HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-022-09Clarington Leadeng the Way REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: March 9`h, 2009 R~S~I~~,~~ PA-aal -05 Report #: COD-022-09 File # By-law # aw/ `U3 Subject: CL2009-1 COURTICE MILLENNIUM TRAIL BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-022-09 be received; 2. THAT Dig-Con International Ltd., Bolton, Ontario with a total revised bid in the amount of $68,758.00 (Excluding G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of Tender CL2009-1, be awarded the contract for the Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge Construction, Courtice, Ontario as required by the Engineering Department; 3. THAT funds required in the amount of $79,283.00 (which includes $68,758.00 tendering, engineering, and contingencies) be drawn from Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge Account #110-32-325-83400-7401; and 4. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the r1P~cessary agreement be approved. Submitted by: Marie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Dire~cto~r bf Corp[o~rat~e Services Nancy Taylor, B.B.A., C.A., Director of Finance/Treasurer Reviewed by: / nkhn Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MM\NTUDBUCm CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 REPORT NO.: COD-022-09 1. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT PAGE2 1.1. Tender specifications were provided by AECOM for the Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge Construction, Courtice, Ontario, as required by the Engineering Department. 1.2. Tenders were advertised in local papers, as well as electronically. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule `C" attached. 2. ANALYSIS 2.1 A total of twelve (12) submissions were received in response to the tender call. Four (4) submissions were rejected as non-compliant with eight (8) submissions deemed acceptable. 2.2 Provision of HL-3 Asphalt was included in the tender as a provisional item. Due to budget restraints, the asphalt has been removed from the contract. The bid ranking is not changed by the removal of the provisional item. 2.3 After further review and analysis of the bids by the Engineering Department, AECOM and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Dig-Con International Inc., Bolton, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge, Courtice, Ontario. A copy of the recommending memos from the Department of Engineering and the consultant AECOM are attached as Schedule "B". 2.4 The low bidder has not provided services to the Municipality in the Past. References have been checked and although some scheduling problems have been encountered the references were satisfied with Dig-Con International Inc work and would recommend them for similar projects. 2.5 Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Engineering. REPORT NO.: COD-022-09 PAGE3 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3.1 The total project. cost of $79,263.00 includes $68,758.00 tendering, engineering and contingencies. The Courtice Lions Club received Ontario Trillium Foundation grant of $81,300.00 in August 2008. The Courtice Lions Club transferred the Trillium Foundation grant funds to the Municipality for the purpose of design and tendering the construction of the Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge. These funds are in the Municipality's Capital Account for the Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 That the low compliant bidder, Dig-Con Ihternational Ltd., Bolton, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for the Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge Construction, Courtice, Ontario. 5. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES 5.1 This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager, with the appropriate departments and circulated as follows: Concurrence: Director of Engineering Attachments Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", By-law Attachment 2 - Schedule "B", Memo from Engineering Services & Letter' from AECOM Attachment 3 - Schedule "C", Bid Summary Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2009- Being a By-law to authorize a contract befinreen the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Dig-Con International Ltd., Bolton, Ontario, to enter into agreement for Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge Construction, Courtice, Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Dig-Con International Ltd., Bolton, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of , 2009. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of , 2009. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk SCHEDULE"B" Clarington Leading the Way MEMO TO: Jerry Barber, Purchasing Manager FROM: Peter Windolf, Park Development Manager DATE: February 19, 2009 SUBJECT: Courtice Millennium Trail Bridge Construction Tender CL2009-1 The Engineering Services Department has reviewed the recommendation provided by AECOM and offers the following comments: In 2008 the Courtice Lions Club received an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant of $81,300 for the construction of a pedestrian bridge and entrance feature at the Courtice Millennium Trail. The Lions have turned those funds over to the Municipality for the design and construction of the bridge project. We concur with the recommendation to award the contract to Dig-con International Ltd in the amount of $68,758 exclusive of G.S.T. for the bridge construction. A contingency amount of approximately 5% is carried forward. Construction inspection and contract administration will be done by municipal staff. The Engineering Services Department advises the following Municipal breakdown for the above referenced project: Pro~ect Breakdown Total Project Value (engineering, construction, and contingency) $79,263 Courtice Millennium Trail account 110 32 325 83400 7401 $81,300 Remaining funds $2,037 r ~'r-. "u~ -r ~i.m ...d ? ;ic ..~ ;°ru 'ion SCHEDULE "B" ,,3'~ ;,., ,n We recommend the remaining funds and any unspent contingency amount be returned to the Lions for the construction of an entry feature at the trail entrance on Hwy 2. Attached for your files is the recommendation provided by AECOM. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards, ~P.~*-~uJ~i Peter Windolf, AO~LA, CSLA Manager Park Development Attachment Cc Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 SCHEDULE "B" AECOM S i 3 Uivlsron Slrcoi, Cotxwi~, pniariu IUA (iG6 7 905 372,?127 F 905.3723621 www.auconi.coni February 19, 2009 Mr. A. S. Cannella, CET Director, Engineering Services The Municlpallty of Clarington 4D Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, ON L1C 3A6 Dear Sir: Re: Lion's Trail Pedestrian Bridge Over Black Creek, Courtiee Contract No. CL2008-1 (the "Contract") Municipality of Clarington IP V __..__-•.-.......nom •.wRacq I AECOM Project Number: 12-29620 Tenders for the above project were opened at the Municipal Offices on Friday, January 23, 2009 at 2:75 p.m. A list of the bids received is provided in the table below. All numbers are exclusive n+reT. SCHEDULE"B" Pape 2 Municipality of Clarington February 19, 2009 The Municipality of Clarington's Purchasing Department (the "Purchasing Department") reviewed all bids to confirm compliance with the Clarington Purchasing ey-Law and rejected the bids from Ron Robinson Limited, Bob Hendricksen Construction Limited, A Plus General Contractor Corp., and MTM Landxaping Contractors Inc., as noted above. AECOM Canada Ltd. ("AECOM") has reviewed all bids deemed compliant by the Purchasing Department and confirmed the bid values noted above. Dig-Con International Ltd. ("Dig-Con") is the lowest bidder. Its submitted tender has been reviewed and is compliant. As requested by the Purchasing Department, references were checked only for the lowest bidder. Dig-Con has completed a number of similar scope projects including work for the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), the Town of Innisfil, the Town of Newmarket, and the City of Pickering. Town stab and/or their consultants were contacted and of the five references that were contacted, one said that he would not recommend Dig-Con for future projects. In our opinion the issues raised by the negative reference can be mitigated through a stringent contract administration and site inspection program. The estimated costs for various project components, based on the law bid, are summarized in the table below. H.L.-3 Hot Mix asphalt was a provisional item in the tender and, due to budget constraints, the asphalt has been removed from the Contract. The bid ranking is not changed by removing the provisional item. Low Bid $71,383.00 Less (Provisional Item) Asphalt ($2,625.00) Net Value of Tender Award $8g,75g,00 Project Costs: Design Fees $6,317.56 Permit To Take Water $750.00 Contingencies $3,437.90 Costs Total $10,505.46 Total Project Costs $79,283.48 Budget $81,300.00 Budget Balance $2,036.54 The low bid from Dig-Con International Ltd. is within the project budget, and based on the references contacted regarding performance on previous projects in our opinion, the tender in the amount of $68,758.00 (exclusive of GST) can be awarded to Dig-Con International Inc., of Bolton Ontario providing all other provisions of the Clarington purchasing by-law have been met. iwo.q mixaaazacan.egxarVarenann..re ynu.e q.rl mogeoy ~}LCOM SCHEDULE "B" Page 3 Municipality of Clarington February 19, 2009 Bid cheques or bid bonds shall be retained for Dig-Con and All Services Inc, the second low bidder, until the Contract has been executed. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, AECOM Canada Ltd. q ~~-. % `v- Sean Bagshaw, P. Eng. Sean. bagshaw~aecom. com SB:ym Enel rx: Mr. Peter Windolf, OALA, Manager, Park Development, Municipality of Clarington (+enel.) (P b!p f T1b3M]01COnypl2tlgTenJtr AwaN UvwW M~ } ]ry, yr.Yp~r i r~t. ~.t)I~~I SCHEDULE"C" Municipality of Clarington BID SUMMARY TENDER CL2009-7 COURTICE MILLENNIUM TRAIL BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION BIDDER TOTAL BID REVISED TOTAL (GST Excluded) glp GST Excluded DIG-CON INTERNATIONAL LTD. $71,383.00 $68 758 00 BOLTON, ONTARIO , . ALL SERVICES INC. OSHAWA, ONTARIO $78,370.00 $72,370.00 RUTHERFORD CONTRACTING LTD. $85,733.72 $80 719 97 GORMLEY, ON , . S & F EXCAVATING LTD. KING CITY, ON $92,978.00 $89,078.00 PENINSULA CONSTRUCTION INC. $95,124.03 $82 099 28 FONTHILL, ON , . ELIRPA CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS LTD. $110,307.01 $105 357 01 PICKERING, ON , . NEI CONSTRUCTION CORP. $114,924.00 $113 499 00 MAPLE, ONTARIO , . ROYEL PAVING LIMITED LINDSAY, ON $122,736.80 $115,353.05 RON ROBINSON LIMITED $68 507.25 M• Rejected BOWMANVILLE, ON , Rejected BOB HENDRICKSEN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED $126 473 00 ••• Rejected PORT PERRY, ON , . Rejected A PLUS GENERAL CONTRACTOR CORP. $130,054.88' Rejected TORONTO, ON *~• Re acted MTM LANDSCAPING CONTRACTORS INC. $130,366.00' Rejected MISSISSAUGA, ON " Re acted Extension Error "` No Bid Deposit - Re acted *** Did not Acknowled a Addendum - Re acted