HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/2009 1 C~ GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: TIME: PLACE: February 2, 2009 9:30 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. MINUTES (a) Minutes of a Special Meeting of January 16, 2009 (b) Minutes of a Regular Meeting of January 19, 2009 401 416 5. PRESENTATIONS (a) Perry Sisson, Regarding Bowmanville Westside Marshes Conservation Management Plan 6. DELEGATIONS (Draft List at Time of Publication - To be Replaced with Final List) 601 (a) Vic Suppan, Chair, Clarington Heritage Committee, Regarding Report PSD-016-09 (b) Kelvin Whalen, Kaitlin Group, Regarding Report PSD-016-09 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS (a) General Amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63 Regarding Aggregate 701 Extraction Areas, Requirements for Garage Widths, and Schedule Boundaries Applicant: Municipality of Clarington Report: PSD-012-09 (b) Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and Modify Draft Approved Plan 703 of Subdivision Applicant: Baysong Developments Inc. Report: PSD-013-09 CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIpALITY e>F'CLARfNGTON 40 TEMPERANCe; STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 31\6 T 90!h623.3379 j G.P, & A. Agenda -2- February 2, 2009 8. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (a) PSD-012-09 General Amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63 Regarding 801 Aggregate Extraction Areas, Requirements for Garage Widths and Schedule Boundaries (b) PSD-013-09 Zoning By-law Amendment and Modification to Draft 819 Approved Plan of Subdivision Applicant: Baysong Developments Inc. (c) PSD-014-09 Monitoring of the Decisions of the Committee of 828 Adjustment for the Meeting of January 15, 2009 (d) PSD-015-09 Annual Report on Site Plan Activities for 2008 831 (e) PSD-016-09 Former Boys Training School and Prisoner of War Camp 841 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanville (f) PSD-017-09 Ontario Municipal Board Decision - Appeal of A2008-0023 853 9. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT No Reports 10. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT No Reports 11. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT No Reports 12. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ; No Reports 13. MUNICIPAL CLERK'S DEPARTMENT (a) CLD-002-09 Animal Services Quarterly Report - October - December, 1301 2008 (b) CLD-003-09 2008 Year End Parking Report 1310 (c) CLD-004-09 4380 Courtice Road 1313 , ~.~ !1:4 ~4 ~:H :::i1 :!) :1 Ii :~;; .I'~ ,1.1, <: G.P, & A. Agenda -3- February 2, 2009 14. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT , ;1 (a) COD-008-09 John Howard Society - Lease Extension and 1401 Community Living Oshawa I Clarington - Lease Extension 132 Church Street, Bowmanville (b) COD-009-09 Co-operative Tender C2008-114, Asphalt Registry Hot Mix 1405 Asphalt, Cold Mix Asphalt and High Performance Cold Mix Asphalt (c) COD-010-09 EmployeeAssistanceProgram 1411 (d) COD-011-09 RFP2008-8 - Supply and Installation of Storage Shelving 1416 15. FINANCE DEPARTMENT (a) FND-003-09 List of Applications for Cancellation, Reduction, Apportionments or Refund of Taxes 1501 16, CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE No Reports 17, UNFINISHED BUSINESS 18. OTHER BUSINESS 19, COMMUNICATIONS 20. ADJOURNMENT ,:'[ 'j! CJNilJgtDn 'I '.~ .';1 +H "j :1 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 . ':i if i) Minutes of a special meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, January 16, 2009 at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. :1 ROLL CALL .,;; ~ Present Were: il ,:~ Also Present: " ~~ Ii \ .," ,i ';1 ':1 ,[ I 'ii I Mayor J. Abemethy Council/or A. Foster Council/or R. Hooper Council/or M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Council/or W. Woo Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Municipal Clerk, Clerk's Department, P. Barrie Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Engineering Services. T. Cannella Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Deputy Treasurer, Finance Department, L. Gordon Director of Operations, F. Horvath Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Director of Finance, N. Taylor Fire Chief, Emergency Services, G. Weir Deputy Clerk, A. Greentree Clerk II, E. Atkinson Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Foster indicated that he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect to the Visual Arts Centre budget request. PRESENTATIONS Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance provided a 2009 Budget Overview presentation to the Committee highlighting the following: . Financiallndicators · Current 10perating Overview . Capital Budget . Status of Reserve Funds ,~ ; . ,.Ii. 401 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 . Long-term Debt . Next Year Ms. Taylor advised the Committee that Clarington participated in an annual study performed by BMA Management Consulting Inc., a study which included 82 Ontario municipalities representing in excess of 80% of the Ontario population. This provides a valuable tool for comparing municipalities and assessing affordability from a local level. Ms. Taylor provided an assessment breakdown indicating the residential category is at 90.7 % and the non-residential at 9.3%. She informed the Committee that the Municipality of Clarington is at the mid-level with regards to levy per capita and the tax rates in Clarington are average in most categories except large industrial,which is low. Clarington's relative tax burden is in the low to mid range and when compared to others, Clarington's property taxes, as a percentage of income, is rated in the mid range. Ms. Taylor stated that Clarington has the 30111 lowest net levy per capital out of the 82 particip,mb>. She advised the Committee that 1% of the budget would be equal to approximately $320,000.00 and a 1 % increase in the local levy would be approximately equal to $9.70 for an average house which is valued at $240,000.00. Ms. Taylor advised the Committee that a significant number of Ontario Municipal Board appeals have been launched and due to the magnitude and volume, the 2009 budget does not currently accommodate sufficient funds for litigation costs including legal, consulting, etc. She requested the Committee consider a future strategy to deal with each of these appeals and that Reserve Funds may be required to be used in 2009. Ms. Taylor provided the Committee with a brief overview on the Capital Budget and outlined significant Capital Projects. She also provided the Committee with the status of Reserve Funds and outlined development charges items to be considered. She provided the Committee with a debt summary and a list of economic considerations. The Budget Forecast reports actual needs with some assumptions. There has been nothing pulled or reduced to allow Council to see what our future costs and pressures are. DELEGATIONS Angie Darlison, Executive Director, and Peter Evans, President, Clarington Older Adults Association, addressed the Committee regarding their 2009 budget request. Mr. Evans provided the Committee with the Mission Statement of the Clarington Older Adults Association, which is "to promote the well being of older adults through the provision of affordable programs and activities". He stated the vision and goals of the Clarington Older Adults Association is to create opportunities for older adults to: improve their quality of life, maintain a healthy, active lifestyle, experience personal growth, develop lasting friendships, reduce social isolation and to have fun. The population of the Municipality of Clarington is growing and so is their membership. They anticipate more than 1100 members in 2009. Mr. Evans provided the Committee with an overview of the facilities and the current structure of the Association. He reviewed the revenue stream noting that 35% of the funding is received from the Municipality and noted they have not received Provincial funding yet. Mr. Evans highlighted their 2008 activities and informed the Committee of the current initiatives. Mr. Evans thanked the Committee for -2- 402 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 ;~ all their support and stated that they look forward to working with the Municipality of Clarington in the future. ]I ~ , I Sally Barrie, Administrator, Community Care Durham, addressed the Committee regarding their 2009 budget request. She stated that Community Care Durham is a charitable organization that provides home support, respite and mental health services to adults and their caregivers who have needs related to physical disability, aging and/or mental health. There are currently nine (9) community-based service locations in Durham. She reviewed the revenue stream noting that 63% is received from the Ministry of Health and noted their funding reduction of 19% in 2008 and 2009 from the United Way. She briefly described the services provided by Community Care Durham and how one becomes a client of Community Care Durham. Ms. Barrie thanked the Committee for their support and requested they consider a continued commitment. 'Ii 'il " :ll! :,," [~ ,t:1 ;~ ..I 'H ~i Adrian Short, Richard Toms and Jean-Michel Komarnicki, Visual Arts Centre, addressed the Committee regarding the Centre's 2009 budget request. The Centre is currently run by a twelve person volunteer board and they have limited staffing. They currently receive a major portion of their funding through grants. Mr. Short gave a brief update on 2008 projects and events, As well, he noted the new programs and events to be implemented for 2009. The Visual Arts Centre had 28,000 visitors/participants in 2008. Mr. Short informed the Committee a strategic plan has been implemented. The requested budget increase is to cover the increase in the salaries and benefits for their limited staff. They believe that effective staff are critical to future operations. Mr. Short thanked the Committee for all their support and stated that they look forward to working with the Municipality of Clarington in the future. Gail Rickard, Vice-Chair, Clarington Public Library Board, addressed the Committee regarding their 2009 budget request. She provided the Committee with highlights of 2008 stating the number of items borrowed, electronic visits, program attendance, size of the collection and the number of walk-in visits. She advised of the support from the Community through the various partnerships. There have been improved and new services to address customers' needs. Ms. Rickard advised the Committee the library is supported through various partnerships, though the primary funding is provided by the Municipality. Resolution # GPA-036-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the 5 minute time limit for delegation of Gail Rickard, Vice-Chair, Clarington Library Board be extended, CARRIED - 3- 403 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 Ms. Rickard informed the Committee of their future priorities and she stated the new library in Newcastle will be opening in the fall of 2009. The library received a $2.5 million grant for the new library. Ms. Rickard thanked the Committee for their continued support to the libraries within the Municipality of Clarington. Martha Rutherford-Conrad and Mr. Brian Colville, Clarington Museums and Archives, addressed the Committee regarding their 2009 budget request. ' Mr. Colville gave an overview of the history of the Clarington Museums and Archives. He stated the various exhibits hosted as well as the new programming introduced in 2008. In 2008 they saw a 35% increase in participants and 32% in membership. Mr. Colville highlighted the financial summary and challenges of 2008 and he informed the Committee of the plans for 2009. Mr. Colville and Ms. Rutherford-Conrad thanked the Committee for their continued support and are looking forward to any exciting year in 2009. Resolution #GPA-037-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Committee recess for 10 minutes. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 11 :30 a.m. Marie Marano, Director of Corporate Services and Human,Resources, provided the Committee with a verbal update on the 2009 budget request from the Corporate Services and Human Resources Department. The Corporate Services and Human Resources Department comprises three divisions: IT, Human Resources and Communications. She stated the primary items in the Department budget relates to the IT division. The challenge facing the IT division is the shortage of staff members. IT supports over 400 users at 14 remote sites. Comparatively with other municipalities our IT staffing is very low. Notwithstanding, in 2009 IT will be rolling out new hardware and software and implementing a new phone system. Ms. Marano informed the Committee that the current phone system is obsolete and no longer supports the demands of the Municipality and the stand alone units for the outside lines will be removed. Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk, Clerk's Department provided the Committee with an update on the 2009 budget request from the Clerk's Department. The Clerk's Department will be focusing on two areas: records management and the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service imposed by the Province. Funding for the establishment of a suitable and secure inactive record storage centre has been set aside in reserves for the past several years. To set up the policy and procedures regarding the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service will be done through a Consultant. Ms. Barrie stated this is a huge undertaking and it involves the training of all staff members as well as volunteer's and contractors. A risk assessment that was done at the Animal Shelter resulted in the need for of new lighting, an alarm, and additional fencing. Ms, Barrie informed the Committee the parking meter mechanisms - 4- 404 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 j :i 4 :~ II ! I' j:! II:i " i!u need to be replaced, and she confirmed a $5,000 increase to the cemetery revenue would be achievable. ~J i '''H ,,~ iJ Gord Weir, Fire Chief, Emergency Services, provided the Committee with an update on the 2009 budget request from the Emergency Services Department. Chief Weir stated there is a demand for an increase to the number of fire~fightersand he encouraged, Council to support the Master Fire Plan. He informed the Committee of the aging condition of Station #2 and stated this station should be replaced in the next couple of years. One tanker is scheduled to be replaced in 2009. l Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, provided the Committee with an update on the 2009 budget request from the Engineering Services Department. Mr. Cannella informed the Committee that the reduction of development activity will allow the Engineering Department to focus on other projects. He stated there is no significant park development scheduled for 2009, but there should be some in 2010. Mr. Cannella stated the restructure and reclassification of the Engineering staff will make the Department more efficient and reduce the costs of consulting. The Engineering Department's forecast budget is attempting to set money aside to address prioritized needs. ..~ :i lil Fred Horvath, Director of Operations, provided the Committee with an update on the 2009 budget request from the Operations Department. The weather has been a major issue in 2008. Currently there are 742 people on the senior's list for snow removal and a new tender for the contract for snow removal will be issued in the spring. He informed the Committee that in 2009 he is expecting an increase in maintenance costs; specifically, there was a 100% increase to the cost of patch., The two priority projects set for 2009 are roof inventory analysis and storm Water management program. He informed the Committee that there were four Trillium Grant request submitted in 2008, He confirmed a $5,000 increase to the Sports Field revenue is achievable. Joe Caruana, Director of Community Services, provided the Committee with an update on the 2009 budget request from the Community Services Department. The savings from the decommissioning of the Lions Club pool will not be realized until 2010. Accessibility issues were addressed in 2008. Mr. Caruana informed the Committee of the two key 2009 capital projects for the Community Service Department consist of the renovations to the Darlington Sports Centre and the pool at the Courtice Community Complex. He stated they anticipate more than 1100 memberships in 2009 and the Community Service Department will focus on new programs for families and will offer workShops for volunteers as well as Skateboard programs. They have revised the summer day camp programs and are piloting a transition project. Camps will also be offered to special needs children. While the Department continues to focus on health' and safety and energy conservation, staff will also continue to develop their volunteer database. - 5- 405 ... Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 David Crome, Director of Planning Services, provided the Committee with an update on the 2009 budget request from the Planning Services Department. Typically, when development application volumes are down, appeals are up. The important challenges facing the Planning Services Department are the revenues spent at Ontario Municipal Board hearings and the higher costs for fees. He stated the current budget will not cover the costs of these hearings and other sources of funding will have to be considered. He informed the Committee the consulting budget is mainly spent on watershed issues and OMB hearings. In 2008 they received approximately 120 applications which is about half of their usual volume. Resolution #GPA-038-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Committee recess for 30 minutes. CARRIED The meeting reconvened at 1 :20 p,m. STAFF REPORTS 2009 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET Resolution #GPA-039-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT, in light of the current economic times, through a number of initiatives, the 2009 Budget be set at a zero increase. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-040-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report FND-001-09 be received; THAT Council approve the base 2009 Operating and CspitalBudgets as outlined in Schedule "A" to Report FND-001-09, at an estimated tax levy impact of 1.30% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in FND-001~09; THAT Council provide direction on the items listed as added funding levels related to growth ornew services excluding staffing levels as itemized in Schedule "B" attached to Report, FND-001-09; -6- 406 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 I i " II ,n Ii"! II ~ "-r, THAT Council provide directions on the grants for External Agencies per their requests itemized in Schedule "C" attached to Report FNO-001-09; That Council defer staffing changes to the 2010 budget year as shown on Schedule "0" , to Report FNO-001-09, as option 1, be approved; THAT Schedules "E", "F", and "G" outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions, attached to Report FNO-001-09, and new Reserve Funds be approved; 'Ii ~il ,u 'i ,a 'I THAT approximately $1,000,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; "n THAT the financing of capital projects, as outlined in the attached document attached to Report FNO-001-Q9, be approved; , ~ ;'! <i THAT the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "CO attached to Report FNO-001-09, be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request; THAT for 2009, the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament be directed to the , Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority - New Forest Centre; I 1 THAT the capital request from the Clarington Museums and Archives for $23,000 from the Bowmanville Museum Reserve Fund be approved; and ." 'ip '! THAT the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2009 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available, CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING (See following amending motions) Items Considered as Added Funding Levels - Schedule B to Report FND-001-09 Resolution # GPA-041-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the Committee consider, line by line, the items contained in Schedule B of Report FNO-001-09. CARRIED - 7- 407 j Special General Purpose and Administration Committee , Minutes January 16, 2009 . Resolution #GPA-042-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, s~conded by Councillor Robinson That a budget increase of $10,000 for Employee Wellness be denied. . CARRIED Resolution #GPA-Q43-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT a budget increase of $25,000 for the Post Employment Benefit Funding be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-044-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT a budget increase of $12,300 for Communications Design ,be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-045-09 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT a budget increase of $15,000 for Communications Newsletter be approved: CARRIED Resolution #GPA-046-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT a budget increase of $4,500 for the Suppression Small Capital be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-047-Q9 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson' THAT a budget increase of $50,000 for the Part-time Firefighters be approved. CARRIED - 8- 408 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 Resolution #GPA-048-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo ~ :i I \ ,~ THAT a budget increase of $1,000 for Applefest Transit be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-049-09 ii :j H " l , Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT a budget increase of $35,000 for Ditch/Shoulder Maintenance be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-050-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT a budget increase of $5,000 for Catch Basin Maintenance be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-051-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT a budget increase of $5,000 for Pavement Marking be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-052-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT a budget increase of $5,000 for Guide Posts be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-053-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT a budget increase of $18,000 for Stormwater Maintenance be approved. CARRIED .9- 409 ..L Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16,2009 Resolution #GPA-054-G9 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT a budget increase of $14,000 for Fitness Equipment be approved. CARRIED Grants for External Agencies Per Their Requests- Schedule C to Report ' FND-001-09 Resolution # GPA-055-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Committee consider, line by line, the items contained in Schedule C to Report FND-001-G9. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-056-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim' THAT a budget increase of $20,000 for the Newcastle Library operating budget be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-057-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the request of an $82,013 budget increase to the Library Grant account be approved. CARRIED Councillor Foster stated a pecuniary interest with respect to a budget increase request from the Visual Arts Centre. Councillor Foster refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution #GPA-058-09 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the request of a $32,000 budget increase to the Visual Arts Centre account be approved. MOTION LOST -10 - 410 I ~l , ~ I(U :j " :i ~~ ,~ Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 Resolution #GPA-059-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Woo .~tl :!u , ;~ , ;, ) THAT a budget increase of $20,000 to the Visual Arts Centre account be approved. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-060-09 ',j " .'j Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT a budget increase of $15,000 to the Visual Arts Centre account be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-061-09 , '.j .H , Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the request that the Newcastle Hall remain at $13,000 be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-062-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the request that the Community Care account remain at $26,265 be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-063-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the request of a $7,932 budget increase to the Clarington Museums account be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-064-Q9 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the request that the Firehouse Youth account remain at $45,000 be approved. CARRIED .11 - 411 .1 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 Resolution #GPA-065-Q9 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the request of a $10,250 budget increase to the Older Adults account be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-066-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the request of a $3,000 budget increase to the Older Adults Reserve Fund account be approved. ' CARRIED Resolution #GPA-067-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the request of a $3,500 budget increase to the Board of Trade account be approved. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-068-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the request for a $15,000 budget increase for the GrantProgram Realignment be denied. CARRIED Staffing Changes - Schedule D to Report FND-001-09 Resolution #GPA-069-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT item 14 of Schedule D attached to Report FND-001-09, requesting one staff member from Engineering Services be realigned and reclassified be approved. CARRiED LATER IN MEETING (See following motions) -12 - 412 " I , Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16,2009 Resolution #GPA-070-09 :::~ . ii , Moved by Councillor-Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper ,i THAT Resolution #GPA-069-Q9 be amended to add: "THAT the cost associated with the realignment and reclassification of one Engineering staff member be funded through the operating cost savings in the design projects." MOTION WITHDRAWN ~~ ',j .~ '''' ~ ;'Ii The foregoing Resolution #GPA-069-09 was then put to a vote and carried. Resolution #GPA-071-09 Moved .by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the monies for two (2) full-time firefighters be annualized; and 'THAT the hiring of four (4) full-time firefighters in the year 2010 be re-assessed. MOTION LOST Resolution #GPA-072-09 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT approval be granted to hire two (2) full-time firefighters, but that the hiring be delayed until November 2009. CARRIED Other Amendments Resolution #GPA-073-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Capital Project 5000.8225-09001 of $30,000 for the electronic sign for Fire Station Headquarters be deleted. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-074-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Cemetery Revenue account be increased by $5,000. CARRIED - 13- 413 Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16, 2009 Resolution #GPA-075-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Capital Project 4000-8180-08100 of $20,000 to replace all the chairs in the' Council Chambers be deleted. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-076-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Sports Field Rentals Revenue account be increased by $5,000. CARRIED The foregoing Resolution #GPA-040-09 was then put to a vote and carried as amended. 2010 to 2013 OPERATING AND CAPITAL FORECASTS Resolution #GPA-077-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report FND-002-09 be received for information. CARRIED UNFINISHED BUSINESS PRESENTATION - DIRECTOR OF FINANCE - REGARDING 2009 BUDGET Resolution #GPA-078-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the presentation of Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance be received with thanks. CARRIED DELEGATIONS - VARIOUS ORGAINZATIONS AND DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS- REGARDING 2009 BUDGET Resolution #GPA-079-09 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the delegations of Angie Darlison - Clarington Older Adults, Sally Barrie - Community Care Durham, Adrian Short, Richard Toms and Jean-Michel Komamicki - -14 - 414 i l I Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 16,2009 , n :!i !, In :,;,1, l~ ;~~ Visual Arts Centre, Gail Rickard - Clarington Public Library Board, Martha Rutherford- Conrad and Brian Colville - Clarington Museums and Archives as well as the staff delegations of Marie Marano, Patti Barrie, Gord Weir, Tony Cannella, Fred Horvath, Joe Caruana and David Crome be received with thanks. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT .~~ ":1 :! Resolution #GPA-080-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster " 'j " " THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:05 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK , ,~ .i~ -15 - 415 ~ ij '.,' '" L~ ::1 II Clocpn " '~ il General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, January 19, 2009 at 9:30 a,m., in the Council Chambers. " Ii ':i ROLL CALL Present Were: Also Present: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M, Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim CouncillorW. Woo Acting Chief Administrative Officer, M, Marano Internal Auditor, Finance Department, L. Barta Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Operations, F, Horvath Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano Fire Chief, Emergency Services, G, Weir Deputy Clerk, A. Greentree Clerk II, E, Atkinson Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Hooper indicated that he would be stating a pecuniary interest with respect to Report PSD-010-09. Later in the meeting, Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Confidential Report COD-003-09. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Novak informed the Committee that she, Councillor Hooper and Mayor Abernethy attended the 17th Anniversary of Clips and Crafts located in Hampton. Councillor Novak, informed the Committee of a brochure for Eat Smart Dining Diet and advised the Committee that The Pita Pit, Steamers Restaurant and Espresso Legato Coffee House, all located in Clarington, were mentioned in this brochure. 416 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 Councillor Hooper informed the Committee the Kawartha Conservation Board held their elections and the new Chairperson is Jim McMillen of Scugog Township. He also informed the Committee that the siren located at the Goodyear plant in Bowmanville was set off due to a mechanism that was frozen causing the siren to activate. Resolution # GPA-081-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Agenda be altered to allow for an update from the Director of Operations with regards to the snow fall in Clarington for the month of January, 2009. CARRIED Fred Horvath, Director of the Operations Department informed the Committee that recently there has been approximately 45 - 60 centimetres of snow fall in the Clarington area. All roads are expected to be ploughed by the end of the day. He informed the Committee the plough drivers are still experiencing problems with parked vehicles on the road and he will be contacting the Parking Enforcement Division to have this issue addressed; especially the vehicles that park on the streets on a reoccurring basis. Councillor Woo advised the Committee that the Visual Arts Centre will have an exhibit starting on January 18th through to February 8th, featuring talents of our local high school students. Resolution #GPA-082-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the rules of order be waived to hear from Councillor Hooper and Councillor Woo . as to why notice regarding the siren at the Goodyear plant was not communicated to all Members of Council. CARRIED Councillor Woo informed the Committee the siren located at the Goodyear plant is only used on Remembrance Day and apparently one of the mechanisms for activating the siren was frozen in the open position causing the alarm to activate. He advised the Committee that preventative measures will be taken to ensure this does not happen again. Councillor Hooper confirmed that should this happen again, notice will be provided to all Members of Council. - 2- 417 ~ ::1 ~ lei ~,il OM j~ ,\ General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 MINUTES Resolution #GPA-083-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster J , THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on January 5, 2009, be approved. CARRIED :"! ., i' 'n ," " , PRESENTATIONS ij Gary Jeffery, Chairperson for Agricultural Advisory Committee provided the Committee with an update on the accomplishments achieved in 2008 by the Agricultural Advisory Committee. He informed the Committee elections were held and new officers have been elected. Mr. Jeffery thanked Council for their support with the consideration given in regards to the Durham Growth Plan and stated the farm land in the white belt area needs to be protected. Monitoring the use of pesticides has been a concern, as not all are being banned and the Committee would like to see everyone working towards a positive approach to their use. Mr. Jeffery stated that one of the focuses of the Agricultural Advisory Committee is to implement the Just In Time Delivery system and that a motion was made at the last meeting to amend the Highway Traffic Act. Mr. Jeffery congratulated Council on setting up the Agricultural Advisory Committee stating it is a role model for other municipalities to use. An invitation was extended to all Members of Council to attend a meeting of the Committee, ,,:1 :1 " i ~.~ 1 Shelia Hall, Clarington Board of Trade provided the Committee with an Economic Development Update, highlighting the Economic Development Activity for 2008, and stating that a television campaign was started to spread "Good Business Stories". Ms, Hall advised that in 2008 there were eleven vacant land inquiries, nine vacant space inquiries, six new companies have opened in Bowmanville and three have closed, A survey was sent to the businesses and the Clarington Board of Trade was very pleased with the positive results returned. This survey indicated 65% of industrial businesses plan to expand in the next five years, 95% do not have plans to relocate, 60% feel they are supported by local business, 35% are interested in diversifying their business, 71 % stated it's difficult to find skilled and technical trades, 43% forsee barriers to growth due to the economy, cost competitiveness, development charges, zoning restrictions and permitting process. She stated that 78% see municipal taxes as a challenge. Ms, Hall informed the Committee of the meetings the Clarington Board of Trade held in 2008 and how the Board has helped local businesses, She described for the Committee the requirements the Board feels are needed to help expand the business side of Clarington, Ms, Hall stated the Clarington Board of Trade will be updating the industrial land inventory and mapping system, and conducting a corporate call strategy to help prepare an economic impact study and directory. They will also be creating a Community profile and help to prepare the existing business community to benefit from - 3 - 418 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 the Darlington New Nuclear Project. Ms. Hall thanked Council for their support and looks forward to working with Council on their future endeavours. DELEGATIONS Kristen Schmidt-Chamberlain, Executive Director, Durham Hospice and Marian Timmermans, Registered Nurse, Durham Hospice, addressed the Committee regarding the "No One Should Die Alone" campaign, Ms. Schmidt-Chamberlain provided the Committee with statistics on the number of persons they help in Clarington, as well as other statistics from the Quality End-Of-Line Care Coalition of Canada 2008 National Report. She stated that in 2008 the Durham Hospice served 254 palliative clients and dealt with 314 bereavement clients, of which 80 where from Clarington. Durham Hospice has volunteers in all parts of Durham and bereavement groups are currently established in Uxbridge, Whitby and Bowmanville. Plans are in place to start these groups in Pickering and Cannington in 2009. Ms. Timmermans highlighted areas which the Council could help, especially with support for establishing a residential hospice in Bowmanville. Resolution #GPA-084-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the meeting be closed for the purpose of hearing the delegation of Mr. Maurice Pitre regarding a confidential personal matter. CARRIED The meeting reconvened in "open" session at 11 :50 a.m. RISE AND REPORT Mayor Abernethy reported that the delegation of Mr. Maurice Pitre was heard in a closed session in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as , amended, and no decision was made. Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. PUBLIC MEETING (a) Subject: Applicant: Report: Application to Amend the Clarington Zoning By-law 84-63 Ridge Pine Park Inc. PSD-010-09 Bob Russell, Planner, Planning Services Department provided a verbal report supported by a PowerPoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-01 0-09. - 4- 419 I J ili I ::J 'I ! ,ij 1~ General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 No one spoke in opposition to or support of Report PSD-010-09. Roger Howard, Ridge Pine Park Inc, was present to address any concerns or questions raised at the Public Meeting. Mr. Howard advised the Committee that the applicant is in agreement with the recommendations contained in Report PSD-010-09, ~i l PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Councillor Hooper stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Report PSD-010-09 as his parents are residents of the Wilmot Creek Community. Councillor Hooper refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. APPLICATION TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW TO PERMIT THE REPLACEMENT OF 8 APPROVED DETACHED DWELLINGS WITH 11 TOWNHOUSE DWELLINGS IN PHASE 7 OF THE WILMOT CREEK COMMUNITY APPLICANT: RIDGE PINE PARK INC. ON BEHALF OF CANADIAN APARTMENT PROPERTIES REIT Resolution #GPA-085-09 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-010-09 be received; .1 THAT the rezoning application submitted by Ridge Pine Park Inc. on behalf of Canadian Apartment Properties REIT be approved and that the Zoning By-law Amendment as contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-010-09 be adopted by Council; "THAT a By-law attached to Report PSD-010-09, to remove the Holding (H) symbol be forwarded to Council at such time that the applicant has satisfied the provisions of Section 23.4.3 of the Official Plan including executing a Site Plan Agreement; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-010-09, any delegations, and the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Departmentbe advised of Council's decision. CARRIED 2008 ANNUAL REPORT ON APPLICATIONS FOR PLANS OF SUBDIVISION Resolution #GPA-086-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report PSD-011-09 be received; and 'J .5. 420 iJi General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-011-09 and Council's decision. CARRIED Councillor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT ON BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY FOR DECEMBER, 2008 Resolution #GPA-087-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report EGD-004-09 be received for information. CARRIED PORT OF NEWCASTLE SUBDIVISION, NEWCASTLE PHASE 1 STAGE 1B, PLAN 40M.1984 (PART OF) AND PORT OF NEWCASTLE DRIVE, PLAN 40R.18328 'CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND 'ASSUMPTION BY-LAWS', FINAL WORKS INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS Resolution #GPA-088-09 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report EGD-005-09 be received; THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Final Works, which include final stage roads and other related Works, constructed within Plans 40M-1984 (Part of) and 40R-18328; and THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGDCO05-09, assuming certain streets within Plans 40M-1984 (Part of) and 40R-18328 as public highways. CARRIED NEWCASTLE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION PHASE 4, BOWMANVILLE PLAN 40M-2152 'CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE' AND 'ASSUMPTION BY-LAWS', ROADS AND ABOVE GROUND SERVICES INCLUDING ROADS AND OTHER RELATED WORKS Resolution #GPA-089-09 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report EGD-006-09 be received; .6- 421 ii ~ [,i ~ ,j "I ':11 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19,2009 ,;;1 THAT the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to issue a 'Certificate of Acceptance' for the Roads and Above Ground Services, which include roads and other related Works constructec;l within Plans 40M-2152 and 40R-16993; and ;U i~ THAT Council approve the by-laws attached to Report EGD-006-D9. assuming certain streets within Plans 40M-2152 and 40R-16993 as public highways, CARRIED ,. I: il Councillor Trim chaired this portion of the meeting. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT , a j 'J I, :,~ PROTECTIVE HEAD GEAR Resolution #GPA-090-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report OPD-001-09 be received for information. CARRIED Councillor Woo chaired this portion of the meeting. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MONTHLY RESPONSE REPORT - DECEMBER 2008 Resolution #GPA-091-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report ESD-002-09 be received for information. CARRIED Councillor Robinson chaired this portion of the meeting. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TRUE SPORT Resolution #GPA-092-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report CSD-002-09 be received; -7 - 422 . General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 THAT Council endorse the True Sport Principles (Attachment #1 to Report CSD-002-09) for Communities; and THAT Council declare Clarington a True Sport Community. CARRIED Councillor Hooper chaired this portion of the meeting. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT CONFIDENTIAL REPORT - CONSIDERATION OF TAXICAB AND LIMOUSINE OWNER/BROKER LICENCE Resolution #GPA-093-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the Confidential Report CLD-001-09 from the Clerk's Department be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered in a "closed" session. CARRIED Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFIDENTIAL REPORT - PERSONAL COMPENSATION MATTER REGARDING AN IDENTIFIABLE INDIVIDUAL Resolution #GPA-094-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Confidential Report COD-003-09 from the Corporate Services Department be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered in a "closed" session. CARRIED COMMUNITY VIDEO SHOWCASE PROGRAM Resolution #GPA-095-09 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report COD-005-09 be received; THAT the requirements of the Purchasing By-law be waived; .8. 423 Ii,.! !~ 1;';1 .:-:t '~ ii ii:s -;'M 11 II "I ',',I :~1 ,~ ,I " H General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19,2009 THAT the Municipality enter into a two (2) year agreement with CGI Communications, Inc., Rochester, New York, for the provision of a no cost Community Video Showcase program coupled with opportunities for local business to showcase and promote themselves; ;U ,ij I , THAT the By-law Schedules "A" attached to Report COD-005-09, authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the two (2) year agreement be approved; ~ THAT the Director of Corporate Services be authorized to sign any related operating agreements that may be required during the term of the master agreement that may be necessary to facilitate the provision of the services; THAT the Purchasing Manager be authorized to negotiate an additional two (2) year agreement with CGI Communications in the event a competitive service is not available on expiry of the 2009-10 agreement or subsequent extensions; and THAT the Director of Corporate Services be authorized to approve and sign the agreements to extend the services beyond the current and subsequent terms provided competitive services are not available, REFERRED TO STAFF (See following motion) Resolution # GPA-096-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Report COD-005-09 be referred back to staff for further information regarding: opportunities within our own community for the same service, the possibility of a Clarington Board of Trade endeavour and the ownership and control of information; and THAT staff report back to the Committee on their findings. CARRIED KENDAL COMMUNITY CENTRE LEASE JANUARY 1, 2009 TO DECEMBER 31, 2010 Resolution #GPA-097-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper ':1 THAT Report COD-006-09 be received; THAT the lease agreement with the Kendal Community Centre (Schedule A to Report COD-006-09) for the term of January 1, 2009 to December 31,2010 be approved; .9. 424 < General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 THAT during 2009, the Municipality will be responsible for 50% (25% Emergency & Fire Services, 25% General Municipal Funds Account) of the utility costs and in 2010 the Municipality will be responsible for 25% (Emergency & Fire Services) of the utility costs with the Kendal Community Association being responsible for 50% and 75% respectively; and THAT the By-law marked Schedule "B" attached to Report COD-006-09, authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approved. CARRIED RFP2008-15 - PEER REVIEW FOR DARLINGTON NEW NUCLEAR BUILD Resolution #GPA-098-09 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report COD-007-09 be received; THAT the proposal received from Morrison-Hershfield, Toronto, Ontario being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Request for Proposal RFP2008-15 be awarded the contract for the provision of the Peer Review for the Darlington New Nuclear Build with a bid including disbursements of $242,200.00 (excluding GST); THAT the funds required be drawn from Account #100-00-000-02195-2015 and recovered through invoicing (OPG) Ontario Power Generation periodically throughout the project; and THAT the By-law marked Schedule "A", attached to Report COD-007-09, be approved authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the contract agreement which is satisfactory to the Municipal's Solicitor. CARRIED FINANCE DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. -10. 425 '~ I :r!l q Ii'!! ":1 :; General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 "" r'i ,j "tt UNFINISHED BUSINESS ~ ~J " , PRESENTATION - GARY JEFFERY - AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. REGARDING 2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Resolution #GPA-099-09 "~ " 'I! Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the presentation of Mr. Gary Jeffery regarding the 2008 accomplishments of the Agricultural Advisory Committee be received with thanks. CARRIED PRESENTATION - SHEILA HALL - CLARINGTON BOARD OF TRADE- REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Resolution #GPA-100-09 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the presentation of Ms. Sheila Hall regarding the Economic Development update be received with thanks. CARRIED "1 i~ , "j I DELEGATION - KRISTEN SCHMIDT-CHAMBERLlAN AND MARIAN TIMMERMANS DURHAM HOSPICE - REGARDING "NO ONE SHOULD DIE ALONE" CAMPAIGN Resolution #GPA-101-09 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the delegation of Kristen Schmidt-Chamberlain and Marian Timmermans be received with thanks. CARRIED OTHER BUSINESS LIVESTOCK EVALUATION CLAIMS Resolution #GPA-102-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Clerk's Department be directed to provide the Committee with a report regarding the Livestock Evaluation claims to date. CARRIED - 11 . j . , , ... 426 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 SAFETY CONCERN REGARDING THE INTERSECTION AT BEAVER ST. AND KING AVE. EAST, NEWCASTLE Resolution #GPA-103-09 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the Director of Engineering in collaboration with the Region of Durham, implement a solution, as soon as possible, to the safety concems at the intersection of Beaver St. and King Ave. East, Newcastle. CARRIED COMMUNICATIONS APPOINTMENT TO THE NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Resolution #GPA-104-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Peter de Jong, Sierd De Jong and Dave Patterson be appointed to fill the three vacant positions on the Newcastle Village Community Hall Board, for a two-year term, CARRIED Resolution #GPA-105-09 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing the following matters: . Confidential Report CLD-001-09, Consideration of Taxicab and Limousine Owner/Broker Licence involving personal information about an identifiable individual; and . Confidential Report COD-003-09, Personal Compensation Matter Regarding an Identifiable Individual. CARRIED The meeting reconvened in open session at 12:21 p.m. RISE AND REPORT, During the "closed" meeting, Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Report COD-003-09 as she has a licence with the company named and left the "closed" portion of the meeting during discussion on this Report. Councillor Novak refrained from discussions and voting on this matter. -12 - 427 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes January 19, 2009 ;1: Mayor Abernethy reported that two items were discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and two resolutions were passed. :;i ADJOURNMENT Resolution #GPA-106-09 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:25 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK :; -13 - 428 .1. 't iil! ;:; DRAFT LIST OF DELEGATIONS GPA Meeting; February 2, 2009 (a) Vie Suppan, Chair, Clarington Heritage Committee, Regarding Report PSD-016-09 (b) Kelvin Whalen, Kaitlin Group, Regarding Report PSD-016-09 l I PUBLIC MEETING REPORT # PSD-012-09 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON GENERAL AMENDMENT TO ZONING BY-LAW 84~3 REGARDING AGGREGATE EXTRACTION AREAS, ,. REQUIREMENTS FOR GARAGE WIDTHS, AND SCHEDULE BOUNDARIES Cl · '11 U~ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING liil 'i,~ :i: T AKENOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municiparrty of Clarington wili consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended, The Municipality of Clarington is proposing a General Amendment to Zoning By-law 84-63. The amendment ' proposes to: . In accordance with Section 15.3.1 of the Official Plan, rezone Aggregate Extraction Areas, which have had their licenses surrendered in accordance with the underlying Official Plan designation. . Amend the maximum outside width requirement for a garage in the foUowing zone categories: Urban Residentiai Exception (R2-53) Urban Residential Exception (R2-58) Urban Residential Exception (R2-57) Urban Residential Exception (R2~1) . Adjust the Schedule boundaries to be more consistent with Urban and Hamlet boundaries as depicted on the attached key map,andto divide the ,Darlington,. Clarke and Urban area schedUles into multiple sheets. Planning File No.: ZBA 2008-0004 PUBLIC MEETING The Municipality of Clarington Witl hold a publiC meeting to provide interested parties the opportunity to make comments, identify issues and provide addijional information relative to the proposed development The public meeting will be held on: )A TE: Monday, February 2, 2009 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, 2'" Floor, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St, Bowmanvllle, Ontarlo Am PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or ,verbal representation eilher in support of or in opposilion to thellroposal.. The starl time listed above reflects the time at which the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting commences. If you cannot attend the Public Meeting on this application, you can make a deputation to CounCIl atlheir meeting on Monday, February 9, 2009, commencing at 7:00 p,m, Should you wish to appear before Council, you l1)ust register with the Clerks Department by the Wednesday noon, February 4, 2009, to have your nal1)e appear in the Agenda COMMENTS OR,QUESTIONS? Ii you wish to be notified of subsequent meetings or the adoption of the proposed Zoning By-law, Zoning By-law Amendment, or oflhe refusal of a request to amend the Zoning By-law, you must make a written request to the Cierk's Department, 2'" Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario llC 3A6, Add,itional information relating to the proposal Is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m, and 4:30 p,m. (durlng July and August 8:00 a,m. and 4:00 p,m.) at the Planning Services Department, 3'" Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario II C 3A6, or by calling Tracey Webster at (905) 623-3379 extension 427 or bye-mail at lWebster@clarinoton.net .PPEAL If a person or publiC body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Clarington Planning Services Department before the proposed Zoning By-law or Zoning By-law Amendment is approved, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of Clarington CounCIl to the Ontario Municipal Board. If a person or publiC body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make wriIlen submissions to the Municipality of Clarington before the proposed Zoning By~aw or Zoning BHaw Amendment is approved, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. 16~ day of December 2006, David Crume, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planni,ng Services Municipality of Crarlngton 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvllle, Ontarlo l1C 3A6 701 r--.-.-.:-.-.-.---.-,----.--.---~-------.~--l . , !I m ! (j d ~ I ~/I l~ i 1- J 1 ~ ~ ~ M -----1 ~~, t~ ~~~;" ,( vmffill, ~ -<o~. ...... rh1~ ~ ~<;.;. po ! ' ~ I _______________________________ I----~ . I , I c ! ,~i I ~ ;: . ~ ~ 'L M ~~ jJ a-.... ~ :l I ~ i r:~ ~~~ ! ~ ~ f:''':.~ '~ ! ~ ~"'" L__._____.___._.___.._____~____._ ~ ..m'.~~.~.~~ ....:..\~\'..;~~....... ..";.....~.>;o ." Ol '3 '2, '6 t/) I e c. Il.. ,la :-1 :E I, >- Weu c: ::.c:' ~ Ii c: c :e ;.. ~ :i!' ;.. -6 - Ol J! i3 .g t/) fl,~ t/) IL. {i? -m "" "Gl ~ c ~I 702 " "j : ~i PUBLIC MEETING REPORT # PSD-Ol3-09 CORPORATION OF THE BAYSONG DEVElOPMENTS INC MUNICIPAlITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CANCELLATION NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED PUBLIC MEETING I DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION BY: BA YSONG DEVELOPMENTS INC. ClWilJgton TAKE NOTICE that tho Public Moetlng for the abovo-notod davelopmont appllcltlon ochedulod for Mond8y, January 19, 200918 cancolleel and has been "",chaduleel. Datalls of tho .....cheelulod date a... noted below. AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW AND MODIFY DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDMSION , TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Claringlon will consider a proposed Zoning By- law Amendmen~ and a modification to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision under Sections 34 and 51 respectively 01 the Planning Act, 1990, as amended and under Section 51 of the Planning Act, 1990, as amended. APPLICATION DETAILS Baysong DevelopmenlB lno. has submitted an application 10 modify a draft epproved plan of subdlvloJon and emend the zoning of the lands as foIaws: . Increase the number of 10 metres residential uni1a from 12710 137; . Increase the number of 12 matres residential unlls from 14410 150; . Reduce the number 0111' metres resldenllal unlls from 4910 3; and Introduce 30 new 11.3 metre residential un", To pennn 22 townhouse units In a mlxod..,se commarclaV residential block identlfled as Block 925 shown on the revenl6, The total number of draft approved residential units will remain at 907 unlls. In addition, the rezoning seeks 10 change the zone regulations 10 allow for one or more of tha following: . Reduced side yard _; . Increased lot coverage; and . Reduced sight triangle from 7.5 metres to 6,5 metres. The subject proparty Is located on the east side of Regional Road 57, north of Concession Road 3, being Part Lola 13 and 14, Concession 3, former Township of Darilngton, as _ on 1eY6I1l8. The 'Municipality of C1arington has deemed the above-notecl application 10 be e complete submission, Planning FIle Nos.: ZBA 2008-0022 & 8-C-2001-0004 REVISED PUBLIC MEETING The Municipality of Clarington will hold e public meeting 10 provide Inlereslod parties the opportunlly 11> moke comments, identify Issues end provide additional information relative to the proposed development. 1lli.DI!l!It lIlIlIlIkIg was oriainallv scheduled for Mondav Januarv 19" 200Q and m cancelled d~e to Insufficient n~Uon The I'1l8tIIina will now be held on' Monday, February 2, 200lI 9:30 ..m. Council Chambera, 2'" Floor, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanvllle, Ontario IWY PERSON mey eltand the public meeting and/or make wrftIen or verbal represen1a\lon elthar in support 01 or In opposition to the proposal The start lime rlStecl above rellects the time at which the General PU/llOSe and AdmInlslration Commltlee Meeting commences, DATE: TIME: PLACE: If you cennot attend the Public Meeting on this app/'lCStion, you cen meke a deputation to Council etlhelr IMetlng on Monday Februery g, 2009, commencing at 7:00 p.m, Should you wish to appear before Council, you must reglelor with the Clerks Department by the Wednesday noon, February 4, 2oo9 to have your nerne appear In the Agenda. COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? If you wish tG make e wrillen submlssion or W you wish 10 be notified of subsequent meetings or the approval of the Zoning By~ew Amendment end modllication to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision, you must submn a wrilIen request III the CJerk's Department, 2'" Floor, 40 Temperance S-. Bowmanvlle, Ontario L lC 3A5. Addltionellnformatlon relating 10 the proposal Is aveBable for inspection between 8:30 e,m. and 4:30 p,m. (during July and August 8:00 e.m. and 4:00 p,m.) at the Planning Services Department, 3'" Floor, 40 Temperance Strael, Bowmanvllle, Onlario L lC 3A5, or by cellng Cynthia StrI1<e at (905) 623-3379 extenslon 326 Dr by e-<naI at cstrIke@clerington,net. APPEAL If e person or public body that flies a notice 01 eppesl of a dacislon for the proposed Zoning By.4aw Amendment and modification to the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 10 the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make wrillen submissions before the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and modilication Is approved, the Ontario MunlcipeJ Board may dismiss en or part of the appeal. Datn M~nlcipality of Ciarington this .,.. dey 01 January 2009. Da~ R.P.P, 40 Tomperancestreet DIrec1Dr of Planning Sarvlces Bowmanvllle, Ontario Municipality of Clarington L lC 3M 703 , , , ~~~-;;;':-~F~ ~. . ~ ~~ :'. .:. ::" i l;I I; r: :r 3 :'I a i!. It if :r lD iUl '" N (R a .. ~~ C a -= :!!h Ii g ! ~ ~N co s:g :Ii g -t :!! c ~~ o !l ~ 8.~ I .. ~8 .. c 0' E.'" " f~ 3 '" ~ .. i a :;- f' f I I ,.. I g I: .. I 704 :'1 1 , , '.j H 'Ii ~ CI~mgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING ;'~ Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, February 2, 2009 Report #: PSD-012-09 File #: ZBA2008-0004 By-law #: Subject: GENERAL AMENDMENT TO ZONING BY-LAW 84-63 REGARDING AGGREGATE EXTRACTION AREAS, REQUIREMENTS FOR GARAGE WIDTHS AND SCHEDULE BOUNDARIES RECOMMENDATIONS: .:1 It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-012-09 be received; 2, THAT the proposed changes to By-law 84-63 continue to be reviewed to address outstanding issues and any concerns raised at the public meeting; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: D I . Crome, MCIP, RPP. rector, Planning Services Reviewed by: 0 ~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer TW/CP/sh January 15, 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 , i 1 :I '~ ;~ "I) 'l 801 REPORT NO.: PSD-012-09 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On October 27, 2008 Council adopted a general amendment to the zoning by-law dealing with recreational vehicles and accessory structures. At the same time Council adopted a resolution directing Staff to continue to review proposed changes to Aggregate Extraction Areas. 1.2 In addition to the proposed changes to Aggregate Extraction Areas, this amendment proposes two additional modifications as follows: . Provisions regulating the maximum outside width for an attached garage on a single detached dwelling in the following zone categories: o Urban Residential Exception (R2-53) o Urban Residential Exception (R2-57) o Urban Residential Exception (R2-58) o Urban Residential Exception (R2-61) . Adjustments to the Schedule boundaries to be more consistent with Urban and Hamlet boundaries and to divide the Darlington, Clarke and Urban Area maps into a grid with multiple pages p,er schedule as opposed to one large map. The format of the zone schedules will be similar to the one used for Municipality of Clarington Street Index, 2.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 2.1 Notice of the public meeting was provided in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act and the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. Notice was placed in the Clarington This Week and the Orono Times on January 7,2009. 2.2 A submission was received from the designer for Geranium Corporation. They are designing homes for lots zoned R2-61 and R2-58 and have requested the Municipality consider a maximum garage width of 49 percent for an interior lot and 63 percent for an exterior lot. They wish to provide double car garages on the exterior lots, 3.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 3.1 The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment was circulated to relevant agencies for comment. All comments received will be addressed in the subsequent recommendation report, 802 [11 f " ,I ;1 I , ) 'Ii '" !~ ~!l , ~ .'1 I .;! , 'ij " J 'il REPORT NO.: PSD-012-09 PAGE 3 4.0 STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 Aaareoate Extraction Areas 4.1.1 Section 15,3.1 of the Clarington Official Plan indicates that the Municipality will amend the Zoning By-law to delete aggregate extraction and associated uses once the aggregate extraction license is revoked or surrendered. The Aggregate Extraction Area overlay designation is deleted from the Official Plan, without the need for a formal amendment, leaving the underlying permanent designation. 4.1.2 Ten properties have had their licences surrendered and it is appropriate to rezone those properties in accordance with the corresponding Official Plan designation. The locations of the properties are contained in Attachment 1. 4,1,3 The owner of the Coombes Pit, identified as number 5 in Attachment 1, has advised staff that he is working with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to finalize rehabilitation efforts on his property. He is hopeful that the licence will be revoked by the MNR in order to be considered as part of the proposed zoning by-law amendment. 4,2 Schedule Boundaries 4.2,1 Currently, there are nineteen Schedules attached to Zoning By-law 84-63, Two consist of the former geographic area of the Townships of Darlington and Clarke while the remaining Schedules represent Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle Village,~Orono and thirteen hamlets, The schedules were originally adopted in September 1984 prior to the current Urban Area and Hamlet Area boundaries being adopted. With the exception of the Darlington and Clarke Schedules, the schedules follow a geometric shape rather than the actual boundary as defined in the Official Plan. 4,2.2 The Schedule boundaries are to be adjusted to be more consistent with the Urban and Hamlet boundaries as defined in the Official Plan. The key map contained in Attachment 2 depicts the current and proposed schedule boundaries. A new Schedule is proposed for the Wilmot Creek Retirement Community, Although this area is not identified as a Hamlet, it is a unique community. It is anticipated that the zoning for this area will become more complex with the next phase of development, making it difficult to represent on the Darlington and Clarke Schedules due to the scale in which they are produced. The Rural Cluster of Bond Head will remain on the Newcastle Village Schedule, This area is not a designated Hamlet, however, given the level of existing development it is best represented at the scale used to produce the Newcastle Village Schedule as opposed to the Clarke Schedule. 4,2.3 The Schedules for Darlington, Clarke, Bowmanville, Courtice, Newcastle, and Orono will be divided into multiple pages at a larger scale (Attachments 3 to 8), This will improve the legibility of the maps for the reader and allow the maps to be produced on letter size paper. Over the years there have been many new zone categories introduced, making 803 REPORT NO.: PSD-012-09 PAGE 4 it difficult to represent multiple zone categories in urban areas. Attachments 9 and 10 provide samples of the pages for Darlington and Bowmanville. 4,2.4 It will not be necessary to divide the Hamlets and the Wilmot Creek Retirement Community into a grid system as they are easily represented at a larger scale on independent schedules similarly to what is currently provided in Zoning By-law 84-63, Attachment 11 provides an example of a Hamlet Schedule. 4.3 Outside Garage Width 4.3.1 A regulation for a garage width is provided in the Urban Residential Exception (R2-53), Urban Residential Exception (R2-57), Urban Residential Exception (R2-58), and Urban Residential Exception (R2-61) zone categories as follows: "The outside width of the garage shall be a maximum of 40% of the width of the house." This regulation was introduced to minimize the prominence of a garage in relation to the entire fayade of a dwelling. However, it has become problematic for designers who wish to provide an attached garage for a dwelling on lots with frontages less than 10 metres. Assuming brick construction and an interior garage width of 3 metres (9.84 ft) for a single car garage, an attached garage would consume approximately 51 percent of the dwelling width, or 40 percent of the lot frontage on a 9 metre lot. On a 10 metre lot the garage would be 44 percent of the dwelling width. Attachment 12 depicts dwellings on 9 metre lot frontages with typical side yard setbacks, 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 It is recommended that the Application to amend the Zoning By-law continue to be reviewed to address outstanding issues and concerns raised at the Public Meeting. Attachments: Attachment 1: Location of Aggregate Extraction Areas Attachment 2: Key Map - Proposed Schedule Boundaries Attachment 3: Proposed Amendment to Schedule "1" (Darlington) Attachment 4: Proposed Amendment to Schedule "2" (Clarke) Attachment 5: Proposed Amendment to Schedule "3" (Bowmanville) Attachment 6: Proposed Amendment to Schedule "4" (Courtice) Attachment 7: Proposed Amendment to Schedule "5" (Newcastle) Attachment 8: Proposed Amendment to Schedule "13" (Orono) Attachment 9: Proposed Schedule "1A" (Darlington) Attachment 10: Proposed Schedule "3A" (Bowmanville) Attachment 11: Proposed Schedule "17" (Newtonville) Attachment 12: Maximum Garage Width on 9 m Lot Frontage 804 , ,~ "j , 1 REPORT NO.: PSD-012-09 PAGE 5 ;,1 List of Interested Parties to be notified of Council's decision: ! Jj Arnold Buchanan SI. Mary's Cement Inc. (Canada) Anna Uriadka Leslie Hung Terry Timmons David Barber James Stephenson Robert Edgar 1161757 Ontario Limited Durga Persaud Alice McKeen Steve Hukari ;J 1 'N 805 Attachment 1 To Report PSD-012-09 ^ R-r~ - i ---- ---- F--- I r--o A- i - "' \ , /}; \ , - I 8~pBOill~ ::Yj V ~ f- - - ~ l ~ co .... , ~ I .... J I I-- i - . 0) ~ I 2 "- J- , & Q , D. .~- I ..... ! I !a~ AVMq81H I. :i ,-~- - a 1 ~~ - f4 ~' :t'lD -r U'Cll ~Ul it'll {-UP " ~~ J( l ~ ~ .. - i I ~ 1. 1 I\...... ~ .. ~1 ] i I-- ~ ~ /J ~ 0 ~ - III N LS PllOl:IlRUOIIIeH ~ ( 7f \ \ / . I - ir I I / ,/ I ..-' l ;22 J r - f-- I - C"l : ,/ p~ 8Of1J1'lOO ?A. r *.... ~ l, ~ I 1 t: f--- 0 -------- ----. \ I f , J 806 1. Ambrose, H. Part Lots 31/32, Concession10, Darlington Official Plan Designation: Natural Linkage Area, Environmental Protection and General Agricultural ': ! [I ! I !I I " i " :t I' , ,II il;';! :,r 2. 146329 Ontario Inc, (S1. Mary's Cement Inc, (Canada) Part Lots 14 to 17, Concession10, Darlington Official Plan Designation: Natural Linkage Area and Environmental Protection 3. Vriadka, M, 1722 Pebblestone Road Part Lot 29, Concession 4, Darlington Official Plan Designation: Green Space 4, Murray Holliday Aluminum Part Lot 23, Concession 3, Darlington Official Plan Designation: Green Space :i:ll 5. Coombes, G Part Lot 6, Concession 4, Darlington 2899 Taunton Road East Official Plan Designation: Prime Agricultural ;" .":i i'l! 1 :I'H ~~ :1 [i '" 6, S1. Lawrence Cement Part Lot 32, Concession 8, Clarke 8801 Mosport Road Official Plan Designation: Natural Linkage and Environmental Protection i ii ,~ i:i 7, Sutherland, J. Part Lots 27/28, Concession, 7, Clarke 3548 Concession Road 7 Official Plan Designation: Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection Ji 8. Town of Newcastle Part Lot 16, Concession 2, Clarke 2727 Morgans Road Official Plan Designation: Green Space and Environmental Protection 9. Rigeland Holdings Part Lot 16, Concession 2, Clarke 4148 Highway 2 Official Plan Designation: Green Space and Environmental Protection 10.8107900 Ontario Inc. Part Lot 15, Concession 2, Clarke 4180 Concession Road 2 Official Plan Designation: Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection 11, Farrow, C&G Part Lot 13, Concession 1, Clarke 4263 Highway 2 Official Plan Designation: Green Space 807 :; rUUl""l IIllvl It. " rt PSD-012-09 To Repo ---. ----------- t -------- , -.------- , ---- , . -.-.-. 1 I ~~-1 , !I ~ J Ql ~ cu .:-" / ~ . ~ . ~! :; I. Ql<.J1 U I'~ ~ ~ , . ~:'I '" I~ o , · . 1" j :J ~ ~ I . . .~. :ij [~ " ~ I . _< , Hi ~b w:(:/~ ~ .. ! . ,."." ~ <(001 "'"r g ~ :" i~ .-.-.-fJ }'I rt.I . · ._._ w , 1 -.-------------- --~..,J lJ r--' ---- fil'"""",,"~,,.a . c r.~,;,.. t Cl i, s ~:;:~::~~ \ B ~ i ~ .~ ~ ~ { ~ i ~ ~~ ~-.--) i~ L- e \"l~, "'" , ~E I '........ -cu {~::;-::''''..'1:1 0 e W - - "''';;; w a I <!J ~~." Jit!) ~ ~ i ~f>'>J. ~~ !I S ~~ ~~i ~I ' ~------.- I __.______ . -------- L________ 0.... . Ill, ' :E >- CLI :::.::: 808 Attachment 3 To Report PSD-012-09 i Schedule '12' (Burkelon) '. "j Schedule 'lE' (Darlington) -------------------, , I , I I , I , I , I , Schedule 'lF' (Darlington) r---------------------- ,\ H ;U '~ , Schedule '19' (Enfield) Schedule '9' (Ennisklllen) Schedule '11' (Haydon) Schedule '10' (Tyrone) Schedule 'le' . ~(Darlington) Schedule 'lD' (Darlington) w-. . ill~~tlI.~~~f Schedule '3' Bowmanvllle :l ~~~~~::::~:~::~::~%~:~~~:~~':~tt.. Schedule '4' Courtice . Add New Schedule '20' (Wilmot Creek) r - -1. Proposed Schedule Boundaries _ Add To Schedule '1' Da~ington NMH Delete From Schedule '1' Da~ington --- .. ,---- Schedule '115'.." r....;:..~\..... (DarlingtOri)t~\l ,,"--r---~l~f'Ar~ .r N --- -oJ i'# ';j Proposed Amendment To By-Law 84-63 Schedule '1' (Darlington) 809 r-------------------- Schedule '2E' (Clarke) , I I I I I I I Schedule '15' (Kirby) Schedule '14' (Leskard) Schedule '13' (Orono) ... , I , ! 4~! I ~:{{::,.~\ ""'.....""'.. ~";.:. ....:..... Schedule '5' I 'ltt~~ Newcastle I . .i('i:<; Village -~,_.. . i~t' Schedulel'2A' .. -, (Clarke) --.....r, : ....-.... "',-.. Schedule '21' (Brownsvllle) Add New Schedule '20' (Wilmot Creek) Attachment 4 To Report PSD-012-09 --------------------1 , I , I , Schedule '2F' (Clarke) Schedule '16' (KendaQ , I Schedule '2D' (Clarke) Schedule '17' (Newtonvllle) # . ., , :"'.A-J Schedule '28' (Clarke) ...... -...... ..... ...-- '. ........' "'---........ C.:-":'1 Proposed Schedule Boundaries _ Add To Schedule '2' Clarke Proposed Amendment To By-Law 84-63 Schedule '2' (Clarke) 810 I ~ -- i; ;~ :r~ :::i :i,~ , "'I I I Schedule '3D' i (Bowmanville) I I I , ... t' \~, ~' " \. \; .... Attachment 5 To Report PSD-012-09 Schedule '3H' (Bowmanville) Schedule '3E' (Bowmanville) Schedule '3B' (Bowmanville) .."",,"---"f / r -] Proposed Schedule '3' Boundary _ Add To Schedule '3' Bowmanville ~!liJ:~ Delete From Schedule '3' Bowmanville Proposed Amendment To By-Law 84-63 Schedule '3' (Bowmanville) ~ 811 Attachment 6 To Report PSD-012-09 Schedule '4F' Schedule '4G' I I I (Courtice) (Courtice) I I I I I , I I I I I , Schedule '40' I (Courtice) I r - J Proposed Schedule Boundary _ Add To Schedule '4' Courtlce m@Ml Delete From Schedule '4' Courtice Proposed Amendment To By-Law 84.63 Schedule '4' (Courtice) 812 --"" , \ 1 I 1 I Schedule '58'1 (Newcastle I Village) 1 I r"', 1 " I ..J Schedule '5A' (Newcastle , Village) .................. '......... r - J Proposed Schedule Boundary _ Add To Schedule '5' NewcasUe Village Proposed Amendment To By-Law 84-63 Schedule '5' (Newcastle) ,.... Attachment 7 To Report PSD-012-09 813 Attachment 8 To Report PSD-012-09 r - J Proposed Schedule '13' Boundary l:mMtl Delete From Schedule '13' Orono Proposed Amendment To By-Law 84-63 Schedule '13' (Orono) 814 Lot 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 24 23 22 21 20 Attacnmem 1I To Report PSD-012-09 L If 16 l P ,A --r--- , EP , , , A , , , , RE.7 , 'A-1 , , '" , , ~ A I , .2 I , ~ , ~ , 0 <.J , M3 I A: A I , , ~ ~ . 'I il ~ 1 iit; :1'1 "I ~ " *J '" I;:; . ~ !j .,1 ;,~ 4 I t,:, " '" ~ ~ s ~ o <.J j~ i '~ -,OJ r')-:;s // ........> /~..9!~s::: :...::.....fD (f)"~n: ..c:~3t "'-0 (f)~ ~ .2 ~ 8 ~ 8 c e u. ~ e .. ~ .2 ~ S ~ o <.J Lake Ontario I :A , I , I , tv A o January 2009 300 flOO 1.2lXl -- - - - ARTERIAl ROAD TYPE 'A' ------ ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE 'B' Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-Law 84-63 Schedule 1A (Darlington) ; 1C ~ 1A ~ o J. Attachment 10 To Report PSD-012-09 ...... " e ...... u. ----- ~ I! .l! e OJ M3-2 .~ EP ~ !j II ~ I 8 I II II I I II I II M3-1 II II I EP II I II II II I I! II I M3-1 II II I II I II II I II II I II II I II II I II I, Lake Ontario Lake Ontario January 2009 AI )] "" "" Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-Law 84-63 Schedule 3A (Bowmanville) .. ...... - - - ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE 'A' ------ ARTERIAL ROAD T'fPE '8' 3D ::!i3Al!l l:llb ,l U il'~ ~ j "t': I.' ')1 ::II i! II RH RH ",,"" . MUi:::u..;rllnent .'-1 To Report PSD-012-09 A-1 ---------- A.1 _ClIIlI"'1!IOY (H)RH-17 -- ! RH 17 , EP.7 A (H)RH-17 RH "" A -- I I I I I I I I A J' EP-9 '" --L EP ----- I -- -- -- -- CORPORATION of the MUNICIPALITY of CURINGTON (Fonner Town of Newcastte) NEWTONVILLE (FORMER TOWNSHIP OF ClARKE) THIS IS SCHEDULE '1T TO BY-LAW B4-63 PASSED THIS 1 Olh DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1984 1J9J~ ~W-.. ".._,MA'lQIl DEI'UlYCURlC IV JJ . A L..-- January 2009 "'" 200 "" ..... - - - ARTERIi'IL ROAD TYPE 'A' ------ ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE 'B' Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-Law 84-63 Schedule 17 (Newtonville) 28 l!l 17 l!l 28 817 Attachment 12 To Report PSD-012-09 rif" -., -., -- ~"""" -. . . ., ..." ... ,., ~. ,Oo.... .. !.I, . .~:;, f' r' . I ! r- i ! i . I I . . I I . . I ) , t' o '1: _~:,59 .! l' '__ I ": '.. *.-..-~., ~~t ~J _'_""~ t -'1 . r -' I I I I I I I I I .. . r..r..."w - ~"1.1.. .~ . ?t' 9.00m "ll' Maximum Garage Width on 9m Lot Frontage 818 ,OJ; '. " ~ ~ Ii! CI~ilJglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING il I t ~ Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, February 2, 2009 Report #: PSD-013-09 File #: ZBA 2008-0022 and S-C 2007-0004 By-law #: Subject: ZONING BY.LAW AMENDMENT AND MODIFICATION TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICANTS: BAYSONG DEVELOPMENTS INC, RECOMMENDA nONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report PSD-013-09 be received; 2, THAT the application for Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA 2008-0022) and proposed modification to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision (S-C 2007-0004) submitted by Baysong Developments Inc, be referred back to staff for further processing upon receipt of all supporting information and consideration of comments received at the Public Meeting; and 3, THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision, Submitted by: David J, Crome, MCIP, RPP Director, Planning Services Reviewed by: 0 ~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CS/CP/df/sh 23 January 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905}623-3379 F (905}623-0830 819 .;J. REPORT NO,: PSD-013-09 PAGE 2 1,0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1,1 Applicant/Owner: Baysong Developments Inc, 1.2 Agent: Tunney Planning Inc, 1,3 Proposed Rezoning: To change the current zoning on this property from: "Agricultural Exception (A-1) Zone", "Holding- Urban Residential Exception ((H) R1-72) Zone", "Holding -Urban Residential Exception ((H) R2-53) Zone", "Holding -Urban Residential Exception ((H) R2-54) Zone", "Holding-Urban Residential ((H)R2-55) Zone", "Holding-Urban Residential ((H) R2-56) Zone", "Holding - Urban Residential ((H) R2- 57)", "Holding Urban Residential ((H) R3-31) Zone", "Holding - Urban Residential ((H) R3-32) Zone" to appropriate zones to permit the following: . Increase the number of 10 metre residential lots from 127 to 137; . Increase the number of 12 metre residential lots from 144 to 150; . Decrease the number of 11 metre residential lots from 49 to 3; . Introduce 29 new 11,3 metre residential lots: . Allow 22 street townhouse 'units in a mixed use commercial/residential block identified as Block 925 on the Draft Approved Plan; . Reduce the interior side yard setbacks on lots with 12 metre frontages and blocks for apartments and/ or townhouse dwellings; . Increase lot coverage by eliminating unenclosed porches and decks from the lot coverage provision; . Reduce front yard and exterior yard setbacks for steps; and . Reduce the sight triangles for 7,5 metres to 6,5 metres in selected locations, The number of residential units will remain at 907 units, 1.4 Modification to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision S-C 2007-0004: to make the appropriate adjustments in the lotting fabric to recognize changes in lot sizes, 1,5 Area: 46,841 hectares 820 ;~ ., REPORT NO,: PSD-013-09 PAGE 3 2.0 LOCATION 2,1 The subject lands are located on the north side of Concession Road 3, west of Middle Road and east of Regional Road 57, being in Part lots 13 and 14, Concession 3 in the former Township of Darlington (Attachment 1). 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On September 17, 2008, Baysong Developments Inc, submitted an application for rezoning, The application was amended on several occasions by the applicant's agent and was finally deemed complete on December 18th 2008. The subject application proposes to make changes to various lot frontages to introduce lots having 11.3 metres lot frontage, which can accommodate two car garages, permit larger porches and allow for various architectural styles, In addition, the rezoning proposes to add 22 townhouse units in a mixed use/ commercial block and rezone 7 lots currently zoned "Holding-Urban Residential ((H)R2- 55) Zone", from a minimum 12 metre lot frontage to 10 metre lot frontage to be consistent with the Draft Approved Plan, I r 3,2 The modification to the Draft Approved Plan will recognize the adjustments to approximately 44 lots to accommodate 29 new lots at 11,3 metres, 3,3 In March 2008, Council authorized the Director of Planning to issue Draft Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C 2007-0004, submitted by Baysong Developments Inc" 2084165 Ontario Limited and Kirk Kemp and Douglas Kemp. The implementing zoning by-law amendment, By-law 2008-0065, was approved at that time, This application to amend the zoning by-law currently under consideration is specific to only Phase 1 of the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision and a small portion of Phase 2, where there is a discrepancy between the approved zoning and Draft Approved Plan (see Attachment 2), 4,0 LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 4,1 The lands subject to this rezoning application have been cleared of brush and trees and rough graded to permit servicing of only Phase 1, 4,2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North: Rural residential and Quarry Lakes Golf Course South: Concession Road 3 and beyond, existing urban residential and Hydro One's work depot East: Auto wrecker, orchards, and subsequent phases of Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision S-C 2007-004 821 REPORT NO,: PSD-013-09 PAGE 4 West: Regional Road 57 and beyond, estate residential and the Bowmanville Creek Valley 5.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 5.1 Provincial Policv Statement 5,1,1 The Provincial Policy Statement encourages planning authorities to create healthy livable and safe communities by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreational and open space uses to meet long term needs, 5.1.2 Policy related to Settlement Areas, states that new development shall occur adjacent to built up areas and shall have compact form, a mix of uses and densities that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services, 5,1,3 The subject applications are consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement as they are proposing the development of a mixed use community with a range of housing types and densities, The subject lands are adjacent to the existing built-up area and will make use of existing and planned infrastructure and public service facilities, 5,2 Provincial Growth Plan 5.2,1 The Provincial Growth Plan encourages municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas. Growth is to be accommodated by building compact, transit-supportive communities in designated greenfield areas and by reducing dependence on the automobile through the development of mixed use, pedestrian- friendly environments. Growth shall also be directed to areas that offer municipal water and wastewater systems. Municipalities should establish an urban open space system within built up areas which may include communal courtyards and public parks. 5,2,2 The application would appear to conform with the Provincial Growth Plan, 6.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 6.1 Durham Reqional Official Plan The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area, The intent of this designation is to permit the development of primarily residential areas with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible range of housing types, sizes and tenure, developed in an efficient and cost effective manner. In consideration of development applications within designated Living Areas, regard shall be had for the intent of this plan to achieve the following: . A compact urban form; . The use of good urban design principles; 822 ,rl ij ;'~ REPORT NO.: PSD-013-09 PAGE 5 . The provision of convenient pedestrian access to public transit, educational facilities and parks; and . The grid pattern of roads, 6,2 Clarinqton Official Plan 6,2,1 The subject lands are designated Urban Residential within the Clarington Official Plan, with symbols for a neighbourhood park, public elementary school and for medium density, In December 2007, Council approved Amendment No, 59 to the Clarington Official Plan which approved, among other things, an increase in population of 6500 residential units and a housing target to 2175, These lands are within the Northglen Neighbourhood. No change to the total number of units approved is proposed, 6,2,2 A Neighbourhood Centre designation is designated at the northeast corner of Regional Road 57 and Concession Road 3, within the subject lands, Neighbourhood Centres are to serve as focal points for residential communities and provide for day to day retail and service needs, The maximum gross leasable floorspace shall be 5000 m2. Neighbourhood Centres are intended to be developed with adjacent areas such as transit nodes containing higher density residential uses, recreation, community, cultural and institution uses, 7,0 ZONING BY-LAW 7,1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands "Agricultural Exception (A-1) Zone", "Agricultural Exception (A-1) Zone", "Holding- Urban Residential Exception ((H) R1-72) Zone", "Holding -Urban Residential Exception ((H) R2-53) Zone", "Holding -Urban Residential Exception ((H) R2-54) Zone", "Holding-Urban Residential ((H)R2-55) Zone", "Holding-Urban Residential ((H) R2-56) Zone", "Holding - Urban Residential ((H) R2- 57)", "Holding Urban Residential ((H) R3-31) Zone", "Holding Urban Residential ((H) R3- 32) Zone" to appropriate zones to permit the proposed changes requested for by the applicant. 8,0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 8.1 The Public Meeting was originally scheduled for January 19, 2009, however due to insufficient notification posted on the subject lands the Public Meeting was cancelled and rescheduled to February 2, 2009, The second public notice was given by mail to landowners within 120 metres of the subject site and the Public Notice signs were placed on two road frontages in accordance with the Planning Act, 8.2 As of writing this report, Staff has not received any inquiries, 9.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 9,1 The subject rezoning application was circulated to various agencies and departments, 823 REPORT NO,: PSD-013-09 PAGE 6 9,2 Clarington Operations has concerns with the reduction in sight triangles, 9.3 Clarington Engineering has reviewed the subject applications and has requested a revised draft plan to support the changes, In addition, a revised stormwater management report must be submitted which assesses the increased stormwater run off that will result from the increased lot coverage areas that are proposed. The report must also demonstrate that the proposed stormwater management facility can be adequately sized and designed in accordance municipal criteria, Depending upon the effect of the increased lot coverage area a revised Servicing Report may also be required. The Engineering Service Department states that eliminating the unenclosed porches in the lot coverage percentage is inappropriate since porches create an impervious area and increase runoff and therefore must be included in the lot coverage calculations, The Building Division has no objections to the proposed application, 9.4 The Region of Durham has advised that the subject lands are designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan, Living Areas are to be used predominantly for housing purpose, The applications appear to conform to the Plan. Water and sanitary sewer services are currently at Concession Road 3, and West Scugog Lane, The Developer will be required to enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Region for the installation/ extension of municipal water supply, municipal sanitary sewers and associated road works along the Regional Road 57 frontage, 10,0 STAFF COMMENTS 10,1 The rezoning application submitted by the applicants seeks to make a multitude of changes to the Zoning By-law, The changes are in part to deal with revised lots sizes to accommodate new 11,3 metres lot which allows for a two car garage, The 11;0 metre wide lot did not permit a two-car garage, The majority of the other changes are to allow for larger homes with lesser setbacks, The modification to the Draft Approved Plan is required to make the adjustment in the lot lines. 10.2 Lot coveraoe The applicant has requested that unenclosed porches be removed from the lot coverage calculation, This effectively would increase the lot coverage for all lots with the Phase 1 of the draft plan. The majority of the zones in this draft plan allow for lot coverage of 40 percent for the dwelling and 45 percent for all other structures with the exception of the lots where lot coverage is increased to 50 percent where 1 storey units are permitted, Exemption in lot coverage for unenclosed porches and decks will allow larger building footprint. This will increase the impervious surface and increase the run- off coefficient to the storm sewer system and the stormwater management pond, 824 REPORT NO,: PSD-013-09 PAGE 7 k~ , ili! i!', Engineering Services Department has requested additional information from the applicant prior to approval of the subject rezoning to demonstrate the storm sewer system and the stormwater management pond can be adequately sized to accommodate additional run-off, ,., H '!ii 10.3 Street Townhouse Units in Mixed Use Commercial Block '~ A Mixed Use Commercial Block, being Block 925 in the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision is located in the southwest corner of the subject lands. The lands are designated as a Neighbourhood Centre in the Clarington Official Plan which permits a maximum retail f100rspace of 5000 square metres and Medium and High Density residential uses, The block also contains the stormwater management pond for the entire draft plan, The original Draft Plan considered by Staff showed 22 street townhouse units within the block fronting onto "Street F" (Attachment No.1), These units were not draft approved as they would constrain the development options for the mixed use Block which include a mixture of commercial, residential and park uses in addition to stormwater pond. The Draft Plan was redlined by deleting the townhouse units, In addition, the Conditions of Draft Approval states that development cannot proceed in this block until such time as the developer entered into a Site Plan Agreement with the Municipality for development of this block. i:il w;i 0;1 :! ~~ .1:1 '" :; ;.~ 1 :i ~ Rezoning of the street townhouse units along Street "F" is contrary to the redlined Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision and the Conditions of Draft Approval agreed to by the applicant and as finally approved by Council. 11,0 CONCLUSION 11,1 The purpose of this report is to provide information for the public meeting under the Planning Act. Staff respectfully request that this report be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report, Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Draft Plan with revisions .. " List of interest parties to be notified of Council's decision: Baysong Developments Inc, Douglas Kemp Kirk Kemp, 2084165 Ontario Limited Steve Hyland 825 ,1 - :! ~ I III l>. .. 2 " o ~ o .... ~ & e lL --- ----r- V J/ QVO~ 31aOl~ n Attachment 1 To Report PSD-013-09 o ;, ~ ,~~ ~iQ~ ~ ill ~~ 8~ N N o o . 110 o o N c( al N 'E GI E " C GI E <C l ...l , >- IXI Dl c '2 o N U .5 J! c GI E Q. o ! o Dl C o ~ IXI i.: GI C ~ I I w u ~ 1 7 ~~ ~ II~ ~ ~ .., _=~e:,l",,~, " ,'"'' ' L...~...i ~tWtfu~GOlViI" . 'd. LS ayo~ ~YH~na~P__ ~ .J-.-"",."o ,~,'-..- I . .~ ~ : ~ : J ..' I :. I S I : :;:;l, I:: : l 3i ~ I IT: I .. .1.1.1.I.h\\ ~ II ~'l~111' II ,r.'T 1.I,t~..... .~. l-' I llJ'O ~ ~ ,-~ - I it I . ." _ _ ~IU! !"I'''I' ~ 'I'" .. . ~ . ' i-l- ,1; ~, )1 ..)~r " >~ ,---"...,~'1 I ;.l'"Jih."S - ,..,----"" -:-- ..!'" "-.::. - I nr\ ..... - - ~iiI ;:...':}'ji:1i I ;,:- .. J. f LI. Hl1H.L.... ..It_....' If. ,',~.1 -1\lW-! ...~ L___'_l. ::11 r+ J,., '~I ~ I . ; I; i.I;;h..!! 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Mixed Use Block~Commercial/SWM/Parkette Medium I High Density Residentiol (6,739 ha - 16,65 oc,) BLOCK 925 " - - ~- - Attachment 2 To Report PSD-013-09 - LEGEND _ 11.3 metre lots _ Rezoning From 12m To 11.3m _ Rezoning From 12m To 10m _ Rezoning From 11m To 10m D Rezoning From A-1 To R3-31 w .. o e::: -;- PARK - I- --:- BLOCK 952 oM! VJ _ (2.484 hc - 6.'4 ce.) -- "':- - '" - - - --"11- - CONCESSION ROAD 3 U1. _~___ 011 I- II 1'1 "";';' "':"r:' ~ I--::- '" ---::-_IIlIMIIII"'II. ...-.".,- ~'" . D ..",. JIr++ : UA .. II... "~J---=-- -=-- ...... II .....,,--=-- / STREET~ .. STREET"N~' gc- lIO ~-.o:-:'"':;.:'" ,. : .. M .. II .. .T: .. 5 T R E E T "F" - ~ -ul-114 "B" ,. ~'..a1""''' - '. m 5 T R E E T "L" .. " "' PUBUC SCHOOL BLOCK 951 (3.J70 he - 8.3J oe.) on -- tt1, I I I I + -I- ~... .............. .. I I I 1/ . - S T R E E T "M" 1_1_- I .u.:-I ...... - .. - co~: -H+i- ~::r -I .. ~~......-:::- ~~ ::::0 .. : '0 Ukr-;- 0::: ...... : ~} ~ :. - ~2: - J > _ .. e::: <fA - - ~ N -<fl_IlI...... _... ITA .'A ::I/~-- NORTHGLEN WEST LANDS TO BE REZONED h _'''-ur ::\. 827 Cl~ill-glOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING Date: Monday, February 2, 2009 Report #: PSD-014-09 File No: A2008-0035 By-law #: i Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF JANUARY 15, 2009, RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-014-09 be received; and, 2, THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on January 15, 2009, for application A2008-0035 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. , 'I: ~ , Submitted by: David J, Director A~ r~~ Reviewed by: U - Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MKlCP/sh/df January 23, 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905}623-3379 F (905)623-0830 828 REPORT NO,: PSD-014-09 PAGE 2 1,0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1,1 All applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled for a hearing within 30 days of being received by the Secretary-Treasurer. The purpose of the minor variance application and the Committee's decision is detailed in Attachment 1, The decision of the Committee is summarized below. DECISION OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR DECEMBER 11, 2008 1,2 Application A2008-0035 was filed to permit a non-residential use (tree farm/apple orchard) in an agricultural zone by reducing the minimum required lot area from 2 ha to 1.6 ha, The subject property is located in a rural area, with surrounding uses being predominantly agricultural. The area in which the property is located is found within the Protected Countryside Area of the Greenbelt Plan, and therefore the potential for future development in that area is very minimal. Committee concurred with Staffs recommendations and approved the application, . Eavestroughing shall be installed on the lean-to, south side, so that the outfall of water will be to the front of the property in accordance with the master drainage subdivision plan, . Eavestroughing on the detached garden shed to be relocated, will be installed to drain into the swale for drainage to the front of the property, . The gap in the fence to result from the moving back of the lean-to will be filled with fence materials of similar type and quality to what now exists in the fence, 2,0 COMMENTS 2,1 Staff have reviewed the Committee's decision and are satisfied that application A2008- 0035 is in conformity with both Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law, is minor in nature and desirable, 2.2 Council's concurrence with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for application A2008-0035 is required in order to afford Staff official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Periodic Report for the Committee of Adjustment 829 ~ ~~ :',; !!'ff , :!~ I, R' c, ~ *i! '~:, l~l ,..'! ~ i ~~ ~~ 'l :;;'1 Attachment 1 To Report PSD-014-09 Cl!J!igglOn PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: OWNER: MARTHA PAZ LEA EHASOO , l~ ::i :~ :i: ~'1i !j~ ,~ " PROPERTY LOCATION: 4396 LAKESHORE ROAD, CLARKE PART LOT 11, CONCESSION BF FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF CLARKE FILE NO.: A2008-0035 :1 ;!~ '.I " I PURPOSE: TO PERMIT A NON-RESIDENTIAL USE IN AN AGRICULTURAL ZONE BY REDUCING THE MIN, REQUIRED LOT AREA FROM 2 HA TO 1,6 HA ,1, I _;1 ;j '~ i~ DECISION OF COMMITTEE: TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION TO PERMIT A NON-RESIDENTIAL USE IN AN AGRICULTURAL ZONE BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT AREA FROM 2 HA TO 1,6 HA AS IT MEETS THE INTENT OF BOTH OFFICIAL PLANS, MEETS THE INTENT OF THE ZONING BY-LAW IS CONSIDERED MINOR IN NATURE AND IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD, , " 'J ~ii ,I; .'1 DATE OF DECISION: January 15, 2009 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: February 4,2009 I;~ 'I i 830 i1 ;'j' :! :: i"! Cl~mglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES , ~ ~ Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, February 2, 2009 Report #: PSD-015-09 File #: PLN 7,12 By-law #: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT ON SITE PLAN ACTIVITIES FOR 2008 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee ,i recommend to Council the following: ' n , 'n 'I ! 'iL 1. THAT Report PSD-015-09 be received for information. Submitted by: David rome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: cj~~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MK*CP*sh*dfo January 27 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905}623-3379 F (905)623-0830 ~ it I .;;i 831 REPORT NO,: PSD-015-09 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1,1 The purpose of this report is to provide an update on information regarding site plan activity in 2008. 1,2 The Site Plan Control By-law requires that plans and drawings for the majority of commercial, industrial, institutional and multi-unit residential developments be approved by the Municipality prior to issuance of a building permit. By-law 2005- 135 delegates the approval authority of site plan applications to the Director of Planning Services and the Director of Engineering Services of the Municipality of Clarington, 1.3 Except for additions or minor expansions, a site plan approval is generally required for a proposed development to ensure a comprehensive design review of the location of all buildings and structures, landscaping, access locations, grading, servicing, parking areas, signage, architectural detail and lighting etc" by all regulatory authorities. In addition, it is through the site plan approval process that the Municipality applies conditions of approval including requirements such as cash-in-Iieu of parkland dedications, road widening requirements, and performance guarantees, etc, Land owners are usually required to execute a development agreement with the Municipality which is registered on title and is enforceable against present and future owners, 2,0 SITE PLAN ACTIVITY 2.1 Attachment 1 to this report outlines all site plan applications received during the period of January 1, 2008, to December 31, 2008, Attachment 2 outlines all site plan applications approved during the same time period, Approval is usually provided subject to satisfying a number of conditions, financial and/or otherwise, including entering into a development agreement with the Municipality of Clarington, and having the agreement registered against title, The following table provides a comparison between Site Plan activity through the years of 2007 and 2008: Table 1: Site Plan Activi ,2007 and 2008 A A A A A Iications Denied to OMS A lication Files Remainin 0 en at end of Year 49 29 o o o 94 29 34 o o o 89 832 :, '~ REPORT NO,: PSD-015-09 ' PAGE 3 H Site Plan Applications Recelved,1998-2008 .., .. 2 .. u .. II: l! 8 .. .!I a. a. <( .. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 o 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year Figure 1: Site Plan Applications Received,1998-2008 The number of site plan applications received by the Municipality in 2008 is significantly less than previous years; the lowest number of received applications in any of the years shown above, Overall, there has been an average of 46 received applications per year over the last 11 years, 2.2 A breakdown of site plan applications received by the Municipality in 2008 by land use type is shown in the pie chart below, Site Applications Received by Land UseType, 2008 Mi""d Use 10% .,-,-~ ~ Residential 49% Institutional 7% Industrial 17% Figure 2: Site Plan Applications Received by Land Use Type, 2008 In 2008, commercial and industrial land use types each accounted for only 17% of all site plan applications received, In 2007, 45% of all applications received were commercial and 23% were industrial. 833 REPORT NO.: PSD-015-09 PAGE 4 2.3 Site plans approved in 2008 by land use are shown in Figure 3, Site Plan Applications Approved by Land Use Type, 2008 Agricuttural 3% Residential 34% Commercial 24% Institutional 15% Industrial 18% Figure 3: Site Plan Applications Approved by Land Use Type, 2008 The percentage of site plan approvals for commercial related developments dropped to less than half of what was approved in 2007 (59% in 2007 to 24% in 2008). The percentage of site plan approvals related to industrial uses has remained consistent and the percentage of residential related site plan approvals has increased from 18% in 2007 to 34% in 2008. 2.4 Figure 4 illustrates the total floor area approved through site plan control in 2008, by land use type, Total Floor Area Approved by land Use Type, 2008 14000 I 12000 E 10000 . I 8000 1 6000 ! 4000 J 2000 o Commerical Industrial Institutional l.liity Residential Jlglicl..ftur'& Figure 4: Total Floor Area Approved by Land Use Type, 2008 A total of 10,288 square metres of residential floor area was approved in 2008 through site plan applications. The approved residential floor area consists of three 834 , " " i ,j ~~ 1 il!i i~ 'HI :il "I REPORT NO,: PSD-015-09 PAGE 5 (3) new home sales trailers, two (2) single detached dwellings in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Area, two (2) six bay garages for an existing high density residential development, 42 multi residential units and 8 apartment units located within a mixed use development. " ;n Only 3,289 square metres of commercial floor area was approved in 2008 (6 development sites). This represents an 84% drop in site plan approved commercial floor area from the previous year, The commercial developments approved in 2008 included a Boston Pizza, a commercial plaza, several additions to existing commercial developments and a farm related sales establishment. :'1 I'tt Industrial developments approved in 2008 accounted for 7,622 square metres of total floor area (4 development sites), consisting of two (2) manufacturing buildings, one (1) six-unit industrial storage building and an OPG change room facility , ~ , ~ ,~ I ; ~ There were five (5) institutional developments approved through site plan control in 2008 accounting for 7,830 square metres of total floor area, The five developments included a new Region of Durham EMS facility in Courtice, a new elementary school, the Newcastle Village public library, an addition to an existing elementary school and a phase I addition to an existing secondary school. 2,5 In 2008, the majority of all received and approved site plan applications were located in the Bowmanville urban area, The number of site plans approved and received in 2008 by geographical area is illustrated in Figure 5 and detailed Table 2 below, Site Plan Applications Approved and Received by Georgraphic Area, 2008 45 40 _ 35 ~ 30 . .. 25 ~ 20 ~ 15 .. 10 5 o Newcastle Oarington Clarke Courtk::e Bowmanvile V'1Irrot Qeek Nawtonvle Vilage Geographic Area . Approwd . Received Figure 5: Site Plan Applications Approvedl Received by Geographic Area, 2008 835. 1 REPORT NO.: PSD-015-09 PAGE 6 Table 2: Geo ra hie Distribution of Site Plans Bowmanville 13 15 Courtice 4 5 Newcastle Villa e 5 4 Newtonville 1 1 Wilmot Creek 1 0 Darlin ton 5 6 Clarke 0 3 TOTALS 29 34 3,0 CONCLUSION 3,1 Site plan activity in 2008 has deviated from recent trends as growth in the commercial sector has slowed down in comparison to previous years, Site plan activity relating to residential developments has increased and activity relating to institutional developments has increased significantly from 7% in 2007 to 15% of all approved site plan applications in 2008. 3,2 In recent years we have observed that as the community continues to grow and mature, a higher density form of residential development has become more prevalent among all approved and received site plan applications, As previously stated, new residential developments approved in 2008 included a 42 multi-unit block and 8 residential units located within a mixed use building, The Municipality has also received an application for four (4) high density residential buildings having a total of 250 units, Attachments: Attachment 1 -:- Site Plan Applications Received (January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008) Attachment 2 - Site Plan Applications Approved (January 1, 2008 to December 31,2008) 836 ===<.'" d ;:0 CD "0 o ::I.): "U~ WI\) 0<> ':T ~3 01 CD . :J 0- <0...... -,-"" 5PA2008..Q00l 21-Jan-08 215 SOUTH SERVICE RD ONTARIO POWER INDUSTRIAL DARLINGTON NEW CHANGE ROOMl LUNCH ROOM FOR CONSTRUCTION GENERATION TRADES - - SPA2008-OQ02 3O-Jan.08 351 LIBERTY STN. EIRAM DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAL BOWMANVlLlE NEW HOMES SALES OFFICE CORPORATION - SPA2008-0003 10-Mar-Qa 350 WAVERLEY RD TDl GROUP CORPORATION COMMERCIAL BOWMANVILLE NEW DRIVE-THROUGH LANE AND LANDSCAPING (TIM HORTONSJ VllENDY'S) - SPA2008-0004 07-Apr-08 2301 TRULLS RD TRULLS ROAD FREE RESIDENTIAL COURTICE NEW SIGN METHODIST CHURCH - SP A2008-OO05 OB-Apr-Q8 168 WAVERLEY RD KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE INSTITUTIONAL BOWMANVILlE 6 CLASSROOM ADDITION DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD - SPA2008-0Q06 Oa-Apr-Oa 500 LAKE BREEZE OR KYlEMORE BY THE LAKE RESIDENTIAL NEWCASTLE NEW HOMES SALES TRAILER LIMITED VILLAGE - SPA2008-0007 12.May.08 111 JONES AVE VELTRI AND SON LIMITED RESIDENTIAL NEWfONV1LlE NEW HOMES SALES TRAILER SPA2008-000a 13-May-08 SHIPWAY AVE PORT OF NEWCASTLE RESIDENTIAL NEWCASTLE 4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, 250 UNITS TOTAL . HARBOURVIEW VILLAGE SPA200s-0009 23-May-08 , MARTIN RD 668390 ONTARIO LIMITED RESIDENTIAL BOIMv1ANVILLE NEW HOMES SALES TRAILER SPA2008-0010 30-May-Oa 3033 TAUNTON RD SUMMERS & SEVllELL COMMERCIAL DARLINGTON GOLF COURSE AND ASSOCIATED PARKING LOT I SPA2008-0011 Q4.Jun-OS 2265 CONCESSION RD 1 MOONEY RESIDENTIAL DARLINGTON SINGLE DETACHED D\lVE.LUNG IN OAK RIDGES MORAINE 1417, DUNBURY DEVELOPMENTS SPA200a-oD12 16-Jun.08 1419, HIGHWAY 2 Lm. COMMERCIAL COURTrCE SHOELESS JOE'S RESTAURANT 1421 SPA2008-0013 16-Jun-Q8 PT LOT 13, 14, BAYSONG DEVELOPMENTS RESIDENTIAL BOWMANVllLE NEW HOMES SALES TRAILER CONC 3 INC. SPA2008.Q014 19-Jun-OB 355 WAVERLEY RD SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS COMMERCIAL BOVVMANVlLlE FINALIZATION OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL LIMITED SPA2008-OO15 07.Ju1-08 1428- HIGHWAY 2 SHOPPERS REALTY INC. COMMERC1AU COURTICE SHOPPERS DRUG MART GROUND FLOOR! OFFICES SECOND 1430 OFFICE FLOOR - OJ SPA2008.0016 14-Ju1-08 300 SCUGOG ST PVNCD CATHOLIC SCHOOL INSTITUTIONAL BOVVMANVILLE ST. STEPHEN'S HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION (PHASE 1) W BOARD ..... - - $PA2008-0017 3O-Jul-08 31 KING STE 564069 ONTARIO INC. COMMERCIAL NEV\CASTLE NEWCASTlE IGA ADDITION VILLAGE SPA200S..Q018 05-Aug-08 ,37 KINGSCQURT RO 1109599 ONTARIO INC. RESIDENTIAL BOWMANVILLE AMENDMENT TO ADD GARBAGE BUILDING - SPA200a-0019 14-Aug-D8 12SO LAMBS RO 2031630 ONTARIO LIMITED INDUSTRIAl BOIMIIANVILlE WAREHOUSE AND ASSOCIATED OFFICE - SPA200B-0020 22-Aug-OB 220 KING AVE NE\lVCASTLE FELlO'NSHIP RESIDENTIAL NEWCASTLE ADDITION TO PLACE OF WORSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH VilLAGE SP A200s-0021 02-Sep-Oa 10131 lONG SAULT RO HREUAC RESIDENTIAL DARLINGTON SINGEL DETACHED DVVElllNG IN OAK RIDGES MORAINE SPA200B-0022 20-0ct-OS 258 KING STE ALDERGROVE ESTATES INC. COMMERCIAU BOWMANVlllE COMMERCIAL ON GROUND FLOOR! RESIDENTIAL ON SECOND RESIDENTIAL FLOOR SP A200S-0023 24-0ct-Q8 25,27, KING STW lANGE COMMERCIAU BO\fVMANVllLE REPLACE MIXED USE BUILDINGS DAMAGED BY FIRE 29,31 RESIDENTIAL DO'NNTOVvN BOVVMANVILLE SPA200s-D024 29-0ct-08 340 TORONTO ST NOONAN INDUSTRIAL NEWCASTLE 8 SELF STORAGE BUilDINGS AND 1 WAREHOUSE STORAGE VilLAGE BUilDING SPA2008-0025 Q4-Nov-OB 237,239 OLD SCUGOG RO 2103268 ONTARIO LIMITED RESIDENTIAL BOWMANVILLE 63 TO'NNHOUSES ON PRIVATE STREETS SPA2008-0026 06-Noy.08 1995 BASELINE RO MANCUSO INDUSTRIAL COURTtCE 6 STORAGE UNITS lJVITHIN 2 BUilDINGS (3 UNITS EACH BUilDING) SPA2008-0027 06-Nov-OB 70 MEARNS CRT 2116656 ONTARIO INC. INDUSTRIAL BOVIIMANVllLE OUTDOOR STORAGE AREA SPA2008-0028 14-Nov-08 30-50 HEATHERlEA OR CANADIAN APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL WILMOT CREEK 11 TOWNHOUSES PROPERTIES - SPA20oa.Q029 04-Dec-08 8093 LIBERTY STN CONFORTI RESIDENTIAL DARLINGTON SINGLE DETACHED DVllE.LLlNG IN OAK RIDGES MORAINE (Xl W (Xl ,~~c- ~~;.J;.:'.;;!;'~.~~_:~",.-_~,="," .-'-- == .-2._-=.,....==,,-" -~.~.="~c;;'".=,; -'-'-"--.- - -.-...~..- . - . '~"-'- ---..." ,,_-,,=,=,".~,_=""="'--"__~, .-'.-o.=~_~".,.= SPA2007-Q022 02-Jan-08 2372 HIGHWAY 2 HALLOWAY HOLDINGS LIMITED COMMERCiAl BOVYMANVlLlE PHASE 2. BOSTON PIZZA ET Al 5PA2007-0034 02-Jan-oa 175 OSBOURNE RD COPART CANADA INC. INDUSTRIAL COURTICE REVISED LANDSCAPE PLAN SPA2007-o001 09-Jan-08 2433 COURTICE RD ARNOTT COMMERCIAL DARLINGTON FARM RELATED SALES AND SERVlCE BUSINESS OPERATING FROM EXISTING GARAGE SPA2007 -0032 14--Jan-Oa 1433 TOWNlINE RD N TELUS MOBILITY UTILITY DARLINGTON TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHELTER SPA2001-041 21-Jan-08 8207 HIGHWAY 115135 445231 ONTARIO LTD. COMMERCIAL CLARKE ADDITIONS TO EXISTING BUILDING AND NEW STORAGE fACILITY SPA2007-0043 15-Feb-08 " CLARINGTON BLVD BOVYMANVILlE ARMS RESIDENTIAL BOVoJMANVILLE TWO (2) SIX BAY GARAGES RESIDENTS LTD. SPA2007-0D47 27-Feb-08 1979 HIGHWAY 2 VANBELLE GARDEN CENTRE COMMERCIAL DARLINGTON ADDITION TO FLOWER SHOP AND GARDEN CENTRE lTD. SPA2006-0027 06-Mar-08 301-369 LAKEBREEZE DR CCCC DURHAM \^JEST LTD. RESIDENTIAL NEWCASTLE SEVEN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, \^11TH A TOTAl OF 6 DV\lELlING VILLAGE UNITS PER BUILDING SPA2006-0022 {)6.Mar..Q8 24' KING STE FIRST CAPITAL (BOVVMANVILlE) COMMERCIAl BOVVMANVILLE GARBAGE COMPACTOR AND ENTRANCE FEATURE CORP, - SPA2007-OOO7 12-Mar-08 1-37 KINGSCOURT RD 1709599 ONTARIO INC. RESIDENTIAL BOVVMANVlLLE CONVERSION OF EXISTING RENTAL PROPERTY TO CONDOMINIUM - SPA2008-0002 24-Apr-08 351 UBERTY ST N. EIRAM DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTIAl BOVVMANV1LLE NEW HOMES SALES OFFICE CORPORATION - SP A2008-0Q04 25-Apr-08 2301 TRULlS RD TRUlLS ROAD FREE METHODIST RESIDENTIAl COURTICE NEW SIGN CHURCH - 5PA2007.0039 25-Apr-OB 3199 CONCESSION RD' AlGOMA ORCHARDS L TO AGRICULTURAL CLARKE APPLE STORAGE AND PACKING FACILITY - - SPA2008-0006 02-May-08 500 LAKE BREEZE DR KYLEMORE BY THE LAKE RESIDENTIAl NE\Ao'CASTLE NEW HOMES SAlES TRAILER LIMITED , VILLAGE - - SPA2007-0046 14-May-08 2701 COURTICE RD REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF INSTITUTIONAL COURT1CE NEW EMS FACILITY VV1TH VEHICLE STORAGE AND CREW AREA DURHAM - - SPA2004-019 15-May-08 15 ROSSlJ\ELL DR PRESTONVAlE HEIGHTS COMMERCIAU COURTICE COMMERCIAL ON GROUND FLOOR! RESIDENTIAL ON SECOND -l LIMITED RESIDENTiAl FLOOR 0 - - ;U SPA2007.Q040 15-May-OS 205 BASELINE RD 4246551 ONTARIO LTD. COMMERCIAL BOIJlA.1ANVlLLE RONA HOME AND GARDEN - HOME IMPROVEMENT STORE lD "0 - - 0 ;:!.;l> OJ SPA2007-OOO5 29-May.08 49 COURTICE cr 2095213 ONTARIO LTD. INDUSTRiAl COURTICE 6 UNIT INDUSTRIAL BUILDING "::= (J)l\l W - - - 00 CD , ::r SPA2008-0007 29-May..Q8 11 JONES AVE VELTRI AND SON LIMITED RESIDENTIAL NEwrONVILLE NEW HOMES SALES TRAILER ~3 OllD , ::J 0- 101\) SPAlOO3-042 29-May-OS 175. lAKE RD 1419190 ONTARIO INC NOUSTRIAL BOVlJMANVlLLE MANUFACTURING BUILDING WTH OFFICE SPACE - SPAlO08-0001 29-May-08 2151 SOUTH SERVICE RD ONTARIO POVlJER GENERATION INDUSTRIAL DARLINGTON NEW CHANGE ROOMl LUNCH ROOM FOR CONSTRUCTION TRADES SPA2007-0044 17-Jun-08 40 BRITTON CT H.R. Vll'ELDING L TO INDUSTRIAL BOVlJMANV1LLE MANUFACTURING BUILDING WITH OFFICE SPACE SPA2007-0009 16-Jun-QS 2375 HIGHWAY 2 LOBLAW COMPANIES L TO COMMERCIAL BOVIJMANVILLE CHANGE TO SIZE OF GARDEN CENTRE SPAlOO4-029 26-Jun-08 9225 MURPHY RD 1559300 ONTARIO LIMITED INDUSTRIAL DARLINGTON SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION + SCALE HOUSE SPA2007-0041 27-Jun..08 3721 CONCESSION RD10 VOGEL RESIDENTIAL CLARKE SINGLE DETACHED D~LLlNG IN OAK RIDGES MORAINE SPA2007-0035 "5 BONS AVE KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE INSTITUTIONAL BOWMANVILLE TVVO STOREY PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 03-Jul-OS DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD SPA2008-0016 18-Aug-08 300 SCUGOG ST PVNCD CATHOLIC SCHOOL INSTITUTIONAL BOWMANVILLE ST. STEPHEN'S HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION BOARD 150 KING AVE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON INSTITUTIONAL NE\o\ICASTLE NEVVCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY SPA2007-0030 t6-Jul-OS VILLAGE 23-Sep-08 168 WAVERLEY RD KAWARTHA PINE RIDGE INSTITUTIONAL BOWMANVILLE 6 CLASSROOM ADDITION SPA2008-0005. DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD SPA2005-0042 S-Oct-OS 65 CLAR1NGTON BLVD KING5WAY ARMS SERVICES INC RESIDENTiAl BOWMANVlLLE 2ND IDENTIFICATION WALL SIGN SPA2008..oo11 23-0ct-08 2265 CONCESSION R010 MOONEY RESIDENTIAL DARLINGTON SINGLE DETACHED DVlJELUNG IN OAK RIDGES MORAINE SPA2008-0003 21.Nov-08 350 WAVERLEY RD TDL GROUP CORPORATION COMMERCIAL BO""'-'ANVILLE NEW DRIVE-THROUGH LANE AND LANDSCAPING (TIM HORTONSJ WENDY'S) SPA200S..{)()13 28-Nov.08 PTLOT 13, 14. BAYSONG DEVELOPMENTS INC RESIDENTIAL BOWMANV1LLE NEW HOMES SALES TRAILER CONC 3 SPA2007-OQ26 19-Dec-08 1-623 KING AVEE NEWCASTLE TRAILER PARK RESIDENTIAL NEV\(';A8TLE ADDITIONAL TRAILER SITE VILLAGE CD .j>. 0 +!i I :~ I' tit , , " l Cl~ilJglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES .) :.! ~.~ Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, February 2, 2009 Report #: PSD-O 16-09 File #: PLN By-law #: Subject: FORMER BOYS TRAINING SCHOOL AND PRISONER OF WAR CAMP 2020 LAMBS ROAD, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report PSD-016-09 be received; 2, THAT the property identified as 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanville, be added to the Municipal Register of properties of cultural heritage value or interest; 3, THAT staff report back to Council when a demolition application is received and/or alternative options for heritage protection have been explored; and 4, THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's direction; Submitted by: Davi J rome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: 0 ~-.:..cQhc. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer IUFUDC/df 27 January 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905}623-DS30 841 REPORT NO.: PSD-016-09 PAGE 2 1,0 PURPOSE OF REPORT 1,1 The property identified as 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanville covers over 40 hectares and contains a total of eighteen buildings (Attachment 1). This report provides a brief history of the property, the present condition of the buildings and site, and the process for protecting heritage resources, The purpose of this report is to recommend that the property be added to the Municipal Register of properties of cultural heritage value or interest and obtain Council approval to work with the owner to explore other avenues for heritage protection, 2.0 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP HISTORY AND USE 2,1 The 40 ha (100 acre) parcel farm at 2020 Lamb's Road adjacent to Soper Creek was formerly the Jury Farm prior to its acquisition by the Ontario government in the early 1920s for the purpose of establishing a boys training school. 2,2 The first boys to attend the school, when it officially opened in August of 1925, were transferred from Opportunity Look-out farm in Weston. Various buildings were constructed over the next several years, Local records indicate that the first dormitory was built in 1927, a gymnasium and swimming pool building was built in 1929, a large triple dorm in 1930 and a hospital in 1938, In 1934 the Victoria School in Mimico closed and the boys from that facility were transferred to Bowmanville, The nature of the school changed to become more of a juvenile institution, In 1939 the facility was renamed to the Ontario Training School for Boys, 2,3 During World War II the property was taken over as a German Prisoner of War camp, known as Camp 30, by the Department of National Defence, New dormitories were added and the site housed up to 800 detainees who were mainly officers of the Third Reich, There was an uprising at the Camp following the Dieppe raid in 1942 when an order was issued to manacle German POWs housed in camps across Canada, Historically recorded as the "Battle of Bowmanville", the uprising lasted for three days until it ended with the assistance of the Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps from Kingston, This uprising is the only known battle of its kind and has national significance, Occupation of the Training School as Camp 30 ended in April of 1945. 2.4 The property reverted back to the provincial government under the Department of Reform Institutions as a training school with many of the post war staff being former servicemen, Educational programmes, dairy and agricultural training of the juveniles resumed. Regular exercise was promoted and in 1949 the Police Games were held on the site, In 1955 the school celebrated its 30th anniversary, In 1967 an elaborate exhibition, which included a parachute demonstration, was organized to mark Centennial year. 2,5 The school's name was changed to Pine Ridge School in 1967, For a number of years the school served as a reception centre for all boys admitted by the juvenile courts of Ontario where they were screened prior to being moved to other schools; this function ended with the opening of a new centre in Oakville, The school began to admit girls in the 1970's, It was closed by the province in 1979, 842 ~~ ,I ~" 'i j; ~~ i~ l~ , r~ :~ , , ;11 ! 'i ! "' ,,~ ~ ;ji 'I ',I '!i! ,n "it i ';i ~ REPORT NO.: PSD-016-09 PAGE 3 2.6 After the Pine Ridge School closed, the province offered the property to the Municipality, The offer was declined by the politicians of the day during a special meeting of Council held on October 6, 1983, Concerns included the acquisition cost, cost of maintenance, building renovation costs, other operational matters and the distance of the facility from the residential area of Bowmanville. 2,7 On October 7, 1983 the Ministry of Government Services accepted an offer from How Kheng Ang, in Trust, to purchase the school. The transaction closed in February of 1984 and the facility reopened as a preparation school for Malaysian students entering Canadian universities which functioned until April of 1986, The Members in Christ Assemblies of Ontario purchased the site in 1987 and leased a portion of the property for the St. Stephen's Catholic Secondary School which opened in September of 1988. The sports fields were used by many of the recreational leagues in Clarington, In 1999 the property was sold to Sea Land Holdings Corporation and became known as the Great Lakes College which was home to students from Hong Kong, After the headmaster was murdered by two of the students the school closed, 2.8 During the time Sea Land Holding Corporation owned the property from 1999 to 2005, they filed an application (in 2002) for Official Plan amendment which proposed to delete the Community Park in favour of an Urban Residential designation and to change the Future Urban Residential designation to Urban Residential. The buildings on the property were proposed to remain, The Clarington Heritage Committee (CHC) reviewed the architectural and historical significance of the property and deemed it worthy of designation; however, the owner at the time did not wish to be designated, A number of studies were required prior to staff making a recommendation on the Official Plan amendment application. As of April 2004 none of the studies had been submitted. In May of 2005 the property was sold to Madressa Ash rafu I Uloom, They did not proceed with the Official Plan amendment application and the file was closed in April of 2006, 2,9 The school functioned as an Islamic University called Oarul Uloom under the ownership of Madressa Ashraful Uloom, In January of 2006 the Region of Durham received applications for consent to sever the areas north and south of the buildings thereby splitting the property into three relatively equal parcels, The Kaitlin Group proposed to acquire the northerly and southerly parcels for future development purposes, Planning Services Staff supported the severance application as the northerly and southerly parcels are within the boundary of the Bowmanvile Urban Area and the valley lands were to be dedicated to the Municipality as part of the severances, The applications were approved on March 13th, 2006 but the conditions of approval were never fulfilled so the approval lapsed, 2,10 In February, 2007 the property was purchased by Lambs Road School Property Ltd. (Kaitlin), Darul Uloom, the Islamic University continued to operate until they vacated the buildings in October of 2008, The buildings while last occupied by the Islamic School; have been in continuous decline since the 1990's and are in a state of disrepair, 843 REPORT NO.: PSD-016-09 PAGE 4 Current Property Issues 2.11 In the fall of 2008, the Emergency and Fires Services Department notified the Kaitlin Group that they were to secure the buildings, provide security and fire protection capability, The Fire Chief met with a representative of Kaitlin and made suitable arrangements to keep a water supply to the fire hydrants in the event of a fire, Water schematic drawings have been provided to Kaitlin and all water to the buildings has been shut off, as have the gas and hydro, There was a potential leak in the water treatment plant and water was slowly overflowing into the Soper Creek, The Ministry of the Environment has been involved and the issue at this time has been addressed but continues to be monitored, 2,12 The By-law Enforcement Division issued an "Order Requiring Compliance" on December 11, 2008 relating to three areas of concern, the railings on the dam, the broken and dilapidated fencing around the property and the vacant buildings. By-law have indicated that the remedy for the vacant buildings is to have them secured, Kaitlin appealed the Order, a Property Standards Hearing was scheduled for January 27, 2009 at Kaitlin's request, the Hearing has been rescheduled to February 3, 2009, 2,13 On December 23rd, 2008 the Planning Services Department received a demolition sign- off sheet from the Kaitlin Group for the eighteen buildings located on the property, A demolition permit application has not been filed as of the writing of this report, Staff discussed the heritage significance of the property with representatives of Kaitlin. A tour of the property for heritage assessment purposes was arranged in late January. At this point Kaitlin's schedule for demolition is within two to three months. 3.0 PROTECTING CULTURAL HERITAGE RESOUCES 3,1 In achieving its cultural heritage objectives, the tools that the Municipality has at its disposal are the goals and objectives of the Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement and the Ontario Heritage Act. The Clarington Official Plan sets out the goal or preservation, restoration and utilization of Clarington's heritage resources, The Provincial Policy Statement states that significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be conserved, 3,2 The Ontario Heritage Act was amended in 2005 to provide municipalities with greater control over demolition of heritage resources along with other matters, The recent amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act and Bill 51 (Planning Reforms) have provided additional tools and greater flexibility to Municipalities with regard to heritage matters, 3,3 To consider the potential alternatives to demolition the Municipality has two options: it can either initiate the heritage designation process to delay the demolition while an appropriate solution is reached with the owners (see Attachment 2) or it can list the property on a Municipal Register which would give Council 60 days to review the demolition application, once it is received, during which time Council could initiate the heritage designation process. 3.4 The Municipality has a Municipal Register of properties that have been formally designated by By-law under the Ontario Heritage Act. The Act permits non-designated properties that Council considers to be of cultural heritage value or interest to be added 844 ", ;~~ "~ :~ ~ iU ii ". I c~ , -,i! j " " 'R ! " ..~ ;~ 'I j I :i 4 REPORT NO.: PSD-016-09 PAGE 5 to the Municipal Register. The cultural heritage inventory dates from 1986 with more recent updates and lists several hundred properties, It has not been presented to or approved by Council as the CHC has been working on reviewing the inventory to ensure its accuracy. The ability of the Municipality to adopt the inventory and record it on the Municipal Register is one of the new planning reform "tools", 3.5 This property has been recorded in the cultural heritage inventory as being a property of Primary cultural heritage value and interest. The agent for a previous owner of the property had been contacted in regards to potential designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. The agent indicated that the property was for sale so they were not interested in designation, At the time, the matter was not pursued further by the Clarington Heritage Committee, 3,6 The property was discussed during the CHC meeting of November 18th, 2008, It was agreed that Kaitlin would be contacted for permission to access the site to take photographs and to inquire about the potential for heritage designation, Arrangements were being made for members of the committee to tour the property, 3,7 During the regular CHC meeting on January 20th, 2009, the Committee was informed that Kaitlin had submitted a Demolition sign-off sheet in mid-December and had indicated that it was their intention to demolish all 18 buildings on site within the next 2-3 months, The heritage significance of the buildings and the property itself were discussed and the following motion passed: To request Clarington Council to initiate the designation process, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, for the collection of buildings and property at 2020 Lambs Road, also known as Camp 30, training School, prisoner of War camp, site of Battle of Bowmanville, and Great Lakes College 3,8 Members of staff, an architect from the Ontario Heritage Trust, two members of the CHC and the museum administrator toured the grounds of the property on January 21st, The Ontario Heritage Trust have verbally indicated their support for the local designation of the property and buildings. Their comments are included in Attachment 3, The background report referred to in their comments is available from the Planning Services Department. . 3,9 In addition to the efforts of the local and Provincial heritage interests, there are many that believe because of the history of this site and its significance as a Prisoner of War Camp it should receive some form of federal designation and assistance, Lynn Philip Hodgson, co-author of Word of Honour, Camp 30, Bowmanville, along with the Administrator of the Clarington Museums and Archives, have been in contact with Bev Oda, MPP, and are pursuing various federal agencies, There are a number of agencies that may have an interest in assisting with the protection of the "most intact" camp of the 40 POW camps that detained 37,000 prisoners during WWII across Canada. 4,0 COMMENTS 4,1 Kaitlin has indicated that despite their efforts to secure the property it is continually being vandalised, Staff understand Kaitlin's desire to minimize costs, however, our 845 REPORT NO,: PSD-016-09 PAGE 6 preference would be to work with them to come to a satisfactory outcome for the protection of the heritage resources. 4.2 At this point it is unknown if the federal government has an interest in protecting World War II history and what role they may play in the conservation of this site, 5.0 CONCLUSION 5.1 This property is of national significance and the Federal government should be consulted to determine their interest in the site prior to any buildings being demolished. 5,2 It is Kaitlin's intention to develop the property for residential purposes at some point in the future, Staff would like the opportunity to work with the Kaitlin Group to develop an overall strategy for how the significant heritage resources could be protected for the longterm, 5,3 Council has the option of listing the property on the Municipal Register of properties of cultural heritage value or interest. Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act states that if a property is included on the Register the owner of the property shall not demolish or remove any building or structure unless the owner gives Council at least 60 days notice in writing of the owner's intention, The property would have to be on the Register prior to an application being filed to demolish in order to halt a demolition permit from being issued, Placing the property on the Municipal Register will give a 60 days period once a demolition permit is applied for. 5.4 In the interim, Staff can contact the Federal government, hold discussions with the Kaitlin Group and other interested parties to determine potential solutions for the protection of the heritage resources at 2020 Lambs Road, 5,5 Staff will report back to Council either when a demolition permit is submitted and/or if an option for the protection of the heritage resources has been determined, Attachments: Attachment 1 - Aerial Photo Attachment 2 - Heritage Designation Process Attachment 3 - Letter from Ontario Heritage Trust Attachment 4 - Photographs of selected buildings List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Clarington Museums and Archives Ontario Heritage Trust CHC Lynn Phillip Hodgson Bev Oda, MPP 846 "'i ,I: 1,Ii II ~! "u !I Ii! Attachment 1 To Report PSD-016-09 ,I il i~ ! II , II '\'. " ~J0 So ..... .~j \ ',' ..f It. ,t{tf-,<If. ",:" I""""'"'---~-"~""T. 'T' ..~ - ,",~...', ,,' '" ,,' ~~~:' ...' ",'~ ""'.~", '. -'.. '~ 'J 11 " I l , 'I 1 , ;." 0;Pf. WI' ,0}. , "It ~ C"! ~ "It C") Z -I D.. , ,I , I 1 , I ! 847 Attachment 2 To Report PSD-016-09 Heritaae Desianation Process In accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act, initiation of the designation process begins with Council authorizing the Clerk to give Notice of intention, Council is to consult with the CHC before giving the Notice prescribed, The Notice is to be served on the owner and is to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality and is to include a statement that notice of objection to the designation may be served on the Clerk within 30 days after the date of publication, If there is no objection council can pass a by-law designating the property, Objections to the designation are to be referred to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing, The Conservation Review Board will hold a hearing and within 30 days of the conclusion of the hearing will report to Council with its recommendations, Upon considering the report Council can pass a by-law designating the property, A copy of the by-law, together with a statement explaining the cultural heritage value or interest of the property and a description of the heritage attributes of the property is served on the property owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust, is registered on the title of the property, and the notice of the by-law is published in the local newspaper. Should Council not wish to proceed with designation the Notice of intention to designate is withdrawn and a notice of withdrawal is served on the property owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust, and is published in the local newspaper, The decision of Council is final with regards to Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, The Province has other measures and powers to pursue designation, If a Notice of Intention to designate is given under the Ontario Heritage Act any permit that allowed for the alteration or demolition of the buildings on the property would be void as of the day the Notice of Intention is given and the property is treated as if it is designated, Owners of designated properties cannot demolish or remove buildings from a property unless they apply to Council and receive consent in writing, Council has 90 days to review the application, This period can be extended upon agreement between the owner and Council. Council is to consult with the heritage committee and may consent to the application, consent subject to terms and conditions, or refuse the application, Notice of Council's decision is served on the owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust, and is published in the local newspaper. If Council refuses the application to demolish or remove a building, or approves the application subject to terms and conditions, the property owner can appeal Council's decision within 30 days of receiving notification, Appeals filed with the Municipal Clerk and the Ontario Municipal Board, The OMB will hold a hearing and may order that the appeal be dismissed, or that the Municipality consent to the demolition without terms and conditions, or with the terms and conditions set by the OMB, The decision of the Ontario Municipal Board is final. 848 II ~ ~ II I! t,; , Attachment 3 To Report PSD-016-09 ill~ ONTARIO iiim J1~ HERITAGE III.~ TRUST 10 Adelaide Street East Toronto. Ontario M5C 1 J3 M agency of the Government of Ontario Telephone: 4'16-325-5000 Fax: 416-325-5071 www.heritagetrust.on.ca ,i~ i By E-mail and Regular Mail ,,I I;! January 26, 2009 Ms, Isabel Little, MCIP, RPP Planner. Special Projects Planning Services Department Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6 ; , ~ ,; i ~ Ms, Little, Re: Camp 30, (2020 Lambs Road, Municipality of Clarington) The Ontario Heritage Trust has been the Province's lead heritage agency since 1967, As mandated under the Ontario Heritage Act, the Trust supports, encourages and facilitates the conservation, protection and promotion of Ontario's heritage, !l Thank you for advising the Trust that this unusual historic site or campus is no longer in educational use and is currently vacant. I understand that the Municipality is anticipating a request to demolish the buildings, In light of this last week I suggested that Trust staff could provide some technical assistance including participation on a site visit and the preparation of some documentation on the property, On January 21, 2009 Trust staff visited the subject property and met with representatives of the municipality's planning services department, the Clarington Museum and Archives and the Clarington Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee, Even based only on the short visit to the property and review of some secondary sources it seems clear that this large property possesses cultural heritage value, Please find attached a back9round report prepared by Trust staff, While this isn't an evaluation of the site you may find it useful as a starting point for your review and assessment. The Trust encourages the municipality to complete a heritage assessment of this property and assemble thorough documentation regarding the cultural value (Le, historical, architectural contextual and landscape) of the site, As a first step the Municipality may wish to consider listing the property on the Municipal Heritage Register. This would provide up to a 60-day delay of any proposed demolition and might provide the municipality with sufficient time to complete a through and detailed assessment. Although difficult to fully appreciate at this time of year the property also possesses cultural landscape value and the Municipality may wish to consider listing the property as a cultural heritage landscape in addition to or as an alternative to listing individual buildings or structures, Page 1 / 2 849 . Once Clarington municipal staff and the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee have conducted a detailed assessment of the property to clarify the cultural heritage values, identified heritage attributes and arrived at a better understanding of the significance of the property under Ontario Regulation 9/06, you will be in a position to consider municipal designation under Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Designation under the Act would be the next logical step in the protection, planning and potential reuse of this significant heritage resource, I refer you to the Ministry of Culture's Heritage Toolkit for more information on the evaluation of heritage properties, the designation process and heritage resources in the land use planning process, http://www.culture.gov.on.ca/english/heritagefToolkilltoolkit.htm Should the Municipality identify this property as possessing "significant built heritage resources' and/or "significant cultural heritage landscapes' it would be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement under the Planning Act (PPS 2,6,1, 2005) and to require that the owner or proponent prepare and submit to the Municipality a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) as part of the cultural heritage due diiigence associated with Planning Act applications, An HIA should ensure that any impacts on the her~age attributes of the property resulting from proposed redevelopment are mitigated and that the site's heritage value is conserved, I encourage the municipality consider its range of powers to protect this heritage resource and to work with the owner and the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee to find a solution that maintains the heritage value of the property while planning for the preservation and re-use of the site, Should you have questions feel free to contact me at 416 325-5019, uisitions and Conservations Services Copy: James Hamilton, A. Manager, Culture Services Unit, Ministry of Culture Enc!. Page 2/2 850 " ''''''1 ';) ,J "'I.Q\."IIIII...II' .,. To Report PSD-016-09 j ;i ii ~ ,:1 ,I ,~ 1 'l ;j :,~ ~ ,,11 \ ~'/<,: ",,,"IiI ~" , ,. ..,t;j~~ ,~ ., ., , ~~,~. 851 ,1 ,.'..' '''''-''*''",.., . b"....,,"... ". '1'.,&..',.... ....'..,'C" ". "y" ... T':'r-~----."._- , i 852 CI~gron RE,PORT PLANNING SERVICES . .!i Ji! 'Ii II, :, 'u I Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING Date: Monday, February 2, 2009 ~ i I '~ Report #: PSD-017-09 File No: A2008-0023 By-law #: " " 1 , , Subject: ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD DECISION - APPEAL OF A2008-0023 RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ 1~ It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 '\ 1, THAT Report PSD-017-09 be received for information. ,..<;- ::;;:::ti.t't;; .<::. Submitted by: Da Cl ' rome, M.C,I.P" R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Rev_..<J. ~ 0-::1. ranklin Wu, ' Chief Administrative Officer MKlCP/df January 23, 2009 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905}623-3379 F (905}623-0830 853 , ...!I. REPORT NO.: PSD-017-09 PAGE 2 1, An OMB hearing was held on December 15, 2008, for an appeal made by the applicant of minor variance application (A200B-0023), This application was for a reduction of interior side yard and rear yard setback from 1,2 m to 0.15 m for an existing garden shed, and for a reduction of interior side yard setback from 1.2 m to 0 m for an existing lean-to. 2, This application was originally considered by the Committee of Adjustment prior to the general amendment to the Zoning By-law being approved allowing accessory structures to have a 0.6 metre yard setback. 3. Prior to the hearing the applicant's approached staff with respect to the upcoming hearing and the issues they had with the Committee's decision, As a result of this discussion staff were able to reach a settlement with the appellants (Paul and Sharon Jefferson) to bring forward to the Board. 4. The settlement proposed to permit a lean-to structure in an interior side yard by reducing the minimum required interior side yard setback from 1.2 m to 0.6 m to the wall of the structure, with a 0,3 m encroachment of the eaves, The proposed settlement also required the Jefferson's to move an existing garden shed to meet new regulations for accessory structures (0,6 m rear and interior side yard setback to the wall of the structure with a maximum 0.3 m encroachment of the eaves). 5. Staff presented the settlement at the hearing and explained how the proposed settlement was appropriate. A neighbour attended the hearing with concerns regarding drainage. The Board was ultimately satisfied and issued an Order consistent with the settlement and the neighboul"s wishes by permitting a lean-to (attached to the dwelling) with a 0,6 m interior side yard setback, subject to the following conditions: . The appellant shall apply for a building permit within 60 days of the date of this decision, . Eavestroughing shall be installed on the lean-to, south side, so that the outfall of water will be to the front of the property in accordance with the master drainage subdivision plan, . Eavestroughing on the detached garden shed to be relocated, will be installed to drain into the swale for drainage to the front of the property, ." The gap in the fence to result from the moving back of the lean-to will be filled with fence materials of similar type and quality to what now exists in the fence. 6. A copy of the Ontario Municipal Board's decision is contained in Attachment 1, Attachments: Attachment 1 - OMB Decision 854 ~ II f~ II :! ',. ~ ",I 'j :, ',Ii " ISSUE DATE: Dec. 30, 2008 Attachment 1 To Report PSD-017-09 PL081144 IN THE MATTER OF subsection 45(12) of the Planning Act, R.S,O, 1990, c. P.13, as amended 1 .'~ , Applicant and Appellant: Subject: Variance from By-law No.: Property Address/Description: Municipality: OMS Case No,: OMB File No.: Municipal No.: 'Ii , I:: ~ APPEARANCES: .I J I I ,~ Parties Paul Jefferson Norm Power Municipality of Clarington Paul & Sharon Jefferson Minor Variance 84-63 73 Cherry Blossom Crescent (Courtice) Town of Clarington PL081144 PL081144 A-2008-0023 · TIJ) 1F.~IEI(\W]fill1 ~~AN 5 ZOG9 ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT Counsel _~ r,--' ,......~.""'..~,~ I'I'_"~~~ 'u( i:',~,JJ'?i \VL~1ill ~~N 0 2 2009 N Maco~UNICIPALlTY OFCLARINGTON . ANANCE MEMORANDUM OF ORAL DECISION DELIVERED BY N,C. JACKSON ON DECEMBER 15. 2008 AND ORDER OF THE BOARD Paul Jefferson owns the property described municipally as 73 Cherry Blossom Crescent, and legally as Part Lot 34, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington and now the Municipality of Clarington. Mr. Jefferson made Application to the Committee of Adjustment of Clarington to regularize the zoning on a garden shed built in 2000 and lean-to (respecting a hot tub) built in 2003 under Zoning By-law 84-63. The Variances sought were: 1. For the garden shed, to permit an interior side yard setback and rear yard setback of 0.15 metres, whereas 1,2 metres is required. 855 - 2- PL081144 2. For the lean-to, to permit an interior side yard setback of 0 metres from the required 1.2 metres and a setback of 0 metres from the primary building, whereas the minimum required is 1.2 metres. The Application was opposed by the municipality and neighbours, and was denied by the Committee of Adjustment. Mr. Jefferson then appealed to this Board. At this Appeal Hearing a settlement has been arrived at. The Appellant seeks to amend his Application under section 45(18.1.1) of the Planning Act. The Board finds the amended Application changes to be minor and that no further notice is required. Interested neighbours are present. The Amended Application is as follows: for the lean-to structure the Variances are to be in the interior side yard to .6 metres to the wall and .3 metres to the eaves from the required 1.2 metres. The settlement involves the moving of the garden shed so that it will meet a new Zoning By-law 2008-169 passed after the original Application, but now in effect without appeais - making the setback for a detached accessory structure .6 metres measured to the furthest edge - the eaves. The settlement also involves the movement of part of the lean-to back to .6 metres for the wall and .3 metres for the eaves from the property line. Based upon the evidence of planner Meaghan Kroon and engineer Leslie Benson employed by the Municipality of Clarington that reasonable planning and engineering will be the result, the Board finds the amended Application to meet the general intent of the Clarington and Durham Official Plans (residential designation), the amended Zoning By-law of Clarington (84-63), to represent an appropriate form of development with relief that in the circumstances of this case is minor. Mr. Power, the neighbouring property owner was concerned with drainage. He was advised by the Municipality of the subdivision drainage plan which the Municipality can, enforce ensuring that water flows in a swale between the properties to the street through the front yard. The Appeal is allowed in part, the amended Application is hereby authorized, and the amended Variances are authorized, subject to the following conditions agreed to with the Municipality, Appellant, and Powers as follows; 856 ,~ I" ~l d "~ Irl ':1 ;1 - 3 . PL081144 J:~ I 1 I , 1. The Appellant shall apply for a building permit within 60 days of the date of this decision. 2. Eavestroughing shall be installed on the lean-to, south side, so that the outfall of water will be to the front of the property in accordance with the master drainage subdivision plan. 3. Eavestroughing on the detached garden shed to be relocated, will be installed to drain into the swale for drainage to the front of the property. 4. The gap in the fence to result from the moving back of the lean-to will be filled with fence materials of similar type and quality to what now exists in the fence. So Orders the Board. "N.C. Jackson" N.C. JACKSON MEMBER 857 ; ;i::1 "I ,,;~ ,'! ii , ;1 ~J ;1 :~ " 'i CJaLe Leading t1l]gtOn REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: February 2, 2009 Report #: CLD-002-09 File#: By-law #: ii I i, Subject: ANIMAL SERVICES QUARTERLY REPORT - October - December, 2008 ':! " " RECOMMENDATIONS: <I It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report CLD-002-09 be received for information; and 2, THAT a copy of Report CLD-002-09 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee, Submitted by: d~~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB*cag '1 ,J CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 1301 REPORT NO.: CLD-002-09 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Animal Services activities will be reported to Council on a quarterly basis, The attachments to this report summarize the activities and revenues pertaining to Animal Services for the months October to December 2009, Attachments 1, Shelter Statistics - Incoming (Including Transfers) 2, Shelter Statistics - Outgoing By Animal Type 3, Dispatch Summary 4, Total Revenues by G/L Code 5, Total Length of Stay 6, Shelter Statistics':'" Identification Caparison 7, Quarterly Statistics for the same period in 2007 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Ms, Liz White, Animal Alliance of Canada Animal Advisory Committee 1302 '! ,~ Ii ;i ~~ :q ;j ~ff ,!.~ Shelter Statistics. Incoming (including transfers) Report Generated: Friday, January 23, 2009 3:00:49 PM Year to Date , . . . Shelter Other Returns Offspnng Stray .. ' -.. , Dog 95 4 o 7 o o 78 o o 18. " j Shelter Statistics. Incoming (including transfers) Report Generated: friday, January 23,20092:58:16 PM ..O~i~.m..'. 2008 . Dog i 18 4! 1 ' O! 1 0: 171 O! 0: 41, ! ~ppy T~-1 -OT-~'-o~'~o~J-'-~oT-"'-'-'-O:~'-1-r~Or--'----o! .---.;; Cat i 6 13 ! 0 2 0 I 0 : 131 0 ol34! Kitten I 5 i '1 0 i 2 i 9: 11 I 0 i 0 291 :Mammal! 1! 1, 0 OJ 0 0 or- 0; 01 2' [!~~ 3:J "1~J -,- ~_ 31 9 :'-~- ~,.L_ 0 i 108, Animal ACO Impound lnteral Shelter Shelter Other Transfer Total Offspring Stray In 1303 I I I I ,,,.., I I I ',1.11,,--. rJlJfj PUI'I)Y f..:H I V,lll'lt (wlldhfl'j M.uflHI.lI h'.1!JIJll lot.11 I I Adopted 33 3 37 25 0 0 0 98 Adopted Mered 4 0 26 2 0 0 0 32 . Adopted OfIsile 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Adopted OfIs~e(Altered) 0 0 37 2 0 0 0 39 Adopted OfIs~e(Unaltered) 0 0 2 27 0 0 0 29 Adopted Unattered 10 0 0 62 0 0 0 72 Bite Quarantine (Home) I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 OOA 6 0 52 4 3 12 1 78 DOA - Final Disposition 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 : Euthanized - 2 0 11 0 3 2 0 18 -~. . ...-- Euthanized by OfIs~e Vet 0 0 29 3 1 0 0 33 . Interred 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 u ~._~..__ . ~... ",.,------ - Reclaimed 123 1 4 1 0 0 1 130 ". Released 4 0 2 10 0 0 1 17 , - Stolen 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ~.' Transfer Out 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 Unassisted Death 0 0 2 10 0 0 0 12 other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 190 4 206 146 1 14 4 511 Shelter Statistics - Outgoing by Animal Type For Date: Year to Date Report Generated: Friday, .January 23, 2009 9:49:41 AM Shelter Statistics - Outgoing by Animal Type For Date: October to December Report Generated: Friday, January 23, 2009 9:49:04 AM Status Dog 1 Puppy I Cat KItten i Mammal I Total .. Adopted 1 1 3 2 0 13 Adopted Attered 0 0 4 2 0 6 Adopted OfIs~e(Altered) 0 0 7 0 0 7 Adopted OfIs~e(Unailered) 0 0 2 17 0 19 Adopted Unaltered 2 0 0 35 0 37 DOA 4 0 15 2 1 22 : DOA - Final Disposition 1 0 0 0 0 11 Euthanized 0 0 0 0 1 1 Euthanized by OfIsite Vel 0 0 3 1 0 4 Reclaimed 24 1 1 1 0 27 Released 1 0 0 0 0 1 Transfer Out 1 0 0 0 0 1 Unassisted Death 0 0 0 6 0 6 Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 40 2 35 66 2 145 1304 "'q ii',i !H~ I ~ '!:H ;1 'I ,11 ,~ ~ "I J \ ,I 1 'I 1 Dispatch Summary Animal Control Cruelt Com laint General Dis atch Routine Ins ection Total ;~ ! i October - December 124 1 19 9 134 Animal Control Issues - Outcome Summary 'j ~ " ! , :! Animal Not Found Animal Picked U Animal Returned to Owner Finalized Warnin Issued Char es Laid Total ; N October .. December 13 51 6 42 34 o 146 637 20 50 47 754 81 242 38 175 191 3 730 1305 Total By G/L Code Report generated Monday, January 23, 2009 Re ion: ALL 100-19-190-30705-6400 - Animal Service impoundlSurrender Fee 100-19-190-30715-6401 - Animal Trap Rentals 100-21-000-00000-6506 - Clarington - Finance Charges after NSF 100-19-130-30641-6400 - Clarington - Ucences paid after NSF 2 100-19-190-00000-7162 - Clarington - Vet Services- Repayment for Expenses 24 100-19-190-30720-6400 - Disposal of Animals 100-19-190-35525-6500 - DogICa! Ucences 523-00-000-00000-6760 - Donations 100-00-000-02033-2003 - GST 100-00-000-02034-2003 - PST 100-19-190-30710-6400 - Sale of Animals Totals 4 585 27 81 81 78 883 $400,86 $14,443,00 $1,180,00 $421,18 $669,45 $8,066,15 $26,345,74 1306 Total Length of Stay Year to Date Animal Number of Animals Number of Days Average Bird (wildlife) 7 0 0 Cat 279 14997 53 Dog 151 1544 10 Kitten 66 3159 47 " Mammal 14 0 0 i Puppy 2 10 5 Rabbit 4 145 36 " Total , 523 19855 " 'J . .," " " 'I Total Length of Stay 'I , October - December Animal Number of Animals Number of Days Average Cat 56 2768 49 Dog 34 420 12 Kitten 54 2903 53 Mammal 2 0 0 Puppy 2 10 5 Total 148 6101 , :ii .~ il .do. 1307 Shelter Statistics - Identification Comparison Year to Date Animal Type Cat Dog Puppy Bird (wildlife) Rabbit Stray (With IO) 7 50 o o o Stray (No IO) 179 167 2 1 3 Total 186 167 2 1 3 Shelter Statistics - Identification Comparison October - December Animal Type Stray (With IO) Stray (No IO) Total Cat 5 21 26 Dog 8 41 49 Kitten 1 46 47 Puppy 0 1 1 1308 " , :i , ;~ ! 2007 Statistics for the Period October - December 2007 "I ~ ,1 Clerk's Department Animal Services Division ~ ';! ,I '11 ~ A, ACTIVITIES , Thi,s Qu~rtel'l ; 2007 to dat&")) PICKED UP - WILDLIFE 18 118 DOGS CATS DOGS" CATS PICKED UP 34 26 129 123 BROUGHT IN 23 90 116 305 RETRIEVED BY OWNERS 40 2 161 12 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 14 87 66 299 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 0 EUTHANISED 2 12 6 49 DEAD ON ARRIVAL 1 15 12 68 QUARANTINE 1 5 8 18 WRITTEN WARNINGS 22 173 OTR" POA, SUMMONS 15 49 CONVICTIONS 14 37 CALL-OUTS AFTER 4 26 HOURS OVER-TIME HOURS 12 84 'J i i .~ , " .~ 'I DOGS & CATS RELEASED $55 0 $555 LICENSES $5,179,50 $1,120,50 $62,963 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 0 SOLD TO RESIDENTS $765 $3,825 $26,885 DOGS & CATS REDEEMED $1400 $115 $6,418,37 SUB-TOTAL $7,399,50 $5,060,50 $96,821,37 TRAP RENTAL $110 $375,33 TOTAL REVENUE $12,570 $97,196,70 Euthanized 2007 Dogs - 6 (5 pit bulls, 1 disposition) Cats - 28 Sick, 9 Feral, 9 Injured" 2 disposition, 1 Following Quarantine 1309 I 'I " ,~ j CL.,arJ!1gton iil ':' '" " REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ::1 i Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE "Ii Date: February 2, 2009 Report #: CLD-003-09 File#: By-law #: i IT "1' , , Subject: 2008 YEAR END PARKING REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfUlly recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-003-09 be received; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CLD-003-09 be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre for their information. Submitted by: () ~-::~, Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB*kb CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 1310 REPORT NO,: CLD-003-09 pAGE 2 of2 BACKGROUND The following pertinent statistical information relates to Parking Enforcement activities for the months of October, November, and December 2008 and is provided herein for the information of Committee and Council. Attachments: Attachment 1 - 2008 Year End Parking Report 1311 '," H ';1 ,:1 I ' ~ PARKING ENFORCEMENT QUARTERL Y REPORT i I , :~ ATTACHMENT #1 to 4th Quarter Parking Financial Report " .~ I , TICKETS ISSUED Quarter 4, 2008 CLOCA 35 31 o o 9 8 o Year End Year End Year End 2008 2007 2006 5,902 2,434 3,707 25 36 28 3 0 0 121 100 42 71 64 90 0 2 N/A 0 0 96 17 44 641 9 N/A NlA 0 0 0 ,iI "I ! , ~ AGENCY P,E. Officers Police 1,090 2 o ,;I Public Works Group Four Aspen Springs 243 King St. Securitas Pro Security Fire Services ;' ""Tr.T.":A''''L~"-'SS'''~U''''ftffi'~~) ;>'1""-'''_.''''U'',; "', . .GR._.,",_~,-..". ~;!ttr;f~~'}?~~~~~ft::{:~:~~~:f~t\~~ REVENUE Meters Fines $19,767,00 $1,235,00 $18,987,00 $81,715,50 $4,658.90 $74,878,00 $76,450,50 $3,391.50 $32,933.00 $76,730,00 $4,313,40 $62,151,00 Permits MTO Chargeback ($1,559.25) ($6,121.50) ($5,875,00) ($7,096.75) ",..",., '..'..l'iill;',' .., "'" $..'.... '...., '" .. ..","", ,,' ,$10ir90ifOO~""7:$1~6'jj9.'t.'6i'!e,',,' , '11 1ST APPEARANCES Total Conducted 34 120 55 113 # Tickets Cancelled 35 106 44 88 # Tickets Upheld 8 37 14 26 # Requests for Trial 2 9 3 19 # Tickets Disputed 43 143 58 114 1312 ~.!.l.' ' I $ I'; I~~ ":!I REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT i I! Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: February 2, 2009 " ,~ '1 ,I Report #: CLD-0Q4-09 File#~ , By-law #: Subject: 4380 COURTICE ROAD RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: ' , , ' 1, THAT Report CLD-004-09 be received; 2, THAT a one month extension be granted to Hong Li Zhang for her garden suite at 4380 Courtice Road to be vacated; and 3. THAT Hong Li Zhang and Dave Wallace be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: (){~Q..3 ~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB* CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 1313 REPORT NO.: CLD-004-09 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of January 5, 2009, a delegation was received from Dave Wallace wherein he requested a time extension to vacate a second dwelling unit at 4380 Courtice Road, which has been deemed to not be a permitted use on the property, Mr, Wallace is a tenant of the property and at the time, no request was received from the owner for the extension. Since that time, the property owner, Hong Li Zhang, has requested the extension, stating that the tenants have purchased a house and the deal will be closing in February, Accordingly, she would like an extension to the end of the month to allow them time to vacate the premises, RECOMMENDATIONS Staff have no concerns with the extension to the end of February 2009 to bring the property into compliance: It is therefore recommended that the extension be granted, Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Ms, Hong Li Zhang Mr. Dave Wallace 1314 II '.;i l J~ :1 " ';Iii CI~-!lJglOn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ," , ;1 Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ,[I Date: February 2, 2009 ~i " 1 'I ;II Report #: COD-008-09 File#_ By-law # :~ Subject: John Howard Society - Lease Extension and Community Living Oshawa f Clarington - Lease Extension 132 Church Street, Bowmanville ' Recommendations: .ii It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report COD-008-09 be received; 2, THAT the Lease Extension from the John Howard Society for the leased space at 132 Church Street, BowmanviHe, in the amount of $13,072,92 per year for the term of January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 be approved; Submitted by: 3, THAT the Lease Extension from the Community Living Oshawa / Clarington for the leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, in the amount of $13,072,92 per year for the term of January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 be approved; and 4, THAT the attached By-laws marked Schedule "A" and "B" authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the lease agreements with the John Howard Society and Community Living OshawalClarington be forwarded to Council for approval. ~~~'CMO' Director of Corporate Services Reviewed by: \ U~~0c Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MM\\JDBlkm CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905}623-3379 F (905)623-4169 \ "I , J 1401 REPORT NO,: COD-008-09 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Both the John Howard Society and Community Living Oshawa I Clarington have expressed an interest in and agreed to an extension of their current lease for a period of one (1) year commencing January 1,2009 to December 31,2009, A nominal 2,5% increase over the 2008 rate of $12,754,07 per year is proposed; thereby increasing the annual price to $13,072,92 per year. As there has been very little change in the market conditions since last year, it is staff's recommendation that the offer be accepted, For the information of Council, approximately 4,127 square feet of 132 Church Street, is currently leased by Ontario Realty Corporation, This includes approximately 4,127 square feet of space on the second floor which includes the lobby, court room #1 and adjacent offices, This lease has been on-going for several years and in 2008 the frequency of use was reduced from 60 days per year to 30 days per with a corresponding reduction in the lease rate, The term of the extension was also reduced to one year whereas previous extensions were for two year terms, This lease will expire May 31, 2009 and a report will be presented prior to that date on the future use of the current leased space, This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager, with the appropriate department and circulated as follows: Concurrence: Director of Operations Attachments: Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", By-law, John Howard Society Attachment 2 - Schedule "B", By-law, Community Living 1402 if! ~:~ I I '. I ,<# Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON j II BY-LAW 2009- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and John Howard Society, Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, ON, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between John Howard Society, Bowmanville, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2, THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law, By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2009. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2009, Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1403 Schedule "B" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2009- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Community Living, OshawalClarington, Oshawa, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the leased space at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, ON, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Community Living, OshawalClarington, Oshawa , Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2, THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law, By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2009, By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2009, Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1404 ~,:! ~"~ 1,," II 'I I, I 'I i ,:1 ~~ I '~ iU Cl!llmglOn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT :,~ i j :1, " I I I Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, February 2nd, 2009 Report #: COD-009-09 File#_ By-law # , .,1 ,l " Subject: CO-OPERATIVE TENDER C2008-114, ASPHALT REGISTRY HOT MIX ASPHALT, COLD MIX ASPHALT AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COLD MIX ASPHALT Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report COD-009-09 be received; 2, THAT Miller Paving Limited, with a total bid price of $9,600,00 (excluding G,S,T,), being the lowest responsible bidder for delivery of hot mix, meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender C2008-114, be awarded the Asphalt Hot Mix Registry for the Municipality of Clarington's requirements; 3, THAT, Larfarge Paving & Construction Limited, with a total bid price of $15,260,00 (excluding G,S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder for delivery of cold mix, meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender C2008-114, be awarded the Asphalt Cold Mix Registry for the Municipality of Clarington's requirements; 4, THAT, Innovative Surface Solutions, with a total bid price of $96,030,00 (excluding G,S,T,), being the lowest responsible bidder for delivery of high performance cold mix, meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender C2008-114, be awarded the Asphalt High Performance Cold Mix Registry for the Municipality of Clarington's requirements; 5, THAT the funds expended for hot mix and cold mix be drawn from the Department of Operations, 2009 current budget various operating accounts; and 6, THAT the funds expended for high performance cold mix be drawn from the Department of Operations, 2009 Current Budget Pavement Patch account 100-36-381-10255-7112, 1405 REPORT NO.: COD-009-D9 PAGE 2 Submitted by: Reviewed by: d~~ ri arano, H,B,Sc" C,M,Q" Director of Corporate Services ~~~ ~ Na y Taylor, 6,BA, CA, )'< Director of Finance Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MM\JDB\BH CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1406 Iii I: ~l il~ ~ !i;~ j1l f, il ;i , .U REPORT NO,: COD-009-o9 PAGE 3 1. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 'I 1,1 A tender for the supply and delivery of Hot Mix Asphalt, Cold Mix Asphalt and High Performance Cold Mix was issued on a Co-operative basis with the Municipality of Clarington, City of Oshawa, City of Pickering, Town of Ajax, Town of Whitby, Township of Scugog and the Region of Durham participating, The host agency for the tender call was the City of Oshawa, The intent of the tender was to set-up a registry of vendors to allow the co-operative agencies to obtain asphalt products on an as required basis from the vendor providing the best price, The Municipality of Clarington has requirements for hot mix, cold mix and high performance cold mix, 1,2 The tender was publicly advertised and called for bids on the basis of an Asphalt Registry - Hot Mix Asphalt, Cold Mix Asphalt and High Performance Cold Mix as required by the co-operative agencies, 1,3 The contract resulting from this tender will cover the supply and delivery of various asphalt products on an as required basis for a one year term, 2. ANALYSIS 2,1 A summary of bids received for the Municipality of Clarington requirements is attached and marked as Schedule "A", The tabulation lists the total bid amounts for the contract and provides an estimated value of the contract based on historical product consumption, 2,2 The recommendation is to award the contract as follows: . Miller Paving Limited, with a total bid price of $9,600,00 (excluding G,S,T,), being the lowest responsible bidder for delivery of hot mix, be awarded the Asphalt Hot Mix, Larfarge Paving & Construction Limited, with a total bid price of $15,260,00 (excluding G,S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder for delivery of cold mix, be awarded the Asphalt Cold Mix Registry Innovative Surface Solutions, with a total bid price of $96,030,00 (excluding G,S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder for delivery of high performance cold mix, be awarded the Asphalt High Performance Cold Mix, 1407 . . REPORT NO.: COO-009-o9 PAGE 4 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3,1 The Municipality of Clarington estimated requirements for hot mix asphalt is $9,600,00. cold mix asphalt is $15,260,00 and high performance cold mix is $96,030,00, 3,2 The percent price increase over 2008 pricing is as follows 19% for hot mix. 28% for cold mix and 27% for high performance cold mix, The reasons for the increase are due to the uncertainty of the market and the requirement for firm prices, 3,3 The required funds for hot mix and cold mix will be drawn from the Department of Operations, 2009 current budget various operating accounts, 3,4 The required funds for high performance cold mix will be drawn from the Department of Operations, 2009 Current Budget Pavement Patch account 100-36-381-10255- 7112, 3,5 Queries with respect to department needs. specifications, etc" should be referred to the Director of Operations, 3,6 The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation, 4. CONCLUSION After further review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, the Qurham Purchasing Co- operative and Operations Department. it is respectfully recommended that the Municipality of Clarington requirements for Hot Mix Asphalt, Cold Mix Asphalt and High Performance Cold Mix be awarded as identified in the recommendations of this report, 1408 , ,I 1'1 ~ ' hi ';:j H ii' ~'~ 't; REPORT NO.: COD-009-09 PAGE 5 5. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager with the appropriate departments and circulated as follows, " '^' !i Concurrence: Director of Operations .Ii il Attachments: Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", Bid Summary 1409 Schedule "A" Bid Summary Tender CL2008-114 Municipality of Clarlngton Miller Paving Limited Lafarge Paving & Construction limited Innovative Surface Products Reouirements Unit lexcludlno GSTl (excludlno GSTl Solutions (excludlna GSTl Driveway Mix no bid no bid no bid HL3Hot Mix 100 t $9,600,00 no bid no bid Cold Mix 140 t $15,260,00 no bid High Performance Cold Mix Asahalt 900 t $110,700,00 $96,030,00 ~ -1>0 ~ o .~ i I "I ~. 'I, '" ~I "t :1 "I 'I '! .. i " l .~ ~ Cl~ilJglOn REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT .~ , ~ 'll Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee i' ,~ Date: February 2, 2009 Resolution #: Report #: COD-010-09 File#: By-law #: SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report COD-010-09 be received; 2, THAT the Manager of Purchasing be authorized to enter into negotiations with the Regional Municipality of Durham, Family Services for the provision of an Employee Assistance Program for a three year term with an option to extend the agreement for additional terms provided the level of service is satisfactory and the service costs are acceptable; 3, That the Director of Corporate Services be authorized to sign any related operating agreement that may be required for the services and any extensions; and 4, THAT, should negotiations fail to result in an acceptable agreement, the Manager of Purchasing undertake a Request for Proposal process to secure the required services~ Submitted by: / Reviewed byn~..:.....~ ,(rr Marie Marano, H, ,S ., C,M,O, Franklin Wu, ./ Director of Corpora Services Chief Administrative Officer MM/JB/km CORRPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1411 REPORT NO.: COO-010-oS PAGE 2 1, BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1,1, The current Employee Assistance Program expired on March 31,2008 and the service provider, Shepell FGI, undertook to continue the service on a month to month basis while the staff dealt with the renewal of the Employee Benefits program and undertook a review of the Employee Assistance Program with a view to developing a new Request for Proposal in order to establish a new Employee Benefits Program, 1,2, During the ensuing months staff received an unsolicited proposal from the Regional Municipality of Durham, Family Services 8ranch on the provision of an Employee Assistance Program, Corporate Services staff have been reviewing the material and speaking to other municipalities in the area, Whitby and Ajax, that have been using the services and the comments have been very favourable, In the case of Ajax, they have just renewed the agreement for a further five year term, 1,3, Staff covered by the Employee Assistance Program included all Municipal staff including Emergency Services and the Library on a charge back basis, On the introduction of a new program the Clarington Museum can also be invited to participate on a charge back basis, 2, ANALYSIS 2,1, As specified in the Purchasing by-law certain services are excluded or not covered by the Purchasing By-law nor do they require a purchase order unless specifically requested by a Department Head or the vendor or the supplier of the products or services, This is provided in Appendix A, Section 5 b, In addition, Section 6.4 of Appendix A provides as follows: "6.4 Regional Municipality of Durham or other municipalities located within the Regional Municipality of Durham Goods and Services," An excerpt from the Purchasing By-law is attached as Schedule "A", 2,2, Staff has reviewed the proposal from Family Services and made a comparison of services offered by our current service provider and concluded that Family Services can provide all services required, 1412 ~ i~ ~:: ::'jl j it~ "I :'j REPORT NO.: COD-010-09 PAGE 3 ~ ,j 1 I " ~ fi ;ll 2,3, Using figures provided in the Family Services proposal and the number of staff currently covered by the EAP, approximately 300, it is estimated that the annual cost of the Family Services agreement would be in the area of $23,400,00 per year over a three year agreement. This is slightly higher than our current service provider rate of approximately $21,000 per year,' established in 2005, However, it is expected that the private sector rate would increase by an undetermined amount due to inflation if we issued a new request for proposal, J: Ii '" 0~ it .'1 eil 2.4, The Family Services proposal also provides for additional services on an as required basis such as Trauma Response and Critical Incident Stress Management. These extra services can be discussed during our agreement review and if necessary rates can be established, 2,5, The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the opportunity to utilize services offered through the Regional Municipality of Durham and in order to take advantage of this opportunity we would be moving away from the past practice of soliciting competitive bids from the private sector, :~ 2,6, It is recommended that the proposed agreement be established for a three year term with an option to renew for further terms provided the level of service is satisfactory and the rates remain acceptable, By maintaining a long term agreement, employees who are experiencing difficult circumstances, will have continuity of service and relationships, In the past it has been evident that staff are reluctant to move from one provider to another and have expressed their concern with any intention to change carriers, On the other hand, staff input can provide the confirmation that the service provider is meeting the requirements of the agreement and providing satisfactory service, 2,7, As with any long term agreement staff can and will undertake periOdiC reviews to determine if the service provider is still competitive in their pricing plan and that the service is satisfactory, 2,8, In addition to the foregoing, a change of this nature reinforces and provides support for Regional government services, 1413 REPORT NO.: COD-010-o9 PAGE 4 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3,1, As noted, the costs provided by Family Services are felt to be comparable to the rates we would expect to receive in the event of a full RFP process; that is, an amount in the area of $23,400,00 per year, This amount is of course subject to discussion with Family Services, 3,2, By utilizing the Regional services as suggested the cost in staff time is minimized and the introduction of a new program can be achieved in one third the time needed if we solicited private sector proposals, 4. CONCLUSION 4,1, After reviewing the proposal from Family Services it is expected that costs will be comparable to that provided by the private sector, The time required to complete the negotiations and establish a new agreement for the provision of the Employee Assistance Program will be reduced significantly as will staff time, Based on feedback from other municipalities the level of service is very good and Clarington staff can be serviced from the area, 4,2, Under the circumstances it is staff's recommendation that negotiations with Family Services be undertaken with a view to establishing a new three year agreement with an option to extend the agreement provided the level of service is satisfactory and the pricing is acceptable, Should the resulting negotiations fail to provide an agreement satisfactory to staff then a request for proposal can be issued to solicit proposals from the private sector. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Schedule "A", Appendix A, Purchasing By-law 1414 I", ~ I ;, +~ ,i 'II <i 1 i!1 :i " ,I I " i, APPENDIX "A" To By-Law # 2006-127 The Purchasing By-law and a Purchase Order are not required unless specifically requested by a Department Head or the vendor or supplier of the Goods and/or Services in question does not apply to the items listed below. 1, petty Cash hems i n " I : 3, 2. Training and Education a. Conferences b. Courses c. Conventions d. Magazines e. Memberships f. Periodicals g. Seminars h, Staff Development i, Staff Workshops j, Staff Reports k Subscriptions Refundable Employee Expenses a. Advances b_ Meal Allowances c. Miscellaneous - Non - Travel d, Travel Expenses e. Entertainment Expenses 4, Employers General Expenses a. Payroll Deduction Remittances b, Medicals c. Licenses (Vehicles, Communications, etc.) d, Debenture Payments e. Insurance f. Grants and Agencies g. Damage Claims h, Petty Cash Replenishment i. Land & Building Lease Payments j, Tax Remittances k, Sinking Fund Payments I. Newspaper Advertising and Publk: Notices m. Day Camp or other similar Admission Fees 6,1 5. Certain Professional and other Services a. Committee Fees b, Counselling Services 0. Laboratory Services d. Nursing Services e, Physician Fees f, Temporary Help , g. Banking and Underwriting Services, where covered by Agreements h. legal Services i. Engineering and Consulting Services provided for in a contract between the Corporation and Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1991) Lim~ed dated September 1, 1993 j. Newspaper, radio, TV advertising k. Policing I, Red Cross Supplies Util~ies a, b, c, d, e, f, Postage Water Hydro Gas Telephones - exduding cellular Cable television 6,2 Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways 6.3 Provincial and/or Federal Government Agencies or Crown Corporations 6,4 Regional Municipality of Durham or other municipal~ies located within the 'Regional Municipality of Durham goods or services 1415 I.,"~ ':i~ ',.1," :~~ J 11 ~~ I " \ " CJ. II ~~ REPORT , " ,I: 'H CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT j I Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE :;i Date: February 2, 2009 Report #: COD-011-09 File#_ By-law # ~ Subject: RFP2008-8- Supply and Installation of Storage Shelving Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report COD-011-09 be received; 2, THAT the proposal received from Tab Products of Canada, Willowdale, Ontario being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Request for Proposal RFP2008-8 be awarded the contract for the supply and installation of Storage Shelving with a bid amount of $113,167,07 (excluding GST); and 3, That the funds required in the amount of $113, 167,07 (excluding GST) be drawn from Clerks Department 2009 Capital Account # 110-19-130-81920-7401 for the Records Retention Centreo Submitted by: c?~ Marie Marano, H,8,Sc" C,M,O" Director of Corporate Services Reviewed by: ()~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer ) ~~j~ Nan y Taylor oi. Director of Finance MMIJDB\SMlkm " , I ..J. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905}623-3379 F (905)623-41~ I 6 REPORT NO,: COD-011-o9 PAGE 2 1, BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1,1 A Request for Proposal was drafted for the supply and installation of storage shelving for the basement of Townhall, The RFP was called with award conditional upon Budget and Council approval. 1,2 RFP2008-8 was advertised on the Municipality's website as well as the Ontario Public Buyers' website, In addition, a number of potential bidders were advised of the opportunity, 1,3 Bidders were asked to provide their ideas on how the Municipality of Clarington could best maximize storage space to meet the corporate records management requirements in the allotted basement area, 1.4 A total of seven (7) shelving companies obtained the bid document. Submissions were received from the following five (5) companies: Carr McLean, Toronto, ON; Commander Warehouse, Oshawa, ON; Tab Products of Canada, Willowdale, ON; Lynda Howard Sales, Mississauga, ON; and Johnston Equipment, Markham, ON, The submission received from Johnston Equipment had to be rejected due to bid document bearing no authorized signature, 1,5 Each firm submitted a comprehensive proposal addressing all issues contained in the bid document. 1,6 As per the Request for Proposal documents, the selection would be made on the basis of the written proposal, a potential interview as well as reference checks, 1,7 All submissions received were then reviewed by Municipality's evaluation team consisting of staff from Clerk's Department, Operation Department as well as Purchasing Services, 1,8 Based on the evaluation committee's review and scoring of the submissions the submission received from Tab Products of Canada, Willowdale, Ontario is the recommended supplier, 1417 !'J It it )1 REPORT NO.: COD-011-DS PAGE 3 !:~ lii 'n !i 2. ANALYSIS :'i " iI n 2,1, Tab Products of Canada, Willowdale, Ontario best met all of the Municipality's requirements, maximized the space, offered the most suitable shelving layout and was the most economical on per-box fee, ,; i I ," 'i! 2,2, Staff was impressed with the coverage of the proposed shelving units and understanding of the requirements reflected within the submission as well their solution provided us the opportunity to more than double our existing storage capacity, 3. FINANCIAL 3,1, The Proposal submitted by the subject firm was in the amount of $113,167,07 (excluding GST) and is within the approved 2009 Capital Budget of $120,000,00, 3,2, The required funds are to be drawn from account # 110-19-130-81920-7401, 4, CONCLUSION 4,1, To award the contract for the supply and installation of the required shelving to Tab Products of Canada, Willowdale, ON, 4,2, Queries with respect to the project should be referred to the Municipal Clerk, 4,3, This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager and the appropriate department and circulated as follows: Concurrence: Municipal Clerk 1418 .. " , i ,I i',~ ~,I !';" :i it! ;:':1 CI!J!mgron REPORT l 'i " FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 .~ ::j " ~~ l '~ ii Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: FEBRUARY 2, 2009 Resolution #: Report #: FND-003-09 File#: By-law #: ~) Subject: LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION, APPORTIONMENTS OR REFUND OF TAXES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report FND-003-09 be received; and 2, THAT the attached list of applications for cancellation, reduction, apportionments or refund of taxes be approved, \ SUbmittejY: ~ ktJ~ Nancy ,Taylor, B,B,A" CA h\ Director of FinancelTreasurer ~-" Reviewed by:"-- ~'-cU1c Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer NMT/MAM/hjl 1501 REPORT NO,: FND-003-09 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND Pursuant to Sections 354, 356, 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001, C25, a list of applications for cancellation, reduction, apportionments or refund of taxes is presented to Committee for its review and approval. Section 357(3 & 4) indicates that the Council shall hear and dispose of every application not later than the 30th day of April in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made, The last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. More specifically, under Section 354, the Treasurer shall recommend to Council that outstanding taxes be stricken from the roll. To strike taxes from the roll it must be by reason of a decision under Section 357 or 358, or of a decision of a judge of any court or that the taxes are uncollectible, An application for a cancellation, reduction or refund may be made for one of the following reasons: . Ceased to be liable to be taxed at rate it was; . real property becomes exempt; . razed by fire, demolition or otherwise; . damaged by fire, demolition or otherwise (substantially unusable) . removal of a mobile unit; . sickness or extreme poverty; . gross or manifest clerical error; and . repairs/renovations preventing normal use of period of 3 months. The 357 and the 358 process begins when an application is prepared by either the Regional Assessment Office or the Tax Department. The neighbourhood assessor will perform an on-site inspection of the property, The assessor will verify the reason for the application, the period of time, for which the tax relief is claimed, and the amount and 'type of assessment that is affected, The application is then sent back to the Tax Department where the actual tax adjustment is calculated and the taxpayer's account adjusted, Section 356, deals with severances or divisions into parcels, These parcels of land were taxed in blocks in the year(s) prior to severance/consolidation, Taxes are being apportioned to the individual properties which are now severed/consolidated. Therefore, tax amounts are removed from one roll number and applied to another roll number as determined by MPAC, 1502 I I ,I ,i~ ~ ;'1 :1 ."it ~t ~ ::, ',Ii " I , REPORT NO.: FND-003-09 PAGE 3 The total amount of taxes to be written off, for September 1 to December 31, 2008, as shown in this report total $6,095.94, The total for the 2008 calender year is $21,255,59. This total represents the Municipality's share only, For comparison the values of taxes written off under Section 357 and 358 at December 31,2007 was $34,308.04 for the municipal portion only, .;~ ;~ , ,~ , , Attachment: Attachment "A" - Write-Off Report September 1 to December 31,2008 J CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1503 ," Grand Total To Be Written Off Not Including Minutes of Settlements, or ARB Decisions For The Period of September 1st, 2008 to December 31,2008 $ 61095,93 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sep-48 Sep-48 Sep-48 Sep-48 Oct-48 Oct-48 Oct-48 Oct-48 Oct-48 Oct-48 Nov-48 Nov-48 Nov-48 Nov-48 Nov-48 Nov-48 Dec-48 Dec-48 Dec-48 Dec-48 Dec-48 Dec-48 Dec-48 Dec-48 Dec-48 Langes Richard Canadian Waste Services Roll Severed to 2 Lots Roll Severed to 2 Lots Roll Severed to 2 Lots Roll Severed to 3 Lots Clarington Municipality Clarington Municipality Clarlngton Municipality Messerschmidt Marine Caprelt Apartments Inc Potts Thomas Caprelt Apartments Inc Potts Thomas Wannan Judleth Lola Klinaeva Irina Wannan Judleth Lola Roll Severed to 4 Lots Roll Severed to 5 Lots Roll Severed to 5 Lots Roll Severed to 5 Lots Bond Robert Hahn Rene Franz Matthews Messerschmidt Marine WTX 486 WTX 486 WTX 487 WTX 487 WTX 489 WTX 490 WTX 490 WTX 490 WTX 490 WTX 492 WTX 494 WTX 494 WTX 495 WTX 495 WTX 495 WTX 497 WTX 498 WTX 498 WTX 498 WTX 499 WTX 499 WTX 501 WTX 501 WTX 501 WTX 501 195,49 1,015,93 75,31 123,80 140,96 59,20 297.46 274,97 (261,06) 1,692,80 262,77 31877,63 2,218,30 195,68 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 4,14 24,85 1,722,99 64,12 (85,38) 35,32 (97,21) (29,94) 763,08 (205,17) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 81,17 406,86 (662,21 ) 2008 2008 2008 2008 2006.2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2006.2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2006-2007 2007 2008 Fire, Demolotlon etc... Fire, Demolotlon etc.., Severance/Consolidation Severance/Consolidation Severance/Consolidation Severance/Consolidation Properly became exempt Properly became exempt Properly became exempt Ceased to be taxed at rate MPAC Overcharge Clerical Ceased to be taxed at rate MPAC Overcharge Clerical Ceased to be taxed at rate Fire, Demolotion etc.., Fire, Demolotion etc,.. Ceased to be taxed at rate Severance/Consolidation Severance/Consolidation Severance/Consolidation Severance/Consolidation Fire, Demolotion etc,.. Ceased to be taxed at rate Ceased to be taxed at rate Ceased to be taxed at rate Error Error Applicant AdjJWTX Ref, No, Number Commercial Industrial ete Municipal Residential Farm Managed Forest Municipal Year Adjusted For ~ .... C OJ E ..c u ro :::: <( Date Person(s) Taxes Write-Off Report 2008 For the Period of - September 1 December 31 2008 Reason Claimed by Applicant ~ o 10 ~ HANDOUTS/CIRCULA TIONS GPA T 905 642,7050 F 905 642.8820 E info@kaitlingroup,com 28 Sandiford Drive. Suite 201 Stoullville. ON L4A 1L8 www.kaltllngroup.com .KAITLIN GROUP January 30, 2009 Mayor James Abernethy The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BowmanvilIe, Ontario LI C 3A6 Dear Mayor Abernethy Rc: Planning Ser'viccs Department Report PSD-016-09 Former Boys TraininJ.! School and Prisoner of War Camp As you may be aware, our related company, Lambs Road School Property Ltd., is the owner of the property referenced in the above-noted staff report. On January 27, 2009 we received notice that the above-noted report was scheduled to be presented to General Purpose and Administration Committee on February 2, 2009. We received a copy of the actual report on January 30, 2009. Prior commitments prevent us from being able to address Committee on February 2, however we submit this correspondence for Committee's consideration. The buildings comprise a safcty hazard and have becn subject to continual trespass and vandal ism despite attempts to secure the propcrty. No suitable or viable user has becn found that would be appropriate for the property and its current land use designations, particu1arly given the formidable task of bringing the buildings up to habitablc standards. By preventing the demolition option, the Municipality is effectively prolonging the potential safety issues that exist currently, We respectfully request that Committee table the report for a period of at least two \\leeks. This report and its recommendations came without any dialogue between oursel ves and municipal staff and/or members of the Clarington Heritage Conunittee. We welcome the opportunity for further dialogue with Staff and Council on this matter. ~- Kelvin Whalen, P. Eng., Vice-President, Land Development Bowmanvi..e / Westside Marshes Conservation Area Mid Term Report - February 2, 2009 ~ Central ~ Lake Ontario ~ Conservation ~ .. .. ~ Central ~ Lake Ontario ~ Conservation '., Bowmanville I / /estside Marshes C- t'... A '" ' ; ," . ,. " r- · ,.." ~ ." _..onserva : Ion 1 rea Why are we here? _, ..:", , ;0" -.., '-:~"'I f ." ,,:\... , . t ~~ - BowmanvillejWestside Marshes Conservation Area Management Plan (CLOCA, June 2006) - Resolution #GPA-292-06 · THA T Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority provide a mid-term report on the Implementation of the Management Plan ! ,/est.side M:a rshes Bowmanville I Conservation Area Plan Implementation - St. Mary's Start-up Funding - Healthy Wetlands...Healthy Communities grant (Ducks Unlim . Management .. .. ited CanadajOMNR) Trails, viewing mounds, interpretive signs, parking lot, pay- and-display, entrance sign and andscaping, meadow seeding bird turtle nesting habitat, - Community Events · Wildlife corridor (tree planting), I2.la~orm removal LJt/' Central ~ Lake Ontario ~ Conservation Westside Marshes e' I' '-'~-~ / Bowmanvill Conservation Area ~ Central ~ Lake Ontario ~ Conservation --f ~, . ~--~- _/? ~...- 0..... Acc:.IM ...... F_ Dr__ Tr..a~ - ......~ y,.. Dp--- CJ ==~=:... m!ii E8u. _ "__tZeneo - %DOE 1 o %DOE' ~~...,.""..., __,Fod2008 C. ~ _ "....-2008"""''' - """-.".,... ~;~ 4..., l ;t " 01 ~ 3 IlO :) ~ ij;j ..... ~ '" Of ~ ~ 01 ~ III '" C') o :) '" III < IlO ... o :) l> .... III III 3: "" :) III lQ III 3 III :) '1l ;;:;- :) Westside Marshes el Bowmanvill Conservation Area Lf/' Central ~ Lolre Ontario ~ Conservation ~ 5 5 ~ P-lI Gl __..._ 6 w..-_ o ...__...... - Dr....... - fl!JOClI! - Yr. S.,.... _0 ......... T.... - .................. n.. 0-- H_ _...-... _ c..-__.. - ~---- ,:~ L:i. ..... ....... .... ~ __.z- , - ~". _ ~1 c::J 20M! 2 ~ 20M! 3 c::J 20M!. c::J ZDIE 5 ~OI""A~' .... ~'-.F" 2alll -~ _ ~2OOl_.." ___W"'" ..;f' ~ r; 1 ~i '. en ~ :3 '" '" ~ .. ...... ~ '" ut i :t: '" (;l ::>- ... '" C') o '" '" '" :< '" .... o '" ~ .... ... '" :t: "" '" '" lQ '" :3 '" ~ " .. '" Westside Marshes e. ./,/ ,- .. B, lOr .w. ;'m.'" .a. n.. 'V/I-:111 / .///. . .-,~/j. Co,nlservation Area ~ Central ~ Lake Ontario <s Conservation , . ~ &-.- p..... ~ &-._F~I..... -- ....;., .....~ O................cwa - Dr__ - Tr"~_ - w....... Yr. - .-......... T,.. c::::::::J p- ......., ,---, eo..__.....,...~. L......J _ _.._ Uo. mE_'_ H___ ~ I e......ce ....... ...... __.z..... o mIlE 2 c::J mIlE 3 D 20M!" c::J mIlEs _0__'_ tn ~ 3 '" :) '" :::: iil --- ~ '" ~ ~ ~ "" ;j! ;:)- III '" C'l o :) '" .. :< "" ... o :) }o. .... III '" ~ '" :) "" lQ III 3 III :) '"tl i>> :) Westside M.arshes el Bowma:nvill ~ Central ~ Lake Ontario ~ CODSl!TVation D O..-.cl Acc-.P'Cllllt ~ .---....- -""- - -rr. 8_ , I!,......-... - u.......... T.- - P......,..cllw.......Tr........... - __-"ZOCDT___ ;--:.; CJ P_F_ f-: D 80__1__ e' ..............- UIlIl NIIt111... .....ara... c:::J "'cn.Me --.. ~ -.. .....IM;! "~tz.an.. c::J ZDNI! 2 C=:J ZDNI! ) c:J ZDNI!. c::J ZDNI! . _'--~I:zooe I ""'"- _ ..- :zooe........, _ ...... w_ ~;, . .r l :l " Ql ~ 3 .. :::> '" :::: .. ..... ~ .. tT ~ ~ .. ~ ::>- ... .. C') o :::> .. .. < II> 0. o . :::> I ):,. ... .. .. ~ II> :::> II> IQ .. 3 .. ~ '1l .. :::> / /estside Marshes el I B,owm,anJv'i ~ Central ~ Lake Ontario <s Conservation C', t'" A ; ..,onjserva jJ~Onl / rea --J~-- '- - ~ ~ -.... S _lMolltll IJ __ c.. [] o.d Acc_ ...... -- ~ ~...... ~ OIdw_sea_ t:: T"Ac~P~. ~ .-_-...... - o.M.. - -r.-s_ _0 W......T.. - ...........alllllldTr.. - p.,....... ~,,...~... c::J -- ,........, __/W__ L-.J____,~ ...... R....... _ -.------... ...ev..... - CJ ZONEZ CJ ZOt1l!) CJ ZO.. CJ ZOt1l!5 ~DI"'A~ >>01 _'-- _2OOll -~ _ "- 2OOll""'''" _ r:liAIe'ttbffl ;is " ~'~r ~~t '. a, i 3 .. '3 < ~ ...... ~ II> Of i !: .. i.1 =>- .. II> (") o ~ II> '" < .. ... o ~ ~ ~ .. .. !: .. ~ .. OQ .. :3 .. :! ~ ~ ~ Bowmanville / Westside. Marshe.s C',... .0" ,n"se"rva: ,tl "1"0". n. A/.. r:"'e, .a,: i ,," ." ,.j I , _ ..~ "I . ,', W!e's. ~t: 's' 'id~. ie M:a~. rs,he' .5" , ..' ,.- ..~ " ,.', " ' I ~ ~ BowmanvUle I Conservation Area Heritage ~ Central ~ Lake Ontario ~ Conservation What's still to be done - Natura - Habitat restoration - Tending - new habitats - Durham Region Coastal Wetlands Monitoring Wildlife monitoring Invasive Species Contro and Remova .. .. J/ Central ~ Lake Ontario ~ Conservation B "II I W t "'d M h ' . . I . ~ ? ~ .r~' . _ "~.... :,," ~ ~' ~--, ,.~ , ; ~ ~. ~r i " ': ~ '; 'd-" . f ~. r.J!owm"ain,VI.e j / /es ,51 '.Je .' :ars.: le;S C f A ~ , ,. . · ...o,ns,erva.lon / rea~ == What's still to be done - Public Use - Monitor public use issues · Illegal Parking and entry from Cove Road · parking on road and WFT to avoid $2 fee · Angler Trails - Area promotion · Water Front Trail event summer 2009 (July 6) · Picnic site installation Promotion .. .. w./ /ie,.. '5' ,t.s' 'i~d'.le' : M,,/ .a: rshes. . , _~, ~.~. I .. " '_ . ,.' I ..' " BowmaJnville I C~ . t" A l _."oniserv'a .Ion I rea Public Support - Opening Ceremony - June 2006 .. .. Earth Day Event 2006 - Wildlife Corridor Earth Day Event 2007 - Turtle Nesting Habitat - Community Event 2008- Lookout Remova Port Darlington Resident's Assoc. It '"' Westside Marshes el r. .... .! .. ..,. / B .'1'1' r - .; or. . r;.'" ->','~ i - ~ : ~o:wma~n!vl ! ; Conservation Area dlife Response Wil .. .. It .,.. Westside Marshes Bowmanville I Conservation Area ~ ~~ .. .. ~ Central ~ Lake Ontario ~ Conservation