HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-009-09Clarin~on REPORT Leading the Way PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING Date: Monday, January 5, 2009 ~fSGI V-1~ ~ #~ n~ "DIS-~ Report #: PSD-009-09 File No's: A2008-0020 & A2008-0034 By-law #: Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 71, 2008. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-009-09 be received; 2. THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on December 11, 2008 for application A2008-0020 and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment; and 3. THAT Council concurs with Staff that an appeal by the Municipality of the decision made by the Committee of Adjustment on December 11, 2008 for application A2008- 0034 is not warranted. However, should an appeal be lodged by another party, Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend its original recommendation. Submitted b Reviewed by: David J. rome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services ~ Chief Administrative Officer MK/CP/df 16 December 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-009-09 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 All applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are hearing within 30 days of being received by the Secretary-Treasurer. the minor variance applications and the Committee's decisions Attachment 1. The decisions of the Committee are summarized below. PAGE 2 scheduled for a The purpose of are detailed in 1.2 Application A2008-002p was filed to permit the construction of an accessory building (detached garage) by increasing the maximum permitted total lot coverage for all accessory buildings from 40% to 53% of the existing main building total floor area and by increasing the maximum permitted height from 5 m to 5.7 m. The application was originally heard at the Committee of Adjustment meeting of July 24, 2008. The subject property had designated heritage structures on site, and the application was TABLED to satisfy the Clarington Heritage Committee that the proposed detached garage would be in keeping with the existing character of the property and of the surrounding neighbourhood. Staff recommended approval of the application as the main building would remain the dominant feature on the property both in size and in height, and as the existing character of the neighbourhood would not be negatively impacted by the proposed structure. The following.. conditions were recommended: 1) That the colour selection and materials for the proposed detached garage are in keeping with the historical nature of the neighbourhood; 2) That vegetative screening be left in place along the Wellington Street frontage in the area of the new detached garage; and 3) That no individual accessory building shall exceed 67 m2 in area. The Committee approved the application as recommended by Staff. 1.3 Application A2008-0034 was filed to permit the conversion of an attached garage into living space by reducing the minimum required interior side yard setback for a dwelling without an attached garage from 4.5 m to 1.2 m and to permit an accessory building (existing shed) by reducing the minimum required westerly interior side yard setback from 0.6 m to 0.4 m. DECISION OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR DECEMBER 11, 2008 REPORT NO.: PSD-009-09 PAGE 3 Staff recommended approval of the conversion of the attached garage into living space as the minimum numb~er of required parking spaces would continue to be provided on the subject property. F{owever, Staff recommended denial of the proposed reduction of interior side yard setbacck from 0.6 m to 0.4 m as it would not provide a sufficient amount of space for proper maintenance of structures. The applicant explained to the Committee that the lot was pie shaped, therefore only one corner of one side of the existing shed required a reduction of side yard setback from 0.6 m to 0.4 m, and that the southern most corner of the shed met the required 0.6 m interior side yard setback. The Committee considered Staffs opinion and the information presented by the applicant and decided to approve the application as applied for with the following conditions: 1) That the applicant maintains a minimum two (2) outdoor parking spaces on the subject property (4.6 m X 5.7 m) if placed side by side; and 2) That the applicant maintains a minimum 0.6 m rear yard setback to the wall of the existing accessory building (shed). 2.0 COMMENTS 2.1 Staff have reviewed the Committee's decision and are satisfied that application A2008- 0034 is in conformity with both Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law, is minor in nature and desirable. 2.2 Staff have reviewed the Committee's decisions and are satisfied that the portion of the Committee's decision for application A2008-0034 relating to the reduction of interior side yard setback for a dwelling without an attached garage is in conformity with both Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law, is minor in nature and is desirable. Although Staff was not in favour of the approved westerly interior side yard setback of 0.4 metres, after further review Staff acknowledge that the lot is not square and that only the north western corner of the shed has a 0.4 m interior side yard setback. The shed meets the minimum required rear yard setback and also the westerly interior side yard setback at the south-west corner of the shed. Based on the above comments, although Staff are not in support of the Committee's decision to approve a 0.4 m interior side yard setback for an accessory building, Staff do not believe it is an appropriate decision to appeal. Therefore, Staff believes an appeal by the Municipality for the decision made by the Committee of Adjustment on December 11, 2008 for application A2008-0034 is not warranted. 2.3 Council's concurrence with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for applications A2008-00'20 and A2008-0034 is required in order to afford Staff. official REPORT NO.: PSD-009-09 PAGE 4 status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. Attachments: Attachment 1 -Periodic Report for the Committee of Adjustment Attachment 1 To Report PSD-009-09 Clarington Leading the Way PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: NEW CASTLE DRAFTING & DESIGN OWNER: CATHERINE SMITH PROPERTY LOCATION: 49 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE PART LOT 12, CONCESSION 1 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF BOWMANVILLE FILE NO.: A2008-0020 PURPOSE: TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (DETACHED GARAGE). BY INCREASING MAXIMUM PERMITTED LOT COVERAGE FROM 40% TO 53% OF THE MAIN BUILDING TOTAL FLOOR AREA TO A MAXIMUM 92 M2 AND BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED HEIGHT FROM 5 M TO 5.7 M. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (DETACHED GARAGE) BY INCREASING MAXIMUM PERMITTED TOTAL LOT COVERAGE OF ALL ACCESSORY BUILDINGS FROM 40% TO 53% OF THE EXISTING MAIN BUILDING TOTAL FLOOR AREA TO A MAXIMUM OF 92 MZ AND BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED HEIGHT FROM 5 M TO 5.7 M SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: THAT THE COLOUR SELECTION AND MATERIALS FOR THE PROPOSED DETACHED GARAGE ARE IN KEEPING WITH THE HISTORICAL NATURE OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD; THAT VEGETATIVE SCREENING BE LEFT IN PLACE ALONG THE WELLINGTON STREET FRONTAGE IN THE AREA OF THE NEW DETACHED GARAGE; AND THAT NO INDIVIDUAL ACCESSORY BUILDING SHALL EXCEED 67 MZ IN AREA. AS IT MEETS THE INTENT OF BOTH OFFICIAL PLANS, AND ZONING BY-LAW IS MINOR IN NATURE AND IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. DATE OF DECISION: December 11.2008 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: December 31, 2008 CJlar~ngton /.eading the Way PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: LARRY DEFOSSE OWNER: JOE & LISA CORKERY PROPERTY LOCATION: 36 AVONDALE DRIVE, COURTICE PART LOT 30, CONCESSION 2 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON FILE NO.: A2008-0034 PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONVERSION OF AN EXISTING ATTACHED GARAGE TO LIVING SPACE BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED WESTERLY INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR A DWELLING WITHOUT AN ATTACHED GARAGE FROM 4.5 M TO 1.2 M AND TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION ON AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDING BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED WESTERLY INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 1.2 M TO 0.2 M AND BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 1.2 M TO 0.5 M. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION TO PERMIT THE CONVERSION OF AN ATTACHED GARAGE INTO HABITABLE FLOOR SPACE BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED WESTERLY INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FOR A DWELLING WITHOUT AN ATTACHED GARAGE FROM 4.5 M TO 1.2 METRES AND TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDING BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED WESTERLY INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 0.6 M TO 0.4 METRES, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: THAT THE APPLICANT MAINTAINS A MINIMUM TWO (2) OUTDOOR PARKING SPACES ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY (4.6 M X 5.7 M IF PLACED SIDE-BY-SIDE); AND THAT THE APPLICANT MAINTAINS A MINIMUM 0.6 METRE REAR YARD SETBACK TO THE WALL OF THE EXISTING ACCESSORY BUILDING (SHED). AS IT MEETS THE INTENT OF BOTH OFFICIAL PLANS AND ZONING BY-LAW, IS MINOR IN NATURE AND IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. DATE OF DECISION: December 11, 2008 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: December 31, 2008