HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-005-09 AddendumClarington ce~Rg rFe way UNFINISHED BUSINESS REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMM11T,TEE D ~j Date: February 23, 2009 ~~`~I~- 1 ~U~~r A-,~ ~ Report #: COD-005-09 (Addendum) File # By-law # Subject: COMMUNITY VIDEO SHOWCASE PROGRAM Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report COD-005-09 (Addendum) be received; 2. THAT the requirements of the Purchasing By-law be waived; 3. THAT the Municipalgty enter into a two (2) year agreement with CGI Communications, Inc., Rochester, NeW York, for the provision of a no cost Community Video Showcase program coupled witih opportunities for local business to showcase and promote themselves; THAT the attached By-law Schedules "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the two (2) year agreement be approved; 5. That the Director of Corporate Services be authorized to sign any related operating agreements that may be required during the term of the master agreement that may be necessary to facilitate the provision of the services; 6. That the Purchasing Manager be authorized to negotiate an additional two (2) year agreements with CGI Communications in the event a competitive service is not available on expiry of the 2009-10 agreement or subsequent extensions after review of market competitiveness; and 7. That the Director of Corporate Services be authorized to approve and sign the agreements to extend the services beyond the current and subsequent terms provided competitive se s are not available. ! ,,- ~ ~ Q ~.., Submitted by: Reviewed by: ~'~°""~"`-'~-~'~ ~(., arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Franklin Wu, Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer MMUDB~km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 REPORT NO.: COD-005-09 (Addendum) PAGE2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1. At the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of January 19`h, 2009, Report COD-005-09 (copy attached as Schedule "A°) was referred back to Corporate Services staff for a report responding to the following: • Was the Region of Durham contacted to see if they are interested, or if they know whether other companies can provide the same service? • There was a concern for waiving the by-law for a US Based firm to come in and take advantage of the opportunity. • How will the Board of Trade, and BIA's be able to participate in the opportunity - through links to their websites, or video clips? • How much staff time is required, seeing that we are under a great amount of pressure now with the Clarington.net etc, and we are currently working with a lean staff? • What liability is attached if they post information that is problematic or a problem for the company that they contract with? • There was a concern that the businesses that they contact, might be circulated under a "business list" and their names could be circulated • Mayor Abernethy had printed a copy of a contract from the City of Grand Island Nebraska, and he had some concerns. 1.2. The recommendations as provided in the report COD-005-09 continue as noted. 2. ANALYSIS 2.1. The following is provided for information in response to the above noted questions and concerns: 2.1.1 Was the Region of Durham contacted to see if they are interested, or if they know whether other companies can provide the same service? REPORT NO.: COD-005-09 (Addendum) PAGE3 • As this was a marketing effort directed to the Municipality of Clarington, staff did not contact the Region nor did CGI Communications contact the Region. As the program includes video clips that are community specific CGI Communications are focusing on the single or lower tier municipalities, not regional governments, at this time. Note, that the Town of Whitby has agreed to participate (not yet active) and Chatham-Kent went active earlier this year. In addition, since the initial report, Oshawa and Napanee have signed agreements with CGI. Since the original report was presented to the Manager of Communications and Marketing, had discussion with the Regional staff and they have confirmed that they have not been contacted by CGI Communications. Regarding another provider offering the same service, there are a number of videographer services within the Region however the service has a cost attached. Staff is not aware of any similar service on a no cost basis but is recommending a trial two year agreement only, in the event that a competing service comes to our attention. If this should occur during the two year term and the service has proven beneficial, a request for proposal will be issued inviting submissions for comparable competitive service for a subsequent term. Since the initial report was reviewed by Committee on January 19"', Purchasing has been contacted by a local videographer seeking additional information on the services offered by CGI. Although the inquiring firm does not offer the same service they were interested in the video production. Since the video production is the responsibility of CGI the inquiring party was referred to CGI for more information on any sub-contracting opportunities. 2.1.2 There was a concern about waiving the by-law for a U.S. Based firm to come in and take advantage of the opportunity. • Although this service is provided at no cost to the Municipality. Staff felt it prudent to have the by-law waived as this was considered a pilot program. The alternative would have been to issue an Expression of Interest or Request for Proposal taking several weeks and considerable staff time and advertising expense for what is viewed as a trial program. REPORT NO.: COD-005-09 (Addendum) PAGE 4 Request for Proposal taking several weeks and considerable staff time and advertising expense for what is viewed as a trial program. 2.1.3 How will the Board of Trade and BIA's be able to participate in the opportunity - through links to their websites, or video clips? Is this initiative more related to the Board of Trade activities? • The focus of this initiative by CGI is on Municipalities. However, the Clarington Board of Trade has already expressed an interest in accessing the videos for promoting Economic Development. This can be done through site linkages and the BIA could also link to the videos. If they want their "own" video clip., they would be able to arrange this through CGI Communications - they would become an advertiser and get their own specific clip that would be online with the Municipality's. Costs for advertising on the site start at approximately $1,000 for level one (no video), $3,000 for level two (30 second video) or $6,000 for level three (60 second video). These prices are also subject to nominal reduction for upfront payment. 2.1.4 How much staff time is required, seeing that we are under a great amount of pressure now with the Clarington.net etc, and we are currently working with a lean staff? • This is difficult to estimate. It could take up to 14 hours of staff time to script and shoot each video clip and there can be up to nine (9) clips. However, this is an upfront cost in time and will not be repeated for the duration of the agreement. The videos are shot once during the two year program and these can be updated on a regular basis with new material, if necessary. 2.1.5 What liability is attached if they post information that is problematic or a problem for the company that they contract with. • All advertising placed on the site is reviewed and approved by municipal staff and we have veto rights on advertising/promotional material that is considered inappropriate. The company has also agreed to amend the agreement to suit the municipality and as noted in the sample agreement for the City of Grand Island, we can and will include indemnification clauses to REPORT NO.: COD-005-09 (Addendum) PAGES protect the municipality. It is also acknowledged that the reputation of this company will suffer should they post anything that would have a negative impact to their clients -paying or not. 2.1.6 There was a concern that the businesses that they contact might be circulated under a "business list" and their names could be circulated. • CGI Communications has advised that they do not sell their client list; however, this can be dealt with in the agreement. CGI Communications stands to lose a great deal if they share/sell their client list. For clarification, anyone wanting to acquire client names need only go to the various websites to acquire this information. 2.1.7 Mayor Abernethy printed a copy of the contract from the City of Grand Island, and he had some concems. • Staff has reviewed the agreement for the City of Grand Island and note the extra clauses not included in the template provided by CGI Communications. Staff will be amending the agreement to address the municipality's needs and concerns including the insertion of an indemnification clause. 3. CONCLUSION 3.1. The foregoing responds to the areas of concern as staff understand them. Despite the investment of staff time in preparing the video clip and the agreement, this opportunity remains an excellent opportunity to showcase the benefits of moving to the municipality. Therefore, it is respectfully recommended that the report be received for information and the recommendations as proposed in Report COD-005-09 be approved. Attachments: Schedule "A" -Report COD-005-09 C1~t"1~~ ups ~ R'•i REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 1 Date: January 19; 2009 ~i ~So~ u~ On~~, Pfl ~~~' Report #: COD-005-09 File # By-law # Subject: COMMUNITY VIDEO SHOWCASE PROGRAM Recommendations: It is respectfully rewmmendled that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the {~Ilowing: 1. THAT RepoROOD-005-09 be received; 2. THAT the requirements of the Purchasing By-law be waived; 3. THAT the Municipality enter into a two (2) year agreement with CGI Communications, Inc.; Rochester, Ne York, for the provision of a no cost Community Video Showcase program coupled with opportunities for local business to showcase and promote themselves; 4. THAT the attached y-law Schedules "A" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the two (2) year agr emeM be approved; 5. That the Director of corporate Services be authorized to sign any related operating agreements that ma' be required during the term of the master agreement that may be necessary io facilitate the provision of the services; and 6. That the Purchasing ~Aanager be authorized to negotiate an additional two (2) year agreements with CC~I Communications in the event a competitive service is not available on expiry of the 200 10 agreement or subsequent extensions; and 7. That the Director of ~orporate Services be authorized to approve and sign the agreements toe the services beyond the current and subsequent terms provided competitive s is are not available. c Submitted by: Reviewed by: era o, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Frenklin Wu, Director of orporate Services Chief Administrative Officer MMUDB\km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L7C 3A6 Tr905\a23.3a~o F ran! REPORT NO.: COD-005-09 PAGE2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1. In 2008 the Manager of Communications and Marketing was contacted by a representative of CGI Communications Inc. of Rochester, New York, with a services proposal that would provide an opportunity for the municipality to showcase our community through our website at no cost and also provide local businesses an opportunity to promote their services and/or products by posting a link on the Municipality's website on a fee for services basis. 1.2. If accepted, the two (2) year agreement will cover the following services: 1.2.1. CGI Communications will visit the municipality and produce, at no cost to the Municipality, a Welcome video as well as up to nine (g) highlight videos on topics such as relocation, economic development, business and industry, education, health care, culture and diversity, sports and recreation, history in government and tourism. To quote the material, the CGI "program will be customized to showcase the best of what Clarington has to offer to residents, visitors, and your business community". There will be no cost to the municipality for this service. In addition to viewing the video clips available through the website, with a simple click on the appropriate command a video clip can be sent to anyone in the world with access to the web. By clicking on the interface the recipient will be able to view the video in its entirety. 1.2.2. In the addition to the municipal component CGI will also provide local businesses with the opportunity to utilize the CGI technology to showcase their businesses and products and services on the municipal website. CGI will handle all promotion to Clarington businesses and produce logos, video clips as applicable. There is a fee for this service and CGI provides three different levels at costs that will fit small to large businesses. Beyond the free services noted above, the municipality does not share in the revenues derived from the sale of advertising to local business. 1.2.3. A copy of the Summary of Community Video Showcase Program listing sample sites for viewing is attached as Schedule `B". REPORT NO.: COD-005-09 PAGE 3 1.3. With respect to the promotional material prepared for local businesses and placed on our website, it is understood that said material must be in accordance with best practice and community standards and the Municipality will have final approval to ensure material is acceptable. 1.4. There are a number of U.S. cities taking advantage of this opportunity and Schedule B lists two as examples. In Canada, Chatham -Kent is utilizing this service and Whitby has signed on with CGI and currently has a letter from the Mayor on their website advising of the upcoming promotional feature and opportunity. 2. ANALYSIS /FINANCIAL 2.1. The program offered by CGI is an excellent opportunity to showcase the highlights of Clarington as a place to reside and conduct business. The size of the audience is limited only by the number of people with access to the web with very little effort or cost to the municipality. Although there will be no monetary charge to the municipality for the community videos we will expend some staff time during the development of the program and there will be staff time needed to review the business promotional material before it is placed on the website and to coordinate the introduction of the material to the website. For clarification, there is no revenue generation for the municipality associated with this trial and, there is no commitment needed on the part of the municipality for a minimum number of local business promotions. 2.2. Staff is recommending that the municipality take advantage of this opportunity on a two year trial basis to determine the benefits and the worth of the program. As this is a service that may be offered by other marketing firms we are requesting that the Purchasing By-law be waived in this instance to permit us to enter into a trial agreement with CGI instead of undertaking a market search to determine if a competitive service is available. Should competing firms come to our attention during the two year agreement this information will certainly be kept on record in the event the service proves satisfactory and we wish to continue with a similar arrangement beyond the two year term. 2.3. In the event that the program is a success and the municipality wishes to continue this service beyond the expiry of this trial agreement and there are no known competitors for REPORT NO.: COD-005-09 PAGE 4 it is further recommended that the Purchasing Manager be authorized to negotiate a new agreement for an additional two year term. 3. CONCLUSION 3.1. On reviewing the material and considering the opportunity to promote the municipality and its services the services and the technology offered by CGI is an excellent fit on the website and will provide benefits to the municipality, its residents and local businesses. The addition of the local business promotion opportunity is a bonus for the local business community that can be provided at no cost to the municipality. CGI will undertake all of the video productions and the promotions to local businesses with the exception that the municipality will post a notice of the proposed service on the website as the Town of Whitby has done. Attachments: Schedule "A" - By-Law Schedule "B" -Summary of Community Video Showcase Program Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2009- Being a By-law to authorize an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and CGI Communications, Inc., Rochester, New York, to enter into agreement for the provision of a Community Video Showcase THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, CGI Communications, Inc., Rochester, New York, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of , 2009. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of , 2009. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk