HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-208THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2008 - 208 being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited, Toronto, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for Consulting Services, Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited, Toronto, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first time this 8th day of December, 2008 By-law read a second time this 8th day of December, 2008 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 8th day of December, 2008 r Jim / ~y~ Energizing Ontario f December 9, 2008 DEC 1 o 2008 9 Dave Hardy MU NI 1P 1Ty0FCLARINGTON ' DEPARTMENT Hardy Stevenson & Associates Limited 364 Davenport Road Toronto, ON M5R 1 K6 Dear Mr. Hardy: RE: PORT GRANBY PROJECT -EXTENSION OF CONTRACT FOR MUNICIPAL PEER REVIEW SERVICES FILE NO.: L04.GE/E07.GE At a meeting held on December 8, 2008, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington approved the following resolution #GPA-667-08: "THAT Report PSD-126-08 be received; THAT the existing contract with Hardy Stevenson & Associates Limited, Toronto for Consulting Services, Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project, be extended to the end of 2010; THAT the total funds required be expensed to Account 100-50-385-10175-7160; THAT the By-law attached to Report PSD-126-08, as Attachment 1, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement, be approved; and THAT all interested parties be advised of Council's decision." Please be advised that By-law 2008-208 was approved by Council. Yours truly, Anne reentree, B.A., CMO Deputy Clerk CAG*mea c: Bob Zelmer, Atomic Energy of Canada Glenn Case, Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office David Crome, Director of Planning Services CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Leading the Way THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALIr,( OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE RI`P 2002-2 CONSULTING SERVICES PORT GRANBY LONG-TERM LOW.-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT CONTENTS: SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL CONDITIONS Pages 1 -7 SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS Pages 8- 16 SCHEDULE (C) EVALUATION TABLES Pages 17—20 ATTACHMENT#1 Port Granby Long-Term Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Project—Project Description ATTACHMENT#2 Draft Scope of the Environmental Assessment for the Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 4:00:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2002 Documents are to be submitted, in an envelope clearly marked as to contents, to the following: Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager Municipality of Clarington Address for Maitincr Address for Hand Deliveries: 40 Temperance Street 166 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 Bowmanville, Ontario Late Proposals will not be accepted. Request,for Proposal RFP2002-2 REQUEST FORPROPOSAL RFP2002-2 CONSULTING ADVICE TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON WITH RESPECT TO THE PORT GRANEY LONG-TERM LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT Background The existina Port Granby Waste Management Facility (WMF) is located in Part Lot 3, B.F.C. former Township of Clarke. The site is 18 ha in area and is bounded by Lakeshore Road on the north and by the Lake Ontario shoreline on the south. The shoreline is characterized by 30 metre high bluffs and two gorges on the east and west boundaries that cut into the bluff. The WMF is part of a larger land holding owned by Cameco Corporation. From 1955 to 1988, low level radioactive waste from radium and uranium processing activities at the Eldorado Nuclear plant in the Town of Port Hope (LLRW) was deposited on 11.3 ha of the site. Most of the waste is located in trenches in the central plateau, although some waste has also been deposited in the east and west gorges. The volume of LLRW and Marginally Contaminated Soils (MCS) has been estimated to range from 380,000 m3 to 500,000 m3. A number of contaminants have been identified in the waste at the Port Granby site. These contaminants include Selenium, Arsenic, and Magnesium, heavy metals (Antimony, Cadmium, and Molybedium), and radioactive materials (Radium226, Uranium and Thorium23o) In 2001, the Government of Canada entered into an agreement with the Municipality of Clarington, the Township of Hope and the Town of Port Hope (now amalgamated to form the Municipality of Port Hope) for the clean-up and safe long-term management of the LLRW located in the three municipalities. The undertaking is collectively known as the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI). The development of the Port Granby Project (the Project) is proceeding independently from the projects in the Municipality of Port Hope. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 2 Project Description The Project is based on a conceptual design developed by the local community and endorsed by Clarington Council that was accepted by the federal government as a potential iy suitable solution for the longterm safe management of the waste at the Pt. Granby WMF. This concept would involve leaving most of the waste in-place and stabilizing the site. Approximately 102,000 m3 of waste located in the East Gorge would be moved to a low profile engineered storage mound on-site. To minimize the volume of leachate created, the paste area would be capped and a groundwater interceptor trench and a steel shee± oils wall would be constructed along the northern perimeter to divert groundwater around the waste. The erosion of the bluffs would be minimized through the construction of an engineered toe berm and bluff stabilization structure. Leachate would be collected in an interceptor trench and pumped to a new treatment pond system. The project components include nine discrete activities: ■ An engineered bluff stabilization structure ■ A groundwater diversion system ■ A LLRW cover system for the Central Plateau ■ Filling and grading of the West Gorge and the East Gorge ■ East Gorge leachate collection system ■ New long-term LLRW management pond ■ Decommissioning of existing ponds ■ Surface buildings and infrastructure, and ■ Access road upgrade. At the request of Clarington Council, a number of studies are being undertaken to evaluate the following issues: • The concentration of Thorium230 in the wastes in the East Gorge • Groundwater flow through the site • Effect and suitability of proposed shoreline erosion control measures • A contingency plan for the relocation of additional wastes in the event of system failure. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 3 The first three studies are currently underway and are anticipated to be completed this spring. The results of these studies will assist Clarington Council in determining a preferred management option for the Port Granby site. The LLRW Management Office (LLRWMO), acting as proponent on behalf of the Government of Canada, is seeking the necessary approvals for the Project under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). The Project Description was released in November 2001 and the draft Scope of the Environmental Assessment was released on February 20, 2002. Comments on the draft Scope EA document are to be submitted to the federal government by March 26, 2002. The Project as currently described is at a conceptual stage and may be modified as a result of review during the environmental assessment process. Under the environmental assessment process, alternative design concepts, including the relocation of all the waste to an engineered storage mound on the north side of Lakeshore Road, will be fully evaluated. The Environmental Assessment phase of the Project is expected to take up to 5 years to complete the environmental assessment process and to receive the necessary regulatory approval. The construction of the WMF is expected to take a further 5 years. Scope of Work The Municipality of Clarington is cooperating with the Government of Canada, in particular Natural Resources Canada as the lead Responsible Authority and the LLRW Management Office as the proponent, to implement the legal agreement. The Municipality will be required to address a broad range of issues throughout the life of the Project. In this regard, the Municipality is seeking to retain a consulting team to assist in properly fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement and ensuring that the residents of Clarington achieve the best possible outcome to protect their long term health and safety. In general terms, the Consultant will be required to perform the following activities: ■ Provide strategic advice to the Municipality on the process, work plan and key decisions to be made throughout the Project Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 4 • Review reports and studies being prepared as part of the federal environmental review process, including the four studies specifically requested by Clarington Council • Provide advice to municipal staff and Council to assist in understanding the content of .technical reports • May be required to attend meetings related to the Project, including Information Open Houses if necessary • Provide expert testimony, if required, at hearings related to the Project, including licensing hearings before the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. The Project is in its very early stages and, as such, the scope of the work required form the Consultant will evolve and become more defined as the Project progresses. Areas of Expertise Required The Project is essentially a hazardous waste site with two unique elements —the presence of low level radioactive materials in the waste, and the proximity of the waste to a dynamic shoreline environment. As such, the Municipality anticipates that the Consultant will be required to have expertise in the following areas: • The Canadian environmental review process, including the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the Fisheries Act • Hazardous waste management site design • Hydrogeology • Coastal engineering • Radioactive waste, including behaviour and health implications. Qualifications and Per Diem Rates The Consultant is requested to identify a team with personnel that will be assigned to specific areas of the Project, including any sub-consultants, and their relevant experience and education. The per diem rates for each of the identified personnel should also be provided. The Consultant should also identify any potential conflicts of interest with Cameco Corporation, and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), including the Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 5 UBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Format: A proposal shall be typewritten on 8W (horizontal) by 11" (vertical) paper, spiral bound on the left side, and its contents divided into parts as itemized in 14. A proposal requires submission of five (5) copies. Proposals shall include name, address and telephone number of the proponent and all sub-consultants. EVALUATION COMMITTEE: David Crome, Director of Planning Services Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Sei vices Janice Auger-Szwarz, Senior Planner, Community Planning Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing Manager ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE: RFP Closing Date - March 13, 2002 Proponent / Evaluation - March 14 - 15, 2002 Notification for Interviews. - March 15, 2002 Proponent Interviews - March 18, 2002 Report to G.P.A. - March 25, 2002 Award - March 26, 2002 INTERVIEWS: After review of the submissions, it is preferred that three to five proponents may be selected to make a presentation or be interviewed by the Committee prior to final selection. In addition, the Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to interview any and or all proponent's references. As part of the interview, the proponent will be required to submit written comments and be prepared to discuss the Draft EA Scope document. The comments should be strategic in nature and identify any deficiencies in the process. They should be focused on protecting the Municipality's interests in the context of the federal EA process. The interviews are scheduled to take place on Monday, March 18, 2002, in Meeting Room #1, at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, commencing at 9:00 a.m., for approximately one (1) hour each. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 6 NEGOTIATION The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the selected Proponent. If the Municipality and the selected Proponent cannot negotiate a successful contract, the Municipality may terminate the negotiations and begin negotiations with the next selected Proponent. This process will continue until a contract has been executed or all Proponents have been rejected. No Proponent shall have any rights against The Municipality arising from such negotiations. ALLOCATION OF RISK The Municipality of Clarington shall not be responsible for any liabilities, costs, expenses, loss or damage incurred, sustained or suffered by any proponents) prior or subsea!gent.to or h reason of the acceptance or the non-acceptance by the Municipality of Clarington of any Proposal Document or by reason of any delay in its acceptance. COMMUNICATION: Any communication regarding this Proposal should be addressed to: Lou Ann Birkett Purchasing Manager Phone: 905-623-3689 Fax: 905-623-3330 Any substantial points of clarification will be communicated to all proponents in writing. PROPOSALS OPEN FOR ACCEPTANCE Proposals to remain open for a period of ninety (90) days after the closing date. After this time elapses, the bid may only be accepted with the consent of the successful bidder. PROJECT INITIATION AND COMPLETION: Timing of this project is critical and will be a consideration in the award of this contract. The successful consultant will be required to immediately assist Municipal Staff in the preparation of the comments on the Draft EA Scope document. The comments are to be included in a report to Clarington Council on April 8, 2002. The contract with the consultant will be on an annual basis ending December 31St, 2002, with the option to renew for the full term of the EA and licensing process for the project. Per diem increases through.the life of the contract will be in accordance with the Canadian Price Index. It is anticipated that the full process will take approximately five (5) years. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 7 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS Municipality-The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, its successors and assigns. Bidder-The person, firm or corporation submitting a bid to the Municipality. Company - The person, contractor, firm or corporation to whom the Municipality has awarded the contract, it successors and assigns. Contract - The purchase order authorizing the company to perform the work, purchase order alterations, the document and addenda, the bid, and surety. Subcontractor - A person, firm or corporation having a contract with the company for, or any part of, the work. Document -The document(s) issued by the Municipality in response to which bids are invited to perform the work in accordance with the specifications contained in the document. Bid -An offer by a Bidder in response to the document issued by the Municipality. Work - All labour, materials, products, articles,.fixtures, services, supplies, and acts required to be done, furnished or performed by the company, which are subject to the Contract. 2. SUBMISSION OF BID Bid invitation shall be in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Purchasing By-law #94- 129 and will apply for the calling, receiving, and opening of bids. The Municipality will be responsible for evaluating bids, awarding and administering the contract in accordance with the Purchasing By-law. The bid must be submitted on the form(s) and in the envelope supplied by the Municipality unless otherwise provided herein. The envelope must not be covered by any outside wrappings, i.e. courier envelopes or other coverings. The bid must be signed by a designated signing officer of the Bidder. If a joint bid is submitted, it must be signed on behalf of each of the Bidders. The bid must be legible, written in ink, or typewritten. Any form of erasure, strikeout or over- writing must be initialled by the Bidder's authorized signing officer. The bid must not be restricted by a covering letter, a statement added, or by alterations to the document unless otherwise provided herein. Failure to return the document or invitation may result in the removal of the Bidder from the Municipality's bidder's list. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 8 A bid received after the closing date and time will not be considered and will be returned, unopened. Should a dispute arise from the terms and conditions of any part of the contract, regarding meaning, intent or ambiguity, the decision of the Municipality shall be final. 3. CONTRACT The contract consists of the documents aforementioned. The contract and portions thereof take precedence in the order in which they are named above, notwithstanding the chronological order in which they are issued or executed. The intent of the contract is that the Company shall supply work, which is fit and suitable for the Municipality's intended use and complete for a particular purpose. None of the conditions contained in the Bidder's standard or general conditions of sale shall be of any effect unless explicitly agreed to by the Municipality and specifically referred to in the purchase order. 4. CLARIFICATION OF THE DOCUMENT Any clarification of the document required by the Bidder prior to submission of its bid shall be requested through the Municipality's contact identified in the document. Any such clarification so given shall not in any way alter the document and in no case shall oral arrangements be considered. Every notice, advice or other communication pertaining thereto will be in the form of a written addendum. No officer, agent or employee of the Municipality is authorized to alter orally any portion of the document. 5. PROOF OF ABILITY The bidder may be required to show, in terms of experience and facilities, evidence of its ability, as well as that of any proposed subcontractor, to perform the work by the specified delivery date. 6. DELIVERY Unless otherwise stated, the work specified in the bid shall be delivered or completely performed by the Company as soon as possible and in any event within the period set out herein as the guaranteed period of delivery or completion after receipt of a purchase order therefor. A detailed delivery ticket or piece tally, showing the exact quantity of goods, materials, articles or equipment, shall accompany each delivery thereof. Receiving by a foreperson, storekeeper or other such receiver shall not bind the Municipality to accept the work covered thereby, or the particulars of the delivery ticket or piece tally thereof. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 9 Work shall be subject to further inspection and approval by the Municipality. The Company shall be responsible for arranging the work so that completion shall be as specified in the contract. Time shall be of the essence of the contract. 7. PRICING Prices shall be in Canadian Funds, quoted separately for each item stipulated, F.O.B. destination. Prices shall be firm for the duration of the contract. Prices bid must include all incidental costs and the Company shall be deemed to be satisfied as to the full requirements of the bid. No claims for extra work will be entertained and any additional work must be authorized in writing prior to commencement. Should the Company require more "information or clarification on any point, it must be obtained prior to the submission of the bid. Payment shall be full compensation for all costs related to the work, including operating and overhead costs to provide work to the satisfaction of the Municipality. All prices quoted shall include applicable customs duty, excise tax, freight, insurance, and all other charges of every-kind attributable to the work. Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax shall be extra and not shown, unless otherwise specified herein. If the Bidder intends to manufacture or fabricate any part of the work outside of Canada, it shall arrange its shipping procedures so that its agent or representative in Canada is the importer of record for customs purposes. Should any additional tax, duty or any variation in any tax or duty be imposed by the Government of Canada or the Province of Ontario become directly applicable to work specified in this document subsequent to its submission by the Bidder and before the delivery of the work covered thereby pursuant to a purchase order issued by the Municipality appropriate increase or decrease in the price of work shall be made to compensate for such changes as of the effective date thereof. 8. TERMS OF PAYMENT Where required by the Construction Lien Act appropriate monies may be held back until 60 days after the completion of the work. Payments made hereunder, including final payment shall not relieve the company from its obligations or liabilities Under the contract. Acceptance by the company of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the company against the Municipality, except those previously made in writing in accordance with the contract and still unsettled. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 10 The Municipality shall have the right to withhold from any sum otherwise payable to the company such amount as may be sufficient to remedy any defect or deficiency in the work, pending correction of it. Payment may be made 30 days after delivery pursuant to the Bidder submitting an invoice, contract requirements being completed and work being deemed satisfactory. 9. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS The company shall, at its expense, defend all claims, actions or proceedings against the Municipality based on any allegations that the work' or any part of the work constitutes an infringement of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, and shall pay to the Municipality all costs, damages, charges and expenses, including its lawyers' fees on a solicitor and his own client basis occasioned to the Municipality by reason thereof. The company shall pay all royalties and patent license fees required for the work. If the work or any part thereof is in any action or proceeding held to constitute an infringement, the company shall forthwith either secure for the Municipality the right to continue using the work or shall at the company's expense, replace the infringing work with non-infringing work or modify it so that the work no longer infringes. 10. ALTERNATES Any opinion with regard to the use of a proposed alternate determined by the Municipality shall be final. Any bid proposing an alternate will not be considered unless otherwise specified herein. 11. EQUIVALENCY Any opinion determined by the Municipality with respect to equivalency shall be final. 12. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING The company shall not assign or subcontract the contract or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the Municipality. 13. FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE COMPANY The Municipality is entitled to request of the Company to furnish reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Municipality's obligations under the Contract. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 11 14. LAWS AND REGULATIONS The company shall comply with relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes, regulations and by-laws pertaining to the work and its performance. The company shall be responsible for ensuring similar compliance by suppliers and subcontractors. The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 15. CORRECTION OF DEFECTS If at any time prior to one year after the actual delivery date or completion of the work (or specified warranty/guarantee period if longer than one year) any part of the work becomes defective or is deficient or fails due to defect in design, material or workmanship, or otherwise fails to meet the requirements of the contract, the company, upon request, shall make good every such defect, deficiency or failure without cost to the Municipality. The company shall pay all transportation costs for work both ways between the company's factory or repair depot and the point of use. 16. BID ACCEPTANCE The Municipality reserves the right to award by item, or part thereof, groups of items, or parts thereof, or all items of the bids and to award contracts to one or more bidders submitting identical bids as to price; to accept or reject any bids in whole or in part; to waive irregularities and omissions, if in so doing, the best interests of the Municipality will be served. No liability shall accrue to the Municipality for its decision in this regard. Bids shall be irrevocable for 90 days after the official closing time. The placing in the mail or delivery to the Bidder's shown address given in the bid of a notice of award to a bidder by the Municipality shall constitute notice of acceptance of contract by the Municipality to the extent described in the notice of award. 17. DEFAULT BY COMPANY a. If the company: commits any act of bankruptcy; or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency or in respect of any of its property; or if the company makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; then, in any such case, the Municipality may, without notice: terminate the contract. b. If the company: fails to comply with any request, instruction or order of the Municipality; or fails to pay its accounts; or fails to comply with or persistently disregard statutes, regulations, by-laws or directives of relevant authorities relating to the work; or fails to prosecute the work with skill and diligence; or assigns or sublets the contract or any portion thereof without the Municipality's prior written consent; or refuses to correct defective work; or is otherwise in default in carrying out its part of any of the terms, conditions and obligations of the contract, then, in any such case, the Municipality may, upon expiration of ten days from the date of written notice to the company, terminate the contract. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 12 C. Any termination of the contract by the Municipality, as aforesaid, shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the Municipality may have and without incurring any liability whatsoever in respect thereto. d. If the Municipality terminates the contract, it is entitled to: i) take possession of all work in'progress, materials and construction equipment then at the project site (at no additional charge for the retention or use of the construction equipment), and finish the work by whatever means the Municipality may deem appropriate under the circumstances; ii) withhold any further payments to the company until the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Correction of Defects section; iii) recover from the company loss, damage and expense incurred by the Municipality by reason of the company's default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the company, any balance to be paid by the company to the Municipality). 18. CONTRACT CANCELLATION The Municipality shall have the right, which may be exercised from time to time, to cancel any uncompleted or unperformed portion of the work or part thereof. In the event of such cancellation, the Municipality and the Company may negotiate a settlement. The Municipality shall not be liable to the Company for loss of anticipated profit on the cancelled portion or portions of the work. 19. QUANTITIES Unless otherwise specified herein, quantities are shown as approximate, are not guaranteed to be accurate, are furnished without any liability on behalf of the Municipality and shall be used as a basis for comparison only. Payment will be by the unit complete at the bid price on actual quantities deemed acceptable by the Municipality. 20. SAMPLES Upon request, samples must be submitted strictly in accordance with instructions. If samples are requested subsequent to opening of bids, they shall be delivered within three (3) working days following such request, unless additional time is granted. Samples must be submitted free of charge and will be returned at the bidder's expense, upon request, provided they have not been destroyed by tests, or are not required for comparison purposes. The acceptance of samples by the Municipality shall be at its sole discretion and any such acceptance shall in no way be construed to imply relief of the company from its obligations under the contract. Samples submitted must be accompanied by current Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)where applicable. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 13 21. SURETY The successful tenderer shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy surety requirements by providing a deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or money order or other form of surety, in an amount determined by the Municipality. This surety may be held by the Municipality until 60 days after the day on which all work covered by the contract has been completed and accepted. The surety may be returned before the 60 days have elapsed providing satisfactory evidence is provided that all liabilities incurred by the company in carrying out the work have expired or have been satisfied and that a Certificate of Clearance from the Workers' Compensation Board has been received. The company shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires,-be required to satisfy fidelity bonding requirements by providing such bonding in an amount and form determined by the Municipality. Failure to furnish required surety within two weeks from date of request thereof by the Municipality shall make the award of the Contract by the Municipality subject to withdrawal. 22. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD All of the Company's personnel must be covered by the insurance plan under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. Upon request by the Municipality, an original Letter of Good Standing for the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board shall be provided prior to the commencement of Work indicating all payments by the Company to the Board have been made. Prior to final payment, a Certificate of Clearance must be issued indicating all payments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the Municipality will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company's fulfilment of the contract. Further Certificates of Clearance or other types of certificates shall be provided upon request. 23. INSURANCE The company shall maintain and pay for Comprehensive General Liability insurance including premises and all operations. This insurance coverage shall be subject to limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 inclusive per occurrence for third party Bodily Injury and Property Damage or such other coverage or amount as may be requested. The policy shall include the Municipality as an additional insured in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company. A certified copy of such policy or certificate shall be provided to the respective participant prior to commencement of the work. Further certified copies shall be provided upon request. 24. LIABILITY The company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever for all damage or injury including death to any person and all damage to any property which may arise directly or indirectly by reason of a requirement of the contract, save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality or its employees. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 14 The Company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality if the Municipality or any of its employees shall be made a party to any charge under the Occupational Health and Safety Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract. 25. VISITING THE SITE The Company shall carefully examine the site and existing building and services affecting the proper execution of the work, and obtain a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the existing conditions. No claim for extra payment will be allowed for work or difficulties encountered due to conditions of the site which were visible or reasonably inferable, prior to the date of submission of Tenders. Bidders shall accept sole responsibility for any error or neglect on their-part in this respect. 26. SAFETY The Company shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Act, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By-laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Company. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Company's obligations under this Contract. The Company shall be aware of and conform to all governing regulations including those established by the Municipality relating to employee health and safety. The Company shall keep employees and subcontractors informed of such regulations. The Company shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to the Municipality for any supplied Hazardous Materials. 27, UNPAID ACCOUNTS The company shall indemnify the Municipality from all claims arising out of unpaid accounts relating to the work. The Municipality shall have the right at any time to require satisfactory evidence that the work in respect of which any payment has been made or is to be made by the Municipality is free and clear of liens, attachments, claims, demands, charges or other encumbrances. 28. SUSPENSION OF WORK The Municipality may, without invalidating the contract, suspend performance by the company from time to time of any part or all of the work for such reasonable period of time as the Municipality may determine. The resumption and completion of work after the suspension shall be governed by the schedule established by the Municipality. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 15 29. CHANGES IN THE WORK The Municipality may, without invalidating the contract, direct the Company to make changes to the work. When a change causes an increase or decrease in the work, the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the application of unit prices to the quantum of such increase or decrease, or in the absence of applicable unit prices, by an amount to be agreed upon between the Municipality and the Company. All such changes shall be in writing and approved by the Municipality. 30. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee or member of Council of the Municipality shall sell goods or services to the Municipality in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Policy or have a direct or indirect interest in a Company or own a Company which sells goods or services to the Municipality. 31. MUNICIPAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT(MFIPPA) All correspondence, documentation, and information provided to staff of the Municipality of Clarington by every offerer, including the submission of proposals, shall become the property of the Municipality, and as such, is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and may be subject to release pursuant to the Act. Offerers are reminded to identify in their proposal material any specific scientific, technical, commercial, proprietary, or similar confidential information, the disclosure of which could cause them injury. Complete proposals are not to be identified as confidential. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 16 EVALUATION TABLE RATING DESCRIPTION 5 Excellent Exceeds the requirements of the criterion in beneficial ways /very desirable. 3 Good Exceeds the requirements of the criterion but in a manner which benefits the Municipality's needs. 2 Average Adequately meets most of the requirements of the criterion. May be lacking in some areas which are not critical. 1 Poor Addresses most, but not ail, of the requirements of the criterion to the minimum acceptable level. Lacking in critical areas. 0 Unsatisfactory Does not satisfy the requirements of the criterion in any manner. This evaluation table is provided to give the evaluation team a basis for scoring the proposals and interviews. Even though evaluations will be done by members who will grade them differently, the main focus for each person doing the rating, is to be consistent in scoring all proposals. All Proponents will be given this information with the Request for Proposal package. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 17 Consultant Interview/ Proposal Rating Criteria Rating Weight Total (0=_5) PART A—PROPOSAL SUBMISSION 1. Previous Experience -Similar(Radioactive Waste) X 4 -Canadian environmental review process, X 4 including Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the Fisheries Act -Coastal engineering X 3 - Hydrogeology X 4 2. Previous Team Experience X 4 3. Potential conflict of interest X 6 4. Price X 3 5. Working knowledge in Clarington and Port X 4 Hope Area 6. Ability to complete project in accordance with X 4 schedule SUBTOTAL PART B—REFERENCE INTERVIEWS 1. Problem Solving Skills X3 2. Reference of Key Personnel X4 3. Overall Performance X5 SUBTOTAL PART C—PROPONENT INTERVIEW 1. Ability to communicate X4 2. Attention to Concerns/Questions X4 3. Team Compatibility X4 4. Overall Presentation X2 5. Ability to think strategically X4 SUBTOTAL Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 18 1. Related project experience - considerations: - performance of Radioactive or hazardous Waste Management projects, emphasis on projects which are similar to our situation - familiarity with Port Hope Area wastes potential conflict of interest with AECL, Cameco, - previous experience working for Municipal Government - the Canadian environmental review process, including the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the Fisheries Act - Hydrogeology - coastal engineering, in particular shoreline stabilization in a dynamic coastal environment on Lake Ontario �. Team Experience i Compatibility. completeness of team - are all areas covered effectiveness of consultant as team player on previous projects. Compatibility with personnel on previous projects 3. Problem Solving Skills: what is consultants philosophy and ability to solve problems throughout project in a timely manner 4. Reference Interviews: were references satisfied with the quality of service received was there a good working rapport - has or would the reference retain the services of the consultant for additional work 5. Key Personnel- considerations: - this item is extremely important to aspects related to the smooth running of the project development - focus on the experience of Key Personnel, such as Project Manager - are the same individuals being proposed for the entire project or is it to be handed to someone else through the project - how available will these individuals be - principals of firms—accountability - any conflict of interest re: time spent on other projects by these 'key' people. 6. Ability to communicate - considerations: - this project will involve a number of meetings and presentations - clear, concise correspondence will be of utmost importance - impression of proposal - presentation - compatibility with Municipal staff Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 19 7. Working knowledge in Clarington - considerations: having previous experience in dealing with the various regional/local authorities 8. Overall impression -considerations: general feeling on proposal / interview impression of suitability for this particular job 9. Proposed Fees and Hourly.Rates -considerations: is fee proposed firm (exclusive of disbursements) within established budget. Request for Proposal RFP2002-2 20 PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING SERVICES: PORT GRANBY LONG-TERM LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT PREPARED BY: Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 364 Davenport Road H A R D Y Toronto, Ontario M5R 1K6 STEVENSON 416-944-8444 AND ASSOCIATES In association with: Terraprobe Limited Shoreplan Engineering Limited The Prism Group Radiation Safety Institute of Canada TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1-1 1.1 BACKGROUND...............................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................................1-1 2. CORPORATE PROFILES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS..................................2-1 2.1 CORPORATE TEAn-I.......................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 SELECT PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS................................................................................................2-6 3. PEER REVIEW APPROACH.......................................................................................3-1 3.1 PEER REVIEw PROCESS:..............................................................................................................3-2 4. PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION AND STAFF QUALIFICATIONS.................4-1 5. FEES...............................................................................................................................5-1 Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited j Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project H A R D Y STEVENSON SECTION 1 AND ASSOCIATES INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND This document summarizes a proposal prepared by Hardy Stevenson Associates Limited (HSAL) to assist the Municipality of Clarington with respect to the Port Granby Long-term Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Project. While proposed activities go beyond a peer review, we will use the term `peer review' to describe the core of our proposed activities. In this proposal, Hardy Stevenson Associates describes the program it will undertake to assist the Municipality of Clarington in properly fulfilling its obligations in the above project towards achieving the best possible outcome to protect the long-term health and safety of the Clarington residents. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited, in association with Terraprobe Limited, Shoreline Engineering Limited, the PRISM Group, the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada and individual associates, is very pleased to submit this Proposal to complete peer review activities to assist the Municipality of Clarington to fulfill its obligations under your Agreement with the Government of Canada. 1.2 OBJECTIVES The primary purposes of this peer review are: To provide strategic advice to the Municipality of Clarington on the process, work plan and key decisions to be made throughout the Project To review reports and studies being prepared as part of the federal environmental review process, including the four studies specifically requested by Clarington Council To provide advice to Municipality of Clarington staff and Council to assist in understanding the content of technical reports ® To attend meetings related to the Project, including Open Houses if necessary To provide expert testimony, if required, at hearings related to the Project, including licensing hearings before the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 1 1 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project H A R D Y SECTION 2 STEVENSON CORPORATE PROFILES AND ASSOCIATES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS 2. CORPORATE PROFILES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS 2.1 CORPORATE TEAM As identified in the Request for Proposal (RFP), we have assembled a team of experts who are knowledgeable and intimately familiar with the areas of expertise required to carry out the tasks associated with this project. These include: the Canadian environmental assessment review process and associated acts (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the Fisheries Act); design of radioactive waste management systems including site design and remediation; hydrogeology and geo- technical expertise; coastal engineering; and radiological and non-radiological health effects and their management. 2.1.1 Breadth of Experience: The Section on Key Personnel identifies the individual experts who will be available for the consulting tasks. It should be noted that on a team basis, the experts cover all areas required by the RFP, and on individual merits as well as by virtue of'synergism, will bring an exceptional level of expertise to the project. It can be seen from their bio-data and discussion given below that more often than not, these experiences are similar to the project at hand, and far exceed in terms of rigor needed by virtue of the waste hazards involved (such as high level nuclear wastes). The team is comprised of members who are currently not involved with AECL or CAMECO or any of the RA's. Hence there is no conflict of interest involved here. The team will be organized as an independent peer review team to provide ongoing support to the Municipality and/or its Council. The team members are personally satisfied that their know-how and experience is compatible with those required by the RFP. The team is committed to solving all problems throughout the project timeframe with due regard to technical rigor, community concerns, strategic interests of the Council, and importantly, safety of the public and the environment. The team is consultative rather than confrontational, and is skilled in co-operative consultation and smooth running with all levels of the government, regulatory agencies, and the RA's. 2.1.2 Quality Project Management: The Project Director, (Dave Hardy, R.P.P.) is particularly suited to projects of this nature, coming from a professional planning and team management background, with extensive experience in social sciences and environmental assessments, municipal planning, strategic planning and public communication. At the same time, he commands an extensive knowledge of civil engineering projects, nuclear waste management (high and low level) and domestic waste management. The Project Manager, (Dr. Mohan Rao) has led teams of professionals for nuclear waste management for the majority of his career and is fully committed to assisting the Municipality of Clarington. The Team Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 2-1 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 2 CORPORATE PROFILES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Manager, Mr. Marc Rose will ensure the high level of commitment to quality for the environmental assessment review. The make-up of the team is intended to take into its calculations the needs of the project as identified in the RFP and potential divergence as the EA advances. For example, in addition to shoreline engineering expertise, we have also included soils stabilization and geotechnical expertise on the team. Should there be a need for additional staff or change of staff, the team has access to a network of experienced professionals and would draw on new resources with the approval of the Council. The team is also able to subcontract additional work if needed, and would do so subject to prior approval by the Council. The team is designed such that all members would be available on short notice (they are all based in the Greater Toronto Area), and are willing to resolve any time conflicts and prioritize their time to the requirements of this Project. The team members are also connected with on-line resources such that communication among members is always available. Hardy Stevenson and Associates provides the office infrastructure for the team functions. The team is directly accountable to Dave Hardy, Hardy Stevenson and Associates who is the author of this proposal. The team will provide all its output in written submissions, approved by the Hardy Stevenson and Associates. This will be backed by well-designed presentations tailored to the audience such that there is effective communication in all its renderings. This will not exclude collegiate discussions of its experts with the Council staff or other organizations involved with the project. Details of key expertise available in the above areas are outlined below: 2.1.3 Canadian Environmental Assessment Review Process: The team had extensive previous involvement in major CEAA reviews. Several members have been involved in the CEAA review of the Canadian Nuclear Waste Management and Disposal Concept held in the early part of the 1990's. Members have been involved in the management of the R&D required for the preparation of the Reports over a period of two decades (1980's and 1990's), in the preparation of the Environmental Assessment Reports, in the actual hearing process including scoping hearings, review of the EA scopes and reports, defense of the reports in the public hearing process and overall management of participation in the hearing process. We have also completed several peer reviews of projects falling under the Act and have appeared at Panel Reviews as expert witnesses. The team is fully aware of the CEAA requirements, and is committed to various quality requirements such as defendable sciences including social sciences, documentation quality, good public communication and the honest and above-the-board communication with the regulators and the CEAA. The team is well-versed in the organizational relationships involved in the CEAA process, such as those between the LLRWMO, CNSC, NRCan, the Municipality of Clarington, CAMECO, and other RA's that may also be involved in this case. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 2-2 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 2 CORPORATE PROFILES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS The team has substantive experience in social impact assessments, municipal planning, environmental/land use planning, and public affairs. We also have completed satisfactory assignments for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and are fully versed to liaise with Department officials and the Municipality of Clarington over Fisheries Act requirements. 2.1.4 Radioactive Waste Management Systems Experience Many members in the team have been involved for a significant part of their careers in the design of radioactive waste management systems. They have a wide range of experience which includes: high-level waste systems for storage, transportation and disposal; low-level waste classification, segregation, processing, storage, transportation and long-term secure storage and disposal, and radioactive site remediation programs. Certain members have been involved in the management of low level waste programs and in this connection are familiar with the very low-level waste from the nuclear fuel industry. Some have been involved in the management of the LLRW waste management site at the Bruce Nuclear Power Development (BNPD). For example, Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited, together with other consultants, completed the peer review of the BNPD on-site storage facility. The team is also familiar with the history of the Port Hope/Port Granby waste site studies that have been carried out in the 1980's and the Low Level Waste Siting Task Force activities and the various federal initiatives with regard to LLRW over the years. The team has an excellent working knowledge of the Port Granby/Port Hope area. More specifically the Hardy Stevnson and Associates Limited team has intimate working knowledge of all areas of LLRW system planning and management including economic and environmental assessments, design of materials management and effluent control, preparation of drawings and specifications, evaluation of proposals, and assessment of competitive technologies, and selection of technologies. The team is well informed with international technologies, various benchmarks for the evaluation of technologies and the collective experience with these technologies. Members in their professional capacities are fully cognizant of project and time management and have extensive track record of completed successful projects managed by them. 2.1.5 Hydrogeology and Geotechnical Experience It is critically important to the health and safety of Municipality of Clarington that hydrogeological and geotechnical studies be accurate and thorough, particularly since the proposed in-situ storage will rely on soil capability as a barrier to materials release. This will include groundwater diversion, the LLRW cover for the Central Plateau, East Gorge leachate collection system and pond management and decommissioning. In addition, the filling and grading of the West and East Gorge will need to be carefully monitored. The assessment will also include alternative design concepts, including the relocation of the waste to an engineered storage mound on the north side of Lakeshore Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 2-3 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 2 CORPORATE PROFILES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Road. Consequently, the team comprises of specialists with extensive experience in hydrogeology and geo-technical sciences. Paul Bowen of Terraprobe Engineering will lead the hydrogeology and geotechnical analysis. Paul is familiar with the Municipality of Clarington and area physiography and topography, soils quality, geology, including ground stratigraphy, hydrogeology and groundwater quality. He has completed a similar assignment for Cameco and Lasko Steel in Whitby. His work on dozens of domestic waste facilities using similar approaches will be invaluable. Boro Lukajic has been added to the team because of his knowledge of soil placement and seismicity. Hydro-geological/geo-technical assessments form part of the siting studies and site monitoring activities for most in- ground systems in the nuclear waste industry and the expertise is directly relevant to the proposal on hand. 2.1.6 Coastal Engineering Experience A significant aspect of the Port Granby assessment will involve understanding and assessing bluff stabilization and assessing the effects of the basic configuration, layout, shape, size, design of the new waste management facility including bluff stabilization structures. Another consideration is whether shoreline hardening will be effective and achieve social and environmental objectives for Clarington residents. Through Shoreplan Engineering Limited our team includes impressive shoreline engineering resources and is equipped to assess all technical aspects of site design and effects mitigation. This includes peer review assessments using numerical modelling, sediment transport modelling, nearshore wave transformations, and wave hindcasting. Mr. Milo Strum, P.Eng, has completed coastal engineering assignments across the Great Lakes. 2.1.7 Radiological and Non-Radiological Health Effects Experience As noted in your RFP, a number of contaminants have been identified in the Port Granby site including: selenium, arsenic, magnesium, heavy metals (antimony, cadium and molybedium), and radioactive materials (radium 226, uranium and thorium230). The team has expertise in radiological and non-radiological health physics effects and monitoring. Expertise in this area will be essential for advising the Council on regulatory compliance of the waste management system, monitoring of surface gamma radiation, radon gas levels, leachate monitoring, groundwater and surface water monitoring, and overall health control activities. To this end, Dr. Mohan Rao, Mr. Tom Carter and Dr. Rezi Moridi have extensive experience in all aspects of hazardous, high and low level radioactive materials management, including hazardous waste management site design and the analysis of health and behavioural implications. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 2-4 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 2 CORPORATE PROFILES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS 2.1.8 Risk Communications, Public Consultation, Social Impact Assessments and Community Benefits Agreements We believe that a successful peer review process should also be a successful `people process'. Notwithstanding the public consultation and socio-economic impact assessment activities and studies that will take place during the environmental assessment process, the Council and staff of the Municipality of Clarington will still have the responsibility of assuring its residents that it has practiced due diligence in ensuring that the Port Granby project addresses health and safety concerns. Our core team members are excellent communicators, and are frequently sought out to deliver courses in nuclear risk communications. Members of the Clarington public will have little difficulty undestanding their `peer review' consulting team. Dr. Rezi Moridi of the Canadian Institute will lead risk communication for Radiation Safety. The proposed public consultation activities will be peer reviewed by Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited and led by Mr. Marc Rose and Dr. Charlotte Young. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited has extensive experience in this area, having completed over 60 public consultation assignments and being the only firm in Canada teaching Canada's Public Service how to complete a meaningful public consultation program. In February 2002, the firm delivered a course on public consultation and citizen engagement to Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency staff. In the summer of 2001, Dr. Young led a research project developing a strategy for Canada's high-level nuclear waste management program for the Waste Management Organization. Dr. Young also has extensive experience on the U.S low-level radioactive waste management program. Her public consultation research and advice continues to be used by the U.S. DOE today. The `environmental effect' also includes social and socio-economic impact assessments. We are aware that the area surrounding the Port Granby site is sparsely populated; however, the Regional study area encompasses features essential to the quality of life of Clarington residents. Therefore, we have also included expertise on understanding the - social and socio-economic effects of the Port Granby project as part of the peer review team. Hardy Stevenson has completed over 45 socio-economic and social impact assessment projects, including completing the scope of work for the short-lived Wesleyville CANDU A project. We are well equipped to analyse the results of EA studies in terms of whether they properly reflect effects on how people live, work, and play. During the EA the proponent must address cumulative effects, mitigation measures and monitoring. While the Municipalty of Clarington has advanced a commitment and funds for peer review and other activities, we feel that over the life of the project it will be important to have expertise in Community Impact and Benefits Agreements. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited are experts in understanding and crafting such agreements. In addition to giving expert evidence at Ontario's Environmental Assessment Board on agreements, the firm is currently retained to help Watford Township in their negotiations with a North American domestic landfill operator. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 2-5 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 2 CORPORATE PROFILES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS 2.2 SELECT PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS The following projects present a sampling of representative projects completed by the project team firms together or individually, which reflect the range of expertise and experience required for the successful completion of the Port Granby Project EA peer review. Bruce Nuclear Power Development Dry Storage Peer Review and Cumulative Effects Analysis Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited, together with SENES and Gartner Lee Limited, completed a socio-economic and land-use planning peer review of Ontario Hydro's CEAA analysis of the Bruce Nuclear Power Development Dry Storage facility. The deliverable of this review was a report entitled, "Overview of Cumulative Effects Assessment in support of The Bruce Used Fuel Dry Storage Facility Environmental Assessment", which was completed in July 1998. Ontario Hydro Wesleyville Candu Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited coordinated the socio-economic impact assessment of Ontario Hydro's 280OMW Wesleyville Candu A as part of the overall environmental assessment. During the assignment, HSA staff assembled and managed the consulting team, designed the assessment, defined the study area, and supervised the sub-consultants. Co-Steel/Lasco Landfill Design Terraprobe Limited designed and led the approvals process for a 1.5 million tonne industrial landfill, steel-making facility in Whitby, Ontario for Co-Steel-Lasco. As part of this process, Terraprobe assessed the potential impacts of the landfill on the development of surrounding or adjacent lands, including those related to soil and groundwater contamination, and the migration of landfill gases (methane). Assessment of Storage Tank Removal and Site Remediation Terraprobe Limited conducted a peer review of the clean-up activities for a proposed site redevelopment of a former petroleum retail facility in North York, Ontario. The peer review included on-site inspection and verification and development of a strict sampling protocol and reporting procedure in conjunction with petroleum company's consultants. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 2-6 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 2 CORPORATE PROFILES AND PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Assessment of Groundwater Related Impacts Terraprobe conducted a peer review to determine the validity of groundwater modelling conducted by another engineering consultant. The review included determination of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed land development project on groundwater recharge and sensitive wetland and stream features in the vicinity of the site. The review included evaluation of a complex computer model regarding site impacts. Class Environmental Assessment for Shoreline Protection Shoreplan Engineering Limited was retained by the Town of Grimsby to complete class environmental assessment for shoreline protection along the shore of Lake Ontario. The total length of the shoreline included in the project is approximately 300 metres. Approvals from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Transport Canada, and Ministry of Natural Resources were obtained. The project was implemented in 1995, and the Town's staff report many positive comments from local residents. Nuclear Waste System Plan As the Senior Advisor, nuclear waste management, Dr. Mohan Rao developed the nuclear waste system plan for Ontario Power Generation (OPG). The system plan addresses all short and long-term requirements for the safe management of OPG's radioactive wastes. As the system planner, he was directly responsible for evaluating existing system performance, strategic studies for future requirements, and program development. He was also intensely involved in the development of key corporate plans in waste management, such as for used fuel, low and intermediate level wastes and decommissioning wastes. IAEA Panel for the Management of Severely Damaged Fuel Dr. Mohan Rao participated in the IAEA Panel on the management of severely damaged fuel following the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The study encompassed radioactivity management aspects from severe fuel damage. Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program Dr. Mohan Rao carried out a number of studies for the safe storage of Ontario Power Generation's used fuel. These studies include siting options, strategic studies of storage versus disposal, and long term management options. He also participated in long term storage studies for nuclear fuel for Mexico (in connection with a bid) and for the Czech Republic. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 2-7 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project H A R D Y STEVENSON SECTION 3 AND ASSOCIATES PEER REVIEW APPROACH 3. PEER REVIEW APPROACH The Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited team has completed approximately 25 peer reviews including: Pearson Airport Expansion Federal EA (with expert evidence provided for Panel Review), Laidlaw Hazardous Waste Rotary Kiln (in Sarnia), and 12 landfill facilities. We have worked with municipalities all across Ontario. Our list of nuclear projects is also considerable (see Appendix 1). Over the years our peer review approach has been carefully crafted to meet the needs of our clients and their communities, and to provide clear communications to proponents and staff completing the EA. We have found that the following approach and methodology is effective for a peer review and we recommend this approach as we review reports and interact with Port Granby EA staff': PURPOSE: Is the purpose of the EA work clearly stated and all issues and impacts encompassed through the stated purpose? METHODOLOGY: Does the EA methodology address the purpose and is the methodology sound enough to permit our objective review of the issues, data and facts? INFORMATION: Are relevant data and facts clearly and consistently used in the report or study? Have cumulative effects been thoroughly understood? e CERTAINTY: Are certainties and uncertainties of the study openly and objectively stated in the EA study? Are there data gaps? Can we trust the data? Does the conclusion lead from the data? CONCLUSIONS: Are the conclusions in the research and the EA documents supported by the work undertaken? Are the conclusions supported by the data? If the peer reviewers examined the data would they reach the same conclusion? MITIGATION Are realistic mitigation measures proposed by the Port Granby consultants? Will the mitigation measures function to address effects over the life of the Project? ISSUE GAPS Are there gaps arising from the peer reviewers examination of the issues? Are there areas where the peer reviewers and Port Granby EA consultants completely disagree? Issues not studied during the EA process? How are gaps to be addressed to the point where the EA can move forward? ADEQUACY Generally, do the EA documents and research adequately address the stated purpose? Are there Federal, Provincial and local standards, regulations and guidelines that are overlooked? ' Copyright. Approach used by HSAL, Terraprobe and other team members for the peer review of the CWS Watford Warwick Environmental Assessment. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 3-1 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 3 PEER REVIEW APPROACH 3.1 PEER REVIEW PROCESS: Based on the approach stated above, we are proposing to provide strong and viable support in the peer review of Canadian Environmental Review documents with a focus on those of specific interest to the Clarington Council. 3.1.1 Goal of Peer Review We feel that the goal of the peer review should extend to meet all of the needs of Clarington Council and residents. The initial goal of the peer review is to assist the Municipality of Clarington and work with staff in assessing the AECL team's identification of a preferred management option. The peer review will include detailed technical reviews of the four studies being undertaken. These include Thorium concentration in the East Gorge wastes; site hydrogeology and groundwater flow; effect/suitability of shoreline measures to prevent erosion; and contingency plans in the event of a system failure. The overall goal is to collaborate with and assist Clarington Council over the approximately 5-year life of the Port Granby project through licensing and other means. Each of the papers will be reviewed by an expert of the team for its technical content and by the entire team for the soundness of the study scope and approach. The teams will compare the findings of the reports with other benchmarks that may be available, will make site visits to satisfy themselves with the description of reality that the reports develop, and strive to provide a balanced and in-depth understanding of the situation. The peer review teams will jointly develop peer recommendations that will then be presented to the Clarington Council. 3.1.2 Start-up Comments on the Scope of the Environmental Assessment We know that timing is critical for the review of the Draft Scope Document. The Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited core team has already familiarized itself with the draft scope of the EA. We can begin work immediately. Towards this objective, the peer review group will carry out a preliminary review of the Draft Scope of the Environmental Assessment document during the bidding stage and will make itself available for an interview with the Council. The peer review group will assist the Municipal staff in the preparation of its comments on the EA scope document, scheduled for completion on April 8, 2002. We offer the following start-up workplan: March 19: Upon hearing of the `verbal' award we will have a start-up meeting with Clarington staff. We can begin work on the basis of a verbal award. March 20: Distribution of documents and peer review methodology and outline to Hardy Stevenson firms and associates. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 3-2 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 3 PEER REVIEW APPROACH March 26-28: All day peer review team tour of Port Granby site. Meeting with Clarington Councillors and staff April 2: Facilitated all day team meeting to review coments on Draft Scope Document. Late day liaison with staff. April 3: Completion of draft comments on Draft Scoping document. Electronic circulation to all team members for final comment. April 4: Submission of report for circulation to Councillors and staff. April 5: Receipt of immediate comments April 8: Attendance at Clarington Council to provide support for Council receipt of comments 3.1.3 Ongoing Commitment Throughout the Environmental Assessment On being retained we will continue to receive Council's comments on the scope and confirm the peer review methodology. We will organize our approach to address the EA reports for when they are ready for review. The peer review group will provide written submissions to the Council regarding its views on the scope. The group will demonstrate how it will organize itself in line with the schedule of the EA process over the five years to address the broad range of issues that are likely to arise over this timeframe. The peer review group will provide advice the Council on potential RA's other than those identified, and various authorizations that may be required at the provincial and municipal levels. It is expected that the project currently at the conceptual stage will undergo changes as may be required because of EA findings. The peer review group will work closely with Clarington Council in reviewing the EA as it develops and in recommending and evaluating project changes to meet the expectations of the EA. The design experts in the team will review alternate design concepts if they are developed and the contingency storage plans which are required by scope. The team will bring to bear its own experience, in evaluations of the reports and identification of solutions to meet the EA expectations. The peer review team will strive to communicate the often-complicated technical issues in direct, easily understandable language to Council and as may be required for any public consultation activities. We will participate in the technical and other meetings that deal with the project and in so doing provide ongoing support to the Council in keeping abreast of the project developments and issues that may arise. This will include information open houses that the Council may arrange where the peer review group will act on behalf of the Council to communicate the project to the communities. Lastly, the peer review group will, if directed by the Council, provide testimony on the findings of the peer review on the various fora of the EA review process. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 3-3 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project H A R D Y SECTION 4 STEVENSON PROJECT TEAM AND ASSOCIATES STAFF QUALIFICATIONS 4. PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION AND STAFF QUALIFICATIONS It is our practice to work in partnership with our clients and to promote the open exchange of ideas and information between all members of the team. All personnel involved will remain committed to the project until their assignments are complete. It is our practice to minimize the number of key staff involved in projects to ensure continuity from beginning to end. Resumes are included in Appendix 2, while a project team organizational chart is included in Figure 4.1. PROJECT • ' RADIOACTIVE MANAGEMENT Dave Hardy, MCIP, RPP PROJECT Mohan Rao, PhD, P.Eng. Tom Carter, P.Eng. Reza Moridi, PhD, CEng Mohan - • • • Bowen,Marc Rose, MES Paul SOILS Kirk R. Johnson, P.Eng. Katherine E. Wallace, B.E.S. •A ENGINEERING Milo Sturm, P. Eng P Bruce Pinchin, P. Eng • • SOCIO-ECONOMIC COMMUNICATIONS Charlotte • eza Moridi, ) Glynn Gomes, MSc Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 4-1 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 4 PROJECT TEAM STAFF QUALIFICATIONS David R. Hardy, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Mr. Hardy is a Project Manager, Social Scientist And Environmental Planner with 25 years of nuclear waste management experience specific to public consultation and facilitation, socio-economic impact assessment and land-use analysis. Dave's research focus is the utilization of the social sciences to enhance strategic thinking related to decision-making. He is an expert on the socio-economic impacts and public consultation approaches to low and high level nuclear waste facilities. Dave's papers and opinions were prominent in the "Report of the Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept Environmental Assessment Panel" (Feb. 1998). And, in a parallel process to the 5-year review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, his expertise on the Act and EA was instrumental in his being asked by the Canadian Standards Association to Vice-Chair their National Technical Committee on Environmental Assessment. He has participated in 45 environmental assessments. He is highly successful at delivering excellent teamwork to clients on time and with attention to detail. Mohan Rao, Ph.D, P.Eng. Mohan Rao is an expert in spent fuel management, LLRW management, nuclear decommissioning with over 40 years of experience in nuclear R&D, generation, radioactivity and waste management. As a former Senior Advisor in the Nuclear Waste Management Division for Ontario Power Generation, he is intimately familiar with nuclear waste system planning, radioactivity management, Federal LLRW studies, and the LLRW siting task force. Mohan has been involved with the Port Hope waste management study and LLW inventories/characterization. Marc Rose, M.E.S. (Plan) Marc Rose is an environmental planner and a trained mediator who has considerable experience managing projects. He is currently managing a group of technical experts who are providing the City of Toronto with strategic advice for the Richmond Hill Oak Ridges Moraine Ontario Municipal Board hearing. For Ontario Power Generation, Marc managed a team of experts and helped to develop concepts of public participation that are appropriate for the long-term management of nuclear fuel waste. Tom Carter, P.Eng Tom Carter is the Principal of the PRISM Group. He has been involved in numerous peer reviews, including a review of draft Pickering GS A Restart Environmental Assessment, and also developed and implemented the technical scopes of work for the refurbishment and updating of a utility's nuclear waste management facilities. As a Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Reactor Engineer with Ontario Hydro, Tom developed nuclear decommissioning and used nuclear fuel disposal plans and technologies, improved nuclear safety, and reduced worker radiation exposure and environmental emissions through innovative design quality improvement processes. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 4-2 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 4 PROJECT TEAM STAFF QUALIFICATIONS Reza Moridi, Ph.D Reza Moridi is Vice-President, Science and Technology, at the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada. He developed and delivered numerous training courses on radiation safety in the environment. Reza has been actively involved in many environmental and occupational radiation safety projects at the Institute, and worked on the Environmental Impact Studies for the high grade uranium mines of Saskatchewan. Paul Bowen, P.Eng. Paul Bowen is a Principal of Terraprobe Limited and an expert in geotechnical engineering, hydrogeology, technical policy development, waste management and treatment, peer review and expert consultations, and environmental site assessments. He has completed numerous landfill studies, including an inventory of 120 abandoned landfill sites in Ontario that involved a detailed review of local and regional hydrogeologic conditions and detailed site inspections. Milo Sturm, P. Eng. Milo Sturm is the President of Shoreplan Engineering Limited and has 22 years of experience in coastal engineering. He has managed a number of multidisciplinary waterfront studies and shoreline management plans. He has participated in a number of studies in close proximity to the study area. These include Motel Strip Waterfront Park, bluffs issues pertaining to South Marine Drive, Guildwood Inn, Guildwood Parkway, East Point Marina Master Plan, Kingsbury Crescent, and Eastern Beaches. A number of projects designed by him in the last five years have included fisheries habitat features. Among these are the Murray Street Park in Grimsby, the Martindale Pond Fish Habitat Compensation Plan element in St. Catharines, the Jordan Harbour Compensation Plan for QEW Expansion, McKenzie Park Shore Protection in Sarnia, Crystal Beach Park Launch Ramp and the last phase of Lakefront Promenade Park known as Eastern Headland. Bruce Pinchin, P. Eng. Bruce Pinchin is a senior coastal engineer with Shoreplan Engineering Limited and has 19 years of experience in coastal engineering on the Great Lakes and the Caribbean. He has participated in a number of design projects on Lake Ontario including the artificial beach design at Oakville's Lakeside Park, wave attenuation structures at Boulevard Club, the Guildwood Parkway, Fishleigh Drive, Watersedge Road, Fifty Point Conservation Area and Kingsbury Crescent. His expertise lies primarily with wave hindcasting, nearshore wave transformation, wave run-up. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 4-3 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project SECTION 4 PROJECT TEAM STAFF QUALIFICATIONS Boro Lukajic, P.Eng Boro Lukajic has over thirty years of world-wide engineering experience in soils and tunnelling projects, related to transportation, hydroelectric, nuclear and thermal projects; as well as nuclear waste management, mining and industrial projects. His tunnelling experience includes feasibility study, design, construction management, risk assessment and quality control for numerous projects in Canada, U.S.A., Middle East, Hong Kong, Central America and South America. Currently, acting as a specialist tunnelling consultant and serving in advisory capacity on tunnelling projects in Canada, U.S.A. and Central America. Boro is well known for his many contributions to the International Tunnelling Association (ITA). He served as the President of the Tunnelling Association of Canada between 1994 and 1998. Charlotte Young, Ph.D. Charlotte Young's practice focuses on conceptualizing and directing strategies to improve energy and environmental decision-making. She brings to this assignment 20 years of experience in policy and organizational development in the nuclear energy, natural resources and environmental field. She has an international reputation as a public consultation practitioner, researcher, and facilitator. In addition, Dr. Young has analyzed socio-economic conditions for environmental assessment and related programs. Glynn Gomes, MSc Glynn Gomes is an environmental consultant who specializes in developing environmental strategy, policy development/analysis, and stakeholder consultation. He is recognized in his field for applying a scientific understanding to environmentally related social and policy issues. Glynn's related experience includes analyzing National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (U.S.A.) coastal zone management programs and description of lessons learned, unique approaches, case study successes, and information sharing. He has in-depth expertise on Fisheries Act issues. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 4-4 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project H A R D Y STEVENSON SECTION 5 AND ASSOCIATES FEES 5. FEES Overall, it is our objective to meet your budget for this assignment. And, for our other clients, we have an exceptional record of delivering a quality product within or below budget. You can expect accurate accounting, invoices accompanied by receipts and a transparent accounting of time and expenses. However, several factors make it difficult to present a firm budget for this assignment: 1) to meet the deadline for comments on the Draft Scope of Work, Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited staff must be active before the Award of the Contract; 2) the Municipality of Clarington has reserved the right to negotiate the initial contract; 3) the contract will be renegotiated on an annual basis starting December 2002, 4) the level of work will vary depending on the approved Scope of the EA. Thus, we are proposing the following fixed fee structure per 7.5-hour day for the period of the initial contract. Fees are exclusive of disbursements. Dave Hardy $1,200. . Glynn Gomes $ 650. Mohan Rao $ 750. . Paul Bowen $1,100. Reza Moridi $ 900. . Kirk R. Johnson $ 980. Boro Lukajic $ 750. . Katherine Wallace $ 850. Charlotte Young $1,200. . Milo Sturm $ 825. Tom Carter $1,000. . Bruce Pinchin $ 675. Marc Rose $ 510. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 5-1 Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project H A R D Y STEVENSON APPENDIX 1 AND ASSOCIATES HARDY STEVENSON NUCLEAR WASTE EXPERIENCE Prime Consultant(Our Project Name Duration Completion Client Name and Value(CDN$) Firm or Other) Date Contact Information Hardy Stevenson and Associates Ltd.has over25 years of environmental assessment,land-use approvals and resource planning experience with infrastructure projects both inside and outside of the nuclear sector. Dave Hardy as Principal has given'expert level'evidence before every significant Panel,Board and Administrative Tribunal. Gartner Lee Limited in Peer Review- Bruce Nuclear Power 6 months Sept 1998 Mr.Kurt Johansen $75,000 (total partnership with Hardy Development Dry Storage EA-Land- (416)592-5190 contract Stevenson and Use and Resources Component including HSA's Associates share) Hardy Stevenson and Proposed Wesleyville CANDU A - 3months October, Dr. Jane Tennyson $31,850 Associates in Environmental Assessment SIA 1990 (416)592-3069 Partnership with Gartner Workplan-Land-Use Component Lee Limited Dave Hardy,R,P.P. Nuclear Fuel Waste Management 3 months Summer, Mr. Kurt Johansen (internal Ontario Concept - as part of initial concept 1981 (416)592-5190 Hydro OM&A assessment reviewed Land Use budget) issues for AECL Dave Hardy and Marc, In Durham Region, completed the 3 years Since 1998 Ms.Debbie Korolnek, Approximately Rose, as subs for Land-Use Analysis for the York Project Engineer, $25,000 Gartner Lee Limited Region Long Term Water Supply York Region (905) Project 830-4444 x 3015 Dave Hardy and Hardy Peer review for the Interim Waste 2.5 years Fall 1992 to Ms, Orna Solomon, Approximately Stevenson and Authority - completed Durham Spring 1995 Fiscal and Economic $250,000. Associates staff Region Population and Employment Analysis Branch, projections in support of the land-use Ministry of the analysis as part of the socio- Environment (416) economic analysis of the GTA 3Rs 323-4561 options. Dave Hardy and Hardy Qualified as Professional Land-Use 20 years Since 1980 Ontario Professional N/A Stevenson and Planners, as "R.P.P." = Registered Planners Institute, Associates staff Professional Planners. Completed 234 Eglinton Avenue over 25 land-use and resource East, Toronto (416) planning studies for a variety of 483-1873 clients, Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited has completed over 45 social and socio-economic impact assessment studies. Hardy Stevenson and Report "Canadian Case Study 1 year 1992 Ms. Mary Greber $30,000 approx Associates for AECL Analysis of the Nuclear Waste formerly AECL (204) Transportation Component of Site 753-2539 Selection Process" Hardy Stevenson and Preparation of Series of Social 1 year 1990 Dr.Syed Naqvi(Ret.) $35,000 Associates Limited Ethical Issue Summary Papers and Dr. Mohan Rao related to Dry Storage and Other (Ret.) Ontario Hydro Waste Management approaches Nuclear Waste arising from issues raised during the Management public consultation process Department #3 Long Term Approaches to Waste Management(wet vs.dry storage) # 7 Impact of Recycling or Other Processes on the Volume of Waste Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited i Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project APPENDIX 1 HARDY STEVENSON NUCLEAR WASTE EXPERIENCE Prime Consultant(Our Project Name Duration Completion Client Name and Value(CDN$) Firm or Other) Date Contact Information Hardy Stevenson and Report: Nuclear Fuel Waste 1 year 1991 Dr.Syed Naqvi(Ret.) $45,000 Associates Limited Management Program: Suggested and Dr. Mohan Rao Responses to Social and Ethical (Ret.) Ontario Hydro Issues raised by the public at FEARO Nuclear Waste Panel Scoping Hearings Management Department Dave Hardy Organized conference on social 1 year 1980 Mr, Sam Horton OM&A Budget impact and related ethical issues and (Ret.) Senior edited proceedings "Moral and Executive Vice Ethical Issues relating to Nuclear President, Ontario Energy Generation:Proceedings of a Hydro Seminar" Dave Hardy and HSAL Social and Community Assessment 1.5 years 1978,1979 Report submitted to OM&A Budget of Irradiated Fuel Interim Storage Nuclear Materials Options study and Ontario Hydro Management Reports 79177, 79178, 79178 Department: (appendix) socio-economic and land- Contact: Kurt use analysis and evaluation of interim Johansen (416) 592- on-site and off-site irradiated fuel 5190 or Margaret storage options for Pickering, Bruce Smith (416) 592- and Darlington 3950 Dave Hardy, Brian Irradiated Fuel Management: Long 1 year 1982 Report submitted to OM&A Budget Dalziel et al at Nuclear Term Storage of Irradiated CANDU Nuclear Materials Materials Management Fuel - assessment of social and Management Department community impact of waterpool, Department: convection vault storage, concrete Contact: Kurt silos and boreholes. Ontario Hydro Johansen (416) 592- report#82064 5190 or Margaret Smith (416) 592- 3950 Dave Hardy, Mark Extended Storage Study:Social and 1 year 1981 Report submitted to OM&A Budget Stevenson Community Impact Assessment Nuclear Materials reviewing the socio-economic, land- Management use and resource effects of on-site Department: storage options. Ontario Hydro Contact: Kurt Report#81094 Johansen (416) 592- 5190 or Margaret Smith (416) 592- 3950 Dave Hardy and Population and Employment Influx 3 months 1980 Report submitted to OM&A Budget Roberta Winger Model Pre-Lotus Model for predicting Nuclear Materials population and employment effects of Management Canada's Long Term Nuclear Waste Department: Management Facility Contact: Kurt Johansen (416) 592- 5190 or Margaret Smith (416) 592- 3950 Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited ii Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project APPENDIX 1 HARDY STEVENSON NUCLEAR WASTE EXPERIENCE Prime Consultant(Our Project Name Duration Completion Client Name and Value(CDN$) Firm or Other) Date Contact Information Dave Hardy, Brian Management of Irradiated Fuel: .75 years 1980 Report submitted to OM&A Budget Dalziel et at at Nuclear Extended Storage Alternatives Nuclear Materials Materials Management contribution to the socio-economic, Management Department land-use and resource analysis of on- Department: site and off-site storage options. Contact: Kurt Ontario Hydro Report#80124 Johansen (416) 592- 5190 or Margaret Smith (416) . 592- 3950 Dave Hardy,et al World Bank, Energy Division Senior 2 months 1996 Presentation at the HSA internal staff presentation, Energy Division, invitation of the World costs Socio-economic strategic Bank on Social considerations in nuclear reactor Impacts related to operation, decommissioning and reactor operation and spent fuel management, nuclear waste management. Mr. Tariq Housain (202) 473-3907 Hardy Stevenson and Associates staff have a wide range of experience in consulting with aboriginal groups including defining consultation programs, conducting liaison activities and documenting results. Recent work includes liaising with First Nations related to the Cumulative Effects Assessment of the Dry Storage Program atBNPD. Hardy Stevenson and Nuclear Fuel Waste Management 1 year 1993 Ms. Mary Greber Associates Limited Concept: Literature Review and formerly AECL (204) Analysis - Moral and Ethical Issues 753-2539 for AECL including section on Aboriginal Values Mark Stevenson and Report for AECL on Aboriginal Issues 6 months 1994 Ms. Mary Greber $24,000 HSA staff and Approaches for Long Term formerly AECL (204) Nuclear Waste Management. 753-2539 Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited has participated in 45 environmental assessment studies.Most of the studies required a cumulative effects analysis.In recognition of expertise,Dave Hardy was appointed as Acting-Chair of the Canadian Standards Association,Technical' Committee on Environmental Assessment. Gartner Lee Limited in Bruce Nuclear Power Development 6 months September, Mr. Kurt Johansen, $75,000 (total partnership with Hardy Dry Storage, Cumulative Effects 1998 (416)592-5190 contract Stevenson and Analysis including HSA's Associates Limited share) Hardy Stevenson and Scoping of Cumulative Effects portion 5 months May 1998 to Mr. Bob James(416) $35,000 approx Associates in of Environmental Assessment for December 592-7591 and Mr, association with Senes ITER at Darlington and Bruce 1998 Tony Tidbury (416) Consultants for the 592-5979 in support Canadian Fusion Fuel of Dr.Don Dautovich Technology Program Ecological Services Completed cumulative socio- 5 years 1995-2000 Mr. Peter Prier of $15,000 approx Group International in economic effects analysis of several ESGI(519)836-6050 association with Hardy hydrocarbon pipelines whose routing, Stevenson and construction and operation was Associates Limited subject to CEAA and National Energy Board Guidelines Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited iii Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project APPENDIX 1 HARDY STEVENSON NUCLEAR WASTE EXPERIENCE Prime Consultant(Our Project Name Duration Completion Client Name and Value(CDN$) Firm or Other) Date Contact Information Hardy Stevenson and Completed cumulative effects peer 1 year 1993 Reference on $12,500 Associates Limited review of L.B. Pearson Airport Request Expansion for local municipalities and residents groups - Panel presentation. Expert witness at EARP Panel Review. Dave Hardy and HSA staff and Associates Limited have completed over 50 public involvement programs across Canada. Many PIP programs have involved nuclear waste management.In 2000 the Government of Canada awarded HSA a contract to develop a PIP training program for Canada's civil servants. Hardy Stevenson and Peer Review of 160 Issues Raised by 1 week October, Dr. Duncan Moffett, $12,000 Associates Limited in Community Working Group - 1999 Golders Associates support of Golder Pickering Generating Station Limited Associates Ltd Environmental Review program (905)567-4444 dmoffett @golder,com i Dave Hardy Report on Canadian Approaches to 2 months May 1995 Radovic Consulting $5,000 Public Consultation related to High (telephone on Level Nuclear Waste Management request) for NUSYS Paris France for a Japanese Utility Dave Hardy Strategic analysis of Storage of Low 1 month 1996 Ms. Margaret Smith $3,500 Level Waste at Chalk River research (416)592.3950 memo Dave Hardy Social and Community Assessment 1.5 years 1978,1979 Report submitted to OM&A Budget of Transportation of Irradiated Fuel Nuclear Materials Options focus group research on Management transportation modes and cask Department: design options. Contact: Kurt Johansen (416) 592- 5190 or Margaret Smith (416) 592- 3950 Hardy Stevenson and Scoping of Public Consultation and 5 months May 1998 to Mr. Bob James(416) $35,000 approx Associates in Public Acceptance Strategy for ITER December 592-7591 and Mr. association with Senes at Darlington and Bruce 1998 Tony Tidbury (416) Consultants for the 592-5979 in support Canadian Fusion Fuel of Mr.Don Dautovich Technology Program Hardy Stevenson and Pickering Generating Station - 1 year October, Ms,Laurie Swami $65,000(approx) Associates Limited in Environmental Review Program: 1998 Mr.Stu Sears association with Senes organized Pickering Community PNGS - (905) 839- and Gartner Lee Limited Advisory Committee; organized 0714 x 6844 stakeholder meetings and facilitated same; prepared and distributed minutes and documented 160 issues raised by group (authored the Volume 3 Report - Stakeholder Consultation Process and Public Issues and Concerns) Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited iv Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project APPENDIX 1 HARDY STEVENSON NUCLEAR WASTE EXPERIENCE Prime Consultant(Our Project Name Duration Completion Client Name and Value(CDN$) Firm or Other) Date Contact Information Hardy Stevenson and Pickering Generation Station tritium 3 months December, Mr. Derrek Cresswell $25,000 Associates Limited in groundwater remediation public 1998 c/o PNGS(905)839- association with CH2M consultation workshops (liaised with 1151 Gore and Storrie Durham residents and managed stakeholder public consultation meetings) Hardy Stevenson and Admiralty Brass Stakeholder 5 months May,1998 Mr. John Grieve, $30,000 Associates Limited Workshops (Pickering NGS and Manager Nanticoke TGS) Environment Fossil (416)592-6809 Hardy Stevenson and Extensive Public Consultation 3 years Spring 1998 Ms.Debbie Korolnek, Associates Limited Program with Durham Region to present Project Engineer, - residents over the York Region Long York Region (905) Term Water Supply Project in 830-4444 x 3015 support of the Region, North West Water and the Interregional Consultants Group. PIP strategy, information development, workshop design and facilitation,etc. Hardy Stevenson and Intensive Consultation of 6 months June 1994 to Mr. Ken Dormuth $65,000 Associates Limited Government Review (including January AECL (204) 753- AECB) Stakeholders reviewing 1995 2311 AECL's Nuclear Fuel Waste Management (Draft) Concept Assessment EA Documents. Invited participants, facilitated Ottawa meetings and prepared Facilitator's report. AECL Government Review Facilitator's Report Hardy Stevenson and Summary presentations to the 1 month November N/A N/A Associates Limited Nuclear Fuel Waste Management 1990 Environmental Assessment Panel (Issues Scoping Phase): "Nuclear Fuel Waste Management:Moral and Ethical Issues" November 1990 Dave Hardy Managed liaison, public and 2 years 1984,1985 Mr. Sam Horton NIA stakeholder consultation and hearing (Retired) support for Ontario Hydro re: Senior Vice President Interfaith Program for the Public Ontario Hydro Awareness of Nuclear Issues. Facilitated communications for Ontario Hydro Board. Final Report: Interfaith Program for Public Awareness of Nuclear Issues, Dave Hardy Initiated public consultation, 1 year 1986 Canadian Fusion OM&A Budget managed and documented Fuels Technology stakeholder and public consultation Centre input to issues of tritium management and export related to Darlington TRF. Supervised production of Ontario Hydro report # SCS 86001 "Summary of the Tritium Consultation Program" Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited v Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project APPENDIX 1 HARDY STEVENSON NUCLEAR WASTE EXPERIENCE Prime Consultant(Our Project Name Duration Completion Client Name and Value(CDN$) Firm or Other) Date Contact Information Dave Hardy,supervision "Religious Organizations Debate 1 year 1984 Corporate Relations OM&A Budget of Mr. Tom Dowell of Nuclear Energy" - reviews issues Branch, Ontario Energy Exchange raised by religious organizations as Hydro nuclear energy and nuclear waste management stakeholders. Ontario Hydro report#84349 Dave Hardy Scoped, managed and documented 2 years 1986 System Planning, OM&A Budget the Demand Supply Planning Ontario Hydro Strategy Provincial Stakeholders, Provincial Utility, Direct Customer and Public Consultation Program (300 participants across Ontario) Proctor and Redfern in For Durham Region, developed a 5 months 1993 Durham Region $14,500 association with Hardy Public Consultation Plan for the Stevenson and public consultation component of the Associates Limited Durham Waste Transfer Facility Additional Comments: Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited has completed several confidential internal projects for Ontario Power Generation related to Pickering and Corporate Issues, Nuclear Waste Management Risks Options and the new Waste Management Organization. Please contact our references: Ms.Donna Pawlowski(OPG)(416)592.6957(margaret.a.smith @ontariopowergeneration.com) regarding: 1) Hardy Stevenson's work for the OPG public consultation. Mr. Peter Stevens-Guille (OPG) (416) 592-6052 (peter.d.stevens-guille@hydro.on.ca) regarding Hardy Stevenson's work regarding risks assessments related to nuclear waste management options Ms.Elizabeth Lea(OPG)(416)592-7084 regarding public disclosure Ms.Ann Rexe(City of Toronto)(416)414-9364 regarding project management and strategic analysis Ms.Grace Patterson(City of Toronto)(416)392-8365 regarding project management and strategic analysis Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited vi Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project APPENDIX 2 CURRICULUM VITAE Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited j Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES DAVID R. HARDY B.A. (lions.), M.E.S., M.C.I.P, R.P.P. EDUCATION AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Master of Environmental Studies,York Socio-Economic Impact Assessment University, 1978 Land-Use and Environmental Planning Facilitation and Public Consultation B.A. (Hons), Sociology-Urban Studies,York Project Management University, 1975 Strategic Planning, Social Marketing and Communications PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION EXPERIENCE Canadian Institute of Planners David Hardy is a Principal of Hardy Stevenson Ontario Professional Planners Institute and Associates Limited,a firm specializing in Board Member and Director, Policy land-use and environmental planning,facilitation, Development social/cultural,environmental economic and Past-Editor of the Environment Column Socio-economic impact assessment,public Ontario Planning Journal; consultation, strategic planning and project Member of the Examination Committee management.Dave is a Registered Professional International Association of Public Participation Planner, social scientist and trained facilitator and International Association for Impact has extensive experience in all of these areas. Assessment(Past-Director and Secretary) Ontario Association for Impact He has managed over 45 socio-economic and Assessment (Past-Director) cultural impact studies on projects having a value Past-President,Conservation Council of Ontario of over$12 billion and has written extensively on Past-President, Scarborough North Rotary matters pertaining to the environment. He has Past-Vice-Chair,Canadian Standards completed numerous studies and management Association, Technical Committee on processes related to ground water management. Environmental Assessment Past-Vice-Chair, Scarborough Social Planning Dave has provided expert evidence at the: Council Paul Harris Fellow,Rotary International Ontario Energy Board, Ontario Court of Appeal(Discovery Hearing), Ontario Municipal Board, Ontario Environmental Assessment Board, Consolidated Joint Board and the Federal CEAA and EARP Panels. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 364 Davenport Road,Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1K6 ® Telephone: 416-944-8444® Fax: 416-944-0900 Toll-Free: 1-£377-267-7794 9 hsa @hardystevenson.com * www.hardystevenson.com 2 EMPLOYMENT 1990-PRESENT Halton Region,Water and Sewer Servicing Principal,Hardy Stevenson and Associates Ltd. Study, staff workshop facilitation and consultation 1989- 1990 Senior Planner-Long Range,Town of Aurora. Facilitated staff and consultant Workshop towards South Peel Bio-Solids Strategy Goals 1986- 1989 and Objectives. Coordinator-President's/Chairman's Office, Ontario Hydro. Facilitated 8 meetings of Toronto Beneficial Use of Bio-Soilds Multi-Stakeholder Advisory 1984- 1986 Committee and developed public consultation Senior Community Studies Planner, Ontario and communications strategy. Also prepared a Hydro. social evaluation matrix for proposed pelletization technologies. 1978- 1984 Community Studies Planner,Ontario Hydro. Land-use and environmental analysis,York Region Long Term Water Supply Project' 1977- 1978 Durham West Corridor,land-use and socio- Community Relations Officer,Ontario Hydro. economic study for proposed water pipeline and related facilities for York Region and North West Water Utilities. REPRESENTATIVE ASSIGNMENTS Reviewed application of'environment-first' policies within Town of Richmond Hill,Ontario LAND-USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL Official Plan(OPA 129)for Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Resident Association. Expert evidence at PLANNING Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Centennial Creels Watershed public Socio-Economic Impact Review of Little consultation and planning- Scarborough. Jackfish River Hydro-electric Development. Assisted City of Toronto with public consultation Review of Ministry of the Environment's Blue for watershed remediation and prepared`citizens Review for the Armstrong Resource tool kit' for ecosystem management. Development Corporation. Peel Region, Caledon East Water Supply Developed and led the public consultation Study,and Pressure Zone 7 facilitation of program for the Town of Aurora's Official Plan Public Meetings and Workshops. review. Activities included working with local politicians,convening citizens'committees, For York Region,via,North West Water-- developing information panels, and organizing prepared a draft approach for social marketing of community workshops. water conservation programs. The Region chose a different approach. Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 3 Land-use analysis,Dorval Drive Environmental consultants to prepare a submission on planning Assessment,Oakville,Ontario a new town of 90,000 residents. Land-use and socio-economic analysis of Planning analysis and socio-economic impact Morningside Heights transportation route assessment associated with Pit expansion and alignment in Scarborough/Markham. Gravel Haul route in Oro Township. Expert testimony at O.M.B.Hearing under Aggregate Peer review of Canadian Waste Services, Resources Act and Planning Act. Warwick Landfill Expansion for Warwick Watford Public Advisory Committee. Assisted Markborough Properties with Oak Ridges Moraine environmental planning Peer review of Canadian Waste Services, strategy associated with the development of a Richmond Landfill Expansion for Richmond Regional Mall in York Region. Public Advisory Committee and Environmental Advisory Committee. Assumed primary responsibility for completing,and supervising consultants Conducted Preliminary Environmental conducting Official Plan Review studies Assessment of the location of an aluminium satisfying the requirements of the Planning Act. diecasting manufacturing facility in Petang Wrote the terms of reference, supervised the State, Malaysia awarding of contracts and managed studies of the land use,housing,culture and recreation, Monitor and review of planning applications commercial and retail and transportation aspects pertaining to Cellular Tower locations of of the Official Plan Review.Developed draft telecommunications company(Microcell) environmental policies. Chaired,Transportation Policy Committee;Member of Culture and Analysis and report on planning considerations Recreation Master Plan Committee. (Senior involved with By-law variance, 853 Bathurst St. Planner,Town of Aurora). Participated as Toronto; OMB Hearing. Aurora planner representative on York Region Review of'Home Work'By-law, City of Community Services Council. Toronto for Deer Park Ratepayers'Group Inc., fall 1996 Completed water and sewer servicing, population,demographic and employment Review of new Housing townhouse subdivision, projections,prepared planning reports, Caledon, Winter 1996 commented on O.P.A.s and Secondary Plan Applications and maintained liaison with Review of DeBuono property severance Regional and Provincial representatives(Senior application for Mr. &Mrs. Watt,King Township Planner,Town of Aurora). before Committee of Adjustment review, summer 1996. Prepared work plan and approach for funding,public consultation,preparing for Rotary Seniors Village,developed proposal for zoning and Official Plan amendment for a 3,000 unit community. Managed team of non-profit housing development(Holy Trinity consultants. [Guildwood], Scarborough). "Seaton" new community eco-system land use Completed a zoning analysis of the proposed planning proposal. Managed team of North Toronto Community Centre and expert Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. a testimony re: Ontario Court of Appeal. Social impact assessment,Five W Farms quarry aggregates expansion application,OMB Assigned as Planner by Ontario Hydro to assist appearance. Town of Atikokan in addressing socio-economic and land-use impacts associated with generating Hotel Dieu Hospital(Kingston),analysis of station construction.Negotiated agreements. social impacts to local community of Health Services Restructuring Commission City of Scarborough.As Planning Assistant, recommendations pertaining to Hotel Dieu (student position)updated land use maps,drafted Hospital by-law changes, completed the industrial district transportation study,commercial land use studies, 1177284 Ontario Limited,examination of social population density studies,zoning change and cultural impacts of siting a crematorium and assessments and parking studies. columbary in Vaughan,Ontario Produced a response to the Province's Blueprint Vector Pipeline,completion of socio-economic for Waste Management and,as a team member, analysis and public consultation strategy for final developed a position on energy policy(Ontario link of the Chicago to New York 48"natural gas Professional Planners Institute). pipeline. Completed data collection and analysis, and authored a research report on the Micro-Economic Analysis,Analysis of the socio-economic impacts of urban growth(as economic benefits of the$160 million dollar Vice-Chair, Scarborough Social Planning Millennium(Dawn,Ontario to Lake Erie) Council). pipeline. Completed a policy study on land use and Social Impact Assessment Dawn Compressor sustainable development for submission to the Station to Lake Erie 36" natural gas pipeline, World Commission on Environment and with Ecological Services for Planning and Development.(Conservation Council of Ecoplans for Union Gas and TransCanada Ontario). Pipelines Centreville Quarry,socio-economic impact ECONOMIC AND SOCIO- assessment peer review,Camden East Township, ECONOMIC IMPACT for Lafarge Canada Limited,appeared and gave ASSESSMENTS expert evidence before the Ontario Municipal Board Micro-Economic Analysis of Sithe Generating Balm Beach,Perkinsfield and Wyevale, Station Goreway Plant,Brampton,Ontario. Consumers Gas,(Tiny Township)XHP 4" natural gas pipeline socio-economic impact Supervised socio-economic impact study of assessment with Ecological Services for Planning timber harvesting policy options for Ontario Ministry of Natural Resource. Carp 4" Pipeline Socio-Economic Study with Ecological Services for Planning for Consumers Socio-economic impact peer review Rockfort Gas for proposed natural gas pipeline,with Quarry application Town of Caledon. Ecological Services for Planning. Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 5 Dufferin County,Site U4 landfill analysis and Preparation of Evidence and Expert Waste Generation and 3Rs review,for Testimony,North Simcoe Landfill,Terms, Harrington and Hoyle,East Luthur Grand Valley Conditions and Compensation,on behalf of Wye Township. Citizens. Socio-economic Impact Assessment of High Peer review of social impact assessment and Occupancy Vehicle(HOV)Lanes, supporting public consultation program for a proposed 12 Proctor and Redfern and Metro Toronto inch natural gas transmission pipeline for the Transportation Department. Town of Ancaster, Ontario. Expert evidence at Ontario Energy Board. ITER Research Facility, Socio-economic impact site assessments and scoping Federal Peer Review of Taro Aggregates East Quarry Environmental Assessment requirements for Landfill proposal social impact assessment; Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Centre preparation of proposed socio-economic Conditions of Approval. Research on Community Impact Agreements in relation to Taro Quarry Landfill,for Peer Review of Social Impact Assessment of Turkstra, Garrod,Hodgson Laidlaw Inc.Rotary(PCB)Kiln, Sarnia. Retained by Citizen's Environmental Action Socio-economic and cultural impact Group through Willms and Shier. assessment study,Line Nine project for InterProvincial Pipelines Limited. With Social Impact Assessment and Public Ecological Services for Planning. Consultation Review of Steetley Quarry Products Hamilton-Wentworth landfill site Socio-economic and cultural impact environmental assessment documents. assessment study,Consumers Gas,Supply to Environmental Assessment Board expert witness Village of Chalk River and Chalk River on behalf of Greensville Citizens Against Serious Nuclear Labs of proposed 4"natural gas Pollution and the Calvin Christian School. pipeline. With Ecological Services for Planning. Social Impact Assessment of 3R's Strategies in Socio-economic and cultural impact the Greater Toronto Area,work currently in assessment study,Centra Gas,Supply to progress for the Ministry of the Environment. Tweed,Ontario and IKO to Marmora, Reviewing demographic factors related to Ontario of proposed 4"natural gas pipeline.For efficacy of 3R's programs. Joint project with RIS Centra Gas Limited. Ltd.,Future Urban Research and Dillon Consultants Ltd. Socio-economic and cultural impact assessment study,Consumers Gas Dufferin Socio-economic Analysis of Tenaska Energy Simcoe Reinforcement study of proposed 12" (Omaha,Nebraska)and Campbell's Soup Co- natural gas pipeline(work in progress). For generation project. Project management, social Consumers Gas Limited. and economic impact analysis of 100 MW proposed co-generation facility in South Peer Review Laidlaw Environmental Inc. Etobicoke. Joint project with Chait and hazardous waste landfill Compensation and Associates and Jonathan Kauffman and Terms of Good Neighbour Policy --Laidlaw Associates. Environmental and WOHICA. Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 6 World Bank,Senior staff presentation,Energy Ontario transmission expansion and the Supply Division, re: socio-economic strategic to Ottawa. (Approved by the Consolidated considerations in reactor operation, Hearings Board). decommissioning and spent fuel management in CIS countries and Eastern Europe,Washington, Conducted (with research support)the D.C. in cooperation with ESTI Ltd. community impact monitoring program for the Atikokan Generating Station community impact Prepared witnesses and conducted research to agreement. As a member of a project team, support Ontario Hydro social impact assessment researched and supervised the production of team testifying at the Environmental Assessment annual community impact monitoring reports. Board Demand/Supply Plan Hearings. (In association with research conducted for the Coordinated the socio-economic impact Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Centre and assessment for Ontario Hydro's 280OMW with support from computer scientists),Assumed Wesleyville Candu A project environmental lead responsibility for developing the assessment.Assembled and managed the SIA Population and Employment Influx Model,a consulting team, designed the assessment,defined pre-Lotus program for determining the study area,and supervised sub-consultants. population and employment impacts. Researched potential socio-economic impacts Response to The Interim Waste Authority's associated with the siting of a future North Step 5 Approach and Criteria,Joint Author, Channel Generating Station, and assisted in the Social impact analysis, site examination, completion of the North Channel Social structured interviews regarding impact of M6 Evaluation of Sites: Support Document. Town of Markham proposed landfill site. Assumed lead responsibility for the study IWA Short List Analysis,South York Quarry design,research, assessment of associated Lands. Project management of comparative impacts and preparation of the Social evaluation process and social impact analysis of Environmental Assessment for the Hamner to rank of South York Quarry lands against other Mississauga Transmission line approved by the York Region short list sites. Joint project with Ministry of the Environment. Dames and Moore, Canada,Hemson Consultants Ltd.,and Robert Lehman Planning Consultants Developed and completed many of Ontario Ltd. Hydro's early socio-economic impact assessment studies.Work included scoping, Social Impact Analysis of IWA Sites C34B and researching and writing the Elliot Lake T.S.to C48,Peel Region. Field survey research and Quirke Lake T.S.transmission line social impact analysis. Public and Council socio-economic impact assessment, one of the presentations. Report prepared for the Town of first Ontario Hydro projects to receive approval Caledon regarding 2 proposed landfill sites. Joint under the Environmental Assessment Act. project with Lawrence Environmental,Gore and Storrie,Ecologistics. Researched and wrote the Algoma TS to Elliott Lake TS Social Impact Assessment Study. Development of Landfill Site Search Social Criteria and Evaluation Methodology and Also responsible for the Scoping of the social Local Economy and Tourism/Recreation Criteria impact assessment component of the South-West and Methodology,Parry Sound Waste Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. Management Master Plan. Criteria prepared for Chair,Barbados Conference. Cave Engineering. Case Study Analysis of Hazardous Waste Transportation in Canada. Report prepared for FACILITATION, PUBLIC Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. CONSULTATION, MEDIATION Analyzed Waste Facility Siting Social Criteria prepared by the Provincial Interim Waste Authority for Superior Crawford Sand&Gravel Facilitated 4 Workshops in Saint John NB toward Ltd. developing a strategy for parking and snow removal for Saint John Parking Commission. Reviewed Social Impact Assessment of L.B. Pearson Airside Development for the City of Facilitator and mediation of Ontario Energy Etobicoke.Expert testimony at FEARO Board rate application hearings for OH Servco Hearing. and Transco application and managing facilitation of new electricity licences(20 Conducted a social impact assessment study sessions). and the public involvement program of the Retained to facilitate 2 Workshops leading to proposed expansion of the Green Lane Landfill site in Southwold Township(As sub-consultant revision of Ontario Nuclear strategy for to Conestoga Rovers,for St.Thomas Sanitary decommissioning Ontario's nuclear reactors. Collection Services Limited). Facilitated Community Workshop for the design Reviewed social impact support material of expansion of 9th Line between Markham and submitted to FEARO by Transport Canada Whitchurch Stouffville regarding the proposed expansion of the L.B. Pearson International Airport(As sub-consultant Facilitated series of workshops for the Pickering to Concord Environmental Consultants,for the Worl�ing Group for Ontario Hydro Nuclear. City of Etobicoke). Facilitated workshops for the Ministry of Natural Developed Social Impact Assessment Site Resources in Northern Ontario for the Lands For Selection Criteria and SIA work plan for the Life land-use planning initiative. Greater Toronto Area Solid Waste Interim Steering Committee(As sub-consultant to the Facilitated series of workshops in York and LURA Group). Durham Region for North West Water-Water Supply Pipeline and Interregional Consultants Conducted an analysis of project Group. characteristics of critical importance to a socio-economic impact assessment for the Halton Region,facilitating series of meetings and Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Centre. workshops in relation to Guelph Line Widening in Burlington(retained). Served as a founding member and Board Member of the International Association for Diocese of Toronto,Facilitated series of budget Impact Assessment and past-member of the development process and organizational Professional Development Committee Co- restructuring for a major faith group. Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 8 CANMET,Natural Resources Canada,AETE Facilitated Ontario Ministry of Natural program,Facilitation of Final Integration Report Resources workshop on Intrinsic Value Workshop. associated with Forest Revenue decisions. Facilitated an action plan with Pickering Review and analysis of Public Consultation residents and staff to address Ontario Hydro's conducted by Steetley Quarries, South Quarry emissions of copper, brass, lead and zinc into Landfill Site. Expert Witness at EAB Hearing. Lake Ontario. Ontario Hydro Multi-Stakeholder Government of the Yukon,planning and lead Consultation workshops. Facilitated 5 facilitator in Workshop on socio-economic Workshops on Rates and Non-Utility Generation impact assessment. before 1994 Ontario Energy Board Hearing. Facilitation of Criteria and Factors Ranking Planned,organized and facilitated a two day Workshop, Supply to Bronte 230kV workshop for Ontario Ministry of Natural transmission line project,Town of Oakville, Resources,Forest Values Project. To seek Ontario Hydro advice on forest revenue options from 75 stakeholders(I 10 participants)from First Public Consultation Training and Facilitation Nations,environmental interests and the forest for Model Forest Managers and staff. Two industry. Prepared report. day Ottawa Workshop for Canadian Model Forest Network. Designed,organized and facilitated a three day Facilitated Strategic Planning Retreat, Workshop for Ministry of Natural Resources Conservation Council of Ontario. Timber Production Policy. Prepared report representing views of variety of sectors and Mediation of outstanding issues of interest to stakeholders(90 participants). Ontario Hydro,Municipal Electric Association and Association of Major Power Consumers Planned,facilitated and reported on a two day (GM, INCO, Ford Motors, Stelco). consensus building workshop on an Environmental Strategy for Peel Region's Facilitated Public Involvement Activities Official Plan. All Provincial,municipal and associated with proposed High Occupancy agency stakeholders were represented. Vehicle Lanes for Metro Transportation. Provided media and communications advice. History of Public Consultation Efforts Strategic briefing of politicians and senior staff. documented for Ontario Hydro-AECL for Federal Environmental Assessment Panel hearing. Strategic Planning and Facilitation for Kortright Centre workshop on education and tourism. Research and analysis of Public/Government Review and Input to Ontario Hydro's Reviewed and Reported on Public Consultation Demand/Supply Planning Process for Ontario Programs associated with High Level Nuclear Hydro. Waste Disposal for NUSYS,Paris,France. Developed transmission line construction Facilitated Ontario Hydro Greenhouse Gas community relations program; scope of work Multi-Stakeholder Strategy Workshop(s). involved developing newsletters,monitoring community attitudes,developing communications Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 9 programs,organizing information centres, Coordinated public consultation for the contacting press, civic officials and community proposed Green Lane Landfill Expansion. leaders on matters associated with route and site selection, land acquisition,forestry, and Initiated and managed a Province-wide public construction activities on transmission line involvement program for Ontario's input to a rights-of-way. major United Nations conference. Served as primary public contact person for the construction of the Lennox to Oshawa 500 KV POLICY, MANAGEMENT AND transmission line and the Supply to Picton and a STRATEGIC PLANNING support person for the 500 KV Parkway Belt corridor(Community Relations Officer,Ontario For Canadian Industry Program for Energy Hydro). Conservation(CIPEC),wrote annual report associated with Canadian Industry position on Developed the scope of work and energy efficiency as follow up to KYOTO,Japan, implementation program,and assumed the lead climate change conference, role for Ontario Hydro's Demand/Supply Planning Study consultation program for For Ontario Hydro,developed policy on Public Provincial leaders and utilities. Organized key Disclosure of Information. stakeholder meetings in 19 Ontario communities. Documented the consultation findings in several Town of Kincardine, Strategic Plan,with reports including the report entitled,Meeting Randolph Group Future Energy Needs: Regional Consultation Program(as Senior Community Studies Planner, Peer review of genetic engineering policy issues Ontario Hydro). germane to the world wide operation of Ciba- Geigy Limited (now Novartis),Basic, Coordinated industry-wide involvement in a Switzerland major Canadian public hearing related to nuclear energy, (IPPANI)hearing. Provided strategic advice related to emergency communications planning related to ISO 14,000 Planned Information Centre and Chaired requirements for Dupont Canada. Neighbourhood Workshop, Holy Trinity Non- Profit Housing. As Coordinator of Ontario Hydro's President's and Chairman's Office(policy advisor), provided Trainer,Lecturer,Integrating Public strategic planning and public affairs advice Participation and Social Impact Assessment, regarding external pressures shaping public Insight Seminar, Strategies for Effective opinion. Consultation. For the Town of Armstrong prepared Model Facilitated Pre-Consultation Workshop and Forestry and Community Forestry program Developed Public Consultation Strategy for proposal. Ministry of Natural Resources,Sustainable Forest Initiative. As President of the 33 member organization Conservation Council of Ontario, 1988-90, Developed Public Consultation Outline for supervised senior staff and led the Council Region of Durham Waste Transfer Station Study. through a major period of expansion. Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 10 Provided employee assessments associated with Resources and Atomic Energy Control Board in the re-organization of Ontario Hydro's Design developing tritium policy(Secondment to P.J. and Construction Branch. Spratt and Associates). Co-authored an environmental strategy Edited conference proceedings,wrote articles, position paper for the Bank of Montreal. lectured at universities in the United States and Canada and advised numerous industries in the Participant,Employment Equity Committee, area of corporate ethics. for the Town of Aurora. Initiated,developed and managed a Religious Completed several human resources projects, Organization Communication program including researching and producing a supported by Ontario Hydro, and later developed strategic plan for Ontario Hydro's corporate- Ontario Hydro's Corporate Ethics Support wide revision of primary line management Program. tools Manual of Personnel Polices and Procedures. (1 year rotation to Ontario Hydro Founded,and served as founding editor of the Human Resources Branch,Policy and Strategy Ethics and Energy Newsletter, ultimately Planning) published by the Journal of Business Ethics, Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht,The Planned and implemented a communications Netherlands. plan for the relocation of several thousand Ontario Hydro employees to new work locations and developed strategies for changing RESEARCH REPORTS (partial list) corporate culture(Mission and Values). Planned and facilitated an executive staff Assessed corporate business activities for their seminar on the moral and ethical aspects of the public affairs implications, monitored the Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Concept and production of a Corporate Annual Report and contributed to the seminar report. (Atomic Energy wrote or reviewed all correspondence between of Canada Ltd.) the Chairman and President of Ontario Hydro and Federal and Provincial Members of Completed numerous research reports on Parliament, heads of government,Deputy various aspects of generating facilities and Ministers,members of the public and assisted transmission lines.As a member of a project in the development of the corporate donation team,Dave completed the development of program. Ontario Hydro's Level 1 policy governing the export of CANDU reactors,and the systems, Contributed to the development of Ontario material, equipment,technology and services Hydro's first corporate environmental strategy. associated with export agreements. (as Coordinator of the Chairman and President's Office of Ontario Hydro). Completed technology assessments of the social and community impacts of interim and Conducted research into the social and ethical extended storage facilities for irradiated fuel. issues related to tritium exports as a member of the Tritium Issues Working Group. The study Developed the research design,supervised assisted Ontario Hydro,the Ministry of Energy, consultant support and reported the effects of the the Federal Department of Energy,Mines and irradiated fuel transportation component of the Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 11 interim and extended storage facility. Joint Author, Submission to the Interim Waste Authority Limited,Steps 1 to 6 Site Search Co-Author, "Precious Values" a report on Process,Town of Caledon,April, 1993. existence and intrinsic values in forest policy decision making for Forest Values Project, Co-Author,Tenaska-Campbell Soup Ministry of Natural Resources,Nov 1994. Cogeneration Project: Preliminary Socio- Economic Analysis,Draft,January, 1993. Author,Facilitators Report on Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Concept government peer Hardy,D.R.,Town of Caledon,Social Impact review workshop,for Atomic Energy of Canada Analysis for Sites C34B and C48,Hardy Limited,Jan 1995. Stevenson and Associates,January, 1993. Co-Author,Region of Peel Official Plan Hardy,D. R.,Socio-Economic Impact Review Environmental Strategy Report: Final Report. of Little Jackfish River Hydro-electric January 1994 with Gartner Lee Limited and Development,D.R. Hardy and Associates, Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. January, 1993. Author,Forest Values Options Development Co-Author. Canadian Case Study Analysis of Workshop Report and Co-Author of the Transportation Component of Site Proceedings,Ministry of Natural Resources, Selection Processes: A Discussion Paper, December, 1993. November, 1992. Author,Timber Production Policy Project Co-Author,Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Workshop Report and Co-Author of Concept,Literature Review and Analysis, Proceedings,Ministry of Natural Resources, Moral and Ethical Issues,March 1993. November, 1993. Hardy,D.R. Cumulative Impact Planning Co-Author, Greater Toronto Area 3Rs Analysis,7th line Pits,Township of Oro, Analysis,Draft Social Environmental February, 1992. Technical Appendix,Ministry of Environment and Energy,with Future Urban Research Ltd., Co-Author, Overview of Aboriginal Issues Dillon Ltd., RIS Ltd.,November, 1993,May Related to the Nuclear Fuel Waste 1994. Management Concept,December, 1991. Peer Review,Laidlaw Environmental Inc. Co-Author,Final Report,Public/Government Proposed Rotary Kiln Environmental Review and Input to Ontario Hydro's Assessment Report,July, 1993. Demand/Supply Planning Process,Ontario Hydro,November, 1991. Co-Author,IWA Short List Analysis,South York Quarry Lands, Superior-Crawford Sand Co-Author.Alternative Energy Report. Ontario and Gravel,April, 1993. Hydro,Monenco Engineering,Hardy Stevenson and Associates. Oct. 1991. Joint Author,Response to the Interim Waste Authority's Step 5 Approach and Criteria, Hardy,D.R. Social Impact Assessment Review, Prepared by the Corporation of the Town of L.B.Pearson International Airport,Airside Markham,April, 1993. Development Proposal.For the City of Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 12 Etobicoke.Hardy Stevenson and Associates,Dec. Report SCS 86003. 1991. Co-Author.Meeting Future Energy Needs: Hardy,D.R. Socio-economic Overview of Wind Public Utilities Consultation Program. Ontario Energy Conversion Systems. Collaborative Hydro Report SCS 86002. Ontario Hydro Paper by CRPR Department, Ontario Hydro and Demand/Supply Option Study, 1986. Hardy Stevenson and Associates for Canadian Wind Energy Seminar.Montreal,Quebec.Nov. Co-Author.Report of the Tritium Issues 1991. Working Group.Volumes 1 and 2.Report published by P.J. Spratt and Associates for the Hardy,D.R. Environmentally Sustainable Canadian Centre for Fusion Fuels Technology, Planning: Bridging the Gap.Paper presented at 1985. 1991 Canadian Institute of Planners Conference, Quebec City, Quebec,July, 1991. Co-Author. Ontario Hydro Level 1 Policy: Co-Author(with Concord Environmental Ontario Hydro Involvement in the Export of Consultants)Interim Report: Review of the Nuclear Power Reactors and the Systems, Impact Statement for the Proposed Expansion Material Equipment,Technology and Services of the L.B.Pearson International Airport. Associated with Export Agreements. 1984. Report CEC J2594,June, 1991. Hardy,D.R. and B.G.Rogers. Irradiated Fuel Co-Author.Moral and Ethical Issues Related Transportation: Component of a Long Term to the Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal Concept. Disposal Facility.Report submitted for Report on AECL's Consultation Workshop. Technical Record,Atomic Energy of Canada Prepared for AECL by Hardy Stevenson and Limited,Whiteshell Nuclear Research Associates.April, 1991. Establishment,Pinawa,Manitoba,March, 1982. Co-Author. Social Impact Criteria Report. Co-Author.Extended Storage Options Study: Report to the Solid Waste Steering Social and Community Impact Assessment. Committee. Prepared for the LURA Group by Ontario Hydro Report 81094,Route and Site Hardy Stevenson and Associates.May, 1991. Selection Division,April, 1981. Hardy,D.R. Zoning Analysis of Proposed North Toronto Community Centre. Hardy Hardy,D.R. and R.L. Winger.Nuclear Fuel Stevenson and Associates,March, 1991. Waste Management Centre:Project Characteristics. Report submitted for Technical Hardy,D.R. Strategic Review: Manual of Record,Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Personnel Policies and Procedures,Ontario Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, Hydro,Human Resources Strategy and Policy Pinawa,Manitoba,March, 1981. Department. December, 1988. Hardy,D.R. and S.Hancock.Atikokan Annual Co-Author.Towards a Conservation Strategy Report 1980,1981, 1982.Published by the for Ontario. Submission to the World Township of Atikokan and Ontario Hydro: Commission on Environment and Development Atikokan Ontario. for the Conservation Council of Ontario, 1986. Hardy,D.R.A Planning Agenda for Hardy,D.R. Meeting Future Energy Needs: Scarborough: A Response to the Suburbs in Regional Consultation Program. Ontario Hydro Transition, Scarborough Social Planning Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 13 Council, 1980, Hardy,D. R. Twenty Years of Nuclear Program Support for Social Science Research,Paper Boyer,J.C.and D.R. Hardy. Social Impacts of presented at INC'93,Toronto,October, 1993 and Transmission Facilities: Analysis and Case ANS,Washington D.C.,November 1994. Studies.Route and Site Selection Division, Ontario Hydro. April, 1980. Hardy,D.R.Aboriginal Self-Government and Land-Use Planning: Parts 1 and 2. Co-Author.Elliot Lake TS to Quirke Lake TS: Ontario Planning Journal,Vol. 8( 1_(2),January Social Impact Report. Route and Site Selection and March, 1993. Division, Ontario Hydro.Report No. 79007, 1979. Hardy,D.R. 'Integrating Public Consultation and SociallmpactAssessment". Paper presented Co-Author. Factors Influencing the Perception at Insight Seminar,November 1992. of Risk: Background Paper.Ontario Hydro, May, 1979. Hardy,D.R. Wetland Policy Finally Approved, Ontario Planning Journal,Vey 1,November, Hardy,D.R. Community Impact Assessment: 1992. An Approach.Unpublished Major Paper, Faculty of Environmental Studies,York Hardy,D.R.Environmental Expectations of the University, 1978. Sewell Commission, Ontario Planning Journal, Vow, 1992. Stevenson,M.,Hardy,D. and Gravelines,L. Precious Values:Integrating Diverse Forest Hardy,D.R.MacLaren Takes the Pulse of Values into Forest Management Policy and Sustainable Urban Development Initiatives. Action, at International Conference of Sustainable Ontario Planning Journal,Vol.6(5), 1991. Forests; Global Challenges and Local Solutions, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,May, 1995 Hardy,D.R.Sewell Commission:New Planning for Ontario. Ontario Planning Journal,Vol. h(3), Hardy,D.R. and S.Rowe, "Joint Board 1991. Decisions give the Industry Pause",Ontario Planning Journal,Vohme i 10,Numher 3. Hardy,D.R.Planners 3 Minute Guide to May/June, 1995 Sustainable Development. Ontario Planning Journal,Vol.C(2), 1991. Hardy,D.R. "Ontario Citizens Planning Institute Hardy,D.R. Urban Density and Sustainable Discussed?". Ontario Planning Journal,Vol. 9(11, Development. Ontario Planning Journal, Vol. 3 April 1995. (5), 1990. Hardy,D.R. Social Impacts of Solid Waste Hardy,D.R. Closely Watched Drains. Ontario Landfill Facilities,Paper presented at Planning Journal.Vol. 5 (4), 1990. International Association of Impact Assessment, Quebec City, Quebec,June 1994. Hardy,D.R. Turn Around Decade Upon Us. Ontario Planning Journal,Vol. 5 (2). 1990. Hardy,D.R.Public Consultation:Prospects and Promise. Paper presented at Insight Inc. and Hardy,D.R.Heaven, Hell or Purgatory? The Globe and Mail Seminar,November 1993. Churches and the Nuclear Energy Debate. Published by the Canadian Nuclear Association Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. 14 in the Nuclear Canada Yearbook,June, 1984. Co-Author.Impact Monitoring and Mitigation: The Case of Ontario Hydro's Atikokan Generating Station. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, Special Supplement, No. 1.University of Manitoba and Wilfred Laurier University,Winter, 1983. Co-Author.Assessment of Storage Siting Options. Paper presented to the CNA/CNS Conference- Montreal, 1980. Hardy,D.R. (ed.)Moral and Ethical Issues Relating to Nuclear Energy Generation: Proceedings of a Seminar. Published by the Canadian Nuclear Association,May, 1980. Hardy,D.R. ConununityhnpactAssessment:A Perspective on Practice. Presented to the Community Impact Assessment Workshop, Environmental Design Research Association: Conference 10 State University of New York, Buffalo,New York,June 1979. Also published in Environmental Impact Assessment Review, ND-7, September 1981. i Hardy Stevenson And Associates Ltd. Resume Mohan Rao 227 Pickering Street, Toronto, Ontario M4E 3J9, Canada Phone: 416 698 2359 Email: mohan.rao@sympatico.ca Profile Retired, Formerly Senior Advisor,Nuclear Waste Management Division, Ontario Power Generation, Canada. 40 years of experience in nuclear R&D, generation,radioactivity and waste management. Post-retirement career objective: Consulting in waste management technologies and assessments Key Abilities and Interests: Team organization/leadership, strategic planning, consolidation/review of team studies, R&D management,technology reviews of waste management,peer reviews and document preparation. Expertise: Spent fuel management, LLRW management, nuclear decommissioning Related experience: Familiarity with Federal LLRW studies,LLRW siting task force, remediation studies,participation in Port Hope waste management study and LLW inventories/characterization. Qualifications PhD (Nucl. Eng. U of Toronto, 1977); MASc (Nucl. Eng. U of Toronto, 1973); MEng (Nucl. Eng. U of Toronto 1968); BEHons (Mech. Eng. U of Madras, 1961) Professional Membership P. Eng. Professional Engineers of Ontario, Canada Professional Training CANDU Station Operations,Nuclear Training Centre 1976-78; CANDU Reactor Design, AECL 1966-68;Nuclear Science &Engineering, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India 1961-62; and Management Training, 1980's, Ontario Hydro. Major Contributions Current: Chair, Steering Committee, Canadian Engineers for Reconstruction of Afghanistan (2002-) Ontario Hydro/Ontario Power Generation: Nuclear Waste Management Options Review 1999/2000 Nuclear Waste System Plan 1999/2000 Nuclear waste liability management 1997/1998 Radioactive Waste Disposal Strategy 1995/96 Radioactive Materials Management at Ontario Hydro, The Plan for Low and Intermediate Level Waste, 1994 Radioactive Materials Management at Ontario Hydro, The Plan for Used Fuel, 1992 Decommissioning Strategies for OH nuclear stations, 1987 Low-level waste storage and disposal program management, 1985 4987 Used Fuel Transportation Program, 1984 Management of Irradiated Fuel Storage, Extended Storage Options, 1981 Management of Irradiated Fuel Storage Siting Options, 1979 Radioactivity Management and Environmental Protection, 1977-78 Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program: Management of R&D Programs in Environmental Science and Environmental Safety Assessment, 1985-1995 Participation in CEAA Hearings, 1995 IAEA Related Advisory Committee on Management of Severely Damaged Fuel (1992) Corporate EA/Licensing & Hearings Participation Ontario Hydro 25-year Balance of Power plan Ontario Energy Board Hearings Federal Environmental Assessment of the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management and Disposal Concept Environmental/Safety analysis of nuclear generating stations (Darlington, Bruce, Pickering) Analysis of loss of cooling and radioactivity release accidents Doctoral Research, U of Toronto Phase Change and Critical Heat Flux on highly heated surfaces 2 Nuclear Power Corporation,India Design and procurement liaison for reactor components, RAPS and MAPS, India Vapor-suppression containment analysis for MAPS, India Safety Analysis Report for RAPS Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Sheridan Park Reactor Design, RAPS, India Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India Research reactor operations, engineering R&D, operational physics Positions Held Senior Advisor, Ontario Hydro/Ontario Power Generation, 1997-2000 Senior Design Specialist, Ontario Hydro, 1981-1997 Design Specialist, Ontario Hydro, 1979-1981 Nuclear Design Engineer, Ontario Hydro, 1978-1979 Assistant Technical Supervisor, Ontario Hydro, 1977-1979 Graduate Student, U of Toronto, 1973-1977 Senior Scientific Officer,Nuclear Power Corporation, India 1968-1972 Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India 1962-1968 Publications Over 50 publications in journals, conference proceedings, and OH reports (List will be provided on request) References (1) Frank King, Director,Nuclear Waste Management, Ontario Power Generation (416 592 2862) (2) Peter Stevens-Guille, Manager,Nuclear Waste Management Division, Ontario Power Generation(416 592 6024) (3) Richard Heystee, Senior Advisor,Nuclear Waste Management, Ontario Power Generation (416 592 5078) (4) Mike Garamszeghy, Manager,Nuclear Waste System Planning,Nuclear Waste Management Division, Ontario Power Generation (416 592 4356) 3 STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES Marc Rose B.E.S., M.E.S. EDUCATION and AWARDS PUBLICATIONS Master of Environmental Studies (Planning) Rose, Marc and Roger Suffling, 2001. University of Waterloo, September 1999 Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Protection of Natural Features in Ontario, • Master's thesis on natural areas protection Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning, (in and alternative dispute resolution press). • University of Waterloo Graduate Entrance Fox,Adam and Marc Rose, 2001. Marketing Scholarship, 1997-9 Alternative Dispute Resolution: The New • Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1997-8 Language of ADR. The Proceedings of the Conflict Resolution Symposium 2000. The Bachelor of Environmental Studies Mediation Centre at Carleton University, York University,June 1997 Ottawa. pp.63-81. • graduated magna cum laude EXPERIENCE • York University Entrance Scholarship, 1993-7 Marc Rose is an Environmental Planner at • Dean's Honour Roll, 1993-7 Hardy Stevenson Associates Limited, a firm specializing in project management, socio- Additional Training economic and environmental impact assessment, public consultation and strategic planning. • Ontario Professional Planners Institute Marc's area of expertise is public consultation, Mediation Training Level I and II including facilitation and mediation. He has • Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview designed and implemented consultation plans (CMS-D)Basic Mediation and Victim- for numerous environmental planning processes. Offender Mediation Training He has developed a number of training courses • YWCA Life Skills Facilitation Training in public consultation and facilitation and has helped to deliver these courses for a variety of AREA OF SPECIALIZATION public and private sector clients. As a Provisional Member of the Canadian Public Consultation Institute of Planners, Marc has helped to Facilitation complete environmental assessment and land Mediation use studies. He has also assisted in conducting Environmental Planning social impact assessment associated with many of these and other projects. Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 364 Davenport Road,Toronto, Ontario, M5R 1K6 ® Telephone: 416-944-8444® Fax: 416-944-0900 Toll-Free: 1-877-267-7794 s hsa @hardystevenson.com o www.hardystevenson.com 2 EMPLOYMENT Re-design of Public Consultation Training Course for Training and Development Canada Environmental Planner • Co-wrote an instructor's and participant's Hardy Stevenson and Associates(June 1999- training manual for the course, including present) relevant overheads, and developed appropriate training exercises PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND FACILITATION • Co-designed a course training plan for the 3- day course Development of Consultation Concepts for . Interviewed 10 stakeholders from 5 federal Managing Used Nuclear Fuel for OPG departments and compiled a summary of • Managed team of 4 consultation research findings for a"needs analysis" practitioners to develop models for public • Co-designed a content proposal for the pilot consultation of used nuclear fuel in Canada course based on"needs analysis"and review • Researched public consultation practices for of existing course managing used nuclear fuel world-wide • Co-wrote and edited report on models for Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Study public consultation • Coordinated full-day stakeholder workshop to discuss policy issues associated with SCR Rogers AT&T New Site Development technology • Prepared and delivered training workshop • Prepared draft communications material for on facilitation and communications open houses and newsletters regarding the public at public meetings • Recorded notes and prepared minutes at public meeting SOCIAL IMPACT AND ENVIRONMENTAL Design of Public Consultation Training Course ASSESSMENT for the Department of Justice • Developed core content for participant's Highway 410 Extension Class Environmental workbook and instructor's workbook, Assessment including relevant overheads 0 Prepared Public Consultation Summary • Prepared 4 case studies for the course, Report and assisted with preparation of which included mock public consultation Design and Construction Report plans 0 Organized Public Information Centre • Prepared course training plan for 2 day (PIC),and prepared display material for course PIC Prepared notice of study commencement Brantford Downtown Revitalization Study 0 Developed contact list of government Prepared and conducted a half-day training agencies, interest groups, and landowners session in facilitation for City staff Dorval Drive Extension Environmental Region of Peel Heritage Workshops Assessment Study • Wrote content and prepared layout for group Conducted a social profile of the study area facilitation manual Prepared responses to residents' concerns regarding aspects of the study related to land use and social impact assessment Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited 3 York Region Long Tenn Water Supply Project Wrote and designed 5 information sheets for • Prepared minutes from several public residents regarding construction of trunk meetings sewer • Co-developed facilitation strategy for public consultation workshops Saint John Parking and Snow Removal Study • Identified and mapped socio-economic . Developed a questionnaire for residents to constraints to development of potential obtain their views on the various proposed pipeline routes and facility sites solutions for parking and snow removal • Co-wrote report of site and route . Prepared newsletters for 4000 residents in identification the Central Peninsula to inform them about the study • Interviewed members of the study's HOUSING AND LAND USE PLANNING Steering Committee to identify issues related to parking/snow removal in Saint Region of Halton Municipal Housing Statement John,NB Update • Prepared a newspaper advertisement to • Prepared report on delivery of social encourage interested individuals to housing in Ontario participate as stakeholders • Coordinated 2 roundtables involving diverse stakeholders, including preparation of briefing packages PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview Manufactured Housing Study • Conducted case development for 5 • Designed and administered survey to neighbourhood disputes planning directors of 51 Ontario • Successfully co-mediated 2 disputes: one municipalities victim-offender dispute and one harassment • Analyzed data and wrote report detailing dispute recommendations for manufactured housing industry Markham Conservation Committee • Chairing the committee that is designing and implementing public participation process COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS for the design of Town of Markham's "Millennium Civic Gardens" Region of Peel Odour Strategy • Prepared Visioning Document with • Assisted in preparing public consultation committee to guide design of garden and community relations strategy for addressing odour issue in South Peel North Toronto Green Community • Delivered training in community relations to • Prepared layout and design for six 8 page wastewater plant staff and call centre staff newsletters Wrote and designed pamphlets and posters Etobicoke Creek Trunk Sewer Twinning for bike club, paint exchange event, climate • Helped to resolve residents' complaints change event, and urban tree workshop regarding construction in the study area Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited THOMAS J. CARTER, P.Eng. THE PRISM GROUP 1 Woodland Court, Collingwood,ON L9Y 5133 Bus: 705/446-3309 Fax: 705/446-0944 Cell:705/790-3081 tomcarter tpg @sympatico.ca PROFILE A Business Builder who develops and integrates business,competitive,and operational strategies across all aspects of the enterprise.An engineering executive fi-om the high technology and environmental sectors who creates solutions and bottom-line impacts. International marketer focused on building strong client and stakeholder relationships. A trained public speaker experienced in dealing with regulators;and govermnents and their agencies at municipal,provincial and federal levels. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE THE PRISM GROUP 1997 to present A management and engineering services company supporting the business and profit growth of firms in the energy, environmental, and internet (IP) technology sectors. Includes services in all aspects of nuclear power engineering, radiation safety,radioactive waste management,and the assessment of envirommental hnpacts. President ➢ Assessed,and established a new market sector for a major recycled metals business. ➢ Developed an international expansion business plan and pro forma financials for a security firm. ➢ Consulted to an Economic Development Corporation on the establishment of centres of excellence. ➢ Developed and implemented the technical scopes of work and procurement/contracting strategies for the refurbishment and updating of a utility's nuclear waste management facilities. ➢ On behalf of the proponent,reviewed drafts of the Pickering GS A Restart Environmental Assessment. ➢ For a leading, private Canadian IP company, directed business processes improvement, coordinated projects delivery operations,led business development,and managed international projects/client relations. ONTARIO HYDRO 1996- 1997 An integrated electrical utility with annual revenues of$8 billion and 20,000 employees,operating throughout Ontario and internationally. Senior Advisor-Corporate Security Reporting to the Executive General Counsel&Corporate Secretary,defined and implemented a new corporate security fi-amework and organization focused on top strategic and operational issues. ➢ Developed corporate awareness of commercial espionage and countermeasures. ➢ Investigated suspected code of conduct or fi-aud incidents. ➢ Reduced the costs of executive protection and expanded the scope internationally. ONTARIO HYDRO INTERNATIONAL INC. 1993 - 1996 An Ontario Hydro subsidiary with annual revenues of$100 million, selling radio-isotopes, investing in utilities, and providing operating and management consulting services to clients in over 50 countries. THOMAS J CARTER,P.Eng. Page 2 THOMAS J. CARTER, P.Eng. Page 2 Director of Operations-Consulting, 1995- 1996 Director of Marketing-Power System, 1993- 1995 Reporting to the President, directed the delivery of consulting projects, managed client relationships, developed strategic alliances and joint ventures, managed profitability through reduced marketing and delivery costs, and consolidated higher margin niche products. ➢ Met 1995$16 million consulting revenue target. ➢ Responsible for the rebuilding of the company's financial reporting(budgeting,cost,receivables)and project approval processes/systems. ➢ Contributed solutions to corporate governance issues during the transition to subsidiary status. ➢ Coordinated due diligence activities during the preliminary phase of a successful utility investment. ➢ Successfully redeployed 87% of OHII professional staff into new positions, following a corporate reorganization. ➢ Introduced new products,one of which added over$1 million to the"top line" in the first 12 months. ONTARIO HYDRO 1971 - 1993 Operational Audit Manager, 1991 - 1993 A senior executive development position consulting to the corporation on strategic and operational issues of concern to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee. Following CICA standards, developed analyses and recommendations that were implemented to: i)totally revamp executive training to be aligned with corporate business needs;and ii)accelerate$l Os of millions of annual(life cycle)materials management savings. ➢ Produced a re-engineering assessment that led to substantial de-centralization in the $1 billion per year corporate procurement function to achieve cost savings and radically improve effectiveness. ➢ Produced the procurement de-centralization pre-requisites/readiness plans for six business units. ➢ Recommended necessary corporate risk management improvements to the CFO related to policy, expertise, accountabilities,and commitment. ➢ Devised a leadership(qualities)assessment method to be embedded in value-for-money audits. Nuclear Reactor Engineer-Executive, 1987- 1991 Led a staff of 50 professionals responsible for the safety of 20 operating CANDU reactors. ➢ Built a positive relationship with two regulatory bodies,over a period of 3 years. ➢ Eliminated erosion of production flexibility and cost effectiveness by pioneering a national code of practice linking practical inspection and maintenance options with federal and provincial safety regulations. ➢ Eliminated several weeks of production downtime(valued at approximately$1.7 million per week),improved worker safety,and increased statistical confidence in the continuing safety of production assets. ➢ Directed a $30 million per year inter-company research program providing the immediate and long-term information required to support maintenance,inspection,and rehabilitation projects. ➢ Developed reactor life extension programs and secured regulatory approval. ➢ Prepared the corporate commitments of over$380 million for the rehabilitation of two reactors. THOMAS J. CARTER,P-Eng. Page 3 Nuclear Materials Engineer-E.xecuiive, 1979- 1987 Led 30 professionals in the development of radioactive waste processing and storage facilities,and developed accident resistant transportation packages for hazardous nuclear materials. Developed nuclear decommissioning and used nuclear fuel disposal plans and technologies, improved nuclear safety, and reduced worker radiation exposure and environmental emissions through innovative design quality improvement processes. ➢ Resolved a multi-million dollar nuclear depreciation issue, resulting in a new source of working capital, by creating the reference plan and corporate policy required to gain regulator and auditor acceptance. ➢ Transformed an extremely toxic substance (tritium) into a lucrative by-product by directing the conception and proof-testing of a multi-million dollar processing and isolation facility. ➢ Won a bi-national site selection process to host a coveted research facility at a company owned site. ➢ Reduced by 30%the$6-7 million annual costs for the 50 year storage of used nuclear fuel. ➢ Impacted international regulations and standards by representing Canada at international agencies. ➢ Influenced public, media, and political opinion in a positive manner in regards to controversial corporate issues while acting as corporate spokesperson Supervising Design Engineer-Radioactive Waste Management, 1977-1979 Nuclear Design Specialist-Radiation Safety, 1976- 1977 Nuclear Design Engineer-Radiation Safety and Waste Management, 1974- 1976 Nuclear Design Engineer-Nuclear Safety, 1971 - 1974 EDUCATION Advanced Business, University of Toronto, Canada M.Sc., University of London, England D.I.C., Imperial College, London, England B.A.Sc., University of Toronto, Canada Advanced Radiological Protection, UKAEA/NRPB, England AWARDS Ontario Hydro New Technology Award Athlone Fellow, British Government ASSOCIATIONS/PUBLICATIONS/LECTURES Professional Engineers of Ontario Canadian Nuclear Society; Waste Management(former Chairman) Canadian Standards Association;N292 Waste Management(former Chairman) Canadian Radiation Protection Association(former) Women In Science and Engineering;Associate Member(formmer) Authored/Co-authored 16 Conference or Journal Papers "Public Speaking for Professionals"; U of T and UWO RADIATION SAFETY INSTITUTE OF CANADA INSTITUT DE RADIOPROTECTION DU CANADA Reza Moridi Dr. Reza Moridi is Vice-President, Science & Technology, at the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada. He is responsible to the President for all scientific and technical activities of the Institute, including operation of the Institute's National Laboratories in Saskatoon and the Institute's Personal Alpha Dosimetry (PAD) Service. Over the years,Dr. Moridi has educated hundreds of Canadians from various walks of life on nuclear materials, radiation and radiation safety. He developed and delivered numerous training courses on radiation safety in the workplace and the environment for the Institute's diverse clients across Canada. Dr. Moridi has been actively involved in many environmental and occupational radiation safety projects at the Institute. He managed two major projects testing for radon in all of Toronto's public schools and in the homes of the Malvern community and in Scarborough. Dr. Moridi was a member of the Institute's consulting team that worked on the Environmental Impact Studies for the high grade uranium mines of Saskatchewan. In a particularly significant achievement, Dr. Moridi led the Institute's team in a successful application to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for formal licensing of the Institute's Personal Alpha Dosimetry Service. Prior to his career at the Institute, Dr. Moridi had extensive international experience as a senior executive in industry and in academia. Dr. Moridi has BSc, MSc, MTech and PhD degrees and is a Chartered Physicist and Chartered Engineer. He is Fellow of the Institute of Physics and of the Institution of Electrical Engineers of the UK and is a member of the Canadian Nuclear Society and the Canadian Radiation Protection Association . Also, Dr. Moridi is a member of the Health Physics Society of the USA and an Editor of Health Physics, The Radiation Safety Journal. Dr.Moridi was a recipient of the Canadian Nuclear Society's Education and Communication Award (2001). Dr. Moridi has published numerous scientific and technical papers and articles and has made presentations at scientific conferences held in Europe, North America, Asia, New Zealand and Australia. TORONTO HEAD OFFICE SASKATOON NATIONAL LABORATORIES 1120 Finch Avenue West, Suite 607, Toronto,Ontario,Canada M3J 3H7 Tel 416-650-9090 Fax 416-650-9920 Paul W. Bowen, P.Eng. PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE • Geotechnical Engineering • Hydrogeology • Technical Policy Development • Waste Management and Treatment • Peer Review and Expert Consultations • Environmental Site Assessments EDUCATION B.A.Sc., University of Toronto, 1977 Department of Geological Engineering and Applied Earth Science, Geotechnical Division M.A.Sc., University of Waterloo, 1984 Department of Civil Engineering Hydrogeology and Geotechnical Engineering AFFILIATIONS Registered Professional Engineer, Province of Ontario Registered Professional Engineer, Province of New Brunswick Registered Professional Engineer, Province of Manitoba Designated Consulting Engineer, Province of Ontario Member, Canadian Water Well Association Member, Ontario Ground Water Association Member, Engineering Institute of Canada Member, American Society of Civil Engineers Member, International Society of Engineering Geology Member, International Association of Hydrogeologists Past Member, Executive Committee, Canadian Geotechnical Society Past Member, Geotechnical Advisory Committee, Sir Sanford Fleming College PRESENT RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible for senior review and technical control and administration of environmental, hydrogeologic and geotechnical projects; and administration of head office and branch offices. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Terraprobe Limited - Brampton, Ontario 1984 to Date Principal, Hydrogeologist Golder Associates - Mississauga, Ontario 1982 to 1984 Hydrogeologist/Geotechnical Engineer Golder Associates - Mississauga, Ontario 1979 to 1981 Geotechnical Engineer Bruce A. Brown Associates Limited -Toronto, Ontario 1977 to 1979 Geotechnical Engineer o Crraprobe curriculum vitae Paul W. Bowen, P.Eng. Environmental - Selected Project Experience Landfill Inventory, Ontario Project Manager Study of over 120 abandoned landfill sites in Ontario as part of a federal government inventory. The study comprised a detailed review of local and regional hydrogeologic conditions, interviews with former site operators and local residents,and detailed site inspections. A priority rating system was established to indicate the relative impact and hazard of each site. The highest priority sites were chosen for later, detailed investigation. Industrial Waste Disposal Facility, Chatham, Ontario Project Manager Development of sampling program for an industrial waste disposal facility near Chatham, Ontario. Specialized stainless steel monitoring wells were installed through closed former lagoons which once received liquid wastes. The wells were specially cleaned and prepared to permit sampling. Analyses of recovered samples were used to characterize leachate composition for design of treatment facilities. Landfill Leachate Modelling, Essex County, Ontario Project Manager Investigation of the rate of leachate production at a municipal landfill in Essex County was assesses using a water balance analysis,which was modified to suit the particular site conditions. The model was verified by comparing predicted leachate production with existing production rates for the site. The model was further implemented to predict leachate production rates for a number of closure alternatives. Recommendations were presented for the most suitable alternative, and for appropriate design measures to minimize leachate production rates. Environmental Site Assessment, Fighting Island, Windsor, Ontario Project Manager Study of lime residue materials at former disposal area located of Fighting Island in the Detroit River. The loose saturated nature of the materials required development of specialized procedures for access and sampling. The samples were analyzed for priority pollutants and volatile organic contaminants. Specialized cleaning, sampling, handling, and quality control techniques were utilized to ensure the quality of the samples. Industrial Waste Disposal, Windsor, Ontario Project Manager Study of migration of cyanide waste from an industrial disposal area in Windsor, Ontario. Monitoring wells were installed and soil samples were obtained from the vicinity of a former waste disposal area which was alleged to contain cyanide wastes. Detailed monitoring indicated that cyanide wastes were not present in the soil and groundwater in the vicinity of the site. f Zerraprobe environmental -project experience Paul W. Bowen, P.Eng. Environmental - Selected Project Experience Contaminant Transport Modelling, Near Noxubee, Alabama Project Manager Prediction of rates of contaminant diffusion through an unconsolidated chalk deposit near Noxubee, Alabama. The results of laboratory diffusion tests on natural chalk materials from a hazardous waste facility were examined, and a predictive model of transport of the waste through the formation was made. The model indicated that contaminant transport through the chalk may be governed large by diffusive processes. Additional laboratory testing using actual waste materials was recommended. Condominium Development, Toronto, Ontario Project Manager Investigation of soil fill quality for proposed condominium development Lakeshore Road, Toronto, Ontario. Steel Making Facility, Whitby, Ontario Project Manager Hydrogeologic investigation and assessment of fill quality at existing steel making facility in Whitby, Ontario. Included detailed recommendations for various options for site remedial works including removal, in situ stabilization, capping and monitoring. Former Waste Disposal Area, Mississauga, Ontario Project Manager Investigation of fill quality at former waste disposal area Dundas Street, Mississauga. Included detailed recommendations for removal of contaminated soils, and capping and monitoring of marginally contaminated materials. 04 Zerraprvbe environmental -project experience Kirk R. Johnson, P.Eng. PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE • Geotechnical Engineering • Hydrogeology • Technical Policy Development • Waste Management and Treatment • Peer Review and Expert Consultations • Environmental Site Assessments EDUCATION B.E.Sc., University of Western Ontario, 1980 Civil Engineering M.Eng., University of Western Ontario, 1984 Geotechnical Engineering AFFILIATIONS Registered Professional Engineer, Province of Ontario Designated Consulting Engineer, Province of Ontario Member, Canadian Geotechnical Society PRESENT RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible for senior project engineering activities, and management and review of geotechnical and hydrogeologic investigations. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Terraprobe Limited - Barrie, Ontario 1988 to Date Associate Sarafinchin Associates -Toronto, Ontario 1985 to 1988 Senior Geotechnical Engineer Golder Associates - London, Ontario 1980 to 1984 Project Engineer r Crraprobe curriculum vitae Katherine E. Wallace, B.E.S. PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE • Peer Review and Expert Consultations • Waste Management and Treatment • Hydrogeology • Environmental Site Assessments EDUCATION Bachelor of Environmental Studies Honours Cooperative Program University of Waterloo, May 1983 OSHA 40 hr training - "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" AFFILIATIONS Canadian Water Well Association Canadian Association of Geographers Ground Water Education of Canada (GEOCAN) PRESENT RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible for project management and field investigations for environmental and hydrogeological projects. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Terraprobe Limited - Brampton, Ontario 1991 to Date Project Manager Morrison Beatty Limited - Mississauga, Ontario 1986 to 1991 Geomorphologist/Project Manager Dendron Resource Surveys - Ottawa, Ontario 1983 to 1986 Resource Technician Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - Ottawa, Ontario 1982 to 1983 Research Assistant Zerrgprobe curriculum vita M. (MILO) STURM, P. Eng. President EDUCATION area at the west end of Lake Erie. Particularly important was the role of littoral transport in shore stability and assessment B.Sc. Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, 1979. of damage to development at close proximity to the shoreline. Bright's Grove Shoreline Stabilization-update of a class PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE environmental assessment, detailed design of shore protection works, construction review and administration. Active in coastal engineering and design throughout the The works included design of"T"groynes to improve beach Great Lakes and the Canadian east coast for the past retention in front of the revetment works. seventeen years. His experience lies in preparation of shoreline management plans, administration of multi- Muskoka River Bank Stabilization-completed assessment disciplinary coastal projects and design of recreational of shoreline stability and stability of roadways in close waterfront projects. Mr.Sturm has provided expert testimony proximity of the river bank. Completed class environmental at a number of Ontario Municipal Board Hearings. He has assessment. also participated in a number of waterfront related seminars and invited presentations. Mr. Sturm is a designated Mississauga,Ontario Waterfront Improvement and Land Consulting Engineer under The Professional Engineers Act. Reclamation Project-A review of potential improvements to waterfront access and uses through shoreline augmentation with headlands and beaches along the north MAJOR PROJECTS shore of Lake Ontario. Review considered impact on water Port Union Waterfront Improvements, Ontario - quality particularly intake and outfall structures. development of concept plan for shoreline improvements Long Point Region Conservation Authority Shoreline that provide access along the waterfront. Assessment of the Management Plan - Preparation of shoreline management design and preparation of coastal engineering input to and plan for the central part of Lake Erie with varying shoreline individual Environmental Assessment. The preferred design types. Areas include extensive beach shorelines and eroding includes a series of shore parallel breakwaters with cobble high bluff. beaches. Etobicoke Public Amenity Scheme - Responsible for co- Goderich Waterfront Improvements-involved in a number ordination of coastal and environmental components of a of improvements along the waterfront. Worked included multi-disciplinary design project of a public waterfront in development of protection concepts, approvals, detailed Etobicoke. The development of the area is very controversial design and construction administration. Beach stabilization due to high land value and private land ownership, includes design of offshore headlands, groynes and shore connected breakwaters. Lakefront Promenade Park, Mississauga, Ontario - Design of all lakefill, coastal and marine aspects of 650 slip Cedar Ridge Waterfront Development - concept marina.This was continued with administration,design and development of a boating facility and a beach to support a construction review. Marina was implemented over a periods major residential development on Georgian Bay. Impact on approximately ten years. assessment was complete, including development of mitigation plan. Detailed design of the first phase component Blind River Marina Ontario - Assessment of condition of was completed. The plan includes a gravel beach stabilized existing marina facilities and government wharf and by breakwaters of the marina. preparation of detail design drawings for critical improvements. Wellington on the Lake,Burlington-provided peer review for design of a shore protection measures, including The Leningrad Project U.S.S.R. - Co-ordinated input of provision of cobble beaches and low crest revetments. coastal and marine engineers for the concept development of a multi-billion dollar recreational waterfront development Spencer Smith Park,Burlington-provided review of failed north of Leningrad, U.S.S.R. seawall cap and prepared modified design. This was followed by tender assistance and part time construction Beacon Inn Marina, Coastal Impact Assessment - review. Responsible for all aspects of coastal impact assessment of a proposed marina development. Work included Grand Bend Entrance Breakwater-completed a detailed determination of sediment transport rates,accretion rate near design of a south breakwater for the harbour entrance the mouth of a creek and impact on downdrift shorelines. through the existing beach. The breakwater was designed to reduce channel infill with sand and assist with maintenance Guildwood Parkway,Scarborough, Ontario-Preliminary dredging operations. Impact on adjacent beach reviewed. engineering and evaluation of protection measures along approximately 700 metres of the Scarborough Bluff. The Township of Malden Shoreline Management Plan - preliminary engineering was followed by detail design of the Preparation of shoreline management plan for low laying selected alternative. Shoreplan Engineering Limited Marina Master Plan,Trenton, Ontario- Development of a assessment. marina master plan for the city. The plan proposes 350 slip facility with strong transient component and link to existing Point Abino Station Master Plan -Buffalo Yacht Club - downtown commercial core. Completed a review of coastal conditions and prepared a development plan for the site. Boat Launch Study, Haldimand Township,Ontario-Site selection and development of preliminary plans for a Motel Strip Shoreline Development - Metropolitan launching facility along 27 km stretch of Lake Ontario. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority-completed detailed design of shoreline improvements for approximately Fort Malden,Amherstburg,Ontario-Review of concept for 900 metres of the shoreline. Cobbles beaches, vegetated shoreline stabilization along the Detroit River at Lake Erie. shores and fish habitat structures were part of the elements. Concepts considered particular site constraints dealing with archaeological importance of the site. Southampton Harbour Wave Mitigation Study - Public Works and Government Services Canada-reviewed wave Lakefront Promenade Park, Mississauga, Ontario - penetration into the harbour and completed design of Complete administration and design of all coastal breakwater modifications. components of this 55 acre lakefill park in Mississauga, Ontario. The assignments included the design of an Integrated Shoreline Management Plan - Metropolitan underwater bridge to cross water intake pipes and over Toronto and Region Conservation Authority-participated $2,500,000.00 of coastal protection including revetments and in a multi disciplinary team to complete a shoreline beaches. management plan for shoreline from Tommy Thompson Park Kouchibouguac National Park - Evaluation of littoral to Frenchman's Bay. processes along the barrier island of New Brunswick's coast Shoreline Treatment and Construction Activities - to determine the most suitable access route for local fishing Waterfront Regeneration Trust - completed an review of vessels. construction methods and shoreline management practices Jack Darling Park Master Plan - Responsible for all along the north shore of Lake Ontario engineering input for the preparation of a submission under Port Stanley Beach Management Plan - Kettle Creek the Environmental Assessment Act. Conservation Authority - completed a review of beach conditions to determine the extent of Regulatory Dynamic Mary Fix Creek - Assessed development of the creek Beach for incorporation into the Official Plan. Developed channel and likely erosion patterns in the future associated beach management plan to increase long term stability of the with proposed development of the area. beach area. Collingwood Shipyards-Project co-ordinator and designer Murray Street and Marrocco Parks-The Town of Grimsby of a temporary dike and dewatering system associated with - Completed class environmental assessment(schedule C) the expansion of an existing drydock. Total construction and detailed design of shore treatments for the two parks. budget$750,000.00. This was followed by construction review and administration. Port St. Charles Marina, Barbados - participated in the La Salle Park, Burlington - Completed design and design of a major waterfront development. Responsible for construction administration of shore protection works along design of marina shore treatments and docks. The Hamilton Harbour shoreline. development is now under construction. Sibbald Point Provincial Park - Assessment of coastal Mariners Haven, Collingwood - Design and construction processes and causes of beach erosion followed b y the management of a lakefill site creating an enclosed harbour design of beach stabilization works. and development sites for 34 condominiums. Presented testimony at an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing. City of St. Catharines - Assessment of shore protection structures on public lands and preparation of Scarborough Bluffs,Ontario-Design or preliminary design recommendations for improvements and monitoring.. of shore protection works along Scarborough Bluffs in areas known as Guild Inn and South Marine Drive. Design included Grimsby Waterfront. - Participation in the development of approximately 1.6 km of shoreline. To date, approximately shoreline management plan for the Town of Grimsby, one-half of the work has been implemented. including recommendations for shoreline improvements at a numb er of locations. Port Stanley Waterfront Study - Preparation of a management plan and technical guidelines for shoreline Fifty Point Marina, Lake Ontario-Design of the Fifty Point stabilization in Village of Port Stanley. Marina basin including haul out slip, mast crane and Grand River Conservation Authority - Shoreline launching facilities. Management Plan-Completed all technical components of Morton Dam, Rideau Canal System-Design of cofferdam the shoreline management plan, including wave climate and dewatering system for repairs of the original dam and assessment, sediment transport review, sediment budget monitored performance during construction. preparation and shoreline reach designation and Shoreplan Engineering Limited Bronte Harbour,Oakville-Design of shore protection works on Lake Ontario. along the north shore and the construction administration of dredging operations. Site review of dredging of the inner Crystal Beach Launch Ramp,Lake Erie-Developed plans harbour in 1977 and administered dredging of the harbour in for a launch ramp development in an exposed part of Lake 1985. Erie. The development included protection for the site and park improvements. Stoney Creek Waterfront Study - Participation in the development of shoreline management plan for the Town of Lakefront Promenade Park, Mississauga - completed Stoney Creek. design of a floating bridge to connect two headlands of the park. Toronto Island Airport-Assessed conditions of the existing shoreline structures around the airport, proposed monitoring Sherbrooke Farms Development,Lake Simcoe-prepared programs and prepared report. concepts for waterfront docking facility associated with proposed residential development Hawkesbury Marina -worked as part of a multi disciplinary team to develop a plan for a municipal marina on the Ottawa Ritchie Crescent Flood Mitigation, Mississauga - River. completed class environmental assessment associated with flooding mitigation measures. This was followed by detailed Grenadines Islands Wave Transformations - analysed design of improvements. nearshore wave transformations around the islands and wave penetrations into proposed beach area. McKenzie Park, Sarnia - completed class environmental assessment of shoreline improvements at a downtown park. Point Edward, St. Clair River-designed improvements to This was followed by detailed design of shoreline proposed shore protection at the inlet of the St.Clair River at improvements, formal approval process, construction Lake Huron. Followed by construction review and administration and site review. administration. Kincardine Harbour Expansion, Lake Huron-completed Town of Dunnville, Lake Erie - completed a review of detailed design of marina basin expansion , including design shoreline structures within the municipal ownership and if shoreline modifications and wave mitigation measures.All prepared plans and estimates for improvements. approvals for the project were secured. Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority - Technical Stag Island, St. Clair River - completed review shoreline Advisory Service - provided technical advise and conditions and provided comments of suitable shoreline inspections under the Shoreline Property Assistance Act stabilization measures and mitigation of siltation problems in during periods of high lake levels, boat channels. Muskoka River Crossing - completed review of proposed Snake Island,Toronto, Lake Ontario-developed concept floating bridge design fro snowmobile crossing with respect for stabilization of north shore of the island and participated to impact on river flows, ice and shoreline conditions in a public review process. Martindale Pond -Public Works Canada-prepared design Grand Bend Breakwater Modifications , Lake Huron - of fish habitat improvements associated with dredging of the completed detailed design of expansion of the south rowing course. Included negotiations with the Department of breakwater to minimize siltation and provide better boat Fisheries and Oceans, site review and administration. access to marine facilities Montego Bay, Seawinds Hotel -assisted with analysis of Sarnia Sydney Smith Hull Repair - carried out an nearshore wave transformations, wave propagation over investigation of a failed steel sheetpile wall connecting two reefs and assessment of shoreline structures and their halves of a sunken hull , including a geotechnical impacts on sediment movement along the beach.. investigations, and designed repairs,administered contract. Gray Sauble Conservation Authority Shoreline North and North East Coast Carrying Capacity Study, Management Plan-assisted with completion of a shoreline Trinidad - carried out coastal engineering component of a management plan for shorelines on Lake Huron and tourism carrying capacity study of the north and northeast Georgian Bay. coast of Trinidad, as part of a multi disciplinary team. Assessment concentrated on impact of tourism on existing Victoria Point Development, Orillia, Lake Simcoe - beaches. worked as part of a multi disciplinary team to develop plans St. Catharines Public Lands Shore Protection Review - for a proposed residential development along the shores of Lake Simcoe. Included assessment of construction methods Completed review of shore protection structures on public due to soft ground conditions, boat docking options and lands and made recommendations with respect to shoreline treatments. reconstruction and maintenance. First review was completed in 1984 and review repeated in 1999 Humber Bay West Shoreline Improvements,Etobicoke - Happy Rolph Bird Sanctuary Shoreline Protection, St. completed detailed design of shoreline improvements to stabilize gravel beach along a part of a major waterfront park Catharines - completed detailed design of shoreline Shoreplan Engineering Limited protection improvements . The works included an armour CAREER PROFILE stone revetement and a seawall. Creek outlet was incorporated into the works. 1992 to Present: Shoreplan Engineering Limited, President. Burloak Waterfront Park, Class Environmental Assessment and Detailed Design - completed class 1991 to 1992: Sandwell Inc., environmental assessment (Conservation Ontario) for Coastal and Marine Section, Manager. approximately 800 metres of shoreline of Lake Ontario in 1990 to 1991: Senior Coastal Engineer. Burlington. The design includes an armour stone revetments, cobble beaches and offshore islands and 1989 to 1990: Philpott Associates Coastal Engineers breakwaters. Limited, President. 1987 to 1989: Director of Engineering. Fram Development,Port Credit-completed detailed design of shore protection works along approximately 400 metres of 1983 to 1987: F.J. Reinders and Associates Canada shoreline of urban waterfront shoreline. Design included Limited, armour stone seawalls and a steel sheetpile wall. Head of Coastal Engineering Department. 1979 to 1983: Coastal Engineer. Tall Oaks Park, Mississauga - completed preliminary and detailed design of shore protection works at a the park. Design included repairs to existing groynes,improvements of existing cobble beaches, removal of dilapidated seawalls PUBLICATIONS AND INVITED PRESENTATIONS and design of beach curbs. "Protection of Public Lands in St. Catharines,A Case Study", Point Edward Waterfront, Blue Water Bridge Area - ACROSES Symposium on Cohesive Shorelines, May 1986. completed design update and contract administration and construction review of shore protection north of the Blur "Coastal Protection on Great Lakes", presentation at annual Water Bridge. This was followed by preparation of class meeting of Conservation Authorities, Central District, March environmental assessment for shore protection along 1988. approximately 400 metres of shore protection along the St. Clair River. The detail design is now also completed. The "Burlington Waterfront Symposium", presented at Workshop design includes rip rap and armour stone revetments. on Marina Development, September, 1989. Pefferlaw Harbour, Lake Simcoe - completed a review of "Green Meets Blue Waterfront Symposia",invited participant coastal impacts of harbour entrance structures for Small at a waterfront development seminar organized by Ontario Craft Harbours Branch. Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, 1991 Penetanguishene Launch Ramp-completed review of an "Stabilization of Goderich Waterfront"Invited presentation at existing launch ramp and identified deficiencies.Followed up an annual meeting of the Ontario's Municipal Parks with detailed design of launch ramp and pier modifications Association, 1998 to accommodate low water and full range of water level fluctuations. Aquatic Habitat Manipulation Chaos or Compatibility, Overview., Coastal Processes in Lakes, 7`h Annual A.D. Goderich Harbour River Wall Restorations-assisted local Latornell Conservation Symposium,2000 consultant in the design of seawall improvements along the north side of harbour. Frenchman's Bay Entrance Restoration - completed MEMBERSHIPS preliminary review of coastal impacts of harbour entrance restoration Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO), Designated Consulting Engineer Sarnia Marina-completed review of dredging requirements and prepared budget estimates for the marina and public Canadian Water Resources Association launch ramp. The Canadian Coastal Sciences and Engineering Association Toronto Outer Harbour Development -prepared a concept for relocation of the Toronto Harbour to east side of Leslie American Water Resources Association Street Spit. Concept level construction cost estimate was prepared. International Association for Great Lakes Research Tobermory, Canadian Coast Guard Dock - completed a review of options for providing wave protection for a floating dock used by Canadian Coast Guard. The use of heavy duty floating breakwater was recommended. Shorepnan Engineering Limited BRUCE M. PINCHIN, P.Eng. EDUCATION sediment transport computer program and transfer to Marine Directorate of Public Works Canada. Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, B.Sc. Civil Engineering, 1983. Fishleigh Crescent Shore Protection,Scarborough - Design of causeway revetment for protection of eroding clay bluffs. Review of construction. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Technical Advisory Service, Georgian Bay - Site Seven years experience in many aspects of coastal review, preliminary remedial design and reporting for engineering, including numerical modelling, impact approximately 200 properties suffering erosion and assessment and design of coastal structures. He has flooding problems. both developed and/or applied numerical models dealing with wave hindcasting, wave transformation, Oakville Harbour Wave Abatement- Preparation of alongshore and cross shore transport and beach plan design and specifications for inner harbour checkwater shape. He has examined the potential impacts of both and spending beach. conceptual and actual coastal projects, including the mining of offshore resources, impacts of harbours and Bluewater Beach Erosion Study - Analysis of breakwaters and harbour dredging. He has designed environmental conditions for beach stability and supervised the construction of a number of coastal investigation. structures ranging from artificial beaches to revetments and seawalls. He has worked on the Great Lakes,the Burks Drainage Works, Harwich Township - Site Beaufort Sea, the Canadian East Coast and the investigation and survey for groyne feasibility study. Caribbean. King Point Numerical Modelling - Prediction of offshore and nearshore wave conditions, alongshore MAJOR PROJECTS currents, alongshore sediment transport rates and comparison with measured data. Niagara Bar Stability Analysis -Analysis of stability of offshore shore sand bar and development of Lakeside Park Shoreline Study, Oakville - guidelines for dredging bar without affecting shoreline Investigation to develop artificial beaches. Design and erosion. Supervision of works. Essex Region Shoreline Management Plan - Oakville Harbour Wave Analysis -Analysis of wave Preparation of detailed flood and erosion protection agitation problem and remedial works for small craft plans for 12 kilometres of low lying shoreline. harbour. Resort Development, Antigua - Development of Bridgetown, Barbados, Wave Analysis - dredging plans, analysis of beach stability, design of Comprehensive wave analysis to determine design beach rehabilitation, shoreline stability and erosion wave conditions for harbour breakwater. protection works. Beaufort Sea Coastal Sediment Study - Shore Managers Guideline - Preparation of Implementation and interpretation of major numerical guidelines for shoreline management for MNR internal modelling program to determine sediment transport use. and nearshore profile adjustment for seven arctic coastal sites. Development and implementation of Lake Huron Hindcast Database - Preparation of new hindcasting and nearshore wave transformation hindcast database for Georgian Bay, North Channel techniques. Implementation and interpretation of and Canadian shoreline of Lake Huron. alongshore and offshore sediment transport models. Sediment Transport Model-Development of detailed Elbow Harbour Marina Design - Layout design for Shoreplan Engineering Limited floating dock marina on reservoir with large water level design and construction administration of shoreline fluctuations. Lake Diefenbaker, Saskatchewan. protection works using cobble beaches and minimal structures. Project was used by the Waterfront Canadian Coastal Sediment Study-Implementation Regeneration Trust as an example of suitable shore of alongshore, onshore-offshore sediment transport treatments. models. Development and implementation of a new parametric wave hindcasting procedure. Development Welland River Syphon - Completed a study of the of wave refraction model. Comparison of all modelling performance of the siphon and analyzed the reduction aspects with measured data. in capacity of the siphon due to debris collected in the structure and recommended improvements.. Lake Erie Cohesive Coast Research - Profile analysis, comprehensive sediment budget Port Stanley Beach Run Up Look Up Tables - computations and historical research. Completed a study of flooding due to wave run up. The study resulted in the preparation of tables relating Long Point Region Conservation Authority flood elevation to wind speed, direction and duration. Shoreline Management Plan - Development of design data,design criteria and shoreline management St. Christopher's Beach, Goderich - Completed a concepts for developed sections of shoreline. Detailed detailed assessment of wave climate and sediment wave hindcast and refraction analysis and sediment transport including nearshore refraction and diffraction transport computations used as basis of determining around harbour entrance breakwaters. shoreline stability. Cedar Point,Georgian Bay-Assisted with evaluation Kettle Creek Conservation Authority Shoreline of coastal impacts of proposed recreational harbour. Management Plan - Preparation of shoreline Review included detailed wave climate and sediment development and protection plans for eroding high transport assessment. bluffs and flood prone beach area. Development options were critical to the overall plans as protection Bertie Boating Club - Completed preliminary of the bluffs was not economically feasible. evaluation of wave climate for a proposed marina basin expansion on the east side of Point Abino on Gichee Gummee Marina,Lake Superior-Evaluation Lake Erie. of Alternate breakwater layouts for proposed marina expansion and potential impacts on adjacent Etobicoke Motel Strip - Designed coble beach shorelines.. protection works for a waterfront development. Work included detailed wave climate analysis, neashroe Boulevard Club,Wave Protection, Lake Ontario - wave transformations using refraction/diffraction Development of preliminary design of protective works models and beach plan and slope evaluation. to remediate a wave agitation problem in an exposed mooring area. Martindale Pond - Assisted with design of shore stabilization works and fish habitat featiures. Lakefront Promenade Park Public Marina, Lake Ontario - Development and preliminary design of CAREER PROFILE protective works to mediate a wave agitation problem in an exposed mooring area. 1992 to Present: Shoreplan Engineering Limited. Lakefront Promenade Park Public Marina, Lake 1990 to 1992: Sandwell Inc. Ontario- Layout and design of public marina mooring area. 1983 to 1990: Philpott Associates Coastal Engineers Coral World Sediment Study, Bahamas-Review of Limited,Coastal Engineer. potential impact of dredging operations of Nassau MEMBERSHIPS harbour on the turbidity of water near the Coral World underwater observation facility. Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario(APEO) Coronation Park, Oakville - Preparation of detail Certified Diver Shoreplan Engineering Limited BORO J. LUKARC, P. Eng. TUNNELLING ENGINEER-RESUME Tel.416—895-0284 Fax.416-445-7107 EDUCATION ■ B.Sc. (Eng.)Mining&Geology,University of Belgrade-1964 ■ M.Sc. Geotechnical Engineering-Civil,University of Belgrade-1966 ■ Special Rock Mechanics Course,University of California, 1973 ■ Post-graduate Engineering Courses,University of Toronto, 1974/75 ■ Underground Structures and Works, Colorado School of Mines, 1982 ■ Rock Blasting, Queens University,Kingston. Ont. 1990 PROFESSIONAL ■ Engineering Institute of Canada—Fellow 2000 AFFILIATIONS . President-Tunnelling Association of Canada, 1994-1998 ■ Professional Engineers of Ontario—Member since 1972 ■ Canadian Geotechnical Society-Members ■ American Underground Construction Association—Member ■ Canadian Dam Association-Member SUMMARY OF Mr. Lukajic has over thirty years of world-wide engineering experience in EXPERIENCE tunnelling projects, related to transportation, hydroelectric, nuclear and thermal projects; as well as nuclear waste management, mining and industrial projects. His tunnelling experience includes feasibility study, design, construction management, risk assessment and quality control for numerous projects in Canada, U.S.A., Middle East, Hong Kong, Central America and South America. Currently, acting as a specialist tunnelling consultant and serving in advisory capacity on tunnelling projects in Canada, U.S.A. and Central America. Boro is well known for his many contributions to the International Tunnelling Association (ITA). He served as the President of the Tunnelling Association of Canada between 1994 and 1998. TECHNICAL Boro is a Fellow of The Engineering Institute of Canada and a holder of two PAPERS plaques awarded by the Tunnelling Association of Canada, in 1985 and 1990. AWARDS He participated in several projects that have won national Awards of Excellence from ACEC. Boro had delivered numerous technical lectures at universities in Canada, USA, Hong Kong and Europe. He has authored over thirty technical papers,related to tunnelling and power developments. EMPLOYMENT 1996-present-Independent Tunnelling Consultant RECORD 1993-1996 - Klohn-Crippen,Director,Transportation Division 1977-1993 - Ontario Hydro, Section Head-Tunnelling Division 1969-1977 - Acres International, Senior Geotechnical Engineer B.Lukajic.02/99 Pagel of3 TUNNELLING Mr. Lukajic has practical, hands-on experience in over twenty-five major PROJECTS underground tunnelling projects, resulting in over 150 km of tunnelling. The projects include large underground chambers, tunnels and shafts. In particular, handled the tunnels of all sizes and shapes under the Great Lakes with high water inflows, requiring extensive consolidation grouting and specialised excavation/support techniques. Provided training and guidance to construction staff in regard to blasting technique, ground treatment, seepage control, contractual aspects and QA/QC. A list of selected tunnelling projects follows: • Mill Creek Tunnel,25-ft diameter, 13,000-ft long,TBM,2000-current • Churchill Falls West tailrace tunnel,60-ft diameter,major shotcreting,2001. • SAG, 50-ft diameter,TBM tunnel with pre-cast liner,Niagara Falls-1999-2000 • Churchill Falls,two 60-ft dia.tailrace tunnels,28-year evaluation,1998/99 • Churchill Falls,eleven penstocks,high pressure grouting,Labrador,1997 • Hong Kong 25-kin sewage tunnels,TBM and drill-blast-advisor, 1995-1998 • Dona Julia hydro-tunnel,Costa Rica,drill and blast,volcanic rocks, 1997-98 • Rio-Volcan hydro tunnel, drill and blast,volcanic rocks,Costa Rica, 1996-98 • Toronto International Airport, 10-m diameter,soft-ground tunnel,TBM, 1996-97 • Toronto subway tunnels, 57-km,condition survey and remedial aspects, 1995-97 • Toronto Subway,Eglinton Line West, soil grouting evaluation, 1994 • I.O.C. Humphry Mine,Labrador,Canada,drill and blast,rail tunnel, 1972 • I.O.C.,Labrador, 150-m deep ore-pass shaft, drill and blast, 19972 • Lower Churchill Hydro Development,Labrador,dams and tunnels, 1969-71 • New Brunswick Power, under seabed,Coleson Cove Tunnel, 1974-75 • Darlington Nuclear Station, 10-m diameter tunnel,under lake Ontario, 1980-81 • Darlington Nuclear Station, 10-m diameter tunnel,under Lake Ontario, 1981-83 • Bruce Nuclear Station 9.5 m diameter tunnel,under Lake Huron, 1978-80 • Atikokan Thermal Station,drill and blast intake tunnel,Ontario Hydro, 1985 • Atikokan Thermal Station,drill and blast discharge tunnel, Ontario Hydro, 1986 • Wesleyville G.S, 10-m diameter access tunnel,drill and blast,Lake Ontario, 1977 • Wesleyville underground rock caverns, 16-m diameter,Lake Ontario, 1977-79 • Large underground chambers for nuclear waste,Ontario Hydro, 1977-1993 • Alto Anchicaya hydroelectric project,Colombia,9-km. power tunnel, 1973-74 • Pressure relief tunnel,to de-water large penstock,Nilo Pecanha,Brazil, 1971 LIST OF Ontario Hydro (OPG); Churchill Falls Labrador Corp; Toronto Transit RECENT Commission; GE- Capital, Stamford, CT; Dona Julia Corp-Costa Rica; CLIENTS Montgomery Watson-Hong Kong; Transport Canada; NEORSD- Government Blukajic.02/99 Page 2 of 3 of Ohio LIST OF Ontario Hydro's Tunnelling Experience -- International Congress on SELECTED "Tunnels and Water", Madrid, Spain, 1988 PUBLICATIONS Seepage Control During Tunnel Driving Under Lake Huron -- International Symposium on Large Rock Caverns,Helsinki,Finland, 1986 A Field Method for the Determination of Rock Mass Modulus -- 39th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, August 27-30th (with Dr. K.Y. Lo), 1986 Design and Construction of Darlington Cooling Water Discharge Tunnel-- International Congress on large underground openings, Firence, June 8-11, 1986 Application of Asphalt Grout in Treatment of Tunnel/Dam Leakage -- ICOLD, Quinzieme Congres des Grands Barrages, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1985 Leakage and Treatment -- Symposium on "Execution and Performance of Projects" --Acres Geotechnical Seminar, 1984 Interpretation of Stress - Displacement Measurements -- ASCE - Geotech '84,Atlanta, G.A. (co-author), 1984 Predicted and Measured Stresses and Displacements Around the Darlington Intake Tunnel -- Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol. 21, Number 1, (with Dr. K.Y. Lo), 1984 Cliff Stabilization in the Niagara Gorge -- 7th Pan American Conference, Vancouver,B.C. June, 1983 Brief Review of Rock Support in Two Cooling Water Intake Tunnels -- CNCRM Symposium on Underground Support Systems, Sudbury, September, 1983 Geotechnical Experience with Tunnel Portal Construction -- 14th CRMS, Vancouver, 1982 In situ Stresses in the Rock Overhand at the OPGS--Niagara Falls, Ontario, 4th ICRM,Montreux, Switzerland(with Drs. K.Y Lo, Yuen&Hori), 1979 "Blasting in Engineering Practice", Manual Acres Consulting Services, Engineering Records, 1977 B.Lukajic.02/99 Page 3 of 3 Charlotte F. Young, Ph.D. 120 De`vhurst Blvd. Toronto, Ontario M4J 3J6 charlotteyoung@hotmail.com 416-778-4713 Summary ■ Creative problem solver who initiates and directs strategies to improve environmental decision making and compliance through policy improvement and organizational effectiveness. ■ Exceptional skills in facilitation,visioning,and linking interests of diverse participants ■ Broad knowledge of environmental issues ■ Sophisticated capacity to conceptualize innovative alternatives and solutions,and analyze effectiveness of these solutions. Professional Experience • Facilitation and negotiation --Implement strategic planning,policy discussions,and focus group sessions to advance organizational and policy effectiveness. Results include: Partnerships between youth and environmental organizations Restructured and merged organizations Tasks defined to meet strategic directions Additional staff Over$70K in grant funding Clarified roles • Organizational effectiveness, professional development and capacity building -- Design,promote,and lead events to improve organizational operations and staff development. Implement coaching,technical assistance,staff meetings,interviews,retreats,and training in Bolivia,Canada,China,the Netherlands and the United States.Participants consist of members of professional associations, non- governmental organizations, and government employees. Training topics include: team building, presentation skills, training techniques, program evaluation, public participation, environmental education, audience analysis and strategic planning. Results include: Launched the fist of its kind staff development initiative for about 1500 personnel(senior to entry level) in facility and landscape management Increased ability to implement environmental programs and increased visibility of environmental protection functions Partnerships with trade unions Streamlined communications channels and identification of work duplication Repriotitized training Clarified emissions • Evaluation--Conceptualize and implement complex evaluation studies and needs assessments.Results include: Improved environmental programs/curricula Guidelines for sustainable organizations (e.g.,volunteer development,teacher training) Identification of training requirements • Pu bl is cons u Ration--Designed,directed and evaluated innovative activities for federal agencies and utilities to solicit public input for environmental protection,and clean-up projects.Results include: Outstanding recognition for a national program that now serves as a model for future efforts. Guidelines for refining the design of future public meetings. Comparison of four different approaches to public consultation for nuclear waste management Charlotte Young, Ph.D. (cont). Professional Experience (cont). ■ Directed the Division of Professional Development at Chicago Park District. Managed project activities,including writing reports,supervising staff and facilitating staff meetings.Results include: Creation of and monitoring system for$700K budget Revised policies for professional development Preliminary research on corporate universities Doubling of staff Giant funding Cultivation of relationships with sponsors to secure projects New programmatic areas and conceptual approaches tailored to meet clients'needs $500K in project funds (Only person at my level in my division(50 technical staff members)to secure this level of funding Employment Senior Organizational Development and Policy Specialist, ENVision...synergy-symGtori sokrton;„um,ut�,. Toronto, Ontario and Chicago Illinois (1995-present) Clients include: Ontario Power Generation;National Environmental Education Advancement Project;Chicago Park District;Nebraska Assn. for Environmental Education;Chicago Youth Centers;Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; Ecological Assn. of Sucre,Bolivia; International Assn. for Public Participation Asst. Environmental/Social Scientist Argonne National Laboratory,Argonne,IL. (1988-1996) Clients included: US Department of Energy,US Department of the Navy, US Department of the Air Force Instructor, researcher and plannerwith Masters of Public Health,Illinois Benedictine College,Lisle IL College of Engineering and School of Natural Resources,University of Michigan(Organizational Communications,Public Participation,Evaluation),Ann Arbor MI Michigan State University,E.Lansing MI Community and Social Services,Tinley Park IL Kellogg Biological Research Station,Gull Lake MI Education Ph.D.Natural Resources (Environmental Psychology/Communications);University of Michigan,Ann Arbor M.S. Environmental Communications/Park Resources;Miclvgan State University,E.Lansing B.S.Biology/Ecology;Lock Haven St.College,Lock Haven,PA Mediator,Center for Conflict Resolution,Chicago Bar Association,IL Facilitator: Environmental Issues Foruin/Kettering, and Great Lakes Consensus Author(and co-author) of over 60 papers,publications and reports. Available upon request. I GLYNN GOMES, M.Sc. — DIRECTOR,GOMES CONSULTING ENTERPRISES — 116 River Oaks Boulevard East Tel. +1 (416)993-7039 Fax: +1 (905) 338-9579 Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H4C5 E-mail.glynn @gomesconsulting.com EDUCATION • M.Se. Geography/Institute for Environmental Studies,University of Toronto Research: Modeling organic contamination from urban runoff in stormwater detention ponds Course Work: Water Resources Management,Environmental Management,Enviromnental Impact Assessment, Enviromnental Decision-making,Contaminants in the Environment • B.Sc. Environmental Management(Major)and Biology(Specialist),University of Toronto Course Work: Marine and Freshwater Biology,Limnology,Enviromnental Management,Environmental Problems in the Developing World,Enviromnental Modeling, Groundwater Hydrology, Economics AREAS OF SPECIALISATION • Water Resources and Coastal Zone Management • Project Management • Climate Change/Atmospheric Issues • Program Evaluation and Environmental Strategy Management and Investigation Development • Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact • Environmental Modeling Development Assessment • Technical Environmental Writing and Literature • Public and Stakeholder Consultation Review PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION • Coastal Zone Canada Association • Ontario Association for Impact Assessment LANGUAGES • English—Fluent with all forms of communication:writing,reading comprehension,verbal • French —Working knowledge with all forms of connnunication EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Glynn Gomes is an experienced environmental consultant who possesses a strong scientific, analytical and technical scientific background as well as a progressive understanding of socio-economic environmental issues. This makes him well-suited to bridge the gaps between science and social issues. He is experienced with water resources issues, analysing coastal zone management programs, climate change and atmospheric issues, program evaluation and strategy development, energy sector work, land use planning,transportation, emerging issues and education. He has extensive education in biological,geographical and environmental sciences,and environmental management. His objectives include: • Dynamic environmental consulting that integrates environmental science and management with developing environmental strategy,public education,stakeholder consultation,and conflict resolution • Applying a scientific understanding to environmentally-related social and policy issues; special interest in integrated coastal zone management, marine protected areas, other marine issues, water resources, climate change,atmospheric issues and international work I of 7 � Glynn Gomes —G PROJECT EXPERIENCE WATER Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Fish Habitat Management Branch/ Environment Canada: Environmental Policy, Planning and Assessment Division, Great Lakes and Corporate Affairs Branch — Analysis of Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures Associated with Stormwater Management Ponds • Identified, analysed and ranked mitigation measures, and identified and described regulatory monitoring requirements (i.e. for temperature, groundwater quality and stream morphological impacts); related to Sections 35 and 36 of the Fisheries Act • Surmnarised biotic communities utilising stormwater pond facilities • Reviewed mitigation measures and follow-up monitoring implemented for Southern Ontario stormwater management projects Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Fish Habitat Management Branch— Priority Setting for Fisheries and Habitat Management's Science Research • Analysed the needs of Fish Habitat Management biologists across Ontario regarding science research priorities required to be addressed and developed recommendations for further strategy development Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Fish Habitat Management Branch — Gap Analysis: Identifying Information Availability to Address Research and Information Needs • Reviewed guideline documents and investigated other sources of information to identify relevant available work, reference sources that can provide the required information to staff biologists, and defined focus of resources for remaining required research Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Marine Ecosystems Conservation Branch—Analysis of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S.A.)National Coastal Zone Management Programs for Estuary and Coastal Wetland Protection • Authored a technical report that described twenty-nine programs with focus on management approaches, how consistency was achieved amongst federal/state/local agencies, information sharing, conflict resolution strategies, lessons learned and informative case studies Environment Canada: National Water Issues Branch—Towards a Freshwater Strategy • Drafted a document describing the Canadian Federal Government's role in freshwater Research&Development Ministry of Natural Resources—Wetlands Protection • Conducted field work for wetlands protection, delineation and evaluation surveys, promoted urban fisheries for recreational use, assisted in fish species surveys (involving electro-fishing) and participated in a Canada geese relocation project Region of Halton(on behalf of LURA Consulting)—Water Quality,Taste&Odour Information Program • Conducted research on how municipalities/governments have addressed water quality (taste and odour) issues in 1999 and 2000 Region of Peel (on Behalf of Hardy Stevenson & Associates) — Odour Issues Associated with Lakeview Wastewater Treatment Facility • Assisted in development of a communications strategy to inform residents of initiatives undertaken to resolve odours coming from the Treatment Facility • Conducted telephone interviews with residents who have expressed concern over odour issues Region of York(on behalf of Hardy Stevenson&Associates)—York Water Pipeline • Conducted site surveys, involved in route and site selection, participated in the public consultation process and provided summary reports for a water supply pipeline in York Region John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (United Kingdom) Earth & Environmental Science Department —Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change • Authored a biography article on Jacques Cousteau in the forthcoming encyclopedia 2 of 7 Glynn Gomes Elizabeth Haydon(Best-selling Author)—Destiny:Child of the Sky • Conducted a hydrogeological review of a section in this novel published by Tor SF and Fantasy(200 1) University of Toronto/Institute for Environmental Studies—Socio-economic Patterns in Municipal Water Use • Researched urban water conservation technologies,strategies and policies University of Toronto/Department of Biology—Comparison of Fisheries in Two Canadian Shield Lakes • Conducted field investigations of fish feeding behaviour, built and set up fish-feeding monitoring devices in the epilittoral zone of two lakes,compiled field data,and analysed survey data from video tapes of underwater sites University of Toronto/Department of Geography—Investigation of Nitrogen Leaching in a Forested Wetland • Assisted in delineation and demarcation of the wetland field test area CLIMATE CHANGE AND ATMOSPHERIC ISSUES Environment Canada (on behalf of Claude Davis and Associates) — Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment(CCME)Management Plan for NOx and VOCs • This project assessed the effectiveness of the implementation of the 1990 CCME Management Plan for NOx and VOCs. Glynn conducted telephone and in-person interviews with industry representatives in Eastern Canada to learn how effectively they have incorporated initiatives, guidelines and other products resulting from the Management Plan into their business practices. Environment Canada — Atmospheric Environment Service — Adaptation and Impacts Research Group — Atmospheric Change and Biodiveristy • Authored a report that assessed (at the regional scale) atmospheric change and biodiversity impacts in the Toronto-Niagara Region,water resources,changes in hydrological regimes,and coastal areas of Lake Ontario Ontario Power Generation and Eastern Ontario Model Forest(on behalf of Hardy Stevenson &Associates)— Carbon Sequestration Project • Managed and co-ordinated the development of a carbon sequestration project between the electrical utility and the forestry management group Ontario Power Generation (on behalf of Hardy Stevenson and Associates) — Public Information and Consultation for Implementation of Selective Catalytic Reduction Technology • Assisted in the development of public consultation strategy for the installation of emission reduction technology at the Lambton and Nanticoke generating stations, preliminary display panels for public information centres, and preliminary stakeholder correspondence/contact lists PROGRAM E VAL UA TION AND STRA TEG Y DEVELOPMENT Institute for Environmental Studies (University of Toronto) — Canadian International Development Agency VIETPRO 2020 Environmental Training in Vietnam Project • Organised,statistically analysed, and surmnarised response data from questionnaires filled out by participants of an environmental training course in Vietnam Choices for Health(on behalf of LURA Consulting)—Halton Healthy Homes,Healthy Families Project • Glynn assisted in the development of an approach needed to evaluate the public awareness/consultation pilot program in Halton Region. This program focused on helping women to promote healthy family living by improving diet, increasing physical activity, managing stress and creating a smoke-free home. Glynn analysed responses from focus groups, and provided recommendations and options for various elements of the program. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency(on behalf of SENES Consultants)—Five-Year Review • Conducted telephone, email and fax surveys/interviews to determine stakeholder/industry participation in environmental assessment screenings and comprehensive studies, and their opinion about the federal environmental assessment Public Registry and Environmental Assessment Index 3 of 7 Glynn Gomes Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (on behalf of Resource Futures International) — Sustainable Development Strategy • Developed a synthesis document that comprehensively integrated First Nations' concerns expressed during a series of national workshops between Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and seventeen First Nation groups across Canada Environment Canada—National Office of Pollution Prevention,Base Metals Sector(on behalf of Haussmann Consulting) — Workshops on the Development of Environmental Performance Standards —January 2001 & March 2002 • Part of a team to facilitate one-and-a-half-day multi-stakeholder workshops in Ottawa to review issues related to the development of Environmental Performance Standards for the Base Metal Smelting Sector • Attended workshops,took detailed notes,and developed a report of the workshop proceedings Environment Canada: National Water Research Institute — Environmental Standards and Reference Materials(ESRM) • Designed, conducted and evaluated (qualitatively and quantitatively) in-person, telephone, fax and email questionnaires/interviews. Co-authored four technical reports,determined; a. Laboratory capabilities and program details of laboratories and organisations that contribute analytical data to a federal govermnent program (i.e. Northern Contaminants Program). This report profiled the organisations, their areas of expertise, analytical capabilities, services provided and their involvement in Quality Assurance programs. b. Availability and suitability of external national and international quality assurance programs pertinent to the Northern Contaminants Program. This report also recommended specific quality assurance programs for particular analytical programs and described the need for development of a new Quality Assurance program. c. Demand for a proposed organic interlaboratory Quality Assurance program from Environment Canada's regional and research laboratories, and assessed specific Quality Assurance elements that would need to be addressed by such a program. d. Environment Standards and Reference Materials' customer needs (i.e. the needs of distributors of ESRM's products such as "Reference Materials" and"Certified Reference Materials"). This report assisted ESRM maximise sales and cost recovery for its products. City of Toronto—Stewardship Forum—Partnership Working Group • Took detailed notes and provided a summary report of a workshop to increase the efficiency of volunteer organizations in achieving environmental stewardship goals by involving partners City of Toronto—Oak Ridges Moraine Public Meeting • Produced an executive summary of meeting proceedings, including expressed comments and questions, to City staff ENERGY Ontario Energy Board (on Behalf of Hardy Stevenson and Associates)—Electricity Sector Restructuring • Organised several facilitated internal workshops and meetings(in Sudbury, Kingston and Toronto) • Co-ordinated activities among the public consultation project team • Produced summary and other associated documentation between the Ontario Energy Board and electrical utilities for the purpose of discussing rates and licensing issues pertaining to electricity sector deregulation Pickering Power Plant (on Behalf of Hardy Stevenson and Associates) — Various Public Consultations on Environmental Concerns • Assisted in nuclear power public consultation processes and organised stakeholder concerns Ontario Hydro(on behalf of Hardy Stevenson&Associates)—Three Gorges Dam(China) • Developed an information brief describing socio-economic impacts associated with the Three Gorges Dam for a senior Hydro staff's business development visit to the region 4 of 7 Glynn Gomes Pickering Power Plant(on behalf of SENES Consultants)—Public Consultation on Environmental Concerns • Assisted in organisation for a nuclear power public consultation workshop Millennium Eco Project(on behalf of Hardy Stevenson&Associates)—Dawn to Lake Erie Pipeline • Conducted research for a socio-economic impact assessment of a natural gas pipeline development project in South-western Ontario LAND USE PLANNING AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Lands for Life Project(on Behalf of Hardy Stevenson and Associates) • Organised and consolidated stakeholder consultation results for the regional land use plan Downsview Lands Development Plan(on behalf of SENES Consultants) • Assisted with the development of an environmental assessment report for the land development project Canada Wildlife Service, Environment Canada (on behalf of LURA Consulting) — Protection of Species at Risk Public Information Sessions • Acted as project administrator to organise three public information sessions describing Canada's proposed legislation,the Species at Risk Act,to protect endangered species • Co-ordinated logistics with local co-ordinators in three cities(i.e. Sault Ste. Marie, Guelph and Kingston) City of Toronto(on behalf of LURA Consulting)—Environmental Assessment for the 2008 Olympic Bid • Produced summary documentation for a Neighbourhood Working Group public consultation meeting discussing how the proposed 2008 Olympic Games in Toronto would impact the Sailing and Waterfront Recreation communities TRANSPORTATION City of Toronto(on behalf of LURA Consulting)—Gardiner Dismantling Project • Involved in the public consultation process for the Gardiner Expressway dismantling project and produced consultation summary documentation • The consultations addressed expressway demolition, noise, water and ground contamination, health and safety, and traffic issues. City of Toronto(on behalf of LURA Consulting)—Environmental Assessment for the 2008 Olympic Bid • Produced summary documentation for a public consultation meeting regarding the proposed transportation master plan for the 2008 Olympic bid in Toronto Town of Oakville(on behalf of Hardy Stevenson&Associates)-Dorval Road Socio-Economic Assessment • Conducted a survey, supported by photography, of vehicular and pedestrian traffic for a road extension DECOMMISSIONING AND OTHER CONTAMINANT ISSUES Environment Canada: Material Management Branch(on Behalf of Claude Davis and Associates)—Inventory of and Technical Study on Pentachlorobenzene(QCB)and Tetrachlorobenzenes(TeCB) • Conducted research to assist in estimating demand patterns and characterising sources of QCB and TeCB (including products containing these chemicals) in Canada • Conducted research and information interviews to identify analytical laboratories with the capability to test for these chemicals in various environmental media • Reviewed current enviromnental controls including comparison of controls in Canada, the U.S., Europe and other countries 5 of 7 i `G Glynn Gomes City of Toronto (on behalf of LURA Consulting) —Manson Factory Site Decommissioning and Remediation Project • Involved in the public consultation process for the factory site decommissioning and produced consultation summary documentation • The consultations addressed building demolition, health and safety, and clean-up of asbestos and other hazardous materials from the site. Health Canada (on behalf of Cantox Environmental)—Background Study of Use Patterns and Economics of 2-Ethoxyethanol • Conducted industry market research to characterise use (e.g. identify: producers, importers, distributors; current users, use patterns, and technical/economic issues; identify trade names and chemical synonyms; and, identify alternatives) • This included conducting information interviews with industry representatives, and library/internet research. Environment Canada (on behalf of Cleghorn and Associates) — Background Study on the Technical and Socio-Economic Aspects Related to the Management of Waste Crankcase Oil(WCO)in Canada • Conducted industry market research to characterise a historical and current use profile, describe the process life cycle of WCO(and identify major areas of concern);and identify substitutes and other alternatives • This included conducting information interviews with industry representatives,and library/internet research. EMERGING ISSUES United Nations Environmental Program/ Scientific Committee on Problems in the Environment — Global Environment Outlook 2000 • Investigated how environmental issues evolved into global issues of concern since 1950 • Co-authored a report for the"Future Perspectives"chapter of the publication Institute for Environmental Studies (University of Toronto)/Ministry of the Environment — Emerging Environmental Issues in Ontario • Member of the organising committee for a workshop investigating emerging environmental issues in Ontario • Authored a report describing emerging environmental issues in Ontario since 1950 EDUCATION- TECHNICAL REVIEW AND EDITING McGraw-Hill Ryerson—Grade 12 Biology Teacher's Resource—Unit S:Population Dynamics • Conducted technical review, developmental editing and copyediting of three chapters (Chapter 13: Ecological Principles,Chapter 14:Population Ecology,and Chapter 15:Human Ecology)of this teacher's guide EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Principal Consultant(Director): Gomes Consulting Enterprises 1997 to Date Research Associate: Environment Canada,Atmospheric Environment Service 1996 to 1997 Research Assistant (Urban Water Conservation) and Teaching Assistant (2"d-year 1996 University Course: Resource and Environmental Management) University of Toronto, Institute for Environmental Studies Wetlands Research Assistant 1995 University of Toronto,Department of Geography Bill Collection and Conflict Resolution Specialist 1994 to 1995 FCA International Ltd. 6 of 8 Glynn Gomes Wetlands Resource Technologist 1994 Ministry of Natural Resources Fisheries Research Assistant 1994 University of Toronto, Department of Biology CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS PARTICIPATED: As listed above • Member of the Organisation Committee: Emerging Environmental Issues in Ontario (Toronto, Ontario - May 1999) • Participated in the workshop on integrated coastal zone management at Coastal Zone Canada (Victoria, British Columbia-August/September 1998) • Global Change Symposiums: o Canada Country Study(Toronto,Ontario—November 1997) o Climate Variability, Atmospheric Change & Human Health Conference (Toronto, Ontario — November 1996) LECTURED: • Central Canadian Symposium on Water Pollution Research — Presented a talk on persistent organic contamination in stormwater ponds, "A Simple Model of Multimedia Chemical Fate in a Wet Detention Pond" (Burlington, Ontario—February 1997) ATTENDED: • International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress (Montr6al, Qudbec— October 1996) PROFESSIONAL PAPERS/PRESENTATIONS Glynn Gomes. August 2001. Effectiveness of Environmental Mitigation Measures Associated with Stormwater Management Facilities(Final Draft). Fisheries and Oceans Canada(Fish Habitat Management Branch—Ontario Great Lakes Area)and Environment Canada(Environmental Policy,Planning and Assessment Division,Great Lakes and Corporate Affairs Branch). Burlington,Ontario.62pp+Appendices. Glynn Gomes. April 2001. Priority Setting for Ontario Great Lakes Area Fish Habitat Management's Science Research. Fisheries and Oceans Canada(Fish Habitat Management Branch—Ontario Great Lakes Area). Burlington,Ontario. 36pp+Appendices. Yvonne Stokker and Glynn Gomes. January 1999. Summary Report on the Availability and Suitability of External National and International Quality Assurance Programs Pertinent to the Northern Contaminants Program. NWRI Contribution No. 99-301.National Water Research Institute,Burlington. 146 pp. Yvonne Stokker and Glynn Gomes. January 1999. Summary Report on the Analytical Programs and Capabilities of Laboratories and Organisations that Contribute Analytical Data to the Northern Contaminants Program. NWRI Contribution No. 99-302. National Water Research Institute,Burlington. 47 pp. 7 of 8 Glynn Gomes Glynn Gomes. 2002."Cousteau,Jacques" in Volume 5, Social and Economic Dimensions of Global Environmental Change(Edited by: Peter Timmerman)in Encyclopedia.of Global Environmental Change(Editor-in-Chief: Ted Munn,).John Wiley&Sons: Chichester. pp 209-210. Glynn Gomes. 1998. NOAA National Coastal Zone Management Programs for Estuary and Coastal Wetland Protection. Fisheries and Oceans Canada - http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/oceanscanada/newenglish/library/gomes.htm. 61 pp. Sarah Kalhok and Glynn Gomes. 1999. "Box: Environmental Surprises Since 1950" in Global Environment Outlook 2000 (Robin Clarke,ed.). Earthscan Publications(on behalf of UNEP),London. p. 336. Glynn Gomes. 1999. "Emerging Enviromnental Issues in Ontario since 1950" in Environmental Monograph No.15: Emerging Environmental Issues in Ontario (R. E. Munn, ed.). Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto. 74pp. A. P. Lino Grima (with the assistance of Glynn Gomes, Richard Koo and Romila Verma). 1998. A Review of Training Activities and Participants' Evaluation. Prepared for the VIETPRO 2020 Environmental Training in Vietnam Project. University of Toronto. 54 pp. Glynn Gomes. February 1997. A Simple Model of Multimedia Chemical Fate in a Wet Detention Pond. Presentation to the Central Canadian Symposium on Water Pollution Research, Burlington,Ontario. Glynn Gomes. 1996. Modeling the Fate of Organic Contaminants in Urban Stormwater^ Detention Ponds. University of Toronto.(Master's Research Paper.)75 pp. Glynn Gomes. May 1996. Oil Spills and Clean-up Methodologies. Presentation to Central Park Lodge Senior's Nature Group. Toronto, Ontario 8 of 8 APPENDIX 3 CORPORATE INFORMATION Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited I Consulting Services: Port Granby Long-Term Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Project H A R D Y STEVENSON AND ASSOCIATES COMPANY DESCRIPTION Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited Our staff and associates include: was formed in 1990. The firm specializes in: • Dave Hardy,Principal is a social scientist, facilitator, and Registered • Social Impact Assessment Professional Planner • Environmental Planning •Joan Lockhart-Grace is an • Land Use Planning Environmental Planner and a social impact assessment practitioner. • Public Consultation • Marc Rose is an Environmental Planner • Facilitation and a public consultation practitioner. • Communications • Mark Stevenson is a Senior Associate and a public consultation specialist The firm has an extensive list of • Ron Corbett is a Senior Associate and a experience pertaining to strategic land use planning/housing specialist. Environmental Assessments and Master ' David Shulman is a Senior Associate and Plans. We have also worked on numerous energy management projects, a public consultation specialist transportation projects, housing studies, • Charlotte Young is a Senior Associate aggregates,pipelines,water and and an organizational development wastewater projects, solid waste landfills, specialist hazardous/ nuclear waste facilities, 3Rs recycling and waste reduction strategies. ' Glynn Gomes is an Associate and a resource specialist (water) Much of our research involves projects • Cynthia Rattle is an Associate and a facing complex approvals. social impact specialist SO• CAL IM• PACT ASSESS•MENT (n) H A R D Y STEVENSON The evaluation of the effects of a project, policy, or plan on the AND ASSOCIATES community, and consideration of socio-economic impacts on the standard of living and quality of life of individuals, including our social impact day-to-day activities, perceptions, and values. assessment experience includes: >Natural gas, water supply, For over 25 years, HSA staff have helped to improve project design, plan for cost and sewer pipelines effectiveness and enhance community acceptance for a variety of projects. We provide essential advice about the social, socio-cultural, and socio-econoinic > Resettlement studies impacts of waste management programs and facilities, hydroelectric and thermal >Aggregates, quarries, and energy projects and policies, aggregate and resource extraction proposals, urban landfills planning and housing developments, forest policies and transportation modes > Project/policy appraisal and facilities. We have completed large strategic policy assessments and assessed the social impacts of small development projects. >Solid waste, biosolids, nuclear used fuel, and recycling What we Can Do For You: > Community impact agreements • Predict social, cultural, and economic impacts of projects, policies, and plans > Transmission facilities • Present evidence at Boards and Connnissions > Mitigation studies • Identify individuals and communities who may be affected by a project >Housing and commercial • Anticipate and predict the nature and extent of potential positive and negative developments effects to individuals and communities using proven methodologies >Social cost-benefit analysis • Develop and implement appropriate recommendations and impact management >Roads and highways measures to enhance positive effects and decrease or avoid negative impacts > Tourism studies • Assist in the choice of a site or route for a facility or service, on the basis of the nature and extent of > Electrical and power potential impacts generation facilities • Assess programs, policies, and plans based >Forestry plans and 1' g P P practices on positive and negative social impacts > Economic impact studies • Identify cost and financial impacts of proposed changes >Community surveys { w t 1 . •• ��111 11 •, • • • • • • 1 11 PUB • LIC CON • SUL • TA • TION n H A R D Y STEVENSON Involving individuals or groups in decision-making by seeking AND ASSOCIATES their views and encouraging deliberation and discussion on policies, programs or services that affect them directly or in our public consultation experience includes: which they have an interest. >Identifying stakeholders The public is a powerful interest that is capable of changing the outcome of a >Developing public consultation frameworks decision if individuals and stakeholders are not satisfied. Effective public consultation improves the quality of project decision-making and is increasingly >Designing and tn ortant in approvals processes. implementing public important pp p involvement programs We have designed and --- - >Developing and delivering itnplemented successful - / training courses in public consultation and citizen consultation programs for 1 f engagement numerous public and / ovate clients and have ! >Undertaking community I' organization and saved these organizations development considerable money in the long-term. Whether it involves >Evaluating public g consultation processes conflict resolution, consensus building, stakeholder communication or >Conducting peer reviews of forming public advisory committees, our public consultation programs extensive experience can help you to work with the public to obtain ideas and help solve >Managing workshops, public information centres, problems. and open houses >Integrating communications and social impact assessment into What We Can Do For You: public participation processes • Design a public consultation process,whether you need to incorporate the >Conducting focus groups views of a few individuals or need to consult with a broad range of people >Assisting with institutional from across Canada and beyond strengthening • Implement a public consultation process by providing organizational and administrative support, facilitation, and conflict resolution • Evaluate a public consultation process to determine what changes could be made to improve subsequent processes • Train your staff how to design, implement, and evaluate their own processes \ LAND USE PLAN • NI NG (n) HARD Y STEVENSON The art and science of allocating land use resources at AND ASSOCIATES various scales to achieve the maximum practicable degree of economy, environmental and human well-being. our land use planning experience includes: We are not your typical land use planning consultancy. Our strength is > Land use analysis of major infrastructure community-based planning: working with local residents and exploring ways to projects achieve acceptable plans and developments that allow for smooth approvals and community support for projects. For over 25 years Hardy Stevenson has been > Long-range planning undertaking analysis of proposals, considering options, and preparing > Regional-level planning recommendations for action including both policy development and implementation plans for a variety of institutional, infrastructure, commercial and > Policy studies housing projects. > Housing studies Our multi-disciplinary planning perspective helps us to provide input to > Secondary plans engineers, architects and environmental scientists, leading to successful Official > Demographic analysis Plan and Zoning By-law approvals. Our services include providing sound research and expert planning advice before local councils and the Ontario >Aggregate approvals and peer reviews Municipal Board on the implementation of land-use planning policies. > Telecommunication tower What We Can Do For You: approvals > Commercial/retail studies • Prepare Official Plans and Official Plan Amendments > Project evaluation • Perform land use analysis studies and prepare conceptual plans >Assessment of land-use • Carry out strategic land use studies and associated public consultation processes effects • Manage expert teams for land use projects leading towards smooth approvals > Ontario Municipal Board Hearings • Complete housing studies and develop social housing strategies > Committee of Adjustment • Assess planning impacts and provide expert opinion meetings > Regional and local Council ■ meetings ' '• '0 UI � 1 II FA • CI • LI • TA - PON (n) H A R D Y STEVENSON Guiding a group process to ensure that it meets the desired AND ASSOCIATES goals and objectives. The presence of an objective and experienced facilitator can often mean the our facilitation difference between success and failure for meetings or workshops. As skilled experience includes: facilitators, we structure meetings to ensure participants are able to state > Public meetings and their point of view and listen to the views of others. workshops We offer two types of facilitation services: (1) facilitation as management > Multi-stakeholder consulting in a corporate environment, where "successful planning processes workshops equal successful people processes"; and (2) facilitation of people in a public environment. In both cases, we develop facilitation plans, facilitate the > Visioning and mission sessions sessions, record and prepare detailed proceedings, and ensure the sessions are meaningful to both clients and participants. >Strategic planning sessions What We Can Do For You: > Facilitation training (and preparation of training materials) • Facilitate meetings focusing on strategic planning • Facilitate public meetings and other consultation events > In-house facilitation of project teams and • Mediate land use disputes, resource management disputes, and corporate planning processes disputes > Mediation of conflicts • Provide facilitation and/or mediation training • Facilitate internal teams > Project leadership and management • Undertake project management • Keep public participation processes on track 0°o O W11 I 1 11 i • • • • • i EN• VI• RON• MEN• TAL PLAN• NING n H A R D Y STEVENSON Incorporating the principle of sustainability into the development AND ASSOCIATES of projects, policies and plans by recognizing their impacts on human and ecosystem health. Our environmental planning Our approach to environmental planning involves integrating information from experience includes: the social sciences, natural sciences and engineering disciplines to identify and address the impacts of policies, projects and plans. Our work includes liaising >Conducting environmental with relevant agencies and the local community to address environmental impact assessment studies g �' and strategic constraints through creative community planning solutions. We provide expert environmental assessments advice and manage environmental impact studies. We also integrate social and economic concerns with environmental policy initiatives for land development, >Conducting peer reviews forestry, waste management, aggregate,water, and energy sectors, resulting in and international studies sound environmental planning solutions. >Preparing environmental policies What We Can Do For You: >Managing hearings at administrative tribunals • Manage a range of Environmental Assessment projects, including pipelines, >Conducting research and highways and roads, and aggregates preparing reports documenting design and • Provide expert advice on recycling and waste management projects and policies construction processes • Evaluate and conduct peer reviews of development proposals by considering >Developing frameworks for their potential environmental impacts evaluating environmental programs and plans • Site facilities and infrastructure in a manner that respects natural heritage and other environmental impacts >Managing multi- disciplinary teams • Identify forest-related values as part of the development of forest management plans >Conducting site and regional impact • Provide expert opinions for projects facing complex environmental approvals assessments 1 Aid �� t r. �i•a _ URN.oil 0 � r i rt / • • - I VAN/ / / COM - MU - NI - CA - TIONS (n) H A R D Y STEVENSON The art and technique of using words effectively in imparting AND ASSOCIATES one's ideas orally or in writing. Our communications Hardy Stevenson and Associates believe that the "message" is as unportant as the experience includes: "medium". We are keenly aware of the impact that words and images can have, especially when dealing with the public and other stakeholders. > Positioning messages > Preparing information HSA staff can assist you to make the most of your first opportunity to express fact sheets yourself clearly and articulately. Our strength is developing accurate and sophisticated strategic communication plans. We also prepare communications > Comment and response materials by considering who your audience is, understanding what is important tracking to them, and knowing the nature of your message. > Preparing and distributing newsletters Our material is a means of managing your reputation. We work diligently to ensure that the information you send out helps to build and maintain trust and > Preparing and printing confidence in your organization. display boards > Delivering a training session on media relations 4 0'.,�,,�� > Developing an in-depth -�•-�^°�.� strategy for turning Use simple language .�,,,�•.. --•.. -�—. --..� around community .,...,..•. ..,«j "' �-- concerns > Developing a recognizable -+�f LI•VI 4.111.01 tens, .+.•„ . identity and image •Um t:•i Cows '+..•,`"-•- .r• Y7 What We Can Do For You: • Identify what your customers think about your service • Get your message across to the public • Develop and implement a communications strategy • Prepare newsletters, flyers, and other written communications material • Develop and shape key messages for communicating with the public and the media • Deliver a presentation on a variety of topics • , I II �e��a r�vbe Consulting Geotechnical& Environmental Engineering Construction Materials Engineering, Inspection & Testing HISTORY OF FIRM Incorporated in 1977 in Brampton near Toronto,Terraprobe has branch offices in Barrie, Sudbury,and Stoney Creels to serve central and northern Ontario,Canada.The firm is entirely owned by senior employees.Professional staff totals about 90,including 18 professional engineers,geologists,hydrogeologists,and environmental engineers. PRINCIPALS AND SENIOR STAFF Michael Tanos,B.A.Sc.,P.Eng.,President,Principal Matthew P.Julien,B.A.Sc.,M.A.Sc.,P.Eng.,Associate Paul W.Bowen,B.A.Sc.M.A.Sc.,P.Eng.,Vice-President,Principal Denis Paquette,B.A.Sc.,P.Eng.,Sudbury Mgr. Tim Orpwood,B.A.Sc.,M.A.Sc.,P.Eng.,Principal Garry Muckle,B.E.Sc.,M.E.Sc.,P.Eng.,Associate,Hamilton Mgr. Brian H. Jackson,B.A.,Associate,Barrie Mgr. Peter Fortuna,B.A.Sc.,P.Eng.,Associate Kirk R. Johnson, B.E.Sc.,M.Eng.,P.Eng.,Associate E.C.(Gene)Shelestynsky,B.E.Sc.,M.E.Sc.,P.Eng.Concrete Engr. PRINCIPAL FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION Terraprobe offers a comprehensive range of consulting engineering services in the fields of: • geotechnical engineering • hydrogeology, environmental engineering • engineering geology • materials and construction inspection and testing DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Services are provided for investigation, analysis, design, and recommendations related to geotechnical, hydrogeologic, and materials aspects of municipal,industrial,environmental,and mining projects: • subsurface investigations and terrain analysis by borings, test pits, geophysics, and air photo interpretation;for land development,route selections,aggregate inventories and borrow searches • envirommental investigations of ground water and soil contamination,and audits of properties for purposes of purchase, zoning, development,or compliance • geotechnical design guidelines for all types of structures and civil engineering projects including bridges,retaining walls, shoring,foundations,slope stability,and erosion control • instrumentation and monitoring for slopes,shoring,and structures;settlement monitoring of weak compressible soils such as clay and peat • engineering support for new product development,preparation of manuals,design charts,and certifications • ground water resource evaluation for water supply for industrial,commercial,and residential projects;regional ground water studies for municipal planning purposes • detailed investigation and design for septic tank and tile field waste disposal systems for individual dwellings, subdivisions,or large commercial and institutional uses • hydrogeologic evaluation of landfills,lagoons,and mine tailings areas • evaluation ofinethane gas generation and migration from waste disposal areas,including recommendations for engineering control measures • soil gas surveys and evaluation of leaking underground storage tanks • expert review and testimony presentations before municipal and environmental boards • field construction supervision for pavements,road fills,earth-fill dams,embankments,slopes,and tunnels • laboratory and field testing and inspection services for soil,rock,concrete,aggregate,and asphalt mixes • field and shop inspection of structural steel,bolt torque,welds,reinforcing steel • inspection and testing of roofing materials • concrete technology including mix design,Lok testing,remedial inspections,pre-cast inspections Z"erraprvbe,Chvited 12 Bram Court, Unit 18 220 Bayview Drive, Unit 25 1012 Kelly Lake Road, Unit 1 903 Barton Street, Unit 22 Brampton,Ontario L6W 3V1 Barrie,Ontario L4N 7T3 Sudbury, Ontario P3E 5P4 Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 5P5 (905)796-2650 Fax 796-2250 (705)739-8355 Fax 739-8369 (705)670-0460 Fax 670-0558 (905)643-7560 Fax 643-7559 www.terra probe.ca 1-800-465-2066 TYPICAL PROJECTS - GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Site Investigation and Terrain Analysis • Over 600 residential, commercial and industrial subdivisions and developments in Ontario; land use feasibility studies for gravel pit rehabilitation in Georgetown. • route alignment selection for access road in Pukaskwa Park near Marathon, Ontario; golf resort condominium development near Huntsville; proposed CN rail works yard near Milton. • Industrial developments in Scarborough (automotive, Mazda), Vaughan (warehouse, UPS), Mississauga(manufacturing, Steelcase); Costco Wholesales in Kingston, Scarborough, Downsview, Toronto Waterfront, Kitchener, Brampton, Sudbury, Vaughan, London, Gloucester,Thunder Bay • Detailed slope stability analysis of shoreline and valley slopes, including slope failure investigations, analysis of erosion rates, risk to dwellings along the crest, and design of stabilization measures; Scarborough Bluffs, Goderich Bluffs, Lake Erie Bluffs, St. Clair River, Don River, Black Creek, Credit River, Rouge River. • Assisted the Ministry of Natural Resources in the preparation of technical guidelines for assessing slope stability in Natural Hazard areas as defined in Bill 163(1992-95) • Drilling of deep boreholes and well pump testing along alignment of the 9 th Line Tunnel in York Region Foundation Investigations • Instrument landing system at airports in Mount Hope (Hamilton) and London, Ontario; hangars at Pearson International Airport for Wardair,Worldways, Esso Avitat, Pearson Airport Terminal 1 Replacement • Drydocks expansions for Port Weller Drydocks,St.Catherines,and for Collingwood Shipyards. • Highway bridge structures and approach embankments for sites in Toronto, Scarborough, Saulte Ste. Marie, Kenora, Ottawa,Vaughan, and Kitchener for Ministry of Transportation, Ontario; Baxter Bridge for CPR • High-rise condominium buildings in Etobicoke, Brampton, Barrie, Mississauga, Stoney Creek; New City Hall and Queen's Square, Brampton • Large event buildings such as the Toronto Air Canada Centre (NBA Raptors, NHL Toronto Maple Leafs), the Brampton Sportsplex(Battalion), Livent Pantages, Brampton YMCA,Yorkdale Shopping Mall expansion Pavement Design and Evaluation • Pavement design and construction recommendations for over 500 commercial/industrial/residential projects in Ontario including MTO Highways • Detailed assessment of pavement distress for residential, industrial, and highway roads in Ontario, including investigation of thickness and condition of asphalt and granular courses, surface condition surveys, deflection analysis using the Dynaflect FWD. TYPICAL PROJECTS - INSPECTION AND TESTING Concrete Technology • Breakwater Rehabilitation, Lake Ontario near Burlington; evaluation of concrete deterioration in dam and spillway structure on Rawdon Creek, near Trenton, including recommendations for restoration. • Cold weather placement and curing of concrete materials for 30,000 sq.m. industrial facility in Mississauga. • Field and laboratory inspection and testing of ready-mix concrete for several large pours (2,000 to 5,000 cu.m.)of post tensioned bridge decks, abutments, and piers for MTC bridges along Highway 410 and 407. Roads and Municipal Services • 2 km length Tomken Road in Brampton, including 7 m high bridge approach embankment; concrete paving for 3 km of residential roadways at Eden East Estates, Caledon; $20 M sanitary sewer system&pumping station for Caledon East • shale backfill for 45 ha Kingsbridge Gardens residential subdivision Mississauga; 43 ha Millers Creek residential subdivision in Ajax including deep soft clays, inspection of fill for putrescible wastes, monitoring of methane gas levels in excavations, and requirements for foundations in deep fill areas for Magic Meadows and Oak Glen residential subdivisions, Mississauga over a former landfill site. Building and Industrial Projects • Warehouses in Mississauga for Steelcase, Stackpole, and in Vaughan for UPS; Wardair Hangar (20,000 sq.m.)in Malton; processing plant expansion for Maple Lodge Farms in Norval. • 22 Storey Carlyle Residences condominium and double underground garage structure in Mississauga. • site evaluation and consulting during construction of the Air Canada Centre for the Toronto Raptors /Maple Leafs, the Brampton Sportsplex, Brampton YMCA,Yorkdale Shopping Mall TYPICAL PROJECTS - HYDROGEOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Water Resources Hydrogeology • Over 50 land development projects in Ontario based on ground water supplies and septic tank systems, including a 4 Mill. Litres per day ground water supply for industrial processing in Brampton; expansion of the Cookstown municipal well supply including test drilling. • study of quarry impact on local well supplies in Milton area; review and development of hydrogeologic constraints to land development for Secondary Plan of Tay-Sunnyside area of Simcoe County. • hydrogeologic assessments for watershed studies, Potter Creek near Belleville, Humber Flats in Oak Ridges Moraine. Contaminant Hydrogeology • review of landfill site search drilling in Peel; investigation of leachate production at Erindale Landfill, Mississauga; field and laboratory testing for clay soil liner at WMI Stouffville Landfill; review of expansion application for the Tricil Hazardous Waste Landfill in Sarnia. • monitoring ground water/surface water&impact assessments at more than 10 municipal/industrial waste landfill sites • assessment of over 25 gas station sites in Ontario for leakage from buried tanks; investigation of leakage from buried tanks from industrial plant in North York including design of remedial clean up • hydrogeologic study, design, and operations report for industrial (steel mill) landfill in Whitby; assessment of alternative methods of storage and containment of hazardous electric arc furnace duct materials for steel mill in Nova Scotia • environmental site assessments of Pickering Airport Lands, commercial/industrial properties throughout Ontario. ;rerrapruGe 2001 Shoreplan Engineering Limited Description of Services , r �a. r W 139 Merton Street Suite 631 Toronto Ontario Canada M4S 3G7 tel:416-487-4756 fax;416-487-5129 mail @shoreplan.com Shoreplan Engineering Limited Shoreplan Engineering Limited is a private Canadian firm. It was established in 1991 to provide coastal and marine engineering services to private and public sector clients. The firm offers expertise in shoreline management, impact assessment of waterfront development, approval process, marina design and the implementation of waterfront projects. The range of services offered includes site investigations,feasibility and master planning studies,research, numerical modelling, expert testimony, detailed design, preparation of construction drawings, project management and construction review. These services are offered with respect to coasts, harbours, marinas, estuaries, rivers and canals. Our approach is to work closely with the client to ensure that the final products meet their needs.We often work with other professionals, such as architects, planners or landscape architects to produce the most suitable plans for our clients. Our approach is practical and produces functional and economically feasible designs. Typical Projects Waterfront Resort/Residential Development Shore Protection and Beach Development Sherbrooke Shores, Barrie, Lake Simcoe Arnprior Beach, Ottawa River Victoria Point Development, Lake Simcoe Murray Street Park, Grimsby, Lake Ontario St. Lawrence Starch, Port Credit, Lake Ontario Point Edward Erosion Control Project Point Edward CN Realty, St. Clair River Bright's Grove Erosion Control Project Cedar Point Development, Georgian Bay Palace Pier Shore Rehabilitation, City of Nelles Lake Estates, Grimsby Etobicoke Port Stanley Beach Club, Lake Erie Goderich Beach Stabilization, Lake Huron Edgemere Residence, Lake Ontario Derry Property and Hiawatha Park, Lake Ontario Motel Strip Shore Treatments, MTRCA Shoreline Management Studies Vinona Rifle Range, Lake Ontario Shoreline Management Plan Grand River C. A. Jordan Harbour Fish Habitat Compensation Plan Port Stanley Lakeshore Look-up Flooding Tables, Goderich Cove Beach Improvements Kettle Creek C. A. Shoreline Management Plan, Grey Sauble C A. Miscellaneous Marine and Coastal Frenchman's Bay Entrance Modifications, Wharf Repairs,South Baymouth and Tobermory, Cramahe Township Shoreline Management Plan, Lake Huron Lower Trent Region C.A. Muskoka River Bank Stability Study, Regional Integrated Shoreline Management Plan, MTRCA Municipality of Muskoka Sault Ste. Marie Port Expansion, St. Mary's River Marina Studies and Designs Welland River Siphon Analysis, PWC Cobourg Marina, Lake Ontario Depot Harbour Wharf Repairs, PWC Blind River, North Channel Metro Toronto Waterfront Trail, Lake Ontario Trenton Marina Masterplan Muskoka River Crossing, Town of Bracebridge Hawkestone Yacht Club, Lake Simcoe Cootes Paradise Fish Access Control Structure Pembroke Marina, Ottawa River Haldimand Boat Launch, Lake Ontario Hawkesbury Marina, Ottawa River South Hampton Wave Agitation Study, PWC Buffalo Yacht Club Master Plan Sydney Smith Hull Repair, City of Sarnia Lakefront Promenade Park, Lake Ontario Spencer Smith Park Seawall Repair, City of Sarnia Bay Marina Dredging Burlington 139 Merton Street Suite 631 Toronto Ontario Canada M4S 1 M8 tel.(416) 487-4756 fax: (416) 487-5129 email:mail @shoreplan.com Shoreplan Engineering Limited Our Clients We take pride in having many repeat clients. This, perhaps more than anything else, speaks of our commitment to our work and the level of our expertise. Our clients include: Credit Valley Conservation Authority Waterfront Regeneration Trust R.E.Winter &Associates Limited Gartner Lee Limited City of Mississauga The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Kettle Creek Conservation Authority The Pickering Harbour Company Ltd. Public Works Canada Town of Bracebridge Hough Stansbury Woodland Limited Parker Consultants The Ontario Construction Company Limited Buffalo Yacht Club River Oaks Group Town of Grimsby NAK Design Group Charles Simon Architect Inc. Venturon Development Corporation City of St. Catharines The Crystal Beach Waterfront Park Development Town of Arnprior Association Town of Goderich Grand River Conservation Authority Sandwell Inc. City of Trenton Mattamy Homes St. Clair Region Conservation Authority The Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority Bertie Boating Club Town of Oakville The Regional Municipality of the District of Frank Ferenczi Architect Muskoka Long Point Region Conservation Authority City of Burlington and many private individuals. Numerical Modelling Capability Shoreplan Engineering Limited has a number of computer software programs for coastal engineering analysis and related data processing needs. Our software library continually updated to incorporate the latest available programs. The programs include wave hindcasting and associated statistical analysis, nearshore transformations,sediment transport, cohesionless shore evolution and lake hydrodynamics. Brief descriptions are provided on the following page. Detailed descriptions of the models are available on request. International Experience Bridgetown Harbour Master Plan Update, Barbados Coastal Conservation Project Barbados Port St. Charles Marina, Barbados Long Island Jumby Bay Beach Club, Antigua Grenadines Wave Transformations Trinidad, North Coast Carrying Capacity Study References A complete list of projects and references is available upon request 139 Merton Street Suite 631 Toronto Ontario Canada M4S 1M8 tel.(416) 487-4756 fax: (416) 487-5129 email.mail @shoreplan.com Shoreplan Engineering Limited Numerical Modelling The following is a listing and a brief description of some of the numerical models used and available to Shoreplan Engineering Limited. Our library includes programs for wave hindcasting, nearshore wave transformation, sediment transport, cohesionless shore evolution and lake hydrodynamics. Sediment Transport SEDX An alongshore sediment transport models that uses twelve predictor formulations. These include tree bulk predictors and nine detailed predictor formulations. Model includes the well known CERC and Queen's formula and others. BPLAN A beach plan shape evolution model which computes a time series of alongshpre transport rates at nodes and provides information regarding spacial and temporal variation of a cohesionless shoreline. SEGAR An advance onshore/offshore sediment transport model for prediction of the nearshore profile adjustment COBPRO A coarse beach profile prediction model based on a physical model tests by van der Meer and Pilarczyk. Suitable for use on gravel, pebble and cobble baches. Model predicts below and above water profiles and beach berm crest elevations. SBEACH An empirically based model for simulating two-dimensional cross-shore beach change developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. GENESIS Numerical program for simulation of wave induced long shore transport and movement of shoreline. Nearshore Wave Transformations LINREF A model for linear refraction and shoaling analysis. Model cam use forward or backward tracking modes. It can be linked with co-processors described under SPECTRANS. SPECTRANS A co-processor component of the wave transformation model suite which uses JONSWAP or TMA spectrum forms for the nearshore wave saturation assessment. This in turn provides wave height coefficients and direction changes from deep to shallow water. REF/DIF A combined refraction and diffraction model which uses parabolic approximation to the mild slope equation. This is an ideal model for analysis of wave direction and height on complex shores, such as in proximity to large headlands or embayments. Wave Hindcasting PHEW Parametric model that uses wind speed, duration and fetch length to predict generating and decaying wave trains. Model allows for the time varying fetch distances across predetermined directional sectors. WAVSTAT Detailed wave statistical package that applies to both deep water and nearshore wave conditions. Summaries are available in line, bar or rose diagrams. 139 Merton Street Suite 631 Toronto Ontario Canada M4S 1M8 tel.(416) 487-4756 fax: (416) 487-5129 email:mail @shoreplan.com Shoreplan Engineering Limited Project Descriptions -f a 139 Merton Street, Suite 631 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4S 3G7 tel. 416-487-4756 fax 416-487-5129 mail @shoreplan.com Town of Goderich St. Christopher's Beach Stabilization The Corporation of the Town of Goderich retained e Shoreplan Engineering Limited in 1994 to analyse coastal conditions in an area known and St. Christopher's Beach just south of the Goderich Harbour. The analysis included detailed assessment of the wave climate and sediment transport. The analysis was f - complicated by the presence - � of offshore harbour breakwaters, which caused diffraction of the north westerly waves. The analysis determined the cause of the erosion to be transport of sediment to the north caused by the sheltering effect of the breakwaters and no source of sediment to 1 replenish the subject area. In order to maintain the beach F ., type shoreline, Shoreplan Engineering Limited recommended the use of detached and shore connected breakwaters and groynes. Several alternatives were - examined and the most cost effective solution selected. The design incorporated an extension of an existing storm sewer - outfall through the core of the shore connected breakwater °o at the south end of the site. Neds2 Nom, The Town of Goderich has been proceeding with a staged the implementation of the project. North groyne and the central detached breakwater were implemented in 1995 and the south shore breakwater and an outfall extension in 1999. Naturally occurring pebble material has realigned due to the presence of the armour stone breakwaters and formed a stable shore at average water levels. Filling of beach with pebble material remain to be carried out to provide protection at high lake levels. The project has proven to be so successful that the Town of Goderich has decided to use the same form of shore parallel breakwater to protect a section to another four hundred metres long section of the shoreline south of the water treatment plan. Three of the four proposed headlands have been implemented to date. Shoreplan Engineering Limited 139 Merton St. #631 Toronto Ontario Canada M4S 3G7 tel:(416)487-4756 fax(416)487-5129 mail @shoreplan.com Shoreplan Engineering Limited was retained by the Town of Grimsby to complete class environmental assessment for shoreline rr., protection along the shore of Murray Street and Marrocco Parks on Lake Ontario. The total length of the shoreline included in the project is approximately 300 meters. The public consultation process indicated a great desire to protect the shoreline while providing access to the waterline. The existing high nearly vertical bluffs did not provide this opportunity. This requirement was weighted against the need for minimal lakefill. _ °-- Approvals from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (Authorization under Section _ 35.(2)), Transport Canada (approval under Navigable Waters Protection Act) and Ministry of Natural Resources (Work Permit and Licence of Occupation) were obtained. The preferred solution for the shoreline treatment included a combination of structures and � . treatments. An armour stone seawall along a portion of the shore minimized intrusion into the lake, while revetment along another section minimized wave reflection. The main feature of the shore treatment is a cobble beach anchored by a single armour stone groyne. The beach e : r provides access to the waterline and maintains a natural shale cliff in the area. Project was implemented in 1995 by R+M Construction.. The Town's staff reports many positive comments from the local residents. Murray Street and Marr®cc® Parks Shoreline Protection Project Grimsby, Ontario Burloak Waterfront Park Class Environmental Assessment Regional Municipality of Halton The Regional Municipality of Halton retained Shoreplan Engineering Limited to prepare a class environmental assessment for Burloak Waterfront Park. The site is located at the boundary of City of Burlington and the Town of Oakville. Ongoing erosion t ; s at the park has been a concern to the municipalities for some time. The purpose of the class environmental assessment is to develop most appropriate measures to deal with the erosion of the shoreline. The site contains the last remaining 4. n section of exposed shale bluff in the western end Lake Ontario. The bluffs also provide home for the largest colony of bank swallows in the area and L_ provide spectacular view of the lake. Shoreplan Engineering Limited is leading a multi disciplinary team ;;, - =�' consisting of costal engineers, other engineering specialists, biologists, landscape architects and public OF !' consultation facilitators. To date, two phases of background studies and public consultation process have been completed and preparation of the class environmental document is underway. Public consultation process to date included three public meetings and three newsletters. The proposed plan for the includes a range of shoreline treatments. The treatments include revetment structures, cobble beaches, �► `- groynes, shore connected breakwater and offshore islands. A portion of the bluff shoreline is left in its natural state. The development of the shoreline management ' , plan remediation strategy included extensive discussion with approving agencies. The estimated construction cost of the proposed shoreline improvements is approximately$2.2 ' million. Shoreplan Engineering Limited 139 Merton Street#631 Toronto Ontario M4S 3G7 tel:(416)487-4756 fax:(416)4875129 mail @shoreplan.com �a r :3� r Lakefront Promenade Park Mississauga, Lake Ontario Cobourg Harbour Expansion � A Lake Ontario -� l QV >9( t Hawkesbury Marina Ottawa River The plans were developed in co- operation with teams of planners, Grand Bend Harbour and Waterfront landscape architects, aquatic Lake Huron biologists, economist and recreational market analysts. Shoreplan Engineering Limited was responsible Shoreplan Engineering Limited participated in a for coastal and marine design, impact number of multidisciplinary waterfront, harbour and assessment and participated in the marina studies. These are a few examples of the design development process, costing developed plans. and public consultation process. Waterfront, Recreational Harbours and Marina Concepts Shoreplan Engineering Limited &W Carrying Capacity Study for the North Coast of Trinidad Tourism and Industrial Development Company Government of Trinidad and Tobago Shoreplan Engineering Limited participated in a study to assess the tourism carrying _. .; .. capacity of the north coast. This coast of Trinidad has seen very little development in the past. The government would like to see •-+� .•r tourism development in the area, but is •-, � :,_•`,-�,,-� •; ;, ,, .,;,•., concern about potential impacts of the development on the environment and local OF i :• „� =" residents. The study took a comprehensive multi +; disciplinary approach to the assessment of the carrying capacity. The team included rY 9 p ty• ' planners, engineers, biologist and social scientists from Trinidad and Canada. COX U LAt T U S C 91 A%rXE1 Shoreplan engineering was responsible for the assessment of impact of potential development on the coastal zone, particularly beaches in the area. The work carried out included site reconnaissance, collection of data, beach surveys and overview of the coastal conditions of the north and north east coast. The north coast of Trinidad is characterized by rocky outcrops and steeply rising mountains. Small pocket beaches have developed along the north coast, most being associated with river mouths. ; - Some of the beaches in the north central part of the island are accessible by boat or by foot only. This low accessibility has resulted in almost pristine conditions of the coastline. General guidelines for coastline management r` ` and development setbacks were included in the study recommendations. - °1 The study recommended a low level of development primarily in areas already accessible. The tourism development must be preceded by suitable infrastructure development to prevent # damage to the environment. Shoreplan Engineering Limited 139 Merton Street #631 Toronto Ontario M4S 3G7 (416) 487-4756 fax: 487-5129 mail @shoreplan.com :o N OP NL G �a. . ..._............ .......... ... ...... -....... ...it-Ep... ........-._. ... ..... .. ....... . .. ... :.. V ..... .... .. ... .. ..... .. .... ... .. _ ... v 4 .'..'.'.'.'.'.�.' ?'�T ....... ......... \I CONNOR BAY MOMWK BAY 6w r� xex Pm 1 w.4 REACH 1.1 1.2 IJ 1.4 15 21 2.2 2J 24 1516 27 1 4.3 4.4 45-6 5.1 5.2 53 5.4 55 55 5.7 61 61 67 7.1 71 73 7.4 SUB-CELL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Shoreplan Engineering Limited was retained to complete technical components of a Shoreline Grabel Point Management Plan(SMP)for the Grand River p Conservation Authority. The shoreline ,p includes approximately 25 kilometers of the Mohawk Point north shore of Lake Erie. It is dominated by - bedrock headlands with cre.nulate bays and • Rock Point beaches. g Port Maitland Q 1 The work included site reconnaissance, survey of typical shore profiles, geotechnical Grant Point o investigations, detailed assessment of deep Low Pain[ Q water and nearshore wave climates and o ', identification of littoral sub-cells and shoreline f fir'. reaches. A total of seven sub-cells and thirty Evans Point '; seven reaches were identified. 11\ Regulatory Shoreline Standards were identified and mapped for each shoreline reach in accordance with draft Provincial Policy. Preferred SMP was developed for each shoreline reach, taking into account existing land uses. Several projects of regional Peacock Point o benefit were identified in the study. 0 Shoreplan Engineering Limited is continuing o its involvement with ongoing public education and consultation process. Shoreline Management Plan Grand River Conservation Authority 1 tIs yV�c•N�W � i�} � (} 1 Plot + xr4tw b17 N'1 ,� ',�t tn>` lraa �a` Ft� � 1 all ( 4T t11't' fl 5iµ �rr r cur is hnraplan Engineering Limited has completed a number of assignments in the Caribbean. We I iri'"c:a �torked with local consultants and as part of international design teams on a variety of projec1s. Port St. Charles Development, Barbados Our staff participated in the design of a marina basin as part of a condominium development project on the west shore of Barbados in Speighstown. Our primary responsibility included the design of the mooring basin shores, dock layout and dredging. Additional assignments included preliminary design of entrance structures and docking areas on a proposed outer breakwater. Recreational Harbour, Bridgetown, Barbados As part of a large multidisciplinary team looking at long term plans for the Bridgetown harbour, our staff worked on a feasibility of a recreational craft marina in the harbour. The study included an assessment of availability of suitable space, wave activity and compatibility with commercial ship traffic. Other potential sites on the west side of the island were also reviewed. The study concluded with assessment of construction costs. Plantain Bay, Mustique, Grenadines, West Indies Shoreplan Engineering Limited prepared an assessment of a wave climate for a resort development on the west shore of the island. Of particular interest for this assessment was the penetration of long period waves from the north. Design conditions for detached offshore breakwaters to stabilize a beach were calculated. Seawinds, Montego Bay, Jamaica Shoreplan Engineering Limited acted as a subconsultant to analyse nearshore wave Transformations over a reef structure and in the nearshore. This was followed by analysis of wave diffractions in vicinity of proposed shore stabilization structures. Caribbean Projects y=' Shoreplan Engineering Limited nor- � � •Tz��-,.� - � ili�' A ,�.v3iY` �, )"ai ,.' l l+' �5T3iY �- i� ieY }T,r,: f RADIATION SAFETY INSTITUTE - PROFILE ` Independent Training & education in radiation safety p� r ter' The Radiation Safety Institute of Canada is an The Institute is known for its effective training and independent,national organization dedicated to education services in workplace radiation safety. ry the promotion of radiation safety in the workplace, A variety of programs has been provided to both r in the environment and in homes and schools. large corporate, government and school board { Nr It offers a broad variety f radiation safe[ clients and to smaller companies and community Y Y p y rf services to companies and institutions,labour organizations. and community groups and to the general public. The Institute's approach to training combines As an independent organization,the Institute has classroom learning with hands-on experience in acquired a reputation for the impartiality of its the safe use of radioactive materials and other approach to radiation issues.It is also known for radiation sources. e^ the soundness of its science and information and The Institute also the quality and proven success of its training and provides effective education programs. n e workplace education z The Institute was founded in 1980 as an programs.Its work- independent organization with the immediate place sessions on purpose of developing radiation safety services EMF radiation for Ontario uranium miners. Subsequently,it exposure have proven expanded its operations to embrace a broader spectrum of radiation health hazards and now provides services covering ionizing radiation, X-rays and electromagnetic fields(EMF). Today,the Radiation Safety Institute is one of A Canada's leading providers of radiation safety services and information. .' Information in plain language �4 The Institute's motto of"good science in plain language"underlines its approach to � x providing information.Its professional SS+ = k information and scientific staff,which x includes nuclear physicists,are experienced 1 ? 1' gnt' �$t in providing helpful and effective responses t ?nfr�4 to requests for information and advice. Institute scientists are especially skilful in applying scientific knowledge in practical ways to -� � �� 3� i1 Research t?�tsre 7 _ actual conditions in the workplace - : nt and the environment.Information staff assist enquirers from the � Institute's own information resources v��ad�atfi�nstet ca and from a wide network of resources in Canada,the United States and vwttatronsa# ca internationally. 4 t r� SAEEIY to be highly successful with both employers and employees. Board of Governors Radiation dosimetry The Radiation Safety Institute C; is governed by a distinguished, of workers multi-partite Board of Governors, independently The Radiation Safety Institute is licensed by the in p Y elected. Management of the Institute is C Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to provide under the direction of the President C its radiation dosimetry service. and Chief Executive Officer. C The service is fully operational with major industrial clients in Canada and the United States. Chair, Board of Governors Workplace radiation surveys Hon.Monique Begin Pc,oc (formerly Canada's Minister of The Institute has become known for its National Health and Welfare) comprehensive workplace surveys of EMF radiation exposure.Surveys are also conducted l for other kinds of radiation,e.g.radon in schools, President and CEO X-rays and gamma radiation.Survey reports to Fergal I.Nolan DPhil(Oxon) ' clients are accompanied by extensive explanatory material. ( -1 A partner in occupational health & safety Incorporation Health Canada's National Dose Registry shows The Radiation Safety Institute C` that over 120,000 workers across Canada are was incorporated in 1980 as the C currently monitored forexposure to some variety Canadian Institute for Radiation Safety(LAIRS). ( of workplace radiation.These workers can be (; found in almost every industrial and service The name of the Institute was , sector,where radiation-emitting machines and modified in 1999,under supplementary Letters Patent radioactive materials are now in widespread use. issued by the Government of Almost half the national total,or 60,000,work in Canada. Ontario.In recognition of this fact,the Ontario The Institute is a not-for-profit government has named the Institute a partner in corporation and a registered the province's re-organized occupational health charity(no 106861511RR001). Operations are supported by and safety system. contracts and fees for services. NATIONAL OFFICE 1120 Finch Avenue West The Institute works in co-operation with other - Suite 607 partners in Ontario,including the Safe Workplace Facilities in Toronto,Ontario Associations,the Workplace Safety and Insurance Canada M3]31-17 Toronto and Saskatoon Tel.416.650.9090 Board(WSIB)and the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Fax 416.650.9920 as well as with national organizations such as the The Radiation Safety Institute's NATIONAL LABORATORIES National Office is in Toronto, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Ontario 102-110 Research Drive Safety(CCOHS). (.- Saskatoon,Saskatchewan The Institute's National Canada 57N 3113 ; Tel 306.975.0566 The Radiation Safety Institute is available to all Laboratories are in Fax 306.975.0494 Y Saskatoon,Saskatchewan. E-mail of these partners to help them assist their clients help @radiationsafety.ca with impartial information on workplace radiation - Website concerns. www.radiationsafety.ca © 2001 Radiation Safety Institute of Canada All rights reserved. u � j CONSULTING & TECHNICAL SERVICES The Radiation Safety Institute offers a broad range of technical and consulting services to help resolve x concerns about exposure to radiation in the workplace,the environment and in homes and schools. In addition to our established catalogue of core consulting and technical services,we can also provide custom designed services to meet the unique needs of individual clients. A Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) Service Any company or institution that uses radioactive materials in its operations must be licensed to do so by the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada(AECB).AECB licensing conditions require these companies and institutions to have an in-house radiation safety program,under the supervision of a trained Radiation Safety Officer(RSO),to ensure both the security and safe use of the licensed radioactive material and the health and safety of all personnel. However,many companies and institutions lack the expertise to develop an effective in-house radiation safety program.This is where we can help.Working with your company or institution,the Radiation Safety Institute will design and put in place an in-house radiation safety program that is both effective and in a compliance with AECB regulatory requirements.We can maintain the program for you by providing a qualified RSO,or we can train one of your employees as an RSO.In addition,we are always available for back-up advice and assistance. Regulatory Documentation _ Companies and institutions that use licensed radioactive materials or radiation emitting machines are required by law to submit the appropriate documentation regularly to the respective federal and provincial authorities.Failure to comply can result in severe financial and other penalties,as recent regulatory actions ®� have shown. e 3 x However,many companies lack the resources and expertise to supply the required documentation.They need competent advice and assistance and this is where the Radiation Safety Institute can help.We have extensive experience in preparing and submitting documentation to comply with regulatory requirements. We know what needs to be done and how to do it.For example: if your concern is preparing a radioisotope ;- -�� licence application,documenting a management program for radiation sources,or producing written procedures for radiation monitoring or personnel dosimetry,we can help. x In fact,we can help in almost any area where regulatory documentation is required.We have the experience ^ and the expertise.We can bring you peace of mind by ensuring that the required documentation is expertly i. ®. prepared and supplied on time for you to submit to federal and provincial regulators. Studies, Evaluations and Reviews The Radiation Safety Institute is prepared to assist any organization or community in its efforts to evaluate, . � understand and resolve concerns about radiation hazards.The Institute has an excellent reputation for both the quality and the intelligibility of scientific and technical studies,independent reviews and evaluations of �. ly5r1 radiation safety issues. We have a wide range of clients for this kind of work,from federal and provincial governments to companies,institutions and labour unions and including community and environmental organizations. With our down-to-earth approach to radiation concerns and our practical recommendations for action, our studies have led directly to the successful resolution of a number of major radiation issues.If your �tnsalty�� organization or community needs the services of an independent,reputable and scientifically credible adviser to help esolve a work-place or environmental radiation concern,we'll be happy to meet with you. p M 2 � c � M� d CLIENTS AND SERVICES Information, Public Education Workplace Radiation Surveys and Mediation (EMF,X-rays, gamma,etc) American Re-Insurance Company NJ,USA Federal Siting Task Force on Low-Level P Y( ) e Ontario Canada Radioactive Waste(28 Ontario communities) Bell (Ontario) Inter-Regional Consultants Group (Ontario) NEXACOR Realty Management Inc (Ontario) National Defence Canada �- Radiation Dosimetry of Workers Ontario Ministry of Labour Paudash Lake Conservation Association (Personal alpha dosimetry) (Ontario) Cameco Corporation(Saskatchewan) Port Hope Community Liaison Group(Ontario) Cigar Lake Mining Corporation(Saskatchewan) Power Workers'Union COGEMA Resources Inc(Saskatchewan) University of Toronto Denison Mines Ltd(Ontario) FERMCO(Ohio,USA) Scientific and Technical Consulting Rio Algom Ltd(Ontario) Canadian Union of Public Employees WMC Olympic Dam Operations Pty Ltd (Australia) Cigar Lake Mining Corporation(Saskatchewan) Yucca Mountain Project,TRW Environmental COGEMA Resources Inc(Saskatchewan) Safety Systems Inc(Nevada,USA) Manitoba Dept of Energy&Mines Manitoba Dept of Industry,Trade&Technology Radon Surveys (homes, schools and buildings) Ontario Ministry of Environment&Energy Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd(Ontario) �y Ontario Ministry of Labour East York Board of Education(Ontario) ��ra Power Workers'Union Eston Composite School(Saskatchewan) Public Service Alliance of Canada Etobicoke Board of Education(Ontario) tr Halton Board of Education(Ontario) Employee Education and Homes(about 2500 across Canada) Awareness Hugh McMillan Centre Board of Education r Bell Canada(Ontario) (Ontario) Canadian Food Inspection Agency(Ontario) Metropolitan Toronto Board of Education(Ontario) Ontario Legislative Assembly Ni p i g on-Red Rock Board of Education Ontario Powers Workers Union(Ontario) North York Board of Education(Ontario) Research in Motion(Ontario) Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education School boards(Ontario) (Ontario) ° Wescast Industries(Ontario) Ontario Ministry of Labour(Ontario) Ortech International(Ontario) s Training in Radiation Safety Parks Canada(Newfoundland) Acklands-Grainger Inc(Ontario) Penetanguishene Protestant Separate Battle Mountain Gold(Ontario) School Board(Ontario) British Columbia Dept of Mines Porter Consultants Inc(Pennsylvania,USA) Cigar Lake Mining Corporation Scarborough Board of Education(Ontario) (Saskatchewan) Simcoe County Board of Education(Ontario) -- Toronto Board of Education(Ontario) COGEMA Resources Inc(Saskatchewan) ESSO Petroleum(Alberta,Nova Scotia) Washburn&Gillis(Nova Scotia) � National Defence Canada Waterloo County Roman Catholic Separate Natural Resources Canada School Board(Ontario) Q Northlands College(Saskatchewan) York Board of Education(Ontario) Saskatoon City Police(Saskatchewan) York Region Roman Catholic Separate - Toral Cast(Ontario) School Board(Ontario) x Training Materials and Radiation Safety Research Course Development ALGADE(France) � n Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada r Acklands-Grainger Inc(Ontario) Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada COGEMA Group(France) Federal Siting Task Force on Low-Level COGEMA Resources Inc(Saskatchewan) Radioactive Waste Natural Resources Canada National Defence Canada Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland Saskatchewan Dept of Education Saskatchewan Labour � #t University of Manitoba (Faculty of Medicine) US Dept of Energy(New York,NY,USA)