057 were APPROVED as applied for. Applications A991054 was TABLED to allow the applicant time to post the required notice in accordance with the Planning Act requirements. Application A99/056, an application for recognition of an existing deek having a westerly interior side yard setback of 0.4 metres and to permit the expansion of this deck bl9 REPORT NO.: PD-116-99 PAGE 2 maintaining the same 0.4 metre westerly side yard setback and reducing the rear yard setback to 5.85 metres was DENIED. The existing deck is located in the interior side yard, approximately 6 feet from a bedroom window of the abutting dwelling unit. Privacy was the key issue that the abutting property owner wanted addressed. Lattice screening was discussed but was not considered adequate for sound suppression. The applicant has sufficient rear yard to construct a deck in compliance with the Zoning By- law. Although the approval was not consistent with staffs recommendation, it is staffs opinion that it would not be prudent for the Municipality to appeal the application. The applicant has the opportunity to file an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) if they so wish, In the event ofan appeal, Staff may be subpoenaed to appear at the OMB to give Planning evidence. The Committee of Adjustment has not always concurred with staffs recommendation. It has not been Council's practice to appeal these decisions leaving that option with the applicant. 5, Application A99/058 was APPROVED as applied for subject to a geotechnical study being completed by the applicant, to the satisfaction of CLOC as well as receiving Regional Health Unit approval for the newly installed holding tank, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. The purpose of each minor variance application and the Committee's decisions are detailed in Attachment No.1. 7. Staff have reviewed the Committee's decisions and are satisfied that the applications which received approval are in conformity with the Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law and minor in nature and desirable. ? fJ .. - - - - - - - - - - .. ... - - - ... - ... - - REPORT NO.: PD-116-99 PAGE 3 - 8, Council's concurrence with the Committee of Adjustment decisions ]lS required in order to afford staffs official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. - - Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ... - Crome, M.C.I.P., R,P.P. r of Planning & Development -\ ' " / (" - C " '-' r~ -- \~ Ll.... Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer - SL *DJC*cc - 12 October 1999 - Attach. - - - - - - - - - bLl .. .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. PERIODIC REPORT .. FILE NUMBER: A99/053 ******************** .. APPLICANT: ROSSI, RICK & HEATHER - AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 125 COVE ROAD .. PART LOT: 11 CONCESSION: BF TOWNSHIP: BOWMANVILLE - PLAN NUMBER: ZONING: RS & EP - HEARING DATE: 7-0ct-99 .. APPEAL DATE: 27-0ct-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING WITH AN EASTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 2 METRES (6.56 FT) INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 3 METRES (9.84 FT) . .. .. REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS THE APPLICATION IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR AND DESIRABLE. .. .. .. .. 622 .. - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAJ(INGTON - COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - PERIODIC REPORT - FILE NUMBER: A99/054 ******************** APPLICANT: PRINS, ARNOLD - AGENT: - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION - 29 WAVERLY ROAD - PART LOT: 14 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP: BOWMANVILLE PLAN NUMBER: - ZONING: R1 - HEARING DATE: 7-0ct-99 APPEAL DATE: 27-0ct-99 DECISION: TABLED - - MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT A 47 SQ M (506 SQ FT) ACCESSORY BUILDING WHICH WOULD INCREASE THE TOTAL LOT COVERAGE FOR ACCESSORY BUILDING FROM THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED 40% TO 56%, - - - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE TABLED TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TIME TO MEET THE PLANNING ACT REQUIREMENT FOR NOTICE. ~ - - 623 .. .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE c~ ADJUSTMENT .. PERIODIC REPORT .. FILE NUMBER: A99/055 ******************** .. APPLICANT: LENNY, ROBERT & MARILYN .. AGENT: R. L. BROOKS & ASSOC, LTD, .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 37 KINGSWOOD DRIVE .. PART LOT: 35 CONCESSION: 2 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON .. PLAN NUMBER: lOM-781 -7 ZONING: Rl - HEARING DATE: 7-0ct-99 .. APPEAL DATE: 27-0ct-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT A SECOND KITCHEN WITHIN AN EXISTING SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING .. .. REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED TO BE MINOR AND .. DESIRABLE. - .. .. <24 I11III .. - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLA.RINGTON - COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT PERIODIC REPORT - - FILE NUMBER: A99/056 ******************** APPLICANT: DEMPSEY, RICHARD & LINDA - AGENT: - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION - 72 TRUDEAU DRIVE PART LOT: 10 CONCESSION: 1 TOWNSHIP: BOWMANVILLE - PLAN NUMBER: 10M-BOO -13L - ZONING: R1 - HEARING DATE: 7-0ct-99 APPEAL DATE: 27-0ct-99 DECISION: DENIED - - MINOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING DECK HAVING A WESTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 0.4 M (1.29 FT) INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 1.2 M (3.94 FT) I & PERMIT EXPANSION OF THIS DECK MAINTAINING THE SAME 0.4 M SIDE YARD SETBACK & REDUCING THE REAR YARD TO 5.B M (19.19 FT) - - - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE DENIED AS IT IS NOT DESIRABLE NOR DOES IT MEET THE INTENT OF THE ZONING BY-LAW. - - - 625 - ... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNI__PALITY OF CLARINGTON COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .. PERIODIC REPORT .. FILE NUMBER: A99/057 ******************** ... APPLICANT: MAJESTE, MICHAEL & DOROTHY ... AGENT: .. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 30 MCLELLAN DR, ... PART LOT: 32 CONCESSION: 3 TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON .. PLAN NUMBER: 10M-809 -79 ZONING: R ... HEARING DATE: 7-0ct-99 .. APPEAL DATE: 27-0ct-99 DECISION: APPROVED .. . '':NOR VARIANCE: TO RECOGNIZE AN EXISTING GAZEBO WITH AN EASTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 0.46 M (1.5 FT) & AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (SHED) WITH A 0.86 M (2.82 FT) WESTERLY SIDE YARD SETBACK, INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 1.2 M (3.94 FT) SETBACK. ... ... ... REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND IS DEEMED MINOR AND DESIRABLE. .. .. .. 626 - - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT - PERIODIC REPORT - FILE NUMBER: A99/058 ******************** - APPLICANT: SAVAGE, BRAD & ROSE AGENT: - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION - 79 EAST BEACH ROAD - PART LOT: 9 CONCESSION: BF TOWNSHIP: DARLINGTON PLAN NUMBER: ... ZONING: RS2 & EP - HEARING DATE: 7-0ct-99 APPEAL DATE: 27-0ct-99 DECISION: APPROVED - - MINOR VARIANCE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING DWELLING WITH A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 3.5 METRES (11.48 FT)" INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 8 METRES (26.24 FT) SETBACK. - - - REASON FOR DECISION: THAT THE APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS IT IS CONSIDERED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE 0 P & ZONING BY-LAW & IS DEEMED MINOR & DESIRABLE, SUBJECT TO A GEOTECHNICAL STUDY BEING DONE TO THE SATISFACTION OF CLOC, & HEALTH DEPT. APPROVAL OF HOLDING TANK INSTALLATION. - - - 627 - - - - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-117-99 File #: DEV 98-054; PLN 23.14 By-law # Subject: PARKING IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS FILE NO.: DEV 98-054~ PLN 23.14 - Recommendations: - 1. - 2, - 3, - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT the proposal to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, to implement the recommendations on parking in residential areas contained within PD-36-99 be APPROVED; THAT the amending by-laws attached hereto be forwarded to Council for adoption; and THAT the Durham Region Planning Department, Oshawa-Durham Home Builder's Association, The Urban Development Institute, any interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - 1. APPLICATION DETAILS - - - - - - - - 1.1 1.2 Applicant: Application: Municipality of Clarington to amend the general provisions of By-law 84-63 to: i) require a minimum of two (2) outdoor parking spaces for all single detached and semi-detached dwelling units. This provision would apply to all lots registered after January l, 20010. ii) require all single detached, semi-detached and townhouse garage to have a minimum inside dimension of 18,58 m2 (200 sq. ft.) and a minimum width of 3.0 metres. This provision would apply to all lots registered after January 1,2000. iii) Permit a reduction in the front yard setback for: a) single detached and semi-detached dwelling unit from 6,0 metres to 4.5 metres. iv) permit an increase in the lot coverage for single detached dwelling units from 40% to 45%. 62b REPORT PD-117-99 .. PAGE 2 v) require that any attached garage for single detached or semi- detached units can only extend a maximum of 3.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit; and - .. vi) require that any attached garage for townhouse units can only extend a maximum of 2.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit. - 1.3 Applicable Area: All residential areas within the Municipality of Clarington, .. J BACKGROUND 2.1 On April 19, 1999 Staff Report PD 36-99 was submitted for Committee and Council's consideration in light of the concerns that had been received by the Municipality in connection with the lack of on-street parking in new residential subdivisions, Council endorsed a number of recommendations contained within the Executive Summary attached to Staff Report PD-36-99 and authorized staff to take the appropriate action necessary to implement each. 2.2 2.3 2.4 IIIIIIII .. .. .. As the proposed amendment would be applicable to the Municipality at large, a notice advertising the Public Meeting was placed in the local newspapers serving the Municipality pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act. .. .. Following the public meeting portion of the agenda, Committee endorsed the recommendation contained within Staff Report PD-74-99 and referred the application back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report. As of the writing of t~is report no further comments/suggestions have been received from any of the speakers at the public meeting nor the building industry at large. - .. .. .. The purpose of this report is to implement the recommendation to improve lot layout possibilities within draft plans of subdivision through a number of changes to the Municipality's Zoning By-law. The specific changes are highlighted within Paragraph 1.2 of this report and discussed further within Paragraph 3, .. .. .. "'9 .. - REPORT PD-117-99 PAGE 3 - - - 3.2 - - - - - - - - 3.3 - - 3.4 - - - - - 3. PROPOSED BY-LAW AMENDMENTS 3.1 The proposed changes as noted in paragraph 1.2 of this report have been drafted into four (4) separate amendments. The first amendment (Attachment No. I) incorporates a definition for "Outdoor Parking Space" and identifies where such a parking space may be provided. Staff have incorporated within the proposed amendment a stipulation that where the two outdoor spaces are provided side by side, the minimum width of the two spaces can be reduced to 4.6 metres provided that the minimum landscaped open space within the front yard is at least 30 percent. This is to ensure that a landscaped area remains a viable component within the front yard of any residential property. The proposed amendment also stipulates that the provision of two oLltdoor parking spaces applies to all lots registered after January I, 2000. This "transition period" as noted in Staff Report PD-36-99 would provide for all draft plans of subdivision that are currently proceeding to registration this building season or previously registered to be exempt from this requirement. Notwithstanding the transition period proposed, the builders could provide the two outdoor spaces if they wished to. The second by-law amendment (Attachment No.2) amends the definition of a private garage or carport by incorporating a minimum size and width (18.58 m2) (200 sq. ft.) and 3.0 metres (9.8 ft) for a single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling unit. The "transition period" would also apply to this amendment. The last two amendments (Attachments 3 and 4) make the necessary changes to the individual residential zoning categories within By-law 84-63 to reduce the front yard setback for single detached, semi-detached ant townhouse units, increase the lot coverage for single detached dwelling units and limit the distance that a private garage or carport may extend beyond the front of each dwelling type. b.50 REPORT PD-117-99 .. PAGE 4 4.1 4. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS ... 5,1 No objections were raised at the Public Meeting and no written comments have been received on this application, ... 5. STAFF COMMENTS ... Two proposed amendments that were included within the list of recommendations in Staff Report PD-36-99 involved the minimum lot size permissible for townhouse dwelling units as follows: · where the lot is accessed by a rear lane, the minimum width of all future townhouse lots at 6.0 metres. · the minimum width for all future street townhouse lot would be increased from 6.0 metres to 7 metres within all future draft plans of subdivision. - ... ... 5,2 These two recommendations were not incorporated within the context of the draft amendments incorporated within this report. It is staffs intention to implement Council's direction in any future rezoning of townhouse lots proposed within any future draft plans of subdivision. .. .. .. 5.3 Although the new parking standards contained in the zomng by-law amendments attached to this report have not been formally adopted by Council, two developers have agreed to implement the new parking requirements within their developments through conditions within their subdivision agreement. - .. 6.1 6. CONCLUSIONS .. In consideration of the above comments, staff support the approval of the application and the by-law amendments attached to this report. submitted, Reviewed by, ... .. ~\ ',,- . ,( r--.r.; i I, / ~_ c...-- '--, _._ '___.,. (', '--,--' L_ .. Da i . Crome, M.C.I.P" R,P.P. Director of Planning & Development Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P" Chief Administrative Officer L TD*DJC*cc .. >Ctober 12, 1999 llIlIii 63~ - - REPORT PD-117-99 PAGE 5 - - Attachment No. 1 - Attachment No.2 - Attachment No.3 - Attachment No.4 - Proposed by-law amendment - Outdoor spaces Proposed by-law amendment - Private garage or carport Proposed by-law amendment - Yard regulations, Singles, Semis Proposed by-law amendment - Yard regulations - Townhouses - Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - Mr. Kelvin Whalen Urban Development Institute King Street Postal Outlet 1100 Eglinton Avenue East TORONTO, Ontario M3C 1H8 18T -89037 Landcrest Development Management Inc, 633 Edgeley Boulevard Unit 3 Concord, Ontario L4K 4H6 - - Richard Tranquada Oshawa and District Homebuilders Durham Region Area P.O. Box 26064 206 King Street East OSHA W A, Ontario L 1 H 1 CO 18T -93008 970973 Ontario Limited 82 Beechwood Avenue North York, Ontario M2L 115 - - ] 8T-87089 & 18T-87087 Holloway Holdings 177 Nonquon Road 20th. Floor Oshawa, Ontario L1G 3S2 18T-91005 W. D. Manson W.D.M. Consultants 20 Clematis Road Willowdale, Ontario M2N 4X2 - - 18T -89021 Scugog Developments Inc. 23 Wingate Crescent Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 313 18T-89064 & 18T-95005 Schickedanz Developments Ltd. 3311 Bayview Ave., Suite 105 Willowdale, Ontario M2K 1 G4 - - - - - - - - 632 THE CORPORA nON OF THE MUi'-<lCIPALlTY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 99- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63. the Comprehensive Zoning By-law lor the Corporation of the tormer Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle in light of the recommendations contained within Staff Report PD-36-99 dealing with parking in residential areas in the Municipality, :--lOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL YED THAT the CouncIl of the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington enacts as tollows: 1. Section 2 entitled DEFINITION is hereby amended by adding the following new definition "PARKING SPACE OUTDOOR", immediately following the definition of "P.A.RKING SPACE". "P ARKING SPACE, OUTDOOR shall mean a parking space excluding a private garage or carport". 2. Section 3.15(a)is hereby amended by deleting the last sentence and replacing it with the following: "For the purpose of this By-law parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following: i) ii) Each parking space shall be a minimum of 5,7 m by 2.75 m; Where the two outdoor parking spaces for single detached, semi-detached and/or townhouse units are provided side by side the combined minimum width of the two spaces may be reduced to 4.6 m provided that the minimum landscaped open space within the front yard is 30 percent: Each aisle shall be a minimum width of 6.0 m for two-way traffic and 4.5 m for one-way traffic; and Notwithstanding the foregoing, where parking spcace are provided to be located in a location other than on the same lot as the use requiring such spaces, they shall be located not more than 150 metres from the same lot, and shall be located within the same zone as the said lot. iii) iv) 3. The PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENT TABLE within Section 3.15 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection vi) as follows and renumbering the remaining subsections accordingly: vi) vii) Single detached dwelling and Semi-detached dwelling 2 outdoor parking spaces per dwelling. This provision shall apply to all lots registered after January 1,2000. 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. 633 .. ATT M:HIOTll .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... - .. .. .. - - BY - LA W rcad a tirst lime this - BY - LA W rcad a sccond time this - Javof 1999 Jayof 1999 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passcd this Jay of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1999 MAYOR f) .) 4 CLERK .. ATT ~HIOT 12 THE CORPORATIO:\ OF THE :YILNICIPALlTY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 99- .. being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63. the Comprehensive Zoning By-law tar the CorporatIon of the tanner Town of Newcastle. .. WHEREAS the Council of the CorporatIOn of the Municipality of Clarington deems tt advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended. of the Corporation of the fonner Town of Newcastle in light of the recommendations contained wtthin Staff Repon PD-36-99 dealing with parking in residential areas in the Municipality. - .. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THA T the Council of the Corporation of the MuniCIpality ofClarington enacts as follows: .. Section 3.15 IS hereby amended by adding a new subsection (b) as follows and renumbenng the remaming subsectIons accordingly: .. "3.15 (b) PRIV ATE GARAGE OR CARPORT .. Where a pnvate garage or carpon provides one of the required parking spaces for a single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling unit, the minimum area inside the private garage or carpon shall be 18.58 m" and the minimum width shall be 3.0 m. This provision shall apply to all lots registered after January 1,2000." .. 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planmng Act. .. .. BY - LA W read a first tIme this day of 1999, .. BY - LA W read a second time this day of 1999, .. BY - LA W read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999. .. .. MAYOR .. CLERK .. .. '" .- r , l .. - - - - - - - - 3. - 4. - - - - - - - - - - ArT ftHMENT ,; THE CORPORATION OF THE ~IUNICIPALlTY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NljMBER 99- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63. the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63. as amended. of the Corporation of the former To\'<n of Newcastle in light of the recommendations contained within StatY Report PD-36-99 dealing with parking in residential areas in the Municipality, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 12.2(d)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "6.0 metres" and replacing It with: "6.0 metres to pnvate garage or carport and 4.5 metre to dwelling". Section 12.2 (f)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "40 percent" and replacing It with "45 percent" Section 12.2(i) is amended by adding a new subsectIOn (ii) as follows: "ii) Private garages or carports may extend a maximum of 3.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit." Section 13.2 (c)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "6.0 metres" and replacing it with "6.0 metres to private garage or carport and 4.5 metre to dwelling". 5. Section 13.2 (e) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "40 percent" and replacing it with "45 percent" 6. Section 13.2 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 13,2 (h) as follows: "h. Special Yard Regulations Private garages or carports may extend a maximum of 3.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit." ") This By-law shall come into etfect on the date of the passing hereof, subJect to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY -LA W read a first time this BY - LA W read a second time this day of day of 1999. 1999. BY-LA W read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999, MA YOR CLERK 636 THE CORPORATION OF THE MLMCIPA.LITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 99- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63. the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the CouncIl of the Corporation of the MunIcipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle in light of the reconunendations contained within Statf Report PD-36-99 dealing with parking in reSIdential areas in the Municipality. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington enacts as follows: 1, Section 14.3 (c)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "6.0 metres" and replacing it with "6.0 metres to pnvate garage or carport and 3,0 metre to dwelling", ., Section 14.3 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 14.3 (h) as follows: "h. Special Yard Regulations Private garages or carports may extend a maximum of 2.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit." 3. Section 14.4 (c)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "6.0 metres" and replacing it with "6.0 metres to private garage or carport and 3.0 metre to dwelling". 4. Section 14.4 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 14.4 (h) as follows: "h. Special Yard Regulations Private garages or carports may extend a maxImum of 2.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit." 5. This By-law shall come into etfect on the date of the passing hereot: subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LA W read a first time this day of BY-LA W read a second time this day of BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this 1999 1999 day of 1999 MAYOR CLERK 637 .. ATT~T'4 .. .. .. ... .. - - .. .. - - - .. - - .. .. .. ... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON .. REPORT .. Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # ~, , ~ .. Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 Res. # I l Report #: CD-40-99 ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF AUGUST, 1999 By-law # Subject: L L It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: I L. 1. 2. THAT Report CD-40-99 be received for information; and THAT a copy of Report CD-40-99 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. ~ I, .. L 1. 1.1 BACKGROUND L For the information of Council, the table attached to this Report summarizes the activities and revenues pertaining to Animal Services for the month of August, 1999. ... Reviewed by, " (-- , /) () _ (J C:I' '... j ~- "-<-/ '-'\- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer \ L. ~. .. MPKS*PlB*dm ~ Animal Alliance of Canada 221 Broadview Avenue Suite 101 Toronto, Ontario M4M 2G3 Animal Advisory Committee .. ... ... ... 7 U 1 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ANIMAL SERVICES DIVISION J ATTACHMENT NO TO REPORT NO. CD1" ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 99 J I A. ACTIVITIES II THIS MONTH I YR. TO DATE '99 YR. TO DATE '98 I PICKED UP - WILDLIFE 18 72 70 DOGS CATS DOGS CATS DOGS CATS J PICKED UP 20 6 138 96 139 86 BROUGHT IN 13 34 111 111 61 144 -j RETRIEVED BY OWNERS 12 2 105 10 98 12 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 19 31 129 122 91 147 j SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 EUTHANISED 1 5 4 25 4 17 J DEAD ON ARRIVAL 1 2 11 50 7 54 QUARANTINE 0 1 5 6 1 9 -J WRITTEN WARNINGS 8 96 140 III P.OA TICKETS 11 61 22 CONVICTIONS 0 14 13 . CALL-OUTS AFTER HOURS 10 47 39 OVER TIME HOURS 30 141 117 l1li B. REVENUES DOGS & CATS RELEASED 0 0 425.86 87.74 691,22 102.7.. LICENSES 2045.00 0 20402.85 0 24203.50 0 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 O. SOLD TO RESIDENTS 971.25 753,90 6475.00 3338.30 3496.45 1953.38 DOGS REDEEMED 460.50 0 3650.25 0 3240.50 10.0e. SUB TOTAL 3476.75 753.90 30953.96 3426.04 31631.67 2066.10 II TRAP REVENUE 62.38 258.66 213.64 TOTAL REVENUE 4293.03 34638.66 33911.41 ~ * NOTE: EUTHANISED -1 OLD INJURED DOG 5 CATS - 2 INJURED CATS, 3 NASTY / FERAL CATS 702 J J , i -- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINCTON f .. REPORT ... Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # I f ... Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 Res. # Report #: CD-42-99 ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1999 By-law # l.. Subject: ~ , L It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: i i .. 1. THAT Report CD-42-99 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CD-42-99 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. .. ~ 1. BACKGROUND .. 1.1 For the information of Council, the table attached to this Report summarizes the activities and revenues pertaining to Animal Services for the month of September, 1999. L. L ., Respectfully su / ---, ) . X, ) Reviewed by, ~, Jr0-f2Q:- -, "- Lc\- ~ ... Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P" R.P.P" Chief Administrative Officer ~ L MPKS*PLB*dm ... Animal Alliance of Canada 221 Broadview Avenue Suite 101 Toronto, Ontario M4M 2G3 Animal Advisory Committee t i .. ... ... 7 ~) 5 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ANIMAL SERVICES DIVISION J ATTACHMENT NO.1 TO REPORT NO. CD-42-1 ANIMAL SERVICES MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 1999 .J A. ACTIVITIES THIS MONTH YR. TO DATE '99 YR. TO DATE '98 I PICKED UP - WILDLIFE 16 88 79 I DOGS I CATS I DOGS CATS DOGS CATSj PICKED UP 24 12 162 108 156 97 BROUGHT IN 14 21 125 132 75 178"1 RETRIEVED BY OWNERS 9 2 114 12 108 15 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 27 26 156 148 111 177 I SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 EUTHANISED 1 1 5 26 4 20 j DEAD ON ARRIVAL 1 4 12 54 8 63 QUARANTINE 1 0 6 6 0 o -1 WRITTEN WARNINGS 18 114 152 I P.OA TICKETS 26 87 36 CONVICTIONS 24 38 20 1 CALL-OUTS AFTER HOURS 8 57 44 OVER TIME HOURS 24 165 132 I B. REVENUES DOGS & CATS RELEASED 0 51.36 425.86 139.10 691.22 1;J; LICENSES 3239.00 0 23641.85 0 309967.50 ~ SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 0 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 906.50 682.10 7381.50 4020.40 4402.95 2455.9 DOGS REDEEMED 360.00 0 4010.25 0 3639.75 10]; SUB TOTAL 4505.50 733.46 35459.46 4159.50 39701.42 2635,74 .t TRAP REVENUE 10.68 269.34 221.65 1- TOTAL REVENUE 5249.64 39888.30 42568.81 704 J J" .: EUTHANISED 1 OLD ADULT DYING CAT 1 NASTY DANGEROUS DOG L L l L L L L L L L l L L L L l L L L ON: TR.-S9 -98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: October 1 8, 1 999 Res. # Report #: TR-59-99 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - JULY 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-59-99 be received; 2. THA T, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended July 31, 1999, is as shown on the attached schedule; and 3 . THAT Part 1/ A" of the expenditures for the month of July 1999, be confirmed. BACKGROUND The attached schedules indicate the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington's cash transactions, the cash investment position, development charges information and statistical information for the month ended July 31, 1999 and the comparative information for the month ended July 31, 1998. The status of taxes receivable information has been included. However, the impact of Bill 79 - Capping of Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-residential Properties will have a POl REPORT NO.: TR-59-99 PAGE 2 significant impact on the taxes receivable. The impact is not yet known due to delays in the implementation of OPT A (Online Property Tax Analysis System) by the Province and is therefore not reflected in the attached Part B. Currently, no 1 999 tax bills have been issued in the capped classes. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, . -, ::= td#L{~ Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. ~ e arano, H.BSs., A.M.C. T., Treasurer MM*LG*ls Attachments 802 J J J J J I J J j J I I J ] J J J J I l L L L L L L L L L L l L L L L L l L CORPORA TrON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for the Month of July 1999 PART "A" JULY JULY 1999 1998 REVENUE RECEIVED FOR GENERAL OPERATING AND RESERVE FUND PURPOSES: TAX PAYMENTS RECEIVED U;;S49,6J2 1,303,469 PA YMENTS-IN-lIEU: GOV'T OF CANADA PIL . MUNICIPAL TAX ASSISTANCE PIL ONTARIO HYDRO PIL CHEC HYDRO PIL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PIL BELL TELEPHONE PIL LCBO PIL REGION PIL SALE OF LAND 0 31,500 ONTARIO HYDRO PROCEEDS DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION - CPR UNDERPASS COIW INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT SUBSIDIES: HANDI- TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT CHARGES- TOWN 309~365 91,364 GENERAL 606~9.49: 747,758 INTEREST 428~5~8 256,248 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES.REGION/PUC . 253J27: 144,997 15147.601 2,575,336 USE OF FUNDS: PAYROLL 862,313 752,506 REGION LEVY 5,730,547 0 SCHOOL BOARD LEVIES 0 0 GENERAL-INCLUDING CAPITAL EXP. * * 1,313,897 3,195 110 7906;157 3,947616 , NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) 7240i84" . (1,372280) ., BANK NET CASH BANK BANK BALANCE PROVIDED '.' , 'BAlANCE BALANCE FINANCIAL POSITION: June 30199 1 (USED) luty3l/99 July 31/98 GENERAL FUND 7,296,349 5,503,492 12~799;840 1,029,918 RESERVE FUND 133,322 408,734 542;056 1,368,124 MUNICIPAL POOLED INVESTMENTS 62,049 (40,511) I>> 21;538 31,023 INVESTMENTS (GENERAL + RESERVE FUND) 37,168 038 1,369,129 38.537167 42 790,436 TOTALS 44,659 758 7,240 844 51900;601 45,219,501 NOTE A: Difference in comparison between years due to timing difference in receipt of funds. 803 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Continuity of Taxes Receivable for the month of July 1999 PART "B" J J J J J I J J J J J J J J J J J I J I JUNE JULY JULY 1999 INTEREST TAXES PAYMENTS 1999 1998 RECEIV ABLE ADDED BILLED BALANCE / ADJUST. * * * . . CURRENT YEAR TAXES 108,825 13,409,114 13,517,939 ( 13,577,628) (59~689. 945,949 PENALTY AND INTEREST 65,345 28,878 94223 (27.951) 66;272.. 55,053 1998 YEAR TAXES 2,780,764 2,780,764 (214,094) 2;566.'6:70 1,900,959 PENAL TY AND INTEREST 231,409 34,004 265,413 (29 692) 23:5~721 150 539 1997 YEAR .... TAXES 847,717 847,717 (39,451) 808j266 794,172 PENALTY AND INTEREST 146,757 11,289 158,046 (10,406) 147~6.40 96,279 PRIOR TAXES 897,125 897,125 (31,128) 865,997 697,291 PENALTY AND INTEREST 444,233 11421 455,655 (6.543) 449~n2 222.908 TOTAL 5,522.' 75 85.593 13,409 114 19,016,882 ( 13,936,892) 5 079;990 . 4863.149 TOTAL TAXES LEVIED (INCLUDING REGION AND SCHOOL BOARDS)-NOTE 2 nla.. nfa PERCENT OF CURRENT TAXES OUTSTANDING-NOTE 3 n1a nfa *** Includes refunds, write-offs, 496's, etc. NOTE I: Tax payments do not tie into Part A due to timing differences since Part A is on a cash basis (ie. difference due to outstanding deposits) NOTE 2: 1999 Final RESIDENTIAL Tax Billing Due July 1999. 1999 Non-Residential Tax Billing delayed due to Bill 79 Capping. NOTE 3: For information purposes only. True comparison to prior year not applicable due to changes in tax pOlicy resulting from reassessment and Bill 79. NOTE 4: Mortgage companies have paid the September 24th, 1999 installment in advance. 804 l L L L L L L l L L L l L L l L L L L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON PART "C" ST A TISTICAllNFORMA TION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1999 JULY YEAR TO DATE Tax Certificates 220 1,080 Number of Properties eligible for Tax Registration (see Note J) .. see Note J Accounts Payable Cheques Issued #30676 to #31135 459 3,730 Number of Births Registered 53 217 Number of Deaths Registered 35 238 Note J: Number of properties eligible for tax registration not currently available due to impact of Bill 79. 805 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT JULY 31, 1999 FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST # OF DAYS MATURITY INSTITUTION COST RATE OIS VALUE GENERAL FUND TO 4,954,250.00 4.68% 72 5,000,000.00 TO 990,850.00 4.68% 72 1,000,000.00 TO 990,850.00 4.68% 72 1 ,000,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND RESERVE FUND RBC RBC RBC RBC RBC * WOOD GUNDY RBC RBC RBC RBC RBC * RBC RBC RBC RBC * RBC * RBC RBC WOOD GUNDY~ RBC RBC 6,935;950.00 34,731.25 1,001,705.00 330,800.00 999,999.48 295,000.00 435,075.29 774,999.81 287,862.48 771,999.33 2,063,810.92 514,000.00 1,109,499.87 999,999.65 620,220.69 475,000.00 500,000.00 138,709.23 99,999.64 250,000.00 40,397.70 299,628.50 7.20% 6.80% 4.75% 7.70% 8.50% 5.20% 5.25% 5.40% 5.40% 7.95% 7.75% 4.75% 8.20% 5.15% 8.58% 6.25% 6.25% 7.10% 5.00% 7.20% 5.30% 806 1,740 1828 730 1718 3285 777 1249 1319 1596 1688 1825 817 1825 1007 2761 2557 1,637 1,906 2556 1578 1396 48,337.00 1,392,611.00 487,930.00 1,417,032.00 295,000.00 484,272.00 922,509.00 347,702.00 970,580.00 2,937,391.00 514,000.00 1,230,317.00 1,482,799.00 711,752.00 475,000.00 500,000.00 182,057.00 143,061.00 250,000.00 54,562.00 365,000.00 J PART "0" J MATURITY~ I DATE Sept 30/991 Sept 30/99.1 Sept 30/99. I Aug 8/00~. Mar 1 5/01.... Jun 21/04 Feb 6/00~i May 26/04 Aug 18/00 Dee 1 5/02~( Feb 23/03' Nov 27/03 Jan 1 3/oo~: June 8/00 Mar 1/00 Aug 8/00~.. Apr 5/01 Mar 17103 . Jun 21/06) Aug 1 /00 May 1 4/01 ::J: June 21/05' Aug 8/00 Sept 1 /00 J J J J J J L L l l L L L L L L L l L L L l L L l THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT J U L Y 3 1, 1 999 PART "0" I ] FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST # OF DAYS MA TURITY MATURITY COST RATE O/S VALUE DATE INSTITUTION RESERVE FUND RBC 180,862.43 5.63% 1549 228,160.00 Feb 1 /0 1 RBC 933,400.00 5.20% 1827 1,202,670.00 Nov 12/02 RBC 58,479.40 5.95% 2032 80,639.00 Dee 1 5/02 RBC 25,125.57 5.95% 2025 34,613.00 Dee 1 5/02 RBC* 250,000.00 4.75% 1839 250,000.00 June 21/03 RBC 427,625.00 5.50% 1628 542,878.00 Dee 1/01 RBC * 250,000.00 5.25% 180 250,000.00 Jun 21/04 RBC 1,109,500.90 5.05% 1213 1,307,911.00 Apr 1/01 RBC 20,558.85 5.20% 1310 24,645.00 Jan 9/02 WOOD GUNDY 402,102.80 4.82% 608 434,678.00 Dee 1/99 WOOD GUNDY 171,793.70 4.82% 608 185,691.00 Dee 1/99 WOOD GUNDY 528,412.46 5.34% 788 590,807.00 Aug 8/00 RBC 324,159.58 5.08% 592 350,974.00 Jan 31/00 RBC 898,314.97 5.00% 919 1,037,435.00 Mar. 8/01 RBC 2,160,071.68 5.70% 970 2,503,270.00 May 1 /0 1 RBC 1,233,830.84 5.95% 1002 1,445,952.00 Jun 2/01 RBC 649,589.48 5.95% 1185 783,582.00 Dee 2/01 WOOD GUNDY 882,000.00 7.75% 301 950,355.00 Sept 1/99 RBC 857,943.90 4.97% 360 900,000.00 Nov 1 2/99 RBC 855,000.00 5.35% 1832 1,065,102.90 Mar 1 /04 WOOD GUNDY 500,000.00 5.22% 731 526,500.00 Apr 16/00 WOOD GUNDY 1,706,284.10 5.05% 380 1,795,994.00 Mar 1 5/00 RBC 1,683,101.00 5.30% 1096 1,683,101.00 Mar 3/02 RBC 548,000.00 5.40% 1507 548,000.00 Apr 7/03 RBC 534,978.37 5.20% 1729 679,942.00 Dee 1/03 Hong Kong 2,247,949.38 4.58% 91 2,273,617.88 Aug 9/99 RBC 118,693.50 5.10% 1976 155,297.00 OCT 1 5/04 TOTAL RESERVE FUND 31,601,216.75 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 38,537,16&75 * Bond investment. Interest paid on a semi-annual/annual basis 807 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "E" J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 1 J J July, 1999 Development Charges Total Town Region C.H.E.C. 963639 Ontario Ltd. 130,165.00 76,965.00 53.200.00 40M-1954 L.31,C.3. Darlington B/P#99.0290-291. 350-353 Jeffrey Homes 24,878.00 10,262.00 14.616.00 40M1779 Blk 38, 39 B/P#99.0369.370 Robinson Ridge Development 20,901.08 7,601.08 13.300.00 40M 1902 L.34, C.1, Darlington B/P#99.0355-356 Robinson Ridge Development 73,153.78 26,603.78 46,550,00 40M1931 L.34, C.1, Darlington B/P#99.0378-384 R. Johnson 6.774.00 5,131.00 1.643,00 L.25, C,5. Clarke B/P#99.0404 Andelwood Homes 12,439.00 5.131.00 7,308.00 40M1847 L.34, C.2. Darlington B/P#99.0418 464367 Ontario Ltd, 8,017.19 8,017.19 40M 1882 L.9, C.6. Darlington Prestonvale Heights 142,114.00 112.882.00 29.232,00 40M 1929 L.34, C.2, Darlington B/P#99.0401-406, 423 808 L l L L L L L L L L L L L L l L L L l CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "E" July, 1999 Development Charges Total Town Region C.H.E.C. Halminen Homes 12,439.00 5,131,00 7,308.00 40R16889 B/P#99,0399 1249981 Ontario Ltd., 66,156.00 26.256.00 39,900.00 40M 1945 L.30, C.3. Darlington B/P#99.0410-415 A. Skilling 12,439.00 5,131.00 7,308.00 L.31, C.2, Darlington B/P#99.0420 McComb 12,439.00 5,131.00 7,308.00 LD099/99 L.33. C.2, Darlington B/P#99.0425 Schickedanz Bros. 39,204.00 15,393.00 21.924.00 1,887.00 LD 19/99,20/99,21/99 B/P#99.0396-398 BCR Construction 1,643.00 0.00 1 ,643.00 TOTALS 562,762.05 309,635.05 251,240.00 1,887.00 809 J CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "E" J July, 1999 J CONTRIBUTIONS - CASH-IN-LIEU OF PARKLAND Sandford Acres 18T90029 6.310.00 J Schickedanz LD118/99. 120/99 2.700.00 at Total Cash-in-Lleu of Parkland ) 9,010.00 CONTRIBUTIONS - ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEES J J S1. Stephens Estates 67.500.00 Sandford Acres 18T90029 5,703.99 I W.E. Roth Construction 18T97028 1.592.99 J Region of Durham Total Engineering and Inspection Fees Contributions 1.485.00 76,281.98 J J CONTRIBUTIONS - ROADS J 0.00 J Total Roads Contributions J J J J 810 J L L l L L L L L L L L l L L L L L L L DN: TR.60 -98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: October 18, 1999 Res. # Report #: TR-60-99 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: CASH ACTIVITY REPORT - AUGUST 1999 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-60-99 be received; 2. THAT, in accordance with provision of Chapter M-45, Section 79 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, the Treasurer reports the cash position of the Municipality of Clarington for the month ended August 31, 1 999, is as shown on the attached schedule; and 3. THAT Part itA" of the expenditures for the month of August 1999, be confirmed. BACKGROUND The attached schedules indicate the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington's cash transactions, the cash investment position, development charges information and statistical information for the month ended August 31, 1999 and the comparative information for the month ended August 31, 1998. The status of taxes receivable information has been included. However, the impact of Bill 79 - Capping of Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-residential Properties will have a U I I REPORT NO.: TR-60-99 PAGE 2 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J significant impact on the taxes receivable. The impact is not yet known due to delays in the implementation of OPT A (Online Property Tax Analysis System) by the Province and is therefore not reflected in the attached Part B. Currently, no 1 999 tax bills have been issued in the capped classes. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, a ~Jut=;:; ie Marano, H.BSs., A.M.C.T., Treasurer ~, ---\ . }""\, ~ ~ ~ r~'~---c..L-~-C Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. MM*LG*ls Attachments 8 '\ 7 L L l L L L L L L L L l L L L L L L L CORPORA TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for the Month of August 1999 PART "A" AUGUST AUGUST 1999 1998 REVENUE RECEIVED FOR GENERAL OPERATING AND RESERVE FUND PURPOSES: TAX PAYMENTS RECEIVED 1,553,784 985,787 PA YMENTS-IN-UEU: GOV'T OF CANADA PIL MUNICIPAL TAX ASSISTANCE PIL ONTARIO HYDRO PIL CHEC HYDRO PIL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PIL BELL TELEPHONE PIL . LCBO PIL REGION PIL SALE OF LAND ONTARIO HYDRO PROCEEDS DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION - CPR UNDERPASS COIW INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT SUBSIDIES: HANDI- TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT CHARGES- TOWN 209~877 274,845 GENERAL 441;.285 417,324 INTEREST $O;()97 99,350 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES-REGION/PUC 70~n5 377,905 2~l5~8n 211551-211 .... USE OF FUNDS: PA YROLL 876,812 764,106 REGION LEVY 0 0 SCHOOL BOARD LEVIES 10~579,592 0 GENERAL-INCLUDING CAPITAL EXP. .. 1. . S48~803 2,278 438 Il005;.207 :L04~544 NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) (t0649~389) (887,333) ...... ...... ~ .. -> .. BANK NET CASH BANK BANK BALANCE PROVIDED ...BAlANCE BALANCE FINANCIAL POSITION: July 31/99 / (USED) Aug, 30199 Aug. 30/98 GENERAL FUND 12,799,840 ( 10,910,562) 1~889;278 2,522,298 RESERVE FUND 542,056 233,256 775,312 1,912,383 MUNICIPAL POOLED INVESTMENTS 21,538 2,248 23,787 33,340 INVESTMENTS (GENERAL + RESERVE FUND) 38,537,167 25,669 38562;835 39,864,148 TOTALS 51,900,601 1(10,649,389) 41;.251;212> 44,332 169 NOTE A: Difference in comparison between years due to timing difference In receipt of funds. 813 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Continuity of Taxes Receivable for the month of August 1999 PART "B" J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J JUL)' AUGUST AUGUST 1999 INTEREST TAXES PAYMENTS 1999 1998 RECEIVABLE ADDED BILLED BALANCE IADJUST. u* CURRENT YEAR TAXES (59,689) (59,689) (897,597) (9S7;286) 661,227 PENALTY AND INTEREST 66,272 45,972 112244 (14.902) 97~343 58.897 1998 YEAR TAXES 2,566,670 2,566,670 (109,157) ... Z;4S7;5H 1,733,847 PENALTY AND INTEREST 235 721 31 135 266 856 (16446) 250.410 140,806 7 1997 YEAR TAXES 808,266 808,266 (21,803) . 786~463 692, I 72 PENALTY AND INTEREST 147640 10838 I 58 478 (6894) 151:584 82.833 PRIOR TAXES 865,997 865,997 (11,140) 854,857 673,030 PENAL TY AND INTEREST 449.112 11.093 460.205 (2,392) 457.813 323.110 TOTAL 5,079.990 99.037 0 5 179.028 I (I 080.332) 4098.6.96 4.365.922 TOTAL TAXES lEVIED (INCLUDING REGION AND SCHOOL BOARDS) n/~ nla ... PERCENT OF CURRENT TAXES OUTSTANDING I... _,.c? n/a **. Includes refunds, write-offs, 496's, etc. NOTE I: Tax payments do not tie Into Part A due to timing differences since Part A is on a cash basis (ie. difference due to outstanding deposits) NOTE 2: 1999 Final RESIDENTIAL Tax Billing Due July 1999. 1999 Non-Residential Tax Billing delayed due to Bill 79 Capping. NOTE 3: For information purposes only. True comparison to prior year not applicable due to changes in tax policy resulting from reassessment and Bill 79. NOTE 4: Mortpge companies have paid the September 24th, 1999 installment in advance. 814 L L L L L L L L , L. L L 1 ... l ... L l l L L L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "C" STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1999 AUGUST YEAR TO DATE Tax Certificates 176 1,256 Number of Properties eligible for Tax Registration (see Note 1) ** see Note 1 Accounts Payable Cheques Issued #31136 to #31583 447 4,177 Number of Births Registered 59 276 Number of Deaths Registered 44 282 Note 1: Number of properties eligible for tax registration not currently available due to impact of Bill 79. 815 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT AUGUST 30, 1999 I I FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST # OF DAYS MATURITY COST RATE O/S VALUE INSTITUTION GENERAL FUND TO 4,954,250.00 4.68% 72 5,000,000.00 TO 990,850.00 4.68% 72 1,000,000.00 TO 990,850.00 4.68% 72 1,000,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND RESERVE FUND RBC RBC RBC RBC RBC * WOOD GUNDY RBC RBC RBC RBC RBC * RBC RBC RBC RBC * RBC * RBC RBC WOOD GUNDY- RBC RBC 6,935,950.00 34,731.25 1,001,705.00 330,800.00 999,999.48 295,000.00 435,075.29 774,999.81 287,862.48 771,999.33 2,063,810.92 514,000.00 1,109,499.87 999,999.65 620,220.69 475,000.00 500,000.00 138,709.23 99,999.64 250,000.00 40,397.70 299,628.50 7.20% 6.80% 4.75% 7.70% 8.50% 5.20% 5.25% 5.40% 5.40% 7.95% 7.75% 4.75% 8.20% 5.15% 8.58% 6.25% 6.25% 7.10% 5.00% 7.20% 5.30% 816 1,740 1828 730 1718 3285 777 1249 1319 1596 1688 1825 817 1825 1007 2761 2557 1,637 1,906 2556 1578 1396 48,337.00 1,392,611.00 487,930.00 1,417,032.00 295,000.00 484,272.00 922,509.00 347,702.00 970,580.00 2,937,391.00 514,000.00 1,230,317.00 1,482,799.00 711,752.00 475,000.00 500,000.00 182,057.00 143,061.00 250,000.00 54,562.00 365,000.00 J PART "0" J MATURITY ~J DATE II Sept 30/99J Sept 30/99r. Sept 30/99 I I Aug 8/00. Mar 15/01 I Jun 21/04 ~~~~~~~ ~ J: H~~~ ~ ~~~el ~~~ ~ Mar 1 /00 Aug 8/00 ~I Apr 5/01 :.I %~ ~;~g~ ~ Aug 1/00 May 14/01 June 21/05 J Aug 8/00 Sept 1 /00 J J J J i J L l l L l l l L L L L L L L L L L L L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING AS AT AUGUST 30, 1999 PART "D" I I FINANCIAL INVESTMENT INTEREST # OF DAYS MA TURITY MA TURITY COST RATE O/S VALUE DATE INSTITUTION RESERVE FUND RBC 180,862.43 5.63% 1549 228,160.00 Feb I /01 RBC 933,400.00 5.20% 1827 1,202,670.00 Nov 12/02 RBC 58,479.40 5.95% 2032 80,639.00 Dee I 5/02 RBC 25,125.57 5.95% 2025 34,613.00 Dee I 5/02 RBC* 250,000.00 4.75% 1839 250,000.00 June 21/03 RBC 427,625.00 5.50% 1628 542,878.00 Dee 1 /0 1 RBC * 250,000.00 5.25% 180 250,000.00 Jun 21/04 RBC 1,109,500.90 5.05% 1213 1,307,911.00 Apr 1/01 RBC 20,558.85 5.20% 1310 24,645.00 Jan 9/02 WOOD GUNDY 402, 102.80 4.82% 608 434,678.00 Dee 1 /99 WOOD GUNDY 171,793.70 4.82% 608 185,691.00 Dee I /99 WOOD GUNDY 528,412.46 5.34% 788 590,807.00 Aug 8/00 RBC 324,159.58 5.08% 592 350,974.00 Jan 31/00 RBC 898,314.97 5.00% 919 1,037,435.00 Mar. 8/01 RBC 2,160,071.68 5.70% 970 2,503,270.00 May 1/01 RBC 1,233,830.84 5.95% 1002 1,445,952.00 Jun 2/01 RBC 649,589.48 5.95% 1185 783,582.00 Dee 2/01 WOOD GUNDY 882,000.00 7.75% 301 950,355.00 Sept 1 /99 RBC 857,943.90 4.97% 360 900,000.00 Nov 12/99 RBC 855,000.00 5.35% 1832 1,065, I 02.90 Mar 1/04 WOOD GUNDY 500,000.00 5.22% 731 526,500.00 Apr 16/00 WOOD GUNDY 1,706,284.10 5.05% 380 1,795,994.00 Mar 15/00 RBC 1,683,101.00 5.30% 1096 1,683,101.00 Mar 3/02 RBC 548,000.00 5.40% 1507 548,000.00 Apr 7/03 RBC 534,978.37 5.20% 1729 679,942.00 Dee 1/03 Hong Kong 2,273,617.88 5.02% 91 2,302,073.61 Nov 8/99 RBC 118,693.50. 5.10% 1976 155,297.00 OCT 1 5/04 TOTAL RESERVE FUND 31,626,885.25 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 38,562,835.25 * Bond investment. Interest paid on a semi-annual/annual basis 817 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "E" J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J I: ':' August 1999 Development Charges Total Town Region C.H.E.C. Andelwood Homes 24,878.00 10,262.00 14,616.00 - 40M-1847 B/P#99.0441 Gay Co. Ltd., 47,124.00 20,524.00 26,600.00 - 40M1939 L.30, C.2. Darlington B/P#99.0245 Wilmot Creek 4,305,00 4,305.00 - B/P#99.0559, 99.0565 W,E. Roth Construction 38,955.00 25,655.00 13,300.00 40M1968 L31, C.2, Darlington B/P#99.0451, 99.0452 Eiram Development Co., 14,616.00 0.00 14,616.00 10M1776 L.77, Bowmanville B/P#98,0921 Clamew Developments 144,000.00 144,000.00 40M1976 L.27, C.1, Newcastle Larry Hooper 6,774.00 5,131.00 1,643.00 4705 Trulls Rd, Darlington B/P#99,0433 TOTALS 280,652.00 209,877.00 70,775.00 0.00 818 L L L L CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PART "E" August 1999 CONTRIBUTIONS - CASH-IN-LIEU OF PARKLAND L Willsonia Industries Limited Clarington Place Parking Lot 10.365.50 L l l L l l L L L l l L L L Total Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland 10,365.50 CONTRIBUTIONS - ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION FEES Total Engineering and Inspection Fees ContrIbutions 0.00 CONTRIBUTIONS - ROADS Total Roads Contributions 0.00 819 l L l L L L L L L l L L l L L l L L L ~~: T:l.-6J-99 THE CORPORA liON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGION REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: October 1 8, 1 999 Res. # Report #: TR-61-99 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: Segregation of Development Charges Reserve Funds Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THA T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the attached by-law and Agency Agreement (II Attachment A II) 2. THAT the Treasurer be authorized to execute on behalf of the Municipality of C1arington any documents necessary to participate in the Funds provided by 1I0NE. The Public Sector Group of Fundsll sponsored by Municipal Finance Officers Association and Association of Municipalities of Ontario; 3. THAT the Treasurer invest development charge reserve fund balances in the 1I0NE" fund and/or any other approved investment vehicle, in order to comply with the segregation requirements under the new Development Charges Act and related regulations. BACKGROUND - ONE FUND 1.0 Under the Municipality's current investment policy (revised October 5, 1998 per TR-76-98), participation in municipal investment pools is permitted up to a maximum of 30% of the investment portfolio. Currently the only municipal investment pool is called "One - The Public Sector Group of Fundsll. This investment pool is sponsored by both the Municipal Finance Officers Association (MFOA) and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO). 2.0 In May of 1999 revisions were made to the Fund that necessitate a new bylaw to be passed by the Municipality. The two modifications to the Fund are as follows: · Improvements to the Bond Fund: Investment industry improvements to technology and a shorter time period within which to IIsettle" bond security .../2 821 .../3 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J' I J J REPORT NO.: TR-61-99 PAGE 2 trades mean that the ONE-Bond Fund is now able to offer investors the ability to place their investment instructions into the Bond Fund on any banking day and to provide only three days advance notice for withdrawals on any banking day. · Introduction of record keeping service provider: ONE Fund is the only investment program for municipalities which meets the stringent requirements' of the Municipal Act. Also, ONE enables investors to place their investment instructions at the beginning of the day and thus begin earning investment income immediately and provides investors with investment income for the full amount of time that an investment is in a fund. This requires unique custodial, funds transfer and record keeping services. 3.0 Included as "Attachment "A" is a copy of the new bylaw that is required for continued participation in the "ONE" fund. The Treasurer will also be required to execute documents to establish banking arrangements and procedures for the placement of investments. DEVELOPMENT CHARGES 4.0 In the AMCTO Express issue dated July 19, 1999, several issues of concern were raised regarding administrative requirements included in the new Development Charges Act. Banking and investment procedures have to be revised as the Development Charges Act specifically excludes certain permissive provisions within the Municipal Act relating to pooling of Municipal funds for investment purposes. These new provisions impose new administrative and management requirements on municipal finance departments in order to comply with the legislation. 5.0 Specifically, subsections 163(3) and 167(4) of the Municipal Act have been excluded for the purposes of development charges. These provisions allowed Treasurers to consolidate their reserve funds into one account and to combine funds from all funds for investment purposes. 6.0 A legal opinion was obtained to verify the AMCTO Information. As a result, it has been determined that all development charges funds must be specifically segregated for investment purposes. This causes administrative complications because some access to funds must be available in order to pay for development charges capital projects. Also, currently development charge funds are invested jointly with other municipal funds in order to obtain better rates of return. The funds must now be separated out and invested independently. ~Ll L L L L l l L l l L l L l L l l L L L REPORT NO.: TR-61-99 PAGE 3 CONCLUSIONS 7.0 Due to the administrative complexity of segregating specific development charge balances as well as ongoing collections into the reserve funds, it is recommended that the "ONE" Fund be the primary investment tool, with the option of investing in other approved vehicles should circumstances change. This will allow for easier deposits as collections are received and withdrawals as capital projects are undertaken. The segregation requirements are then met. 8.0 New by-laws are required to re-enrol in the "ONE" Fund due to changes to the program in May 1 999. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, \ / - ' f'-d--fLQ.--::. e,--~~ "--'" Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. arano, H.B.Sc., A.M.C. T., Treasurer MM*NT*ls Attach. 822 ;"ttacnment A J THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON J BY-LAW NO. 99- J A by-law to authorize The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (the "Corporation") to enter Into the Agency Agreement, between CHUMS Financing Corporation and Local Authority Services Limited, as Agent, and Eligible Investors with respect to "ONE - The Public Sector Group of Funds" and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary documents for that purpose. J J WHEREAS the Municipal Act provides that the power of a municipality to invest money includes the power to enter into an agreement with any other municipality, and with any school board, college, university, hospital or such other person or classes of them as may be prescribed by regulation for the joint investment of money be those parties or their agents; J J AND WHEREAS the Corporation proposes to enter into an Agency Agreement dated May 31, 1999 (the "Agency Agreement") between CHUMS Financing Corporation, a duly incorporated wholly-owned subsidiary of the Municipal Finance Officers' Society of Ontario, and Local Authority Services Limited, a duly incorporated wholly-owned subsidiary of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, as agent, and Eligible Investors, as defined therein, to permit the Corporation to be an investor, through "ONE - The Public Sector Group of Funds" investment funds for joint investments as set out in schedules to the Agency Agreement (the "Funds"); J J AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it to be in the interest of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington to enter into the Agency Agreement and to enrol in the Funds; J NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: J 1 , The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute the Agency Agreement in the form attached as Schedule "A" and to affix the corporate seal. 2. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute any other necessary documents. including without limitation enrolment documents and documents in connection with payment services for the Fund. and to do anything necessary or desirable. on behalf of the Corporation, to give effect to the purpose. J J J READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 25TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1999. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1999. J J Mayor I Clerk I 823 .f l L L L L L L L l L L l L L L L L L ~U"II: s.~. "v:-c, '0... :- .. o -d;f/!! -5 A ~ ~." _V ~"( Schedule "" " ,~ AGENCY AGREEMENT Dated as of May 31. 1999 Between AGENT and ELIGmLE INVESTORS I .. McMILLAN BINCH BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 824 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - INTERPRETATION ........ 0 . 0 0 , , 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1.01 Definitions" , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , 0 0 . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (a) Agent. . . . 0 . . . . , 0 . 0 . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . 0 . . . . . . . . , , . (b) A.greement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . , . , . . .. 1 (c) Banking Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. 1 (d) CIIUMS. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . , . . . . .. 1 (e) Custodian, . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . .. . . , . , . . , , . . , . . . . . . . . . , , . , , , , .. 2 (f) Eligible Investor . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , , . . , . . . , . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ., 2 (g) Fund. . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. 2 (h) Fund Agreements ........,...",...,...,.....,........"..,...". 2 (i) Fund Committee . , . , . , , , . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , ,. 2 U) Fund Schedule ............,....,.....,.........,....,.,.....,... ., (k) Investment Account ..,................,......,..,.............,.. 2 (1) Investment Counsel ........."..,........"....".......,....,.., 2 (m) Investor. . . , , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . , .. 2 (n) LAS. , . . . . , , , . , . . . . . , . . . , . , . . . . , . . . , , . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . .. 2 (0) Municipal Act ...,.."...,.,.,..""....",..,.....,.....,...... 2 (P) Payment Servicer .,....,.,.,.."..."....,..",....,..."......., 2 (q) Recordkeeper. . . . . , . . . . , , . . . . . , . , . , . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . , " 3 (r) Valuator, . , . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . .. 3 1.02 Governing Law ,."."...,......,........".......,.",..,.........,... 3 1.03 Headings and Table of Contents. , , . . , . . , , . , . . . . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . , . , , . . . , . , , . .. 3 1.04 Number and Gender. . . . . . . . , . . . , , . . . . . , . , , , , . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . , . , , . . . , . . .. 3 1.05 Severability. . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . . , , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. 3 SECTION 2 - AGENT . . . , , . . , . . . . . . . , , , . . , , . . . . , , . . . , . , , . , . . . , . . , , , , , . . . , . . . . . . . . , . .. 3 2.01 Appointment of Agent, etc. .....,........,......"..,............,........ 3 2.02 Fund Committee .............,..."...,.......,......,.,.,.,.,..".,... 3 2.03 Resignation of Agent . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , , . . . , . . . .. 4 2.04 Automatic Termination of CHUMS or LAS as Agent ...."..,.,.,...,.,....... 4 2.05 Successors. . . , , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . .. 5 2.06 Tennination of Agreement ..,...,.,......,.,.,...,..,."..."..",.,..... 5 2.0i Obligations survive ...,."........,.,.....,.."...",.,.."...,."...... 5 2.08 No rights to assets ......,..,.",...,.,...,......"............,......... 5 SECTION 3 - INVESTORS .,..,..,...".,.."".""..,...,."....."..,...,.,..".,. 5 3.01 Becoming an Investor ,................................".".."".,..... 5 3.02 No obligation to invest. , . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . . . . . . , . . . , , , . , . , , . . . . . . . .. 6 3.03 Ceasing to be an Investor. ..................................,............. 6 3.04 Representations and Warranties of Investor ,...............",.,.,....,....,. 6 3.05 Limitation on liability ....,.........,....,........,..."",............,. 6 3.06 Addition of parties to this Agreement. . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . , , . . . . , , . . . , . . . . " 7 1 825 J J J J l J J J J J oj J J J ] l J ] ] L L L L L l L L l L l L L l L L L L L .3 .07 List of Investors and Investor information ..."............................... 7 SECTION 4 - THE CUSTODIAN, PAYMENT SERVICER. VALUATOR. RECORD KEEPER .~"ID INVESTMENT COUNSEL .,......"................"............"...........".. 4.01 A.uthority. , . . . . " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .. ; 4.02 Custodian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 4.03 Payment Servicer . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , .. 7 4.04 Valuator.. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . , . . , . . . . . . , . . , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . ,. 7 4.05 Recordkeeper.. . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . , , . , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . , ,. 7 4.06 Investment Counsel. ....,..........,.,.."....,..",."...,.....,....,.. 8 (a) Registration. . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . , ., 8 (b) Insurance . . , , . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . , , . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . , . . , . . , , .. 8 SECTION 5 - THE FUNDS . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . , . . . . , . . . . , . , . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . . , . . . ,. 8 5.01 Funds. . , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . , , , . , . , . . , . . . , . , . . , . . . . . . . . , , . , , ,. 8 5.02 Investment policy. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , , . . . . , . . . , . . . , , . , , . , , . , , ,. 8 5,03 Fees and expenses ,..,..,..,..,...................""....."......,..,.. 8 5 .04 Amendments. . . , , . . . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , . . . , . . , . . . . . . . .. 8 5.05 Investment and withdrawal of funds ..,.....,.,.,.,.."....",... . , . . . . . . , .. 8 5.06 Income on investments ,.,......,.......,....,....,.....,...,......,.",. 9 5 .07 Default in payment ...,........,..,...."...,.,......."".,....,.,..... 9 5.08 Wind-up of a Fund by Agent. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , , . , . , . . . . . . , , . . , . , .. 9 SECTION 6 - GENERAL .,.........,.........,.....",..,....,...,.,.""...,....".. 1 0 6.01 Notice. , . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , . , , , . . , . . , . . . . , , . . . , . . , . . . , , . ." 10 (a) Address for notices . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , . , . . . . . , , . . ,. 10 (b) Effective date ...,..........,....,....,.."........".,.....".... 1 0 6.02 No partnership or deemed agency . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . , . . . . . , . . . , , , . . . . . . , . . . .. 10 6.03 No fiduciary duties. .....,.,.....,...................,..." . . . , . , , . . . . .. 11 6,04 No assignment. ......,.,............,...,........,...,..,......",..., 11 6.05 Further action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . , . , . . , . . . . , . . , . . . ., 11 6.06 Benefit, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . , . . , , . . , . , . , , . . , , . . , " 11 6.07 Attornment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , , . , . , . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . , " 11 6,08 Counterparts. . . . , . , . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . , . , , . . . ., 11 SCHEDULE A . . . , . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , . . . . . , . . , , . , . . , , . , , . , . . , . . . . , , , , , , . . Al MONEY MARKET F1JNI:) .,.....,.,....,......",...,..".....",......""... Al SCHEDULE B . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . " , , . . . . . , . , , , . , . B 1 BOND FUND ..".... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , , . . . , , . . . , . . . . " . , . . . . . . . , , , , , , B 1 SCHEDULE C .....,..............................."........,...,.,."....,.....,. Cl ISSUING INVESTMENT, WITIIDRA W AL AND TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS TO TIlE RECORD KEEPER . . , . . . , . . . , , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . . . , . . . '. Cl 2 R?A AGENCY AGREEMENT This agreement dated as of May 31, 1999 is between CHUMS FINANCING CORPORATION and LOCAL AUTHORITY SERVICES LIMITED as Agent and ELIGmLE INVESTORS RECITALS A. CHUMS and LAS are combining their efforts to act as agent for municipalities in connection with joint municipal investment funds in Ontario under a single investment program called "ONE - The Public Sector Group of Funds". B. CHUMS, LAS and Eligible Investors are entering into this Agreement for the purpose of appointing CHUMS and LAS as agent for Investors making investments through the Funds. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1- INTERPRETATION 1.01 Definitions. In this Agreement, (a) Agent means both CHUMS and LAS acting together and any successor agent or agents appointed under Section 2.05 or CHUMS or LAS if it is a remaining entity under Section 2.03 or 2.04; (b) Agreement means this agreement, any Fund Schedules and any other schedules attached to the agreement from time to time as the agreement, the Fund Schedules or any of the other schedules may be added, amended, deleted, supplemented, restated, renewed or replaced from time to time; (c) Banking Day means a day on which the Payment Servicer and the Custodian are open for business in Toronto, Ontario, other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a statutory holiday in Toronto, Ontario; (d) CHUMS means CHUMS Financing Corporation and its successors; J J ] J J J J J J~ l J J J J l 1 ] J I- AGREME/ S.ONE A77 l L L L L ') (e) Custodian at any time means a financial inStItutIon which at such time has been approved by the Agent to provide custodial, fund accountIng and other custody related services in connectIon with the Funds: (f) Eligible Investor means, In respect of a Fund, a municipality, college, hospnal. school board, or unIversity, as defined under the Municipal Act or such other persons or classes of persons as may be prescribed under the Municipal Act, with which an Ontano municipality is permitted to enter into an agreement for the joint investment of money; L L L L L L L L l L L L L L (g) Fund means an arrangement for joint investment carried on under the program name of "ONE - The Public Sector Group of Funds" arranged by the Agent for use by the Investors as set out in a Fund Schedule; (h) Fund Agreements means the agreements entered into, from time to time, by the Agent, as agent for the Investors. with the Custodian, the Payment Servicer, Valuator, Recordkeeper, Investment Counsel and such other persons as the Agent considers appropriate for the purpose of carrying out the objectives of each Fund; (i) Fund Committee means the committee described in Section 2.02; U) Fund Schedule means a schedule to this Agreement, as added, amended, deleted, supplemented, restated, renewed or replaced from time to time, describing a particular Fund and that Fund's objectives, eligible investments and such other information as the Agent considers necessary or desirable; (k) Investment Account means with respect to an Investor an account maintained in the records of the Recordkeeper evidencing the Investor's undivided percentage ownership interest in the investments of a Fund; (1) Investment Counsel means at any time one or more professional investment management firms registered in Ontario as investment counsel and portfolio manager advisors, which at such time has been approved by the Agent to provide investment management services for a Fund; (m) Investor means an Eligible Investor which has received a duly executed notice from the Recordkeeper under Section 3.01(c) advising the Eligible Investor that it is an Investor and of its account number(s) and authorization code(s) and which has not ceased to be an Investor under Section 2.06 or Section 3.03: (n) LAS means Local Authority Services Limited and its successors; (0) Mullicipal Act means the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.4S, as amended from time to time. (P) Ptl]Wlent Servicer means at any time a Canadian financial institution which at such time has been approved by the Agent to facilitate the transfer of assets of an Investor between an Investor's fmancial institution and an Investor's Investment Account; AGREME/5.0NE R?8 3 (q) Recordkeeper means at any time an entIty approved by the Agent from time to tIme to provide recordkeeping services to a Fund including recelvmg and implementmg Investor instructions, keepmg records of Investor holdings and provlding monthly reportlng to Investors. (r) Valuator means at any tIme an entity approved by the Agent from time to time to provide valuation services to a Fund. 1.02 Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by, and is to be construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable in the Province of Ontario, 1.03 Headings and Table of Contents. The division of this Agreement into sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, clauses and schedules, the insertion of headings and the provision of a table of contents are for convenience of reference only and are not to affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement. 1,04 ~umber and Gender. Unless otherwise specified, words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing gender include all genders. 1.05 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or \Ulenforceable in any jurisdiction, the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of that provision will not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. SECTION 2 - AGENT 2.01 Appointment of Agent, etc. Each Investor irrevocably appoints and authorizes the Agent to take all action as an agent on its behalf and to exercise all powers and rights and to perform all duties and to enable Investors to jointly invest money in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the FlUld Agreements together with all powers reasonably incidental thereto. In addition to the foregoing, each Investor agrees that CHUMS and LAS may enter into such agreements and arrangements and do all such things, whether as principal or agent, as may be necessary or desirable to facilitate payments for investments, maintenance of accounts in respect of Funds and withdrawals from or redemptions in respect of Funds. 2.02 Fund Committee. Each Investor authorizes the Agent to appoint from time to time a F\Uld Committee 2nd, subject to any provision in this Agreement, to delegate to the Fund Committee any or all of the powers, rights and responsibilities of the Agent for all Funds under this Agreement Subject to Sections 2.03 and 2.04, CHUMS and LAS shall each appoint an equal number of members. Each member must be a senior officer who is employed by an Ontario municipality, college, hospital, school board or university or another person agreed to by each of CHUMS and LAS. J J I J 1 J l J ~ . J J J J ) I J I J I- A GREMElS. ONE 829 l L L L -+ L 2.03 Resignation of Agent. If either CHUMS or LAS becomes unWIlling to connnue to pamclpate as Agent. the remammg entity shall continue as Agent and shall be responsible for the appomnnent of all of the members of the Fund Committee. The Agent may resign as agent at any tlme by givmg at least 30 days pnor \\TItten notIce to each Investor specIfying the date on which the reSIgnatIOn IS to be effectIve and by gIvmg notice m accordance with Section 5.08 to wind-up all of the Funds. 2.04 Automatic Termination of CHUMS or LAS as Agent. If: L L L L L l L l l L L L L L (a) CHUMS or LAS ( 1) becomes unable, or admits, in writing, its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, (2) makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, (3) files a notice of intention, voluntary petition in bankruptcy or a petition seeking liquidation, reorganization or an arrangement with creditors to take advantage of any insolvency or other law, or (4) takes any action for the purpose of effecting any of the foregoing; or (b) any proceedings (other than proceedings which either CHUMS or LAS demonstrates to the satisfaction of the other to be frivolous or vexatious) are instituted by or against CHUMS or LAS seeking to adjudicate it as bankrupt or insolvent or seeking liquidation, winding-up, reorganization. arrangement, adjustment, protection, relief or composition of it or its debts under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or relief of debtors, or applying for, consenting to or seeking the entry of an order for relief by, the appointment of a receiver, receiver and manager, receiver-manager, liquidator, sequestrator, custodian, trustee or similar agent or official for all or a substantial or significant part of its assets; or (c) any secured creditor, encumbrancer or lienor or any receiver, receiver and manager, receiver-manager, liquidator, sequestrator, custodian, trustee or similar agent or official appointed by or acting for any secured creditor, encumbrancer or lienor takes possession of, or forecloses or retains, or sells or otherwise disposes of, or otherwise proceeds to enforce security over, all or a substantial or significant part of the assets of CHUMS or LAS or gives notice of its intention to do any of the foregoing; that party shall on the happening of such event be automatically terminated as Agent and no notice or other action shall be required on the part of CHUMS, LAS or any Investor to effect the termination of that party as Agent If either CHUMS or LAS is terminated as Agent under this Section 2.04, the remaining entity shall remain the Agent and shall be responsible for the appointment of all the members of the Fund Committee. AGREMElS.ONE R~n 5 2,05 Successors. The Agent may appoint a successor agent. When the successor agent accepts the appointment as Agent. the successor agent shall succeed to and become vested with all the rights, powers and responsibilities of the resIgnmg agent, and the resigning agent shall be discharged from Its responsibilities and obliganons under this Agreement. After any resigning agent's reSIgnation as Agent, this Agreement shall continue in effect for its benefit and for the benefit of the Investors in respect of any actions taken or omitted to be taken by the resigning agent while it was acting as the Agent, 2.06 Termination of Agreement. The Agent may terminate an Investor's right to request that investments be made and the right to maintain investments in a Fund by giving the Investor at least 30 days prior written notice of the termination date. As of the termination date, (a) the Investor receiving the notice may make no further investment requests and must promptly withdraw (in accordance with Section 5.05 and Schedule C and any other provisions from time to time relating to withdrawal of funds) all funds which it is entitled to withdraw and (b) the Investor is no longer an Investor for the purpose of this Agreement. The termination of an Investor as an Investor shall, as of the date of termination and subject to Section 2.07, terminate this Agreement between the Agent and the Investor. Such termination will not affect the Agreement as between the Agent and the remaining Investors. 2.07 Obligations survive. All obligations (whether contingent or matured, absolute or not) existing immediately before an Investor ceases to be an Investor under Section 3.03 or a termination under Section 2.06 shall survive such withdrawal or termination. 2.08 No rights to assets. None of the Agent, the Custodian, the Payment Servicer, the Valuator, the Recordkeeper or Investment Counsel shall have any beneficial or personal right, title or interest in or to the assets in any Fund, other than as speCIfically set out in a Fund Agreement or in the Fund Schedules. SECTION 3 - INVESTORS 3.01 Becoming an Investor. An Eligible Investor is an Investor in respect ofa Fund when: (a) The person or persons authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Eligible Investor has duly executed a counterpart to this Agreement; (b) The person or persons authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Eligible Investor has completed all of the other necessary documents required by the Agent to become an Investor including, without limitation, (1) an information sheet on the Eligible Investor, (2) a certificate confirming passage and enforceability of a by-law substantially in the form of the sample by-law provided to the Eligible Investor by the Agent on behalf of ONE - The Public Sector Group of Funds, and designating persons who are authorized to give investment, withdrawal or transfer instructions and confmning J I,' v I I J J J If . ~" J J J J J ) J J J ) I- .4GREMEJ j,ONE 831 l l L l L 6 that all necessary actions have been taken by the Eligible Investor to authorize such persons to gIve Investment. wIthdrawal or transfer Instructions. (3) a pre-authonzed debit authorizauon letter trom the Eligible Investor to its financIal instItutions and others; and L l L L l L l L l l L L L L (c) The Recordkeeper has notified the Eligible Investor that it is an Investor and of its accoWlt number(s) and authorization code(s). 3.02 ~o obligation to invest. An Investor has no obligation to invest in any Fund. 3.03 Ceasing to be an Investor. At any time at which an Investor has no investments outstanding in any Fund and has given no investment instructions it may by notice to the Agent cease to be an Investor. 3.04 Representations and Warranties of Investor. Each Investor represents and warrants to the Agent that. (a) the Investor has taken all actions necessary to authorize it to enter into this Agreement, (b) the Investor is authorized to make investments through. any of the Funds which it has designated to either the Agent or the Recordkeeper as being FWlds through which it is authorized to invest, and any money which the Investor invests through a FWld designated by it is money which the Investor may invest through that Fund, and (c) the Investor has adopted a statement of its investment policies and goals in accordance with the applicable legislation and such policies and goals permit the Investor to invest in all investments which are eligible investments for municipalities Wlder the Municipal Act. The Investor shall be deemed to have repeated the representation and warranty in Section 3.04(a), (b) and (c) each time it issues investment instructions relating to any Fund. The Agent shall have no obligation to make any inquiry to confirm the truth or accuracy of any representation or warranty. The Agent shall not be liable for any loss or damages suffered by the Investor or any other person claiming through the Investor or any other Investor as a result of any act, including without limitation, the execution of this Agreement by a person purporting to have authority to act on the Investor's behalf. 3.05 Limitation on liability. The Agent, the Custodian, the Payment Servicer, the Valuator, the Recordkeeper and the Investment Counsel may, in their discretion, honour instructions purporting to be issued by an Investor given by telephone, facsimile or other electronic transmission, without the necessity of any verification or enquiry. None of the Agent, the Custodian, the Payment Servicer, the Valuator, the Recordkeeper or the Investment COWlsel shall incur any liability to an Investor by reason of acting or not acting on or any error in such instructions, and the Investor shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the .-tGREAlEIS.ONE 832 Agent, the Custodian, the Payment Servtcer, the Valuator. the Recordkeeper and the Investment Counsel from any loss. cost damage, or expense that any of them may suffer or mcur by relying on such instructions. 3.06 Addition of parties to this Agreement. EligIble Investors may be added as parties to this Agreement from time to time after the date of this Agreement. Each of the Agent and the Investor agrees that this Agreement is binding on it regardless of when it became a party to this Agreement and the addition of other Eligible Investors as parties to this Agreement. Upon becoming an Investor, the Investor shall become a party to and shall be bound by this Agreement as if it had been an original party to this Agreement. 3.07 List of Investors and Investor information. The Agent will keep an up-to-date list of the names of Investors and may make the list available to Eligible Investors and other persons. The Agent shall ensure, to the best of its ability, the confidentiality of all other information pertaining to an Investor and the Investor's investments through any Fund whether the Investor continues to be an Investor or the Investor has ceased to be an Investor. This does not apply to information which is otherwise available to the public or to information which the Agent is required by law to disclose. SECTION 4 - THE CUSTODIAN, PAYMENT SERVICER, V ALVA TOR, RECORDKEEPER AND INVESTMENT COUNSEL 4.0 1 Authority. Each Investor authorizes the Agent to enter into Fund Agreements, from time to time, as agent of the Investor. 4.02 Custodian. The Agent will not enter into a Fund Agreement with a Custodian unless at the time of entering into the Fund Agreement the Custodian is a Canadian chartered Schedule I bank or trust company registered under the laws of Ontario. 4.03 Payment Servicer. The Agent will not enter into a Fund Agreement with a Payment Servicer unless the Payment Servicer is a Canadian chartered Schedule I bank or other regulated Canadian financial institution. 4.04 Valuator. The Agent will not enter into a Fund Agreement with a Valuator unless the Valuator has satisfied the Agent of the ability of the Valuator to provide and maintain accurate valuation services for the Funds. 4.05 Recordkeeper. The Agent will not enter into a Fund Agreement with a Recordkeeper unless the Recordkeeper has satisfied the Agent of the ability of the Recordkeeper to provide and maintain accurate recordkeeping and instruction services. I I I J J J J J J J J l J J J ) I ] I- AGREME/S.ONE 833 L L L L L L L L L L l L l ' l L L L L 8 4.06 Investment Counsel. (a) Registration, The Agent will not enter Into a Fund Agreement with an Investment COlUlsel unless the Fund Agreement requires the Investment Counsel to maintain at all times its status In Ontario as a regIstered investment counsel and portfolio manager while it is Investment Counsel for any Fund. (b) Insurance. The Agent will not enter into a Fund Agreement with any Investment Counsel unless the Fund Agreement requires the Investment Counsel to maintain, in full force and effect, bonding or Insurance in such amounts and of such types as are required from time to time by appropriate regulatory authorities, SECTION 5 - THE FUNDS 5.0 I Funds. The Investor agrees with the Agent and all other Investors that each Fund is an aggregation of assets. At any time, each Investor who has made investments through a specific Fund has at that time, subject to Section 5.07, an undivided percentage ownership interest in all investments made through that Fund at that time proportional to the amount of investments made through that Fund by the Investor at that time. Each Investor agrees that investments of a Fund will be valued as set out in the Fund Schedule. No Investor has the right to require distribution of any specific investment. 5.02 Investment policy. The investment policy of a Fund will be set out in the Fund Schedule for that Fund, The policy may be subject to further restrictions approved from time to time by the Agent. A copy of the investment policy, as amended from time to time, will be made available to the Investors, Any agreement with the Investment ColD1Se1 will pennit Investment Counsel to make investments based only on the investment policy. None of the Agent, the Custodian, the Payment Servicer, the Valuator or the Recordkeeper is responsible for investment decisions. 5.03 Fees and expenses. For each Fund, the Agent shall establish and disclose in the Fund Schedule for that Fund, the maximum aggregate fees and expenses payable, out of the investments made through that Fund, to the Custodian, the Payment Servicer, the Valuator, the Recordkeeper, the Investment Counsel and the Agent. The Agent may change the maximum aggregate fees and expenses stated in a Fund Schedule upon providing such prior notice to all Investors as is set out in the Fund Schedule. 5.04 Amendments. The Agent may from time to time, upon providing 30 days prior wrinen notice to all Investors, amend the Agreement by adding schedules and amend, delete, supplement, restate, renew and replace schedules to this Agreement. 5.05 Investment and withdrawal of funds. Each Investor shall abide by the procedures for issuing investment, withdrawal and transfer instructions set out in a Fund's Fund Schedule and in Schedule C. Before an Investor provides investment instructions and arranges for any transfer from its account at its LGREME!5.0NE 834 9 financial institution to a Fund, the Investor shall ensure that sufficient funds are then available to cover the amount of such invesnnent. 5.06 Income on investments. Subject to SectIon 5.07, at any time each Investor has an undivided percentage ownership interest in the income on all investments made through a Fund proportional to the Investor's undivided percentage ownership interest in the aggregate investments made through that Fund at that time. Income on investments will be automatically re-invested through the Fund on the same basis as investments. 5.07 Default in payment. If an Investor requests that an investment be made and (a) there are insufficient funds in the Investor's account at its financial institution to pay when due for the investment placed by the Investor through a Fund, or (b) the Investor's financial institution is insolvent or for any other reason the Investor provides no or insufficient funds to pay when due for the investment placed by the Investor through the Fund, then the Investor, with respect to that investment, has no interest in the Fund or income relating thereto or proceeds thereof. The Investor agrees to indemnify the Agent, the Custodian, the Valuator, the Payment Servicer, the Recordkeeper and the Investment Counsel, and to hold the Agent, the Custodian, the Valuator, the Payment Servicer, the Recordkeeper and the Investment Counsel harmless from all losses and expenses (including interest, charges and any loss in value of the investment) incurred by the Agent, on its own account or on behalf of the Investor, the Custodian, the Valuator, the Payment Servicer, the Recordkeeper or the Investment Counsel resulting from default or delay in payment. The Agent may assign its rights under this indemnity to any person. In addition, the Investor agrees to pay the Agent a fee in an amount set by the Agent from time to time as a fee payable in respect of any delay or default in payment for an investment whether as a result of Section 5.07(a) or Section 5.07(b). The Agent may authorize the debiting of the credit balance in an Investor's Investment Account for any Fund and apply the amounts so debited toward the payment of amounts (whether absolute, contingent, matured or not) payable by the Investor under this Section 5.07, 5.08 Wind-up of a Fund by Agent. The Agent may, on at least 30 days prior written notice to all Investors that it intends to wind-up a Fund, wind-up a Fund on the date set out in the notice. The Agent shall within five days of the date of winding-up distribute the proceeds of the sale of the investments made through that Fund to those Investors with investments through the Fund to the extent of each Investor's undivided percentage ownership interest at the time of winding-up in the investments made through that Fund, ) J J J J J J J J J J J J l J 1 I J I AGREME1S.ONE 835 L l L L L L L L l L l L L L L L L L 10 SECTION 6 - GENERAL 6.01 Notice. (a) Address for notices. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid or facsimile (with follow-up mailed copy unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or in a Fund Schedule) to the addresses or facsimile numbers set out in the information sheets in respect of each Investor kept by the Agent and in the case of the Agent to: ONE - The Public Sector Group of Funds c/o CHUMS Financing Corporation, 121 John Street, Main Floor Toronto, Ontario M5V 2E2 Attention: Executive Vice-President, CHUMS Facsimile: (416) 979-1060 Changes to the addresses and facsimile numbers may be made in the manner set out in this Section 6.01. (b) Effective date. Any such notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been given and received, if delivered, on the day of delivery (or, if the day is not a Banking Day, on the next following Banking Day) or, if mailed, on the second Banking Day following the day in which it is mailed. If a strike or lockout of postal employees is in effect or generally known to be impending on the date of mailing, any such notice or other communication shall be delivered and not sent by mail. If sent by facsimile before 5 :00 p.m. Toronto. Ontario time on a Banking Day, the notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been received on that day, and if sent after 5:00 p.m. Toronto, Ontario time on a Banking Day, it shall be deemed to have been received on the Banking Day next following the date of transmission. 6,02 No partnership or deemed agency. The execution of this Agreement and the other arrangements with respect to a Fund are not intended to create and shall not be treated as having created a general or limited partnership, joint venture, corporation, joint stock company, invesnnent trust or mutual fund, nor shall: (a) the Agent, the Custodian, the Payment Servicer, the Valuator, the Recordkeeper nor InveSbnent Counsel, or their respective agents and employees, except as provided in this Agreement, or (b) any other Investor under any circumstances be deemed the agent or representative of, or have the right to enter into any contract or commitment on behalf of, an Investor. LGREME15.0NE 836 11 6.03 No fiduciary duties. The Agent shall not by reason of this Agreement or any of the discussions leading to or in connection with this Agreement have a fiduciary or trust relationship with the Investors, or any other person. or any other obligation other than as specifically stated in this Agreement. 6,04 No assignment. No party may dispose of the whole or any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the express written consent of the Agent except as may otherwise be provided for in this Agreement. 6.05 Further action. Each party shall at all times promptly execute and deliver and cause to be executed and delivered such documents and take and cause to be taken such action as may be necessary or appropriate to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement. 6.06 Benefit. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon each party and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 6.07 Attornment. Each party irrevocably attoms and submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario. 6.08 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counteIparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall constitute one Agreement. ] . ] I I I I J J J J J J J 1 J J J J I- AGREMElj, ONE 837 L l l L L L L l L L l L L L L l L L 12 The parties have executed this Agreement. CHUMS FINANCING CORPORATION BY: /~..-...- ~ R fl~ Heather Bell, Executive Vice-President BY~?~ "~<A- ~ Sharad Kerur, PresIdent LOCAL AUTHORITY SERVICES LIMITED COUNTERPART OF TI!E AGENCY AGREEMENT DATED AS OF MAY 31,1999 BETWEEN CHUMS FINANCING CORPORATION AND LOCAL AUTIIORITY SERVICES LIMITED -AND- ELIGffiLE INVESTORS (AS DEFINED IN TI!E AGREEMENT) BY: PRINT NAME: PRINT TITLE: ORGANIZATION: K:\IlEIJI\V\ONElDCX::\ENROL\REVISEDIAGREMEIS,ONE LGREMEI5,ONE 83t) SCHEDULE A MONEY MARKET FUND 1. Definitions. In this Schedule (a) Agreement means the agency agreement dated as of May 31.1999 between CHUMS Financing Corporation, Local Authority Services Limited and the Eligible Investors, as defined in that agreement, and any schedules attached to it from tIme to time as that agreement or the schedules may be added, amended, deleted, supplemented, restated, renewed or replaced from time to time; and (b) Bank Account means the bank account at the Investor's financial institution authorized by the Investor and accepted by the Agent for use by the Investor in the transfer of funds to and from the Money Market Fund. All other capitalized terms used in this Schedule have the meanings given to them in the Agreement. 2, Objective. The principal objective of the Money Market Fund is to provide Investors with investments in highly-rated money market instruments permitted under the Municipal Act with maturities of 365 days or less. J J I J J J J J J J J J ] ] J J J J I ,-tGREME/5.0NE 3. Permissible Securities for Investments. Investments will be made only in those securities which are permitted under the Municipal Act and which are securities that are exempt from the registration and prospectus requirements under Section 35(2) of the Securities Act (Ontario) or an equivalent pro\ ision. 4. Valuation. Valuations of the assets of this Fund will be performed on a market value basis net of accrued fees and expenses. 5. Time of Valuation. The value of the assets of this Fund will be calculated by the Valuator at 4.00 p.m. Toronto time or such other time as the Valuator may in its discretion determine from time to time on each Banking Day. 6. Minimum Investment. The minimum amount for each investment is $10,000, 7. Minimum Withdrawal. The minimum amount for each withdrawal is $10,000 or, where the balance is less than $10,000, all remaining funds in the Investor's Investment Account from which the withdrawal is being made including any accrued earnings. 8. Minimum Transfer. The minimum amOlmt for each transfer is $10,000 or, where the balance is less than $10,000, all remaining funds in the Investor's Investment AccOlmt from which the transfer is being made including any accrued earnings, 839 l l L L L L L L L L L l l L L l L L A2 9. Earnings Allocation and Distribution. Subject to Section 5.07 of the Agreement, income on an investment made by an Investor accrues beginning on and including the first day on which the Investor's investment is credited to the Money Market Fund and ending on and including the day Immediately before the day on which invested funds are returned to the Investor. The calculation of investment income of the investments through the Fund and of each Investor's proportional interest in such income will take place after the close of business on each Banking Day. Income will be credited to each Investor's Investment Account effective on the last calendar day of each month. Income credited to an Investor's Investment Account remains in the Fund as part of the Investor's investment until all of the Investor's investment is withdrawn. If the Investor is withdrawing all of the remaining funds in the Investor's Investment Account, income will be credited on the Banking Day before the day on which invested funds are returned to the Investor. 10. Fees and Expenses. (a) Amount of Fees. The maximum aggregate fees and expenses payable out of the investments made through the Money Market Fund to the Custodian, Valuator, Payment Servicer, Recordkeeper, Investment Counsel and Agent will not exceed 0.19 of one percent, on an annual basis, of the daily investment balance of the Fund. Other than those fees and expenses and any amounts payable in the event of default or delay in payment under Section 5.07 of the Agreement, no fees and expenses will be charged by the Custodian, Valuator, Payment Servicer, Recordkeeper, Investment Counsel, or Agent. The fees and expenses referred to in this Section 10(a) do not include any fees and expenses charged to the Investor by the Investor's financial institution. (b) Changes to Fees. The Agent may change the maximum aggregate fees and expenses payable to the Custodian. Valuator, Payment Servicer, Recordkeeper, Investment Counsel and Agent at any time on providing 30 days notice of the effective date of such change to all Investors. 11. Reporting. Each Investor having investments in the Money Market Fund will receive: (a) a confirmation of each transaction initiated by the Investor, which will be faxed by the Recordkeeper to the Investor on the same Banking Day that the telephone call in which inStructions were issued took place; (b) a monthly history statement from the Recordkeeper for that Investor's Investment Account which will be mailed within three Banking Days of the end of the month, showing the Investor's opening and closing positions, all transactions made by the Investor during the month and any earnings credited to it for that month; and (c) a monthly report from the Agent showing the perfonnance of the Money Market Fund and such other infonnation about the Fund that the Agent deems appropriate for all Investors. 12, Making an Investment. L~GREMEI5.0NE 84U (a) (b) (a) (b) A3 Instructions irrevocable. lnvesnnent instructions made by the Investor are irrevocable and must be issued by the Investor in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule C. Time for Instructions. Where investment instructions are issued by the Investor between 8:00 a.m. (Toronto time) and 10:00 a.m, (Toronto time) on any Banking Day, the Recordkeeper will instruct the Payment Servicer to facilitate the transfer of the funds so instructed by the Investor from the Investor's Bank Account to be credited to the Money Market Fund on that same Banking Day. Where investment instructions are issued by the Investor after 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) and by 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on any Banking Day, the Recordkeeper will instruct the Payment Servicer to facilitate the transfer of the funds so instructed by the Investor from the Investor's Bank Account to be credited to the Money Market Fund on the next Banking Day. The availability offunds for credit to the Money Market Fund is subject to the clearing requirements and practices of the Investor's fmancial institution and the Payment Servicer. 13. Making a Withdrawal. Instructions irrevocable. Withdrawal instructions made by the Investor are irrevocable and must be issued in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule C. Time of instructions. Where withdrawal instructions are issued by the Investor between 8:00 a.m. (Toronto time) and 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on any Banking Day, the Recordkeeper will instruct the Custodian to effect the transfer of the funds so instructed by the Investor from the Money Market Fund to be credited to the Investor's Bank Account on the next Banking Day. Where investment instructions are issued by the Investor after 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) and by 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on any Banking Day, the Recordkeeper will instruct the Custodian to effect the transfer of the funds so instructed by the Investor from the Money Market Fund to be credited to the Investor's Bank Account on the second Banking Day immediately following the day on which instructions were issued by the Investor. The availability of funds for credit to Investor's Bank Account is subject to the clearing requirements and practices of the Investor's financial institution and the Payment Servicer. (c) Clearance of funds. An Investor may not withdraw funds invested by it which have not been cleared. For fund clearance purposes, the followmg time restrictions apply to withdrawals made by the Investor: (1) if the Investor's financial institution (as designated on the pre-authorized debit authorization) is anyone of the Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank of Canada, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, The Bank of Nova Scotia, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, National Bank of Canada, or any other fmancial institution approved by the Payment Servicer and the Agent from time to time, the Investor may not withdraw any amount invested by it through the Fund within eight calendar days after making such investment. ~r.:U"U-:I~ rJTV'" 841 J J J J J J J J J 1 J J J J ] J J J I L L L L L L l L L L L L L L L l L L (c) (d) A4 (2) if the Investor's financial institution (as designated on the pre-authonzed debit authorization) is a financial institution not listed in or approved as set out in (a) above. the investor may not withdraw any amounts invested by it through the Fund within 14 calendar days after making such investment. (d) Limits on Right to make Withdrawals. Despite any other provision in the Agreement or this Schedule, the Agent may require an Investor to provide three Banking Days notice to withdraw Funds. 14. Making a Transfer to Another Fund or to Another Investor. (a) Instructions irrevocable. Instructions made by the Investor for transfers to another Fund or to another Investor are irrevocable and must be issued by the Investor in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule C. (b) Transfers to another Fund. If the Investor has issued instructions to transfer funds from the Investor's Investment Account to another Fund, such transfer shall be made in accordance with the time restrictions for making withdrawals under this Fund Schedule and the time restrictions for making investments under the Fund Schedule for the other Fund. The Recordkeeper, in executing such transfer instructions, will cause such transfers to occur directly between the Investor's Investment Accounts and not by way of the Payment Servicer and the Investor's Bank Account(s). Transfers to another Investor. Transfers by an Investor from the Investor's account within the Money Market Fund to another Investor are pennissible only to the other Investor's account within the Money Market Fund. Where the Investor has issued instructions to transfer funds from the Investor's Investment Account to another Investor's Investment Account within this Fund, before 10:00 a.m. on any Banking Day, such transfer shall be made on the next Banking Day. If transfer instructions are issued to the Recordkeeper after 10:00 a.m. on any Banking Day, the transfer shall be made on the second Banking Day immediately following the day on which transfer instructions were issued by the Investor. The Recordkeeper, in executing such transfer instructions, will cause such transfers to occur directly between the Investor's Investment Account and the other Investor's Investment Account and not by way of the Payment Servicer and the Investor's Bank AccOlmt or the other Investor's Bank Account. Deemed Investment by Transferee. Each Investor agrees that any transfer to that Investor's Invesnnent Account will be treated as an investment by that Investor. LGREME15.0NE 842 843 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J SCHEDULE B BOND FUND 1. Definitions. In this Schedule, (a) Agreement means the agency agreement dated as of May 31,1999 between CHUMS Financing Corporation. Local Authority Services Limited and the Eligible Investors, as defined in that agreement, and any schedules attached to it from time to time as that agreement or the schedules may be added, amended, deleted, supplemented, restated, renewed or replaced from time to time; and (b) Balik Account means the bank account at the Investor's financial institution authorized by the Investor and accepted by the Agent for use by the Investor in the transfer of funds to and from the Bond Fund. All other capitalized terms used in this Schedule have the meanings given to them in the Agreement. 2. Objective. The principal objective for the Bond Fund is to provide Investors with investments in highly-rated fixed income and money market securities permitted under the Municipal Act with maturities of greater than one year and less than or equal to five years. 3. Permissible Securities for Investments. Investments will be made only in those securities which are permitted under the Municipal Act and which are securities that are exempt from the registration and prospectus requirements under Section 35(2) of the Securities Act (Ontario) or an equivalent pro\lS10n. 4. Valuation. Valuations of the assets of this Fund will be performed on a market value basis net of accrued fees and expenses. 5, Time of Valuation. The value of the assets of this Fund will be calculated by the Valuator at 4:00 p.m, Toronto time or such other time as the Valuator may in its discretion determine from time to time on each Banking Day. 6. Minimum Investment. The minimum amount for each investment is SI0,000. 7. Minimum Withdrawal. The minimum amount for each withdrawal is SlO,OOO or, where the balance is less than SI0,000, all remaining funds in the Investor's Investment Account from which the withdrawal is being made including any accrued earnings. 8. Minimum Transfer. The minimum amO\D1t for each transfer is S10,000 or, where the balance is less than SI0,000, all remaining funds in the Investor's Investment Acco\D1t from which the transfer is being made including any accrued earnings. .4GREME/S.ONE L L l L L L L L L . L L L L L L L L L . B2 9. Earnings Allocation and Distribution. Subject to Section 5.07 of the Agreement, income on an investment made by an Investor accrues beginning on and including the first day on which the Investor's investment is credited to the Bond Fund and ending on and including the day immediately before the day on which invested funds are returned to the Investor. The calculation of investment income of the investtnents through the Fund and of each Investor's proportional interest in such income will take place after the close of business on each Banking Day. Income will be credited to each Investor's Investtnent Account effective on the last calendar day of each month. Income credited to an Investor's Investtnent Account remains in the Fund as part of the Investor's investtnent until all of the Investor's investtnent is withdrawn. If the Investor is withdrawing all of the remaining fimds in the Investor's Investtnent Account, income will be credited on the Banking Day before the day on which invested funds are returned to the Investor. 10. Fees and Expenses. (a) Amount of Fees. The maximum aggregate fees and expenses payable out of the investments made through the Bond Fund to the Custodian, Valuator, Payment Servicer, Recordkeeper, Investment Counsel and Agent will not exceed 0.4 of one percent, on an annual basis, of the daily investtnent balance of the Fund. Other than those fees and expenses and any amounts payable in the event of default or delay in payment under Section 5.07 of the Agreement, no fees and expenses will be charged by the Custodian, Valuator, Payment Servicer, Recordkeeper, Investment Counselor Agent. The fees and expenses referred to in this Section 100a) do not include any fees and expenses charged to the Investor by the Investor's financial institution. (b) Changes to Fees. The Agent may change the maximum aggregate fees and expenses payable to the Custodian, Valuator, Payment Servicer, Recordkeeper, Investtnent Counsel and Agent at any time upon providing 30 days notice of the effective date of such change to all Investors. 11. Reporting. Each Investor having investments in the Bond Fund will receive: (a) a confirmation of each transaction initiated by the Investor, which will be faxed by the Recordkeeper to the Investor on the same Banking Day that the telephone call in which instructions were issued took place; (b) a monthly history statement from the Recordkeeper for that Investor's Investment Account which will be mailed within three Banking Days of the end of the month, showing the Investor's opening and closing positions, all transactions made by the Investor during the month and any earnings credited to it for that month; and (c) a monthly report from the Agent showing the performance of the Bond Fund and such other information about the fund that the Agent deems appropriate for all Investors. L,REMEI5. ONE 844 12. (a) (b) (a) (b) A GRE.'lE J 5. ONE B3 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Making an Investment. Instructions irrevocable. Investment instructions made by the Investor are irrevocable and must be issued by the Investor in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule C. Time of Instructions. Where investment instructions are issued by the Investor between 8:00 a.m. (Toronto time) and 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on any Banking Day, the Recordkeeper will instruct the Payment Servicer to facilitate the transfer of the funds so instructed by the Investor from the Investor's Bank Account to be credited to the Bond Fund on that same Banking Day. Where investment instructions are issued by the Investor after 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) and by 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on any Banking Day, the Recordkeeper will instruct the Payment Servicer to facilitate the transfer of the fimds so instructed by the Investor from the Investor's Bank Account to be credited to the Bond Fund on the next Banking Day. The availability of funds for credit to the Bond Fund is subject to the clearing requirements and practices of the Investor's financial institution and the Payment Servicer. 13. Making a Withdrawal. Instructions irrevocable. Withdrawal instructions made by the Investor are irrevocable and must be issued in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule C. Time of instructions. Where withdrawal instructions are issued by the Investor between 8:00 a.m. (Toronto time) and 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on any Banking Day, the Recordkeeper will instruct the Custodian to effect the transfer of the funds so instructed by the Investor from the Bond Fund to be credited to the Investor's Bank Account on the third Banking Day following the Banking Day on which withdrawal instructions were issued by the Investor. If investment instructions are issued by the Investor after 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) and by 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on any Banking Day, the Recordkeeper will instruct the Custodian to effect the transfer of the fimds so instructed by the Investor from the Bond Fund to be credited to the Investor's Bank Account on the next Banking Day and credited to the Investor's Bank Account on the fourth Banking Day following the Banking Day on which withdrawal instructions were issued by the Investor. The availability of fimds for credit to Investor's Bank Account is subject to the clearing requirements and practices of the Investor's financial institution and the Payment Servicer. (c) Clearance of funds. An Investor may not withdraw funds invested by it which have not been cleared. For fund clearance purposes, the following time restrictions apply to withdrawals made by the Investor: (1) if the Investor's financial institution (as designated on the pre-authorized debit authorization) is anyone of the Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank of Canada, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, The Bank of Nova Scotia, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, 845 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L (a) (b) (c) L B4 National Bank of Canada. or any other financial institutIOn approved by the Payment ServIcer and the Agent from time to tIme. the Investor may not withdraw any amount Invested by It through the Fund within eight calendar days of making such investment. (2) if the Investor's financial instItution (as designated on the pre-authorized debit authonzatlon) is a fmancial institutIon not listed in or approved as set out in (a) above, the investor may not withdraw any amounts invested by it through the Fund within 14 calendar days of making such investment. (d) Limits on right to make withdrawals. Despite any other provision in the Agreement or this Schedule, if an Investor has made or makes a withdrawal or transfer request which would be effective on the third Banking Day following the Banking Day on which withdrawal instructions were issued by the Investor, the Agent may delay any such withdrawal or transfer to the next following Banking Day. 14. Making a Transfer to Another Fund or to Another Investor. Instructions irrevocable. Instructions made by an Investor for transfers to another Fund or to another Investor are irrevocable and must be issued by the Investor in accordance with the procedure set out in Schedule C. Transfers to another Fund. If the Investor has issued instructions to transfer funds from the Investor's Investment AccOlmt to another Fund, such transfer shall be made in accordance with the time restrIctions for making withdrawals under this Fund Schedule and the time restrictions for makIng investments under the Fund Schedule for the other Fund. The Recordkeeper, in executing such transfer instructions, will cause such transfers to occur directly between the Investor's Investment AccOlmts and not by way of the Payment Servicer and the Investor's Bank Account(s). Transfers to another Investor. Transfers by an Investor from the Investor's account within the Bond Fund to another Investor are permissible only to the other Investor's account within the Bond Fund. Where the Investor has issued instructions to transfer funds from the Investor's Investment Account to another Investor's Investment Account within this Fund, before 10:00 a.m. on any Banking Day, such transfer shall be made on the next Banking Day. If transfer instructions are issued to the Recordkeeper after 10:00 a.m. on any Banking Day, the transfer shall be made on the second Banking Day immediately following the day on which transfer instructions were issued by the Investor. The Recordkeeper, in executing such transfer instructions, will cause such transfers to occW" directly between the Investor's Investment Account and the other Investor's Investment Account and not by way of the Payment Servicer and the Investor's Bank Account or the other Investor's Bank Account. CREMEJ5.0NE 846 847 J J J J j J J J J J J J J J J J J J J B5 (d) Deemed investment by transferee. Each Investor agrees that any transfer to that Investor's Investment Account will be treated as an Investment by that Investor. AGREMEJ5.0NE L l l L 1. L (a) L (b) "l L l ~. L L 4. L L L l L L L L SCHEDULE C ISSUING L1\VESTMENT. \VITHDRA W AL M1> TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS TO THE RECORDKEEPER Instructions. An Investor may Issue Investment. wIthdrawal and transfer InstructIons: by telephone by calling the Recordkeeper' live operator (the "Recordkeeper Operator") at a toll-free telephone number between the hours of 8:00 a.m. (Toronto tImel and 5:00 p.m. (Toronto tIme). or by such other means as the Agent may prescribe from tIme to time. Instructions to Recordkeeper. All investment. withdrawal and transfer instructIons Issued by an Investor to the Recordkeeper under Section l(a) or (b) are irrevocable. For secunty PWl'oses. all mvestment instructIons issued to the Recordkeeper under SectIon l(a) will be tape recorded by the Recordkeeper. Execution by Recordkeeper. Telephone InstructIons issued to the Recordkeeper will be executed wIthout pnor confIrmation by the Recordkeeper and the Investor accepts responsibility for all telephone instructions which PWl'ort to have been given by the Investor whether or not such Instructions were authorized. Instructions to Payment Servicer. All telephone instructIons from Investors received by the Recordkeeper involving investments or withdrawals will be communicated by the Recordkeeper to the Payment Servicer for proper execution as may be required by the Payment Servicer in order to transfer the funds In accordance with the investment or withdrawal instructions of the Investors. 5. Confirmation of Instructions. All telephone instructIons receIved by the Recordkeeper dunng a Banking Day will be confIrmed back to the Investor by facsimile on the same Banking: Day. The Inyestor accepts responsibility to correct any incorrect instructions and shall make all such corrections and inform the Recordkeeper of such corrections by facsimile before the end of the next Banking Day after having receIved the onginal facsimile confirmation from the Recordkeeper. 6. Procedure for Issuing Instructions to Recordkeeper. On calling the Recordkeeper Operator. the Recordkeeper Operator will ask the representative of the Investor for the follOWIng investor informatIon ("Investor Information"): (a) the name of the individual making the call as registered by the Investor and accepted by the Agent. (b) the name of the Investor's organizatIon as regIstered by the Investor and approved by the Agent. (c) the authonzation code as assigned by the Recordkeeper corresponding to the Investor's account as registered by the Investor. L A GREML 5. ONE 848 C2 Failure by the representatIve of the Investor to proVIde the Recordkeeper Operator with the correct Investor Information will termmate the call and render any instructions given to the Recordkeeper Operator by the representative of the Investor null and void. 7. Transaction Information. Where the Investor Information provided by the representative of the Investor to the Recordkeeper Operator has been verified by the Recordkeeper Operator as being correct, the Recordkeeper Operator will ask the Investor to identify the type of transaction (i.e. "an investment" or "a withdrawal" or "a transfer to another fund" or "a transfer to another Investor"). If the instructions are for: (a) an investment, the Recordkeeper Operator will ask for (i) the dollar amount of the investment, (ii) the investment account name into which the investment will be made, (iii) the authorization code relating to that investment account; (b) a withdrawal, the Recordkeeper Operator will ask for (i) the dollar amount of the withdrawal or "ALL" if the instruction pertains to all monies belonging to the Investor in the Fund including any accrued earnings, (ii) the investment account name from which the withdrawal is to be made, (iii) the authorization code relating to that investment account; (c) a transfer to another Fund by the same Investor, the Recordkeeper Operator will ask for (i) the dollar amount of the transfer or" ALL" if the instruction pertains to all monies belonging to the Investor in a Fund including any accrued earnings, (ii) the investment account name from which the transfer is to be made. (iii) the authorization code relating to that investment account, (iv) the investment account name to which the transfer will be made, (v) the authorization code relating to that investment account; (d) a transfer to another Investor, the Recordkeeper Operator will ask for AGREMEJ5.0NE 849 J J J .I J J J J "J J J J J J J J J J J L L L l l L l l l L L l L L L L L L C3 ( i) the dollar amount of the transfer or "ALL" if the instruction pertains to all monies belonging to the Investor in a Fund including any accrued earnings, ( ii) the investment account name from which the transfer is to be made, (iii) the authorization code relating to that investment account, (iv) the name of the other Investor to which the transfer will be made, (v) the investment account name of the other Investor in the same Fund to which the transfer will be made, (vi) the authorization code relating to that investment account of the other Investor. 8. Investor's Responsibility. Before issuing instructions to have fimds transferred to another Investor, the Investor accepts responsibility to ensure that such other Investor continues to be an Investor and is authorized to have investments through the Fund designated by the Investor initiating such transfer. 9. Deemed Receipt by Recordkeeper. Instructions issued by an Investor to the Recordkeeper shall be deemed to have been received by the Recordkeeper as soon as the Investor issuing the instructions has provided the Recordkeeper with all of the information set out in Section 7 above. L ..cGREME/5.0NE 850 I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALIlY OF CLARINGTON .,.. x I REPORT I Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRA TrON COMMITTEE File # I Date: OCTOBER IS. 1999 Res. ;; Report #: FD-17-99 File # 10.12.6 By-Law # I Subject: JOINT PURCHASE - FLASHOVER UNIT I Recommendations: I It IS respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and AdmmlstratIon ConuTIlttee recommend to CouncIl the followmg: I THA T Clanngton Fire Department enters Into a JOint venture with Ajax. Pickenng. \V'hitby and Oshawa Fire Services to purchase a Flashover Simulator for traming purposes. I I BACKGROUND I In recent years the number of structural fires has declined. wIth a subsequent mcrease in other types of emergency responses. With the decrease in frequency of real structural fires. firefighters have not had the practical experience to Improve their skills. while at the same tIme experiencing mcreased liabilities with respect to firefighter safety. I Additionally. the fire department does not have regular access to a trammg facility to conduct live fire trammg. As a result the trammg for Intenor tiretightmg and rescue has suffered. I In view of the foregomg. the tire departments in Ajax. Pickenng, 'W"hitby. Oshawa and Clanngton are proposmg to Jointly purchase and mamtam a Flashover Simulator to properly tram firefighters. COMMENTS I I A flashover may be defined as phenomena that occur durmg a fire in a structure when combustible materials within the Structure are heated to the ignition temperature. Subsequently. the combustIble materials WIthin this structure may ignite simultaneously and within seconds the temperature within the structure will nse and exceed 650 degrees Celsius (1200 degrees FahrenheIt). This means when a tlashover Occurs in a structure or a ponton of a Structure. such as a room. the entire area and its' contents are engulfed in flames. I I Recently. DiVisional Chief Weir attended the Ontario Fire College to assist with a test pilot trammg sessIon Involving a Flashover Simulator. He had the opponumty to expenence flfSt hand the unn in action with early heat and smoke buIldup. and as temperatures increased from 300 degrees .lust 2 feet off the ground to I Contmued..... '" I ",.,,,.~, ..,. ~&P'l'l ~"~~fCLt 901 I .2 I temperatures around 1.150 degrees at the ceiling. All of a sudden a tlashover occurred. The simulator allows you to control the heat buIld up and the flashover. ensunng safety for the firefigm.:rs mSlde. In his opmion. this type of trammg IS absolutely necessary. Firefighters not only learn how this can occur. but they learn early warnmg signs and some techmques to protect themselves should they get caught m a tlashover. I Our goals are to teach firefighters to recogmze the warnmg signs of a t1ashover and reahze the hmIts of their protective clothmg with the use of the Flashover Simulator. Although the protective clothmg IS desIgned to protect firefighters It IS not a hcence to submit themselves to a recognizable hazard such as a tlashover. I I After two hours of classroom traming mcluding lectures and videos on the sCIence and warning signs of t1ashover. and safety procedures. firefighters are rotated through the simulator m groups of six to eight and spend roughly 15 to 20 mmutes m the unit. I The Flashover Simulator conSIsts of two all metal shipping contamers which are connected to form a bum module and an observatIOn module. The fuel for the trammg exercIse conSists of five sheets of I,: inch panicle board that lme the ceiling and sides of the burn module. A small fire IS Igmted m the corner of the module and students observe the controlled fire whIle seated on low benches mSlde the observation module. All students and instructors are suited m full protective clothmg and self-contamed breathing apparatus. I I The value of tlashover training will be realized on the actual fireground where extreme heat and dense smoke are present. Firefighters will recogmze the dynanucs and react accordingly. Learning from real fire ground expenences IS not always survivable. I CONCLUSION I The financial impact of the sImulator. including the trailer IS estimated to be approximately $90.000 inclusive of all taxes. The formula bemg recommended for fundmg of the capital costs IS for the five fire depanmems to share on a per firefighter baSIS. There are presently 557 firefighters m the fire departments which results in a cost of $ 161.58 per firefighter. mclUdlng full and part-time staff. The breakdown for each deparunent IS as follows: I I Ajax Fire Deparunent CIarington Fire Depanment Oshawa Fire Department Pickering fire Department Whitby Fire Department 80 firefighters 123 firefighters 140 firefighters 94 firefighters 120 firefighters $12.927 $ 1 9.875 $22.622 $15.189 $ 1 9.390 I TOTAL I $90.003 I The cO-operative venture IS an attractive optIon as it estabhshes a large support base of resources. It also shows a wIlhngness for the vanous depanments to work together m the trammg-nd safety of our firefighters. I I Contmued.. . I '1r~ I I I I The City of Cambndge Fire Department purchased a simulator approxImate Iv tViO years ago and it was .Jomtlv financed through \Vaterloo and KIlchener Fire Departments. Surroundmg tire departments as well as pnvaIe Industry pay $125 per person to tram ill the Simulator. I There has not been any tunds budgeted m the 1999 Capital Budget for the purchase of the Flashover Simulator. but will be addressed in the 2000 CapIlal. We are however requesllng CouncIl pre-budget approval at this time and the tunds wIll be drawn from the Fire Department EqUIpment Reserve account as part of our Capital Budget proposal. I RECOMMENDA nON I It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and AdrrumstratIon COnunJttee recommend that CouncIl approves this pre-budget request for the year 2000 and funds are set aSide for thiS .Iomt venrure. Respectfully submitted. ReViewed by I I '1-r " \.... , J~'I" AMCT. C\1M II /---- . (-- .. '\ !. . <~.~ _-.i Franklin Wu. Chief AdministratIve Officer. ('\ "- ~-L,,- I I I I I I I I I I I 90) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: OCTOBER 18, 1999 File# Report #: FD-1 8-99 Res. # 10.12.6 Subject MONTHLY FIRE REPORT - SEPTEMBER, 1999 By-law # RECOMMENDA TIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report FD-18-99 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Our report covers the month of September, 1999. It is our intent to provide Committee with information relevant to this department, in a timely manner. 2. REPORT 2.1 The department responded to 180 calls in September and recorded total fire loss . at $32,600. A breakdown of the calls responded to follows. Contin ued..... ~04 I FD-1 8-99 - 2 - I ! MONTH YEAR ! MONTH YEAR ENDING TO ENDING TO CLASSIFICA TION SEP./99 DATE SEP ./98 DATE 1999 1998 PROPERTY FIRES (Includes structure. chlmney,vehlcle, miscellaneous 18 241 9 201 e.g. furmture. clothing, etc.) UNAUTHORIZED BURNING 6 87 9 76 (Burning complaints) FALSE FIRE CALLS (Includes alarm actlvallons- accidental/malicIous. 33 272 25 I 224 human-perceived emergencies/cheCK calls e.g. Investigate unknown Odour) PUBLIC HAZARD CALLS (Includes propanematural gas leaks. fuel/chemical 20 182 12 150 spills, pOwer lines down/arcing, e.O. leaks. etc.) RESCUE CALLS (Includes vehicle extrication/accidents, 29 252 22 222 commercial/industrial accidents, home/resldenllal accidents. water/Ice rescue) MEDICAL ASSIST CALLS (Includes assist to ambulance personnel With 60 506 65 463 respiratory and resuscitation emergencies) MISCELLANEOUS CALLS 14 122 12 65 (Includes assist to other agencies. other public service. etc.) TOTAL CALLS 180 1,662 154 1.401 TOTAL FIRE LOSS $32,600 $2,591,161 $22.100 $637.300 I I I I I I I I I I I Continued.... I I I I I NUMBER OF ALARMS BY STATION ST. #1 ST. #2 ST. #3 ST. #4 ST. #5 TOTAL 84 26 19 45 6 180 9 (, C) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FD-1 8-99 - 3 - 2.2 We conducted an analysis of the Carbon Monoxide Detector calls received to- date. A total of 112 calls have been responded to. Of thlose, 35 incidents resulted in a positive carbon monoxide presence. Approximately 80% of this percentage occurred during the colder months of the year, when heating applicances were more likely to be in operation. 2.3 Effective September 6, 1999 the Courtice Fire Station #4 provides 24 hour coverage for the residents in that area. In order to operate 24 hours a day two more crews were established. Peter Lomax and Ron Klosinski were promoted from 1 st Class Firefighter to Captain to manage thE! crews. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 It is respectfully recommended that report FD-18-99 be receivHd for information. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ( \ Ii () ~ :/~) f'{L~' __ l~' t\... .-----./ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer J ('J \. Michael G. Creighto Fire Chief. /sr 9~6 I ... \ 1. ~ .. t L \ ~ ... .. \ \ ... I t I.. I ... i. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeti ng: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 Res. # Report #: CS-17-99 By-law # Subject: PRE-TEEN DANCES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report No. CS-17-99 be received for information; 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 For the past several years, the Community Services Department has been offering \ Pre-Teen Dances at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex and more recently I. ... has expanded this program to include the Courtice Community Complex. 1 1.2 Expansion of the program to the Courtice area has been a tremendous success. Due .. to increasing numbers of youth wishing to attend and regulations on hall capacity at the complex, staff will be initiating changes to our current procedure on ! ticket sales. III l. ~ I f ... . I ... ... .... t ... 2.0 TICKET SALES 2.1 The area of concern is the fact that the program continues to grow in popularity and that our capacity restrictions cannot allow us to accommodate everyone. 2.2 During our most recent dance held in September, all tickets (300) were sold out within 15 minutes of going on sale. This left a number of youths (estimated at between 50-100) that could not get in to the dance. 2.3 A number of these children were dropped off by their parents, and when they couldn't secure a ticket, were left without a ride home. Subsequently, staff at the facility was overwhelmed with requests to use the phone and requests to make change to use the pay phone, resulting in many youths being left unsupervised outside the building. 1 001 . .../2 REPORT NO.: CS-17-99 PAGE 2 3.0 POLICY CHANGES 3.1 To avoid this type of reoccurrence, staff will be initiating "advance ticket sales" at future pre-teen dances. Tickets will be available for sale on the Monday, preceeding the dance night. Only unsold tickets will be available at the door. 3.2 Also, parents dropping their children off at the facility will be encouraged to remain on sight, until their child has secured a ticket or is admitted to the facility. 4.0 COMMENT 4.1 Staff is very pleased with the response we are getting to our programs, particularly in the Courtice area. Other programming opportunities and an expansion to some exciting programs are currently under review, and those recommendations will be provided through the 2000 budget process. Respectfully submitted, ~=L Joseph P. Caruana Dttector of Community Services Reviewed by, (') r~=-c& franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer ~ , 'J JPCfTUjv 1002 J J J J J J J J J J .J j j j J J J J J l f 1. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON i i ... REPORT I L. Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: OCTOBER 18, 1999 Res. # ... Report No.: WD-38-99 OUR FILE: PA.27.07 By-Law # l ~ Subject: OFFICIAL OPENING OF CLARINGTON'S SKATEPARK Recommendations: ... It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: .. 1. THAT Report WD-38-99 be received; and , ... 2. THAT the skatepark be named in memory of the late Carson Elliott. , ... REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. I: Key Map L \ L. ... 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 The Public Works Department encourages the official opening of new parks to assist the public in becoming aware of park and recreation facilities available to the public. I ! .. L 2.2 The official ceremony for the opening of the Municipality's first skatepark will be advertised through independent news releases to the media. 1 I ... 2.3 The ceremony is scheduled for Monday, October 25, 1999 at 4:00 p.m. at the site adjacent to the Gamet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. The ceremony will consist of a welcome extended to the public, an introduction of guests and special guests, a brief history of the skatepark including size and design elements, and an official ribbon cutting ceremony, unveiling of the park name and refreshments. t .. I .. L I 1 0 1 REPORT NO.: WD-38-99 PAGE 2 2.4 The naming of the facility was considered in accordance with Report ADMIN-16-98, "Policy Regarding Memorial Tributes" and Staff are recommending that the skatepark be named in honour of the late Carson Elliott in recognition of his contribution to the community through his role of past Councillor and by his dedication to numerous charities. 2.5 The skatepark has been constructed adjacent to the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. This facility is approximately 10,000 square feet in size consisting of 12 skate elements integrated into one free flowing skatepark design that challenges the skills of the novice to the advance user. 2.6 The Landscape Architects of Cosburn Giberson of Markham prepared the design and carried out the contract administration for the construction of the facility. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~es~ Director of Public Works () r~ L'-.. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer ASC*SA V*ce 07/10/99 11 u 2 .J J J J J J J J J J J j J J J J J J J L L I I .... I ... I ! ... l L. L L I ill. 9 1.. L I '- 1 .. I .. l L L I ... L --------------- ._--.~--~~- -...-------. ---~--_.._.- - ------------ ~.-.- -'-'-'--' / ~, : /.-"-- /' " I ~! / l i / ~ L'. '__ __________ . ' 'U_,_'\ . : '_'_'_'_.~.'~ _, ~, "5,<f.~~~Y=- '- -~~~- -T [ ~ ~@_-_i / / ------- ,,'" "'~ ' " . -' "~ ...... I / -'" .... . / ~1."'!' ~-/./ T: ''- ~" r\/ .'/ / ',,- . " 'A"'. .~ .~ '''-" ! - T[J"1 . \1 ?:',</ \JJ I JCl x: li" I - - I I , @ " \ ....... ....... ....... "" ,/ ~ ',~ ~ ", '~'''', " " BASEBALL DIAMOND I I ,~! -'~ - ",{ ~'. / / I I I /-' \ I I . J ' / / , I ! ! ! ! ! # II II II " II II II I j / 1/ I I 1/ /I ! / ! I ff II II I ! w :::) Z WW 0::> :::)cC ~Z :::)3= Ll.0 ~ Q. :::) ------- -----T-j DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE la \)1 1- t~ I II ~ If I I ~ ~~ e ! I 8 ~-- I r I I ~vv i! S K G S~T II DRAWN BY. J.R.M 'I DATE: OCT, 1999 .... - -r I '. ',REPORT WD-38-99 ! KEY MAP : 11 ATTACHMENT NO.1 :1 HIGHW A'( NO.. f . . . 1 ..... ... 1 1 03 L \ i .. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON I ~ro~ ... \ 1.. L I... Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: OCTOBER 18, 1999 Res. # Report No.: WD-39-99 Our File: B.02.08.002 By-Law # Subject: TRANSFER OF LANDS TO KA W ARTHA PINE RIDGE SCHOOL BOARD ST. STEPHEN'S ESTATES SUBDMSION, PLAN 18T-88037 Recommendations: t t ... L. ~ ... 2. I ... L 3. ~ 1.. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-39-99 be received; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the appropriate documents necessary to transfer to the Kawartha Pineridge School Board Part I of Plan 40R-19289; and THAT St. Stephen's Estates Inc. be responsible for all associated costs, legal or otherwise, with the transfer of Part 1 of Plan 40R-19289 to the Kawartha Pineridge School Board. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Area Plan No.2: Park and School Conceptual Park Facilities Plan ~ I ... -. i I ... 2.0 2.1 L L ... I I ... BACKGROUND Municipal Staff, the developers of Plan 18T-88037 and the Kawartha Pineridge School Board have been working together to revise the configuration of the park and the school blocks within this plan of subdivision. The reconflguration of the school and park blocks is required to accommodate the proposed footprint and the associated amenity area of the future public school, which is proposed to be constructed in the year 2000 (Attachment #1). 1 1 n 4 REPORT NO.: WD-39-99 PAGE 2 2.2 In order to meet the School Board's timetable for construction, the School Board acquired the school block in advance of the registration of the plan of subdivision through a land division application consent considered by the Land Division Committee on May 17, 1999. 2.3 Subsequent to the School Board acquiring the school block through consent, the School Board's architect determined that the school block acquired could not accommodate the proposed footprint of the school and the associated amenity area. 3.0 REPORT AND COMMENT 3.1 In order to resolve the School Board's concern since the school block and the park block have a common lot line and the School Board, through the Developer of Plan 18T-88037, requested that the Municipality consider an adjustment to the common lot line between the school block and the park block, that in effect reduces the size of the park block in lieu of a larger school block. 3.2 The park block is described as Block 135 on Plan 40M-1977 and represents an over- dedication of parkland for this development. Our proposed park conceptual design was reviewed and we determined that an adjustment of the common lot line could be accommodated without adversely affecting the design of the park, provided that the recreation facilities that the School Board constructs could be integrated into our conceptual design for the park (Attachment #2). 3.3 The Developer and the School Board were advised that if the recreational facilities could be integrated into one plan that complemented each other, then we would be recq,tive to adjusting the lot line. 3.4 An overall conceptual design plan was prepared for the recreational facilities within the school and park blocks. The plan confirmed that an adjustment to the lot line could be achieved between the proposed soccer pitch (school block) and the baseball diamond (park block). This adjustment to the common lot line results in a block of land described as Part 1 of Plan 40R-I9289, which constituted part of the original park block (2.251 hectares) proposed under plan of subdivision, if the transfer is ap"lroved, would form part of the school block ~\i1d be traIU)l...,Ted ~:"l the school board. TL' park blev" remains of I ()92 1 I U 5 J J J J J J J, ~. .J J J J J J J J J J J J L REPORT NO.: WD-39-99 PAGE 3 j.. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 Staff concurs with the adjustment of the common lot line and therefore recommends that the Municipality transfer to the School Board, Part I on Plan 40R-19289 and that the Developer be responsible for all costs, legal or otherwise, associated with the transfer of these lands to the Kawartha Pineridge School Board. L l: f .. 3.5 ... i ~, Ii. I .. I 1. , €' ... L L hectares exceeds the parkland contribution the developer of this plan is required to provide which is 1.65 hectares. In order to meet the timing constraints for the servicing of this development, the plan of subdivision was registered on August 31, 1999. At the time of registration, the issue regarding the adjustment to the lot line was not fully resolved and, subsequently, the Municipality received ownership of the oversized park block (Block 135, Plan 40M-1977), which included the lands required by the School Board. The Developer and the School Board have requested that, subsequent to the registration of the plan of subdivision, the adjustment of the common lot line may be facilitated by the Municipality transferring to the School Board the lands described as Part I of Plan 40R-I9289. Respectfully submitted, I 1. ! , .. Reviewed by, I i.. ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works d r~-(G~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer I .. ASC*SA V*ce 12/10/99 L Pc: i .. i I ... L St. Stephens Estates Inc. C/o Rosebury Holdings Inc. 601 Edgeley Blvd., Units 9 and 10 Concord, ON L4K 4G2 l' 86 REPORT NO.: WD-39-99 PAGE 4 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board ATTN: Paul Brace 1994 Fisher Drive, P.O. Box 719 Peterborough, ON K9J7Al I 107 ! . i.. f L l ... ~l I ! I i.. I ~ t r .. ~. I .. I .. \ I .. I L. l ... L t .. r ... L L . i I .. f g. ~ , ----- ---------- - PART 1 OF' PLAN 40R-1928 ' AREA: 0.259 Ha- / ............ ............. ........... ............. ............. ::::::.:..... , . , i; , , ' : i I I PL6.N 40M_i1i~ij~--'- III ~i I I I i ' I I I I I SCHOOL BLOCK 136 AREA: 2.169 Ha PARK BLOCK 135 AREA: 2.251 Ha ~'I , \ \, 'I -', \ '" '\ \. \ \, I -, ',' \ \ \ 'I ------- \'" \ \ 'I" I \ I ;' \ \ \ \ \ \ .., !\\\'\\\,\' ! \ ' I \' ,'\ I \ \ , ,\ , \ , '\ ' \ " \ '< \, \ ---- \ \ '---- ~. --- ~~ k I ~/ ---...-------;--- \ \ ' '-------------.., 11 08 J J J J J J J J J J i I J J , j... i --. r- ~- I i , :1 I i ! ~--" ...."'--, ./--------- Sprucewood Cres Q) > ~ Ul E Cll Q) :E ..-/~\ l\,\ '~~ / ~' I' ~. ~~~i ----H '---t1 I' ... c , I i I Lownie Ct :--- I,\~ ~\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ ' \ i i \ I I I Guildwood ~ "-~--~~ ,- \ i \ I I \ \ \ ~ 4( .. /-----..~ , ',/"',. ~ v<' ----,,-/ ~" i ~_ ------ " -,---- / . ~/ ~, / r~CJ! i ~ I) !I u~CT I r~~) .!, snJ: '=,"-: C. :>// '- I - "I i - /;/', 'I ___' II I ~/ I Ii !r=-.J I I n KEY MAP : ---''-:1 Ii I , i ~ " I ~j ,// './t. /f .~~ 8 :1 II ~ J :1 ~ i DRAWN BY: J.R.M DATE: OCT. 1999 !I REPORT WO-39-99 I i ATTACHMENT NO.2 I 11 09 l L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON L REPORT * ! ... Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRA nON COMMITTEE File # Date: OCTOBER 18, 1999 Res. # ~ 1.. Report No.: WD-40-99 By-Law # ~ L Subject: SPORTS FIELDS FEES L Recommendations: I .. It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: \ f .. 1. THAT Report WD-40-99 be received; and I ill 2. THAT Council approve the attached proposed schedule of Rates and Fees for sports fields and parks, effective January 1,2000. I i. .. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS 2000 Rates and Fees Schedule t f '- t ... 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a special Council Meeting held on July 19, 1999, Staff of the Community Services Department prepared Report No. CS-11-99, "1999 - 2000 Schedule of Rates and Fees." As part of this report, it was indicated that the Public Works Department would be addressing fees and rates for sports fields and parks at a later date. , ~ ... l.. t ... s ... II. I 1 llJ REPORT NO.: WD-40-99 PAGE 2 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 The following are the 1999 fees for sports fields and parks as outlined in Report No. CS-10- 98: PROGRAM/SERVICE 1999 RATE per hour with GST SPORTS FIELDS ADULTS $9.00 NON-RESIDENTS - ADULT $15.00 (ANY FIELD) TOURNAMENTS $9.00 + $60.00/DA Y NON-RESIDENTS $15.00 + $90.00/DAY YOUTH (ANY FIELD) $4.00 TOURNAMENTS $4.00 + $60.00/DA Y SPORTS FIELDS - SERVICES FIELDL~G-ADULTIGAME $18.00 FLAT RATE FIELDL~G-YOUTIDGAME $13.00 FLAT RATE LIGHT FEE - ADULT $15.00 LIGHT FEE - YOUTH $15.00 ORONO PARK PARKING CARS $5.50 FLAT RATE MOTORCYCLES $4.50 FLAT RATE BUSSES $33.00 FLAT RATE 3.1 Following Council's decision to charge $4.00 per hour for youth games, as outlined in Report No. CS-IO-98, further refinement of this approved rate has seen the rate adjusted in increments of as little as ten minutes. The charging for sports fields has reached a point where various users have been charged a variety of rates, proving to 1 ~ ~ I J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J t L. REPORT NO.: WD-40-99 PAGE 3 t ... be quite cumbersome to the Treasury Department for invoicing. For the upcoming season in 2000, the Public Works Department recommends maintaining the rate of $4.00 per hour, as approved by Council, but also recommends limiting the minimum increment to $2.00 per half-hour. 3.2 Field Lining Currently, the Public Works Department provides field lining on sports fields by permanently marking lines. Lining the field on a daily basis is no longer necessary. This permanent lining is done twice a year and there is no charge to the user groups. I J .. L ~ i .. L L 4.0 CONCLUSION , L, 4.1 The 2000 fees for sports fields and parks, as shown on Attachment No.1, remain the same as in 1999 except for the following: · A minimal charge of 1 hour; · minimum additional increments of one half hour; and · the fee for field lining for all user groups be eliminated. L ! t: ... Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, L L L L ~est{~ Director of Public Works ~\ () Ii ~ o r~~ 0..__~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer GA *SA V*ce 12/10/99 l L ~ I .. \ i ... , L 1 1 1 2 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2000 RATES AND FEES SCHEDULE PROGRAM/SERVICE 2000 RATE per hour with GST SPORTS FIELDS ADULTS $9.00 NON-RESIDENTS - ADULT $15.00 (ANY FIELD) TOURNAMENTS $9.00 + $60.00/DA Y NON-RESIDENTS $15.00 + $90.00/DA Y YOUTH (ANY FIELD) $4.00 TOURNAMENTS $4.00 + $60.00/DA Y SPORTS FIELDS - SERVICES LIGHT FEE - ADULT $15.00 LIGHT FEE - YOUTH $15.00 ORONO PARK PARKING CARS $5.50 FLAT RATE MOTORCYCLES $4.50 FLAT RATE BUSSES $33.00 FLAT RATE J J J J J J J J J J j J J J J J J J 1 1 1 3 AITACHMENT NO.: 18 " REPORT NO WD-40-fI -.. ):--.i: gpaaug'! t I ... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT ~ .. Meeti ng: General Purpose and AdminIstration Committee File # ~ r.. Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 Res. # b ... Report #: WD-41-99 FILE #: By-law # ... Subject: MONTHLY REPORT ON BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY FOR SEPTEMBER, 1999 b ! ... t r ll. Recommendations: ! ... It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: I I.. 1. THAT Report WD-41-99 be received for information. \ ... 1. BACKGROUND: ~ ~ 1.1 With respect to the Building Permit Activity for the month of SeptE~mber 1999, Staff wish to highlight the following statistics for the information of Committee and Counci I. t: II. f i .. ... i MTH OF SEPT 1999 I YEAR TO DATE 1999 I YEAR TO DATE 1998 Permits Issued 109 I 681 753 ! VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION Residential $: i $ : 44,665,561 . $ I 46,369,428 7,432,860 i i . , Commercial $ i 647,600 I $ I 1,952,800 i $ : 9,312,876 Industrial : $ I 440,1501$1 1,152,150 i $ I 2,806,000 Others $: 1,378,750 I $ ! 17,473,615! $ i 10,323,476 TOTAL $, 9,899,360 I $ I 65,244,126 I $ i 68,811,780 L l , .. I lI. I I 14 REPORT NO.: WD-41-99 PAGE 2 1.2 With respect to non-residential building permit activities, the details are provided as follows: APPLICANT CONSTR TYPE LOCATION $ VALUE Birchdale Invest Pizza Nova 1420 Highway #2 5,000 Kawartha Pine Ridge Addition 2226 Maple Grove Rd 75,000 W E Roth Constr Pizza Pizza 200 King Street E 25,000 Salvation Army Can Addition 71-75 Liberty St S 360,000 Powerscreen Paint Shop Lake Road ..B7,150 1331902 Ontario Inc Restaurant 70 Port Darlington Rd 50,000 PVNC School Board 8-Rm B Idg 30 Middle Road 526,000 PVNC School Board 6-Pack Unit 610 Longworth Ave 392,000 Kaitlin Group Ltd Bank 2379 Highway #2 290,000 Ganaraska Property Reception 166 King Street E 211,000 Valiant Property Fashion Max 1414 Highway #2 25,000 Kaitlin Group Alter Store 70 Clarington Blvd 38,000 3416674Canadalnc Gym Studio 422 Lake Road 3,000 Verhoog, Jake Pole Barn 4021 Sol i na Road 20,000 Hoogeboom, J Alterations 59 King Street W 3.000 1205386 Ontario Ltd I Alterations 2 Glenabbey Drive 600 I Syvan Developments I Change Use 20 Robert Street Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~V~ Stephen A. Vokes, P.Eng Director of Public Works ,~ ~/c__~~____ 0L~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. SA V*bb October 1 3, 1 999 1 1 1 5 J J J J J J J J J J j J J J J J J J J r r~ r r~ ,- r ,t.: II(!. t: Value ,it Cufl:...ilrllct10n F' r- r~' r--" ed on DetoLt:: r~ r^' r- f>O ~. M, ke r- ;.. r- Jl r f>1on ".. , 19 ng DWI g M DUdl f, y ()wl~lllIlg ( )tl1l'r ( '()fllllll'rCld Industri,ll Instltutlon,]1 Agncultural Covernmen Ilydro I'lumllll1g Renew.d )P, ( Jw Link hV! Slflgle Foundy Serni.()etdch I ngle 1\1 own house S 1 SfD SOD SM() TWH MUl OFD 01 CO"-\ INO INS AGR GOV HYD I'LM REN OEM a a << a a a a a a << << I << a a << a a a a << a << a << a a a << a a << a << << << << << a a a ~ ~'.:1b Y T [I . ~~~ 1,.1' :1, ,1'11 lli ~ I. '.:1U~.UJu l,':!-l.,tllJ\I l~~.()(JlJ _J_ 31,3 46,36~,42a 00 'j. j 1.: d It " t; Lib. li lid fill j.22~.~1':J ,)U 34 j lUI) IJU I ~~~ "\..oJ 1~1 Guu u.J 1l1, llJU 1.J(j 22.442.j~2 16 68.8 80 76 I I I I I 1 I t 1 I t I I I I ! 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I 2 I II I I I I II I [ll 2 I 5 I 15 I I II I I I I a IN'; ,/ 13 I ~ I 1 I II I I I I II A,;R 1 I J 1 I 10 I 2 I II I I I I a cov I 3 I I I II I I I I II ilYO / 1 I 2 I I II I I I I II ~LM ,I 37 I 2 u / I II I I I I I a HEN I I 3 I 1 I I II I I I I I II 1<Hl I 5 I 25 I 22 I I II~ . ----+---+~-----t-------I t-- II SUB TOTAL I 26 I 135 I 132 I 5 I ,,--t---t----+--.~+-- 1- II--,--~-t----~_I-----.--'+ I __I a TOTAL I 109 I 681 / 753 I 50 I II ---.+ -- ----- t t--t 1 II 1 I I I I a "~FEES I 10',503 I ""5.." I /O'"IS I I II I I I I I II .. ....,.. I ' "I . ".' . 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I f I I I I I j I I I I I f I I I f I t I j I f I I I I I I I j I I I f I f I I I I I , V 00 00 Ou 00 00 00 00 ou 00 ou 00 ou 00 VU V ~5 ou ULlU (JUO DuO Ou 000 ~U0 '~G LiuO GUO 000 OUu vuu U(] SOli 500 05 60 00 I utJT B'lDt< 1 I f I ~. 8 J. f I "0.47" 1 I 7. .a 6 b f I I, 28 J 1 I I. j 00 f I bjO I I J , lid f I 3, v95 1 I J. .39 1 I ~4 , 1 3 ~ t I 430 f I 1.521 I -~, I 2J,4H 1 -- I 705 1 I I, 816 I I 1 J b I I ~51 1 I J , 671 j b I 281 I 2JU,{)UO Ou I l~,UOU ~.-.- - -- --- . -. j. - - - . - .- -- --~-~_.- ----~ v0 dU 00 u0 00 0U (;UVl:.:ktJMt::rn uULJ UlJU 88 7 , ~ ':is 6,86 3 8 1 :id~ 4Li::i IS :,~ 08 372 5 4 ] 59 I A<..;f{: I CULTURAL NSTI rUTI QUAL I ----- I .12,000 00 I 87.000 00 j~-,---+------ I 10].00000 I 4.2~].OOO ou f I -------- - 1 00 I 156.000 00 I 246.000 00 I 1 +---- f "d I ]27.000 00 I 1. 506 000 00 I j-t--- -------1 cu I 1]4.000 00 I 2.278.0UO 00 I 1 '--I --------- j uO I ]20.000.00 I 445.000 00 I f -- ----t----- ----- 1 00 I 100,000.00 I 1.719,000 00 I I - ---- +---------- f 00 I ]84.000.00 I 839.000 00 I f ----t----~.-, f uu I 231,000 00 I 2,063,000 00 I I t---------- / 00 I ]60.000.00 I 14.207.000 OU I f. I ------ f OJ I 50.00000 I 8.22..00000 I -- j----t----- I O,J I I 4.H5.000 00 I fu -m_--_-t------- f 00 I .38.000,00 I 551.000 00 I j I f 00 I 4]2,000 00 I 1.389,000.00 I f I j uu I 733.500 00 I 5.]83.000 00 I -I- 1-- j uO I 276.100 00 I 1.2,8.500 00 I f -- ---~--t---n-~- u - I "" I 58.. ;00 00 I 10.469, DUO Ou I f"---~+'~--- j uu I 596.500.00 I 2]1.500 00 I -- t~~-+-~------ ~- I 00 I 698.000 00 I 17.129.700 00 I j ----j----------- t c" I .38.]00 00 I 6,266,5]5 00 I t ------t- _u___ I GU I .93.000 00 I 1.697 .]0 00 I L__ .1. ~ 10 at n 09 --.. -- - 0) HANDOUTS/CIRCULA TIONS GPA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Memorandum Mayor Diane Hamre and Members of Council To: From: David Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning & Development Date: October 18, 1999 Subject: PARKING IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS REPORT PD-117-99 REVISED ATTACHMENT #3 AND #4 A number of the provisions contained within the zoning by-law amendments attached to Staff Report PD-117-00 acknowledged that they would only apply to all lots registered after Januar:y 1, 2000. This "transition period" was an attempt to recognize all draft plans of subdivision that were registered on title or were proceeding to registration this building season. The draft zoning by-law amendments identified as Attachment Nos. 3 and 4 to Staff Report PD-ll 7-99 included a provision regulating the maximum distance that a garage or carport could extend beyond the front of any single family, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling unit. Following the preparation of Report PD-117-99, staff was approached by the building industry with a request that the same "transition period" be applied to this provision. Staff would have no objections to this request and have revised Attachment Nos. 3 and 4 to reflect their request. The revised schedules are attached for Committee's consideration. ~/d David *jip Attach. cc: Patti Barrie, Clerk cc: Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT #3 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LA W NUMBER 99- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle in light of the recommendations contained within Staff Report PD-36-99 dealing with parking in residential areas in the Municipality. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Mumcipality ofClarington enacts as follows: I. Section 12.2(d)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "6.0 metres" and replacing it with: "6.0 metres to private garage or carport and 4.5 metre to dwelling". , Section 12.2 (f)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "40 percent" and replacing it with "45 percent" 3. Section 12.2(i) is amended by adding a new subsection (ii) as follows: "ii) Private garages or carports may extend a maximum of 3.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit. This provision shall apply to all lots registered after January I, 2000." 4. Section 13.2 (c)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "6.0 metres" and replacing it with "6.0 metres to private garage or carport and 4.5 metre to dwelling.'. 5. Section 13.2 (e) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "40 percent" and replacing it with "45 percent" 6. Section 13.2 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 13.2 (h) as follows: "h. Special Yard Regulations Private garages or carports may extend a maximum of 3.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit. This provision shall apply to all lots registered after January 1, 2000." ") This By-law shall come into efIect on the date of the passmg hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LA W read a first time this day of day of 1999. 1999. BY-LA W read a second time this BY -LA W read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999. MA YOR CLERK ATTACHMENT 1#4 THE CORPORATION OF THE ~fl:NICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LA W NUMBER 99- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63. the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advl.sable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle in light of the recommendations contained within Staff Report PD-36-99 dealing with parking in residential areas in the Municipality. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: I. Section 14.3 (c)(i) is hereby amended by deleting the reference to "6.0 metres" and replacing it with "6.0 metres to private garage or carport and 3.0 metre to dwelling". ') Section 14.3 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 14.3 (h) as follows: "h. Special Yard Regulations Private garages or carports may extend a maximum of 2.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit. This provision shall apply to all lots registered after JarlUary I, 2000." 3. Section 14.4 (c)(i) is hereby anlended by deleting the reference to "6.0 metres" and replacing it with "6.0 metres to private garage or carport and 3.0 metre to dwelling". 4. Section 14.4 is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 14.4 (h) as follows: "h. Special Yard Regulations Private garages or carports may extend a maximum of 2.0 metres in front of the dwelling unit. This provision shall apply to all lots registered after January 1,2000." 5. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LA W read a first time this day of BY -LA W read a second time this day of BY -LA W read a third time and finally passed this 1999 1999 day of 1999 MAYOR CLERK -'-iE = = R Fr::= ~ -""J ~l ~ ;=-.... ;::~U NIC;? 'L. -:-.. . ,: ~,~ Fm~ G~:-:: 'j lefT c, r ~~lr~~: _' ) ~'-- \1ayor [). Hamre and \lembers of Council Patti L. Barrie. Municipal Clerk October 15. 1999 ~jC'iect REPORT PD-115-99 - GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 1999 Please tind enclosed a revised page 6 of Report PD-115-99 from the Planning and Dewlopment Department. This report will be on the General Purpose and Administration Committee of October 18. 1999. for Council's consideration. 16lf~~~;ie.;A~~c.2 Municipal Cle~k cc: F. Wu. Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads REVISED REPORT PD-ll 5-99 PAGE 6 vicinity of the Courtice Community Complex, on lands currently owned by the Y1unicipality of Clarington. The project will also provide for pedestrian linkages, from neighbourhoods south of Highway 2 to the Courtice Community Complex and Courtice High School. Friends of Second Marsh will consult with Director of Community Services regarding the walkway linking the Community Complex to the neighbourhoods north and west of Nash Road. The sum of $10,000.00 has been set aside by the Community Services Department to do the works in conjunction with the ecological trail. The Environmental Studies class of Courtice High School also use this area as a venue to learn about the local natural environment. The proposal will be supported by many partners including, Friends of Second Marsh, Nantucket Residents Association, Courtice High School and Boy Scouts of Canada. The Municipality of Clarington is requested to assist with construction of trails, installation of bridges and signs, a value of $7,000.00. In order to achieve this proposal, Friends must secure funds from a local service group, the Canada Trust's Friends of the Environment, support from volunteers. Friends of the Second Marsh will be required to provide a status of funds and donation collected or committed prior to the Municipality advancing funds. The proposed budget is as follows: Municipality of Clarington Friends of the Environment & Local Service Clubs Donations of Labour & Materials (including Municipality's contribution) Other Provincial Funding Millennium Funding TOTAL $ 6,500.00 $ 6,000.00 $13,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 6,500.00 $35,000.00 3.6 VALLEYS 2000 The Valleys 2000 initiative is aimed at enhancing the environment and developing trails within the Bowmanville and Soper Creek valleys. Council endorsed the Valleys 2000 initiative in December 1998. A consultant has been retained to design a plan to restore