HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-030-09Leadiag the Way ~~~~ REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEEI ~ n ,-,q Date: Monday, March 9, 2009 ~eS~u-T~o~ ~'J~ ,~a'v' Report #: PSD-030-09 File #: PLN 17.13.9 By-law #: Subject: TOOLEY AND ROBINSON CREEKS WATERSHED STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT report PSD-030-09 be received; 2. THAT the requirements of Purchasing By-law #2006-127, be WAIVED for this transaction; 3. THAT staff be authorized to commence negotiations with AECOM, for the consulting services required to complete the Watershed Study for Tooley and Robinson Creeks as required by the Planning Services Department; and 4. THAT pending successful negotiations, staff be authorized to issue a purchase order for the Tooley and Robinson Creeks Watershed Plan to AECOM. Submitted by: L~ Reviewed by: ~`~""^ ` D id . Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer FUdf 6 March 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-030-09 1.0 BACKGROUND PAGE 2 1.1 Part of the Official Plan Review Consulting Contract awarded by Council on March 2, 2009 (COD-019-09) includes the Secondary Plan for the Courtice Employment Lands. To undertake the preparation of a Secondary Plan it is recommended that a watershed study setting out the baseline information and providing specific goals and targets for permeability, habitat enhancement and hydrogeologic mitigation be undertaken in advance of the Secondary Plan. 1.2 To complete a Watershed Study for Robinson and Tooley Creeks a $90,000 budget was approved as part of the 2009 capital budget. It was anticipated that because of the extensive work that has been carried out by Gartner Lee, now amalgamated with AECOM, for the 407 Environmental Assessment (EA) they would be able to complete a watershed study with only one season of field work; typically the baseline inventory for watershed studies takes 2 full years of field work. 1.3 Robinson watershed is an urban watershed being situated completely within the Urban Area of Courtice and designated either "Employment Area" or "Future Urban Residential". The south and south-west portions of the Tooley watershed are located within the Courtice Urban Area and designated as "Employment Area" or "GreenspaceNVaterfront Greenway"; a minor portion of the upper reach of the Tooley watershed is in the Greenbelt. 1.4 The Tooley and Robinson Watersheds are two of the smallest watersheds within CLOCA's jurisdiction, being 1050 ha and 570 ha in size respectively. By virtue of their size, smaller watersheds are especially vulnerable to the effects of changing land use and the impact of development. 1.5 The .Robinson Creek and Tooley Creek watersheds contain a diversity of natural resources and historical evidence of geological activity. The development of a watershed plan will aim to protect and sustainably manage the Robinson Creek and Tooley Creek watersheds for current and future generations. 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 A considerable amount of information has already been collected in the Robinson and Tooley Creek Watersheds. The EA work for the 407 has background data on the terrestrial and natural heritage attributes and has some aquatics information. MTO have made the background information available for this Study. CLOCA has information they have been collecting as part of the Authority's aquatic monitoring program, which they will make available for this project. In addition, updated floodplain mapping for Tooley Creek has recently been completed by CLOCA and Robinson Creek should be completed within the next few months. 2.2 Staff in consultation with CLOCA believe that enough information can be collected in one field season (spring and summer). The collection and assessment of this information would represent the existing conditions portion of the Watershed Study. REPORT NO.: PSD-030-09 PAGE 3 2.3 In the Robinson and Tooley Watersheds the future land uses have been pre-determined by the Official Plan which has been in place since 1996. The Robinson Creek Master Drainage Plan has been in place since 1991. Amendments may result from the Grow Durham planning study. The Clarington Energy Business Park also has a Master Drainage Plan. Future land uses are to be addressed as "givens" but will require the innovative recommendations and techniques to address the permeability and sustainability goals of the planning policies that apply for the overall development of the area. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 Based on the compressed timeframe for this watershed study and also that significant baseline data has been collected by AECOM (formerly Gartner Lee) for the 407 Environmental Assessment. Staff are recommending that a work program and pricing be negotiated with AECOM. 3.2 Staff will be assisted by CLOCA staff on the overall project including public participation, review of the findings, formulation of the recommendations, etc. 3.3 The Watershed Study is an important background component for the servicing of the Courtice industrial lands. 3.4 This matter has been reviewed with the Purchasing Manager and Director of Corporate Services. Attachments Attachment 1 -Key Map To Report PSD-030-09 _~~ FK W Y O = ~ x x Q¢ Q V/ W W N W W N O ~[ ~ ~ ~ C F¢ W d ~ O ~ N N N W U 0 ~A, ~~a^ /~A~~, ~ um_i w w¢ ~¢ z 3a tt ¢ w a wO a ~> a tt rc K rcm O r W~ W p w w pF zr w wU' ~ w~ ¢ ¢ m fF a ~¢ ~ ~ ¢ w¢ ¢ w¢ ~ a m O m rc a z wz u Uz oW ~ N> rc <aa m zo m 3 z ~ o o '-o i ~¢i oz ~ /~~ z KZ z ~W pW rLL mK FO t- K~ w > ow z K2 O O m U2 Kz Uw Rw z- < ¢ ¢ Y/ Q 7~ ~O xO 2 KO xZ W m~ Ff9 Wj (/ ~ 70 W HW E ~ U' Y ~ 60 E ¢E 02 U U N L f0 F.m ~ oy m 3 ~ U' z wa x~ z ~ ¢ m ao mw aw v w w m ~¢ ~ w ~~ o ~x ww w rcE uo wo ~ ~ zrc rc ¢m o '~ w¢ ~w ww » w~ w3 n a o O L ~ a> > Eta x ~ m zo U' aw ~3 U'? m ~ wa c9 3N U o za am mm aw mw ma m ; m ~ \ i ®~®~1®~'' 1 11 111• ~~~y'° i ~ ~~/ ~ c~~a ooh ~~