HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-007-09~J~IJ~~ ~~~ REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, January 5, 2009 Report #: PSD-007-09 File #: PLN 23.8.2 ~e5o~i,~-~iofl~cll~~ ~ I~~C~i By-law #: Subject: COMMERCIAL' RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the fallowing: 1. THAT Report PSD-007-09 be received; 2. THAT consideration of commercial recreation vehicle storage in the Urban Residential, Future Urban Residential and Major Open Space Areas. designation, be considered as part of the "Planning for the Countryside" component of the Clarington Official Plan review; 3. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of Report PSD- 007-09 and Council's decision; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: David J rom~, MCIP, RPP ranklin Wu, Director of Pla Wing Services f~ Chief Administrative Officer TW/CP/sh/df , 15 December 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-0O7-09 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On October 6, 2008, while considering PSD-099-08, a report proposing regulations for recreational storage and parking on residential properties, the General Purpose and Administration Committee added a recommendation directing the Planning Services Department to examine whether any changes are required to the Official Plan with respect to permitting commercial recreational vehicle storage area uses outside of industrially designated areas. 1.2 The topic of commercial storage of recreational vehicles was .raised through submissions, delegations, and subsequent discussions at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meetings on June 16th, October 6th, and at the Council Meeting on October 14th considering the above referenced regulations for storage and parking of recreational vehicles. Discussions recognized that other than industrially designated lands, proposals for commercial storage of recreational vehicles typically require Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval. Council's recommendation to examine required amendments to Official Plan policies recognizes that the costs associated with amending the Official Plan may deter individuals from legitimizing a use. Commercial storage areas may see an increase in demand due to the recently approved regulations for parking of recreational vehicles on residential properties. 1.3 Currently, the Official Plan and Zoning By-law permits commercial outdoor storage facilities to locate only within designated General Industrial. Areas. There are six storage facilities located in the General Industrial Areas. These businesses store a variety of items primarily within a building. Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles is also available; however, it is not the primary focus of these businesses. An application recently received by the Municipality proposes an expansion to an existing storage facility on Toronto Street in Newcastle Village. The proposal includes a warehouse like building for storage of boats and trailers. 2.0 STAFF COMMENTS 2.1 Attachment 1 is a chart that provides an overview of provincial and regional policies that relate to official plan designations outside of industrial areas. An amendment to the official plan to permit commercial outdoor storage areas for recreational vehicles would have to comply with the Provincial and Regional policies. 2.2 Urban Residential Areas 2.2.1 Storage of goods is typically considered an Employment Area use in the Durham Region Official Plan. These uses are permitted within the Living Area provided that they are not obnoxious in nature and the appropriate provisions are included within the municipal Official Plan. The Provincial Policy Statement requires that land uses within Settlement Areas are appropriate and make efficient use of land, resources, and infrastructure and public service facilities. REPORT NO.: PSD-007-09' PAGE 3 2.2.2 Commercial outdoor storage facilities for recreational vehicles could be permitted as an interim use within urban residential areas provided that there is adequate land area (minimum 2 hectares) to ensure appropriate buffering between residential uses. It is anticipated that the cost of serviced lands would make this use uncompetitive with lands needed for residentialdevelopment and would therefore only establish in un-serviced areas, where residents, I development is not anticipated for a number of years. 2.2.3 A draft amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is contained in Attachment 2. It contains provisions that may be used in evaluating rezoning applications in Future Urban Residential and Urban Residential Areas. These provisions will ensure that proposed commercial outdoor storage areas for recreational vehicles have adequate land area, will be appropriately screened from view, will not need to modify the land or add buildings, will not negatively affect adjacent land uses and will not jeopardize future urban development. 2.3 Prime AQricultura! Areas Commercial outdoor storage of recreational vehicles is not related to agriculture and provincial and regional policies do not support such a use within the prime agricultural designation. 2.4 Green Space 2.4.1 The Provincial Policy Statement and the Provincial Greenbelt Plan both permit non- agricultural uses provided that the use is appropriate for a rural location and can be sustained by rural service levels. The Provincial Policy Statement further states that recreational, tourism and other economic opportunities should be promoted. 2.4.2 Within the Major Open Space designation, the Durham Region Official Plan allows municipal plans to permit compatible non-agricultural uses provided that the use is small in scale and serves the resource and agricultural sectors. Staff met with Regional Planning Staff who determined that an amendment to the Durham Region Official Plan would be required to allow commercial recreational vehicle storage in the Major Open Space designation. The Municipality would have to provide justification in support of an amendment as to why the use is appropriate within the Major Open Space designation. Regional Staff indicated that the Municipality must differentiate this use from other similar uses to ensure the Major Open Space Area is not utilized for incompatible uses. 2.4.3 Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles is not related to agriculture. However, such a use could be located to have a minimal impact on the landscape. Combined with the ability to locate on un-serviced lands, it could be argued that it is compatible with the rural nature of the Green Space and Major Open Space designations. As such a use is land extensive and not typically a generator of jobs; it would be beneficial to permit the use outside of the Employment Areas. Both the Region's Growing Durham Plan and the Provincial Growth Plan encourage designated employment areas to increase REPORT NO.: PSD-007-09 PAGE 4 employment intensification and job to population ratios. This use of land in the employment area would be counter productive in achieving that goal. 2.4.4 A draft amendment to the Green Space policies of the Clarington Official Plan, similar to the amendment proposed to the residential policies, is contained in Attachment 3. The amendment would allow commercial outdoor storage of recreational vehicles subject to criteria to be considered in the evaluation of rezoning applications. In order to implement this proposed amendment to the Clarington Official Plan, an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan is required. Should Council wish to pursue a Regional Official Plan Amendment, additional work would be required to provide the justification requested by the Region. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 Based on the review of provincial and regional policies it is determined that commercial outdoor storage of recreational vehicles could be supported in restricted areas of the Municipality. Draft ameendments for the Future Urban Residential and Urban Residential designations, as well as the Green Space designation have been drafted, and are contained in Attachment 2 and 3 respectively. As noted above, the Municipality would have to submit an application to amend the Region of Durham Official Plan for any rural designation as well as amend the Clarington Official Plan. 3.2 The Municipality is currently undertaking the review of the Clarington Official Plan. The "Planning for the Country Side" component will be considered this spring with approvals in the Fall. Rather than pursue separate amendments, it would be more efficient from a public consultation and staff resource viewpoint to consolidate these proposed amendments into the Official Plan review. It is respectfully requested that Council authorize this proposed direction. Attachments Attachment 1 - Provincial and Regional Policies Attachment 2 - Draft Official Plan Amendment -Future Urban Residential and Urban Residential Attachment 3 - Draft Official Plan Amendment -Green Space List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Steven Bobas Tim and Sandra Kerns Tom McKee r O) = O ~r E°o N ~ ~ ~ Q d Q ~ 1~~ ~ N« d N ~~ z m a ' C ~~ m m N ~ m r p 7 ~~~~~ (4.s o '- c , N 7 '> - T .a.. N d d c N O ' i z ~ O T« N t6 C p C 0.!C O L C N R~ ~ N 1 ~ `o~~E~~~a ' E~mo2a`y uEv°~iRamt'ia"~~16 ~- ., ~mamd°Oo u ) O E woam`-'m o~~ -Ea aci~L~~ ~ ` a ~~ :~ C y O) O ~« O C N W£ ~ ~ O O. N d X~ ._ _ Q y° acc O) UI O y 71 3 ~ _ O. O. 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Nryi wN2 O`-'..~ YN'OOO , . i N "O N O d N y ~ 01 ~- C ' Ng %, ~ ~ vow, ~~~ o y_ yn u~ 3 m «U C O N.r O-N O O C~ C O O O 3'~ ~ a~.°c ~>, aE°~T ~Omamcy ~i N ~ w N C ~O C S N .N.. a d N o a Oi ~ „ , A ° c €~ ~ fi y EmNC°i° c~cn -pi a. ~dNO io~~ a o.c0'"ao ~ f ~' ~ O.N~~N ' CN~O. a ~N ~~L i „ ~ ' r> > av ~ ~ c ~ v m ~ a~i a"i (~~~~~~ ~. i "i N U ~~ O ND ~~ r ~ ya O'C ~1~}~ f C ~O l0 ~ ~ ~ 16 N N ~. N C ~ j f0 N p C N y d> p O~ ,c_g' a N ~~~ ~ ( dCO N N LNNa O N?L-'y«OQ ~ aP IO W R L> O H Q d S fn 3 N !!~ .a.. O ?47 ` 3~ t0 N ( :g ~ ~ C ~ N 0 U N l 0 i; ~ Q N ~' 6 (n (}I j ~ d N ~m C C a d Attachment 2 To Report PSD-007-09 DRAFT AMENDMENT NO. TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is to include provisions to permit commercial outdoor storage of recreational vehicles in the Future Urban Residential and Urban Residential areas. BASIS: This amendment is based on Council's consideration of an Official Plan Amendment application initiated by the Municipality of Clarington. ACTUAL AMENDMENT The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended by adding a new Section 9.3.9 as follows: 9.3.9 Commercial recreational vehicle storage may be permitted in Future Urban Residential and Urban Residential Areas by site specific temporary zoning provided such development: a) is located on a lot with minimum area of 2 hectares; b) the commercial recreational vehicle storage area does not exceed 50% of the lot area to a maximum of 1 ha; c) storage areas shall be located at the rear of the lot and shall be appropriately screened so as to not have a negative impact on abutting properties and not be visible from the road frontage; d) does not require modification of terrain, removal of trees, the construction or use of buildings and structures; e) is not a public nuisance due to noise, hours of operation, or traffic generation; fl does not require municipal services; g) does not adversely impact any natural heritage features shown on Map C; h) does not jeopardize the orderly future development of the lands for urban uses; and i) other issues as may be required by the Municipality. Attachment 3 To Report PSD-007-~__ _ DRAFT AMENDMENT NO. _ TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment to the Clarington Official Plan is to include provisions to permit commercial outdoor storage of recreational vehicles in Green Space Areas. BASIS: This amendment is based on Council's consideration of an Official Plan Amendment application initiated by the Municipality of Clarington. ACTUAL AMENDMENT The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended by adding a new Section 14.5.6 as follows: 14.5.6 Commercial recreational vehicle storage may be permitted in Green Space Areas by rezoning provided such development: a) is located on a lot with minimum area of 2 hectares; b) the commercial recreational vehicle storage area does not exceed 50% of the lot area to a maximum of 1 ha; c) storage areas shall be located at the rear of the lot and shall be appropriately screened so as to not have a negative impact on abutting properties and not be visible from the road frontage; d) does not require modification of terrain, removal of trees, the construction or use of buildings and structures; e) is not a public nuisance due to noise, hours of operation, or traffic generation; f) does not require municipal services; g) does not adversely impact any natural heritage features shown on Map C; h) does not jeopardize the orderly future development of the lands for urban uses; and i) other issues as may be required by the Municipality.