HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1999 - - - - - _CJJari~(/i;;n JNTARIO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: NOVEMBER 15, 1999 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. ROLL CALL - 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - 3. MINUTES - 4. - - - (a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of November 1, 1999 DELEGATIONS (a) Craig Brown, Chair, Clarington Public Library Board, 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A8 - re: Report ADMIN-33-99 (b) Glenn Genge, D.G. Biddle and Associates Ltd., 96 King Street East, Oshawa, L1H IB6 - re: Clamew Developments - PD-129-99 (c) James Bailey, 61 Elm Grove Avenue, Toronto, M6K 212 -re: Wellington Street - 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS - - - (a) Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications Part Lot 10, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville REPORT PD-124-99 - Neale McLean (b) Rezoning Application Part Lot 3, Concession 4, Former Township of Darlington 3033 Regional Road 4 REPORT PD-125-99 - Crooked Creek Golf Course Ltd. - 6. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - (a) PD-124-99 Rezoning and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications Applicant: Neale McLean Part Lot 10, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville, Tilley Road Extension - CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ; uTE ~,1 PER A N C FeE T . B 0 '/I MAN \ ILL E . 0 N TAR I 0 . Lie 3 A 6 . I ,; 0 5 I ,,2 3 ,j 7 9 . "A X ,,2 3 _" 1 6 9 WEBSiTE www muniCipality clarlngton on ca 300 501 503 601 @ "lCYClED 'A'I" l1li G,P.& A, Agenda November 15, 1999 ... - 2 - ... (b) PD-125-99 Clarington Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Applicant: Tunney Planning on behalf of Crooked Creek Golf Course Ltd. l1li Part Lot 3, Concession 4. Former Township of Darlington, 3033 Regional Road 4 610 ... (c) PD-126-99 Rezoning Application Applicant: 904222 Ontario Inc. Part Lot 31, Concession 3, Former Township of ... Darlington. Daiseyfield A venue, Courtice 620 (d) PD-127-99 Rezoning Application IIIlii Applicant: Daiseyfield Developments Part Lot 3 L Concession 3, Former Township of Darlington, Daiseyfield A venue, Courtice 629 ... (e) PD-128-99 Municipal Roster of Consultants for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Studies 639 ... (t) PD-129-99 Proposed Amendment to Draft Plan Approval III Applicant: Clarnew Developments Inc. Part Lot 26 and 27, Concession 1, Former Village of Newcastle 642 ... (g) PD-130-99 Removal of Holding "H" Symbol Applicant: Taunton Terrace Limited ... Part Lot 35, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington 654 ... (h) PD-131-99 Rezoning Application Applicant: Clarington Place Limited Part Lot 16, Concession 1, Former Township of ... Darlington, Clarington Boulevard 660 (i) PD-132-99 Removal of Part Lot Control Application ... Applicant: St. Stephen's Estates Incorporated Part Lot 8, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville 666 ... 7. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT No Reports ... ... ... - G,P,& A, Agenda - 3 - November 15. 1999 - - 8. TREASURY DEPARTMENT ( a) TR-67-99 Transfer of Dental Coverage 801 - (b) TR -68-99 Quotation: Q99-10 Supply, Delivery & Installation of Various Trees 809 - 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT - FD-22-99 901 (a) Emergency Shelters (b) FD-23-99 Green Flashing Lights for Part-time Firetighters 905 (c) FD-24-99 Monthly Fire Report - October. 1999 908 - 10. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - No Reports 11. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - No Reports - 12. ADMINISTRA TION (a) ADMIN-33-99- Bowmanville Main Branch Library 1201 - (b) ADMIN-36-99- Marketing, Tourism & Communications _ Project Updates 1216 - 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Addendum (a) ADMIN-31-99 Surplus Property - Westlake Subdivision 1301 - 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. ADJOURNMENT - - - - - - THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON General Purpose and Administration Committee November l. 1999 - Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, November I. 1999 at 9:30 a.m.. in the Council Chambers. - ROLL CALL - Present Were: Mayor D. Hamre Councillor J. Mutton Councillor M. Novak Councillor 1. Rowe Councillor J. Schell Councillor C. Trim Councillor T. Young - - A Iso Present: Chief Administrative Officer. F. Wu Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Fire Chief. M. Creighton Director of Planning and Development. D. Crome Treasurer, M. Marano Director of Public Works, S. Vokes Deputy Clerk. M. Knight Stanley - - Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. - DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST - Councillor Young indicated that he would be stating a Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest with respect to Report ADMIN-32-99. - Councillor Novak indicated that she would be stating a Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest with respect to the Presentation of Dale Leadbeater. Gartner Lee Limited, Delegations (a) to (f) inclusive and Report Addendum No.2 to PD-70-99. MINUTES - Resolution #GPA-492-99 Moved by Councillor Trim. seconded by Councillor Schell - THA T the minutes of a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on October 18, 1999, be approved. - "CARRIED" - - - - 30U G.P. & A. Minutes PRESENTATION DELEGA nONS - 2 - .. November I. 1999 Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the presentation of Dale Leadbeater: vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Novak's relatives reside in the vicinity of the subject site. ... ... (a) Dale Leadbeater. Gartner Lee Limited. 140 Renfrew Drive. Suite 102. Markham, L3R 6B3 - Update on Environmental Impact Study - Blackcreek Developments re: Addendum 2 to Report PD-70-99 displayed a map of the topography of the site and elaborated on the background of the work which has been undertaken by Gartner Lee Limited pertaining to this application. She stated that evaluation of the wetlands was very difficult based on the definition of "wetland." She further noted that this site has very little contribution to the Blackcreek. The location of the proposed road alignment which falls in the area of the most significant wetland was problematic. In her estimation. the results of the E.I.S. still stand. - ... - (b) J jm Mason, Chair, and John Wiersma, President and CEO. 1362708 Ontario Inc., 1920 Bayly Street, Pickering, L I W 3R6. Members of the General Purpose and Administration Committee proceeded to the Municipal Town Square where John Wiersma. President and CEO and Jim Mason, Chair, Veridian and its employees make the presentation to Mayor Hamre and Members of Council. John Wiersma advised that 112 Veridian employees rose to the challenge of an extremely tight deadline and in four months, the three former utilities of Ajax. Clarington and Pickering Hydro have been transformed into a new company ready to do business. Work place safety will be number one, employees will be treated with respect and the expectations of customers will be exceeded. Mayor Hamre was presented with the new Veridian flag to mark "Veridian Week" in Clarington. Jim Mason and George Van Dyk presented a cheque in the amount of $948,000.00 to the Municipality which is the initial dividend cheque. ... - .. ... (a) Bev Jeeves, 16 Resnick Drive, Newcastle. LIB IK5 - re: Children's New Year's Eve Party referred to her correspondence dated October 27, 1999 addressed to Mayor Hamre and Members of Council wherein she requested that her small neighbourhood bordered by Arthur Street on the West, Andrew Street on the North and East and Challenger Court on the South be allowed to hold "Children's New Year's Eves Celebration" between the hours of7:00 and 8:30 p.m. on December 3 1. 1999. ... .. Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Items (b), (c). (d). (e) and (t); vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Novak's relatives reside in the vicinity of the subject site. IIIlii (b) Chris Conti and L. Racansky, 3200 Hancock Road, Courtice, LI E 2M I _ re: Blackcreek Developments - Addendum No.2 to Report PD-70-99 circulated a document dated October 31. 1999 wherein it is noted that the Black and Farewell Watershed should be properly investigated because of its high sensitivity. In view of the fact that most of the Hancock neighbourhood was identified as a Provincially significant wetland, subdivisions have received approval in spite of this new information. He asked Members of Council to not rescind their last resolution and stand firm on the previous wise decision. .. .. ... ... .. 301 .. - G.P. & A. Minutes - 3 - November I. 1999 - DELEGA nONS CONT'D. - - - - - - ..... - - PUBLIC MEETINGS - - - - - - - - (c) Norm Monaghan, 15 Westmore Street, Courtice, LIE 2H8 - re: Blackcreek Developments - Addendum No.2 to Report PD-70-99 circulated two letters dated September II, 1999 and October 3 I, 1999 from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters stating that the "Provincially Significant Wetlands" have not been fully explored by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources or by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. He questioned why the land in question has not been included in the area which has been designated as having Provincial significance. He suggested that all development on these lands be put on hold until the lands have been investigated. (d) Glenn Genge, D. G. Biddle and Associates Ltd., 96 King Street East, Oshawa, L I H I B6 advised that this area has been the subject of several environmental studies in the past five years and expressed support for the recommendations contained in Report Addendum No.2 to Report PD-70-99. (e) J. A. Hayman. 22 Jane A venue. Courtice. LIE 2H9 - re: Blackcreek Developments - Addendum No.2 to Report PD-70-99 expressed two concerns: 1. traffic problems have not been adequately addressed: and the environmentally protected portions of this site are also Provincially significant wetlands. .., She requested that Members of the Committee reject this application. (t) Susan Marsh. 51 Westmore Street, Courtice, LIE 2H7 - re: Blackcreek Developments - Addendum No.2 to Report PD-70-99 advised that item No. 26 of the Conditions of Approval needs clarification. Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. Pursuant to the Planning Act. the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. through its General Purpose and Administration Comminee, is holding Public Meetings for the following applications: (a) Official Plan Amendment. Rezoning and Site Plan Applications - Part Lots 26 and 27, Concession I, Former Village of Newcastle - 1319164 Ontario Inc. (b) Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning Applications - Part Lot 9. Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville - Lizjan Developments Inc. (c) Rezoning and Site Plan Applications - Part Lot 31, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington - Derek Baird Holdings Inc. The Clerk's Department sent public notice for rezoning applications by first class mail on or before October 13, 1999 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted on the sites prior to October 13, 1999. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. 301 G.P. & A. Minutes - 4 - - November l. 1999 ... Public notice for the official plan amendment application was sent by first class mail on or before October 13. 1999 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted on the site prior to October 13. 1999. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. .. The Clerk's Department sent public notice for the proposed plan of subdivision application by tirst class mail on or before October 13. 1999 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance with the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted on the site prior to October 13. 1999. This notice procedure is in compliance with the Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. ... .. (a) Report PD-118-99 - 1319164 Ontario Inc. - the purpose and effect of the applications is to re-designate and rezone the subject lands to permit the development of a two storey retail commercial plaza containing 2,112 me (22,733 sq. ft.) oftloor space and a two storey nursing/retirement home with 88 rooms and 175 beds, gas bar and retail plaza. .. ... Gerry Ver Beek appeared on behalf of his son Ron Ver Beek, 327 King Street East, Newcastle, LIB IH4 and circulated a document wherein he expressed concerns pertaining to: ... . traffic . noise . garbage . lights . property . safety . two gas bars ,.;) .. ... He advised that the zoning is currently urban residential as shown in the Clarington Official Plan and requested that it remain as is. Ron Hope, Chair, Newcastle BIA forwarded a letter to be read on the record stating that the Newcastle BIA has serious concerns about the proposed commercial development. He noted that if the development does get future approval. the BIA requests that it be phased in according to population growth. .. .. No one spoke in support of this application. John Shuki Lau. John Shuki Lau Architect Inc., 350 Highway No.7 East. Richmond Hill, L4B 3N2 advised that this development will not only service the residents of Newcastle Village but create employment for its residents. He noted that this commercial plaza will have access onto King Street, parking will be visible from the road and the development will be compatible with the adjacent residential development. The applicant is willing to undertake retail market studies and. if necessary, will phase in development according to population growth. The development will not negatively impact downtown businesses. He confirmed that there will be a re-alignment of Arthur Street. .. ... - ... III 302 - - G.P. & A. Minutes - 5 - November l. 1999 ... PUBLIC MEETING CONT'D. - (b) Report PD-119-99 - Lizjan Developments Inc. - the purpose and effect of the applications is to permit the development of a plan of subdivision containing -+4 - 9 metre link lots, 51 - 10.5 metre single detached lots, 41 - 122.2 metre single detached lots. a Neighbourhood park block and a Public Elementary School site. - Rob Brough, 3 Hooper Square, Bowmanville, LlC 4X7 advised that he purchased his home five years ago and that the wooded lot helps water run off. creates a sound barner from the trains and serve as a habitat for birds and wildlife. He does not want the trees cut down. - - John Raxtraw,7 Hooper Square, Bowmanville, LIC 4X7 requested that the trees remain and advised that the adjacent neighbours do not want the trees cut down. - John Balenko, 5 Hooper Square, Bowmanville, LIC 4X7 requested that the wooded area be preserved and reiterated the concerns expressed by Mr. Rob Brough. - Darren Yake, 23 Hooper Square, BowmanvilIe, LlC 4X7 reiterated the concerns expressed by the previous speakers. No one spoke in support of this application. - Julius DeRuyter, PMG Planning Consultants, 227 Bridgeland Avenue, Toronto, M6A I Y7 displayed an artist's rendering of the 26 acre site and noted that three wooded lots will be preserved. The wooded area to be used for a school yard along the northern boundary will also be preserved. - (c) Report PD-120-99 - Derek Baird Holdings Inc. - the purpose and effect of the application is to permit the development of a professional office. - No one spoke in opposition to or in support of this application. - Derek Baird, Derek Baird Holdings, 6 Barrington Place, Courtice, LI E t B6 was present to answer questions from Members of the Committee. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Official Plan Amendment Rezoning and Site Plan 1319164 Ontario Ltd. Resolution #GPA-493-99 ... Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Schell THAT Report PD-118-99 be received; - THA T the official plan amendment and rezoning applications submitted by John Shuki Lau Architect Inc. on behalf of 1319164 Ontario Limited be referred back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comment; and - THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-118-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" - - 302 G.P. & A. Minutes - 6 - ... November l. 1999 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONT'D. Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning Appl. ZBA 99-029 Rezoning and Site Plan Appl. Derek Baird Holdings Inc. ZBA 99-032 Greater Toronto Facilitating Dispute Resolution ... Resolution ItGPA-494-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim .... THAT Report PD-119-99 be received; THA T the rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications submitted by PMG Planning Consultants on behalf of Lizjan Developments Inc. be referred back to Staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; ... ... THA T within 15 days of the Public Meeting, the Commissioner of Planning for the Region of Durham be advised and provided. by sworn declaration from the Clerk, with the following: ... · that the Municipality held a Public Meeting in accordance with Section 51 (21.1) of the Planning Act for the subject subdivision application; ... · a copy of the minutes of the said meeting; · a copy of all written submissions received by the Municipality; ... · a list of all persons and public bodies, including their mailing addresses, that made oral submissions at the Public Meeting or written submissions: and - · a copy of the report and the Council resolution. THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-119-99 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" ... Resolution #GPA-495-99 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Mutton ... THA T Report PD-120-99 be received; ... THA T the rezoning application submitted by Derek Baird Holdings Inc. be referred back to Staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and ... THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-120-99 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. - "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-496-99 IIIlii Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT Report PD-121-99 be received; and ... THA T a copy of Report PD-121-99 be forwarded to the Strategic Planning and Review Committee of the Board of the GTSB for their consideration. .. "CARRIFD" 303 - - G.P. & A. Minutes - 7 - November I, 1999 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONT'D. - Monitoring of The Decisions Of the Committee Of Adjustment - - - - Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Appl. - - - - - - - - Rezoning and Plan Of Subdivision Application Blackcreek Dev. - - - - Resolution #GP A-497-99 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Young THA T Report PD-122-99 be received: THA T Council concur with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on October 2 I, 1999 for Applications A99/054 and A99/059; and THA T Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for Applications A99/054 and A 99/059. in the event of an appeal. "CARRIED" Resolution #GP A-498-99 Moved by Mayor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T Report PD-123-99 be received; THA T the Region of Durham Planning Department and the City of Oshawa be advised that the Municipality of Clarington objects to the proposed retail commercial development proposal as submitted by First Professional Management Inc.; THA T the Region of Durham be requested to review this application as a matter of regional significance and to require an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan prior to consideration of any amendment to the Oshawa Official Plan; THA T the City of Oshawa be requested to enter into a discussion to amend the Boundary Road Agreement to reflect the requirements for growth in north-east Oshawa: and THA T a copy of Report PD-123-99 and Council's decision be forwarded to the City of Oshawa Planning Department and the Region of Durham Planning Department. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the Addendum No.2 to Report PD- 70-99; vacated her chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Novak's relatives reside in the vicinity of the subject site. Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-499-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe Resolution A THA T Resolution #GPA-359-99 as amended by Resolution #GPA-360-99 be rescinded. Resolution B. THA T Report PD-70-99 and Addendum No. I and Addendum No.2 to Report PD- 70-99 be received; 303 G.P. & A. Minutes - 8 - November I. 1999 .. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONT'D. - THA T the draft plan of subdivision application 18T -95029 filed by D. G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Blackcreek Developments be recommended for approval to Durham Region Planning Department subject to the conditions contained in Attachment NO.4 to Report Addendum to Report PD-70-99 and the red-line revised draft plan of subdivision contained in Attachment No.6 to Report PD-70-99: .... - THAT the rezoning application DEV 95-020 submitted by D. G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be approved and that the amending by-law contained in Attachment No.5 to Report PD-70-99 be forwarded to Council for adoption: - THA T a by-law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council at such time as the conditions of draft approval have been satisfied: and - THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-70-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. ... "SEE FOLLOWING MOTIONS" ... Resolution #GP A-500-99 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Rowe ... THA T Resolution #GPA-499-99 be divided to allow for consideration of Resolutions A and B separately. ... "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-501-99 - Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T the following Resolution #GPA-359-99 as amended by Resolution GPA #360-99 be rescinded: ... "THA T Addendum Report to PD- 70-99 be received: ... THA T Report PD-70-99 be received: THA T the following recommendations contained in Report PD- 70-99 be approved once the Ministry of Natural Resources has established the wetland boundaries and determined that they will not be negatively impacted by the development: ... THA T the draft plan of subdivision application I 8T-95029 filed by D. G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be recommended for approval to Durham Region Planning Department subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No.3 of Report PD- 70-99: ... .. THA T the rezoning application DEV 95-020 submitted by D. G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be approved and that the amending by-law attached to Report PD-70-99 be forwarded to Council for adoption: IIIlii ... 304 ... - G.P. & A. Minutes - 9 - November I. 1999 - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONT'D. - THA T a by-law to remove the (H) Holding Symbol be forwarded to Council at such time s the conditions of draft approval have been satisfied; and - THA T all interested parties listed in Report PD-70-99 and any delegation be forwarded a copy of Report PD-70-99 and be advised of Council's decision." "MOTION LOST' Resolution #GPA-502-99 - Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Rowe - THAT Resolution #GPA-50 1-99 be reconsidered at this time. "'CARRIED" - Resolution #GPA-503-99 - Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THAT Resolution #GPA-359-99 as amended by Resolution #GPA-360-99 be rescinded. - "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-504-99 - Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell - THA T Report PD- 70-99 and Addendum No. I and Addendum No 2 to Report PD- 70-99 be received; - THA T the draft plan of subdivision application 18T-95029 filed by D. G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be recommended for denial to Durham Region Planning Department; - THA T the rezoning application DEV 95-020 submitted by D. G. Biddle and Associates on behalf of Black Creek Developments be denied; and - THA T all interested parties listed in Report Addendum No 2 to PD-70-99 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" - Resolution #GPA-505-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe, seconded by Councillor Young - THA T the Committee recess for lunch until 1:45 p.m. - "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at I :45 p.m. - - 304 G.P. & A. Minutes - 10- November I. 1999 - ... Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT .. Parking Enforcement Month of September 1999 Resolution #GP A-506-99 Moved by Councillor Rowe. seconded by Councillor Novak .., THA T Report CD-43-99 be received for information; and THA T a copy of Report CD-43-99 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. ... "CARRIED" .. Parking Revenues Resolution #GPA-507-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Schell .. THA T Report CD-44-99 be received for information; and THA T a copy of Report CD-44-99 be forwarded to the Bowmanville BIA. .., "CARRIED" TREASURY DEPARTMENT .., Councillor Mutton chaired this portion of the meeting. ... 1999 Capital Resolution #GPA-508-99 Budget Expenditure Re-allocation Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Trim ... THA T Report TR-63-99 be received; THA T the surplus budget funds of approximately $11.000 from the 1999 Capital Budget Account Number 7606-3-505 for the Arena and Account Number 7606-8-505 for the Multi-Purpose room at the Gamet B. Rickard Recreation Complex be re-allocated for the purchase of office furniture and equipment for the Assistant Director of Community Services FORTHWITH; and ... ... THAT the overall 1999 capital expenditures in the Gamet B. Rickard Recreation Complex for the arena and the Multi-Purpose room are not to exceed the 1999 Capital Budget, FORTHWITH. .. "CARRIED" ... Tender CL99-17 Dale Park Subdivision Resolution ItGPA-509-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Schell .. THA T Report TR-64-99 be received; THA T Bennett Paving & Materials Ltd., Oshawa, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of$78.869.27 (including G.S.T.) being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms. conditions and specifications of Tender CL99-17. be awarded the contract for Dale Park Subdivision - Completion of Outstanding Works. as required by the Department of Public Works; ... .. 305 .. - G.P. & A. Minutes - 11 - November l. 1999 - rREASURY DEPARTMENT CONT'D. - - - - CL99-10 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Parking Lot Cobbledick Road - - - - - Confidential Report - Personnel ~atter - - ... FIRE DEPARTMENT Y2K Update - - - - - THA T the total funds required in the amount of $8 I .999.27 ($78.869.27 tender + $3.130.00 engineering and inspection) be drawn from Account #2015-00016-0000 which is a Deposits Held account for Reward Building Plan 40M-1798 and ~OM-1799: and THA T the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement be approved, FORTHWITH "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-5! 0-99 Moved by Councillor Trim. seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Report TR-6S-99 be received: THAT B.N. Fenton Construction. Courtice. Ontario with a total price 01'$38.959.77 being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms. conditions and specifications of Tender CL99-1 O. be awarded the contract for Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Parking Lot. as required by the Department of Public Works: and THAT funds in the amount of $40.000.00 be drawn from the approved 1999 Public Works Capital Budget Account #7205-99005-026\; and THA T the additional funds in the amount of $4.959.77 ($38.959.77 tender + $6.000 Engineering less $40.000.00. 1999 Capital Budget) be drawn from the Contingency Account #7007-00000-0298. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-SII-99 ~oved by Councillor Novak. seconded by Councillor Schell THA T the recommendations contained in Confidential Report TR-66-99 be approved. "CARRIED" Councillor Schell chaired this portion of the meeting. Resolution #GPA-512-99 Moved by Councillor Novak. seconded by Councillor Rowe THAT report FD-19-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" 305 G.P. & A. Minutes - 12 - November l. 1999 .. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONT'D. ... Emergency Preparedness Resolution IfGP A-513-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Novak ... THA T Report FD-20-99 be received for information: and THA T a By-law to provide for a prompt and co-ordinated response to an emergency (Attachment # I to Report FD-20-99) be adopted by Council and the CAO and Treasurer be empowered to spend the approprIate funds in the event of an emergency. .. .. "CARRIED" Councillor Rowe chaired this portion of the meeting. .. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Ontario Summer Games 2000 Progress Report .. Resolution #GPA-514-99 Moved by Councillor Schell. seconded by Councillor Novak ... THA T Report CS-18-99 be received for information. "CARRIED" .. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT No Reports ... Mayor Hamre chaired this portion of the meeting. Councillor Young stated a pecuniary interest: vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on the subject matter. Councillor Young indicated that members of his family will be constructing the Victorian Bandstand. .. ... ADMINISTRA TION Victorian Bandstand Project Resolution #GPA-515-99 ... Moved by Councillor Trim. seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Report ADMIN-32-99 be received: .. THA T Council approve the use of the Clarke Library grounds for the construction of a V ictorian Bandstand in the Year 2000 and that staff assist the C larington Concert Band: and .. THA T a copy of Report ADMIN-32-99. be forwarded to the Clarke Library Board. Orono Business Association and the Clarington Concert Band. IlIIIIII "CARRIED" ... .. 306 .. - G.P. & A. Minutes - 13 - 010vember I. [999 - \DMINISTRA nON CONT'D. Surplus Property - - - Resolution ItGPA-516-99 Moved by Councillor Novak. seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T Report ADMIN-31-99 be tabled to the next General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting scheduled for November 15. 1999 for further information. UNFINISHED BUSINESS "CARRIED" - Presentation by Veridian - - - Children's New Year's Eve Party - ... OTHER BUSINESS - - Lighting in Parkettes and Walkways - - - - - - Resolution #GPA-517-99 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Rowe THA T the presentation of Jim Mason and John Wiersma. Veridian. along with a cheque in the amount of $948.000.00 be received and acknowledged with appreciation and that congratulations and best wishes be sent to the new Corporation. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-518-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton, seconded by Councillor Young THA T the request of Bev Jeeves to hold a Children's New Year's Eve Party be referred to stafffor Report, FORTHWITH "CARRIED" Councillor Rowe advised that the Municipality of Clarington has received an award for conservation from the Friends of the Second Marsh. Resolution #GP A-519-99 Moved by Councillor Mutton. seconded by Councillor Trim THA T the Public Works Department investigate the feasibility of installing lighting in parkettes and walkways through parkettes where the parkette does not have a sports field on a case by case basis; THA T the Public Works Department investigate implementing year round maintenance of walkways that have a pedestrian flow that are currently unmaintained in winter months; and THA T an estimate be provided of the cost impact so Council can determine the appropriate priority for this item to be included in the budget and report back. "CARRIED" 306 G.P. & A. Minutes ADJOURNMENT - 14- Resolution #GPA-520-99 Moved by Councillor Young, seconded by Councillor Schell THA T the meeting adjourn at 2:05 p.m. "CARRIED" November l. 1999 ... ... ... ... ... MAYOR .... ... 307 DEPUTY CLERK .... .... .... ... .... ... ... .... .... l1li IlIll IIlIiI - REPORT: PD-124-99 Neale McLean .)~: CENCe-PN CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - '-JOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING - DATE: TIME: PLACE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1999 9:30 A.M. Council Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario - - TAKE NOTICE that the CounCil of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarlngton will hold a public 'T1eetlng to conSider a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1990. as amended. and a Proposed plan oj subdivIsion under Section 51 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. - -:-he Proposed zOning by-law amendment. as submitted by Neale McLean, would change the zone category on a 1.34 hectare parcel of land located on Part Lot 10, Concession 2. In the former Town of Bowmanville (as shown on reverse), from "Urban ReSidential Type One (Rl) Zone" and "Agncultural AI Zone" to an appropriate zone to permit the development oj a draft plan oj SUbdiVIsion containing 16 Single detached dwelling units and a park block. - The Proposed plan of subdivision, as submitted by Neale McLean, IS located on a 1.34 hectare parcel oj land on Part Lot 10, ConcessIon 2, in the former Town of Bowmanvllle (as shown on reverse), and would permit the development of a draft plan of subdivision containing 16 Single detached dwelling Units and a parle block. - - ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either In suPPOrt of or In OPPOSition to the proposal. In that Staff can not confirm the precise time at which the Public Meeting POrtion of the agenda will be heard, it is noted for your information that the start time listed below reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences. - IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a deciSion of Clarlngton CounCil in respect of the proposed Zoning by-law does not make oral submissions at a public meetlOg or malce written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed ZOning By-law IS adopced, the Ontano Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. - IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of the RegIon of Durham as the approval authonty, In respect of the proposed plan of subdiviSion, does not make oral submissions at the public meeting, or make Written submIssions to the RegIon of Durham before the proposed plan of subdIVISion IS approved or refused, the Ontano MunIcIpal Board may dismiSS the appeal. - - If YOU Wish to be notIfied of the decision of the Region of Durham 10 respect of this proposed plan of subdiVISion, you must make a written request to the Region of Durham, PlannlOg Department, 1615 Dundas Street East, 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building. P.O. Box 623, Whitby, Ontario, L 1 N 6A3. - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the Proposal is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the months of July and August) at the Planning Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvllle, Ontario or by calling Richard Holy at (905) 623-3379. - UNIClPALlTY OF CLARINGTON - 1999 - MuniCipality of Clarlngton 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE. Ontario L 1C 3A6 PLANNING FILE: DEV 92-048 18T-92022 (Revised) D14.DEV. 92-048 D12.18T-92022 CLERK'S FILE: - - 501 ... 1 i;:; / L.-j I \\. ~ J,~. (~ .~~~ \"-:1 ~ .\-- ""-............. ~I- . , . '" . .. z ", _ jO J.",. I "1- i I !: ~~ 2s ! - ~ ~I ... Nt s. I: I" II N.dt .!~,;,;v ~!I 'i .: il I ~:: ... =S~ ~ I I ~ I; i i II -'- ~:!! .. '" I i," !: I .: 'I Ii &. ~ i d. , I~ ""I; ... I F1- I .; !' "JI.11 I II 11"li1i ~ I !. ! ~I; !: I' jlli j! kii~ i · '.!! I ~'i I; i Il'.f.1 i Ii II!f -:,' I I ~ ! !:: ... "'- ... ... I !!) ... ~\ - . -..:.- "- "- ... ... ... ... .... - ... ~l~ h- I - \, \ .. ...... UIIU .c.ua." L l1li ~ - 502 .. - REPORT: PD-125-99 Crooked Creek Golf Course Limited I)RPORAIlON OF TIfE \IL'\:IClPALl1Y OF CL\RINGTON - '\1)T!CE OF PI;BLIC \IEETING - i.\K.E ;-;OTICE that the CouncIl of the CorooralIon Ilf the Muntcmailtv Of Clanngton wlII hold a puolIc ---:eelIng 10 conSlaer J orooosea Otficlal Plan .-\menamenr unaer SeclIon 1- ot [he Planning Act. 1990. as "menaed ana a proposed Zoning Bv-Iaw ,-\menamenr unaer SectIon ~.. ot The Plannmg .-\el. 1990. as Jmenaed. - DATE: TIME: PLACE: MONDA Y. :'I'OVEMBER 15. 1999 9:30 A.M. Council Chambers. Municipal Administrative Centre., -lO Temperance St.. Bowmanville., Ontario - me proposed OffiCIal Plan Amendment (COPA 9S-001) submitted by Crooked Creek Golf Club Ltd.. wouid pemm the establIshment of a golf course on a 41.96 ha parcel of land deSIgnated Green Space and EnVIronmental ProtectIon located In Pan Lot 3. ConcessIon 4. fonner Township otDarlIngton (as shown on I he reverse l. - me oropo~ecj /"lnIng Bv-!aw .\mendmO=Il1 I DE\! ';4-UO II would change [he LOne category trom \>!nCullUral (A) and EnVIronmental Protecllon (EP) to penn It the proposed use. - me lands In quesnon are also subJect to a Regional OffiCIal Plan Amendment OPA 95-006. - \NY PERSON mav :mend the public mCCllng and/or make WYlnen or verbal representalIon enher m suppon ,)[ Ilr In oPPOSition [0 the proposal. Please note that the lIme lIsted below retleclS the tIme at whIch the I;eneral Purpose and AdmInlstranve Commmee Meeting commences, not necessanly when thIS Item Will be consIdered. - IF YOU WIsh to make a wnnen submISSion In respect of the OffiCIal Plan Amendment or Zonmg By-law \mendment ApplIcalIon. It should be made to Mr. DaVId Crome. M.C.I.P.. R.P.P.. DIrector of Planmng and Development at the Mumclpal Address gIVen below. - IF YOU WIsh to be nOllfied of the adopl1on of the Proposed OffiCIal Plan Amendment or Zonmg By-law Amendment you must maJce a WYltten request to the Clerk's Oepanment of the Munlclpahty of CIanng1On, ..0 Temperance Street. BowmanVllle, Ont. LIC 3A6. - IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that tiles an appeal of a deCISIOn of Clanngton Council In respect of the ProPOsed offiCIal plan amendment or proposed zonmg by-law amendment does not make oral submISSIons at a pubhc meeting or make WYlnen submISSIOns to the MuniCIpality of Clanngton betore the proposed i)fficlal Plan Amendment or lonIng Bv-Iaw Amendment IS adopted. the Ontano MuniCipal Board may '11sm1SS all or pan ot the appeal. - mE PROPOSED <)fliclal Plan Amendment text and background malenals relanng [0 the proposal are Jvallable tor Inspecnon between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. lor the months of July and ,.\ugust) at the PlannIng and Development Oepamnenl. MuniCIpal Admlnlstrallve Centre. ..0 Temperance Street. Bowmanv1!le. Ontano or by calling Heather Brooks at 623-3379. - DATED AT THE MUNlCIAPUTY OFCL ON - taber ! 999 ~\ ~ - . unlclpallty ofClanngton ..0 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE.Ontano LlC 3A6 - PLANNING FILE: COP A 98-00 I DEV 94-061 OPA 95-006 - CLERK'S FILE: - - 503 ... . SUBJECT SITE lroM/Willi OTHER LANDS OWNED BY APPLICANT LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 TAUNTON ROAD-- _ ------0::----_____ _ ~~== ------- - - - - - - .-~---r_ CONCESSION ROAD 4 , 0: - c, <(I ... : di ' - :... 0::: : , - - ~ - WI . Z' ... , -.J ~ - Z v 3:: . 0. ~ '":J I- Z ... "- 0 (J) - (J) w - WI U ~ z 0::1 0 :5, u - UI I ZI .- 0: ... 1-, '- e,,1 Z' -.J : 0::. <( - 0 .------------- - -- - - - DARLINGTON KEY MAP DEV.94-061 ROPA 95-006 COPA 98-001 J ~ I .. - ... ... .. 5r'14 ... - - - - -- - DN: PD-124-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, ~ovember 15, 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-l24-99 File #: DEV 92-048 & 18T-92022 By-law # (Revised) Subject: REZONING AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS APPLICANT: NEALE MCLEAN PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE TILLEY ROAD EXTENSION FILES: DEV 92-048 & 18T-92022 (Revised) - Recommendations: - - - - - - - - 4. - 1. - 1.1 - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-124-99 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications submitted by D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited on behalf of Neale McLean be referred back to Staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; .., J. THAT within 15 days of the Public Meeting, the Commissioner of Planning for the Region of Durham be advised and provided, by sworn declaration from the Clerk, the following: · That the Municipality held a Public Meeting in accordance with Section 51 (21.1) of the Planning Act for the subject subdivision application; · A copy of the minutes of the said meeting; · A copy of all written submissions received by the Municipality; · A list of all persons and public bodies, including their mailing addresses, that made oral submissions at the Public Meeting or written submissions; and, · A copy of the report and the Council resolution; and, THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. APPLICATION DETAILS Applicant: Neale McLean 601 REPORT PD-124-99 ... PAGE 2 1.2 - Agent: Rezoning: D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited To rezone the subject lands from "Agricultural (A) Zone" to permit the development of a draft plan of subdivision. ... 1.3 1.4 Draft Plan of Subdivision: To develop a draft plan of subdivision containing 16 single detached lots and a park block to be used as a parking lot for the existing park. ... 1.5 Site Area: 1.34 hectares (3.3 acres) .. 2.1 2. LOCATION - 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 Although the property fronts on Liberty Street North, the subject lands would form an extension to Tilley Road (See Attachment #1). The land area subject to this application totals 1.34 hectares (3.3 ac). The property in legal terms is known as Part Lot 10, Concession 2, in the former Town of Bowmanville. .. - BACKGROUND - On September 21, 1999, D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited, on behalf of Neale McLean, submitted revised rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications to the Municipality of Clarington. The subdivision would consist of 16 single detached lots and a park block (Block 17) (see Attachment #2). Block 17 abuts lands that form part of Elephant Hill Park. As the park only has a l2 space parking lot, Block 17 would be used as a 49 space parking lot serving Elephant Hill Park. - - - A revised draft plan of subdivision application was also submitted to the Durham Region Planning Department for consideration. - - The original application submitted in 1992 proposed four 15 metre single family detached lots, ten 12 metre single family detached lots, and three 18 metre semi -detached/link lots for a total of 20 dwelling units. '. .. SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES The lands retained by the applicant, which contain a century dwelling unit and .. .. 6r, J - - REPORT PD-124-99 PAGE 3 - - -+.2 - - - 5. 5.1 - - 5.2 - - - 6 6.l - - - 7. 7.1 - - - - coachhouse/garage. are located towards Liberty Street. The entire property slope gently towards Liberty Street. The lands subject to the subdivision applicant are vacant. Surrounding Uses: East: North: West: South: Urban Residential c.P. Rail line and Elephant Hill Park area Applicant's residence Urban residential OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES The lands are designated "'Living Area" within the Durham Region Official Plan. Residential uses are permitted within this designation. The application conforms to the policies. Within the Clarington Official Plan, the property is designated "Urban Residential". Both the proposed residential uses and the park block are permitted within this designation. The proposal is within the density range for low density residential development. The proposal appears to conform to the official plan. ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY The lands subject to the application are currently zoned "'Agricultural (A) Zone". In order to permit a residential subdivision, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and two public meeting notice signs were installed on the lands. 7.2 As of the writing of this report, a number of telephone inquires have been received. Although no one objects to the subdivision, residents on the existing portion of Tilley Road do not want to have additional traffic from a parking lot on the proposed park block. 6iJ J 8.3 Comments have not been received from the following agencies. · Clarington Public Works Department · Durham Region Planning Department · Durham Region Public Works Department · Central Lake Ontario Conservation · Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board · c.P. Rail 9.2 The issue has prompted the Public Works Department to seek a solution to the parking problem. The Department approached the applicant to determine whether a portion of the site could be leased for parking purposes on a temporary basis until the plan of subdivision received approval. Although this arrangement would provide an expedient solution in the short-term, the Municipality must bear the costs associated with a temporary facility without the benefit of having a permanent parking facility. 9. 9.1 REPORT PD-124-99 PAGE 4 ... 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.l The Clarington Fire Department has no objections to the proposal. - ... 8.2 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board has no objections provided that sidewalks are constructed within the subdivision. ... - - - - COMMENTS Some of the existing residents on Tilley Road object to the proposed use of the park block for parking associated with Elephant Hill Park. The existing park has two baseball diamonds but only a 12 space parking lot. The park has road frontage on Tilley Road with the existing parking lot having frontage on Maconnachie Place. Previously, overflow parking was simply accommodate along Tilley Road, Maconnachie Place, and Apple Blossom Boulevard. Due to residents' objections from the area, "No Parking" signs were erected to limit and disperse on-street parking opportunities. - ... ... - - - - ... 9.3 The applicant had previously shown large lots in place of the proposed Block 17, for which the Ministry of Environment noise abatement measures were difficult to achieve. ... - 604 ... - REPORT PD-124-99 PAGE 5 - The alternative solution proposes the dedication of Block 17 to the Municipality for the purposes of a parking lot. In return, the Municipality would permit the applicant to erect the required noise attenuation berm around Lots 1 to 6 on the north side of the road (see Attachment #3). The height of the berm would be located along the rear property line of Lots 1-6 and the side property line of Lot 6. The Municipality permit the remainder of the berm to be erected on the park area. This solution is preferred by the Municipality because the parking area is not proximate to existing residents on Tilley Road and utilizes lands where noise abatement measures are difficult to achieve. - - - - 9.4 The solution would be implemented in the following manner. Block 17 includes a overdedication above the required 5% parkland dedication, which would be transferred to the Municipality. In return, it is proposed that the Municipality would transfer a portion of Elephant Hill Park along the north side of Lots 1 to 6 equivalent to the overdedication to the applicant to accommodate the required noise berm. The Municipality would secure the interim use of the lands through easement until the plan of subdivision is registered and Block 17 is transferred. - - - - 10. CONCLUSIONS - lO.l As the purpose of this report is to satisfy the requirements for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act, and taking into consideration all of the comments received, it is - respectfully requested that this report be referred back to Staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. - - t Reviewed b) / .~ LC-r- F~lin Wu, M.C.LP., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer - Da d rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development - RH*DJC*cd - Attachment # 1 - Key Map Attachment #2 - Draft Plan of Subdivision Attachment #3 - Proposed Location of Noise Berm and Parking Area - - b05 REPORT PD-124-99 PAGE 6 .. - lnterested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Glenn Genge D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited 96 Kings Street East Oshawa, Ontario LlH 1B6 Mr. Neal McLean 175 Liberty Street North Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 2M2 .. - Francine Milne 6 Tilley Road Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 4M3 .. Timothy and Nancy Allin 14 Tilley Road Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 4M3 - ., ... - ... - - .. - - .. - ... 6~~ .. - - - - - - - - - - 1 - ATTACHMENT 11 - III................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... . . . . LOT 11 SUBJECT SITE APPLICANTS RESIDENCE LOT 10 SUNICREST BOULEVARD --1 i I =_ ~ ~= = --=-_ ~-- -I I COURT ~J- -- --.=j - - ~ :1 I-~~-~--~- ) . ~ _ , SUNS'; ! ROAD =j ~ ----j (/') - ~ if q...~ ~"G C;" q~ ~~~ ~.p G~ ~/ ~ / -. . / I~~\ CA~PUNG. - . CRT \ . I~ , ~~~N - 0- _ W -l W z ~Q Vl Vl W U Z -0 U a ~ Z Q: lLJ CD ~ VI 18....1. i ! /// Y ____________------'--7 ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ................ \ ( LORRAINE CRT. -_.~. 0...... -l . ': .! . . .. 1 . SAUNDERS AVENUE ~ -----:-~ Z ~ W U (/') w a::: u W -J a. r---- a. < .....: V1 CD ---~ ,--- ~ o u z a::: Li GLANVILLE CRES. Eill'i . ~ ,. ~---+-- < i : ! ~ HERRIMAN l 3: < :I: (/') a ~ : , ~RmJLJ~ I IC~ ! :_(B?R~D_~C] , .j ~ STREET WEST ( ~ , CONCESSION ~ STREET EAST 1<31 1 I 1 1 >- I I 1 --~.'--1 ---1 ( BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP DEV. 92-048 (as Revised) 18T -92022 607 ... ..... ;:;- .... .... " II I." _ITI-. ._,,__,llIiii_- lET.... M ~.. Ia .-------- ........ -- ...f PAW"__ -..... --. .... -...- ,-...... ......~... _...u&I _'. _tZArI. ...,.'. ~1"ICA1S 1 :'='-&":l'\l" .-..,'"....-- ................. -*Y.....__. -=::=~ .....,.. -_. ..::=...-:== :,:,~ --- --- .- ............. - '-4... - - - -- ....- .-- .....- ~PUN 181-92022 ,./IIrf OF LOT '0._'111 2 ~'( '11 TIlE ..- OF _UU: ......CIPALITY OF CURINGTON llEC.CIIW. _,e .'M.I TT OF ou.WI ea....__.AI u_ ~ )> ..newl"ln_ .".In.ere ~ : .. ..- ~ .... . --.- ~I"'- ....-- .......--- . ~- ............. l; ..... _1'- r . I70IO -... P...,. ::J: -... ,..... OP-I ~ ~"''f''''''1 ~....... lIUiI'.........._ . - ............. -. - 1E ~ - N I I I . I I I I LL PARK I , I I I I I I ~ l I i!! I i .. t I ... I , ~ C) CD I PROPOSED LOCATION OF NOISE BERM AND PARKING AREA -~;j /~ ATTACHMENT .3 - ~--... Cl d Cl::: - r - , I ,~ ~< 0') - -- -------- - -----1/ 0') / '0/ '0 '0/ LSHU---' L5">:01~ ~?, -.....---.... Q;-%,?'j N'" " 1 00 1 q: c - ~ 0:::: <( / 0.., - 0 --~--' ~' 0", ",0 ..- I 0 0 - - cS'vO( a> i> I ~ so I <JY <X> --"'~ 0", (\J ",0 ::: 0 l(ivOI ~ E> 61 501 "., - 1 "" ::) <X> "'~ 0<1) t<) <1)0 1..-:0' a 0 - I I;U S(i'vOI p(') ~ >:1 501 >- p(') <X> "'~ W 0", ~, ",0 0 0 -l - 'fS'vOI ...J ..... () .....to.SOI ..... ",,~ ~ 0", L[') I/') 0\ 0 0 - 00 . 'l'G/ '" () ",so ' so I ~. , ..... "'~ 0", ",0 0 l.D 0 - - U'l 11) U'l o \{') <:> - Ift-Ol 4-" 5 I so I 61- . so 1- ., 5>: . VO I ----w. +- ~-' -u:l_~:\ O2 _ -\~ f ' .- "- c - v.5 . so I L. \ os \>'0 I , ~\ \ ~ '"'~ , - 0 , - 4-' - Lv 501"_ I- t<) 1<Xl o 1O -I,() Q 0-0 ~o 'SOI 4- .....i 50'501 [TItr.SO OP,'VOI +-t~ (\J ~ ~ -..'~ " 96t-0~ ," - ,~ 50'50'1 S>:'SOJ ~ +- ~ 'C/ o In ~o o 0 0", o --l -l I SO'SOI II 501 +- ~ r~ -- I -..... Z <( I -a.. W -l W ',0') .C\j ',co l.C C - - ~ ..... tI) <::::> ..... - - \ - \;... GillP E22J ~ ---~t~- a> <1) N '" o ~ <::::> _9-[ 901 ,1 ,r:J;> . // <: '"' it :g ..... 21- 501 51 'SOI 25'501 - LOCATION LANDS TO OF NOISE BERM BE TRANSFERRED TO APPLICANT 609 - ON: P125-99 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT - PUBLIC MEETING - Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, November l5. 1999 Res. # - Report #: PD-125-99 FILE #: COPA 98-001; DEV 94-061 By-law # - Subject: CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION - APPLICANT: TUNNEY PLANNING ON BEHALF OF CROOKED CREEK GOLF COURSE LTD. PART LOT 3, CONCESSION 4, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON 3033 REGIONAL ROAD 4 FILE NOS.: COP A 98-001; DEV 94-061 (X-REF: ROP A 95-006) - - Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. THAT Report PD-125-99 be received; - 2. THAT the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and the Zoning By-law submitted by Tunney Planning on behalf of Crooked Creek Golf Course Ltd., be referred back to staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and - - 3 . THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 1.2 1.3 Applicant: Owner: Tunney Planning Crooked Creek Golf Course Ltd., - Official Plan Amendment Applications: - - C1arington Official Plan Amendment (COPA 98-001) - The lands are designated "Green Space" and "Environmental Protection". The applicant wishes to amend the Official Plan to permit the establishment of a golf course on the subject lands. - Related Regional Official Plan Amendment (OP A 95-006) - The lands are designated Major Open Space with an indication of Environmentally Sensitive Area in the Durham Region Official Plan. The applicant has applied to amend the Region's Official Plan to permit a golf course on the subject lands. - - 610 ... REPORT NO.: PD-125-99 PAGE 2 ... 1A Rezoning Application: The applicant wishes to amend the Municipality's Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, to permit a 9 hole golf course, club house and maintenance building. - 1.5 Site Area: 41.96 ha - 2. LOCATION - The subject lands are located in Part of Lot 3, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington (see Attachment No.1). The Municipal address is 3033 Regional Road #4 (Taunton Road). The land holdings subject to this application tota141.96 ha (103.68 acres). - ... 3. BACKGROUND - A rezoning application (DEV 94-061) was received on November 29, 1994 for an 18 hole golf course. A public meeting was held on January 23, 1995. At the time, the Municipality's Official Plan did not include land use designations for the rural areas. - ... Subsequent to receipt of the rezoning application, an application was received on March 21, 1995 to amend the Durham Region Official Plan (OP A 95-006). Under the regulations contained within the previous Planning Act the public meeting is to be held when a recommendation report is to be forwarded for consideration by Council. - - An application to amend the Municipality's Official Plan was received on January 6, 1998 (COPA 98-001). A public meeting has not yet been held for this application. The public meeting held today meets the legislative requirements for both the applications to amend the municipal Official Plan and the Zoning By-law. ... - - .t 4.1 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES Site Characteristics ... The soils on the subject lands are very sandy. The site is relatively flat and the flat areas are currently being used for cash crops. The site is also subject to a number of environmental features (Attachment No.2). The Soper Creek crosses the northwest corner of the site. Here .. III 6 1 , - - - REPORT NO.: PD-125-99 PAGE 3 - - - - - - 4.2 - - ... - - 5. 5.1 - - - - - - the Soper Creek Valley is very deep and the valley walls are steep. Active erosion is occurring along the top of this valley. At the south end of the site is a tributary of the Soper Creek. This valley is also very deep and has steep valley walls. Both of these features have been identified as a Provincially Significant Life Science ANSI, and the applicant no longer proposes to introduce the golf course use on these lands. The subject site is also bisected by a tributary and pond which flows into the Soper Creek tributary. This valley and pond are not as deeply incised as the Soper Creek Valley or the tributary valley. This feature has not been identified as part of the Provincially Significant Life Science ANSI. Water from a tributary located in Lot 2, drains into this pond. The outlet from the pond drains into a very deep valley which is at this point part of the Provincially Significant Life Science ANSI. Surrounding Uses The surrounding uses of the site are as follows: East - Agricultural lands and a rural residential dwelling North - Forested areas and agricultural land West - Forested lands, Soper Creek valley and related tributaries owned by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. South - Forested and valley lands identified as Provincially Significant Life Science and Earth Science ANSIs. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES Durham Region Official Plan Within the Durham Region Official Plan the subject lands are designated "Major Open Space" with indications of environmentally sensitive features. The predominant use of lands within the Major Open Space designation shall be conservation, recreation, reforestation and agricultural uses. Section 14.3.2 of the Official Plan states that "the establishment of golf courses shall require an amendment to this Plan". The Region's Official Plan identifies 6 criteria in Section 12.3.4 that must be satisfied in order to consider a golf course application. L1L ... REPORT NO.: PD-125-99 PAGE 4 .. The Durham Region Official Plan also requires an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) to be completed prior to the consideration of a development application in proximity to environmentally sensitive features. The EIS shall identify the natural features and functions, the sensitivity of the features and functions, and recommend mitigation methods that will protect the surrounding environment from the development. ... ... - 5.2 Clarington Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Green Space" and "Environmental Protection Area" in the Clarington Official Plan. Lands designated "Green Space" shall be used primarily for conservation and active or passive recreational uses. Agricultural uses are also permitted. Section 14.5.1 states that "Golf courses may be permitted by amendment to Section 18.6 of this Plan in accordance with Section 13.3.4 (c) to (g)". Lands designated "Environmental Protection Areas" have been identified as those areas possessing "the most significant components of the Municipality's natural environment". No development is permitted within an Environmental Protection Area "except passive recreational uses and uses related to erosion control and storm water management". ... ... ... ... ... - The extent of the Environmental Protection Area shall be identified, in consultation with the Conservation Authority, through the EIS process. The setback for the natural features shall be determined based on the sensitivity of the natural feature and will not be less than 5 metres in width. - - 6. ZONING BY-LAW CONFORMITY The subject lands are zoned "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)". Lands zoned "Agricultural" shall be used primarily for agricultural and farm-related uses. Lands zoned "Environmental Protection" shall be used for forestry, conservation, and uses which provide for the preservation of the natural environmental. A golf course is currently a permitted use within the "Environmental Protection" zone. ... - - .. ... 613 .. - - REPORT NO.: PD-125-99 PAGE 5 7, PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS - Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within l20 metres of the subject site and a public meeting notice sign was installed on the lands. - - As ofthe writing of this report. no written submissions have been received. At the previous public meeting concern was raised regarding protection of the environment and protection of agricultural lands. In particular, the use of herbicides and pesticides and the impact these chemicals will have on the environment are of concern. A question was also raised regarding the amount of water that the golf course will use. Surrounding farms cultivate tobacco and tobacco requires a tremendous amount of water for its growth and development. It is important that the development of the golf course has no impact on the availability of water for irrigation of the surrounding tobacco crops. - - - - 8. AGENCY COMMENTS - The current application was circulated to the following agencies for their comments: Clarington Public Works Department Clarington Fire Department Durham Region Planning Department Durham Region Works Department Durham Region Health Department Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Ministry of Natural Resources - - - Comments on this new proposal have yet been received from any of the agencies. - 9. COMMENTS 9.1 Revisions to Proposal Since 1994 the applicant has amended the application numerous times. The original application was for 18 holes on 56 hectares of land. The applicant has realized that the golf course cannot be located within the Provincially Significant Life and Earth Science ANSI and has amended the proposal accordingly. The applicant acquired the unopened road allowance from the Municipality and has incorporated these lands within the proposal. - - - - - 61 ... REPORT NO.: PD-125-99 PAGE 6 - 9.2 Consultants Studies The applicant hired a consultant to conduct an Environmental Impact Study on the original proposal. In addition to the vegetative and wildlife component of the EIS, a hydrogeologic assessment and a turf management report were also conducted. ... - The Region has hired a consultant to conduct a peer review of the EIS in accordance with the Regional Official Plan. The peer review of the EIS concluded that further work is needed. The EIS consultant hired by the applicant is currently completing this work. - - - The application has been revised to exclude the golf course from the lands identified as Provincially Significant Life and Earth Science ANSI. However the proposed golf course lies adjacent to the ANSI lands. The Provincial Policy Statement requires that development located within 50 metres of Provincially Significant ANSIs shall not have a negative impact on the natural features or the ecological function of the ANSI. An EIS will address this ... - Issue. ... 9.3 Dedication of Land The Conservation Authority has requested that the applicant dedicate gratuitously all the Life Science ANSI lands to the Conservation Authority as hazard lands. - - 9.4 Application to Remove Trees An application has been made to the Region of Durham to remove trees from land located south of the subject lands. These lands were part of the original application. It is recommended that the applicant withdraw this application to remove trees as these lands are no longer included in the proposal. - ... - 10. CONCLUSION The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted, and for issues or areas of concern regarding the subject application to be .. ... .. 61" .. - REPORT NO.: PD-125-99 PAGE 7 - - identified. It is recommended the application be referred back for further processing. Upon resolution of the above issues and receipt of all outstanding comments and required revisions, a subsequent report will be prepared. - Respectfully submitted, - Recommended for presentation to the Committee - /' - Da i Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development t' (II( '-eiL!:. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., RP.P. Chief Administrative Officer - HB* BN*DJC* jip - Attachment No. 1 - Key Map Attachment No.2 - Site Characteristics Attachment No.3 - Site Plan - November 4, 1999 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - - Crooked Creek Golf Course Ltd. C/o Doug Summers and Kevin Sewell 837 Riverside Dr., Ajax, Ontario L1 T 3R9 Al O'Donnell 563 Steerforth Street Oshawa, Ontario, L1K 2C3 - Kevin Tunney Tunney Planning Inc., 340 Byron Street South Suite 200 Whitby, Ontario L1N 4P8 Dave Fantham R.R #5 Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K6 - - John Tax R.R #4 Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K5 - Evelyn Stroud 89n Little Avenue Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 119 Nonnan and Debbie Nixon R.R #4 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K5 - - - 616 ATTACHMENT NO.1 . SUBJECT SITE IfiU!ifiEiII OTHER LANDS OWNED BY APPLICANT LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 TAltJ TON __ ~_ ___ I r<) i I; I I I ! ! I I : I 'f-~ I I I , ! I CONCE$S,ON ROAD 4 : ____J L_ 1 I i DARLINGTON KEY MAP DEV.94-061 ROPA 95-006 COPA 98-001 t 1 7 . f~, tcs r--- o <( a::: w Z ~ IZ '3: I- w ~ a::: :5 o I Z o l- e) Z ~ a::: <( o .. - ... - - - ... v ... z o - Ul Ul W U Z o u ... ... - - .. .. - I ... ... .. ... ATTACHMENT NO.2 - TAUNTON ROAD - '-0---... - - / / ;:; '/ / Soper Creek ~ EARTH SCIENCE ANSI ~ LIFE SCIENCE ANSI / '------.... - '/ SUBJECT SITE - - - - - - - - - - - - i I - - 618 61q cEGEND CROOKED CREEK GOLF COURSE Response to the ~E-\ [::\(. P(,f't' Review ol the EIS ~ ~ "PprOJlmate Limit of ANSI MaPPIng (OMNR\ 3D m Setbadl (Soper Valley Ute Sclence ANSI) ApPfOlllmate limit of High Senlltl-..ty ESA Maopng \CLOCAl 15 m Setback High SensitiVIty ESAN'l"~nal W.lerCOUfswPonos Tee Green ,_Falrway PG Practice GrNn : -+-- Subject Property ~ Crooked C_ Golf Coo,.. Master Plan ~ by KOWl Holmes & Assoc:aat.. The MasterPlan IS COnceplual: tee, groen, ano tallway !uting II"Id sumg \I to be confirmed thflllqllhe Srt. P1ant1l11g Pnxess CROOKED CREEK GOLF COURSE ~lASTERPL\.N shaJowland In aSSOCIation With: KeVUl Holmes & :\SSQCl:.ltes and LGL Luruted " Project , 1 TA2357 1 FIGURE 1 I Date AUQUSl1 ~g I I R.~Md L....--____~ I Nowmbef 11lQIlI fSCaie-~~e::::: J';~ ~ , :3.200 i KJHi ATTACHMENT NO.3 ... - ... - ... - ... ... .. .. - - ... ... - ... .. III ... - - - - - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT \leeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: \1onday, 0Jovember 15, 1999 Res. if Report #: PD-126-99 File #: ZBA 99-031 By-law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: 904222 ONTARIO INe. PART LOT 31, CONe. 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON DAISEYFIELD A VENUE. COURTICE FILE NO.: ZBA 99-031 - RecommendatIons: - I. - '") - .., .J. - 4. - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PD-126-99 be received; THAT the rezoning application ZBA 99-031 submitted by 904222 Ontario Inc. be APPROVED and that the amending by-law contained in Attachment No.3 be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and THAT all interested parties listed In this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - - - - - 2.1 - - - 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Owners: 904222 Ontario Inc. (same as owner) from "Urban Residential Type One (R 1)" to "Urban Residential Exception (RI-48)" 1.2 Agent: Zoning: 1.3 1.4 Area: Five (5) semi/link units with properties varying in size from approximately 430 m2 to approximately 490 m2. '") BACKGROUND On September l3, 1999, the Planning and Development Department received an application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 in order to permit minimum exterior side yard setbacks of 3 metres rather than 6 metres. 62C 4.2 4.3 REPORT PD-126-99 PAGE 2 ... ! ! The exterior (comer) properties subject to the proposal are located on the south side of Daiseyfield Avenue. Courtice. The municipal street addresses of the subject properties are L 21, 27,77 and 83 Daiseytleld Avenue (see Attachment No. l). The lands are Part of Lot 3 L Concession 3, former Township of Darlington. - ... ... 3. LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 - 3.2 The properties have a flat topography and are currently vacant. The surrounding land uses are as follows: North - Urban Residential and vacant South - Urban Residential and vacant East Urban Residential and vacant West - Urban Residential and vacant ... - 4. 4.1 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS .. Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within] 20 metres of the subdivision and a public notice sign was installed on each of the five properties with the exterior (comer) lot on Trolls Road having a public notice sign on each frontage. ... - A public meeting for the rezoning application was held on October 18, 1999. Two residents expressed concern with the exterior side yard setback reductions. One resident said all changes in the Farewell Creek watershed should be monitored since the cumulative effect is what must be determined to prevent negative effects on well water quantity and quality, not simply the size of the development. Another resident asked if reducing the side yard setback would create a visibility problem for vehicles at the intersections. - - ... - The applicant stated he wishes to build houses that were wide enough to meet the public's demands. [t was acknowledged that they had two similar exterior side yard setback reductions approved by the Committee of Adjustment but could not get further approvals trom the Committee, therefore, they were directed to make a rezoning application. Since the builder on the south side of Daiseyfield Avenue was making a similar rezoning application they decided to apply at the same time. The applicant noted the subdivision was fully approved, no new lots were being created and the other remaining regulations (includinp l(\t coverage) would be complied with. - ... .. III 621 .. - REPORT PO-126-99 PAGE 3 - ). S .l - - - J ).- - 6. - - - - - - - S. - S.l - - - - - - OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY Within the Durham Regional Official Plan. the subject properties are designated as Living Area in the Courtlce Urban Area. The application conforms. Within the C1arington Official Plan, the subject propertIes are designated as Urban Residential in the Courtice Urban Area. The application conforms. ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, the subject properties are zoned "Urban Residential Type One (R1)" and this zone specifies a minimum exterior side yard setback of 6 metres. The proposed development does not conform, hence, the rezoning application. 7. AGENCY COMMENTS The rezoning application was circulated to various agencies and other departments by the Planning and Development Department. The comments are: · Clarington Public Works Department stated a revised master grading and drainage plan is required for approval prior to the issuance of building permits on the subject properties. · Clarington Fire Department stated no tire safety concerns were found. ST AFF COMMENTS One of the comments raised at the Public Meeting centered on the impact a reduction to the exterior side yard setback might have on the stormwater system and surface water runoff coefficient for this development. It was implied that a reduction in the exterior side yard setback would likely lead to larger homes and a greater lot coverage than the by-law presently permits. The Public Works Department advises the storm sewer system, as in all situations, is designed to accommodate the individual dwelling unit types that are granted through draft approval. In this particular case, the storm sewer system was designed to 622 REPORT PO-126-99 PAGE 4 - 8.2 9. 9.1 accommodate semi-detached dwelling units. resulting in a runoff coefficient rangmg from .55 to .65. This would correspond to a lot coverage ranging from 55% to 65% throughout the plan of subdivision. ... - The dwelling units constructed within this development to date, provided a lot coverage ranging from 31 % to 42%, with the majority of the units in the mid 30's. The applicant has not requested an increase in the 45% maximum lot coverage presently permitted in the Zoning By-law. Approval of the amendment as submitted, would provide a degree of flexibility in determining the siting of each dwelling without compromising any of the other zoning regulations (including lot coverage) or the storm sewer system as designed for this subdivision. .... .. - ... It is also noted that roof drainage in this area is discharged on to the lawns. The roof leaders are not connected to the storm sewer system. As a result, regardless of the size of the dwelling, roof drainage is recharging the groundwater. .. ... ... Regarding the issue of a reduction in visibility for vehicles approaching the intersections, this change would have some impact. However, as shown on Attachment No. 2 to this report. the change in exterior side yard setback would not impact the site triangles required by the Municipality. Outside of this site triangle, there are often other impediments to visibility such as trees and shrubs. - .. .. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the rezoning application to permit reduced exterior side yard setbacks be APPROVED as contained in the attached zoning by-law amendment (see Attachment No.3). - - ... .. .. L23 ... REPORT PD-126-99 PAGE 5 - - - Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, - - /~/~ fe{,~ Fdnklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer - I rei - BR *LDT*DJC*cc - November 5, 1999 - Attachment No. 1 Attachment No.2 Attachment No.3 Site Location Key Map Site Triangle and Setbacks Diagram Zoning By-law Amendment - Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - Fred Simkins 904222 Ontario Inc. 18 Prince Rupert Drive Courtice. Ontario Ll E 1 Z5 - - Libby & Stan Racansky 3200 Hancock Road Courtice. Ontario Ll E 2H 1 - Norm Monoghan l5 Westmore Street Courtice, Ontario LlE 2H8 - - - - 024 ATTACHMENT 11 ... . SUBJECT SITES .. ~~___"_ n_ _ --r ~' ~ "'" '~~ " " _._--~--- COURTICE KEY MAP LOT 31 - -- - m_____. ------- _m_ --- . --- --1 ---1 -- - -------~ I I I I ----- -- --1 ,_, ____,n__ _'_'_'_n__" j I - _0- ._".m_m__,.___ ____________ --------l Iwl ,Sl '~~ DAISEYFIELD A VENUE i '- -f' ---'------r tril .', / -r-- r- ~\" . " 'O~, ~~'" 'j~V'~~ 1 \ ,I /~.~ Q~"', ~--T-~-----Tj /CJ~/,O~'~ I ! .l.. ' , Q <<' .....------- J "'c'.-'t ~ (~-~ REYNOLDS DR. ~ \ ' \ :::j 1 I ~ I 1 ZBA.99-031 62C ... ... ... ... ... ~ ~ ~ Z 0:: Q CI) en -.J en :5 w -~ () ~ Z o () ... ... ... - ... ... ... ... ... I ! .. - ... 1 ATTACHMENT #2 1 1 1 1 I ~-- 6m 1 3m I . 1 I 1 I BUILDING 01 ENVELOPE w I- ~I z ~ W 0.. 0:::, ~I 0::: ~ ~ 0..1 () J.:::: "- V) "- I "- L_-.-. "- j "- - "- - "- "- "- E "- L{) "- . SITE "- ,...... "- E TRIANGLE "- <.0 "- "- "- "- 7.5m "- "- STREET I I 1 T T T T T T T T r - - 626 THE CORPORATION OF THE MCNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 99- ... ATTACHMENT '3 heIng a By-law to amend By-law 1\4-IJ3. the ComprehensIve Zoning Bv-law for the CorporatIon of the tormer Town of:-lewcastle. ... '.VHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Yiunicipality of Clanngton deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporati('~ )1' the former Town of Newcastle to implement ZBA 99-031. ... ... \;OW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the CorporatIOn of the Municipality of Clanngton enacts as follows: ... I. SectIOn 12.4 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS - l;RBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE ONE (RI) ... ZONE" is hereby amended by adding thereto. the tolloWIng new Special Exception 12.4.48 as follows: "12.4.48 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (RI-48) ZONE \Jotwithstanding Section 12.2. those lands zoned "R 1-48" on the Schedules to this By-law shall be subject to the followmg zone regulatIOn: ':1 .. Yard Requirements (minimum) exterior side yard ... .\ metres Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation trom: "Urban Residential Type One (Rl)" to "Urban Residential Exception (RI-48)" Zone as illustrated on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. ... ... , Schedule "A" attached hereto shall [onn part of this By-law. .. This By-law shall come into effect .on the date of the pasSIng hereoL subject to the proVIsions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. ... - BY-LA W read a first time this day of 1999. BY - LA W read a second time this ... day of 1999. BY -LA W read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999. ... - MAYOR - III CLERK 6/7 ... - - This is Schedule"A" to By-law 99- , passed this day of , 1999 A.D. - LOT 31 CONCESSION 3 - ,[151: ~ \ 13 12 11 110 9 8 I ttl ~ [4 3 2 " OA/SEYRELO AVENUE (40M-!954) ~:-I ~ 22 23 .24 25 26 27 28 ~ ~ ,! ~ /J ' ~ I. ~ \ ! <~ /:!;;;~~L/ , %, /' ~. . (1-\ .s- ", / . ~G'l ,~/ . 0' ~ "'<", y <.?~4~ /. . ~~.....' //"~. '- / /~~<'''' ~~j ~..' / ~ ~ .~ <""<.?.s-. / .~~"" / ~ZONING CHANGE FROM "R1" TO "R1-48" ~ ~ V) '-.I ;:5 ~: - - - - - -- - Moyor Clerk - . SUBJECT SITES LOT 31 - - r"l .- ~i ,I-:: iC z ..~ "'OAISEYFlELD AVENUE.''''~'~ .~ ~ ~~fr~~~O :~. ~ ~i ::!;' '"" Z -/ < I 0 U ",--', ()~0J'~. r"'<')'- j e- I - - COURTICE &~ G'<"O..p;::"" J.../ ..C'~____ _~__~ 1- ~il!( . ',. REYNOLDS DR. '5\ - ,...:s/ - 628 :J:'.i PD12",99 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - REPORT \'feeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # - Date: .\.1onday, November 15, 1999 Res. # Report #: - PD-127-99 FILE #: ZBA 99-033 By-law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: DAISEYFIELD DEVELOPMENTS PART LOT 31. CONCESSION 3, FORMER TOWNSIDP OF DARLINGTON DAISEYFIELD A VENUE, COURTICE FILE: ZBA 99-033 - - Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1 . THAT Report PD-12 7 - 99 be recei ved; - .., THAT the rezoning application ZBA 99-033 submitted by Daiseyfield Developments be APPROVED and that the amending by-law contained in Attachment No.3 be forwarded to Council for approval; - 3. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and - - -+. THAT all interested parties listed In this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. - 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.l Owners: Daiseytield Developments - 1.2 Agent: Daniel Pustil - 1.3 Zoning: from "Urban Residential Type One (R1)" to "Urban Residential Exception (Rl-48)" - 1A Area: three (3) semi/link units with properties varying in size from approximately 430 sq.m. to 490 sq.m. - - 629 3. 3.1 3.2 4. 4.1 4.2 - REPORT NO.: PD-127-99 PAGE 2 - ... 2. BACKGROUND 2.l On September 17, 1999. the Planning and Development Department received an application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 in order to permit minimum exterior side yard setbacks of 3 metres rather than 6 metres. - - 2.2 The exterior (comer) properties subject to the proposal are located on the north side of Daiseyfield Avenue, Courtice. The municipal street addresses of the subject properties are: 2, 28 and 78 Daiseyfield Avenue (see Attachment No. l). The lands are Part of Lot 31, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington. ... - .. LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES The properties have a Hat topography and are currently vacant. - The surrounding land uses are as follows: North - Vacant South - Urban Residential and Vacant East Urban Residential and Vacant West - Urban Residential and Vacant - .. . PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subdivision and a public notice sign was installed on each of the three properties with the exterior (comer) lot on Trulls Road having a public notice sign on each frontage. - - - A public meeting for the rezoning application was held on October 18, 1999. Two residents expressed concern with the exterior side yard setback reductions. One resident said all changes in the Farewell Creek watershed should be monitored since the cumulative effect is what must be determined to prevent negative effects on well water quantity and quality, not simply the size of the development. Another resident asked if - .. ... 63C ... - - - - - - - - - REPORT NO.: PD-127-99 PAGE 3 reducing the sideyard setback would create a visibility problem for vehicles at the intersections. -+.3 The applicant stated he wishes to build houses that were wide enough to meet the public's demands. It was acknowledged that they had two similar exterior side yard setback reductions approved by the Committee of Adjustment but could not get further approvals from the Committee and so, they were directed to make a rezoning application. Since the builder on the south side of Daiseytield A venue was making a similar rezoning application they decided to apply at the same time. The applicant noted the subdivision was fully approved, no new lots were being created and the other remaining regulations (including lot coverage) would be complied with. - 5.1 5. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY - 5.2 - - 6. - - -- 7. - - Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject properties are designated as Living Area in the Courtice Urban Area. The application conforms. Within the Clarington Official Plan. the subject properties are designated as Urban Residential in the Courtice Urban Area. The application conforms. ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 of the former Town of Newcastle, the subject properties are zoned "Urban Residential Type One (RI)" and this zone specifies a minimum exterior side yard setback of 6 metres. The proposed development does not conform, hence, the rezoning application. AGENCY COMMENTS The rezoning application was circulated to various agencies and other departments by the Planning and Development Department. The comments are: 631 - REPORT NO.: PD-127-99 PAGE 4 - - . Clarington Public Works Department stated a revised master grading and drainage plan is required for approval prior to the issuance of building permits on the subject properties. - ... . Clarington Fire Department stated no fire safety concerns were found. .. 8. 8.1 STAFF COMMENTS One of the comments raised at the Public Meeting centered on the impact a reduction to the exterior side yard setback might have on the stormwater system and surface water runoff coefficient for this development. It was implied that a reduction in the exterior side yard setback would likely lead to larger homes and a greater lot coverage than the by-law presently permits. .. .. - The Public Works Department advises the storm sewer system, as in all situations, is designed to accommodate the individual dwelling unit types that are granted through draft approval. In this particular case, the storm sewer system was designed to accommodate semi-detached dwelling units, resulting in a runoff coefficient ranging from .55 to .65. This would correspond to a lot coverage ranging from 55% to 65% throughout the plan of subdivision. - .. III -- The dwelling units constructed within this development to date, provided a lot coverage ranging from 31 % to 42%, with the majority of the units in the mid 30's. The applicant has not requested an increase in the 45% maximum lot coverage presently permitted in the Zoning By-law. Approval of the amendment, as submitted. would provide a degree of flexibility in determining the siting of each dwelling unit without compromising any of the other zoning regulations (including lot coverage) or the storm sewer system as designed for this subdivision. - - ... .. .. 632 ... - - REPORT NO.: PD-127-99 PAGE 5 - It is also noted that roof drainage in this area is discharged onto the lawns. The roof leaders are not connected to the storm sewer system. As a result. regardless of the size of the dwelling, roof drainage is recharging the groundwater. - - - 8.2 Regarding the issue of a reduction in visibility for vehicles approaching the intersections this change would have some impact. However, as shown on Attachment No.2 to this report, the change in exterior side yard setback would not impact the site triangles required by the Municipality. Outside of this site triangle there are often other impediments to visibility such as trees and shrubs. - - 9. CONCLUSION - 9.1 It is recommended that the rezoning application to permit reduced exterior side yard setbacks be APPROVED as contained in the attached zoning by-law amendment (see Attachment No.3). - - Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, - BR*LT*DC*df -1- November 1999 / Ufr;uU lin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. /t..{ Chief Administrative Officer. ~ - - - - Attachment No. 1 - Site Location Key Map Attachment No.2 - Site Triangle and Setbacks Diagram Attachment No.3 - Zoning By-law Amendment - Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - 633 - REPORT NO.: PD-127-99 PAGE 6 - - Daniel Pustil Daiseyfield Developments 550 Eglinton Avenue West, #30059 TORONTO, Ontario M5N 1 B6 - ... Norm Monoghan l5 Westmore Street COURTICE. Ontario LiE 2H8 - Libby and Stan Racansky 3200 Hancock Road COURTICE, Ontario LIE 2H1 .. - - ... - - - - - . .. ... 6)4 ... - ATTACHMENT '1 - . SUBJECT SITES - LOT 31 - -'---'--------- -,I - -----4 - - - ~ ~. '~" . " '~ ", " __u_______________________~ --i i -~~~, -~~~ --- -_m~LJ ! ~ : . ..~ OAISEYFIELD AVENUE . I Q:: Q ~~ 16:\ \ CI) ~ ._~~-- -121 --~ ~ ~ )~ . ~ ~~ -~ z ." / ~\- -1 8 ('\<(-- I' S' /; ". ' '-$;/ f~~~ ~~ ~ \ ') ", /~ '---'- Q~'''" . /CJ,/,,,-o~ ", 4.. ( ." Q<".......----. - CI) ~----- REYNOLDS ---... . .~ i 1 --, ----- ---------', I i I I i ,-,J I I ) - - - - - - DR. I I I ! - , . ---'--'o--- - '-- 1 I i - - COURTICE KEY MAP ZBA. 99-033 ! - - 635 I ~ 8m 3m I . I 1 BUILDING ENVELOPE 01 I- w ~I z w ~ a.. 0:::1 ~I 0::: ~ ::::> 0..1 u 1 ~ '\. -L V) '\. L_~ '\. '\. - '\. '\. '\. '\. '\. E "- "- L() "- E . I' SITE "- to "- TRIANGLE "- "- '\. "- 7.5m '\. "- STREET ! i ATTACHMENT #2 ... - ... ... ... ... - ... ... ... - .. .... ... - ... ... ... 636 ... ATTACHMENT NO.3 - THE CORPORA. TION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LA W NUMBER 99- - bemg a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle - - WHEREAS. the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended. of the former Town of Newcastle, to implement ZBA 99- 1)33; - \lOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the \1unicipality of Clarington enacts as follows: - 1. Section 12.4 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS - URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE ONE (RI) ZONE" is hereby amended by adding thereto, the following new Special Exception 12.4.48 as follows: - - "12.4.48 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (RI-48) ZONE Notwithstanding Section 12.2, those lands zoned "RI-48" on the Schedules to this By- law shall be subject to the following zone regulation: - Yard ReqUIrement (minimum) Exterior Side Yard 3 metres - 2. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: - - 3. - 4. "Urban Residential Type One (RI)" to "Urban Residential Exception (Rl-48)" zone as illustrated on the attached Schedu,le "A" hereto. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. - BY -LA W read a first time this day of 1999. - BY - LA W read a second time this day of 1999. - BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed day of 1999. - MA YOR - CLERK - 637 This is Schedule"A" to By-law 99- passed this day of , 1999 A.D. LOT 31 CONCESSION 3 .\ 15\ 14 ~ ,-~ ~! 4 V)- OA/SEYF/ELO AVENUE (40M-!954) -,--~ ~ I \ ,9;: 23 24 25 i 26 27 28 \ 29 30 ',~ 31 32 I 1 I ;j / r- / i , 20 121 I " ' / I II /~ -z ~ ~ 22 ~ ~ II :'-----------. 33 34 Q~ ~A / O...pQ \ , a~ / S'~,( y :,';~~, /f/V~/"~>'~ / ~ <'........ ~ - / / ' ' ~' -~aj /' / /A._____\ ", G"' \ / / rT /~ / '\ '----II I \ ~ ZONING CHANGE FROM "R1" TO tt R1-48" Mayor Clerk ~ SUBJECT SITES LOT 31 r') _ ~~,n_______~t;l_____~ · ~ 5 DAI,SF:'r'F1E.LD AVE.0JL - l/l COli '- Vl l/l ~ i 3!' g ~ ~. ~ ~ 5 u -~~, I - A O'<:-,-S',>, . "1'1 . ztt,-- . t COURTICE , v~:--- G'<"O-ll' :"' / 1:'<,,- . ,__~ ,~( REYNOLDS DR. ~ " ~.,I 638 ... ... ... ... ... ~ ~ ... ~ ~ I , ;:5 ~ - ... - ... ... ... - ... - ... ... ... ... - ~)'.;: PD118-99 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON - REPORT \1eeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # - Date: Monday, November l5, 1999 Res. # - Report #: PD-128-99 FILE #: PLN 17.9.4 By-law # Subject: MUNICIPAL ROSTER OF CONSULTANTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENT AL IMPACT STUDIES FILE: PLN 17.9.4 - - Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - l. THAT Report PD-128-99 be received; - 2. THAT the termination date for the Roster of Consultants for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Studies, as indicated in Section 2.3 of Report PD-163-96, be extended to June 30, 2000. - 1. BACKGROUND - - Section 4.3.8 of the Clarington Official Plan requires that an Environmental Impact Study be prepared for any development application located on or adjacent to a Natural Feature identified on Map C of the Plan. The Municipality is to retain qualified professional expertise to undertake the Study, with the cost of the study to be borne by the developer. - - On October l5, 1996, Council approved Guidelines to implement Section 4.3.8 of the Official Plan. The Guidelines indicate that the Planning Department will develop and maintain a roster of consulting finns qualified to prepare Environmental Impact Studies, and that Staff will seek Council's authorization to renew the roster every three (3) years. - - - On December 9, 1996, Council considered Staff Report PD-163-96 and approved the following Roster for the Preparation "fEnvironmenta1 Impact Studies: - 639 ... REPORT NO.: PD-128-99 PAGE 2 ... :.J Aquafor Beech Ltd. in association with Beak International Inc. and Geometrics International .. :.J Bird and Hale Ltd. in association with Hough Woodland Naylor Dance Ltd., G.M. Sernas and Associates, Azimuth Environmental Consulting Inc. and Shoreplan Engineering Ltd. - :.J Ecological Services for Planning Ltd. in association with Terraprobe Ltd., Cosburn Patterson Mather and IMC Consulting Ltd. - :.J Gartner Lee Limited in association with R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd., Baird and Associates Ltd. and PMA Landscape Architects. - The effective period for this Roster, as approved by Council, is December 2, 1996 to December 1, 1999. .. The existing Roster of Consultants is due to expire shortly. - ... 2. REQUEST TO EXTEND PERIOD OF ROSTER For reasons outlined below, Committee is being requested to extend the period of the Roster by an ... additional seven (7) months. - (i) The process to renew the Consultant Roster is fairly time consuming, requiring staff time to review Expressions of Interest from several consulting firms and to conduct interviews with _ a number of the firms. Because of the commitment of Planning Department resources to other higher priority projects, insufficient time is available to properly undertake the process to renew the Roster of Consultants. Staff from the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority are also involved in the consultant selection process. ... ... - (ii) The consultants on the existing Roster have consistently provided very good services. To date, a total of six (6) Environmental Impact Studies have been undertaken. As well, one (1) Peer Review of an independently-prepared study was undertaken. In every case, the Planning Department has been pleased with the quality of service and product provided by the consultants on the existing Roster. ... - .. 6t1r) ... - - REPORT NO.: PD-128-99 PAGE 3 - 3. CONCLUSIONS - An extension of seven (7) months for the current Roster of Consultants for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Studies will provide more time for Planning Department staff to complete several high priority projects. This extension would bring the termination date for the current Roster to June 30, 2000. - - - Reviewed by, .~~~-~ - e, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. lanning & Development Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. - JAS*BN*DC*df 2 November 1999 - Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: ... Mr. D. E. Maunder Aquafor Beech Limited 14 Abacus Road BRAMPTON, Ontario L6T 5B7 Mr. Steven Usher Gartner Lee Ltd. Suite 102 140 Renfrew Drive MARKHAM, Ontario L3R 6B3 - - Ms. Linda Hellas Bird and Hale Ltd. Suite 1002 2 Carlton Street TORONTO, Ontario M5R 2C1 Mr. Don Wright Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 100 Whiting A venue OSHA W A, Ontario LlH 3T3 - - - Mr. David Charlton Ecological Services Group 361 Southgate Drive GUELPH, Ontario N1G 3M5 Mr. Rob Franklin Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority P.O. Box 328 PORT HOPE, Ontario LlA 3W3 - - 041 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. - 5. - :,'\i: PD129-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT 'vIeeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: \1onday, November l5. 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-l29-99 FILE #: 18T-88061 By-law # Subject: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO DRAFT PLAN APPROVAL APPLICANT: CLARNEW DEVELOPMENTS INC. PART LOTS 26 AND 27, CONCESSION I, FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE FILE NO.: 18T-88061 Recommendations: ft is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-129-99 be received; 2. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends approval of the proposed amendment to the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 18T- 88061 as red line revised subject to the amended conditions contained in Attachment No. :2 to this report; , ~. THA T the Mayor and Clerk be authorized. by By-law, to execute the Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of the amended Draft Plan of Subdivision and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington at such time as an agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development. THA T all interested parties and delegations be advised of Council's decision with respect to that submission; and THA T a copy of this report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Durham Regional Planning Department. - APPLICATION DETAILS - - 1. 1.1 Applicant: Clarnew Developments Inc. 1.2 Agents: D.G. Biddle and Associates Ltd. 642 REPORT NO.: PD-129-99 .. PAGE 2 ... 1.3 Amendment to Draft Approval: .. Proposed Amendment No.3 to Draft Approval: The applicant IS proposmg a third amendment to Draft Approval. This amendment would not apply to Phase 1 but only to subsequent registrations. The amendment proposes 175 single detached dwellings and 154 semi-detached dwellings for a tOt81-r ;29 units for Phase 2. The current nroval would allow for the development or 150 single detached units, 130 semi-detached units and 116 townhouse units for a total of 396 units. Original Draft Plan Approval: Amendment No. 1 to Draft Approval: Amendment No.2 to Draft Approval: Registered Phase 1: ] .5 Area: Originally draft approved in August of 1992 with 349 single detached dwellings and 21 reserve blocks. .. - An Amendment to Draft Plan Approval was granted in December of 1996 to permit 200 single detached dwellings, 170 semi- detached dwellings, 80 street townhouses and 62 block townhouses for a total of 512 units. ... - A second amendment to Draft Approval was approved in January 0 f 1999 that realigned the extension of Edward Street and approved 187 single detached dwellings, 174 semi- detached dwellings, 68 street townhouses and 70 block townhouses. This resulted in a reduction in the number of overall units from 512 to 499. ... ... - Phase 1 of the draft plan of subdivision has been registered as 40M-1976. This Registered Plan of Subdivision consists of 37 single detached dwellings and 66 semi- detached dwellings for a total of 103 dwelling units. - - - ... - - .. 32.52 hectares .. '4j ... - - .., - 2.1 - - - - - - 2.3 - - - ... - 2.4 - 3. - 3.1 - - REPORT NO.: PD-129-99 PAGE 3 BACKGROUND Plan of Subdivision 18T -88061 received Draft Approval from the Regional Municipality of Durham on August 10, 1992 for 349 single detached dwellings and 21 reserve lots. The applicant's agent subsequently indicated to municipal staff in 1994 that the market conditions had changed and that the applicant was considering an Amendment to Draft Plan ApprovaL ') -, In December of 1996, the Regional Municipality of Durham approved an Amendment to Draft Plan Approval. that increased the number of units from 349 to 512 and introduced semi-detached dwellings, street townhouses and Block townhouses to the development for the first time. In September of 1998, C1amew Developments obtained ownership of the subject lands and approached staff regarding a further Amendment to Draft Plan ApprovaL The primary motivation of the applicant was a desire to realign the extension of Edward Street from a curvilinear road to a grid road system terminating in a tee intersection with the southerly extension of Arthur Street. The applicant's position was that the realigned Edward Street extension is more conducive with a residential neighbourhood since it would serve to reduce vehicular speed and thereby increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Amendment No.2 to Draft Plan Approval was approved in January of 1999 and the applicant has registered Phase 1 as Registered Plan 40M-1976. In September of 1999, Clamew Developments applied for the third amendment to Draft Plan ApprovaL OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY Within the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject lands are designated as a Living Area while the C1arington Official Plan designates the property as Urban Residential with two associated Medium Density (M) symbols. Urban residential uses are intended to be the predominant use of lands so designated. 644 ... REPORT NO.: PD-129-99 PAGE 4 - 4. .+.1 ZONING BY-LAW COMPLIANCE ... Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, the subject lands contain the following zone categories: - . Holding-Urban Residential Type One - Special Exception ((H)Rl-41) Holding-Urban Residential Type Two - Special Exception ((H)R2-15) Holding-Urban Residential Type Three - Special Exception ((H)R3-18) ... . . ... These zone categories allow for the development of the subject lands as contemplated by the applicant. Therefore, an amendment to the Zoning By-law is not required. ... 5. AGENCY COMMENTS - 5.1 The proposed Amendment to Draft Plan Approval was circulated for comments by the Regional Municipality of Durham. - 5.2 The Municipality of Clarington Fire Department has no objection to the proposal, noting that they did not find any fire safety concerns. - - 5.3 The Public Works Department has advised that Park Block 256 will need to be dedicated to the Municipality free and clear of any encumbrances and at no cost to the Municipality. In addition, the Public Works Department notes prior to any engineering approval for Phase 2, the applicant must provide a servicing scheme for Blocks 253-255. Finally, the Public Works Department notes that the siting and entrance location of any dwelling located on Lots 235 and 236 will be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. - ... ... - 7. STAFF COMMENTS 7.1 The proposed plan of subdivision has had numerous revisions since it was originally submitted in 1988. The current proposal removes street and block townhouses from the development but still provides for single detached dwellings and semi-detached/link dwellings on varying amounts of st t frontage. In addition, the plan h: ; improved upon - ... ... f:/tj .. - - REPORT NO.: PD-129-99 PAGE 5 - the grid pattern of roads by adjusting the curvilinear collector road (Edward Street East) and introducing Ravey Street which resulted in the removal of a cul-de-sac. - - The following chart depicts the various amendments to the draft plan of subdivision which have been approved in the past: - I Singles Semis I Townhouses Total Original Draft Plan Approval ! 370* ! 0 ! 0 370 1 st Amendment to Draft Plan I 200 : 170 I 142 I 512 I Approval i I i 2nd Amendment to Draft Plan I l87 174 I 138 499 Approval I , Proposed 3 ra Amendment to I 212** 220*** 0 432**** Draft Plan Approval I * Includes 21 Part Lots Includes 37 singles in Registered Plan 40M-1976 Includes 66 semis in RegIstered Plan 40M-1976 Includes 103 UnIts In Registered Plan 40M-1976 - - - ** *** .... - 7.2 The proposed amendment would removed the 138 Block townhouses from the Draft Plan of Subdivision. These townhouses were draft approved with the first amendment to draft approval and slightly reduced in the second amendment. The applicant has advised that the marketing of the site has indicated that single detached and semi-detached lots are by far the lot of choice for purchasers. - - - - The Clarington Official Plan establishes a target of 100 Medium density units for the Graham Neighbourhood. The removal of these townhouse units would make it difficult to attain the targets established in Table 9-2 of the Official Plan. However, the principals of C1arnew, through another company, recently obtained ownership of the former Newcastle lumber site in the vicinity of the intersection of King Street and Brookhouse Drive. 1319164 Ontario Ltd. has submitted the applications to amend the zoning by-law and to obtain site plan approval on these lands. - - - - 6"tl", - REPORT NO.: PD-129-99 PAGE 6 - 7.3 7.4 These applications include a proposed nursing home/retirement home with 88 rooms and a total of 175 beds in a two-storey building. Although these applications have not been finalized, this project would substitute for Medium Density residential development in terms of scale, massing and general type of use. Block 254 on this Plan of Subdivision would be included within the lands to be developed with the nursing home component. Block 255 is to be melded with the lands to the north, which is proposed for a gas bar/convenience store (see Attachment #4). ... - - - The current proposal includes a .41 hectare parkette, located to the east of the intersection of Edward Street and Brookhouse Drive. The original submission from C1amew included a smaller parkette, .26 hectares in size on the west side of Brookhouse Drive adjacent to Bloom A venue. The parkette was relocated to this area in part to allow for the removal of an undesirable cul-de-sac from the original submission. The parkette has irregular dimensions and a frontage of 39.89 metres which represents only 14.35% of the park perimeter. The Clarington Official Plan requires that the street frontage of the parkette not be less than 25% of the park perimeter. Therefore, draft plan of subdivision has been redline revised to remove Lot 236. This increases the parkette's frontage from 39.89 metres to 58.47 metres and the trontage as a ratio of the perimeter from 14.35% to 20.05%. While it does not meet the target required by the Official Plan, unlike the Zoning By-law, there is some flexibility with the interpretation of numeric targets. The applicant has agreed to the deletion of Lot 236. ... - .. - - - - - The current proposed draft plan of subdivision also indicates that the Graham Creek valleylands are owned by the applicant. Since the original submission of 18T -88061 in 1988, these lands have been excluded from the limits of the draft plan of subdivision. There is a related Official Plan Amendment application (COPA 97-014/C) for a 9 hole golf course within the valleylands. It necessitated the preparation of an Environmental Impact Study. This related application remains open but inactive. ... - - ... b4/ ... - - REPORT NO.: PD-129-99 PAGE 7 - 8. CONCLUSION 8.1 The Planning and Development Department recommends that Council support the requested amendment and that the Region of Durham be requested to approve a further amendment to draft plan approval, subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No. 1 to this report. - - - 8.2 In order to facilitate the Amendment to Draft Approval, amended conditions of Draft Plan Approval have been prepared. It is also recommended that these amended conditions be forwarded to the Regional Planning Department. These amended conditions replace certain conditions forwarded in September of 1996 and December 1998. - - - Reviewed d . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning & Development Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer. - - # - WM*L T*DC*df 4 November 1999 - Attachment # 1 - Key Map Attachment #2 - Conditions of Amendment to Draft Approval Attachment #3 - Proposed Plan of Subdivision as amended Attachment # 4 - Lot 236 and Blocks 254-255 - Interested parties to be notified of Committee and Council's decision: - D.G. Biddle and Associates Ltd. 96 King Street East OSHAWA, Ontario L1H 1B6 - C1amew Developments Inc. l050 Finch Avenue West - Suite 201 DOWNSVIEW, Ont~rio M3J 2E2 - 648 1-- i r----.~. I I i I-~-- j I 1 I E= ~ I- __ IE f- ~ I-j 0 I- (f) -. l- I---- I..: - .. ~ j I- : I- vr -, - ffi lL. - Iw ! ..., I~~ - - - - - I-- l- I- ~I ( -1 ____ '---..-A" KING STREET EAST , '/ '/ '//'/ ~ //~ ./ ATTACHMENT '1 ... Zr/ '/ '/ .~ ~ U-~1 --=:J :: I J I,'___~~ = CHAlLENGrn] ~:= ANDREW) = ~ / </ r----- \~WRrr' STREET: - ~~ ~~ r~ ~/ ~~/. ~~ ~'/ ~ '/ ~~ r~ 0::: 1/" '/ a:: ~ ~"l'~w 1 w,'/ ~ ~ >%::;E '/ > ~ / ,5 ~ a::/h~ a:: <.) ~ 9 '//:J: ~ ~~ / ~ /. '/ :.... ....;+..; .. ';'1';;..... .. .. .. .. . " .. .. . .. "IT' .: ~ '::::::.'::~' '1'.0., ~ R A:: ..................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ -...........................,..................... "' iiIIItl....ffr]~II'I!j!ix.. '':'.:ff:rrr::::':'').:r 8 .f:: .\@:...:iE.....,:\:.:!.:t:: ::...::: ....... ....... .......... ..... ....................., ............................... ...... ...................... ................... :':'''''.. ': ":'.~ ::::' ::::JiWENLIET,,: .. "'"'' ":"':5 :::. :'.J:]:'.: ":. J." .. i" I ::::::e" :':-:. :::::':BR'lb~Eis": " I , . . . . . '. .... . . 'I :::::::. .::::.:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:-:-:.:-::::::::::::-:-:.:.:............. ~11I~ "~ ---------.... - \ II ~//; \ 77/ 1 - Ii 77~ vh''''~~0'/~ 0~. ~~'/ '777/// /' '/ /' ~~ ~I ~... ~:/ '/ ~ ~ r /.. ~... ~ 1'/ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~ '/ ~~ '/ , ~~ '/ ,... JI ~ ~L.~ '/ ~~ ~ ,~ - - ~ '/ ~~ ., ~ ~~ ~ ~ 0Z "'/.Z '// ."~ - ~ '" ~'/ ~/ :/ ~ , .) // ~ ~ ~ ;, 0 ~// '/ / ~ ~/ ~ /, lj '/ '~ ~ ~/ ~ '/ lj ~~:% ~ ~ ;~~/ I ~~ z '/~ I :w'/ "l; /~ ~ '/~ ~~ ." - - .. - ~ )if, 0/( , I - GRAHAM ----.-....- ,r" - I--- - - , ... HIGHWAY 401 - I - --~ I~-~ .~ ~ ~ _~ (~l, . ~ I___~-- I - ~ PROPOSED PHASE 2 OF 18T-88061 Ii] 40M-1976 (Phose 1) - - 649 ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41. - - - - ATTACHMENT #2 REVISED CONDITIONS OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION DATED NOVEMBER 15.1999 Report PD-ll8-96 forwarded revised Conditions of Draft Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-88061. Report PD-l35-98 forwarded amending conditions to replace the corresponding condition forwarded by Report PD-188-96. Report PD-133-99 has forwarded a further amendment to Condition No. 1 to replace the Condition No. 1 forwarded by Report PD-118-96, as amended by Report PD-135-98. All other conditions forwarded by Report PD-118-96 and/or Report PD-135-98 remain in full effect. Conditions 40 to 41 do not replace previous conditions but are new conditions added as a result of the realignment of the road allowance, the revised lotting and current policies. PLAN IDENTIFICATION 1. That this approval applies to draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -88061 prepared by D.G. Biddle and Associates dated September 1994 as revised September 1999 (and further revised in red as per the attached plan) showing 174 Lots for single detached dwellings and 154 Lots for semi-detached dwellings, Block 256 as redline revised for Park, Block 257 for walkway and various Blocks for reserve, road widening, site triangle etc. 8. That the Owner transfer to the Municipality, Block 256 as redline revised for park purposes. 40. That the Owner agrees that pnor to any engmeenng approval for Phase 2 of the subdivision, the Owner must provide a servicing scheme for Blocks 253 - 255, all inclusive. Any servicing scheme must be compatible with the approved engineering for Phase 1 and will be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. That the Owner agrees that the siting and entrance location of any dwelling located on Lots 235 will be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. 650 42. 43. - - 2 - ... That the Owner agree to establish a geodetic benchmark in the vicinity of Brookhouse Drive and Edward Street that will serve as vertical control for the proposed development. The Owner will be responsible for the cost of establishing the benchmark. - - That the Owner agrees to be responsible to provide suitable fencing along the rear of any residential lot situated adjacent to Block 256, as redline revised. The type of fencing shall be determined at the engineering stage at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works. The Owner further agrees to provide suitable fencing along the rear lot lines of Lots 134 to 205, all inclusive. The type of fencing shall be indicated on the landscaping plan included in the Municipality's standard Subdivision Agreement and shall be at the sole discretion of the Director of Planning and Development - ... - ... .. ... - - ... ... ... .. .. .. 6J1 - 1 1 1 T T T T T TI T II T 1/1 f I II T' r r r r I ~ r.! ~ ;:1 ., . ~:. lmtCTII:f 111""" ~ ~ ~ I i ~II ATTACHMENT '3 1111 ~( ~ L~ -1'0_ -......... J I ""C>. I! -----------.~-------_=-.~-H:__ I!I/r-<y i:/~~~:;: ;i}'~~~T~o 01' - Bo[~lOi\].ml DJ~. D..! f ,Vtt .'. :'~IT ,I J U ~ .' J j i iU[U~~ I, \-I~,a~'t~~:iii(~;~\~~.; - ~ -~'r~,'rf'~'..~tJ~.~-=- E~] II / -- -... I I - - ~ I _1 /, ___ I CJ . Ifu'r~~r,nE:YL- K I ~~~~:Fi ~:;1'I' "~.; I .; ~?[~IIS1 It! 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"'/ \ .... \ 5' \ :::1Tf; "'e.,, ' :'\.1 /"~ \ I~ -~~ ~ - f (I ., "" ~I '~Iil ~ ____.$ 'I 2'19 '[" g g : + L: " ~ I 220 _ q ~ I '" \t ~ _~---L-- - ~-8.2__~ .... ~! 0.. ~ ': 81 I 83' - 84 ".., 80 ~ - -%-~- I - ... 79. - -f-. - -86- ;--. 1 ~ ... 77 24.40 u-r--- It.lL - 76 75 ~~ I. .... ~/,,~ , , ~ a)j 0') ~I"-.: ~ - / ~ - T 4- ~ - r-.r- -, ~ ~ '-,.., '" /N' \'i ' ~y /'. ' ...........,~. 'I II . - u.,.o ~4 OJ ~... I '- " - -~:--;- ""'0 24 ..0 I J .... '" a> <=l '" .... 10 ... N~ N '" N ;' 0 Sl.OJ PARK 8LJl;... 256 o..t~ - - 226- ~ - .., IZ;~!I' 1$ I~ I No' I'f') ..w> I~~.~ I ".." - ~21-,; ... , I 1: )........,:'~ 134 - W/j'~ Lot 236 to be Removed to Increase Frontage ... for Park Block 256 I I Block 255 to be Included with ... Gas Bar / Convenience Store Proposal Block 254 to be Included with Nursing Home Proposal .. 653 ... - - - - - Subject: - - DN: PD-130-99 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT \1eeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, November l5, 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-130-99 File #: DEV 97-003 & 18T-97002 By-law # REMOVAL OF HOLDING "H" SYMBOL TAUNTON TERRACE LIMITED PART LOT 35. CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILES: DEV 97-003 & 18T-97002 - Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. - 2. - ., J. - 4. - THAT Report PD-130-99 be received; THAT the rezoning application submitted by Taunton Terrace Limited requesting the removal of the Holding "H" symbol from the subject lands be APPROVED and that the amending By-law attached hereto be forwarded to Council for approval; THA T a copy of this report and the amending By-law be forwarded to the Region Durham Planning Department; and, THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. - 1. APPLICATION DETAILS - - - - - 1.1 Applicant: Taunton Terrace Limited 1.2 Rezoning: Removal of Holding "H" symbol 1.3 Subdivision Application: To construct a subdivision containing 30 semi-detached/link dwelling units and 2 single detached dwelling units 6J, REPORT PO-120-99 PAGE 2 - 1.4 .. Site Area: 1.74 hectares (4.30 acres) 2.1 2. BACKGROUND - 2.2 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 On January l4, 1997, Taunton Terrace Limited submitted applications for subdivision approval and removal of the Holding "H" symbol. The subject lands are located on Townline Road south of Highway 2 in Courtice. They are legally described as Part Lot 35, Concession 2, in the former Township of Darlington. - ... ... The removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol would permit the development of a plan of subdivision containing 30 semi-detached/link dwelling units and 2 single detached dwelling units. ... ... ST AFF COMMENTS The lands are currently zoned "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)Rl) Zone". The Holding "H" symbol can be removed upon Council being satisfied that the development will be adequately serviced, has been fully reviewed by the appropriate commenting agencies, and will be used for the purposes intended under the Zoning By- law. .. - ... The applicant originally received draft approval for plan of subdivision 18T -97002 on September 25,1998. An amendment to draft approval was obtained on July 14, 1999 for additional lands that were incorporated into the plan. ... ... A subdivision agreement has been executed between the Municipality and the applicant. The agreement contains all relevant conditions of approval, development and performance standards, and financial requirements. ... ... Pursuant to Sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act, a Zoning By-law Amendment to remove the Holding "H" symbol is not subject to the normal appeal period applicable to standard rezoning applications, and therefore shall be deemed final and binding should ... .. ... 655 ... - REPORT PO-120-99 PAGE 3 - Council grant its approval. - -to -+. 1 RECOMMENDATION - In consideration of the comments noted above. Staff would have no objection to the removal of the Holding "H" symbol as shown on the attached By-law. - - Reviewed by, - J ,/ r; ~ f'\ (\ . V1lt~~ LL~L franklin Wu, M.C.LP., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer - RH*DJC*cd - Attachment # 1 - Key Map Attachment #2 - Amending By-law Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - - Mr. Mark Foley Taunton Terrace Limited P.O. Box 11 319 College Avenue Oshawa, Ontario L 1 H 7K8 - - - - - - - - ()~J ATTACHMENT '1 . SUBJECT SITE LOT 35 LOT 34 '!I:i!:HI LOT 33 ,I!,! iL" I ' , ! I ' , I In, ----./ JI /;~ :r: I- ::::::> o (f) Q < o a::: w z :J z 3: ~ -_'.! ,H, IGUI~fA V -,.('--' I lII~y,., 1 2 !! :-J , , ~,~,~.,/" ' ,/~ ',Y"--::::/ ! -~- r /1----------..1 . / ,----- f i ~-...... COURTICE KEY MAP DEV.97-003 1ST -97002 657 ... ... - - ... ... ... N Z o - CJ) CJ) W U Z o U ... ... ... - - - ... ... I ... ... l1li l1li - ATTACHMENT '2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LA W NUMBER 99-_ - - being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. - WHEREAS he CounCIl of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle to implement application 18T -97002 to permit the development of a plan of subdivision containing 30 semi-detached/link dwelling units and 2 single detached dwelling units. - - NOW THERl::FORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington enacts as follows: - 1. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)Rl) Zone" to "Urban Residential Type One (Rl) Zone" as shown on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. - - 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. - 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act. ... BY-LA W read a first time this day of 1999. - BY -LA W read a second time this day of 1999. - BY-LA W read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999. - - MAYOR - CLERK - - - 658 ... This is Schedule"A" to By-law 99- , passed this day of , 1999 A.D. ... LOT 35, CONCESSION 2 ... -~ LlJI o::'CIJ ~ -ILlJ i a.. I a:: I ~I(,) '----< :----i i :--j ... ---- i 'I i f---1 r--- i I I ! , I ~ : i~C::=:j ~ : ~f-.,;:I r--- o ~~ CI) . . / ,----j <: 01 ' / / J ~ L-J~ ! I .! / /~., ;:r: ~ '.\ ',-! / ' / r----frJ '" o I //, "---'---~J. / !' ....... 0:: . ~/' /?'~~~/,~/ / / I I f( ~ I " : (" ---L / / .~.~~. ~,;;~;- ~ ~ I '. I. ~~. '\ I ~L~/ / / /~ ---J ~ ~ I "!II~..///~ ~ ~ . '>~i~/I~'~/11 i ~ZONING CHANGE FROM n(H)R1" TO "R1" /,/1 ... / ',,-- I '-I / ! L ''--..J - ... f--- ... ... - ... Mayor Cieri< ... COURTICE LOT 35 NASH - ... ------ " '.' " -.-----'_J_<-_~, ------------ N "-~, ~ z o en C/l UJ U Z o u - ... ,.~~' .....'\' -;::'. ,~ (~G= =1 -; t?.;: \\ I al . t::.: '.. '''''.~' II "'\ )1 __ ',::::::-' I '- '.-.. '. . ~--~ - "'----.. / i .. l1li .~, :.....~, ....1 fr-i tz-::, , .. ON: P131-99 - - - Meeting: Date: - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Monday, November l5, 1999 Res. # Report #: - Subject: - - PD-131-99 FILE #: ZBA 99-017 By-law # REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: CLARINGTON PLACE LIMITED PART LOT 16, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON (CLARINGTON BOULEVARD) FILE NO.: ZBA 99-017 Recommendations: - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 2. - - 3. - 4. 1. THAT Report PD-131-99 be received; THAT the rezoning application submitted by Martindale Planning Services on behalf of Clarington Place Limited for the subject lands be APPROVED and that the amending By- law attached ht:reto be forwarded to Council for approval; THAT a copy of this report and the amending By-law be forwarded to the Region Durham Planning Department; and. TRA T all interested parties listed m this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. - - 1. APPLICATION DETAILS - - - - - 1.1 Applicant: C1arington Place Limited 1.2 Agent: Martindale Planning Services 1.3 Rezoning: To modify Section 16.5.15 c) xiv) in the "General Commercial Exception (C 1-15) Zone" by deleting references to "clothing store, j ewellery store, shoe store, fashion accessory store, yam and fabric store, hardware store, furniture store, and home furniture store". 1.4 Site Area: 1.0 hectare (2.5 acres) 660 4. 4.1 4.2 - REPORT NO.: PD-131-99 PAGE 2 - 2. LOCATION The subject lands are located at northwest comer of Highway 2 and Clarington Boulevard. The applicant's land holdings totals 1.0 hectare (2.5 ac). The property in legal terms is known as Part Lot 16, Concession 1 in the former Township of Darlington. ... - 2.1 - 3. BACKGROUND - 3.1 Section 5.2.1 a) (ii) of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan's commercial policies currently does not permit clothing, shoe, jewellery fashion accessory, yam and fabric, hardware, furniture, and home furnishing stores on the Willsonia Industries lands. This policy was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board in 1994 on the basis of retail market evidence submitted by the owner's retail consultant. The report indicated that sufficient market would be available by 1998 to support these uses on the Clarington Place Limited lands. As the timeframe has elapsed, deleting this policy would allow the owner to attract an increased array of retail commercial uses. ... - - ... 3.2 - The Municipality initiated an official plan amendment (COP A 99-001) that. among other things, deleted Section 5.2.1 a) (ii). Council approved Amendment #15 to the Clarington Official Plan on May 31, 1999. On October 4, 1999, the Durham Region Planning Department approved the amendment, a decision that is now final and binding. This permits the amendment of the zoning on this property to implement this policy change. - ... EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES The property is currently being used as a parking lot for the theatre and restaurants. - - Surrounding Uses: East: Theatre and restaurants North: Vacant land West: Residential and vacant lands South: Cc nmercial ... - ... 661 ... - - REPORT NO.: PD-131-99 PAGE 3 - 5. 5.1 - - 5.2 - - - 6. 6.1 - - - 7. 7.1 - 7.2 - - 8. 8.1 - 8.2 - - - - OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES The lands are designated "\'lain Central Area" within the Durham Region Official Plan. Retail commercial uses are permitted within this designation. The application conforms to the policies. Within the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan, the subject lands are designated "Retail Commercial". With the approval of Official Plan Amendment #15, the proposal conforms to the policies. ZONING BY.LA W CONFORMITY The subj ect lands are currently zoned "General Commercial Exception (C 1-15) Zone", which limits the range of commercial uses on the property. In order to increase the range of retail commercial uses permitted on the property, a rezoning application was submitted for consideration. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION Public notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and two public meeting notice signs were installed on the lands. As of the writing of this report, a telephone inquiry was received from the BIA but no comments or written submissions have been received. AGENCY COMMENTS The Clarington Public Works Department has no objections to the proposal. No comments have been received from the Durham Region Planning and Durham Region Public Works Departments. 662 - REPORT NO.: PD-131-99 PAGE 4 - 9. CONCLUSIONS - ().l Based on the comments contained in this report, it is respectfully recommended that the by-law provided in Attachment #2 to delete specific retail use restrictions from the "General Commercial Exception (C 1-15) Zone" be APPROVED. - - Recommended for presentation at Committe~ ~ '~r /) fl-- ~~ ~ -- "- Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Chief Administrative Officer - Da Id J. rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development ... RH*DC*jip - Attachment #1 - Key Map Attachment #2 - Amending By-law .. Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - Mr. Glenn Willson Clarington Place Limited 140 Bond Street P.O. Box 488 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L8 - - Mr. Robert Martindale Martindale Planning Services 23 Elizabeth Street Aj ax, Ontario LIT 2X 1 .. - .. .... - .. 6b3 - - ATTACHMENT 11 - . SUBJECT SITE - LOT 16 LOT 15 I - I 1'1 N I ~ ll)' , - C Z c ~( 0 <( I - en - 0 en a:::: :--1 ~ w z <( () ~~ z --- I W ----------- 0 z - w a:::: 0 (.!) w () - - , I UBQWNI AVE. ". . c ~ CD ~ - - c~\c ~ <(~ h...\)\~/ ': h...~'r/ / CI~// " '- Z (- ~ I ~ . i () . i !.' z ~~}-{: l.h(.'/~...~_ 8 " 1 r /1- .. .. I ..~== . I-L- !~-=:'// ! - - ------ - -- - BOWMANVILLE KEY MAP ZBA. 99-017 - 664 ATTACHMENT '2 ... THE CORPORATION OF TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 99- - being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive By-Law for the former Town of Newcastle. - WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle to implement application ZBA 99-017 to permit an increased array of retail commercial uses on the property . - - 0iOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT the Council of the CorporatIOn of the \;lunicipality of Clarington enacts as follows: - I. Section 16.5.15 c) xiv) is deleted and replaced with the following: - "xiv) retaiVcommercial establishment provided that no general merchandise store, clothing retail warehouse, drug retail warehouse, and food retail warehouse may be constructed or used;" .. , This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. "., - By-law read a first time this day of 1999. By-law read a second time this day of t(ll 1999. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of 1999. - - MAYOR "., CLERK - ... ... - 66j Wi - - - - - - THE CORJlORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT \1eeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, November l5. 1999 Res. # Report #: PD-132-99 File #: ZBA 99-039 By-law # Subject: REMOV AL OF PART LOT CONTROL APPLICATION APPLICANT: ST. STEPHEN'S ESTATES INCORPORATED P ART LOT 8, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE NO.: ZBA 99-039 Recommendations: - - 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. - 1. 1.1 - - - - - - - It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PD-132-99 be received; THAT the request for removal of Part Lot Control in respect of Lots 22 to 42, 65 to 72 inclusive and Blocks 137, 138, l40 and 141 on 40M-1977 be APPROVED; THAT the attached By-law be APPROVED and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to Section 50 (7.1) of the Planning Act; and THA T all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. BACKGROUND In October of L 999, staff received a request from St. Stephen's Estates Incorporated for the removal of Part Lot Control in respect to lots 22 to 42, 65 to 72 inclusive and Blocks 137,138,140 and 141 on 40M-1977. The lands are located in Part of Lot 8. Concession 2. former Town of Bowmanville. 1.2 The removal of Part Lot Control would facilitate the construction of semi-detached dwelling units and townhouse units on the above noted lots and blocks. The process will enable the lots .and blocks to be divided and resurveyed after the dwelling foundations are in place. Since the lots are located in a registered plan of subdivision, there is an existing 660 REPORT PD-132-99 PAGE 2 - agreement in place to cover the Municipality's tinancial interest, including payment of parkland dedication and development charges. .. - ., ST AFF COMMENTS 2.1 It is recommended that a By-law be approved to exempt the subject lands from Part Lot Control. The attached By-law requires the approval of Council and the Regional Municipality of Durham. .. - ., ') In accordance with Subsection 7.3 of Section 50 of the Planning Act, the By-law may provide a specified time frame during which the By-law shall be in force. As a result it is not necessary to prepare a second by-law to restore Part Lot Control on the subject lands. After reviewing the application, it is recommended that the By-law be in force for a five (5) year period following Council approval, ending on November 15,2004. - ."" .. Respectfully submitted, \ Reviewed by, ... ... ome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. f Planning & Development o ~~Q_~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer .. SL *DJC*cc ... November 5, 1999 ... Attachment No. 1 Attachment No.2 Attachment No.3 Key Map Lots Affected by Part Lot Control Map By-law ... Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: - St. Stephen's Estates Incorporated c/o Landcrest Development Management 633 Edgeley Blvd., Unit 3 Concord, Ontario L4K 4H6 ... - .. 667 .. - ATTACHMENT 11 - . SUBJECT SITE - LOT 9 LOT 8 - ---- ------------ "---.-'------ - _.~--~.. - -~_.,---~- - - # / ,-r~~~, . i \'4~ __ '~ '. I ' <. % . IRELAND STREET I ~ - ~S~--~--~--J~~-SPRueEWOOO eRES // ( ~o [... . .~ ^~_l>'\~~~~f i~ . ' " -, ~ 1-'.' --, - --~Vl ,::u -" ""l:'j j-- . . -----~~ I~~~'" \~ -=.:. I ~ ! . 't;;-- .-. \ I i..l~ -~ ~1' .. .. " ORNE is. ~ ~ r ..... , ti'l -----'_ lQ .: ; ROAD--' ) '~~ Iii ~ ~ EDGERTON S'r~-1-- . - FlAX_." ,--:-1~ ~~~ I --; -= I i'h - STREET ~j --- i ~ '-~I~- , It~3 c~~ I , I : I I I I , 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 i ~ ~ CON~ESSION i ~STREET IEASrrI BO~:yA~~~LE ZBA 99-039 Ie .,. - 668 N Z o - en en w () z o u I ATTACHMENT '2 ... , , - -----,' ~ ! I ~------- ----------, I \ .. ~ MEARNS AVENUE ... 0 3: .. ijl - ~ r- 0 .. -t 64 en r :J> S 0 .. ." --i .." ~ m -z.. Ol 0 ... -- -t rn m C () .. m 0 -< Z ""0 () .. :J> rrl :D CD (f) -t r (f) ... 0 - N r- () 0 m 0 0 ^ Z -t ::::0 ~ ... )> 0 (...l N < (J1 . 0 rrl Z - CD -t CD :D I 0 .. 0 r- ~ to to to N (...ll~ N W 0 CD ~ - ~ to ~~ .7~OO GUILDWOOD DR r?' 1- / - BLoCk BLOCK ~I~I~I~I-A ~ I 736 (...li(...ll(...l N N I N 133 NI-"IO to CXl -....J - -- ... 66q - - - THE CORPORA nON OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 99-_ - being a By-law to designate a certain portion of Registered Plan 40M-1977 as rot being subject to Part Lot Control. - WHEREAS the Council of tht~ Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to exempt from Part Lot Control, Lots 22 to 42,65 to 72 inclusive and Blocks 137, 138, 140 and 141 on 40M-1977 registered at the Land Titles Division of Whitby. - :--.J'OW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality - ofClarington enacts as follows: - 1. THAT Subsection (5) of Section 50 of the Planning Act shall not apply to those lands described in Paragraph 2 within the By-law. - .., THA T this By-law shall come into effect upon being approved by the Regional Municipality of Durham and thereafter Subsection (5) of Section 50 shall cease to apply to the following lands: - - a) Lots 22 to 42,65 to 72 inclusive and Blocks 137, 138, 140 and 141 on Registered Plan 40M-197i'. - - 3. Pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 50 of the Planning Act, this By-law shall be in force for a period of five (5) years ending on November 15,2004. BY - LA W read a tirst time this day of 1999. - - BY-LA W read a second time tins 1999. day of - BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 1999. day of - - MAYOR - CLERK - 670 ATTACHMENT '3 L L L L L l L l L L L l L L l L L L l ::IN: TR.67 -98 THE 'CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GenerallPurpose and Administration Committee File # Date: November I 5 1 999 Res. # Report #: TR-67-99 FILE #: By-law # Subject: TRANSFER OF DENTAL COVERAGE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THA T Report TR-67-99 be received; 2. THA T staff be directed FORTHWITH to transfer dental coverage for all Municipal employees from Clarica to Liberty Health with an effective date of December 1, 1 999. BACKGROUND Metropolitan Life's Canadian operations were purchased by Mutual Life of Canada earlier this year. At that timE! Municipal Staff asked our consultants Mosey & Mosey to review the dental coverage to ensure that the coverage was equal to or better than that provided by Metropolitan Life. Mosey & Mosey confirmed that a number of coverage codes were dropped and Mutual was not willing to include them for any claims after they had purchased Metropolitan Life. In July 1999 Mutual Life changed their name to Clarica. Although there would be savings for the Municipality to convert all policies to Cia rica, according to the review by Mosey & Mosey, the coverage is not equal to or better than the existing plans, and as slLlch this option is not recommended. Staff requested Mosey & Mosey to contact Liberty Health to find out if they would provide dental coveras;e equal to or better than that formerly provided by Metropolitan Life. They assured Mosey & Mosey that they could provide the coverage required. Qnl REPORT NO.: JR- 67-98 PAGE 2 ] J J l J J J J ] J 1 1 J' \,;'< J 1 ) l J' t J Mosey & Mosey stated that we would have an annual savings of approximately $14,000 per year due to the consolidation of dental and extended health benefits with Liberty Health. Attached is a letter (Attachment # 1) from Kevin Ashe of Mosey & Mosey stating his recommendation to change our dental carrier from Clarica to Liberty Health. Also, if the Dental and Extended Health benefits are with the same carrier the Municipal Employees would find it easier to process claims. Mosey & Mosey have said that the benefit booklet produced by Liberty Health is easier to understand than the current benefit booklet. Cia rica requires thirty days notice prior to cancellation of benefit coverage, and they have been notified that, subJect to Council confirmation, the change will take place effective December 1, 1 999. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, MM'*JF'*ls /'/ ,/~- // I/vt-- ran I n Wu, /~ Chief Administrative Officer. Attachments on') ~0/25/1999 ~5:15 L l l l l '31':15-EI31-2575 M&M PAGE 1':11 Attachment ;/1 Mosey Mosey Kevin Asbe Vice President. Marketina and Sales Mosey & Mosey Benefit Plan Consultants First Pickerinc Place, 1550 KIngston Rd, Suite 211 Plckeriol, Ontario LIV lC3 Telephone: (905) 831-2571, Toll Free: 1-800-373-6488, Fax: (90S) 831-2576, E-mail: moseYliidirect.com Facsimile Cover Sheet L L L l l L l l L L L L L L To: Compaoy: Fax: Date: Pages incl. Cover: Re: Comments: Jackie Forsey/Marie Marano Municipality of Clarington 6:Z34169 October 26,1999 6 Benefit change Should you have any qll.estions, please call. NB: If allp.... .re nOll'Kftvtd or If. uncln,. pl.u. cont.et our Om". 111. Inform.ttoaln this ru pri..ilecteS anti cltafld.ntiaL It II intellded r01' III..... oreh. ItlcI'.II" otlly. IrYOI hav. rec.I..,tI thlt fuln error. pl.... contact the ,.nder. Qn~ 10/26/19gg 15:16 985-831-2576 M&M ~.;:..... . .... ,...,. ' . .:'... ':." PAGE eJ2 1 J ] J J J ] J l ] ] J J ) l 1 J J J Moseyc.(Mosey October 26, 1999 ,:'.l"'d:'" F.-:,."'f'b~'- t... \;I'UI.'''' .'''',~''r .'-n!.:~' Marie Marano Treasurer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Re: Benefit Costings/CODsolidatton Dear Marie: Further to our recent meeting, please find enclosed a spreadsheet illustrating the savings as a result of consolidating under one camero As per your instructions, we approached both of your cumnt carriers with a view to ascertain the savings available should the Municipality consolidate all the benefits with one carrier or the health and dental with one carrier. CUlTently, Clarica (MutuallMetropolitan Life) underwrite the Life, Del', Life, L TD and Dental benefits. Libmy Health underwrite the Out of Province and the Health benefits. The spreadsheet is set out as follows: Current Based on April billing volumes and rates of existing carriers: Current pooled premium $11, 16~, 17 Current Health and Dental premium S42,532.58 CI.ri~. Option Rates based on all business being undenvrittcn by Clarica: Current pooled premiums would not change at $11 ~ 165.17 Health and dental premiums would reduce to 541,351,50 Annual savings ofS1S,299.28 (inel PST) Libert}' Health Option Rates based on all business being underwritten by Liberty Health: Current pooled premium would increase by $13,322.61 Health and dental premium would reduce to $41,431.26 6"IA Mini...up PAlacI. Miuialllfl. OntVio L5N IA6 t~ 905 826.9)9(\ fax: 905 826.6657 toll &~ 1-800.2C;8.838~ Fin' Picken", Place. Unit 21 t. l'~O Klnpllll Road. "ida:t~. Ontllnn llV 10 tel; 90~ 831.25il f'u: 90' 831.2576 tOil rr~ 1.800-~73-64n anA ~0/26/1999 15:16 l L l L l l l l l l l L L l L L l L l '3E1S-EI31-2576 M&M PAGE 03 Ann\Jlal total premlUm would increase to S54,753.87. An annual increase of $14. 206.4 S. Annual savings if Liberty Health awarded Health and Dental only is $14,273.11 Liberty Health L TD quotation generates significant increases to your current costs and as a result, we recommend you not consider this option. This position taken by Liberty Health can be attributed to their rclatively new entrance to the L TD marketplace. Public bodies typically hav'c poorer claims experience and Liberty Health has taken a very cautious approach te) public sector L TD business to date. This position eliminates any consideration of awarding all the benefit lines to Liberty Health. Based on the enclosed findings. consideration must be given to consolidating your health and dental coveragc's under one carrier. Savings as a result of this initiative would be at least $14, 273 with Liberty Health and $15,299 with Clarica, The recent conversion from Metropolitan Life to Mutual Life (now Clarica) has not been as smooth as transition as promised resulting in disruption to the Municipality's employees. In addition. Clarica has not been able to duplicate the provisions of the fonner Metropolitan Life contract As a result, it i8 oUlr recommendation that the Dental benefit be awarded to Liberty Health etTeetlve December 1. We do so for the following reasons: -Liberty bu waived their fee for on line benefits administration -The Municipality will have on line capability to add and delete coverage, thus resulting in having up to date data base. This will allow the avoidance of potential ineligible claims being paid. - The on line capabdity will anow the Municipality I s PersoMel staff to have immediate response to claims and eligibility issues, -Employees will benefit from a single booklet for Health and Dental coverages. They are less likely to be confused over claiming procedures when there is a single carrier. In respect to the Liberty Health rates, the current rate change for EHC is April 1 , 2000. Should the dental (:hange be effective on December l, 1999 the quoted rates will be guaranteed for 16 months to Aprill, 2001. I have also enclosc!Ci nine month claims experience for Liberty Health. The trends are positive with the plan operating at an acceptable loss ratio. Qnc; ~a/26/19gg :5:16 '3elS-831-25i6 M&M Should you have any questIons. or require my attendance at a Committee to discuss our recommendation. please do not hesitate to call. Qnk PAGE el4 J J l J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J J J l0/25/1'3'3'3 15:15 '305-831-2575 M&M PAGE 05 L L ~~fit CU"~nt Clarica Liberty Volume Rate Prmrium Ratl! Prlflftium Rate Pronillm Lit 17A62.000 .26 $ 4540.12 .26 S 4540.12 .26 S 4540.12 D~p. Lir~ 1S1 116 $ 417.16 3.16 5 477.16 3.16 S 417.16 L~ 1&2 225.634 1.:50 $ 3384.51 1.50 S 3384.51 1.81 S 4083.97 ~L 115,474 1.38 $ 1593.54 1.38 S 1593.54 2.39 S 2759.82 31.312 1. 09 $ 341.30 1.09 $ 341.30 2.4~ S 767.14 5 78,909 l.O~ $ 828.S4 LOS S 828.54 .88 $ 694.40 SlIb-Ttltal $11.16~.17 SU,165.17 513,322.61 L Er S 24 57.39 $ 137736 56.57 S 13~1.68 56.S7 $ Un68 F ISO 142.50 $2137'-00 140.45 $2127'.00 140.45 52137'.00 5 4 ~6.52 S 226.08 .55.71 $ 222.84 55.71 $ 222.84 l F 30 139.18 $ 4175.40 137.18 $ 411''''0 137.18 $ 4115,40 Out of Prev. S 21 1.50 S 42.00 .88 S 24,64 !.SO $ 42.00 L F 180 3.00 S 540.00 1.76 S 316.80 3.00 $ 540.00 Rdt~1! S 0 10.42 S 4.40 $ 10.42 S - L F 2 20.81 S 41.62 8,80 S 17.60 20.81 S 41.61 Dl!nral 1l3.6 &7 S 19 2:6.61 $ 50S.59 2',46 $ 483.74 24.77 S 470.63 F 136 71.98 510741.28 74.4' $10125.20 73.53 510000.08 4L 5 .5 ~:6.61 S 133.05 26.44 S 132.20 24.77 $ 123.85 F 14 80,3.5 S 1124.90 15.76 S 1060.64 14.80 S 1047.20 5 S 4 24.75 S 99.00 23.69 S 94.76 23.04 S 92.16 l F 30 71.71 S 21'1.30 67.50 S 202~.OO 66.76 S 2002.80 Sub-ttltal: J42,532.J1 J41,351.30 Ul.431..Z4 ~"d Total: JJ3.691. 7$ J52,516.61 154,7'3.87 l I I . st.. on April 1.1999 VobImI_ bit. I l I L L 807 -tJ/26/1'3'3'3 15:16 '3€1S-1331-2576 M&M PAGE 136 \ LIBERTY HEALTH... 1 J J ) J J J J J J J J ] J J ) J I J Municipality of Clsrington Experience Report for the perIod of December " 1998 to August 31, 1999 Group Number: 37311 ,7 ,1. fIJ" }" t ~.- if r r " r :- t.~ T ~ I ,. 4'" " . .i ':: ~ I 7 S ,- }' r J T- ~ 7' rof' .. -:A' ~ , ~ r r . ~ ," I : ~..r t ~ ,! .,.. -r ~, r 1 . . ~..... . ,~~>://~'~' /'< 'c/";" < i " 'i'~: ':'.' ". .: i :. ,:: > :,~:', . : Afunlciptlllry of a.".....". 37371 E Extended Health $ 60,933 $ 48,534 : 79. i'% G Extended Health $ 69,714 $ 58,278: 83.6% J Extendfld Health S 18,918 $ 11,205 59.2% R Extended Health $ 46,466 $ 33,740 72,8% S Extended Health $ 32,878 $ 26,502 80.8" T Extended Health $ 7,691 $ 4,996 65.0" F Extended He.lth $ 1,259 $ 2,826 224.5% TOTAL $ 237.86' $ 1..011 71.2" RnA l L l L l L l L l L L l L L L l L L L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: November 15. 1999 Res. # Report #: TR-68-99 FILE# By-Law Subject: QUOTATION: Q99-10 SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION OF V ARllOUS TREES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully rec:ommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Cowlcil the following: 1. THAT Report TR-68-99 be received; 2. THAT Pro Lawn Landscaping, Orono, Ontario with a reduced bid in the amount of $19,000.00, incIuding G.S. T., being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all tenns, conditions and specifications of Quotation Q99-1 0, be awarded the contract for Supply, Delivery, and Installation of various trees, as required by the Department of Public Works: 3. THAT funds in the amount of$19,000.00 be drawn from the approved 1999 Public Works Capital Budget Account #7212-88002-0261; and 4. THAT the additional funds required in the amount of $999.17 be drawn from Account #7205-01003-0261 Church Street Reconstruction; FORTHWITH BACKGROUND AND COMMENT As the total estimatc~d funds required for this project were $19,000.00, a quotation request rather than a fonnal tender was issued. Subsequently bids were received and tabulated as follows: R09 PAGE 2 -J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J REPORT NO.:TR-68-99 i BIDDER i TOTAL BID I I I I AMOUNT I Pro Lawn Landscaping $20,235.20 Orono, Ontario I Maple Lane Nurseries & Landscape $21,878.75 Bowmanville, Ontario Holland Aaronway $26,405.46 Hampton, Ontario Kamstra Landscaping $31,003.25 Oshawa, Ontario It is recommended that funds in the amount of $19,000.00 be drawn from the Public Works Capital Budget Account #7212-88002-0261 as reflected on page 219 of the 1999 Capital Budget. It is further recommended that the additional funds required be drawn from Account #7205-01003-0261 Church Street Reconstruction from which there are adequate funds remaining. Note, the quotation specifications indicate that the quantity of trees is estimated only and subject to change. Therefore, as the total bid price of $20,235.20 exceeds the $19,999.17 allocation ($19,000.00 1999 tree planting plus $999.17 Church St. reconstruction), the total number of trees for the annual portion will be reduced to be within the budgeted amount. The Treasurer has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Public Works. ~ln L l l L l L l l l L L L l l L L L L L REPORT NO.:TR-68-99 PAGE 3 The subject tirm has previously provided satisfactory service for the Municipality of Clarington. Respectfull y S u.bmitted. ? ~/'1/~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works MM*LAB*eo Reviewed by, d/;/fir- ~ -Frailklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,R.P.P., oj Chief Administrative Officer I All I I I Meeting: late: teport #: ~ubject: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRA nON COMMITT~J? # NOVEMBER 15.1999 Res. # FD-22-99 10.12.6 By-law # EMERGENCY SHELTERS IECOMMENDATIONS: I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council: I. ) THAT report FD-22-99 be received; and 2.) THAT the agreement with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board be approved. BACKGROUND As Committee is aware and as was addressed in earlier staff reports. discussions have been ongoing with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board regarding emergency shelters. These discussions centered on the Municipality having access to various schools under the board's jurisdiction for emergency shelters for residents. Under the nuclear emergency plan the majority of affected residents would be moved out of the Municipality. Due to unforeseen circumstances it could be necessary to shelter some residents outside the Primary Zone for a short period. For this purpose the Newcastle Village Public School may serve a purpose. The majority of the time that it would be necessary to utilize the schools would be during some form of natural disaster. Residents may need to be moved from one area of the Municipality to a safe area, for their protection. To this end, staff of the Municipality and Continued.. ... q/, . FD22-99 - ') - the school board has developed an agreement for the use of the schools in the Municipality. The schools that will fall under the agreement are Courtice Secondary School. Bowmanville Secondary School and the Newcastle Village Public School. As new schools are built in areas that may be beneficial for shelters. staff will continue to work with the school board for their possible inclusion in the agreement. RECOMMENDA TIONS It is respectfully recommended that the agreement presented as Attachment 1 be approved and forwarded to the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board along with Council's appreciation for their support. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, " '--------' .., ," I ( " \ V ~_, ~,,-~ GL Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer 90~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Emereencv Preparedness Aveement be~een the MuniciDlllit), ofClarin1'ton and Kawartha Pine Ride:e District School Rnard The Municipality of Clarington shall be referred to as the Municipality and the Kawanha Pine Ridge District School Bo,ard shall be referred to as the Board. Daytime 1. Should evacuation of any area of the Municipality be necessary, the residents of the affected area may be! evacuated initially to one of the following schools as determined by the affected area: Bowrnanville High School, Courtice Secondary School, and/or Newcastle Public School. 2. Tbe princi:pal of the affected school will be advised and requested to work with the Municipality to prepare the school to receive the residents. Evening - Betweelll 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. 1. The on-duty custodian of the appropriate school will be contacted by the Municipality and advised of 1be impending evacuation. Emergency personnel may need to be dispatched to the school 10 contact the custodian. 2. The custodian will advise the principal and provide assistance to the municipal officials in preparing the school to receive the residents. The principal will contact the appropriate superintend.ent. Night - Between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 1. The on-duty dispatcher at the Clarington Fire Department will contact a Board employee by using the cC1ntact list provided by the Board and kept at the Dispatch Centre for this purpose. 2. Emergency personnel will attend the appropriate school and use the keys provided by the Board and kept at the Clarington Fire Department Dispatch Centre for this purpose and prepare the school in conjunction with Board personnel to receive the residents. Miscellaneo us 1. During the time of year the school is not active, the procedures noted in "Night- Between 11 :00 p.m. and &:00 am" will be followed. 2. The Municipality will reimburse the Board for any expenses incurred by the Board. on~ 3. Should emergency power be required at any of these facilities. the Municipality will provide a generator for this purpose. The Municipality \l;ill provide an electrician for the purpose of connecting, monitoring and disconnecting the generator when the facility is being used by the Municipality as an emergency shelter. 4. Should the Board require the use of an emergency generator for their use and should the Municipality's generator be available, the Board may use the generator at no cost. In this event, the Board will provide an electrician for the purpose of connecting and disconnecting !he generator. 904 I I I ~eeting: late: leport #: Subject: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRA nON COMMITTEE File # NOVEMBER 15. 1999 Res. # FD-23-99 10.12.9 By-law # GREEN FLASHING LIGHTS FOR PART-TIME FIREFIGHTERS 'ECOMMENDATION5: I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1.) THA T report Fd-23-99 be received; 2.) THAT the use of green flashing lights by part-time firefighters, commencing January 1,2000, be approved; 3.) THAT advertisements be placed in local newspapers to advise the residents of the Municipality that part-time firefighters will be using the green flashing lights as of Janu~, 1,2000; and 4. ) THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Durham Regional Police, 16 Division. BACKGROUND The use of green flashing lights by part-time firefighters was approved and accepted by the Ministry of Transportation a few years ago. The Clarington Fire Department did not readily accept the use of such lights as it was new and at the time unproven in its' effectiveness. There were also concerns related to any abuse that could occur. Recently, the part-time District Chiefs approached the department and requested that we review the issue. We have done so and have done follow up investigations regarding the use of these lights by those firefighters who wish to use them. Continued. . .. .. on~ FD23-99 _ J _ COMMENTS Discussions with the Durham Regional Police have suggested it could be a positive action. The use of the green tlashing lights would make the vehicles more readily identifiable. This would assist in following up complaints made to police, by citizens, regarding firefighters' response to the station for emergency calls. Staff also carried out discussions with the three volunteer departments within Durham Region. Chief Peck from Uxbridge advised he was very satisfied with the use of the lights as was Chief Graham from Brock Township and Chief Miller from the Township of Scugog. They also advised that when using the lights the firefighters were more responsible for their driving habits. as they were readily identifiable. The Clarington part-time District Chiefs have advised that the firefighters would be expected to purchase the lights on their own and not impose any cost on the Municipality, which was also a concern as the lights cost $145 per unit. With roughly 100 part-time firefighters at any time. it would cost over $14,500. In Brock Township the firefighters' association purchased the lights. When a firefighter resigns or retires the light is returned to the association. This ensures some control. Staff is giving thought to making the area District Chief responsible for the use and control of the flashing lights. This issue will be resolved before use of the lights commences, by those who choose to do so. Staff recommends that permission be given to those part-time firefighters who wish to do so, under the following criteria: · The part-time firefighters' associations consider purchasing the lights to implement some control over their use. · The District Chief from each station has direct control over issuing, collecting and use of the lights. · The lights are placed in operation effective January 1,2000 with a follow up staff report after 6 months, noting their effectiveness. · Advertisements are placed in local newspapers regarding the use of these lights. RECOMMENDATIONS It is respectfully recommended that report FD-23-99 is received. That the use of green flashing lights by Clarington part-time firefighters are approved subject to the aforementioned criteria, Continued.. ... 906 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FD-23-99 " - -" - That the use of these lights be advertised in local newspapers for public information: and That the Durham Regional Police are sent a copy of this report. Respectfully submitted. Reviewed by, *r '~' , I ( / _ v\...' /',' f 'v \. to,,' tC:~, it.. '~ ('- l-.. _ L"\.....- Michael G. Creighton, AMCT. CMM 11 Fire Chief. Franklin Wu. Chief Administrative Officer. '1n 7 I I I Meeting: late: report #: ~UbJect: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITIEE File # NOVEMBER 15, 1999 FD-24-99 Res. # 10.12.6 By-law # MONTHLY FIRE REPORT - OCTOBER, 1999 'ECOMMENDA TIONS: I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report FD-24-99 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Our report covers the month of October, 1999. It is our intent to provide Committee with information relevant to this department, in a timely manner. 2. REPORT 2.1 The department responded to 163 calls in October and recorded total fire loss at $182,300. A breakdown of the calls responded to follows. Continued..... ana FD-23-99 - 2 - MONTH YEAR MONTH YEAR ENDING TO ENDING TO CLASSIFICATION OCT ./99 DATE OCT ./98 DATE 1999 1998 PROPERTY FIRES (Includes structure, chimney,vehicle, miscellaneous 19 260 21 222 e.g. furniture, clothing, etc.) UNAUTHORIZED BURNING 14 101 8 84 (Burning complaints) FALSE FIRE CALLS (Includes alarm activations- accidental/malicious, 28 300 19 243 human-perceived emergencies/check calls e.g. investigate unknown odour) PUBLIC HAZARD CALLS (Includes propane/natural gas leaks. fuel/chemical 22 204 14 164 spills, power lines down/arcing, C.O. leaks, etc.) RESCUE CALLS (Includes vehicle extrication/accidents, 18 270 30 252 commercial/industrial accidents, home/residential accidents, water/ice rescue) MEDICAL ASSIST CALLS (Includes assist to ambulance personnel with 55 561 53 516 respiratory and resuscitation emergencies) MISCELLANEOUS CALLS (Includes assist to other agencies. other public 7 129 5 70 service, etc.) TOTAL CALLS 163 1,825 150 1,551 TOTAL FIRE LOSS $251,000 $2,842,161 $1 82.300 $819,600 NUMBER OF ALARMS BY STATION ST. #1 ST. #2 ST. #3 ST. #4 ST. #5 TOTAL 77 14 13 49 10 163 I Continued.... 9U, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FD-24-99 - 3 - 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 It is respectfully recommended that report FD-24-99 be received for information. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~, \ \ --,I /- ( , (j~" ";\. Michael G. Creigh, n, AMCT, CMM11 Fire Chief. . \ ) I' ,(: ~ ~ I Ll..t..-l., --. C,-'..."\.- Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer /sr q,n l l L L L L L L L L L L l L L L L L L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINCTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: November 1 5 1 999 Res. # Report #: ADMIN. 33-99 Subject: BOWMANVILLE MAIN BRANCH LIBRARY RECOMMEN DA TIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN. 33 - 99 be received; 2. That Council confirms the need for additional library space in Bowmanville; 3. That Council confirms that it is neither feasible nor efficient to expand the existing library and that the most cost effective way to provide new library space in Bowmanville would be by way of a new building. 4. a) That Council concurs with the Library Board that new library space should be provided within the vicinity of historic downtown Bowmanville; or 4.b) That Council direct staff to work with the Library Board's staff to report back on a process that would lead to building a new Bowmanville Branch Library beyond the downtown area; 5.a) That Council confirm the use of the former LCB.O. land for a multi-storey new building to provide for a new Bowmanville Branch Library and Municipal office space and to bring forth a report for Council's approval detailing the process and budgetary requirement; That Council will provide public parking by acquiring nearby properties as they l?nl 1202 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 2 become available in the future, and that the allocation of funds for such purpose be addressed in the 2000 budget; or S.b) That Council, having regard to its decision for a downtown location, direct staff to prepare for a proposal call for a stand-alone new Bowmanville Branch library and to bring forth a report for Council's approval detailing the terms of reference for the proposal call; That Council approve the use of the existing L.C.B.O. building for municipal office space and staff to report back on the cost of renovation through the 2000 budget process. REPORT: BACKGROUND Report ADMIN. 20-99 was considered by Council on June 28 1999 and the following resolution was passed: "That Council approve in principle to utilize L.eB.a. property for the purpose of accommodating a new Bowmanville Main Branch Library as well as to provide for additional office space for the Administration Centre; That staff be authorized to take all necessary action and to bring back a detailed report which, among other matters, shall deal with space requirements, preliminary building configuration, financing, timing, etc." Despite the above resolution, several concerns were raised by Councillors during Council's meeting. These include lack of parking, feasibility of expanding existing library, investigation of other sites, financial implications, etc. 1. PURPOSE The purpose ofthis report is to provide Council the necessary and required information in order to assist Council to make an informed decision. In this regard, we have taken a systematic step-by-step process to deal with the issue. The recommendations contained in this Report require Council to address each one in a sequential manner. L l l , L. L I .. L L L L J "" l i. L L L i .. , ~ I L. l , ~ 2. NEED FOR ADDITIONAL LIBRARY SPACE The existing Bowmanville Library was opened in 1965, at the time when the population in Bowmanville was about 7,000. Since then, Bowmanville's population has swelled to about 25,000 and is still growing at a fairly rapid pace. Council, Library Board and staff are aware of the current acute space deficiency, but in recognition of other priorities over the last several years, any plan for expansion or building a new facility has been placed on hold. In May 1999, the Library Board approved a document entitled "Building the NETWORK" which contains several objectives. The first objective reads as follows: "Begin planning for the building of a new Main Branch (Bowmanville) to be completed by January 2003. Actively work with Members of Council to further this project." The provincial standard for library space is established at 0.6 square foot per capita. The existing facility in Bowmanville has only 0.35 sq.ft. per capita including space not utilized for direct public service. Throughout the municipality the level of service is approximately 0.4 sq.ft. per capita. If we calculate only that space allocated directly to public service, the service level is closer to 0.26 sq.ft. per capita across the Municipality. A new main library of approximately 28,000 square feet would raise the standard municipal wide to approximately 0.6 sq.ft. per capita. These figures were determined using a design population including a growth factor for a ten year horizon based upon a current growth projection. The Library Board, at its recent meeting with Council, reiterated the need for additional library space. Based on the above information, we concur with the Library Board's submission that there is a need. Recommendation #2 That Council confirm the need for additional library space in Bowmanville. 3. EXPANDING EXISTING LIBRARY Once the need is established, the next logical step is to look at the feasibility of expanding the existing facility. The existing library in Bowmanville has a ground floor area of 5641 sq.ft. and a basement area of 5,210 sq.ft. Building surveys in 1988 and 1995 shows the building to be generally in good condition. There are concerns for the roof system which will need to be replaced within the next five to seven years. 17n) 1204 J J J J J J J J J J J j J j J J J J J 4 To achieve the additional floor space for an expanded new library, two additional floors are required to be added to provide a total of about 22,000 sq.ft floor space, about 5,000 sq.ft short of the desired space requirement. After consultation with the engineers from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, they confirmed that the existing foundations will not be able to support two additional floors. If there is a desire to do so, it could be done by either removing the existing roof and ground floor walls, place additional foundation to support new floors, or bridge over the existing structure by new exterior columns. As the proposed method of construction is unconventional, it could double the cost of standard construction. Further, the proposed construction methods would require the library to be closed for a period of 18 - 24 months during construction. Such an interruption would not be acceptable to the library users, not to mention the moving cost of the library to a temporary location if one can be found at all. The Library Director estimated the cost of relocating the library temporarily during construction would be about $330,000 including lease, wiring, moving costs, etc. Recommendation #3 That Council confirms that it is neither feasible nor efficient to expand the existing library and that the most cost effective way to provide new library space in Bowmanville would be by way of a new building. 4. DOWNTOWN VERSUS NON-DOWNTOWN LOCA liON As expansion to the existing library is ruled out, the next step is to determine whether or not the new library space should be provided in downtown or in a location elsewhere. A downtown location is suggested by the fact that the Bowmanville library has been an integral part of downtown Bowmanville for over a century. A well situated main library can continue to contribute to the health and well being of the community. Libraries situated in a downtown area are recognized "draws" to the downtown area and can provide local businesses with improved walk-in traffic. In addition, the library can serve as an informal meeting place for those who visit the town for any reason. This meeting place experience can be shared by everyone in the community as the library serves users of all ages. At its recent meeting with Council, the Library Board stated its preference of a downtown location. Notwithstanding, a downtown location has certain inherent limitations. There is a very limited land and/or building opportunity in the vicinity of historic Bowmanville downtown. Further, higher land cost and lack of visitor parking are two major problems associated with any downtown location. Council must be cognizant of L L \ .. \ ... L L L l l L l . i.. l L l .. L i. I I .... L 5 these impediments in its decision. Once a decision is made, we must I ive with the decision and be prepared to move on to the next step. Recommendation #4(a) That Council concurs with the library Board that new library space should be provided within the vicinity of historic downtown Bowmanville. or That Council direct staff to work with the library Board's staff to report back on a process that would lead to building a new Bowmanville Branch library beyond the downtown area. 5. WHERE IN DOWNTOWN In the event Council opts for Option B above, the balance of this report would be irrelevant. However, as previous discussions among staff, Council members, and the Library Board appear to lean in the direction of a downtown location, it is therefore prudent to explore the next step, i.e. where in the downtown, either on municipally owned land or private property. Municipal Properties a) Court House Building The Fire and Court building is a two storey building with a full basement. The building is currently leased to Ontario Realty Services for Provincial Court, as well as home to the Oshawa Clarington Association for Community Living and the John Howard Society. The basement is the Firehouse Youth Centre as well as activities for the Clarington Project. In 1994, the building was considered for a Seniors Activity Centre, but due to the prohibitive costs for upgrading the physical plant and the restrictive ceiling heights due to ductwork, etc., the use of this building for seniors was rejected. In order to accommodate a library, the building would require the installation of an elevator and possibly an external addition complete with new lobby to accommodate the elevator in compliance with barrier free standards. Costs for retrofitting this building to accommodate the Older Adults Association several years ago ranged from $100 to $115 per square foot, for a total cost of approximately $700,000, a cost that is considered very prohibitive just for renovation purposes of part of the building. In addition to the cost, all current tenants would have to be relocated. l?nC; 1206 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 6 b) Division Street Parking Lot Although this property is owned by the Municipality, commitment was made to the B.I.A. by previous Council that the land should only be used for public parking purposes. C) Former Petro-Can (Brock Service Station) Site This property is not in municipal ownership at this time, but discussions with the owner are continuing. Regardless, Council has made the commitment to the B.I.A. to pursue this property for public parking purposes. d) Former L.CB.a. Land This property has the advantage of locating adjacent to the Municipal Administrative Centre and can be used for a new building containing both new library space on the ground and second floor and new municipal office space on the third and fourth floor. Joint facilities of this nature can provide significant savings in construction cost and operating cost, as many common areas such as meeting rooms, washrooms, hallway elevators plus other common building areas and physical plants can be shared. It is the only site that can provide the opportunity for the Municipality to add the much needed office space in very close proximity to the existing Administrative Centre. However, there is no opportunity at all to provide any on site parking. The cost of providing underground parking is very prohibitive and is not recommended. Visitors to the new Library would continue to be inconvenienced just the same as in its current location. If the L.CB.a. site is the preferred location, Council must accept this as a given for the time being and work on a longer term strategy to resolve this issue. Parking Irrespective where the new library will be located in the vicinity of the downtown, visitor parking will continue to be a problem, at least for the short term. Despite the fact that the current library only relies on on-street parking, it is important that off- street parking is provided with a new facility. In this regard, a new library site should be of sufficient size to accommodate both the building and parking area. However, it should be noted that a parking area consumes land which could be costly in the downtown vicinity and may jeopardize the financial viability of a new library. There is very limited option, if any, to resolve the parking issue in the short term. In l l L L L 7 the event Council opts for a combined library and municipal office on the former L.CB.O. land, it is prudent that Council at this time made a commitment to acquire properties nearby for public parking as these properties become available in the future. The fund required for future acquisition should be set aside on an annual basis, and the actual acquisition be subject to approval by future Council. What has been suggested above is a two stage process. The first stage is to build the joint facilities and the second stage is to acquire land nearby for parking purposes. Given all the constraints, we feel that this two stage approach is probably the only workable solution. t '- Other Privately-owned Properties L Should Council decide against the former L.CB.O. site, the next step would require investigation of privately owned properties in the vicinity of the historic downtown. In this regard, the Municipal purchasing by-law requires a public process in the procurement of private interest to build the new Bowmanville Branch Library. The public process is generally referred to a proposal call whereby terms of reference will be provided to all in competing for the project. L t -.. t .. In most cases, a proposal call usually produces a fair amount of interest from the private sector. However, due to a very restricted location, that of downtown vicinity, there may not be any interest, and if so, the cost could be very prohibitive due to higher land cost and lack of competitive bids. This process does not guarantee a proposal that would be acceptable and/or affordable by the municipality. It is likely that a lot of time and effort could be wasted with no guarantee of success through such a process. If the process fails to produce an acceptable proposal, where do we go from there? f i. l Recommendation #5(a) L L That Council confirms the use of the former L.CB.O. land for a multi-storey new building to provide for a new Bowmanville Branch Library and Municipal office space and to bring forth a report for Council's approval detailing the process and budgetary requirement. L That Council will provide public parking by acquiring nearby properties as they become available in the future, and that the allocation of funds for such purpose be addressed in the 2000 budget, or l Recommendation #5(b) 1 l.. L L That Council, having regard to its decision for a downtown location, direct staff to prepare for a proposal call for a stand-alone new Bowmanville Branch Library and 1?n7 r- 1208 J J 1 J J J j J J J J ] J .J J J' ." J J J 8 to bring forth a report for Council's approval detailing the terms of reference for the proposal call. That Council approve the use of the existing l.CB.O. building for municipal office space and staff to report back on the cost of renovation through the 2000 budget process. 6. NEED FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICE SPACE The existing Municipal Administrative Centre was constructed in 1988 and was designed to accommodate 68 employees. Today, the MAC houses 88 employees, a 29% over the design capacity. The physical working environment of most employees has deteriorated over time as additional employees are being squeezed into very limited space, meeting rooms are converted to offices, and filing cabinets, copying equipment are placed in corridors causing safety concerns. The need for new office spaces to alleviate the current condition, as well as to meet future requirements must be addressed. The former L.eB.a. site presents an ideal location to solve both the short term and long term needs for additional office space. The long term scenario would see a new building wing constructed on this site, while the short term solution would be to renovate the existing building. As the Library Board has expressed the need for an expanded Bowmanville Main Library, an opportunity presents itself for the Municipality and the Library Board to jointly share a new building, thus, significantly reducing the cost of financing two separate projects. If the former L.eB.a. building is not selected for the library/MAC expansion, the Municipality should consider utilizing the existing building to accommodate current departmental needs and storage. The building could be modified to include meeting rooms, office areas and storage in the interim. It is estimated that to modify the building to accommodate municipal purposes, the project would include upgrades to egress and aggress, building code compliance and upgrades to the physical plant. 7. FINANCING THE NEW LIBRARY Existing Debenture The Municipal tax base currently supports a debenture of $5.5 million, which was a combined issue for the Municipal Administrative Centre ($2.5 million) and the Rickard Recreation Complex ($3.0 million). Neither of these projects had l L l L L L L L 9 development charge funding due to the timing of their construction. The annual debenture payment for interest and principal repayment is approximately $730,000. The term of this debenture is 15 years, with interest varying from 9.25% in 1988 to 11.25% in 2003. The last payment is made in 2003. Scenario A - Combined Facility - Proposed New Debenture The summary of the impact of proceeding with a combined facility or stand alone projects is detailed on Schedule A attached. Under Scenario A, where the facility is combined to accommodate the Library Main Branch and an expansion to the existing Municipal Administrative Centre, the proposed financing to construct would require a debenture of approximately $7.2 million. The combined facility allows some shared use of the facility, it would reduce the cost to construct, and thereby the debenture repayment cost, when compared to stand-alone separately constructed projects. t .... The repayment of the debenture is proposed to be drawn from the Development Charge Library Reserve Fund to the extent allowable under the Development Charges Act and from the retirement of the existing debenture from the tax base after 2003. L L L l L L L L L L Attachment #1 to the summary of the capital analysis (Schedule A) shows some of the details related to timing. The proposed timing of the project identifies construction beginning in 2001 with completion by December 2002. The debenture proceeds would be required in early to mid 2001, which would leave the repayment schedule starting in early 2002. At this point, all projections are estimates only, and are based on preliminary discussions with the Region of Durham, who float debentures for all area municipalities. The interest rate for a 15-year debenture has been estimated at 7%. The repayment is estimated at approximately $995,200, which includes approximately $93,200 financing from the Development Charge Library Reserve Fund. The current debenture retires with a final payment in 2003 of approximately $730,000. Therefore there will be two years; 2002 and 2003, that will require financing from alternate sources until the current debenture payment can be rolled over to cover the proposed new debenture. It is proposed that the tax base be increased gradually between 2000, to 2003 to incorporate the increase in the overall payment from the current $730,000 to the proposed $902,000 (net of $93,200 from the Library Development Charges). It is anticipated that approximately $50,000 be added in 2000, increasing to an annual budget impact of $75,000 in 2003. These funds would be transferred to the current Reserve Fund for Debenture Retirement, and be available for the first 1209 121 0 J J J J J J J ] J J J J J J J J J J J 10 repayment in early 2002. The proposed increase in tax support directed to this debenture repayment is approximately $255,000. This amount includes the increases in annual budget referred to here. The Reserve Fund for Debenture Retirement currently has a balance of approximately $1,000,000. It is anticipated that with interest accumulation and the added tax increase for future debenture repayment, the fund will accommodate the first year's payment in 2002 of approximately $902,000, plus approximately $93,200 from the Development Charge Reserve Fund. The second year of repayment will require the remaining funds from the Debenture Retirement Reserve Fund and an alternate source of funds in the amount of approximately $786,000. It is suggested that the Working Funds Reserve be used for this purpose. The current balance in the Working Funds Reserve is approximately $1 million. Although it is not recommended that this reserve be depleted substantially, if there are surplus funds in any given year, they are transferred to this fund for rate stabilization, and the recent past which has produced sufficient surplus to allow this fund to build up are hopeful to continue. The Library Development Charge Reserve Fund is in a negative balance of approximately $1.6 million resulting from the construction of the Courtice Library in advance of the collection of the full value of charges under the previous Development Charge Legislation. It is not recommended that the fund continue to decline into a more severe negative balance. Consequently, if the project proceeds before the fund has accumulated sufficient funds to bring it into a positive balance, it is recommended that the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund interim finance the debenture payment, without interest, until the fund has accumulated sufficient to repay the charge. Scenario B - Stand Alone Facilities - Library & M.A.C. Expansion - Proposed New Debenture If the project proceeds with both projects going ahead on a stand alone basis, the shared use portions of the Library is eliminated, thereby increasing the overall square footage requirement from 24,000 square feet in the combined facility, to 32,000 square feet. The additional footage accommodates meeting rooms, entrances, shared walkways etc. that are combined in the shared use facility. The construction cost and repayment details for the stand-alone facilities are shown on attachment #2. Using a reasonable estimated land cost based on market value and the same cost to construct of $150/sq. ft., the cost increases the debenture requirement to approximately $9.5 million from the estimated $7.2 million for the combined project. The increased debenture results in an increase in the annual repayment amount from the estimated $995,000 to an estimated $1.3 million. As stated above, the existing debenture will be complete at the end of 2003, and is the L L L L L L L L i ... L L L L L L L L L L 11 current payment amount eligible for roll over to cover a new debenture in 2004. Therefore, financing is required between 2002 and 2004 when the repayment of a new debenture begins. Under the combined scenario, the interim financing is covered by a combination of the Library Development Charge Reserve Fund and the tax base. In the stand-alone scenario, the increase of approximately $300,000 requires that the Development Charge Reserve Fund contribute an additional $100,000 and the tax base an additional $200,000. If both facilities are constructed separately, the total cost, including the value of the first two years of debenture repayment, increases from an estimated $9.3 million to an estimated $12 million. 8. OPERATING IMPLICATIONS Whether or not the new library space is provided through a stand alone building or joint with municipal office space, the construction of a new main branch for the Clarington Public Library has significant implications in terms of the tax impact for operation~ There will be increased circulation, staffing and equipment requirements for the proposed larger facility. The tax impact for operations is in addition to the tax support of the debenture recommendation. The Library Director estimates a tax impact to run the new facility at about $300,000. In order to accommodate the operating tax impact, the Library Director will recommend to Council increases in the tax impact of annual budgets over the next few years during construction. Although the tax implications will be put before Council for approval on an annual basis, it must be noted that proceeding with the expanded Library building will have a direct impact on the tax base resulting from operations. The cost of furniture and fixtures is also a cost not related to the value of construction and is not anticipated to change under both scenarios. The estimated value of furniture and fixtures, including computer equipment, is $1 million for the Library and $50,000 for the expanded Municipal Administrative Centre. The expansion of the Municipal Administrative Centre is anticipated to have minimal operational implications, (estimated at $20,000 for utilities etc.), as it will accommodate the overcrowding situation that currently exists. 1 2 I 1 1212 J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J J ] J J ] 12 9. CONCLUSION The report sets out a systematic approach to address the entire issue of the future of the Bowmanville Main Branch library. Council should address the various issues in sequence so that a clear sense of direction can be provided to staff. Respectfully submitted, ";, r d~Q,.-:(J) I ---' ,,~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer L ~Ct18, 1999 Schedule A L MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY LIBRARY I MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE CENTRE CAPITAL PROJECT ANALYSIS } ,:., .~::, ' ,~,< 1 ,,' I Downtown Site Note 3 I 32,000 . Note 2 250 000 : , I . on LLBO Site l:;ize Sq.Ft. lLand ~rchiteet ( 7 % Conslrudion) ontingency (S2OQ/GST3'llo) Landscape/Site Services (5%) TOTAL Combined Totals lDebenture Repayment during Construction lCOMBINEO CAPITAL COSTS , 24,000 16,000 20,000 $ Note 1 $ $ .,;t IDebenture (rounded total cost) Reserve Fund for Debenture ot1<Ing Funds Reserve " IDeveIopment Charge Res.FncI. Interest ',' Tax Support [In stand alone splil50"4 each) Sub Total 210,000 180,000 150,000 3,000,000 (4,OOO,OOO) COMBINED CAPITAL FINANCING (186,413) (3,000,000) (1,000,000) (786,127) (45,000) (3,500,000) (1,000,000) (786,127) Ct, " NON":9#\PITAL:C~TS\))))))):........ Fl.Imitut.~JJ~~:??}::::\:'\::::)d::=::::i\:i:'::???::?:: "';.;'.'~'-E_::.':::i::;}::.::;.:.:".:::.i:::i:.:. .::i;'::::'::';.$&H!i&j:;: L. Note 1 - land cost for LLBO property Is 8 sunk cost, no additional funds are required for land. Note 2 - Cost of land estimated between $250,000 to $300,000 per acre In core based on recent appraisals. Note 3 - Stand alone Ubrary win require additional sq. feet to accommodate meeting rooms, entrance etc that are shared In the combined facility. L. Note 4 - Library Operating costs estimated at $300,000 annually, to be included In annual budget. MAC. operating costs include utilities only as expansion will accommodate eldsting staff. NOTE 5 - SINCE LIBRARY DEV. CHARGE HAS A NEGATIVE BALANCE IN THE RESERVE FUND, INTERIM L', FUNDING IS REQUIRED - SUGGESTED FROM COURTICE LIBRARY RESERVE FUND, UNTIL . 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Cherae Debenture R.!I!!X!!!!!!t TOTAl --- N - LJ1 584,092 2 9.454.000 '-"-..-.PIlDM_.ZS04 R_ue II 454 000 Debenture 25840112 Debenture Rea.Fnd W Funds Rea. Oev. Ch . Pe U2 Interest 12 038 0112 1 Em!nH COMiiiiCtion Debenture Pavment l L L L L L L L , ... L L L L L L L L L L THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Res. # FILE #: By-law # Date: November 15, 1999 Report #: ADMIN-36-99 Subject: Marketing, Tourism & Communications - Project Updates RECOMMENDA liONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ADMIN-36-99 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The focus of this report is to review the activities, projects and programs of the Marketing, Tourism & Communications (MTC) Office since March of this year. The format of this report is unusual however, it is intended to keep the discussion focussed and brief. 2.0 ONGOING PROJECTS: 2.1 New Business Certificates -Created by MTC and provided to the Mayor's Office for presentation at the official opening of new Clarington businesses. 2.2 Certificates of Merit - Created and presented to recognize the outstanding achievements of local teams and individuals in a variety of endeavours. 2.3 Durham Region Millennium Coins - Promotion and sales of special edition coins. Available as single (Clarington); double (Region & Clarington) and set of 9 (featuring all of the member municipalities and the Region) in a flat box presentation. l?lA REPORT NO.: ADMIN-36-99 PAGE 2 4 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 2.4 Highway 401 Signage - This project has come full-circle in that we are moving towards completing an arrangement with TODS (Tourism Oriented Directional Signage). We have investigated opportunities for a landscape sign on the Ontario Power Generation Inc. - Darlington property but encountered a variety of visibility concerns. At this time, Tourism Highway Profile signs are proposed for both east and west directions of Highway 401. In future, signage sited on north and south lanes of Highway 115/35. 2.5 New Promotional Campaign (Marketing Strategy)- Details will be outlined in a subsequent report to Council. 2.6 Durham Region Economic Development Advisory Committee (DREDAC)- Millennium Strategy for Economic Development in Durham Region. Participate on the working committee providing information and comments to the Consultants hired by way of DREDAC, the Region Economic Development and Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) 2.7 Update of Clarington Promotional Video - Footage from the original (1994) video as well as footage from local news media (CHEX) and new footage shot by Apogee Productions (John Thompson). At least one copy will be translated into Mandarin Chinese for distribution by the Great Lakes College of Toronto organization (25 international offices) 2.8 Clarington "Frozen in Time" Photo Contest - December 10 to January 15. Sponsored in part by Ontario Power Generation Inc. - Darlington. Promotion includes poster and flyer development and distribution. 2.9 Information Kiosk (in partnership with Mosport Raceway) will be incorporated in the Marketing, Tourism & Communications' 2000 Marketing Strategy. This kiosk will be located on the Mosport site and will promote tourism and the Municipality of Clarington to those attending the Mosport events. 2.10 Animal's Gift - working with the Bowmanville Zoo and local business partners to promote this very special Christmas presentation. 3.0 PUBLICA liONS: The Marketing, Tourism & Communications office is responsible for the design, content development, layout and overall production of these municipal documents. 3.1 Clarington Community Profile - Published early in 1999 the Clarington Community Profile took approximately 4 months to compile all the required statistical information and to create a reader-friendly publication. The Profile relies on statistical information from Statistics Canada (census) as well as information 1/1 7 l L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L REPORT NO.: ADMIN-36-99 PAGE 3 obtained from the Clarington Planning Department and other external agencies. Material shelf life is, over-all, 5 years for census material. Information (e.g. building permits) is updated annually. Information is also posted on the municipal website as well as in a companion piece "Clarington Facts" that are both updated monthly or as information becomes available. 3.2 Spring/Summer 1999 Community Activity Guide - Annual publication promoting the programs, facilities and services provided by the municipal organization. 3.3 Clarington Todayl Community Newsletter - design, content development and production. 25,000 copies produced and distributed 3.4 Clarington Presentation Folder - for use in providing information and media kits. 3.5 FalllWinter Community Activity Guide - new page design and format; content development and production. Collection of information from other departments. 3.6 Clarington Todayl Community Newsletter - November issue. Co-operation continues to be strong with contributions coming from all departments - gentle reminders are sometimes used to keep the process on schedule. 3.7 Clarington Visitors Guide 2000 - the production of this publication is subsidized through the sale of advertising. Sales for the 2000 edition have closed and all of the 1999 advertisers have renewed their ad spaces or increased them for the 2000 edition. 3.8 Bowmanville: An Architectural & Social History - collaborating with the Planning Department to publish this book highlighting Bowmanville. Largely responsible for overseeing the printing processes and for the design of an attractive freestanding cover. 3.9 Municipal Waste Calendar - working in association with Canadian Waste Systems to publish this annual calendar. Assisting with advertising leads. 4.0 CLARINGTON WEB SITE: 4.1 Visitation statistics (for the period ending October 31, 1999) have increased by 115% over 1998 (full year) and 338% since first going on line in 1997 (first full year online). The attached chart (Annual Web Site Statistics) illustrates the impact that the internet has created for the Municipality of Clarington. As of the end of October 1999, the municipal web site is recording 1,157 visits per day (345,298 in total). , ? 1 R REPORT NO.: ADMIN-36-99 PAGE 4 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 4.2 Statistics are kept on where visitors go once they access the web site. This information assists MTC in knowing the successful areas of the web site. The top sections visited (as of October 31, 1999) include: · Tourism (accommodations, events, heritage) 4,193; · Economic Development (community profiles, quick facts, business statistics) 4,100; · Community Services (general, pool schedules, facility rentals) 3,052; . Careers/Job Postings 2,539; · Treasury related pages (purchasing, tax information) 1,988; · Clerk's (general, agendas) 1,672; · Council (Councillor introductions) 1,058; . Administration (CAO) 876; · Fire (general, junior firefighters) 786; . Public Works 539; and, . Planning 468. This information gives an indication, only, of where visitors go. There is no indication of what specific information visitors were looking for and if they found it. This kind of information is required and will be part of the proposed web site re- design. 4.3 As Clarington grows, so does the number of new pages uploaded onto our web site. The following pages were added in 1999: . pool schedules (falllwinter & spring/summer); careers; culture & heritage; junior firefighters; and, Y2k. . . . . The web site is updated and revised on a weekly to monthly basis depending on the content of information to be available. 5.0 LIAISON ACTIVITIES: 5.1 External Committees - Clarington Business Group (Trade Show 2000); Durham Region Economic Development Liaison Team; DREDAC; Tourist Association of 1 219 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L REPORT NO.: ADMIN-36-99 PAGE 5 Durham Region (TADR); Durham Home Builders; Durham Region Film Committee; Clarington Tourism Partnership 5.2 Internal Committees - Clarington Communications Committee; Clarington United Way Committee; Clarington Today Newsletter (sub committee of the Communications Committee) 5.3 Community Development - meetings with individuals seeking to start their own business in Clarington; Tourism partners looking to host special events and programs which heighten the Clarington identity in tourism target markets. 5.4 Other - guest facilitator at St. Stephens High School Entrepreneur class. Guest speaker at variety of community organization meetings. 6.0 COMPLETED PROJECTS: 6.1 Agreement with the Clarington Board of Trade - Participation in the development of the agreement. Also assisted in. planning and promoting the first (official) Annual General Meeting at which time the Agreement was officially adopted by the Board of Trade members. 62. Clarington 2024 - Writers Challenge - Worked in partnership with the Clarington Public Library. Entries printed in the November issue of the Clarington Today newsletter publication. All participants have received a participation certificate recognizing their contribution to this program. 6.3 Municipal Flag - creation and design highlighting the Municipality's distinctive coat of arms. Flags are available in various sizes - 4'x6'; 3'x5'; table top 4"x6" and paper. We are looking for a new provider as there have been some concerns raised relative to the durability of the material used in the original order. Flags currently fly at all municipal buildings and the Region of Durham Headquarters. 6.4 Volunteer Service Recognition - Working with the Municipal Clerk's Department this function is held every 3 years (middle year of Council's term). The event recognizes the significant contribution that volunteers make to our community's quality of life. Over 40 people were recognized (through certificates and plaques) at the 1999 event. Those with 20+ years of volunteer service have their names added to the "Volunteer Wall of Fame" located in the entranceway to Council Chambers. 6.5 Long Term Service Awards - MTC assisted the CAO's Office in hosting this employee recognition event. MTC designed and printed the Service Recognition certificates as well as the program for the event. 1220 REPORT NO.: ADMIN-36-99 PAGE 6 ~ I J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 6.6 Video Contest -In 1998, the (then) Marketing, Tourism & Economic Development Office offered a contest for residents (A Day in the Life of Clarington). This special program resulted in the Municipality updating and increasing their library of photographs, which are to promote this community to others. The Video Contest was thought to be an extension of this original program. Special posters and registration forms were developed and circulated throughout the Municipality. As of the close of the contest, 3 video tapes were received. Each nominee will be recognized for his or her effort and participation at a future meeting of Council. The Grand Prizewinner will be announced at that time. Overall, this special program was not as successful as originally hoped, however, the process has been reviewed and we are learning from this experience. 6.7 Rubber Duck Derby - MTC was an active part of organizing committee providing communications liaison between the committee and the Municipality. The Municipality used part of this event to mark our 25th Anniversary as a community. We provided specialized amusements and promotional support to heighten both local and regional awareness of this event. 6.8 Durham '99 Tent Event - Working with one of our part-time Tourism Officers, this event was part of the Durham '99 schedule of events. The Municipality had a 20 x 20 tent in which we promoted the opportunities of Clarington. The major difficulty encountered was that this event ran simultaneously with the Rubber Duck Derby. 6.9 Clarington "The Community with Future" logos painted on centre ice at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex - cooperation with Arena Manager of Community Services Department. 6.10 Apple Blossom Awards - program promotion, receipt and processing of nominations, co-ordination of judging. Development of certificates of merit, design & creation of plaques for Honourable Mention recipients and for Grand Prizewinner. Awards Ceremony - overall planning and co-ordination of event _ invitations, decorations, catering and presentations. 6.11 Kids of Steel Triathlon - promotion (poster design & development), registration brochure, volunteer and participant certificates of appreciation. 6.12 Digital Message Board - as a member of this Subcommittee, investigating the feasibility and advantages of installing digital message boards in municipal facilities. Recommendations to be brought to Council for consideration in a subsequent report. 6.13 Orono Fair - This event was supported by through regional and local promotion (advertising, community guides, and posters) opportunities. The Tourism Office also operated a booth, which featured the Apple Blossom Awards program plus 1 ?? 1 l , L. L I ... L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L REPORT NO.: ADMIN-36-99 PAGE 7 information on various local tourism opportunities. 6.14 Mayor's Breakfast to Introduce Great Lakes College - This special event was organized and hosted in association with the Mayor's Office. Participated in the development of guest list, room-set up, catering and design of invitation and program for the event. The newly revised Clarington video and the Clarington Community Profile (translated into Mandarin) were a part of the presentation to the Clarington business community. 6.15 Tours of the Town - These "mini-tours" of local tourism attractions and sites organized on a request basis. Since starting, we have received requests to initiate a "step-on guide" program that will debut in 2000. 1. Canada-Ukraine World Youth Exchange program participants 2. Students of the Great Lakes College of Toronto 6.16 Community Profile - The base document produced earlier this year was translated into Mandarin as a result of the offer from the President of the Great Lakes College of Toronto's request to have this information available in their international offices. Other translations (e.g. into French) may be considered in the future. 6.17 Opening of Carson Elliott Skate Park - Assisting the Public Works Department in designing the event invitation and program. Also provided assistance in notifying the news media to provide coverage of this special function. 7.0 SPONSORSHIP: 1. Concerts in the Park 2. Durham Countryside Adventure 3. Orono Fair - regional promotional campaign to assist Fair increase their attendance. Working with the Bowmanville Zoo, MTC facilitated the Zoo's participation in the Opening Parade (Angus and Sheba lead the parade). 4. Bowmanville Hospital Foundation Golf Tournament 5. Animals Gift: Christmas in the Stable 8.0 ADVERTISING: 8.1 Corporate advertisements were created using many of the photos received through the 1998 "Day in the Life of Claringtonll photo contest. These photos have formed the basis of a very strong photo library which the Marketing, Tourism & Communications Office continues to draw on for publications and the web site. 8.2 The purpose of any advertising campaign is to draw attention to the focus of the plan - the Municipality of Clarington. Three US based publications were used in this program. Of the three only ("lnf~ has ;Jroduced a reasonable number of leads 1222 REPORT NO.: ADM I N-36-99 PAGE 8 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J for follow-up. As per the Municipality's Agreement, these leads are forwarded to the Board of Trade for follow-up. In view of this less than satisfactory return on investment, the Marketing, Tourism & Communications Office is investigating other opportunities in 2000 to promote Clarington as a place to visit, a place to live and a place to do business. The recommendations for 2000 will be contained in the report on the MTC Marketing Strategy to be submitted to for Council review prior to the end of 1999 and budget deliberations. 9.0 OTHER: 9.1 Year-round (daily) operation of the Clarington Tourism Office - Local residents continue to access the services of this office when hosting visiting friends and relatives. Visitors from outside of the community continue to take advantage of the information available. Staff, in recent months, has designed a series of day-trip tours of Clarington. These are well received by visitors to the Office. The addition of the play equipment and picnic tables has also been well received. A solution to the lack of public washrooms is to be addressed in the next capital budget. 9.2 Placement student - Stephanie Parrott, a placement student from Bowmanville High School, is currently working of a special project for this office. In 1996, when the Tourism branch first opened, a survey of our tourism partners was completed and now it is time to review our progress. Stephanie is reviewing the status of tourism services in Clarington through ongoing research and will conduct a short survey with tourism representatives. The study will be completed around the beginning of the new year. 9.3 Purchase and retail sales of souvenir/promotional products and casual wear. The Clarington products are being widely used to promote this community. The quality of our casual clothing products continues to improve, as do the promotional products that we have in stock for special guests and promotions. 10.0 FUTURE PROJECTS: The following are projects known at the time of writing. As we get closer to the Millennium, it is anticipated that the project list will change. 10.1 8th Night (working title) Millennium Celebrations - scheduled for 'ar uary 8,2000. It..LJ ... ... .... ... REPORT NO.: ADMIN-36-99 PAGE 9 This family oriented event will include skating, demonstrations, various entertainment and refreshments. It is intended to operate at the Rotary Park site. The event precedes the Mayor's Levee scheduled for Sunday January 9, 2000. 10.2 Clarington 2000 Banners - for placement throughout the Municipality _ Bowmanville, Courtice, Newcastle Village and Orono. Will feature a new 2000 .... Clarington logo. 10.3 Re-design of the Municipality's web-site. The site II. www mllni~ipal i ty ~l ari n~ton on ca has not substantially changed since its launch in 1996. The available technologies have changed significantly sInce then and, through re-design, we will optimize the web-site to be innovative with ... graphics, information and interactive forms. It is anticipated that the re-design could take 4-6 months to complete - the current site will remain available until we are ready to re-Iaunch. II. ... -- .. .... .. .... .. ... ... ... ... 11.0 COMMENTS: 11.1 The workload in the Marketing, Tourism & Communications has increased at an unexpected rate since the beginning of 1999. Through the course of 1999, more municipal departments and community organizations have discovered the MTC Office and the resources that are available to them. This report has served to report on the scope of the work accomplished this year. 11.2 As the budget process for the year 2000 approaches, definitive limits will be established to facilitate the workload of the Marketing, Tourism and Communications Office. The primary goal of this Office is to promote the Municipality both internally and externally. Customer/client service is of primary importance. Balancing the projects of Marketing, Tourism an~ Communications will ensure that this Office's clients will continue to receive the high standard of quality that they expect. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed j~, /' /' ~ , " ~ '?1f/(;f:xLS-7f()tL L . 1ttid;2- lennifer J. CooKe,/R.p".M.R., AMCT -/,.J nklin Wu, Marketing, Tourism'& Communications Manager{;" Chief Administrative Officer JJC:sa 1224 - - - - - - - UNFINISHED BUSINESS THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # NOVEMBER 15, 1999 Res. # FILE #: ADDENDUM TO ADMIN-31-99 By-law # Date: Report #: Subject: SURPLUS PROPERTY - WESTLAKE SUBDIVISION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. - 2. 3. - 4. - - 1.0 1.1 - - - 2.0 2.1 - - - - THAT Report ADMIN-31-99 (Attachment No. 1) be lifted from the table; THAT Addendum Report No. ADMIN-31-99 be received; THAT the recommendation to declare the easterly portion of Block 43 in Plan 40M- 11787, the Westlake Subdivision to be surplus be approved; and THAT staff initiate the appropriate procedures for the sale of this property. BACKGROUND: On November 1 st, 1999 Report ADMI N-31-99 was dealt with at the General Purpose and administration Committee Meeting. The Committee tabled the report for staff to provide comment if the referenced lands are currently being used for soccer and if there is a need for soccer pitches in the Municipality. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: The open space lands are not being permitted by the Municipality for use as a soccer pitch. The lands are not conducive for use as a soccer pitch for the following reasons: 1. Size and geometrics of site do not permit the construction of a regular (senior size SOm x 100m) soccer pitch, only mini size could be accommodated; 2. Site was not accepted nor designed for use as a soccer pitch, only passive recreational use; 3. The grading and drainage of the area is not ideal; 130, .. REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO ADMIN-31-99 PACE 2 .. 4. The area is bound by an open channel and storm water management pond; and Pedestrian access is only available from Solina Road. .. 5. .. 2.2 From our discussions with the soccer organizations, there is a need to provide more soccer fields, however, we wish to expand existing parks rather than developing fields in a sporadic manner. 2.3 The expansion of the Solina Park is being considered especially if through the sale of part of the open space lands in question, funds could be directed toward purchasing additional land for expansion of Solina Park and providing additional soccer fields. 2.4 We will be dealing with this matter in the near future as we commence working on .. .. ... next year's capital budget. .. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, .. ~ .Iu-~~ Fred~~orvath' Property Manager and alth & Safety Officer .. 1: F linWu, Chief Administrative Officer ... ~ v"t<-- Stephen Vokes, Director of Public Works .. ... FH:SV:tc:sa .. ... .. .. .. 13G 2 .. - - -'-'1eeting: Date: - Report #: - Subject: - ATTACHMENT NO.1 T8 REPORT NO. ADMIN-31-99AOOENOUM THE CORPORATION OF THE ,\1UNICIPAlITY OF LARINCTON REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITIEE File 'it NOVEMBER 1, 1999 Res. :r FI LE #=: ADMIN-31-99 Bv-Iaw # SURPLUS PROPERTY - WESTLAKE SUBDIVISION - RECOMMENDA TlONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the followmg: - 1. - 2. - 3. - THAT Report No. ADMIN-31-99 be received; THAT Council declare the easterly portion of Block 43 in Plan 40M-11787, the Westlake Subdivision as shown on Attachment #1 to be surplus; and THAT staff initiate the appropriate procedures for the sale of this property. - 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 - - 1.2 - - - - - Staff received a letter from Mr. Bruce Rondeau expressmg an interest in acquiring lands identified in the easterly portion of Block 43, in Plan 40M-17787, the Westlake Subdivision. Upon receipt of the letter, staff circulated the request to the Planning and Public Works Departments to review status and if the lands can be declared surplus. The lands were dedicated as an Open Space Block. The western portion of the property will be used as a storm management facility. Block 43 is designated as Hamlet Residential and Environmental Protected Area in the Clarington Official Plan. The western portion of Block 43 is zoned as Environmental Protection Zone, the balance of the site is zoned Residential Hamlet (RH) and Agricultural exception (A 1) Zone (Attachment #2). There are no specific uses for the eastern portion of this site although at one time it was considered for passive recreational activities compatible with the natural enviro' mert. 1ju3 .. REPORT NO.: ADMIN-31-99 .. PACE 2 2.0 STAFF COMMENTS: III .2. 1 Both the Public \-Vorks ana Plannln~ Departments have revIewed the land in question and are In support of the recommendation to declare the above lanas as surplus. ... .. Respectfully submitted, /------- Reviewed by, III 'i~~ Frederipk J. Horvalli. Property Manager and Health & Safety Officer r .(~(<- ~7___ '~._l-(",- .---....- Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer ... .. .. FH:sa ... .. .. ... ... ... .. .. .. 1.5 n 4 III -- - -; : 7 N:l ~ CJ S ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT NO. AOMIN-31-GG -- ~ - 1"- .... f""'\. ..u ::: T I Wt- 96'09 co a- I 11 ,1 \1 I I I i \~ \ I ',- ~h I \ C"J ~ ~ 8 . .....J ,",'CD '. :::. .~~' I '\ ~ i \ ' - --.:\ \ ~ I ~- - '~n~ ... .. . .. ~ ~ J ~ j :1 j j ~ J J j ~ J ~ J :J :1 j -1 ATIACHMENT #2 TO REPORT NO. ADMIN-31-99 . J , .. LOT 25 lIIIIII .. J LOT 26 LOT 24 i LOT 2:3 A.l <D CD Z Z 0 A-l 0 - - U) U) U) RH U) lLI lLI <.) <.) z z 0 0 <.) <.) 10 It) Z RH A-I Z 0 0 - - U) RH U) U) U) lLI LIJ <.) <.) z A-l z 0 0 <.) 0 LEGEND ... [10 INllIlOMCIITAL ~ " .~M : = =,. "" RtIllIIIINL MAIlLE" .. ........ IICIIU lIS ---.... ., '" ..... ~ I III ....___.. ItS .... -.w. 1M .... -.n.. " IGIIItM. ~l a .....lMClOO 4:l1 a IWU1' ~ c:4 ..... NIt'ClII Cl c.s SPIaAL P'lIlf'OIE 0 ~ SIJMCI I1llTIlMI c- c:1' SOMCI I1ImIlM ( all, lllI'( LlIItT IIIJUIT1IIII .. GDIIIlAL IQISTIlU. MI ~ IlDUSt AllTIItIAI. I Alt1UW.. .. REVI ION$! lOll I'MAI............ Ci "'....".11-112'-""1 'Y-U.tt.llI~ I'M.A.'~"", .....ALnY., ct .~ (~T_""'" ..... IFIIllMCll __liP Of' .. T~~S ~~_~':Q' ..... PASSED THIS . OF SEPT EM SCHEDULE 18' .. ~ '..J b .. HANDOUTS/CIRCULA TIONS GPA ./ ,# . 'I'I L.- '~<--L." '"-..~ /-~ 7)~~ e"H,tJ, (/-- . r~,."..~~ November 13, 1999 Thank you, James-- My review of the potential for the early redevelopment of the Rice site has focused on a strong residential component, anchored by and integrated with a destination use that would support and reinforce a complex for active seniors. The proposed Library project would, I believe, act as an ideal catalyst if built on this site and assist in the early construction of adjacent development which would enhance the local tax base, introduce increased numbers to the downtown core, and beneficially improve the utilization of the new Library facility. We have reviewed the assumptions and comparative cost projections used in the GPA Report. Clearly, much more detailed analysis is necessary before definitive conclusions can be reached. However, we do take issue with one assumption - that because the LCBO land is already owned by the Municipality and is a "sunk" cost, it is included in site comparisons as having no value. Ta,;xpayers might r8a~b a much different cgDcll.l~ign. It not only has a value, but its value is quite likely more than a John Rice land valuation because of its "centre ice" location adjacent to the City Hall; and that value should be included in Pro Forma comparisons with other privately held land parcels, in our opinion. Our Development team has significant experience in designing and developing a wide variety of projects - some small and some mixed use and very large. We have in the past worked closely with the public sector to ensure that the public interest was well and truly served. We have had much "on the grou.nd" construction experience, understand the paramount importance of the budget and cost control process, and are intimately aware of the financial markets. We therefore, feel comfortable in putting forward the following proposal concepts which we hope might elicit a favourable response and encourage dialogue with the Library Board. PROPOSAL ONE - (LAND LEASE) The Library Board would enter into a 21 year Land Lease, with renewal extensions, on a mutually acceptable site within the John Rice holdings, at a negotiated Land Rent, paid monthly, based on a land value determined by independent appraisers, and reappraised every 7 years to reflect market conditions and inflation. The Library Board would retain the services of the Rice development team as Development Manager to design (in consultation with the Library Board personnel) and develop a 30,000 s.f. (Approximately) building to meet the requirements of the Library Board. The Library Board would establish the development cost budget in consultation with the Development Manager. Page two Acting through the Development Manager, the Library Board would enter into a Fixed Price Stipulated Sum construction contract ( with appropriate controls in place to prevent cost overruns) with a General Contractor selected from a prequalified competitive bid process. FINANCING OPTIONS (on leased land) The Library Board may choose to own and finance the construction of the building itself. Or The Library Board may choose to own the building and have the Development Manager obtain the necessary construction and long term financing from a lender, with appropriate guarantees and assurances given by the Library BoardlMunicipality to the lender to satisfy requirements and repayment schedules. Or The Library Board may choose to enter into a contract to Purchase the building at completion at its actual cost to develop, with funds being used to payout the construction lender. PROPOSAL TWO The Rice Company, or a company controlled by John Rice, would be prepared to develop and own the Library building, built to meet the specific requirements of the Library Board, and enter into a long term lease with the Library Board, at a net rent that is sufficient to meet the terms of the financial lenders (construction and long term), and with adjustments for market conditions and inflation at appropriate, negotiated intervals throughout the lease term and any extensions,...a.n.d give a reasonable return on the owner's equity in the project. SUMMARY If I may summarize our submission: John Rice without question has the interest in seeing the Library project built on his land. The John Rice land can satisfy all the shortcomings of the LCBO site. The John Rice Development team has the expertise and experience to complete the project. The John Rice Rice site, with the Library, will foster adjacent residential development. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, November 15, 1999 Res. # Report #: ADDENDUM TO PD-123-99 File #: PLN By-law # Subject: APPEAL TO THE CITY OF OSHAWA ZONING BY-LAW 98-99 FOR FIRST PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT INC. PROPOSAL CITY OF OSHAWA - NORTHEAST CORNER OF HARMONY ROAD AND TAUNTON ROAD FILE NO.: PLN Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Addendum Report PD-123-99 be received; 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized by Council to submit a notice of appeal of Zoning By-law 98-99 as approved by the City of Oshawa Council for the First Professional Management Inc. development proposal forthwith; 3 . THAT funds for the appeal be taken from the Planning Department's Miscellaneous Account # 7702-X-299; 4. That staff and the Municipality's solicitor be authorized to take all actions necessary to protect the Municipality's interest. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Report PD-123-98, as prepared for the November 1, 1999 General Purpose and Administration Committee agenda, outlined the Planning Department's concerns regarding the proposed First Professional Management Inc. commercial development at the northeast comer of Harmony and Taunton Roads. The Region of Durham has not made a decision on the Official Plan Amendment application. * ADDENDUM REPORT PD-123-99 PAGE 2 1.2 On October 18, 1999, the City of Oshawa Council approved By-law 98-99 that rezoned the First Professional Management Inc. property permitting the 578,950 sq. ft. retail commercial proposal. Staff was not aware of the rezoning approval at the time of the writing of the original report. To protect the Municipality's interest in this matter, it is important to appeal the zoning by-law. 1.3 Staff will report back on the potential costs of retaining consultants to mount a defense at a future date. 2. RECOMMENDATION 2.1 In order that the Municipality's interests are protected, it is recommended that Council authorize the appeal of Zoning By-law 98-99 to the Ontario Municipal Board. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, "\ 'rome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. of Planning & Development . I"~ ~ (- r' 'c~ r ti~ tL l '-- L',_~ .~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Chief Administrative Officer RH*DJC*cc November 15, 1999 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE PLANNING ACT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1999 The purpose of today's Public Meeting is to provide the opportunity for you, the general public, to voice your viewpoints or comments on the applications as submitted by various property owners. The procedure for the Public Meeting is as follows: 1. I will give you a listing of the order of the applications that will be heard today. 2. The Clerk will certify the notification requirements of all applications. 3. The Planning Director will provide an explanatory note on each application. 4. For each application, I will ask the objectors to come forward first, then follow by supporters, with the applicant speaking last. 5. Every person that addresses the Committee is required to enter your full name and mailing address on the registrar to your right after you spoke. 6. The Municipality is required under the provisions of the Planning Act to advise that if a person or public body files an appeal of a decision of this Council in respect of a proposed zoning by-law amendment, official plan amendment or plan of subdivision and has not made an oral submission at the public meeting or provided a written submission before the zoning by-law amendment/official plan amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal as filed. 7. Today's public meeting process is only part of the public consultation process. As a general rule, Committee will not make any decision today and will refer the application back to staff for further processing and review. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact the Planning Department for further information. 8. Staff will prepare a subsequent report on the application for the consideration of Committee at a later date. We do not know when each of the applications will be brought back to Council due to many factors such as complexity of the application, outstanding issues that need to be resolved. In any event, those who have spoken and left their name on the registrar today will be notified as to when the application will be brought back for Committee's consideration. .2. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE PLANNING ACT A. The order of applications that will be heard today are: (note to chairperson, this statement is not applicable ifthere is only one application.) 1. Application: Rezoning DEV 92-048 Subdivision 18T-92022 (Revised) Applicant: Neale McLean 2. Application: Rezoning DEV 94-061 C.O.P.A.98-001 Applicant: Crooked Creek Golf Course Ltd. B. Now I would ask the Deputy Clerk to explain how and when notices of today's meeting were gIven. . The Clerk's Department sent public notice for all rezoning applications by first class mail on or before October 27th, 1999 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance to the latest municipal assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted on sites prior to October 27th, 1999. This notice procedure is in compliance to Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. . The Clerk's Department sent public notice for the official plan amendment applications by first class mail on or before October 27th 1999 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in ac~~;e ;ith- the latest assessment record. In addition, notices were also posted o~-~~ . This notice procedure is in compliance with Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. . The Clerk's Department sent public notice for the proposed plan of subdivision applications by first class mail on or before October 27th, 1999 to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property in accordance to the latest municipal assessment records. In addition, notices were also posted on sites prior to October 27th, 1999. This notice procedure is in compliance with Ontario Regulation made under the Planning Act. Are there any questions concerning the manner notices were served? .3. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE PLANNING ACT C. Now we proceed to deal with each of the applications. First, the Director of Planning will describe the purpose and effect of each of the proposed applications. 1. Application Report No.: DEV 92-048 and 18T-92022 (Revised) PD-124-99 1.1 Director of Planning a) Applicant: Neale McLean b) Location: The subject property is located within Part of Lot 10, Concession 2, on the east side of Liberty Street North, south of the Canadian Pacific Railway and would develop as an extension of Tilley Road. c) Purpose and Effect: The purpose and effect of the application is to permit the development of a plan of subdivision which would consist of 16 single detached lots and a park block which would be used as a parking lot for the existing park. 1.2 Objectors Is there any person who wish to speak: in opposition or to express any concern regarding this application? i) Name: Address: Concerns: ii) Name: Address: Concerns: 1.3 1.4 2. .4. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE PLANNING ACT Supporters Is there any person who wish to speak in support of this app lication? i) Name: Address: Comments: Applicant: Is the applicant/agent present? Do you wish to address the Committee? If so, please come forward. i) Name: Address: Comments: Application Report No.: DEV 94-061 and COP A 98-001 PD-125-99 2.1 Director of Planning a) Applicant: Crooked Creek Golf Course Ltd. b) Location: The subject property is located in Part of Lot 3, Concession 4, in the former Township of Darlington, between Taunton Road and Stephens Mill Road. c) Purpose and Effect: The purpose and effect of the applications is to re- designate and rezone the lands to permit the development of a 9 hole golf course, club house and maintenance building. 2.2 Objectors Is there any person who wish to speak in opposition or to express any concern regarding this application? i) Name: Address: Concerns: .5. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE PLANNING ACT ii) Name: Address: Concerns: 2.3 Supporters Is there any person who wish to speak in support of this application? i) Name: Address: Comments: 2.4 Applicant: Is the applicant/agent present? Do you wish to address the Committee? If so, please come forward. i) Name: Address: Comments: D. If any person who has not spoken and wish to receive further notice when these applications are to be dealt with by the Committee in subsequent meetings, please leave your name and address with the Clerks Department before you leave. The Public Meeting portion of the agenda is now completed.